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>Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4: Absolute Doom

>Be a Marvel Hero in Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5 Season 4: ABSOLUTE DOOM!

>Quests, stats, shop

>LEGO XP AFK Strategy

>Season XP Leveling Pace

>Mission Alerts for StW

>Buy Fortnite V-Bucks, Earn the Bird Call Emote! (10/2 - 11/1)

>New Ranked Reload Plus Get 50 Levels in Any Mode to Unlock Felina and Felina’s Claw Meow for Free!

>Stop Doctor Doom in Fortnite Battle Royale’s “Day of Doom”!

>Karol G Brings the Rhythm to Fortnite Festival!

>Blaze past the Finish Line in Rocket Racing Inferno Island!

> Explore Lost Isles in LEGO Fortnite V31.20!

>Fortnite Crew October - Polus

Bus Driver Fags: Rope
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Fucking weak win, it's always some kid hiding in top 5, I find it funny, anyways.
Hip firing > Aiming down sights
ok what kind of event is happening tomorrow? because I couldn't even watch the other one last season because the servers refused to let me in a game
Some gay ass voice over of Doom coming on Hope's tits
Do you have the gif?
mega doom appears out of the ground
we all have to shoot him
me and who?
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best girl dub
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>Drum mag Cerberus
the nobuild staple
it's the meta shotgun in every mode besides reload, tard.
he used 3 shots, didn't need the drum anyway
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Erm that's a webm...
Thank you!
hope bros...
I got one like this for Jonesy but it included a little feedback box and I got chatgpt to generate me a great succinct reason to remove jonesy from the game lol
still the goat
i think i only used two
I wouldn't know I don't play anything but no build
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I can't believe I got a new solo high score and I beat one of my friend's high score with his ghetto ass setup pressing a lot of wrong keys while my muscle memory isn't adapted yet
she's going to win tomorrow
The survey I did today just had shit asking how many weapons should change each season
I got one week to grind enough vbucks to buy all the other shit to get them cheaper
Lesbian love is the cutest thing in the world!
>just realized I did the refund trick wrong last weekend while drinking
I now have basically the entire Ariana grande set but NOT the skin. oops. surely she will come back
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Goddamn this season's meta is so fucking dull. The jetpack and Iron Man shit got old fast.
>lobby showing me the victory von doom emote that you can't even get anymore
Thanks, I guess?
Epic will never learn how to make Fortnite good again.
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Saw that, too. Thanks for advertising an emote from 4 years ago that I'm incapable of getting, Epic. FOMO obsessed freaks.
play zero build ranked or just regular ranked, it feels a lot better wihtout the shit mythics, but lack of cars is really terrible.
They did that as a favor to doomcels who own both, but did it in such a way that it advertises something you can never get. Epic is bad at everything.
did anyone buy these shaq gloves? how are they?
No one's giving Epic 2k vagina bucks for a pickaxe.
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Bro your shop exploit???
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I'm a founder with 11k vbucks, plus there hasn't been anything good in the shop in months so I'm fine.
Epic will probably make all collabs forced bundles to counter the exploit.
What exploit?
Not reading all that. 100 vbucks for that pickaxe is a great deal.
A ban isn't worth 100 vbucks
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They are not banning the thousands of people exploiting this
Hey retards you're using the wrong thread
Jokes on you I'm in both
literally only made that post because he did
got the shaq bundle for 300 vbucks, feelgood.
Hey retards you're using the wrong thread
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Is he dead dead?
ban you for what? ban you for your friend gifting you something? for using your god given right to cancel your purchases?
Why haven't you bought Shaq?
male skin
American culture is centered around.. [REDACTED]
which thread is the real thread

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