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Visual Novel General #6645

This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on >>>/jp/
E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Check https://rentry.org/4chan-vn-help
4. Copy error messages with CTLR+C and paste them with CRTL+V into DeepL
5. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

>Need a novel with a specific element?

>Download Links:

Previous thread: >>497121935
What's the best VN for funny heroine sounds?
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Imagine Satoko JAV... she would fuck with ugly old men ONLY
Karenschizo did nothing wrong
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You're all mentally ill
who the hell is det?
the swansong blogposter
One of Karenschizo’s many personalities
also known as AIsir.
UmiMurafags once again proving themselves to be the dumbest people on the board
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This is fucking gross.
stop doxxing me workplace
Plotge companies have entire tech support lines... how can moefags compete?
Thread theme
Replace the faces with fat old bastards
What causes this phenomena of rika posters being massive cucks?
Thread theme
this goes hard
Timmy: Grandpa, you're dying... What advice do you have for me?
Anon: Cough cough.... come over here I'll tell you about the time I got the IP of that darned.... Rikafag. Got 'im good I did. What a discord tranny he was urrrrrghhh cough cough cou!! A-ACK!!
To bring the thread back on topic, are there any VN heroines like Nikocado Avocado?
Little girls are too powerful... I... I fucking kneel... *kneels*
Janny-dono working hard as usual.
based janny
I'm unironically very close
Imagine being this mindbroken by loli posting.
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It's just cause it's Rika
Satoschizo is perpetually spamming his discord logs in /jp/ because a Rika avatar poster in there is his rival.
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I'm tracing your IPs as we speak
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That's not loli posting. THIS is loli posting
oog oog
tracing anons IP address to make him my wife!
janny woke up now and ignored the other thread, he will probably nuke it
Calm down Rikacuck
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>posting in an early Karen thread
What the heck happened to this place?
You're allowed to make a new thread if the old one hits the image limit
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Please stop posting these, I'm just at the 13th of 40+ Yukari songs in the last thread.
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Anons will hear her voice in their dream now
God I wish.
Little girls
Enjoy. I'm tired now tbです
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>I can read it
JOPhood, here I come
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A man with a plan.
This is actually kinda cute
what the FUCK is that
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Digimon >>> Pokemon
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What mon would she be?
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that's a sawaman
kill yourself sawaschizo
live yourself sawabro
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Kill yourself Karenschizo
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This is the only JOPge I'm still looking forward to.
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JOPgod keeps winning
You know it was silently cancelled, right?
so whatever happened to the suppossed TL of this? lol
Now make his skin black
The devs announced an English translation years ago and then just disappeared ever since.
Harukaze announced the TL and Noratoto 3 then died shortly after.
why do JOPsisters love to self-insert as a woman(male) so much?
I read spoilers and there's no pegging scene so who cares?
That's like the one prerequisite any straight trapge needs.
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>straight trapge
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But K1 is handsome
How is trap x girl anything but straight?
anyone want to write about their genuine opinion about the ge or are you just going to post gay pictures
>he learned japanese for porn
and is there any other reason to learn it?
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Good morning from Vietnam
THIS, but evening.
>Narcissu now considered obscure
welp, I'm officially old
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Even porn is the creations of one such wonderful being called man. A deeper dive, a barrier destroyed by learning such language enables our limited viewpoint of the world, our miniscule amount of reflections we could get thorugh our tiny and limited perspective, and through them we gain invaluable insight, an inimitable works of others; others which could've been what you as a man could've not, and by such gaining a scoop no other man could comprehend, a little bit of more creations by the perfect man, in this perfect small world. An understanding greater than others ignites peace upon us, as we know we have gain even the tiniest bit of insight of the creations other wonderful beings have made.
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Good morning to you
Lol, some newfag made this.
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I love Qruppo the most
>I love Crab poo
Too much information, bro
Lolis won.
JOPshitters lost
Unthinkable in the current age of MTL and AI translations
i dont know what to read
i dont know how to read
I read it because it's there
anime adaptations are simply better
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Uminegro lost.
Even if I was JOP and NEET, I still couldn't read half of that
Basically my Claude 3.5 MTL to do list.
I'm a jop and a neet and I wouldn't want to read half of that because it looks like chuunigarbage.
Negromasa? Lost.
I only read white women ge
It seems like even F95 has stopped doing AI MTLs. They were pumping them out last year
I'd love to give it a go but no time and not sure which VN to translate anyway
I hope the site doesn't go down and the model disappears without leaking
Based list, but you forgot the Favorite ge with the Russian lolis.
not a JOP, you're probably the faggot that started learning in 2023 and use MTL and upscale
It's a Karen world and we're all just guests
What AI did they use. From my experience everything aside from Claude is shit.
that's right, chuuni's peak garbage of this medium
That girl's butt on the cover of Amakano, wow what a big butt she has
maybe on planet EOPbuta
No one has used claude to translate anything tho, so it is shit by default
GPT 3.5 and GPT 4

Yeah it was just okay, onpar with Deepl and Sugoi
There exists no worlds where chuuni is objectively garbage
Chuunishit can stay never ever forever for all I care.
A dude here translated all of Harumade Kururu but he kept it for himself
Thanks for your blog update
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I'm glad the VN with my girlfriend in it made it into the list. It made me so excited that I ejaculated all over her. Now she's sulking.
>Harumade Kururu
Natsukuru, rather
semenanon, go take a bath
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I'm about to take the LSAT, of which I've barely studied for and have been grinding through dozens of vinnies instead
>just gonna have to leave it to Fate at this point
chuunitroons BTFO! MoeKINGs won.
It seems like we need a good thread instead of the homeless whore one
moebutas do be winning the garbage contest
Mind broken
Salty chuuniNEGRO lol!
kill yourself karenschizo
See >>497183543
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still not reading NTRmasa
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consider >>497177775
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Pick your new Asawife.
they all look like animals
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>not a single good design
I pick another moege
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How is blue-haired whore better than the green-haired one? "Oh at least schizo X doesn't win, hahaha I'm such a peacemaker". Good job schizo Y, you have supplanted his role.
give me the doggo
>debating on whether or not to play uminegro just for the hot moms alone
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It's all-ages, so you better fap to fanarts
asa prolapse designs are some of the worst in the industry
post a good design
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see >>497177775
Get new material
it's starting to show its age
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love this creature.
where are the friday niggas
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why zoomers are not voicing porn?
Imoutos love anal sex.
There's only one straight trapge I know of that has a pegging scene and its the worse trapge I've ever read. Its also extremely popular.
id rather not chain myself to soon to be gimped AIs and i rather enjoy playing jap vidya in its original language without a trannylater "translation".
Someone need to make a webm of the last thread for posteriority
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Here is some unseen footage
young voice actors get no jobs
What do you think sex with young, underage girls feels like?
we need more ges released so I don't have to see the same shitposts everyday i take a look at /vn/
The only good VNs were already released
don't kiss and tell
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>zxxcc... "static radio noises" ziiizz... brimm...
>JOPmmander, they’re too strong... at this rate... our /vn/... our home... it's—
>JOPmmander! This time, we're definitely done for. The bot wasn’t even that strong, and we’ve already suffered over 80% casualties—
>JOPmmander! It's over! We lost!
>Activate Protocol J "The Plan".
>W-what??? But first we need Protocol R! Protocol J is, like, WAY too dangerous!!! It could wipe out not just us, but the whole world!
>It’s an order.
>Y-yes sir... *whispers* Oh god... have mercy on us all...
Sex with a little girl!
>funniest J O P
He turned himself into a JOP!!!
Based janny fuck you rikacuck
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>The calculator is useful because it does the work for you. If you don't know, there are a total of 4,294,967,296 possible IP addresses in IPv4. That number jumps to over 300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 in IPv6.
Did YOU learn japanese, anon?
AI really is the future...
what JOPge should I read
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>No Sexual Content
Lolis won, Traps lost.
The act of reading in itself can bring me something close to sexual pleasure if what I'm reading is interesting. The reason I like chuunige is because to me, the stimulation from a good chuunige is actually better than sex. There is always something going on and that something is usually meant to shake up the emotions or engage the intellect. Since, for me, reading something like this really does give me so much pleasure, I can honestly say that concerns about length don't bother me at all, lol.
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>drunk as fuck
>trying to find my way home
I need an VN ost for this feel. Preferably vocal.
Based alcobro. I'm pissed as well!

with him completely mindbroken, can we oficially say that muramasaschizo won?
far left. All kino thoughever.
I only found the Japanese version
do you have the translated version or a patch for it? Please?
I never belived Muramasaschizo lost
Not even once
is it true that people who read yuri vns have gender identity issues?
JOProaches migrate together and bring their schizos
I love ffm yuri
stop drinking poland
are you the anon that had a meltdown about how much you hate snow?
>bring up your phone in the middle of the street at night to post on /vn/
>suddenly get raped by the man stalking you
Alcohol is good for your schizophrenia.
>Goyslop heroines
They're really running out of ideas. Better off just going the plotge route if they can't get the heroines right.
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Bro what are you doing
Post on /c/.
isnt gdańsk supposed to be german architecture...

when it came to shoveling it yeah, though I dunno if I caused a meltdown
>Pissed anon
Based fucking kek. I'm pissed as fuck as well fuck moebutas
umineko fucking sucks but I'll listen to this before sleeping just cause the (filtered) rika is erotic https://youtu.be/c2KbybRxJLQ
what's the most /ck/ vn
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anon, why do you post her so much
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I wouldn't really call that song erotic but good for you
This is the ero song
buy on JAST to support lolige devs
I gave the federal agent monitoring me my credit card number to buy it.
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I may be drunk but even I can understand that I called the Rika posting erotic, not the song. please have reading comprehension above drunk anons. If we're talking erotic then https://youtu.be/g-1BwozQvbM
Kazusa is such a big fucking baby
they are the same person
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>leave /07/th and start browsing /vn/ because of rika and eventually other spam
>some vile creature starts spamming rika in /vn/
I can't let my general be destroyed again. I need to figure out something
Kuonanon is such a big fucking baby
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Brocon imoutos are the best!
Second from the left barely even looks like an Asa heroine, and doesn't fit with the others
miss higurashi pits erotic
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Oh my fucking god
yeah she looks good unlike the average asa heroine
>madosoft and smee get new good artists
>asa keeps the shit one on top of making NTRge
the new smee artist is pretty shit too though
what are some ges that will let me switch between Japanese and English with a single keystroke?
you have shit taste thoughever
seething dun dun patsu hater
I like dun dun pattsu though
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You forgot to turn off your filename randomizer gayop boy
We love Futamata Renai here.
not enough it seems
I read a yuri chuunige once and I ended up distrusting handsome blond men with long hair.
t. Karenschizo
Patch for Anon's Life when?
I can see it
Who runs this general?
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Why do they insult Kei's intelligence so much in the Marie route?
She's bad at math
if you're gonna dump your folder, schizo-kun, dump actual cunny instead of this reddit shit. thanks.
kill yourself pedo
Do you really want mods to purge this general?
Kerbal Space Program had so much shitpost that mods banned /ksp/ tag and deleted every thread in sight
the janny was deleting both muramasa and umineko shitposts, why are you shitting your diapers? it was not one-sided
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>Do you really want mods to purge this general?
you realize the person doing "both muramasa and umineko shitposts" is the same guy, right?
They don't call det of diapefag for nothing...
There are days that I wish the same, but some of you guys are alright excluding Karenschizo

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