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Previous: >>496894345

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.5 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240830version-2zj3e2/index.html

>Version 2.5 Trailer — "Flying Aureus Shot to Lupine Rue"
>Lingsha Trailer — "Burning Scent of Home"

>Current Character Banners: (Lingsha, Topaz + Misha, Natasha, Guinaifen) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/33777781
>Current Light Cone Banners: Scent Alone Stays True (Abundance), Worrisome, Blissful (The Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/33777892

>New Drip Marketing:
>Rappa (5* Imaginary Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32521040

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift
5T3Y6764D3Q3 (NEW)

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
Bricksha flopped
Love me some Lingspud
Gallaspud or dogturdurine seething
call it
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How long before the Lingsha vs Gallagher shitposting (or the Lingsha shitposting in general) end and this general becomes usable again?
>chadventurine out of nowhere
It's only Gallafag and Flopflop
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>needs eidolons of another unit to be worth it
Hard pass, will wait for Stingyun instead.
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>No one talking how Hoyo are gonna give us loli silver wolf
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>0 refreshes despite hours of release
Hoyo should just drop sustain shit all together. Just make some support/dps semi sustain team and go. Sustain shit are pure money loss. Only Fu Xuan made any fucking money, and even her sales were dogshit.
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tiktok hours lingspudcels?
where did i mention Aventurine? what made you think i was referring to him?
Kek, will do barely better then Brickpaz during her first banner
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>Will ALWAYS have options in any SU-related content
>>>>>Abundance blessings
>Heals slower than Luocha to make full use of it
When the paid shills leave.
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First time getting 80k in PF thanks to lingsha. I couldn't even get close to 30k on the second side with gallagher
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My girlfriend is so cute
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Roll for Fuyuan
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>unavoidable/permanent debuffs than can only be removed by cleansing
>enemy with a stacking damage boost for every time they deal 0 hp damage
>enemy that can hard focus supports
>enemy that deals damage based on the EHP of the character it's attacking
>enemy that can lower the duration of buffs
Shields are just superior in every way.
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Bros? Will I have SP problems if my FF is not E1 running Lingsha? As for my team if have the LC for both FF and RM I also have Bronya cone, but currently my HMC is using S5-MOTP

Is this fine? It feels Okay, and I don't really notice any issues in regards to SP as of now, But I haven't been paying to much attention in regards to that yet.

I really like Lingsha though! And I was wondering if her E1 or S1 is worth going for?
How is the patch scheduled for this game?
When looking at the timeline it went from 1.6 to 2.0 and skipped January. Is January a dead month?
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So which one is the shill? Lingsha or Gallagher
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>lingsha is actually broken
>no TikTok hours
>only 5k wraps on day 1
We might finally have a banner to outflop Fofo herself kek
It truly takes another brickbundance unit to have worse sales than previous one.
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Is anyone else getting increasingly worried?
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I can't bothered to count which months but next patch is the dead one.
2.7 has Sunday and Tingyun
>Forced cleanse check
Taken out back and shot, any and all turn based slop would be miles better without forced debuff cancer mehanics, lazy ass way of adding "difficulty"
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(I) so lucky.....
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Cute siblings!
Which one has the incentive to shill? The other is literally free.
I've got 8K Jades and use the 3.99 monthly card, will I have enough to guarantee FF on her rerun if I skip lingbrick and no brappa? Still have wardance and whatever new event came this patch to do too
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Do we have an official /hsrg/ endorsed nickname for Fuyuan?
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>He didn't roll for Ellen
>He didn't roll for Caesar
Is there anyone that has the full compilation of the sloppa Anons work? Is it on trash or something
bro you cant do that... think of our korean friends
True, but it's probably gonna happen at some point
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Never bwo soon I'll be able to cuddle this retarded sigga bird
I don't know, the 4* unit or the 5* character in rate up right now
viande de lapin
But wouldn’t homofujos want to shill their homos?
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Each patch last 6 weeks barring special occasions.
2.6 will last 5 weeks but 2.7 will last 7 weeks to compensate. After 2.7 we're jumping straight to 3.0 with the release of a new planet and main story chapter.
Yes but you can't roll anymore before then
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(you) didn't beat the game
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cheeto flavored
We don't care about irrelevant pets here.
That's why we only mention Numby.
Why is this being spammed in the past day or so?
Do we unironically have gook femcel cultists in this thread?
Fujos don't give a shit about gallagher lmao
He's 100% a character made for barafags and legitimate faggots.
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Is she still good fap material?
>He's 100% a character made for barafags and legitimate faggots.
Honestly Based
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What's that about HSR still beating Genshin and ZZZ in monthly revenue? Drop three slow dead patches in the row. That will finally show em.
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Any /selfcest/chads here?
>rolling a Huntbrick
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The Rabbit will do just fine.
Base. He's literally built for my cock
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>E1 King instead of E1 Topaz
I'll fucking kill you
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Bronya RABU!
I'm getting Ayaya banner PTSD right now bros....
Lingsha’s E1 is the one to go for if any
I'm sad him and the BS bird didn't show up in the 2.3 event. They were right there...
Unironically true. Gallagher is made to cater to actual gay men and barafags. Fujos only care about twinks and pretty boys.
>first time got Welt'd
>second time I got KING'd
>now I got Bailu'd
Topaz's E1 is cursed for me
We're most definitely losing for October, but I'd laugh if November reruns dumpster those games
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Firefly rerun won't be till 2.7 it looks like
Only ones leaked for 2.6 are DHIL, Acheron and Aven
You can easily get pity for her
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its harmless anyway so, who cares
fuckin kek
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I am out of relic EXP. This is as far as my Lingspud can go.
Would be funny if these games still jobbed to us despite our current state until 2.7 kek
Can we fucking PLEASE have a banjo Mei rerun in 2.7
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noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo BEGONE KING
It's firefly and ratio lol
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FeiFeis S1 gets even better with Lingshas E1.
Pay up lil piggy.
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How the tides turned, from doomposted to people legit seething for various threads at how good she is.
Gallagher's tits are bigger.
Lingsha just helped me max star Apocalyptic Shadow
So Tingyun and Sunday will be the last characters of version 2. I see, thanks.
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Robin is literally me.
ff looks like THAT?
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Bricksha's banner did one good thing right and that's bring lots of new Topaz fanart.
Isnt that every banner?
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Love my Sexsha
sunday is literally me
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What happens if you actually try and send for help?
Is there different outcomes to this story or achievements or anything depending how I progress it?
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anons have been calling it the slow ass bunny
They all die
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Mihoyo must have fucking big confidence in Schizoday and Stingyun to sell like hotcakes because Lingsha, Rappa and whole patch of just reruns will absolutely rape revenue for this game. I wouldn't be surprised if HSR ends up chilling all down with WuWa after 2.6 is done with revenue rape.
I will suck all the milks from Gallagher fat tits!!!
I apologize for calling her Lingsha Lawrence
Pretty sure they just straight up kill whoever you ask for help. It is heavily implied that what's is going to happen if you tell anyone
Star Rail Station or stardb.gg?
Which do people here use? Which is better?
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Sunday hype is on the level of Acheron. He could carry a patch all by himself
>patch of just reruns will absolutely rape revenue for this game
People have been yapping about that for months now and somehow HSR is still in the lead. When are we supposed to die?
i use station cause i like it
I don't see why they would do bad? At the very least they will do decently.
If 2.4/2.5 didn't completely rape the game then most certainly 2.7 wont.
this pf isn't f2p friendly is it
Schizoday and Stingyun will definitely sell, they're more confident about Sigga and Raiden Mei carrying 2.6 considering how dogshit Crappa is
It does. And lol, don't listen to the people saying they'll die, they are just trolling you, you'll get a few extra dialogue and animations, and it'll apply a debuff to hoolay and his goon later
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I put 180 rolls into this banner and only got a single Moze...
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>Twitter trannies translating into actual money
So that's a whopping ahahahahahahaha 7Million dollars AHAHAHAHAHA!
PC KEENGS, do you play with a controller or keyboard and mouse? I missclicked my ultimates so many times on my keyboard that its not even funny.
Thank you Mr Dawei. I finally will be able to save.
Now that Lingsha beat the brick allegations.... Will Rappa beat them too?
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Mouse and Keyboard, i don't missclick because Dark souls taught me to press Keys with purpose
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it wasn't too bad
Rappa is introduced into the story just to give us more lore crumbs about the real character with relevance: Dr Primitive.
You got a Moze? Gratz, bro, E14 Asta here
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I use controller for regular playing and my M+KB for the menuing since it's very clunky with a controller
Controller. Being able to pause the time before casting ult is really nice.
Reminder that Ayato, brick unit, sold more than any waifu in Japan because they were autistic about him. Just a reminder.
we've been here before anon
marry me
Same but I got 2 and that missing E2 is mocking me so fucking hard but I can't roll anymore.
For fucking who? r/HSRhusbandomains? LMAO.
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It's probably one of the most free ones
Side 2 is just your typical FF team
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Jesus christ....
For me it's E20 Luka.
There's no way Sunday flops, even if just by virtue of being a limited Harmony
Should I get E1S1 Lingsha so I can justify using her over G-boy or is that just cope?
Sunday is being hyped to hell and back by women and Sexfox who is supposed to be the BiS support for the most waifubait character in the game would sell like hotcakes regardless of her actual utility. 2.7 will make bank
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>E1 lingsha has the most broken eidolon in the game
what is with this eidolon powercreep?

>E1 Firefly can get to 80 def ignore (About 27% team dps increase, not even including her own damage)
>E0S1 Feixiao goes from 54 Def ignore to 74% def ignore about 25~ damage increase
Bros... I said I wasn't going to roll for Bricksha, but I was weak...
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Now that this dragon is out
Arent single target harmony units outdated af??
>shills still here
It's because of voice actor.
>hurr why didn't Luochud sell extremely high as well despite having the exact same voice actor durr
Because he has Otto debuff. You hate to take in note that Japan barely gave a fuck about HSR during release days (they still barely give a fuck), so the only crew you mostly saw were Hi3 ones (minority) and they all hate Otto.
easiest skip of my life
He's probably going to have some extremely strong action advance stuff going on. I could even see his Ult just stopping time and giving everyone one whole turn or something similar
not even you believe that
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125 warps
he was right
If Yunli and Jiaochud can beat other Hoyosloppa then we are fine
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Thanks Bailu, you cheeky fuck
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Well bros I just finished the new story update.
What the hell the MC was doing all this time?
Like 3 kids and Feixiao did all the work lmao.
Playing that update after doing 1.3's story of wuwa really made me think that the MC in hoyo games are just for show...
Lingsha is pure sex tho, rolled for her and now my harem team is finally complete.
Also do we know the next banner?
I took a break from HSR so I'm not up to date regarding leaks.
I regret skipping Feixao tho she's cool but I have zero FUA untis
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>people seething over our lord and savior sunday jebediah oak
Her design's so boring, looks like every other chinese character.
I barely saw any wishes here this might be the biggest flop since homo fox
That'll depend how broken his numbers will be, on top of the extra effects.
And if they buff an AOE character to the moon, then you just stack even more buffers with him
We unironically don't know what his kit actually does yet.
(This also applies to Ting)
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>Msot wemon are cbaaple of sierctneg csonilerdaby mroe mlik tahn ndeeed by a siglne ifnant. The rugleitaon of milk ssnhteyis is qtuie efifinect (anorud 800 mL/day).
>The naomrl dilay pdoruicotn of svilaa veiras bweeten 0.5 and 1.5 lerits. The wlohe usntamileetd silvaa folw rtae is arpopxitemaly 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate dceraeess to 0.1 ml / min dirung selep and icnersaes to auobt 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min dnuirg etanig, cehwnig and ohter smitaluitng acveyitiis.
>Dialy loss in swaet is auobt 400 ml for an aludt. The haet lsos can be qiute singicafint bsecaue trhee is a loss of 0.58 kcal for eervy ml of wtear eavropated. The mxaumim rtae of swtaieng is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an aclciamtiezd adlut. On agareve hevower - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast epovatarion and msot of it dispapeanirg - teherfore:
>800ml of mmaarmy mlik + 1L aevgare of silvaa and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr dnriug inetsne paisychl ecirxese = 2800mL average, aussnimg Besonmroi Mei is swaetnig for 30 mueitns for any rsoean...
>Weatr cumsonpiton miinumm: Aubot 15.5 cpus (3.7 lrteis) of fuldis a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of usnitafseid tihsrt
>Feryfli Mei has 2 bdoeis >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (aevgare)
>non-peragnnt and 1 sex per day hivang Besonmroi Mei is cabalpe of sytifsniag daily thirst of 1.5 Cuslaees!!
But enough about Rappa
Sunday is sigma core
>a fuckin banjo???
>chink dress
I know i'm missing a few
I'm waiting until Tingyun drips to roll for the Ling
drip when?
Almost at pity... on Topaz's banner
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I finally won since Acheron banner.
>next banner
1st half Rappa and DHIL rerun
2nd half Acheron rerun and Aventurine rerun
Yes, you heard that right, 2.6 only has one new character
Supposedly it's
Rappa + Daniel
Acheron + Aventurine
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where gyatt mei?
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He is just like me
It's because of his seiyuu. Luochud would've sold well on that same account if he wasn't an expy of most hated man in Hoyoverse.
you're cooked if you skipped ff and robin
66 rolls (won 50/50)
20 for cone (got nothing)
Penacony literally had the MC being a centerpiece 80% of the time
They are. I doubt Sunday will be ST focused unless he is designed to be a huge brick.
The only ones still playing hyper carry are people that are stuck with ancient harmony units.
Brick effect if you want to call that pseudo hypercarry.
They are really gonna rerun DHIL next patch when the word is out that a healer is massively outdamaging him while needing like 32 less SP as well?
>Robin clashing with Ruan "Banjohara Kazumori" Mei, another limited 5* Harmony
>Firefly clashing with Acheron, another limited 5* "universal" DPS who broke the damage per screenshot ceiling
>Feixiao clashing with Dr. Ratio, another limited 5* fuabrick well-versed in the art of enemy DELETION
>Aventurine clashing with Fu Xuan, another limited 5* GODservation and bestower of immortality

>Lingspud clashing with a f2p 4* brickbundace...
I cleared with Himeko
>skipped two bricks
I'm fine
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Exactly 75 pulls. Have 120 pulls left for Rappa, I hope I don't go max pity on her banner.
nice, thanks
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Oh shit so full 2 patch skip for me nice.
I still have 17k gems so I'll be ready once the 5* Tingyun drops.
Yeah I know but still they really love to wank their not-china characters.
>side 1 shills electric (Kafka and Acheron)
>side 2 shills fire (Himeko and Firefly)
Yeah I hope you got them.
>Acheron, another limited 5* "universal"
Stopped reading there
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IDK which site do you guys use on wish record but I got her in 20 rolls
Didn't post my rolls on her because I was busy on my work and just pulled her asap.
but I leveled her up once I got Home.
Is lootbar.gg safe? Has anyone here tried?
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I thought this was his dedicated relic set?
20 whole warps
Will HSR ever have their Ayato moment? Aka male unit that sells rocket high?
No, Brick Juan doesn't count as he had release unit buff and Daniel had metachurl buff at that time.
I'm talking about male unit like Ayato, who is underwhelming, yet Nips still whale like never before for a male character.
What's the matter, too big a word for you?
Stop farming (You)‘s, I know you are that anon.
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anon? Every character but 3 use energy. It's the most valuable resource in the game. Energy regen brings Tingyun from 4* to 5* level. What are you smokiing?
>sunday will sell cause he's meta
like aventurine did?
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I got E2 WELT'D for E0 Robin, and now E1 King'd
This game should be destroyed
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I got my jades, all I can say.
Yes we will get a husbando in 3.x that has the same level of shilling as Firefly.
Aventurine did sell?
From the thumbnail I thought a fist was coming out of her mouth.
Any lingchud WebMD yet?
lingspud is not outdamaging dhil
Yeah, I bought two ZZZ monthlies and one HSR monthly a month ago. They were delivered in under 5 minutes. Haven't gotten shit for it yet but I guess it could be coming if they fuck homoyo over enough.
Unlike Aventurine (who sold as well as 3 shill banners Feixiao btw) Sunday will be on the first half.
You can't say that during this hours
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eh they were okay
>Will I have SP problems if my FF is not E1 running Lingsha?
t. E0S0 FF and E0S0 Lingsha owner
We only know these planars exist. We have no idea if those are his BIS.
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...but he did sell?
Schizoday is limited harmony and is on first half, he'll definitely sell
lingsma balls saved the game, bigly
I got completely spent by getting both Feixiao and Kafka in the last banner so skipping banners for a while until something interesting comes along. Rappa is probably next ? Skipping that shit too
he'll sell 'cause he's cool
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Depends on seiyuu kek

Explain sigger then? He had biggest shilling yet out of all males, even DHIL would blush, yet he flopped.
Also, Ayato had no shilling. He was just siscon that drank boba and tormented his employees. That's it.
rappa will sell worse than argenti. keep your eyes on star rail station
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Anal sex with Lingsha.
harmonies and sustains are 2 very different things, not that I think he'll reach firefly/acheron levels
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Can someone put their Lingsha on support already? I want to test her out
Faked scenario, wait for the rabbit next time and see what happens
the fuck's that team
She is gonna sell at least a bit better than that because she is the first banner (people buying BP)
That's not a hard prediction to make. Would (You) roll for yet another PF bot?
Do vidyahara have assholes?
Ayato had none of that though. He had nothing at all for a matter of fact.
You can only blame yourself on that one.
>on the level of Acheron
Not even fucking Firefly reached that lol what are you on
Im not an expert, but I dont remember recent relics that didnt release to be prefarmed for a upcoming unit.
Atleast all the way back to watchmaker. watchmaker.
Just like Boothill amirite? Hahahaha.
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So is E1 or S1 more valuable for Lingsha
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Nobody ever claimed Boothill was going to sell for shit. What the fuck are you on about?
I got toPAWG instead
>superbrick Fei
Here's your (You)
is it ok to fuck a snek?
Nah it's du8 berserk that's why lol
The other guy did 8011 to stelle and I couldn't wait for the rabbit but I thought it'd be funny
Feixiao fastest attacker for remembrance blessings and she also has the highest break damage in the entire game
It makes sense
No she's based I won that stage
I have no idea how he'd sell for meta anons then if he is just a CDMG support that can just target one unit then.

Oh so what's the meme now? Feixiao is a fucking monster and I don't see how you can twist that in making me think that she sucks. Absolutely obliterate anything in single target
This thread smells like girl feet
also whats her best cope cone?
Why do people like revising history so much? He was a literal who, even worse so than Rappa arguably.
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never forget your roots
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The thing with HSR is that to get women to pull you will need more than just the seiyuu, especially after all the firefly drama that opened the floodgates to for (you) pandering. Many women still just play genshin and haven't touched HSR much.
Stop this embarrassing cope. She is no snek. Just boring chinkoid with stupid rabbit that shits everywhere and eats its poop.
Not even Boothillfags deluded themselves about this, THEY knew bootyhill was fucked by virtue of being just before Firefly
>43 minutes ago
I see it
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Def shred is the secret whale stat the government doesnt want you to know about.
>flopaz when CHADxiao exist
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Um nyo. The problem with HSR is that they release a male every 3 months so male only pullers have more than enough to guarantee them + their cone without paying.
Even worse so when he got "nerfed" in favour of Firefly. He was dead in the water.
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What is the most disgusting fetish that Mihoyo could pander to ingame and isn't related to scat?
genshin models are so shitty...
will she save cryo?
Furfags in zzz
I forgot this character existed already, her shills moved on to Bricksha lol
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Boothill rerun when?
Yes because we have very little women playing the game. They don't care enough to release an entire patch of guys.
reverse birth
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>xing lingsha
Feixiao rape
You may not like it but Aventurine is the single best investment you could make for your account in HSR

Let go of your homophobia and save your account.
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Holy fuck I hate the War-dance event's story missions... What a fucking drag... Why do they always ruin their events with all this needless waste of time
Nice PS3 game bro
Nobody ever claimed this, you revisionist tard!
Majority hated him because he got drip marketed instead of Firefly.
Few fags that he did have already dug his grave on sole fact that he wasn't Firefly and he is already getting shit for it.
Then Firefly got revealed and it was Joever even more.

Literally nobody, not a single soul except your schizophrenic head here, expected of Boothill to sell for shit.
Everyone always claimed that Robin will be one to get any sales in that patch, and that Firefly will just cannibalize both.
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You may not like it but Jade is the single best investment you could make for your account in HSR
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damn bro...those are the two homos I always get too, I wish it was at least gepard that would curse me
ntr. make a girl for (You) and have someone else court her in front of you.
Aventurine is bringing them money with all that random merch anyway
Nothing will ever top the amount of retardation from that fanbase.
awormturdine flopped
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should have brought a tank preservation unit
is lingsha out yet?
didnt even know she was one of those until just now
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Based. Invest in the IPC.
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I weep for the retarded
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my cute overworked stressed-out half-dragon gf who just wants to come home and rest from her 72 hours a week job as cauldron master
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Why not grab both?
>only damage buff he has a crit damage debuff
most worthless sustain ever. Sustaining isn't about oversustaining its about everything else you bring while you sustain, it's part of the reason fox got shit posted because he didn't get some shitty dots while doing everything else he does now. If you are just gepard 2.0 with a crit damage debuff you are worthless.
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No way that you are being for real bwo. Incest is like the most common fetish out there. It's even more pure and wholesome than something like anal or hand-holding you degenerate. Never show yourself here again! Mihoyo is an Incest developer!
Furfags in ZZZ without a fucking doubt.
I'm fine with humans who just have some animal features like ears and tails (aka foxes here).
I'm not fine with whatever the fuck pic related is. This shit looks Tumblr and DeviantArt as fuck!
My roots is FGO though.
I never got why mutts are so offended by incest in fiction
reminder that marrying cousins is legal in the most parts of the world
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>westernoid seething over eastern gaming company
if Mihoyo got sued does that mean HSR will never get any pop cultire references?
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I guess this will make her usable.
the best new space china character
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>She isnt a snake, she is a dragon
How is this not hotter?
I hope the FSN collab has them exclusively speak Japanese.
As in, even if you play the EN dub, they speak Japanese.
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I hope it gets to 6000 pulls soon...
fuck you
Lingsha ass?
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So where's that DoT support/healer that should have leaked by now to generate hype so close to the duo DoThag banner? I mean the hypes running out so they should leak him or her by now...
uh, when you say 'could', are we including fetishes that would absolutely tank the revenue if not the reputation of the company?
damn this anon hit a sore point
Does she even have any ass? I saw no one talking about it
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Post female GYATTS
In bout a week genkek
So the next planet's gimmick is summons. We can thus expect that the new TB will also either have a summon (most likely) or have a summon support kit.
Next year we're getting the Fate collab too, which obviously has servant.
So are we getting pairs of Fate masters with their summon/servant? Or are we getting servants that the TB can summon? What would you prefer?
Physically? Body horror. Yaoshi is already there. In general? Maybe hypnotism since Kafka.
we need shota healers and shielders
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The one time I get lucky and it feels good
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Isn't he getting powercrept by pic-related?
I mean, you can bitch about pic-related being male but at least he isn't furshit and actually looks kinda cool. Better than any "male" in this game or Genshit for sure.
She has no basis to claim shit. Xhe can bark as much as he wants. Dance references are all over games. Even League of Legends has a bunch of blatant 1 to 1 K-Pop dances and nobody gives a flying fuck.

This nigger needs to get enslaved or touch some fucking grass.
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>he skipped
I got topASS to use with Feixiao, though
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Why can't we get designs like this?
I would never betray my fofo
I skip all limited brickbundance
>chink shills
Let this general die
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that could have been E4 Firefly gro..
you just got boothill sis
>zero dragon features
>just ugly cheetos hands and legs
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imagine the seething
If you think about it chinese "dragons" are snakes.
the ironic part you sharing a shitty video is all she wants. kill yourself. its just for clout.
>posts genshit vid in the HSR thread
can you faggots fuck off back to your cuck game?
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She's too busy smelling kids to care
she looks like she fucks hilichurls
>people actually shill the gay furfag bondage game here
hoyo shills are shameless
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>Aventurine the only /hsrg/ mentioned
e0 topaz, e0 acheron or save for tingyun?
You can get those on LADS. Why not go play that instead of e-begging?
According to beta so far? Yes and thank fucking God.
I don't mind dudes as long as they aren't DHIL/Lyney tier or this fucking furry. I'm not getting a furry for my Ellen and that's that.
Auto battle performance:

>E0S0 Firefly + E6 Gallagher = 12 stars PF
>E0S0 Firefly + E0S0 Lingsha = 10 stars PF

you have HIV
you have AIDS
you have GRIDS
you have HPV
you have anal worms
>e0 acheron
This if you also get her cone, she loses a lot of power without it.
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Odds brickpas
Even Ackeron
0 Stinkyun
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>linghsa sniffing that cum to describe the smell after sex
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Nah, Firefly is already my waifu for laifu
semen filled diaper
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>SPH refund
Save for Stingyun unless you can also afford Acheron's sig
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What happened to the rest of the list bwo...
>Auto nigger with deep autism is back
Oh boy.
Do you really want Cyborg 009 characters in star rail?
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He didn't even change tiers on Jewden. That's how you know she's barely worth it.
Am I the only one who thinks he looks like Bladie?

Those men look just as gay as average Mihomo """""male""""" character. That dude on anon's pic at least looks cool even to me as a dude.
hard to disagree
I want to use Lingsha in both my firefly and feixiao teams, the cavalry/kalpagi set does nothing on the feixiao team though. Do I really need to manually change her relics every time I want to use another team?
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welcome to the club
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>using Robin, Feixiao and Topaz
>no Sigga so it honestly kinda sucks
Nigger they are run by faggots and troons, of course she won't outclass the male
Thats not even making it to court.
I thought there was something actualy habbening.
Like some dead popstars estate.
But its just a niggerbeast doing a twirl on rollerskates.
Yes. It's honestly beyond me why they still don't have relic loadouts...
For such a blatant powercreep game it's kind of weird how undertuned Lingsha is.

What's going on?
My man Balde finally got himself a good barber I see
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>she took the knot
Paglues bros...
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Next patch bwi
she's insane if you get her and firefly's e1
dam overall great luck on those pulls
You have SYPHILIS.
You have HBV.
You have anal cancer.
You have an STD.
You have monkeypox.
You have a t cell deficiency
You have a leaky asshole
You have a cock cage on
You have a semen filled diaper
You have a spade tattoo
You have a compromised immune system
You have severe brain damage
>Why can't we get generic designs like this?
maybe because HSR devs have better taste
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I accept your concession
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can you give a qrd fofobros? I'm kinda lost right now
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there are definitely a few sizefags working at mihoyo
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He said it. He said the thing!
honestly. >>496915823 looks like a cool Japanese MC from your typical jrpg setting. Idk how we got the shark teeth sfw cowboy in our game at all
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I hate this guy
Who is in next patch banners?
Imagine you ask Topaz if you can fuck her but she says you have to get past Numby’s cheeks
why is he drinking so much piss
Needs E1 Firefly before you can actually notice the difference
Not even Jiaochud demanded Acheron Es...
>t. homo fujo
Only absolute anal wormer like yourself would claim that garbage like DHIL or Fagventurine are good looking at all.
I'd rather have "generic dudes" like that that feel less embarrassing to potentially exist on my account than ever pull for any chest window looking faggot in this game.
It's not really powercreep if you are FORCED into using dupes and weapons for multiple characters to be slightly better than a 4 star in the same E0 team. She should be busted at E0S0 but she isn't and that's extremely odd to me.
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>maybe because HSR devs have better taste
Just roll Lingsha
>Bronybabe - gepard - clara
>no welt, no KING
Really nice FF bro
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That's sand, you don't drink sand
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damage report?
Nah, why can't this be mc in one of their games instead? I'm tired of boyish looking manlet twinks. If you are giving me generic guy, at least give me one that looks remotely cool as that instead of another little boy.
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>got yankin'd at 70~ pulls
At least she came 20~ pulls after. Could call it a very high hard pity haha...
Sticking out your gyatt for the blazer
You’re so pompom
You’re so IPC tax
I just want to be your Emanator
my wife Firefly when
Ew no
My account is bricked
Transhibitor Aidsae FLOPPED
Post level 10 gyatts
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Her movements are too good
AoE, brea, FuAs, group wide cleanse and the E1 ate all her power budget.
She does a lot, she just isnt amazing at anything.
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They don't call her Topizz for nothing.
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>get Lingsha in 30
>hmm, should I use the rest for Topaz
>do three Topaz 10 rolls
>5 stars
God damn i-
>next roll is 5 stars
quick friendly reminder that prydwen data guy is an actual indog mediocre student who's enough of a sperg to write papers on genshit
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That's a good thing btw
>t. insecure faggot
Sorry that most of the world prefers dudes that look visually appealing and interesting than the garbage blank slate shit you fags keep saying looks good
Go play BA or HI3 if you want that shit
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Any claimed early rolls not backed up by warp tracker shots are fake, gay and made by shills
Seriously, why are gacha shit games so allergic to cool looking mc? Even that WuWa dude is just another manlet gay looking twink.
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>Firefly/Lingsha team in DU where you can use propagation and erudition 1 star blessings to print SP
I ain’t getting past that gyatt
Only if you don't understand how high her dps ceiling is. As a sustain that's pretty silly.

But yeah, she's more for advanced accounts. Probably S tier in PF and any fight with many enemies. Can work in FU shill, break shill and on top of that has many erudition aspects like true AOE skill, ult and FU.
We can all agree that dedicating a dps into that role feels really stupid. An entire limited DPS JUST for this specific scenario? But Lingsha isn't your dps. She's not trying to take away your dps char's slot. She may want SP, but when there are tons of enemies, using an e0 FF normal attack here and there isn't even bad.

Though with how adamant a lot of people about her not being worth it, I feel like I have Yunli deja vu.
built for dark skinned men
Anon, like half the thread is shills.
Normal posting will come back in like three days.
>not picking the FemRover for yuri kino
Not even their dumb enough to chuck star rail Bennett down a tier that fast, they would lose even more credibility.
She is weak
her cone is ass, she has too many good options
A cool dude for dudes and a tummyslut twink for women and gays are worlds apart.
>just have a foot long penis bro
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Lost one of my 50/50s for E1 lizard lady but I got my first Clara pull on my day 1 account so I'm calling it a win
I can get pass those
That’s why you gotta spread em
Fact: Gepard and Blade are the coolest males in this game. You don't feel gay just by having them on your account
asian 'men' like looking like gay twinks, they're not catering to western men who want to look like super man or heyman or w/e
if you need a sustain for fua, aventurine is better

if you are looking to improve your superbreak team, just save for tingyun and her eidolons

if you are worried about summon meta, just sit it out until her rerun

only people who can freely swipe have a rational reason to get her now, the timing is just extremely poor
Funny Vamp my beloved...
wormschizo might have choice words for you
Im pretty sure being gay is illegal in china.
What about Gallagher?
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Blade was awful in the cutscenes of 1.0 and 1.2. He has since become chill and a relatable human being rather than a moustache twirler

Gepard is really only cool because he never fucking opens his mouth. And I love him for it. Good doggy.
you fags are no different from twitter trannies and obese danger hairs that get made at female characters that appeal to straight men
yeah hard agree, gepard fucking serval is a bonus
If you feel gay by that I think you might the problem bwo
you are fucking retarded, tingyuan's kit isn't even known and you are just talking like you know what she does.
>wasting a combustion turn on fucking normals
Firefly should be E1'd first before you even consider Lingsha
She's getting raped
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I'm a shill and just wanna say you should buy his figgie
What about Boothill?
Him and Blade are the only males I've pulled
Worms Hiv Aids
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there is literally nothing else she could possibly be except for superbreak support
NTA but I got no Aventurine as I started when Robin's first banner was gonna finish in 2 days so I only have Superbreak. and bits of FUA here and there so getting her is a no brainer for me because Gallagher has been freed up.
Nah I'd spread (her asscheeks apart so I could potentially reach)
Thats some actual schizo shit kek. We have been saying that she wasnt better than E6 Gallagher from the get go
>Lizard eyes
>pointy ears
>floats on clouds
Yep, thats a a dragon
He literally looks like that short haired Blade mod. Blade expy?
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safe and inoffensive
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What does Lingsha offer my account?
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>Ting Yuan
We doing this now?
in what way, and nothing is confirmed. actually go hang yourself, you piece of shit. you bring up a non sustain for break as if this tingyuan would be a healer first of all.
I ain’t getting past those
Perfect sized cheeks for me
I'm still impressed he got an alter fig.
It's gonna be way too expensive for me thoughbeit
i also started near the end of robin's banner but aventurine is going to rerun in 2.6 so it's not much of a wait
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>got E1 Bronya instead of Ling sex
i guess i didnt need her anyway...
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How can he be worm aids if he isn't real?
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>no E1 Firefly
Your account is so bricked, you will never ever experience Lingsha at her best.
>Lizard eyes
She literally has same eyes as Scampo except shit brown color instead of green. Is Scampo lizard now too?
>pointy ears
That's elf
>floats on clouds
That's just wuxia chink shit
It's inspiring me to save up. I hope something like 400€ is enough.
>E1 FX
Does Acheron have no better sustain slot?
Also you don't bother with Lingsha period until you E1 your Firefly lmao
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stop it I can't do "it" again today
Is he REALLY going to rerun? Because there's still 0 info on that and everyone has been saying him or Acheron when for all I know it's a fucking Boothill rerun.
well butter my fudge
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YOU must roll anal worms like the anon suggested.
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>Doesn't have an image of cunny Himeko
we were robbed
She should have been playable instead of Misha. Nobody gives a shit about Misha.
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>>Lizard eyes
Both Sampo and Topaz have exact same eyes and I'm pretty sure none of the two is dragon
The leaker is reliable but you can just wait till next week for the livestream
I can make it....I can't make it...
Man ZZZ makes HSR look like a turd

Feels like a more fun more polished game
you have a limited healer. so she is a Luxury for you. i would say skip
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I came to this game wanting to fuck lil misha's asshole but after i read his story i got turned off
Why do you feel gay from having characters on your account in a video game gwo?
Go back to you flop game then
you will fuck the old man
7 inches
Could I?
Post roster or snap your neck Knott shiller
because that's what we needed, a SECOND bartender
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Lingshillers are as boring as their character. atleast put in some effort if you're going to try to fool people into rolling
I got forced into her E1 from a lucky 10 pull

I am still waiting for a good dedicated Ack sustain since I refuse to roll for Pagurine

Yeah it seems Lingsha is pretty worthless for most ppl... would not be surprised if she charted lower than Fofo
retard, nobody said she's a healer, you are illiterate

we know her element and path
we know she cannot be dot support because kafka and bs reran in 2.5
we know she cannot be acheron support because jiaoqiu just came out
the only playstyle left is hypercarry and superbreak and we know sunday is the hypercarry support
I'd rather have Bronya E1 than Lingbrick
Topaz has diamond pupils like Aven and Jade (well kinda with Jade)
Sampo is supposed to have snake themes all other his design so it makes sense he has reptile eyes.
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Any advice to make my Topaz betteR?
The characters you like a worse
This is some top fucking delusion after hsr gave us the same detached sleeve chinese dress 7 times over
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Please... convince me not to pull for Lingsha...
Lost my coin flip to Bailu and went pretty far. All in all spent around 150 rolls so I got mega fucked.
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What are we seething about today?
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penacony was rewritten by the way
absolutely soulless
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nice thread honkeks starlet railbabs
shes good for me because i didnt have a limited healer till now. now i have Gallahar e6 and lingsha.
males and shills
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>excitedly roll for Moze cone for my Boothill
>get it in one tenner
>put it on him
>go into combos
>Bronyers 170 speed
>Bootyhill 169 speed
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You should it only if you have E1 Firefly.
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What LC for Lingsha if her sig is not an option?
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Welcome to my simulated universe. Choose one out of each of the following sets of three blessings.

>Increase dick length by 20%
>Increase dick girth by 20%
>Increase glans size by 40%

>Increase load volume by 30%
>Increase load velocity by 50%
>Increase load potency by 200%

>Increase ball size by 50%
>Decrease ball discomfort by 50%
>Weird step frequency decreased by 50%

>Decrease refractory period 50%
>Increase stamina by 50%
>Ease of erection doubled

You may [Enhance] the blessings in one category, decrease effects are applied multiplicatively rather than additively (50% reduction turns into 75%, not 100%)
Wow look at this dragon man with those dragon eyes bwo
thanks for proving my point
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She's so cool no matter the game or appearance.
then why are you suggesting that lingsha wouldn't also be an upgrade you can get for break dismissing it because
>you pulled tingyun out of your ass with an unknown moveset
even if she were an upgrade that doesn't mean lingsha isn't also one you freak. One that can be used in more than just break teams like this tingyun would be. And here you are telling me to roll for anal worms? Kill yourself.
Firefly is the third best-selling character in the game and is also the most boring waifu in the game, so I dunno how whether a character is boring or not translates to sales.
Quid pro
Post OP is really good. you have plenty of options
your dick is perfect just the way it is bro
FF is fun
save for tngyun
you're just mindbroken by furries, anthro characters were always a thing
speed tuning bronya is the worst
Didn't devs also say in notes that they gave Sampo snake design on purpose because it will be important to his character in future? Just another proof she was meant to be snek. WE WERE ROBBED OF SNEKSHA!
They should make better preservation cope cones.
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I kind of regret skipping she. She is cute
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Perfection is a challenge for improvement.
ESL-kun.... But you're right, we love Unri in here
This. She grew up on me after the story,
Furry in his image looks gay as shit though. He's literally wearing bondage and heels.
Nobody talks shit about Ben who is literal bear or gorilla guy because none of the two is gay looking.
I don't disagree, but I gotta say, the EDF trailer they gave her, was a huge boost to her. I wasn't looking forward to her at all before I saw it
>blatantly obvious to roll for this game's Kazuha
>blatantly obvious to roll for Raiden who will be meta for years
>blatantly obvious to roll for the most shilled Shaoji wife ever

It's just smart business decisions
>Drop three slow dead patches in the row
>look inside
>new map each patch
>new trailblaze continuance each patch
>7 fucking trailers/teasers for Feixiao
>animated trailers for Feixiao
>make her the best dps in the game
>rerun her with the best support in the game
>rerun 2 other meta units including the most popular female
>new update for DU
>2.7 has yapday and tingyun
Meanwhile Genshin
>be Kinich
>appears in main story for 5 minutes
>does nothing of note
>does nothing in his own story quest
>no animated trailers for him
>only 1 standard (albeit high quality) trailer
What the fuck do you need for a patch to not be dead you cocksucking fleshlight?

Somehow you're more retarded than giggers
You will get 2.6 reruns and 2.7 drip & kits before her banner is over. Just dont be a gacha monkey
Anon we can literally see the scales
>Is Scampo lizard
I mean, his LC is named "eyes of the prey" and the thing on his shoulder always reminded me of a snake skull so who knows
>That's elf
Chinese dragons also have pointy ears
>just wuxia chink shit
Wich is also based from dragons
See above
>wormschizo is also illiterate
not sure what i expected

nobody said lingsha isn't an upgrade you moron. but upgrading the sustain is always going to be worse than upgrading the amplifier, so what's the point? it's completely meaningless unless you're overflowing in pulls and you can get tingyun + eidolons on top of lingsha
So does Lingsha
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>treating games like a business
Firekeks warped this general with their shitposting, not at all comparable to Lingsha fans
also Firefly is good in the training wheels way so the only reasons to not pull are if you like someone else more and can't spare the rolls, is a minmaxer autist who can't tolerate her low ceiling or just genuinely dislikes her as a character
What about dispelling all dick and balls abnormal statuses? It would also help having hhh STD immunity.
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>zzzgers and giggers seething at firefly
Anon, devs literally said his whole design is meant to be sanke-like and know what snakes are? Yes. Lizards.
Gacha aren't real games retard
>2.7 has yapday and tingyun
This could be a very bad thing. Usually when two characters are run together one is a designated 'lesser' who gets a worse kit, bad 4*s and is generally ignored in favour of the other. And I fear in this case that may be Tingyun, given how much they want to appeal to women with Sunday.
well, part of the fun to a gacha game is using your limited resources in the best way possible, for both meta and waifufag reasons
schizo post
I haven’t rolled since Aventurine…
I don't have time to masturbate
they're not a real business either retard
shes not just a sustain in a break team shes most a dps idiot. not my fault you are so used to sustains being worthless like your anal worm freak kakaruine. In fact this tingyuan already has negative gaming experience due to being nihility EHR in a break team as suggested from the leaks. Can't use dance dance dance like HMC can.
I rolled JQ so I can skip on eruditionbricks and just take my Mei in PF
What does it mean when a description says "deals additional damage equal to 50% of the skill DMG multiplier"?
Is it just a final +50% to the skill? Is it an extra attack that deals halves the multipliers of the skill and can crit on its own?
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I rolled his mom and now his gf's cone
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more speed, more crit
pray for better relics
>What the fuck do you need for a patch to not be dead you cocksucking fleshlight?
maybe not having 2.6 only having one new 5*
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0 days
Why are people saying Sunday will flop when LAD sells gangbusters with all its hot damaged men

Sunday is a hot man and incredibly damaged. Women are going to drop record breaking amounts of money because of their desire to fix him
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You rolling for Sunday sis?
Any FUAfag given Lingsha a try with Feixiao yet? How far behind Aventurine is she?
I grew up playing rts games so that kind of thinking instinct to me
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Pretentious Fanservice which in reality is still Genshin-tier makes this with your psyche.
Break team sustains aren't your usual sustain. If you think they are just replacable by any sustain you are actually retarded and never used break.
>Firekeks warped this general with their shitposting, not at all comparable to Lingsha fans
The Lingsha shills are doing a pretty good impression right now.

Or maybe it’s just the wormschizo having a melty about Gallagher and Aventurine.
I don't think anyone REALLY thinks he's going to flop, but they won't get the next acheron out of him like some people are saying
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watch as I make this bell magically switch sides...
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5 star march when?
Troonday will flop
Realistically only Elysia could top Acheron. If she doesn't then no one else will.
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Her signature because that crit is miserable

ATK or SPD boots? I can't really decide
Why does Genshin have more model variety than this game
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I did during the main quest, this was te result
My sons tummy is so sexy
sushang is stacked
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she's 5* in my heart
Star Rail men are never going to sell, clithead
And flopday is certainly no exception when he's less popular than Aventurine
>keep saying tingyun is an amplifier
>still talking about muh sustain
braindead retard

also you have negative iq if you think there’s going to another fucking fire superbreak dps 5 patches after firefly
>The problem with HSR is that they release a male every 3 months so male only pullers have more than enough to guarantee them + their cone without paying.
That was also the case for Ayato; his banner was about three months after the prev male (Itto)
Spd, in Robin teams ATK is isn't an issue.
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LAD and Star rails have completely different audiences fucking retard, you really think Star Rail has enough of a female playersbase that would be into that?
the playerbase demographics of LAD and HSR are very different
like imagine if you released FF or Ack in LAD they would gigaflop
Remembrance arc and she becomes our GF(real)
I want to fuck someone's son
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>got Feixiao in 90 rolls
>no Moze
>day before banner ends
>decide to roll some more for him
>70 more rolls
>E1 Feixiao
>zero Moze
Got more than six copies of Luka and Asta. I don't even want to know the odds of being that unlucky. Feixiao is kinda cracked now though
>Fuyuan action count zero
skill issue
the fuck are you talking about you absolute moron, gallagher is a break sustain
women are like 5% of the playerbase in the west or less and I don't believe any chink stats. People rolled Avenfag because he is meta SHIELD unit
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Goodnight bros I love Xueyi. Tomorrow I'm going to be paying my semester and confirming to the faculty that I will be doing my masters that I got accepted for yesterday.
Tingyun is a fire superbreak support for Firefly though. The goal is a mono-fire team I guess.
>all those consecutive replies at the same time
I think saying he will flop is retarded, he is not gonna be LE BEST SELLING BANNER EVER but he is gonna do decently like some other guys did
>zero bunny points
This is on you not knowing how to use her
We've gone full circle and anons are posting females now
It'd be funny if they just released Oni Acheron as another character
>2 amplifiers already exist in the game.
>still talking about muh sustain
>upgrading a "sustain is always worse"
This retard has dementia, he is surprised people mentioned sustain when he himself mentions sustain in his previous post as in a general way. >>496919561
>Aventurinefags deluding themselves into thinking people rolled him because they like him
Please read >>496920636
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>roll Topaz Jelena Lawrence
>I have no content to use her on
>I need her boyfriend to keep proccing her pig
Ruh roh...
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Look at her as a pseudo erudition char. She excels if there are way too many enemies, but if there aren't it's not too hot. Also weakness. A crit build is likely better.

Regardless, her break build makes this PF a real joke with a break team on side 2. I've never had a PF clear using only 2 cycles.
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>Another character
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You can make her work with E0 Firefly you only need to find 53 speed stats on your gear.
That's only 28 with speed boots or an average of 3 rolls per item!
yes. that’s what an amplifier is. like hmc and rm

holy shit
Congratz bro, getting accepted is the hardest part
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good night doll fucker bro. i've been working on my education also.
This was before anyone in the team could take a turn
LAD revenue is 90% china
china is fed up with hoyo
Nice history revisionism. People skipped Aventurine en masse because he was the 4th limited sustain and metafags insisted that you didn't need any more than 2.
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Yeah, no one likes Aventurine
>her break build makes this PF a real joke
Is this your first time rolling a limited character or something?
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Its almost like this PF's purpose was to shill her
the sustain is referring to lingsha. the amplifier is referring to tingyun

how fucking stupid are you
Technique gives Ling Fuyuan on battle start and he has a reaction heal when anyone goes below 60%. This WAS preventable.
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it sells cause its for yumes
yumes are significally more autistic than waifufags
no way a hardcore siscon like sunday would appeal to those
Gn gro, grats on the approval
I hope neither Tingyun or Sunday have anything to do with break, you fags are already overtuned
Doesn't the existence of Aventurinefags mean some people rolled him because they like him?
Is the snake bitch dropping today or no?
Well since I did it without her I guess I don't need her huh? Granted it wasn't easy.
Use her technique
And my Lingsha outspeeds the wolves in MOC and goes first regardless, even without Ruan Mei
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>You NEED Firefly E1 to use Lingsha

Is this the superbreak version of /hsrg/ saying that you NEED both your DoT hags E1 back when BS released, or RRAT absolutely needing E1 Topaz back when Ratio was relevant?
Why did you post a picture of my wife of 20 years?
and lingsha deals way more damage than he does at E6 and her eidolon increases than to E6 dps levels and further stacking the def pen.
Fact: A tingyuan E1 team with e6 gallagher will do way less than a lingsha e1 team can with hmc. This is where your retarded way of thinking about "amplifiers" and "sustains" won't work here. Break teams aren't like your usual FUA or hypercarry teams.
if i have to see bare feet emphasis one more time im burning my eyes out. im so sick of that shit

im just...so so tired. every part of a womans body is sexualized even if it's a child. we cant exist without having every aspect of ourselves be sexualized and commodified for men's eyes. something as innocuous and innocent as a child's feet is made for the singular purpose of attracting a very specific disgusting audience. the other canon child characters like bailu and yanqing dont get treated like this. why do they do this with yunli who's so obviously a child too. why does she not count to be excluded from the fanservice gaze?

i think....i really need to get out of the gacha sphere and take a very long break from it. i feel like all its done is make me very jaded. or like, play games that arent fanservicey i guess??? idk hmn. i feel depressed right now
skipped for Acheron LC
no point pulling v2 units at this point
>Lingkeks reacting to her jobbing the exact same way Luokeks reacted to him jobbing
she really is just Luochud with a new coat of paint
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Firefly rabu
they don't like the fact that people in fact roll for male characters they don't like
>ask about FUA teams
>loops back to break posting
it's all so tiresome
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>Throw objectively terrible relic cast-offs on my lingsha as placeholders
>S rank on fribbels
I fucking disagree. Someone with an actually good Ling see what your score is.
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Spud friends..
lingsha isn't just a sustain you baboon. She is both an amp and dps is well. Don't categorize characters generally just because shes abundance.
Yes but who goes around using sustain techniques all the time? Obviously that wouldnt be a problem if she had Vowacq but it was still embarrassing
They'll keep releasing them to shill Firefly until they give us a new Firefly in 3.x

Feet are being increasingly sexualized because they are very safe, if still weird by some metrics.
I want Fu Xuan or Hee Ho
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Red Garden soon
FFs E1 means she's SP neutral in her unga bunga phase which significantly improves your other characters capacity to use their skills
>everyone who plays this game posts in this thread
it was obvious he was meta as the second group shield unit, retard bro
this time it's unironically true, the sp economy of the team is fucked with Firefly E0 if you bring Lingsha instead of Gallagher
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This is literally me.
bwo your hunt march? and just add in Ruan Mei or Robin
Best version of Mei
You know nothing about the power of yandere brothers have on women. https://bato.to/series/91848/i-reincarnated-as-the-little-sister-of-a-death-game-manga-s-murder-mastermind-and-failed
main quest is all about using technique all the time, what do you think archeron is for?
lol he doesn’t even realize that the amplifiers are doing all the work in superbreak, even moreso than fua
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Stelles cock is THAT big!?
You don't absolutely need it but she's more of a sidegrade to Gallagher without it and why even roll at that point
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>gone that quick
mod in thread...
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>captcha: W0WWY
Hoyos advertising budget is not genuine
end-game game modes allow all 4 party members to technique
You can just print trick snacks for overworld exploration by dedicating a daily assignment to it's two ingredients.
SU and DU allow the use of trick snacks in order to use all 4 every battle

Only in DU above Protocol 0 do you feel the technique points squeeze.
Kys fraudfly
might as well call aventurine an amplifier because he batteries feixiao and acheron ults

we have labels for a reason moron
amp does fuck all if you deal no toughness damage. Without drivers amp does 0 damage. Linghsa, her bunny and firefly are the drivers for that high toughness damage.
Imagine her tummy bulging as that cock thrusts into her
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stop being fat
I don't like talking to fat ''people''
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but the self insert is not his sister in this case ya dingleborb
the protagonist
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I have M7/Robin/Topaz, no sustain to keep proccing FUA and Robin's uptime though
She easily can be since she has no personality.
Merch is not adversting, they are made because people buy them
Sunday is presentable enough and has room for characterization and growth left.
Women don't like Aventurine, he's really just gaybait and shipbait. His black hole scene felt like it should've been his story conclusion.
Boothill is cardboard and ugly, Argenti's archetype repels even a portion of the femcels. JQ feels too effeminate.
Gepard is good looking but too serious and thus too boring of a character.
Dan Heng and Welt are non-entities. Blade is a non-functional autist.

Sunday has none of these problems. And a villain is also more inherently interesting. Guy legit has a cult around him. Slap the limited Harmony tag on him and you have the recipe for success.
Why are you butting into to a conversation you weren't a part of? You don't know what the fuck we are talking about. The guy mentioned eidolons by the way. Are you suggesting 20 def ignore does nothing for break? Go ahead and tell me just to get that on paper.
why are women like this?
You can't say that during IPC hours
you rolled for RM because she's a meta unit, not because you like her
>inb4 "I like her"
fuck off, no one believes that shit
thats not how that works
that thing is 4x my erect size
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God I hope Robin gets powercrept soon. Most annoying unit in the game is also one of the most meta
i am an evil women enjoyer
>content where technique is allowed
>Acheron can instant kill
>"Hmm, no, I think I will activate Lingsha's abilities to put my Fuyuan into play a turn earlier, that way I can gain the advantage over my enemies. Your move!"
UID? I look like Caelus in that comic except I'm fat
mooka shucka packa
No, it's made because markers think people will buy them. Why do you think half of tribal people are running around in other team superbowl winner shirts?
>she thinks otome protags have any personality
some people like sociopath women
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E2 Clara, E2 himeko or E0 Bronya? I have RM and Robin, no Yunli or limited Erudition.
And why do you think makers thing that? Because the character is popular.
yea, because lingsha clearly is the only one doing toughness damage in the team

a whole fucking 20 bonus singletarget toughness damage over 3 turns is going to be stronger than a hmc or rm replacement

but oh my god guys the fucking damage per screenshot tells the whole story!

absolutely braindead
not the point
they stll have to be the protagonist
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This is a Ruan Mei general albeiteverthoughtmore?
You think a minor crit damage debuff from Kakaurine is comparable to something that is even better than Robin's E1?

Guess we should call them equals.
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She can't bypass boss enemies. and you might as well use everyone else on the team to if you're going to have feixiao give the big succ to an entire map
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>Women don't like Aventurine
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I spent 20 dollars for a jpg of her. What's the meta advantage of my profile icon?
I've been playing since day one and I still do not have Himeko.
Uh no, that's a rule you are making up now that doesn't even apply to everyone.
Hmm suddenly I don’t feel like rolling anymore
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ruan mei is the most milquetoast half baked "evil" woman there ever was
Everytime anons talks as if they even talk to women it's funny
>Autistic scientist that makes experiments giving zero fucks about consequences
>Has insanely hot fanarts
>Her best team is with (You) and Firewaifu
>Turns out she's also meta, the cherry on top

What is not to like?
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She's doing several times what Gallagher does lmao. Almost 3 times what he does at E1. So yes it's significant
>opal is the october birth stone
>opal news on october 1st
>Ruan Mei being (intentionally) silly

She isn't even evil.
Post Ruan Mei’s gyatt
it does
allways did
the whole
>just self insert as the character theyre shipped withlmao
never once worked
and as i stated, yumes are even more autistic in this regard than waifuags
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IPC kino did it again
It finally happened. LuoCHUD is getting fukken replaced. Thanks for the service! It was good 1,5 years
I know a chick who plays this game, she checks every batch of leaks to see if Sunday is coming soon. He's gonna be the best selling male banner yet
Only yaoi fetishists like the sigga
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I would never stick my dick inside of that slut though. My penis is for Madam Herta only
I'm literally ratio and ruan mei is my wife thoughever
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bwo your quid pro quo gallachad? i've personally skipped aventurine to secure robin and i've been clearing all content without him
i'll probably pick him on the next rerun anyway
Aventurine/Topaz is the most popular straight ship in china thoughbeit
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JP girl
>a fucking banjo


That's my Japanese son
>Pulled Bricksha for Feixiao and FuA
Am I fucked perhaps?
You unironically sound like a hypercarry tranny. Let me remind you where hypercarries are right now. Dead in a ditch.
I like how Ruan Mei has the best cosplayers.
bricked up perhaps.
Hear me out: what if you have a Gallagher for each team?
if you use break you didn't beat the game
Sparkle better
>40% crit damage is equal to 20% def shred
no wonder you are fucking retarded. This is the kind of small brain pea brain that doesn't know how well def ignore scales and how badly crit damage scales in a crit team.
If they released Muan Rei and she's just Ruan Mei's kit with like 2 of the numbers tweaked up or down 1%, she'd sell like hot cakes because boy does it suck to have to choose a side for her.
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It's funny that this thing doesn't despawn during story scenes
same, what the fuck
not worth limited 5 star amount of rolls, Gallagher would not be nearly as praised if he wasn't a 4* you can get while rolling for someone else
someone make a non-herta thread
fuck herta fags
what is this nigga doin?
She's pretty decent with FUA. Specially if you don't have or don't want Aventurine.
>3 targets
wow i’m sure this will be really useful if not for the fact that the boss firefly sucks donkey dick the most is singletarget (s10 ddd and e2 to 0 cycle hoolay btw and lingsha makes 0 difference vs gallagher LMAO)

keep your retarded spreadsheets to yourself
sit the fuck down firenigger
>ITT niggers don't know how marketing and popularity work
Bro it's lingsha banner day
>All content is 1 target
Most of moc is comprised of 2-3 targets Most of AS has 3+ targets. But you wouldn't know that shitter and only use the feixiao shill (hunt shill) as an example of all content in the game. The hypocrisy.
someone make a different thread.
im not gona use the herta schizo thread
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Its the hottest team in the game, so its not that bad as far as bricks go
you realize the dmg boost from def shred is stacking additively even as you get a bigger boost per 10% the higher you go? you braindead apes see people parroting about how def shred doesn’t scale linearly but you have no idea what that actually means

yes you get a 110% boost for stacking 100% def shred. congratulations, you’ve still saturated one multiplier. fucking idiot
nobody complained when firefly showed up
and? you realize firefly also has a cleave? she doesn’t have a problem vs 2 - 3 targets so lingsha is literally a solution looking for a problem
>def shred is stacking additively
Unironic brainlet LMAO. Def shred stacking is exponential you fucking braindead idiot. Every OTHER buff in the game or debuff is additive.
Her cleave is weak and halfed. You are also quite literally moving the goalpost here. We were talking about the best possible team, not what you cope with.
>i can’t read
you get more damage boost for every def shred % you add but THAT DAMAGE BOOST STILL SUFFERS FROM DIMINISHING RETURNS YOU RETARDED MATHLET


no we weren’t, i already discounted that with the caveat that only people who had a surplus of pulls could afford to do so. people who have 1 or 2 guarantees at most have no reason to improve the sustain vs improving the amplifier. again, you literally can’t read a single fucking sentence that was said and just maje random shit up
As opposed to 40 crit damage which is an even lesser increase in damage when you naturally have about 150-300 crit damage right? that 40 crit damage will be a wild 30% increase of damage wowser LMAO.
no bro JUST STACK MORE VULNERABILITY. iTS not like break doesn't already get lots of it from firefly+lingsha or gallagher.
Just stack more res pen when ruan mei gives 25 already LMAO

You don't get it. idiot.>>496925126 That 20 def shred will be the easiest way to get the biggest increase of damage over whatever break buffs, vulnerability buffs, you can get. Don't act like your character sheet for break stat is at 0 and you would get more out of a break buff. You are arguing an unrealistic scenario.

And don't act like CRIT DAMAGE is a stat feixiao has 0 of. She literally builds it and robin gives it and Attack.
lingsha would still be better and can be used in more teams than just 1. As opposed to you that are saying, roll aventurine and roll e0 tingyuan. A E1 lingsha will be better the smarter pick and will make break team far better and e0s1 feixiao will get about a 23% damage amp from E1.

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