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"Fine, I'll Do It Myself" Edition
Deprecated thread: >>496279082

>Commercial games for Linux

>Libre games, source ports

>Stuff for running Windows games
Wine (mostly used via Proton, Lutris, etc.): https://www.winehq.org/
Proton (comes with Steam): https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton
ProtonUp-Qt (installer for custom Proton builds): https://github.com/DavidoTek/ProtonUp-Qt
Bottles (Wine frontend): https://github.com/bottlesdevs/Bottles
Lutris (Wine frontend and game launcher): https://lutris.net/

>Other (non-Proton) compatibility tools for Steam
Steam Tinker Launch: https://github.com/sonic2kk/steamtinkerlaunch
Boxtron: https://github.com/dreamer/boxtron
Roberta: https://github.com/dreamer/roberta
Luxtorpeda: https://github.com/luxtorpeda-dev/luxtorpeda

>Unofficial launchers for platforms lacking proper Linux support
LGOGDownloader (GOG) (CLI only): https://github.com/Sude-/lgogdownloader
Minigalaxy (GOG): https://github.com/sharkwouter/minigalaxy
Legendary (EGS) (CLI only): https://github.com/derrod/legendary
Rare (EGS): https://github.com/Dummerle/Rare
Heroic (EGS, GOG, Amazon): https://github.com/Heroic-Games-Launcher/HeroicGamesLauncher

>Other cool things

>Linux on other boards
I found a new free penguin game https://store.steampowered.com/app/2590150/Faaast_Penguin/ it's gaming time
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Thread is already acking, it's fucking over
buy an ad (for the thread)
anyone here playing emulators running in a desktop remotely via a laptop in the same network? I'd like to know how to set up something like this
Has anyone done that before, are there generals that have ads?
>anyone here playing emulators running in a desktop remotely via a laptop in the same network?
Why would you want to do this?
Is your laptop somehow not powerful enough to run emulators?
There's a reason I usually wait until after work on a Friday before I make a new one. It's easier to keep it bumped on the weekend. This will probably be my only post in this thread until Friday night, and if this thread is dead at that point then I'll make my own, and if that one dies then I'll just say "fuck" and play Costume Quest all night (native Linux version obviously).
I don't, but in general I've heard people using sunshine/moonlight for streaming.
I don't get what's this for, is this a protonup equivalent?

new nvidia driver soonTM
Linux gamers rejoice!
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Detonated my framerate
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I've decided to use FSR quality since my rig obviously can't handle this game at stable 60 fps.
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It actually looks better than when I used a 1080p monitor, I guess since there are more pixels rendered it can make something better out of them.
Well, it's natural since he's also developing Nobara which using rpm for packages.
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I hope troons rewrite this in rust and call it uwu-launcher
>rewrite this in rust
Please don't, I'm tired of compiling 600 dependencies for every rust aur package.

For myself however I'm going to stop using umu and GE-Proton. Instead I'm doing my own wine (vanilla and valve bleeding-edge) builds, patch vendoring and helper/wrapper script. No need for the Steam Linux Runtime or proton script. Also dxvk/vkd3d-proton is built separately and the specific build artifact is chosen by my helper script, not tied within a Proton tarball.
But I still like this project for the greater ecosystem.
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Playing games on Linux is fine but trying to make a fucking mod for a game that requires you to install a dev that made that game that only runs on windows makes me want to kill myself; even fucking wine doesn't help.
yep, after a few hours of research I ended up setting up sunshine/moonlight. Now I'm installing emudeck so I can have everything in one place and control everything from my controller
Virtual machine doesn't work for one reason or another?
yes actually, the god damn thing refuses to connect to internet despite trying everything I could find.
what gaym?
Not over yet
Any Lynux exclusives?
True but ehh
Anyone have any experience getting the Fallout Mod Manager or Vortex working? Getting the itch to play New Vegas again (thanks /k/), and I might need some of the features of FOMM/Vortex for a few mods (specifically archive invalidation).
echo "bump"
>install a dev
dev tool or dev suite, presumably
>t. nta
If using steam then

When NexusModsapp gets stable modding will be solved.
seems like it
its literally just script shit which should be done like this
Just use mod organizer
Thanks, I'll look into that

Isn't MO in roughly the same spot (ie not very well supported or functional)?
figlet "bump" | cowsay -n | lolcat
This conversation makes me glad I don't play Bethesda games.
The only games I've mods I've used on Linux are simple DLL stuff like widescreen patches, and the Brigador community mod pack.
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MO2 have been working for years, even before proton existed.
Man DE looks nice in some places but bad in others.
MO2 through STL just worked and would also give you nxm:// links support
>Plasma 6.2 will be released in just three days!
>wine game.exe
Well, shit, you're right. Got it working almost seamlessly. Not sure where I heard that it was trouble, but that must have been outdated. Thanks, lads.
I remember reading somewhere that wine 10 will default to wayland but cant find info about it anymore, did I dream it?
You heard it on Photonics although it was only specifications made by the editor. In reality the Wayland driver with its development speed won't be ready to be default in Wayland.
update: emudeck is set up, now I'm using it with emulation station to manage my games. Later today I'll be out, I'll see if streaming works through tailscale (wireguard for dummies)
Sunshine/moonlight latency is too high for gaming purpose, I only use it for visual novel. I think to game comfortably, you need some kind of long range KVM.
Its fine for turn based games too.
>another of my posts disappears into the void
I'm not typing that shit again, so here's another worthless "bump" post instead.
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Nice, I could never properly get the melee timing down and not receive any damage facing hordes of these guys. Playing the source port right?
Nah, I have it on steam and it just works, so I didn't bother. It uses native openGL backend anyway.
Not him but there's a Vulkan source port.
Unfortunately, as of last time I checked, the Vulkan rendering mode has bugs related to lens flares and maybe other effects. When I used it, I ended up using OpenGL mode anyway. lol
I hope you're running native
Bonus points if compiled from source
I only use sunshine/moonlight to play on my TV; I'm not going to play turn-based games with a controller.
Speaking of sunshine, they recently decided to delete all the discussions section, losing most issues history since maintainer almost always closed issues and turned them into discussions.
Additionally, sunshine is currently broken on the current Mesa version. A fix exists in FFmpeg, but since sunshine bundles it, it will take a while for the fix to be implemented. As always, they closed the issue (https://github.com/LizardByte/Sunshine/issues/3189), but the problem persists.
What turn based games don't play well with a controller? That's how I usually play them.
4x, CRPG, grand strategy, xcom...
you were right, tried playing guitar hero 3 and it was impossible lmao
Oh I was thinking of basic shit like slay the spire and pokemon.
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what about Steam Link
or parsec
Sunshine + Moonlight provide the best performance and lower latency and are also open-source while Steam Link/Parsec are proprietary
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server is only windows unless it has changed
Did anyone ever try playing on gameranger on linux? specifically one of those EA games like cnc generals or battle for middle earth
The problem is you have capture time, encoding time (10-12 ms with 4k60 fps on my rdna2 gpu), network time (1-2 ms), decoding time (5-10 ms on my nvidia shield with 4k60 fps and finally added latency from TV compared to a desktop monitor (on my TV, 15 ms in gaming mode and 50 outside). All in all even in best scenario, you get 30-40 ms of added latency which make shit unplayable. Maybe with lower bitrate I could cut down the encoding/decoding time, but I don't want to lose quality.
In my next home, I'm going to just get a KVM and wire everything from my office to my TV.
>3 discs
>sata, nvme, hdd
>nvme has wangblows
>sata has linux and not enough space for anything else
>hdd only for storage
>install TW: warhammer 3 on the hdd
>it works fine
>hdd starts dying a few days later from cyclic redundancy checks because it's an old shitgate
>reinstall TW:WH on the windows NVME because thats the only device with enough space for the game
>game starts crashing very often
>mouse randomly stops clicking for a bit but keyboard commands are functional
>I can still move the cursor but left or right clicks arent registered seemingly at random intervals
>eventually the entire screen becomes very small like a picture in picture mode except the background is black
>the "PiP mode" keeps becoming smaller and bigger at even intervals like a pajeet video editor hijacked my video output, constantly zooming in and out
>while doing that it moves like an old dvd screensaver around the screen
What causes this? Everything else works fine until that point. I don't think it's the drivers because 24 hours earlier the game was functional and all drivers are on the sata
Is it because the game is installed on the windows disk without creating a separate partition for linux games?
How can I identify the problem?
so you installed the game you are playing on linux on a drive that has windows and therefore windows filesystem?
y-yes but I was told linux doesn't mind NTFS systems and it managed to install the game there
>og version
I hope you're not planning on using the laser gun otherwise enjoy the bugged fire rate.
its windows file system and the linux driver for it is kind like, okay if you are just doing pictures, videos etc. but games are a bit more complicated and will run into issues. People always have issues when they install the games there, it will install but run into a lot of issues and not work well

there is something on the proton wiki page on Valves github but I wouldnt really fuck with it and just install your games on a drive that is using Linux filesystem. It will work INSTANTLY
I use parsec in my windows gpu passthrough vm because it's easier to deal with that way for multiple reasons but they're supposedly going to work on hosting for linux at some point. It's just taking forever because they want to make it as good as possible for windows and mac first (and it did have hosting for mac for a while now)
Works the same as an old CD version, unless you're saying it was always bugged.
Not enough space for anything else? Is it 10gbs?
can I create a second partition with a different format? the only option involves an external hdd with a micro usb-b connector...
it's an old 128gb sata ssd that was only ever meant to be used as an OS drive and the game itself is 125gb or something
yeah you can have partitions with different formats on the same disk
yeah it was always bugged on the original version, you can test it yourself
just continue firing and after a while the fire rate gets slower and it stays that way
they fixed that in the hd version
You could also try btrfs compression to try to fit everything.
btrfs is a terrible suggestion for a drive with limited space
Why? F2fs has compression too I think
it occupies an absolute dickload amount of space for metadata (without telling you) and exceeding a certain % of free space will result in the fs shitting itself
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It seems f2fs compression is actually useless for saving space.
Anyone know how to fix CSGO2 occasional stutter? Everything will be running fine and like every 5-10 minutes I have a lag and stutter attack.
get spooky
what the hell? when did my cowfetch alias break?
well, here, I fixed it.
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Does anyone know how to get gamescope working with Lutris? I have both installed via flatpak. I just want to scale up an old game that's locked to a specific resolution and trying to full screen (from the game itself) breaks.

In lutris the option to use gamescope is greyed out. Trying to search for information on why its greyed out is useless, and I see no documentation or anything to figure out what the problem is.
With system package installation it works after installing gamescope, so flatpak and its permissions is probably to blame. Also using flatpaks for game launchers affects performance
Did you install the right one? I think you have to install the one that has vulkan and not steam in the name.
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Yeah, now we're talking
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It plays nice although this time the preset didn't work so I have to configure every control manually.
Is someone here playing the remake of Silent Hill 2? How does it run?
Bros.. mabinogi works on linux now. They replaced the kernel level anti cheat with userspace anti cheat. I no longer need windows for anything.
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>They replaced the kernel level anti cheat with userspace anti cheat.
More developers should do this
I hate installing 32bit bloat on my base system, is there alternative that does it similarly as flatpak without performance loss? Maybe homebrew?
and it works better than on windows as well. On windows you have to disable nagle tcp algorithm in regedit and change mtu to a low value (windows 11 no longer even allows setting it to a very low value) to make the game playable because of latency. On linux you dont have to do any of that and it still has much lower latency than on windows.

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