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Previous >>496751717

Heroes edition

Kai no Kiseki streams:
Kai no Kiseki all connect events:

>Falcom Games
>Pastebin (aka music)
>Extra Stuff (guides, downloads, undub patches)
>Games, mods, saves, pre-patched translations
>Translation patches for Hajimari, Oath in Felghana, Kuro 1 and Kuro 2

UPDATED: 28/09
>Kai no Kiseki survey
>Dengeki stream with TGS demo gameplay of Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria-
>More Prologue gameplay on Kai
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- website updated
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- Trophy List
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- Prologue gameplay
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 1st website
>Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II is coming out in Early 2025
>Ys X: Nordics Releasing in the West on 25th Oct by NISA
One of them is not a hero, but the main villain of the story.
Erase Cao from time.
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I love my husbando
RAT-sama I kneel...
Time travel in Kuro 2 sucked because:
1. It was linear, that interface was just a pretty ornament which sucks for a video game.
2. The level of the threats wasn't higher than previously in the series making it feels like all the deaths are nothing more than the characterrs losing plot armor during the game.
anies saved the entire world and is the reason they will save the world in kai 2
>>496808701 #
It is an official Falcom product. The events of the manga cover the events of the game in the same way respecting the canon.
There is no Johan anywhere before CS3. Because it's a retcon
What did you want? For Joshua to show up in Trails and say, remember Loewe? There's a manga that covers our past in details.
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There aren't any real time travel shows that are better even counting western TV and movies. The time travel system is very well thought out, and S;G has both great characters and very few plotholes.
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Anies should honestly stay dead/erased so her sacrifice remains extremely impactful, but knowing Falcom they'll asspull a way to bring her back.
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I'm not convinced since only Gramheart was trying. The sacrifice would have been more interesting if the whole of Zemuria had tried something against the cube. There are much better examples of characters sacrificing themselves to turn back time and be the hero of the day.
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>Kuro 2

What good came out of that game other than beach filler? DLC for Su-chan and Na-chan with Renne's arc on top would've been infinitely better than w/e that shit was. Would also love them to leave Zolga and the other irrelevant guy for Kai.
Dark is far better than S;G.
intermission and the garden master part was decent i guess
kai had enough filler that you could easily somehow maneuver those parts into it though
Rean has had different main love interests throughout the different timelines. All choices are/have been canon.
Estelle oroboros loop.
Trails time travel was always cheap
Yea. Falcom can get very lazy. Would be cool if they actually did it
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>does nothing for 2 games
>suddenly starts making moves in the third game and manages to make arguably the best ending sequence in the entire series with an extremely kino boss fight
Remember when people said he'd just be another Claire/Lechter?
All different timeline reans will team up against the sept terrion. and they will all give the same corny speech word for word at the same time in perfect sync without any improvisation because haha that’s our rean.
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It's just that Dingo and Augustus (I think I finally remembered his name) were mid game bosses at best. And time travel garbage was so dumbed down, that it didn't require a separate game to establish. Literally best of two worlds if Falcom could plan for shit.
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I tried to warn you people, the Northern War gacha wasn't mistranslated, all those profile "errors" are from alternate incarnations of the cast. Now you know the truth. In many of the previous loops:

>Kloe met Rean
>Tio helped take down D:G at age 8
>Towa is the Azure Chevalier
>Mueller and Olivier are childhood sweethearts and dating
>Toval is the Severing Eclipse
>Alfin is an Ironblood
>Mishy is Elaine's childhood friend
>Elliot is the Icy Maiden
>Lechter saw Hamel happen personally
>Randy beat all of Zephyr
>Fie was adopted by the Hexen clan
...jobs to Master Cao
>arguably the best ending sequence in the entire series with an extremely kino boss fight
kill yourself shounenfag
Kai ending sucks a lot and will never be good like Sky games with meaningful endings instead shallow bossfight with a lot of plotholes
The SiN value thing? It only comes up at the end of Kai
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I love Na-chan!
Colonel Richard

As you are, no doubt, aware, Liberl
is lacking in political power among
our neighboring nations.

We have only a fifth of
Calvard's population.

And we don't even have
an eighth of Erebonia's
military capacity.

Our sole superior aspect
is our technology, and
that will not last.

We need some form of real
strength to avoid any chance
of another invasion attempt.

>Estelle and Joshua immediately call him out on his bullshit
>calvard literally just looks like the real fucking world 99% of the time.
That has more do with the architecture and clothing than technology itself.
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>>Towa is the Azure Chevalier
Can you imagine?
>jobbing to some two bit criminals
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Good thing Master Cao isn't a two bit criminal then
>than technology
>has to do with
falcom being lazey asset flipping niggers who ignore previous canon to blowjob the technology of the next country and the next.
Calvard has a NASA base & spaceship launch.
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Five (5) (V) (Go) (五) (ご) cute facts about Agnèscutest
1. She is canonically fuckable!
2. She is mai Kiseki-fu!!
3. I love her!!!
4. Agnèscutest!!!!
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>pointless action sequence
>the best ending sequence

The best part about the ending is RAT memes going full circle. Honestly CS3 (which is the same type of ending) is way better, not to mention that final dungeon is cooler on so many different levels.
Not only was he objectively wrong, but also he was literally the fall guy so that liberl would be in the perfect position to be invaded.
god this shit is so fucking dumb.
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Stop being retard, Erebonia had computers and cars but their cities still looked late 19th century.
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towa is too much like wet cardboard to take crow's place.
CS3 is shit too with the amount of shock value fake deaths scenes

The rat memes are funny and the scene is technically good for a Falcom game but the writing is so dogshit that I was laughing most of the time. Do you guys play other things besides Trails? There are scenes that are much better animated and more exciting than Kai's ending.
yes, because they were made for the fucking ps3 and vita and falcom couldn't cut corners. now that they can, they have.
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Kuro 2 made towa actually hot. can't believe falcom fixed her. what a nice ass
I would have preferred getting answers about Van. 3 games in and he's still mostly a mystery.
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when i want kiseki but the writing is good I just go read fanfiction, not kiseki fanfiction though, no it's another franchise.
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God I would kill for a good KK card of her.
She's still a shit character though.
The actual problem with technology in recent games is how boring and unimaginative it looks, Sky airships weren't modern planes but their own thing.
Instead of a literal space rocket they should have made their own fantasy spacecraft.
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A saint using a witch's swimsuit
give it back!!!
She was always hot normalfag
sex with grimcatz
>Doesn't know what love, friendship, leisure and other basic things are
>Does know what lust is

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The OG anon was clearly talking *in series*

Shock value isn't inherently bad and it's pretty much unavoidable when dealing with script sizes that big. Also, if sequel sucks and fails to deliver, I don't think the cliffhanger ending should be held accountable. Its job was to make a set up and it did its job perfectly.
Cumdoll I'm tellin ya
Cao has never jobbed in any timeline. how is this possible?
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>20 thousand cao lees and they always win
Fufu... even time itself can't stop him.
>>Elliot is the Icy Maiden
Bros... they got Elliot too...
only if its judiths mother
>[S1173] The Zeiss Engineering Factory is renamed Zeiss Central Factory and begins sharing technology with the Verne Company and Reinford Company.

>In international society, Liberl's superiority is maintained by our orbal technology.
>The non-aggression pact is a sign of that.
Based CaoCHAD
WHILE delivering a lot of answers upon core plot points from CS arc. Something which Calvard games absolutely suck at. Just imagine finishing CS3 and still knowing next to nothing about Rean's powers or Divine Knights.
Fair enough. I would do both at the same time
>Its job was to make a set up and it did its job perfectly.
My fucking ass. CS3 is a game that doesn't develop almost anything, on the contrary, it introduces several ways that allow characters to return from death.If there weren't so many factors that made me disbelieve in Falcom's ability to kill characters then I could even be fooled but at that point I was already aware that no one would die
The shock value was used as a bait to bring the player back in CS4
Tio was busted as hell in a previous loop if she could do that
I wonder when idol culture is going to reach Crossbell.
Or his origins. We still don't have a clue what Mare is, where Van's from, what happened to his family or almost everything about Grendel.
GM had to nerf her
One of these was Professor G. Schmidt.
The professor, who had gained a fine reputation of his own for his skill in the field of mechanical engineering,
went around and visited corporations in various nations to persuade them of the benefits of orbments.

The second was Professor L. Hamilton.
Mindful of the technological gap between regions, he long believed it was rural and remote areas that needed orbment technology more than any other.
As such, he enlisted the help of the Bracer Guild, which already had a close relationship with the foundation, and formed a mission with the intent
of promoting and spreading the technology where applicable.
The professor himself also toured the regions with the aim of spreading public awareness and laying foundations for others to build on in the future.

The third was Professor A. Russell, now known farand wide as the 'father of the Orbal Revolution.'
Professor Russell returned to his home nation of Liberl and continued to work tirelessly to advance orbment technology there... and within a year of returning, he had set up the Zeiss Engineering Factory (now known as Zeiss Central Factory/ZCF) and created the first orbment to be made outside Leman State.

Three years later, the reigning king of Liberl at the time, Edgar III, visited the factory to inspect it, and he decided to donate a large amount of money to
further its research.
With His Majesty's endorsement, orbments began to spread like wildfire throughout the kingdom, bringing
such prosperity that the people of other nations were filled with envy.

Up until then, most people didn't see orbments in a particularly positive light, but their success in Liberl
changed those impressions virtually overnight. One nation after another began to reach out to our
foundation to share orbment technology, and both our foundation's financial and social standing became
that much more secure.
Van came into existence by the will of the masses.
>>Randy beat all of Zephyr
Wild Rage is a hell of a drug huh?
>>Mishy is Elaine's childhood friend
Vanbros this can't be happening, we can't lose to both a RAT and a cat...
Despite all the fakeout deaths in CS3 the worst fakeout death is still Ian in Azure because narratively speaking it made at lot of sense for him to die there and it was revealed he was alive almost immediately afterwards making it even more pointless.
Maybe Van is a distortion like the AD guys.
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so... were the trailers where fake shit in them alternate time loops we never saw?

or just falcom baiting us
Maybe. Would have been nice if it was explained or at least shown in Kai
Van wasn't in the previous loop (no demon lord), so Rene got cucked by Mishy instead
>CS1 and CS3 prologues were previous loops
Fufu, so that is what Kondo meant.
no one returned from death using Divine Knights (after CS3). Reincarnation wasn't established in CS3, but it's clearly an important plot point for the whole series (all cases we know of are at least 50 years apart).

What else did CS arc introduce in that regard? Crow and Millium? Those were made possible by 2 Sept-Terrions working together. Literally omnipotent MacGuffins.

Like, I'm sorry but if it was your 8th game in the series and you were still jebaited by shock value "deaths" like these, you are not very bright.
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I love Fie!
>RAT loses to Cat
So essentially 3rd had already laid the groundwork for shit like Schmidt being able to reverse engineer the DKs into Soldats and Hamilton's water piracy. It also appears that Liberl's recognition on the international stage has to do with it being the first nation where Orbal Tech really became successful on such a large scale but given that other nations were quickly following suit, its not surprising that Richard would be worried due to them being vastly dwarfed in manpower.

So, both sides are technically correct. Liberl WAS the most technologically advanced nation at one point with airships as their key product (since there are multiple scenes praising them). However, it being surpassed by Crossbell/Erebonia/Calvard is inevitable and not Falcom pulling shit out of their ass due to the tech race heavily favoring larger nations and their buffer zone. Crossbell was essentially the modern day Liberl in terms of tech implementation and Erebonia/Calvard merely piggybacked off of them with their superior numbers and infrastructure.
Love the loop where Crow shelled Crossbell to rubble with railway guns and became Ishmelga Crow.
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Osborne is back somehow
Crow is back somehow (thanks the mask?). Rutger is also back somehow. Franz is also back. Lianne also returned somehow in the past. There's no Olivier body. Neither Angelica body. Also Millium turned into a sword so maybe her soul still alive? Even Grianos magic is working somehow...
I mean... I never believed in any death.
Why they are forcing so much to make us believe that George killed Angelica??? Nah, it's clear a bait.
>>Alfin is an Ironblood
How the hell would that even work?
>was inevitable
do you not understand how to count numbers retard? they aren't able to simply outstrip liberl even with the shit they gave out on a total societal level. it's blatantly clear that each country visited after liberl is built by technology that would come even further in the future. do you think people just tear down their entire city every one or two years to make it look newer?! the roads in calvard and the cards had to be that way for decades for any of it to make sense and have the numbers on the road that they do.
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na-chan sex now
I dunno about you guys but I liked Kai
Fie is so cute...
But who here played Kai?
I had a dream about Altina last night and I've been in a good mood all day. Thank you Falcom.
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>>Fie was adopted by the Hexen clan
Canon kino
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What was melchior talking about? Did agnes being a "turncoat" van's fault for rejecting her or just other reasons?
i hope you either headpatted her or cummed inside her
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I enjoyed playing through it quite a bit and will eagerly be awaiting the next game. I do wish this was the conclusion of the arc, but I love Ban-san and his crew so it's not all bad.
I did.
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The best!
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She sure is
I'll eat up anything as long as Falcom keeps the sexy gameplay and music coming, but this game felt like a decent step up from Kuro 2 like we're back on track
I played xenoblade and I clapped when they went guren lagann at the end of future redeemed
>I did.
I kneel...
that's what he was implying since he's a shit stirrer (of course it ends being false but seems plausible at that point)
Makes me wonder if Agnes would follow the plan if Van accepted her confession on the roof.
it's implied that she wouldn't be mentally able to but who knows
I think maybe she would have more doubts as she was already expecting to be rejected but would go through it at the end, if they already deemed that Gramheart's plan was gonna fail there was no other alternative we know of short-term
The series takes place over a space of 7 years. Every single arc has proven that modernization via orbal technology proceeds at uneven rates across the continent with each nation having technological hubs (Zeiss, Crossbell City, Roer) and completely rural zones (Rolent, Almorica, Creil). We also know that Liberl had a headstart for certain things, airships, escalators (the one in Roer is derivative of the one in Zeiss). Crossbell was also the first place to really use the Orbal Net in s1204 and similarly that's when the first motorbike was developed by Rean and friends.

No one is suggesting aside from you that these nations developed road networks etc after Liberl (which obviously makes no sense). But the games themselves are saying that Calvard for example underwent extreme growth due to the events of CS4. Crossbell also has the characters commenting on its unnaturally fast growth and adoption of new tech.
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There can't be two strongest in Ouroboros. There can only be one. Pick one Falcom.
idk how to feel about kai cause i cant play it yet
they're on par with one another at full strength. that's all you'll get from falcom.
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Comfy night dreams of Altina are the best
Simon because he's absurdly broken. Any chance of me taking Ouroborus even remotely seriously now is dead.
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retard kys
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Simeon will just create a McBurn clone so he wins.
The computer under the basel telescope was set up July 12th 1189, exactly 20 years before Agnes resets the world.
Is Simeon not human? Could he be from the beyond too?
Any difference in strength between McBurn and Simeon is very small at best. But honestly while McBurn might have more brute force, Simeon's powers just seems more broken than McBurn's.
fufu ban-san...
>extreme growth due to the events of CS4
There is no way Calvard completely changed in just a year or two. All Calvard got was cash, too.
this goddamn chink makes my blood boil
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the level of cognitive dissonance in that nigger is no longer worth providing any kind of arguement. just tell him to ack himself and move on.
We did both of these plus I ate pancakes off her body after we went on a road trip to take photos It had to end but we promised to meet again.
some nips have speculated that to be the case with how he talks about humanity and such and how it doesn't make sense for a human like him to be on the same level as a demon lord like mcburn in his true form.
5 mira>Cao
Agreed. There was like zero effort on anyone else's part to stop it. They just said "Gramheart's plan is going to fail let's immediately sacrifice Agnes"
Comfy as hell
Emilia will be the 4th Grendel
Cute 1200 year old statue
He could summon a McBurn, a Loewe, a Arianhrod, a Sept Terrion, a Holy Beast all at once if he wanted. Falcom will never truly let him do this because there would be no way the heroes would ever win.
Auguste seems completely irrelevant now
Van really needs to get his demonic power up in kai 2 to get hang out with the big boys from the beyond.
My Agnes.
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Did Agnes & Hamilton let her die for no reason? They knew Gramhearts plan was gonna fail.
I fucking hate Cao so much. How i yearn to kill this fucker.
I want to marry and cum inside agnes so bad bros
Cao is the first Anguis
Van will probably never reach McBurn/Simeon's level. I don't think any character will at this point unless they're GM or Nina.
That isn’t rean. The real rean would Panic and have an emotional breakdown and rush over there
GM and Nina are probably the pinnacle of power unless there's some fuck you giga demon god that even they can't touch.
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Cao > Aaron
Emilia had to get stoned into the past. Trust The Plan.
We don't know how strong vagrants-zion is, that fight in kuro 1 was him basically still asleep and Van holding him back from the inside until he broke free. The fact that vagrants described as a demon lord destined to devour the world makes me think he's at least as strong as mcburn.
pretty based
>rush over there
looks like it was too late for that
isn;'t this rean like 23-4 now?
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i have to applaud simeon. i didn't think anyone could actually reach mcburn. not even victor could hang with this level and got lung cancer for it.
I kneel Cao "Never lost in 19,999 Timelines" Lee
Otto's death was a turning point in the series.
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I hope he ends up getting a fitting new outfit. He already looks cool as fuck as it is.
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>kisses 3 guys
>jobs again
>dies/sent back in time
holy kek
I agree. Grandmaster, Nina, McBurn and Simeon are most certainly at the absolute top. Power beyond Zemuria.
Vagrants doesn't seem to be on McBurn/Simeon's level to me. He might not have given it all he had but he still got suppressed by Van and beaten by ASO. He's probably very strong for sure but I have my doubts he's on McBurn/Simeon's level.
Needs her tights on
>ronnie's past self prefers cao over ronnie
why is falcom like this? why do they hate ronnie so much?
Novartis said that Van is a rare specimen albeit with great potential.
Helmut Albarea did nothing wrong.
he was such a loser he not only got cucked but he had to ignore his real son to keep face
I am very tired of losing to this person. It has been 19999 loops so far and I have yet to break past his strategy. I never thought playing chess with someone could be this exhausting. Even when it feels like I am winning, it seems I am playing to his tune and he is bating me to throwing one of my pieces away.
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Yup. She deserves to be salted more than even Weissmann did.
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>>Mueller and Olivier are childhood sweethearts and dating
Yeah but who's the top and who's the bottom?
ragun's like aaron but without being a sissy.
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>>Kloe met Rean
Gaius' hot mom! I can see why she pumped out 4 kids.
The Salt Pale was an attempt by the Septian Church to destroy the Sept Terrion of Time, but it backfired, and it got reflected by the funny little box in space back to North Ambria
That is true but it remains to be seen if he capitalizes on his potential and reaches the same realm of power as McBurn and Simeon. Before he even thinks of tangling with those monsters, he still needs to atleast surpass Shizuna, Kasim, Walter, Zin, etc.
I'm still coping that Aaron will beat Ragun and get his Taikun awakening...
Do you really think Olivier could EVER be a top? Power bottom at best.
Hey now, anything is possible when looping is involved
they'll add a third one
It's amazing how much damage Hamilton caused. I cannot believe Swin and Nadia actually tried to get in Kevin's way of salting her. I fucking hate those picnic shitters and am mad Rufus convinced Kevin to let him bring them along when Kevin didn't want the picnic shitters to accompany him.
>>Toval is the Severing Eclipse
Ein really saved that boy
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Much better
>One more <bond> to make Super Tengen Toppa Valimar stronger
>>Toval is the Severing Eclipse
>>Elliot is the Icy Maiden
this force-feminization shit is getting to prominent
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Aaron will never beat his past self. Ragun is just levels beyond Aaron. Ragun made Heiyue kneel while Aaron kneels to Heiyue.
/m/ did it again....
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Can you imagine it, Olivier, this clown, introducing him as a top? the guy who wears a pants in this relationship!?
>now that you mention it that does sound pretty far fetched....
Those fuckers from the <outside> won't know what hit em
why does he have demon slits in his eyes
Damn, how can Ronnie even compete...
Based as fuck
Everyone would immediately know "Comrade T" is her because she's so short and petite. Like she would need to be wearing big shoulderpads, platform boots, and maybe even stuff her bra just so people wouldn't recognize her on the spot.
either because le taikun or because he's reusing gerard's model
Enforcer number XVI Ban-san...
Just give him his old outfit
>All Calvard got was cash
>All the second largest nation in the world got was enough cash to turn it into unquestionably the strongest economy on the planet at the time at the time when the technological race is at its fastest
Did you pay attention to early Kuro 1 when people were concerned about what Gramheart was going to do when he won't be able to get the extra cash from Erebonia to invest into his economy as he saw fit? This is the same series where the Orbal Net was in beta testing in 1204 (Zero) and less than five years later, we already have full fledged live streamers (Kai). Calvard being able to invest excess cash into developing/enchancing some roads or boosting standard of living in 2 years is less bullshit.
no wonder gien was depressed. betrayed ragun the last taikun because he cracked under fear and pressure over ragun's tyranny but then ragun being out of the picture had heiyue eventually become sissies years later and now aaron the new taikun is an even bigger sissy.
The models all have completely empty eyes with textures doing all the work so it has to be a very specific design choice considering they could use any eye texture.
Does this mean what I think?
>Like she would need to be wearing big shoulderpads, platform boots, and maybe even stuff her bra just so people wouldn't recognize her on the spot.
it means eternity or countless
It doesn't
anon gerard has the same exact demonic slits as ragun. i really just think they just reused a existing gerard model that had the eyes filled in and then did modifications on it by swapping out gerard's hair for aaron's and making some edits and bam. you got ragun.
The translation is awful. She literally just says that for a long ass time the sword has been passed down between generations. I don’t even know where the nayuta comes from in the Japanese text, nowhere does it say nayuta. Google translate just says nayuta
>"Come on, there's no way 'T' could be Towa. Have you seen the gazongas on her? Towa's cute and all, but that lady's a full shortstack. Like damn, girl, those are almost as big as your head."
>"Crow, please stop talking."
Back in my day we didn't have no fancy Xiphas or Master Quartz we had regular old quartz and some of those quartz LOWERED our stats!
They could've easily change his eyes too, but I guess they left demon slits on purpose to showcase ragun's demonic nature.
Can someone tell me how the fuck you bring water from a year that doesn't exist because it got reset
Unless the fact sh ebrought water from 1210 is pretty much spoiling that the good guys win. which of course we know, but why would you do that?
Waiting on the localization before I touch the game but just give it to me straight bros. There's gonna be another game, right? I need Emma back so badly.
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I can, but damn would it make everything about that plotline 10x more hilarious
Like she'd shoot Osborne with that massive fucking sniper rifle and fall back on her butt from the recoil because she weights like 80 pounds soaking wet
She stole it from a different timeline.
how in the world did she survive her fight against simeon
Play the fucking games.
Will we ever see Ein properly in-game?
He got a boner and couldn't imagine a way to calm it down, so he had to flee
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that's what i think too. you did have this illustration of ragun when he got locked up in in that temple. he looked pretty demonic here.
Trails from Zero is currently filtering me. I'm currently working through chapter 2 (side quests included) and feel no attachment to the SSS gang.
Why the fuck is Agnes always saving Van? I thought he was supposed to be badass.
you just need to overcome the barrier haha
They’re two halves of a whole and can’t make it without each other
Uhm...find out in the next game(laughs)
name 3 times
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Imagine a timeline where Estelle and Joshua were a villain duo and still adopted Renne in Ouroboros.
Like Loewe, Simeon probably came to some peaceful resolution with her but Rufina still regarded him dangerous enough to warn Kevin about him. She might have also given the church the same warning assuming they didn't already know.
First genesis usage in kuro prologue
Kuro ending
Kuro 2 prologue
Could name probably every genesis usage in k1 too
You gotta rely on your woman sometimes
Nah. Too busy getting drunk haha
Agnes was always the true protagonist of Kuro. You just failed to see it.
your child*
In kuro 1 the only thing I didn't like is when Van jobbed to those 2 mafia goons with enhanced gnosis after that most of the fights did require grendel. Kuro 2 is a fucking joke of a game when it comes to power levels. Van was never really an exceptional fighter, he was a drop out who never finished his training properly. Shizuna also notices that having so many styles mixed together can be a lot harder than mastering one style. Also as a side note Bergard noticed how much Van improved in kai, that's why he jobs a lot less in his human form.
Remember when Jusis challenged Rean to a race. Haha...
Simeon doesn't like going all out and prefers to let his creations do the fighting.
I feel like Rean would have even more of a schizo obsessive reaction to her reveal. The sweet and hardworking Student Council President he'd been working for all this time was hiding such a dark and bitter side to her, she then handily beats his ass with Ordine and tells him to get better, Rean would be desperately chasing after her the moment he even got the chance to try to "save" her.
Damn they cucked Gramheart?
Spiral of Erebos rivals Hollow Light of the Sealed Land and for that reason I rank the Gral of Erebos alongside the Liber Ark as top final dungeons for a Kiseki game.
Hey man those goons were drugged up.
Simeon is retarded, If I was him then I'd spawn 5 or 6 Rennes serving all my sexual needs.
All different Rennes, right?
Imagine having a foursome with Sky Renne, CS Renne and Kuro Renne.
Who's to say he doesn't?
Naturally, there's the paradise one, the SC one, Zero one, CS4, Kuro etc.
this. that's why van got so mad at him for using grendel zolga and digging up bad memories when simeon is perfectly capable of doing it himself. everyone scolded simeon for being as strong as mcburn but never going all out and using parlor tricks. he probably did the same exact thing against rufina and loewe did most of the fighting.
Yeah, but it still was lame. If there were at least 5 of them with enhanced gnosis that would at least make it acceptable.
>van vs vagrants and probably the RAT
>feri vs herself from the bad timeline where she killed aida at creil
>ronnie vs ragun
>risette vs ptsd along with learning why and how she was sent to the next cycle
>quatre coping with hamilton's sins and deception
>judith dealing with her grandmother and nina
>bergard does nothing again lol
>jolda vs the garden gang remnants
>elaine does nothing again lol
>shizuna and the <<cursed>> sword
Lots going on already for Kai 2, and this is only scratching the surface.
The SSS died to one single guy hopped up on gnosis.
Why would he need to waste his powers on that when he could just genjutsu Vita, Mariabell or Lucrezia to suck him off?
he's probably ascended above all carnal needs already
>that guy was so drugged up a Sept-Terrion had to alter causality to save them
>vs two random goons
Those are NOT the same and you know it.
you know damn well he won't need to use that on vita or lucrezia. vita would jump on his dick for free.
Honestly the final dungeon themes are always bangers. The weakest are CSI's and Kuro II's, but they're still good.
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>elaine does nothing again lol
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This. He is but a humble man just trying to observe people. People keep going HURR MCBURN-TIER MONSTER STOP FUCKING AROUND and he just tells people to stop joking around and that he's not that big a deal. He's just that humble.
What if Feri and Aaron job to themselves?
Agreed, I just wish that the Genesis Tower in Kuro 1 wasn't so.... bland. The music was so good but the dungeon itself was... ordinary.
I think it's because they both use old kingdom's swordsmanship.
You're only allowed to job in your own games. Lloyd is going to go undefeated in Kai 2.
Kai 2 has been jinxed
his attitude is why van was pissed off at him. simeon is on the level of mcburn and could whoop mostly anyone's ass and yet he decides to go and create illusions based off painful memories to do the fighting for him.
Sky SC, CS1, CS3 and kuro 1 are my favorite final dungeon themes.
someone make a poll asking how long a good final dungeon should be for a kiseki game
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Well Van needs to stop crying. He's just behaving like a member of a criminal organization....is what I'd say if Ouroboros was anything like it was back in the Sora games. No wonder Ixs is struggling to fit in.
Why doesn't GM order him to do stuff
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I want femboy campanella to come back in a game with modern visuals
You can't order an Enforcer around.
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>Kevin didn't want the picnic shitters to accompany him.
He can't escape
I will refer to Campy as a she
You can if you're a the GM.
Surely Kondo isn't stupid enough to make us wait 2 years for Kai sequel after that ending?
Who am I having sex with tonight?
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Fufu, Lynn-san...
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>ruined rufus
>ruined kevin
fuckers should have died in their shitty novel
Sequel comes out next year
She spoke to Ixs and probably gave him instructions and yet he told her to fuck off and kill herself. Enforcers don't have to listen to shit.
Who the fuck cares. The story is going to be shit just like Kai was. Bring out TX2, Sora remake and Ys XI in the meantime.
Power of reused assets baby.
Kevin is never wrong and is always based.
I liked the colors they used imo.
SC, Ao, Kuro 1 and Hajimari/CS4 for me, Kai's sounds pretty good too.
Then, threaten them. She's the fucking GM and surely has enough power to do that.
>Then, threaten them
That goes against the rules of their retarded organization. Enforcers can't be forced to join or do anything. It has to be of free will which means they're allowed to ignore orders even from GM.
>Sky remake is the sequel
would be hilarious
Finally, some good fucking tunes
>Can't change the GG boss theme
It has always been the case, but next year is sky remake as well as Tokyo xanadu 10th anniversary, so it's hard to tell if falcom will make 2 kiseki games in one year and miss the anniversary.
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>She spoke to Ixs and probably gave him instructions and yet he told her to fuck off and kill herself.
absolutely fucking based ixs. he's way too good for the ourojobbers
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Rufus is happier now and he loves Su-chan and Na-chan
>rules of their retarded organization.
How am I supposed to take these jokers seriously
They already that in terms of Kiseki development, they were prioritized Sora remake development over Kai's so all focus is going to Sora in terms of Kiseki while you possibly have the Ys team working on TX2 like they apparently did with TX1 while having half that team probably already putting in work for the next Ys game.
It's less of an organization and more of a community gathering really
Sunshine Agnes.....it's happening
>was excited to become an enforcer
>meet the leader and everyone else
>realized he made a mistake and cut them off
Rufus' crowning moment will always be stabbing Arianhrod in the back. No other Rufus moments come close.
I miss Lianne...she didn't deserve that!
You aren't.
but rufus jumped from an explosion...
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the next game should give us an ouroboros boss rush with their enforcers and anguis.
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The final boss of Kai 2 is Nina and Simeon. How fucked are you?
Finished Ys X the other day and I'm pretty disappointed in this game. Sailing takes over traditional exploration, almost every island in the game takes like 2 minutes to full explore. The combat itself is good, but the game is really lacking in enemy variety, it just keep spamming the same kinds of enemies over and over, even the secret boss is just a reskinned boss from earlier in the game. Story wise it was good, and the characters are fine but I found Karja to be a bit too boring. Music is okay at best, the animations are nice but the environments look really bland still.
Overall it's just 6-7/10 game, could've been an 8-9/10 if it focused more on land exploration and made bigger islands that are more satisfying to explore, the sailing was a mistake.
Don't worry. They'll be nerfed like crazy.
Considering Falcom do not have the balls to also make her an abuse victim, it is weird now that I think about it.

It could make sense if Alberich was just an extremely horny guy but that is not something they, or most people would write. Not unless it was for a porn game.
When they had to sleep outside during one of their missions, did they cuddle so they dont get cold?
You're over-exagerrating the sailing aspect. It didn't take up that much of the game. I do agree that there could have been more enemy variety since the gameplay was way better than VIII and IX.
Looks like Falcom manage to learn how to make games difficult again.
so why does rixia, ashen and lucrezia fight us again
fuck you
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I think Altina does know what they are, she's just never experienced them before.
I would hope so, she's too cute not to cuddle with. I could only imagine how adorb she looks while sleeping...
Heiyue made an alliance with Ouroboros in order to accomplish a task with Hamitlon. Cao sent Rixia and Ashen to pretty much go do his dirty work.
Lucky you, wish I had dreams like this.
This fight and Ka-fai's were rough. Even with the mitigation command Ka-fai absolutely shits out damage.
I honestly thought the music was pretty good. Perhaps not as good as 8 and 9 but still pretty good.
>tfw no daughter wife
>it was cao behind it pulling strings
of fucking course. i am really getting pissed off thinking about that shitty chink.
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>You're over-exagerrating the sailing aspect. It didn't take up that much of the game
I didn't make my point clear so I'll go into more detail: the sailing itself and even the ship combat is fine, it gets a little bland but it's fine. The problem is that the mere existence of the sailing forces Falcom to split the fields into smaller islands that take 2 minutes to fully explore, which makes exploration feel unsatisfying to me. It's like imagine if you were playing Ys 8 but each time you hit a loading zone to go to the next map, you're loaded into sailing instead and you have to go to the next island to get to the next field.
It's a little hard to explain why I feel this way, but I think it comes down to pacing and me liking a cohesive world that connects together, and the sailing eliminates that. What they should've done is went the Kingdom Hearts approach where sailing takes you between larger islands, and each island has several fields, caves, a dungeon, and maybe a town. It also doesn't help that the game is severely lacking in environment variety, since 90% of the fields are just the same green texture and grass copy pasted. Why aren't there any snow islands or lava islands?
Btw, one of the best optional islands in the game is the one with the fruits side quest, I wish there were more bigger islands like it.
Remember when people super angrily said "Rixia isn't retconned, this is just to beat Almata and defend Langport!!!!"
Total Erebonian genocide.
Heiyue had a deal with the Elsaim royalty requested Ouroboros' aid in accomplishing the task.
Total cumdoll love
Needs her boots (and tights) on.

In III, absolutely she would have spent enough time with Rean to pick up on such things, assuming he did not tell her.
Before and in II, I am not sure.

Complete, global cumdoll saturation.
Well I do agree that they could have done the sailing system better. I just didn't agree with you that it took up more focus than the actual field combat itself. I don't know what kind of gimmick they will use for Ys XI but I can atleast hope that it's something as cool as the Monstrum stuff. If they do utilize the boat system again, they could definitely make improvements on it.

As for environments, yeah they could have probably been more varied but it didn't really bother me that much. It was like Ys VIII in certain ways in that regard.
Yeah. Almata has been long defeated and Langport isn't in danger anymore so why is Rixia still doing Cao and Heiyue's dirty work lol
i'm honestly surprised there wasn't a single girl that had a crush on adol in ys 10
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I meant to say in CS2 should wouldn't have experienced those things before. The lust part is just for comedic purposes by Falcom most likely.
so apparently simeon joined ouroboros before lucrezia
It was entirely for comedic effect but since it was brought up by someone, I just happened to notice how odd it was, at least assuming she was completely unaware.

I would have to stomach Sen III again to see if she mentions being completely unaware of them but by that point even if they were alien to her she would have known about their existence.
What? So that means he's been with the organization even before Harwood since both he and Lucrezia along with Sharon all joined Ouroboros together.

Now I wonder why Simeon took a while to become an Enforcer despite joining before her. Sure there's Joshua who joined the same time as Loewe but didn't become an Enforcer until few years later.
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Kondo did that on purpose cause Adol just "broke up" with Feena. He's always been a Feenafag.
I'm still playing the gacha
it's possible simeon just chose to hold off on becoming an enforcer until he was ready. so he was labeled an enforcer candidate for some time.
>Feena was still fresh and strong in Adol's heart at this point so Adol couldn't even think of other girls because he just recently lost his waifu
Makes sense and pretty saddening.
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She was definitely aware of them at least. Not even knowing the concepts of them are different from not experiencing them yourself. It's like only knowing something by name, but never seeing it yourself. I imagine that's how Altina was with almost every positive emotion.
Adol doesn't flirt with other girls even in other games and those take place years after separating from Feena. Feena's still his chick but adventure is his wife.
that's why they call it the society
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>I just didn't agree with you that it took up more focus than the actual field combat itself.
Definitely not the combat, just the exploration. Notice how Ys X completely removed landmarks, those points of interest that literally make locations more memorable, and instead replaced them with merchant ships and marine life. It's definitely a creative replacement for a sailing game, but not nearly as memorable or striking, and it means there's nothing on land that's as memorable as the landmarks from Ys 8 (or 9 for the matter).
Maybe people don't value exploration in Ys as much as I do, but for me it's the reason why I rank Ys 6 above Felghana and Origin for example.
Weissmann conditioned me to develop a fetish for men with glasses. Honestly his glasses are one of the most sexiest parts about him.
>Definitely not the combat, just the exploration. Notice how Ys X completely removed landmarks, those points of interest that literally make locations more memorable, and instead replaced them with merchant ships and marine life. It's definitely a creative replacement for a sailing game, but not nearly as memorable or striking, and it means there's nothing on land that's as memorable as the landmarks from Ys 8 (or 9 for the matter).
Yeah but people are mostly into Ys for the gameplay and that's why X is better than VIII in that regard. Not saying you shouldn't be interested in exploration and other stuff but just saying that you shouldn't be surprised if they don't focus on locations as much as you'd hope.
>Maybe people don't value exploration in Ys as much as I do, but for me it's the reason why I rank Ys 6 above Felghana and Origin for example.
Now that's definitely an opinion. I did like VI but idk if I'd put it above III or Origin. All three were pretty good and among my favorite Ys games but I just can't put VI above them.
Fair, she would have had a decent amount of downtime so she probably read quite a lot before the games take place, at least before she is active in II. Come to think of it, what was she doing before she was loaned to the Alliance? There would have been a bit of time before she was sent out surely.

That aside, I cannot imagine she would have had much experience with positive emotions even as late as the Alliance.
Adol can be pretty flirtatious in some of his dialogue choices in Ys 8.
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Eh those are mostly fluff choices if you wanna get funny reactions. But even then, doesn't seem like he shows any true interest in any of those girls.
>Yeah but people are mostly into Ys for the gameplay and that's why X is better than VIII in that regard.
Exploration IS part of the gameplay, and it's the whole reason why Adol himself is an adventurer. I agree that the combat is better (or at least more balanced) than 8, but 8 is still the overall better game for me because its world is more interesting to explore, as well as being a lot less linear in design.
Ys 8 is kinda like a 3D metroidvania. Well, not exactly, but it feels a little like it.
uooooh feri erotic
>Exploration IS part of the gameplay
But combat is a much bigger part of the gameplay.
>I agree that the combat is better (or at least more balanced) than 8, but 8 is still the overall better game for me because its world is more interesting to explore, as well as being a lot less linear in design.
Ehh. To each their own. I did like Ys VIII as well as X but the gameplay of X just gives it the edge for me. However I am not blind to X's flaws and can freely admit VIII has strengths over it and you described some of them.

I don't need Ys to go super in depth with exploration if it comes at the cost of the combat system I wasn't very fond of the party system.
Convince me that Kevin didn't lose his status as Heretic Hunter because Falcom couldn't have a coldblooded murderer as part of the protagonists. Just look at what happened to Yin.
>Elaine is a secret mask nigga
I'm for it.
Kevin isn't coldblooded.
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Today, I will remind them.
>I don't need Ys to go super in depth with exploration if it comes at the cost of the combat system I wasn't very fond of the party system.
It doesn't need to go super in depth, it just needs to be as good as Ys 8. Also why would the exploration come at the cost of the combat system?
Alisa Reinford.
Think she just have a normal chat with him. Say goodbye and leave. Renne still call her sama
She doesn’t threaten them. Let them do their own thing.
Yeah… they’re not evil enough.
>Do not reupload
Sharon Krueger.
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do you rike it?
What are the chances that The Emperor is stronger than McBurn and Simeon?
kek some people really get offended if a character has a personality
Really interested in who Justice, Tower, World and XXII could be, and also which Arcana XXII could have.
Why do japs dislike Van, Kevin and Rufus as the protagonists? They're literally the only good protagonists we had in Kiseki.
>Lloyd in 3rd as protagonist
>Lloyd in 6th as character
How curious...
something someting not relatable
Haha... I won
why does simeon summon loewes sword in one of his crafts
hate this faggot and his reanfag minions
V suppose to be a unmotivated man & XII is a lady who use martial arts.
Why do you like to be humiliated by men? Don't you hate them? Are you masochistic?
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>Lloyd above Van, Kevin and Rufus as the protagonist
I can't take senfag japs and their shit taste seriously at this point... at least Kondo is a Vanfag so he's ok in my book.
Kondo does have a bit of dark side, after all
Irina Reinford.
Kondo is a characterfag of the current arc, when the next arc rolls around he will be a nextmcfag.
why does he let his writers constantly humiliate van then
V: an unmotivated old man
XII: a lady who use martial arts.

Letty implies that there are some young ones in the Society. Currently they should be in their early to mid 20s.
>of the current arc
of the mc of the current arc
Alisa Schwarzer.
If Van somehow became an enforcer next loop that would hilarious.
i hope they give ban a third scraft next game
Only in Kuro 2, but it was a mass humiliation for every character and Kondom basically admitted that he let everyone on the writing team do whatever they wanted, Van in Kuro 1 and Kai is great and I can't wait to see punished Van in the sequel.
Rean Reinford.
I've read a few japanese comments and I found that some japs don't find Van, Rufus and Kevin relatable. I'm not saying that every kiseki jap is like that and I'm pretty sure Van is relatively popular as the MC, it's just senfags who want more rean.
My top 3 main characters are Kevin, Estelle and Van

My favorites non main characters are Joshua, Emma, Richard, Loewe and Maxim
i like van but i dont like the story that was written around him which means he never really lives up to his potential
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I think there's a lot of potential for him in kai 2 story, if they'll make him more unhinged after what happened.
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van unironically made me get my shit together and find a job
now I can play his next games in a decent setup instead of like this haha...
switch gaming be like
>kuro 1
>judith swimsuit (not the bikini) plus her walk animation makes her look like one of the baywatch babes
nice work falcum
Van Schwarzer
Rean Bannings
Estelle Arkride
Lloyd Bright
all of these feel wrong...
Van Bannings
Rean Bright
Estelle Schwarzer
Lloyd Arkride
That was where Ixs realized Ouroboros is a joke.
Why are some people pretending there are ebtter written RPGs than Kiseki out there?
Kiseki is by a distance the greatest JRPG series of all time. My top 10 JRPGs is almost all kiseki games and I've played a few.
If you say the otherwise you have genuine mental illness.
>Why are some people pretending there are better written RPGs than Kiseki out there?
Kiseki has some of the shittiest writing I've ever seen
you're on a /vg/ general we're not allowed to actually like the games we're dedicated too here
Aaron, Cao, Gouran and Rixia vs. Ragun is a lock for next game.
>judith and yin's boobs don't press together
>judith's clips through yin's massive tits
one job falcum
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Correct and Alisa is the best main girl.
No one is stopping him from liking it. But I also don't have to agree that Kiseki's writing is good.
thanks for the laugh anon
Alisa flopped so badly they had to replace her mid-arc
I want to peg Joshua while he's dressed like a girl.
Of course it's the alisakek replying to himself
I fucking hate this troll
>Van Schwarzer
Van gets adopted by the Schwarzers, I can see that. Probably better-adjusted than Rean would be comparatively. He's older though so if he's going to Thors he's part of Crow's buddy group as the ARCUS beta-testers, so that's a different dynamic to consider.
>Rean Bannings
Only way I can picture it is Osborne throwing Rean at Guy after yelling "Think fast, Police Boy!" I'm not sure the timeline matches up for that though. Guy could raise Lloyd so I'd imagine he could raise Rean.
>Estelle Arkride
I can only see it as a timeline where Estelle lost Cassius in the war alongside her mom and ended up going through some shit. I guess the implication is that this Estelle's a Spriggan? Weird to imagine.
>Lloyd Bright
Instead of getting sent to live with his uncle after Guy dies, he gets fostered by Cassius, I guess? He and Estelle would probably get along better than he and Joshua. Would he go through the Bracer training before leaving to join the Crossbell police still?
Speaking of flops, Kai sales figures when
should judith join in? her grandma dominique did help in the fight against ragun 40 years ago.
You unironically have to go back.
We will build a wall and make the Talesnigger pay for it.
No. Non-easterners are not allowed in this bloodbath.
This made me think of Estelle in an Amaris uniform and that is doing things to me...
We better actually learn about Van's origins in Kai 2. We should have already learned about all this by now. The only reasons I can think of why not are either because it's relevant to what happens later on or because Falcom never actually had a backstory in mind when they wrote him.
>YKF 600k HP on normal
Looks like playing the game at hard/nightmare might be even more of a time consuming/slog.
>strong guy has a lot of hp and does a lot of damage
no way.... they should just let you kill him in one basic attack
Stop thinking that it's wrong
PLEASE post renne in the race suit
Rean Reise Arnor
Elie Reis
Sully Vander
Aaron Salision
Renne Dantes
Nina Weissmann
George Rogner
Rosalie Stein
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We have a few backstory bits about his childhood in Elaine and Agnes' connect events but that's it. Kondom should've at least revealed the mystery behind Grendel and Mare, he could leave demon lords for the finale.
She's a programmable cumdoll, and she was definitely made to be subconsciously a mesugaki
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Anyone understand japanese here that can provide a better translated name perhaps? I suspect it could be the "book of Arkride" but i'm not 100%
I dont mind the damage part since it's a fucking boss but the HP bloat is something else.
it's literally Book of Ezer, and it first appears in the 3rd.
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>Emmafag still seething
I do not have enough semen in me to deal with a mesugaki Altina.
no bergard is talking about another book here in this line
yeah I realized I'm dumb
doesn't match how Van Arkride is written at all but that's all I can say
So if in Kai 2 Van accepts his demon will falcom switch his fighting style? But probably Van will still use Grendel even with the diabolic core so he wouldn't take a huge toll on his body.
I cannot tell you about the kanji but "アリクト" is Arict, so that bit at least is accurate.
>Van Bannings
Guy saves Van from D∴G too, formally adopts him, raises him up with Lloyd. Implication that Van sticks with Lloyd when Guy dies? I could kinda see them working as a brotherly buddy cop duo honestly. Joachim's D∴G stuff would actually have some connection to Van and give some better closure to him and Tio.
>Rean Bright
Literally best case scenario for Rean. Lives with Estelle who isn't a doormat like Elise, gets additional training from Cassius alongside YKF, comfy adventures in Liberl as a bracer, some tension and drama with Joshua, hell I could even see him getting with Kloe after she realizes Joshua only has eyes for Estelle. Bet Cassius would even figure out the stuff with Osborne sooner, and actually tell Rean about it.
>Estelle Schwarzer
Would mean she loses Cassius and Lena again, orphaned in the war, but at least the Schwarzers wouldn't be strangers to taking in another kid. Feel like she'd be more hesitant to adjust initially and have a bigger chip on her shoulder, maybe more of a rivalry with Rean, but she'd mellow out enough to have a good home life. She wouldn't fit in at all at St. Astraia's, so she'd probably join Rean in going to Thors as well, which very likely would be a net positive for him and the rest of Class VII. Where Rean would be reserved and hesitant to talk back, Estelle would speak up and be ready to fight, while her more positive social traits would help Class VII's cohesion.
>Lloyd Arkride
Implies he loses Guy not long after or even at the same time as he loses his parents, or he gets kidnapped away from Guy and his uncle. Goes through a lot of awful shit. Overall I could see Spriggan Lloyd as a very Law-oriented one, still willing to get his hands dirty but looks out for people where law enforcement and bracers can't.
Cool fanfics bro
Stop thinking
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>hell I could even see him getting with Kloe after she realizes Joshua only has eyes for Estelle
I disagree. Childhood friend route Anelace. It would be very cute.
How furious would you be if Falcom makes a duology dealing with Sept Terrion of Water and Wind set in the past before doing Kai no kiseki 2 as the final kiseki game?
insanely pissed off
I forgot Tita Schmidt, Croire Auslese, Cecile Grimwood, KeA Guenter, Estelle Richard...
Falcom listened to all the complaints about the Kuro games being too easy so they decided to make the games difficult again.
Van and Crow being best buds and lightly pranking Rean at Thors together sounds like a fun time. Van learning Crow was C all along adds to the drama of it all.

Who do you think he'd get with? Friedel seems like his type, though she's much more of a sword autist than Elaine.
kai sales?
If you didn't win the solo fight against Mueller as Joshua on Nightmare in SC you didn't beat the game and thus in turn will never complete the series.
Tomorrow we'll experience the grand reset.
Does anyone really expect it to perform any differently from the previous Kuro games, sales wise?
There could be a small drop from 50k, but who knows. I think it won't flop that hard at least.
Man, will she ever return
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I said Zelda will outsold 15 to 1 Kai but after this I think will be 100 to 1
>he has Xwitter
The church and Ouroboros pissed me so much for this. There should be a punishment for those who don't act and just watch, if Kondo don't deliver this he is an idiot.
zelda is one of the most well known gaming ips ever and falcom games are niche wtf is the point of making these comparisons
The story of Trails would be infinitely better if Ouroboros didn't exist. It's so boring to have an organization that knows everything with characters with DB's power level.
I thought Kuro 2 and Kai had answer for Van.
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Unironically Kingdom Heart was a bit better at this, both shitty but Sora the mc manage to take down half of the organization himself until they pull out those clones using different timelines.
No. Not even Kai has that. It's really stupid.
Was McBurn mentioned at least? could he also be from different timeline or just outside Zemuria?
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The Van one actually sounds Kino
What if we need all of Angel Weissmann, KeA-Sept Terrion of Zero, Demurigos, The Great One, Ishmelga Rean, Demon Vagrants, White Dawn Grendel, Gill Zoa and Angel Quatre in ordrr to destroy the sept terrion of time
No, just need the amazing Rean.
Yeah Zelda is going to destroy Kai. Honestly excited to see the Famitsu sales.
bro stop writing 20000
The face of a man that is about to lose his part-time employee and denied his slice of the birthday cake. Looking forward to him going completely insane and raving MUH AGNES and MUH BIRTHDAY CAKE as soon as he regains his memories of the previous loop. Here's hoping Bergard and Jolda keep a tight leash on him.
I just caught up with the Kai happenings.
I can't believe THE RAT memes were real.
/fg/ I kneel.
>those who don't act and just watch
How high up do you gotta be to in the Church to even know about the reset? And most people and nations didn't know either. Gramheart should have told them and asked for help, but he didn't.
I remember when I saw the plot of the clones from other points in the timeline in KH and thought: what the hell is this shit. Now the same thing is happening again in Trails. LMAO. Kai is the DDD of Trails
Haha, everything will be revealed in Van's final episode...
>C VII Estelle
I honestly think she'd get along with Alisa, probably even try to play matchmaker for her and Rean if she sees some sparks. The boob incident would probably see her smacking Rean upside the head first, unless she wants Alisa to have first shot.

She and Elliot would get along just fine, her and Rean being his first real friends of Class VII. No big changes otherwise.

Might be able to bond with Laura pretty well too, both looking up to and a little jealous of her as a "more proper" noble lady than a unrepentant tomboy like herself but then being able to recognize she's more socially competent than Laura.

Would immediately butt heads with Machias over his biases, which would help ease tensions a bit quicker. He might even develop a crush on her.

Jusis would at first find her annoying, but quickly prefer her presence since it keeps Patrick away, and eventually be endeared to her genuinely.

She'd latch on to Fie and try to play the big sis role almost immediately because she'd be reminded of lil' sis Elise, which would go from initial annoyance on Fie's part to the pair being good friends as the class snarkers, plus they'd get to talk about sneakers.

Emma she'd rely on a lot because she's probably still going to be a bit book dumb, probably sticking with Fie for study sessions, and I don't see her being particularly bothered by Emma's witch stuff.

Gaius would finally have a third thing to talk about beyond Winds and Goddess: polearms, with Estelle at the very least putting in some effort to hang out with him over that.

Millium might actually end up her best friend, she'd remind Estelle of lil' sis Elise but with vastly more energy that more closely matches her own.

Crow would either get under her skin very easily with animosity that wouldn't go away, or become her partner in crime in teasing Rean; Crow's betrayal would either leave her feeling justified in her animosity or almost as heartbroken as Rean, very little middle ground.
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never doubted
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She'll be back in Sky the First at least
Forgive me Kasim
You are a top notch character in terms of writing compared to Simeon can do anything or Rene asspull lover
Would either of them handle Kuro/Kai better than Van?
Gramheart was already getting kicked by us for being a bad daddy. The other has been aware of many issues across the continent, if not provoking them, but since their grandiose plan is so noble we can't even touch them let alone tell them to fuck off.
So funny how me made so many McBurnfags kill themselves.
He pulled the plots from Kai 2, got them right from Kondo's napkin notes haha
Get ready for routes as long as whole games!
I’m not really sure if the game ever touched upon what she did before being sent to the alliance. From what I understood, she was just in the tube, taken out, and then sent to the alliance immediately. Probably not entirely accurate, but the info given was limited. Regardless, she most likely didn’t have much time to really experience anything, making her as robotic as she was.
Kiseki feels like it was made by people who hate when the good guys win so they invented a shitty chuuni "secret society" who are always one step ahead and cooler than the lame heroes. I bet Kondo was bullied in highschool.
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Lloyd would never break Agnes' heart like Van did so he'd doom everyone even harder
Cope heroescuck. Villains are way cooler.
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I don't care about ourojobbers, but GM is SEXO!
Honestly Kiseki has incredibly dogshit writing but even worse villains. Ouroboros fucking sucks. Organization XIII was way better because atleast they weren't pretentious fufu and do nothing.
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GM is the biggest fucking idiot of all.
>Enforcer V is an old man
Estelle with Grendel... Grendestelle...
I was fully expecting it but the fact that they put her on the cover again and she had even less screentime than she did in Hajimari was hilarious. Kondo and Kato need to be ousted.
>Bergard and Jolda
I don't think they're gonna remember pre reset events
Is Loewe the biggest jobber of them all? Imagine dying as an Enforcer, the group with the biggest plot armor in the series.
I knew that man was odd.
>Gramheart was already getting kicked by us for being a bad daddy
I fucking hate this. What kind of ape confronts someone over bullshit like that.
>Kurt's mom in the first reset
Not even that but he's not even the strongest Enforcer anymore thanks to McBurn and Simeon.
I genuinely don't care about her anymore
Who's the weakest enforcer?
>Would immediately butt heads with Machias over his biases, which would help ease tensions a bit quicker. He might even develop a crush on her.
Estelle x Machias is not a ship I ever considered before, and I feel weird even considering it now
I don't care about trails at all
The last game I played was CS4
He was a shitty dad. Van should have punched him in the face.
That was my assumption as well, though there would have had to have been some kind of training before she was sent out.
Same. Honestly tired of the same low quality of writing. It's literally the same shit but with slightly different coat of paint. I'm tired of the heroes saying the same shit every single time. I'm tired of the church doing nothing. I'm tired of Ouroboros being secret fufu keikaku retards who do nothing. It's honestly so tiresome. Only thing that could honestly salvage the story is that Zemuria just gets wiped out and everyone dies.
1. Kino
2. Fine but boring
3. Better
4. Shit
>He was a shitty dad
Agnes fucking off to Hamilton wasn't even his fault. She did it willingly. He was busy with his retarded plan and the spriggans go "muh birthday cake". Gay and forced as hell.
falcom seem either unable or unwilling to give van any actual reason to go against gramheart
Well he should have done better to stop her and know what she was doing at all time. He chose his plan over her.
Van may get a chance in the sequel. Question is, what actions will Gramheart take in the next game.
Why is there no art of Estelle in a Class VII uniform? I want that now...
I'm assuming this whole birthday cake shit is yet another of /fg/s forced memes and once the game is playable in English it won't actually be that reductive
Novartis is so lucky.
I honestly don't care. It's going to be dogshit either way.
>he thinks there'll be a Kai 2
lmaoo that shit is getting canned after Sky Remake outsells Kai 20:1
You "honestly don't carex yet you keep replying to every single post about the game lmao. Who are you trying to fool here?
>Gramheart: Van the world will return to >Cold Steel dark days. We need to do something.
Van and co.: muh cake
>Ishnotmelga slaps Emilia so hard that she ended up 1200 years in the past
>THE RAT want to have cake and eat it too
>Agnes: fuck this shit lets return to cold steel because fans want more Rean
That's how you get the fucking TIME JANNIES IN SKY!
This. They'll likely just jump to the next arc instead
schizo hours
They don't wanna make Gramheart super evil and couldn't figure out how the spriggans would learn about what's going on so they pulled this outta their ass.
>Well he should have done better to stop her
Lmao so the guy who's busy trying to save everyone needs micro manage the activities of his teenage daughter? Hamilton and the rest of them would still be able to get to her.
I'm more interested in anon's fanfics honestly.
Reanspic fanfiction.
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for me it's smol Shizuna
You make it sound like Van and co were irrational idiots.
You should try Reverie, the picnic squad is great
It's projection, /fg/ is full of irrational idiots
They were. No sane person would storm a base, get mad at the President & fight people all for birthday shit. It's terrible writing.
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Love this nigga, I'm glad he's getting his 4th game.
you've been saying shit like that since kuro 1
Van's last story will be a new door in Sky 3rd remake
He's not but keep coping Eric.
Kondo why are you telling us the plot of Kai 2 here?
Van gets dumber every game to the point where he definitely doesn't fit a Spriggan anymore.
The poor guy's brain got scrambled hard thanks to Agnes confessing to him.
Yea, he's unironically at his best in Kuro 1.
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Agnes was a bad influence...
Kondo won't pass this chance up.
They need their self-insert virgin good guy (omg just like me!) but still totally badass and cool and all the girls like him and he has a cool robot and can nothing personnel bad guys and he turns EVIL (but not really lol) and never has consequences for his cowardice in assisting Osborne in CS2-CS3...haha
>assisting Osborne in CS2-
That was based, however.
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I remember there was at least one anon who wanted to see vtubers playing Kiseki so here, it is Sora FC;

No idea who she is or what she is like, YouTube just recommended it. If this is your thing, have fun with it.
wow i didn't know we hated rean like that
>she streamed Russian Fishing 4 58 times
what the fuck
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Sora no Kiseki SC OST - The Enforcers
I wish I lived in Erebonia.
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Good morning.
Good morning Shizuna
More remakes are probably guaranteed since Kondo admitted we'll get more if Sky does well.
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>if Sky does well
how about they finish the series before they remake it
Since what has that stopped literally any developer?
Companies will always chase the money anon.
Unfortunately, they were is the problem. You could literally take them out of the final chapter and everything would still take place as though they weren't there. They had zero reasons to even go storm down the bunker.
>Song of the Goddess
>the ending song is literally Agnes saying goodbye to Zemuria
you had one fucking job, Van
Maybe they'll tie the remake into Kai? That way, they can do both at once. However, if they do that and Kondo says more remakes are possible, they'd have to save some of the time stuff for SC and so on.
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C. Epstein's sole disciple.
Kinda crazy that the "end of the world" everyone has been talking about is just a septterrion and not something bigger.
>That was based, however.
Noble Alliance was right and I'm tired of pretending they weren't.
Regardless, the people of Crossbell not hating Rean as the face of the invasion despite his key part in it was unforgivable. I literally burst out laughing when NPCs would tell him "haha...you are actually really popular here" because Rean can never, ever do anything even vaguely wrong. It could have been a great character- building moment as he realizes the cost of being Osborne's bitch boy, but instead we get more reanwank.
Wonder if Agnes will rejoin in the middle or end of Kai 2 or she will be like Millium in CS/Sen4, not playable at all.
>Kondo admitted we'll get more if Sky does well.
Nostalgia alone will carry that game. So, of course, we're getting more.
Yeah the lengths they went to make him as bloodless as possible and just a celebrity everywhere is ridiculous
>Noble Alliance was right
No, they weren't. We literally had members of the Alliance criticize other members for being le evil.
>key part
Rean's actual actions, apart from what we see, are kept vague at best.
northern war anime WON...
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Noble Alliance
Intellectuals on /fg/
>Noble Alliance was right and I'm tired of pretending they weren't.
You know why Kondo allowed us to pick love interest for Rean? Because, in order to truly master EOB he need to let go all of his attachments and become a true master of EOB. Like in Avatar when Aang were instructed to let go his love for Katara to achieve Avatar state.
I predict that in some Kai 3 or Shiro 2 Rean become true master in order to defeat the Cube or some other enemy from the Beyond. Because of that Falcom permitted us to pick lover for Rean. Pick what you want. Rean will ditch Alisa/Fie/Laura in the end anyway.

Same way with Van. World is resetting so it doesn't matter what you chose: Law, Chaos or Gray. In order to save the world you will be forced to chose the fourth, right way.
He had the Empire working overtime to big him up as a celebrity and during Crossbell's invasion by Calvard he defended the Crossbellan civilians. Rean's main role in annexing Crossbell was just taking care of Calvard trying to annex Crossbell themselves.
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Can Elaine win against all her rivals?
why is she sweaty

Niggers this is some Azure Arbitrator-tier shit there.
Kinda curious how will nina and the church be able to judge hamilton after the whole reset shit.
Are they going to salt her while she's young or what?
Easily for other though agnes might be tough considering the cliffhanger in kai.
Who am i kidding, kondom will just make them all lose because fuck you.
its the visuals that really make this
when the chanting kicks in when you're on the moon is pure kino
Lavi won!
Falcom never should have let Unisuga go.
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Reana and Crow!
I'm in chapter 3 of Trails of the Sky FC
Tita is in my party and I'm going to Elmo Village.
How much of the game is left? I feel like it can't go much farther but at the same time I'm also only level 20.
>the women and children of occupied areas by rean are forced to be given headpats by him
is that a war crime?
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It's not a crime if they enjoyed it.
You have a tournament arc you need to complete.
Then a coup.
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>is that a war crime?

>we've taken the city!
>now then, officer line them up....
>y-you don't mean!?
I hate Rean so much I wish I could punch his stupid face
I don't like this...
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>I hate Rean so much I wish I could punch his stupid face
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his hair is dumb
>I hate Rean so much I wish I could punch his stupid face
Stop calling me Elise I'm not Elise I hate Rean I don't want to kiss his lips or get headpats from him or hug his body tight I hate Rean and his stupid dumb dumb face
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>Stop calling me Elise I'm not Elise I hate Rean I don't want to kiss his lips or get headpats from him or hug his body tight I hate Rean and his stupid dumb dumb face
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>Stop calling me Elise I'm not Elise I hate Rean I don't want to kiss his lips or get headpats from him or hug his body tight I hate Rean and his stupid dumb dumb face
>Stop calling me Elise I'm not Elise I hate Rean I don't want to kiss his lips or get headpats from him or hug his body tight I hate Rean and his stupid dumb dumb face
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Class VII...
No no NO I am NOT ELISE I hate Rean that stupid dumb womanizing headpatting menace I want to PUNCH his stupid laughing face every time I see it I HATE HIM
Kuro 2
god damn the level of brain damage you'd need to have to say shit like this. the shit you see in that game takes longer than 7 years to build, let alone 2 you fucking nigger
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>No no NO I am NOT ELISE I hate Rean that stupid dumb womanizing headpatting menace I want to PUNCH his stupid laughing face every time I see it I HATE HIM
>ackshully we do tear down the entire city and rebuild it every couple of years in kiseki
i want to fuck ries' thighs
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>No no NO I am NOT ELISE I hate Rean that stupid dumb womanizing headpatting menace I want to PUNCH his stupid laughing face every time I see it I HATE HIM
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nah because estelle is becoming a villain in order to force joshua to not betray her. If she betrays joshua first he cant betray her after all. >>496823190
this is the same reason wiessmann loses to estelle by the way. hes a huge coomer with a suffering fetish
Hallow light is simply better.
Who let Barren Womb Kloe in here.
Rean did, haha...
damn it why am i coming around to the idea of estelle "middle child" schwarzer
i should hate this bit i don't
>when the next arc will roll around
so estelle will return to not being an emberassment for him? will we finally get estelle kino in First Chapter?
these are cool but isnt the point of the premise that at least the characters in this list cant show up in eachothers childhoods?
Why so retarded, anon-kun? The plan was to activate the Rivalries and end >muh curse without triggering a world war, and the only one who died was market manager Otto (i crey evry tiem). They were literally in the right.
Estelle simply makes everything better.
I dont really agree there. Estelle losing both her father and mother in part due to her actions would devistate her to the point that I dont think she'd have the same personality. she would turn into a sullen quiet girl.
>The plan was to activate the Rivalries and end >muh curse without triggering a world war
That was not Cayenne's plan lmao
That was Vita's plan. Cayenne's plan was to become the new emperor of Erebonia with the help of the Vermillion Apocalypse.
>only one who died was market manager Otto
He was the only named one. Celdic almost gets razed because of Albarea seething at his position within the Alliance, and then the very same Alliance turn their backs on him because he's too evil. They were never right.
>The plan was to activate the Rivalries
That was Vitas plan retard. Cayenne's wanted to be a shadow Emperor or just the Emperor outright.
I don't think he was going for a full character swap, but rather timelines/loops where each of them happen individually. Still think the Lloyd and Van cop bros one is the best of the bunch though.
>the boob incident
estelle didn't even slap joshua in the hot springs she just screamed.
>She and Elliot would get along just fine, her and Rean being his first real friends of Class VII. No big changes otherwise.
given estelles damage level would be very high and elliot hates war I think they would be an instant pair.
>Might be able to bond with Laura pretty well too, both looking up to and a little jealous of her as a "more proper" noble lady than a unrepentant tomboy like herself but then being able to recognize she's more socially competent than Laura.
I think Estelle would be pretty frosty with the nobles like laura, jusis and jingofags like machias.
I think Estelle would immediately try to actually tard wrangle her, as a very young looking person who is showing severe signs of child soldier, fie might pull her out of her shell in order to try and "save" her, which would probably be unwelcome from fies point of view.
>emma and gaius
you are right that they have very little in common and so estelle could probably make small talk.
>Millium might actually end up her best friend,
estelle would be way too quiet to enjoy milliums eternally bright company, but millium probably wouldn't ever stop pestering her, so I could see a long character arc involving them.
>Crow would either get under her skin very easily with animosity that wouldn't go away, or become her partner in crime in teasing Rean; Crow's betrayal would either leave her feeling justified in her animosity or almost as heartbroken as Rean, very little middle ground.
I am not sure estelle would be innocent enough in sen I to fall for crows game. she lost EVERYTHING. and it was, likely in her mind, her fault. at least for lena. she was able to recontextualize that event in sky because of cassius but without him? with the war and her actions taking everything from her?
I think /fg/ must have activated some schizo during the vrpg times who wants us to be salesfags like him or something. Does anyone here NOT want to play the nintendo game where a pirate princess downloads links in order to defeat the true villain, the evil DMCA?
If Cassius died, Richard would either drink himself to an early grave or go full fanatic, probably with Loewe and Joshua at his sides and Weissman in his shadow.
Is Simeon really as strong as McBurn or is it just /fg/ memeing?
personally I think its slightly realistic because the heroes in this setting are often guilty of shit I would consider to be unconciounable. like why is hamel still a secret 7 years after sky? who did they have to kill in erebonia and liberl to get people to forget an entire trading town over the border existed in spitting distance from ravennue
He's stronger since he can summon basically anything
Estelle will become the final boss this time.
estelle is better than all of them.
Not even loewe coming back to life will ever make me forgive him for being such a shitty character, I wont be satisfied until estelle is the one standing and he's the one kneeling out of breath.
why would estelle get involved with someone pro osborne?
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Yes. More sky, whenever estelles not on screen, people should be asking "wheres estelle?"
Sky the 4th staring estelle and Kevin and loewe concluded in the amazing finale sky the 5th
Creha Schwarzer
>she doesn;t use the evo voices
are nips retarded?
Honestly if anything she might follow the Schwarzer tradition and push it deep, deep down to try and hide it from ever bothering anyone. Rean does it, Elise does it, hell even Teo does it to a point. Rather than outwardly sullen, she'd overcompensate by trying to keep spirits up and her new family happy, possibly as a deeply held but unspoken fear that an "unhappy" family would be one she loses again. Makes it all the worse when the cracks start to finally show as things get more and more dire. The events of the end of CS1 and start of CS2 would likely be the breaking point where the trauma and angst she's repressed finally boils over.
>only one who died was market manager Otto
>He was the only named one. Celdic almost gets razed because of Albarea seething
d-do we tell him?
I can't imagine a more cursed meeting than Estelle appearing in the same room as Quatre.
his power is literally asspulling anything
you will be level 40 ish by the endof the game
>tita is in my party
enjoy and prolong every second.
Guys, I played 30+ hours with KAI no Kiseki, I will share my opinion so far

If people said Kuro no Kiseki II was shit, this game is an even bigger shit...

There is basically NOTHING new in this game, it could have been a simple add-on, instead of a new game

While playing 30 hours there were basically ZERO new areas, or even characters.

You have the exact same playable characters, with recolored costumes, exact same skills and so on. Gameplay is 99% the same too.

Towns and explorable locations, including dungeon maps are the same, 100%, nothing new.

Grim Garten is basically a filler with gacha elements, boring as hell, but you know this from previous games.

Big disappointment and I am already bored with this game to be honest. I don't see even a minimal effort in it.
Is Machias actually pro-Osborne? He supports his dad and the Reformists as a whole but rarely does he say anything all that supportive of Osborne himself. Contrast Cedric, who even in CS1 admitted he admired Osborne.
Comrade V...
thats different because the people she's with would have caused all of her grief in the first place.
>Rean does it
rean is a retarded joshua 2 who only killed a bear instead of was a child assassin. Estelle got her mother KILLED
>start of CS2
>home under seige
>dad gets shot
>bro loses control
>sister gets kidnapped
Yeah she's gonna fucking lose it.
honestly that sounds like suffering kino but I am already getting stuff like that for my oroboros estelle run. I dont really think she'd be so sad she could never ever smile, but she wouldn't be a genki girl in sen at all. I wonder if she would even be primary arts or if she would take up the divine blade like her father. She wouldn't have ever lived to experience him using a staff. Anelace Estelle.
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honestly for additional suffering I wonder if jessica would be in this loop, since in that fanfic jessica almost eats it to rean stabbing her to death in CS II
>Gameplay is 99% the same too.
That's a complete lie. They rebalance all the shard skills and added more mechanics that changes your strategies from the previous games. The broken shit in Kuro 1 and 2 don't work as well in Kai and bosses are actually difficult now.
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I have good news for you then.
File deleted.
oh i already know about sky, or i wouldnt be able to compose the story I have in my imagination about oroboros estelle, but she doesn't go sword in that route, she has her fathers staff, and also a super sekrit weapon. Shikosha Numba 21. The Relic Princess.
>the enforcers have tarrot cards in the fandom wiki
>look up estelles
>The World represents an ending to a cycle of life, a pause in life before the next big cycle beginning with the fool.[3] The figure is male and female, above and below, suspended between the heavens and the earth. It is completeness. It is also said to represent cosmic consciousness; the potential of perfect union with the One Power of the universe.[4] It tells us full happiness is to also give back to the world: sharing what we have learned or gained.
huh this is pretty much exactly how she acts.
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wrong image
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Can you explain how can one be so schizo that they can play imaginary versions of the game? I myself would like to try my version of Kai.
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hu hu hu hu, wouldn't you like to know?
>all those people failing to see Van going bananas over Agnes birthday is foreshadowing to him having become completely agnesbrained a long time ago
>the people she's with would have caused all of her grief in the first place.
I mean if she's adopted by them after being made an orphan, it's less likely she'd be directly blaming them as she'd be a bundle of trauma, anxiety, and repressed emotions that's trying to not lose another home. She'd be reserved at the start and slow to fully trust, but any broad thought of "Erebonians killed my parents" would be tempered by trying to keep herself from losing everything again, especially with the Schwarzers genuinely trying to do the best for her.

>rean is a retarded joshua 2 who only killed a bear instead of was a child assassin. Estelle got her mother KILLED
Was more a comment on how somehow all the Schwarzers do the "repress something as to not cause problems for the family" no matter what that issue may be or how obvious it is they're repressing it. An Estelle living around those folks would likely pick up on that habit too, with all the flaws that come with it. Overcompensating by being more outgoing keeps it from being too close to Rean's problems while giving a sorta tainted reflection on Estelle's canon personality.

Though since you brought up the bear incident, it could serve as an excellent turning point from "hesitant to let her guard down but doesn't want to lose everything again" to "repress all the trauma and angst" since I feel like she'd finally make the connection of Rean and Elise genuinely seeing her as family and being protective of her, and her likewise to them. Maybe even switch it around so she tried running off at first instead of Elise because she still felt disconnected and had a bit of an episode where she felt like she didn't belong there, an ugly thoughts of "I'm betraying my REAL parents" crossed with "my REAL parents died because of me" getting her to try to run so she wouldn't bring misfortune to the Schwarzers "too." Family chase after her, Rean and Elise find her.
Literally said in the game you fucking retard
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>last thing he sees before the reset is Agnes
hory shet
Was about to say, pretty sure that Anelace didn't fit that.
I am agnesbrained myself haha
It was implied, not stated. McBurn will probably appear next game and BigDick everyone. Unless Simeon gets revealed as one/connected to one of the 5 added Demon Lords I'm calling cap. McBurn's original appearance alone could tear the fabric of the universe.
It was stated but keep coping McFiretard.
>mcburnfags malding that simeon matches their overhyped demon in strength
>I mean if she's adopted by them after being made an orphan, it's less likely she'd be directly blaming them as she'd be a bundle of trauma, anxiety, and repressed emotions that's trying to not lose another home.
sure but that just gives the family who adopted her a pass, not people like laura jusis and machias
>Overcompensating by being more outgoing keeps it from being too close to Rean's problems while giving a sorta tainted reflection on Estelle's canon personality.
I think its way more likely estelle will end up in reans position while estelle will actually correct rean for having his trauma over something dumb.
>an ugly thoughts of "I'm betraying my REAL parents" crossed with "my REAL parents died because of me" getting her to try to run so she wouldn't bring misfortune to the Schwarzers "too." Family chase after her, Rean and Elise find her.
kino as heck
but I think if that's the case it would only reinforce the above dynamic where estelle essentially tard wrangles rean but completely neglects herself. Resulting in rean being the sun and estelle being the funny haha girl
All it proves is the demon lords aren't shit since humans can match that
>they're not good protagonists unless they edgybois!!!111
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yeah, they have a similar nonsensical filename. I really like this schizo storyline though because of how broken the stations of canon get. I love it when stuff gets wild and you get a similar story but everything is new and fresh.
If it was *stated* then surely you can show us the proof? Because all I remember is characters acting like "huh, it's just like Him" etc. but that alone doesn't prove shit. Lianne was also just like Azure Siegfried, but that didn't magically make him equal in power.
Anon, Vagrants-Zion was BTFOd by the weakest cast with Bergard and single Orbal MacGuffin. The RAT powered by 8 Geneses would obliterate that demonic jobber from existence Beyond or not.
>The events of the end of CS1 and start of CS2 would likely be the breaking point where the trauma and angst she's repressed finally boils over.
Holy kino
Simeon is the Demon Lord of Mirage
... but if he was why would GM insist on McBurn?
It feels like this "Estelle Schwarzer" would genuinely hate Crow and Vita. Not like "they've done bad things and we have to stop them" but actual "don't come near my family again or I will make you hurt" kinds of hate. Barely restrained rage whenever she sees them, being dismissive of the idea of "bringing Crow back" and whatnot, and only able to even start forgiving Crow when he gets stabbed at the Vermillion Apocalypse fight.

>sure but that just gives the family who adopted her a pass, not people like laura jusis and machias
Actually considering how the nobility treated Teo for having adopted Rean, and now her, it might be Jusis she's most directly suspicious and hostile of. Laura is further down the ranking and more honest and direct, so she would be more neutral at the start, but anon's earlier point of jealousy at Laura being more "proper" a lady could show up. If they get past that, they'd get along fine. Machias makes a total ass of himself early on, both being dismissive of the ladies and his whole "REEEEE NOBLES" thing, so if he starts acting up around her and Rean for just being adopted by the Schwarzers she'd be tempted to take a swing at him.
can you imagine if rean actually also stabbed jessica in this timeline? so vita actually saved rean by proxy and prevented a double melt down, and estelle has to balance wanting to murder her with handling reans feelings?

yeah thats what I was getting at, all of those 3 will push Estelles buttons big fucking time. and estelle having to manage her hatred of vita would be a pretty interesting thing.
So you didn't play the game
that mcburnfag is mad coping right now.
simeon's just a human that can match mcburn the overhyped
How would she break, though? Give into despair and misery, let the repressed emotions overwhelm? Or give into rage and lash out against those that brought her to that point?
doubters of agnes winning the vanbowl just need to remember she's front and center next to van as his wife on the cover of kai and in the logo while elaine isn't even on it.
Rage. See >>496855549
Why do Agnesfags keep talking about Elaine?
Damm that sounds entertaining as fuck.
Those "mcburnfags" are fake btw, simeonfags made them up
because elaine is the only competition.
they're insecure and desperate
that means simeon has met an actual mcburnfag himself
Ok McBurnbro
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All me.
Given how CS1 plays out it would mostly be resolved by the Heimdallr arc, though Crow showing up next chapter would give her a new source of irritation. Only really getting her annoyance at and grievances with Crow by the time of the school festival, and only for that to all become a fresh wound when Crow goes traitor. It would probably enrage her all the more if she managed to develop any kind of friendship with Towa, she'd be screaming at him that he was willing to get one of his best friends killed knowingly just for the sake of his petty revenge.
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well its sen so one thing I have to wonder. would estelle even be given noble peerage by the family? or would she be adopted in a similar fashion to lila and serve as rean and or elise's maid? man remembering that they had lila completely change her lifes circumstances with basically no explination in kai really rubs me the wrong way
if things are this bad end why even keep towa alive?
>man remembering that they had lila completely change her lifes circumstances with basically no explination in kai really rubs me the wrong way
she and risette will do some traumabonding in kai 2
>would estelle even be given noble peerage by the family?
I don't see why not.
Teo was 100% behind Rean being his heir, I don't see him denying noble peerage to another adopted child. Estelle might carry some repressed concern that she's crowding out Elise's "rightful" spot as the Schwarzer daughter.
Yeah that was fucking weird.
aren't they given enough shit for adopting rean though? it feels kind of redundant to have her as just rean two even if she's taking on his role and he hers. also i think the scenario where she leaves guiltily is more likely if she's a maid, along with actually feeling indebted to the schwarzers for saving her. plus isn't she a little older?
always go running back to cold shart and trails in the fecal matter
Being alive and being forced to experience that kind of betrayal, especially with it setting off a powder keg under a new BFF you didn't know was really there, is a much longer-lasting pain.
>aren't they given enough shit for adopting rean though?
Yep, and that didn't stop Teo before. No way he wouldn't also give Estelle the same thing. It should be easier, too, since Teo has an heir already.
Rean's older than Estelle by a couple months, with Lloyd being a couple months older than Rean, and Van being some months older than Lloyd.
umm, isn't estelle 18 by the time cold steel even starts?
Teo didn't care. Rean felt guilty but Teo never regretted that decision. He would be the same for an adopted Estelle.
since estelle is from an enemy country its going to be even worse when everything goes to shit, since she'll blame herself before rean has a chance to even consider himself. the loss of face would be completely different to elivating a liberl orphan to the ranks of nobility
Again though, that's not something Teo would care about. He would bare whatever burden comes of it with a smile, be it an orphan son nobles are gossiping is his bastard or a war orphan from Liberl.
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Yes, I am. Also Weissmann is a fictional character so it’s different from being humiliated by a 3dpd man.
I don't think Teo cares about saving face at all. He'd just ignore it like in canon.
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If Simeon is so strong, why can't he imagine a way to have Ulrica shut the fuck up
>Thanks to reset, rean will dive into alisa's breast once again
Falcom's dates are inconsistent on it. In some sources his birth date is May of 1186, in others it's May of 1187. Estelle's birthdate is August of 1186. I feel like Estelle's -supposed- to be the older of the two, but I dunno, blame KeA or Agnes for this confusion.
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No, in this reset rean will be slammed against the wall
If rean starts what is basically military high school at CS I it would be unthinkable to me that hes the same age as estelle, who was already 16 before the start of CS I
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>get in your car
>see this
what do?
Damn it Anies!
anyway where i was going with this is, what if estelle is in the original class 7 becuase of her year+ lead on rean
Canonically he turns 20 in May 1206 in CS3 meaning he has to be born in 1186 like Estelle. Before Van, all of the main protagonists were born in 1186.
Is it bad to get emotional at the end of Sen 1 if you don't know what happens after? I did. I really love the bond between Class VII, it feels genuine.
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then why the hell does he only start high school AFTER estelle completes sky?
I mean Class VII's age range is 15-18 at the start, Fie being the youngest at 15 and I think Gaius being the only one at 18. Crow meanwhile is 19 in CS1, meaning he started Thors at 18.
this shit makes no fucking sense
>its anime high school
>actually no one is even the same age
Thors is not a high school, it's a military school
Gaius is actually supposed to be 17 at the start of CS1, but you're right about Crow, he started at 18 too. Towa was 17 when she started, don't know about Angelica or George.
Not an actual high school. More like a trade school.
Thors doesn't really have a specific age that you have to be for becoming a student. It's more of a range. Fie started Thors at 15
That's because school in Kiseki doesn't work the same way as it does in real life. You just have to go to sunday school and anything else is private education with more flexibility.
1202 - FC/SC
1203 - SC/3rd
1204 - Zero/Ao/CS1/CS2
1205 - CS2
1206 - CS3/CS4
1207 - Reverie
1208 - Kuro 1
1209 - Kuro 2, AGNEEEEEEEES
This timeline looks so shit my god why did the creator just stretch boxart there’s better ways to do it
Nta, but military school ages vary. For example, the American military school West Point has people from ages 17 to 23.
Technically there are no formal high schools in Zemuria, all private schools and academies and the occasional university. Aramis, Jennis, St. Astraia, Thors, etc. don't follow a more rigid educational system like we have, with St. Astraia being the closest as it has multiple tiers of education.
Schools in general have a larger age range than +/- 1 year for any given class.
Reminder that Van's by all accounts a high school dropout if we compare things to real life.
By kuro no kiseki 5 aramis highschool will change to be a paid private school that costs 500,000 mira per year but people from the central east and east get free education and massages while everyone else pays and gets no massage
Rape her
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I think they should breed to create the ultimate chuuni swordsman
He really is literally me!
Isn't that weird? Especially for Erebonia. You'd think Osborne would want to standardize education with him being a reformer and all
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Rixia's Rixias
Back to anon's original point, an "Estelle Schwarzer" could definitely be part of Class VII. No age limit to it. Honestly though even if she is somehow younger than Rean she would still insist on being the "big sis" who has to watch his back.
They both looked really sexy in that fight.
why did she never user her unclouded eye the whole game?
Jesus, that evil ass grin, lol. She's pumped.
>insist on being the "big sis" who has to watch his back.
I love that
Given how Thors got restructured and more formally militarized in CS3, it probably was a low-priority reform. Especially when it's much more important to pump up that military.
It's been bugging me that primary education is not financed by the government but by THE FUCKING SEPTIAN CHURCH where its people shits on each other(papal guard vs dominion)
Hey wait, would this Estelle already know about Elise's crush on Rean then? Or is that something else she's repressing because it's a can of worms she doesn't want to open and ruin the family dynamic by acknowledging it?
Yea, that checks out. Maybe Regnitz would get started on that if he becomes chancellor
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Careful anon, you will trigger the Van self inserters and they will meltdown for the entire thread.
Ah but it can be much worse for all involved: Elise has a crush on BOTH of them.
Oh no.
>would this Estelle already know about Elise's crush on Rean then?
Yea. Lucia knows about it too, I think.
>Elise wants to be the center of an incest sandwich
God damn it I should have know. Even as a Schwarzer, Estelle will always be a Bright.
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suddenly concerned for Altina
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>Epstein foundation crossbell employee
>Breast didnt improve that much despite consuming crossbell water
Crossbell bros, i thought our product works 100%?
what did Juna mean by that
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>rean loops the game back to him
>Rean oblivious or in complete denial
>Estelle knows it and never wants to acknowledge it
>Alfin knows it and will tease unrelentingly
>Musse knows it and wants to push everyone's buttons
Maybe it's a good thing she goes to Thors instead of St. Astraia.
that Altina is too cute and it brings up her urges to hug and snuggle the adorable younger girl
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Estelle/Rean headpat combo
Since risette lost 90% of her original body, is she considered as a cumdoll?
The next game will start 12th july 1208, kuro 1 started on 26th august 1208.
Renne, Gramheart, Rean or Rene will knock on Vans door
The moment Osborne spills the beans about being Rean's biological dad, she's going to run up and deck him. She lost her patents and had been living with the idea that it was her fault all her life, yet this bastard effectively said he abandoned Rean for years and only now decides to step back into his life, just to use him for what sounds like personal gain? Osborne would easily join her shitlist, taking the top spot from Vita. Even if Rean agrees to go along with his plan, she's going to be hovering over him like a hawk and doing everything in her power to keep Rean out of Osborne's reach for as long as possible, even if proves to be frustratingly little.
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Let's be honest here, if Estelle became a Schwarzer she would probably develop a crush on Rean as well. Question would be if it would make Elise real prickly around Estelle, Estelle herself would probably be like FC Estelle and not really clock that she feels that way about Rean.
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>Even if Rean agrees to go along with his plan,
This raises another matter. What's she gonna do when Rean goes full army/government agent at the end of CS II? I can't see her accepting that, too.
Why is this schizo trying to push estelle schwarzer, your brain is scrambled by your obsession with rean.
she's just like me...
does rean have any other big nobles on his list including that are "princesses" like Alisa
No I think she's the highest ranking one. Everyone else is common or lower in the ranks
This bitch is supposedly so "smart" yet her best plan to get Rean was to act like a whore
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Wait of course laura, forgot about laura
She's the daughter of a viscount, which is way lower than Princess
Almost no other girl acted like that with him, so I'd say it was worth a shot. Or maybe loves fucks with her brain lol.
Estelle picking up on Elise having a thing for Rean but not wanting to say anything lest it cause family drama, Elise recognizing Estelle has burdgeoning feelings for Rean but hasn't caught on herself yet and not saying anything lest she also let it slip she might feel the same way about big sis too, and Rean being selectively oblivious and hoping he doesn't cause either of his sisters problems by bringing any attention to it, all could make for something at the very least more tense than the situation in the games.
sneaky kino....
Are you faggots writing fanfiction about estelle being in rean’s family
>8 pages
begin baking anon...
Alright, Alisa supremacy thread coming.
Kuro no kiseki 3, 4 then kai no kiseki 2
>Kai "team"(last game was Kai no Kiseki , probably Kai 2 started development)
>Switch Team(Sky remake in development)
>New arpg "team"( Tokyo Xanadu 2 in development)
>Unannounced Title D "team"(maybe Ys XI)
>Unannounced Switch Title E(???)
So those are the 5 games in development , maybe the switch title is a new IP?Or Ys V remake?
Either she takes the path the other members of Class VII took and heads off somewhere to get stronger while constantly telling herself Rean will get through it okay (unlikely), or she sticks with him at Thors and insists on being by his side even through Crossbell and North Ambria. The latter lets Osborne get under her skin even more by nominally agreeing to let her tag along with him but ordering her to different parts of a front where "her skills would be utilized" as a supporting asset.
I said big nobles, and not necessarily bigger than alfin, even mentioned alisa an example in terms of political/wealth worth
>ordering her to different parts of a front where "her skills would be utilized" as a supporting asset.
There's a good chance she ignores that if she can get away with it
Oh, you meant like famous nobles? Then yea I guess he has Laura, Musse & Alfin
Grand reset comencing
All this theory crafting over Estelle Schwarzer is cool and all but what would this mean for Sky and Crossbell arcs since Estelle will be Rean’s sister?

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