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Previous: >>496966740

>Former MANrisa main
>Now playing Akuma Bison
This nigga hates working for his wins
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what the fuck is this shit
>Not even ZaWarudo's GAWDlike Editing skills can make SF6 fun to watch
Just stick to making Smash montages bro
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Nah you trippin' the vid is alright
Akumafrauds... hes onto us...
Not funny Akuma is honest
His montages are good as usual but the matches look pretty much the same, SF6 is just a boring game
Out of my way vietnam fucking shits
Hopefully this is the last SF6 vid this game is so ass not even good editing can salvage it...
Great vid crabbas seething and the Bison part was even funnier than the Akuma one
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its a good video idk why people complaining
i wonder why sf6 chun only looks better the more of her face is covered!
Because if you watch his Smash or his Mario Kart, fuck it, even his SplaTROON vids, the video is way more fun to watch.
SF6 boring as watching dry shit in the sidewalk.
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Shes chinese

Never saw that meme about chinese girls hiding their hairline and moonfaces with huge bangs?
>not funny because.... I SAY SO ALRIGHT?!
chun unironically looks like she's balding without her classic costume bangs, it's dire. people forcefully deny it too
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i still think the vid is fun theres not that many sf6 montages in this style out there
it's the kind of obnoxious vid someone would only ever make if they're trying to get hired for video editing
Shut the fuck up Jiveschizo/Akiraschizo/FuckingClaydoughfucker

Chun looks like a perfect bredding goddess what the fuck you talking about balding you retarded fuck look at her legs
His editing style is kino because in other games like Smash, Mario Kart, etc... Theres different gameplay, different ways to express yourself, different ways to swag and dab on scrubs, so editing makes the vid a pleasure to watch, you don't know whats gonna happen.
SF6 is so streamlined, the editing feels forced because you kinda already can predict every interaction. Is not a TERRIBLE vid, by any means, but is a waste of his time making it, is just... mid.
>Is a Dixer pretending SF5 was ugly episode
Man another rerun? We just had this episode like last thread or so!
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ugly ahh game
her concerningly mare-like legs and her unfortunate hairline are two different parts of her body, mr ed
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Compared to SF6 Jive looks like flaming garbage
For SF montages it might be a good vid.

But is still a garbage vid when you compare to his other work.

If you watch just the Mario Kart vid since you have a unhinged hateboner for Smash, you will understand it.
>sfg threads with sf related images as OP get deleted while tekken and bocchi images stay up

lmaooooo, fitting for this mickey mouse game
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>Niggas denying Chun is balding
>Niggas saying this looks better than Street Fighter 5 in your face
Even the costumes are asscheeks in this game what the fuck is this?
wont save mashen 8 from dying a dogs death
Bocchi is Street Fighter
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i already watched the mario kart one and just watched the mewtwo vid, yes they are very funny but i really dont get why you so anus about the SF one being bad. IS LITERALLY THE SAME STYLE OF VIDEO
This, but unironically.
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I'll make a custom room if at least 3 people promise to join
sf6 is so dead people arent even making fun of it anymore.
>Posts a SEX goddess
JiveFAGGOT... just go gay
I'm at work :(
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Yeah his edits don't do it for me in the context of SF6 because everything is extremely predictable or its just bog standard gameplay. Maybe if he picked Blanka or JP it maybe would have worked I'm still not putting faith on that this anyways but Akuma and Bison just don't lend themselves to flexibility or anything straight up from homo-genius.
Dont talk to that retard he still dont get it. He really think this SF6 slop is just as funny as his other vids.
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i still liked it specially the Bison part

bitter anon...
Are you the same guy that is dumping his Chun folder on /v/?
It's not about the video, he just doesn't like sf6 and can't express himself well enough.
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What if I am ?
Every girl looks pretty much the same in the face, garbage game
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ALL my Smash friends when they tried SF also stuck with Classic. I am the only nigga rocking Modern. Must be a prime thing, because Modern is way more cozy.
we cant get people to join tournaments
I put my name in the tournament thing just for the fuck of it Im not gonna to play there I dont trust to play with yall
This. There ain't really a /sfg/ community.
>check /v/ thread
>just coomer circlejerk of twitter screenshots and cocksucking each other about how amazing SF6 looks
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The Hungry Wolf has made his stop in Metro City! Who will stand up to take him on? On Saturday October 5th at 2pm Anon Arena will be hosting a SF6 tournament! Sign up in the link below and I'll see you all there!


Got any questions? Ask them.
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Coomers ruined /v/
Specially when they are rapefugees from /vg/
I swear to god I can either anti air every jump in or I just completely miss every anti air chance I get I don't understand
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Even in /v/ they are shitting Dix as well lol
How long do you think it'll be?
Assuming I don't go 0-2
whats the tournament? I'll join. I joined one of the KOF15 ones awhile ago
Is just the local /fgg/ and /sfg/ coomer spergs circlejerking with occasionally someone from outside their bubble popping in and dropping some truthpill they hate to hear.
Someone over there said Manon looks like garbage because she is overdesigned, trying to be way too maby archetypes at once, and the Capcucks already went full defensive defending TRANom when even a /v/ermin can spot with precision the flaws in her character design.
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Not gonna stop /sfg/'ers to swear /v/ loves SF6 though
Who would win in a fight me or Ryu
Stupid question, when Terry does his quick burn LP into a super, is that some sort of option select or is he actually committing to that? Assuming I blocked the first hit but got smacked by the second hit.
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>Someone over there said Manon looks like garbage because she is overdesigned, trying to be way too maby archetypes at once, and the Capcucks already went full defensive defending
Thats crazy, I went back to check it and you right we have unironic Manon defenders ITT
no its a confirm, i do it out of jabs sometimes
And they seethe when people say SF fans are deranged and mentally ill.
They literally look at an abomination like Manon which is wrong in so many ways and defend her just for the sake of defending Capcom. and probably because she has bolt on tits and pale skin and this is all they need to ignore all the obvious character design flaws
Manon has big tits, pale skin, AND a curves
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>Tfw an actual very high IQ post in /v/ for once
I hated Manon for over a year and couldn't tell exactly why besides "Ugly/Dumb haircut" and "Fugly clothes" but now I can see clearly... Shes really some monstrocity of trying to shove too many designs at once.
>muh 3D asset slop looks fuckable for my monkey brain so it instantly great design
Stupid moron

Yea I was kinda shocked and even double checked the browser to make sure I was in /v/ indeed lmao
Really? The timing is pretty tight for a hitconfirm but I guess I'm just bad at it then.
And theres a lil capcuck over there trying to say
>s-shes not ojou shes actually a rich white girl!
As if this would even invalidate his post even if it was true
Niggas be focusing on the wrong things
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And the /v/ fag is probably right in calling her ojou, since the princess archetype is pretty much for every rich young white girl, no matter how much brat she is or is not, is just that the brat archetype is more common.
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100% right take.
Judoka and ballerina already is mad corny. Add the anime inspiration, the weird color scheme and clothes, Manon looks like some AI-generated character.
And keep in mind, I said AI-GENERATED which is bad, instead of AI-INSPIRED which would be based by USING the AI as a TOOL to brainstorm ideas like smart people do.
Whichever subhuman was in charge of making Manon just let the AI do the whole thing which is obvious by how soulless and sloppy her design is. AI is great at throwing and mixing concepts for you, but it needs a competent human to filter and properly use it.
>Check the thread to see the discussion
>Almost buried in the sea of coom spam
Imagine waking up, and deciding to waste over 9 hours of your life posting screenshots of 3D models of Chun-li because you want other men to look at her and get horny so you can talk with them about it.

Fucking cucks man, shits crazy.

Porn addicts really love to waste time.
You know the v thread is still up. You could just go there and reply to that anon directly instead of circlejerking in here for half an hour
Is it really circlejerking when it's probably that smashfag talking to himself again?
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Were you here when they banned the cammy coomer once? Dude had like 150-200 posts in like 2 hours of thread only. Nigga was spamming on cooldown and talking to himself to try to bait other men to talk to him.
broski has revealed that literally every good thing terry has is a gimmick. it's over...
Most honest character?
Depending on how many people show up it could be an hour and a half or more depending on how matches go.
>bringing up the smashfag outta thin air when coomers spam more than him and also got caught samefagging
Uh oh coomercuck melty!
buffs secured. the blood money will not allow this
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Why would I want to contribute to that dogshit cuck thread?
Posting about SF in /v/ is meaningless, they clearly don't give a shit about the game. 90% of the anons in that /v/ thread are from /vg/
>90% of the anons in that /v/ thread are from /vg/
Try 95%.
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/v/ always shits on SF but the coomers swear they will get someone addicted to SF6 by posting twitter screenshots
I'd rather shine light on how much of a passive discord bitch he's being than something more easily deniable than samefagging. If you do that then he'll just say something like "but the posting style is different :^)" and ignore the point.

Where do you think you are?
i love manon
>2+ minutes between each posts
like come on bro...
Most of /v/ enjoy singleplayer games, or team multiplayer sloppa, like Moba and FPS, the most popular fighting game is Smash but most of them like playing free for all and don't take the game too seriously

But desperate coomers swear they are going to enjoy being miserable playing Street Fighter against people with way more hours than them just to be farmed over and over again by smurfs fucking lol
I think its ok to ignore this post
I actually agree with this post, but I didn't (you) it because usually I only give attention to posts I hate, which kinda sucks.
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The target combo into confirmable DRC was supposed to be safe, terrybros
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That thread is literally a circlejerk of /sfg/ and /fgg/ nigcels thristing over each other as they try to evangelize the /v/ermins who drop in there to say how dogshit SF is.
nigga not even trying to hide it anymore
The real redpill is that no 3D SF has ever looked good for their time. Not even EX
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Also /v/ rightfully pointed out how the basegame cast is lame (which triggered the world warrior sperg) and how DLC is incredibly overpriced. (because capcucks don't play other games so they think is ok to blow this amount of money in SF but for any reasonable person, the DLC is grossly overpriced)
Why bother sticking with marisa when she's bad when bison only cost a couple bucks and is her but better in every way? Also Akuma is S tier so fuck it. Might as well grab your favorite flavor of shoto.
You talk about samefag a lot when the last time you got banned there was over 150 posts in 2hours. You sure enjoy talking about samefagging because it must be second nature to you at this point, nigcel.
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Nigga is telling >ISSA SAME PERSON because he checking timestamps for his schizophrenic theories.

2 minutes is the average time most people read a post, cook their answer and/or pick a file. But guess now /sfg/ must either reply in less than 2min or 5min later so the schizo doesn't harass you.

Also, try to stay away from the 90sec range too!
Fucking nigcel faggot projecting his samefag tendecies on other people. Nigga has a 9hour thread on /v/ talking to himself.
You're breaking his script bro, you gotta wait for him to tweak the chatbot
shes mad as fuck lmao
every time I read this, I always assume the person who typed it is in heat doing irl ahegao. I see it everywhere too. I'm out of touch.
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time for men
Folds like a lawn chair as well. You can just tell he was thinking of comebacks in his head for hours after he got called out in the /v/ thread
>Still insisting ISSA ONE PERSON
>Now he thinks me(?) was also in the /v/ thread for hours when I just lurked there once he posted his thread here
>And I even made sure to tell him I was lurking quickly and not posting in his thread at all
And theres niggas out there who deny that porn shrinks your brain lol
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Here's a litmus test to see if Marisa, Manon, and Kimberly are a success.
Sell any figurine of them on AmiAmi, if they're good enough, then they'll be in the top 10 spot or there will be a bunch of merch related to the character. Surely these 3 can manage it, after all they have to be "attractive" enough for sales correct?
Money talks mofo, your character has to be pleasant enough on the eyes to make merch sales, if not? Then your character design SUCKS ASS.
has there been any tournament recently? I want to keep tabs on pros I'm hating on.
Honestly, pricing is a big problem for the entire genre. Tekken 8 is worse than SF6 in that regard (base game, deluxe, and ultimate are all more expensive, same number of characters per pass, no stages in ultimate edition), plus it is full to the brim with extremely shitty micro-transactions that should for the most part be in the base game (ironically, SF6 gets off lightly because all it has to offer is avatar slop and one round of mediocre costumes). Also going from 6 characters per season to 4 is incredibly gay, never mind making 2/4 of your 2nd season be guests. I can't comment on MK1, since I assume it's targeting the same retards who spend stupid money on Madden and Fifa every year, but even something like Uni2 should have been $40 max at launch (at least the season pass is only 10 bucks though).
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If you guys done bickering with the coomer retard who has been posting for about 9 hours to himself in /v/ alone, can we discuss the battlepass?

Usually I skip, but I love Darkstalkers, but I also hate giving money to Capcom.

Is anyone else buying? Or is thinking about doing so?
Ironically I think you'd fit in way better in a few specific trash generals than here. They're not all about porn.
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And keep in mind
>Most people really don't fuck with SF like that, they will get bored of ranked when they realize you gotta grind so they don't wanna waste more money on a game they aren't gonna to commit to playing daily
>The basegame cast was garbage
No matter how many times the world warrior shitpost for the lols nobody cares about Honda and shit like that. People also enjoy getting value for their money, so when they know the game only has like 18 characters or so and DLC is so expensive, they feel scammed.

I don't play enough to be worth for me, personally. I also liked the Terry one more, but maybe I am KoF biased.
the rewards are bad except for the Versus screen, which is ok. The actual decent stuff are the new colors from the voting event. They really should release 1 new color as the final premium reward with every battle pass. It would be such an easy cash-in on FOMO
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what le fuck there's a lukegawd figure and it's doing a nazi salute
FUCK bridget
MK1 still offers better value for your money
Tekken shit too, but the vanilla cast is bigger and better than Dix
Surprised he even got figures, I wonder if they're even selling well
I don't like Bridget either at all, but money does indeed talk so Arcsys has no incentive to give a shit about other characters.
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The only fighting game I play is SF6.
They should release actual skins instead of these ugly recolors...
This is the current top 10 for overall and the bishoujo figures.
no way in hell they are doing that with every battle pass. You'll get one new skin per character every year AT MOST
Might as well gossip on discord you bitches.
Niggas paying money for a pallete swap that shit is so funny to me lol
Yeah, price doesn't really matter for fg players, because they are going to get their money's worth regardless. It matters for people who are thinking about getting into the genre and weighing the value proposition between that or buying the hot new single player game or some vbucks. Gripes with the base cast are also exacerbated by the 4 character passes (and also filling your 2nd year with guests). Also, they could have given boring characters like Honda the DJ treatment (who next to nobody cared about before 6), but for some reason he was intentionally designed to be the most gimmicky piece of shit imaginable, who is unbeatable against shitters and unusable against people with two braincells.
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FG players are really gacha whales; They will just slop because >I NEED TO LAB IT!!! and coompletionism since they have nothing else to buy but their fighting games.
Actually... yes, I was joking at the start of my post, but it truly is just like gacha. The devs make shit overpriced because they rather scam the loyal customers who will buy anyway, than risk lowering their profits to try and get new people in.
Recently my friend picked up the game and whenever we play random and he gets Marisa he'll get excited and shout things like "IT'S MAAM" and "HULK SMASH" in line with her supers and while I don't consider her a successful character design I wouldn't really get the same experience with a traditionally good design.
>DLC is overpriced
For real, how is NO ONE talking about this, biggest issue in the game. Yet all people complain about is slime rush "horror engine".
$30 for four (4) chars, can't individually buy chars without going through Vbucks jew nonsense, still can't lab ones you dont own in 2024 (that includes replay takeover btw like holy shit)
And then everyone clapped.
People don't play this game to bond, much less running random, stupid fanfic.
It's nothing compared to what Kekken is doing lmao
What? Besides selling corny gay ass Heihachi they seem to be doing alright... The first pass was ass but so was SF6. MK1 winning hard the DLC cast so far.
I'm new and learning Cammy, if I'm doing a 2MK DRC and they're delay teching, the answer to that is to just meaty them right? What button should I doing the meaty with?
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>People don't play this game to bond, much less running random
Fuck off shill. I hate that I felt the need to screencap this.
>Tekken 7 thrives off V's bad launch
>Dix thrives off doing the bare minimum and 8's downfall
Tekucks are mad over stages rn, Dix they're earnable
They have the gaudiest cash shop seen in fighting games and battlepasses full of recycled assets even from existing characters in the game and now they're paywalling stages that directly affect gameplay
SF6 is thriving by its own merit as a solid SF entry anon T8 didn't come out until half a year after
I have a parry addiction.
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The answers to delay tech are delayed button or shimmy:
You can do c.mk > drc > c.hp if you are confident they won't challenge you. The safer move is to do c.mk > drc > lp > lp > shimmy.

Also the term meaty refers to doing something on their wakeup specifically.
>The safer move is to do c.mk > drc > lp > lp > shimmy.

Ah I didn't think about doing that. I've been hitting them with the c.hp but doesn't work well. This helps a lot thanks.
evens I play SF6 all night
odds I goon to sf videos on rule34
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>He can't do both at once.
This is why you are weak.
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NP, good luck out there
How does Idom even win Can Opener with Manon this character is incapable of enforcing any sort of offense
guessing right, winning neutral over and over again
why does idom call sf6 trash if hes winning tournaments and thats his career?
Effortlessly sexy. Nonchalantly handsome. Of course it's Chadton. Fuck, does he just not age at all at this point?
Removing perfect parries from the game would have zero negative effects
terry has ex dash punch on a motion
i dont want to have to play juri just so i can have plus frame normals that i can actually get something off my medium buttons on block
Retard here, I unlocked an EX color for a character's alt costume before getting said alt costume, finally unlocked it but the color isn't there despite the game saying I have it. Am I missing something?
You don't have the costume so you can't use the color until you unlock said costume. Pretty self explanatory.
I'm saying I have the costume now and it still isn't there, despite the game saying I unlocked it.
Are you just supposed to always block Terry's pressure standing and hope he doesn't go low? How the fuck are you expected to react to Quick Burn
Did you go to the news section and click accept gift?
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Fuck it. It doesn't matter the game, I'm picking the default shoto function.
I'm tired of working for damage when the default nigga hits like a truck in like 2 buttons instead of 4.
Thanks, this game's UI is driving me crazy.
looking for games. worldwide diamond+
>see someone on net talking big about character balance
>also see they're sub master
this is actually more common than i thought wtf
Newchad here
How do I fight Cammy as Guile?
I don't understand the character, why does she have so many plus on block get in for free tools?
I can at least sonic boom the usual slimers but not her dive kick or that one move that beats projectiles
I can hold down back and ex flash kick on reaction but any Cammy with a brain will just walk towards me if I do that
Who even has an EX color for their second costume
Manon and Lily
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>forgetting chun
What is this image supposed to even convey
Is terry hard to learn in this game? He's really fun and I want to get more into learning his combos
Damn really, from where?
SF6 has all these stupid party modes in Battle Hub but they never thought to make an oldschool style mode without drive metter. Or simply making both players be in perma burnout.
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sim sim is actually based. it feels productive like grinding in ranked but without the stress. i'm feeling much better at reacting to ed's snatcher
Akuma players be over complicating that character like crazy. You don’t need to be optimal or have a bunch of setups. You need to use more heavy fireball and less heavy kick. Enjoy your 1800 MR.
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Sajam bros...
I do that and im stuck 1300 with akuma
She stole her strawberry...
Does anyone have a webm or video of the ken meme combo off a blocked dp that has like 3 run tatsus in it? I kinda want to try learning it.
>Niggas vid usually get 10k after this many hours
>Stuck in 4.5k
SF6 a graveyard even for content creators
Y'all be dumb as hell.
Is it true shuckle quit sf6, heard from fgg
>play against 1400 mr Akuma
>Check his profile
>1700 mr Gief
Gief truly is the fraudulent hard carry character of the game.
Gief one of those characters that can easily lead you down a deadend of skill. If you understand his mixups and know how to play randomly, you can get pretty far with Gief, but then he just can't progress any further because you fight people who anti air your shitty jump despite all you feints and bullshit.
>First Max, now Sajam
White guys really are asian girl kryptonite huh
>three bar Wi-Fi player gets on my battle cabinet
>can't see their attacks until they hit me half the time, drop my combo into level 3 because of a microstutter
>but they were able to react to my drive impact with their own
Diaphone and Brian F all have Asian GFS too....
People called SFV a duty fighter because for anyone remaining it was their pay-check of shilling a game that was not liked until its last season. So how the fuck is SF6 any different as a duty fighter? Outside of the game being liked at the very beginning but is instead fasttracking to staleness.
Any time anyone is playing SF6 for long periods of time they either look really tired or are much more easily agitated, these are the same people that played SFV as well yet they don't even look like they enjoy SF6.
Because Jive was mid, Kami6 is fire
>zoomers actually think this garbage is funny
Go back.
Unc malding over a silly vid oh my days bruv
>hot anime girl
>its a gay fighting game general
>muda muda muda muda xD
Actual peak reddit.
Malding unc
>hit someone in the air with a jab
>they land and recover first and hit me despite me blocking right away

there's basically no content for SF6.
nobody has the drive to make something with more effort than a day1 bnb breakdown.
QRD on Bocchifag?
There is DemonDan14, but in general content creation for SF6 is very lacking, and most of that is because the game doesn't lend itself to goofy/weird interactions or matches.
You would never get something like this again in SF6 because the design of the game just doesn't allow for this sort of scrubby stupidity.
the game is nothing but scrubby stupidity like that.
you have the claim the colors as rewards in the news section
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Lads, I'm above 1450 again
Does anyone here know when Phase 5 ends? If it's not imminent I might try to get above 1500 again but if it ends in like two days I should stay here and not risk falling below 1400 again
>Battle pass rewards are unlocked in the REWARDS section of the quick menu
>Giant Attack rewards are their own Pass-like reward menu accessed by talking to an NPC in the Hub
>BHub event rewards are redeemed in the NEWS section of the quick menu
This design is quite baffling
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>no blues to match the skin except on the wrists
>no browns to match the pants except on the stirrups
Even if they're too pussy to give Marisa blue skin, why didn't they just use Marisa's outfit 2 for this?
It should have just been Zangief
I fucking hate that Marisa is the default "big guy"
Some stupid nigger from /fgg/
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My wife mogs your waifu and it's not even close.
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would u do this with her anon
No that's disgusting
useless rat, as if fetishing armpits isn't disgusting alone. Commit to it be a man
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how do i play chun li
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Cammy if real
sajam was seething about terry yesterday
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Picking the game up after not playing since about when Rashid dropped, why do people seem to agree that Manon is shitty? I just want to play this on the side so tiers are whatever, just wasn't expecting to see her listed as like bottom 3 or so on lists I've seen or from top players.
she doesn't abuse the system mechanics well
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manon footjob
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Love manon
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Love Chun too
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chun ri....
what a terrible general for a terrible game.
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Rufus is not that bad of a character design. A bullshido master that is actually competent is a great and fun concept. You just hate him cause his divekick was obnoxious.
my dislike for rufus has nothing to do with his gameplay
Sentences start with a capital letter, Kitembe Mwkweneyeye
kill yourself
>Rufus is not that bad of a character design. A bullshido master that is actually competent is a great and fun concept.
What's wrong with him? That he's goofy?
Yes, and fat characters should not exist.
SF has had goofy characters since 2.
annoying fat blonde retard, nobody liked him not even ironically
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>kill yourself
Street fighter should only have fat strong builds like Honda at best. Not obese fucks
Have you seen heavyweights in MMA and boxing? They put on fat just to get more total mass.
you are not very smart
Name a single burly fighter with the same build. Rufus belongs on my My 600-lb Life
Name a figher with Gill's build
he just needs a wig and a paint job.
Gill weighs 340kg
just add some fiber.
give me tard friendly ryu tactics
dash dash exDP
oh hey, that is kiyomizudera!
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are my drivers failing me or some shit
i've been getting issues ever since the patch
Mash donkey kicks and solar plexus a lot
>round start three back jumps into hadoken
>neutral jump heavy kick (drive impact after landing)
>wake up sweep
>donkey kick spam at mid range
>hashogeki into DR throw into DR overhead
>cross up spam with jump LK then jab jab tatsu
>throw loop
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Matsumoto, after Elena, consider this
How did they manage to make a game where Ken players are ten times more level headed than Ryu players?
yeah I have been doing that
heavy donkey kick is quite nice, most people cannot really do much about it unless I spam it, then they ID
solar plexus is my favorite though, I always use it to fuck up their meter
have not tried that yet, but it may be fun
I do not think the first 3 will help me much
I spam the shit out of hashogeki tho, i will try DR overhead
drive rush without scaling his damage
are we forgetting elena is coming next?
it's actually Mai, Elena is the last char
Jpegmafia said sf6 soundtrack sucks
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Support Hershuar
Itazan is such a fucking retard
A part of me feels bad for Machabo. He went from being a god in his small little niche game into an absolute nobody in the bigger more competitive game.
forgetting someone?
Is it just my impression or are Tekken character models getting more "Street Fighter-y" with more noticeable muscle definition especially on male models while SF6 character models are getting more like older Tekken titles?
Next phase should start Nov 1
Tekken models are getting more muscular (at least the dudes). SF is just getting uglier
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Let's say I borrow SF6 through Steam's family share and buy a DLC on it. Once I end my session will the original owner also have access to it?
Who cares
how is it getting uglier if the last two games were street fighter 5 and street fighter 4
>You would never get something like this again in SF6
Oh, please. That's how literally every Ryu plays in SF6 ranked
SFV in particular just had ungodly steroid creatures. T8 and SF6 are still pop fictional musculatures but somewhat believable instead of immediately jarring.
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>SF is just getting uglier
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>SF6 is the worst game I have ever played-
>g'night ralph
>seeya tomorrow
Just remove drive reversal from the fucking game
Just remove drive from the fucking game
Just remove clothing from the fucking game
I would play if you lost clothes during the match/rounds (only female characters and jamie)
Just put battle damage online
timmy would lose his mind seeing cammy bruised up against deejay
It's literally an option itself already just flip the switch to enable it for online
its very simple, SF6 is fucking repulsive.
it looks alright, better than the other two
I think it's an upgrade from the past 2 games but yeah it needs a lot of improvement, it feels like I'm looking at clay dolls at times
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i've been saying, this game's stupid ass backlight is ruining a lot of shit
It's almost completely lighting dependent. SF6 in cutscenes is well and above the best SF has looked.
SF6 is an ugly NRS tier visual abomination and the tasteless shiteater in this general prove it.

No. The proportions are fucked up and the animations are terrible too.
The special effects also drag it down by being terrible stylistic clashes or straight up making the characters look like ass for half the round because of the shit burnout effect.

All around terrible.
The abysmal soundtrack underlines the horrible visuals pretty well.
I haven't been playing for a few months now. Did they just.... buff Luke? Why? Wasn't he in a league of his own pre nerf? I thought post nerf Luke was still a good character.
nigga doom posting at 9am
Literally all they did was make it so some of shittiest combos would actually connect more consistently. Why are people acting like they gave all his damage back?
The proportions are fine they're not SFV abominations. The animations are brought down by Capcom losing an eye for keyframes that started in later SFV. It's the overall lighting that'sdefinitely not working with SF6's style.
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Its my 4pm shit on the game.
Now excuse me while I take a dump on company time and get ready to leave for the weekend.
shit game
niggas will invite you to a custom room just to cry
if we were face to face I'd just fight you instead
wittle baby gettin upset at a video game
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Yeah I agree, it's the worst on blonde character.
pic related is with the no backlights mod
and you would be known as the guy who got his ass beat by the white baby
I dont let niggers into my home though.
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first im white now im a nigger. make up your fucking mind
you can't read, retard
Throw loops.
Street Fighter 6, sponsored by Nike.
Just do it
Honestly insane that Kekken took arguably their best looking stage and plastered it with gaudy Nike ads even SFV never sank quite that low
I just wish we got the original Ghost Dog rufus
SF6 sank much lower.
what? did you even read the post?
By collabing with... (checks notes) Spy X Family in... Battlehub?
50% of season 2 are SNK characters
how greedy of capcom to sell out to a company so much bigger than them
And that's bad because...?
I did and I dont know why you are lashing out at another game when SF6 is way more guilty of selling out.

the game had chipotle faggotry plastered everywhere for like half a year. and then the turtles shit. and then some shit shoes nobody heard of. and then
my scrumblo makoto didn get in
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whats with the mashen 8 shill
Anon that shit is all contained to Battlehub, Kekken took their best looking stage and ruined it for advertising.
>all that shit is contained in the primary mode of the game
yeah its not a big deal.
SF6 is a dogshit marketing platform first.
Bruv is blubbering when demonstrated with something doing even worse oh my days
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King Cobra was cooler,
Can someone explain this dumb ass neutral jump meta that just appeared out of nowhere in master?
It's Makotover
everyone neutral jumps since the start
who do you play
stop trying to throw
rufus is too much. king kobra is boring.
the only normal looking black in the franchise and he gets cut, funny
We need Dudley
King Cobra is just Ghost Dog, urban Ryu that follows the samurai code, but on the streets. I think he's a subtle sorta cool, something Street Fighter could use more of with the newcomers
i hope he gets a good voice actor this time. the 4 one sucks balls
The SF6 English dubbing has been really great so far so I'm quite optimistic
El Fuerte would be fun in SF6.
He would also be entitled to a free phone by the government in world tour. It just makes sense.
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Capcom is really going all in on vtubers huh
He could run a taco truck and teach the player to make their own foods on the go with crafting ingredients
gotta market to genz somehow
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>Fuerte's recipes actually improve after 4
I like it
It just works
i would unironically pay for a world tour story dlc
Every single Cammy loss. And I mean 100% of them for the past year. Has come from a. Goddamn. Random. Divekick. Into throw loops
Terry's FatefulDay episode seems to be setting up for that
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>off model gooner slop
the worst thing capcom ever did was give street fighter characters smart phones
The moment smartphones/apps are introduced to a setting it loses its soul. There's something fucking weird about smartphones in media, they never stop feeling cringe
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its pretty on model to be fair
Real talk, how often do you think idom masturbates to Manon...
I love how in a ft2 you have to see if the fucking retarded monkey will do random DIs in neutral before you can figure out if it's safe to use your street fighter buttons
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why does he wear a Starfield shirt?
You don't have to play fighting games anon
she doesn't have her trademark scoliosis
what do you mean
I tried practicing against OD divekick the other day, and yeah you can jab it, but do you know what jab loses to? Jump attack. Normal anti airs have to be done perfectly to even just trade with it. DP is the only answer, but even that is difficult to time. I came to the conclusion that it's just a BS mixup and there is no real answer to it.
She's top tier for a reason. If she wasn't bullshit unreactable casino gameplay she'd not be fighting for the top slot.
This is why characters like that traditionally had difficult links and low HP, but the new dev team is a bunch of scrubs that hate having to earn the benefits of rushdown
Can someone explain to me why they couldn't give darkstalker colors to outfit 1?
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My tongue gaping Cammy's shit-encrusted sphincter. Simple as.
stop asking questions. Capcom works hard to provide us with 4 or 5 colors every 6 months and I don't mean sets of colors for everyone, I mean 4 or 5 individual colors for a couple of characters. Do you know how long it takes to find the right shade of purple for the hsienko color? How much red tape is required? You don't know a fucking thing about game development so just shut up. Get to 2k MR and then come back.
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They're probably setting that mode up for a major Shadaloo related story expansion since each character addition adds new quests that implies that's the direction they're going with. Question is, will we actually see a new large map like Metro City and Nayshall?
Rose better be teaching Decapre how to use Soul Power
we live in a post neutral world
ken has dragon lash and a better cr.mk

ryu has to go ape shit to get in
Since SF5 and it's epic introduction of V-mechanics*
This but Decapre and no shit crust
>bejita 7th
>goku 10th
People have LITERALLY forgotten how to even punish DPs right in SF6. The slime brainrot is real
Right after I read this post YouTube suggested this for me.

>Starts match with OD dive
>Whiff punished
>Does it again but it works this time
>Does a regular one
>Does another OD dive into throw loop
>Wins first round

This is a legend player. Fuck any nigger who says this bitch is honest or hard to play.
I'm retarded and need sleep.

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I just do sHK into air SPD because I still have SFV brainrot, sometimes I even press sHP before remembering that it doesn't combo into anything in this game for some reason even on PC
Honestly the Vsystem was great and I have a hard time understanding why you would think otherwise. Aside from the stupid time freeze activations its the best gimmick they've ever had in a game.
>no shit crust
ultra gay
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So be it
dropped down to 1100mr - should I just go ahead and kill myself
who do you play
>dix killed street fighter in a year
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>Can do anything I want at any angle
>Made of tissue paper, so it takes 2 interactions to die instead of 3 (lol)
I love this archetype
Remember when Dix killed Winner Stays On a month after its release? EUniggas knew immediately this game was for the birds
>made of tissue paper
He gives you the equivalent of 1 free heavy attack
Remember when Jive drove Mike Ross into suicidal depression, made Gooteck schizophrenic and led Floe down a lifestyle that ended in multiple strokes?
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Floe is a lesson in just being fat
Aris is fat too but he drives a car and does his laundry
pepperidge farms remembers
>Made of tissue paper

Do Akuma players actually believe this? You have one poke of life less.
Now you can just focus on improving your fundamentals without giving a fuck about losing points, cause you're already at the bottom.
You're free from the stress of the MR grind and can just play to improve
I miss when characters like cammy and akuma had difficult combos, low HP and low stun,
removing classic stun and normalizing HP values was a massive mistake and I knew they wouldn't properly adjust rushdown characters to make up for it before the game was even out.
i suck at reacting to hit confirms
when do people start learning how to fight bison
im just cruising through diamond
>Let's give some characters every tool in the box
>And high damage
>And great range and speed
>And we'll make all their confirms flexible so they can be done from anywhere
>And we'll make them easy to play
>But we'll give them less life than other characters to compensate
>What like 7000 to 8000?
>Also it's only for one character who can literally do everything and better than other characters

Capcom has managed to destroy any identity characters have in this game. There's only two characters. Ones who make use of the bullshit and ones who don't.
Why do you assume it's the other guy's fault and not that bison is pay 2 win like every dlc character? As everyone including pros has been saying since forever.
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I was working on a ticket while I was typing, and forgot the parenthesis on "Made of tissue paper".
I'm so fuckin happy that stun is only on DI wallsplat. Playing Akuma in 3S and Jive was pretty tough for a shitter like me.
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>tfw I used to be a stun monster with Gief in previous games and now I almost never get stun because its borderline impossible to actually get people to the corner and trap them there now that heavies lose to DI, lariat doesn't beat crossups, SPD isn't throw immune, and they replaced meter with the FPS bleeding eyeballs
i know bison is busted, but character balance isn't a reason why someone lost a match in diamond
Most of diamond is just master rank players fucking around with a new character, so thats not entirely true.
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It annoys me that I even have to approach people to win in this game. Bring back chip damage from fireballs
I found this to be untrue in my Ed run to Master a few months back. The vast majority of my opponents were hardstuck Diamonds, with the occasional Master playing a new character and very rare competent Master grinding a new char.
get them in burnout first
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Shuckle looks like this
I'm convinced its shuckle making these posts
Shuckle looks better.
at least she isn't white
Shuckle is a starving skeleton. No way she looks like that
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soulless vs soul
JPK bro.
At least Gief dominates a lot of matchups because good chunk of the cast is badly designed kuso or are supposed to fight up close but suck ass at it.
He has a DP and the range/startup frames to contest pressure. That's more defense than a lot of the higher HP cast lol.
how do i stop my opponent from mashing after i press jab jab?
by doing strings that don't leave you open for punishment
Tap parry or block and answer back when they obviously want to come in for a grab after the jab jab or a they go for a special
what drill can i do to help react to hit confirms better besides putting the dummy on random block
just focus on that specifically during matches
Most sane zoner. Imagine having to actually interact with your opponent in a fighting. Truly horrible.
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Bros, what do I name this?
Didn’t this guy have a melty over the season pass?
why isn't this mod in sf6 still
I love how people will bitch about 9k as if it makes any difference whatsoever. Even better that this meaningless difference makes them feel justified about Akuma having better defense and offense and zoning and grabs and rush down than almost every character.
Street fighter jiggle physics are so bad I’m dying to see how fucked up Mai is
Hat of vega
What if I don't have jab strings.
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not my girl
this >>497155913
Looks like MANon
If you haven't busted to Suzie, you ain't a real capsoldier.
I don't use any eng voices, I don't care about Capcom's USA drag queens/trannies and ecelebs
didn't ask, nigga.
some characters have a built in frame trap to catch people. like Ryu's jab jab light hasho
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Suzi WILL voice the next dlc just letting you know
I just said that I don't use eng voices. How does this concern me?
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where rog at
that's racist
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>get a counter-hit with the light hasho
>DR cr.mp and dump all my drive gauge and SA3 for 50%

Kappabros, I've been enjoying SF6 but Clayton said this opinion is wrong, what is the correct groupthink exactly?
not a girl
Because she will be on the Capcom tv stream to demonstrate it
Shitpost or not. Clayton says he doesn’t care(and even if it’s a lie, his real ire is Facebook groups and discords relating to marvel slop and other kuso. So SF6 is a non-issue to him)
You don't have to dislike it just because some of us do. I don't like SF6 very much, but I can totally understand why some people might love it. If you have fun with the game, keep having fun with it, I'm happy that you are enjoying it.
I wish I enjoyed it as much as you do, but the game doesn't facilitate the way I want to play very well.
If I could have fun with SF6, I'd love to enjoy it too, you shouldn't let other people having a bad time stop you from having a good time.
How do phases work? Do ranks reset? I kinda wanna take a break but I don't know how decay works in this game.
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>play sf6
>according to my smart watch my heart rate goes apeshit during these sessions even during sessions where i experience no tilt
what a stressful as fuck game
only master rank points reset. everything else below remains the same. reset happens once every few months
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>we have a limited number of heartbeats in our lifetime
>literally taking years off my life for this stupid game
So what everyone goes back to 1500?
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Gotta look out for drive rush, gotta look out for the crouching medium kick, gotta react to grabs, gotta look out for drive Imapct corner, gotta look out for her dive kick man! - kbrad sf6 2023
man, autistic people have the worst fetishes
That's not how it works fatass
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Interesting. So bassicaly there is still hope for me(I am 38) to be good at this game(my first fighting game since MK3).
also to add started playin 3 days ago.
the only people who are pro at an older age are people who have been already playing fighting games for decades

you either start young, or started young
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the only newcomer that should make it into sf7
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too gay, sorry.
No its Wong, Jamie Wong
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>Ryu has an Evil Ryu color
Don't know how I never saw this, but I will now play pure fundies man.
>Pure fundies

Not as long as you can cmk drc you're not.
>concept art shows big tits
>fan art shows big tits
>flat ingame
for what purpose
No, I just want to know if liking SF6 is the correct opinion or not. What does how I feel have to do with anything regarding how I should feel about the game?
Would I die if I drank aki tit milk?
she's a skinny snake woman
I know you're joking, but this attitude killed 4chan
Being honest even if you get made fun of is the heart of 4chan.
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>it's another jamiefag cries about weak divekicks while simultaneously getting all their damage from said divekick episode
Jamie players somehow convinced everyone to judge the character as if he NEVER gets to drink
I dunno how they did it, but he is not and never has been bottom tier.
Why does that matter when she slides on her back? She should've been the titty monster of SF
are you stupid
I like that she's a weirdo without having generic bimbo proportions.
I'm sick of fighting game rosters pandering too hard to coomers anyway. We're at a point where like 50%+ of a games roster is different flavours of coombait, and there's no room left for weird monsters and skeletons and shit.

Zoomers need to learn to have some restraint so rule of cool can share some space with the boring "sex sells" slop
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why the fuck am i getting fatal errors with this game still
no i don't have mods on
I can't fault Ryu too much for his creators making such a fraudulent game.
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>Ad hominem
I accept your concession.
>no i don't have mods on
Do you have the files installed still?
I didn't have any mods enabled, but I was getting fucked up issues with my matches freezing as soon as they start because I still had the files in the game's directory. The issues went away when I just deleted the whole SF6 folder and redownloaded it
i uninstalled the game and purged any leftover files, i'm not sure what else to do
Lets be real, they've given Ryu so many extra stupid tools that he's really not the funny honesty man anymore, he's just non-american Ken.
People just don't like to admit that Ryu isn't Ryu anymore cause it makes you look like a scrub to say that Ryu is strong in any capacity
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she looks better with smaller tits
Hm, what are your specs? Have you updated your GPU drivers recently?
are you the average Marisa player?
i7 10700k
32 gb ddr4 ram
i updated my drivers earlier today BECAUSE i was getting this error, and i'm still getting it.
oh and world tour runs like ass even with the 30 fps option off and i have no idea how to fix it
I'm kinda stumped, without getting to take a look at your PC myself, I'm honestly at a bit of a loss.
Do you have any bloatware or weird shit eating up resources? You've got a fairly beefy computer so I don't really see why it would be shitting itself like this
doubt it. this game has been shitting itself in both network and stability since terry released, so i'm just gonna blame the patch
fair enough, maybe lower the settings for now, I'm running the game on a 970, so it might just be something with the post processing having a stroke
>I'm sick of fighting game rosters pandering too hard to coomers anyway. We're at a point where like 50%+ of a games roster is different flavours of coombait, and there's no room left for weird monsters and skeletons and shit.
You're right about the fact that fighting games should have monsters, and skeletons, which is why people hating on Blanka for being ugly is pretty strange, but for the females? Tits or GTFO.
I play Luke.
oh ok i thought you were Marisaschizo from the other day
>but for the females? Tits or GTFO.
The best waifus aren't meant to be waifus, you need a few Makotos in there, the flats and the tomboys.
If all the girls are bimbo sluts then the bimbo sluts aren't special for being that way.

1-2 token bimbos is all you really need man, more than that and its T&A oversaturation.
If its just done for the sake of it, you get literal nothing characters like Laura as well, she's just electric tits.
It's not like people bitching about max range pokes leading to 2 touch rounds is a hot take. I think someone said a while back it would be better if we didn't start with full slime and didn't get it back for free.
I've been saying shit like this since literally day 1, my stance on the drive system hasn't changed much aside from me losing faith that it'll get better with patches
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>you need a few Makotos in ther
I need just one...
>I like that she's a weirdo without having generic bimbo proportions.
Just because a chick has bigger tits doesn't make her a bimbo. Almost all the nymphos I know have a smaller bust.
>I'm sick of fighting game rosters pandering too hard to coomers anyway.
You say that about female characters but what about male characters. If you don't hold the same energy then you're should stop preaching shit.
yes, too many himbos is bad too.
Rosters in general have too many generic sexy characters. I want more weirdos, old people, monsters and wacky stuff.
A few token hot characters is fine, but when they're all sexy its a bit dull isn't it?

I say "bimbo" as in that generic style of preportions btw, same as saying "himbo" for a generic sexy buff dude body. Their character/personality has nothing to do with it. Its just the default "sexy person" body and its not very interesting if everyone looks that way.

I want more baba yaga style tiny old ladies, more old men like Gouken, more little weirdos like El Fuerte, where's that gorilla grod motherfucker from nu-shadaloo?

I have nothing against sexy characters, but there's really no need for so many of them. Older games like SC2 and SF2 did just fine only having like two token waifu characters with Taki/Ivy and Chun/Cammy
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People were hoping for literally anything from the Terry patch. We got top tiers untouched and trash characters like Manon Honda and Marisa left in said trash. If the best a balance patch for characters can do is move a top tier laterally (ed's nerf and compensatory buffs) then there's no way we'll get any changes to the drive system until an ultimate edition of the game comes out.

See you in a few years.
nigga couldnt afford the burning flames team captain
There's a chance that enough players dropping off might spook them into toning down the intentionally stressful/oppressive offense.
But there's also a chance they just don't care that a large chunk of the players hate it, and will cater even harder to the ones that like it
Shuckle isn't an obese pig, thank god she doesn't look like this
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trust the plan
I'm not holding my breath. I think I'll hold out till Mai at most. If there's no patch between now and then I'll probably just uninstall at that point. I hope Capcom takes note that the Twitter post where people thought throw loops were gone had more views than Terry himself.
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>find an Akuma with a 16 win streak while getting Terry through diamond
>oh shit he must be pretty good
>all he does is press st.hk in neutral
my niggas you must crouch
>bitch when I reached plat
>Told I'm just bad and will be a hard stuck plat shitter
>Bitch when I reached diamond
>Told I'm just bad and will be a hard stuck diamond shitter
>Bitch when I reached master
>Saudimoneybird Twitter screen cap about 2k MR

When am I allowed to bitch
Clayton predicted SF6 just like he has ever other game. Not sure what the big deal is why people hate him. Every scene has their top galaxy brain. For fighting games, ours is Clayton. Ironically he's one of the only good guys we have who doesn't shill which is even better so at least you know he's not gonna lie like so many others.
Most people on plat can't confirm lights
Will Capcom ever do anything about all the overpowered braindead DLC characters or is this just how fighting games are these days?
2k mr, you answered your own question
birdie gets to see those every day...
>two of the scrubbiest characters in the entire game that carry people well beyond where they should be skill-wise
I feel like a fucking loser, like I never should have been put in masters and the only reason I'm in is because the game is too generous with ranks, and it makes me feel confident that I'm simply not cut out for this type of game
idom is legend and bitches and it still doesnt matter. dixdrones gonna drone.
Who do you play?
Despite what people here will say to bait you masters isn't easy to get to. You're already way above the median. You don't have to prove anything to anyone and you never did. As long as you're having fun that's what matters. If you're not having fun then you shouldn't play the game and should do something that you actually enjoy.
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I'm from tekgen, haven't been here for a long time. Can someone explain to me what the fuck is up with these random OPs?
literal pros are given shit about their takes in the game, it's an unwinnable situation.

that being said i believe it's universally agreed upon that anyone below master doesn't deserve to talk
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mental illness ultimately
bruh why does kim's face make her look like she's 8 years old in this
how do you even get the just frame on power dunk target combo
when's the press
Anyone mentally ill enough to keep making new threads and get butthurt when others do, is way too insane to be understood.
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This is a SFV-ass costume
kind of gross
You can tell a patch was underwhelming when Zangief gets nerfed and barely anyone talks about it.
Fucking JP buffs.
There's a large time investment just grinding rank from start to finish. Someone can be good enough and smart enough to reach masters and still realize long before they hate the game and more specifically WHY. Like guys who get stuck in careers they loath even if they're successful in them. At least in a game I can quit it when I'm not having fun without worrying about my lively hood.
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I'll get the name tag when I get to me computer. Gotta come up with a tagine.
Yeah, I ran into a Ryu or two on the hub and he was doing some very unRyu-like things. And watching Ryu games, I can see that Hashogeki is really disrespectful.

Either way, I'm gonna have some fun grinding some games tonight. I feel like I separated a lot of my ego from my current rank, and I'm finding sticking to basic shit, and working on a simple combo to be pretty rewarding. Ryu is one of my favorites because there isn't much to do. When I get ahold of Akuma, I start doing all sorts of stupid shit.
Dropping mr is totally normal and I'd argue necessary for developing good muscle memory. You need to focus on yourself and not your rank. If you only focus on increasing the funny number then you'll end relying heavily on gimmicks until you crash into a wall and be stuck in a too high mr which is even worse. It's ok, you're gonna get those points back.
terrys ass dude
>JP starting to see some pros pick him up again
>Luke is less played but still represented
>Capcom buffs both of them
>Meanwhile random mid and low tiers get a single meaningless bug fix or change to an auto combo in modern

I wish someone in charge of balance at Capcom could do a q&a or something so they could explain themselves.
I've seen people just quit playing because they were too scared of having their MR drop, they're so worried about being exposed for not being the best player ever that they'd rather stop improving
>people still care about MR in a game that relies entirely on buffers and throwloops
Snake wife
Blame the fgc putting so much importance on credibility. Literally in the last few posts you've got people shitting on players depending on their rank. Why would anyone want to deal with that?
I’m so tired of guessing
Haven't played this game for 2 months now and life is better
If you take a bullet into your brain, you won't have to guess ever again... because you'll be dead
I legitimately feel like doing that after a ft10 against a Juri
gotta guess your religion or it's straight to hell bro
You don't have to guess since this is specific to you. If you're tired and want to stop guessing, do it and you won't have to guess again. Bonus: You spare us your whining. It's a win for everyone, you're happy. You make everyone happy. <3
If you're Master Rank you're already in the like, top 10% of the playerbase.
I think at that point you should be proud of yourself regardless of MR, and just focus on getting better. People trying to discourage other people from engaging in conversations because of their rank are just crabs in a bucket trying to make everyone feel as bad as they do.
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I wish people were more receptive of bad players. Alright, so maybe the gold player lacks information for knowledge checks but his complaints are automatically invalid. His emotional response to something in game is just as valid as a legend players if at worse not articulated as well.

It's like that bell curve image about IQ that gets pushed around this site. Ok the low end you've got a player who doesn't like fighting bison. On the high end you've still got a player who doesn't like fighting bison but he can tell you exactly why. I'm the middle are people calling you a scrub and to git gud for having an opinion.
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Being a Juri player is starting to feel like a hell that I don't want to deal with anymore

Why do I have to work so much harder than almost everyone else, especially DLC characters, and have to be playing 10 dimensional chess dealing with a stupid garbage ass resource I have to give up Oki for just to have combos. Meanwhile broken ass overpowered characters, especially the DLC ones, don't have to give up anything for their special moves and combos that also leave them in way safer situations with more frame advantage and they also tend to have way more tools and gimmicks to mix someone up with while Juri has to almost entirely rely on the most basic traditional mix-ups and frame traps with no real gimmicks outside of FSE. She also is at a massive disadvantage against any character with a fireball, is the only character in the game that doesn't have some kind of tool to deal with fireballs other than perfect parry, and I'm just fucking tired of it.

Why does the only character I like have to be so fucking miserable to play? FSE combos are harder to do than the shit the top tier characters have too and none of their shit requires such egregious meter and resource usage

I'm fucking tired. I hate this game at this point. The only thing that could recapture my interest is if they put Morrigan in at some point or at least revert Juri to her SF4 playstyle where I can actually deal with fireballs more reasonably with the teleport counter and having multiple fireballs that I can send at different trajectories.
It's such a silly thing, but it's human nature to try and avoid losing something you worked hard for. It's easy to freak out when see how many points you can lose in 10 min, but all that means is that it's possible to gain back those points just as quickly. I don't think the average player understands how many factors go into player performance both inside the game and out that can cause massive dips and peaks in a day to day elo ranking.
I wasn't talking about Terry, I knew someone would say this shit

Though it wouldn't surprise me if he did end up being better than everyone is saying just like all the BITCHES downplaying Akuma, Ed, and Rashid when they were new

Thankfully nobody downplayed Bison
Use your braindead drive rush you fucking moron
>Being a Juri player is starting to feel like a hell that I don't want to deal with anymore
>Why do I have to work so much harder than almost everyone else
lol, I don't wanna be a jerk, but dude you're playing one of those characters that doesn't have to work as hard,
Only a retard would think this

Anyone who's any good is going to punish raw drive rushes and even mashing apes will blow up your raw drive rushes. Also you literally can't even do this against all the fireball characters
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Unironic shitter who comes from anime games, how do I learn to hitconfirm off my lights and mediums? I'm used to just having chains that I can confirm off of or cut short if I don't want to commit to pressure. Here I'll hit a light or two in neutral and it feels like a guess. I go inti training mode and set the dummy to random block but in matches I feel like I'm always too slow to process if it hit or not with how short the hitstun is.
Maybe Juri isn't for you
Juri is literally mid-tier at best in this game at this point and that's if we're being generous

Capcom Cup was partly a fluke and partly Uma being just on another level far beyond the other players. A Juri player needs to be head shoulders above most other characters in skill level to win
Only a retard would struggle to use Juri’s drive rush. You fucking suck.
Which characters do you think are currently weaker than Juri?
>Anyone who's any good is going to punish raw drive rushes
You want to know the truth? I envy you and most people do as well. The path to improvement for you is so simple and easily accomplished. It's like newbie gains when you first start lifting weights. As long as you actively try to improve: notice mistakes, try to fix them, and play the game, you will continue to get a better and better. Compare that to the 1700 and 1800 MR shitters who get absolutely butt raped by Punk while he's bringing a new character to Legend rank. Many of them have over a thousand hours in the game, they, strategize, practice setups and situations, and yet they still cannot get any better despite how much work they put in. THAT is the true hopeless situation. Meanwhile YOU can actually improve and get better with basically no work, just use your brain and play the game. You are blessed, retard.
>they put Morrigan in at some point
Why do retards keep asking for her? Her whole thing is her dash puts her in the air allowing easy high/low mix, you people complain about how much guessing SF6 has and want a character who is nothing but constant 50/50s?
I've been playing her since 2010, it's not my fault they completely changed the way the character plays

Only a retard thinks raw drive rushing works outside of the most low skill level matches
Man I sure love being in a constant state of hyper awareness just to avoid getting reaction checked by the gorillion different universal gimmicks
Really makes you forget how bad the rest of the game actually is
he just used the incorrect button in this, whats ur point princess
>game is the exact same from when this clip was made
>picking like, literally one of the few characters who's so shit that this would work on, and one that doesn't have a fireball too

Also >>497170086

Sounds fun, and it's about time one of the characters I want to play in a game is actually top tier. I enjoyed Morrigan when I played VS/DS, and I would actually straight up play that game regularly if it wasn't dead as fuck. I unironically think it still looks great even to this day. I just want to play a game that's relevant and has a big pool of people to play with.

Also the whole game is guessing already as it is so might as well
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lil niggas in this thread need to be coaching idom
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the mare
He used the wrong button, if he had waiting for green and just press 6 + HK hje would have won. It's not about coaching, i think even he realized his choice in button was bad. He got a funny clip and got to say his iconic "game sucks" line.
I've been having fun playing SFV again, feels like when I make a mistake I actually made a mistake
Idom just won can opener but lil Timmy that defends SF6's honor with his life knows better, mhm.
won a can opener when all the better players are gone doing SFL league stuff lmao, nigga dick riding his sfv goat like its trying to get pregnant
There's a handful of characters but some of them I would say are still a bad match up for Juri and that I think their tier placement is more based upon how viable they are against the real top tier character

Blanka, Honda, Jamie, Kim, Lily, Manon, and Marisa are who I would say are unarguably worse than Juri overall, but some of them are still obnoxious to fight anyway and can carry a player outside of their actual skill level more than Juri can until they hit the wall
Jesus Christ Almighty. Look at the range on that drive rush normal. Look how fucking fast it was. Look how it awards a full combo into level 3. God damn how is it Capcom is ok with characters like this and characters like Manon in the same game?
I'm better than Idom
idom is a mid level player in sf6
CHADsanagi would cook his shit.
Uma is the best player of all time in every SF
He wasn't supposed to win.
Juri is like mid-tier at best dude, there are characters that have normals that reach further than that without having to slime rush
There's a lot more insecure scrubs online than actual good players sadly. On the flip side gold player complaints really aren't as valid since at that skill level the path to improvement is very clear and if it isn't then they should be asking questions instead of mindlessly complaining like everyone else. You really haven't even begun to fight bison at that level, doesn't matter how frustrated he makes you.

Practice. Once you try it enough you'll be able to judge if it hit or not based on what they were doing right before you pressed the button. People use the life bar to check as well since it's more clear than the hit sparks.
Also keep in mind that some like c.mk and single lights are not meant to be hit confirmed on reaction and should only be confirmed on a read.
I don’t think there’s anyone I despise more than people who bitch about the character they play
Why do some Shoto players play like they're zoners?
>he thinks Juri is somehow weaker than Zangief but stronger than Blanka
what rank are you?
Zangief players get a free pass because Capcom bullies the shit out of them
>figured out opponent's playstyle too late
i wonder who will get an easy mode cpt bracket this year like uma
capcom needs to go back to the old format
They’re the most annoying, fucking grapplers players are subhuman
I mostly play Lily and genuinely feel her kit is missing something, though I'm not sure what. Does that count as bitching?
>You really haven't even begun to fight bison at that level, doesn't matter how frustrated he makes you.

Yes you have. It's not even about bison specifically. That's my point. There's something that the player doesn't like when they have to deal with bison. They might not understand but it's still there. And it doesn't ever go away. The better player doesn't like it anymore than the bad player but they'll at least understand it. Like a bad player blocks scissor kicks and tries to press a button and they get punished for it. This makes them upset. The good player blocks it and knows he'll need a 5f with reach if he wants to punish it properly. The good player probably still doesn't like it. The good player might be playing someone who literally can't punish it while still understanding it.
the only people that hate Gief are scrubs that got stomped by the scrub stomper
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*shoes squeaking*
No you're totally right, Lilly is too linear
a gold player who has a hard time against Bison cannot distinguish if the reason he struggles is because of a skill issue or because Bison is broken. And because of that, their opinion is largely irrelevant. The better you get at the game the better you get at distinguishing between an overpowered character and your own inadequacies. There are still master ranked players who are wrong, but at least there is a chance that they aren't. The same does not apply to gold players.
This is bait right?
How it feels to get hit by Raging Typhoon on wake up.
If a character is broken they are broken at all levels of play generally unless they're so obscenely complex that only the best of the best players can actually utilize them but there's no characters like that in any current gen fighting games
Actually everyone hates you because you play the walking casino character and somehow think this makes you skilled
*slime stop fierces you*
Really not beating the scrub allegations right now.
Kill yourself you skilless glue sniffer
hahaha holy fuck I haven't been able to play Terry until now because of work
this is the most fun I've ever had with this game, and thank fuck I spent so much time hopping through dp characters so I can actually fucking dp
Is a delusional Juricel thinking he works for shit. Dont bother.
you lose to gief a lot don't you
I swear some of these posters would tell someone playing casually as roy against marth in melee that they're not good enough for the balance to matter.

Character balance matters at all levels of play.

This is exactly the shit I'm talking about. Niggas literally dismissing any dissenting opinion as scrub shit. There's something about gief that most people do not find fun to fight against and it's at ALL LEVELS OF PLAY. How well someone handles the match up does not change that. And these issues will never be addressed as long as people keep trying to shut down any conversation.
Clown game, clown community
No his players fucking suck
>There's something about gief that most people do not find fun to fight against and it's at ALL LEVELS OF PLAY. How well someone handles the match up does not change that. And these issues will never be addressed as long as people keep trying to shut down any conversation.
name one game where people of all levels of play like fighting gief
Chad game, chad community
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Join the tournament
I'm not joining a tournament filled with wifi Euroniggers
We’re not on wifi though
Bottom Master is a great spot to train and feel the pressure of poor play. It was fun for me
We'll get there. This is a good spot to develop a gameplan and muscle memory.
Should I pick up this game for the halloween season?
How bad are the jumpscares?
It's less his opinion and more the attitude behind it >>497173430 >>497173191 comes off as someone lashing out to protect their ego, which is why he seems like a scrub who is mad because he loses to geif.
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>I caught a busty, voluptuous female wrestler amigo!
>hold me!
If you care so much just stop being a monochar nigger and play someone else
Literally nobody cares
The one protecting their ego is the person claiming that their character sucks and only scrubs could possibly lose to them
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Street Fighter: the movie

He's not mad for no reason even if he's lashing. Yeah a statement like,

>Kill yourself you skilless glue sniffer

Isn't very constructive. But what is it about fighting gief that made this player get so angry? Once we figure that out we could start working on a solution if one could even exist and a character or mechanic is not fundamentally flawed. But this would imply Capcom cares about addressing player complaints and balance.
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Who is in this conversation is claiming that? What did you assume? I was a geif player who thinks the character sucks just because I think the guy sounds like a scrub? Neither is true.
>There's something about gief that most people do not find fun to fight against
There's something about invincible reversals forcing you to respect their wakeup that isn't fun to fight against as well, but you don't see grappler players bitch about DPs the way nerds bitch about literally the only special move Zangief has that functions.
I'd kill to just be in Masters. Just keep playing, man. You're probably in the perfect spot. Not playing in a space where you're stomping people who don't know the basics, but you're in a bracket where you have a lot to learn.
>the only people that hate Gief are scrubs that got stomped by the scrub stomper
this >>>>>>>> off model trash that gets posted here every day
That wasn't me, but that's not the same as saying the character sucks. There's a wide line between saying that there isn't enough reason to hate a character outright and saying that character is bad.
Won't stop permacucked Juricels, Chuncels, Cammycels, any incel nigger who thinks they have a relationship for being buck broken into maining a character. These cucks are incurable.
A gold bison is not doing the same things as a high level bison. Saying you don't like fighting bison (gold rank) is a completely different statement than saying you don't like fighting bison (1800mr) because one of them is still in gold it's a totally different experience. Not trying to say the gold player isn't justified or incorrect, but there's bigger things they're missing at that rank and it's not right to give them the impression that it's hopeless against bison or w/e character they have a problem with by validating such complaints. Having a bad attitude about a character or move is one of the best ways to impede learning.
Is the local spammer coomer. I think theres 2 of them at least who literally live in 4chan.
Nigga burned 10 hours of his life posting Chun pictures in /v/ yesterday alongside posting in /vg/ as well.
Don't give them attention. Just use the dropdown for "not work for safe image in work for safe board" and hope the jannies are feeling helpful...
Yeah, if you're a coward.
Give them attention
But enough about Dix
I always do it. Still gets a giggle outta me remembering the cammycel who had 150-200 posts deleted in the course of only 2 hours he showed up. Nigga was posting porn on cooldown and trying to bait other men to erp.
Keep in mind to post pictures THAT fast you need a 4chan pass.
Nigcel really burning 20$ to shitpost porn for other men in 4chan and even got a 3 day vacation.
Can't even make this shit up. Porn really shrinks the brain.
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I wish more people posted the occasional fanart of their main. It's a nice break from reading the endless seethe posts.
>it's not right to give them the impression that it's hopeless against bison or w/e character they have a problem with by validating such complaints

Yeah that's fair. It's like that logical fallacy that claiming someone who made a logical fallacy is incorrect automatically. Someone can be right but for the incorrect reason. From a player base standpoint it's up to use to help each other learn the right reasons and teach each other. It's up to the devs to do the rest though.

A lot of people get drawn into a fighting game because of a character. It's not very fun when you pick a character before learning a game and find out they suck and you should just pick one of the top characters instead of the character that made you pick up a game in the first place. It reminds me of people telling others to just counterswap in overwatch. It's a lose lose situation. Either they stick with the character who isn't good and they suffer for it or they pick a better character who isn't the one they really wanted to play and suffer for it.
Be careful what you wish for.
Hey everyone, listen up.

If you aren’t in the highest level of play your character choice is completely irrelevant
Not an excuse to stagnate and never ever pick up somebody else.
I started playing SF because of Seth, but Bison fits my playstyle more.
Started KoF for Leona and Kula, but Athena, Iori and Whip feel much more intuitive once I gave them a chance.
Character obsession is sperg autism. Sometimes you have a character that fits your natural instincts much better and you will never know because you obsessed with the wrong things.
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>Picked Smash Ult in 2020~ as my first Smash game because Sephiroth
>After 300 hours or so of only playing Seph, started to mess around with other characters
>Joker clicked on me almost instantly and eventually I surpassed even the amount of hours than in Seph with him
Can confirm this. Still love me some Seph due to the muscle memory and because he is swaggy as fuckk, but Joker just feels so much better for my aggro playstyle.
That's just a gamble man. What if someone starts with lily and after trying everyone a little bit they find they like Manon the most? They're still boned. In a perfect world people wouldn't have to feel like they're arbitrarily gimping themselves because they ended up on a bad character because everyone would just have a 5:5 match up.
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>incel nigger
>buck broken
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What risk you running? Even pro players who live for the game try out other characters, but a hobbyist like you can't afford to at least give a try for a couple of hours to other characters?
Another "feels over reals" argument that makes zero sense. I'd say even if you like your character, try someone else, but in the case of these niggers bitching and moaning is more than enough reason to check out some other different characters.
What in the blue hell...?
juri's womb after a night with her favorite strays
I feel like Lily's 2HK should be better.
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>Missing the entire point of the post
Some people work better as natural zoners, some as aggro players, some play better camping like a bitch and turtling, some players are naturals are reading their opponent habits

The entire point of playing every character, is not only to improve your fundies, but to see if some other character just clicks with you naturally without much effort
You're assuming that the hobbyist will find someone that's strong AND they like.
I see no possible potential issues with this at all.
This game is absolute poison. I’m still seething even 2 hours after turning it off.
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>I want to WIN but WITH MUH WAIFU
Then you ain't a hobbyist, just another cucked faggot.
This is why I tell you faggots to ignore these posters, but you always bite the bait, they don't want solutions, only to complain
Yeah, I'm thinking it's time to fold back into /fgg/.
you've been saying this for over a year. it's over, just accept it
you've been saying this for over a year. it's true, we must accept it
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>X about to be unban in Brazil anytime now
HER husband is coming back!
Juri Hubby will be unban in 5minutes DBZ style
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weirdo posting himself again
CHAD being posted by his fans once again.
>Nigga who stays here 24/7 posting porn and shota/bestiality cuck fantasies with a 4chan pass calling anyone else weirdo
Lilly is ugly as fuck
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What compels someone to post garbage like this at least Cornshuar is well drawn
Which means around 10 days give it or take?
>play a character you don't like

But why? That's not fun.
You cannot tell if you dont like PLAYING them until you PLAY them
Its time we go back to /fgg/ and revive SFV
I would say to hold it a poll but considering how /sfg/ is full of mentally disable social outcasts afraid of getting hacked through voting in a poll its probably gonna be worthless
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how many samefags did he do this thread?
We had multiple cases of blatant samefaggery and spam, so is kinda pointless.
If a nigga is down to spam Chun pictures for 10 hours in /v/ as they also spam porn and shitpost in /vg/ why would they just stop to bump /sfg/?
It's time we made a /sf6g/ and avoid the schizos
Also most /fgg/ losers are also the /sfg/ losers, they can't even hide their posting habits and style
It's time Capcom made SF7 and we started fresh.
at least 100
>Only 113
>Even if we consider that it was all one person and not rangeban
Pathetic performance
Cammycel literally destroys this schizo in power level, he got 150 posts in less than 2 hours while SmashFag needed like 6 for 113
Alright so what if I play a bunch of characters but I still wanna play lily?
Why are you talking about yourself in third person?
>grand final WW Germany
>Manon roundstart DR crMP
>second round
>Manon round start qcbHK
>Ryu beat the special because he roundstart DR Jab
How am I supposed to like the game?
Is more entertaining for the schizos to imagine it was just one person for the drama let them be, is more content for the thread to be derailed
If it was one person it was literally ineeduchun trying to whitewash his reputation and I can't even tell if it worked or not because /sfg/ is so fucking dead
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I approve any kind of topic that makes /sfg/ miserable and avoids to talk about gameplay
dis nigga a villain das crazy
crabs are mindbroken
What's the origin story?
>Calling other crabs as you spin in the wheel for my amusement punching ghosts
I just checked /fgg/ and they are even worse.
Who's a GOOD character?
JP is Falke on steroids, very fun to play
I'm glad he is an old mixed race black man because this filters coomers from playing PEAK
I down 3 percs with whiskey to deal with slime rush
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>drinking alcohol in 2024
Rare zoomer W
heh, nice

Can you start making your posts more recognizable like the reinafag used to? You need to brand yourself better.
/fgg/ made you
I have a rare condition where my liver disintegrates if I don't drink alcohol
>not drinking in 2024
This truly is super faggot general
Does it work?
Last (you) from me, you are nothing but another clown in this circus working for free so I can shuckle for a while
>Drinking alcohol in 2024
>Specially alone, not even to get the only charisma boost alcohol gives you
Some real sad fucks living here hum.
>Can you start making your posts more recognizable like the reinafag used to?
his typing style is easy to notice
Sad boomer hours
>I literally type like a regular poster you find anywhere
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Not good, but Cammy is top 1 HONEST so go with her if you want to improve at fighting games
That was my first time replying to you tho?
You'll never get any recognition if you're not recognizable.

That's no fun
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It's herbal tea though.
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sweaty breeding with the settlement puta
If someone disconnects during a match can the game tell the difference between pulling the plug and a random internet loss? How do points get resolved?
And a character can be good at low level but be bad at high level - see Honda. Again, a low level player cannot tell the difference between Bison and Honda, if anything, they will tell you that Honda is better than Bison, so they can actually steer you in the wrong direction.
Get wasted with friends in highschool and college was fun, but yea alcohol is gay.
Dying from alcohol problems is a single hag problem so you right, alcohol is pretty queer
Loss for both of us? Loss only on intentional DC? Loss only on accidental? Both?
>tfw I did the same thing but regret it
This whole "enjoy your 20s" is such a meme
Then you gotta play catch up in life in your late 20s or early 30s and shits stressful as fuck
the one that lost the connection to the server
I’m drunk and high right now. Weed and booze is euphoria
Does that mean the person who didn't DC gets points?
I'm sober and focused right now. Water and whole foods is all I need.
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>Whole Foods
Why is there no fighter from Israel?
Because they make lawyers and doctors
Only the lowest IQ countries produce fighters
U know
He should talk about the gender wars happening in Korea right now with men using pregnant women seats
They have JP
We should fund him a trip to Korea so he can protect them from these chuds
You’re mentally challenged. Please go back to your ilk in /fgg/
>Country where women already feel underrepresented, undervalued, and looked down upon so they refuse to have babies
>"yea lets treat them like shit if they are carrying babies"
Niggas deserve to go extinct at this point, let Natural selection do its thing.
Because the coomer spammers and boomer failures shitposting here sure aren't retarded at all?
/fgg/ is just what /sfg/ will look like in the future. Same bred of posters.
Irrefutable and Truthpilled.
Niggas have inhuman work hours and instead of rioting against the state they trying to beef with their women LOL
Juri's Husband gonna breed Juri and I will get a koreanfu for myself to help repopulate korea...
Count me in. I will breed 3 of them is hard work and I will need to work another job but I must save the Korean gene
Thank you BocchiGOD
I am unironically looking forward to it. I miss his posts. I added him on discord but is not just the same besides some days he is barely online due to his real life shit like working or dealing with his parents being ill, is not the same vibe as just seeing a cute post pop in your feed
Same but I dont know how to break the ice, usually men talk to me first
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Hes a sweetheart and I use some of his posts on my girlfriend.
Dont expose him you nigger
Nigga just talk lmao is online how you sissies have online anxiety?
I just never felt this way to another person before
You Will Never Be Juri's Husband's Wife Juri

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