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Previously on /pal/: >>495230308

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>/vg/ Community Servers
Check in thread for up-to-date ones.
PalGAWDS..... I don't feel so hot.....
Is the server still up? I get a connection timeout error
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>not even an ongoing lawsuit vs. Jewtendo can keep up afloat
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Why did they make the pals so sexually charged?
ummm sauce...
is there dino donut?
Can you milk him?
>op didn't make a pic that fits with the hat
The server is up
Is over spammed like flopie
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Cute alien android pal is cute
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I "love" Flopie too :^)
>Lovander teases you for being short
Enough naked skins, Lovander needs sexy miilitary wear.
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I love when my floopie eats my poo poo :^)
it's over
I blame Flopieschizo making things weird.
The floppy shitposting is sometimes funny at least, I more blame the general furryposting
This is a game that, in its own way, acknowledges that pokefuckers exist. Furryposting would be inevitable.
gooner mindset
trash mods
Youre a trash mod
trash mods
fr though these coomer mods are low effort.
looks like bolt on gag tits
>op does not fit hat
this was over before it started
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I keep finding my base pals putting random eggs in my chests, or even just leaving them on the ground. Where are they coming from? I don't have any egg spawns in my base
Then make some yourself anon. This shit is the closest we're gonna get to lewd and sex mods
Your pals are getting frisky in secret
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This is a nice image
don't need em
pals are already perfect
I don't need boring slap on jackets
You don't put human chesticles on an animal and expect it to make sense.
Just give them genitalia. That's literally all that's needed.
>all anon can think about is boring jank sex mods
fishing mod soon
Its actually a good thing the sky whale pal isn't in. Could you imagine how many things that fucker would get stuck on?
Now this would be rad
Sky Whale should be a thing anyways
>Palworld is coming to mobile.
Well it already kinda looked like a mobile game but it's pretty good that they are trying to branch out and get seen as much as possible.
The more the merrier
Hmm so the trick is no wall lower than x4 stack
They don't have the resources for that. First lawsuit, now PS5, now mobile implementation. Do they have enough workers for that? And what about finishing the game first? New content? Tree accesible?
>trader still gets stuck in the water (you know which one) 9 months later
Lmao they took the money and ran. The only ones still playing are redditors and coomers.
first time i've heard of this...which trader?
and a smol update just came out a day or two ago. is that something someone does if they decide to run with the money?
If you build your base next to the waterfall below the starting area, the trader always gets stuck in the river. Saw this back in Jan, thought the pathing might've improved by now. The inventory management is also still utter shit. Fuck this game. It'll never get better. The creature designs and animations are its only saving grace.
ohh right. i built mine on the area above that, the one with the ruins, just in front of the fast travel statue. honestly the pathfinding has improved a lot since launch. it could still be improved, but it's also improved a lot too
I haven't played since February, how's the server holding up?
Does it impact your daily life, acting angry all the time? Sad.
Just catch him and put him in your base bro
I'd like this. They had this in the old videos.
>It's real.
Palworld is https://www.gematsu.com/2024/10/krafton-to-develop-palworld-mobile-game

I guess tbey saw marimbogo and decided to do it themselves.
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What fuels flopieanon to do what he does?
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Autism and schizophrenia
I guess they want to bring the official rendition of the creature collecting survival game to mobile before any other company irreparably poisons the well. Still, it's a tall order, as designing a game for compatibility in a mobile space can be difficult depending on the title.
Sky Whale will probably happen sooner or later.
I can't tell if he loves flopie or hates flopie
This guy is like south park but without the humor
No u energy desu
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>is basically the face of the game (or at least one of the faces of the game)
>they gave both variants massive tits
why is pocketpair so obscene?
Well I guess that's interesting
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Jannies working overtime for no pay, $0.00
Thoughts about the other faction's places that may come as raids?
What does that even mean?
I think he means "will there be other landmarks like the oil rig?"
Anyway to stop trees from growing through buildings? Found a nice place for a base but the fuckin trees man
If something is placed where they grow, they shouldn't regrow.
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I placed a box over where each tree was, hopefully this works lol. Looks ugly but at least it's in the basement
Better than a big tree there
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i suppose you don't appreciate free wood on your doorstep?
Deforestation ensures you will always have wood
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Welp that didn't work. Wanted a nice cozy place surrounded by trees, but this is a bit much lmao. Guess it's time to give up and search for a new home
You probably need to build the chests directly on the ground for it to work
never seen trees do that, you've picked an odd spot to make a base i guess? normally any foundation is enough to prevent tree growth. Buggy game, i guess pick another spot.

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