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Previous: >>497031241

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.5 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240830version-2zj3e2/index.html

>Version 2.5 Trailer — "Flying Aureus Shot to Lupine Rue"
>Lingsha Trailer — "Burning Scent of Home"

>Current Character Banners: (Lingsha, Topaz + Misha, Natasha, Guinaifen) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/33777781
>Current Light Cone Banners: Scent Alone Stays True (Abundance), Worrisome, Blissful (The Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/33777892

>New Drip Marketing:
>Rappa (5* Imaginary Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32521040

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift
5T3Y6764D3Q3 (NEW)

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
Lingsha..... forgotten..........
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Let's continue spriteposting here
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BroNYA rabu!
wormurine flopped btw
This one
Why are you guys so antagonistic towards each other?
I thought it was just banter at first but now i realize that is genuine hatred
I'm an fgo player, troons
Yeah on my cock
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*mogs you*
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Topig lmao
shit game
shit thread
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Give me 10 push ups Anon!
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So this leak was fake, huh?
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Lingsha is super fucking hot but as a fireflylet she fucking sucks gameplaywise. Her EN VA is 10/10 but that can be ripped away any second desu.
The game doesn't have enough content so whenever the little bit of content we get features a character they don't like instead of a character they like that breeds resentment
you got it from /hsrg/ it must be real
Lmao what are these stats. They know don't they?
Maybe, the butterflies can maaaaaybe fit with him somehow but man
Gachas attract genuine schizos. I'm old and cant put up with that shit anymore
My fucking HERO
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Any Lingsha bros here? Should I go with Post-Op S4 or What is Real S5?
I'll give you 10 strokes instead
Most of this thread is filled with zoomzooms who haven't mentally matured enough. The rest are mentally ill schizos.
Rappa final beta status? Good enough or flop?
How is Xueyi break nowadays? I don't have her built or any break units built for that matter, but she is cute and I want to try something new.
Penacony is filled with designated waifus who flirt and tease. More booba than every arc, too. Black Swan and Yomi (can't be bothered to remember her English name; she feels like a Yomi) actually kinda look like proper PNG-era gacha characters.

That's part of why it's the best arc.
>implying its zoomers
>when most of the people here are unironically very late 20s and well into their 30s
>Censored Swan
>proper gacha character
>He really thinks this thread isnt full of zoomers
I can tell by how they type at this point
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Ruan Mei I love!
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Should I get Lingsha, Aventurine or Huohuo? I don't have Himeko so I'm tempted to get Lingsha since her kit is basically half erudition and she's good for follow ups too, but Aventurine would be nice for Acheron and Huohuo for DoT.
She’s not looking good, I think she’s either being balanced around Stingyun or is being given out for free
Where do you think you are? Nobody here likes each other, at most it's just allies in schizophrenia you tolerate
Uterus penetrating SEX with Lingsha!!!
In terms of how good they are:
Aventurine >>> Huohuo > Lingsha
As someone who will be 30 on his next birthday I refuse to believe this thread isn't majority zoomer. If it isn't then the brain rot, schizophrenia and mental illness of the average poster is far harder to fathom. You can't ALL be this sick in the head.
They arent giving the only 5* in a dead patch out for free
Lingsha has a debuff on her ultimate, you can use her with Acheron.
>You needed Robin, I think her and Ruan Mei are never gonna get powercrept
I hate Robin's design. You could put her picture next to an encyclopedia entry for safe horny.
>aventurine came out 6 months ago
>here's a sustain that's way worse 6 months later
Why is reverse power creep allowed exactly?
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Rappa had a hard life
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I still dont know what relics to farm for Lingsha
Being on this site for more than a decade will cause that.
I just went generalist 2spd 2 break
he already has Gallagher though?
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I think you are good on sustains.
I dont see much else to invest in though.
How are you feeling about summons?
It's gotten really bad this past summer. I thought the zoomers would go back to school and the posting would improve but eternal summer never ends
nta but i'm 28 and am ((diagnosed)) as schizo but i just spend my time laughing and porn posting shitposting isnt really that fun when retards (and bots) constantly bite and respond with seething 100% of the time 24/7
For what team?

Pray for a last minute buff/10
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Get fofo, she is the best sustain in the game right now!
Summerfags have never been real
Be real, BULK of posters are from 2016 onward, and Hoyofags are likely even younger
Anti-yuri schizo is gonna freak!
Abundance is always worse than preservation
Jade's big hag saggers
>SP slurper sustain on an Acheron team
Use your fucking brain Anon, I know you have one.
it's grim, wait for stingyun for possible buff
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Break team and sometimes DoT team
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Why the fuck did I get 4 copies of this bitch in span of 20 pulls on one banner that I decided not to whale at all? Where is this luck when I'm PAYING for copies? Whaling is fucking scum.
I like Aventurine best but follow your heart.
dude, there are like 2-3 30 yo british neets in another general i go to that regularly shits it up by talking about trannies, diapers, derails threads the moment you dare talk about the game in the general. it is quite literally not just zoomers. hell, most of the well kown schizos from /a/ are in their 30s and 40s if they havent fucked off or killed themselves
faith and begorrah get a load of the massive arse on that lass
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This general's opinions and discussions are carefully manipulated by a clandestine order of long-time schizos. They are the hidden rulers of /hsrg/, and it's shadow council. Every thread you use? It's made by them. Every positive/negative post regarding a new character? Them. There's a reason Lingsha was shunned and now widely accepted. You can just do so much character defamation before someone pulls her and realizes that she's good. Every melty? Believe it or not, it's not always them. They are just the sparks, and the anons getting triggered by them are it's chaotic flame. There are a lot of external forces at play here, you wouldn't understand. And it's for the better because, trust me, you can't handle the truth. Stay living in blissful ignorance, honkek.
>Honkai: Star Rail.
>He tripped the desire sensor
Rookie mistake, you're supposed to enter a zen state devoid of any thoughts or emotions before pulling
>Skill Basic Basic
>SP Slurper
Don't talk if you don't know lil pup
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They literally gave the best sustain away for free twice
She doesn't even have a vagina.
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>pela is sp+
>SW is sp+
>lingsha can be played SP neutral like Fu Xuan
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They look like they're from a dangan ronpa game
Oh are you the expert of chinese dragon biology?
i've never given a fuck about the cause or result as long as its funny and it is funny watching fags here seethe and dilate over the smallest shit
source? proofs?
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>Msot wemon are cbaaple of sierctneg csonilerdaby mroe mlik tahn ndeeed by a siglne ifnant. The rugleitaon of milk ssnhteyis is qtuie efifinect (anorud 800 mL/day).
>The naomrl dilay pdoruicotn of svilaa veiras bweeten 0.5 and 1.5 lerits. The wlohe usntamileetd silvaa folw rtae is arpopxitemaly 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate dceraeess to 0.1 ml / min dirung selep and icnersaes to auobt 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min dnuirg etanig, cehwnig and ohter smitaluitng acveyitiis.
>Dialy loss in swaet is auobt 400 ml for an aludt. The haet lsos can be qiute singicafint bsecaue trhee is a loss of 0.58 kcal for eervy ml of wtear eavropated. The mxaumim rtae of swtaieng is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an aclciamtiezd adlut. On agareve hevower - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast epovatarion and msot of it dispapeanirg - teherfore:
>800ml of mmaarmy mlik + 1L aevgare of silvaa and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr dnriug inetsne paisychl ecirxese = 2800mL average, aussnimg Besonmroi Mei is swaetnig for 30 mueitns for any rsoean...
>Weatr cumsonpiton miinumm: Aubot 15.5 cpus (3.7 lrteis) of fuldis a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of usnitafseid tihsrt
>Feryfli Mei has 2 bdoeis >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (aevgare)
>non-peragnnt and 1 sex per day hivang Besonmroi Mei is cabalpe of sytifsniag daily thirst of 1.5 Cuslaees!!
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I don't like superbrick, redpill me on critsha pls.
>widely accept
why ruin your shitpost with obvious lies like this?
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kys femcel
No they don't, the hair isn't wild and flying all over the place enough for that.
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So this is where my Lingsha copy went
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Good fucking OP
man, even fanartists can't make this ugly bitch attractive
Realistically all 3 are good for your teams but Fofo is probably gone for a while.

Lingsha and Aventurine both work for FUA but Aventurine is a bit better since shields are broken, although she will proc more consistent FUAs, it may come down to personal preference. You can obviously use her in super break too, both also technically work with Acheron since Aventurine can debuff with the Topaz cone. You’ll just need to go with personal preference at that point

I wouldn’t put too much stock into summon meta yet
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Why did the Borsin want to destroy Crossbell?
>hahaha dickless Dan
>wtf you mean Lingsha has no vagina
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when are we getting more cake kots content?
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Very sorry to hear about your crippling homosexuality
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feels like I'm the only one that likes Lingsha here
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I salute the Ruan Mei booty
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There is no cure for bad taste.
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I like her too
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when's izumo bros? I want some hotties in kimonos...
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You seriously expect a creature that hasn't been able to sexually reproduce for thousands of years to have one?
If she did, it'd be seriously tiny.
Actual nothing character, I don't know what is there to like or dislike
She will become Apex tier when the summon meta comes
I mean I assume dan has penis like a turtle...
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I like Fuyuan, does that count?
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i want to cut my nails but i like my nails
What have you nooticed spudkle of wisdom?
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The Queen & Princess of /hsrg/…
>Past day of threads have been pure schizo nonsense
>Hours away from SEA hours
I'm scared bros...
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How long does it take to catch up to the story completely, starting from the middle of last patch's quest, around the time where we unlocked March's event? I really want to pull for Lingsha, but I can't justify doing so before I can build her.
Do you remember this incident? Where they behind it?
>some whore that called herself sneed started streaming on twitch for /hsrg/, everyday half of the thread would revolve about schizos simping for her
>some seapag managed to dox her somehow and she deleted her twitter and twich
2.7 banner expectations?
I'll have 50k jade by then because nothing has been appealing
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You dont become a dimorph species for the lulz.
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By far the highlight of all the Space China slop.
Shame about all the shitposting. It's like Topaz 2.0 all over again way back when she originally released in 1.4 and shit.
I have the overwhelming urge to take Lingsha's shoes off
it better not be about cocks this time
6 hours i think
2.6 is gonna be one of the lowest. 2.7 should go back to the median around 90-100 pulls
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Not even joking, although Lingsha may not be number 1 in each role, she is still the most universal of all the 5* sustains so far for current teams. She works with Acheron, works with FuA, works with break teams. And in the future she should work with characters buffing summons AND work with the potential AoE shit they are bound to introduce because of Emanator Herta shilling (this is your warning).

And before some retard tries to imply that new summons are different, based on the brand new relic set still buffing the existing types of summons, it's safe to bet future summon buffers will still buff the existing non-controllable summons that characters have.
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>can't produce children
>but has breasts
>same filename
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Do we still like Blade here?
As creatures that can't reproduce, Vidyadhara would not evolve. If they had sexual organs at some point, there's no reason why they wouldn't have them anymore as their genes wouldn't really change. Given that they have males and females, we can assume that they reproduced sexually at some point, so she should have a vagina.
Quite literally the ugliest character mihoyo has ever designed in the history of their entire company. Thank fuck shes an easily skippable ratio sidegrade.
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When is 2.7 drip marketing...
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I simply enjoy arguing. and honestly, imagine rolling a healer that scales with, of all things, attack.
I pulled her to literally have two Gallaghers. That's literally it. Using Robin with Acheron is great. Not so great when I can't use Gallagher in that team. I then need to use Sparkle without him in Acheron's team and she is shit in comparison.
I do, him and gepard are the only males i like
To not scare low spenders and dolphins.
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Now THAT is some serious noticing
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>Linsha is fire and cute
>Firefly is fire
>Stingyun is meant to be fire HTB
When is Fire Ruan Mei so we can complete the strongest comp
the difference is that Topaz had an unexplored archetype that she supported
Lingsha is just mediocre with 0 potential
if you are under 30 you are the zoomer.
Nah that's arlan.
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Fireflop Flyflopped
Flopden Floppedmori
I've also been to /dng/
Is lynxy cheating on pela?
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I still want Feixiao to rape me
actually the third ugliest after Fofo and that elf from Mexico.
She's really cute. Shes a better Gallgher in FF comp and a cutie instead of aventurine in Feixiao comp. Sounds win win to me

That’s my guess
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you DO NOT want that.
mono element teams are a complete joke, just look at the fucking state of mono quantum.
Just finished the Xianzhou continuance, so I guess the next part will be focusing on Blade? He's from Zhuming yet he got no development so far.
Lingsha flopped lol
When is space Raiden rerun?
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Topaz is also a mediocre increase compared to Hunt March, but you don't see people seething about Topaz, now do you?
tits or gtfo
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Feixiao has both one of the coolest and sexiest designs in the game, I really like her
Why are her hands and feet red
quantum entanglement
Sorry but we're going back to Penacony and then come back for Bug Tingyun and Sunday
You’re having a melty because of what that guy said
Don’t even deny it
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Feixiao is not that /fit/ and does not have visible abs in canon
Because mihoyo decided every limited sustain has to be unnatractive
People who rolled for her got made fun of for falling for the futureproof/invest meme

It didn’t help that Topaz came off the heels of Kafka, Dan IL, Fu Xuan and Jingliu
>Lingsha, FF, RM, and Tingyun
I'm fine with sticking with RM for another year. The future of superbreak is pure sex and I don't want to risk some random non-sex in that comp.
fofofags used to have reading comprehension
Firefly injects fire weakness anon...
Everyone being fire is a massive upgrade
Topaz is a likeable character.
I don't know what Lingsha's character is
No but Fitxiao makes the penis hard
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Arlan is adorable though.
You do when there's space magic involved. They probably kept their original sex, but it's a fact they can't sexually reproduce and haven't been able to for thousands of years.
mono quantum is a joke not because it's mono, it's because swoof is a shit support, quantum DPS are weak and they don't have a lot of quantum pandering content in the game right now
Be kind
Silver Wolf injects the weakness anon...
Everyone being quantum is a massive upgrade
>ratio sidegrade
uh oh someone pulled for 3 limited units, 2 lightcones and 2 eidolons just to make the "free" Dr. Wormitas Paggio work
>look at the fucking state of mono quantum
because mono quantum is at the mercy of running silverbrick
If instead of that, quantum had a top tier dps that also implanted quantum weak it would be top tier again
Short AND ugly.
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I just shat blood.


Lingsha is for Caelus >>497056974
It'd be a tiny vagina at this point. You have to consider that they've been reborn many times before.

But the other guy is right, why are you guys okay with Dickless Dan but it's somehow too far when it extends to Lingsha?
I hate this bitch so much it's unreal
he already had all of his development before the story started, I don't even know how he could be brought back from being depressed and suicidal 24/7
I'm not the same anon. I'm just replying on why I like Topaz and not Lingsha
Firefly does it for free though. HTB being fire instead of imaginary is already a huge upgrade.
Firefly is already one of the strongest comps in the game which mono quantam never was
I hope you are the Gallagher spammer. Otherwise, get well soon
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If it's dark red then it's internal bleeding and you should worry.
if it's light red it's external and you probably just had a very solid and big shit and it cut you as it went out.
The biggest character from nu spes china, Feixiao, got less fanarts during her banner than the biggest female flop from Penacony, Black Swan, did during hers.
Leakers said 2.6 is changing some of the wording regarding summons too, so the JY/Topaz/Lingsha are definitely gonna be considered summon characters
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(we) LOVE Xueyi /here/ you dumb bitch
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No, we pulled 3 limiteds, 2 lightcones and 2 eidolons because IPC team is the most SOVLful team in the whole of HSR and it would be blasphemy to taint that with a chinkshitter.
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kill yourself
Bro there is no peeveepee in the game...
>like all of them
>hate super break
Why does it get all the good designs?
Stop drinking energy drinks.
>Fu Xuan or Lynx
>another dps because they ran out of supports
no it would not lmao
Seele can clear endgame easily though?
they both do it when they user their skill what the fuck are you talking about
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You'd still own the argument if you're going to jump into the conversation like that
NTA but you know Firefly applies fire weakness to everyone with her technique right?
This isn't your blog.
I have no idea how someone could come to that conclusion besides thinking she's hot and ignoring everything else
Also they completely forgotten Fu Xuan existed until the last second, what a boring character
Yes it is
Wait this isn't my blog, sorry
Imagine living with two Fofo wives
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My idol girlfriend, Robin
I am rolling Lingsha
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Hot sex with Sunday!
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Forcing Robin to announce her pregnancy and eventual retirement to the entire world!
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We are going too fast today, what the fuck is going on?
Anon who rambling about buddhism last thread here screenshot about bodhisattva if you bother read you going notice Ratio philosophy similarity with bodhisattva concept
Schizos didn't take their meds
I regret rolling Lingsha
I only roll for sexy underage female characters
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Finally done with ling relics, I think. Not visible in pic: 125% break effect.

Should I bother trying to optimize further?
There has been a few melties about male characters and one fofo poster spamming
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Robin route was the cutest
Is the new sets in 2.6 enough to make Jingliu good again? How much of a upgrade is it for her?
The Intelligentsia Guild has become even more unsufferable then it was 1 amber era ago. I'm genuinely tired of how rampant fake-news, hate speech and censorship has become. Unintelligent discourse has become the norm in this institution. It is completely normal now for some guy to debate you with sixty different fallacies and then disregard all peer reviewed research you show in favour of his own hypothesises. So basically any smarter Intelligentsia Guild Alternatives?

Looking For: Stringent Fake News Regulation, less mysogyny/Red pill tate/racist discourse, reduced censorship (anti ecochambers), less teenagers (preferably), scientific
that guy is cute
oh, yeah, this is 124.4% energy regen, because I'm running lushanka, because I got a 12 speed lushanka err rope.
she's a super break character you could have no relics on her at all and it wouldn't matter
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don't get baited by inferior filler five star characters lingsha when the best foxian is right around the corner
The only reason you "have to" run fu xuan or lynx or sparkle is because of how SW implants based on what your team is composed of. If a dedicated damage dealer always implanted quantum you could run Aventurine and Ruan Mei or whoever the fuck you wanted.
>b-but then its not mono quantum!
But it will be, once we get quantum characters comparable to lingsha, firefly, and stingyun
I know what you mean, but surely you think both speed and break effect matter?
They really fucked up when they made break heh. First it was too shit so they overcorrected and made super break broken. Now break is the strongest way to play the game. The only other playstyle close is FAU which is boring and also broken
so mono quantum is trash and would still be trash if they got a busted dps, glad we agree
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What no content does to a general.
My balls hurt
Honkai: Star Rail
>waah waah everything is shit and broken waah
Shut up baby
If Stingyun is fire HTB then you want Lingsha as well anon
easiest but get's outperformed by crit dps at high investment levels
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why to people call her stingyun?
what is the S for?
Sunday bangs Ruan Mei along with Tingyun
SPH Tingyun
Why? Gallagher is fire
I wonder if 5* Tingyun will be considered a fully separate character like Bronya/SW or an alter form of Tingyun like March Hunt/Preservation.
"sting" as in the propagation bugs because of Ruan Mei
It's a joke about how Ruan Mei is working to heal her, the joke is that she's going to make her into a bug (hence the sting)
Ting was brought back to life by Ruan mei hence the Stingyun nickname
You could go for 151 SPD if you're running Ruan Mei with her. Get some more BE if you want.
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we need an aha pilled male character
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I forgot the story. Why were people angry that Dan revived Bailu?
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Your Sampo?
where is the catgirls planet?
5* quantum destruction character will be a game changer
because he did a shit job and turned her into a monster that had to be killed by Jingliu and only then turned into Bailu
nope, he's just jewish.
just looking at those will give me an ATK boost
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Shut the fuck up you stupid bitch
I have E1 FF and funnily enough I had more confort using a friend's Lingsha with Feixiao, mostly because Topaz just keeps printing sp. I really cant imagine using Lingsha with E0 FF though
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Obviously gonna be a separate character like Dan and Dickless Dan
Critsha is probably pure copium, her multipliers are trash
Is it stupid to run 2pc Passerby and 2pc Iron Calvary for Lingsha?
Bros if someone other than Tingyun gets dripped alongside Sunday next week it's over for HSR. Even if I pull for Lingsha, that would mean 2+ save patches until stinky fox wife...
I'm not into female feet much less drawn ones. But this has gotta be the best drawn toes ever no?
Why are people excited for SP Tingyun again? The last we saw the model leaks made her look like an asset flip.
At least SP Herta will have a full on model increase. I don't get why anyone would be looking forward to her, unless they change some shit up last minute. (but the drip is in less than 2 weeks anyways, so there's no point in getting your own hopes up)
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Acheron used to looked like that??
kek I completely forgot he existed. Fair enough.
Flopsha lmao
>you don't see people seething about Topaz,
People seethe about her all the time, he you are seething and coping right now by implying hunt march is as good as her
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Should Honkey Star Bucks add a currency to allow you to reroll a stat completely?
>The actual character + buffs is appearing in the story finally
>Complains that she looks largely the same
Did you want her to become male?
The model leaks look like shit, but they almost always do. I have faith in sexfox to remain sex and regardless of her kit I will find a team to slot her into
Who's the Lynette of HSR?
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>Blueman have already been obliterated by Acheron 10 years ago

She's to be a replacement for your Imaginary TB
Incest bait with cat theme? Uhhhh, Serval?
>useless whore that is only good at having sex with her brother
Didnt she and Feixiao have the same EN VA?
>same hair colour
>same face and ears
>clothes same colour as hair
They should've done more to it, desu. Just look at FGO.
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American topaz
Koyanskaya not being one of the Tamamo Nine is so fucking retarded. I hate Nasu and FGO so much it's unreal.
damn pig
>la banjo azul y la banjo roja
Who is stronger acheron or feixiao? I'm gonna go with ach medium diffing her. I mean the arrow nuke was cool. But ach would just slash thru her dimension like sukuna did gojo. Plus she took on stellaron hunters and the annihilation gang
Are you talking in lore or gameplay?
Aventurine attempting suicide by having Topaz sit on his face
i have E0S0 Firefly and Lingsha feels fine. not tremendously better than my E5 Gallagher did, but, still
lingsha outputs way more damage than he does, atleast
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Who can use Sigonia?
Feels like a waste farming only Izumo.
that's the will of the Architects
All women should have breasts AT LEAST this big
It's great for PF. I use it on Herta and Himeko
Imagine the plapping noises
If their goal is to let you make multiple super break teams, such as with Rappa, there’s still no RM replacement
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I would wager Feixiao would out speed Acheron purely physicaly.
You cant attack something you dont see coming.
Im not sure Acheron can die in the first place and time stop is dumb.
Maybe it feels worse for me because I'm used to having HMC spaming skill
Lore story wise
Feixao is just a who on the power scale, Acheron is an emmanator
just run pela or something, won't make much of a difference
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Koyan/Tamamo is a literal shapeshifting monster though, that's why they get away with it.
Artoriafaces all look the same, except the tits and the Alter state changing their hair color and eyes.
I think tingyun is the hottest girl in the game and her SP version looks even better but I'm not excited at all right now because I hate superbreak
In PF you use Rappa and Himeko over Firefly, Rappa kan keep RM.
Firefly bros... not like this...
Our waifu is the best there's no way Mihoyo can create someone better than her
people like cute foxgirls next question
>and her SP version looks even better
how do you know???
We had a leak of her model (full of pixels)
I like the outfit on the leaked model better than her default one
Check your stats in Fribbels, you could be having less than 160 SPD, although you only need 151 with RM around, so you can opt getting more BE instead.
I also would put in more DEF and HP rather than ATK, it's just diminishing return with it.
no the goal is just to powercreep TB, probably by doing some bullshit like making Tingyun and TB's super break field's exclusive
with rappa you could also probably use break himeko over RM then add IMG TB and lingspudassuming the enemies are both fire and img weak, but if they aren't you're already fucked
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>there's no way Mihoyo can create someone better than her
They already did
drip is on fucking monday/thursday
Post your Elysia falseflagger
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>Koyan/Tamamo is a literal shapeshifting monster though, that's why they get away with it.
We're talking about an entire Alt here. They could've done something else to the SP Tingyun model. They could've just made it that Ruan Mei's revival chicanery made her new body from scratch, altering her design immensely. And yet she looks almost the exact same on her model.
>Artoriafaces all look the same, except the tits and the Alter state changing their hair color and eyes.
I was specifically talking about their fox girl transformation. I don't play FGO that much.
>Brit Neets
Lmao is /dng/ leaking here? Sorafag isn't even here for them to obsess over.
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dont tell da wei i showed you this highly classified image
materialize the pixels in my brain RIGHT NOW
Hard to tell, the generals have been hyped to all be emanator tier, and Feixiao in particular was hyped to be exceptional, but Acheron got wanked to high heavens and has better feats(so far)
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I love my mom! (She's my wife too)
my wiener is dribbling
Very anti coomer.
Not gonna see anything but tail in combat.
Feixiao gets insta clapped by Acheron's unlimited void
Shame her toes are covered up now
where's the bug aids? the eyepatch? the horns growing out of her head? the claws? the dragonfly wings? what's this shit?
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I love my lingsha so much
It’s nice that there’s so many enemies weak to both fire and imaginary but that’s almost guaranteed to change with the new world
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Small indie company
wouldn’t roll her even if she was buck nekkid
SCRAP super brick
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I ship this
i think leaks said she just has one tail normally and sprouts the rest when she does her ult but dont quote me on that
They couldn't go all out and give her 9 tails, and gave her only 4 because of the polygon limits...
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>wanted Lingsha to make my break team stronger
>rolled Topaz anyway
I just can't skip her ass the second time
>shitting in Stingyun’s design
Uh oh incoming Hertaschizo melty
>$30 x 4 deal offers more than $100 bucks one assuming you used first time top-up on $100
What scam is this?
Aventurine is basically their kid, it's canon
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kinda funny pokémon managed to fit all the nine tails without it looking weird, but here even just four look out of place
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>We're talking about an entire Alt here. They could've done something else to the SP Tingyun model. They could've just made it that Ruan Mei's revival chicanery made her new body from scratch, altering her design immensely. And yet she looks almost the exact same on her model.
Being an Alt doesn't mean they have to look completely different though.
DHIL only changed wardrobe and grew some horns and a tail.

>I was specifically talking about their fox girl transformation.
If you actually do some research, all Tamamo look the same beside her clothing, except for Koyanskaya of Darkness' last ascension, which is the one you posted.
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This guy slaps your healer's butt
What do you do?
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ask him politely to stop sexualizing a 13 year old little boy
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>>shitting in
Learn English
Did anyone get mad the neutral pronouns the translators used for these deities?
I'd image the translators had a hard time finding an equivalent for that Chinese divine pronoun
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Usual gacha scam
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i E1S1’ed Topaz on her debut and have never used her with anyone but Clara
totally worth it
why chase the meta when you can chase the Top Ass
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Why yes, I replaced femcel-bait with a cute dragon-elf girl. How could you tell?

It's always tough going between Topaz, March and now Feixaio
Was that leak that said she had a monster transformation in combat bullshit?
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Leaks said 6
Punch him in the face - only I can slap my healer's butt!
>Being an Alt doesn't mean they have to look completely different though.
Doesn't make it any less lazier.
>DHIL only changed wardrobe and grew some horns and a tail.
Which is so far way more than SP Tingyun, kek.
>If you actually do some research, all Tamamo look the same beside her clothing, except for Koyanskaya of Darkness' last ascension, which is the one you posted.
Yes, I posted it because the transformation looked so good. Having 10 different alts doesn't degrade that one that looks good.
Tingyun only has one and it looks like shit.
one look at the op image would tell you everything you need to know about the scum that post here
What anime are we watching this season /hsrg/?
Who is the 13 year old boy who is avatarfagging inside the dream as Gallagher?
I haven't watched anime since 2016
I haven't watched anime since my youth
True, filthy femcels and homos, androphiles in general are scum on earth.
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There's a few shows this season I'm going to give a chance but the only one I'm actually excited for is Thunderbolt Fantasy
all modern anime is shit, the bitter oldfags are right
but i might watch DDD cause the manga was moderately enjoyable
I'll binge Oshi no Ko season 2 this weekend, as for the new season I'll probably try to keep up with Dandadan in ongoing
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they are traced bwo, you grab a pic of someone's feet irl, and paint lineart over them
>Doesn't make it any less lazier.
Either way you're playing a gacha game, do you really not expect them not to cut corners?
>Which is so far way more than SP Tingyun, kek.
Meh, it's the same shit.
>Yes, I posted it because the transformation looked so good. Having 10 different alts doesn't degrade that one that looks good.
I wouldn't say good, those ears are ugly as fuck.
Light > Darkness.
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Haven't had the time to start Re:Zero S3 yet, but I did start Grieving Soul, Akujo, Amagami Sisters, Acro Trip and Loner Isekai. I'm also looking forward to starting Dandadan, Meido-sama, and Elementary Shool Wife, I guess? Pretty dead season overall, I generally start like 25 shows and finish 10-15.
why can't it be thursday already
I only watch yuri anime that ack is known like, not because i enjoy it but to find out which ships trigger him
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>burger hours
>obesity worshipping begins
what went wrong in their country?
Wait and see if we get more information on the next two patches
The last anime that I watched was Lycoris Recoil and Kaiju No.8
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I'm the only one here who watches like 2 anime per year at most?
you’re just jealous you can’t get past that
I barely watched the last couple seasons.
I'd rather read LN/WN or play games nowadays.
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Why is /u/ such a objective flop?
imagine how tight Pompom's vagina has to be goddamn
Sis you hail from the SEA region, now hush
again >>497058667
Firefly love!
i turned myself into a cycrane hanya!!!
im cycrane xueyi!!
I stopped watching anime like two years ago, I only watch from time to time the ones I read the manga for
Isn't Lofter a fujo site?
I'll try watching re zero but I'm bored with it. I'll watch gun gale and hope there are more lesbians.
Other than the new Natsume Yuujinchou, no idea yet. I usually give the season a month before picking some series up.
>fujo website
No such thing, everyone posts art there because it's CN's equivalent of Pixiv/Tumblr
/u/fags are just gooners which is why they don't get content as "ship" per say, just some random porn here and there
I can't even finish Rezero's 1st season because Subaru was peak cringe.
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why watch anime when you can read all the Elaina LN’s to prepare for Herta
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Jadepaz sisters... we're never beating the fetish porn for troons allegations
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>wow this male character is kinda cool, I might actually roll
>the feed is flooded with digusting gay porn of the character
>oh never mind then
Most if not all nu isekai's are cringe anyway.
Just don't consume the fujo content??
They are not gonna fuck in the game
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post skips
>Either way you're playing a gacha game, do you really not expect them not to cut corners?
Consistently earning 150 million a month, even if all 3 projects are simultaneously flopping. Small indie company, am I right? Somehow an even more ancient gacha managed to make a better fox girl transformation.
>I wouldn't say good, those ears are ugly as fuck.
Whatever your tastes might be, it's still a more substantial design shakeup than the asset flip that is SP Tingyun. And I really like fox girls as well, so only getting the same Tingyun model but with a 5* sticker slapped on top of it is really disappointing for me, desu.
At least homo alts can afford to be lazier since fujos will slurp up anything that you serve them.
That's all /u/ ever was for though? Gooners
Don't let xeetroons make you believe otherwise, nobody is "shipping" these women
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comfortably unbricked
My feed will never be filled with fujo content about my nigga Boothill because noone pulled him
You can't even discuss the male characters without retarded fujos forcing disgusting gay porn down your throat, what's the fun in that?? If I'm gonna discuss sex I'd rather discuss characters that I'm attracted to.
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>watching modern tranime
No thanks
I hate this bitch. Why can't she fucking die, for real this time? She ruined a whole patch cycle for no good reason and now she's constantly forced down our throats even when she doesn't belong.
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Watching cowboy bebop right now but I haven't really watched anime in years. Only read manga and manhwa nowadays.
Making Lingsha my girlfriend!
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Firefly won!
But no one discuss gay porn here besides the guy that seeths about the males existence (ironic)
Actually it's quite surprising how there's zero fujos here, it is a problem if you go to Twitter but no one with a brain discuss shit on Twitter
Rewatched space dandy again
There's like at least three overtuned female DPS this patch cycle with very poorly defined character arcs but Firefly gets all the heat, puzzling
this post is going to cause a melty for the next 3 threads
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The SPD nerf Rappa got fucking ruined my planned build I had for her. I need to farm for more SPD substats now
There's a Raturine fujo who spams the thread sometimes but we've learn to ignore
I'm a fujo but I don't post anything here because I know nobody likes it.
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How to build DPS Lingsha?
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How many fights did Luka actually win
If it's a brighter red it's either you drank/ate a ton of stuff with red dye or it's close to the exit/at the exit and you're okayish
now that you mention it, what fucking planar are we supposed to run on her?
firefly cord is planning another raid
scrap superbrick
scrap fireflop
Nobody cares about Chinkslop characters enough to have long lasting thoughts about them
>Consistently earning 150 million a month, even if all 3 projects are simultaneously flopping. Small indie company, am I right?
You're genuinely retarded if you think high profit means they're going to be less lazy in developing gacha games.
>Somehow an even more ancient gacha managed to make a better fox girl transformation.
Dead games need to make more effort to keep people around and potentially attract new players, it's gacha 101.
>Whatever your tastes might be, it's still a more substantial design shakeup than the asset flip that is SP Tingyun.
Yes and it exists after 4 other iterations of Tamamo, not even the first alt, meanwhile this is TY's 1st alt.
>And I really like fox girls as well, so only getting the same Tingyun model but with a 5* sticker slapped on top of it is really disappointing for me, desu.
Welcome to gacha games and alts, I guess summer alt characters changing into their swimwear means the devs are lazy and disappointing too, huh?
Always spam the same pics with the same patterned name so really easy to filter.
didn't he win fair and square against Svarog?
he won the most important battle of all : learning to cope instead of seethe
(he won no fights)
The black and yellow one
Super break its just exactly like firefly, a lot of break and speed, critsha, wich is a funny meme is a little harder to come by
Top tier taste.
S3 never ever though.
It was actually amazing that the show got a 2nd season at all, I doubt the BD or merch sold that well.
>Sunday is Tingyun powercreep
>Tingyun is HTB powercreep
Not impressed
same way you build DPS Luocha
you don't
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What is the name of this character archetype?
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>number two yuri ship
I fucking hate that one nyoooooooo
Dead fish
Svarog implied that even though he can’t build muscle, he can become smarter. then he gave Luka a pep talk and let him win, implying he was smart enough to realize Luka desperately needed a W… so he let him have one
Im still bitter even at the 10y anniversary nothing was announced, im still coping watanabe will push that movie one day
>Deadpan emotionless sex bombs
I need a QQ fag to accurately nail down the archetype, they're the resident porn experts
why are people acting like we know anything at all about either Sunday's or Tingyun's kits? leaks from a guy literally named "I made it up" aren't reliable
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Built for trailblazer's
assuming you mean in superbreak just throw relics you would throw on firefly on her, she wants break effect and speed
if you mean crit lingsha i dont think that's a real thing but probably some 2pc+2pc combination
But enough about Aventurine
Anything to think about right now?
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should i switch up for atk boots?
Sunday’s LC seemed like it was about energy regen
Sex with Aventurine
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You have enough spd with RMs team wide spd boost to breach 150 spd, so yeah
Ruan Mei ice cream farts
but 165+ spd guarantees you an extra action on moc, in cycle 0
What are you playing now that HSR is on a dead patch (next one will be a dead patch too)
Tbf, you'd expect just a little bit more, even a tincy bit more, effort from a multi-billion dollar company.
>Game being alive means that you can be lazy with your designs
>meanwhile this is TY's 1st alt.
And might be the only one, which is very disappointing.
I have rolled for every single female in this game, with the sole exception of Seele and Firefly, and I didn't know SP Tingyun would be my second one this year, which is pretty unprecedented since I really like the artstyle and designs in this game.
>Welcome to gacha games and alts, I guess summer alt characters changing into their swimwear means the devs are lazy and disappointing too, huh?
Whataboutism, nor do I like that trend. Coomer bikini skins are way better, imo.
Im thinking ubatcha is a nigger if they already have the kits but they are just dropfeeding it
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You legitimately don't want those rolls to go into crit.
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Should I raise my Lingsha to E1 for my E6 Firefly
>double crit
>on a relic intended for super BRICK
>no brick efflop
just scrap it
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There are hoyo snipers on every roof around leakers' houses please understand
my condolences
no, you should e6 lingsha as well to maximize your firefly
win more
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I regret C6ing Shenhe even though she’s my favorite
I regret spending money on Genshin
I regret spending time and effort on Genshin
I regret playing Genshin
I hate Genshin.
You're a whale bro, why are you asking anons what to do?
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If you want your Ling to deal damage she wants break effect
If you want your Ling to heal she wants ATK
She always wants speed, nothing new there.
With S5 Post Op she can opt for a Break Effect Rope without losing Ult frequency since her ult can do a lot of damage.
I like Rappa’s design the more I look at her
my condolences
huh? break effect is great for her heals too
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Wormgenti flopped
I just want my FUARKING acheron to clear content until EoS on auto.
i like her color scheme but i wish she just had actual horns instead of horn-looking spikes on her hat
Man i know story leak trannies are le bad but i kinda wish we can at least get some npc models or anything from amphoreus that isnt the pixelated jpg of aglaea
lol based
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I love all Honkai: Star Rail characters!!! let all stop seething everyday and appreciate the game
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>200% break effect means 20% healing bonus and that is the cap
>leveling atk for healing when Killing shit faster is the better sustain method
what about atak
nothing right now haven't been watching anything since March, but plan to watch Fate to be ready for HSR, probably Re:Zero 3 when it fully releases, and the new Madoka
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Her design is okay but undercooked, just like her kit (nonexistent ass aside)
I found this on hoyolab and I think it looks way better than generic shorts-with-panty-bands-peaking-out thing they've done like two or three times already but I have a soft spot for ultra high cut body pieces.
Let's celebrate by making Topaz and Aventurine give Jade grandkids
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she looks like she fucks hilichurls
Period blood
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That sounds like a go-... hey wait a minute
Trying out dragons dogma today because one of my closest friend creamed his pants over it
>I want Lingsha
>I want Firefly
>I want Sunday
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Heh... clit...
she's a dragon
This but unironically
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She's a dragon. Also she has no ovaries.
licking rappa toes
If you were to believe this, you'd think Dan is the most popular character in the game by a landslide.
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Should I raise my Topaz to E1 for my E6 Feixiao
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What are the chances of Jade getting a rerun next patch?
Pulling rappa or not will 100% depends for me on how good she raps
0. there's a new erubricktion in town they can't make her compete against another.
100%. I'm grabbing her + her cone.
>Released in second half of 2.3
>Aventurine was released in 2.1 second half and rumors are his rerun is next patch in 2.6
Maybe in the patch after 2.6 at earliest
He's the most popular shipped character atleast, even more than TB because his ships are actually popular
>So many "Fofoposters"
>But not a single fofo build posted?
Sus. You don't really have her. Don't you...
Pulling rappa or not will 100% depends for me on how good she braps
She is just the bike
It's her best subdps and i assume you probably have the income for E1S1, i'd say it's good
Not as good as the FART gang hehehehehehehehe
the first person finger painting mini game looks like it was designed for retarded children so no I think not
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Not a fofo poster, but here's mine that i haven't used in months, pulled in her 1.5 banner
I gotta believe rappa bros...
whats happening in that picture?
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Not a fofofag, but got her built, i used to run her with my dothags but lately just with yunli, not on my home rn and im too lazy to open hoyolabs
Ruan Mei is still the most beautiful girl in the game
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There's no cap on the ATK scaling and it's direct rather than a conversion. At 1000 ATK with a 20% healing bonus Fuyuan would do 576 by my math. but at 2000 ATK with no healing bonus it would be 600 so 100% ATK would be superior to getting 100% break effect assuming a base ATK value of 1000.

You'll double dip the bonuses, obviously, and an Outgoing Healing Chest would win I think... What's the max bonus on an outgoing chest? 34%? Yeah that's definitely winning over a 43% ATK chest. The Additional ATK conversion for break effect would improve her healnig as well but how the math applies this buff is... not presently available to me. I can only assume that this is a 50% bonus to her Base ATK value which means Base Character plus Cone ATK which in her case would be something like 551 bonus ATK, 12% of which is converted to healing for a difference of 66 HP.

Break Effect percentages in substats may be a bit higher than ATK% but the cap means that there's a low ceiling. Also if she receives external buffs to her break effect then that healing bonus cap will be met quite easily. Lingsha receives 28% bonus Break Effect from her traces and What Is Real would boost that to 76 meaning that she would actually require only 24% break effect from substats, break rope or external sources to overcap the ATK and Healing Bonus conversion.
Dogs dont sweat bro.
Thats how they cool down.
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Sure, sis, sure.
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You catch a whiff of the aroma
she reminds me of the fat chink from overwatch
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I don't fofopost as much because that stupid bread fofo poster gives her a bad name.
Aven and Fofo are best friends and best characters!
Okay Emily
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Guys I've been looking at Elio's leaked model and I am really worried that the ribbon might be Firefly's. I hope it's not some sort of post-mortem memento but I can't get that thought out of my head. This is actually making me depressed.
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What is an ice cream fart
Okay alves
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peeping that url
Want a repeat of earlier today NTR-kun?
Lingsha or Firefly eidolons?
Post-Op is better. It lets you run break rope instead of ERR. Which gives more break than What is Real.
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I don't feel like loging into the game just to change the character line up man...
That's not me, I hate that NTR shit.
bros I regret not rolling Jade. I might actually get her on a rerun. her clean animations, gameplay and voice lines saved me
Lingsha E1 is a lot more value account wide.
Firefly is a greedy bitch and wants E1 for SP management, depending how you build your team.
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Why is /hsrg/ suddenly ok with yuri?
Licky licky ice cream
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I'm f2p
Dawei you fucking nigger put 2 planets per year at the very least
Im lazy as fuck and i won't bother changing language
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>bros I regret not rolling Jade.
Said nobody with a well invested account
>he skipped jade
Look at the top of his head
Two hot chicks making out is hot, even hotter when my dick gets involved(which is always)
>Investing in a gacha game
Does Luocha auto heal proc the future relic set that increases crit dmg of the target of a single-target skill?
This short just perfectly encapsulates pag homies' tastes in hoyo women
>Lingsha is super fucking hot but as a fireflylet she fucking sucks gameplaywise.
I find her best team to be feixiao, unless you have avent urine
>Said nobody with a well invested account
my roster mogs yours
>investing in hags
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we lost to a woman who eats meerkat poop
It procs shared feeling so yes
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Lingsha Guide
4pc Calvary, Kalpagni
2pc Break + 2pc SPD/Healing/ATK/Break, Kalpagni/Any support set
>Stat goals
16% ERR, 134 SPD minimum, ideally 151 (160 if no Ruan Mei), 110% BE, 2200 ATK
Sig > Luochud >= Fofo > S3+ Post-OP > What is Real. QPQ and Multiplication are also usable.
>ERR requirements?
Since she needs only 16%, this can easily be fulfilled with a combo of:
>S3+ Post-OP + 5% ERR planar
>S5 Post-OP
>ERR rope
Allowing you to instead run a BE or ATK% rope/LC.
>E1 or S1?
E1 effectively doubles her own damage. S1 makes her a debuffer, which is only useful in Debuff teams.
>Lingsha vs Gallagher?
Lingsha is better than Gallagher on all fronts except SP generation. Be mindful of the SP economy of a team if you're trying to slot her in.
The exact tradeoff is ~75% more damage than Gallagher, for the tradeoff of ~70% less SP generation than Gallagher. This is assuming that Lingsha is using her usual 1 skill per 3 turns, and Gallagher doesn't need to heal and can freely spam basics.
Superbreak teams are where she shines. She'll have some SP issues in E0 Firefly teams.
Her summon counts as an FUA, so you can slot her in FUA teams. Is Feixiao's 2nd BiS sustain.
Her ULT has a debuff, so she can be okay in Debuff teams. Extra breaks can also give debuffs.
Superbreak is obviously superior.
Could somewhat work with 3 Harmonies (Jade for PF) + upcoming Summoner meta.
Build would be: 4pc FUA + Banana | Crit, SPD, Fire/ATK, ATK | Luocha Sig
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Is Topaz a....BRICK?!
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Was always ok with yuri.
Im just gatekeeping women from muscling their way into my lesbian fetish.
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always has been
Depends on the yuri, there's ones I lile and there's ones I hate.
Simple as.
an unreachable hag tbqhwyp
we don't, yuritards only make things worse like femcels
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My Topig looks like that though? It's very normal.
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She looks retarded
Quite high for a trial character tho, they usually have pretty bad stats in their page
>Two women making out is a problem because actualy i'm being cucked somehow
Neither she or skizzar looked like their promo images. Her hair also has potato quality. Imagine letting them bait and switch you like this.
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Not all yuri is good
Not all yuri is bad
Most of them are dogshit though there are exceptions
It's called using your brain to form your own opinions
Oudated shitpost, didn't you get BTFO literally the next day you started posting this shit?
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Topaz shits out pure bricks
Is drinking civet coffee more or less of a faux pas when civets have the vote?
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>My Topig looks like that though? It's very normal.
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>Her EN VA is 10/10 but that can be ripped away any second desu.
I wouldn't be able to handle a second argenti... ill mail a pipebomb if this happens
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JP Herta's VA just gave birth...
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Yea that's true
How much am I cucking my team/lingsha if I run an ATK% body instead of outgoing healing?
lingsha is crushing my balls...
kuru kuru
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You wanna hear a secret?
Come closer.
Bit closer...
You'll never need that much healing
Okay that's too close.
the supposed appeal of cbt is perplexing
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I never got doxxed
I deleted my shit because I was annoyed people would spam my shit since I didn`t like that and found it annoying
I``m also still fucking here and never left, retard

It`s not doxxing if you tell people yourself where you live
I live in saskatchewan, specifically saskatoon and idgaf its not like it bothers me, you guys are just fucking retarded and reach too hard when im just another nameless schizophrenic 4chan poster like you guys.
no one followed my twitter anywyas idgaf, i just deleted it bc i didnt see a point in keeping it up and my second twitch still exists
ENG VA will never have children
and why should we care?
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Why does she like pigs so much?
Lingshaposters need to be mating pressed like the good little sluts they are
Feet make me skeet
Heels make me squeal
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Who will claim (You)r dick?
imagine pulling a break dps without implant
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Also, I`m just adding that since newfags dont remember, youd get 100 jades perday for streaming shr and in total like 3600 or something which i got the full amount for
the reason i stopped was because i literally did not want to fucking do this lmao, and theres 0 points without jades
I used my naturalborn features for rewards in a gacha game because im cheap as fuck. theres no conspiracy, im just an 18 year old retard

i see now this post is hours old, but i saw that shit and its so fucking stupid and annoying
im not apart of any stupid ass discord, or group. im just a retard who likes playing games and masturbating to big tits and cunny everyday
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it's actually the opposite, japanese birthrates are terrible
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She's just as round and plump
Don't call Aventurine a pig
omg she has herta's resemblance
guideanon, thank you
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I went on a spree and pulled 3 units.
Now Im all out.
Buy the BP Gweilo
I don't care sneed

Who is that lingsha imposter
Don't buy the BP
Farm the overworld instead - Da Wei HATES that.
How much mintpicking are we talking about?
Topaz is lying next to me, and would like you to stop posting her
How come Firepags get two dedicated sustainer while Boothill got shit and is forgotten?
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Mihoyo doesn't want you to know this but jade is not the limiting factor for how many end-game characters you can earn over time.
You get barely anything for an hour of ack technique spam, fuck that
I don't know why but i just don't find zzz visuals appealing at all, it even disgust me sometimes
What do you mean, the break shill works for Booty too.
All of those help him
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shut up numby, you're supposed to be speculating on stock futures while she has her "alone time" with a home use clit finder.
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Numby, you can talk?
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Just finished to Lingsha on Iwara
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Get a load of this autism (don't do actually do this)
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But I hope we actually see Kafka again soon.
>I am a failure
>No one likes me
Star Rail for this feel?
Your favorite
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Dont snitch
I have Fei Fei, I do a whole area in 1 pull.
I see fofoschizo is still at large. Imagine feeling intimidated by a 13 YEAR OLD
My sides, Numby really does do everything
I threw 1 meme roll at Jade that ruined my guaranteed rate up and I've been regretting it ever since.
Gambler mindset. You got what coming
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fofo is a 50+ year old hag
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Am not
>OP pic deleted
Ok that sounds reasonable sorry for following schzio drama
Does Numby watch when Topaz... yanno....with another person?
I never get a character in a single roll though, why did the world decide to fuck me like that.
Built 4 pure fiction (and some AS)
I didn't know someone posted it before me, I just thought about it now. What happened with that?
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Which one?
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She comes to cuddle after
Post relics
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Do you regret skipping a second time?
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>have 1200 unfiltered relics
I dont feel like going through them...checking them one by one...leveling the 3 stat ones to see if the 4th stat is good....I'm tired
Nah fuck fua easy skip every time
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blue pubes
>He thinks Robin is just FuA
Does he know?
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Numby canonically watches
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Is Gepard a barrack bunny?
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Nah, saving for her brother tho
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>Barrack bunny
It's some gay porn shit innit?
Got her E0 on the original run and E1 on the rerun and don't regret it.
I don’t care about meta and she’s boring. Skip
unfortunately i got her the first time, xueyi wasnt kind to me that banner, waste of a 5* roll
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I did almost every side quest in the game for her, so no i didnt skip, but she did make me never wanna do side quest again
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I wonder if Numby likes Aven.
He has LOT of coins so I assume yes
the BLACKED one
Is Rappa from space Japan or is she a larper like Gui
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i love her, espescially her moaning idle because smell
Meanwhile >>497071159
This janny that visits us is weird.
She is from Punklorde like SW
We have found the only SEA region whale
Normal, I would say explode but you need all the eidolons you can get to make her outperform Gallagher.
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That dupe is a wasted E7
E1 already wipes the floor with every abundance in the game.
Numby is scared of Jade, but when Sigga was arguing with Topaz it didn't give a damn so probably yea, he's her sugardaddy
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She's not from Space Africa either
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Where is the Lingsha personal story quest?
Ill give you 1k jade to fuck off.
Here loomer
*unzips and put my huge cock on the table*
There's just no time. We're busy not having content for 3 weeks.
Where is Boothill's?
Do you guys REALLY want the "personal story quests" that Genshit has?

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