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Previous bonfire: >>496593006

FAQ before posting, if you're new:
(a work in progress, and don't take it too seriously)

>The Archives
A repository of lore documents, interviews, art and more about FromSoftware games and other miscellaneous stuff:
Character planners, gameplay information, online tips, etc. for Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro, Elden Ring, and King's Field:
(some links could be outdated)
Thanks for 'chives, man
ravelord neato
kys fsg rat
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>but DS2 has bad grab hitboxes
Never bake again
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>but DS2 has bad hitboxes
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There's some good stuff
is there anything like the eldog seamless coop mod for ds remaster? i might convince my auntie to play and i don't want us getting raped by ebin pvpers

also, is duping shit like humanity safe to do online?
IDC!!! we don't need it linked directly in the op. it's already in the rentry anyways.
no and yes. you could just download dsrgadget and give yourself infinite humanity and that'd be a lot faster.
king of the storm is such a shit fight. i hate that i have to go through it every time i want to experience the kino that is the nameless king fight
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Where did you hide it?
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up your butt and around the corner XD
eh duping would allow me to drop it for coop partners, and i already know how to dupe easily enough without using yet another tool
thanks though
Checked, not there
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>but only DS2 has bad AI
be nice. he's obviously just very confused because he's seeing a tiny iron golem at the bottom of the fortress and he doesn't know how to process that information
>the sloppa poppa piggu wiggu wagga fagga faggot is still MINDBROKEN
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>best boss in DS3
>hitbox all over the place
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no i mean you could give yourself 699 humanity items
check again...
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>but only DS2 teleports you into grabs
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Lol, wasn't there a minute ago, but okay
oh i gotchu now. still, i'm perfectly fine with my prompt swap dupe. thanks again
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>but DS2 has bad grabs
why is this dude playing both sides
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>but that one edge of the pillar in Shrine of Amana is the worst example of projectiles passing through a wall
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>but DS2 has inflated hitboxes
>why is this dude playing both sides
Sounds like P**pa
that attack does suck ass. i hate it when enemies fly
what in the god damn
Updated the rentry a bit to talk about seamless coop and the arena mod. I'll add a tutorial for seamless later.
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brutal mogging
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why are you comparing a low-level raw weapon to a low-level quality weapon with presumably 0 stat investment
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arsetor is never good
Is DS2 online fucky for anyone else? I can't co-op at all right now, and our soul memory is within two tiers of eachother, so i wouldn't expect that to be a problem
yeah but those heals....
*sun princess swaps*
I can't hear you over my rotten pine resin
muh 16 whopping points of AR
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it's the crappy heal, though. only procs on enemy kill
>ADP boosts poison
>FTH boosts bleed
What the FUCK did they mean by this
ds2 bandit armor is kinda cute
whens the DeS remake 'lub
lmaoooaoa stupidest post ever die
>asking for a demake club when we haven't even had a dog3 or slurm 'lub in ages
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yo can i get uhhh no club.
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>but DS2 has broken hitboxes
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3 won
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>0 invasions at rl138
seamless has fallen
meta is for duels and fc
stupid wdc
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most recent jee was extremely demoralizing doomer talk
link it
i dont want to it was honestly depressing
One of these days I will find 2 friends to play seamless with as an rpg party of healer/tank/dps
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what about your dsg frens!!! xxxx3c
when's the dsg ytpmv
Hmm post steam and i'll think about it
nobody knows what ytp is shut up
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bbc hours
Good evening, /dsg/. I hope you are all doing well.
I hate the British Broadcasting Corporation.
I'll be the healer
I'll be the brute.
Also, what level do we settle for?
I curse you all with only being able to play two sessions.
I am NOT going to use a great shield but I can take aggro with shit weapons.
Get better at programming the sessions.
disgusting pvers
>No fun allowed, you goy- I mean guys
Picking the worst pve game is a sign of brain damage
Even Elden Ring can be fun with the right people (some randos)
elden ring is the best pve game
The jump over the Chariot and Najka looked more impressive
niggas will defend 10 hours of horse riding

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