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Previous: >>497023275

Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program:
Dev Face-to-Face | Zenless Zone Zero:
Agent Record | Tsukishiro Yanagi
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Upcoming Events for 1.2
Full 1.2 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125865
New at the Arcade: Bizarre Brigade now live!
Back in Business - Daily check in, double drops and more - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 10/10 03:59 (server time)
All New Program - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 11/05 03:59 (server time)
Overlord's Feast - 09/26 10:00 (server time) - 11/04 03:59 (server time)

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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Who are you saving for?
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>she's an easy ski-ACK!
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>Spent more time in the shop refreshing upgrades instead of clearing the stages
Gallant is too fucking op
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I wonder if they'll make a Bizarre Brigade 2
Would it be a good idea to pull caesar for my corin?
She might not be a stun character but she seems to work well enough?
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Imagine how much Caesar weighs with her muscle mass
saving patch for me
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Meet the main character.
honestly kinda hype scene
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Sir, that's a grandma on the verge of retirement
I do not give a SHIT about Miyabo
Caesar is fine with Corin yeah, though I think Qingyi/Rina would be a better teammate combo. They activate each other's passive and Caesar can still stun fairly quickly.
Hoshimi Miyabi!!!
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She's not gonna be in 1.4 and she's not Ice either.

Lighter's ice buffs are for the Ellen Rerun in 1.4. Then we get Harumasa the first S rank support (must-pull).

1.5 will be the widest patch yet, Miyabi will get the first ever 6 week banner.
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>irreversible corruption
Does zhu have the largest cake?
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Piper thread
Piper love
Piper piping
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I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Jane. I try to play Ellen. My Jane deals more damage. I try to play Zhu Yuan. My Jane deals more damage. I try to play Soldier 11. My Jane deals more damage. I want to play Burnice. Her best team has Jane. I want to play with Seth and Rina. They both want Jane.

She grabs me by the throat. I farm chips for her. I use my batteries for her. I give her the food buffs. She isn't satisfied. I pull engulfing Caesar. "I don't need a stunner" She tells me. "Give me more field time." She grabs Seth and forces him off screen. "You just need to buff me more. I can deal more damage with AP."

I can't roll for more AP, I don't have enough dennies. She grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." She summons Shadow Jane. She says "Shadow Jane, get them." There is no hint of sadness in her eyes. Nothing but pure, 1.8 million assault crit damage as she Salchow Jumps towards me. What a cruel world.
>Harumasa the first S rank support (must-pull).
>Walk up to memorial while siblings are having a moment
>Mumble some shit about hunting those who caused the disaster
>Thinks to herself the proxies thought she must have been so cool

Mibmib is a dumb dork.
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Yanagi nipple fuck
damn thats fucked
I hope she dies this Sid the sloth whore
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Finally a nice run. Now onto diff 5.
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Hey Proxy!!
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why is this cropped image posted everywhere instead of posting the orginal?

She literally doesnt do that though
She says hands in the air only after shooting a nigga 20 times in the face and seconds before unloading her grenade launcher
can someone explain why some people call her "mibibi"
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>People actually prefer scouring the map for crates over TV mode

These are good in small doses but I hate needing to comb through maps. If I wanted to do that I'd play Genshin.
Also Burnice is fun as fuck. Really looking forward to her banner now.
I am saving for my qt robot ether anomaly wife
just like real american police!
so authentic!
Look bro, her bodycam was malfunctioning, ok? No proof.
>better teammate combo
for corin or caesar?
this is basically fox robin reading poneglyphs...
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If they’re black its warranted
For Corin. Caesar doesn't have a lot of teams where she's the BIS option, but she's bare minimum good on almost everything.
If you want her specifically to buff Corin, don't bother if you have Qingyi, but her real strength is her flexibility and making things like Ambush nodes comfier.
God I hope the mahou shoujo can transform in battle. They could have made Pagfly transform but they didn't do it
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He's going to give +2000 attack, +50% Crit%, +200 AP, +40% Damage in an AoE cone, massive grouping, forward and backwards quick assists, does off-screen ninja attacks and bow shots without you even having to press buttons, gives anti-interrupt shield like Caesar but x 2, he's going to be so meta nobody, and I mean nobody will be able to skip him
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She's the most fun character so far, stop complaining.
Autistic mibibiposter called her that frequently and everyone adopted it
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sounds familiar
>gives anti-interrupt shield like Caesar but x 2
this one is the funniest
If they are going to look like this, then I am probably going to have a huge hoard for future non tranoid looking characters
I will be pulling for all of them.
But the cute robot will be w engine and cinema as well.
whats wrong with caesar + qingyi?
caesar gives teamwide daze and atk buffs, i imagine theyd work well together
>agent's elements have lore implications
Only the fags roll for S-rank males
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I will have the strongest Miyabi.
She will be the most powerful Miyabi, with the widest face, the highest DPS, and the strongest team of all the other Miyabis. Even once her face is fixed, and her eyes are no longer separated by the atlantic ocean, my Miyabi will stand as the strongest.
Others will see me post her build and they will wonder to themselves "does somebody need a Miyabi this powerful?" "Why would anyone have a Miyabi this strong?" "Surely, there is a limit to how far apart her eyes can be?"
And I will answer, simply:
"This is what it is, to possess the strongest Miyabi."
What muscle mass?
Who will he be shipped with
I'm a newfig so don't have the cop but have rina
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Help with caesar build
Playing for a couple of weeks now

I use Caesar with Ellen or S11 or Piper and will use her with Yanagi next

What's her beat build for those teams?
I think pulling Caesar for Corin is one of the only chars that makes her worthwhile, especially if you don't have Lycaon. Otherwise Caesar really is only very good in anomaly comps compared to her competition.
t. cornfag
they really fucked up with playable sam
the swords look retarded
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Newfag here, started playing this week and really enjoying this game so far. I like how involved Wise and Belle are in the story and with the other agents. Do they continue this or do the siblings slowly get phased out as the story progresses? Only ask cause some gachas do this unfortunately.
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Caesar's original whore design was like this
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It's like giving a fun cute nickname to someone. In addition to her dumb wide face memes. How are you guys so dense? Do you have friends?
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I'm ready for all of it
>turns bad
>face doesn't get patched
>turns meta and gets her face patched
Miyugly because it's a rite of passage
>this died just so we could get Flopter
Belle, she can have one win after the WISE DOMINATION we saw in pinKing
its even more fucked up when you watch her MV and shes just chilling and showing zero remorse.
zy is lowkey a psychopath.
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>if I roll a singular time I will get the S rank banner character because hard pity
>don't want her because I don't find her attractive
>still want to gamble with my 80 rolls
Pen buff for Corin's burst damage
Caesar isn't bad by any means there, but you could benefit more from using her on a team where the attacker really appreciates her anti-interrupt
disgaea-looking ass
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No they are pretty much always the focus. If anything they are even more of the focus with the latest story chapter since they actually get to be there in person instead of using a bangboo
Nothing, but htat's two limiteds being used to prop up an A-rank. If you want to do that go ahead.
But then you have a real problem with what your 2nd team is unless it's Jane or Ellen.
I run Corin/Caesar/Lucy but when you have Caesar there's some flexibility in the last slot (Lycaon for stunning/daze multiplier, Nicole for def shred, Qingyi for stun/daze multiplier, Rina for res pen etc).
Corin's real issue is without Caesar you basically have to use Lycaon or Rina with her, both of which are standard 5*s most players don't have, otherwise she's way weaker than most other A-ranks, especially Billy.
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>widest face
Expain pls where did this meme came from? She has perfectly normal face, I'd even say cute. What wideness are you talking about?
It doesn't matter.
Just cap impact then go for good subs. Don't waste a ton of time farming her set, since it really doesn't matter. Farm for other sets or resources.
The difference between caesar top 10% or 90% is going to be like 5% total team dps at most.
I'd lean towards crit since it's more generally good, but once again, it doesn't matter.
With belle probably, hoyo needs to pander for self-inserter women
tail status?
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mibibi = my baby
I want to go back....
Damn right
>Belle swings a taser at Anton at the start of chapter 2
>Tasers canonically exist
>Rubber bullets must also exist
>Normal fucking bullets also exist
>CHOOSES to use cancer bullets

Why though
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>needing to comb through maps
You make it sound like the levels with crates are mazes.
No wonder you like TVslop.
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this shot is the one that gave her a bad reputation, it's actually based on a few things not literally related to wideness, like the color of her eyes, but it's simpler to call it that because it's kind of an illusion
One rape and another rape
Hit the kid and rape them dead
I am not getting Caesar before her banner ends.
What's the point against Ethereals
But yeah, using that kind of weapon against humans even though they are thugs is kinda harsh
Honestly it's better to build her AP in every team since she doesn't do any damage even with crit and it saves you the hassle of changing her build. If you field Caesar she builds up assault pretty fast which can gimp Jane/Piper's damage.
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Seeing her next to Zhu during the dialogue looked especially bad since you've got a good face next to picrel
Why do so many characters have missing limbs
>What's the point against Ethereals
I guess it's like how some media shows healers "overhealing" their enemies to basically cause tumors and cancer
What happened? Did she finally voiced?
The game does a really bad job of making it obvious what's an invisible wall and what rubble is destructible. It's less combing and more attacking every bit of scenery that seems like a small path might be behind it.
Cool, I'm not used to gachas where the MC's are VA'd but I like it here. They have personality but I was worried that was only for the beginning.
>Yanagi Caesar Lucy (anomaly build) could work or Nicole
What's Lucy's anomaly build? Can she work with her usual attack build? I use her with S11 already
Only Lycan comes in mind,the rest is probably just clothing
something something world is fucked, something something DEI representation, something something sweet baby involved
Nah it was awful and one of the worst aspect of rallies. The constant fighting also made the Etherals feel far less threatening than before, the fights in TV were more scare which made it clear that they didn't want to get in contact with them if possible, now they are just everyone and gets dispatched by dozen without a sweat or care.
If I could get sick ass robot parts I'd cut off my limbs too. The moment we have robot eyes I'm plucking one of my flesh ones out.
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in da fresh
sad meebs make me sad
Shut up dyke and make my games better instead of adding breast scars
Ether corruption consumed their limbs (and tails) and the only solution was amputation.
>Thinks to herself the proxies thought she must have been so cool
She's like those nerdy kids who do cringy shit thinking they look cool. Probably likes Wise and thinks he'll want to fuck her after this, the whore.
I meant what's the point of shooting "Surrender, drop your weapons" to them
Don't forget to top-up your ClearView(tm) subscription on time!
>trying to do a periwinky run
>altar doesn't have any spiky yoga balls
>waste all my coins refreshing
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Hello, chief? Reporting shots fired, 2 bikers down after they reached for a weapon.
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You've given me some things to reconsider, thank you
It ate Billy's whole-ass person or was he a robot all along? Disclaimer I don't know Billy lore, I haven't read his character bio if he has one.
cyberpunk2077 ass post
>irreversible plucking his eye out for a robo eye that will be outdated in a couple of years
>not waiting until the technology stabilizes so you can get the most optimal procedure without risks of getting stuck with old tech as an early adopter
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She's growing on me. Those big ass ears look so nice to mess with. Shame I'm not really feeling the rest of her squad though.
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Why do CCs' shit on S11? Every video Iv seen on Burnice +S11 team they Ult with Burnice when S11 has higher ult dmg scaling and they do it when the enemy is not even stunned.
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Baba sexo
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shes so fucking hot
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And so, Caesar and Lucy are out of the competition and Zhu wins the Wisebowl. What a genius plan

Nope, shit porn
He is just a robot
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>boy don't play peekabooboo
>piggy little bangboo's gonna lead my way to you
eeeh, beggars can't be choosers i guess
it’s a world where you can be randomly sucked into a dimension full of energy zombies with swords for arms
I’m surprised more people aren’t missing limbs
Which Agent would post Chudjaks on the Interknot?
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Blue Archieve collab confirmed?
Bricky, Grassy and Woody WILL find you.
i know they're thirens
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Heya proxies, this is a reminder that we are hosting a /zzz/ drawpile-aggie-magma if anyone wants to doodle!
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>shortly after seeing Miyaboo
>still no sequel/finale to his GBF series

yup, good porn
>police officer shooting a rich person's kid
Her career, life and family are ruined
Wise will end up with Jane or Miyabi instead
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Is Ellen part of the Wisebowl? I don't have her yet but I want her desperately
Saving for all of them, but my main priority is the robot
Ether corruption is extra efffective against Ethereals.
>have to make an account
But she's boring...
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I don't understand what are you talking about. She has the prettiest in-game face. I have experience in reviewing and browsing 2d pictures. I spend an hour every day browsing pictures in boorus. Her face meets all the standards of anime girl drawing. Her "spacing between the eyes" is not problem, because these are large. The ones who really have the problems with in-game faces are Jane and Burnice.
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Obui has given up on grub. Shame too since his Alex is one of my favorites
What will the idol group's Bangboo look like?
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Piper thread
Piper world
The idea that the little boars that Piper bullies will all become big like Big Daddy is giving me Faithful Twpig vibes
Yes, she'll pretend she's not even there until it's time to bite and when she does she won't let go
Not really desu. There's only like three or four girls that are pretty into Wise.
>Obui has given up on grub.
I wanted to see Evil Lyria get dom loss'd by generic bandit leader
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>She has the prettiest in-game face
Yes. To visualize her investment in the Wisebowl,
if Zhu Yuan is a 100, and Jane a 50, Ellen is like a 75
God I am so white, and my tits are so fat
As long as it relates to ZZZ you can draw whatever you want.
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>My Neighbor Is a Former Super Sentai Member Whose Body Was Modified by an Evil Organization
made me giggle, thanks anon
The rankings are Lucy > Zhu > Caesar > Ellen > Jane
However, Lucy could easily lose her lead since her character arc is basically over already
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I'm sorry but Genshin won this round.
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It really is team dependent anon. Take it from me, you’ll be needing to build at least 2 distinct disk sets to get the most out of her.
>4 proto/2 shockstar with crit for general support
>2 swing/4 shockstar with crit for stunner stand-in
>Wise gets married
>For some reason Belle moves into his new home
>She gets pregnant at the same time Wise's wife does
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ain't that the bitch from Mato Seihai no Slave
I'm thankful Lucy has every parts intact
because there's barely any high profile westard cc that's dedicated enough to be competent at this game. They just copy each other's notes, defecate a video, and move on to work on the next gacha. It's honestly better to just search for a comp and watch time attacks by a complete rando that's playing for fun.
Zhu>Lucy but I basically agree with the rest. You had romantic dates, watched romantic movies, held hands, and even watched porn together with her. You are basically already a couple.
what is Miyabi saying?
my drunk mexican faruzan wife
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Wise's girlfriend has a robot hand.
how nice of her to have target markers on her face, really going to help with my aims
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based MeebSCHOLAR
Some schizo babble but what she means is I'm hungry
The only things we lost were her hair and her gauntlets
Yanagi disc set and main stats ?
Roll for me or you will be mobilized
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Remember kids, a real melon wil always be just that. That can can never be imitated
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Soukaku > Mibibi > Yanagi > faggotmasa
god damn she looks so fucking ugly here
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sorry guys but wise is MARRIED OK?
Mibbles is so fucking dumb.
I don't sweat these guys. They are nothing. Those knife guys though? They can fuck off.
This image does things to my penids.
Is it shown through Ellen's agent story or through random lines? I've seen people say she's say she is and isn't into Wise and I'm confused.
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I did my part
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the prettiest ZZZs
Good job, soldier.
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we gained the godawful red censor top that clashes with her choker, necklaces, and overall upper half design
it looks very lazily added in instead of intended from the start
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I like it bwo
Miyabi sales will be very WIDE
She clearly is, it's just that Ellen is 24/7 lethargic and seemingly uninterested in everything and anything so people misunderstand.
Standard anomaly. AP, Attack, and a mix of Chaos Jazz and Freedom Blues.
They both have the same distance between eyes. Zhu Yuan just has that part of her hair inbetween which makes it look normal.
Zhu and Lucy are pretty much tied, the only thing holding either back is their inability to just be forward with their feelings. Caesar can definitely pull an upset win.
I like it, it adds contrast to a mass of black and green
the contrast was in her striking red cape
couldve still just been in her the backs of her jacket
the turtleneck thing makes that area way too busy and just looks bad
Fully disagree, I think it looks good and spices up her design with some more colour. It also has her match the rest of the gang, like Lucy's boar mask and Lighter's scarf
their shields block my bullets, take forever to break, and they'll turn around when I go behind them even when they're stunned
can someone post current drawpile, I don't want to register for it
Teen4n butts.
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>I don't understand what are you talking about. She has the prettiest in-game face.
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That part's great THIS should be removed for more bare boob
you're the billychad?
>posting her ingame model
lol she really is our ayucka
You sexually awakened Zhu Yuan, which is something you can't say for the rest. If this was an 18+ game you would already be in a sexual relationship with her.
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>Make weeb faction
>Only 1 character in it is worth anything
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But lucy doesn't have a robotic hand?
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Gotcha, thanks. Gonna be saving up for shark wife then
She's the prettiest character in the game in CG but that in-game face......
release caesar > beta caesar
meeb also has all her hair on one horizonal axis at that angle, which looks like shit. her eye color is too bright with the gradient, has too much white reflection, too much blush (mainly near the eyes), mouth too small and low, and she has the 1000 yard stare instead of focusing. all problems that cause the illusion of wideness.
but wide memes are funnier. I will m6w5 her regardless
cause fuck thireegers
I hope mbibibib is also for us
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This game runs like absolute shit on Android
>stop buying cheap chinesium phones, regard
I have a Galaxy S23 bwos... it runs like shit and gets the phone very hot... how much better can a phone get, literally only the latest 2024 flagships pretty much? How are the majority of the playerbase playing and enjoying this on their, I dunno, old ass iPhone 11 or random $300 chinkphone?
>just play on PC lul
I can't bring my PC anywhere I go, beucase, unfortunately, it's not pocketable.
They are a rental shop.
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Why did they give a furry such big tits?
I assume sector 6 is the weakest one and sector 5 wipes the floor with them.
Nah, not everything is about bare skin. It wouldn't match her personality either and would end up weirdly distracting from what's clearly supposed to be a tough but feminine design, rather than lean too much into skimpy. She already has big jiggly boobies and thighs that peak under the skirt, that's the right amount for her.
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Yanagi over the mongoloid fox any day
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just because your tranny/drag filled shithole distors every color and meaning to some degenerate shit doesnt mean every country is like that, females use this colors in japan all the time when they use those styles, sadly in america pink and blue are tranny shit
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You're not winning anyone over like that.
Why is she so much more furry than Seth?
>playing mobile
I personally just lug my laptop around
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leave mibibi redesign to me
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My Seth will be done today after he gets back from school, which character should I 50/60 next for standard pulls?
why is she so fucking hot
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y r u gey
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I sold a tape to Yanagi
??? soukaku literally in every ellen team and has one of the most unique designs in the game
billy and ben have been clutch for me
Thirens come in both furry and kemonomimi versions. For both genders.
Wait wait wait
So you're telling me, you're stating as a matter of fact, you are educating me on the idea of:
Really? I just bought a S24+ and it runs smoothly at 60fps.
Ben was who I used as my stunner for S11 until I got Chinky so I was leaning towards him to use him with her again with Caesar.
Wise should marry both Caesar and Lucy.
Belle has the same fucking distance but nobody bitches about her
Remove her bangs and you will see
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I cleared the first set of missions for the new arcade game but it won't unlock the following ones, what do I have to do?
>The only ice support character is in every team with the ice dps character
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Such a garbage character and collision play style sucks. I've finally beaten it after lucking out into multiple jocks into HP and luck into HP items.
not THE
Are you from the EU or US? If the former then you are running an exynos, which suck, and that's probably the reason why the game isn't running great. If you have a snapdragon 8 gen 2 I can't imagine having problems since I am running with a much weaker snapdragon and my only issue is the lack of ram often causing a crash when trying to boot the game (it runs fine after that).
It's the angle and shape of her eyes. They're not any wider apart than the other characters.
buy a "gaming laptop" then.
Stacy bikers do NOT share their men
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You already know who
Where is her fox tail
kinda want him
They should make ZZZ kart
the components are all there
just implement co op and make more stages for biking
I only like mibibi because of autism and wide, she’s not cool at all
Sexloli my wife...
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I need arts of Wise to motorboating those tits so badly.
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>(like Hoshimi Miyabi)
Miyabi is such a retard
I love her, I love retarded women
>ignores the second part about her unique design
yeah man you can fuck off with your nitpicking, soukaku has seen use in other teams apart from ellen too since the beginning and still tier 0, just admit you are wrong
I think ZZZ kart with bangboos is just perfect.
Yes. Although it looks like none of them were hired as construction workers.
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So, what classes are miyabi and the two other isekai side characters gonna be? i don't trust beta footage and i don't want the blue gremlin to be unsupervised
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>Remove her bangs
Try it bitch.
Pass a day in game time. Then you can do day 2, repeat for day 3 etc.
berlin is alright, i guess
Nicole looks absolutely hideous yet people ignore it since her boobs keep them distracted.
because Swordmaster *might* have a bunch, I was thinking they'll put in some bushido honor and nobility autism like you need to earn each tail
What's this dude's name again?
nobody uses her outside of ellen teams
she is worse than seth is in anomaly and people prefer to use lucy everywhere else because she's more fire and forget
nicole is better than soukaku if you're not making use of both her ice buffs (at m4), especially if nicole herself is m6
brikaku sucks
That's my post.
His big ass flamethrower gun was low key pretty cool
I always like the idea of being able to play as "mid tier mooks" in games, rather than always being the starchild protagonist of ultimate destiny
I have a desktop so unfortunately I'm stuck with a 2015 laptop with a geforce 940m or something at my uni dorms. HSR I can play on Geforce Now, but it runs well on my phone anyways. I hope ZZZ gets added too.
I'm from EU but the S23 has the 8 gen 2 globally. Doesn't matter if I put the game on lowest or highest settings, it always stutters when running around on the street. Runs slightly better in combat, but I still get random ~1s freezes sometimes when doing parries for the first time.
I'd rather put my desktop on the train and bring it over.
which city fund ball do I grab if I already own the dicksucking lips?
Pyro Primate
It's not just the colors. Their designs look ugly, and eerily similar to those shitty western cartoons that are popular with tranoids like Steven Universe
Pink Makima is Electric Anomaly
LN protagonist is Electric DPS
Miyabi is Ice Support
I got defense ball for caesar but most of them are mid so just grab whichever one you feel like your account is lacking right now
not the attack one since starlight is just better (as is the event one)
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Ethereals are just as susceptible to corruption
nice try
Defense, Attacker or a Lips dupe.
Bear wife WHEN
burning baboon
Remember how she actually reacted, she was a flustered mess and she’s bound to accidentally dislocate your arm if (you) tried pushing further. That’s a physical barrier that none of the other Wisebowl runners have. Maybe Ellen’s narcolepsy too, but that’s also part of her charm so 50/50 with her
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When's the next event?
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So close... yet... so far...
Can someone explain Corin's M6 to me like a retard?
So you only gain a single stack for every extended slash, with 40 stacks max. But basically all of her attacks except normal basic string and dodge counter, which you never want to use anyway, eat all her stacks at the end of the move? How do I use this?
How? Don't tell me you...
I already have all standard chars. So if I don't get a Rina spook, it'll be between her M1 (in case I care about using her at that point) or another Neko. I want all the Nekos.
Finally... selectable kot...
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reposting since i'm an attentionwhore
>Sixth Street falls into a Hollow for plot reasons
>Eous battery is severely damaged while agents are locked in a fight
>camera swaps to Eous POV, distorted silhouette approaches
>One-Dennyboo carrying spare battery
>stray Ethereal bullet hits him
>manages to reach Eous and plug in new battery on a last breath
>B-battery fforrrr... a f-friend"
The world is not ready for such degree of KINO
Free damage.
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I'm already saving up for them and grinding mats for them
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i'm gonna get the wolf cause i hate having no ice character
I look like this.
But it's effectively only a 3% attack boost where it matters (ult and EX on stun), right?
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post penis
holding down attacks does multiple hits and gives multiple stacks
You can extend all her attacks so it's a bigger if you hold.
oh I see
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Very smol, but very deadly Capped Gallant.
You either die early, or snowball into an absolute killing machine. The game even started to glitch out towards the end, when I was buying drinks.
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>t. 3 inches
bro still posting vampire survivors shit like anyone cares bro just go play the actual game instead bro nahhhh
>3 inches
my condolences
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The eyes' position helps her focus her sight.
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fr blud think we care :skull: :skull:
How the hell do you view the stats menu
fr fr
I'm full dumping on whoevers an attack, but I'll whale for all of them.
I care
I asked
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Just press B? There's only two buttons available in this mini-game, and one of them opens the menu.
that's hella cap bro ain't no way blud gives a fuck about it
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we thinkin 1.5/1.6?
press K
lil bro thinks he has aura :skull:
I hope Miyabi can solo content like Jane Doe
>genshin monhun relink
wrong general brofam
Any woman beside Zhu would look ugly.
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How many pulls on a weapon banner do you think are acceptable? I want to get Caesar's to make her work better as both a cope stunner and a cope support, but I dont want to go too crazy since I also want Lighter
most likely 1.4 will also be sec6, 1.5 high chances of idol trio so I would say 1.6-1.7
Muhfuga ain’t even rizzing his skibidi bruh watermelon cuh chicken crime 15/50 bruh
whats going on
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Who said that Omnom is shit? Literally just take the item that makes you fire bullets upon taking damage, charge blindly at enemy hordes, win. I shouldn't have bought other companions except demons because they kill steal and make it harder to recover HP.
I only pull for 1 copy of a A rank engine that I want, if I get a S rank that's cool(I don't have any limited S ranks yet)
/zzz/ doesn't actually like fat chicks, right?
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Post clears
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Damn Wise, how come you end up with 2 muscular gfs...
1. she isn't fat
2. fat bitches are hot
>Who said that Omnom is shit?
Literally nobody said that because no one talks or cares about this shitty minigame
Kill yourself
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If I don't have Ellen, Lycaon and don't wanna build Soukaku should I just use Bardic Needle instead of farming discs if I want a Freedom Blues set?
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>mfw trying to lvl up 4 characters and 4 engines at the same time
Im so poor
you can punch up if you prey on the mentally weak
>Tried that, had r5 Anton engine, wanted 1 piper
>3 more Anton engines in 13 rolls

At least you can get cratable mats but it felt like death
Go back to /gig/ faggot.
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If Caesar jerks Wise off with that hand would it be considered gay since it used to belong to Billy
>she's not Ice either.
Still coping huh
>the widest patch yet
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That's the issue with weapon banners. It's 1% rates, so your odds of getting spooked are much higher, but that means going far and getting nothing sucks more, too. I've always gotten lucky with weapons in mihoyo games, but I'd want to kill myself if I had to go 80 pulls for a ball. Its up to you
My highest clear is with fishe too. I wasn't expecting it considering how hard I was banging my head with him.
It's just a brojob
if you get a heart transplant are you not alive
Post sex I want to jerk off
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every part of your body once belonged to a woman
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>seething about bizarre brigade
chudhounds3fag behavior
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Remember tomboys are considered men so you are gay if you are attracted to them
Every part of my body belongs to Mibibi
Is that supposed to be a problem?
It's 2024
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Which one do you pick?
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Then I'm a homo I guess
low key zoomers need to be lined up and shot fr deadass no cap lil bro

kill yourself underage retardo, go get groomed in /soc/ if you not being abused by your uncle already
her service sucks I talked to some girl that failed after using it...
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This nigga ain’t got skibidi rizz Ohio bruh watermelon
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Happy birthday Lycaon!
I'm having more fun in the BB game than the actual game bwos

just three left, frosty, half shell and porcelain doll
Now now granny, it's time for your walk
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What arcade game you guys want added to the arcade next?
How about dragon warrior 1?
It would come with save features.
Street Fighter 2 Turbo but with ZZZ characters.
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Guess I’m a faggot then
Why would you play a knock off version of the game when you can play the real thing?
haven't played, might try when burnice comes out but question: is qingyi an actual robot? or is she one of those amputee but has robot parts installed?
She is literally an expensive bangboo
yeah im a faggot
some lightgun game or a schmup would be easy to make and implement I bet
Why would you play more than 1 game for each genre at all?
I think the tetras copywrite owners makes them complete dicks to anyone who dares to make a clone.
Something that doesn't have lawsuits is a good idea.
Yes she's an actual robot
She is a sexbot repurposed into a police officer
osu! since they like their ost so much
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>trying to get through the story to get that free Lucy
>pushing through chapter 2 where you meet Victoria housekeeping
>inter-knot level gated
>super slow to level
goddammit this sucks
it seriously feels like I'm not gonna make it to the free Lucy
Ryu = Anby
Ken = Soldier 11
Chun-li = Qingyi
Zangief = Ben
Vega = Anton
M. Bison = Lighter
Holy shit I want this
my retarded wife that can't even spell phone right...
there's like 30+ days left
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If you are a newcutie make sure to do all that new training flowcharts at HIA. There is knot exp in each mission and also in every different hollow zero difficult, lots of knot exp on first runs.
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Sorry Lucy, but my sister's pussy is just THAT good.
should I invest in A rank disc drives or just dismantle them so I can craft more S ranks?
What the FUCK... at least do this for all females too
my new highest assault proc
people say the devs make skins so it makes sense that they'd actually make bodies to dress up
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I hope he shows us his fat baseball sized knot as a birthday surprise.
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You guys DID 100% Bizarre Bridage, right /zzz/?
That's a mod made by a furry chink that did one for lycaon too
Don't ask how I know this
If ur knot 50 or higher don't bother with a rank
Disk resources are too rare to blow on a rank
the training flowcharts?
you mean the new investigation thing that opened recently? where you dump your characters and they gain passive xp?

also I've been trying to do the hollow zero but I've maxed the investigation points for the week so I've been waiting for the reset
Spoken like a true American that has no idea of anything outside his bubble country of trannies and negroids...
multiplayer amongus
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I also think 1.5 or 1.6, they will finish the characters from the launch trailer first.
But I think she's already one of the next ones because she has the ID and placeholder data, which is more than what the OBOL Squad and the Idols have.
Is Burnice as flexible as Caesar or is she tied to same element/faction as well?
Yes the new training
I saw each one has knot exp
Don't wait on investigation, u still get knot exp for first clears.
So u do rank 1000 = 600 knot exp
2000 = 600
2500 = 600
3000 = 600 etc
First clears for all 3/4 hollow zones will give about 1 lvl of interknot
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Just one little shit left arcade bros
anomaly/faction bro
I'd pee white if they released her as an a rank on lighter's banner but future schedule seems pretty tight for them to sneak her in so I wouldn't expect her coming any time soon
Maybe once they revisit the outer ring
>He's still obsessed with a tranny cartoon from 2013
just let it go, old man.
I really, really regret c6'ing Zhu Yuan, I barely touch her now that I have Jane who does 100x more damage than her
In just short of 60 pulls you'll get TWO S ranks! Wow!
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why is this fag so difficult to trust rank up, wtf am I supposed to do?
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Behold, the BIS disk for any build.
Ben wants it.
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ether idol with hp scaling bro
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Guillotine gorilla
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Feels good to be a Janemain
just go sleep for a day bro
No but you can't suffer from broken heart and nobody can steal your heart.
How do you fags even justify C6ing characters on release? It's like $100 for 60 pulls. What the fuck kind of money were you born into?
>Lighter has Pulchra and Bellum as the A Ranks
You gotta believe.
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Face is still ugly no matter what mod you use.
I love cuckoldry
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Who's the artist that does this and pic related? Image search just gives me a warning about (((illegal material))).
someone post the qingyi lemon lick frieren face gif i don't have it on this machine
His voice acting here was excellent, I actually laughed, not like the internal laugh quiet smile thing, my cat jumped from the sudden HA
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report and ignore
Even though it's slow at least the studying is free.
They should make it weekly recharge of study exp. Someone put that in the next survey.
ben is a boxer man
can caesar's slow ass banner fucking end already
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The xp is a one-time thing? I just assumed you could stick agents in whenever
You used your battery items? I saved up a bunch because I didn't know they existed
There is a pool of exp that is drained
As far as we know it's one time only.
Thigh gap or no thigh gap /zzz/?
can you still use characters that are studying?
>Image search just gives me a warning about (((illegal material))).
is this a meme for people too lazy to reverse image search themselves? or is it country specific?
So you're saying it's not gay to have sex with me?
billy's thigh gap does things to me
Only 4 left now...
I had my lvl 58 lucy in study and could still use her
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Caesar saying gooby to her old fone…
Too big.
how is it that the proportions of this and the mod are basically the same, and I find the mod absolutely disgusting but this is pure fucking sex
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Thanks, bros. Fuck twitter expecting me to make an account just to see cunny.
this nigga really do be blogposting about a minigame
I pulled for Jane because I love to watch
because you're an autist
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What the fuck kind of hellhole do you live in?
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I believe in you bwo, only finished mine earlier today
the hip to waist is not even close to the same between those 2
are you blind?
more likely the answer, as much as people would hate to admit it
guy probably works for ZZZ but was denied his fetish to be commercial otherwise it would've been banned or atleast in other non furry characters as well
especially considering how easy mihoyogames to mod
If only you knew how bad things really were
t. bong
The fuck is that????
What would Burnice's feet smell like after a long day in those latex and heels around smoldering hot temps?
Super stinky
>this bait again
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thank god I'm not europeen
How long should I expect to wait between chapter releases?
Not big on dailies
pedo melty
i will hear no more of this tranny nonesense
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I reinstalled the game because of Caesar and Burnice so I have some questions. I have enough for a guaranteed right now and a 50/50 during Burnice banner
-I heard that Qingyi/Corin/Rina is Corin's best team. Is any Caesar variation worse by a lot or is she competitive? Can I cope with Anby for now?
-Can Burnice be good for dps? Or is she an anomaly only character? I kinda want to use her with Ben because he's fun
-Overall which character would be better for my account? I only care about those 2 and will skip everything until the idols probably
any new Yanagi leaks, or is animations the only thing we have?
Dailies are like 2 minutes in this game
>open store 10 sec
>scratch lottery ticket 5 sec
>get coffee & do two 5 card missions 80 sec
saar... redeem the Lighter instead saar...
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Caesar is 100% better due to her versatility and how busted her block + buff combo can make anyone.

I find that Burnice is a fun and hot character but seems to be intended to be played as an off-field anomaly character so you need someone like Jane to really maximize her.

Caesar for the long run and for team comp in IMO but I will still goon to Burnice.
Thank you bwo, it'll be a real pain in the ass with the rng but I'll do it tomorrow.
>Bear women will have dark chocolate nipples
speaking pure optimal your teams would be
s11/caesar/lucy and burnice/grace/rina
You can sub s11 for corin if she's your favorite, but yeah. With burnice you just swap between her and grace proccing burn/shock for disorder explosions.
Thank God US of A let's jews and other scum molest children without repercussions
Kill yourself pedo
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i've done it.
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The fact that they made her a mercenary makes me believe that it is a good excuse to use her outside of the Outer Ring, with her being a recurring boss being hired by future villains, until she becomes an agent.
I more mean I'm about to catch up on the story and it probably won't take me long to get most of the side quest commissions done. I'm looking forward to more but not sure what I'd be doing with the game while waiting.
Post Venus
I'm not getting that shit and I'm in Europe so it must be on whatever retarded US state the anon is from
Corins best team is lyacon to double her stun dmg bonus. If u dont want to use sukaku then I would bring lucy for buffs and pig support with lucy disks focused on impact.
Chapter releases are every 2 banners, expect 1.3 to be shorter like 1.1/Jane's chapter.
gz bwo
I like hitting bad guys with Ben
they left the lucius plot thread hanging, so it'll happen eventually
I turn her from Corin to Whore-rin desu.
i would sooner guess it to be australia or some other nanny country
Alright thanks
You'd be surprised, I live in Mississippi and Pornhub is banned unless I send them a picture of my driver's license lmao
Any bets on who our Ether Anomaly character will be?
Why is this guy advertising his twitch stream in his name?
Do like me
3 side missions per day rather than blowing thru it all in 2 days
I started pre farming for burnice, did I fuck up my chances to pull her
>finally bothered to do the survival shiyu defense
Man, fuck the final stage. Caesar side completely brainless while the other was cancer since I couldn't nuke down one of them quickly and more or less ended up having both enemies alive for the whole thing. I'm just glad it's over for now
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He's a failure and annoying
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What’s the point of this character’s existence?
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sorry for shitty quality gif, too lazy to do more
I'm getting filtered by Node 5
to fuck up your rolls
Wait women play zzz?
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Aight, getting Caesar and praying for the 50/50 next banner
Luck is not real. Hence premarming is only wasted if u don't get her.
Doesn't it make you want to watch him?
I'd eat them both but the in-game one looks awful
holy shit I fucking love cuckoldry
to be a nyagger
kys falseflagget
That's my account
You just guaranteed yourself a kot
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Good morning sirs!
Yeah if you browse /ttg/ lots of girls on tiktok play zzz, pic related streams it often
Of all the characters to test this out with fucking why Ben. Kill yourself nigger.
i had jane and thanks to her two dodges it wasn't much trouble.
I mean it did get me to check out his channel. It's free advertising
Sex and financial domination.
I got knotted twice in a row so I'm OK with that
Mihoyo games are surprisingly popular among women. Just assume that half of the playerbase identifying as women in the surveys are trannies.
I hate this portrait of her. Possible the worst angle they could have grabbed
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>furfags still huffing copium that their henchman-tier character with four whole voice lines will become playable
>they don't realize 90% of Pulchra's animations are simply recycled from actual agents like Jane (the slice jump) and Harumasa (the electric mines)
She will NEVER be playable. China HATES furries. They're even putting Lighter in the game before Ellen's rerun simply because CN absolutely fucking HATES Lyceon so much.
The robot idol
We love Ben here
Why is it always the furries?
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We love nyaggers here
When is Zhu's rerun I don't care about the glowies
Touching Ellen
No one wants a diaper ass rerun
touching ellen where?
How do I social media well enough to have the playerbase all scream
>Make chapter 5 a musical
loud enough to make it happen?
I can't unsee the penis with the two balls.
she's just like 1 additional mechanic away from being cool, but it'll never happen...
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>touch my tail?
>touch my tits?
Holy based
Is jane doe the jiren(dbs) of this general?
Ethereals are weak to ether corruption. Nineveh can assimilate Thanatos just as easily as she could a Wanted Enforcer and even she is weak to ether type damage. It seems like the Metroid Prime 2 annihilator beam being both extreme polarities at once
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ellenbros whats the plan in 1.4..
Yes, I love her because I'm into cuckoldry
Tits, pits, ass, feet, pussy, and tail.
she has a character ID and a placeholder faction, retard-kun. but you already knew that and are just desperate for (You)s
model juts out way more and has 0 thigh gap
her bottom half straight up looks overweight, which doesnt match her slim top
her thighs are 1.5x the size
... I can't play this game if there isn't a hu tao/sparkle expy
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Even if meebers is ice attacker that just means more ice shilling so we win anyway.
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Honestly impressed. It looks well made. Furries seem weirdly talented.
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Disorder comps are for sissy faggots REAL men use stunner+support+dps

It's the holy trifecta of gaming. Tank. Healer. DPS. Whole you're busy doing your gay 500 AP swap shit trying to minmax 100 more damage I'M punching the boss his shit in, then CHAIN ATTACK CHAIN ATTACK BANGBOO ATTACK CHAIN ATTACK Kupooowww REEEEEE ultimate KABOOM Bang BONG Boo WIPEOUT
when passion is put behind projects instead of only thinking about profits, usually you get a better product.
Mibibers will be ice anomaly that converts AP to crit stats when shatter is inflicted.
raito would say this
wrong. She's super cute.
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If Lighter was a cute girl I'd care. But for now he's just a genderbent Koleda to me and I ain't gay.
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We have green hu tao. You missed her already, however.
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>China HATES furries
>they have a Battle royal game inbound
Anomaly is gay
that's the Xueyi expy
>mindscapes cinemas
doesn't count
So true cuckbro
Nigga that's frieren
uh oh, anti-jane schizo melty
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sorry couldnt hear you over my SPIRARU ENGEEN
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don't forget to thank her for the disks she brings with her
>obsessed with cuckoldry somehow
let go, anon. That's not healthy.
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I wanna have sexual relations with this character
if you catch my drift
speak english
Every member of Victoria Housekeeping has a random trust event that is about them doing/looking for a part time job EXCEPT Lycaon, I'm starting to think that he keeps 90% of the money that they make for himself
jane won
horse redditor lost
It's gonna be funny see all the Disc autists realize how much battery they wasted once the new improved Crit and Support disc sets come out in 1.4
He's just highly requested.
are knowledge courses repeatable by different agents? or is it one use and it's over
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Dabbing on nu-janers
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Please tell me this applies to the Monke too.
seth fucks that
I've been trying the characters I don't have in HIA, and I gotta say, how the fuck do you play Ellen?
>abuse EX to BA3 since it's a free ice attack even at 0 stacks
>abuse BA3 in general to dodge large swings and teleport behind the enemy
>the teleport puts you at a set distance so if you're near the enemy before using BA3, you teleport far so you can start your scissor charge attack
>don't charge your scissors off a dodge counter? (questionable because I tried the non-charge version and it spends the single charge it generates for itself, netting you 0 stacks so idk)
Anything else?
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is this stayin in the game after the event?
Tell me how to trashbag my way to victory. I can never fucking get armor before the wave 3 boss and promptly die.
Nah, it's only Pulchra for now who has a faction (temporary placeholder?) and a character ID.
sorry, man :(
your holy trifecta is missing tank and a healer bwo
I just found out they make character music videos.... Theyre so fucking SOVL
pray to RNGesus
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rina is gonna save everyone
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what's a nu-janer
>Corins best team is lyacon to double her stun dmg bonus
I think you should read what these characters do again.
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It's so over...
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bing gpt kino
She has some biological parts
>always opt for EX > BA3 > EX etc if you have energy
>dash > hold scissors > BA3 is next best
>fish for counters with Lycaon, use his EX and than counter back to Ellen
you can go from perfect dodge straight into roaming by holding dodge
that gives you an enhanced charged scissors that charges near instantly getting you 3 fast stacks
going into roaming from quick assist the same way also gives you reduced charge time
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lots of tail touching (attempts)
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Killing janers
To pretend its how they actually look when thats actually fanart making them bigger
sorry the only ones in that state are miyabi and pulchra.
but pulchra's id is so distant from the rest, it implies at least 6 unknown charas. that's not even counting trigger and lucia who i have good guesses on the IDs of. that can easily mean monke, emo dog, 3 idols, and 1 more
Next thread will be a Jane X Seth OP
I can't beat the 6th wave on the arcade game.
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Comrade Rina, Head of The People's Maid & Butler Laborers Union.
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yeah not using that
most real women are playing Love and deep space anyway
I bet those fake fujo and other real female influencers probably play it too behind the scenes and blow their fan's money on either LaD or actual male whores
To get me physical chips till caesar came along and as my wallpaper
damn, he's going all out
next thread will be a half naked shredded Lycaon
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yeah definitely using that
You can skip to BA3 via charge scissors?
Any reason why you hold instead of double tap? I just feel like the input of
>go fast
>go faster
is more instinctive
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>pulchra is on her banner
Will you now finally roll for Yanagi???
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I'd be extremely disappointed that Pulchra wasn't an S rank before proceeding to roll until M6W5
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What are your thoughts on Miyabi's ears?
you press dodge to dodge the attack
you keep the button held down and go directly into roaming
you could double tap dodge when you dodge the attack I guess, but youd still have to hold the button anyway
so its just faster and more smooth to hold in that case, for me anyway
Wasted on someone that autistic
I'll think about it.
They're alright, but SHE HAS NO TAIL.
If you’re gonna do that please post sauce as well
But I going to regardless?
>go into roaming out of dodges for fast scissor charge
>don't use EX2, it's a trap. Loop BA3 and EX1 instead
>keep Soukaku's buff up at all times, not sure if you can do this with the trial version because it requires a certain amount of ER
>only use Lycaon for parries and EX to keep the ice res shred up
>you should only basic with Lycaon to speed up stuns if Soukaku's buff would misalign from the stun window
>field Ellen as much as possible
>try to make sure you'll have enough energy for 2 EX uses going into stun
>start stuns with a held EX from Lycaon, quick swap to Soukaku during it to EX spam then fly the flag to prompt a chain, chain straight to Ellen and burst
The team has a lot of counter intuitive things you do to play optimally, which is why so many people call it clunky. Replacing Soukaku with Caesar fixes a lot of it because her chain attack takes so long it still ends up being a damage loss even to proc swing with it. Another issue is that Lycaon's kit is basic attack focused when you don't want to be using them 95% of the time, that trips a lot of people up.
>You can skip to BA3 via charge scissors?
Only with her affinity resonia in HZ.
was already leaning towards getting yanagi anyway, so that'd just make it better desu
Am I missing something?
why are there 200 and 400 point errands when the max you can get is 400 points and it takes literally 5 minutes to do em all
>Not collab with Arknights for Waai Fu
No of course not.
>lighterfags are robloxkiddies
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basic bitch desi-
>600% Disorders
of course I'm rolling, I always liked her actually
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>S11's dodge counter doesn't have a chasedown effect
This feels so fucking bad against mobile enemies. I just feel like it should be the first move in a sustained attacker's arsenal, or maybe I just got spoiled by Piper's long distance dodge counters.
flopterkeks?? our response???
Once again Piper is better stop using others.
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The lighter fanbase everyone
>using S11 over Piper
Not only are you retarded but gay too
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Roblox, Xitter and ZZZ's target audiences should NOT have a three-way overlap.
this is the last one left, how the fuck am i supposed to play?
i even won as the cat and the giant.
I feel like this confirmed my suspicion that ZZZ's demographics are a lot younger than Genshin and HSR.
bwo.. your pic..
Nothing surprises me anymore after learning Project Sekai and Genshin had audience overlap.
nah only husbandokeks
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>boot up game for the first time in a couple of months
>get the furry
I'm uninstalling and killing myself
This made me realize that ZZZ's been out for 3 months as of today. Where the FUCK does the time go?
do those games have no roblox fan content?
I got him twice. He's still level 1 and forever benched. For the first three Shiyu's I had zero S agents and I still cleared them all. Just play the fucking game you sissy
>zzz is full of real lolis
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I am literally Lighter where are the children?
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>ZZZ's been out for 3 months as of today
there's no fucking way that's true
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To the anon that ships lucy and lighter
Others anons are making it too complicated for the sake of waifuing, but that's pretty much it.
I look like this irl
>lighter attracts young children
Wow he's literally me.
a worthy opponent, finally
uh oh homofujo melty
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Suddenly being the only guy in SoC makes sense. Lighter is omega based

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>do a 10 roll on standard banner
>get Lycaon
>do a 10 roll on caesar banner
>get lycaon
I just got double knotted
time to play dps soukaku bro
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It sure flies. My fav game atm
I wish I had a boyfriend I could talk about zzz with and play card games while watching northernlion. Maybe a pizza too.
Mibibi and wideycaon
fujotroon is mad, now he's gonna spam shipshit
post tits.
i am a fan of zzz, card games, but not northernlion.
also, i'm not a homo, sorry.
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only if your cock is smaller than mine, otherwise i'd be gay
GOD, I wish that were me.
I play Roblox (I love lighter)
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So how good do you think she's gonna be? I might save for her banner after Yanagi.
It wouldn't be so bad but then you get either another one of these fuckers or the big one blocking you.
I hated him until I rolled Caesar
Now I don't care
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Trade one for a Koleda?
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you into rape?
>Delicious legs and giant set of tits on an office lady vibe
>disorder blah blah big number Unga bunga something
I don't even know what this means
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Nice bro! Thanks for powering up my bro, bro!
It's a sign bro.
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uhm laican-san?
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Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl. >mfw thinking of you hurting
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The duality.
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This nigger was the sole reason for why I pulled Caesar. Fuck him!
What does the brigade stat do?
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No one is complaining the games content is too hard to clear retard I'm just mad it gave me a dog instead of a waifu
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>only one of these dishes contains cheese
There's no way they can make even worse enemy than this

Brigade is your companions. It's stats for them vs stats for you, the protagonist.
shut the FUCK up, jane
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shadow jane is already worse
bunch of shitty red attacks, bunch of chasing her around
and oh my god that jet engine move is completely invulnerable and wastes so much time, and she can just decide to SPAM IT
>still complaining about thanatos
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ohhhh haha i get it now
and furnace
is joke
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Bro... your Jane?
I thought so too, but her name is pronounced like Burn-NIECE and not Burnace...
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what do you guys think about this
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It should have been ME desuwa
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you got autism my man?

It's a play on the real name Bernice. Given her affinity for fire, BURN was put in place of BERN to provide a feminine name that also props up what she stands for.
rat wife
life good
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your honest thoughts?
Is 12000 gems enough to guarantee burnice if I play everyday and collect the daily gems I have autism
god I need a clingy gf so bad holy FUCK
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I don't mind the doppelganger fights in story or side commissions but they need to stay the fuck out of timed shiyu. All of them can just decide to waste upwards of 30 seconds of your time just by picking attacks that they're invulnerable during. Pulchra's ultra instinct mode is complete bullshit.
you and your companions
I immediately convert my poly to tapes so I'm not tempted to spend them on anything dumb
>Lucy calling me a dumbass nigger
What the fuck is this teenage slut's problem??
they haven't interacted a single time on screen
My gf is like this
mibbibler is ice defender chudbeit?
Monke and Mors are fine meanwhile Pulchra can be cucked out of her dodge phase with certain attacks.
Shadow Jane and Pompey are the only.fun fights in the game. The teleporting nigger is a clusterfuck if he goes off screen for even a second. Neck yourself.
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Holy baste
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I'm gonna become the greatest content creator for snooze
what content do my bwos want to see?
I do this to my bf
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They're the most fun fights yet imo

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