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Previous thread: >>496770008
>General Info on Taimanin
>General Guide for Characters and Builds

>News and Current Events on Action Taimanin

>Official YouTube Page (EN)
>Official YouTube Page (JP)
>Official AT instagram

>JP AT Wiki

>RPGX Extasy
>JP RPGX Gacha Schedule

Action Taimanin /atg/ guilds

/atg/ ID: 960001
tuggas ID: 57900001
Noah's Hole ID: 8600001
Rubber Woman ID: 1590001
Cute & Funny ID: 9860001
Starlight Road ID: 6580001
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This is not fucking okay
Blows my mind how even coloring your girls outfits is a gacha.
I'm talking about her hair/ears not being colorable
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based sakura
such a fucking perfect nts gf slut..
Green Spinel is actually kind of nuts, she ends up so fast I can barely keep track of her. Anyone tried her with a 5/5 Crimson Executioner?
I have I can't say I enjoy it that much since I like having sustain for legit challenges but its fun watching her go out of control with that speed.
I'm tired of orc ntr memes. I think it's time for demon ntr memes
I'm tired
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I have already resigned myself to disappointment
I mean same but the less you have maxed or obtained the better and that's quite a few for me. I'm hoping for like kirara
>nothing drawn by asanagi
I sleep
>Crit build.

I mean is cool but nearly worthless atm.
>Awkward character who tries to be versatile but ends up fighting with herself and getting slowed down by her giant swinging cowtits
i agree. managing her buff/debuff cuck circles is annoying. she seems very dependent on enemies not moving, so oboro is her best friend.

ive seen vids of someone using her limited weapon and a green build in vr with some good results, so it looks like it will do fine at high investment.
crit rate skills tend to have good damage already to make up for their lack of damage booster. Tend to but not always. plus the weapon ads damage from the added explosion at the end.
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thank you game
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Excuse me Gremory, I think there's been a mistake. This is clearly a SR!
When it comes to their 3D models, how has the fatter ass? Of course it doesn’t matter since it means they’re both very easy to breed
>Corpo ingrid

Could be worse.
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What do I think of this?
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is that good
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>Old Buta
is she even useful
Unfortunately this is just a merge
Which whore would benefit from the passive? Active looks like garbage.
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Alright, 2nd time's the charm eh lads?
maika's weapon was meant to be used with it since the low particle cost, 3 particles, paired with the increased particle charge would mean more stat buffs. But nobody actually uses the weapon as far as I have seen much less the intended paring.
nope. rng is going to gut punch you.
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whoops, I used my tokens too.

I assume that's the silver coins with the star?
>had 10 tokens 3 days ago
Was not expecting to see gunnerkrigg court here
in English doc
They tried...
hes chastising you for spending gems on slop when we're about to get a crazy gacha that lets you pick a previously released limited supporter/weapon to put on rateup.

>limited supporter/weapon selection gacha
>limited supporter/weapon cash gacha
>starting on the 22nd
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>used my tokens today

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At least the color divisions are sensible, you have outfits like Asagi's default outfit where instead of organizing colors by main parts and trim pieces the main parts are three different colors and you're stuck with the default trim color
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I don't think the divisions are sensible, especially since it doesn't match up with the presets: the hair and ears do match color with the fur.
the hair and ears don't match up but that's easily better than having to try and make every single color nearly the same thing for the outfit to look decent while also not allowing you to change the color of parts that run from the shoulders to the feet
You literally can't color the hair and ears at all, they're stuck black for no reason. It will never match up unless you make the fur black. Which is the same as the default. Which the head and the ears are stuck on for no reason.
>You literally can't color the hair and ears at all
And that's still better than if the clothing, hands and feet were all set as different colors, it's not like animals don't have different colored patches of fur.
Your points just keep getting more ridiculous, I don't see what you're getting out of this
That you're crying about something being bullshit when there are way worse things that are bullshit about the outfit color system. Exactly how many outfits let you freely change the color of the characters' hair?
How many outfits change the character's hair in the presets because it's fur because the costume is a werewolf?
You're moaning about...clothing, not being separated in ways you prefer
>You're moaning about...clothing, not being separated in ways you prefer
which is less of an absurdly specific demand vs
>How many outfits change the character's hair in the presets because it's fur because the costume is a werewolf
Incredible, you started an argument for no reason and got really passionate about it and your only point is "its ridiculous for a werewolf to have matching fur even though the presets have matching fur, compared to clothing not being segmented in the way i personally imagined since Gremory should read my mind and how dare you complain"
Magnificent, I'm applauding you irl
>you started an argument for no reason
and you're continuing it
>your only point is "its ridiculous for a werewolf to have matching fur even though the presets have matching fur, compared to clothing not being segmented in the way i personally imagined since Gremory should read my mind and how dare you complain"
actually my point is you're a crying little bitch who doesn't understand why hair color isn't freely changeable on that costume even though I just explained it to you
Bro just take your meds
Or maybe you should so you'll stop replying to me instead of further making a fool of yourself
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Oh man, this just keeps getting better though
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>make a comment about how the costume color system is kind of wack
>schizo takes it personally and will keep replying to try and save face despite not making any kind of point
just save face bro...anonymous reputation in shambles
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To be fair I have never once seen a werewolf with ears that didn't match their coat
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werewolves generally don't have human faces
They do in anime stuff plenty
such as?
Ah but first, show me a werewolf with ears that does not match its coat. Can be anime or western even. Your anonymous reputation is on the line btw
>show me a werewolf with ears that does not match its coat
I never made a claim for or against that. My claim is that werewolves generally don't have human faces since the definition of a werewolf is someone who turns into a wolf temporarily. At best Sakura has wolf-like features but is not entirely one.
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>akshually technically Full Moon Sakura is not a true werewolf, hence its natural to not be able to color her hair and furthermore
Glad you agree
Isn't hair sacred in this game? Can you recolor any girls hair?
Is Sakura's hair black?
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ewww, i thought it was selectable. we had it so good before
unrelated, anyone knows what the max level for the club buffs is? the one that gives assists attack%, or machine chars get attk%?
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she's generally yellow blonde but it's also been almost white before
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Yay, I think?
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This is the most important matter of discussion AT friends... What is the Diesel Wave of Action Taimanin?
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Chibi Asagi thumbs up sticker is the functional equivalent in terms of guild chat spam
Memetic equivalent? Sorry but /atg/ has no thread culture.
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Did I luck out? She looks good. I already used my Nanonmachines son on the 3rd Anniversary Supporter.
I'm jelly
futa astaroth, knockin up all the enemies..
I understand the doro just by seeing it everywhere. What's the deal with the blue waving girl? I assume her name is diesel and from what I've seen, she runs people over with a train and waves?
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I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you
Oborocat holding up a sign has potential imo
We need to sort this out. It's no exaggeration to say this will decide the future of all in game discourse moving forward. Someone make a poll, make sure it has a decent amount of time to gestate because our threads are slow.
Asagimania uses her a lot on his particle spam builds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcVevR9lh1c
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Look what I've got
A curse upon all who got a good supporter
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Would a 1/5 skull face be better for humans too?
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First time exchanging URs
How did I fare
The power of racism...
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She does have a shit-eating grin
I want to be raped by vamp kurenai
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Have you bought any of them?
No, but I bought the GILFs skin
Asagi since I was missing her and hip windows are unbeatable.
Though I got Sakura too, just because I didn't have that one yet.
Her main slot passive is great. Especially if you dont have any good 5/5 on hand
Great on Asta with Supernova healing a chunk
Probably because most werewolves are solid colors. Imagine a weredalmatian.
You got a banner limited which is good. She was sold to everyone willing to buy the renewal pack for kirara which is irrelevant, but I say worth noting. Her effects are decent but nothing to write home about. I say lock it and keep it.
In general play? No. In VR? Yes, but it it probably should be higher than 1/5 for better penetration. The extra damage against mind control plus healing does quite a bit. Naturally you would run anti-human magatamas in on both cases.
Sakura and Rinko since I wasn't planning during those anniversaries.
already have them and you only get 50 desire refunded if you accidentally get them
Is the rika event supporter actually worth 5/5 or should i use the remaining 4 copies for the exchange facility for the copium of getting either something good or something i dont have?
Day 5 of still not getting a dip inside Noah's Hole... sad
So, the blue Lapis supporter should be good for cow demon right?
Wight is my Wife.
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3 things
1. My in game name is Osaru let me know if there’s any openings in any clubs
2. Francis is even more broken and Onigoroshi/ Tipsy now causes her to lose her face
>3 things
>only 2 listed
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3. I bought Inegaya Natsu because I got a bonus check from work.
TLDR: Why is this bitch so expensive when she doesn't do much?

Longer version: Natsu is basically a better Su mixed with Oboro with a focus on Groggy and Stun. She has her own debuff that when it hits 15 causes stun, she has 2 skills that cause stun/groggy so she's the best groggy character outside of Green Ingrid.
Weapon wise - You may have noticed her Gacha weapons and purchase weapons are not great. That's because her Sakura weapons turn her into a God. So they want you to get enough mileage to get her Sakura weapons which wouldn't have been a problem if I hadn't wasted it on Choir Phantasma (who they shadow nerfed image from plebit because I though I was insane). Also because of her skills she's okay with a 3 slot and fantastic with a 4 slot because her yellow taimanin skill causes her debuff to be on every hit of her combo except the last one. Her groggy/stun skills make themselves necessary for bosses not so much against mobs so you kind of need to have her with the most expensive items.

Supporter wise I'm still testing that out but she can even do a good crit build because Wedding Annerose means you can just focus on Crit Damage+ magatamas and each attack button press is 3 hits.
Are you a dog?
Yea I had to phone post to get that image of Francis off my phone and then it told me my post was too long so I went to my computer to finish it up. Usually this thread is inactive enough that I can do stuff like that without being noticed.
3 dogs in a trench coat.
You ask why she's expensive as if there aren't character packs for every character. You should have waited for her to be available for free with gems.
>You may have noticed her Gacha weapons and purchase weapons are not great. That's because her Sakura weapons turn her into a God. So they want you to get enough mileage to get her Sakura weapons
Yep, I'm never getting granny.
If anyone is still looking for a club, join id: 17470001
I didn't even notice that the previous anniversary costumes were in the desire shop.
What's a good build for Saika? I've been running with triple blue and hurricane kick but it always feels like she's lacking in damage when it comes to tougher stages
Post her favorite gifts please, I don't want to waste em on other girls.
>You may have noticed her Gacha weapons and purchase weapons are not great.
Bro everyone gets the same weapons weapons when released it's not just granny
Of course that rare time I roll 100 times on a supporter she gets a nerf, albeit small.
Do you mean VR or in general? Because I've got quite a lot of success with her using Green and RGB builds.
when are they adding the function to automatically sell N/R weapon/magatama from the gold gacha
Doesn't take that long really, that would be a low priority
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Those three developing lolis.. look kinda sex.. Mari's little sister looking cute but the one on right especially so. Hope some nice orc joins their party.
Also Mai looks ridiculous dressed up like that.
Who are these lolis? The one on the right is MMM Good but this one. I want her.
just expand your inventory goy
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How long until they have porn made?
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That's it, I'm pulling the cuntwars ads.
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The brutal anniversary mogging of Rika continues
Mai even gets better art in addition to a bossfight and her supporter not sucking
@yurumagic is their twitter name I found using a reverse image search and toprare is the tag they share on rule 34 paheal.

That's all I can find.
All the orcs and black chads went to meet Mai and her little partygoers.
Imagine having your head crushed by those two fat asses.
have you considered not being a faggot?
Do you know where you are?
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>0.001 second late on reapplying mind control
>masked taimanin chimps out and instagibs the entire party
Halloween Su can't come soon enough
>Potion tries to draw innocent cute children
Mission failed successfully
The fuck does this mean, should I be saving up gems or what?
i can't thirst over noah unless i'm in her hole, and since i'm not in it currently...
oh that will still happen witch su is rng. 25% chance can be really nice or really bad.
it means that on october 22 they'll make a gacha where you can select which limited weapons or supporters are on rateup

And the pool is the limited packs released from march 22 to august 2023
Basically from Asagi's limited weapon and supporter to Tokiko's.
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is pic related any good? I don't know what to use the ticket on and 90% of the weapons are crit related
Worthless, unless we also get a choice ticket for 100 pulls. Since I assume they're not gonna be in the Desire shop.
Almost any weapon that doesn't have racist damage and/or a skill-specific gimmick buff isn't good.
It's shit but all of Sora's weapons are bad.
Pick it if you like the design to unlock it as a skin for other weapon.
Something fucky with the timer for club login bonus
So the event voucher is useless?
No its just their generalization doesn't account for renweal weapons which are in the ur gacha weapon voucher. Which aren't skill specific or do racist damage but still have great value to a character.
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Exchange booster finally worked
What a fucking scam, never doing this again
>Basically from Asagi's limited weapon and supporter to Tokiko's.
oh thats kinda shit. arent there only like 2 supporters in that window that are generally good, with the rest being bad or niche? what a shame.
There is room for another inside Noah's Hole. Please let me know your name if you'd like to enter Noah's Hole.
AssWeCan demands entry!
and if it's for some reason a commander# on your end i'm the rank 120 with a su icon
It's great to open formations to gain a lot of HP. In terms of Supporters, key ones are
>[White] Feather Asuka
>[Draconic] Su
>[Blackbeard] Kirara
>[Dark Sun] Astaroth
>[New Years] Felicia
>[Assault] Rin
>[Armed] Saika
Which is a pretty solid selection
I don't main her and just toy with her in bonus stages/VR when bored but I just run triple red heat kick/gale kick/spinning kick. All three have CC stun/knockdown and really low cooldown so you can kind of just chain them non stop.
mari's imouto?
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I standby these formations still being the most fun in the game, you can make some characters feel so different with enough stacks of speed buff. Basically only switch to library girls (or eleonors as of late for VR) out of necessity of wanting DR, otherwise it's always just speedmaxxing. highly rec for mash enthusiasts
Must be nice
>how Asura Black's regen actually works is that it recreates the world where the method used to kill you can't actually kill you, you'd need to completely annihlate him judging from how Asuka deals with him in TA3
Ehhh...Nagi's permanent gacha weapon is actually pretty decent, all things considered.
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>That's because her Sakura weapons turn her into a God
Lol, I wonder if that's intentional? The weapon blurb for this thing basically says it's a cigarette without all the negative side effects. Granny can get high as fuck as with this WITHOUT getting lung cancer.
i'd remove assault rin and add lina or celestial fox sora, but otherwise yeah i agree those are all the good rolls.
my top 3 would be white feather asuka, blackbeard kirara, and new year felicia, although the gap between white feather asuka and the other 2 is gigantic because shes broken (super armor shred is dumb)
Celestial Fox sora isn't a costume pack so she's probably not going to be there. Lina is way after August 2023.

Assault Rin is pretty good, still, only the human VR bosses are isolated and you can get a lot of mileage out of it in Machine, Spider Queen and Kanaloa.

And another one in a league of it's own is New Year Felicia.
Is it possible to change a clubs name? Even if it's with gems
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I see what you mean but they really don't. Let's exclude the increase damage when particles fully charged, rebellious weapons and arena weapons. After removing those weapons their Gacha Weapon or their paypig weapon is the best for the most obvious builds.
For example
Francis' weapon Sin Eater has a 5% chance to stun and do 260% damage when combined with the speed boost of her drunken state means your fishing to do more damage then a crit on every sped up hit.
Phantasma had both Dream Core and Fallen heart which increases damage against enemies with the nightmare debuff or inflicts the nightmare debuff which plays into her game plan perfectly.
Lapis has Scepter of Mastema which increases her skill damage, which increases her heal amount, as well as Battle Hardened Incisor which used crits to do the same thing but riskier.
Spinel had Crimson Executioner which just gave her a flat 10% speed buff which fixes most of the problems caused by her big slow swings.

You get the point. All I'm saying is that her gacha weapons are the worst it's been since Sora and at least Sora had a 40% damage buff in her SRs that you could focus on. Vape tool seems fine but I don't want to focus on a crit build with an SR just yet (although I'll give it a try next week)

Choco bananas, Pink roses, Sushi, Coffee and Dangos.

Oh no, I meant her best weapon is a weapon you can only get after about 1,000 pulls and she works best with Shikis helping hand and is kind of stunted without it. Don't get me wrong I think she's alright, and when she goes for gems I'm sure people will use her in ways I haven't. But, having to give up a stun for her healing dodge when all she wants to do is stun is makes her skill list seem more restrictive than it is.

Let me into Human Males I'm Osaru.
is there anywhere I can check what these lobby themes in the mileage shop look and sound like?
yes, for 1000 gems
It depends on the supporters you have and weapons but a decent build is just red especially if you have Tachibana Serika because Saika is the only one with a skill based disarm. Other than that just include the basic damage up supporters. If you have 5/5 Arial you can build her red and include white feather Asuka. Shadowless kicks + WF Asuka usually strips most super armor instantly and it has a relatively quick cool down.
Her cheapest build is blue since you can use the event machine supporters and slap whatever you like in there (Like Wedding Annerose).
I don't like her green but that's because I started off with her green and got sick of it.
They all use the basic lobby music. I got them myself because I didn't have them.
>They all use the basic lobby music
fuck that's disappointing, I just wanted a lobby with a different music and that doesn't look too bright
thanks anyway anon
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I only have one of those supporters...
Party Hall has different music but its bright as hell
Tried it a bit and it seems like it has way better damage than the alternatives, thanks.

I basically have none of the really good limiteds except NY Shiranui and my only URs for are the arena and Round 1
Forgot to mention but I was running her on blue with my best damage up supports avaliable but I found that it was still lacking in damage on higher vr + harder bonus stages
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I've said it before but RPG Extasy had a great main menu track. Would love it if it somehow made its way to AT since even though AT has a similar one in one of the summer lobby themes it's just not as good IMO

that's not true, I got one of the christmas one and it changed the music

actually I double checked.
all of the ones I have do change the music, except the rooftop one
>but I found that it was still lacking in damage on higher vr + harder bonus stages
Once you get good supporter combo and awakening stats you can kind of just throw together garbage and get by in vr to a point, what I meant by toying with Saika since i really don't have much investment in her but still get by in VR21 farming with a 2/5 weapon. Lapis also just makes farming at that point braindead too because you can just put whatever with her and experiment various builds.
Is the Christmas one supposed to be party hall?

Because if not, that's not one of the ones that's being talked about. They're talking about the themes that are currently in the mileage shop.
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Task Force HQ, Task Force SITROOM and Building Rooftop all share the same music
A Very Gosha Christmas and A Very Fuuma Christmas both have the same xmas theme
New Year, Summer Stream, Tropical Island and Part Hall all have unique music tracks
If anyone wants a screenshoot of a specific background I'll be glad to provide
does anybody have the inageya lobby theme already
are you surprised that a gacha supporter is better than an event one?
Any club with slots? Applied to Noah's Hole
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>are you surprised that a gacha supporter is better than an event one?
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name? or put atg on yours or do you want her to be filled by randos
For a burger I'm sure she won't mind some randos inside
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In his defense, Shikanosuke exists. This isn't "I hate traps" post (Nao is a trap too, yet his supporter abilities are fantasic) . I actually mean Shikanosuke supporter is genuinely the worst out of all them, and it's gacha locked, too. I'm pretty sure every event supporter has abilities better than this.
>The massage talks about "card drawing tokens" whatever those are
>Post is about inge coins
What did he mean by that
Why is all the top arena filled with the exact same retarded one skill+invu lapis build? Is there some new exploit im not aware of
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Yeah, Lapis heals way harder than everyone else but crystallize (her level 81 skill) is fucking broken. It heals even harder if Lapis is built with red supporterers, it give super armor, and it has a low cooldown. Make it Lapis's only skill and she's now spamming. Shisui is there to give inviciblity AND revive her from death. The whole goal is to make her fucking invincible.
>Mai model


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