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Previous: >>496964135

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.5 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240830version-2zj3e2/index.html

>Version 2.5 Trailer — "Flying Aureus Shot to Lupine Rue"
>Lingsha Trailer — "Burning Scent of Home"

>Current Character Banners: (Lingsha, Topaz + Misha, Natasha, Guinaifen) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/33777781
>Current Light Cone Banners: Scent Alone Stays True (Abundance), Worrisome, Blissful (The Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/33777892

>New Drip Marketing:
>Rappa (5* Imaginary Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32521040

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift
5T3Y6764D3Q3 (NEW)

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
this non-spam OP
lingsha's banner, lingsha's op. simple as
I like this one.
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sick and tired of the earlyschizo
if only the firefly spammer weren't so greedy
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This one for me
It's her day
Fuck pagfly and all her tranny orbiters
Hertaschizo is so fucking mentally ill
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This one, actually on time unlike p*gflyfags
I wish her ass were actually that big.
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Firefly summer will never end.
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What did Reisa-tan mean by this...
No more firepag
Stop posting this off-model trash. Now I can't reach her....
Say what you want about Hertaschizo but at least xhe never created early threads
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so what do I do with the extra one? is it any good on gallagher?
True. Always made it a point to post after 750.
I miss her...
damn youre one lucky faggot
I just barely passed the new PF.
Dawei got me... Maybe I should start rolling for PF exclusive characters...
No, because QPQ is what makes Gallagher good outside of Firefly teams
This >>496923353 thread was early
Plus, Hertaschizo made the Caefly thread so people would "miss" his threads
Build your Himeko and Herta.
>no booru filename
Not Hertaschizo
When can we expect these to go up for preorder? I'd like a medium sized bird at least
And Acheron teams
I barely get past Kafka's cheeks...
She is so fuarking gropable
I am happy Space China II happened if only because of her.
Is superimposing really better than keeping a spare copy of it around for another healer to use?
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My girlfriend is so cute
I choose the on time bread
I would roll if her ass looked like that
Yeah but to whom are you gonna give it? It's specifically tailor made for BE healers and Gallagher doesn't want it. This meta isn't gonna last forever either.
The nice thing about Topaz's weapon is that it'll actually be fairly useful even if Topaz gets power crept into oblivion.

Which could happen, unfortunately.
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no one's ever regretted rolling for Jade-sama
Just plan for having two break teams in the future and give one to Gallagher.
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why not use wife thread? no wife here... i miss wife... >>496980072 YAAAAAAAY WIFEE!... but not me? why not me with her...
herta doesn't work this pf
You could’ve just said you were a newfag. Go look at the archives, he’s always used Twitter filenames.
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This. I love my mom that got unbricked with E1.
>make a ninja with booty shorts
>give her negative ass when SW has a decent one for her size
What were they thinking
the vuln on the light cone is a generic vuln not a break vuln, gallagher is used on other teams than just break ones
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Everyone's rolling for Gon aka the most iconic shonen protagonist of our generation
That's a good question
kill yourself you retard. why did you bump their early thread
>make a ninja
>make her slow as fuck
What were they thinking?
>keeping duplicates
kana my love...
I would use it if it wasn't early. Better luck next time.
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For me it's Hime (forma de ninja)
How the fuck are they going to have her use her Kana voice? Looks miscast as hell.
Does she have any other range than that?
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>Rappa is Nokotan
Oh Deer.
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thread had wife, me love wife...
>you retard
wife calls me that too
Fact: you're supposed to roll sidegrades, for the future endgamemode that uses more than 2 teams.
actually Kurapika is the true protagonist of HxH and yeah we all rolled for her
seems like we got a new schizo
For me it's Merag and Hime..
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Odds I get Lingsha
Evens I get E1 Topaz
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>I share the birthday with our queen Sawashiro-sama
So blessed...
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His real name's Kurapika Bosenmori Kurta?
Wtf she voiced best Wotakoi and best Gatari
Literally nobody gives a shit about Gon.
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Dickrolling Lingsha and Yunli has been a great decision
if you didn't like the caefly thread then you shouldn't have even bumped it you retarded tranny
thank god I tanked that ban now I know you're a italian subhuman faggot
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It's just gojocuck again. Any time someone is spamming retarded shit, it's usually him
>reddit x reddit
This wasn’t me!!!!!
So it has been a day. Is Lingsha worth it over Aventurine?
Sorry bwo now you got two evens gotta roll for Topaz now
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don't lie to us, go roll your topaz sis
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What do you think of my ACK bwos?
Aventurine is better at sustaining and FUA. Lingsha is better at break and PF.
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They're used in completely different teams
she's about to smell her...
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Should I pull for Lingsha bros? My limited sustains are Fu Xuan and Luocha. I have a solid Gallagher as well so I am not sure if she's worth it. My dick says yes but my meagre f2p savings are telling me no.
I just banged Lingsha. AMA about the experience.
They are trying to drain you before 3.0
Lingsha is not worth 180 pulls for an abundance unit for break as long as you have E6 Gallagher. Aventurine is good in a lot of teams that want sustain you can rely on forever. Except for break teams.
she looks fun for du. First time abundance paths might be worth using
feixiao team uses both
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That's a pretty nice ACK, but can't compare with mine.
Lingsha? More like LingSLOP hehehe.
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why is every clear posted here so soulless nowadays?
What's the point of playing gacha if you're not dickrolling?

The genre should be a waifu arms race. More than it is right now, honestly.
Be the change you wish to see. Post yours.
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>All shill army shifting from General to newer unit
Well if you try to use 1.x units you find that they hit like wet noodles so you just switch back to your Acheron hehe
>The 70% damage is only true in SuperBreak scenarios, if you build crtisha the number is different of course, I always like doing Team over personal damage and just clarify it on parentheses if the character count allows it, like Feixiao LC is a 25% damage increase (personal) but it's just a 12~15% damage increase (team) so it's not a must-pull like Acheron.
>She'll be played in HMC Superbreak where everyone does damage so it's always important to list team damage, at least that's my rationale; in other teams she won't be doing much damage at all unless you specifically build for Crit, shes doing 0 damage in a DoT team for example.
>Also >Prydwen; I'd check the lingsha main and the HunterKee spreadsheets Vs Gallagher team dmg numbers and specify that the % is for brick teams only.
I'm sort of assuming that they'll both be used in Break teams, since their common use is majorly for Break, i.e. you're comparing 2 Break sustains, primarily.
And I still haven't yet calced the personal damages of each team members, so I'll do that later.
>Just annotate 4pc eagle for 0 cycle autism somewhere, better to list all alternatives.
I want to make the guide brief, since she doesn't have that much build depth or complexity. I initially only wanted to make it as to clarify the use of Critsha and using her in non-Break teams.
Anyways, thanks for the detailed feedback.
Is /hsrg/ rolling?
Yea C0R1 and then I save for Mavuika
brown skin is ugly so no
Nope, I'm getting Chiori.
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Eww Kanashit begone
Yes, I've been gooning it to her ever since she was revealed. That's not the reason I'm rolling though, I just need more traversal options
Don't play
Saving for Chasca, stat supports are boring
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Yes but solely because of meta.
None of the natlan characters are attractive to me at all.
Seconded >>496981574
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>posts aventurine and fofo sidegrade
what did anon mean by this?
>have 250 bajillons speed
>True Sting will still play 8 times before you and gain x15 attack buffs
I'm so fucking tired of GG/DU """"difficulty"""" tresholds
how does the 70% number even come about, is this 1 skill per 4 turns, 1 skill per 3, 1 skill per 2 or skilling every turn?
Is this Aglaea?
Feixiao dabs on pre-2.0 SU no cap
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Yes cuz she has kinda similar kit to Robin.
no she's ugly, and I'm saving for Zhong Lee
yes been saving since the first trailer
not even citlani?
>posts aventurine and fofo and lynx sidegrade
what did anon mean by this?
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Sex with coworkers!
I love Robin!
I would if I still played genkek
it spends its entire first turn splitting and doing a wimpy singletarget move, just kill it before it can move again
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How's this not attractive to you?
forgot to mention i have worms
>fucking Zhongli in 2024
lmao, every dps has interruption resistance nowadays and Xilonen provides better buffs while also keeping your health topped up
>Ordeal is 6% SPD
>Messenger and Forge too
>SPD boots is 25
143 SPD without any substats on 100 SPD characters, very nice.
You only need 3 3 SPD and 2 4 SPD to get 160 SPD.
that's not how 5+ tresholds work
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it's literally how it works
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man of supreme taste
are we playing the same game? my FF team dabbed on that jobber on DU8 before it could even move
i don't play genshit
would skip this negrocoded character though
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No. Skipping all of shitlan after the Mualani disaster.
Chiori is one of my absolute favorites design wise, too bad in terms of personality she's just your average genshin workaholic
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So this just went from a generically busted support set to just a Sparkle buff or am I reading this wrong?
Hunter x Hunter is literally the least renown shonen on the world.
carried by your two weighted curio
depends entirely on your run, without the free turn legendary hunt blessing you can't match its speeds
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It doesn't matter how attractive it is
It's still in genshin so, it's pointless
How many tiktoks did Lingsha get?
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>firebug thread deleted
In other news: Lingsha wearing Sparkle's goofy glasses.
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cute and Canon
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no usable curio run

and yes, you are bricked without sovereign skybreaker and radiant supreme. that is just how high difficulty su is, either get the right blessings or die
oh shit i completely forgot to start the salesposting wait
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holy shit
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I did pull for Mualani but she's kinda clunky. Other genshin regions I've always had a character that I've really really liked that I aspire to save for. That hasn't happened in Natlan at all
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Congrats bwi
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I have never gotten a single ERR rope with a spd sub in it.
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Can someone here share some good Indonesian literature? I really want to expand my literary palate outside of Honkai Star Rail's narratives.
also no cute 4* I can simp for like layla or chevy
if it affected the wearer it would just say wearer no
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Your clitloli?
that's going to be a 5 star
I wanna put a remote vibe in Robin's panties and then tease her on and off during her performances. Also I just got reminded of that YouTube vid where a French woman attempts to read a book while she gets teased by a vibe under the table and her moans were just diamond hardon inducing
impressive, very nice
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confirmed as a 5* as of this morning's leaks
If you prefer traditional gender roles then pull for Lingsha
>all carbs and no veggie
get an apple at least
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>pasta more pasta and bread
Damn bwo it's just like you live in war times.
You pulled Luochud so you're already wormed, rip.
>killed genshin andade dawei cry
>now he's here for us
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They might have changed the wording to include the wearer and their summon for summons that buff an ally
tomato sauce is a veggie according to american school lunch regulations
post a level 5 gyatt
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It's over... I couldn't roll the Yunli sniffer, I would've gotten away with it if it wasn't for E4 Welt.
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>my 2 euro university meal
>american school lunch regulations
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I can get past that
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She drinked too much milk tea.
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i can't get past that
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nah she'd tank it
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Oh nyo
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Time for a butt
it's gospel
this image hurts me on a personal level
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the only alternative dessert they had was a prepackaged chocolate muffin, and I prefer to cream thing
there was also a potato stew thing but the meat looked weird and undercooked, possibly boiled pork
i might be able to get past that
>Calculations are structured to allow Gallagher to perform at peak performance not requiring him to use any Skills. In the event you need to use a Skill, his damage, toughness, hits, and Skill Point generation will decrease.
>Lingsha despite 'performing' better than Gallagher in the categories below is unable to be played smoothly in some teams due to her Skill Point restrictions - so keep that in mind.
I'd assume that Lingsha is 1 skill per 3 turns, as that is how she's meant to be played. Gallagher's calcs are assuming he is only using basic each turn.
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Congratulations. It's even better than mine's 11.8 Speed. I also got one wasted roll into Crit. More Effect Res would have been great on Keel.
uid? no seriously im cock hungry
I don't get how exo toughness is supposed to help Firefly when most of her damage comes from Super Break, when the enemy has no toughness
Guys who’s sexier Silver Wolf or Rappa
Who are you supposed to use Lushaka on
Reminder to report off topic posts
That aesthetic is garbage.
Strange wording. It only buffs ability-using targets, meaning there might be targettable allies which don't have abilities.
did gentard really have a melty because a male character was relevant? This can't be real right?
breaking exo toughness counts as weakness broken and the exo toughness bar is extremely wimpy. you're wasting less toughness damage disappearing into the void and converting more of it into superbreak damage
i mean we didn't really like DHIL
but we also didn't get consumed by him for an entire year
Fast Ruan Mei in a Firefly team. The atk turns into more BE for Firefly and RM appreciates the 5% ERR for 3 turn Ults. I can't really think of anyone else.
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shan't be rolling break
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Punklordian tumsluts are my weakness!
What? Isnt "ability using" just dumb wording for the target of the buff that triggers the relic set?
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Secondaries hit me hard. Should i reroll them or keep it? Does build is good enough?
Silver Wolf is the sexiest character in the game
No, it says "target". Unless it only works if the character uses the skill on self.
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bbut i'm not gay..
ok, doesn't explain why you can't do PF though.
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>Most women are capable of secreting considerably more milk than needed by a single infant. The regulation of milk synthesis is quite efficient (around 800 mL/day).
>The normal daily production of saliva varies between 0.5 and 1.5 liters. The whole unstimulated saliva flow rate is approximately 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate decreases to 0.1 ml / min during sleep and increases to about 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min during eating, chewing and other stimulating activities.
>Daily loss in sweat is about 400 ml for an adult. The heat loss can be quite significant because there is a loss of 0.58 kcal for every ml of water evaporated. The maximum rate of sweating is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an acclimatized adult. On average however - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast evaporation and most of it disappearing - therefore:
>800ml of mammary milk + 1L average of saliva and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr during intense physical exercise = 2800mL average, assuming Bosenmori Mei is sweating for 30 minutes for any reason...
>Water consumption minimum: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of unsatisfied thirst
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (average)
>non-pregnant and 1 sex per day having Bosenmori Mei is capable of satisfying daily thirst of 1.5 man!!
shan't be rolling ackeron or robinbrick either
it's not gay t>>496983909
o just compare
speed is terrible

i'm assuming you are not using lingsha for superbreak, the sets are whatever

just get 150spd (ideally 160)
Probably just badly translated chink runes?
It would just go into the trash if the conditions would be even more restrictive than they already are.
>i mean we didn't really like DHIL
because his character like the whole arc sucked, not because it was a male
Doesn't look like Lingsha will record 1M warps in the first day. What a flop.
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sorry acheron anon, im phoneposting and tapped yours by accident
Last day of my express pass. Leakers useless as usual. If Tingyun is a skip Im done.
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I miss mom
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because mihoyo has deployed the inquisitors to hunt them down
wouldn't we not see her kit until the next beta anyway?
>got Lingsha in 2 10pulls
I guess this is my wife now
Its how corproations always act. its not the m, it must be the pirates & leakers causing their game to fail. Totally not the chink slop shoved down Westerns throats.
My Bricksha is looking great bros
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How bad is it? Worse than pinkfox?
You aren't missing out on much and Schizoday and Stingyun are bound to better units overall for your account anyway.
GODpard chad i knyeel
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i think it might be a little gay are you NA
an entire region had to be sacrificed to shill his dumb wormed ass (including the fucking archon), no shit people are bothered by it
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Which one bros?
Leftmost one is what I usually use.
She has her LC.
What is the purpose of Rappa?
Firefly + banjo + Stingyun + (You) is endgame goal team anyway.
it's not gay at all, i just want to see shut up yes im on the NA server
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Hey, I got that as well. My account is weird. Ages ago I got my first standard to e3, after that EVERY fucking standard but this one would come. Now, I have EVERY standard but Jobking on e3, he's e1. I know who my next 2 coin flip loss' are gonna be...
Rappa, but I'm biased towards pink women
superbreak unit for PF, broken as fuck superbreak dps when an exo-toughness support is released
i read the start of your post as "i got past that as well" this general is making me stupider day by day
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She will be back soon
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>66 pity on weapon banner
>1 pity on character banner
I think I'm gonna go for my wife's cone. She deserves it.
>but what about new characters
I have all of next patch to save at minimum, and giga tingyun doesn't really interest me even if she's meta core.
Is she worth getting then? Or shud I save for Adventurine for FeiXiao
If you need help for PF she's definitely worth the rolls, otherwise I'd wait for Tingyun leaks first.
I'd roll if she was in this game but we're not allowed to have blonde girls
>exo-toughness support
Stop pushing this delusion
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Go for it. Her cone is really useful and not just on Topaz. You can use the gay cone on Moze instead.
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i'm going to have to thoroughly think before sending you my penis anon 614912806
I honestly don't remember how much pink fox got in 24 hours but it's looking really grim for Lingsha. She might do worse... at least in warpstation stats anyway.
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Thanks for the cone, Lingchud, now my Gallagher can really pop off. :^)
poll about the name of the upcoming 5* Tingyun unit
Drinking every drop of Acheron’s breastmilk until she gets a figure
what did you roll then
spunkle e2
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How do you build her relics-wise? I have 3 copies of Post-Op total and an imprint 5 What Is Real.
Ruan “GYATT” Mei
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This was fun
I'm never doing this shit again though
This is true. And she pairs incredibly well with Lingsha. Made this PF a breeze.
if you rolled eidolons you should have enough firepower to bruteforce through mechanics with weaker dpses
it's gonna be a thing whether you want it or not chudy
Any 2.3 starters saving for her?
It's probably a terrible decision for account health but I'm doing it anyway
>one of the best DPS in the game
>terrible decision
What's your roster so far?
So far she only needs E1 Guinaifen, Pela, and Trend FMC.
do not bother unless you're ready to invest or have gay fox already
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guys how do I organize my folder full of gacha fanart and reaction images
Linghsa unbrick my E1 ff team
Tingyun ● Nuntius Insectorum
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Nice cdmg lol
Acheron is only a top dps for the whales. Prepare to get eidolons and her light cone.
>86% cdmg
>will literally do less damage than normal when hitting a crit
skibidi sparkle
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suddenly got a bit shy as soon as i read your post, ill add you in the morning when i wake up name ingame starts with b
fuckin based
sure it's a pretty big gap
As someone who had Seele built on retarded cr once, prepare yourself good lube because, YES! THEY CAN STILL MISS IT!

Nta but Feixiao gives no shit for her cd as much as cr since all of her hits are st counted
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I spend like 3 days on her relics and have more critdmg than that.
Why are you making my wife wear rags?
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I hope you're just pretending to be dumb
and wormqiu
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Keroro Gunsou was such a good show, it single handedly gave me a hebe fetish
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Not him but cd is a meme stat for her. I see no fucking difference between 164/76 Feixiao vs 200 crit rate Feixiao.
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So what are we playing?
holy fucjing kino
I want her to beat the shit out of me
So what you are saying is the ancient texts about the 1:2 rate are lies?
Imagine her irises turning red when she gets horny now
Bwos... I can't be bothered to build my Feixiao...
I built Lingsha right away though
post a gyatt for whales
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>>496985806 (me)
>trying to organize gacha folder
>make folders by game
>run into to picrel
W...which folder do I put it in?
Huxianbros... (extinct)
At least you have your Feixiao. I got only E8 KING out of her banner.
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Pls respond ;_;
this is why you folder by character
it's because of the 1:2 ratio lmao
critfags get a billion cdmg buffs now, in combat they easily reach 250-300+ cdmg with some basic setup, so if you're not capping crit rate you're literally gimping the average damage
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Feixiao just gets a lot of CD from other sources that don't show up on the character screen
>25% from planar
>45% from Robin
>36% from a major trace
>60% from March most of the time
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The one which you like the most.
I put all of my Raidens into Acheron folder. She's technically Super-positioned Mei.
4pc Iron Cavalry, healing or ATK chest.
Any support planar or Kalpagni with atk orb and ERR rope.
QPQ or S3 post op.
i think there's a meme build with S3 post op where you can use a break effect rope if you give her an ER planar set like vonwaq
>make Acheron folder
>make raiden shogun folder
>make raiden mei folder
W...which folder do I put it in? You know what, I'm going to going to copy and paste the image into each folder.
Fags make fun of this not understanding how little cd plays a part in her damage.
Also not understanding this Feixiao right here is the one that 0 cycles MoC and even is usable in PF on sole fact that she is fast as fuck. Nigger can even drop sigger for harmony/pink fox if he got him and she will do crazy numbers.
mudder fudgin nanner
Has anyone gotten all the Gold and Gears rewards? What's the most consistent way to clear the higher conundrums? Which path is best?
Is Feixiao the only crit DPS that can casually ignore building CDMG?
E0S1 is enough and fairly easy.
So for Feixiao should you use a wind orb or an atk orb?
yunli has 100% cdmg on her ult and 36% on her s1
anything but a cdmg orb
Put all those folders into a single one (name it Raiden or something), then the ones that have multiple characters can sit in that same folder, but not in the individual ones.
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I really have no idea how people with E0 FF can run this chick, and this was me trying a E0S1 Lingsha
It's mostly because Fei gots shitton of cd as it is from every other source (her traces, relics, Robin and possibly other units like M7). So, yea. Caring about high cd with her is kind of a meme. Cr and spd are way more important.
I assume you can just use Lingsha skill instead of TB skill (which is prob better for any fight without Imaginary weak) but yeah this is a major reason I'm hesitant to pull her. I have E0S0 Firefly
>What's the most consistent way to clear the higher conundrums?
Firefly or Acheron, Feixiao will probably work too.
>Which path is best?
Destruction if FF, Erudition/Hunt if Acheron.

You can cheese it with the RM strat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gc9hJJG0GcY
Her speed doesn't really matter in PF though, more her ult quantity. You use her to remove dinos. I 1 cycled her side with Yunli, sigger and Sparkle, though my Sparkle is pretty good I doubt it really matters because it's fairly overkill damage per screenshot-wise anyways. And considering you can use like twice the AV I did...

Though I guess considering I buff her with Sparkle, she essentially has 160+ speed. Her turns really don't matter though. More the enemies all clapping Yunli and getting countered time and time again building her stacks (plus sigger FU).
E1 Pagfly is the highest value constellation in the game, you don't love her if you skipped.
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I uhhh don't think those exist
Pretty much. CD has become oversaturated stat due to you having multiple sources beyond just relics of getting it rocket high. It could be unit's trace, cone or harmony, but cd is something that gets easily solved nowadays.
Good luck unfucking your crit rate though. Best you got for that is FX to some extent and Brickle's cone. Even with cr in traces, you will always be fighting and praying for cr substats to start tooting because that's how nightmare it is to get decent cr ratio.
Maybe character folders would work better. I wish there was a tagging system.
>Destruction for FF in G&G
what? you run Remembrance with her
that's the boss that summons units when you hit his shield isn't it... Can you normally auto it?
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I NEED a footjob from Lingsha and Hanya
Wheres the cut off? Diminishing returns?
Surely more crit damage is betterer.
For me, it was using Elation with the FART (with Yunli as substitute for Fei if I get Argenti as the final boss)team. Elation blessings are stupidly powerful lol
>Even with cr in traces, you will always be fighting and praying for cr substats to start tooting because that's how nightmare it is to get decent cr ratio
the flipside of the massive cdmg inflation is that atk% subs then start gaining value lol
so random shit with crit rate + atk% becomes a rollable piece
I just played Preservation with Aventurine. shit's broken
I cleared it with Firefly and Destruction, just do the RM cheese strat.
I sort group pictures by what feels like the most relevant character. If relevant character can't be identified I put it by latest character. If it's ostensibly a group shot there's a separate folder for those. I'd put this one into HSR/Acheron folder myself.
Seriously, where the fuck is harmony for CR??? It's always CD, but never one that is for CR. No, cone shit (Sparkle's) doesn't count as that unit being dedicated CR buffer.
Just put it as lower priority instead of not getting it at all.
Should have rolled FuGOD retard.
Lingsha is unironically a landmine for borrowing, because her builds are drastically different based on which team you want to play her in, and she has no energy at the beginning which is shit for a healer. You also don't have the tech for these weekly boss' (technically you can if you own her I think, but whatever).

Some chars are like that. I don't even offer mine for borrow for that reason.
Not if you already get way too much of it from every other source. You are doing nothing for your unit then. It's smarter to invest then in more lacking stat (depending on others that unit might prefer).
Is E0 Acheron 100 CR relatable? Who is supplying CR with 2 nihilities
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Yunli + Feixiao is a real team that works
It does count though, you can put it in any Harmony and is relatively easier to roll.
Yeah but Destruction does absolutely nothing for FF in G&G, she doesn't benefit from the extra dmg% and the blessings are useless for the most part.
>Jade, Yunli and Feixiao are the three standard (ie isn't DoT or Break)
>All three have FuA as a big part of their kit, with the latter two having Cat's Candle built-in
>All three released after Robin and the FuA planar set

I'm noticing
Yunli is sort of Feixiao's equivalent of Jiaoqiu. Every time the enemy takes a turn there's a good chance they set off a counter and give her a stack
Dont get me wrong, I run that crit rate chest (for now) and aim for 100. But I still want a nice big cock cdmg number at the end of the day.
>hmc e2
Izumo planar set and Fu Xuan
She is not CR dedicated buffer but sustain shit. One that isn't optimal for most teams. Sure as hell isn't best in slot, or even 2nd best in slot, or even fucking 3rd for someone like Feixiao.
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chinkslop is killing this game, first time I've ever overcapped on stamina
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Good evening bwos.
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gallagher just got a whole lot cuter
modern day dotcheron, roll for topaz and stop coping
not playing exploration sloppa
Lingsha flopped lol
Every character on current banner always gets borrowed most of the time because majority wants to try it out without pulling first themselves. It's why I had my Brickle borrowed back then, but nobody is touching her now.
If you want borrowing landmine, then that's dps. By dps I mean the more braindead and auto friendly they are, the more they will be borrowed.
She works fine, literal skull issue.
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I do have Topaz, but she's E0S0 and does very little damage. Himeko is borrowing her planars currently.
With those two, how much CR should be visible on her character screen?
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>E2 TB

What's with some anons and not having their TB E6? Do you guys even play the game?
She's the second one for sure. At least if you wanna live.
If living isn't any issue, you can try Gallagher or Lingsha, but those work badly when they can't break and the enemy actually hits back. Lingsha is still a bit better, but you might struggle with SP if you need to skill heal more often.

Fu is underrated here, but she does the job just fine.
>use Lingsha skill instead of TB skill
That sounds terrible since FF absolutely needs HMC's ult. Fuck I really wanted Lingsha because she is so hot but Gallagher is just way more comfortable
I never auto this dude because of his nuke, but Aventurine makes it possible I think
>because her builds are drastically different based on which team you want to play her in,
What do you mean? Her only real niche is break teams, and I never had problems borrowing a sustain before
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do people actually do every single bit of content that's released?
Too much cr is doing it too much as well. If you are something like 70% at least, you can consider throwing your stats elsewhere.
You are less likely not to crit at that point, not to mention, that even at 100%+, you can still miss. Again, happened to me with Seele.
usually the non-players at least have E3, that anon is setting a new bar
I saw a guy with an E6 Firefly and his HMC at E3, these people are just wired differently.
Use M7 then fag. Everyone and their mother has one.
i wouldn’t play a game if i wasn’t going to play it
They each add 12%, so 76% outside of battle (or 72% if you're using S1 + 4pc Pioneer)
>even at 100%+, you can still miss
Uh no? How can you miss a crit if it's guaranteed to happen?
Why wouldn't you?

I do skip over the text if it starts getting boring, though. Which Mihoyo sidequests tend to.
Some people are busy and don't have time to chase every chest around the corner, talk to every npc shit, do every fucking side-quest (hidden ones too), just to ensure that they have enough for maxing out stupid statue.
because I do other things and play other games?
Thanks. How much speed do you want? Typical 120 breakpoint?
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Not him, but... Oh, boy... I envy your innocence there.
150 minimum
Don't strip her...
it’s just interesting to see how this generation of gamers treats games. back in my day. we played games to play and enjoy them. but, well, it’s understandable how it ended up this way because gachashit encourages it
>Too much cr is doing it too much as well. If you are something like 70% at least, you can consider throwing your stats elsewhere
in case of feixiao this is wrong. for most dpses nowadays it's wrong, capping cr at the cost of other stats simply increases the avg damage more
>You are less likely not to crit at that point, not to mention, that even at 100%+, you can still miss
you are a retard
Seele doesn't care. Seele doesn't follow the rules.
And doing every little bit of content isn't enjoyable for some, when that content isn't that engaging or interesting.
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This is Linsha's VA.
Say something nice to her.
Anyone who types "wow" has no right to call anyone else retarded when that is peak brainlet dialect
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Good morning, why are we dead
literal who seiyuu for a literal who toon
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Now that Herta and Himeko are starting to no longer be autowin buttons for PF, will you roll her?
she looks like she moe moe kyuns
What use will Feixiao have from 100%+ cr if all of her other stats are now dogshit? Use your own brain if you got any.
>not reading the next line in which I said that it literally happened with my own unit in which Seele missed despite having above 100% cr
>hell I'm not even the only one as you had fags with .webms with same fucking experience as me
>it was even meme in /gig/ itself of how their own units missed despite above 100% cr
Here is your (You)
I already have her for my Bladie
Alone break has many builds:

Break cone break chain. (biggest numbers, but worst build as far as I've tested so far, and would be a terrible borrow. This is what the trial does btw)
Break cone energy chain. (somewhat better)
Energy cone break chain. (if said energy cone is the Luocha cone this is likely the best for borrows due to extreme energy gains)

Lingsha auto is also fairly bad, only skilling when heals are needed. If SP are there, she should skill. Meanwhile sigger does that, which is really retarded as he often ends up doing nothing with that SP...

There's also FU based crit builds you can do. You can still play that in "break" teams so you have some non break damage, or you play it outside of it, likely in FU.

Notably, many would also build her with outgoing healing chest, energy and whatnot, with very little effort because "it's just a sustain". Shit build can exist everywhere of course, but this girl's biggest appeal is that she can deal a fuckton of damage as a support. I've tested my e1 against the newest weekly boss, and I've seen her ult + FU do over 800k damage once, and that wasn't even a full break build. She deals like half of an e2's firefly damage or something stupid (while a chunk of FF's damage is thanks to Lingsha's support of course).
no I will simply save for Herta forma de realidad
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shan't be rolling for hags, I broke that rule in ZZZ for Caesar (even if she's just tall and hardly a hag at all) and felt bad ever since, not doing the same mistake
I like Mikari more.
>Not even 1 full day since her EU release (18h for NA)
>This general has moved on from Dan "Lingsha" Zhu already

What went wrong?
Lingsha killed the game with her flop ass banner
How do I get my pf clear to update? It's showing my old one where i didn't get enough point still
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Good morning bwos
I got a Yanqing eidolon at 80 pity and I'm not swiping for an abundance
log off log in for the in-game stats, wait a few hours for the hoyolab stats
Good meowning
Rappa after she befriends Yunli (she doesn't have the fast metabolism of a growing teenager anymore).
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Decided to also try Luocha for comparison...man, abundance really needs a buff
Hertaschizo killed all momentum after he made that early thread
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Bronya SEX
Gm bwos
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>87 pity E3 Gepard spook >>496984440
You are mad if you think I'll give even more tickets and my guarantee to a whore that made me go to this pity, only to give me THIS
Thank you
*evil bells chiming*
NA hours…. they’re…. here.
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You can't just blame all of your life's problems on hertaschizo
built for certain type of men, multiple of them at the same time
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NA hours are upon us
that's our Luochud!
i already mentioned that it increases the average damage more, if you want the exact values use the optimizer, it's better to cap crit rate at the cost of other stats in every realistic scenario

>it literally happened with my own unit
yeah i sure believe some retard
that explains it
kill yourself
I can get past it now that i think about it, RM is probably <170cm.
>87 pity
Jesus Christ bwo! The hardest I ever went was just 81. Thankfully, it was a win.
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move along man..
HMC has insane energy generation though, you constantly get his ult back before it runs out even if you don't skill every turn. I think you'd be fine
would eat ruan mei’s poop out of the toilet water nohanded like bobbing for apples
Now post their in-game models
HonGYATT Star Rail
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sure... im not interested anyway
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The moment you encounter Ruan Mei, your heart is also filled with infinite happiness. It is as if you are forever inured from worry, that you will live in revelrous joy for the remainder of your life. Unable to bear the excitement, you cry out, hopping and laughing like a child, and under your breath, you mutter: "Thanks, Ruan Mei." You know she can hear you.
I never went beyond 78 in my life in any other Hoyo shit game. This is the first time that I not only went beyond 78 as my word luck pity, but beyond 80, and only 3 pulls away from joining unicorn lucklet club that experienced 90.
Fuck Brisksha with cactus. Even if she was best sustain until EoS (kek at that), I'm never giving her a single ticket ever again just due to this. Bitch bricked my account.
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what do you call this
I salute the Ruan Mei booty
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Oh no, how sad (laughs)
A lot of TB power
post hmc eidolons
breeding tingyun
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cant sleep, added you a few mins ago
Does anybody else feel like we're in due time for a playable black man in HSR?
>Gay shit
curious huh
I’m gonna say it…..
When did this troon and flamboyant homo speech become so normalized on 4chin? Only Twitter trannys, homos and dumb women use this unronically in their speech. This website is nothing but tourists from Twitter at this point. All of you niggers are troons confirmed.
wow, xhe looks pretty mad
Uh oh melty
>Gay ERP
>GYAT posting
I've missed you NAbros....
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Got a problem with that, sweetie? Sorry for being braver than you, I guess.
Your Arlan?
Kek this mans is really having a melty over a natural exclamation
Wait until you notice lingo like "mid" and "glazing" being use unironically here too in 2024
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Really feel like I don't know how to make my dot team work, or it's just not built to stomp PF into the ground.
GNSW Kafka, EoP BS, Aventurine with the Gepard print, and Acheron with her sig, all E0. Maybe it's just that dots aren't too hype for PF if they're not specifically shilled for.
Thank god Firefly destroyed the other half for free.
need more Ruan “GYATT” Mei pics to save hsrg
What 4* units would be good for super break while I wait for luciérnaga?
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So iconic he got written out of his own series
>natural exclamation
In that written from? It isn't. It's poor attempt at sarcasm that only women/homos/troons use. Which is what all of you clearly are.
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I am married to Lingsha
But I guaranteed he will be a brick and the butt monkey of the Stonehearts
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You are seething so hard you actually managed to misspell "form". Take a break
I know, me
Your wife looks like shit and is selling even bigger shit
Saving for Mauvika and Capitano
>t. Fuyuan
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so mihoyo is just openly selling black people now?
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Here yo go bwo
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When and why did Qinque become the avatar of homofaggots erping with each other?
what 4 star cone are you guys using on Lingsha? quid pro quo?
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I never used my 300 standard rolls selector since I already had Clara, Bronya, and Himeko at E2 and was going to just use it to take whichever one of them got E3 first straight to E4
Since then I have got every other standard banner 5* to E2, and I am now wondering if I should just use it to make the exclamation mark on the UI go away
owner & property package deal
She is the blandest female design they shitted out so far. Which is impressive since all of girls in this gayme looks meh at best. She is basically female pink fox in that regard. 4* design that somehow made it to 5*.
holy smokes go back tourist
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Star Rail for this feel?
>Posts Aventurine
Oh the irony
Since like the start, 1.2/1.3 at the earliest already had a bunch of annoying troons.
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Don't care
It's probably a signature cone difference. I have BS E0S1 and got 34k on side 1 with that team except Fu over Aventurine
i self insert as bunbun
>AI slop
Screwllum when he comes out
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This PF totally kicked my ass. I just about barely squeezed 60k with this team. Really bad one for DoT hags without Acheron and my Herta felt mediocre as fuck on side 2.
Whimsicality + Trashcans is just fucking evil.
Nobody uses him for gay posts and flirting with other anons.
Just use CHADllagher and press auto
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Good morning bros
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have you tried solitary healing err kafka
>The fruity blonde boy
Whatever you say man
my dot team can get about 32k with kafka swan e1s1 and ting and huohuo, theyre not the strongest for this rotation. i can test them with solitary bricking on kafka and s5 eyes of the sampo on swan if you want
I wish there was a version with topaz and numby
The unpopular idol..
Is the next warp rappa? What about reruns??

I just saw avenpaz sex (real)
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should have followed the guidelines
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Anon feels the need to fuck you when you post Aventurine
Numby is a female
We don't know about reruns until the version preview stream
>4* design that somehow made it to 5*
That's literally every fucking design past Acheron.
Playable sigger looks like joke. No fedora or sunglasses, making him look bland as shit.
Robin also looks bland as shit. Good in art, but none of that translates on her model. Her bro is no better. I don't get hype about him when it comes to his looks.
Boothill... on one hand I can't call him bland looking, on another his model is atrocity on whole another level. Looks like Mihoyo ripped off some v-tuber for his design.
Firefly is bland as shit to the point that when she was first leaked as Firefly, fags kept asking the question if those were Genshin's leaks because she looks like rejected anemo character.
Jade has eyes far apart and looks like playable NPC herself.
Yunli looks better in art than in 3d and I'm leaving it at that.
Pink fox needs no explaining of why his design is funny.
Feixiao is again where they tried, but Lingsha is back at where they didn't.
Rappa unironically has most thought put into her look and animations (she looks like v-tuber shit too), but she is giga brick.
Sunday had always been bland and his new getup looks even worse. It's like he stole that wardrobe from Welt.
We've already seen how Stingyun looks and it's bland as shit. Another china dress, just longer and darker. Wow!
Greek girl on another hand is just ugly.

I fear for 5* Herta at this point. Designs keep getting worse and worse.
This PF absolutely sucks for DoT, don't worry it's not just you. Everything is bloated to fuck but it encourages breaking so you never actually get to pop off much. The purple dinosaurs on Cocolia stall you so hard and Trashcans force you to use ults or waste whimsicality going off on them, and it makes a world of difference.
It also cucks Argenti who hasn't had a bad PF pretty much since release.
contrary to popular belief, Aventurine is in fact straight as an arrow and he's in a loving relationship with director Topaz
Morning honey, i made coffee exactly like you love.
Anyway im out to work, see you *smooch your cheeck*
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I saw it too
Rappa is the only new unit in the next patch
We're already overdue for a first rerun of Ratio, Acheron, and Sigga
You can also probably expect another triple banner with some combination of Seele / Mid Juan / Silver Wolf / Blade / Daniel / Jingliu
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QQ posters are more straight than Aventurine posters!
And what makes you think Lingsha bunnies are male?
didn't read lmao keep it to 200 symbols or less
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he’s very lucky
I agree with these, but anon, ACK herself looks like Seele forma de adulto kek It's even worse when you see what other designs she could've had but they went for that one.
Swan and Sparkle were the last time they actually tried and both of these were in files since 1.0.
>waste whimsicality
it's not much of a waste really since the whimsicality deals fucking dogshit damage this time around :^)
i do not have robin, firefly, acheron, jade or yunli
Why is this general nigh unusuable ?
>>I fear for 5* Herta at this point.
Hertaschizo spotted
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Thanks for defending our honor bwi
I am overflowing with tickets and nothing to use them on
>worse when you see what other designs she could've had
You can't say that and not post it
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Rappa had a hard life
>no Robin
uh bro? why would you skip the strongest Ruan Mei sidegrade in the game?
sadly with this dot (which also deals dogshit damage) it can be a hefty big difference, whimsicality hitting barney vs going off on random trash that dies on arcana
but yes it fucking blows
>not to mention, that even at 100%+, you can still miss.
How about post some actual proof?
>Again, happened to me with Seele.
She crit'd but just does no damage because she's trash
Save for an E6 of a character you like
For ADHD zoomies: 2.1+ units all look bland and dogshit

Sparkle is literally just Japanese girl in kimono. Nothing special either.
Her dress on that cone is way better. Should've looked like that.
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It's pretty dead right now, what are you talking about.
Works on my machine(Mobile)
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Designs were always shit. Very few characters look good in this game.
Clothes on most of the initial roster look like some fashion showfag retard designed them.
Did you start only a couple months ago or what?
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>not to mention, that even at 100%+ CR, you can still miss.

Nobody question his sexual orientation. He straight of course.
It just he (is very likely) take a cock or two during his slave years. Not everybody who got raped become disoriented
if you wanna spot a gay or female, just ask them how they feel about Sparkle's design
Argenti yumegods I kneel.
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Here you go gro

Disagree on Sparkle. Yes. Her design is simple, but it works. Simple =/= bad.
I'll e6 jade...
i find her character bland and her singing annoying, especially when it mutes the background music
Whats are your thoughts on Sparkle design?
I know why fan artists do this but I can't get over all these comics of Firefly's daily life depict her outside of SAM when it was a huge plot point that she'd basically die if she spent too much time outside the suit
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unwashed gamer girl feet
Nobody actually paid attention to any of the 8 hours of Firefly backstory quests
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Bros I finally cleared Conundrum 12!
she makes me want to rape her till my cock grows numb
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Were they too symmetrical for Hoyo or something?
Lmao faggot
All of those look censored as fuck especially skirt ones(No way those are not pamperses)
Good thing we got what we got.
Congrats! Conundrums suck ass. Which die face did you use?
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>once again the worst concept was chosen for final product
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oh yeah, did she ever got her phone back? didn't she lose it when she got killed by gallagher's dog and left it at that area?
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Half of those are highschool AU which is really popular for some reason and rest is in Penacony dreamspace. Also she can spend some time outside SAM, we don't really know what is her daily limit
Last one has best hair, but near last one has best outfit and tits. Hmm...
Somebody make AIslop of Lingsha’s HUGE ass
Lighting and atk make too little a difference, deciding factor should always be substats in Acks case
>HUGE ass
Her "ass" is same as her >>496990382
If you want actual ass, DoT hags are over there.
finished testing, easily got 32k regardless of cone setup. got it with solitary s5 kafka no err rope and e1s1 swan. got it again with solitary s5 solitary kafka e1s5 eyes of the sampo swan and ting and huohuo. just focus on breaking stuff solitary is a good alternative here as usual if you have it
is atk% spheres better for ack?
February so not that far. I just didn't pull any 2.x DPS except for Boothill because he was really fun to play, either lost 50/50s or didn't like the character/their gameplay.
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Minimal improvement, subs are more important
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my fuarking hero...
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>HUGE ass
Perhaps in Ireland
She sends you a message on the ship so obviously. I'm pretty sure she didn't even lost, it just got teleported with some lag
I miss Hertaschizo
yes it's a massive difference
Well, PF is a character check, so don't think too much about it.
Getting a good character for MoC/AS is better since they tend to be good for the other one.
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That's a lotta porn.
Yes, but if the substats are super good, then just use the Lightning orb, like what you have right now.
but anons told me I don't need any characters for pf, I can just clear using herta and himeko every time
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>overworked and stressed-out at the IPC
>overworked and stressed-out at the xianzhou
>hank hill ass
maybe the ipc isn't such a bad place...
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>I can just clear using herta and himeko every time
Oh yeah I'm aware, I couldn't care less about not getting a third of a pull, I just get stuff as it comes
Already did
Himeko and Herta can clear one side of PF each time, yes. If you're new you still need to clear the other side though.
That's accurate Chink ass desu
Kinda, Herta and Himeko can clear half of it, but your other characters should be able to pick up the slack too.
Firefly/Acheron/DOThags should be able to 25-30k the other side.
Why are u all so gay?
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Watch Boothill's pv, she is a fatass and can't stop eating
>6 cost
fuck you whaleshitter
>himeko and herta no longer autowins
Who was supposed to be her debt collector in this PF?
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Firefly: Star Rail
Isnt the standard like 12 cost for early f2p?
>topaz letting numby lick and humb that ass is canon
Had a chick I used to fuck during collage that had no ass like that. Never again. Sex was so uncomfortable whenever she wanted to do it doggy style and she liked that the most. You are literally hitting yourself on bones. That's the only thing I can think about when seeing these two's sorry behinds.
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Jade is like that one really awful but really hot girl you dated once but instead of
>I should call her
You keep saying to yourself
>I should gear her
Despite your better judgement.
Dr Analwormitas Paggio
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Numby likes pig cock
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*Firepai: Star Rail
>I used to have sex
Didn't ask, explode, normiefag
damn, she really ate ALL the eggs.
but thats the previous pure fiction
>he thinks having sex is something special
Nigger, how fucking autistic are you if even school slut didn't want to give you a go?
Jade has an awful design. What’s the appeal of her?
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>no one's ever regretted rolling for Jade-sama
Jade rollers are deliberate rollers, we planned it out. We are not meta fomo trannies.
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I already have the hotter dedicated PF character
If it's cool to roll for Jade then it's cool to roll for Rappa too, right?
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My bad broski
a good qqpost
Jade is meta though
Was being a loser also planned out?
I wanna NTR Firefly after impregnating SW so she becomes mad and rapes my balls dry.
Indeed, her and Robin are my two best characters
I rolled Jade because she is IPC
Who even likes Galaxy Rangers?
>no numby/topaz porn
why even live?
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Outsmarting Herta by cheesing SU!
nonono bros he was meant to be bad how could this happen
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skipp the middleman, just have silver unlock Firefly's modesty limiters. She already wants to.
People with taste.
Imagine the sex
You can't regret something you want, you can only regret something people say you want.

For example, I rolled Ruan Mei, Acheron, Firefly, and I've regretted all of them. But I've also rolled Fuo Fuo and Jade and I never regretted it.

As long as you like the gameplay, every character can be a good roll. Yes, even Blade was great for those that got him
>28k points
well yeah
>reddit filter cowboy and ninja ""rapper""
More like cringe people
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By the order of the Ten Lords... Execute the Mara-Struck! HEE YAH!
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It sounds like Herta Tranny due to get bullied again
stop laughing
Did they redo Huohuo's voice lines again? She has a different idle now, instead of Mr Tail going woof woof he goes HRRAA
No need to talk about yourself in 3rd person, Hertaschizo.
wormgenti flopped lmao
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Stelle wishes Argenti actually paid this much attention to her
so embarrassing
every day you're here falseflagging just trying to stir shit up, everyone knows you're not Hertaschizo.
why does this game keep shoving yanqing in my face
i do not like yanqing and do not desire more yanqing content, stop making everything about him
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Yanqing WON
I like Yanqing
which one is smarter
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Nice. I did it with Occurrence and lately I've been trying to do the Conundrum 10 tasks. Some of these dice are actual trash.
Who the FUCK are you?
you may dislike KING but KING likes (YOU)
it's fine, we'll never see him again after this patch
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then fucking take him away from my account, i have the shitling at E1S1
You said the same thing during 1.x
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I rolled!
>imagine using homo in your wife's team
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You wouldn't a zombie, would you?
I use Jade with Herta btw! And like both!
Kys fontranny
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Don't mind if I DO!
and I'll say it again during 3.x
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I would Raiden Foxianmori Mei
gallagher isn't gay
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>Barely see Pela anymore
She had a good run, but alas, hsrg is filled with FAGGOTS who would roll a male because muh faster clears
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>regretting sex
said no straight man ever
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the horny fujo is still a lock in my Acheron team, but my Acheron team has been shelved for a while...
I use her with Boothill, Bronya and RM to shit on AS and MoC.
wormqiu should of been a girl
Pela is so fucking ugly
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Don't project sis
Serval's used goods
Lynx's cock sleeve
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You know that image where in frame one Sunday is tucking in a sleeping Robin and in frame two he's lifting her skirt with a huge erection?

Well, take a look at this.
Enough about Gepard
>watchmaker's boytoy
How is he not gay?
What cones would you guys recommend for Lingsha? Would What is Real be a better choice than Quid Pro Quo? Are there better options?
What was her deal again? Self-deletion?
Post op at high superimpositions
If you don't have this one i guess What is real can be an ok cope for her
You can use Natashacone which will allow you to use break effect rope instead of ERR.
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Assuming absolute, complete poverty from gacha pulls you should apparently use QPQ outside of superbreak teams and What Is Real inside Superbreak but ideally super break wants S5 Post Op because that additional Energy Regen lets her ult often enough while using a Break Rope.
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Mikhail was loyal to his husband.
i don't feel like mine is really autowin
maybe if you have robin
She barely has any fanart.
She's a permanent member of my Acheron team.
Everyone in belobog is servals used goods, anon
Except dunn
now this one is kino
But Dunn doesn't play a bass...
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All the replies to the Pela post makes me think we need more stinky Hebes
Why do bloodhound family core members have borisin traits then?
is ack's rerun in 2.6?
QPQ is still the best option for non Acheron and Feixiao teams.
What is Real is a meme, you're better off using S5 Post Op with BE Rope instead.
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>got lingsha
>got her cone
>levelled her shit and lazily tossed on galagher's relics
>put her up on support
>have already had like 5 friend requests and a bunch of people using her
kind of unexpected but neat, I guess.
Yes, 2nd half
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Hanu, of course.
>BE over ERR
>Silver Sex in the event
Oh no. Now I have to fap
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We have plenty they just aren't leveraged enough. We should leverage the hebes more. Let's pick up our stinky hebes and walk around the house looking for things to leverage them on.
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Meaning hanu gave knots to girls
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>Release filler units that nobody asked for or are *slight* upgrades for already consistent teams (Jiaoqiu, Yunli, Lingsha, Rappa)
>Release all the most anticipated units at once after draining clueless anon's wallets (Tingyun, Acheron rerun, Sunday, Herta)
Nice strat, MHY. Well played. This game is very malicious toward pure F2P
bros i still can't believe hxh is back
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am i in secret /hsr/ club now?
>And lazily tossed on Gallagher's relics
Lmao, gay men aren't loyal to their lovers while they are still alive let alone to the dead lovers.
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Why is she so powerful?
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Wrong, they just designed imagery after him. Hanunue's knot was firmly tied to Mikhail's boipussy, monogamously.
me on the right!
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I don’t think Yunli is just a slight upgrade over Clara
Me on the left!
This PFs second side shills firefly as hard as DoT PFs used to shill the hags
Why does he even draw HXH anymore when he could live in his comfy trash pile and fuck his shockingly hot wife?
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>110 days since her release
>Game still shills her
FireflyDev is real huh
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I would roll for Pika
Retarded Firetard they're shilling Lingsha
aaaaa my dick is diamonds. i need her to heal me
>If I see feet, I skeet
>If I see heels, I reel (back in disgust)
Jingliu was shilled from 1.4 all the way to 2.0
Expect firelfy to fall off when we get to the new planet, don't fall the Jingloo trap of thinking her reign will be eternal
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I'll take it over Popedev any day. But if I hadn't won that Firefly 50/50 that I did on a complete whim I imagine I'd be piping mad right now.
Do you even play the game?
>Firefly auto applies fire weakness with technique
Wow, it's nothing
you can completely dumpster the fire shilling content with himeko
Yeah exactly. Without FF Lingsha can't hit those
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>SPH refund
I don’t want a refund
i just rolled lingsha and i should have enough time to save up for E0S0 tingyun, especially if Sunday is the first banner (i have no idea if he is)
Jingliu was just 2 months from October to December, even 1.6 second half MoC was Imaginary and Fire, Ice shilling started on MoC 1004 and finished on MoC 1009, Jingliu just felt more shilled because we didn't have three rotating endgame modes.
For comparison, fire weak content
>MoC 1015
>MoC 1016
>MoC 1018
>MoC 1019
>PF 2009
>PF 2010
>AS 3001 ~ 3004
Her shilling is MUCH stronger than Jingliu ever was, and it keeps extending because of Lingsha and soon Tingyun who will extend it up to the end of 2.7 / start of 3.0
>Link to random retard """content maker"""
every time
>Link to a cute animation
>Anon seethes
Touch grass, NOW
Small penis humiliation with Tingyun? Sign me up!
is meant for >>496995870
is for >>496995946
Well sorry that wasn't male qq cosplayers getting fucked. I bet that would be more to your liking
Why are you like this?
Dopamine denial is an integral part of combating shitposting and retards
You are my favourite poster
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I think that animation is shit and not cute at all.
Just like fofo
>Flopflop pic
>Low quality post
Like clowckwork
Didn't ask
I asked(Myself)
I asked
wormqiu flopped PAGTURINE FLOPPED
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>"Le_cute animation"
>"Starts malding like a retard when someone dislikes it"
As obvious outcome as summer sky
You're welcome :^)
is referring to this animation >>496995870
>>496996359 and >>496996432
is for >>496996276
>>496996472 and >>496996479
is meant for >>496996432
Poopoo and all her posters are ugly freaks
I'm fishing in Genshin right now. I'll keep you guys updated.
I wanna cum to Kafka fucking while sniff her feet
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We need to figure out how all this madness somehow relates back to PAGSHITLAGHER the WORMAIDSMONKEYPOX haver
This but Herta and Tingyun
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Why is there so much anti-firefly, aids-ridden femcels itt?
Even then he should have been using ERR over BE.
ahh the huohuo schizo is making malding over gallagher a daily meltdown now?
for >>496996680
It's a skinwalker who's been shitting up every thread since Lingsha came out
can lingsha carry my sub 3k hp characters
Meant for
I used s5 post-op on gallagher.
and it really doesn't feel like lingsha absolutely *needs* more ER. Also I don't have a single ERR rope on that set with SPD on it.
pretty obviously not the actual huohuo bro since all this guy cares about is gallagher and not huohuo

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