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exhibitionist streamer edition

Previous Thread: >>496869301

2D Hentai games (Hentai RPG, Violated Heroine, H-Action Games) General /hgg2d/ former /vhg/




>/hgg2d/ Game Archive - IPFS Edition



>Nifty translation tool by Anon:

>RJ Gallery SCRIPT

VH FAQ/Links

>Fetish discussion outside of the context of video games:>>>/h/
>Visual novels:>>>/vg/vn/ or >>>/vg/vng
>Non-Japanese games:>>>/aco/weg/ or >>>/aco/weg2d/
>3D games:>>>/h/hgg/

Please wait for page 10 before making a new thread.
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I'm going to Alice!
>2 shez blobs now
but why
I recognize this blob!
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Very nice.
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Do good deeds!
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Kurasukege new main heroine is cute!

>And male MC for the first time in the circle history
Male MCchads, we are so back
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anyone got the latest technobrake nympri update?
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Now make Ilias and Promestein.
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Laika-chan is cute!
Guys, I need your help. I was asked to translate a game made with the engine Alice Soft System4, but I have absolutely no idea how to proceed. Does anybody know?
Will her game get TL'd? I have tons of other games so maybe I should just play those until her game gets TL'd.
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Is there any other games like Monster Black Market? I really want some management autismge
How can I deactivate the shitty special attack in Yggdrasil?
My Slave Brothel
another day, another coom in this game
Seconded. I know it's just a cheap Imouto Life clone, but I need it.
Dazed-sama will come in clutch
soldgirl town
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Makoto my beloved
Does OP work with textractor or mtool?
been a while since i played that, which one is makoto?
I can't tell the difference. Alice was always a glutton.
Almost everything that's not unity works with mtool.
God I wish
>flat chest
i will now pirate your game
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Okay, thank you.
the summoner circle of actually ok games is finally complete
Now post it in /mggg/
missing pubes
I hope there will be more reverse ntr games in the future.
I hope ntr dies in 2025
Japs love ntr, so it won't
>spends half an hour trying to beat the library boss at level 6
That's my Tenma!
Thanks anon, I'm feeding wrong info to this stupid dog and having a blast while she rages. I dont know how much of it is an act but boy she is dumb as a rock
>I dont know how much of it is an act but boy she is dumb as a rock
She's an alcoholic 40+ y/o boomer, the only thing that gets her through some games is sheer autistic determination.
>She's an alcoholic 40+ y/o boomer
Jesus, I can't imagine a real adult acting like this
? What do you mean? She's a woman. They ALL act like this.
But is she going to alice?
>jack stauber
based fox
NTR games with cut outs showing/blurbs alluding to what is going on behind your back GO GO GO
why do all vtubers talk like fucking retards, what the fuck is that god awful accent she has
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i know one
ermmm, lupus?
She's native Japanese. She reads English words as katakana Engrish.
I guarantee you that she is not Japanese, that is a fucking shitty SEA accent if I ever heard one.
Whatever you say, anon.
Her accent was a lot more Japanese-y a few years back:
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you guys lost?
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sorry, we're all out of those
Come watch h-games along with us!
i love chemica... but ... she needs to shave...
stinkquel stinky
Is that a dex build?
she's a summoner actually
her whole boss fight is fighting her adds
disgusting games
only like 2 bosses were fappable in both
weak normalfag taste
you should be able to fap to at least 4 of them
No thanks
>bro just fap to the MC getting turned into a printer or ice cream
that's a fetish maybe 1 person has, waste of good pixel animations
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yes, the icecream is one of the good ones
TF games are bizarre, I don't get turned on with them I just get confused.
It's weird. She sounds native when she speaks Japanese but her English accent is some weird mongrel thing.
Don't care about your streamers unless they play lost life while screaming LOLI CUNNY every 3 seconds.
I think it's admirable that a dev would put such fetishes in an h-game in the first place. It's usually stuff that would be relegated to one-off images or a comic (not a full doujin either)
i don't even think it's a fetish, in a way i think the dev is just putting in random shit because it's funny
GoR in a boss rush game is pretty much the same as one off images.
Being held together by decent gameplay, even if it's a bit clunky, is just a bonus
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Contribute to eraMegaten.
its a good deed to whore the fox
What does I skill and C skill mean?
well, white man?
acerolaKINO, oneone1, wakuwaku, or sharkslop?
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I choose hakika
hakike wasn't in the question, retard
Reminder that the blonde guy wasn't the bad guy.
Pink hair was.
I choose DojinOtome
Anybody? Please, I'm scratching my head here...
ask the hannies
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playing the futa alchemist game, do I fuck the nun or the cunnies she's taking care of first?
I'm trying to think of what's more ludokino
claiming each of the wards right under their caretaker's nose before finally going for her
or turning the nun into a whore so she turns a blind eye if she notices me going for her wards
I like sharkslop. Tried acerola but the art didn't agree with me.
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Ask in the alicesoft general, you idiot. >>>/vg/haniho
waiting for oneone1 witch game
>shota MC gets molested by hags
kinos for this feel?
I thought the same exact thing about this game. Pretty fun game and the art is good but the scenarios are just humorous to me. That's really the only thing holding these games back.
For me it's
>loli MC gets molested by hags
for me it's
>anon gets molested when he's a shota so now he likes loli
None of them.
lesbians are gross
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Characters like Madoka Kaname?
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NTA, he's saying that the wolf girl looks like Makoto from Priconne
>acerola mixes it up a bit and makes a stealth game
>they half-ass it, so it's just a simple obstacle course game
>nobody cares
>stick with shitty wolfrpg combat for the next 10 years
Need more taimaninge. Need more stealth ge.
Anything notable released in the last 6 months? Haven't been here for awhile. Only a couple of things I enjoyed from the bin.
wanwanwan next ge seems like lesbianNTRKINO so im pre-kneeling to them until then
I'm too retarded to play that game effectively.
No, don't come back.
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beggars like you must rimjob everyone ITT
yeah can I get a fucking uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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Boohoo :c
Why won't /hgg2d/ pray my gamu??
some ge
Care to elaborate?
My tongue is cut off but I can use my dick instead XD
Seriously. I went into it thinking I would enjoy it a lot more. The best girl ended up being the boss with like 2 h-scenes.
>Care to elaborate?
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And the next Otaku release is...
Nightmare Knight Sacred Maiden & Fallen Magic RJ406400
POSTED Sat, October 7, 2023

Anyone played it?
Was it good?
Fumika would be disappointed in evil people like you.
>Anyone played it?
>Was it good?
Up until the forced defloration scene, yes.
it's my favorite game of the year
yes it's good, I loved it so fvcking much
clothingbros, corruptionbros, and battlesexobros are eating gooood
ntrbros are not eating good, it's the usual femmc "ntr"ge
Predictably, the game's terribly paced and mid.

Also very mid, like most games nowadays. The NTR is really weak. Her rationale for cheating is crap. The combat is the default that you can expect from RPGM. Overall not a particularly memorable experience. But it isn't dogshit.
and wtf did RJ356908 get removed from steam?
Pretty meh.
Did it have any battlefucking at all? I just remember the enemies being able to grab her and hold her down during combat, not any sex at all
As a retard that constantly simps too hard for FMCs to enjoy corruptionge I really enjoyed this one. The shoehorned NTR actually worked in its favor because it basically recontextualizes the game into the girl becoming lewder for her boyfriend instead of the typical moral degeneration (though I'm assuming you can do that by clicking on the very obviously marked "this is NTR" events if you're into that)
Who knows? Check on the dev's ci-en, better yet ask him directly if there's no info posted about it. Alternatively, ask on the MTL Plan trooncord.
So what are best games for spooktober?
I dont understand why she needed a lover

However I LOVED the rationality vs lewdness bar that actually affects decisions in the game. It was a simple implementation but I think theres potential for it.
>ask him directly
but I'm a dirty gaijin...
>ask on the MTL Plan trooncord.
no way fag

I'm just gonna hope they pull a night tail again.
Rashe's game and RJ404030
It got the "adults only" tag that H-game publishers fear that restrict it from being sold in China, so it's probably getting taken down and might be put back up later like how Kagura did with Winter Memories.
They don't have a discord which makes finding info for their releases hard.
Setalia the Demon Realm
Panic Party
Rashe and RJ404030 like the other anon mentioned
Forest of Blue Skin
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The Horrorous Monster Show
And as always, the quickest way to get an answer is by stating the opposite.
>no forced defloration scene
Picked the fuck up.
hello, this is probably a stupid question, but my vitamin quest 1 save file seems to be broken. Whenever I launch the game, the screen is completely black. I can open the menu, but I can't see anything. I had already beaten the game, but there was still stuff I wanted to do. Should I just start a new save file?
>Early Oct. 2024
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bestiality chads...
when will it be our turn...?
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Not sure why it would've gotten removed in the first place. I didn't see anything 'problematic' with the game. Maybe they didn't bribe the right guys?

>they don't have a trooncord
I see. My bad. Well, asking the dev on his ci-en, if he hasn't made an official statement already, is still a valid option.
>but I'm a dirty gaijin...
Anon, the game was slated to get a western localization. You have every right to know. It was being made for (You). Literally. The dev would probably politely respond to such a question.
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I passed the retard filter. Yay me
Bad game because she removes her underwear too eagerly and quickly compared to her actual clothes. For flashing it may make sense, but to upload pictures online or on live stream? Come the fuck on. She's basically already baring everything, why be embarrassed about being seen without clothes at that point?
When is the monstrous horror dev's samurai game coming out again?
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I love how lewd she is
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Fake-Rabi Friday is here. You anons are celebrating, right?
Not until you give me a blobjob.
>dat ass
this is the peak female body
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Finally, the Kita Ikuyo body type
f95 doesn't have it?
She sounds like a jeet...
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The game in this image mindbroke me.
Thirst doko?
dazed when?
I will defeat them all.
damn manatank can't beat the pussy
fumi version doko
Malice solos
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For me it's Rabi.
This is outdated as of Thirst.
Also how many of these girls (and traps) have been blobbed?
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games with nurse outfits/characters/scenarios?
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This many. We should be getting Prim blob too. And maybe Mana Tank blob and Dire blob.
So we gonna just have the Coliseum route from the get go with the next game?
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Any game like Carried by Big Girls you recommend? I feel like it triggered something with exhibitionism in me and I really like how shameless the girls were too carrying the naked MC around wanting to make him cum anywhere.
Do people still unironically use Mtool over lunatranslator
when the fuck is jewcob releasing RJ325681
I need my kemono fix
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You play any VTuberge lately?
I don't watch vtubers bro that image was on the first page of the nurse tag
Hopefully the male MC is more like Night Tail male leads and less like Colosseum rapeman, he was unsufferable.
Dusk City was quite fun for the first two hours or so, but it gets a bit annoying afterwards. The dungeon really goes deep and I have a constant fear that I missed out on something, making me re-explore it dozens of times. The second issue is that all the h content doesn't tie into the gameplay all that well. It's almost like it's orthogonal to it. The scenes play out too fast, and despite the art being quite good, they're not hot at all. I feel like it's wasted potential on so many levels.
>no defloration scene
It's not worth it
This game was kind of a disappointment. Art was good, but nowhere near enough content and the sexual progression was meh.
Are there any official blobs aside from the first one?
Canadian Rape?!
what game?
I forgot but what's wrong with archer
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it released today
I agree honestly. It was fine as a short game, but it left me wanting more.
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blob game had like 4 blobs in it
There is an updated translation on f95 that recently came out.
Rape and mindbreak scenes are boring because the girl barely has agency in them. Brothel scenes were great but too few (NT improved on this)
mtool lets me launch the game, unlock all the scenes, then never play it again. does that tool?
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Is this game good? I saw your childhood friend playing it.
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It really was a great game.
The porn is what I think should be the standard for nukige: Voice acting, great art, well-placed scenes, costumes, ... everything else (story, gameplay) was sub-par but it doesn't affect the overall experience that much.
My only complaint is that there was no button to unlock the gallery.
Unironically too much sex
facial expressions look a bit derpy to me
My four week anki reps can't handle this game yet...
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Personally, I loved these.
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Looks like Depersonalization.
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Paper please, but JKs and trains
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I have faith in Black Train to release Milfage someday.
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Thanks it looks pretty fucked up good!
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Are there even any cohab games that have actual defloration in it? And I mean Lost Life tier where you actually have to work to achieve full penetration.
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Alice my beloved, I hope you become super powerful in part 3
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Lots of good games released this week.

Is the game open world, or do I have to do certain things in order to trigger more perverted events? If that's the case then it might not be so bad.
I'm going to mating press you
>out of all these girls, Emela nearly killed Manatank in one of her scenes
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I only play lolige!
um you can't post that..
Finally a good analge
>RJ01144692 managed to pull a 4.9 rating
so, does this mean that it's actually good?
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Finished RJ01144692. It's pretty much an event simulator where the only thing that seems to really matter is near the end, but I think it ends on a good note. It's one of those NTR games where the true end actually makes sense I guess and helps to setup the pink haired mage. The circumstances of the heroine as well as the stuff in the game helps to make the pink haired mage easier to empathize with. Overall, it's a hassle to play but I like how things ended.
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Stopped reading at simps. Where do these newfags come from? Twitter?
Spoil it
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>>2 shez blobs
Where's the other one?
I require it.
Does the True End have H-scenes or is it another "act like a retard for scenes" simulator
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in 7 (6) days.
Now this is the real GOTY

I hope it wins over ryouka's slop
Fuck Auris
Eh, TMHS was kinda boring. The new game looks better but I'm not getting my hopes up.
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I think I used that term because when I played Ambrosia and said I didn't have the heart to corrupt Flode (I think?) someone on here called me that and it got stuck in my head
I am a relative /hgg2d/ newfag circa early 2023 but not one from Twitter or Reddit
I can solo them.
Like a newborn babe.
I liked it. Just enough content for a couple of faps and progression was fast but still fine for a short game. Art is good, girl is cute, fetish is hot, overall a good time.
>never got to meet her cute daughter
You're being silly anon.
I'm thinking based
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I'm thinking your mom
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Update your Rabi blob!
Hey I did tell you I was retarded
If the game is too good at making me like the girl it'll just make me want nothing but raburabu H for her. I guess I'm just not a corruption fan at heart
That's why Nightmare Knight impressed me. It took two things I usually dislike (corruption, NTR) and spun a game I really liked out of it
What's good about it?
Outside of few a few bad ends sharkdev "corruption" is just the girl being the same as she's always been only sluttier.
It has H-Scenes, both for the heroine and the pink haired mage. Honestly the reason why I like the ending is because even though the pink haired mage is still under the mind control of the villain of the last game, she has actually fallen for the MC of this game and is trying to monopolize him. The last scene is essentially her raping him despite the MC declaring his love for the main heroine. It's one of those really strange juxtapositions of love vs mind control that I found unique.
My reaction after seeing this updated blob:
Is there any tentaclege on the level of Agnietta or even Cage of Tentacles?
The ones about bodysuit exorcist hags that never get naked are cool but not on the same level
I wish. It goes away like halfway through and replaces them with minotaurs or whatever.
mid chinkslop
It shows a ton of promise as a feMC corruptionge. Just dont fuck that up and we're gucci.
So is that the true end. Or does the MC and his girl actually stay together.
I wish, Agnietta dude is making La Vitalis I guess, it's pretty eh so far
Great art, good looking scenes, battle H-mechanics, the heroine's personality, some minigames (the mansion minigame needs to be copied and pasted into every game)
But what set it apart for me is that the corruption elements ended up not triggering the same sense of guilt. The message is that the FMC needs to balance logic with desire. She and her boyfriend are so caught up in work she's left fantasizing about sex in the intro.
The last boss in the True End finishes with the FMC ranting about all the sex she'll have with her boyfriend once the fight is over. So the "point" of the corruption feels like a stepping stone to an even happier ending with the original couple.

That's not to say it's a love story lmao obviously the girl is banging the entire city while her boyfriend is off doing knight things. It's just that it ended on a note that erased the usual "guilt" or "immoral" feeling I dislike from corruptionge
The game is actually taking place at the same time as the dev's first game. The focus is on the pink haired mage, where she has decided the best plan of action is to try and steal the mc from the main heroine due to the main heroine being both stupidly strong and also having a broken sword that cancels magic and seals.

The reason why the main heroine is getting ntr'd by the imp demon is because there's a curse placed on the MC that will gib him in some time and so she enters a slave master contract with it. She can resist it, but the compulsions are very strong. You might be wondering why she didn't just use her sword to cancel the curse, and that's because she's an idiot meathead who got caught up in the whole MC is going to die and wasn't thinking straight before entering into the contract. Both the Pink Haired Mage and the imp demon are kind of allies, but at the same time are working for their own interests and end up getting in each other's way. Pink haired mage essentially wants to do her job of finding out where the treasure is for her boss, the antagonist from the previous game, while the demon just wants to make the main heroine his woman.

Over the course of the game, we get that whole thing of mind control vs actual feelings, which also helps to characterize the Pink Haired Mage's situation, where after seeing what's going on with the main heroine and a side character, it's pretty clear she's pretty much under the same kind of mind control. At the same time, she has genuinely has fallen in love with the MC and views the people around him as friends, to the point it kind of seems like she's hesitating. However her mind control gets reinforced, aka getting dicked, and she ends up going full throttle in trying to steal the mc.
Is the NTR avoidable
seconding this question
if the mc still chooses the main girl after that i'll pick it up in a heartbeat
It's mostly avoidable. For the main girl, you can avoid most of the scenes and sex with imp demon and MC with the pink haired mage.
MC has picked the main girl, it's just that the pink haired mage is so deeply in love with the MC that she's still trying to ntr him away in the meantime.


Yarimon DLC2 mid november bros
NTR garbage made me lose interest in that game
You might be actually retarded
I will not support bad fetishes
Sometimes it feels like yarimon has some dedicated hater grasping straws to make sure people knows he hates it, you literally have to go out your way to enter a special room that tells you if you dont like what if scenarios with NTR you should close it and dont use that room, 4 scenes in a game with hundreds that you can choose to not watch because they dont actually happen, you fool no one retard
NTR won
Alice blob mind broke me.
I don't care about that game, NTR is just a growing cancer I refuse to support, shit like Agent Sirius getting a NTR update, a literal yuri game, adding men just to add fucking NTR make me so mad
You still think that shit game deserves praise because a twitter idiot compared it to mid roots lol
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>After Amalda event
No Emela, i will not impregnate.
Except for Rabu and Lestea, my dick belongs to the former and the latter really needs a daughter
I hope there are more scenes with the side girls where MC fuck them without the hypnosis.
NTR doko?
did the mtl ever fixed the fucking gender missmatch
not sure but they made a cleaned up TL and it seems pretty good to me
Yes anon, the thread is a single person and everyone knows what the fuck you are talking about kek
Who would even compare these two games, what's the point they have nothing in common
maybe ill give it a try again later
Games where you can recruit your enemies? I just really like the concept. Paradox does it well. Sequel comes close, but is too scripted
Innocent Rules
I want more group sex, I want a scene with maki, hikari and Leo likes up with their buts for personal use, maybe add the horny Milo too.
Or an oyakodon and shimaidon combo with hikari and her mum and Leo and her Athena
わたぱんクラブ will save the flat exposure/exhibitionism genre.
There's that SMT clone.
is there a name for that "soft" / low detail art style that some people in here like? for example, I just looked up innocent rules and it has that.
it almost doesnt look japanese, like its got western influence or something.
I don't care about corruption, all I care about is exhibitionism, the girl was always a pervert anyways so I'm fine with her overcoming embarrassment fast
Also good
not familiar, I will look around for it
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I came in her
We already had enough oyakodon and shimaidon.
But not together anon, think about it, 4 asses pointing towards you in family pairs or by size
Any good animated Hge recently? shit like Sinistar 2,Eris dysnomia or princess reconquista? Doesn't even have to be pixelated, i liked NoR to a degree
Iris Chronicle's out, so what's the next never ever that will release now?
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Sex with little sister Alice
Agnietta made me unable to enjoy anything else i'm so fucking mad that there's nothing like it
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too big
Bros I've been doing the lindamea fight all day and I can't get past it.
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November bros we won!
Same, it's insufferable, everything else is just disappointing now, I need pregnancy and birth, with very little to no ningen
If only la vitalis didn't suck so much to play
Yamizome Revenger
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Games with beautiful women?
Violated princess
Looks good, thank you
There is one (1) beautiful heroine in VH and it's not Nanako.
Yes we know Serena is the most beautiful and the sexiest.
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I need more games with lots of group play. Bonus points if the partners switch around.
Games with women?
Games with good blobs?
Games with men?
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Based AshleyChad.
Games with ningen?
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They're all beautiful but Ashley is clearly the best yes.
update the bin or all of your lolis will be downgraded to petites
I'd unironically be ok with her past as meat toilet.
Are there any sim type hentai games? Examples I can think of are EraTohoK and FreeCities.
Is she still LOL NO CONTENT with nanako popups all over the place ?
Last time played was like 5 years ago.
Even though the game is just ok, i'm pretty sure she's going to end up being the hottest girl of the year. Perfect design.
What are some good games that has elves with no ntr?
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I played the shit out of VH but I think never fapped to Ashley. I fapped to all of the other characters, even to fucking Raat.
Serena is peak character design. If only her games had the same level of quality...
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Vitamin Quest, unfortunately. I wish this game had at least one NTR scene.
>absolute whore: the game
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fuck you
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Agnietta feels like an unfinished game, the whole game just has around 10 monster types and half of them just fuck your tits. I'm not even mad at the controls, motherfucker made a whole ass decent sized game, popped 10 monsters in it and called it a day. I could not believe the wasted potential, just a few more enemies that actually fuck your holes and it would've been 5 stars.
is this real?
with how long VH has been in development serena probably would be 26
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Serena is perfection.
She'll never blob.
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what do I do if chinktool couldn't translate every translatable text?
Learn japanese so you can read the rest.
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that's crazy
Are the untranslated text images?
Nope, text. Stuff that Translator++ could catch but chinktool somehow couldn't.
How the fuck is mikami gonna NTR anyone? That goes against her entire character of fucking everything that moves. If anything the "cuck" and bull would end up buddies after she has them fuck her together. If you want NTR you want the princess butakoma draws instead .
Played this, game is buggy and I hard crashed somewhere so I used the unlock all scenes button, but when I checked I only had 3 scenes left that I haven't seen
Great art, very cute girl, excellent exhibitionism, but only three penetration scenes. For a short game it's pretty good if you're into exhibitionism but might feel very lacking if you're not
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Try Textractor
She could have an orbiter who thinks that he's got a chance to turn a gigaslut Mikami into a tradwife Mikami. She plays along with his whims because she thought it's his kink to be cheated or something.
dev doko...
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Locked in my basement
Yanie and Dita also nearly overdid it.
>only three penetration scenes
Based as fuck. All exhibitionism games should be like this
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that stuffed animal scares me

If the sex content in an exhibitionism game exceeds the exhibitionism then just fucking burn it down
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Going to replay Black souls games soon. Last I played them was in 2020 before DLC 3 came out which I never got around to playing for reasons.
Anyway what to expect? Black souls 3 when?
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>Dev spamming the ci-en frontpage
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Hate when some faggot does that
>Black souls 3 when?
Maybe in 2035 if EMMM is still alive, and that's low balling it considering red's game isn't even done yet, will probably have DLC, and then he has another game he wanted to make after that.
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>one day apart
>game is buggy and I hard crashed somewhere
He's got a bug reporting ci-en post up, so I imagine he'll be putting out some bugfix patches for stuff that gets complained about.
rj01192672 or "Eliza the futanari demon master".

Is there a trnaslation of any kind? I understand some japanese, but I can't read moonrunes.
...yes? It is spam, but on the other hand I've zero sympathy for those who crawl on ci-en like >>497103452
How many posts have you made today?
Fucking retard.
Just coomed again. This is a godge. Not much left sadly, but wow I've probably coomed 5 times just to this game so far.
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Didn't asked
I can't possibly coom to such a misshapen physique.
Does anyone know the name of a hgame where you played a squire and had to seduce the elven queen. It had a lot of annoying mini games like cooking, cleaning, etc. It also had some nasty vaginal gape
>lose against Shugu, get fucked
>win against Shugu, still get fucked
>same goes for the other three
Well fuck all of you too
hold me, chat! i'll need year's worth of therapy for this!
Is it RJ397583?
>Rating : 4.5
>trusting japanese "people"
The only people that would buy this are the ones that are already into this shit.
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>learned japanese
>end up skipping all text anyways because the writing is almost always an unholy combinaison of WORDSWORDSWORDS and "please read my novel"
You gotta love the unskippable tutorials about basic RPG maker mechanics, too.
What the fuck is wrong with these cunts.
>learned japanese
stopped reading
>Plays kusoge made singlehandedly by one autist with a fetish
>Surprised about kusoge quality
Is there a name for this mental illness?
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SEX with Alcy everyday!
Some diamonds have shit tutorials and shit early pacing, and finding one of them makes sifting through the shitgay worth it.
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>Me cheating in every opportunity and then use mtool to edit my cheating stats back to 0 right before the ending so that I'll still get the good guy true ending.
>Buy on steam
>Mark as private before buying
>They still show to my friends in the 'your friend recently bought this game!'
Thanks GabeN
>not setting your profile to private before buying a porn game to make sure that it won't appear in your activity list
kiss your sister
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My steam friends have bigger problem then my porn addiction
>incomprehensible and furious wagie gremlin rage
God i love Uula
VRsex when?
My profile is private. It still shows them the game as a recommendation in the store just for buying it.
Go to steam HQ.
Okay what if I don't want to have sex with Alcy? What then?
Just make a new separate account and avoid all this.
lmao, how are there no rules against this??
That's called a virgin run.
kek scenario, I remember Fleurge also has this
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You made little girls cry! You monster!
>found a chink NTRPG style game in DLsite
>check the description
>8-10 hour gameplay with 24 different endings
what the fuck was the dev cooking?
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buhiii (female version)
I keep forgetting the name for this. So help me out please. I should keep it in my dlsite favourites.
Monster Girl Quest
newfag that doesn't recognize the Yotsuba of h games
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Look! A newfag! Everyone shame him!
Thanks, every time I see the name I feel like a retard.
I'm not a newfag. Please believe me.
If you learn a foreign language in an unconventional way like she did, you're likely to sound weird. Happened to me with English. People used to think I was Irish.
To be fair, ugly chibishit is not the typical screenshot or look for MGQ.
>just as horny as Yanie
Very, very poor choice of words
>I'm not a newfag
Oh yeah? Then what's the one game everyone here has had to play at least once? Hint: 3 letters
your mom
Easy, FFT (Fumika Fantasy Two)
nani sore?
those nipples don't look good
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Anyone else playing/played this?
What the hell are you supposed to do here? Just grind forever until you can win?
I thought it was a forced defeat scene but apparently it is not.
Why do you care?
Nevermind, he is super weak to fire, forgot to try that before.
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It only shows up for you.
source: trust me bro (i have a 2nd account in friendlist)
it's also a very recent game but who knows maybe F95 already has an MTL
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>Download and play RJ01144692
>It's some dumbshit NTR story where your loyal childhood assassin friend signed a slavery clause to le cuckold demon because (inserts whatever reasons here)
>She gets unavoidable fucked by the single demon chad at night when you progress the storyline so gg virginfags
>Gameplay is "pick the pink dialogue option if you want to submit to temptation, or the white dialogue option if you wants to remain untainted"
>The game literally spells out which dialogue option will locks you in what route in some checkpoints
>Me on my way to the true good ending
>Your dead parents come visit you in your dream, tells you to man the fuck up and try trusting your childhood friend more
>You then wake up the next morning and beat the shit out of the demon army with the power of childhood friendship magic
>check new ge
>female protagonist
>female protagonist
>female protagonist
it's fucking over
Unless I am missing something, it is still pretty fucking difficult though.
I mean I am missing the boosts for letting the girl get fucked I guess, but other than that.
Still better than a male self-insert
>le cuckold demon
so its netori?
I was, I could buy more anti confusion meds at base, though I didn't know I could leave the area and go back there.
It takes a high budget and time to make a good male doer MC game with appropriate amount of CGs for each girl instead of 75% CGs of girls you don't even like.
And thats not even considering male cuck games, femc games blow those trash out of the water.
>ugly chibishit
that's s*quel though
>getting cucked gives you super powers
wait a second
that sounds familiar
>She gets unavoidable fucked by the single demon chad at night when you progress the storyline so gg virginfags
Maybe if you fucked up and didn't get her to rebuff the imp every night, don't think it'll ever get worse than paizuri then.
>dead parents come to tell you to man up about being cucked
what the fuck
>receives emails about shit he doesn't care about from some company he's never heard of once a week
>calls it spam
Understand what spam means, it's repetition outside the norm in the form of unwarranted "announcements" to particular individuals with no substance relevant to the parties involved. What could be SO important that a dev needs to post updates every single day on a site that has other devs normally post once a week or even once a month on a regular basis OTHER than to force people to check out his game just like how some company would do to your inbox hoping one day you'll just click to see what the fuck you're being spammed with?

Absolute fucking retard calling anyone else a retard, I bet this dev uses patreon and you pay him hundreds a year. There's no way anyone would defend this otherwise
For me it's the main heroine getting the true vanilla ending after canonically taking every single cock in town.
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For me it's the main heroine getting the worse possible end after maintaining her purity and resisting corruption
-ackika's art is even worse.
>RPGM 2000
owari da
She won’t let go until you get her pregnant
>protesting with her mouth but her pussy says otherwise
Love it every time.
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Is Thirst's end credit still like this?
So much this. Its absolute perfection. The fall of a slut isn't satisfying.
The peak of non con is to break down an excellent woman. And her ability to give everything to stay true to her ideals and protect her chastity not only makes the story more realistic but her final tragic fall hot.
That's just me irl.
Men can't impregnate monsters
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Of course
does he get his own hscene in this game?
Hakika should start voicing the girls himself.
Manatank's default name should be Hakika
that should be everyone's name
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I loved this retard slut's game, how's the TL for Lambda Neros R coming along?
This. I'm surprised all the male characters in Mikami's game are bros. Even the bandits. Everyone just gets a round with her then leaves her alone despite her being one of the rarest most exotic creatures on their planet. But none of them are jealous or selfish lol, they're all fine with sharing her.
draw alice blob
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I just finished playing Thug Hero Party and I have to say, this is an absolute masterpiece. It's the #1 best RPG game I've ever played that puts even Muv-Luv Alternative and midroots to shame. It's a hidden gem under the guise of another generic cookiecutter RPG maker game but it's so much more.
It gets the story across while respecting the players' time without needless fillers. The dev did an excellent job keeping in only the most impactful and necessary elements to deliver the story.
The H scenes are nothing to scoff at either. Everyone is always complaining about whether corruption is too fast or too slow in every game but this one was juuuust right.
The gameplay, although seemingly simple at a glance, is actually very well thought out and you need to play your cards right to actually overcome some of the harder bosses.
The music is homebrewed too. That just screams SOVL. Your game is SHIT if the dev stole the BGM from some random corner of the internet. The "final boss" was immensely KINO but I won't spoil the greater life changing messages underneath any further.
Everyone should play THP. Recommend it to your parents, siblings, friends, loved ones, and even your pets. Every newfag should be forced to play THP if they ever want to fit in here too not just as a rite of passage but for their own sake and personal betterment too because as konko said, do good deeds everyday.
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Didn't asked
The guy said he’d be done before the end of the year. If not, January
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...I can explain.
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Nice wall of text, retard.
Still fucking hilarious to me that hakika posted this picture on Mother’s Day

FilterBITCH lost.
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No explanation needed
Succ pheromones won
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>10 years later
>Illustration - 140% > 145%
>Scenario - 10%
>Overall - 5%
>Script - 0%
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Himecut supremacy
i want to sex tokiyuki so much bros
>he doesnt know
What if I don't want to know
You will get blobbed.
>post kludge, Manatank busting a big fat load of mana inside Olivia is also now canon
>which means there's also chances that she gets knocked up
Yarimon, post Game pool scene
I want an Ibukige, I want to rape that potato
Does the latest sequel game have a trap? It's pivotal for my game enjoyment
Wake me up when Hakika draws birth and babies.
I feel so baited by that notPokemon ge
I went in hoping that you could fuck the animals, then left disappointed when the only time you can is when that one evolves into human-furry form.
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I don't know what to say anon, just... That's not the train of thought a normal person has... But no kink shaming here
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Exel bros!!!!!!

Futabros we won!
NTRniggers lost.
am I hallucinating or wasn't she supposed to be a centaur
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Combat sister
But is she cool?
This would be 1000x better if she was a centaur
I only know of like 2 centaur-focused games and both of them are meh and short
we're out of cool, is cruel ok?
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will she be ok bros
me on the left nya~
Yeah, she can just walk diagonally.
she should've known to avoid npcs with pink hearts
I don't think it's of the same tier, it's way more simple, but Club Bifrost is nice.
wow, she's going to be at least +4'd for the stats sheet, maybe more
Black Market

I really didn't like tone of this game, got the true ending, one or two of the other ones and dropped it.
>he says in an NTR-dominated general
I rank zoophilia way lower than NTR, just my personal tastes
quintessential white woman post
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Thats at least 2 posts you made today, stop spamming.
amane tanks those
thing is in that game you play as male so anon wanted to fuck dogs as a guy
>translates the entire game but the porn scenes
I hope we eventually get a TL for Maid in Maidog. It's just as good as Makane's game.
Meltys. But nurse scenes include rimjob for disgusting grandpa.
seems like a normal nurse job
A shame the dev died after Melty's game.
they know you just skip through them
AI looking shovelware
died of ligma?
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>Keroro ge
This is 2024, not 2014
quality stuff
I actually think it looks alright. The animations are good.
mushi bros, we won...
we didn't win until someone shares it
it's only 3.78 burgerbucks
if you can't afford it get a part time job at the red light district or the slums
my corruption level isn't high enough for that
come to think of it colette has the same thing but only going as far as nipple stimulation. Rare occurence where acerola's lack of imagination is for the better
*mpregs you*
how bout now?
>auto win button
Yarimon already disappointing me
There's an achievement for not using it.
the game tracks how many times you use it there's no reward for not using it
you aren't a cheater are you?
I wonder if the english release of Euler's game will fix this?
I'm not a cheater, but if it exists I might as well use it, i'm not the kind to lose on purpose for scenes in femcge or talk to pink heart npcs, I will use everything I can to win
>his counter doesn't stay at 1
the game is actually rather fun if you don't abuse the autowin
I missed the church area at first so I was underleveled for a while
Had to cheese the fights with Double Team and poison stacking
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Would you brainwash this woman?
THP is a dank game tho fr fr
no, too big
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What is up with For Books? I've been trying to buy DLSite points for a couple of days and the transaction would go through only for it to get cancelled seconds later.
She looks like she'd ntr someone even if she was brainwashed to be loyal.
That site is full of issues, and most the time it doesn't work
I had to make a jap Amazon account so I can buy points at Point Market.
I hope Bezos won't blackmail me.
Our friends at the credit card company are doing you a solid by preventing you from buying japanese filth. Thank them by buying a Star Wars game instead.
>Point Market
Link? I have a JP amazon account but googling doesn't bring that up
That's the thing, it's perfectly fine with my bank. I even got a confirmation message for the transaction. It's just ForBooks suddenly realizing I used Mastercard and cancelling everything. I'm just going to get a JCB card
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Works on my machine.
Did you use VISA or Mastercard? For some reason For Books is saying the store doesn't accept Mastercard
Nevermind it, found points market
why do they ruin designs like this?
You are the kind to use Mimic tear in elden ring and complain it was too easy
I just need to go to the beach at night
>soulslop analogy
Haven't played solgane yet, is the dlc good? The intercom scenes looked great but the rest hasn't interested me too much
>For some reason For Books is saying the store doesn't accept Mastercard
That's weird because I did use mastercard.
It will have to remain a mystery as I got points market to work. Apparently the link for points market just doesn't appear in you have DLSite in Japanese language
how do you buy the points in amazon? Like buying a digital code card?
Any games where the purpose of sex is to birth an heir like in Leane 2 or RJ195247?
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PayPal isn't coming back for DLpoints aren't they?
> Leane 2
Get cucked retard.
>the purpose of sex is to birth an heir like in Leane 2
Wrong. The purpose of sex in Leane 2 is to make me (the player) seethe.
This is a retard question but how do you livestream in this game?

what do you mean how?
Aren't you constantly livestreaming like that's the premise of the game
I guess my game just bugged out? When I left the room there is no button or indicator to show how to stream or I think take selfies ir that a livestream is occuring? At best I can just enter the menu and make her strip in alleys.
use your pc at night
Oh that makes so much sense lmao. I checked the PC in the day and thought it was just for the gallery.
now I crave more flatge...
flatge have abandoned you, anon
>blonde princess knight beloved by her people for being a good ruler after the king died
>perfect setup to romance any one of her adoring (male) subjects


Why can't high reputation ever lead to options for consensual sex? It's always just rape/corruption/etc. at low reputation.
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RJ01187104 now has a PV
Go watch it.
No wait. Don't watch it.
It spoils lots of shit xD.
Wtf kanihead.
Oh, it's already releasing next week.
>hypnosis in femc ge
I fucking hate these, its boring to have NPCs dictate what happens to the girl, male mc is the only ok hypnosis
it's hypnosis by her brother to corrupt her, give up the throne for him and (as he pretty much gets corrupted alongside her) become his woman
purest for of love
does the loli get fucked?
The animations seem decent. I'll give it a shot
God I want to slap these huge titties and hear them bounce
Is this from a game? I don't recognize it
Let's just leave it as a mystery and wait for the Steam release next year
im gonna release something steamy in her alright
I did reverse search before asking
>stop being neet
>Work from 10:00 to 18:00
>Now I have no energy to fap nor play at night

But NOW I can buy games... fuck this...
Is it better to play MGQ with a guide?
I'd say it's better to simply not play it, but yeah.
I don't play games where you can run out of sex scenes
There are infinite sex scenes out there IRL.
I played around 20 h-game the last 2 nights and all of them were trash.
Any good games?
my new favorite tag
Skyrim with sex mods
Now go forth, spend 56 hours modding it to play 3
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>better to simply not play it
It's shit. Simple as. The story and characters are a mess, the combat is a mess, and even if you are a hardcore femdom enjoyer, the sex scenes are shit too.
mind control games with male mc? I dont mind if not translated, I'm just dying man I'm thirsty I havent had one in months
Hypnosis Family Plan S and other games by this dev, especially the RJ282393
>the combat is a mess
I played Family plan S a while back, might ewplay with the TL, but I havent played the older ones, are they better or worse? same kind of mechanics?
yo fellas, have you seen a vtuber playing black souls 2?
shit was fire!!!
Instant kill moves.
hmm, thanks for the info. Might kick it back in the backlog in favor of better ge
The first game is pretty much a concept for the RJ282393, the next one is a sequel from a perspective of a new student so it's FeMC.
And I'll be honest that I didn't play RJ01039485
Oh yeah those were annoying, luckily there weren't too many CRAB BEAM attacks in the game.
So I take RJ282393 is the only worth trying, thanks anon... may the great drough of mind control games be gone soon
I wanted to skullfuck a bitch after a while.
And let's not talk about how scripted some fights are.
You described me perfectly, but unironically.

With that said, has there been any new shota x loli ludo within the past month?
I got molested by my male cousin when I was one and now I like loli and shota and traps....
I was the shota doing the molesting and I like loli but not shota.
This dev is a schizo and not in the good way like say Chichi Mafia. You shouldn't be surprised.
>Bokki like a rock
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Is she OK?
Wow, yarimon is fucking shit. Somone should make another Pocket Gal Hunter but with more content, now that was a good poke clone
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They definitely put more effort into some fights versus others.
I prefer yarimon but I liked you could prostitute the pokemon
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what is this level of rent free?
Are there any games that surprised you with lovey content or just generally something heartwarming? Araka's game is one example for me
RJ? With that stat page, is this another female protagonist corruption game?

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