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Previous: >>496972124

>Character Teaser - "Xilonen: The Duty of Name Forging"
https://youtu.be/7vY4kxQLsdI (EN)
https://youtu.be/vmVcQxAzAwU (JP)

>Version 5.1 "The Rainbow Destined to Burn" Trailer
https://youtu.be/yJ-tllvBvmI (EN)
https://youtu.be/_DqVC77tmrc (JP)

>4th Anniversary Theme Song: "Passing Memories" - Faouzia

>4th Anniversary Web Event "Starlight Reverie" live until October 12

>4th Anniversary Web Event "Teyvat's Special Delivery" live until October 7

>Current character banner: Kinich, Raiden Shogun, Chevreuse, Thoma, Kujou Sara
>Current weapon banner: Fang of the Mountain King (Claymore), Engulfing Lightning (Polearm)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift
>With Primogems
>Without Primogems

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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Why is Natlan WQ so goddamn unsatisfying?
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Nahida is really sexy.
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Good Evening.
Friendly reminder that Furina is for you.
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sex with alhaitham
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Gosh...all I can think about is Diluc...*sigh*
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thoughts on Xilonen's new idle?
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I love her
leaks doko
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This is the cutest Wrio and Siggy image i've ever seen
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Similar, but in another angle.
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paimon archon of time
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Human characters with actual stories and personalities were substituted for an ugly fatass dinosaur whose vocabulary consists of 'rawr'
>the end is close
ZZZ will take over Genshin
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klee tummy
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I like this one
No one wants to frot anymore...
And it was a big improvement over your usual NPCslop.
This >>496986571
literally copypaste from other regions' quests
>literally had no claim to the dance
>kneeled and changed it anyway
I thought 4k didnt care about copyright
Shittier than the original and I bet that nignog is still gonna sue because she is black and retarded.
It was kino much better than the usual NPCslop from before
You have no taste and probably zero soul
I blame women for this being added to the game.
Wait, did they mod it a little because the sheboon it was based off of threatened to sue?
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>slop suffix
Good of (You) to let the entire thread know that none of the drivel you write is worth taking seriously. Hurry up and find another fabricated opinion for you to pick up and claim as your own.
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yes. im positive an anti-hoyo bot encouraged her to do it
shan't be reading enjoy your slop
Fun fact - there's no way to get out of there other than teleporting out. If anyone other than the super special MC cleared it they would be stuck there and starve to death.
oh, for sure some twitter warriors that don't even play the game were involved in getting her attention.
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The ultimate abyss adversary from Xbalanque's time turns out to be reused boss from fucking Inazuma whom nobody but Shitto needs
>sues a Chinese company
Good luck kek
meant for >>496986718 and >>496986640

>>496986860 and >>496986880
are for >>496986814
The talking vegetables are considered human characters now?
>Fontaine had three WQ centered around little girls
>Natlan has an entire WQ chain centered around your corporate mandated cute dino mascot
Alright Fontaine won this one.
It's nearly identical with next to no actual changes, so I wouldn't think too hard about it since although they don't happen every time these types of minor changes are what you actually should expect from a beta. If I recall correctly they also 'changed' Emilie's burst animation by tilting the camera angle a tiny bit
I want the sexy fake snek lady but I can't justify pulling for a minor upgrade over Gallagher.
small thing like this really shows the lack of care from genshin team
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There are a lot of good ones.
not twitter warriors, anti-hoyo bots. people really need to realize there are people out there looking for ANY reason to bring mihoyo down in any way possible.
But only the chosen of dragons could clear it so clearly that doesn't matter
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Since they just swiftly changed it she won't get money and she won't get any more attention.
Why are our hags so bad compared to HSR?
That's a hebe thoughbeit
she was never going to get money unless they scared hoyo into chucking some at her, she would be literally laughed out of any court if she tried to claim rights to a dance move.
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I miss Dottore so much
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of course not, but mihoyo didnt want to risk the negativity publicity of a frivolous lawsuit.
Does anyone know if there's a way to edit someone mod?
jesus christ why are you incels like this
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Sex with my 12 year old boyfriend
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The finishing pose was a lot better but then again it's just an idle and not you would spend hours admiring it.
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Ask a modder what software they use. Or just use a search engine.
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Nice thread Genkeks
>Mihoyo isn't dyi-
Stuff like this is usually the sure fire sign something is wrong and they want to bait people harder into pulling
Unfortunately hsr forgot it's a spreadsheet game so stuff like this is literally nothing compared to when it happens in genshin or ZZZ
Expect [Sad News] soon
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The narrative would probably be different if Neuvillette had a twink body type. I know /gig/ only dislikes tall male characters
I think the guy died, his last mod was 1 year ago
How do we know she even threatened to sue? Source of this? Just because they changed it, doesn't mean she did anything. They most likely saw buzz around the similarities and changed it to stop further drama.
This. Because it involves a monkey they would look extra racist in top of the existing allegations.
Neuvillette should have been a loli.
Xbalanque status?
Eh she has a strong FuA, she might actually gain a lot of value over the months.
>would lose the case anyway
Who cares
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You aren't accompanied by anyone with actual ties to the lore being presented and this makes the quest feel like flavorless infodump. On the other hand Kazari is connected to Kitsune Saiguu, Aranaras to Rukkha and abyss twin, Liloupar to Nabu/Deshret/Gurabad, and the Narzissenkreuz characters with the origins of Fontaine, etc.
sexxo gatto
>sales are down
>they changed an idle they stole from a strong individually skilled black women
Seems the boycott is actually hurt them more than people would like to admit
I don't understand why mihoyo is going full coomer now. What changed?
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
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Fremisex with Fremicute...
I meant ask any modder what they usually use. They usually use the same tool/software for modding models.
They all ise Migoto to apply the mods, for example.
Genshin is never getting something like this.
>They most likely saw buzz
You mean like they saw the <100 (real) people complaining about the Natlan cast's skin colour? I'd be surprised if they even were aware that a couple of gweilo on Twitter or Tiktok were screeching about this
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gig likes tall males, neuv is just that shit
Genshit is doomed it’s very mid it’s surprising that it still making a lot of money
>Seems the boycott is actually hurt them more than people would like to admit
The final move to bring down HYV is suicide, Xis
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no healing powers could save her when rizz smash that melusine pussy
Zombie ninja capitano is my sensei....
Ohh, I see! I gonna ask someone in the genshin modding discord then
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Because we have female designers, and thus we have females trying to make females that pander to males, which inevitably always flops.
You need a male to make the perfect female.
/gig/ likes some of the worms like Wrio, Cheld and Dongli though
I am spending money more to support Dawei
>Top 5 are all 1.X characters
your kazuha?
your wanderer?
your main fucking character?
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>Fremi's live reaction
She made a tik-tok saying she would sue.
No Mihoyo is actually very well aware of every little detail that goes on they just don't show it. They even know about /gig/.
Neuv is nowhere near the bottom and in the top ten tho?
Your dino twerp is connected to the Pyro Sovereign but as the other anon said, its dialogues are nothing but 'rawr'
can you post it, i want to see it
sex with Kachina
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Armpit fox
really snuck in worthlessley like we wouldn't notice
dont forget to buy more topup so dawei wont cry next time on stream transis
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You lost
there's a mod editing tool made by korean, the name is VB Tool "구버전 신버전"
but it has very strange encryption, totally different than the usual mod's encryption.
Here's a guide to it, only korean can decode it.
No one else was left, he's at the bottom. You really think winning against itto is an accomplishment? Fucking venti is above him and no one remembers him
he polls well / gets positive comments often when /gig/ talks sincerely about him, even if nobody on /gig/ rolled him.
I feel like they've done enough FuA shilling for now, and will start to push some other mechanic soon.
what kind of male has a name that ends with -ette
>Because we have female designers, and thus we have females trying to make females that pander to males, which inevitably always flops
Worked for FMA or clampsloppa.
Or a lot of things, thinking about it. Maybe MHY sucks.
Nah I can't find the link right now it was some YouTube short taken from Twitter probably that's what I remember. She was in her car and not happy and said will file charges. Something like that.
>She made a tik-tok saying she would sue.
KEK, LMAO even

I'm gonna buy 5 more Welkins brb
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We love Wrio here.
what actually killed Genshin was the 4.8 event with Scara
but you giggers aren't ready for that conversation
>FMA or clampsloppa
It was a different time...
nice revisionism faggot >>496987443
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Yae is very pretty when you don't see her face
No one cares about your wriothesley
only 5 welkin? thats some cheap support for our friend dawei
If /gig/ were to be presented with the choice to fix every problem they have with genshin, no matter how big or minor story or gameplay related, but in exchange they would've to admit the boycott worked (at least in some capacity), /gig/ would rather the game stay the way it is just to not admit the boycott worked
Genshin didn’t improve, it gives you the same stuff every year that what killed it.
There are more competition for it now like HSR, ZZZ and Wuwa
Bad sales, horrible sales, sales that would have never been seen 2-3 years ago with lesser bait

Genshin has for too long taught the player abyss would never be harder than their day 1 teams, this philosophy has unfortunately also hurt their other games
While HSR and ZZZ spam characters realistically you don't need them all and especially in HSR's case they just keep rerunning the current meta anyway and something almost as good comes out

They've kinda set a precedent that there's no reason to go beyond C0-2 in any of their games because either it never gets harder or something better and cheaper will just come along and even if you miss out, all you're really losing is at most 1 single pull

They just don't do enough in any of their games to get people to want to summon, especially for those who've gotten at least 1-2 C/E/M6 a year
You could probably find more recent cases though
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I still don't have Charlotte...
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/gig/ loves al-Haytam though?
>Bennett that high
kill yourself wuwatranny
if being the camera in a random event killed the game then shartstaine "A"Q killed the game even harder
Here's a thing, it was made specifically to not editable by people.
None of them, except the GIMI's developer can edit the mod.
But since there's GIMI's source code, anyone with coding skill can made the tool.
Let me save you from the trouble.
What the answer you would expect from them?
"Go ask the actual modder"
"Obtain the blend file"
"You can edit the texture, but not the 3D Model"
I care about your Wriothesley
>lynette thread
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What do you mean? We already know Scara killed the game.
Scara ruined Inazuma. Scara ruined Sumeru. Scara ruined the 4.8 event. And he's about to ruin Mondstadt, too.
Useless shitty maledaughter, should've let Yae abort it.
this is how she greets me when I walk in the door after a long day of work.
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Is this poll an attempt to revisionism by that one twittertard who went on a melty rampage that Aether and Itto were more popular than Baizhu? That's just sad.
I killed the game
something's wrong with your shenhe bro...
Hatguy BROKE you
We need more Scara screentime
We need more Haikaveh screentime
We need less female banners
Schizo this is from last month
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Strong babies
Healthy babies
A dozen just to start!
This but unironically.
We know fujocel
Xitter and its consequences

5 is 5, what's he gonna do? Cry more? That's the job for bitches like you Xis
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When does Klee's suffering arc start?
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Why did genshit lose its appeal?
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Love and deepspace you mean
I hate that furnishings are gated by those shitty coins and woods nobody bothers to farm
KEK, LMAO even
I'm literally Kinich
>Black and side style hair
>Probably brazilian
>Loud yellow pet
>No personality
Impressive t b h, wish I had the patience for teapot stuff but I loathe getting dabbed on by the load limit
I'm still mad they wasted Ishida Akira on Ayato. He should have been a villain.
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someone posted this on /wuwa/
maybe your game wouldn't be dying if it was true
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>has literal in-universe luck plot armor
>can destroy mountains and armies of churls single-handedly
>even if Klee somehow gets hurt Mommy Alice will teleport in to nuke whatever managed to do it
post your sales
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I'm finna do the sharty dance all over this thread, gensisters
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gm saar
Will Hoyo ever hire Takahiro Sakurai for Genshin?
Good one.
>u/THE_HORSE_KING tier of bait
>no actual sauce
For all you know it could be in jest
I'd be worried if the Chinese thought women liked characters like aether
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Found it.
Probably a higher chance than Ai Kayano
You now remember Aether was designed by the chinese
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I always find funny how Keqing and Nilou are the supposed for (You) characters of their region while nome of them having for (You) scenes. Same thing happens with Furina but anyway.
Alhaitham got the same number of votes and both jobbed to fucking Cyno.
yeah shouldnt it be Navia
Not the updated harem list? Where's Chiori?
Don't you remember when Chinese government was going on an anti-gaming crusade some time ago? I feel like they censored themselves just to be safe and not anger the regulators. When the government walked back some of this rhetoric they went back to more coomer designs.
>Desert part 2: Jeht's revenge
>Fontaine's Nazi order quest line
These were the only good world quests
Would you still play genshin if you were a billionaire?
>This video isn't available anymore
thank you!
Doesn't he have an affair scandal? Has Japan stopped cancelling him?
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Shenhe is on maternity leave so someone's standing in for her.
Guys, i was walking around and noticed i can also walk in genshin, should i sue them?
I thought Chiori is a "man hating radfem"
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Why not?
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Why can't our MC look like this?
Do you have proof you walked before 2017?
Nevermind my phone is stupid. This should be the link.
lol nyo
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thanks, and yeah, it was 100% the boycotters pressuring her to sue.
No, that's Emilie. If you did her story quest she's actually nice to Aether.
>the surprise twist take ending
people are fucking retarded
Emilie doesn't have a personality, being a man-hating radfem would be an improvement over being a cardboard cutout
ew, get some taste please
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Post sales
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zzz is the only game who has a girl who canonically wets her panties for you, wuwers and honkers are just coping hard
caesar clearly says it "my yearning heart was stolen by you"
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What do we think of this?
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i dont want a girl that is obsessed with me(the mc) for no reason. that type of love should be earned through hard work, not given out like candy.
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i know that shenhe's mod.
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Thumbs up for cat girls.
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So adorable
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lord kazuha..
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Imagine if she got 1/10th the shilling Xiao got.

The 2020 birthday email was very much for (You), but in the next ones the difference in tone is massive.
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I love this deadpan cat
wtf, new character leak?
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Genshit could never.
Super glad I been playing more HSR
Kuzuha flopped and killed Inazuma.
Isn't this cloud retainer's beta design?
the best kind of love is the one that happens at first sight
>Drop the beat
>I feel like a rollercoaster going up and down
>Because love is wooh
>I-I-I know I'm lost
>My yearning heart was stolen by you
>My spark
>Like a blooming flower when I think of you
>Because love is wooh
>I-I-I know I'm lost
>My yearning heart was stolen by you
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>that type of love should be earned through hard work
weird fantasy but ok

>Extrapolated to full month
>play genshin
shit is ALWAYS dangling off their backs
>watch HSR
>play ZZZ
Pause frame and zooms onto everyone's asses when you beat a stage
I don't think mobile sales numbers accurately reflect Genshins sales. Genshin plays a lot worse on mobile than HSR and will have more PC and console players.
oh yeah what happened to wuwa
eh, love at first sight is real there's no reason every relationship has to be some slow build up or "earned".
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How can genshin be flopping and stay on top of the sale charts at the same time?
Just say genshit is bad
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>14 patches (or 530+days) since shenhe's banner
Defend this.
Eula's record was 13 patches btw
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>there are at least 2 more difficulty increases planned for IT in the future
Genshin is bad on mobile.
The industry is just that bad
define flop
Ehhh, true lol I will just choose Lumine then
that's called reality anon. almost no girl is going to be obsessed with you at first sight unless you look like a model. normal guys have actually put effort into pulling girls
I wouldn't what with all the gacha with actual gameplay coming out
sensortower is unreliable
Nah he hasn't gotten a single new role this year
Cryo is dead
roll c1 tao for fun and engaging 100k+ dps gameplay (120k with homa) with an all-girl team!
It’s bad EVERYWHERE not only mobile
Kinich is a pure South American (Asian), not a Spanish mutt
But we're getting wormderer again in 5.2 :)
The OG devs that got replaced at some point in 2021, envisioned Genshin as a harem game. Hell, look at voicelines/ascension lines/etc of completely random irrelevant characters no one waifus like Ningguang, they're bigger (You)bait than anything released in the past couple of years, lol. Or compare original hangouts with what we get these days. OG hangouts were basically all romantic dates, modern hangouts, when we do get them, are just story quests for four stars.
cryo is the worst element
They had to give priority to more important characters like baizhu (lol) and scara (LMAO)
sorry guys, i like genshin impact... I AM SORRY
post your pet
just wait for citlali to save it the same way navia saved geo
couldn't you just do the same thing with arle and do more dps
stop listening to doomposters
they have an agenda
sensor tower only accounts for mobile and not PC/console sales
those are 2 boys tho
Citlali will be superconduct Chevy
>gullible enough to believe doomshitters
>rolling clunktao in 2024
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>11 patches since koko
>meanwhile wanderer will come back again for no reason on 5.2
not even a cryo thing I guess..
If the leak about Chasca's kit is somewhat correct (I hope its not) then this means Scara is a priority, yes
>gullible enough to believe slurper sales chart
Modelcreep is real, I thought Fontaineans looked too flashy at first but Hu Tao looks like an actual NPC here
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Why aren't you discussing Natlan's story? It's very interesting
Is Citlali hag or hebe?
she gets me my abyss runs fully cleared
don't care
Literally every salespost on /vg/ is made by gaslighting seanigs using made up numbers (do your own homework on how sensor tower pulls their "numbers" and from where, I'm not spoon-feeding you)
We care about my Freminet though.
It's the least interesting AQ
>numbers fit agenda
>"Trust the chart"
>numbers doesn't fit agenda
>"slurper sales chart"
KEK, LMAO even
we did, a month ago.
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hebe retarf
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Is this going to be slop or kino?
i will discuss it if they make xbalanque playable otherwise no
A-lot of people have her already.
People were shitting on Hutao's design even back then calling it bland and low effort.
Arle needs bennett to reach those numbers
>Defend this.
I pulled her, however I skipped wriothesley and it's a burning hole in my roster so I can't
Solo Leveling has a gacha?
Is it a .jpeg collector like the Eminence in Shadow one?
that's a gross hag
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She doesnt work well at all with Wrio.
I was afraid I had to skip her when she looks really cute.
what are the 5.2 banners?
Wrong. Arlecchino is only SLIGHTY better overall than Hu Tao at C6R6. Hu Tao is STILL the best Pyro DPS and always will be. If you think that's not the case, you are wrong. She reigns supreme as one of the best DPS and well worth that investment.
>yanfei, xinyan, thoma, sayu, heizou, beidou, diona, chongyun, rosaria and collei all at c6 and unbuilt
Does any of these cunts do anything worth building for?
Hu's design just isnt overly designed and flashy gacha garbo with a bunch of detail crammed into it.
Her model is whatever
how exactly? it's the standard mihoyo safe horny design
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Need her banner to finish this off. ;_;
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You mean?
chasca scaramouche venti albedo
Everything else is unknown, do not believe any fake banner "leaks"
you guys complain but won't even roll
That's not my issue, he's literally the only character I don't have
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why are you lying?
very cute.
That would be Liyue or Sumeru
we have kneel
From 1 to 10, how much will I regret rolling Chiori?
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Is Ororon a *5?
Fucking wild impulse rolling on her banner because I was mad I got her weapon instead of mistsplitter was the decision I've ever made in this game. Too bad I don't play cryo bricks so I only really use her with Arle. I pity those Shenhefags who decided to wait for her next rerun
She's honorary hag. She gets called a Granny and is a alcoholic.
How so?
I just have her burst up when Wrio is on field. Her skill just blows with everyone.
But WHO does she work well with? Just Yaka?
yeah I don't believe scara would rerun quite that early, more likely xianyun
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Cute birb
She cute
4* in 5.2
citlali 5*
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Lord K...
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It sure is another great day to love Alhaitham
>a week away from update
>no fan fiction chasca kit
bros are we actually sure she's coming?
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So like, reverse Emilie? That's good.
theres no hype for the safe horny roblox hag
Someone posted one yesterday of her being a wanderer support and like 20 anons bought it
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fuck off shounenfag
Wasn't it being spammed yesterday that she's Wanderers support
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I have her. Can't wait for a random 4* cryo faruzan to powercreep her.
Just kidding, quills are the only multiplying buff in the game and they're always added at the end of the calculation. My Shenhe will have her time.
We have a fanfiction of Chasca's kit and signature, though. They suggest that she's Wanderer's support and it sounds like really wild.
fuck them. i really liked that little hand lasso motion at the start. i was going to roll solely because of how cute the idle was but no more. it's not nearly as cute now.
Poomeru and Liyue don't get shit because they're homofests.
Repost I didn't see it
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>lose coinflip and run out of gems on her first banner
>skip her rerun because c6 furina savings
>she never came back
did it to myself
As long as she's not a charged-attack dps like Ganyu or a single-target dps like Yoimiya, it's all good.
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Depends on your gender and sexuality
yes there is no doubt about it, if you really want leaks i can give you some info
5.2 doesn't have a natlan archon quest as we know but that's because we will get a dragonspine interlude with albedo and chasca
chasca was infected by the abyss as a kid and albedo is dealing with durin a strong abyssal dragon, and both their stories will converge and help find a way to beat the abyss in natlan with durin's help.
obsession/lust/whatever you want to call it is where things start, making shit work long term is where you have to put the work in. can't do it in reverse, waste of time trying
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That's actually true
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If you're seething at Neuvillette, you're a manlet
It's that shrimple
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>ayaka is ugly
>ganyu and eula have braindead gameplay
>wrio is gay and clunky
>want shenhe
wat do
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Lynette a cute
Her burst is shorter than his skill uptime unless you rolled c2 and you cant refresh her skill because he is tied to the field.
Also pure cryo/freeze Wrio sucks balls.
She works with Ganyu, but it is very annoying to do the switching after a few shots. Also she works in meme quickswap cryo teams, but they suck.
my expectation is 5* anemo sethos
couldn't disagree more, her design will always be one of the best this game has to offer and the is one of the main reasons why she's so popular despite being story irrelevant
She'll be the female Anemo carry that wants Faruchan
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I can't be bothered to look for it but you can probably find it in the archive if you really want to
If you on the other hand want something that's (most likely) far more indicative of what her kit will be like then look at the abyss blessing for her release month and the Natlan craftable bow since so far the remaining four craftables very clearly have been made for the first Natlan character using those types of weapons
>Blessing: After the current active character's Charged Attack hits an opponent, said character's ATK increases by 20% for 8s. Max 4 stacks, each stack has an independent duration.
>Natlan bow: ATK secondary stat
>Natlan bow's effect: For every party member from Natlan or who has a different Elemental Type from the equipping character, the equipping character gains 4.8% - 9.6% increased ATK. When there are no less than 3 of the aforementioned characters, the equipping character gains 24 - 48 Elemental Mastery.
Natlan's models and designs have a reverse creep then
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people were assuming the atk speed passive would apply to others rather than just herself (in this fanfiction kit)
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You wait for your tsaritsa and pierro. Duh.
I always knew i was a God.
>chat mode activated
what is wrong with lynette
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Why does she look so sad?
>>Natlan bow's effect: For every party member from Natlan or who has a different Elemental Type from the equipping character, the equipping character gains 4.8% - 9.6% increased ATK. When there are no less than 3 of the aforementioned characters, the equipping character gains 24 - 48 Elemental Mastery.
I wouldn't attribute this to her atm since ororon is confirmed the ancient name for the bat tribe
roll clit
molested by Fatui
She sees this every night
she is canonically autistic
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screw you guys, im moving to better game
mihomo devs think that's how autistic people communicate
solar beam
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Because she's about to die.
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he had to go to work
I this is the quest I'm thinking about then it felt longer than AQ for me and I just wanted it to stop.
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chasca was leaked as an anemo dps who changes her infusion depending on the element she swirls, so she can be any element besides dendro and geo
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Collei is so cute bwos, I really need to level her for the next Dendro theatre
That was "leaked" by uncle K. He was literally NEVER right about kits. Also said that Chasca is cryo before.
Comedy something, desu the whole prison was a slog.
Wait, why were they being sued? QRD?
Same faggot spamming that image for 5 years straight all over the website btw.
collei is so fucking lucky
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Childe SOON
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embrace mods
0 if you're straight
11 if you're gay
>I don't own these moves

dumb monkey
Like a 6
She ain't bad but her use is basically zero especially after xilonen
Not even great for this IT since she's a trial but later she'll be good fodder for geo cycles
>uses mods
>doesn't make the girls dress like hookers
what even is the point
I use a lot of them for abyss or IT. Maybe you can stop being such a metafag if you think they have no worth.
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these are all massive downgrades
She is still recovering from the rape trauma
outside of sex, she provide nothing
danbooru is free anyway.
Uh.....Xiao and childe sisters...
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Can't you use Kachina (cinder city) + Chiori for free geo resonance and subdps core on pretty much any crystallizable team where the remaining two slots are all you need to deal damage?
Literally what is stopping me from bringing those two for the occasional geoshill abyss so I can play actual fun characters instead of needing to worry about geo shields?
>her use is basically zero especially after xilonen

the fuck are you even talking about? there is zero overlap between their uses
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mod is awesome, you should try it.
anyone got their own preferences, mod's purpose is for your enjoyment, if you like that hooker's look, you should install it on your machine.
Oh I'm sorry, I forgot monogeokeks still exist somehow
>MHY FLED it instead of bleeding her dry in court cases like with any other lawsuit
More like smart...
Kazuha yumes are self inserting as Wanderer
Depends if you self insert as a churl
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where you at honktard?
hxh was crazy good this week
Muttlani flopped btw
>Only year 2
>4 banners at once featuring the very best meta/power creep
>Only 60 mil

Quite the somber sight. I don't see Star Rail making it to year 3, unfortunately.
Those mods look terrible
This is the only okayish one
Where does the water come from? Is there a teapot layout with a moat around the centre piece?
Don't care
Still rolling Chiori
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>new region
>top up reset
>speedrun meta banner
>still lost to chinkslop filler patch that has 20% of genshit playerbase
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what did you expect? they're spamming waifuslop
>Year almost 2025
>People still care about these made up numbers
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>>Only 60 mil
>implying 60 million is eos levels of income
How are you faggots so fucking stupid?
>model importer on pastebin
>no models
>huge warning you might get banned
so its not safe, right?
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I am the riptide
>I don't see star rail beating genshin at all
>I don't see star rail still beating genshin in year 2
>I don't see star rail still beating genshin in year 3
it's against tos, that they haven't banned people doesn't mean they won't in the future
If a film studio can waste $200mil on someone having a melty
I think mihoyo can live that their 3 games made $150mil+
Had a gf who did these little drawings shame we drifted apart.
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delicious cope
Arle/Furina synergy is weird since she can't heal back Furina's mandatory health drain
Salesposting should be grounds for immediate ban on vg outside of a dedicated general allowed to exist 3 days out of every month. But that would require mods to be doing something other than gooning with underage boys on discord.
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>these fucking suck actually!
modlet cope lmao
>4th year
>Mobile only

It seems a bit disingenuous to leave out such a crucial factor. There's a reason Sony's State of Play listed Genshin as one of its biggest moneymakers, whereas Star Rail was nowhere to be seen.
Genshin is simply not made for mobile. The fact it makes this much is a miracle, truly.
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>honktards ignoring they had 4 banners going
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Nice, hope it gets finished before 5.1 main event.
>our game is winning?
>saleposting is good
>our game is losing?
>saleposting is bad
simple as
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Which genshins would be in the p diddy list?
We are all skipping Xilonen, right?
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The man known as Kreideprinz.
genshin has won the PS third party award for most money 3 years in a row
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Based fellow modbro.
except mobile has always been the biggest money maker for genshin
>Sony's State of Play
a dead platform with no game
>biggest moneymakers
already abandoned genshin so it had to run to xbox
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>4 banners
>still couldnt beat this double banner
>expecting brainrotted gachakeks to skip a meta female (even if the female is an ugly whore)
Shitlan flopped, BIGLY
was 3.4 the most profitable genshin patch ever? or did 1.0 still make more?
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I'm finally a gig bro again!
>zzz couldnt even get 1 tiktok hour since its release
>the only game that needed emergency dev talk to keep its players from quitting
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you're an ugly whore
>Half the votes are skipping
She's a brick
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Is this going to be Tabibito's ancient name?
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Truly, my mods aren't for coomers.
I'm skipping.
I've played all this time without crutches like Kazuha, I can do it again.
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Pretty yummy.
Post F
Honkai Star Rail is not a real game
post roster
You have HIV.
You have AIDS.
You have GRIDS.
You have SYPHILIS.
You have HPV.
You have HBV.
You have anal cancer.
You have anal worms.
You have an STD.
You have monkeypox.
You have a t cell deficiency
You have a leaky asshole
You have a cock cage on
You have a semen filled diaper
You have a spade tattoo
You have a compromised immune system
You have severe brain damage
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why is so ugly goddamn
good lord...
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I think 1.0 still has the highest TikTok hours. At least, Venti's banner definitely has the highest.
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>honktards are endlessly in this thread talking about sales
I’m a busy man with an intellectual highly paying job so I need to quit Genshin
I can only handle 2 games and the better games seem to be HSR and ZZZ and time effective too
Since I’m a successful human who’s increasing their net worth by the million, and the billions, I need to ask this question…
How much can we sell a GenCRAP account for?
>SEAniggers get home after waiting in line all day for their UNICEF rice
>Salesposting starts
How come gaymen is the only one without a massive bulge?
why is she* man fuck brainfarts
60% of what you "think" it's worth. Money you put it doesn't come back out.
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>early playtesters running meme shit and normal Neuv teams to show off Xilonen
>Not a single one showing off Navia gameplay
I don't wanna run Shitto cope or main dps Xilonen you fucking niggers
Why do Natlan women use such heavy makeup?
>He doesn't know about the crystal gen issue
>always mogged hsr for making less money
>now lost against them
geosex with geopard
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>You're up, panther lady!
>Go crystallize some shards for me!
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Furiner is c0r0.
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Clit is Genshin's last hope
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Honkshite Turdrail
Do you even play?
>b is 90
Xilonen kicks twice and fucks off and does nothing else so all your crystals have to come from navia's burst and normals
Even worse if you're using Bennett because than your only off field is xiangling or furina
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>hsr for making less money
That happens less than often
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>aiieee the c0r0 nahider!!! neuvillette save me!!
every fucking time
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women look at this and see no problem but have a mental breakdown and start shouting incel when men want the female equivalent in their vidya
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>he's not running Navia ploonge
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Is there any decent attack buffer besides Bennett?
She was confirmed 5* multiple times
That doesn't work actually with xilonen because she'll only have 1 sample other than geo switching her to DPS mode
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Here's my favorite mods.
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What an evil fucking question. Better pray you don't have dyslexia.
shame I dont own koko to use that
what koko mod is that
if you really have a high paying job your account is at most worth less than you make in 15 minutes at that job
>the leakers are always right!
>no Columbia in sight
The culling is coming
Homopaggots won't accept it until it's officially announced.
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The most decent is Chevreuse but her buff is still weaker. C6 Amber and Sara also buff atk but they are extreme copes.
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my wife looks so cute
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bennett isn't even the best atk buffer
i know that you got that xiangling mod on korean website
which one is it
hmm shit
just saw some delicious ass dehya, really got my gears goin
Tepetlisaurus. First one.
The first
Man that Collei looks fat and ugly as fuck LMAO
They mean buffs atk not damage.
Wait, which characters buffs more ATK?
Why are you skipping Xilonen?
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>remember that sumeru commission we had that everyone hated
>oh the one that was like the mondo one that everyone hated
>yeah let's do that again but make it much worse
I swear to god Natlan is a shit test
>Searching for posts with the filename ‘average modfag’. 25 results found.
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Alright, it’s still 2 and a half days till they tell us the 4 stars on Xilonen’s banner.

Make your predictions /gig/.

Considering how her kit works, I predict:
>Yun Jin
I also wouldn’t be surprised if they put Barbara or XQ in place of one of these 3.
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Why would you brick yourself with geo when overload Arle does basically the same?
That one is okay because he's doing a public service
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I don't like her design. She's way too visually inconsistent for my tastes and I apparently have high standards.
Powercreep is the way forward now, so with any luck there'll be a better universal buffer come Sneednaya.
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Mihoyo fears the American
what is that xl mod

Heizou just for shits and giggles.
CHongyun, Frem, Heizou
diaperkek melty lole
Imagine being banned that many times everytime someone posts a modded screenshot lmao
Diaper enjoyers
Koko Mika from BA
Average antimodtroon saving pictures of naked fatsos.
Why do you cry about mods anyway? Do they ruin your narrative too hard when you try to shill some shit game?
Why are you referring to yourself in third person, faggot freak?
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It's underground, probably on the mondo beach realm.
Mualani looks stupid but sexy.
Xilonen looks stupid and ugly.
solar beam
i have a high heels fetish
i feel represented
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Back to where it all began...
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Nahida is really sexy
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>he saves pictures of a random fatty naked to post everytime he sees a modded screenshot
She represents the worst in my country
Explain all the Fortnite stealing then?
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I dont own Navia and I only know the bare minimum about the upcoming character, please stop trying to act like a smartass
I see, thanks
>ugly hag
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Xiangling Twillight.
you can't download it anymore, unfortunately.
Lynette is still the best cat girl in the series.
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For me, Its Fischl!
Why do u care if you dont have Navia?
I'm not a metatranny or a hagpedo so yes
I dont like bimbos.
Also I skip every geo, what a worthless element.
Those are basic Rollerblade moves, the running on the spot is one of the first things you learn.
The video has been purposely cropped to sync up with Xilonen as seen by the obvious jumpcut
She isn't American but a "German"
hmm face a bit odd to me, nice outfit though.
You don't need to own characters to read their talents but you be you.
Because I'm curious?
Why else?
We're already in diamond, I doubt they'll introduce starred diamonds.
what kind of retarded question is that
if you dont own or know much about a character you cant be interested in what people are talking about when they talk about them
of course it looks odd, it removes her big eyebrow.
Exactly stick to your business
>on a non-Itto banner
Password is "gayshin"
Why Americans are so obsessed with suing any companies for big dosh compensation?
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average modlet hasn't seen genuine panties in years
nta but thanks
Daily reminder that Kazuha swirl damage is bad
can c0r1 xilo on field?
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Mara tena ashinda Natlan!
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If only revenue was an indicator of games being good.
what's da mod
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>Both 5* scales off DEF
>Shitto is part of Inazuma's rejected banner now
not too bad honestly, unless you 100% rely on her shotgun to deal damage. As long as you keeps elements up on enemies, Navia generates shards at alright levels
If you're not a shitter it's easy to not need Kazuha
No one OP is retarded
they fired the pop cultural minister in chinese government or something, that news several months ago
I will only skip her if >>496993479 happens.
not clicking that
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Would you date her?
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Remind me, when was the last time Charlotte got a banner?
thanks, i need it.
you're such a hero for sharing this pretty mod.
In this general he started only a few months ago.
Guys... Bros... Fontaine is no longer the current region, you can stop pretending to have liked it. We've moved on to a new script; you're supposed to say that if you don't like Natlan it's because you don't actually play the game...
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I'm glad I got her C6 back then.
is for >>496994005
is for >>496993109
our fuarking heroes, pagden, and shartmon
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>They changed it
i don't own him myself but every time someone brags about not using crutches they just use other crutches like nahida, national, hyperbloom, neuvilette, zhong furina etc.
Furina's debut in 4.2
It was also Charlotte's only banner
Read her skill and you tell me.
I think we need another Bennett banner soon.
i'm illiterate and slow of wit please help me
kino post more
I dont like characters that look like prostitutes. Also her gameplay and flow of movement just looks awful. Not to mention like all Natlan characters so far, she also looks awful and stands out too much from other genshin cast. Crappitano and Iansan are genuinely the only characters we've seen so far that I give even a slight modiculum of shit about.
Ah, vast Teyvat!
How far have we traveled, yet not seen your full breadth!
He'll probably rerun by 5.2
needs C6 to on field
ok but how about this
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cameraman game, pls understand
AH fair point.
I hadn’t considered the fact Itto’s never getting a stand alone banner ever again.

But do we believe the person making these decisions has thought that far ahead is the question.
Ugly bitch
Genshin is so outdated holy shit
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Because she's a glorified artifact set. And I don't need a character to climb mountains slightly faster in Natlan, the saurians work just fine.
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I was expecting to be blasted with some ear rape, but it went well.
my mom literally looks like the one on the right
>says she doesn't own the moves in the video
Why the fuck didn't they just take her to court? All they'd have to do is show this video to win the case and then sue her back for showing leaked footage protected by NDA?
If I pull for Xilonen, does her VA owe me sex?
>The replies
Everyday i thank god for this containment toilet of /vg/, imagine these subhumans using other generals. Yikes.
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Surely unity can sculpt new models, the Genshin team is just too fucking lazy.
fuck off she's mine
LMAO get fucked Xilokeks
>fem Rover and npcs moggs every female playable character
Wuwa devs are so retarded holy shit they should've made Xinyi playable instead of just a npc
She'd been better off embracing it than threatening to sue. At least that would have boosted her socials a bit, now hoyo changed it before release and she's left with nothing.
The boycotters that dragged her into this must be turbo seething.
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latinxbros, is it gata puta or gato puta
I would play wuwa if it wasn't boring and grey
She will end up having 70+ clears in /gig/ abyss chart despite everyone skipping her.
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Ofc it can, wuwa devs did it in a few months and UE is harder to work on than Unity. Not to mention Mihoyo has had some of the best unity devs on the market even before GI came out( it's why GI is so smooth since day 1). They don't do it out of pure laziness/complacency.
it's a secret
A good Schnee is a dead Schnee. But god damn would I fuck Willow.
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chasca my beloved
I love Passif
this nigga is roleplaying with a chatbot as aether
yeah like maybe she could have made a deal to get paid to do a promo thing with a xilonen cosplay
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don't reply, it's that simple
ask her to frot
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Thoughts on this white Mexican Furina cosplayer?
This goes here >>496995143
she would have probably done that if at least they made xilonen black but come on dude they stole her moves and made the character white can you not see how grossly offensive that would be to a person of color
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>paying for a chatbot
>thought it said dead shmee
>was happy until I reread
that guy really annoys me for some reason
i look like this and say this
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thats just not true
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stand proud Vegeta
>The boycotters that dragged her into this must be turbo seething.
She didn't know about Genshin at all and the rabid fanbase full of hates probably spammer her to sue Mihoyo.
That doesnt change much of the latter point of how it would work in actuality if I dunno much
I hope she shows up again but I should know better than to hope for nice things from genshin
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Behold my masterpiece
why did you prove him right
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new models means retesting all the animations, cutscenes and so on. too much time, money and work for something that hardly anyone cares about
Should I play Genshin I’m at the library
Didn't someone once say you had to spend money to make money? We're in maintenance mode, so it's not like it matters anymore.
Me on the left
what kind of skin do you want your fave genshin to get
Like always, metachurls will type they don't care about meta and then the numbers just magically pop up on the usage metrics.
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It’s kinda cringe unless you’re hot
t. Saw it in my college library a few times but it was always some Asian guy
Anyone knows if Amber va gets better later on? It's so fucking bad, thinking about changing to jp
ballgag bondage microbikini for Nahida
Navia needs shards for her skill to do damage the rest you can figure out.
gata puta, but calling a woman gata/gato is enough to be interpreted as her being a catty whore
They're spending money on a bunch of animations, advertising and collabs. Genshin makes enough money. They don't need to keep dumping all their profits into it. Diminishing returns,etc.

These guys have expert business analysts, statisticians and so on. I'm sure they know what they're doing.
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Uhh samurai-dono you can't just say that
>durr mihoyo billion dollar company
>why arent they continuously putting billions back into the game
people who say this are legit retarded.
>Navia needs shards for her skill to do damage
Well thanks to the guy who explained how Xilonen doesnt work with her shard gimmick, I know now because I dont know how Xilonen would work with it.
It's cool having people explain things to you in the first place
>Unless it's disney land tier slop i can't enjoy it ok!??!
Are you 15 or a woman? Or perhaps both?
No wonder we get garbage like Natlan after the lore hyped it as a land of war.
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>I'm sure they know what they're doing.
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meant for>>496995824
looks like ps2 vs ps3 kek
>They're spending money on a bunch of animations, advertising and collabs
Cool, what does that have to do with the game? Pokémon also makes tens of billions off of merch and cards, but that has little to do with the games being stale dogshit.
ZZZ is also made in Unity, isn't the point of this dumb engine that you can literally share animations, models and so on from one game to the other? They could just start porting from that.
>don't have Neuvillette
>don't have Mualani
>don't have Navia
>already got Kazuha and cuter buffcats
I'll survive without her.
they're the most successful live service game in history. they know what they're doing
>These guys have expert business analysts, statisticians and so on. I'm sure they know what they're doing.
So does every other big corporate dev, but you know how that can turn out.
Even then you don't need to be an expert to know when to cut corners to save on dev costs
You can give these story important NPCs better models, but would it really benefit you?
She doesnt work with Kinch.
It's solely because Natlan happens to be the newest region, those people literally cannot think for themselves so they just blindly gobble up whatever the latest addition is
The same people who spent all of Fontaine talking about how Narzissenkreus was the best thing since sliced bread are now the people who say the toy dinos ACTUALLY are far better than NPCs with a modicum of relevance or importance
The same people will then start harping about how NPCs actually were the best thing ever the moment we get another batch of literally whos to accompany in our next fairy tale adventure
If you've never seen a ps2 or ps3 game, sure
>they're a big company therefore they must know what they're doing
if this was true then no big company would ever fail, downsize, or go out of business
enron was a big company
nokia was a big company
lehman brothers was a big company
east india company was a big company
meant for>>496996145 and>>496995824
If Mihoyo sold anything other than anime waifus & husbandos they would've gone out of business years ago. Their practices are utterly retarded.
What kind of global shift could disrupt genshin?
>The same people who spent all of Fontaine talking about how Narzissenkreus was the best thing since sliced bread are now the people who say the toy dinos ACTUALLY are far better than NPCs
I have been seeing the exact opposite happening. People praising Sumeru and Fontaine WQs while dismissing Natlan's.
Yeah, I bet giggers know more about running a multimillion global business than the actual people running it
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Did they change the commision system again in 5.0? Cause Im still missing 3 achievements from commissions and they just wont appear
>hoyokeks chartslurpers believe this
enter GTA5, Fortnite and PUBG
Fontaine WQ sucked hard after we left the melusine village and I never praised it.
big companies tend to fail because of greed, corruption and clash of ideals. they are also 99% of the time publicly owned, meaning shareholders control the company. this typically always end bad.
We need a collab asap Natlan has 0 interesting characters
I play Genshin Impact
Global (Western countries only) total ban on anything remotely resembling paid in-game currencies, m-muh gambling and whatever else boomers are afraid of
>if this was true then no big company would ever fail, downsize, or go out of business
This is why big companies fail.
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How can I get a gf like this Mexican girl?
>ban on anything remotely resembling paid in-game currencies
Okay but let's stick to realistic scenarios, yes?
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I enjoy Natlan a lot.
Fontaine almost made me to quit the game, glad they made it fun again.
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Master Chief will save Natlan
This thread needs more shipping
I forgot that choices here matter even less than fgo, is like no one is hearing you
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thats a cute girl you have there with you, Traveller, would be a shame if she remained a virgin
Anon Genshin made over $3 billion
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Frieren collab where she hunts Abyss demons with Nahida
>if you like this thing, you must like the opposite thing
Actual complete retard. Worse than the people you're deriding.
What about a giant asteroid smashing into china and making a crater bigger than France in there, would that disrupt Mihoyo's activities?
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Way to out yourself as an irrelevant thirdie. There have never EVER been more gambling ads in the west than in the past 10 years, it's unreal.
I firmly believe if Mihoyo let Tencent buy them, Genshin would be long dead by now. They would've saw the drop off during Inazuma and then reallocated the resources to a new project, leaving Genshin to rot.
genshins for this feel
Or what if the internet just stopped working for no reason but permanently?
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>a picture of kazuha is now in my inventory
The 5 games in production having ZZZ tier launches and causes some restructuring
Wtf, LMAO. Holy shit the absolute state of Gendrones.
GI isn't even close to being the biggest GACHA much less the biggest live service game you fuckng 15 yold pubescent femoid freak.
DFO makes more money than all Mihoyo games combined.
Me trying to get a single chevy this banner
Looks like they're having they're having the time of their life.
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that's cute
Fortnite - $26 billion
PUBG - $13 billion
GTA 5 - $8.5 billion
Why would other projects failing lead to a restructure of the one that works?
And that's wrong because... CHINA!
Kazuha is literally (You), why do (You) hate him
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Why are jews so extraordinarily ugly? Like the jap is not exactly pretty but he doesn't trigger a flight or fight response out of sheer revulsion like the jew does
I look like that when I press the 10x button.
I look like that when the screen is purple.
I look like that when the screen is golden.
Beep boop, top up.
someone got triggered hard lol
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>wait for uber prices to go down
>it goes up instead to 3 times the regular price
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Kazuha helped you get to and during Inazuma, no idea why someone would hate him.
Have to move all of the new blood off from it or to drag in useful supervisors to salvage it from somewhere
i thought chester died wtf
I'll have to go the airport at 2am, I just know the prices are going to be sour...
>muh honorabu burakusmitto ronin who only speaks in haiku
Get surge priced idiot lmao thanks for the shekel
buy high, sell low

repeat until broke

We have no data for Genshin since Hoyo are a private company.
Legit what the fuck is DFO.
Cool but you know many people are still put off by gacha despite their best efforts to normalize it.
We have beautiful Emily now
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Genshin is a passion project that's being funded by AIslop
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He's a manlet.
Boomer korean MMO that got a port.
How do you not know bwo, they even made a crappy fighting game for it two years ago
why did they use ACK so much in that event?
They try it till the grind sets in or buy a small package then fuck off. It was amusing watching all the normies play their first gacha.
Just an observation, those games have been in the market for 10+ years. The fact that a newbie like Genshin is even included in the conversation is already a testament to its success
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>first year
As useful as fucking sensortower
So are you
how recent is this chart? Im curious. I doubt its anywhere post 2021
I always knew i was a God.
Animal Crossing got microtransactions?
dont let the end of the thread distract you from the fact that kazuha is useless powercrept garbage
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mihoyo employees browse gig
It says "highest first year"
>east india company was a big company
Weren't they even bigger than that? They were so massive that they were like a government in and of itself and had their own troops etc.
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>missing out on the perfect lighting because adjusting the camera and poses is aids
We love cat cock here

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