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>Wuthering Waves | Resonator Showcase | The Shorekeeper — THE BEGINNING OF OUR STORY

>Wuthering Waves Version 1.3 Trailer | The Shore's End


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Resonator Banner: The Shorekeeper [Sep 28 - Oct 24]
Weapon Banner: Stellar Symphony (Rectifier) [Sep 28 - Oct 24]
[Parade of Stars - Special Leveling Event] [Sep 28 - Nov 13]
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The biggest of Yap
I 100%'d (false) both areas. What now?
Feels good to be C&C
why does this blue girl i just met sacrificed herself to save me?
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you're her special
shes your wife
maybe she owes you something in her last life
More like snorekeeper
More like whorekeeper
what an easy slut
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Ok it's time.
Yuroshits and seaniggers give your hottest takes about whatever "issue" some CC implanted in your head.
Worry not, whatever it is everyone can sure as fuck trace that take to your twitch daddy.
We don't know. Nobody in /gig/ can read.
SEApags are so mentally illed
let me spend 10 or 20 Waveplates, Negro Games
You can really tell that Kuro is trying desperately to catch up on the development. That rewriting the whole story really threw a wrench in their development schedule.
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Wuwuwu WA
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my favorite agent is Ellen Joe
Why are the Zoos spamming?
Did they get cucked again?
powercreeped already lmfao
This game is becoming boringer and deader with each passing day...
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>powercreeped already lmfao
she is the only ice DPS so she couldn't have been powercrept
bro ZZZ has been on ether + phys since forever
Jane shits on literally everything including phys resistant things and Zhuyuan takes the rest

At least play the games you're shitposting with, how embarassing.
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I hope we will see more of Aalto, like the guy
New coop event kinda fun bros just carried 2 noobs with my jinny, a lot of normies do kinda suck at dodging tho.
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stopped reading there
she is a literal brick
>actually arguing that the strongest character right now is a brick
At least this proves that the ""raiders"" aren't actually ZZZ players but just schizo shitposters from here that have never even played the game
>strongest character right now
stop coping
she is literal shit
against phys weak enemies she can be replaced with Piper
Zhu Yuan and Ellen have no replacements DPS
I bet you think burnice will be a literal must pull too
Bro, both of us are just abusing Jenny's I-frames, let's not kid ourselves
Jane, Caesar, Burnice is going to be the strongest team in the game though?
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I have a pic of your account
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Is this the ZZZ general? am i in the wrong thread?
what did she win?
Rover's dick
Told u uhhhiplayboth fags shouldn’t be tolerate
They can only talk about their shit game instead of Wuwa
Did shorekeeper find out you were cheating you unloyal fucks?
Which games you guys gonna play next? infinity nikki,nte,azur promillia.

i hope they don't kill wuwa tho
I told you fags a while back to gatekeep or this would happen
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Everytime they post their playdoh models it make me chuckle because of how bad it look compare to Wuwa
Invite the furries, become a zoo
All the cocks (Kuro)
I have to study impregnation by knocking up every single girl I meet, only then will the perfect wombforce be designed for shorekeeper.
Just a classic case of the cream rising to the top bro.
nte looks fucking good but
>tof devs
keeps my expectations low
if someone actually made a GTA gacha with anime girls they would be swimming in money
there is no person on earth who wouldn't roll for drug dealer emotionless loli
>tof devs
It'll be a buggy fucking mess
And jewish, no communication, powercreep, stingy as hell
Seriously don’t expect too much
Give me your strongest Cumellyas
call girlkeeper
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Asuka next please Solon
Your SKP?
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Just caught up and saw some people talking about character interactions and asking how they handle it in PGR so here it is: at the start of the game Kuro released a few character that knew each other before and had some interactions in the story, however they quickly realized that this was a mistake, because it took just a few interactions to attract shippers. The result? those characters basically never interact again to not give shippers any fuel, nowadays PGR characters only interact if they are in the same squad or if they are the same gender, and if there is a mixed gender squad the male will be a complete bro and wingman for his female squad members. If characters from different squads end up interacting they will be strictly professional and will keep interactions to a minimum. Between NPCs this is not the case, they interact as normal unless they are a candidate to become playable (unique design), they also have couples if its a generic npc and thus no chance of becoming popular.
I'd expect them to handle wuwa in the same way, so if people start release ship art of 2 characters they will never see each other again. Kuro has a anti-shipper policy, they will never give any fuel for shipping in any official material, and if those shippers join something like an official fan art contest they will be kicked out (this happened when someone made ship art with Solon's wife Bianca).
Old camellya maybe
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We didn't get any new store to spend these wood-textured shards right ?
Holy based. Shippers nuked by King Solon
Thats a blue, we now need red and green
>and if those shippers join something like an official fan art contest they will be kicked out (this happened when someone made ship art with Solon's wife Bianca).
yeah that happened
someone made fanart shipping bianca with watanabe and then they made some fanart contest for PGR and were ghosted by kuro because of the shipping stuff they used to draw
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Why is Solon so based?
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Here's why you should invest vertically on Shorekeeper, and other limited supports, if you're a f2p or low spender:

This game, unlike other similar gacha games, lets you build up your standard 5* weapon arsenal pretty consistently, while also letting you roll for a free limited weapon with time. What this creates is the possibility to have standard 5* weapons on any DPS/SUB-DPS character you get, which will always be around 10-15% less dmg on avg for that character, compared to their respective sigs. This makes it so that investing in the sigs of supports that can buff numerous teams, much more worthwhile for your account, instead of perpetually chasing after DPS character sigs, just to get similar DPS increases.
The same applies to the dupes of supports, that will end up giving you similar DPS increases all across the board.
You still end up with your favorite DPS doing more dmg, while having said dmg buff on any other character that scales with the same stat. S2R1 Shorekeeper will easily be good enough for ATK scaling characters until EOS, guaranteed.
>Roll the DPS you like and use the respective 5* standard weapons on them
>Use the free limited weapon pulls to get the sigs of SUPPORTS, since 5* standard weapons aren't that much worse than DPS sigs anyway
>Invest vertically into segments of supports that have broken segments that buff everyone, like Shorekeeper's S2
>Multiple of your DPS that scale with said stat now do a shitload more DMG, which is much cheaper than investing vertically on each one of them
How much of a difference is stellar symphony compared to r1 variation? I got variation while trying to roll for symphony and not sure whether it's worth continuing to roll for SS.
WTF based?
Cool story bro. Will continue to dickroll thoughever
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Our latest girl interact with NPC and other male characters more than with the MC
I’m jelly
Shill alert
>let's not kid ourselves
No, don't ruin my delusion, anon.
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In case anyone doesn't know, this shop gives ascension material, and it resets.
I want to give her my ascension material
Queen of wuwa you're getting keked by blue toaster
>wasting your credits for mats you can just pick in the overworld
now that's a brick
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>Touching THE Yang at that age
Lucky fuck
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dumbass Yapyap you should be begging me not to uninstall
on your knees now, naked
ass in the air
cheeks spread wide
>Fucks Shorekeeper anyway while making her stay in a naked dogeza and feeling your cum drip onto her hair as it drips out of Shorekeeper
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>Portal segment was really good
>Can make an actual end game content using that mechanic
>Just makes a boring ass tower content instead
Solon. You have heart. But you gotta stop this shit man.
>touching the yapper
It's over for him
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I have 159 rolls(203 including coral)

Now that the dust has settled, do I need her weapon and do I need to R1 or R2 her?
Is she making him touch her or pulling him away?
goddamn didn't know Kuro is this based
>Someone posts about CN culture and ML on le meme leddit
>More undesirables realizing this game is not for them and saying they'll fuck off.
The cleansing is slowly happening. Make the kiss scene between Camellya and us happen Solon. Filter the shippers more!
>This is what I want where the story where girls surround you and chase after you
>Someone posts about CN culture
>doesn't speak CN
>can't read CN
yeah let's trust the redditard
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Her sig opens up the possibility to go for the intro dmg build. S1 is just QoL specially if you have severe skill issue and the S2 can have diminishing returns if your units already hit very high ATK values. you pick your poison. IMO her sig is a much better option since is cheaper and also having her deal anything from 45k to 65k dmg it is nice
>Bothers to read the post
>He's correct about CN culture and how Kuro leaned into ML for PGR and is now doing it for Wuwa while Hoyo games are Cameraman culture
>Learning that Wuwa is not cameraman culture filters undesirables
No, I think for once it's based.
>"Our subreddit is overrun by fujos and malicious trolls, we need to do something fast!"
>"I know exactly how to turn this ship around!"
>Bans loli
Reddit is such a meme
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starting to consider the sig too because I want her play her with discernment as well, but wont roll until cammy leaks
She's only top tier if you have her at S2R1. Otherwise she's much worse than Verina. She requires too much screentime so if she doesn't do damage she's useless.
Wait, they did what? Rumao nvm I take it back.
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>Yapyap and Cheezit sucking your cock
>Changli and Jinhsi sucking your cock
>Zhezhi sucking you off while Xiangi Yao gives you a brojob
>Shopkeeper sucking your cock
Give me a character that doesn't immediately roll over and show their pussy.
I need characters that can be RAPED.
It's not RAPE if they just flop over and ask for cock.
This game lacks RAPE porn because everyone fawns over the MC.

This game BADLY needed a 3rd MC option where you're just a fat bastard and everyone hates you.
But you save Jinzhou and Jinhsi has no other option but to naked dogeza with a Jue-shaped dildo in her ass
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Tectone bros....
Why did he betray us
Top tier NPC this time around
At least put on the anime avatar so we know you're a clown.
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Then I will go for the standard R0+ weapon(mostly for aesthetics)
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>She's only top tier if you have her at S2R1. Otherwise she's much worse than Verina.
>Makes up utter bullshit.
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>company has anti-shipping unwritten policy
I fucking kneel
>Posting calcs for the homo
No one's playing that fag. With the hetero carries you need S2R1 because her 25 second rotation doesn't match up with their playstyle. Please understand the spreadsheets if you're going to spreadsheet fag.
Obviously worded differently, but yes. At the same time they didn't even acknowledge that actual WuWa players have probably become a minority in their subreddit.
wtf eos in 2 weeks
I agree that you need both because tower requires 2 strong teams minimum
however I disagree with the chart
I think S0 shorekeeper=S0 Verina because Verina's rotations are like 2x faster
did that chart maker account for that?
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LMAO they are MAD
>meanwhile CN and JP love it
Why trannies always think they matter?
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so does that mean Youhu's anus is better than Baizhi's anus?
should I not level Baizhi's anus and wait for Youhu's anus instead?
I have Marcato
>I think the last standing normies and casuals will unfortunately leave this game.
but that's a good thing?
From what I know. SK i great and shines the most in Hyper Cary teams while Verina is better for Quick Swap teams. And both are pretty nicely balanced outside thier best team compositions.
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I forgot to mention it but just to be clear, shipping with the MC is fine and is what they want you to do since their focus is (You) pandering, what they are against is shipping the characters with someone that is not the MC. So if you are a drawfag that makes WuWa art, only make ship art with Rover, Kuro WILL blacklist any artist that that has done shipping art of their characters before.
Shippers really need the rope is what I'm reading.
>unironically using cishet
troons & fags mad, love to see it
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>Why trannies always think they matter?
most of them are genshit refugees who thought wuwa is just the same game with better graphics and combat. they didn't expect the mc to be relevant, they thought he would just be another cuckold cameraman so they can ship characters. playing a game that panders to normal people makes the mentally ill seethe.
>Kuro WILL blacklist any artist that that has done shipping art of their characters before.
Solon is the hero we need.
Man, fighting coop Crownless when you can't see what he's doing due to effects is kinda hard.
>straight love bad
>homo love good
why are they like this
nikke appeals to straight men
genshin (and hyv in general) appeals to troons
love and deepspace appeals to straight women
I don't understand why they want anything from kuro when gachas already covered every sexual orientation
>I think the last standing normies and casuals will unfortunately leave this game.
Holy projection. Actual literal projection. Normalfags don't give a shit about the (You) pandering. If anything they like it. They only care if it seems "sexist" or some stupid shit like that.
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let's play spot the difference
do you see what I'm seeing?
outro powercreep is here to stay
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Yes, it accounts for field time.
There is no baizhi calc in that but Youhu at S6 is worse than Verina teams by 3%.
>Continues to blatantly lie
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I follow accounts of pgr fans on twitter even though I never touched the game, its one of the more comfier fandoms, with a normal fanbase especially by twitter standards, even their few yumes are cool, they like female characters and don't throw fits over the lack of males. also the memes are great. Glad Solon managed to cultivated a sane playerbase, and with the coming barrage of female banners all the undesirables will also be filtered from wuwa. I'm genuinely excited for the future bwos.
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>start rolling
>"Hmmmm, not getting her on early rolls. Maybe I'll get some Ma Xaiofang dupes on the way?"
>4 Taoqis and 2 Yangyangs and a Jinzhou keeper
>then 1 random Chixia
At least I won the 50/50.......
>Jiyan heavy attacks do shit tonnes by itself
>Coordinated attacks hit for peanuts by itself
yeah I didn't get any cecilias either, maxed out yap and cowqi at least
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I'm dropping this game once GFL2 comes out so I can have my harem gun girls with no males.
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sorry for being rude but all I'm seeing is how retarded you are. Jiyan would be 10 tires lower without Mortefi wtf are you talking about. any heavy atk character in the future will also hugely benefit from Mortefi.
>There is no baizhi calc in that but Youhu at S6 is worse than Verina teams by 3%.
Youhu dupes only give her more personal damage but do nothing for team damage
except for maybe her S4 but that shit is really minor
thats literally the only strong thing about youhu tho
Man I'm the exact opposite. Rolled for Taoqi but didn't see her once, meanwhile got 5 Ma Xaiofang and 2 Yangyangs. Lost my 50/50 to the lionfag on my 10th roll so at least Shorekeeper was garunteed after that.
Yes, and the spreadsheet takes personal dmg into account because her field time is somewhat long.
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There's something I don't get
If you do the outro into Zhezhi and use her ult, if you then switch to another character does Zhezhi's ult keep the buff? It doesn't say "until they are switched out" but I just wanna be sure
I already had R10 Yangyang so she's R12 now. The Taoqi dupes are useful, at least.
>It doesn't say "until they are switched out"
yes that's what you had to spot, unlike the other mouth breathing retards who starting sperging out saying BUT MUHH JIYAN NEEDS MORTEFI AND THAT WONT CHANGE (obviously you fucking idiots)
Yes it stays but it's not teamwide.
In a Youhu Sanhua Zhezhi team, you have to swap Youhu > Zhezhi > Sanhua > Zhezhi instead of Youhou > Sanhua > Zhezhi
20 million people preregistered for Infinity Nikki. Wuwa is just getting railed from all sides.
that team doesn't sound really good anyway
I think the only good team for Youhu is zhezhi jinhsi
in any other team she is a baizhi side-grade at best, a downgrade at worst
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A European sword?!
Just beat the challenge crownless in the coop event, wasn't that bad, beat it in first try with randos. I died once cause I was caught off guard.
Maybe before the new farming map update, now she's just useless I feel like
That's comparing s2 shorekeeper to s2 verina. Of course s2 limited is stronger.
I get it. But that means you have to run Youhu alongside a dps and a subdps because only the latter has coordinated attacks. I know Youhu has some healing in her kit but will she be good enough to run in those teams instead of SK/Verina?
We need someone here to be our appointed content creator
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Shorekeeper's shorekeepers
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cutest tsubakis i've seen
Well it is clearly superior to every other game (not just gacha) in existence, in terms of graphics, gameplay, plot, etc., so that isn't surprising.
How does thundering memphis echo work? At what point do you get the electro dmg bonus?
Big shores
>will she be good enough to run in those teams instead of SK/Verina?
no chance
If Rover is the only one bitches are attracted to does that mean all the male characters are eternal virgins? How would populating the world work? It'd just be a bunch of retarded incest babies.
Youhu heals more than SK / Verina. She heals a metric shit ton.
But as the spreadsheet shows, using Verina / SK is just better.
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you didn't even play the game
>shippers are mentally ill
What else is new? Did it really took you fags long enough to realize this?
The only people that care about shipping,specially in anime, are either teenage girls or twitroons, no sane person cares enough to give a shit about it
Good to know Solon is based and by making wuwa like a traditional gacha, it is filtering the shipping faggots
Just unlocked Aalto going for weapon. He'll stay at lvl 1.
The very last hit.
And I got her signature right after, leaving me at exactly 10k astrite. Not too shabby.
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why is she wearing a blackface
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which one of these should I use on Encore? Just as a cope weapon until I can get something better (Cosmic Ripples).
And i'm one of them
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miss me with that gay shit
I want a real man's game
that's one massive ass claim, care to back it up?
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Was this posted?
Overanalyzing a terribly written story doesn't make it good. Sucks Wuwa is a Kuro game which means all the pretentious PGR fags flocked to the game. Kuro doesn't have the balls to tell them to fuck off so the game will always be mediocre like PGR.
Jinzhou Keeper i'd say, has more atk% stat
Okay brainlet
idk lol
Correct. Genshin doesn't have complex story like Steins Gate but if Genshin is compare to Wuwa it's like masterpiece (hydrogen bomb vs coughed baby)
yeah, heard it was not true though
That was just a shitpost. I saw a couple of clips and screenshots, the gameplay doesn't seem like anything special, and I don't really know anything about the plot. The main character is very pretty however.
which wuwa should get pregnant right this instant?
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I pulled 2 featured weapons at 76 avg pity
I lost all my 50/50's at 65 avg pity
My account is saved
Should I combine them?
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the main 3
I agree. Xxgenshinzz doesn't have complex story like Steins Gate but if Genshin is compare to Wuwa it's like masterpiece (hydrogen bomb vs coughed baby)
Gotta protect the other two from Cammy
I'd say Fusion Accretion because having a high base ATK means you get more dmg from ATK% substats, at least that's what it does in HSR and im not sure if this applies here.
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>complex story
>like Steins Gate
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Ab bunch of cosplayers gathered at Wuwa booth
this is a well-known version of appearance about 朱元璋,the founding emperor of Min dynasty.
Yeah, the fanbase is pretty obviously one gigantic echo chamber, too, and worshipping the devs is a huge mistake, always leads to mistakes passing by without any resistance, because they can do no wrong.
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Who the fuck is "Nanami" supposed to be and why should I care that she's on the current SOL?
What is the subtat priority for shorekeeper?
ER% (until 250%) > HP > CDmg
The story is brain dead boring their Paimon doesn't need to narrate what's going on because what's going on is nothing it's just coincident to shape whatever
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It mean PGR is connected with Wuwa and the theory abou Wuwa being PGR bad end is very real
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oh right the hat yeah
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What story? I skipped everything because MC worship is so fucking cringe. only real retards like it
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Oh no a melty.
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Kek, very based.
heard that the game is shifting towards fantasy instead of post-apocalyptic shit, how true is this?
You are 100%
Am I early or are we finally moving on from discussing Genshin Impact?
Every time you say the G word a wuwajeet explodes from cope and seethe ahahahhaha
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Alright bros today I'm gonna try the new hologram, how is it?
Did you have fun or was it a pain in the ass?
No we are not discussing Genshit today, go back to /gig/ troon
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Pretty wrong considering everything about Black shores and XLY's companion quest in 1.2
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Feels good to be the MC!
it's a pain in the ass
most of the "difficulty" comes from constantly spawning shitboxes in the ground
a lot of the time you can't be on melee range against him because there's like 4 constantly damaging zones around him
worst hologram so far
Uh oh melty
Nah shorekeeper is about as fast as verina or even faster. Shorekeeper is slow at the beginning of the rotation only and from there is just as fast if not faster
Uhhhh I thought the chinks don't have SOVL?
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Nanami is the timeline janny of the PGR verse, she fixes the timeline for free when things get out of hand.
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one of the better gacha stories and that says a lot to be honest. I would take the nth narration on why Scavengers have it so bad, Kurono doing evil shit again etc. then sit through what we have now, Liyue/Inazuma or HSR after Belebelog desu
>fuck off
whilst alienating players isn't the move, I do agree with what >>496984439 said. you're a Hoyoshill for criticizing the game rightfully and it just turns into this big echo chamber of corporate worship. I don't doubt Solon but it's a gacha, game is meant to be predatory as shit and living wallets depending on the game
it's supposed to be this funny callback because Nanami is a machine, why aren't you laughing anon? it's a reference to their sister game, it's hilarious! how dare you
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It's over....how do we compete?
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Is this set useful anywhere or is it inferior to everything else?
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Limbuskeks doesn’t deserve to have an opinion
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point still stands. PGR, for all it's good, has dialogue that gets too bloated for it's own good. chapter 17 and cinder burns are the worst offenders of this for obvious reasons. good chapters but they definitely should've cut down on the fat
Thats good for xiangli Yao
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This, I would talk with someone who wants to shoot me right there than have a decent conversation with a Project Moon/Limbus fan. Quite ironic them of all groups talking about sucking off a company when that's what they do 7/24.
Here's your compelling and good story bwo
Just proving his point like that.
>he makes fun of limbus while that game mogs WuWa in actual good story telling.
Yup, this thread is populated by a bunch of 5 year old so that's why basic ass story gets praised to high heavens.
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I see, thanks for your insight anon.
Honestly, this general fucking sucks.

Between actual hoyofaggots that don't shut up about their games, Kuroshills that cannot take a critic and will lick Kurogaymes balls if necessary just to make a point to hoyofags and obnoxious and unironic SEAfags and Pajeets.
>good story
Even genshin mogged that turd, the story so good it can’t even make 1mil per month huh?
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I hate farming echoes desu
>Mogging anything
If NTE is counted as a "waifu game" then wuwa is, too
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but you're right desu. it obviously has it's faults and I'd argue it's the weakest of their games released thus far but it's also a live service intended to be going on for 10 years so who knows. el director is an autistic retard because of his refusal to expand the company, but he's a passionate autistic retard so I respect it
The game is giving me exactly what I want. Open world, all the girls suck the MCs cock. If you don’t like it, go play something else instead of bitching about it not catering to you.
>resorts to revenue to make a point about a game's story
how retarded do you have to be?
>Open world, all the girls suck the MCs cock
Is that literally all it takes for you? that's some incredibly low standards, to be fair. And some games coming soon will fill that same niche.
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You compete by making it into a cold war. They want you to believe somehow all of those are enemies, but...
>ToF, Nevermess is and will be (you) pandering and a waifu collector anyway, they want money
>Love and Deepspace makes the fujofucks that everyone hates seethe, everyone loves normal yumestacy
>Hoyocucks fight some imaginary delusion war against FGO, the True King who doesn't even acknowledge them
>We have so low R&D and Operational Costs, the game will run for a hundred years
Easx win bros. Think in longterm as Solon said. The longer a war lasts, the more the attacking side will suffer under their loss of not being able to cripple something smaller.
Lmao ya
Limbuskeks talking about dick sucking is ironic considering they shove shit down their throat daily (NTR and shipbaits included btw) and still dick sucking their director
>Is that literally all it takes for you? that's some incredibly low standards, to be fair. And some games coming soon will fill that same niche.
funnily enough my "low standards" are currently only satisfied by 1 game so how low are they really I wonder
>obvious falseflaggers always around this time using other games to talk shit about wuwa

Give an inch for "discussion" about the story and it invariably gets highjacked by bad actors. No one cares about your epic opinion on gacha game storylines, tourists.
>some games coming soon will fill that same niche
such as?
you're expecting too much from your average gacha SEAnigger anon...
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I'm a Hotta believer but NTE will have furries in there too...
>Give an inch for "discussion" about the story
The story in this game FUCKING SUCKS nigger, what are you saying?

If it was any interesting people would discuss this huge pile of garbage, but as you can see no one likes that shit outside of the mentally 13yo harem pajeets that can't think of a better story other than "MUH KIRITO PWORFUL AND GIRL SUCK COCK HEHEHE"
Uh oh tranny melty
Storekeeper BROKE you
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Damn, say the same thing without crying/seething, holy moly.
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Let the subhumans seethe.
They're mad because we get what we want while they get to watch.
hrover is such a clunky piece of shit
Tell me one interesting thing about the story without saying "For (You) pandering" or "Waifu" i will be waiting
>NTR and shipbaits
azur promillia is the biggest one
there was also another one I forgot, which if I remember, only had male MC as well.
I wish we had 3-star characters. Maybe without forte or smth, with much less trivia and voicelines, just to be much easier to produce.
She's super clunky, her ult is single target.
Any "complaint" about the story requires you to post your uid and relevant Tower + Hologram clear along with receipts of the story being completed.

Otherwise don't care lol.
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>Azur Censored
Might as well play Genshin
Who are you replying to?
> Valid Criticism
Your just a cuck hoyoshill

This community is straight up garbage .kuro will abuse you with more mediocre garbage and you'll suck it up. There's a reason everyone left for ZZZ and it's because the game quality is si garbage
>azur promillia
animal crossing gameplay having ass
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>waaaa waaaa but the storeyyyyyyy, my rovaaaaahhh personalityyyyyy, my genshillion revenoooooo
I WILL fuck all the woman and feminine entity or being on Solaris-3 and you CAN'T stop me!
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So many wemen ITT.
Trump needs to win and implement Sharia law.
The story makes people seethe and I find that interesting
Who are you melting at?
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Limbus story > wuwa story. Simple as. If this fact triggers you, then you are acting like a man child.

Fun fact: you have to be over 18 to post here!
Nobody care about your cuck game bro
So, tell me, which part you liked the most and why.
It's just clickbait title
He was still defending it and saying that he doesn't care and it will live and get better in the future because now it was too generous (yeah I watched that lol)
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Uh oh melty.
Dendy you sure you want round 2?
You should first. I need a good laugh.
The aesthetics of this is not for me. It’s far too cutesy imo. Even Genshin barely has sexual women really since it’s for kiddos at this point compared to say HSR, its sister game.
>heroine has sex with everyone but the main character
10/10 STORY
The part when anonymous who hates the story goes on the imageboard because the thing he read wasn't "intellectual" enough
I thought Azur Lane was coomer paradise?
>No argument
Thank you for proving my point, none of you niggers actually read this shit story.
> Shorekeeper just appeared out of nowhere and says she likes rover like the past 4 patches of women and the next patches of this game will happen as well. Sudden conflict appear then rover wins because he always wins

Did I get it right?
>today, im going to fuck three bears
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>seething at Azure Promilia already
The Kuro shills are getting desperate. The hoyo normies on the left, the yumesisters LADS on the bottom and now the waifus on the right with Promilia.

This fact SCARES the Kuro shills because they are surrounded.
u/THE_HORSE_KING moved here?
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It's an ugly femoid this time.
Shorekeeper's confession of love broken them...
But Yao and Jiyan are a-OK!
I am shaking in my boots because another gachaslop is releasing soon
>g-give me your argument!
>h-how dare you enjoy something on such a superficial level!
Hmmm nyo
doesn't mean the next project they make automatically is
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>Mindbroken trannies and faggots
How can she be so powerful?
Even Changli didn’t triggered them this much
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So pretty
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Don't care, didn't ask.
1.3 was great.
People defending Youhu being on a rerun banner really was a tell that bad times are coming.
The fact you thought this post was a big own is sad. You're clearly too stupid for this and genuinely mad to boot. Take a break and walk around before posting again.
They took the coomer money and made palworld for 5 year olds without guns and without sexy women
sorry I don't play turn based slop
Trannies and mods enable them unironically.
If you doxx them, you get banned for being off topic.
Well the doxxing stopped them for a while.
They want the genshin audience (the bad one)
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>Comfy and fast overworld travel with every character
>Challenging enough fight for casuals
>Creative Illusive Realm and coop boss endgame
>Constant good quality of life
>Clever and beautiful maps without much needless explorationslop, but you still get more pulls every patch
>Course corrected so hard from CBT they confirmed 2.0 and 3.0 early
>Costs so low the game will run forever by pennies
>Community matters, wanted echo loadout is teased with many more wanted feature to come
>China approved story
>Continuous free 5star characters
>Correct way to do an MC, it's (You) and a winner
You guys wonder why they seethe so hard, but just look at this list and realize in yourself, thinking; "Wow, neither of this is in Genshit"
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Why did i skip this fucking weapon man
You didn't respond his questions tho and he described exactly what happened.
And now you proceed to not acknowledge his argument and completely play dumb, good job John Kuro will deposit 10000 rupees in your bank account.
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>he moved on from baiting with the story to baiting with the Youhu banner because he didn't meet the (You) quota
Literally only reddit and a few faggots here do it.
Thread's a bit fast today, what happened?
I don't like Gooks and don't play gook games, so I wouldn't know whether or not it's good.
> criticise game
> Labeled as hoyocuck,tranny,faggot

I'm laugh when your gonna be eating the same shit over and over once every 1.5 months and it's gonna be funny . It's funny because we can see based on chart the actual normal players who see through the shitnare quitting in masses and we warned you
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I don’t know why these people still cling to wuwa. Just move on. The game isn’t changing for you. Genshin is right there for you to play if you hate everything revolving around the MC or all the women being for (you) like many non Hoyo. Let us have this.
Troons having a melty about Shorekeeper pandering
Some troon mentioned Genshin Impact
>anon in pain while I pulled it
thank god shorekeeper weapon was hard to generate concerto with
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you're the one coming here desperately shilling some palworld clone lmao
btw those chibis are lame as fuck, what happened to the proper lolis? yostar going down the mihomo safe horny road
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>I'm laugh
>I'm laugh
>based on chart
And I'll criticize you for being an ESL too. How the fuck can you be the standard for good writing when you can't even form proper sentences
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Melty because the game as too much (you) pandering in their opinion.
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>We will get peak fiction every 1,5 months
Really bad falseflaggers try to pretend they play the game invoking pretty much every other gacha game. Still waiting for uid+story receipts.
Drown out trash and make the thread usable for you.
its just mods being cancerous
I got banned for "off-topic" back when I posted in /gig/ for no reason
I'm glad to leave that cesspool behind party because /wuwa/ doesnt seem to get much moderation
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>I'm laugh
It's not about for (You) pandering, the ONLY thing this game has is (You) pandering and nothing else. That's the point im trying to make.
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>I'm laugh
The double spacing doesn't help either
Well at least there isn’t gonna be as big a meltdown over Camellya since everybody already knows she likes Rover. It’ll resume in the next region where all the girls in a new area will still worship Rover.
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I wish we got Shorekeeper's camel toe tho.
>the only game has is (you) pandering
Somehow the hoyocucks brainfucked themselves so hard they forgot the also highly praised 1.1 main story had NO pandering at all, just a straightforward taking over the mantle story. I'm interested how these fucks will cope once 2.0 arrives with another story like that, which will be good even with minimal pandering.
>I'm laugh
Who are you replying to?
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I'm glad I have enough to get here then lose coin flip on Camellya. Hopefully we get a break from pure sex.
Did are we playing the same game?
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I think you're hating this game for no good reason. The dev has been listening to the players' feedback very closely and improving the game regularly. This game has better character, plot, and gameplay, Wuwa simply can't compare. Just give it a try anon, you'll soon realize the grass is indeed greener on the other side.
>he's progressively getting madder about [-] too
he's building to his melty ultimate.
*leaves thread*
*closes door behind me (was open before I left)*
>Who are you replying to?
You know it, you don't get my (you) fag.
>Did are we
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>the ONLY thing this game has is (You) pandering and nothing else.
What about the gameplay?
What about the exploration?
What about the QoL updates? (meanwhile other devs just doesn't care)
What about the graphics and models?
The story is not as bad as you're trying to paint it anon, and let's not forget that we're only in 1.3, there is more to come in the future. Now that some of the PGR writers are working on wuwa I'm sure things are going to change slowly.
Not only that but you're forgetting that every gacha back then (before hoyoslop getting popular) had heavy pandering, it's nothing new you're just brainwashed.
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Genshin has a harem too guys
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Watch out /wuwa/ shes gonna say the L word!
>Did are we playing the same game?
I told you to take a break, pajeet kun... this is getting embarrassing. You're rage typing so fast you're becoming incoherent.
>shitters drop shit baits
>replies to them anyway
Are we becoming the new toilet of /vg/?
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Swimsuit skin when?
I want to breed the magistrate like I did Helena.
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I think you're hating this game for no good reason. The dev has been listening to the players' feedback very closely and improving the game regularly. This game has better character, plot, and gameplay, Zenless Zoo simply can't compare. Just give it a try anon, you'll soon realize the grass is indeed greener on the other side.
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Cope. None of it is real. Your just a bunch of fags because GFL2 model btfo wuwa
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just how much Copium was the guy huffing when he made this
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Farming echoes for the first time in awhile for SK and.......I miss genshin artifact domains. I'm gonna do tacet fields exclusively from now on even if they aren't exactly the same.
Current Ctrl F results:
>"Gensh": 36
>"ZZZ" / "Zenless: 5
>"Hoyo" / HYV: 12
only for you character without any cuckshit is ayaka and she was 3 years ago
+she ugly
>I miss genshin artifact domains
said no one ever
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All me
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When Changli released.
She mogged EVERY single anime girl in existence.
And this isn't even fan art.
Shorekeeper's sin was she's openly (for you).
Why is the redhead there? Judging from the shitposts, she's the most cuckbait one because of her scenes with the twink
Changli is still perfect wife material.
As much as I want to, I can't get the computer pregnant.
Camellya is still hotter
Do you guys know how to download bilibili videos without makin the quality ass?
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I said it. Running around is tedious.
You might be right, let me download it and tr- ACK
>MC gets knotted
Transform into a butterfly
so dump your stamina into tacet fields for the same exact experience, also where the hell where you during all the double TF drop events?
How can you not roll for this?
Once Mugen drops, this game is basically eos
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By being gay.
I am heterosexual
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Shorekeeper BROKE you
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>butterfly pattern on the crotch and each ass cheek
Bless the modeler.
>consumes stamina
I did them all.
shorekeeper was just a victim of things building up. They’ve been mad about the for (you) stuff for awhile, but shorekeeper was completely open about it right after zhezhi randomly wanted the dick too, and Changli likes rover too.
I have an acquaintance who plays genshin that complains about having to run around and farm echoes.
It bewilders me you give people more choice and this makes them angrier. You don't have to minmax everything in the gacha.
this but unironically
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The magistrate has a for (you) trailer too.
I'm still waiting for her companion quest.
We need some ships to spice things up, every girl being for you evidently lost its novelty
>I can't get the computer pregnant
Wombforce upgrade when we get to visit New Federation trust the plan
Anon... the 1.1 main story WAS her companion quest. Just like Shorekeeper for 1.3, and Xiangli Yao for 1.2.
Jiyan's story still ends on a really weird note for me but maybe it's for women.
>when I die put a flower here for me
Damn bro we met last week don't you have literally anyone else in your life to put this shit on.
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>Look at my MD5 filter list
>1:2:3 ratio of animefaggot:zkek:genshit
Huh, honestly thought the anime faggot will be the annoying one. I guess he fucked back off to faster generals.
Like only Fischl and Ayala are for (you) and they are pairing Fischl with Bennet anyway.
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Why is she so smug
ships are banned by decree of Solon
A few people said that its a reference to to a novel called "86" and pointed a few similarities of certain parts of jiyan's quests
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"Become the emperor of the Great Ming Dynasty"
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coop is funny today crownless is btfoing all those ground shitters
how many children can Shorekeeper bear before her womb becomes useless?
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I fucking love reading SEAyuropoor thread before starting the day.
Watching you monkeys fling shit at eachother with your broken ass english over inane shit and revenoo will never stop being funny.

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I love big tits...
I need more of them in wuwa.
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This is a heretical post but as someone who likes both these things I knew this mod was inevitable.
>You don't have to minmax
Sure but everyone still wants to 30/30 or you're wasting literal free rolls. Open-world combat and mini-bosses in particular don't feel very good if your characters are weak
Getting at least 50/200 is needed to have the best experience, and doing that through TFs alone is slow as shit
Now get a mod to make her tits bigger, like the original character
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I told you these fags have selective memory. Pic related.
When they see someone lust for Rover, everything else about their character disappears and they suddenly become one dimensional according to them. They're so conditioned to noncommittal trash MCs it's incomprehensible to them what a good MC actually looks like.
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its done
she better be good
Stop shilling the game.its rucking dead we kill it because everyone is toxic
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She gets a free skin soon so I guess she won't be entirely useless. I really like her because of how fast her concerto is
Oh right, i dont think those fags even remembered those couple after 1.2 dropped kek
Wuxia kino...
Sure, it's missing free rolls, and over the course of a decade it'll probably add up to 1 playable character you wanted. I fell into that trap in other games and I won't fall for it here.
>t. been doing 18/30 since I could and haven't even cared to try more
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You can't point that out retard. You don't get to set the narrative, the tourists do
World is being invaded by weird monsters through holes in space that fuck up the laws of physics. People have developed machines to study these phenomena with wavelenghts and emotions. You've been alive for millions of years and have sown the seeds for your return throughout history, but decided to erase you memory.
Basically I find it a good mystery. (this is only from my understanding. It may already be hinted/explained, but I have not read any bonus lore or lore theories).
Whether the story turns out to be good or bad depends on what they will eventually reveal is the cause of everything that's happening. For example I found HSR 2.0 to be very intriguing, but then it went down the shitter really quick and I unironically dropped the game. Same could happen with WuWa.
She feels like a nitro accelerant to her comps. I was using her with the concerto sword and she just tagged in, skill, heavy, ult, heavy, echo, tag out.
I wonder if she can do that without the sword...
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>meanwhile CN and JP love it
They seethe because we get this kino IN GAME and not some cutscene bullshit. No gacha comes even close to Wuwa's graphics.
>that fuck up the laws of physics
I found it really interesting this patch that they show gravity as the one thing they have to obey, considering the retrofall rain.
>relying on the obvious hoyoshill who misreported wuwa revenue on purpose thrice already
yeah sure
Nah bro its trash. You didn't read the story if you think its good
ahahahahahah the day wuwa eos (probably next month) is the best 4th anniversary gift that I will get but did not ask and the genshin Debs did not have a hand in
No, (You) better be good.


motivational sanhua video
This. I will do the towers once I stop being lazy and build my characters because I want them to, not because of some shit endgame content.
As a BP+Monthly buyer, you get until the end of 1.3 around 610 limited pulls. You lose around 1000 astrite per patch for not maxing out tower. That's 4K astrite so far, 25 pulls. Despite spending from it already, I have exactly 25 pulls saved up as corals because I don't need dupes. I'm at the exact same place, higher actually.
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Don't fall for her trap. Changli is a sinful woman.
>retroact rain
Gravity's correct. Time flow is in reverse.
Source: made it up.
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>2 days of Shorekeeper gets added
>CN numbers doubles
kek, fuck you fujofucks
If you're still spending all your stamina, you didn't dodge any traps whatsoever, you're not saving any time in the long run.
30/30 fags aren't grinding anymore either, and they clear all the daily chores faster on top of having more astrite from the tower
Investing 3 or 4 hours to grind a bare-minimum set before the novelty of a shiny new game wore off was the smarter move
I just told you what I personally find intriguing about it. Not the anon you originally replied to btw.
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>good model
>>496989943 (me)
I have 300+ built up in the green cube again, I think this is like the 5th time. I got so lazy after it got added it's ridiculous, because you can do the dailies without it 99% of the time.
>he thinks it only takes 3-4 hours
Must be nice to be so lucky. In Genshit I spent the equivalent of a months' stamina on a character and can still barely clear content with them.
RNG substats are the bane of the gacha world and it's a joke if you think I'll fuck with any content where they're mandatory.
I would rather spend one more hour at work and buy 4 monthly cards then spend dozens of hours trying to hit 30 every cycle over half a year.
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Not the same anon, but look at the difference. One is bending down because it's just there because, while the other is stretching straight as it should because of booba weight.
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Just looked it up, seems like reddit is finally discovering that Kuro is a for (you) pandering company, the great filtering is almost upon us, now we just need the Camellya patch to be full of pandering so that the undesirables leave for good.
Oh yeah that's true
The numbers on sensortower never changed, the chart maker just conveniently left out its usual 1.75 multiplier on Wuwa for whatever reason and added it back in after being called out and blame it on ST
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Bianca sexo...
Expy when Solon?
Yeah, you're good then
This would be the absolute chad way to play, if this piece of shit game didn't demand you spend 180 stamina to get the daily 60 astrite, but missing out on 10-15 rolls every patch makes the game way too expensive for how much content it offers imo
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>those characters basically never interact again to not give shippers any fuel
>Kuro has a anti-shipper policy
>if those shippers join something like an official fan art contest they will be kicked out
(You): The orc trannies took another revenue lead... Wuwa! where is wuwa's revenues?
Solon: I let wuwa's revenues go...
(You): Then you did what I could not... I tried to argue revenue again
Solon: Topping revenues is beyond our reach now
(You): Forgive me, I did not spend [enough]... I have failed you all...
Solon: No wuwabro. You have fought bravely. You have kept your hetero honor
(You): Leave it (wuwa)... It is over... The world of MEN will fall. And to all games will come the trannies and shipper faggots, and my developers to ruin...
Solon: I do not know what strength is in my blood, but I swear to you I will not let the Straight City fall, nor our Hetero people fail.
(You): (OUR) people... (our) people...
(You): I would have followed you (my) brother.
(You): (My) captain.
(You): (My) King....
(You): ACK- [credit card limit has been reached]
Solon: Be at peace, SON of Heteros.
Your a dumbass
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>I will not let the Straight City fall, nor our Hetero people fail.
fuuuuuuuuuuaaark i will now renew my monthly.
based rover. yes i will play the game that has my character solve the issue
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>they're giving these out like candy
even kuro realizes that normally raising characters takes way too long
but when i said it you called me a doomfag tourist...
you are delusional
I have all the characters I want fully built, (10+) meanwhile in zzz I have 3 characters built (and not even max talent lvls)
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>Missing out on 15 more pulls/patch
>When you make it back easily by corals
No, I could be lazy and still get a fuck ton of corals to make it back, I'm just not lazy THAT much.
Right now, I spent a total of 701 pulls, limited, standard, weapon together. I didn't do anything yet in 1.3 so I have around 120 pulls from there too. I have 11K gem leftover, that's another 70 pulls. On top of that, I have 25 pulls worth of corals laying around and I spent quite a lot from it because I wanted Changli's weapon just because.
I spent around 40 pulls this patch to get a calchud dupe, Shorekeeper and a standard 5star weapon and my coral savings went up from 15 to 25 pulls. theoretically, you can back out the dailies and make up the difference, it's just that a loss is a loss.
>japs call her Shokie
Anon, you're spending monthly, AND you're doing funky math to make yourself feel better
I didn't roll ANYTHING except Jinhsi and I only have 300 rolls F2P, without missing any dailies or tower rewards
>no actually the devs are wrong
This is pretty whatever, exile rings are the actual shitshow.
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You guys are always comparing shorekeeper to verina when it's baizhi that lost her job.
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kek the JPbros got some good OC
I mean all this does is benefit the people who wannna build every single character. Im currently cooking Encore and i would had never invest on her at all if it wasn't for all this new resources they are giving us
>Only have 300 F2P
>Looks at spreadsheet
>1.0 to 1.2 was 378 limited, 162 standard and 35 weapon pulls as an active F2P player
Anon, I'm sorry to say but you do something very badly if even just your total F2P limited pulls were 300 and assumed you play since 1.0 release.
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>Japs discussing Yangyang's wife status
She is still the undisputed queen of emotionless paizuri
poor thing must be tired look at her eyes
I get it now kek
So, how did Tethys get fixed actually and why didn't they do it this way sooner?
*300 left over after getting Jinhsi
Anyway, my point is that
>162 standard and 35 weapon pulls
are bullshit that doesn't count, and all the corals in total amounted to 30 rolls for me (already counted in that 300)
Skipping dailies, 18/30 tower, and not spending is NOT an option
I would have built characters but the retard I am I spend it on tacet fields
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For me its Beatrice
You didn't had Abby camping in your hand in previous reincarnations to fix it this way, Abby did some fuckery that we will know later. The "what was even Abby" question was only answered from 1.0 in the 1.1 interlude as well, let's wait for 1.4 first.
There was a few good looking NPCs in the blackshores. Is The shorekeeper making a harem for the Rover i wonder
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Why are you assuming Abby did it? Nothing in the dialogue suggested that.
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saar...please redeem your yapper...
I never said you can skip dailies as a F2P, I said as a monthly+BP user, you can log in and log out each day to not do dailies, you lose 20 pulls each patch because of dailies and tower leftover and that amounts to 80 pulls as of now, until the end of 1.3
That means even if you take that 80 pulls off from my 11K astrite, I make up the difference from corals, still have some pulls from coral and another 120 pulls are coming up from 1.3. As a F2P, you better do whatever to get the gems, being more and more lazy with the game is the privilege of spending minimal or being a whale.
I need to finish learning japanese
Reddit 2.0 isn't it for me you guys are insufferable ごめん
I hope I can use my S6 Yapyap with Tsubaki. I'm not getting S6 Danjin.
Think Ford was the replacement she experienced first hand compared to shorekeeper of recounting experiences hence why they said they found a milder version to replace or some shit.
With monthly + BP + skipping you basically have the same economy as a dedicated F2P
It's the ultimate cuck experience: you pay, you still do time-wasting events, AND you have to ration your pulls like a F2P
I did this in Genshin, spending like $200 in total, and I'm never spending on this type of shit again unless the game lets me skipchad for free
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Yapyaps run this place
I wish it was explained better. The way I understood it is they used a simulation of a Lament instead of real Lament but that begs the question why didn't the try that out sooner. It's my only gripe with 1.3 story, I loved everything else about it, the storytelling was beautifully cinematic but actual plot needed more explanation about how things got resolved.
Some advice in good faith anon whatever you do never handle expenses in your household leave it to your wife or even your dog if you have to it would be a net positive.
NTA but you looking it at it differently than whale or spender even if you're ex spender. the argument is that you spend less time on chores when you can pay it instead, the "dedicated" f2p is usually mean how much "time" you spend in game. im dolphin who do dailies everyday but i see his point.
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Why was there not a single hag in Black Shores... At least the qt who runs the dorms could've been one... Shorekeeper doesn't count
You're Monica? You're Valentine?
Shorekeeper is the hag.
Best character in Lotr desu
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Anyone want some?
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Okay, but that still doesn't answers how the fuck do you have -78 limited pulls as a "dedicated" F2P who max out tower and do everything. You call the spreadsheet bullshit, but it literally has a piece by piece breakdown on how the numbers come out.
Are we entering hag creep now? Xinyi looked much older
Ok that's pretty based
SEA people are alright sometimes
Xinyi is turbogigagrannyhag by animu game standards
Does this game have lolis?
that fluoride stare
If you're looking at it as
time + money vs pulls
monthly > F2P > monthly + BP + skip
Skipping is just terrible in this game because it makes you buy the horrendous BP to get anywhere, and you don't save that much time cause events are still the majority of your income and you have to do those
No wonder you're still doing dailies as a dolphin, not doing them just sucks

>call the spreadsheet bullshit
retard with 0 reading comprehension, not giving you a proper response
So we can’t have real and normal characters because of the mentally ill fanbase (yes, chink incels are still mentally ill for identifying with the MC just as much as shippers are)
Retard. Dailies are a chore, events are not.
>0 reading comprehension
Where's yours bro?
When I was younger I thought he sucked ass coz he cried when he fell for the power of the ring, but when I rewatched a few years later, after going through life, he kinda resonates to me the most amongst the fellowship.
>events are not
lmao, enjoy your festivals and echoids
Jiyan feels so weak even with Shorekeeper. My Jinhsi cleared the harder tower on the first try with a minute to spare but I'm still fishing for mob grouping rng just to clear with Jiyan. He really needs a 5* Mortefi to be competitive.
No, you are the ultimate cuck by obediently doing absorb 3 echoes or defeat 20 enemies etc. every single day unlike the chads who are focusing on fun parts of the game and make up for boring parts with few bucks that they won't even notice disappearing. They play the game for enjoyment only.
does Baizhi have sex with her weird tentacle monster pet?
Imagine the regret posting when the local paid marketer niggas convince someone to roll his rerun
Drop the game if you don't like it.
Festival was very pleasant and echoids are a really cool mechanic if they happen moderately often and aren't overdone.
>No wonder you're still doing dailies as a dolphin, not doing them just sucks
its mostly because my echo suck ass even as dolphin, its that hard concept to see, the anon just doesnt want to do dailies everyday and to fix that he spend money.
Sanhua's skin is a reverse bunny suit, trust the plan
The story is ass, g game is a masterpiece compared to whatever were having
Changli's first skin will have her asshole peeking out from under her thong
>obediently doing absorb 3 echoes or defeat 20 enemies
I'm not doing any of that
I dump my stamina into the fastest thing every day and leave. You save 5 minutes per day, have a worse experience in all the combat shit, pay, and don't even get more pulls
You also get to do this embarrassing buyer's remorse posting while I don't
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wtf am I reading? So doing dailies is cucked now?
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Why are you not playing Genshin if you like festivals and mini-games so much? They have "echoids" running literally at all times
There's a dude looking at the tethys data torrent, listening to a recording his gf gave him before she got tossed into the civilization sand table and it's really sad
I feel like I started this chain by saying I 18/30 tower.
I still do my dailies and shit, I just miss out on those 12 stars ever 2 cycles because I only have 1 team built. A second and third team would only get me 6 stars more each.
what the fuck is echoid
I actually look forward to my dailies but i only play wawu as far as gacha goes.
That's my hot take didn't read the schizoid post tho.
>You call the spreadsheet bullshit
No, you absolute quadruple nigger, I called standard and weapon pulls bullshit because that's what they are. They don't progress you towards the banner character = bullshit
Gotta admire the effort though, quality shitpost
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So what do you guys think the reveal is?
Is Rover some kind of terraformer who arrived at Solaris 10k years in the past?
Or was the original humanity and Earth destroyed before and Rover is the sole survivor?
Or is Solaris a simulation to try to find a solution for the Lament?
wuwa is thankfully very light on minigames
thank fuck kuro changed that from pgr
literally half the patch is minigames over there
huh? isnt standard and weapon give you coral still?
yeah I actually like wuwa's daily because it's short. It doesn't get to a tedious level.
Except you're the one who has bad experience with the game regularly. The stance you're arguing with has good experience always.
Stop coping.
Yapyap is coming with us to the new country right?
>talking about how you as a monthly+BP can back out of your dailies and maxing the tower, because coral makes back most or more
Anon, maybe the math teacher is not enough...
>do dailies
>by spending stamina to build characters
Then use your built characters to 30/30 holy shit
You're still doing all the work, why accept less rewards like you're some kind of cuck?
Not the same anon, but because of being lazy and not liking the shitty Abyss equivalent. I hated it there and didn't do it, I wouldn't put any effort into it here either. I will build my characters whenever I want, because even with my Encore alone maxed out, I can clear literally any and every content in the game outside that shit. I will do it once I want later, sometimes, why would I care about 4 pulls every month?
you prolly need to stop thinking minmax roll income when talking to people like this, they dont care bro, they could just swipe.
Oh you're just PTSD victim carry on
>>496995669 (me)
What's up anon, cat got your tongue? Are you hiring the teachers you missed out on being home schooled?
>coral makes back most or more
This is a straight up lie, I spent all those standard + weapon + Jinny pulls, and only got 30 pulls worth of corals.
You're acting like you provided hard data, but the claim that
>coral makes back most or more
is not substantiated by anything
You only have 25 pulls worth of corals yourself
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>Bitchless coop challenge
>other two players keep dying
>I am SK, I have lots of shielding, healing and almost 40k hp so I trivialize the fight
At least the other two players were nice and we went for another round
>being this desperate for (you)s
I don't remember making this post.
Guess we are meant to... keep the shores
Rover is Instance One. Solaris-3 could be in a Trisolaris situation, where civilization is entirely destroyed every few ten thousand years by the Lament, and is restarted by Tethys and Rover when the wuthering waves subsides.
do i really gotta finish that quest to get the materials to level shorekeeper
Yes you gotta gotta the gotta ongotta
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>You only have 25 pulls worth of corals yourself
Because I said I spent a ton to get Changli's weapon, reading comprehensionbro.
I even sent you an image of ALL my rolls so far, with how many 4 and 5 stars I got, should I count them for you?
>33 4* and 6 5* on limited chara
>17 4* and 2 5* on standard chara
>22 4* and 2 5* on limited wep
>8 4* and 2 5* on standard wep
>5 4* and 2 5* on beginner banners
>5star selector
That's 157 4star and 15 5star pulls anon. I even broke it down to you piece by piece because I know math and numbers aren't your strong suit. Now let's do multiplications too. Good?
>157x3= 471
>15x15= 225
>471+225= 696
>696/8= 87 pulls
Literally what did I said first time? You miss out on 80 pulls up to 1.3, apparently I got 87 total coral pulls so far and I still have 11K astrite and 120 pulls coming from 1.3
I will answer back if the simple math didn't melted down your last remaining braincells, but I wouldn't if you do another asspull bullshit because you are not right.
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>didn't melted
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Now you made me blunder and somehow doubled the 4star count, let's count that as your win.
Kuro I need more weekly boss mats to spend all the gold skill mats youre giving me...
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she murders homeless people btw
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Danjin no don't do it...
Absolutely fantastic troll you massive homo, have a nice day
Table D gang
rover is the true chinese wuxia protagonist he became such powerful god every day was boring to him
so he wiped his own memory to play newgame+ and conquer the world and fuck all the girls again
Is /wuwa/ the rageaholics anonymous general
if the rover asks shorekeeper to have sex, would she agree to it?
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I don't think Razorfist plays Wuwa
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Both them and the wolves deserve it. Danjin is the perfect girl.
explain like im 4

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