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Previous >>496924010

Kai no Kiseki streams:
Kai no Kiseki all connect events in English MTL:

>Falcom Games
>Pastebin (aka music)
>Extra Stuff (guides, downloads, undub patches)
>Games, mods, saves, pre-patched translations
>Translation patches for Hajimari, Oath in Felghana, Kuro 1 and Kuro 2

UPDATED: 28/09
>Kai no Kiseki survey
>Dengeki stream with TGS demo gameplay of Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria-
>More Prologue gameplay on Kai
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- website updated
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- Trophy List
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- Prologue gameplay
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 1st website
>Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II is coming out in Early 2025
>Ys X: Nordics Releasing in the West on 25th Oct by NISA
I want this ending to happen. Fuck Agnes
erebonia did not need to be 4 games
calvard did not need to be 4 games
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>no Agnes in Kai 2
This is Renne's chance to push Van down
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>Oh, let me introduce you. This is my wife, Altina. We actually just got married, haha!
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Today, I will remind them.
Alisa bros...
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Erebonia CULO
We'll never get Combo Crafts again because of character bloat.
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Sara has an amazing ass
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love this nigga
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This is lazy. What outfits should be in the game
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I wonder how they'll adapt Renne as a sexual creature now that she is a woman.
She has to deal with the conflict of her trauma versus her own sexual awakening and sexual attraction to Van.

I'd be kino if she realised that she always wanted cock, even back when she was a child. mm yes that would be very nice

love renny
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*looks at rean
what did she mean by this?
>What outfits should be in the game
Van Napoleonic outfit
How is my chief and enforcer so cool?
All the best girls wear berets. You cannot refute this.
Agnes is a harem STACY
She doesn't mind Van fucking everyone
I want to spank Alisa's butt.
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>FC: 32/40
>SC: 28/40
>3rd: 30/40
>Zero: 31/40
>Azure: 32/40
>CS1: 34/40
>CS2: 31/40
>CS3: 33/40
>CS4: 33/40
>Reverie: 33/40
>Kuro: 34/40
>Kuro 2: 33/40
>Kai: 32/40

>Ys I: 30/40
>Ys II: 27/40
>Ys III: 19/40
>Ys IV: 25/40
>Ys V: 26/40
>Ys VI: 24/40
>Ys VII: 32/40
>Ys VIII: 34/40
>Ys IX: 35/40
>Ys X: 34/40

>Ys vs. Sora no Kiseki: Alternative Saga 27/40
Wow I didn't know Van and Aaron will join Ouroboros in Kai 2
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Fie booba
Concept outfits would be nice.

They should have saved Renne for a character that was not already invested in a romance or with a psuedo harem.

Fuck Rean, she should blow me instead.
Beautiful breasts
>Fie still has breast envy
Emma really did a number on her huh?
>They should have saved Renne for a character that was not already invested in a romance or with a psuedo harem.
Indeed, they have been using her plenty of time through the series that I thought they were saving her to be one of the main heroines or main waifu in future games, not just a side one.
Maybe Aaron will finally go stronk and unleash his Tai transformation if he joins
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Renne CS saga outfit
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Renne's master plan is that once Agnes and Van get together she will cuck Agnes and fuck Van in front of her. That's why she's shilling Agnes to Van.
Calvard era Fie is finally getting a good fanservice costume. About time. Took them long enough.
it's hard to not find her incredibly cute
Peak Renne
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My guess is that this "Reset" won't go back very far and that the new objective will be to attack the cube before August 1209 which is when the cube was schedule to begin the reset. I don't think they're going to seriously reset the timeline back years. Agnes will be gone initially though.
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This one. They fucked up the recolour
Knowing Kingdom Heart, Agnes will be there but using a hood in a mysterious organization, then at some point Van and everyone else will remember her.
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>*makes mcburnfags seethe by simply existing*
Good idea. So it's not happening.
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Su-chan, Na-chan, and La-chan!
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It sucks that Falcom can only write women being attracted to the main male character, Renne really did not deserve that.
I am not even opposed to her being all over a player character but she should be the only one if they are going that route.

Agreed, would be nice to see her with perfect boots again.

Unfortunately, they are far too lazy.

>Trail series will be 90% done after Kai no Kiseki
>But Kai no kiseki will be a sub trilogy long game
>they will stop Kevin from salting again
>and again
>attack the cube before August 1209
They need something really damm strong to do that though. Nukes and Excalibur didn't do anything.
>fagnes goes through a time loop just to get cucked again
I'm mad they relegated Lapis to a support character. Give her the suitcase axe back.
Her racing queen outfit turns me on...
Well Kondo did say that Kiseki will be at 90% with Kai, but he never said that Kai will be one game haha.
>Hmmm today I will imagine Rixia giving me a paizuri
Thats our Kondo
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Cao will win in Kai 2
>well known to everyone as the Angel of Slaughter
>Bracers haven't arrested her yet even to this day
why was wazy so weak as a playable character despite being a dominion
Caussius' name is really poweful
>Gramheart's last hope is asking the guy who singlehandedly decimated the army a few years back for help
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>agnes asks van to fire her
why did this make me so sad
They will reset to pre-countdown time so they can get more time to deal with the cube
Just tie her up and torture her instead!
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>Kai's ending mechakino
Holding back™
Trails in the Sky remake is just gonna pull an FF7 remake and end up actually being a sequel than a remake
godamn i hate what a cuck swin is at least try and get a look
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>Rufus walks around in broad daylight
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Today I will remind them.
>pre-countdown time
That's basically the end of the CS saga, tho. Would they really go back an arc?
I guess by the time it would have been safe to try it nobody wanted to arrest Cassius' "daughter".
Gramheart won't launch his operation in the next loop and they'll try to fight the reset on the day that it's schedule to occur (for maximum drama).
Why would he need to do that now that he has his Na-chan?
I fucking hate Celine
Maybe if we consider what YKF said.
This also is possible. Maybe the demon shit can help
Because he's supposed to be a man but I guess Nadia keeps his testicles in her purse.
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For a second I thought I was in the fire emblem general and I would get angry but you're talking about that shitty cat
>Kevin's orders are to salt Hamilton
>Celis and Leon defend Hamilton
Ein, your subordinates?
The old men in bunnysuit...
Rean's wives... and Crow with Gaius master.
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Cute canon...
That's where the demon lords will come into play.
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Su-chan is a gigachad!
We need more cooler costumes for the guys.
Vol 3 will be Rion, Kevin, and Rufus getting waiter costumes? And Lapis + 3 more girls getting bunny suits?
it has been one week
Is there no DLC story announcement?
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>next game starts
>it's the calvard revolution era
>sheena is the protagonist
kino or not?
you will wait 2 years for kai 2 and you will like it
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Did they not know?
Shizuna joining Rean's harem
We got unreleased music, so maybe a dlc is coming.
She was supposed to headpat me!
people have been guessing time loop shit for years though its one of the oldest theories
>Rean and white hair
He loves that shit. Schera better watch out kek
it's easy, the bad guys are on the red carpet and the good guys are standing outside the red carpet.
hory shet
I made that post haha...
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Current Enforcer count
Sexy, lewd, skimpy, revealing costumes for the girls and smart, stylish, modest, respectable uniforms for the guys.
>Celis headpat Gaius
What did she mean by this
really wanna see what cedric again
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haha sorry bro reset!
Zin and Walter really got whipped
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I want her to fart on my face.
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All of you /fg/ anons disgust me.
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So in Kuro 2 act 3, why do the Genesis time travel with the gang after they get one back and go back in time? I know this arc is all about time and the time septerrion, but this feels like a really weird contrivance to do.
He's one of Azure's best party members in late game because his S-Craft does stupid damage though?
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Feri is so lucky she's going to be stacked in a few years.
why do people keep saying this is future feri
The strand of hair on her cheek matches and same skin tone.
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Got a minor lore update on Jurai. It seems that Jurai and Erebonia reached an agreement, Jurai would have a referendum every 10 years to decide if they wished to remain part of Erebonia.
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>still no webm
This style looks awfully familiar, is this from Abunai Zeiniku? I think that was his name, the guy who did a few Kiseki rape cgs. Last one Was Crossbell something and oddly enough it begins with Sen III Altina.
>rixia stops the mafia from suiciding
>this implies that each route has a unique scene for saving his life
>now autism will force me to watch all 4
this means i have to replay the ikaruga path even though i gain nothing from doing so
fuck you falcom
I can't believe Kevin would do this...
Do you think the salt pale incident happened on every reset?
I think -a- disaster happens every loop. Not necessarily the Salt Pale but some unknown force fucking up some part of Zemuria every single time without fail.
bros do we know why radiant historia's desertification is fucking up the east as yet
The Iska Empire will exist in the next loop and the East will be a lush green region.
yeah kamala harris stole the east's water with a time machine
That would be interesting
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I don't see DLC for Elaine in the shop, how can you get it?!
>next game will immediately start in Iska
haha that's our Falcom...
My office...
ronnie bros... I added taikun to the party in kuro and he killed himself while walking on the field no wonder aaron doesn't transform
I think that picture is from the dengeki stream where they showed off all the outfits for characters that were playable in the demo. The elaine one probably comes out next week
why is none of that shit in the game already
Kneeling Cao alone makes it worth it
Is that Ragun?
It's probably Swin and not Rion. And Elaine and Nadia will likely be part of the next volume as well
No it's his cousin Lagoon
So how schizo will Van be in Kuro 3 after how Kai ended?
He will freak out and try contacting every single person who was associated with Agnes only to see her existence being denied.
The scene will end with Van feeling down during the rain. Then he will meet Dingo who will tell him he also remembers.
The two of them will form the Grendel duo to take back Agnes
That is just retarded, most people already complete the game at that time, and won't buy the DLC.... why not release them day1? Kondo should retire
falcom bad
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maybe though... falcom, good?
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>No Story Trailer
The game's story is practically non-existent
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Loewe could have been here if they hadn't killed him so early into the story...
Strongest of all times vs strongest of todaty
Thankfully. She is one of the few who did not get ruined with tits.

Falcom mediocre at best.

Thank you, Comrade V. Is her underwear really small? Might as well have gone no pan.
mcburn can't beat simeon
Another 8 hour loli melty incoming
Well... Kai 2 will need to bring more fans
>September 16, 2024 to September 22, 2024
Maybe Angie took the normal ones kek
kek schizos are getting really antsy preparing to spam for the rest of the day
Man I can't wait for the sales to be released
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ok /fg/ could the following characters beat ragun 1 vs 1?
I really would not have expected Towa to wear such a revealing pair, it seems for once I cannot complain about something Angelica did.
Nice butt
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On what basis were you a RAT believer?
basically every playable in kai could do it. maybe he could beat agnes before she got her powers
Hell no.
Hell no
Bad bait
maybe he could beat the rat before he his grendel and altina. really drawing a blank other than that though.
i wasn't a believer
i kneel
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Yea, that or Towa has great taste.
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I predicted Agnes would be the 7th anguis before Kuro came out, back in 2021.
are you gonna name a character that he can beat then?
Emma cannot defeat the RAT
It's over...
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Five (5) (V) (Go) (五) (ご) cute facts about Agnèscutest
1. She is canonically fuckable!
2. She is mai Kiseki-fu!!
3. I love her!!!
4. Agnèscutest!!!!
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Every playable Kai character
What's the next phase of Agnes' plan to obtain Van's love now that she ascended to a higher existence?
Half of me is thinking it is a mod, I never used her in Sen II, at lest not in that outfit.
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I predicted Rene was Grendel Zolga before Kuro 2 came out... so close... I was off by one game.
he should have been grendel zolga, someone else should have been grendel blanco
I hope it's not a mod
I predicted the time loop and Septerrion of time since CS4 ending in 2019
Send an endless supply of sweets to him in the form of something like the salt pale. Except it’s the sugar pale this time.
Towa is showing bumcrack
I would check but I cannot ustilies Comrade V's talents very well and I was intending to sleep soon.
Time loop was obvious ever since the words eternal recurrence plan was uttered. You don't need to be particularly smart to figure it out or predict it.
We need more Arts autists
Maybe try next time.
Assuming someone else does not confirm it, I can check when I wake up, sure.
Wonder if next game will be just 1 loop or multiple loops.
was the guy who leaked xseed doing sky remake talking out of his ass or nah
yes, no, maybe
We had known fora year that falcom were doing either a remake or remaster of sky trilogy.
they're talking to both Xseed and NISA about it
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We already had Kuro 2 which technically has several loops and the game is shit
He can’t be that strong if they managed to throw him in a cell in chinkland in the past. I would say Shizuna probably could, the chink couldn’t because he’s just a hack and kasim might depending on if he actually just takes it seriously and doesn’t just stand still charging up laser for a moment and then dies because ragun is faster
Why is it called the Black God One Blade? They said she's an unofficial student? So is it an offshoot of the Eight Leaves? Because Black God One Blade is significantly more menacing.
She created a copy.
>why/what is Black God One Blade?
Still a mystery. Eight Leaves was based on Black God.
Find out in Kai 2
Shizuna ain't beating Ragun on her own. You're delusional.
How Falcom let trails become a storytelling joke. Every character mentioned in the lore now has to come back to present through some stupid plot device. Book characters are now real in the story rather than simply stories within the lore of the game. 3 and 9 sucks. Characters who die come back again. All of them There are several shock value moments that have no impact today. Most of the characters' deaths either didn't happen or were undone.
>braindamaged poster didn't play the games
I love how freely their breasts are hanging in these outfits.
I haven’t played kai, no.
Only Kasim stands a chance.
The story has been a joke since Ao.
Remember when we met the character Cornelia who dies in the book but is alive in reality. Trails in a nutshell. Michy or something like that.
I predicted that grendel was van before kuro came out and none of you fuckers believed me
with kai 2 falcom will have made 4 games with 95% the same assets
even for falcom, this is scummy
at least with cs3 they made a whole brand new set of towns and dungeons
kai 2 will literally have you spend 50% of the game in edith for a fourth time, unreal
falcom unironically needs new management
i would keep all of that to remove mishy from kiseki
Yakuza players spent like 1000 games in the same small section of a town you faggots are just ungrateful you get new maps at all
>Unreleased song
What does this mean when it happens?
Safe horny tumblr retard taste
Genuine question; why are you so scared of fanservice of the guys? Does it make you feel insecure knowing you’ll never match up to them? M
Yakuza games are fun and they always change the map and bring new things unlike falcom slop
Falcom's cities look like they're straight out of Koikatsu Party
Do we really have to wait til the artbook comes out to get a Kondo interview about the game?
Means DLC is maybe coming
>Yakuza games are fun
only 0 is fun and only 4 has a decent plot (yes even with the rubber bullet thing)
>they always change the map
lmao, rofl even
Today is sales day.
Will Kai have 50k?
25 at best
the fact that this is cs3 2.0 might not even get the 50k to show up
then again rean dicksuckers have been hyping up his "route" endlessly so maybe that can make up the difference
Yea and it ended up the shortest with most of it being set up.
Okay but the last 4 Yakuza games VS Kuro/Kai?
I expect like 2000 with how they didn’t market the game at all
yea that was really weird
>0 marketing
>already declining sales with each game
>3rd filler game in a row and japs are pissed so the game doesn't even have word of mouth
i'll be surprised if it even hits 40k
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Kuro 2 patch made up of mtl and a random YouTube play through bros… soon…
Kamurocho is actually good though
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For the last time... I will remind them
This image will change in some hours... Forever...
You aren’t even the guy that posts this usually
Remember Altair
DLC or potentially something that was cut.
haha... maybe that will be the 1 (one) new town they add to kai 2
Kai will sell 75k
I hope it's DLC.
>next game takes place in the East
>but 500 years in the past
>characters have to save the wind/water septerrions
>meanwhile Sky remakes in progress, with a few "changes"
>in both sets of games unknown figures either help or hinder the heroes (fufu)
>Kai 2 in 2030
>Ban-san and co time traveling gimmick reveals it was them
>now the team has the power of the other septerrions and wrecks the wisdom cube
>Kondo raughs to the bank
my guess is that they planned to give all 3 routes different battle themes but then decided against it, probably because the other routes aren't really long enough to justify it
Which city from Kuro 1/2 didn't appear in Kai?
We're going back to Langport & you'll like it!
>Kondo raughs to the bank
to apply for bankruptcy?
messeldam, langport, oracion
Langport, Messeldam, and Oracion, right?
Falcom baited me hard with Kai. From the screenshots I thought we were going to spend more time outside of the cities again but no, they really did make another fucking game where 95% of the time is spend inside city maps.
I love my husbando
It'll flop. Rean killed Kuro.
Most of the game is Van's.
Nice attempt at misinformation, reantaco. When Kai flops we will be here 24/7 to remind you.
i hope kondo gets grilled for turning calvard into another 4 game arc after promising that he wouldn't
>e-everyone is a reanfag
You're not very smart are you arc war nigger
Kondo killed it by not marketing the fucking game
yea why did he do that
I don't think the game was even marketed all that much by CLE either.
Not that it matter since the cultist here will just blame it to rean for killing the game.
Rean does get blamed for everything, doesn't he?
That's why you ignore those retards
Of course, people would rather kill themselves rather than blaming kondo.
That's extremely retarded
Only one anon said that. And other said that the sales wont fall because the Rean cultist buying the Game.
Are you retarded or a bot?
I've been watching a hard mode stream of Kai and some bosses go 10+ turns in a row. What the fuck is Falcom smoking? I can't even imagine what nightmare mode is like this time.
Sex with len senpai
They just want Van, Rean, and Kevin to suffer.
Genuinely hate rean
>Genuinely hate rean
I would be surprised if Kai sold even 1000 copies with Rean dragging it down.
Sex with Towa!
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Dead thread. how did it happen?
not enough towa is my guess haha
>Only one person
This place worships kondo and demonizes rean on the daily basis.
I love kiseki girls speaking seriously or dramatically in cutscenes while they are dressed up in dlc coomer outfits. It just feels right.
It's called being genuinely retarded.
me too
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This is an angel.
We know, Rean
>Not that it matter since the cultist here will just blame it to rean for killing the game.
Why are all reanniggers ESL?
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do you want kiseki spin off games
Just started Cold Steel and had an actual Leonardo DiCaprio pointing at the screen moment when Sara said “That’s our Rean!”
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Kek. I'm currently replaying Zero
Hearing Juna go on an emotional outburst about Crossbell pride while looking like the most ridiculous cosplaying bimbo exhibitionist fills me with an almost indescribable delight. I really wish I could experience this more often in life.
Was surprised at how good the Crossbell games ended up being after I really didn’t vibe with the start of Zero. Azure was especially great.
Kek based
I've haven't touched Crossbell in years, so it kinda feels new. I forgot so much.
Kinda wish these games had an English dub, though. I know they casted some Crossbell guys in CS.
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Good morning. Did you preorder Ys X yet, anons?
Good morning Shizunasis. No sorry
no but i might pirate it day 1 if i have nothing else to do
No, I'll just be getting the Digital Deluxe when it comes out. But it'll be time to finally finish my VIII replay. Would have finished yesterday if I didn't like the idea of not finishing all raids and hunts, but you need to grind for the ultimate raid on Inferno because it throws 5 of the Silent Tower boss at you, with 3 of those being at once.
Are raids mandatory in Ys 8? I'm still near the start, and the game said I don't usually need to do them.
What's the usual time for sales report to drop?
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On one hand, I am happy a NISA game is flopping. On the other hand, I don’t want Adol‘s game to flop.
Replaying Ys VIII is always good. You better have been using Dana as much as you can?!
I will probably get it after reviews come out
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I forgot these two showed early
You probably need to do about like 5 or 6 raids in one playthrough. But there's about 18 in total including the optional ones.
But something to consider is that in order to get the true ending of Ys VIII, you need 200 reputation. It should be fine as long as you do everything else, I think if you skip the optional raids and hunts you'd miss out on like 70 reputation. I have 290 right now so that would still push you over 200. That said, even if you skip raids I think you can still play them in raid practices way after the fact to get ranks easily.
So after beating the game and going back and rewatching some moments. Is Rene actually in love with Elaine and this is where it's going between the 3 of them?

Him taking Van to space mostly felt like him trying to beat him up in frustration.

Also in Kuro 1 or 2 (don't remember) we get multiple mentions of Rene dating someone in Aramis and then having some other girlfriend. We never get more than this, but in retrospect it could mean that he was trying to surpress his feelings for Elaine.

Highly doubt that it's his main motivation, but we will probably explore that in Kai 2 + it gives more relevance to Elaine, which she desperately needs.
>I think you can still play them in raid practices way after the fact to get ranks easily.
So if I do enough of raid practices and all side quests, I can get the true ending?
if true why the did it not come up before
>big 20th anniversary game
>another 95% fillerfest where nothing happens
>>big 20th anniversary game
Haha....maybe that's the Sky FC remake
>CS2 was the 10th anni Game
Was It better or worse
Could have been 99.9% like Kuro 2 haha...
I think so. I do them as they come up, as it puts Castaway Village into raid mode where the music changes, and there's a raid symbol on your HUD wherever you go.
Alright. Thanks.
the worst part is that you know kai 2 will be cs4 2.0 and also be filler up until act 3
Haha....I'm speechless
Every Trails game is pure filler. I thought this was obvious by now
Nigga SC is pure filler for like 90% of the game and so is Azure. And these are the "good games" according to this fanbase. The series hasn't changed.
sex with ulrica
are ronnie agnes and feri the only people who actually got new scrafts kek
>play RPG series known for being lengthy and having a lot of filler and worldbuilding
>filler and worldbuilding
>mc for three (3) games
>he's still a mysterty
Van is secretly an Enforcer and has been the entire time
>didn't add a single new shard skill or quartz since kuro 1
>no one got new crafts, they just updated the animations of (some) old ones
>solution to the games being too easy is to just make enemies heal themselves constantly and cancel your buffs instantly
>only addition to the field combat is some stupid time stop gimmick
>bringing back shitty ass brave orders that completely invalidate buff spells/abilities because youve just given up
why do falcom refuse to improve the gameplay
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Grendel's second s-craft from Kuro 2 wasn't touched up at all in Kai to the point that it still shows Van's old design when using it.
jesus i swear falcom have just gotten lazier
They didn't care for this game at all, did they
29k PS4
18k PS5
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I can't believe this is real.
>Van didn't get a 3rd S-Craft despite the fact he's supposed to be the protagonist
>His 2nd S-Craft wasn't even touched from the last game to the point it still uses his old costume
Falcom really don't want anyone to like Van do they? They refuse to let him be cool.
Is falcom competing with compile heart(neptunia) for being the laziest?
the sales aren't up yet ignore shitposters
tick tock kaifags
what is the point of salesfagging when we already know the game won't do so hot and the obvious reason why?
Kaisisters, is the game
>another game where arts dominate and crafts have no place in higher levels
>crafts and arts are balanced with the former being actually usable
If the game sells badly, it's Van's fault.
If the game sells well, it's thanks to Rean.
If the game sells badly, all of the sales it did have would have been lower if not for Rean.
If the game sells well, it would have done better if not for Van.
Reanspics have been claiming that Rean will save the sales
This but the opposite for each
>believing trolling retards
If the game sells badly, it's because of the lack of Estelle
If the game sells well, it's thanks to Kevin
So we can shitpost against characters/characterfags(reanfags/vanfags) we dont like.
If Kai even does 30k I'll be impressed honestly, felt like the game had 0 marketing. But then again it probably cost peanuts to make it
considering how many corners they cut with kai i don't think they spent a lot on it
like even for falcom the asset reuse was insane
I found out a few threads ago, too, and couldn't believe it either. Falcom is way too lazy now.
Agnès will rape Van

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