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Previous: >>496989074

Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program:
Dev Face-to-Face | Zenless Zone Zero:
Agent Record | Tsukishiro Yanagi
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Upcoming Events for 1.2
Full 1.2 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125865
New at the Arcade: Bizarre Brigade now live!
Back in Business - Daily check in, double drops and more - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 10/10 03:59 (server time)
All New Program - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 11/05 03:59 (server time)
Overlord's Feast - 09/26 10:00 (server time) - 11/04 03:59 (server time)

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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better yan
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White woman jumpscare
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Sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex
Superior white woman who didn’t jump scare me
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>no red hair
>no purple eyes with pink irises
>no funny glasses
Your favorite factions by how fun they are to play with. Mine are:
1. SoC
2. Victoria
3. Cunning Hares
4. Police
5. Belobog
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Lucy love.
>removed the soul
Her glasses were kinda ass but to remove it is to delete her character
what could have been...
>delete her character
that's the idea
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For me, it's Yanagi.
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maker her blonde with green eyes and elf ears and she'll sell billions
Can someone just slap Miyabi's head on her? I think she'd look better that way.
Loathe pinks
Lucy sex, even
Might I say, Lucy political marriage?
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what do I need to get a good card king run?
Tags: asanagi_(artist), lucy_(zenless_zone_zero), ahegao, heart_pupils, impregnation, ryona, pig, pigman, rape, cheese_grater, mindbreak,
Boobs too big for her
>Jane flopped
>Caesar flopping
>Burnice definitely going to flop
Yanagi will flop harder than all of them
Just having big tits seems to not be enough
Lucy's father asked (You) to marry her...
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I don't know what's happening & everything keep getting smaller.
do I even want to know
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I will have the strongest Miyabi.
She will be the most powerful Miyabi, with the widest face, the highest DPS, and the strongest team of all the other Miyabis. Even once her face is fixed, and her eyes are no longer separated by the atlantic ocean, my Miyabi will stand as the strongest.
Others will see me post her build and they will wonder to themselves "does somebody need a Miyabi this powerful?" "Why would anyone have a Miyabi this strong?" "Surely, there is a limit to how far apart her eyes can be?"
And I will answer, simply:
"This is what it is, to possess the strongest Miyabi."
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sad piper backstory?
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banging . . . BOOS!
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>Burnice is the first limited agent whose M2 is mandatory
So we're going the star rail route this early huh...
How do we feel about this?
will kill this game
Lighter will flop even harder, we're doomed
what does it do
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Still can't believe they changed BurnICE to fire last minute.
What could've been...
He deserves to flop for raping all of those children in dark alleys
I'll roll for him
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So, when are we getting more content?
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I hate this stat check bullshit. I literally cant do anything unless I have god tier disks.
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>Proxy! Learn how to fight! I want to punch you!
>just remove half of all highlights her design has
>from a character that's "criticized" for being boring
Grace/C2 Burnice/Rina might actually be scary.
Alright you win Da Wei, I refreshed my Interknot Premium for another month.
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i keep buying potions but my money keeps going up wtf
You need to WHALE for him. Rolling isn't enough.
Reminder to that certain poster to fuck off back to /xiv/
I want Miyabi to teleport behind me and tell me it's nothing personal.
I want Miyabi to tell me how she studies the way of the blade.
I want Miyabi to do cool sword poses for me.
I want Miyabi to tell me how her sword was folded over a thousand times using superior nippon steel.
I want Miyabi to tell me it's not like she likes me or anything baka.
I want Miyabi.
I'm conditioned to it from genshin already, so whatever.
Housekeeping > Cops > Cunning Hares > Calydon > OBOL (Soldier) > > Belobog > Section 6
don't @ me
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>in the billy solo game
Thankru gweilo I get to eat rot of noodle now
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You can do hit really early too
kek haven't seen that yet
>fly helicopter into hollow
>ball starts playing ride of the valkyries to protect me from the bad juju
>i physical anomaly innocent ethereals with my onboard machine gun
Very close to being correct except OBOL and Belobog needing to be switched for now because Soldier is just shittier Anby.
>Hags are flopping
Just release more high school girls. It's honestly THAT easy.
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Astaweave collab when?
meant for >>497004432
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My Caesar luck was above average but not Tape-efficient.
I'm afraid I'll have to resort to THAT if I want to get Burnice and her ball.
I might even have to resort to THAT twice if I miss the 75/25 on Caesar's ball.
What item combination? +HP per pot and?
you're not really missing out on that many polys, anon. relax.........
skill issue, cleared it a long time ago with shitty relics, lvl 50 supports and 1 lvl60 dps on each side.
very true
I like looking through /vg/ archive and finding all the retarded samefagging the anti-loli schizo does
>Hags are flopping
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Embrace the lag
Dude he literally asked not to be @'d
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With whom did you use them /zzz/ and how hard did you brick your account?
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sovl faction soon
>wasting pulls on balls
What is the point in slippy? I don't understand how half these characters are supposed to be played, I usually just build them all the same and eventually high roll and win, but slippy starts with -80% damage with no upside.
I haven't used them
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It's perfect.
She's perfect.
Parents everywhere are scared of their children being raped by the pedophile Lighter Rodriguez. New Eridu isn’t safe with him walking these streets watching children and dragging them into alleys to rape them.
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Ambush/Disputed node should be the standard Shiyu desu.
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I don't have a single E2 in star rail and have been max reward collecting since the 2nd month. Burnice will be top tier at M0, game breaking at m2. Simple as. But do you need "game breaking" when m0 is maxing Shiyu defense?
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We almost have them all bros.......
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My Brick Joe and Brick Doe
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They're flopping on MY DICK
4 on JK Sharku, 3 on Zhu Yuwife, will probably use some on Qingyi because she deserves it.
>Account status: Bricked.
Remember anon, we are not the majority. Less than two percent of the total players on ps5 are actually acquired the SD7 S achievement.
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>gets a casual 300k+ views on just her leaked animations within 48 hours
She's going to save the game.
Everyone who says they have shitty relics do not infact have shitty relics. Stop using that meme.
you have to balance it out otherwise you'll get to a point the game doesn't work
>buying balls when that's 1/3 of a guarantee for a new character
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I am literally Lighter
I only used 1 on Qingyi's Basic Attack. I still have 5 in stock
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So the golden poop does exist
Cops outside of the Jane side story had by far the most boring ass segments
Dunno what you guys smoking
I've used 5 on Jane Doe, I'll have 4 for Burnice when I reach that level on the BP
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Used three for my emo shark girlfriend and no I did not brick my account.
Very likely a brick. She wants field time like Jane but I'm sure it'd be possible to make them work
I got it today too. Are they rigged or something?
you are so fucking retarded its actually unbelievable
1. learn to read you seanig. nobody is levelling skills to 12, they are fucking timegated
2. nobody with more than 50 iq is spending energy on farming that many dennies. 3/4 of the dennies you listed there are farmed from hollow zero and other weekly activities if you are not retarded
>b-b-but if you do not get the weekly mats each week
might as well not play the fucking game then. its funny how you are trying to come up with some retarded conditions to inflate energy numbers and avoid passive material income which is a huge part of the game
yes if you are fucking retarded and want to build an agent from 0 to 60 in 1 day then you will have to pay premium costs.
under normal conditions, it takes 14 days to go from 0 to 60 with level 11 skills.
My team will be Jane/Burnice/Yanagi
That's cope, I had purple relics on all my supports and a crit value of 40-50 CR to 90-100 CD on my Ellen. That's Ellen without the wolf btw, so that's losing half of my damage from not being able to run a stunner. Anby is on my Zhu team who had who had around the same crit rate stats. If you think those stats are good you need to stop bitching and hit the disc mines because those are very mediocre stats.
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I haven't used any yet.
100% a brick, Jane works solo, she's a selfish fieldhogging brapper who (teehee) doesn't actually work with any other Anomaly and is literally stuck with just Seth.
field time fags are really obnoxious
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I have never seen whatever that is. Are those like the rings from Azur Lane?
cute brute woman
Bro are you blind? that's obviously a hamster cage. Now a ring. Can't you see the ring-like shape clearly indicating that a hamster is supposed to live in there
We know sethfag, yanagi and burnice are bricks
Does Ishiba support procreation?
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This team is FIRE everyone getting ready for that waifu Janice HYPE TRAIN PogChamp
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Everyone is a brick. The game is a brick. Delete the game to unbrick your account.
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The only character that requires skill to operate
time to get the Cinema bro
>3 skip banners in a row
>potentially 5 skips if miyabi is an ellen sidegrade
how is Zzz going to survive that many flops
I'm a big anomaly disorder chad and I don't think this team is gonna be that great, it might rely on Lucy ulting to give everyone Regen. I dunno, I haven't played with burnice too much but she does feel like she wants to be on field as much as does grace. I'm expecting Grace+Burnice+Lucy/support/Rina to be extremely good especially if you have Grace M1 which serves as a battery for Burnice and herself to constantly apply fire and shock.
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after 20+ retries finally done with this bitch
No you didn't
whats ur roster bwo
i shaved off like 15 seconds with better rotations
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No, you are the retard.
People will have to and have had to farm both EXP and money to build characters constantly. Obviously, if you've played the game a while and don't build everyone, you will have spare money (and spare EXP... for a while).
Also, it's irrelevant if "most people stop." I was very clear that this is required if you want to farm a character from scratch and max them. Nothing i said was erroneous, you are misrepresentign the grind.
Go look at how many people, across mulitple threads, talk about constantly being out of money/exp. It is a real problem for new players and people building wide rosters.

>under normal conditions, it takes 14 days to go from 0 to 60 with level 11 skills.
This is still wrong. Even if you have enough money/exp (I assure you, nobody pulling on every banner has enough exp), it still takes over 20 days per character.
You are 100% pulling numbers out of your ass.
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I will whale for yanagi and lighter and personally keep the game alive
im gonna use 1 on caesar's EX for the 20% impact buff
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a fellow pinKing chad huh
Unfortunately no, but I will continue to demand a marriage feature in every survey.
At this point I'm gonna be able to M6 Pulchra without giving DaWei a single shekel for noodles, ZZZ is falling, it might be over soon.
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You're bad, accept the truth.
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I played him first and got the full clear pretty easily. He got me so many bad habits.
the one that fill shop with pot and the +30 Hp pot
This SEMEN DEMON is a virgin.
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>Maxed all her talents
>Still does no damage
Piper has the strongest pussy smell, followed by Burnice, then Caesar. Lucy is the cleanest since she takes very good care of herself.
What is pussy smell?
Waiting for Miyabi.
That's disgusting. Unwashed pussy is terrible.
I want to be Wise... Lucky retard...
>Go look at how many people, across mulitple threads, talk about constantly being out of money/exp. It is a real problem for new players and people building wide rosters.
actual skill issue
exp has bottlenecks but you should never be out of dennies
b-big ears.... s-so soft...!
dont think pulchra will be playable bwo, shes only has a bunch of different copy pasted animations
Does Grace want the new anomaly disc set?
It's very sour
Describe the smell, please. Are we talking about a strong fishy smell?
Lucy shampoos her pussy and makes sure to keep it smooth, she also uses beauty products to make sure it maintains a puffy but firm texture and smells like a fresh bed of roses on a spring day.
Imagine a dead animal rotting away with flies surrounding it
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Men only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting.
Me on the
That but from top to bottom, I hate being a manlet.
CcecJow is my favorite ZZZ.
hoshimer miyaber
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It smells very sour with a slight sweetness at the beginning, that's how pheromones smell. Biologically speaking despite smelling gross it makes you incredibly aroused.
>fucking a rabi
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>shiyu defense 5
I got filtered...... go on without me gwos
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Anby, zhu, nichole
(I already know about using nichole Last in chain attacks and bringing her out for assist swapping for more bullets)
Grace, Piper, Lucy
(Piper has to dodge a lot)
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Bro your Ellen, Jane, Caesar
Whats dick taste like?
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ohohoho desuwa
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nothing disgusting about it bwo
>So we're going the star rail route this early huh...
we've been going the star rail route since day 1. ellen was literally m2 bait

>I'm conditioned to it from genshin already, so whatever.
genshit started off as c6 bait with huge gameplay altering cons being locked off by c6 (ganyu, xiao)
Sjal roja when
Ok guys, humanity is on the brink of extinction and New Eridu has implemented a eugenics program to ensure only the best of the best will be produced. You need to have children that will become:
>New Eridu's strongest warrior
>New Eridu's smartest entrepreneur
>New Eridu's silliest clown
Which 3 girls are you breeding to get results?
looks awful
I saw a video of Jane where she had almost exposed back and her shorts where ripped on the right ass cheek
she got censored?
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yep its time for some fuckin slop
Why would an eugenics program need a silliest clown?
>silliest clown
Imo it's not fair how much better the liteds are compared to regular s ranks
Just look at Ellen and Soldier 11
Both are crit based characters on their own element but Ellen's dmg potential is so much fucking higher
I ignore all that shit and use corin as a cocksleeve
It’s a gacha business not a charity
Caesar, will fuck her raw until she produces the strongest child
Belle, clearly she is the brains of Random Play
Kot, we will make a silly cat theiran
Of course.
I thought you were talking about breast size initially and was about to provide evidence that S11 has rather big titties herself
>Anby has her delay after the third attack
>S11 has her manually timed power up
Hopefully all the Obol squad has similar gimmicks.
Do gay people exist in zzz? If so why aren’t they lobotomized?
Thats the point. No one would roll if you could just get an S11 account and be set until EOS
There's Seth, and he was.
Because even clowns are necessary for society anon. Do you want to live in a laughterless world?
>fire emblem
fucking kek how pathetic can this faggot get
god I need a clingy gf so bad
>evidence that S11 has rather big titties herself
can I see it?
I'd like to see the evidence
What agent has the stinkiest pussy?
will inferno reap ever reset/have new content?
I’ll show you sparring you sow
>S11's captain trains by playing video games
the whole faction is going to be kino
my standard luck is so ass holy fuck
Every male character we've seen is a confirmed homo or at least bi
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So Lucy's ball is really good on Soukaku, too? For some reason she's the only A rank I still don't have her signature weapon.
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Just take a look at her in-game model. She's as STACKED as the rest of the mid-height girls like Ellen, Nicole and Burnice.
Edelgard won, thoughever.
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>Fighting against Shadow Jane with regular Jane
God that was crazy.
you suck at rythm lmao
when is Jane Doe's third support coming? I have about 140 pulls.
No I'm not getting Caesar either.
idk man, S11 has a lot of leather and straps and shit on her boobs, while Ellen has only a cotton shirt and still looks bigger
burnice might be equal but Nicole is an absolute titty monster
>just get an S11 account and be set until EOS
You probably can if you keep perfecting your discs... unless we go Honkai powercreep in the future.
gay lol
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Level up your characters. The lower your level the less dmg you do, its an invisible dmg debuff. Getting Corin to level 55 shaved a whole 30 seconds off my time
Corin >>>>>>> Piper > Burnice > Grace > Rina > Ellen
>2 knots and a kotball
I just want s11 and rina for fucks sake
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Corin is a well-kept young girl, how dare you.
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how did you even find this, what a fucking goldmine
Post the other chapters
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I don't have them bwo
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NPC love and sex
the horse king has been at this a long time
why is her nose like that
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weh weh weh
Can someone aggregate all the post times to find out this faggot's time zone?
I feel like she'd really love missionary with eye contact.
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They would have announced new a ranks for yanagi/lighter's banners if that was happening, right?
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Damn, Feh is based as fuck.
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jsus christ, feel bad for anyone who likes a character this faggot decides to latch onto
the shining golden swine
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beware nsfw, don't get an accidental promotion at work
Yanagi maybe
Used them on Lucy ex/ult and Caesar ex
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You cant have sex with your client
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>he's not a solo agent
Is Burnice a virgin
No she was raped as a little girl and traumatised into being a psycho, it's why she hates personal contact.
>political marriage
wtf is that supposed to be
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Isn't Hormone Punk 4 piece better than Swing Jazz 4 piece for Lucy?

It should increase her EX attack damage by a lot.
Pussy? Yes Bussy? No
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Damn I lost the 50/50 to Grace. I can complain because I love her and she was my first S but man I was hoping I'd keep this nonstop 50/50 win rate at a 100%. At least I rolled it much earlier than the guaranteed and saved chrome.
I still really want Ceasar and Burnice so I will probably end up swiping anyways
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Imagine beating the shit out of her while she leglocks you and begs you to cum insidein between moans and choking on her own blood and snot
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>play the worm
>just never spend money
>win the game
how do you even lose on this thing
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I filtered a single word and now the thread quality is 100x better.
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stop making me gosling
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This piece of shit ruined my 11/11 solo Corin run again at Nineveh. Is this a good game design?
im guessing u know the basics then? dps at 60 etc
for the final node, make sure to kill the middle spinny fucker first, then spam defensive assist to break him asap and then spam defensive assist and finish off with anby

none of my disks on ZY have over +2 on crit or crit damage and i managed to finish in 2m using anby/nic/zhu on 1st side for final node and those disks are pretty easy to find
I filtered every single word and now the thread quality is 10000x better.
That's awesome... Are there more of those?
The gap wouldn't be that big if Soldier had a real team (she has a decent one now) but you are retarded if you expect a predatory gambling game to give out free chas that are busted. Even if HSR does it regularly, they want you to swipe.
The first real fire DPS they add is going to mog the shit out of brick 11.
Arranged marriage for upper class of society.

It's only demonised when lower class does it or when Chinese does it. For upper class western elites, the media never portrays it negatively.
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yes, it is rigged, apparently.
there is a 6% chance to get 10 polys on any other day of the month, but you can only get higher poly counts on these specific days.
This but with Corin
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Dear friends at Zenless Zone Zero should I be getting my skills past level 7 for Caesar or work on leveling Lucy to level 60 for Burnice
am i the only one who still likes miyabi and is looking forward to her
feels like the popular opinion has been to bully her and her fans idk what she ever did wrong besides exist
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Devs confirmed shes ugly.
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Would you Ellen her Joe?
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there are more on the artist's xitter page @UkayMasaT
She has bad breath or what
>no glasses
into the trash
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I joined in on the wideposting at the start but it just made me like her and I see wideposting as a form of affection.
She's ugly
I'd rather fuck her mouth, if you know what I mean.
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>can't selfie in cheesetopia
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been looking forward to miyabi since day 1 and im getting lighter for her too
At the end of the day there will be two bricks on my account. C0W1 Ellen Joe and C0W1 Miyabi. Anytime ice content doesn’t exist I’ll seethe but I’ll also know it’s my fault.
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bros im going schizo, I can't remember if something happened in a dream or irl
s11 at 50
kot at 79
literally nothing else since and im getting close to hard pity again
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Lots of anons have said they only call miyabi ugly for the memes.
I look like this
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>that pic
I've been saving for her from the moment I saw the cutscene
Is Lighter good for my account?
My S ranks
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Miyabi doesn't really have actual haters here like other characters (Jane)
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I fear the day ZZZ will reveal a male horse thiren. That would give porn artists free ammunition.
how many free banner tapes do we get per banner in your estimation?
woops, i meant to say none of my disks have over +1 crit or crit damage lmao
Should work well with S11 and maybe Ellen.
The Yanagi parry looks cool with her adjusting her glasses but everything else about her is so low quality. I don’t think I can justify getting her. Lighter seems more mechanically fun and also has good animations.
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her cheeks look weird
>Getting art
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not really, I'm waiting for her since day 1
Ultra newfag to the game here. I heard that there was a cool grandpa-type dude who appeared in the story I think? Is he ever gonna be playable? Im tired of playing women and prettyboys all the time. I want to whoop ass as an old man
Please god let it happen it would be so fucking funny
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It can't be the same guy and implying everyone that used the word pedoschizo is that guy is just as schi-
We'll call him... Equine Lord
>Is he ever gonna be playable?
actual spoilers
im sorry bro, it hurts me too
My disks were shit in the previous rotation and I was still able to S rank everything. Make sure your main DPS on each team are lvl 60, the level penalty is one of the biggest factors for having a bad clear time. Leveling up your stunners also help since the level penalty cucks your daze dmg. Other than that, check out what little optimizations you can do to improve your damage like how to start a chain attack, which characters to skip or even when to not trigger a chain attack for extending a stun window.
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How sweaty in terms of metafagging is zzz compared to gig and hrt?
>actually look like a rat
he has a sick theme......
If you want to run Ellen and S11 at the same time then yes.
If you end up getting Lycaon before his banner then you don't need him unless you like him. It's up in the air if he's even better for Ellen than Lycaon since he forces you to use Soukaku and has weaker buffs without his sig.
How does Jane manage to be hot and ugly at the same time?
whats his name at least bwos. Ive only heard of him and saw him once but his name wasnt mentioned
Is the person spamming feixiao (a character from HSR) u/the_horse_king? Why doesn't this person get a job instead of spamming off-topic images?
Koledas dad already exists
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Release some lolis
If you are talking just tapes, it's about 3 per week for standard banner ones and 7 or so per banner for limited. This is averaging all income of tapes (BP, monthly shop, HZ, etc).
If you're talking purely pulls with converting currency, it's about ~50-60 pulls per banner. Again, this is an average, as the first banner of each patch tends to have more pulls you can acquire because of BP rewards, more generous events and login pulls.
Berezovich Kryuger
love you guys and massive thanks. Have a good one
you can bypass metafaggotry if you're good enough. HSR and Genshin are basically stat checks so it's more proeminent there.
Not at all so far. If you have good discs you can clear with anything.
I've only use one so far on Piper's EX. Still got 5 left and I'll use some of them to upgrade Lucy's EX and Zhu's Basic Attack as well as her Chain/Ultimate. Dunno what to do with the other one. Which one is more important for Qingyi, her EX or her BA for even more daze?
it's the only one out of the three that requires skill
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Hoshimi Miyabi...
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>Anby and S11 have LITERALLY the same face
>not even intentionally made to look similar
Soldier 11 lore fucking WHEN?
i like to imagine that the soc girls sometimes have nights out where they drive to some distant tavern and willingly seduce local men to get fucked in an orgy
so no, shes not a virgin
Why is one pink headed and the other orange headed
in what sense? you dont need much metafagging to play content casually and playing content casually is enough to max out right now
if you are talking about abyss speedruns then the game is extremely sweaty and has shitload of mechanics to optimize damage but this is less metafagging and more understanding mechanics
None for now, I'm waiting for Yanagi to use them.
Wait a year
You can get by with skill in Genshin (except in IT) to an extent, although that is more about being good at teambuilding than mechanical skill. HSR basically requires almost 0 skill and even 0-cycle showcases often are reliant on RNG to make sure certain characters don't die/get energy/whatever.

Right now the game is piss easy but it'll probably catch up to Genshin eventually. The devs are very responsive to player feedback and seem to be willing to add hard content (read: aggro bosses) instead of just HP bloat for "difficulty" so if they ever ramp up Shiyu too much they might backpedal on it, something HSR will never do.
That being said, you can still clear abyss in Genshin with XL + B + XQ so it's not like that game really is p2w even if it's still run by metanigs (aforementioned team is meta). Again, except in IT which requiers you to own 90% of the roster.
I don't understand how to use Caesar
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they're clones, bro
all of obol is
it's a private military that anbi still runs under nicole's nose
they cooperate with bandits too
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I've been dying to know more about her but it's gonna take a while with section 6 and all
They are part of a super-soldier cloning program, of course.
Anby was saved by Nicole's family or something like that, while S11 became a fully fledged super soldier.
Kill yourself Ayacuck.
>zzz: actual good play carries you
>genshin: more numbers gamey but you can still make work with basically anyone with proper play and investment even with 1.x characters
>hsr: metafaggotry reigns supreme, all stat checks down to the digit, older units are basically worthless
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>want Burnice
>only 7k polys
I better get lucky OR ELSE
Nicole is an orphan. She found Anby near a Hollow.
2.0 when they add Obol
soldier doesn't have max trust event still
anby has an extra trust event that's not in the game but is in the archive
Instead of Dodge, swap to Caesar then EX. You can now fuck off with a new shield.
Couldn't she be adopted by the Demara family or something like that?
Buy the Knot Membership and win the 50/50 gro
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>Soldier 11 lore
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I want to die fast
>he wants to sweat on zzz
play on phone, hard mode is by default.
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Theres nothing in zzz equivalent to floor 12 abyss yet so you can (and people do) solo content with the zzz equivalent of amber. That said anons still get in heated arguments and spout retarded bullshit about meta here every single day so the metafagging here is strong
Anby was rescued by Nicole then took on her last name and probably a nickname. Anby likely is some sort of play on "Soldier 1."
We also know that Anby had some sort of higher position in OBOL, because she talks about being a drill sergeant in one of her social links and Soldier recalls her training during her trailer, but promptly ignores it. It's possible that Soldier's hangup about traitors is related to Anby in some way.
you have 12 days to collect more polys for Burnice, and even if you dont get her day 1, you will still have 20 more days of her banner to roll for her
just... get early pity AND win the 50/50 gro?
how many days for this to trigger?
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oh right it was that easy
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Hey Proxy!
>you will still have 20 more days of her banner to roll for her
I hate these slow ass banners so much bros
I keep seeing loli Nicole pics, what's up with that
Grace 100%
it's still interesting to discuss the game and its meta even if the game is objectively easy to clear. its just some people take it way too fucking seriously and have to get elitist over it because their piper cleared 0.05 seconds faster than some other fag's jane or something
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This image remind me this
>need to play ZZZ
>need to finish the main story
>need to roll for Caesar
>need to catch up
>still launched Ape Escape 2 instead
I cant help myself I know I should be playing ZZZ but these past two weeks I’ve been addicted to Ape Escape…,
A couple days I'm waiting for a bit
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I fucking wish, hope we get some clone child soldier sufferingkino
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Shiyu is literally abyss 12. Abyss 12 is still piss easy even to this day.
There's no MoC12 equivalent and I doubt there ever will be since Shiyu already gives 720 gems, if they add more floors they'd have to increase the max rewards. I think it's more likely we'll just get one of the "don't die" modes every patch instead, particulalr because they're relatively well-received.
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mmmnyes my minions, do my bidding
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wait Belle fucking Wise is canon?
Hm, how is Anby a play on Soldier 1?
And from the video you mentioned, I felt more like Anby was S11's partner in missions and stuff, and that's why she ignored her advices in the end.
Are the developers trying to push anomaly more now compared to the usual crit based DPS? I didn't want to roll for Burnice because my current Fire team, S11/Caesar/Lucy is doing really well for me. But it seems like they want players to use anomaly a whole lot.
In terms of characterization, Ceasar has been my favorite so far. Great personality
bellumbros... we won
I love pussy sex
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Wata-Matuh Ehnna!

Muh Nann-uh
Muh Nann-uh
Muh Nann-uh
Muh Nann-uh
Muh Nann-uh
Muh Nann-uh
Nuh Dah!?

Nnh-nah Duh!
Cabbage main here Fishfags abuse the game while I’m honest and put up equal results
nice C6 eula whale
This video >>497010987 pretty much confirms it.
As canon as Wise fucking Caesar.
My boy wise eatin' good.
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– You’re on fire today!
– That’s a flamin’ good idea.
– Let’s spark some joy.
– This plan is lit!
– Fire up your imagination.
– Sizzling with excitement.
– That’s hot stuff!
– Burning with passion.
– Heat up the conversation.
– You’re the ember of my eye.
– Fired up for the weekend.
– A match made in heaven.
– That’s a smokin’ deal.
– Don’t get burned out.
– He’s quite the firecracker.
– You’re the spark to my flame.
– Keep the fire alive.
– You’re a real firestarter.
– Blazing trails like a pro.
– Watch out, you’re a wildfire!
jane sunk cost falacy
they're milking them
nta, but anby recalls being something like a drill sergeant and soldier 11's trailer clearly seems to ignore the advice that comes from a mentor figure, that anon was also speculating about the name, soldier 11 calls her zero
Obviously. Siblings do NOT behave like Belle and Wise.
So wise is fucking lucy, caesar AND Zhu?
Just had sex with the most attractive female Agent
Me too, and that was a surprise for me. I wasn't even going to roll for her, and now I'm even considering rolling for her ball.
Withered Garden 11 is literally harder than any other content in all of the hoyo games barring some bullshit in HI3 that I don't even remember what it's called anymore since it's been years
Yeah that's true but it's not like it is only her. Yanagi is also anomaly. That's 3 in a row now.
I can't say I have amazing sub 2 minute wacky /zzz/ speed run times, but I was able to do this first try for each one which is nice. This is way easier to do than it's equivalent in Genshin
I tried the cabbage. Yes the fact it gives you an OP buddy after combining 2 of them is pretty busted
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i love these dudes, i don't like how much the devs uses them as easy punching bags whenever they need a poor creature to be abused by someone
Just cheese it with Fox retards
>it's harder than taping a fidget spinner to your phone
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I actually went "Oh shit" when I saw that line as if not just the characters but the devs found out about my secret
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I got it! It's real!
Billy is all you need
Shiyu is objectively easier than abyss 12. Its 5 minutes vs 3 minutes. It gives you buffs whereas abyss 12 gives no buffs. And its always 2 waves max whereas abyss 12 can throw 3,4,5 waves of bullshit at you. Not saying either is hard, just that abyss 12 is comparatively harder.
Zhu's relationship with Wise does not exist.
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me 0.099 seconds after Piper used my hand to yawn
homimi mibibi
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>Story keeps hyping up billy

So this fucker is just phoning it in right now? Will we get an S rank version of him in the future or some shit?
They're not blood related. They were both adopted by the same person
where do i find women like this?
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Jesus fucking christ i hate this fucking Kot, took 20 runs until i finally got lucky with rng
jane's passive activates when she's with another anomaly
and because she wants to dodge she doesn't need a stunner
physical is best anomaly, so getting a disorder of each element is what they want you to want to get
putting them so close means you have to pay for it
What is it with Asians and poop jokes
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it's all a misunderstanding
Haven't got it since the fucking beta test.
Anby was with me all day so I know you're lying
S-rank billy and S-rank anby both seem like pretty obvious alternate forms at this point, they're both getting shilled way too hard for it not to happen
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fuck gato
as if burgers don't love toilet humor
>They're not blood related
I pray for the S-Rank version of him to be voiced by Kristoffer Tabori. I need HK-47 kino.
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He better be as ripped as that Horse Guai Blacksmith from BMW
Billy (Serious) soon
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Someone explain Burnice's kit to me, I tried to read it but the insane word salad made my head hurt.
What is Heat for?
What is Afterburn and Scorched?
What's the enchanced basic attack spin for?
Why do you need to double-tap EX special?
Ok, I think I need to watch this video again, then.
it's leg day today bros wish me luck
Hair color.
First free S rank
"non consensually" means rape and is a crime
just thought you guys should know
Abyss 12 does give buffs, and you have IT now to make it dumber.
I don't mean to argue here either, but as far as what the top of the content is, it's the same. Abyss 12 is the Shiyu 7 equivalent, if they add a new difficulty it'd be equivalent to something that's not even in Genshin yet. The Blessing of the Abyssal Moon works on every floor (even 12), plus you get buff cards too. What you are thinking of is leyline effects which are only on floors 11 and lower.
be french
eyebrow colours matches as both grey, girls are known to dye hair colours more then guys
He's like Vash Stampede and Ryo Saeba.
Billy forma de hombre cibernetico fuerte
I'd help you, but, unfortunately, you wouldn't be able to read my post.
You use energy to use her EX Special. This fills the orange bar. Once that bar is full and she hits someone, it applies afterburn. This causes another agent's attacks to build burn. You want to swap her in, dump energy, and them swap out.
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Maybe I can get this in 5 more years of daily login.
Why? They're cute and canon lovers
They also dye their eyebrows and bush.
Only country bumpkins do such a half assed job as dying only hair and letting the rest be natural.
Hey, I don't make the rules man
If you talk to Belle at night, she will often say things like "I will prepare some dinner for you" or "hey lets stay up and goof around all night today". She is not your typical little sister.
>Koleda dad abandons her, gets turned into an ethereal
>her dad will get dissected by Mibbles next patch
>already powercrept 2 patches in

Koleda had a hard life
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(S)erious Billy, (S)uper Soldier Anby, (S)wimsuit Nicole, (S)anta Nekomata. Cunning Hares rule!
This game need more whores
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Oooooh, so Heat is only for Afterburn and the enchanced basic attack is kinda useless, or the stat is to go from it into EX Special
Nekomata will grow a third tail after her power-up.
You can screenshot this post.
Qingyi sabotaged Zhu just in time for Lucy and Caesar to swoop in.
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She also got angry when wise was alone with nicole. I don't know if they fuck every single night but she's in love with him.
>get S-Rank Anby
>now there are three Anbys in Sixth Street
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Post your Pipers
Yes I meant leyline effects. The abyssal moon blessings are mostly gimmicks. The only substantial buffs are the buff cards which are rng. Sometimes they are shit. Sometimes they are good and you cant control which ones you get. So I still disagree. Floor 12 is objectively harder than shiyu 7. No one posts their amber solo clears on /gig/
which zzz can you picture buying a cybertruck
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Wow that's rude
Soldier 69, Soldier 420 and Soldier 1488 when?
Their eye color is the same and I'd say that's more damning evidence than hair color.
there's going to be an anby for every element
Why is she like this?
Found this pic on twitter. what is this from, have I missed an event somehow?
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I can only self insert as Wise if he is a 2 meter tall black man with massive cock
based eulaGOD
>No one posts their amber solo clears on /gig/
Zzz is a new game search for old abyss videos Amber or any 4 star could solo
Sasuga my canon wife
looks at how cute nicole is bwos
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>mfw I got the exact same reward
I guess it's not as randomly generated as I thought
I feel anbyvalent toward this idea.
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anbyfaces will blow up like saberfaces I'm telling ya
How the fuck are you supposed to win as capped gallant?
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Once again proving that glasses are a crime against character design
Hot sister lust.
You just don't buy companions unless it's the mage that doubles your shot output.
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who gets to breed this?
i mean you get an achievement called "not a coincidence" for getting the golden poop
>admitting your shit at every hoyo game
holy shit fucking embarassing LMFAO
that's from nicole's trailer
has it blown up lately? a lot of people seem to be talking about it
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>wanted to roll Burnice
>play her trial version in the course thing
>she feels fucking horrible to play
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>S11 gets the best mods
I'm literally pooping right now
When's the next Mihoyo gacha? I'm bored of zzz already.
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what team do you use her in?
love yourself Ayakafriend
Im not saying no one has ever solo cleared with amber. Just that it doesnt get posted on /gig/ and it certainly never got posted during the early era of genshin, whereas we get solo billyfags showing up here with some regularity and its only 1.2
struck a nerve with the herta troon
how do you make webms? I want to make a webm of Lucy when she almost gets shot in the head behind the container in the 1.2 story.
Her "annoyed" animation is so good and soul.
>9 months ago
oh so that's why I didn't know it. I'm not sure why it's coming up again, maybe there was some dialogue in the latest patch that made people dig it up again
2+ years since there wasn't even a cbt yet.
good Lucy's father must get to enjoy her every day, until she escape
>struck a nerve
projecting much faggot? just admit you're dogshit and we can move our separate ways.
>record with OBS
>convert to webm with an online service
not too much right now, she'll go good with burnice once she drops
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Any jane-bros? How are the stats? Usable? no sig wep
I use obs to record and then use this converter to make it in webm. Or you can use ffmpeg, that's what I did before but the application is more comfortable
I don't expect them to release a new game before 2027 since neither of their upcoming games got a official reveal trailer yet.
I play her with Jane and Rina right now. I really like milk.
ATK and AP are both very low. its probably usable but i'd go back to the disc mines
the flop to cause eos...
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I really want S ranks for both him and Anby when she finally unveils her super solider powers
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>tfw doing Shiryu defense for the dennies
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>using males
She lacks movement. Piper is fun because you get to move around during the spin.

Jane had the same issue with the static short spin it feels horrible I don't know why they keep pushing this on their limited S ranks when the A rank anomaly got it right.
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let me guess, you "need" more
You want 375 AP for 100% crit assaults or 420 AP to max out atk buff
You are 100 AP short
Vomit colors
>There is no incest chud you're projecting your fantasies onto siblings who care about each other
>*hoyo doubles down*
Hot Belle, but you would have to impregnate her before she dates other guys.
I have about as much AP without an AP weapon bwo...
>certainly never got posted during the early era of genshin
yeah, because Genshin is way more a stat check than ZZZ.
I was focusing on crit... and still got trash crit stats
but ok ill keep grinding until like 400 ap...
Nigger Jane does not use crit... You're actually bricked
>I was focusing on crit
Why? Read her passive again bro, I'm not going to type it out here
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More like this?
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When are we getting them? Sick and tired of hags and males
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How do I unbrick my account?
God her wallpaper is so fucking good I'm praying Soukaku's has more leg love.
>Jane does not use crit.
Not even Crit damage%?
why the fuck are you building crit on an anomaly character????
Looks fine, whats the problem?
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Classic sisterlet cope. Me and my sister act almost exactly like Belle and Wise.
Well yeah. When you need 3 minutes to clear something vs 5 the gear requirements are going to be stricter and the endgame experience more difficult.
Fucking Red Scale's snowballing managed to crash my game, how in the fuck did this fish get past QA testing?
making qingyis wallpaper from the waist up only was criminal
like why put her in a croptop and shorts if we cant see the assets
you fuck yet
Her passive says she can crit.
So her discs should obviously have Crit damage. So you're still wrong?
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I have a sister and I haven't fucked her in the pussy a SINGLE time
How tight is her vagina
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What now
bro peaked in his first week of playing
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Oh my fucking god
>new arcade game doesn't have an endless mode
feedback survey
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One of those is a boy
Go and 100% Holocure as well
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shes reserved for belle only
This has to be bait
But in case it's not, Jane's crit damage on the assault is fixed ratbro, and the crit rate scales with AP.
Please please please be bait
New event when?
Is this why the thread was great for the last few hours?
Which zzz believes in sex only after marriage?
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>epic Miyabi story boss fight in the center of Hollow Zero
>it ends in 10 seconds like every other humanoid fight did in 1.2
burnice lucy
>Jane's crit damage on the assault is fixed
It doesn't state this anywhere though. Not even in the text you told me to read, so I asked a legitimate question.
Here's your spoonfeed assuming your not baiting. Her anomaly crit damage is locked at 50 since the ability to crit anomaly at all comes from her passive. Your crit stats do not affect her assault crits in any way, it is a dead stat.
If I become a bangboo will Grace love me?
ummmm burger bros your response?!?!?!?!
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Sorry Elfy
But this is for giving me those awful rolls
They put a slightly harder boss in their other game this year in story mode and it generated endless rage.
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Zhu, obviously. The girl hasn't even seen porn despite being in her 20s. She probably thinks holding hands make you pregnant.
Zhu Yuan and Caesar. Like, half the cast doesn't know what sex is and the rest wouldn't care.
stop whaling
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how about now? Just fucked around in the record shop since I had tons of mats from my awful disc luck
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This is a hands + brain issue, not luck my guy.
Thanks Anons.
your ATK is still REALLY low. literally dump any disc with crit subs and just get ATK% and AP. at the very least, the AP is better.
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Just look at Elfy Grace
Whatever you do, do NOT look behind you
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Well now you know. Building Crit will not effect the damage of her assaults. Only the damage of her normal attacks. The only way to increase her anomaly Crit rate is AP and the only way to increase her anomaly Crit damage is M2. Test it yourself in practice if you think literally everyone is trolling you. You want to maximize AP and Attack from Jane’s substats.
They were orphans form the sounds of it. Both raised by Carole Arna
2700 Atk% 420 Ap should be your ideal stat goal according to prydwen
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Prydwen builds assume you're a whaling faggot so take whatever they recommend and aim for 1/3 of that.
I understand why it is alluring in anime or vidya but in reality is mental illness. Plus, she's 11 years younger.
That can't be with a Phys% disc, can it?
weh weh weh
me and lucy
prydwen also suggests physical dmg bonus disk 5 over atk%, hitting that with this shit is super hard
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sextion soul
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reminder that you should be saving
Their lower end range is super accessible, though. The difference between 2.2 and 2.7k is huge
better question, which zzz girl would actively seek pre-marriage sex?
I can't wait for the entire playerbase to drop the game when they cave to twitter faggots and age them up to avoid the loli stigma. Watch all the promo art be used in game as flashbacks and they're all Ellen's age to save face.
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>boy don't play peekabooboo
>piggy little bangboo's gonna lead my way to you
It's mandatory so you can save a few seconds in shiyu? lol everyone will surely be lining up to suck your dick with your clear times
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She's already knotted bro...
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Honestly I didnt like her at first but recently I have been brainwashed to like High heels and now I think shes probably going to be the best character in the game.
>age them up
Ah, he's here. I knew the thread was getting too uncharacteristically comfy.
I like this furry, is there more of her?
um nigga Lucy and Piper is still in the game
They won't even release for 6 months
Nicole (for Dennys)
Grace (with bots)
Neko (in heat)
Search "Pulchra" for more
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I got a demon really early and he wrecked a lot of shit from huge range.
Causing EoS just to include one artist's pedophilia would be a billion times dumber, so...
Thanks m8
>Don't hide or I'm gonna make Red Moccus find your ass
Don’t try to hide because I have your location tracked on my HDD
Uh oh he's here!!
Her outfit is really good. Traditional, slightly futuristic and highlights her fox boobies.
>Piggy's little bangboo has never leas the way for him.
Lmao fag.
I bet your heart has never been like a rollercoaster either
Burnice hates physical contact and is brain damaged from too much nitro fuel, if she wasn't raped as a little girl she's still a retarded virgin
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Miyabi is obviously the canon love interest who'll start out hostile but will develop feelings for Wise as they uncover the truth behind Hollow Zero.
>derpy woof's gimmick is playing fetch
I kneel
I hope she has Rina's leggings forma de negro
Highlights are really important.
Imagine the threesomes with her and Zhu...
What about players that picked Belle as MC?
Lesbianism is banned in China.
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Dunno, I just went fast with him.
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How do I stop my idol from melting?
Join the Pulchra waiting room bro. She'll get a lot more art when her banner comes
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Pulchra has some art online, but she’s only been an enemy so far in game so she hasn’t really had an explosion of fanart yet.
>Caesar core passive activate if the team has anyone who can use defense assist
so like...everyone?
the fivesomes including your other faction leader love interest (caesar) and your default one (belle)
>The most prudish sex ever had
also can anyone gimmie a quick rundown on how using the seth/qingyi/jane team on field looks like? you use seth's quick assist bullshit to fill janes passion and then qingyi stun so she can do dmg?
It won't activate in a team with Burnice and Grace.
Not named Zhu, Grace, Rina, Billy.
>Soulhound's gimmick is sucking
I first try'd difficulty 5 and had no idea what the fuck was happening as everything exploded around me.
Don't need a stunner bro
you cant use her with grace rina
aka bricked
Grace, Rina and Burnice have dodge assists.
Almost, yes
Most flexible core activation in the game. Only 3 units can't activate it I think
Burnice literally has faction trigger
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Go hit up Coco for some Richard Milk Tea
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Ok this one was rather funny
Coco pussy...
Sounds about right. Bring Jane out during stun windows for that massive stun% because she's basically a hypercarry dps. Not like you can't assault at least once or twice during stun
I got Qingyi may as well use her
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Post funny BB pics
Mine is the car man
Sexo. Post more.
Zhu lies about having held hands in one of her social links and she manhandles anyone who tries to do it even if she gives permission.
>150 pulls
Now what?
I'm gonna m6 this little slut next banner
You either roll for Caesar or wait for Burnice
You save to 180 in case of coinflip
Are there any good zzz discords aside from the official one
What happens after Miyabi is released?
>You can roll for someone you like now
>You can't

Shrimple as
>Burnice has an evasive assist
nigga you can literally test her in HIA, she parries with her flamethrowers
>Homos haven't even noticed it's Lyacon's birthday (in Japan)
Maybe it's because I'm new to this game, as well as the genre, but why is Lycaeon considered good?
Sure he can freeze and attack quickly, but he has really short range, and his dps doesn't seem that great
Yeah I could freeze and have another character shatter, but by the time I buildup that freeze, I could be using Ben to just daze them and do that follow up combo
And another thing, how come that combo sometimes has two follow ups, but sometimes it has more?
I can see that daze bar change from yellow, to rainbow, to grey, but I'm not sure what's actually happening there.
EOS or we get another cool op character to look forward to, Genshin didn't die after Raiden and Star Rail didn't die after Acheron so we'll probably be fine.
janes most basic combo is start mashing m1 for the full 6 basic combo and then do the spin to extend passion a bit and then keep mashing m1?
She looks great from behind/in game going by old beta footage. They really nailed the cyborg samurai look.
She holds them like tonfas too, quite cool
bwo...just read...
this run was stupid. i just stand in the middle of the arena spamming attack. not killing any of the bosses though.
>can't do an infinite run of BB
that's like the whole point of this genre of games
What stats does Burnice want in her dics? Anomaly?
you're a monkey
He's for stunning not freezing, hold m1 until animation finishes, hold m1 again, repeat 6 times until big enemy stunned
>playing as anything but the cabbage
Shame be upon your entire family.
>normal enemy
1 chain attack
>elite enemy
2 chain attacks
>boss enemy
3 chain attacks

If you stun another target while doing a chain attack it extends by one or more depending what category the new stunned enemy is and if you hit it will follow up attacks after the first one.

For Lycaon just read his core skills.
literally doesn't matter, every unit teleports into the enemy to hit
>bad dps
kinda, he's a stunner, he's supposed to build up the orange bar to make the enemy not move and take more damage
He's good because he gives you more damage during stun, double it up for Ice units like Ellen. I don't use him but apparently he has nice Iframes too
He builds up the bar that makes the enemies do nothing for a few seconds really fast while giving a very strong buff to one of the best DPS in the game.
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Wouldn't be surprising if he was a Californian. His activity goes up whenever UTC-7 (Los Angeles, California) hits 9AM
Same as any other anomaly character, attack and AP with AP on 4 and AM on 6. The real question is whether fire primary stat on disk 5 works with her, or if she should stick to plain attack.
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He's stuck in traffic hell.
Even if I did know, I don't really give that much of a fuck about him to care.
I guess? Ult and EX if you can fit into it, I just play Jane like a retard. Also try not to overcap on assault bar. Only the last hit of a "move" triggers assault so you don't want to ult at 90% assault buildup or something since it could add 50% of a bar
Why this little slut always look like she's about to piss herself?
Piper will work with Yanagi?
Blue Archive is still thriving
The point of a stunner on a Jane team, aside from the stun damage multiplier, is that Jane’s chain attack instantly granted her full passion stream. So you have Jane and Seth do their thing and then as soon as Jane depletes Passion you swap to your stunner and then stun so you can bring Jane back in at full passion against the stunned enemy. As much as possible you want to fit Qingyi into what would otherwise be Jane’s “downtime.”
Man, Ellen is tough to play. I never feel like I can 100% utilize everything she has perfectly. You need to keep up Lycaon's shred, Soukaku's buff and at the same time constantly keep up Ellen's stacks while dodging into a charge counter every time an enemy attacks you while you basic attack. I'm thinking of pulling Caesar just to not have to think so much.
Doesn't she want ER
But reading is for gays
Hrm, even though I'm holding down attack to do the extra freeze, maybe I'm just not doing something right since it seems like Ben builds up daze faster despite being slower. Or maybe I just like Ben's playstyle more than Lycaon's.
Anyways, thanks.
And yeah, that tracks that bigger enemies have bigger combo potential.
>piper hitting 600k Assault with dog shit discs
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Yes. Although assault is less optimal for a heavily disorder focused team since the disorders from the Flinch effect are smaller. But the team will still function just fine.
>pulling Caesar just to not have to think so much
Caesar doesn't fix that many of Ellen's issues unfortunately because if you want to stun you have to parry, which is often a DPS loss if you give up getting a full charge on her dash attack or the follow-up to her EX. Having the armor helps a lot vs fodder and certain enemies, but since Lycaon's stun is faster than Caesar's and less reliant on parries I still find him a lot better in general.
The fact that Ellen goes behind enemies after he ex makes it easy to dodge most shit if you're not retarded, plus it has a lot of iframes. I dunno, I'm personally just not in love with Caesar instead of Lycaon.
Good to replace Soukaku with her though.
I see... Tbh I have no idea what Seth does and upgrading discs gave me a headache gonna try his tutorial tomorrow, all I know is that he has that move that makes chars quick swap in and that's good for Jane
I also don't read because they explain the moves poorly imo, with lycaon you simply hold m1 until the attack animation stops and repeat that until the enemy is stunned, his E works the exact same u hold the button until the anim finishes
I not really worried but wondering about the roadmap. It seems like Miyabi release would coincide with the 0.5 anniversary. I am really curious about what's planned for afterwards.
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>spamming attack
You don't "spam attack". Characters attack automatically. Those who can that is.
All player characters use ranged attacks. Melee is for melee enemies only and is useless for the player character. If you build Omnom into ranged, and get ranged minions, the result should be something like this.
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Lycaon's shred lasts 30 seconds you are probably doing it way more often then you need to. But yeah, soukaku has and will always be clunky
Rape prompt
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Ellen sex..
no one will save you from being raped
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Bros I need a female Kemono NOW
Why is Rin called Belle?
Rin isn't even strictly Japanese
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Nigger you can build a max Billy account and be set until EOS.
Another day without Rina and S11
I time her teleport on the third basic attack and use iframes whenever I can but depending on the enemy they can just hit on a massive aoe and hit you even if you're behind them. Other than that, thanks for the info. Guess I'll keep on saving for now.
Oh, I forgot how long lasts his debuff lasts. Soukaku isn't that big of an issue since even if she does her long ass animations and gets hit, she's barely on field the rest of the time so she can just tank it.
Word to the Wise
Saved by the Belle
As a stun character he has higher “daze multipliers” and so will stun enemies faster than Ben or other non stun characters. On top of this he shred ice defense and increase the “stun damage multiplier” which is the damage bonus applied when attacking a stunned character. Normally 150% of normal damage for bosses, but 180% for him. SDM is particularly valuable because it is multiplicative with advert other damage bonus out there and so tends to have a bigger impact than most other damage bonuses. The combination of good stun, ice shred, and extra SDM makes him very valuable for any Ice attacker based team. And a solid option for any team.
I have been using hoyo buddy which is a bot from Discord which does auto check in.
My question is: why am I getting TWO check in rewards each day? They are also different. Not sure what's happening. Today I got 2 disk batteries and 3 agent exp items in 2 separate mails
God I want her to shit on me so bad.
Ring her Belle
is it me or the pompey fight just murder my fps?
literally no other fight fuck the frame this bad
i meant melee attack. the thing you do to launch enemy or companion. i dunno what it's called but i just spammed that. basically unkillable with the self heal upon killing enemies.
She will sweat on you instead
no thats a bad mechanic to be put on a limited character
lycaon stuns fast as fuck though
this is with r1 steam oven
soukakus buff is 24 seconds
lycaons is 30 and refreshes with both his parry attack and his EX
just sit on ellen then parry into him
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What does Double mean in Chinese?
Obol squad will be the shitter filter...
I'm rollan
Have someone beaten dif5 with the red snake?
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h-he's fast
you will like ze rhythm game
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>bash my head on trash bag run
>find out starter companions block bullets by default
fuck you dawei, fuck you
I know for a fact this isn't true because I tried it
Fuck Ellen
Another day with Rina M1W1
Wait, you can switch right into your third character after the first? How do you do that?
I don't think the push scales with anything. Or counts as an "attack".
who desgined pulcha
this bitch keeps dodging
beat limbo all S but that was so annoying
Hey guys, I'm a right wing blue collar worker (construction), which zzz would be an ideal wife for me?
I think the default keybind is C
dw the game never tells you that theres a swap backwards button
There is a button to swap to previous character anon chama
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tested again, grey mage deifnitely blocks stuff
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it's not double the amount of end reward, pretty sure it's basically an extra roll for items on the enemy card
Rina, also a right wing blue collar worker (janitorial services)
Yeah, the issue I have with Caesar is that I often do just what you do, and if the enemy does an attack that hits in front after, if you don't stop Ellen's combo to get the counter then you will end up getting a longer stun. Because Lycaon's faster at stunning and doesn't rely on particular timing I just find him better.
But Caesar is a big upgrade to Soukaku, since you get the same attack buff + the shield, it's just she doesn't really make you clear any faster than Soukaku already did unless she has her engine, too.
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literally any of the SoC girls
Big thanks dudes, played since day one and didn't know that. Honestly no clue why they never tell you that, seems like important information
I've been building up my Rina since I got her weapon and mindscape, and I'm wondering if her PEN sharing benefits Ellen/Lycaon more than Soukaku's attack buff. If both Rina and Soukaku are at 60, who do you go for on Ellen's team?
Provides a shield that buffs her AP by 100 and he also shreds enemy anomaly buildup resistance by 20%. Aside from that he has a fair amount of personal anomaly buildup rate and so he’ll sometimes apply shock versus bosses and give you a disorder every once in a while.
>30 seconds to clear the shitters
this is my only problem with ellen's team right now, lack of cc. Give me ice nicole
Hold basic with Ceasar
wtf he didn t in my game
Her Chinese name is Ling. For Japanese they chose a name that is somewhat of a homophone. For English they instead chose a name that is related to the meaning of Ling.
I've been seeing her walk around the street
When can I roll for her?
You do that for dmg amp debuffs not to gather. The gather is really low rang to the point Ellen is better shoving things around via her charge attack to "gather".
I thought you said homophobe and I didn't question it
I fucking told you guys it's possible without the item but no one believed me aaaaaaaaaa
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Let's end the thread with a bang. Call it /zzz/ standard
Who is this ?
Welcome home, S11...
koleda ball
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kot ball
grace ball
Does anyone have yanagi animations webm, pretty please?
Grace (Brick)
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My friends say my Jane is shit
Should I reroll my hormones for freedom Blue's
Like 3 months ago
You'll probably wait another 3 months
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On my other team, and besides it's not good enough for how spread they are.
I want to replace Lycaon with lighter too because I think he'll work perfectly, so an eventual ice nicole is literally the ideal
I want to draw Pulchra.
Give me some suggestions.
>Trigger gets an active reload mechanic
300 anomaly prof is pootier
why do you have so many crit rolls
How did a wimp like Wise win so hard?
>she hasn’t really had an explosion of fanart yet
And she never will lmao you fucks are delusional
Uhhhh bro?
Ceasar's sweep sucks balls and the aiming is weird. You definitely can use the hold basic to gather. Better yet, sweep with ellen and suck in the stragglers with ceasar
Her tit fur all sticky and stuck together because of cum
Yes your AP is too low. She gets free attack from AP in passion state up to 420AP. So improving her AP essentially lets you double dip. And it’s Triple dip when you consider it is also buffing her gnaw Crit rate.
I saw some speedruns using Nicole with Ellen just for the cc
It’s because everything is written with the assumption you are playing on mobile (there is not swap backwards on mobile)
it's easy when your competition is COW COW
stripping off her clothes after Burnice lit them on fire
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KNOT forma de ball
is there such a thing as pathetic male fetish? Maybe Belle went a little too far...
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Alexandrina Sebastine ball
She jobs too much for how cocky she is. She is built for insta lost 2 panel.
>there is not swap backwards on mobile
They added it but the implementation isn’t very good
He's smooth in social settings, savyy enough to run his own business and is overall a pretty nice guy. It's not like you need much else.
you need to be conventionally attractive
I really prefer the fan theories I keep reading that Trigger is a support who sends sniper bullets into enemy heads while off-field.
It would be orgasmic to have a mechanic where she accumulates stacks of something let's call it [Precision] based on what you do in the fight, and consumes them to fire. So she does 7 digit headshots for every few seconds of Miyabi DPS
Her chinese name is 铃
Not even you believe Wise isn't attractive.
Try to be around 420 AP when fusion compiler’s AP fully kicks in. So another 40 or so. You can afford to give up some attack for that.
Would have like a character but atleast my whole Ice team has their signatures now
im saying the opposite
he wouldnt even exist in womens eyes if he wasnt
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so what did anon get
the suspense is killing me
You need to hit a looks baseline and once youre there all it takes is social competency and financial stability. People saying you need to be a 6 and a half foot gigachad are either coping or in middle school
Caesar/Lighter/Burnice is gonna be my team
Canonically pretty boy face.
This >>497022043
I tried to tag everyone but it didn't let me because it detected it as spam
Well I just rolled grace so hopefully he did too. It is not enough that I lose but others should lose as well
? Wise is good looking and has a smooth sexy voice, he's not ugly
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wow sounds like a SHIT team
Speaking of Wise, does anyone get annoyed by his tiny short jacket
Why is the back shorter than the front
Well it’s a pretty useful one at least.
>takes 4 full ults to kill a random elite
>uses an ult
>is refunded over half the db
retarded desu
>no red nail polish
It will have to do
i know, but they look good. Looking forward to my 10m long shiyu defense runs
It's just a fun training mode.
I hope you're ready for every fight to be this once they change the ult system
I really hate his weird camera holster
it would just slide down his arm the moment he leans to the right
and it puts the camera on his back so it’d be a pain to get it out
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More off-field and intricate swap mechanics is always a good thing. If I have several characters I actually like in a group, I don't want to feel like I'm playing one dude with 3 stances, it should feel like multiple characters.

Literally give me a defense unit that's total shit on-field except when [condition] is met it jumps in and perfect parries an enemy automatically, without actually swapping in, just intercepts then leaves.

Give me a character that charges a giant fuck you beam for like 10 full seconds and being hit too hard interrupts it, but swapping doesn't interrupt the charge and your other characters can defend them.

Give me a sneaky lil guy that, when off-field, sneaks up behind enemies and when swapped to performs a big attack on them, with your view-point effectively teleporting to him not vice versa. if not swapped to he only does a little stab but he's there on the field visibly

So much fucking potential with this stuff
Never stuck out to me. Wise’s outfit comes off as completely normal next to Belle’s “skirt.”
the last one you wrote would be a quick assist input, and it reminded me of how Lighter does his quick assist without pressing it, and Seth does one in reverse order. maybe that's a good sign
i hate my sister, i wish i could piss and shit on her face.
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