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Previous thread: >>497019783

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 — 2024.10.10

>New Season Start
Season 5 - Oblivion
2024.10.10 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Extractions

>Current Extractions

2024.10.03 — 2024.10.17
[000] Zwei West Section 3 Ishmael

2024.00.00 — 2024.00.00
Target Extraction: [ ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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I'm posting in this thread but I don't like it. Bake as early as possible, please.
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>German twink
This one is fine. No bunnysuits in sight.
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What’s his color name?
hey guys I'm back from shifting into the timeline where limbus isn't a gacha game, and I'm sorry to that that PM filed for bankruptcy a few months after the game released
>seething about a picture where character they hate isn't even the focus
The brown shart.
The orange rat.
The Blue Prince's lowly pet.
Stop being babies and use the thread
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>slaps your fat belly
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Don't wanna. He's in it.
Goku ID - Rodya
Bejita ID - Outis
Gohan ID - Sinclair
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Rodya LOVE!
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where did all the danteposters go..?
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Love me wife Outis
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I should kill myself?
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>runs in
>stabs you
>runs out
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Snaust died for our sins
The new Ishmael is really fucking good
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Today my blade shall cleave straight and true through my enemies...
Boundary of Death...!

Hope we get this song as a flashback then come back to see how fucked Sancho has gotten

>lose his memories
X never lost his memories. He was an entirely new ego with his own way of doing things. He was after all the only one who could reach the light. I think Dante is the meat that was left behind and the connection Faust had with him is through the faustcord. We're really a million billion dantes and fausts working together

Osakana no tattoo
Fish tat
The new Ishmael is fucking really good
Aaaah. So that's what it meant.
Well, now I feel silly.
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love me fish
simple as
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After 40 attempts
why did you repost shit from last thread here? are you really that desperate for (You)'s?
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Was posting while scrolling and didn't notice it was a dead thread
Does anyone else think Heathcliff's story in Limbus makes no fucking sense?
>The master's young son was mean to me
>Some other fucker got money
>Maids were bitchy
Who fucking cares, just move on now that you're free. It makes no sense that he's so caught up with all this, where's the hook?
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It seems like you forgot about something today...
Are you stupid?
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>eats you
>loses weight
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alright fine, take the (You)
no, it's stupid, and it made no sense in the original book too. Why did he even stick around, and then why was his heart broken all out of a sudden? It's like suddenly a switch flipped
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Hear me now,
O thou bleak and unbearable world!

Thou art based
Zenya handled it just fine titty tuber. Go back to simping for Shadow.
Based on what?
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Bros... they told me Maid Ryo was core for Poise MD but she jobbed to Cinqlair...
So how is The Director going to do a kino titledrop for Oblivion like he did with Clear all Cathy?
This will help explain
does anyone have that one fic where tiph's physical body in the library makes her horny and she starts hatefucking netzach to cope?
The only way to save Don is to boot up her favorite Elder Scrolls game....Morrowind
>swaps place with a slice of pizza without you noticing
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In universe bait
Playing wrong intentionally means nothing.
I need stinky vampire sex...
At long last...peace...
In the books heath never smashed cathy
Well,neither did he in limbus
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Explain further.
nvm found it
O Wild Hunt...
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I am READY for next season. I want the trailer NOW. I want the ID previews NOW.
Why would he smash her? That's rude and painful. Smashing someone is never correct. Only someone like Sinclair deserves to be smashed as it often happens to him like when Heathcliff bonked him or the KCorp drones rammed into him
Cringe. Would read if it was Lolan instead.
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It's true, we all need to let out some stress sometimes.
He might have but it got negated
Is that being temporally cucked?
Lolan? Instead of Tiph?
I need SEX
Roland would have just said no
Even though vtubers are stinky they 100% aren't cute femcels so in the end not for me (besides pochi but I'm sadly not a young boy so no ss)
I'll bash your bloody head in you cheeky cunt
With Don Quixote, the Second Kindred.
If you want a stinky femcel tuber you need Chibi or Pippa
Cute and stinky, anon, cute and stinky femcel
We know, Dante, but the sinner girls already have Heathcliff to sate their sexual desires.
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okay then just pippa
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Lots of sheeps, but can we get more
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I remember when these two used to be the biggest ship and now nobody gives a fuck about them anymore. So sad, the season 1 sinners deserve more
Sinclair being a guy and Kromer a girl is the best fate Sinclairfags can have,being homos but not cucked
If Sinclair was a girl and Kromer a girl it would be yuri and yurifags are the worst
Same applies if both were men
And if Sinclair was a girl and Kromer a man then they would just be cucks
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male kromer would be the yume wettest dream
They should try reading the book it portrays the twink mindbreak pretty well
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Sleepyhead Rodion/Hong Lu
Star Luminary Faust/Ishmael
400 Roses Don/Sinclair
??? Meursault (000)/??? Yi Sang (00)
I shall politely request (You)s if I am correct about at least half of these.
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Can Faust explain why my limballs itch?
I keep getting gaslighted!
Sinclair is for his mom figure Ryoshu.
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Here's the sheep you wanted.
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When is Sinclair turning into Ryoshu’s 2nd sword?
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I don't think it will end well for him if we look at her old experiences as a mother
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>the t in t corp stands for tremor
i have drawn so many sheep for so many damiens throughout these threads
but yet, i shall draw you another. later when i can.
it just doesnt hit the same with this picture..
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Fastest and easiest way to get a femboy bf in the City?
what if the guy who said bloodfiends can’t interact with mirror tech ends up being right?
But... but dyon...
It's so unequivocally over for him.
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what the f uck was their problem
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i still like em
the d in dante stands for drawpipi....
can someone post that one Tiph and Netzach leglock fanart
Yan Sinclair sexo
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>the a in A stands for abnormality
simply amazing
>the b in b corp stands for bee
Also what if using the EGO meant also paying a lunacy?
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What does the N stand for?
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>The C in Carmen stands for charming
Truly stunning
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damn hiskuripu you live like this?
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He keeps me going
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Predict the paid announcer for Season 5 in tomorrow's PV. Two choices.

I'm gonna go with Queequeg or Indigo elder.
I bet Don is a total RimQueen. 30 minutes a day easy she'll be digging in
The mystery nigga with the big hat
god it's so fucking hot
I wish that were me
John Sancho D. Ending?
Paid announcer as in, the on that is bought directly with paid lunacy, not the paid section of the BP.
Pilot for sure and a character featured in Canto V.
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post on-model outis
Pilot has one fan just like Samjo did so it's very possible.
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>gets trucked
I feel like that would directly lead to the total mental breakdown of that one anon who hates pilot if it happens.
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Is it worth uptying Ring Outis to 4 if I plan on using a Lust Bleed team? Or should I instead uptie Magic Bullet to 4 for the Burn squad?
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>people complain about off model fanart
>when every time a character appears in the story their proportions change
Kinda cringe, man
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>The B in Benjamin stands for Hokma Balls
There's no denying it. This is pure cinema.
Man I fucking hate how we dont get uptie (well threadspin) stories for EGOs.
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I think you should stop making dogshit posts and instead start sharing images of Outis with big tits
>The I in Ishmael stands for Idiot
I'm nooticing....
ishMALEfags not beating the allegations.
It was my father's birthday.
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>The C in Charon stands for CUTE
Ring Outis' UT4 is more valuable than Shootis'. It gives her S1 a coin power boost from bleed, her S2 has a 40% chance to reuse instead of 20 + it can be reused more and her S3 also gets coin power from bleed among other things.

Shootis' UT4 makes Dark flame guaranteed on her S1, makes her coin power boost from burn max 3 instead of 2 on her S2 and gives her S3 more damage based on burn
Tell him I said happy birthday.
did you fuck him
I’ve never saved a single image of any of the sinners
>Still no Charoff
Charon sexo
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You can't stop her.
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Adam wouldn't do this
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Magic Bullet to UT4 ASAP, you can leave your Ring Bleed trash untouched at UT1.
Just a REMINDER to all you UPPITY bleedchuds that Season V is BURN'S season and all you little shits saying 'oooh vampires' and 'oooh Carmilla Don' are COPING with the fact that you are going to get shafted harder than Rupture for another SIX MONTHS.
You can ignore the rest of the Season 4 Dispenser if you have any trash in there left, Sinking is a sinking ship, you have limited time to make sure you have all the CORE Burn units before the halvening. Surely you don't want to be left behind with the times right anon?
discuss my plump stinky futa girl balls
Why did Director do this? Was he under the illusion that this was a fujo franchise? Limbus has proven the fujos hold no power, he doesn't need to do this anymore.
Donfiend or another character in Canto VII, they're skipping Canto V.
Can't wait to replace shitty Dawnclair man
actually it stands for cunny
tranny tourist
the exact same tranny tourist
We deserve cunny ids
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Gonna have a BIG LAUGH when the other Carmilla isn't Sinclair or Meursault or even a WAW
Don't undercut Samjo like that, at least he was a meme and some artists like him (even if they're fujos). I really don't see Pilot being an announcer unless he comes back but that won't happen
tell ur papa I said happy birthday and that you love him
give him a hug too please
Post off-model Philip.
sorry you dont have fat potent girl balls like me, keep jerkin it and make youll get there
Sinclair will look amazing in that.
As long as the other Carmilla isn't Ishmael then it's acceptable.
caring about slurs
definetly a twitter tranny
Also It's going to be Faust
Are you guys excited to have clown Don as your big seasonal boss ID?
>The other Carmilla is given to Danteh
>It's ALEPH instead of WAW
Let me suck it
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>scroll through my archived art
>get sad because all the artists deleted their shit and will never draw PM again
>blatant samefag
ermm??? uh?
clearly a fault of Limbus...
10 more years of this...
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Ermmm... What the shucka?
Futas don't exist,tourist-kun
Only gross trannies
I wonder how they feel given limbus has only gotten more popular overtime
When the trailer dropping
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dead thread dead game
EOS soon
Such dumb lazy niggers we have here
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Sheep lusting for sheep.
They probably don’t care, seeing as they dropped it entirely and don’t even acknowledge it
Do you think we'll have a dungeon this time, or will it be like Heathcliff's and have a million nodes instead?
no longer seiaposting huh? 'cause ba is deader than this hellhole?
Post some SP bullets.
Getting raped by oogaboogamael...
Behead gookcels
I bet they do care
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Go ask them
well it's not that hard to avoid PM
it's popular under a very low standard still
Worse. Austrian.
You're seething and I bet love refugees
that's kind of dumb. pilot was invented to replace saude's dead boytoy, hence the name. we'll probably see them together the next time they show up
doesn't demian take place in germany?
director only puts stuff in his games that he likes and it's book accurate
Not even that. This little retard is from Switzerland.
Effie will live on forever in my heart and pages of my sketchbook. He was perfect and I'll never forget him...
Hearing him in their announcer is a little salve for my aching heart.
You’re brown.
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Blue Archive is dead? I thought they were the most popular
Seething probably in self righteousness.
What's the moral equivalent to buyer's remorse?
the effects really do the heavy lifting, huh.
I've been wondering. Some of the gifs the animation seems to cut off a bit in some of the subsequent moves. Is it because the second swing is the same as the first and it doesn't show any repeat animations that already played previously in the gifs?
Gender swap mirror worlds.
Race swap mirror worlds.
Age swap mirror worlds.
Are these really all the frames? Does not look as choppy ingame.
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sinclairtouristniggerfaggot doesn't even know who the eosfox is
yes, deader than ever, they fucked up and EoS will be announced in two weeks
They should make fun of Rodion’s weight and call her a fatty
It’d be funny and filter twitter
Dibs on this fox's corpse
rodion should belch in my face for five consecutive seconds
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*picks boogers
*flicks them at you
I don't know man. Maybe we should tie you up and set you on fire.
Dibs on her armpits
where are the pics of tiph's anus
I can be your drunk older uncle.
Dibs on one of the tanker girl's corpses.
>Saude is a slut
Such many cases.
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>necrochads coming out of nowhere
Tiphy sexy
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Don tits
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We should be able to kidnap enemy combatants for use within the bus rape dungeon.
Damn, I guess the Korean government was fearing they could grow powerful enough to bring down another institution.
Wonder where the doujin artists will move to

>Captcha A MASK
Tiph should become the biggest of the sephirot
Is there a reason why the director made her so lewd?
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If BA is not safe what makes you think Limbibi is safe? EoS is IMMINENT.
We feed them already to Mephisto.
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I fucking hate EXP so much bros
Then explain why I don't get any enkephalin after clearing a stage.
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there was never any doujin artists, they were all paid by John Nexon and will move on to other kusoges once this one's dead
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Sorry everyone. The PV suffered a catastrophic bug, and won't be shown tomorrow. Apolunacy will be dispensed soon.
yi sang and sinclair
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>u4 2greg
My communist wife District 20 Ryoshu
>blondes as knights
>horse greg
Wait were those retarded discord leaks real
Limbus' whole animation style is low frame high impact because of the effects around them. They're very Darkest Dungeon-esque in that way.
>UT4 Middle Meursault
>UT4 Zwei Greg
Incredibly based
Would a limbus EOS mean project moon would move on to another game or would they go to shit
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zwei greg is so cool man
Im putting him in my tremor team for Ish
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The amount gained goes entirely to the bus, and it's a super minuscule amount, basically just there to start the bus, and then it maintains speed on other fluids.
Oh yeah I'm an idiot and confuse mountain teuts
Hesse grew up in Germany. His actual nationality and culture is complicated to pin down, arguably you could say he's even Russian.
He mogs
in style, agreed.
is there a way to tell which portrait is the one that matters or is it literally just rng and u better hope u get the right one
If the game EOS'd because of money PM would very obviously shut down because they're the only entity managing it. Most gachas that EOS are shut down by a publisher managing them, not the developer. A gacha being profitable is insanely easy so you have ones like Girls Frontline that can last forever, the issue is when you're owned by Nintendo or Nexon or Squre Enix, profitable isn't enough.
futafag tranny having another melty?
It's incredibly obvious, there's two ways to tell

>See which one the previous turn made a different sound when you won the clash
>Or check which one has a different defense skill from everyone else
do people here actually believe a discordtranny leak of all things?
i mean before you get to that point. you have 5 parts to hit and 1 of them activates it but is there a way to tell or is it just random
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Characters for this feel?
Girls should dress up as sinners and ride sybians
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Loli ids when? They do know they are losing a ton of money not pandering to the lolicon audience, right?
Limbus will EOS once the gookcels get their hand on director and break him mentally
Rodya can’t even see her feet when she walks…
Again, the turn before the portraits can be targeted, when you win the clash, and hit the abno, it'll make a sound on hit, the real one is different from everyone else.
And when they can be targeted, just check each one's defense skill in case you didn't pay attention to the sound effect prior.
in what context could they even make one of the sinners a loli and have them fight
Director has sex (and a wife) he has resistance to all incels and does effective damage
Rodya is too FAT to walk.
what happened to that weird grifter PMUNION or some shit after el Director won
She’d probably smack you for saying that
Doesn’t matter if it’s a fat or boob joke, you’re a dead man walking
Although she might be a little proud of that second one
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At best we could get an EGO from an abno that makes anyone using it younger, besides that, I don't see how an ID would make any sense, unless the city has some weird rejuvenation tech with hidden side effects.
The lawsuit was called off because the police or court thought it was retarded
He convinced some artists to file copyright claims on work they were commissioned to do so now director is suing them again
Is this the turning point for zwei being huge jobbers in both story and gameplay?
took the money and ran(real)
I'm not so stupid that I don't know when a giant crash sound happens and the portrait lights up and gets a guard icon instead of an evade. I mean prior to even touching the fucking portrait with a skill.
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They give Don a Flandre ID.
they unironically took the money and ran
now they roped the 2 retarded artists to sue PM
DD already gave us a badass grade 1 fixer, the ones we foughter in LoR were lower tier sections people.
Reminder that Charon is supposed to wield an oar as a weapon.
You think they had ever planned on having her join for specific battles?
blue archive collab...?
f-full please...
Yeah, but what if they dress up like Oswald THE PSYCHO KILLER CLOWN and go to the PM office?
I really do not understand why you want something so freaking specific. Are you asking about it from a mechanic standpoint on how it works? Cause I have no idea, I did not stop to check if the portrait of the master changes each time you attempt the fight.
i feel like if they were ever gonna collab for real they would have by now but i dont play other gacha so cant say i know
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>runs in
>stabs you again
>runs out
all associations (except Hana) are canon fodder
When the trailer
>gachas collabing with each other
never happening since the money diverts instead of multiplying, especially not with a n*xon ip
Yet they still made them change the art for any potential scene with pinching.
Her boobs hide her fat belly
That’s nothing to be proud of
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>Don - Flan ID
>Faust - Sakuya ID
It could work.
I'm doing a turn autism run so I'm having to use a level 1 T Rodion who can't win a clash. I'm pretty much having to throw 5 attacks at it and hope the 6th one wasn't the real portrait. I was just curious if there's some way to tell or if it's rng because so far it seems completely random. It fucks me over sometimes when I guess wrong is all.
In around 8-9 hours or so probably. Depends on if they're releasing at the usual time, or delaying it a bit like a few weeks ago.
>catches you before you can go
>clobbers you on the gob
>kicks your arse on the way out
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Gachas never collab with one another. Notice how Honkai star rail did not collab with FGO, but instead with Fate stay night in particular.

If BA were to collab with PM, it would be with LC or LoR, and not limbus.
i know faust looks more like sakuya but it feels more like an outis id
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It's not technically unheard of. I think it's just easier to promote the franchise compared to their gacha.
Yes we know they're canon. They exist now as nostalgia bait and fan service.
Pamela and Pameli IDs.
Which one is the cloned body?
>If BA were to collab with PM
Tiph studentwife..... imagine the doujins.......
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Wrong choice.
Would job to tenma
is the drawpile still open? i want to draw
cuz they're in my mouth
Oh right pricinne had a rodya
Tiph, I can see your booba
Shi South Section 2 are weak to blunt. H.C. wins.
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They let you do it if your franchise dick is big enough.

This means we will get Fate Kaleid! Definitely confirmed Magical Girl Ego.
>If BA were to collab with PM, it would be with LC or LoR, and not limbus.
that's better
>even the magical girls as a stretch
the only cunny in limbus so far are charon and crayon
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He's definitely getting an EGO from BP, and a seasonal ID right? Last EGO he got was frog on freaking May, and Dawn Sinclair, also in May.
That's like saying if Arknights collabed with Lobotoym Corp it wouldn't be the same as a Limbus collab. They're not meaningfully different, it's the same franchise and drive traffic to "the competition".
as anon said, that's not FGO, that's FSN
what about blue archive x mahjong soul?
He gets a [000] and shares 400 Roses' WAW E.G.O with Don.
He gets another shitty [00] and a TETH version of 400 Roses.
Same franchise, but the technicality being it isn't gacha x gacha.

Pamela and Pameli and Tenma can easily work. Just excuse it with some weird bullshit.
Laetita would be a complete given should they ever decide to collab but I half expect it would instead be something strange like a student humanisation of Matchstick Girl that has looks normal but has ashy skin or something like that.
Hod would be in it too since she’s pretty young
Hod is dumb and old and smelly
>Seasonal ID
More than likely yes
>E.G.O from BP
Probably. His last one was from Ish's Canto with 9:2. He could get the other BP WAW, but I don't know if Hong or Sinclair would sell better (I don't think Meursault would be that great).
The point of gachas not collabing together would be that they compete, promoting another series whose main property is a gacha is doing that, the technicality doesn't matter.
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Make predictions for the new canto
Forgot about that one actually. I guess there are exceptions. In a majority of cases, they prefer to collab with some other associated game to said franchise, than the gacha itself.
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You can only do this once per thread, you're past your quota. DIE.
it will be about don
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One way or another we're getting a boss fight against Don.
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Don will start to distort, but Rocinante comes undone and puts a stop to the process by coming out, and they need to figure out a way to bring the other back without distortinig.
L Corp having a feeder school branch made up of abs and tiph.... bwos!!!
Don Quixote will be BROKEN.
Sancho is DEAD. Or is the Blue Mystery Nigga. Either way, he's gonna play a role in breaking her.
We'll be enacting TOTAL BLOODFIEND DEATH with MOSES as our supervisor.
There will be BLOOD, FIRE and STEEL. Meaning that we'll see BLOODFIEND HUNTERS in THIS Canto. And related IDs. Maybe even a Bloodfiend Hunter Don ID if not a True Bloodfiend one.
>PM characters join BA
>They constantly feel bad about running out of bullets, because they keep thinking about the potential cost of the magazine they just emptied
Where the fuck do all the bullets come from anyway? It's not like their guns are magical right?
I will hug Don
Milf Hunter Sinclair 000 ID
>quit for a year
>come back
>meursault is still the only one without a single worthwhile support passive
Sinclair cowers, fumbles and is a little bitch as always
Yi Sang keeps being nice
Gregor is made fun of
Rodya eats
Hong Lu reveals another fucked up fact about his family
Heath is gloomy still
Ryoshu D.S.C.S.A.
Ishmael notes someones blind obsession
Faust is... smart
Outis being an asskisser
Don mental breakdown
Custom engineered, probably by the same workshops that sell the guns. More specialty bullets can be produced by the different Corps like K Corp. serum bullets.
middle Meursault.
lcb meursault always had a good support passive tho
he literally has the best support passive in the entire game
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Manager Esquire I did it, I save the City!
did this shit in 3 minutes for shits and giggles.
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>ignores LCB Meursault
8 hours of unprotected sex
tenma has been vored 20 times
Don't do this you'll make a third generation kindred
Replaying story battles shouldn't cost enk if you already have the EX condition fulfilled
>The Dante's notes are seemingly dated december
Is Don's canto going to only last a few in game days so we can actually have christmas on christmas to fix the canto 3 fuck up with the delay?
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>Sinclair cowers, fumbles and is a little bitch as always
He's gonna beat the shit out of Don. I can feel it.
i wonder what the bad ending/villain ids are gonna be for the currently cantoless sinners
why does he look like that
Meursault's will be society but they'll probably do something where the Chaplain tries to help Meursault and the Prosecutor is someone affiliated with N Corp that wants to frame him
I kept thinking about G.Greg's passive for Zwei Ish solos, but LC Don works even better, free heals so long as she has aggro on hit, which is pretty much 24/7.
The Director likes Anthony Quinn
After the Canto, Don loses Rocinante. She now goes barefoot in her base ID and EGO with new voicelines. All of her other ID’s are also barefoot for some reason.
How are you supposed to maintain bleed outside of MD? There are only a handful of IDs that have bleed count, but they aren't even that good
Ish is strong.
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The tag team is fun to use
she has shoes as a bloodfiend, thoughever
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I hate it here.
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original character do not steal
You don't.
Lads how come PM won't let Ishmael smile? Is it because shes autistic
She has portraits where she smiles though? She's just never doing a huge smile showing teeth.
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I cri
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I still haven't started a RR4 clear
i like feep and meursheep (that's meursault right?)
Only her Ahab ID is smiling, none of the others are.
It's because she's STINKY and A FISH
god I would love for Don's story ID to look that cool
Should I try singing The Impossible Dream when I get back from my exam?
It's because she's a stick in the mud.
you should try doing dailies
just do it, it's stupid easy if u arent a newbab
I hope so, It would be an ugly yi sang
Already done
Should I try a tremor MDH? I don't think I've done one all season, I usually just run Burn or Bleed
>Please remain in close proximity to Faust.
zwei faust > zwei ish
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are there any special banners like in RR1 or 2?
god RR2 was so fucking ass
I would impregnate Sinclair
>Faust is super protective of you
>Ish doesn't even PRETEND to give a shit about you beyond you paying her
Is Ish the least For (You) girl in the game when it comes to IDs?
like how Ishmael was gonna save Heath right?
If you get under 100 turns yeah. I got 69 turns when I did it blind with no resets so it goes to show how much easier this one is.
If they ever do other R. Corp IDs, I want to see the other packs.
God damn I would motorboat Rodion's tits so hard
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I would still trust her though
I am her compass after all
At least she doesn't threaten to murder you
Ryoshu is
She's a tsundere,anon.
Wouldn't R be the only one where he had his real arm? I'm sure he'd just be a veteran or being in his suit means it wouldn't show but I don't see why R Corp would keep an armless manlet.
we need to see raven and the other niggas
Well you can't spell selfish without Ish
So far Maid has been the only dere proof yeah?
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I'll do it later
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What kinda team does Knightmael want? Is it OK to stick to just stick her into my normal tremor focus team and if I do what should the team look like?
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>Ignoring the obvious choice
I feel like Sinclair and Don will be paired up for something. However, him finding out about her being a bloodfiend would affect him really badly, think Nclair hatred for prosthetics
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That's fine. If you don't complete it before the 10th you won't get the special banner and WILL be kicked from the guild though!
Genetic dead-end, and its just an issue with clone failure
2 star reindeer id.
No, she just genuinely doesn't respect Dante, like Ishmael. Which makes sense since he isn't much more than a healslut for the sinners
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It's about grudges, not shipping. An umgi like you wouldn't get it.
You can't kick me from the guild, I'm the guild leader. I'm basically your dante
tremor bros, where are you at!
>Ishmael doesn't respect Dante and relished the opportunity of being free of him in TKT
>Ryoshu doesn't respect Dante
>Outis doesn't respect Dante
>Rodya only sees Dante as an ATM
Why do the female sinners barring Don and Faust hate him so much? All the male sinners like him, even Meursault went out of his way to defend Dante's appearance once.
no,she's a tsundere
shut up
I made this
Which Don IDs have the hottest gasps from being staggered and shit
<Not you, too...>
Hod is the second youngest sephirot…
She’s cuter than Tiph too
<I'm not having another "consultation session" with you, Hong Lu...>
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Oh Carmen, you just can't help youself!
I feel sad for the guy all things considered, downward spiral incarnate.
Try to actually read the story instead of being a drooling retard and forcing your delusions on others.
>Meursault went out of his way to defend Dante's appearance once.
I don't remember that,when?
its still wild to me how bookfags said "limbus cathy wasn't that evil like in the book they made her soft :("
when she straight up made rigged his bet and go even further in his spiral
>Sloth & Lust Fatal
>Pride & Gluttony Fatal
>Lust & Envy Fatal
>Envy & Wrath Fatal
I don't know man. Ish is a lazy piece of shit, Ryoshu is too proud, Outis is a bootlicker so even if she tried to be genuine it'd still come off as insincere and Rodion is Rodion.
>Faust: Gluttony & Lust Fatal
>Don: Wrath & Gloom Fatal
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Yumebait out of NOWHERE in Canto 6
Self-inserters like you are the ones forcing your delusions on others. Go play Nikke if you want all the females to fawn over the protagonist for no reason because you're a failure who should kill himself
They’re still right they
She was way worse in the book
What I'm getting so far is everyone in Wuthering Heights collectively has the perfect concoction of flaws such that everything falls apart like a well laid tragedy of dominos.
i remember it because meursaultfags complained it was out of character
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Tough luck Hindley. Don't bet your house next time like an alcoholic idiot.
>She was way worse in the book
does she have a higher kill streak than Limbus?
because Limbus cathy just let those ring rejects kill all those people
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Part and parcel of City living.
The ring killed them and took advantage of her though?????
She’s a sweetie in limbus
Has anybody TRULY killed anyone in Limbus Company? The sinners are all cinnamon rolls who have killed no one and are entirely free of sin. The sinners name was a mistranslation clearly
i can kind of see their point
in limbus she's just a victim
Faust killed millions of my sperm
outis killed effie
I love these kind of posts. Where's my Heathcliff has never killed anyone post
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Here is sheepsault if you want it.
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Killed millions
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a work of art
I mean they are shounen protags, soooo
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Angela LOVE!
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Did you know that despite being 5% of the population, Bloodfiends commit 50% of the Star of the City-level crimes?
ooc as fuck lmao
Angela doesn't look like this
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She does so
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Rodion's absolutely killed someone and suffered actual consequences from it
She's pretty much one of the few Sinners who actually fits the title
I thought her sin was that she was obese lul
Nelly killed a few hundred innocent people but it's okay because Heathcliff let her go
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Nah her sin is just eating too much. We will get her therapy
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Anything Faust has ever done to Dante has been purely consensual. Faust will take no further questions at this time.
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Do you think Ayin jiggled Angela’s tummy while he was making her?
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But that's true. Heathcliff never killed ANYONE. He just beat them up until they were unconscious, which is quite different from outright killing them.
Sinclair doesn't count, and in all due honestly, he would never count as a kill.
Fake meursault fags aka illiterate fags complained it was out of character
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How would he fare in the city?
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I somehow accumulated 400 shards for Meursault and Rodya should I just use them and exchange them for their Dieci and Drevyat IDs?
they are the only things left in the shop
>RAPE Notes
Is this how many times Dante's raped or been raped? There's no way faust could ever rape him, or outis or sinclair.
dead in minutes
Heathcliff killed Catherine by being a coward and breaking her heart so she killed herself.
>he would never count as a kill.
She's more neurotic, Limbus Cathy didn't get that deep into it cause she was working for a cause she thought would be for Heathcliff's sake, but that didn't stop her from enabling the kidnappings.
Faust,Outis and Sinclair would definetly rape Dante
All the sinners except Yi Sang would.
Dieci Meursault is a bit underwhelming, but goes great if you're running all Dieci
Devyat Rodya is strong but finnicky
I still think you should shard them both
>no hime cut
not ryoshu get this shit outta here
Is that even Ryoshu?
Very nice. Source?
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Presented without further comment.
shut up hermann they wouldn't
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She looks like she fucks street thugs
I thought this was Carmen for a moment
See you in three days,partner.
[NSFW] Ryoshu / [NSFW] りょうしゅう | Atris2nd #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/119415784
What's the joke?
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I'm not a street thug...
Thank you!
this chart sucks and is wrong.
Ryoshu, Ishmael, Heath, Rodya, Sault and Greg wouldn't for sure.
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evil woman...... i olve you! ! i lvore you so much
I don't think Roland needs to stay faithful to his dead wife but he deserves better than a cold m*chine
Hong Lu wouldn't partake.
Heath and Don would make the jump for the beef.
Meursault would be able to make the jump for either.
Outis would NOT make the jump.
Faust would NOT make the jump either.
Dante, Yi Sang, Gregor and Sinclair are fine.
Rodion is also fine.
That BETTER be a really bad misspelling of love.
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I won though BUT STILL
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>There's no way faust could ever rape him
I wish I was Roland...
Wait all things considered maybe not.
don quioxte bribes the parkour jail guard to take her to the portal but is unable to accept escaping without ever having another chance to ascend and become a Parkour Pro
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Faust has never done this.
I'd swap Ish and Outis around
Ish would just take the chicken because it's the easier and safer bet and there's no reason to risk it for the beef
Outis meanwhile would pick the beef to showcase her skills
They are?
Only one that comes close is Don and shes' going to die (metaphorically)
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>tfw don't understand the Minecraft meme
fuck.. am I .. am I getting old?
Surprisingly, Ishmael is not on the list.
You are getting old, yes.
Is it really THAT surprising though?
its just cultivation memes with a new coat of paint gramps
faust areola.....
No it's just that this thread is full of zoomer tourists and their unfunny memes
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I've seen jokes about this shit all over the place. How is a minecraft story done in game getting that popular these days?
the fuck does any of that even means
I fucking hate zoomers and I wish I could behead them all
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You're not getting old, you're just failing to engage new topics outside of your comfort zone.
It's literally just ironic enjoyment of a premise so inherently absurd it can't be taken seriously. Go watch it drunk with friends and you'll probably get it. Avoid part 2 because it's purely fornulaic garbage outside of the joke of the book written in Parkour.
Other guy is vaguely write about the cultivation thing but it's more blatantly derivative of shounen slop imo
>Chicken is on a lower platform, so it's easier to reach
>Beef is higher up, so it's way easier to fuck up and die
Literally just blue pill or red pill, but there's a risk on taking either if you're a fuck up.
That'll only happen in e.g.o corrosions.
It's rather simple, really.
A game about parkour set in Minecraft. The player is starving, and so, he is presented with a choice.
If they are a noob at Parkour, they could go for the Raw Chicken.
However, if their skills are above average, they may try to go for the Raw Beef instead.
In this place, no one ever goes for the beef. Because they're PUSSIES.
It's FoTM stuff. It'll come to pass, surely.
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So many BOOMERS in here
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>"Wow this is fucking stupid, how is a scripted minecraft story done ingame getting popular"
Limbus Company
I never used "stupid" though. I just thought ingame scripted stories fell out of popularity quite a while ago.
How did Hindley get so big while Catherine was still so smol?
This, but instead of being a story that takes itself seriously, it's nakedly absurd and the biggest enjoyment comes from the increasing absurdity of the world they live in, and it dumps this absurdity on you within a very marketable 90 seconds of the video starting.
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Oh it's one of those fucking civilization videos. I've seen those before. time to catch up with the rest of the zoomies
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It's a retarded meme anyways
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But Don, there's no challenge in chicken... You'll never improve...
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You got it not too long ago.
>tfw Don eating raw chicken and suffering no ill effects wasn't because of her being a lmao quirky character but actually because she's a bloodfiend
Crazy how it all works out in the end
I'm so glad I don't have retarded fomo who the fuck cares about some shitty minecraft story. Are you midwits below the age of 10?
because raw chiken gives hunger and then it wouldnt be able to do more jumps and run in the future? because of that?
wait is that it? is just a two block jump, havent played minecraft or done parkour in years but it isnt something hard
Faust simply could not contain her desire for the clock any longer.
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Those chickens aren't natural in the first place.
You had Canto 1 already bozo, wait 5 more years for it to wrap back around to him.
Faust would go for the beef and get it
Dante would fall, but get rescued miraculously and end up as the champion
The whole joke is that there's a gap into death every single block, and there's just a higher risk of dying for beef, even if it's still super easy.
This is young zoomie KINO
Sorry bud, he got his Canto ID and Ego so he's off the list.
Why do popular things give the ick?
it's funny because it's dumb. minecraft stories are all have that universally adolescent "cringeness" about them, but this specific one has a somewhat self-aware quality combined with an absurd plot that's really easy to make comparisons/references/memes relating to it and also other things to it, this "alignment chart" meme being a good example. the writing style is very distinct with the repetition of language and the self-referential "explaining itself" quality of the writing is very shonen-like.

essentially with the aspects of nostalgia (minecraft youtube cringeslop), anime-esque "cultivation" plot with undertones of classism/conspiracy, and decent production quality for what it is, it makes sense it's spreading around a lot. i am not writing this to attempt to "defend" the videos on thier own merit, moreso it's just really great fodder for a flavour-of-the-month
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None of you will be laughing when we go to the district with a caste system based on parkour ability
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>Watch shit I think is cool as a kid
>Some older ones think it's dumb
>Grow up wondering why they keep being so negative, and others around me often say similar, or they just don't get it
>Grow older
>See younger people like stuff I'm not following
>Everyone around me is now saying the same shit they would complain about before, even I get swept along a bit despite being aware of this

Why is everyone such a hypocrite?
Malkuth ID -> Ishmael
Yesod ID -> Yi Sang
Netzach ID -> Gregor
Hod ID -> Rodion
Tiphereth (Enoch) ID -> Sinclair
Tiphereth (Lisa) ID -> Don
Chesed ID -> Hong Lu
Gebura ID -> Ryoshu
Binah ID -> Outis
Hokma ID -> Meursault
I wanna cum in her hat and make her wear it
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didnt we meet vidya suits in Kcorp? or is he talking in a more broad sense?
>everyone is a hypocrite but me!
>he thought a woman would be the head of a wing
Alfonso was voted in as chief executive by a board of directors, while Hubert is chief executive director, so I guess he doesn't have to get any of the new stuff he wants to do or add through the board of directors if he really wants to.
Because the actions of you and people you already like are always rationalized as having a purpose, and the actions of people you don't know/dislike are assumed to be acting stupidly or in bad faith.
A quick rundown
>MC lives in a society dedicated to "parkour", so doing anything requires you to make potentially hazardous jumps
>Society is structured into levels. The two relevant levels right now are Noob and Pro
>Every day, a Pro gives the Noobs their daily rations. This is presented as a simple one-block-jump (1BJ) for the raw chicken vs a one-block-vertical (1BV) for the raw beef, which fills more of the hunger bar
>Failing the jump causes you to fall into the void beneath the world
>The MC wants to ascend to the world of the Pros, but that requires conquering a "parkour course" that no one on his level has ever accomplished
I'm pretty sure that she's a board member. The leader was stephannie or someone.
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That's just life anon
i really dont care but have this (You)
I don't care what kids are into but considering the internet is full of them it sure gets annoying seeing the stuff often. Not like there's many places to go to avoid them. Even people here just post memes about them even though they're completely irrelevant. WHY would anybody care that Don goes for the beef man who gives a shit
I included myself in that faggot, I'm not immune to acting grump, but I try not to blindly do it just because everyone else says its dumb.
Sorry I only watched the hololive minecraft thing, for real men.
Because we're tempermental beings.
thats okay anon I watch vtubers play horror games so I can whack off to their screams
I get it now thanks anons
I enjoy what I enjoy and dislike what I dislike. That's all there is to it.
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hmm, kinda based kinda fucked up. Interesting.
Well Don definitely does go for beef here let's be quite honest. She's willing to risk her entire life for just half a hunger bar more.
Any "guy" that engages with vtumor shit is a failed male.
You are equally as bad as them
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Who cares? Like even if that's true literally who cares? You don't even if you say you do ironically.
Whatever helps you cope anon, we're all 4chan posting gatcha players here.
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I like what I like, but then I get a nagging feeling in my monkey brain if I should really like it that much cause I saw some other other monkey talking about how it's shit, and then the other monkey said yeah, and I thought I was gonna feel left out, so I now like that thing slightly less.
I care.
Slag off your obese ewhore elsewhere faggot
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Personally I think anybody who uses the term "failed male" is a massive loser anyway so their opinion means nothing. I'll like what I like anyway because shaping my life around the opinions of fags like that is fucking wack.
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You just can't grasp the deep nuance here and what this means for Don's character
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Look how powerful my boy is
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>Open thread
>People are talking about Minecraft memes
L-Limbus Company...?
he literally said he was, retard
>Persuance II
Not that powerful yet.
I, for one, appreciate the current discourse taking place.
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Which Wing do you think has the best food?
I doubt it's W corp.
post the webm
you know the one
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You care in this specific instance because I'm calling it out, not because you actually care.
3 weeks from now you'll be saying she goes for the beef and gets it because of her Canto's development. Then a month after that you'll have completely forgotten this meme like all the rest.
Poopoo ID
>getting this triggered because someone criticized his orbiting of streamers
You're a retard and making yourself worse. Parisocial relationships are already fucked even more so with vtumors.
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P.corp is literally all about canned goods, so they probably have a singularity that can preserve any type of food indefinitely, so they probably have tons of tasty stuff.
Myo likes to eat giant tubs of ice cream from them at least.
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Everyone that likes what I like is BASED
Everyone that likes what I dislike is a FAGGOT
But what if I like you, and you have low self esteem?
When will vtuber faggots finally be banished to their containment board? Fanboys and coomers posting their offtopic shitty "streamers" everywhere is obnoxious.
I used him on a bleed team for the railway and he's much better then people think he is due to count.
However the point was more the 4 skill 3s
Flesh or vtuber it doesn't matter, you know this is you check out someone like pokiman or whatever.
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I'm at a restaurant right now and do not have the webm on my phone. Please wait an hour.
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Say what you want man. You're the one upset that people enjoy things you don't like. I'm just calling you out for being a bitch about it for no reason. You're not special for not being into them just like you wouldn't be if you were. You're just shitting on something people like to be a bitter asshole.
super cute and good, nice file name too
This, but unironically
The only one's opinion that matters in this world, in this universe, is mine. Why should I care about what you like
Hololive WILL have a limbus arc... one day...
considering /vt/ is like a top 3 most active board and has 10x more moderation than anywhere else on the site I would say never. You will probably get banned for shit talking /vt/ more often than being a /vt/fag outside containment
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He's poop from a butt actually. Sure he has count be he also is shit from an ass. No damage goofy looking sprite ass ID.
I like exclusively what you hate
because it isn't a containment board, you'd know the difference if you were around for the mlp era.
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MY taste in media is the most based
therefore all other KR webnovel readers itt are based
I hate futa and feet
They really are the ponyfags of this generation
I think like 4 or 5 of them have played PM games before. I'm pretty sure Fubuki, Ina and Flayon(homostar) have played LobCo or Ruina anyway.
Keep wasting your life orbiting some ewhore, it only impacts you. Since you're so keen on it.
Just keep your shit to it's dedicated board. Whiteknighting for some bitch that doesn't even know you exist is already pathetic enough.
I don't even watch VTubers. I just find how mad some people get about them to be funny.
For me, its https://youtu.be/XMw3W8BM9ys?si=V9bquLnOyMCoZ4rP https://youtu.be/osEgkfmmw2s?si=pVLWRjh1Br9cYuKk
>/vt/ isnt a containment board
>when it was literally created because vtumors were raping /jp/ for months on end
newfag larpers >>>/out/
I don't know why, but KR webtoons have some really great drawn milfs. Also, 90% of their milf webtoons are incest, which is omega based
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7 hours left. Make some predictions.

Sinclair, Faust, Hong Lu, Rodya & Meursault will get BP EGO.
The first two IDs will be Sinclair 000 and Hong Lu 00.

The new Mirror dungeon will feature a spinning wheel where you throw a knife or dart to select the result, or similar mechanic of sorts.
They really are it's fucking annoying. It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't spam shitty art of the streamers "characters" everywhere.
He's not the one throwing some autism fit right now anon, calling you a dumbass doesn't make anyone a white knight.
your lore reps... we had our own jannie it was a settlement not a relocation, there is even still a thread on /jp/
Maybe they're all like the Directior?
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All I did is say liking what you like is fine which includes vtubers. Where in the world are you getting whiteknighting from?? Not to mention you're making a whole lot of assumptions too. Not every fan is some beta orbiter simping in their chat dude. You need to get out more. I legit feel sorry for you.
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Rare ship which is odd considering they shared a .5 event
At least ponyfags were sometimes creative with their posts. They made comics, memes, and parodies 1 in every 20, maybe 50, posts
Vtumors are infested with brainless zoomers who only know how to hornypost and spam the same leddit joke over and over
I don't get this, is seeing a maybe sexy maybe cute anime girl somehow bad? Is this some faggot thing?
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Reminder the fox shilled Limbus for free cause she like PM

Man, I loved Maple story when I was younger. The little expression keys added a lot despite how simple it was. Taking a trip via boat and seeing some higher level dude waiting on a Balroog was always fun, or everyone trying their luck and dying outside of the safe zone.
>put zweish in lux team
>she's slow as shit and her animation look horrible
Man. Enjoy your EX clears with the Press Block to do anything gameplay.
000 gregor and 00 sinclair launch id
the corp we're going to is a giant fuckoff desert somehow
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Oh, that reminds me. One of the newest Holo girls apparently used to be a prominent ponyfag.
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Gonna bust a nut if Meursault gets the Carmilla EGO
Checks out
>when people don't like me spamming offtopic shit and defending internet personalities it makes THEM autistic
You all are in so deep you can't even see how out of touch and bizarre the behavior is.
>Come from /vt/
>Wonder how my favorite /vg/ thread is doing today
>It's /vt/
This is unideal.
Not that odd when you remember Rodion teased him a lot and his only moments in that event was being a shitty cook and getting bullied. Also having a dogshit ID to go with it.
She's also one of the best singers, so I don't mind.
I thought they had stuff even before the 0.5, people posted a lot of "sharing cigar" kind of idea. A strange ship considering how Ryoshu is all about grotesque stuff and Gregor is grotesque.
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Isn't it literally just anime girls?
My office has one of those duck/rabbit paintings in the hallway, and every time I walk past it all I can think of is Everlasting Faust Paizuri. Bricked up at 10am...
Thanks :)
If we hit image limit that often I'd agree with you, otherwise larping as a janny is lame and always has been.
Post Sinners. Or art. Sinner Art, if you will.
Limbustomy of Ruina.
Why is it that I still get b& for posting censored NSFW, but Vtuber spam and whatever the fuck is going on /v/ is perfectly acceptable
Containment boards exist for a reason, TO CONTAIN THE CANCER!
>>shared a .5 event
>an event that was entirely based around Ryoshu saying that Gregor was shit, and whose shared event ID's hated each other
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>this thread
Okay but the minecraft memers were the ones who started all this? Some guy said he only watches Hololive play minecraft and then instantly some loser(you probably) shit on him for it. YOU kept the conversation about vtubers going dipshit.
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oh my first kindred its the barber
>You need to get out more. I legit feel sorry for you.
KEK holy shit the irony
Nosferatu Sinclair will be a thing
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This thread is in need of coagulation.
>last week some tranny was itt trying to larp as a woman
>make a Im trans btw reply
>get 5 day'd for off topic
>then I get 3 day'd for a sfw webm on /v/
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I feel like this season barely just started and it's ending already. Crazy considering this is our longest season yet (I think as I don't remember how long Season 2 lasted)

So excited to see what Don will bring.
Doesn't stop /pol/ so shouldn't stop anything else
my cum coagulates and melts away when isee her
if you use critical thinking at all you could understand why a janny would give you a vacation for that, the hint is that it's more due to them then the post.
Basically I'm saying post vtuber nsfw
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Everything after the great ban incident marked the downhill of 4chan
>everyone STILL circle jerking vtumor shit
I'm so tired of this bullshit
Faust 000 and Sinclair 00
BP Egos will be Yi Sang, Don, Ryoshu, Hong Lu, Rodion and Sinclair
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Do people think the blond is Don?
The wheel will be one of those fucked up flash minigames where you throw knives at spongebob and he screams while blood pngs appear
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This thread could be a lot better
>gooner collective out in full force to defend their fair ewhore maidens
Having been fofo posting some place else Lcg is a nice change of pace not having been here for the last 6 months
Sex with paus outis and ryosho!
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My boy is no whore
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smooching bloodfiend sinclair
brushing and washing erlking's hair
yeah i'm hype for don's canto too
I feel like I'm milling about at work pointlessly while waiting for the update to drop, but this is exactly what the Time Killer was mad about.
i gotta go register my Mephistopheles tomorrow lads but i really dont wanna.. i had to wait an hour last time.. limbus company
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Heath, Outis, and Director are on topic AND pure.
They are allowed.
Don would NEVER say that
I wonder if Heathcliff's VA is married
dontards content soon...
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Acheron is cuter
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Which Sinners would get nailed to death?
Carmilla Don, Carmilla Hong Lu
Sleepyhead Sinclair, Sleepyhead Rodion
Wailing Coffin Faust, Wailing Coffin Yi Sang

First IDs: Bloodfiend Hunter Meursault 000, La Mancha Entertainer Hong Lu 00

Mirror Dungeon floors is now comprised of a single, continuous battle per floor. Every time a wave is defeated, you are given choices. Odd floors are fight only (admission). Even floors you get the chance to move through several events in a row (enjoy the ride). Last fight is a gauntlet with 3 random bosses in a row (2 "weakened" bosses and 1 real final boss).
Well after all breast milk is just filtered blood anyway.
True but I Love them both alongside my dothags wonder what kinda bleedtism dyon season will bring
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Hey let me post mine
Does anyone have that comic where Outis says Don is probably half her age, and she goes 'you're 100 years old?'
Limbustubers are so bad, there are very obvious niches that none of them fill. One day my disappointment will lead me to making videos.
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Don pits scene
I believe in it. Burn renaissance like sinking and tremor had during this season.
I tried to watch a phase girl and she'd just scream into the mic every time something happened.
Yeah, quite the wild ride. I dont want to hype myself thinking VII its gonna dethrone it but still Im quite hype about it.
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>brushing and washing erlking's hair
I want this so badly for mirror dungeons. Everyone gets time to build up and ramp up. Passives and EGOs that depend on kills are stronger.
Well I didn't mean the people who did the gameplay. There is a obvious interest in more complex team building videos and discussions that just doesn't really exist.
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7 hours for what?
A Project moon lore discussion stream starting from Rats and moving up to SOTC would be pretty kino if done by anybody. I'd rather listen to a cute anime girl explain it than some random sweaty man.
So am I just fucked on building a sinking team as a new player? I'm noticing a lot of modern and probably good sinking ids are about to become locked for probably half a year.
>Vampire themed canto next
>Didn't buy into bleed
what if the random sweaty man is disguised as a cute anime girl?
>So am I just fucked on building a sinking team as a new player?
Yeah... sort of
You won't be able to shard them, but you will be able to pull them. Could also go full Dieci if you want a sinking team of sorts.
If he disguises his voice well enough then a babiniku is fine too
Most of these don’t make sense
We’ll get ensemble ID’s instead
Why would vampires be weak to blood?
I can't pull shit. 5 10x and all I get was 00s and a majority of them were repeats somehow. I'm never spending money for pulls now.
A little. On the other hand, you could build a poise team next season since BLMeursault will be back. 5 BLs (4 if you want to remove both Outis and Sinclair) + Captain Ish is a decent team.
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Rate the list
>I'm never spending money for pulls now.
>he spent money on pulls
>outside of walpuris
Oh. I see why you came to that conclusion. But no I have not spent money at all. I am full saving for walpurg now. Maybe I can get like 1 000 with 50k lunacy.
based for B being the lowest tier
Kim Kitsuragi
>SHITmael at the top
mmmm no, its bad
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Real question, why would you not like Ish? Otherside of just calling her shit she had a pretty good arc. Not caring I would get but disliking?
new popular meme
I know a nigga who seethes and hates hong lu with his entire being and still no clue why
I don't like her because she didn't help heath at all in his canto, what a bitch.
<N-no, this is just some mirror trick, I know it is! Faust would... would never... Not my Faust.>
don canto soon
I like her design, but I think she’s boring
That’s an inevitable problem with large casts of main characters, some are gonna come off as uninteresting
Artist does draw some nice males tee bee aych.
Anyone have some more ideas for smut Id uptie stories? Wanna make more
He sits too close to Faust on the bus, that's why
He atleast hasn't had a canto yet, the worst part is how they had Dante point out how thoughtful and smart he was lots of telling and little showing.
However at worst I just don't care about him, pretty odd honestly.
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If the twink gets the Carmillia EGO I will kill everyone on this thread with my dick...
Unironically what this guy said >>497094618
Faustniggers are very insecure
>But no I have not spent money at all.
Oh that's good, I'm glad
>I am full saving for walpurg now.
Do so, I usually do only 20 pulls max on a new banner if it's an ID I really want (Like Zwei Ish), if I don't get it I just shard it instead. Otherwise save for walpuris.
BUT, if you're really fresh, rolling outside of walpuris isn't a bad idea, specifically on the newer banners. Or rather, if you don't have the majority of IDs unlocked, it isn't a bad idea. In the case where you do have the most already unlocked, like most oldfags here, then it's not worth it at all due to most pulls just being shards.
Tl;Dr - 400 shards is a lot, don't be afraid to pull on new banners if you barely have any IDs
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Gonna sleep, and tomorrow is gonna be wonderful
I'm ambivalent to her, but her fags are annoying which makes me like her less by association
Thing is he’s an ishfag
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Rodya… constantly jiggling…
Rodya… shaking the ground as she walks…
Man SHITmori art was atrocious. Glad we've moved on from it.
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>Rodion offering Dante a kebab
>Dante can't eat so she just keeps it for herself
Clever girl...
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Same. Hong is just a cool guy with good vibes.
Man GODmori art was peak. Sad we've moved on from it.
Imagine being in a boxing match with Rodion but its just the King Hippo fight from Punch-Out.
assuming that the game goes on for 5+ years, do you think it's possible that we're getting a new sinner?
you dont need a new character with each new banner...
No cause we still wouldn’t have done all dinner cantos by then still
That’s what it’s like for every enemy
I think we could, maybe if they move past the sinner idea and the story expands. I hope it doesn't get much larger if it does.
I unironically dislike Vellmori's art, I think it's shit
This one looks great but sadly is an exception, the SEA art looked fucking awful and so did the Ncorp stuff
Still forever pissed off Honkai Impact started doing that shit
Fuck, sinner*
I have enough I feel to be happy with. A 00 for everyone but Hong Lu and Gregor now. Is there really a difference in rewards you get from mirror dungeon hard and normal mirror dungeon? From what I've read mdh only gives a one off actual bonus for the week.
erotic fingers
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It'd be more like fighting Doc Louis
She takes it easy on you because she's not taking it seriously, but if you mess with her chocolate...
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Blud Sang
Blud Quixote
Blud Lu
5 years is a long ass time, I be surprised if we still use the main status effects by then.
The way she drew faces was kinda bad for a bunch of characters. Sinclair and Outis were constantly doing the thing where you tug on the side of your eyes to pretend to be chinese. But plenty of them were good. Charon here oozes character, and she draws Hong Lu and Rodya well.
Ishfags are known for having bad taste.
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Baking new Bread.

Will share on page 5.
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Bludion Bludmanovich Bludskolnikov

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