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>Recent News
Exo Sagittarius new Weapon & Wonder - 10/07
QOL Co-Op Quest Select - 10/07
RotB: Water Saint Uruki w/ Weapon FLB & Wonder - 10/15
QOL Arcarum weapons Auto Reduce - 10/17
Arriet FLB - 10/23
Character Rebalances (H.Rosetta, Macula Marius, Randal, Grimnir, Cagliostro (Dark) & Zehek) - 10/23
New Revans tier Raids & T5 CCWs - October
Side Story: Auld Lanxiety w/ 1 SR Zodiac pick - October

Roadmap: https://gbf.wiki/User:Umikin/Timeline
Animated PV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ltQa2gCvmk

>October Schedule
09/28 - 10/06 The Lion Stirs
10/07 - 10/14 Exo Sagittarius
10/15 - 10/22 Rise of the Beasts
10/16 - 11/15 Trick or Treat (Halloween Messages)
10/17 - 11/01 Alchemy Lab
10/22 - 10/29 Showtime: Legend of the Blue Yonder (Rerun)
10/29 - 11/06 Story Event

>Future Schedule
11/07 - 11/14 Unite & Fight (Wind favored)

>How to Start
Go to https://game.granbluefantasy.jp in any Chromium-based browser

>READ THE FAQ before posting - It will answer most of your questions if you're new or learning

>Helpful links - These links contain useful information like important guides and other stuff
Granblue Fantasy Toolbox - https://www.granblue.party
GBF Advanced Search - https://gbfas.io
GBF Grid and Teambuilding - https://gbfguide.com
Wiki Advanced Grids - https://gbf.wiki/Advanced_Grids
/gbfg/ Mega Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/xHkyQTy8
/gbfg/ Crew Directory - https://rentry.org/gbfgcrews

Previous thread >>497068073
De La... SUCCESS!!!
Cantante... FLOP
now kiss
He's so cute when he's angry.
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grub for this?
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grubs for this feel?
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so they're doubling down on the no crossbreeding
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The four heavenly queens of /gbfg/
I didn't play the event and I have no intention of even opening that page. Who is Cruz and what does he look like?
The four heavenly queens of /gbfg/
Make that homunculus baby with your waifu
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like a troon
Can you at least post a picture?
I saw someone use the new Dragon sticker in Siete.
You're thinking of troonch
Human, Merlin is an Erune.
I saw the cow sticker
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You're thinking of troonlleon
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Go look in the mirror.
In the context of the dialogue, Mordred is confused because Merlin and Cruz are different species, until Cruz reveals he was created by him not adopted.
Remember when hivbrains were seething at Galgeon and Sexkate 20/7? What was that about?
when are mods gonna make a filter for "troon"
you can't post the word tranny four times
they already do if you write it enough times
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>me browsing /gbfg/
when grub stop getting them
Comfy schizophrenia...
Why is mihomo shittedcuck going nuts today?
inb4 someone makes an edit of that purple hologram scene but with cantate
Best we can get is AI
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>can keep Nier alive forever with her dagger (doesn’t even actually need the autorevive)
>meaning she keeps her S4 to herself instead of giving it to MC unless you kill her off with Death
So what’s the real intended way to use her?
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first for cog
I wasnt supposed to (you) but enjoy it anon
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I would actually like an event about these 4
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Cog... LOST!!!
...the losing contest
I want event with Anthuria, Carmelina, La Coiffe and Lilele
Should have used R Daetta. She's much sexier and almost cool.
Aint no way
I already went through it and they let me out with full marks
floptante flopped btw
As long as you don't force your religious ideology on others, then it's fine
...on my dick
Uhhh sis...
Everyone should religiously have same taste as me
...in bizarro world
Why am I farming the Subaha shield? Is there any reason to use it over the charge bar gain one?
>Cagliostro isn't even the greatest alchemist in history anymore
This game is nuts.
He's always been a charlatan.
second for cog
Fuckingtranniesinthetoilet will never forgive Galgeliostro
thx very cool
her pronouns are she/her, sis!
don't forget!
Based music meister
Cag seasonals are for Gran, meanwhile Ladiva seasonals are for Djeeta.
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I'm pretty sure I did one but it's v1 Cantate so it's poop.
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we are in need of a great debate to determine the most galge days of the week
Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Wednesday is maleringer core
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Friday is maleringer core because of Robinson Crusoe
I will now fuck momoi
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>we lost another real one to fktrn's future planned bullshit
Where is Vtuber Harvin?
The four breedable sluts of /gbfg/
All shipshit flops
All cute girls
Weird watching anime and all characters are voiced by some VAs that voice in grub so those characters are all I can think of
We don't NEED players
Use her until she dies naturally
Her weapon was made useless to punish her for being already good.
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Kemono doesnt work anymore for me so where do I find this guy's fanbox stuff... panda doesnt have newest stuff...
>Kemono doesnt work anymore
Getting a connection error?
you've been spamming that lemon's quit for months but it's still not true
Yeah it just times out after a while but when I search for anything it just seems to work as usual for everyone else
>over 24 hours since his last video
Yeah nah. It’s over
dishonesty? in my /gbfg/? I dont believe it
Shushuku's Manko...
The only breedable saint's hole.
I got that too a few months ago. Dunno what's up with that. Change your DNS address to one of the free ones or if that doesn't work use TOR. The former works for me on my wired network but I have to use the latter for mobile.
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>reading through the event story
>notice the menu lines actually drop some info
oh fuck off
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>reading through the event story
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>reading through the event story
they've always done that, and you can look at them all again on the voices page
I like the taste of penis
lil L...
meant for
Bro I can see tip of the penis...
It was never anything important though.
But I noticed the lines filling bits that were skipped in the story.
Chapter 6 was particularly fucked with how it skipped a bunch of stuff.
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i might have fucked up
I have HIV will never forgive character designs like these
It makes sense if you think about it. Cagliostro is like one of those troon hackers/modders IRL, who are some of the most talented programmers on the planet because of their autism and other mental illnesses, but waste their talent on troonshit and would rather ERP in discord instead.
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Look at those juggernauts on Daetta!
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I like this picture of Sarya a lot
Appropriately petite draph. And a rapeking danchou.
Sniffable butt.
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Why is fuckedroonsinLA like this?
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Which grub would you rap?
Would rap with J.J obviously
>Rosine starts raping faster than J.J.
J.J. = LeBron
Spinnah = M.J.
ayo hol up
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>yaia can't give standing paizuri
Side difference is the best.
Standing paizuri is better if the girl has to tiptoe a little
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Will we get another part this year with the SSR Tristette or have to wait until next year?
>Pant... Pant...
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our style and substance was the yearly accordants event
But what about..?
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your halloween cog, sire
rapist is a portmanteau for rap artist btw
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We already have Halloween Cog tho?
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if sandalshill can get 2 grands, shillva can get 2 summers, then shilliostro can get 2 HWs
But she only has one with other being yukata?
Just because they can, doesn't mean they should. Pagliostro doesn't need more content.
Therese's gacha SR and JK's casino skin are the only bunny girls in the entire game even though there's a literal rabbit zodiac general...
what word best describes this situation?
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>doing diaspora
>wipe at around 10 million honors
>its down 2%
>only one party member's dead, should be fine
> start working on other raids
> check back in on it
just because they can add more galge sexo doesn't mean they should, now look forward to HW belial with his cock out
>shillva can get 2 summers
You’re thinking of Jeanne who has regular Swimsuit Jeanne and Swimsuit Dark Jeanne.
Why do you imagine such gay thoughts?
Why does Monika have an SSR only available through arcarum, along with multiple gacha alts, while Christina is only allowed to have one casino unit from 9 years ago?
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Because Casino was HRT's love child and KMR seeked out to destroy everything he created
>seeked out
Eek ook?
they're the only thing this piece of shit game endorses
So true, now let’s go hit those showers.
just ruriapag things
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We need another One Piece collab
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>can't breed rabbit like rabbits
cygames deserves to get kyoani'd in minecraft
Numpers and Floptante..
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Galgenia has fallen
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I'm glad we don't get cancerous debuffs like that anymore tbqh
instead now we get unremovable 10 turn zombiefied/can't heal
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Instead of one debuff to be annoyed by we now have to deal with a fuck ton of buffs and debuffs to worry about so idk what's worse anymore.
Making HL teams with Dirt and Wind might have been a mistake. Those two seem like the most common elements in Hexa/Faa.
Hypothermia and charge down was more annoying than both of those
You can still host
it was for one GW and not every endgame raid
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Your best option is to be the host for those in coop or get with a crew that is fairly active trying to run those raids. Usually those elements wants dark abd fire since those usually hardly gets filled but are also annoying to run. Especially dark, shits speeced so much in burst content that it can't really survive anything.
cute and canon
why can't they just do both - give us satyr galge sexo HW unit with her cock out
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What's the least common?
As >>497187945 said, fire and dork
I don’t know how, and I don’t know why, but I am genuinely impressed that the kanji is (mostly) correct.
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Dark, fire, and I think water are the most wanted. Light and earth are in the middle but winds the most common because it's the easiest to build and the least headach enduring job in the game.
I thought HL fire is in a good spot now thanks to Noa and Fenie?
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Would this be good enough for Hexa? Team is Percy, Zeta, Noa, Fraux, and Michael with main Luci, 000, Sun, Bubs, and Yatima with Michael and Wilnas sub.
Should be more than fine
Reminder that if you have kids with Shushuku then they will also have crystal cancer growing all over them
What're you running on your opus?
Then it should be fine, good luck
let's be real, if you have kids with Shushuku she will miscarry before delivering
they won't even make it out of the womb after the second time she jumps off the cypher
Nah she’d give birth.

Those fetuses would tank that.
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That's right x143
Will birth my children but may require c section
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>c section
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I'd double check the wiki and make sure you have everything including the summons. Also watch the video attached to them to get the route correct. Same thing for Luci0.
Don't know when they added this section on grids people use but it's very helpful to know.
Those proportions are kind of fucked but I approve of pear-shaped monki
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just strap her to a bed for 9 months and it will be fine
>rocks in the background
he's gonna freak
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Will grub ever be fun again?
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grubs for this feel?
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>linking tiktok voice videos
I'm getting too old for this place...
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That’s my goddamn uncle right there.
if tigers uncap gets them at least a few artworks I'll have fun fapping to those does that count?
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ojisan lost
Faa0 Dirt host
Trying something new
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Just need Fire and Dark now.
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aww, she's gonna make some erune a very happy father
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The erune? Me the MC.
>recognizing it's from tiktok
You clearly aren't that old, imouto-chan.
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I'm a spic and I don't get it.
>something something Wilnass, I'm gay
>apron wilnas
We love Valentines Wilnas and juicy succulent cock
Yep yep another momoi victory
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Nice thread grubbas
Ako rape
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>This does not release manatura for this there is no testicular torsion
I don't know what he means by that but I've had one of those before and I wouldn't wish that fate on anyone.
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How does that even happen
I remember that episode of Venture Brothers about testicular torsion.
please talk about something more pleasant like tearing out nails, just not testicular torsion
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let's talk about raping while strangling rat to death
>raping while strangling rat
>to death
Rat evacuating her bowels after death one last time.
I hope Pig is there to clean up.
imagine the mess
It's entirely random. Apparently it can happen if you sleep in a position where your balls are kinda "crushed" or pressed together by your legs, but in most cases it occurs after an injury to the region. It's really only a thing for people between 12 and 18 so if you're posting on 4chan you shouldn't have to worry about it happening to you unless it has already happened to you. In my case a doctor molested me and grabbed them really hard when I was like 13.
Granblue Fantasy.
No wonder there's so many fags in here.
You were probably asking for it, slut.
>maleringers becoming doctors to molest little boys testicles and give them testicular torsion
Only female doctors should be allowed anywhere near testicles.
You think one year of F5 entitles you to plow through the riches of my Pozsonian mind? I reserve my time for people who can think about males... And HIV and xenogears and runescape. You find me cruel, selfish and unfeeling? I am. I work without caring what happens to either of us. So go back to blue archive, bare it all, and stalk the kind of people you enjoy. Come back when you have more time.
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I don’t want a woman touching my balls, that sounds gay.
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god i wish she was my doctor
Nobody likes Mr Pcelot
Maleringer logic be like
he's basically saying "this one doesn't drop any manatura, CBT averted"
what about urethral sounding
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grubs for this feel?
Someone should make an article about why older men get more satisfaction from dating younger women (because it's obviously true), and then use a dirty old bastard as the background image.
>FGO gives out a total of 255 sq = 85 rolls for their milestones
>Guraburu gives out 100 x 30 = 10 rolls and daily singles which can't be saved
u rike?
>fgo has playable ERESH
>grubba has ERESH (weapon)
>loses because the weapon alone can't carry this homoflopfest
Once ERESH (character) releases we will rise to number 1.
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What do you like the most about Satyr?
her futa cock
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>three hidden posts in a row
her big meaty breasts and her lack of futa cock
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when are they going to buff hraesvelgr so I can use it in hexa and superfag?
her prostate-seeking schlong
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>she farmed
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>wife found the yaia folder
>boyfriend found the PrEP
what if your wife is yaia?
I presume she immediately started to suck you off for having such an immaculate taste.
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>wife's son found the pictures of wamduses i bought off of the maleringer telegram group
Seraph wouldn't say this
>wife found my satyr dildo collection
she should divorce you immediately
She should join you in worshipping the big meaty
the twist is it was actually wife's satyr dildo collection
is that so?
zako chinchin
it's kinda weird that I got into Granblue with Rising, now I'm watching everything Granblue die at the same time
Chichiri taunts me with her boobs while she gives my zako chinpo a 2-finger handjob desu
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just did my zzz dailies
The Sun has set in the Land of the Rising Sun...
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I asked.
Nobody cares about that trash here this is a Granblue Archive general.
Meant for
Meant for
Meant for
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Meant for
you will never be meantforschizo
Meant for
meant for
cultural phenomenon made 5 million last month btw
grub made 6 billion last month
my subaha discord made 1.5 million rupiah last month
6 billion what?
players leave
6 billion bullets farmed to lose to percy's 3
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morning grubbas
>From now on, the zodiac signs will be generated by AI, so you'll only see characters you've seen somewhere before.
They were already doing that, though.
oh nah japfags got the hiv
is yamato or doctor better for fire 6d?
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Our next zodiac
Meant for
Imagine if this hadn’t been a fakeout…
Yuri won
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how's the weather in south east asia
What does chichiri smell like
Ok seriously, who the FUCK is zundamon?
schizo grubabble
some cute green girl
idk if i'd ever seen fanart of her before the varuna incident made me aware she existed
A vocaloid-like mascot that speaks using -noda and is characterized as being very retarded.
Basically Varuna this summer.
what himecut snake girl voiced by Saori hayami are they talking about
little wamduses.................
I’m guessing Yumeko from Kakegurui but I wouldn’t particularly call her snake-like.
yeah I don't see the snake part
she's very upfront about who she is and what she wants
( | )
they didn't call her snake-like either though
I can't read
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Watching kenshin KINO while shitposting with my fellow /gbfge/ retards
I am currently watching a pachinko livestream while I try to get a Super Bingo in grub.
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So uh is Huanglong gonna get a human form revealed next event or are we still unsure about the Qilin ginjinka?
Personally I really don't give a shit.
Maleringers do be like that.
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Grub like this when?
my cock needs to be sucked whos gonna do it
well you know what they say, if you want the job done right...
maleringer moment indeed
disgusting coomers
Just mentally ill hivbrain things
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my granblue fantasy... has come to and end...
hand over da account da legacy
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Da AI station...
Galgeclowns will never get art with this much soul
How much does a prompt engineer make at cygames... our cantate poster might be able to get a spot there...
What a display of utter destitution! This image is just a pathetic cry for help, isn't it?
Yep we're eating good bros
>trangel cup
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When was the last time grub released a character that you rolled for because you liked them instead of them/their weapon being meta?
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Medusa back in 2019
so grim
Regular Galleon?
What are some of the must watch anime this season boys??
>watching ranime
that's a BIG MEATY
anime is cancerous, consider reading manga instead.
We only watch Zack Snyder films here
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Not trying to be dramatic or anything but anime will literally destroy your life and you should stop being a weab before it's too late. Thank you I love you
dai nippon teikoku banzai
tennou heika banzai
Cantate will main in Kono Kaisha ni Suki na Hito ga Imasu soon, remember to watch it!
the what?
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drinking galleon brain fluid
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this zako is getting lewder
I'm only watching daima
Maybe if i don't pick up bunch of trash again
Reminds me watakon2 is during that season too, which is nice.
Mainstream anime is a surefire path to confusion about gender identity.
>blue hair
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Then how come most of the twitter trannies read shit like niche romance drama mangas instead of dragon ball?
They all read JJK
Noire, Veight before that, I would say Tigers but those are meta so I guess it doesnt count
JJKgalgegawd in da house
>dragon ball
Old anime had a unique charm that often feels lost today, as many have become infused with mainstream agendas. One Piece, especially in its early days, was kino. I still remember the story of Zeff and that cook, but now it seems to have turned into just another piece of mainstream propaganda.
I miss Vidyabuttschizo, Barry, Bikinischizo and Barneyfag
>had a dream about having a miracle baby with draph wife
V. Tigers (technically I siero'd them), in fact the only character I got mostly for meta was Lich and only because I got my target (S.Medusa) at 220 rolls so I just finished the spark.
Where pakeji? Don't wanna buy scamcha
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>Old anime had a unique charm that often feels lost today, as many have become infused with mainstream agendas
That's because it was made by old japanese men that couldn't care less about what zoomers think and are unapologetic about what they like, no matter how "taboo" it is.
The "people" you're referring to are the ones who are thriving right now.
>granblue fantasy
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Er. Where's the Gruble discussion? This isn't /a/...
5 million
We don't NEED grubble discussion
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As funny as the granblue archive 5 million is, I seriously doubt grub is even making that much nowadays.
sensortower says 2mil, the 90% invisible revenue props us to 20mil :3
more like 4%
The math for grub revenue is
38m * 0.04/6 (6 elements)
i'm f2p btw
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cute and wholesome
numpers will come back for h.cantate...
Just maleringer things
While you all were chatting about nonsense, I took the time to learn how to cook.
if we compare the year mobapoint shop released to the year before that, the real number is probably 3 times the appstore revenue
can you cook me a cookie?
cookies are for gays, are you gay?
i'm sure you'll make a great wife, anon :3
I think amount of people moving to skyleap and moba since then has only gone up but its probably close
Cooking is a crucial survival skill, you retards! Please tell me you're not neglecting to prepare...
cute wife...
You're guaranteed to die on the first day.
do you wear a cute apron?
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>the REAL sales figures is Y x the number in my head!

explain why they had been scaling things down for the game for the past 3-4 years
they still haven't mentioned anything about the "early summer MSQ update"

back then if they are delaying something they wouild at least have the courtesy to give a half-assed excuse as to why and when it will be delayed to
this time we don't even have a date or a mention in the summer stream - the same summer stream when both KMR and FKHR effectively left grub btw.
All this cope about schizo math but just remember... 4%
>people are TOTALLY installing and moving to a browser app where the only unique feature they offer is that they interface well with a dying game
4% out of infinite revenue...is still infinite
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i don't care about math or /biz/, i want to see wife anon in her apron now...
>even the makeup numbers is lower than Granblue's real numbers
R = 0 × 38,000,000 =
love watching the guy with second highest honors in my cosmos wipe at 1.7m
wife anon can cook pasta now, but still needs to learn how to apply make-up, but it's alright, she's a very good girl and valid!
Sometimes you just gotta say marge
Maggie why da flop is grubflop flopped la
wife anon is a bit clumsy and burned her instant ramen somehow, but at least she gives great head
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2.3 x 3 is 6.9, retard
congrats on domesticating seraph I guess
that's 230 million yen...
None of you will reach Heaven
Naruto, is that you??
You guys don't know how to cook?
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I just reached heaven with my wife about an hour ago, twice even.
Yellow Nier...
We only know how to bake
hey, she's trying her best!
How am I cooked when I'm the one cooking? retardedbro........
The absolute state of this general.
u cooked urself
my silly wife anon tried to cook cookies, she's not the brightest, but I still love her
suuure, and you were cooked in the process...
Speculation on the Halloween Characters?

3 shill characters SSR; Naru, Lancelot, Sandalphon + 1SR unit
that's a wolf
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State of the ge = state of the ge
Also grubs for this little feel
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uhh anon. are you blind?
girls can't be wolves. that is a fox.
h juri
h cassius
h yngwie
h siete
Have you literally ever played this game or did you happen to see the shitposting and decide it'd be fun to join in the shitposting as a secondary?
nope, wolf
found the sister
>back then if they are delaying something they wouild at least have the courtesy to give a half-assed excuse as to why
Resident slurpers aren't sending their best to keep the thread alive
we are waiting for ya baggot
Style change
>Xeno sagi sword details are out
>no discussion

It's joever
Fuck a style change, I would have rather had playable Terror over Combat.
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HxH dropped a new chapter
Anyone who still actually plays the game will discuss it with their friends or crew instead. Trying to talk about it here will just result into argument about trannies somehow like usual
hxh collab when
chrysaor mh core?
It's because you live in a country close to Russia (northern Europe etc.) Your connection to Kemono and several other sites is trying to route through Russian node that was blocked a few months ago. VPN is the only solution.
Granblue Fantasy
>bonus wind damage effect
Siete swords are saved???
Do you think they'll make you waste a lot of wonder EXP before you can actually upgrade the wonder to lv15 cap...

They were never in any danger
1 turn cd cut is huge
yes :3
Hehasn't been updated since May on kemono so there is nothing recent to see anyway.
RF bros lost
Chrysaor won, again
>bonus wind dmg
>1-turn cut to buff skill cooldowns
This weapon looks broken as fuck on paper.
Why couldn't Fraux get a cut to cooldown for her fucking 5* uncap but a random wind weapon gets it? Fucking faggots.
13min lyria interview https://x.com/granbluefantasy/status/1842490159352410234
who care...
I care.
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Cute as ever
better mh than skyace for chrys?
because fraux affects all skill types for all allies while the wind weapon only affects yellow skills on the mc
So blue goblina's VA jumped ship to genshin?
I wonder where Siero and Vyrn will go. I know Grancelot's VA will go to some gay game 100% sure.
Vyrn is already the final boss of Genshin
I doubt emiri is going anywhere. she's too obsessed with lobelia
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Grub won
that's our troonchfags alright
....it's okay to be weak..............
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>>>>old art
she voices the wamdus clone in star rail
what do you guys think seiyuu are
la captura...
they're like heroic spirits tied to a master game
Based High T Capy telling "them" da unfiltered truth.
>because fraux affects all skill types for all allies
It's a disrespectful slap in the face after doing all that retarded grind to uncap her.
>VPN is the only solution
I literally provided a solution in the post you are replying to that's not VPN. But yes, that is probably the reason. Pixiv was also almost inaccessible at one point last year, and I figured it has to do with the war and scheming.
>It's a disrespectful slap in the face after doing all that retarded grind
what isn't in granblue fantasy?
>muh time and effort
Why didn't you quit in 2017?
they should reduce the grind by three-quarters of uhhh six-tenths of that yeah...
Kugirie already has a place in Mihoyo for a long time now
Trolls here pretend to think that voice actors and fanartists only ever did one anime, game or any other product at a time.
I hope so, because I don't have it
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Can’t believe I wasted bars on Sky Ace…
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We have a large number of characters, and we need to remove 60% of them. Yes, let's get rid of that anon's waifu.
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I still need Evanescense tho...
The anon? Sandalhomo
Sandal is a cornerstone of grub
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I stubbed my toe on a stone in the corner of the table
>no argument
take the L and walk away
Aww, poor baby, want a kiss to make it feel better?
Man up, you softie.
*kissu* :3
You probably have all kinds of bacteria on your lips...
gbfge, gay boyfriends general erp
let da dead grubflop cope la
Ban Fl**t already
Rent free
da emotional deprivation......threatens this general.......just as it was threatened...by.... da galgeclowns before.............
It's not "rent free" when I forget you retards exist until you start ERPing all thread long.
am I even gay if I don't like the taste of cum?
just grubflop slurper thangs
exo saved us
you know you want it too... ;-)
I'm gonna try my best today too
owaburu could never...
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bok bok bok quak quak quak!
no you won't
dead game
dead thread
dead general
fresh from the oven
Rape, bothof them
pls answer me!!
BAggots, no one asked you to whip out your penises...
Naoise tweet
New granblue fanart!
>"monitoring this quarantine thread"
i don't mind uwu
If only this was true...haha
grubflop stay flop
grub doesnt get any non galleon fanart

Why didnt they make him playable? He was fully functional in that story quest, all lines, moves and everything?
at least post some cock
>oh wow that does look like Naoise
>check profile
>wait it actually is Naoise
looking good sis........
Repeat the holy doctrine
Homoflop stay flop
Grub receives art every day, but you don't want to look for it.
da invisible fanart la…
>grub gets fanart daily
>none of it is my wife
Literally doesnt count
"art" in question: >>497227643
g.vane's kit is so fundamentally flawed that I have serious doubts he'll even be used for NM250, which is his only potential use so far
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Try not to hit rate limit scrolling your timeline until you find grub art challenge
Yes, Galleon art only. We’ve already covered this. Do try to keep up lil slurpunc.
Musk fucked my "For you" algo again and I have same problem as this nip:
what is a timeline??
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Mari’s VA is pregnant
i want both of them to be my bf
I thought it was going to be about some weird politics spam like mine but kek
meh. I wanted to see cocks
cock fanart
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Something unknown to saige because our line still didn't go through early summer
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The only popular grub left now that the rest have been character assassinated
i don't understand a word you're saying.
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a bit too turdy
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Danua dress erotic
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I don't think even Dragalia players had this much disdain for their game in their deathbed.
What the fuck happened here?
Mon-keigh leaks poop
Chinese wamduses...
I miss wamdusses...
How many diaspora arms do I need?
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Didn't even need to scroll.
Yes. One of the best designs in the game. Too bad they threw so many of the great old characters under the bus in favour of new literally whos, who they will then push for some reason and then give them an alt after a few monthts. Instead of just doing this to the better old characters and giving them what they deserve.
Troonziel be a flop like that
lolipag spends 24/7 in this general and doomposts the entire time. Xhe's nuts
>22h ago
Grim, so very grim.
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