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Fall has fallen Edition

>What is this?
Second Life is a virtual world MMO with user-generated content, its own in-game economy and currency that can be traded for RL currency, and a large array of lands (sims) that can be independent or interconnected. Customize avatars, sell creations, explore, socialize, (E)RP, attend virtual events like concerts, screenings, meetings, etc..

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https://pastebin.com/W9TeJHJi (List of Stores)


>>SL Events


Monthly Event Guide:

>Current Events (End Date)
Neo Japan - Asian Cyberpunk (Oct 20th): https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/GABRIEL3/138/129/500
Hallow's End - Multi sim hunt (Oct 31st): https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Botanica%20Magika/128/199/2979
Haunting Labyrinth Terror Trails Hunt - Halloween Hunt (Oct 31st): https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fort%20Santiago/129/246/23
>Monthly Events (End Date)
Engine Room (Oct 20th): https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Syndicate/198/100/26
LEVEL (Oct 24th): https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LEVEL/142/160/3
fameshed (Oct 27th): https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/FaMESHed/222/215/800

Previous Thread: >>495825621
You just know.
It's a little big
does dinkies fuck
why do you assist of asking that?
Do you need assistance?
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Why does this store have every texture they have ever made stored in hundreds of prim boxes.
Quick loading?
it's slower
That cannot be good for loading in
it looks fun for platforming
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She looks like a goblin more then a gremlin...
why? Yes in the photo.
Oh, I thought it was an old man
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this greasy bitch guzzles cum by the gallon
ok how u know?
leopard fur choker says it all
fair point. leopard print and chokers are slutty
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Say that to my face
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Cool Ren Fair
The "Ren Fest" region. There's like 6 sims.
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he looks retarded
Yeah that's normies for ya
Cool lighting.
it ok
BritbongReturns, creator of forever alone , reviews None Found Sandbox.
what a sad tranny shithole
Bro I just got online and you posting about that place haha
send britbong to echo mountain next, and ask feli blau (hyer womba) who his favourite pony is
Vagina not found.
didn't click the link and never will
quit lying
wich penis is best penis...... i been seeing a lots of people with SKNK heracles...... im a furfag btw........
Damn now we talking about dicks
ZAF canine
its bad, if you want a good dog dick get the RUFF Ryder by Applebottom
Have you banned Zanibar Pixelbottom from your land for ageplay yet?
is that Zel's new account?
File deleted.
No, this pedo owns Crazy Kobold Creations, co-founded Anarcho Rodentia, and is on the Alchemy Viewer development team.
zel's on the cute and funny OS grid with a mlp av
last i heard he took the chop and lost all interest in sex
Crazy how that happens. Chopping off your dick=no sex drive.
tard 2 tard communication
Has Nep grown a vagina yet?
It makes me sad to see how little activity in his chat now, his few viewers still knowing who kopy was is pretty telling.
So that's how they communicate taking quotes from our thread and mixing in their reality in second life~
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Now you too can dress like a iconic rpg villain.
I want my hubby in real life to dress like that
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What's this guy's deal?
Got that LA skid row tranqed out look
is that the hot dog man?
Can't rig, uses a custom head to feel superior, f2m
Those take a while to bake
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>The second you start to confront the regulars there who all have admin rights for some reason they eject you without saying a word
real chud energy right there.
What? That's incorrect normally if you say nigger or I'm latino they to sperge out like ana did with the french~
shut up you faggot frenchy
Nah let the french speak his mind bro I heard he invited them to his birthday party and one of them blur out about his dead boyfriend
That was your avatar though you weird tranny fuck, this dead boyfriend cope is horseschizo level of insane
I use the ZAF Feline/Canine Reforged that released not long ago. was the only feline one I found with an outline option
Nah he doesn't have that avatar or maybe he use it bait your weird delusional faggot who also needs attention so here you go.
maggie this is cringe, pay your taxes you french tranny
No she not going to pay for your welfare check I'm sorry.
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maggie this is marge, lisa needs braces
better than ESLs usual rabbit tranny shit
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That's right! I've shit out trannies like you~
the face that would melt a troon to cinders
you mean the face of a troon
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Is it true you cried when pomme called you a man
Ewww no one wants to know about what you shit!
Whos pomme?
Yes, it's from that store. I heard the creator is ftm that likes to make these gangly looking dudes.
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Is this objecthead stolen valor?
only eggs can sustain her
where's the lie?
feel free to tell us where that is cause i'm not finding anything like that
>he doesn't like catgirl cock
The Second Life channel is doing a Q&A livestream in 15 minutes. Anyone wanna go?


Location: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hippotropolis/71/172/29
I don't have anything to ask...
people got no skin anymore and everything bites into them deep

these guys used to fuck around and joke with griefers and even grief people themselves

now they suck cock and take cock up the ass and eat cum and ban people wordlessly

what the fuck happened to you guys
remember when you wore hitler costumes and afros sieg heiling and yelling nigger
you were retarded and fun

now you are all retarded and gay
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It's mostly the None Found troons that are like that. Nep doesn't want to be banned again which is why he's even more of a pussy. He even whines when people talk about him on here.
good, get sprayed roach.
all these trannies would've been better off never taking estrogen

their bodies and minds both would've been healthier. Now they're stuck in 30 year old skinnyfat man bodies with tits with mounting health problems and nobody who wants to date them. It was a jewish lie sold to impressionable white boys to get them to castrate themselves

they could've just lifted weights and pretended to be girls online instead
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Well said, brother.
>they could've just lifted weights
but that would've required effort on their part
No one didn't show up at the meeting and claims they knew it all on God LMFAO
Hey stop that!
Deem she right tho my glasses aren't glowing full bright either
mcbedtime the typa dude that wouldn't lend you a pencil
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That's not true. I saw him first hand give up his own cash to a prize winner at prim of the week because some e-thot had control of the prize cash, and then struggle to get that money out of the bitch when she finally showed up and played stupid about it.

mcbedtime's a cool guy in my book, can't remember who the bitch was I should've jotted her name down
mcbedtime is the typa dude who like electric orgasms and has a pedo state mind
alchemy really should fix its dogshit ugly UI then everyone would use it
and add all of the firestorm features. the default viewer chat system sucks so much ass
I would use it but slcacheviewer doesn't work with their cache for some reason so I'll stick with firestorm until that's fixed
troll's remorse is a hell of a drug
where is this at?
didn't sound like they were seething desu
is there anything worth getting/seeing at the ren faire?
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Weird ren faire people and the games like jousting or the combat tournaments.
goons were always pussies
Why you blaming jews for troons when its clearly anime, social media and fetal alcohol syndrome
If it was jews, the USSR would have been filled with them
Instead, Stalin shot them
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this is goonstation now. feel old yet?
I'm no snail
why dont you go visit it and see you stupid fucking faggot
no fuck you
you don't tell my son that you fucking retarded fagget~
I can hear that AI voice changer shaking up
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how it feels to wear regular mesh hair around negresses who spent over 9,000 lindens on shitty flexi hair
dead game dead group
esl bunny won
esl tranny seethes about australian bulls in this thread every day
That's a lie and go take a shower
pay your debts
Did you shower?
Not him, but I did :)
yeah cool cause there ain't a pulse
good girl :^)
thriving game thriving general
use to be
jesus christ goonstation really did fall off
a shame, i like some of the qol shit in the codebase
troons won chuds lost
Nah esl rabbit won
esl rabbit is a troonchud the hybridization is the source of his power
he has no power, he cries on voice because of pomme
why do trannies have such hate for one another?
he wanted to fuck pomme and got laughed at, so he came to the thread to shit it up
Because they need to be the special one and another tranny ruins that for them.
it's like remmy always shacking up with a new troon gang on a weekly basis and then by the end of the week he's hate posting about them here
rofl! No!
He shows up, discovers that they're pedophiles and/or retards, and is very disappointed. When will he learn that 100% of SL is like that?
At some point you gotta ask yourself if it's really them and not you
Is it really that hard to not wear loli avatars, commission cub art, and goon on mic with tranny voice? Is that asking too much of the Second Life community these days? (Or just /vg/?)
says a lot about the kinds of places you frequent, nice self-roast lmao
None of the people I know on this game do any of that so again look inwards bud
Isn't that what half of the trannies in this thread post every day? Remmy is the one person who've I've yet to see in a loli avatar or using troon voice.
oh ew it's you Remmy lmao
the other half are wearing shota avatars
Is remmy the new "everyone who disagrees with me is X"? What happened to Horse and Datura?
Just Nep seething that they'll never have a real vagina. Remmy called them a troon or something a year ago.
remmy be a little less obvious chuddie
as obvious as nep bulge or mcchudtime tranny voice?
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Sup gamers, wanna skip school to go to the arcades?
Woah sega and capcom sponsored this?
I need money...
>missing Williams and Taito
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Yes, among others

This the place:
Imagine ageplaying here
Don't need to
Don't need to, the only people that go to arcades are old and decrepit anyway.
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Is she the Joker?
she's the yolkler
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speaking of pomme, one time when I was lurking the steak discord channel I found that he had the same contact with me with the person that sold me 10+ year old SL accounts. He's probably spying on us all
with his alts. I've also heard similar accusations before about someone wanting to fuck said person but getting refused, i guess that's just tranny talk to stir up drama around them for the attention.
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one more time in english please
trannies want to capitalize on the fact that they refused someone that momentarily desired them. They make a big deal out of it because thats pretty much what they experienced confessing to their oneitis in high school with rumors spreading about them of their embarrassing failure.
speaking from experience?
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I'm speaking from what I observed, you're all basically chuds who think you are all better than each other , especially the regulars at none found. Those fags all have access to a button which they can use to eject anyone that they don't like on a whim because it makes them feel superior but its really actually pathetic.
calm down remmy
I'm not remmy, that guy is just an ugly attention whore that reposts himself on the sl forums.
Who the fuck is pomme?
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That's an apple
Oui, c'est à cela que ressemble une pomme.
uh we speak American here, buddy
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eyoke~ [Disgusting]
what makes the red girl red?
crushed beetles
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Yes Pomme.pancakes was my hired dummy spy to spy on my company sim being over run by none/not found schizo's during some time ago. Later on he was hired for some rigging programs which could of land him in some big money, I've give him a deadline which it didn't pay no attention after not receiving no progress he was fired and ask for refund which he later retorted and called me a sumbag. He's a great guy had some issues with real life, but I did remember he's sorry ass boyfriend/partner was acting all gangster wanted to fuck me

I cried in laugher~
translate from urdu to english pls
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Oops sorry, I meant you should all rope yourself~
I'd prefer a mesh rope please saar
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damn kelth looking goulish
why are you so obsessed about replying to your own posts with random jewtube slop synx
I forgot to put that on there lulz but really did you got arrest yet?
that sounds exactly like him
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you're all highschool deadass losers who became trannies for more attention, fuck outta here nobody gives a shit. you may as well have hung yourselves in a forest and been missing for a month without anyone noticing. like for real
Remmy here. I don't recall posting on the SL Forums (adult content not allowed, no gooning allowed)
tomorrow I will try to meet esl bunny in person
I asked.
who cares, hes a hateful little ESL tranny that keeps getting banned from car groups and cries
she was on news this week ago
he also samefags worse than horsepedo
nuh uh I've never samefag shit~
you are cringe enzo
i saw it in the new this mroing
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I was getting some ethnic diversity when I encountered this specimen.
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it's freddy fassbender
I'm the typa of one who is addicted to mroing coffee
Maybe you should have some
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nigga all oiled up damn
Are you gay or something?
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damn why I'm not on the category?
Because tranny is a given already
No I'm not a tranny
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lmao he's afraid
Ive had a few dicks in me yes.
He looks at /slg/?
synx won
How can they win if I don't know them?
Easy because we know
calm down remmy
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if all of these places had just been accepting of remmy's full blown tranny autism he wouldn't be here hate posting about every troon hangout in SL, it's sad to think about it, but not really because fuck trannies
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HE TYPED WOMAN INSTEAD OF FEMALE!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aren't you the person that posts their monkey avatar? Whoever that guy was I saw them spamming their avatar on here and the SL forums
>aren't you the person that posts their monkey avatar?
yes he's the pregnant autistic monkey tranny poster who hates all trannies and gets rejected by all the tranny hangouts and then comes here to dox them in some futile attempt to 'show them', he also types like saffi because he's a soulless bot type highschool loser person.
oh I see now why they're like that
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with me drinking my rabbit milk
stuck on my knot lol
no... you can suck yer own
Bimbos prefer horses, sorry dogcucks
fapped to ebody feet
why is the vid so low quality?
also which one is him?
Don't you mean Bimbros?
>also which one is him?
he's either cammed up or in 1st person, he's the one typing to them in IMs listening to them screech
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I grew up with something better
bop me on the head you old fuck
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is this some kind of slavic thing
No, stupid
It's Mexican
Shut the fuck up you nigger
Did I ask?
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I see your gamer word and raise you a rare breedables ganja textured horse.
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cool pic
cool pedo
Yeah, it's a mouse
Where is it?
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wtf is happening in the background
do u think he would kiss a girl on the penis?
It depends on if the "Cock" on his shirt means he's advertising or is a fan.
I wanna suck on them
Had you hit 8888 quads I would've let you, but you missed by 3. You can't afford this
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dang it
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I've would've got away with it if it wasn't for you meddling faggets~
SLURL so I can come rescue you my queen?
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don't try to ERP with me synx, you tranny bitch. If I caught you in my trap I would literally let you go
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Why would you do that?
how popular would normal looking dudes fair in this online environment? i was thinking about creating a sl avatar just to use it as a fashion reference so i can dress myself properly lol
>Why would you do that?
because you're a man
note to that >>497325214
lolz they don't like man I assume
as long as you sit pink
you posted an irl pic in the last thread and your hands were the size of kingkong dumb bitch, and your man face didn't fool anybody
mens fashion in SL is incredibly gay anon
Can someone help me? When i log i usually received all the scripts load notifications in nearby chat but now it doesn't seem to happen anymore. I did check the option to report script errors in nearby chat in preferences but when i click stuff that needs to show me messages on nearby chat it just does the pop sound, and when i log i just hear multiple pop sounds but no messages.

I'm tiring myself seeing that no one else had this issue before..
If it's not in nearby chat, it's supposed to pop up in a separate window.
Whatever the fuck you say to me you bitch is your fucking shit imaginary mind thinking you some loathsome troll/parasite to this carcass of a metaverse. and now you wanna go after my pic so what I'm not scare you weak insecure fucking fag shit bag calling my hands kingkong maybe you need to be punch back in place like and be a man instead of bitching and pretending to be retarded. fat-fatherfucker!
That's the weird thing, no other pop out window comes out even though i see the conversation tab flashing, i click it but no messages.
sims for this feel
mm not really
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Why not?
2 men
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Come again?
2 men
And this?
two hoes one is a dude and one is a bro
I don't care what esl bunny is. It's good enough for me.
shut up esl bunny
I am not esl bunny bumpslave.
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>An Defective Spy From None-Found Executed By RLV Estate Ban Pistol
Both of you need to care it's what being alive all about or you could post your avatar roping~
let me cum in your bunny asshole before you pull the trigger
I do not care. I'm more alive than this general.
I already fire the gun last year ago and don't like lazy trannies who complain like a teenager in their 40's
I like your mood >:)
>crying trannies
>trying to ban lindens
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Love you Bae~
bro your fps?
Good video tho
Don't lie
ok bumpslave
not as scared as trannymart is of whitney
true. they cowerin
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Same hair
mm no
way uglier
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shoot your cock n balls off monsieur
You shot yourself again
i think those boobs are fake
>nut.puddles has entered the region
he came, he slayed, he ate, and by dog, he left no crumbs
he came, he stood in silence, people told him to fuck off, he stood a little more, he went back to the family pedo beach ftfy
i like mine better
accept it's true

Breast.Enhtusiast: WHAT THE FUCK???????

not your bro, pal
I wonder what nut.puddles do to make you mad?
He nutted him to puddles
Could've been me
You'd be surprised at the amount of people from SL who look here since Virtual Secrets isn't around anymore.
I remember a few years ago I posted about some pooner's ridiculous sim rules, because she kept adding more every few months or so. My guess is that someone who knew her told her about the thread, and when I went back to the store, the rule sign was gone.
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Anon you type more like the souless AI bots you complain about.
I guess you can be pretty well off as a dude if you're the chatty type with a nice voice. Sadly, men's fashion on SL can be a bit lacking since it's women that really spend more overall.
you cant just say hey baby u want som dik

say hi first
then ask how she is doing
pay her 2000 linderns and ask if she will go on date with u if thats ok?

trust i am an lgbt ally 20 years i worship rainbow and always gay sex, give sex advice incels always please a woman and do anything she asks if shes mad ask whats wrong and pay her more lindeners then ask if its ok to sex now? if not thats ok just try again later

as longs u pay shell never block

i preffeer gay becase u dont need to pay and always want sex after hi how are u
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This looks like it's been put through a half dozen phone filters.
Lol so quirky and unique!!
She just chose to look like that. Although you have a point with the phone filter, maybe that's why the human avatars look so fucked up.
eslbunny keeps winning without bumpslaving or samefagin
okay esl
okay bunny
looks like jade
that's why they're based. they make the wallhuggers seethe in and out of the game
tf is a wallhugger
ever since that time some trash wannabe troon blur out my decease boyfriend inworld we took this thread serious but I didn't honestly I don't give a fuck but care a love~
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Hey, that's me
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Still wacky that troons want to larp as commies
NF crew?
It's wacky commies want to larp on SL, the most capitalistic type of social game there is
Most likely unrelated. I remember finding the flag not too far from Anarcho Rodentia.
communism and capitalism feeling like the exact same ism these days
Watched a video a while back that went over how commies operate. They really seem to go about their way of life in a hyper-capitalistic way. It's also very easy to set up a donation box on SL and collect free money. As long as it's for a good cause such as keeping a digital ghetto open.
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I wouldn't say they're the same, but the people who argue against capitalism just want a different version of it. Where it benefits those that don't want to work....or something like that.
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It's not as cool at the torture dance :C
Dang, I don't know when it happened, but the Messer owner removed all the "really harmful slurs" that you're not supposed to say to them.
They do have Patch Linden and Loki Eliot banned from their store for some reason. I doubt they ever even bought anything or whatever.
Yeah, but it reminds me of it
Work worship is a gay boomer cuckservative israel-first psyop, but these faggots are another kind of insufferable and disingenuous.
Have you been there?
Yes. I was looking for some trussy.
Triceratops pussy?
Why is that family safe nude beach guy still around making sims?
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>The charges, officer?
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The MrBeast smile
Which guy is that?
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>no Blake sea cinderblocks
>no Caledon Ageplay Summon Prims
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all of that shit should be in the first two tiers
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Same vibe.
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Opinions on my Street kid V?
looks like a faggot
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I'd let him rape my cunny av
in what regard? as in "he should've been banned by now" or "what's the point when the bulk of cunny/shota enjoyers have moved on to the swimming pool sim/pedo OS grids"?
>Work worship is a gay boomer cuckservative israel-first psyop,
The mind of a bottom feeder NEET.
>these faggots are another kind of insufferable and disingenuous.
Tbhonest family, they are just as annoying and unemployable as you.
And Hitler was right to put you both in camps and kill you.
Is it? Jonestown and troons have a lot in common.
Mega gay
Are they all black?
>posts tier 1 iceberg shit
>puts it all below tier 1
proof this general is newfags just reading dogshit articles
oh okay
He creates the honeypot that LL uses to catch other players. A means to an end.
Linden playing 5D chess...
But did they catch Patch??
maybe Patch is a double agent
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Whitney my queen...I kneel...
She's looking healthy.
I hope she changed her look

lol I like how he claims he owns the forever alone meme.

He just trademarked it in the UK and claimed first use there because no one contested trademarking a 3-4 year old meme by the time he claimed to have created it. Tried to cash in on it too.

Fitting because he's pretty sad. Even Kopy moved on with his life. (He now sells tacos in a nazi themed food truck at trump rallies)

they'd be the first in the killing fields. They can't work, they get the bullet.

They just want feudalism, where everyone is forced to work and do things for them because they were chosen by god or some dumb shit, or in this case, because they have the most crippling social disorders.
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Did soft ever finish this and sit pink?
get a sim again so this thread was not just botposting and club roaches trying to pass afk time
English, doc
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eslbunny still winning
this group is so dead it isn't even a small parcel.
just afk sluts at fetish places

that's why all the pics are randoms or old stuff.

Except the chaddest esl bunny.
most of us have other hobbies or girlfriends/wives now
sorry to break it to you
esl is a virgin tranny man from france called jacques

there is no hint of chad to be found upon him
your tulpas don't count
bumpslaving isn't a hobby
crabs in a bucket, etc. cope seethe etc.
Are you lazy just post your own stuff
you're a nigger~!
if I build a new sim how do I make sure it won't be the same handful of people who all pretend that they don't post here but hang out there as all the previous sims ....oh wait nm
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i had a dream about second life a couple nights ago, and i sorta miss wandering around in-game trying to find interesting things, as well as sharing findings
idk if it'd be worth it to come back at all since i definitely don't have the place i was renting anymore, but maybe i'll tuck some [kromer] away and buy a parcel
i hope (You) all are doing well regardless
t. mothfag
ps: firestorm runs worse on windows than on linux, as i've come to discover
hurry up and die
By just banning anyone with the steak city or sandbox not found groups in their profiles on-sight, you'll be solving at least half of the problem right there.
I don't believe that the Anarcho Rodentia cub enthusiasts post here.
Healthier than Nep will ever look (both IRL and ISL)
You should set up a squat
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yea but soft's is male which is more enticing
Soft.Linden! You are fried!
if i can find a nice post-apoc sim that has sandbox perms somewhere, i just might.
brain fried esl
Wouldn't that be bourgeoisie or whatever?
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They are not ideologically consistent people, they are just depraved pedophilic coomers who never grew out of their teenage "fuck you, dad!" phase.
Now imagine what kind of FPS gains you'd get if you used anything other than Firestorm on Linux.
Wow that's just miraculous...
Nep is so fat that when he talks to himself, it's a long-distance call.
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What are you even talking about it's just a funny sign that I saw at a club.
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Devil Devil
>Even Kopy moved on with his life. (He now sells tacos in a nazi themed food truck at trump rallies)
Legendary Rare Kopy W. He used to be so resentful he was born a spic. It's good to see he's accepted himself.
Ana turned down my offer ro join him on his gay driving journey once again
>a long-distance call
aren't all calls long distance?
anyone wanna ageplay
Hur-gur-ma-Durr! Ana turn down mi offer ro n moirng dive He's iz His Him is very gay and he really hate the french no matter what gender har! har! har! ywnbaw zamn. I ate Ana BUT CARE A LOVE. HIM HAVE.
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field trip time? slurl?
You having a stroke?

they're back, and worse
>gacha items, including the boxes or containers they come in, must not be transferable.
gachaslop reselling pajeets seething
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leave it to LL to ban a shitty exploitative market only to bring it back in an even worse even more exploitative shape, bravo
They didn't outright ban it, though. They only made it so that the buyer has to know what they're getting, instead of a blind drop. Not being able to transfer it effectively kills gacha, though. So I'm not sure how this is worse and even more exploitative.
You can't just buy what you want from resellers so you're completely at the mercy of this shitty RNG system
People would just not play it, if they can't get rid of spares outside of trashing them. I would think most sellers would give up on the model as well.
>Not being able to transfer it effectively kills gacha
It practically died with LLs last rule change on gacha. Big stores like Contraption abandoned gacha, gacha events closed up permanently, switched over to standard sale events or were gutted like The Arcade which only runs 2 weeks 3 or 4 times a year.
So what you're saying is that I need to make a machine that sells random nontransferrable tokens that can be redeemed for transferrable nocopy items :)
The way of the samurai...
I'll be banning anyone who doesn't have both of those groups actually when the sim goes up.
but id order to see the members list you hvae to join the group..........
a self solving problem
we already have a sim though
Trannies referring to themselves as we?
What does LL have against gacha trading? It's bad enough that most of the time gacha packs weren't even mod.
there hasnt been a /vg/ place since even before steak's death
yeah your giving me a stroke
no proof
It probably leads to a lot of reports and they're too lazy to deal with them directly, so they'll outright ban it instead.
It's gambling
I don't understand how other games get away with it
Don't care
Didn't ask
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how aren't toy machines banned in gamble-free states then?
I don't think it was gambling in the same way that the casinos are. You could at least sell off gacha stuff you didn't need or trade it with other users.
It's gambling in the sense that laws about it all over the world consider it gambling and force intrusive and expensive regulations that makes it unpalatable for anyone to compete against the actual gambling dens.

These are not rules LL are pulling out of their ass. They are cover your ass rules to avoid the gambling mafia bringing lawsuits or forcing LL to spend millions following retarded regs designed to drain money from potential competitors to real life and online casinos et al.
Those cost about as much as an SL gacha pull, too
Seems like it would be different given that you're getting an in-game item. Much like Japan's strict gambling laws don't cover Gachapon machines, even though the items could be resold by the buyer.
very true
penis brained
That's sort of what I referring to. Gacha items aren't comparable to actual gambling systems (which LL doesn't allow either).
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The shape on this hoe
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Found Jesus by the coast.
meet me at araz
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Which type of elf is this?
The straightest man in Onatopp, circa 2020 (colourized)
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you guys still play this? everywhere i go there isnt even a single soul worth roleplaying with
typical SL couple

RP is intrinsically gay
You should be all for it then.
Most of the people on here have been on SL for about 10 years or more. I'm not a regular RP person, but most people find them through active groups.
Anyone here old enough to remember Teen Grid?
no, oldie
I was already 18 when I made my account, so I never went there. Ironically soon after I joined the grid was shut down.
So annoying hurry up DIE already!
has second life permanently altered how you people interact with you in real life? People used to treat me normally but i started to notice after the 5th year when I became heavily invested into the game they started to keep their distance from me and seem kind of afraid when I talk to them like they think im crazy. I'm just trying to be myself and act normal.
I played in 06, but never knew about the teen grid. Played the regular game from like... 11=12 years old, definitely fucked up my psyche.
SL exposed me to a lot of mentally ill psychopaths and sociopaths as well as simply broken people who can barely communicate coherently which made me appreciate regular people in my everyday life. I think I learned more empathy too from listening and talking to people about their problems and difficulties they've had in life on those occasions where I get to have more serious discussions in the privacy and pseudo-anonymity of IM's on an escapist fantasy alternate virtual life MMO.
ban ironybros
whats an ironybro? griefers that wear furry dickgirl avs on their alts?
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this but unironically
>Played the regular game from like... 11=12 years old
Jesus what are you, the hunchback of notre dame irl?
tattoos so ugly, he had to get them twice
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to make it worse, I brought in one of my friends from school and we both got groomed into furry cults. Eventually I managed to escape, but he has been claimed and I expect he'll be beginning his HRT any day. Funny how life works out sometimes.
SL players...
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Are you having a melty?
I have come to the conclusion you do not deserve a sim.
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No, can't relate.
You might just be a fucking retard.
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Why does the marketplace look like a phone app now
They keep making slight changes and I feel like I'm being gaslit every time I use the MP, because I feel like one minor thing changes each time, but I'm not sure.
>Something something mobile integration probably.
I think the marketplace hasn't been updated that much. It pretty much looked the same for about a decade with only a few updates.
Yes it's pretty much that. There were dudes on /vg/ only having sharkgirl avatars "ironically" for about a week.
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For a second I thought I had logged into some phishing scam site, nearly poopfarted my balls back out
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How do tattoos work on fur?
They go to the dog groomer and get it done, simple as that.
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Ban anyone with an active twitter, its normies like blessa and that crowd that cause problems. They are affable but are the types that will make it their mission to get people banned from sims for saying the n word or whatever they dont like at the time and warp the culture to fit them slowly replacing sim regulars with their group over time.
This is the most fair and based option.
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Naa this is
Looks like a schizo made it, so it's cringe.
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holy shit what a downgrade
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That's an improvment?
You niggers need to calm the fuck down, there isn't anymore from this thread causing problems just some lesser troll addicts wishing for dick pics.
making 90% of a monitor unusable empty space is how UI designers get paid, somehow
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>"Why are you here"?
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I'm in that list several times
Sorry bro, back against the wall
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Milton is going to pass over me
esl still winning
I don't see how
What's the point? Just make a fucking Discord and call it a day.
Also, that list doesn't exclude nazis so its gonna be shit because you're just going to have sperglords like Kopy.
Imma sperggod u fucking nigger
nobody here can even afford a parcel. Should rename this thread wall bitch general cause you all waitin for tips and gettin no bites from all the ugly things posted here.
That's right you fucking dumbass nigger I only spent one hour to your say few words in text voice doesn't use braindead gestures and I'm white American and agree with the list!
Sorry my real life boyfriend just cum in my pussy
>I'm white American
oxymoron. not even worth replying to.
>not even worth replying to.
stop I was having sex felt angry because he went in the wrong whole
vrchat solved this, you can make any sim you want for free, it also has better avatars if you're into anime. the only thing preventing you to making the transference is your wallet.
You post like a weeb and a nigger at the same time Plus anime or for weebs vrchat is just filled with them
you're the actual niger and probably a pajeet as well. Go back to where you came from.
shut the fuck up nigger weeb
cool projection but most of us aren't sl escors hon, just you
vrchat, especially vrg, has a ton of trannies and catty gays. no fucking thank you.
Apparently they just fired a bunch of Lindens, but I can't find the twitter posts about it
i bet they still won't ban patch linden
Yeah they fired Alexa Linden who was there since 2007 apparently
but they won't fire the gay pedophile who assisted in platforming other gay pedophiles (loki elliot)
ok but I care more about finding out who actually got fired
why do you even care? it's just to cut costs. you should really care about who they refuse to fire.
your pretend moral grandstanding is cringe
anyone know where i can donwload version 4.0.5 of black dragon
I told you to be quiet but you keep being a nigger weeb who needs a whipping
How am I pretending? I could care less about a jewish company trying to remove some employees from their payroll. I'm just stating the obvious that they still employ a known pedophile known as patch linden.
I'm in bewilderment just as you are toward soft linden abusing pedo behavior
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Here's what linden lab employees look like
and some choice excerpts from glassdoor

Disorganized, Incompetent RUN AWAY!
>This company is so averse to constructive feedback and improvement you can do a bad job for years and get amazing performance reviews. You don't have to worry about building code that works under load or is secure. As long as you drink the cool aid and praise everyone for their "amazing" work.
>HUGE backlogs of bugs and tech debt that will never be fixed. Out of touch management who know nothing about the platform. Pr

A dumpster fire of incompetence and greed
>Ebbe Altberg as visionary, board members only cared about $$
>Laid off with little to no warning, when company sold but other people in office knew about it before I and others did Little to no orga

Own worst enemy
>Second Life is utterly unique across the internet. You'll never work on a more socially focused app. Customers care so much it's literally disturbing at times.
>Management culture is terrible - disconnected and confused. This continued across different regimes so it's not specific to people. C
Bait & Switch
>Smart people, cool work environment, lots of perks including free food, games, toys and everyday is casual Friday in terms of dress code.
>Leadership is not aligned, communication is non-existent and there is absolutely no interest in leveraging new ideas, approaches and

Company is disorganized, does not take harassment seriously
>The pay is pretty decent, benefits are good and they give annual raises
>I filed a sexual harassment complaint, complete with photographic evidence of bruises. They found that no company policy had been

Lots of good people, lots of horrible leadership
>Some hard working people who were trying to do the right thing and ship a compelling project.
>Exec leadership is inept beyond belief. No clue about the product they're in charge of or the industry they're a part of. Sansar had a chan
yeah i dont care about patch and neither do most people posting here as they all ageplay
then why are you posting here oh wait nm
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why are YOU posting here?
Is he the onions division unit on the right?
nOOOOO the other chin chong looking one handsome
>fat slob
>onions division
he's literally me
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>This is why sl can't have good things
>fire the one person who improved sl by getting rid of dead weight
Ironically, the lolcows that this thread likes to make fun of probably ageplayed the least out of everyone here. How does it feel, knowing that those sperging autists are undeniably your superiors?
Go back to your street weeb nigger!
You will never be a woman and you will never own onatopp ever again.
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Why don't those "second life trolling" youtube channels do anything interesting like teleport Whitney Linden to None found?
None Found the skin bom store?
That store is called "Not Found". The region name of the tranime pedo sim is "None found".
Oh you meant the sandbox sim, yeah alot of lindens go to that sim watching them
Grifter channels
Grifter poster
they’re too busy infighting each other
>made the face more generic
>added a bunch of shitty little "details" that aren't related to the character vibes at all
why are SL bitches like this
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Hey... I'm new around here...
a man
Hey buddy I think you got the wrong thread. Tranny Fantasy XIV is 2 pages down.
Didn't I told you street weeb nigger ass to stop posting here go call fema because they took your dead mom tombstone which you rented from illegal immigrants!
Capitalism needed an inversion so they created communism as a result, it needs the other to continue to exist and to maintain keeping humanity enslaved.
Behind every edgy wannabe-troll ironybro is a scared little faggot, terrified of having his own passions judged.
Behind every region/parcel janny banning people for being too short is a pedophile who's literally commissioned cub art.
dude you can use gpt to generate your thread spam now these markov chains are way too obvious and barely legible
This entire thread is Datura arguing with his spit personalities.
>went to interracial bimbo loft and got blacked again
how do i stop sisters...
why stop
getting blacked is bad...
says who
90% of people here do it including you

limsa sim when
what about getting bleached instead?
forced meme

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