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Cheez will die alone and unloved without ever knowing the tender touch of a woman.
Ellie is a biological woman
SF6 ruined fighting games forever
>/fgg/ is only active discussing lolcows
They are OUR COWS though
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>Ellie is a biological man
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>natural talent + no work > no talent + hard work
and this is why /fgg/ wannabes will never amount to anything
qrd on bocchitranny?
FPBP as fuck
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Ono will save fighting games
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Whats left to discuss nigga? All games this gen are flaming horseshit
this is easily the shittiest /fgg/ has ever been it's just kiwifarms lite now
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That's not proof that Ellie is a real woman. Meanwhile there's proof everywhere that she is not
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>hey, dude. Your plans are unrealistic and unsustainable. You may need to reconsider your scope and do something smaller than making a huge triple a fighting game with flashy sprites and 10000 pages of lore as your first game project

Yeah, this is the "rational response" I would expect from the right. Not even surprised.

Mind status: Broken
Our Queen. I kneel.
Says the tranny wasting her birthday here
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Why is she so perfect?
ghetto agdg

ghetto pol

ghetto kiwi farms
>she draws bad
Nice "proof"
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>Bringing politics outta nowhere
You ok sister?
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>hey dude, you're biting off way more than you can chew with the task you have planned. Additionally, you may want to reconsider your concept, as this may be a limiting factor for a potential audience
actually helpless general. you should not coddle delusions. if these people don't hear the truth from me, who will be the one to tell them? if you interpret that as trolling, that is purely on (you)
why is she so fucking plappable bros
Block low?
What you faggots even talking about????
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Play KoF
I didn't pay her to write my name. I just asked her.

I never said I was 9 when the sega saturn came out.

I am a very honest person. I've told people my age here before. And I can't remember if I've every stated my exact age in the thread specifically before. Like 3-4 years ago I would post my exact age in here if someone asked. But now with the rise of cancel culture and the increase in schizos and online stalking, both in here and in social media in general, the less identifiable/personal information you disclose online the better.
Dont mind the hobos
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Ok groomer
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>hey bro, borderline hentai character designs are already a tough sell for a fighting game, but adding the furry element on top of it is going to make it an even harder sell for most people to even want to try it. For the well being of your game, you may want to think about a different, more universal theme or having some designs that appeal to more people

how old are you?
It's not the poor art quality (which is tranny enough), it's how she dressed him. No biological woman would put together an outfit like this. Not even e-girls dress like this
Bruh fujos have the weirdest obssession with putting men in gay shit
Daughterwife archetype is so kino
You said you were 31
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And it happens with Leona too. KoF is so fucking based.
They would put them in dresses and fetish costumes like bunny suits. Not full-on trannycore.
You are hiding your age
Creepy behavior
Just say your birthdate and get over it if you honest
i need to know more about the huge snake bitch in gigamaidens
Buck Broken
Let's switch the discussion to which fighting game girl would be hotter if they put on a few more extra pounds. I'll start
Isn't that the same excuse he used for why he won't tell anyone what he does for a living?
Like he thinks that if he says "oh I work in retail" we'll all somehow find out what store he works at and doxx him?
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-r kisses are the softest and sweetest
If she retired and british she should look like a healthy chubby british gal.
Hehehe ok buddy
And you're pressing for information you don't need to know, creepo. You are not entitled to know the birthdate or age of anyone in here.
Bridget in her chest, hips, thighs and ass
Hiding your work is ok.
Hiding your age is just shady behavior.
it's really funny because he loves to show off how much money he has but the moment someone asks him where his fortune comes from he gets really uncomfortable
somehow he never expects anyone to ask where he's getting all the money he keeps bragging about
we all know it's his mom's money
Chill out unc
Cool it, timantha.
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me on the right
You're 38, Cheez. We all know this. There's no point in trying to fool anyone.
Is that why reichan keeps posting pictures of shadow crossdressing?
Groomer needs to be able to lie and try to be younger to prey on teens
It would be different if Shadow were wearing straight up tranny fashion
And Makoto after she gets pregnant
>freely tells anyone his age
>someone figures out he's lying and posts proof
>denies it and suddenly no longer wants to discuss his age and now pretends he never discussed his age
what are you hiding cheez
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I'm not 38. I'm not even over 35. I'm between 30 and 34. That's all you'll get from me.
You already said 31 multiple times over the years, dude.
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Same energy as Dale Wilson (40yo this year) said earlier he was in his late 20s
Me with the red hair
It's kind of sad that Cheez still behaves like a middle schooler but he's by his own admission over 30
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10 characters is a lot to handle. If you've never balanced a game before, why would you immediately fill your plate with a bunch of work? Scope small. Do you think they built Rome in a day? You're biting off way more than you can chew and will never get anything done. Just look at PsychoJosh. Wants to make some epic environmental destruction quadruple A huge explosion vore masher with a 50 character roster and he doesn't even know how to open Unity. You're going to spend 20 years on this shit like him. Which is why you don't waste time on an impossible project. Your "dream game" is a horrible thing to actually make, especially as a beginner. Think for once.

Let's think about this logically.
If you have no money, how are you going to afford to make the game? If you took a year off to work at McDonalds, you would have money to hire workers. Once again, have a plan, don't just wing it like a fucking retard.
Baby. Steps.
Dude is giving me some PL flashbacks such spergy autistic loser
Stop the cap
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Reminder that Cheez also claims to be 5'10 despite visual evidence that he's nowhere near that height
Hes 5'6 on a good day.
Breastfeed me, Bocchi.
You claim to be 29 years old yet draw like this >>497222638
He is 4ft tall because you shrink as you get older
Bocchi owns me...
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I bet you were giggling to yourself like a little girl when you smashed this out on your ghetto little 5 dollar stolen iphone, but I will humor you with some education.
Fundamentals are very important in art
If you rush right into stylization, you'll get that one sasuke me picture
If you have no foundation, what the fuck are you stylizing?
Gotta crawl before you can crawl, but of course you subhumans have zero patience.

The funniest part is that you all think art is hard now because our resident retard with a learning disability was too stupid to make any improvements for 3 years even with teachers looking at his shit and telling him exactly what to do.

Then again, I imagine that probably would apply to a lot of you as well.
Yes talk about me more
What is blud yapping about
Didnt read + Bocchi owns you
>I bet you were giggling to yourself like a little girl
Why are you obsessed with little girls, Ellie? That's fucking creepy.
Also you're the last person to educate anyone about the fundamentals when you avoid them like the plague. These essays will not make your hands look better
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>Cheez got exposed as a 38 year old virgin
Nigga looks like this and dreams that any women would ever willingly fuck him
Bruh be grateful if you get a 4/10 to ever accept you
Not a virgin or 38 years old
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Glass houses, fuckers. Glass. Houses.
Looking at it this picture is kind of sad. This was the high point of Cheez's fighting game career, for one brief moment he was on top of the world, and he's spent the last 13 years desperately trying to recreate that feeling.

He's like one of this dudes that had one shining moment in high school football, went on to do nothing else with his life, but 20 years later still loves to tell the story of how he scored that perfect touchdown one time.
Onaholes dont count
Dogs also dont
Neither chickens
>buying any crypto when Bitcoin exists and is the most secure
Why niggas do this?
VF6 is a crypto game
And he brown, fat and short
And old now
Is over for him
..............................does the wolf really have a dick or is that just a meme?
He doesn't look like that anymore. He's fit now.
Fucking grapplers
pfft no he isn't
we've seen the selfies where he's sucking it in but you can clearly still see the fat on his face and arms
Cheez is a 38 year old virgin lmaooooooooo
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cheez would enjoy the shoe salesman job
so he can sniff middle aged women's feet all day
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So........ do you guys just do this all night?
forgot to mention I'm speaking from experience
Oh? You've seen the glistening Cheezbod up close?
Who is the lineup?
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yeah this ain't fit
Steve from minecraft looking ahh
God he is UGLY
This nigga built like someone made a joke ugly character in SF6 creation engine on purpose
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Why does that look like how an elderly woman would decorate her bathroom? Shouldn't Cheez have a big framed photo of Morrigan, Lilith, or Reina there?
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According to Cheez the reason it looks like this is because it's actually his sister's bathroom, and he takes selfies in her bathroom because the lighting is better than his bathroom.

No, really, that's his explanation. He introduced the idea of his sister living with him purely to cover for the fact that he still lives with his mom.
Might as well say fuck it and buy one of LTG's bullet magnet merch for the memes.
Holy shit I'm laughing so hard this past hour or so. Great threads.
I mean... when you picture a guy who masturbates all day this is pretty much it
I don't masturbate. I +1 inside my hand.
bro that's masturbation
As opposed to you who has no story to tell? Or would you like to share with us your finest achievement anon?
I have a job and a wife
calm down cheez
Shut up.
coreupt has a demo now
anybody checking it out?
Why does every title for everything nowadays have to be a pun?
brand recognition, search optimization etc
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Won't be defending Cheez until he fulfills his janitorial duties and removes the bocchitrannies from the asylum
jappas traceappa'd jacob's ladder nearly 2 decades ago now we have to deal with timmys constantly trying to remake a horror game with a story that wouldn't have made waves if it were a book or movie

She's right you know
hey alright
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what are we going nuts about today?
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Why do all of the indie fighters use so much screen shake on every hit?
hes been ignoring his duties a lot recently
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A lot of the later Gen Z demographic and especially Gen Alpha suffer from ADHD, so the game needs to have strobe effects and flashy bouncing michael by shakycam or else they will get bored watching it and say the game has no juice or sauce or whatever they call it now.
This is the same reason they need their anime subtitles to be full of memes and have "punched up" dialogue that gives every character the same smug asshole personality or else they'll say "this is too bland"
>>497204169 I already posted what's wrong with these new indie fighting games. I think this has honestly become a meme at this point. No, seriously, why the fuck are they making their games like this? Do they not have any sense of restraint when laying out basic game rules for their game to not have it turn into a comboslop fighter?
what game is this?
Fantasy Strike.
nigga thinks anyone is reading his posts
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I unironically blame Strive since it's the commercial version of what they're doing.
nigga thinks strive made the template
Killer Instinct had long epic combos and you all loved it....
nigga thinks anybody played KI
only sajam and max cared about that shit, who the fuck bought an xbox one just to play KI lmao
you niggas really dont know shit about shit
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let's be fair now
Don't pretend any of you would make a better game than any of these indie devs.
So Tekken 8 is now slightly better than MK1 because of noob features and free story mod chapter.

But they are pretty much on the same line now.

dayum whos this pawg
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In general, you people are pretty toxic about fighting games, but especially indie devs.
Remember, these are real people making these games, not robots. So please, try to be a little more understanding.

austyn monroe
Xbox One was literally known as the "KIbox" from 2013-2014. you guys are on some blazgreen.
Aris said KI was some poopoo
>aris said
>max said
>sajam said
>baron said

Holy shit, shut the hell up
post 30 seconds of you playing KI
cheez said
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aris said they added the arcade edition subtitle to sfv to wipe reviews and it also meant the "you only need one copy" line was a lie (it meant none of this)
sajam said every game needs troonback (deranged jew)
max said f2p is the future then stopped talking about multiversus
remember when they put a billion particle effects into KI so the game was unwatchable on streams 10 years ago
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Daisuke said Bridget was always a girl.
you trannies forced him to say that
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Um... why did the BlazGreen incels mog the KI bros at Evo!!?!? Where were y'all at?
remember when KI's online was sexo 10 years ago and nips had to literally be explained what godback netcode was by westerners afterwards
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ridge racer fighting game
baron is on the same level of influence as max and sajam now?
shit looks so small now
Jive pulled us out of the trenches
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The game actually works online, so we were playing there instead of flying across the country for the privilege of being allowed to play the game properly :)
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Infil said Killer Instinct was good and he wrote the fighting game glossary.
>KI turning 30 this month
feels good to be a KIchad
This is the first time I have ever seen any of you people go to bat for KI lmao
I need luvcheez and baron of wastes to tell me how to feel about killer instinct
multiple people falseflag as KI and MK players whenever they can just to shit on the game they don't like
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I only ever use MK for that to be quite honest.
I don't even remember KI existing unless I need to make a shitpost about rollback netcode.
Mike Z worked on KI, he helped them balance it.
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Is that really the cope that you guys use for losing to Persona? Even Skullgirls and MK players don't use the netcode excuse. This seems to be a unique thing to your community, pretty interesting gimmick.
We need Bocchi to tell us how she feels about killer instinct.
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Tonosama, the Tougeki Arcana Heart 2 champion, said Killer Instinct was good because Riptor is his scalie dinosaur waifu.


Do you weeaboo fuckers like it now?
never going to care about the game with the combo breaker party mechanic
remember to eat your vegetables for the day
Justin Wong used to play KI
We need to tell Tonosama about Blades and Beasts
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went to get a line up and let my barber talk me into trimming my mustache, looked in the mirror and that nigga had me looking like hotashi i shaved that shit as soon as i got home
you gon learn today
any special or jump-in from neutral that nets you a hit and starts the combo system
a two hit sequence that can be chained after an opener
a special that can be cancelled from either an opener or auto double. It is filler that can let you go into another auto, a manual or ender
SF style link, typically a linker of the same strength or lower can lead into a manual. opener to manual is also OK; does less damage than an auto double but is harder to break
special cancel that cashes out white life built up from the combo. It's unbreakable unless the combo is opener > ender
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>Lost to Tekken 7 before it even came to consoles
KI bros....
Why do you guys dislike Hotashi so much, again? What did he even do?
Encyclopedia of knowledge.
I imagine that 2XKO will end up like Killer Instinct

Hardly anyone cares about it and it will consistently get low numbers, but it's made in America by the US FGC cirlcejerk, so it will still inexplicably get into Evo for a few years anyway.
remember when he "pulled a random name out of a hat" and it just happened to be one of /fgg/'s TOs?
That was just fear and absolutely none of you like fear
sakass delivery this whole game has had me tilted


Please make up your minds.
Aleks Le is a faggot, too, but I'm not exactly going to be celebrating if some SJW tranny retard tries to get him fired because he said peepee farty poopoo in a skype call 15 years ago
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wrong thread but nevermind saka you're forgiven
i forgot about that nigga fear
Kim Wu is the best sniff
when are we getting a proper final fantasy fighter
never. if we get one now it'll just be arcslop with auto combo and a guard button.
correct, Kim Wu IS the best sniff
make a 16 character with proper function variety (i.e not just the protags)
16 character roster*
the nigga with black hair
that first boss you fight in midgar
Cloud (crossdressing)
Sephirotj (Pre-timeskip)
Barret (both arms)
...do we really need clones in a roster that small?
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Why did Square Enix make a FFXIV fighting game tech demo, but then do nothing with it at all?
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All the right moves.
Emet Selch
some guy from 16 idk i never played that one
dbfz had 4 in the base roster then sold another 2 in the first season
30 second cutscene super where she summons her niggas to beat you up with magic
It's a problem with indie games in general. Timmys making game dev vids always go "if you want to hecking JUIIIICE up your game just add a lot of hitstop and screenshake!" and amateurs overdo it to compensate for their dogshit visuals
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Are we going to become ghetto /ffg/ or /xivg/ next?

I feel like that episode will be even more violent regardless of which one it becomes.
Pad players help me out
How is the PS5 controller to play? I use a switch horipad, but I bought a new one and honestly I for some reason can't get used to it, my down-back and down forward motions feel all wrong and I get shit wrong all the time, dunno if my old one was like rougher or something

I fell like maybe the Xbox one would be better since it has diagonal parts but idk.
power stone in mvci was less nauseating than this
sounds kino
PS5 pad is the worst for fighting games.
This can’t be the actual speed of the game what the fuck
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Why not?
That game has combo breaker though.
>all caps
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Will Americans ever make a fighting game without some dogshit party mechanic that is only there to make the game "unique" ?
And of course, Unique just means they copied something from some Flash game 20 years ago or some absolutely dead arcade kuso from 30 years ago that no one else copied for a good reason.
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The funniest part to me about /fgg/ is that some horrible imbalanced literally who kuso can have 5 tournaments go by in a year with absolutely no one here acknowledging them, but then the same game gets mentioned in a drive-by shitpost and then the thread is suddenly filled with experts on the game and huge fans of it to tell you how wrong you are about it.
What if we added fast falling from Smash into a traditional fighting game
Some games actually do have that, but not as a universal thing.
Oro had fast fall in SFV, but they patched it out
cammy can do that from spin knuckle
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dbfz has that
What about the Xbox one? Does anyone use it?
don't call me that i was just trying to help
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which fighting game bitches wear chokers?
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uhhh dood? you know... nevermind, LETS GO!
watching my jr disappear in bunny's cleavage with each inch
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Washed 3 tweets to say: “subscriber models suck for all clients.” Too bad it doesn't pay bills.
>>497257825 >>497258037
It already exists. You just wont't play'em.
remember deadlock? we still playing that?
im not invited
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recommend me some good 80s/90s MANime to get over my turd strike shite performance
memelock isn't going to last
There isn't a single FF character in MAAB.....
They really picked Riesz over Sabin
not from the 80s/90s, and not manime. don't reply to me
Uchuu No Senshi
Nanaya has that in Melty Blood
From the 80s/90s, and CHADnime. Please reply to me more.
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I have never played it and know nothing about it, just saw this slut in the /vg/ catalog and have been trying to find the source for 10 minutes
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I wish Kimmy wasn't ultra combo'd with the ugly stick in KI...
Bastard OVA
I'm on episode 6 is kinda boring but she owns us so whatever...
Made for the Cheezcock.
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why are you bringing /dbs/speak here?
>Implying /dbs/ memes didn't spread towards the rest of 4chan and even twitter
What you should be asking is why you got a buck broken stinky nigcel unironically using Dale lingo as he stays coomposting here 24/7 instead of taking his stanky ass to the hiring block.
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/dbs/ is the most powerful thread on the site
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/fgg/ culture is being erased...
I can't believe people are going to forget +1 and "what did he mean by this"
neither of those are from fgg...
You said Nietzsche and Osamu Dazai were inspirational?

Get That Ass Banned
should I watch azumanga daioh or is it for manthas
another gay ass nigga watching his intro
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she's bound to look better in KI4 because her model looks better in the spider-man no way home commercial
deserved for defending trash jive
it's been more than a year why is jive still on your mental lil nigga
fgg must pay for its sins
jive mindrboke neutrelets
neutral is when two niggas spam their best medium button over and over
don't care about the shitty ass sh2 remake just need a timmy to rip the model for the nurse and start making blender animations
jr is not enough for her
bunny is openly a shotacon she loves micros
Damn, so Cheez has a chance?
that doesnt mean she loves micros
I already had sex with her.
Bunny rolling my micro in her hands then getting disgusted when it grows to a jr
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Give up on your dreams and work HVAC instead of shitting up the genre with another bouncy disney sprite screen shaking kusoge featuring your weird fetishes.
my jr would have this bitch quivering
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shes desperate for bwc
Whoops I meant she's desperate for BCC
jappas > pawgs
sorry not sorry
thats shadowcheez, everybody knows cheez is racist and only likes white girls
Liu Kang...
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shotacons get the pass...
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Imagine a girl beating your ass and looking down at you like this.
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Don't forget to check in for the SFVI tournament!

nigga said SFVI
Two queens more iconic than Chun and Cammy
the roundtable of fat black women really sharted out chimpberly and thought she'd be the chun replacement
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>successful streamer
>knowledgeable about all kinds of fighting games
>reaches high ranks online in each of them
>hosts and commentates tournaments with official Capcom backing
>access to Mori's suite

>middling Youtube channel
>doesn't play any fighting games
>keeps talking about receipts and being left for dead or something
>doesn't host or enter any tournaments
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How godlike do you think Bunny Ayu and Omocat are with Clown in Karnov's Revenge?
what's iconic about them?
They brown and beautiful
remember the guy who said he tried designing attractive black women and the industry would warp his designs into kitchen ladies? what did proto-kimmy look like?
I believe the term he used was grocery story aunties.
it's funny how he was actually SILENCED for speaking up too
why is it considered racist if you dont make black women in video games ugly?
I don't really get the mindset, but it's something about sexy designs objectifying women and this being worse if you do it to black women as they were seen as objects in the past.
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We're live bros!
timmys don't want to offend people and making women attractive is hecking misogynist so most black women in western games all look like 40+ year old church aunties
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The Timanthas must be punished. I will make them beg for mercy.
fix kazuya nigga
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Just make her look black, but.... good?
Did SF6 fall off? I thought we'd get more than 8 entrants when factoring in /sfg/
it did which is crazy because it still has more concurrent players than the rest of the genre
>when factoring in /sfg/
lol nobody in /sfg/ actually plays the game
All Chinese and Japanese
Thats worse than final jive season entrant numbers. Wtf? I thought /sfg/ loved Dix
But I thought the sfg fgg poster guy said it was way better and they always talked about sf6 there
They don't. There's a huge element of sunk cost with /sfg/ where they are fully aware the game is terrible and don't even play it but refuse to openly admit it. They spent so much time hyping the game that they can't bring themselves to admit that they were wrong.
adding on to your theory, I think they hated SFV for so long with such passion that they pretend to like SF6 out of spite.
Why should you even care about what normies think about designs in games when it's clear cut they don't really care about them in the first place and just self-insert themselves most of the time compared to Freya, the 31 year old anorexic asian hikki woman that's been playing vidya since Dreamcast era of gaming, who obviously views entertainment in fiction as a fantasy depiction most of the time and would give two shits about stuff like that anyways
Why are throw loops considered particularly bad in SF6, but were not an issue in games with HKD on throw like SF4?
This, /sfg/ isn't made up of SF6 players, it's made up of diehard Capcom loyalists with a tribal mentality. It's like watch sports fans gas up their team and insist they're still the best even though the team has sucked all season and everyone can see it but them.
throws in sf4 were garbage on top of the fact you had a million OSes to deal with them
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...since when is Freya an asian name?!?!?
I said this before, but I feel Lily is a case where they tried so hard to make her look cute that it goes in the opposite direction. Like she's baby-faced to an extreme degree.

The worst part is it isn't even normies. It's a small group of vocal weirdos that nearly everyone disagrees with to some extent. Why do you think shit like concord and dustborn flopped so hard?

Yeah I think that's a big part of it too. They were calling SF6 the savior of the franchise before it even came out. I remember during the beta tests people here laughed at the game and saw early on that it was going to be a mess but some people insisted it was amazing purely because it wasn't Jive. Even now if you go to /sfg/ and criticize the game there's going to be someone popping up and going WHATABOUTJIVE
Picking names that sound the least familiar in modern day society
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>meterless reversals
>throw invul command grabs
>frame 2/3 airborne specials
>crouch tech
only the first three things kept the throws honest but bringing it back would trigger mutts
What's really funny is that they spent a year playing the game and clearly not enjoying it, but convinced themselves that the problems were very minor, and that the season 2 patch would fix everything and make the game perfect.

The season 2 patch came and didn't fix shit and I think that was the breaking point for a lot of /sfg/ where they realized they couldn't keep lying to themselves and just hoping that something would happen to magically make the game good was a losing prospect. The general's been gradually slowing down since them, and now it's almost all shitposts with a handful of people still deluded enough to keep defending the game but also not actually playing it.
id play sf6 even if its kuso if it had a better roster with better female characters and costumes
sagat? balrog? vega? nah we need to put reddit bogard in this shit
We doing locktober?
>id play <awful fucking game that feels like deepthroating a cactus> if they added muh sniffs
Coom for brains moment.
the gameplay is entirely irrelevant to a lot of people here. most of the complaints about sf6 are just them masking how much they hate how the game looks

If SF6 just looked like a slightly higher res SFV, a bunch of people here would be playing it
no timmy, the game is currently dogshit
Porn addicts have no spine or brain matter remaining, they are basically crack addicts in terms of standard of self-control. They literally watch the shittiest shows, streamers and play the shittiest game if theres some pixelated ass in the screen for them to drool over.
Look at that Stellar Blade game getting all that traction for having pixelated ass, when they didn't even bother animating her facial expressions, and the entire game is basically a cheap unity asset slop.
You people play even worse games like strive because they make your penis hard, let's be honest
Not gonna lie, I'd probably have played the game longer if it was nice to look at. I still would've dropped it, but the game not looking like shit would've been a plus at least.
'mantha trying to get niggas to talk about strive
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Seriously, why is Cammy a crack addict from Florida now?
Im already locked in chastity
>jiveweirdos filtered
thank god
Gee, how come Terry gets to be a guest character in two recent games while Kyo gets nothing?
No seriously, I'm not very knowledgeable of the KoF community. Did people stop caring about Kyo or Iori?
I think they made the mistake of picking the exact worst spot between realistic and exaggerated in terms of art style.
Terry's just more well known. That's it.
Some of them think of Kyo as bland. They like Iori more because he's the darker edgier one.
But Terry has been around for longer, so he gets more priority.
Probably also helps that Garou is coming out soon, which will likely not have Kyo or Iori since they're KOF characters. So they really want to push Terry so more people will know/see him.
capcom likes blonde characters
remember jive?
I find so funny when people say that SF6 is built for Smash or people who never fucked with traditional fightan before.
Smash is the literal opposite. Way more intuitive to play, zero universal mechanic, each character can play it's own game without the need to worry about universal mechanics or needing to spend 1 hour in training room.
A nigga boots up SF6, gets put in some 15min brainrot tutorial just to learn a huge RPS mechanic involving DR that they will need to keep in mind 24/7, and then being put in training rooms to practice combos just to throwloop and 50/50 people doing 60% dmg.
For the very few newfags who actually stick around and don't drop this shit like it's cat poop in their hands, they will develop no neutral or fundies that translate to other fighting games.
I swear when I used to play SF6 daily, I lost skill in SF4, Tekken 7, Ult and Strive. This game rewards way too much bad habits.

I really miss SF4 a lot where if you had fundies, you could just pick random and wing it with a character.
/sfg/ told me every jappa is happy with SF6 doe...
the same reason ken's getting in cotw instead of ryu
Hell, that's giving them too much credit. The characters are all over the place as far as realistic vs stylized so I think it's just that the D team they assigned to this game had no idea what they were doing.
funny seeing fgg bend over backwards to defend sf5 now they seethe at 6
but this place was jive shill central for like 7 years
Both games are utter shit
remember when max said tekken is korean bbq
Everyone saw that game as a joke but fgg

Another factor is that you can't just make him an echo of Terry. I feel like Ken and Ryu both got into Smash because they share a lot of animations, so adding them both was easy, on top of them both being well-known.
yeah and 6 is so bad that even people who deluded themselves about jive think it's shit
When Emezie started griping about Dix, I knew that game was cooked.
SFV was pretty well liked by the sweatier esports scene and around here for its last 3 or so years. People try to push this thing narrative of "the current game is always hated" but it's not even true. Disliking SFV like it's a dayjob was what casual players were doing.
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Big ass dark skinned muscle grappler
Huge titty blonde haired blue eyes zoner
Obvious cockbulge chubby asian shoto
I feel like that goes back to what I said before. The 3D artists are forced to translate characters that were originally drawn on paper into a 3D-art style that is in an awkward spot they aren't familiar with.
>more iconic than Chun and Cammy
>Chimperly y Goblina
why did they bully him for that post?
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Street Fighter had a... rough transition to 3d
>SF6 literally stays stale in the water like poop in the toilet for over a year without patch
>Game still mad Mickey with no consistent champion, people win a tournament to job before Top 8 in the next, or get throw looped
First time I see this bullshit happen. If at least the game actually had balance patches one could argue that people just ain't adapting fast enough, but people play pretty much the same game since beta and nobody can dominate.
You might win EVO today and tomorrow get schmixed by a random anorexic european kid.
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emezie, shuckle and /fgg/ defended SFV for 7 years and were rewarded with...SF6 lol
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spending the weekend in my cute robot wife Sethanies love dungeon
>it was only shit for 4 years
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>problem-x lost to beslem
>NL and zhen lost to brickterium
>nephew lost to vwsym
>bigbird lost to zangief_bolado
>endingwalker lost to juniorleo
>NL and rainpro lost to senor power
>daigo lost to gamein99
>xaiohai lost to french kusanagi
>some nigga named UMA won a milly
Uma coming out of nowhere to steal the milly and then immediately retiring STILL makes me laugh
why are jivefags so insane?
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Juri. Love it when it looks like a dog collar.
when is it my turn to be in the love dungeon...
r u a furry?
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Nobody likes that game. Game is on it's Year 2, supposedly prime years, yet nobody goes out to compete unless its EVO or some Saudi sponsored CapCuck tourny.
>EVO this year bigger than ever due to Sony and Capcom shilling it and overcharging tickets
>EVO champion this year made less money than EVO champions than previous years were the events made less money
Capcom hates Capcucks more than any of us ever could.
SFV was objectively good from 2018 onwards. There was just a (probably forced) campaign to clear its name from 2016 crimes because they got Max to play the game and say "it's good now, doods!" and everyone on Twitter believed it even though there weren't any major sweeping changes since AE.
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>Capcom hates Capcucks more than any of us ever could.
Truthpilled as fuck.
Yeah, endingwalker
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maybe after im killed in some kind of accident involving suffocation under Sethanies ass
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>Capcom hates Capcucks more than any of us ever could.
I can't disagree.
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pieces of shit really trying to keep a hero down today
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>high damage
>high damage, ponygger slop
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I can't tell if these faces are angry or happy
I personally consider TODs to be horrible game design and avoid fighters where they are possible.
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I think we're long overdue for another quirky canonical shota hunter pedo character in fighting games.
FHD already has Clown, so I'm thinking there should be another show in to this concept but as a big tiddy onee-san judo master.

But I'm not talking about no "teehee, I think you're cute ;)" weak shit, I'm talking full on hanging out by school yards and playgrounds with heavy implication that she lusts for young-ins.
I mean, fighting games should be diverse at the end of the day, and diversity is our strength ;)
What do you think /fgg/?
nen impact has hisoka :)
>Talks about "canon"
>Posts a fetish art of a character that is married to a full grown man
Shotacucks are subhuman
Alphas want to impregnate young women even as old fucks
Shotafaggotry is cuck-low t. fetish
Built for the Cheezcock
Pedofags are mentally disabled please understand, shitposting on 4chan is all they have left.
Why would Bayonetta choose some lil nigga's micro over that guy she is already fucking?
Shotacucks are buck broken porn addicts. Just 1 step above other abominations like yuritroons.
Honestly, I find straight shota to be a bit boring.
They CapPedos
I remember that time you niggas were jacking off to bayonetta on here
why is timmy trying to force discussion of bayonetta?
bunny said she preferred micros and you all love her
no she didnt
because she makes me feel funny when I play Smash Ultimate
>Shotacucks are subhuman
Now say that in person to Bunny Ayu without spilling your spaghetti
why is this guy obsessed with some e-girl?
>why is this anon obsessed with some e-celeb?
That's this entire general at this point
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>no she didnt
no mention of micros
its implied
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What's the lore on that one cock sucking tranny retard on here that literally never talks about fighting games and only discusses Twitter drama?

Did you know this is a forum for discussing fighting games and just talking about what e-celeb one said about e-celeb 2 in the epic rapper twitter conflict that only terminally online faggots cares about? You have basically ruined this place and contribute nothing of value here.

/fgg/ used to be so good, but then subhumans like this ruined it. Even just 5 years ago, we actually discussed fighting games here, but now the entire thread is just orbiting thread celebrities and talking about psychopaths from twitter.

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Will Kolin ever come back?
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Your Anon Arena SFVI Grand Champion is: RashidDid911! Thank you all so much for coming out and I'll see you all in the next tournament!
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>Bunny mentions lil boy, as in a pre-pubescent that hasn't fully developed yet.
>"That must mean she's talking about them packing hung 8 inch monsters _(´ཀ`∠) _"
meds and education
That was pretty cool.
I haven't seen that guy in forever.
Nice to know he's still got it.
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Kolin WILL return for SF6. Riceniggas can’t force guests forever.
As I learned from KI, you just need to make your fighting game xbox exclusive and amreican rednecks will defend it nonstop no matter what

like imagine what will happen when they announce gigamaidens for xbox series x
Are you drunk? KI is loved because it's a good game, SFV but well done, and it's not even Xbox exclusive anymore. Hell, people have been asking for a PS5 version.
KI has more player expression than SF6
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mickey mouse ahh game
all of you have gooned to minnie mouse at least once, so I don't see why this is suddenly a bad thing to you people
minnie had a lil nigga bricked the fuck up
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not me
Minnie has enjoyed the Cheezcock.
Which is funny because of its combo system works compared to SF6.
minnie is literally just a circle head and then a bean with noodle limbs, that's her entire body.

y'all jack off to THAT?!
>cotw is pretty damn close to sf6
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There is nothing Cheez won't jack off to. He is the master of bation, the fuhrer of fap, the sultan of solo and you will respect him.
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the koreappa that was making ms paint scribbles is improving...what the FUCK are you even doing?
cheez is like 40
he using viagra to jack off lololol
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How do we stop Rapecheez?
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This can't be Cheez. You want a proof? Here is a picture of Cheez with a woman, taken by himself.
Didn't he pin his stalking on someone else?
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sfg: that was a really good tournament. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. I definitely will tune in for the next one

clown general

if sf6's state filters YOU PEOPLE out of it, then I'm all for 4 more years.
yeah, but naturally only after he got laughed at for taking creepshots
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Yeah, he said it was "his friend Lain". Dude has a past as a stalker and he thought we would believe such an obvious lie.
test hoes
minnie mouse is.... black?!?
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No. Mickey did black face and she has the same skin colour, which means she is white.
why did he post a penis?
what are YOU doing, hmm?
Jivers….we can’t refute this one…
Literally Whomst??? Another fg dev? Luhwoof
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Minnie finna catch my BBC jr like she eating cheese off a trap, lil NIGGGGGAAAAAAAA. Minnie DLC for SF6 when?
We’re arguing about Street Fighter while Kekken gods are losing and MK players dominate in Masher 8
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is there a benefit to acting insane all day on /vg/?
Here's the new character I was working on. I still need to draw her later.

Name: Amina the Bladesmith

Lore: A blacksmith from the far off land of Ifarada. She wanted to use magic to enhance her craft, but is struggling to learn. Tired of her slow progress, she took the easy way out. She looked for a magical sword that was rumored to give any wielder magic abilities, but at a great personal cost. She found it, but the weapon is possessed by the malevolent spirit of a sorcerer. Amina is now forced to fight for him, traveling to Creusa to find a book that can restore his true body. Secretarybird.

Weapon: Cursed sword known as the Ida of Eshu. (Double edged sword) This sword was once an Agama named Bashir.

Brief overview of this character: Mid-range rushdown character with huge damage potential even meterless, but at the cost of giving her a random debuff.

Movement: Run. Double Airdash.

Unique ability: Chaos Roulette. Can attempt to go for large damage at any given time and at any point on the screen, but has to accept she will hurt herself in the process. The things you have to lose are 1/6th of your heath, ½ of a Spell Reserve bar, or ½ of a Protection Gauge bar any time you use any D move.


5A – Elbow strike.
6A – Uppercuts you with her off-hand.
2A – Slams down with her smithing hammer. Low.
j.A – Pecks sideways. Good air to air.
cl.B – Pecks you with her beak.
f.B – Stab forward with one hand.
2B – Fast strike with foot. Low.
j.B – Releases a flurry of 3 kicks below. Crosses up.
5C – Large horizontal slash with one arm
2C – Stationary Sweep with foot. Low. HKD
j.C – Strike downwards with Eshu.
5D – Two handed downward strike with Eshu. HKD
6D – Plus on block sword push. Can also be used like a special move to super cancel from.
3D – Stabbing slide with sword moving you forward that is safe on block. Low. Does not knock down, so you can use it to further extend combos.
2D – Spotdodge.
j.D – Divekick (She dives down head-first with the sword in front controlling her momentum, sending down at an 85 degree angle.) Inflicts debuff like every other D move. Hard Knockdown on airborne opponents.
Throw – Grabs with her tongs, then slams the opponent to the ground. Hard knockdown.
Air throw – Grabs with her tongs, then slams the opponent down for HKD.
Derision – (Amina says “Let’s finish this quickly.”) - Standard recovery.
Mocking – (Bashir says “Here’s a gift. Don’t waste it.”) - The next D move INCREASES life, super, or defense meter on hit or block instead of decreasing. This overwrites any other previous buffs you put on the sword, so you can’t do the double damage/cost one and then this to get even more things added.


236A/B/C (Air OK) – Rough Talon – Amina kicks you with great force. Your primary combo tool outside of using a D move. A version is a mid with good corner carry. SKD. B version is a low stomp that sucks the opponent in. C version is an anti-air, but unlike 6A, it drags the opponent down to the ground for an HKD and does not hit on the ground at all.
Air A (angled down) gives an SKD. Air B (angled up) grants more damage, but no KD. Air C (angled side ways) grants more meter, but no KD and less damage than A or B.

214A/B/C – Forbidden Anointing – Amina applies poison to her sword. Adds a special debuff to your sword, but only works on hit. The debuff lasts for roughly ~10 seconds. These DO NOT go away on hit and there is no way to counteract them. They overwrite each other, meaning you cannot have multiple of these happening at once. Of course, the timer starts also resets when you switch to a new effect. A version impairs the opponent’s meter gain, making them gain both less Spell Reserve and Protection Gauge. B version impairs the opponent’s damage output, making them do -3 damage on every hit. C version disables jump, backdash, and run/stepdash.
22A/B/C – Caustic Whetstone. Amina sharpens her blade to increase its power. Increases damage of your D moves for the next ~10 seconds. Eliminates the RNG of D and gives you a guaranteed and more costly effect based on what button you pressed. A version makes you lose more health, B version makes you lose more Spell Reserve, C version makes you lose more Protection Gauge. This is in comparison to how it’s usually an RNG effect you can’t choose, but now since there is no randomness on it, the bigger price is the tradeoff for assurance.

236D (Air OK) – Shango’s Might – Relatively fast projectile. Soft knockdown. Air version comes down at an angle and can be followed up for setplay. Unlike the moves that make contact, the hex occurs on activation regardless of if the fireball hits or whiffs anything.
Air version is comboable and gives an SKD as well as doing more damage than the Talon attacks in the air or j.D. Comes down at a 45 degree angle.

214D – Pursuit of Erinle – Safe on block, comboable launcher. Causes a groundbounce into full air combo. Can be comboed INTO, unlike other launchers in the game.

22D – Judged by Ayelala - Overhead, safe on block and leads to full combo, unlike most overheads that only let you connect with f.B.
236AB – Ajẹ Assault – Breathes in, the does a large strike. Plus on block. Damage dealing super. RNG attached where one of 3 things will happen at the end. You do more stun, you inflict an HKD, or you cause a damage over time effect to happen. The two non-HKD results only cause an SKD.

214AB – Saved by Ayao - Invincible reversal super. Hits in every direction with an energy field (reuse burst animation). SKD.

214BC – Hurry Up and Kill Her! - Bashir temporarily removes the limits from Eshu for around ~15 seconds. All debuffs are disabled. Can use your D moves unimpeded with no life, super, or defense loss for a while. Relatively short recovery, but he drains 1/3 of your life after it’s over, so you better win before it runs out.
236BC – Blessed By Ogun – Grabs you with her tongs (reuse throw), puts you in her forge (pit of fire in charcoals), then strikes you with 2 hand strike (reuse 5D). On success, you gain back half a bar of spell reserve, half a bar of Protection Gauge, and a sixth of your health bar.
Mystic Boon: If this hits raw, you get back more resources. A full bar of super/defense and 1/3rd of a life gauge back.

Sample combos:

5A cl.B 5C > 236A

Basic knockdown route that does not involve any sort of wager.

5A cl.B 5C > 214D > j. A B C > j.236D

Mid-screen groundbounce route. Results in good damage and an SKD, but you’re rolling the dice twice with two uses of Eshu here. Could lose up to a third of your health bar or a full bar of Spell Reserve that you already probably built up doing this combo.

22D > 5A cl.B 5C > 236B > 236AB

Overhead route into super. If you get the HKD ender from the super, then you have time for a safejump, to sharpen your weapon, apply poison to your weapon, convince Bashir to reverse the wager on your next strike, and so on.

5A cl.B > 5C > 214B > 214BC > f.B > 214D > j.A > j.B > j.D > setup into 236D

Enchant Charm route. 3 uses of Eshu with no RNG attached. Since you went for the HKD from j.D, you can basically do whatever you want afterwards, but the 236D was there to show a way for a safe setup into more pressure on their wakeup. You could also just try a meaty overhead or sharpen your sword if you want to, of course.

j.C > 5A > cl.B > 5C > 214D > j.A B C > j.236D > Extra Roll > 5A cl.B 5C > 236B > 236BC

Full resource route. You can actually use 6D here instead of 236B, but you run the risk of losing the chance to finish the combo with your Last Sorcery if Chaos Roulette drains the Spell Reserve instead of health or Protection Gauge.

I wanted to have an RNG character that felt distinct from Suzette, so Amina focuses on short term tactics instead of building resources across multiple turns.

Time to get back to work on 2DFM things now.
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t-t-trust the plan, bros. harada got this
he could just walk down the street and ask kim jung gi for advice, not really a fair comparison
Arslan lost to a random d3+4 into two mixes. His last round reminded me so much of Jive bullshit
gi-nim died....
she looks like shes got the downs
>randomniggas knocking out Tekken gods
>chinese niggas winning in SF6
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You guys cry whenever the same 5 asians are winning, then you cry when some new asians are winning, too

Who do you want to win?
Making an HF Ryu Cunny function, but she yells "Nigger" for her DP instead of a generic uppercut name
dix is shit but im glad it massacred kekken and is killing the rest of genre.
xiaohai is goated
remember in that resident evil netflix show where the black woman talked about reading zootopia porn? what was THAT about?
and she talked about nyaa, that was random af
Baron, my negro. Have you ever thought about compacting this into an image instead of mashing it inside posts like this? It helps for the ADHD children that don't want to bother reading and is alot more neater.
Just a suggestion
a vtuber
>moongrav Dio combos
And his wife is cute as fuck.
Areola is kinda…
that bitches name is areola?
why can't yall be creative like this?
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We live in the wrong timeline.
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I wanted to like KI, it took me years to decide that I actually hated it.
Hated the art style, hated the character designs, hated how every character had to have some stupid gimmicks. Hated the way it censored its legacy costumes. There was a clear vision change between Season 1 and Season 2 when Iron Galaxy took over the game and it never recovered.
The way the combo system worked made me feel like I had to relearn fighting games just to play it. It was annoying, stupid, and counterintuitive to traditional FG play. Even the music is just Mick Gordon's noisecore rip and tear bullshit, barely anything with an actual melody. It's not the same KI as Rare made. Fuck KI2013.

Iron Galaxy are hacks who only make garbage.
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i wanna impregnate len
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Yeah same
did the original ranma have nips?
Now I realize I'm fucking old.
….Really lil nigga?

You expect way too much from an HVAC worker who mashes in fgs
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Her name is ACErola, silly kids
is there a reason y'all be jacking off to little girls?
pale complexions and smaller than average penises will do that to you
explain lunar
he's mentally colonized
why do you humans talk about hvac so much?
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it's fucking over, tekbros
>tekkucsks seething so much harada apologizes
lmao never thought id see the day
what happened? what did harada apologize for?
people are pissed at the monetization, paying for customization pieces that were in older games, overall worse customization compared to previous games, paying for alt costumes that were in previous games, and lazy copy-paste cosmetics. pretty much nothing is purchasable with F2P currency.
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>review bombing
Just make a good game, lil nigga?
These bootlickers defending every bad decision form billion dollar corporations is exactly WHY they keep shitting in their mouths lmao
wow that sucks
whatever happened to "don't ask me for shit?"
kinda funny that gachatroons ruined gaming but now some gacha games have some of the better monetization schemes, though of course there are plenty of predatory ones
shame all gachas have dogshit gameplay
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sf4 killed arcades
sf5 killed locals
sf6 killed ____
your sex drive
Making custom infographics sounds like an interesting idea, but it's more time consuming than just posting text.
However, I suppose it would be easier for a lot of people if I just used ControlC and had an easy way to check text that way since it's on the same permanent repository.
So I may try that in the future instead.
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blazblue warped my mind when i was a lil nigga
arcades died before sf4 was a glimmer in onos eye, locals died as soon as internet service became cheap, and dix cant kill anything because the fgc is already a soulless husk
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they make me feel so good
also stages aren't included in the season pass
HFTF is the only non-tagkuso Capcom fighter to use 4 buttons. Is HFTF Capcom's only anime fighter?
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+1 Chun
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i woke up from a nap imagining myself editing a ytp of angry german kid scream singing the kanzuki beach stage
someone please tell me how to do this its very funny in my head
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pitch shift in sony vegas for each beat
Build for the Cheezcock.
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Chunners at Kanzuki Beach in a one piece
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Why are you guys obsessed with weird monsters like dullahans and ogres?

Back in my day, we talked about vampires and witches
Most of them.
How do they know what a dullahan or an ogre or a balrog is if their whole world is animal people?
In a different cartoon Mickey said "Mammy" without applying any makeup.
he need to add a dolphin bitch to the game
Is Brutal Rape Minotaur an original mugen character?
I see him a lot, but have never seen him in anything else.
How is a dolphin bitch supposed to hold a weapon?
with her cock of course
Make an Arakune ripoff slime girl who deploys bug legs and wings for some of her attacks.
All of the attacks talk about dragons and elves and loch ness monters and leprechauns.... but the characters are all just regular animals?
new shuckle just dropped
why is she like this?
her vestigial thumb
y'all do the same thing with futa
its futa isnt gay thoughever
issa homage
why is her name "i may be stupid"
the same way he gives birds and dogs fingers to hold weapons
just an ordinary run of the mill insane anorexic goth fox vampire zombie girl in a microbikini that you see walking down the street.

me getting to master rank in dix after being hard stuck gold in jive for 6 years
seems pretty obvious
I have the opposite problem.
I was master in SFV but couldn't even get out of platinum in SF6 because I found the game so obnoxious to play...
Why did he make the main villain of his game a communist warlord that eats souls?
she redistributes the souls to herself
The Lunar guy is… how do I put it? Uhh… err… I got it! “Not Like Us”, let’s just say that.
this is high art and i'm white
It's obviously supposed to be a fascist nazi society since she kills you and is subjugating people
When they have a headless ghost or a Shrek.
niggas really having a political theory discussion about a slutty goth loli
How do we know what those are in real life? Someone made them up.
Does your pervert get powers from the defeated, or is this the equivalent of a Buster-only run?
balrogs really do exist
I visited NYC last year and there were a bunch of them
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wdym, it has Paladin, Ninja, Samurai, Convict, Halfling, Fencer, Thief, Pirate, Warrior, Summoner, Martial Artist, Gunner, and Knight.
Also, this game lit. is also FF.
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>snk mai
i sleep
>BB Mai
can someone explain why fighting game rosters are shrinking with each new title?
idk bro
can't be the gameplay because they're all worse and less designed than the previous versions of the characters
it costs more to make a game now
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remember when skullgirls said each character cost 400k?
this was what, 2012?
imagine how expensive it is now
tekken is the only game with this issue
Dragoon when
you either only play tekken or youve deluded yourself
Fighting games are not fucking expensive, devs are just lazy. Just ask the Vanguard Princess dude, literally made it by himself then hired VAs down the line
It took him several years to put that out, too
FGs are expensive because they need to pump them out fast and hire 30 contract workers to do 30 tasks at once that would otherwise take one guy 5 years to do.
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how will tekken ever recover from this latest turn of events?
Tekken almost always has the bigger launch rosters because they’re able to get away with copy-pasting animations/moves whereas most fighting games feel the need to rework everything from the ground up
Jin focus
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>literally nothing going on in the FGC until CPT Finals, which will once again be full of Literally Who's
I'm tired of Nu-FGC
nigga really said fighting games aren't expensive because of the 2D sprite party masher when every relevant game is a high quality moneysink
nigga said high quality
Weird thing is old games looked better. Guilty Gear XX was the visual peak of the series.
lmao Capcoms going after Twitter posters for making fun of SF6's lack of costumes
BBHoodposters deserve it.
any recent sonicsol crashouts, after he claimed to be better and not crash out anymore?
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i love Sethanie <3
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mashen niggas using peds on cam wtf harada
cvs2 has a a bigger roster and better gameplay than anything thats come out in the 2020s and it was made with a fraction of the time money and staff
cvs2 is another timmy larp game like turd strike, darkstalkers, and mvc2
doesnt change what i said niglet
over 80% of CvS2's character were just reused sprites, MvCI literally did that and you hated it
Oh, so it’s just ESLs.
most of CvS2 assets and mechanics were recycled from previous games
Capcom is so pathetic
tekken 8, granblue rising and uni2 were full price asset dumps and everyone loves them
if reusing assets gets me bigger rosters thats fine by me, you guys can keep playing stripped down slop with rtx if you want to
Uni2 is a continuation of the same game pretty much. It also feels better than every other recent fighting game.
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There were no reused assets in T8.
we hated mvci because.... it was a bad game
max had to make an overhaul mod just to make it passable
nigga said everyone loves t8 gbr and uni2
Are you memeing or do you actually believe that?
uhhhh..... only smashies want to play with legacy characters....... us real fgc heads love chimperly.......
I remember someone checked and that was a lie. They probably touched up on them and said that.
Is this the newest FGCuck cope for their dying genre?
copypasting evil ryu and dan isn't content
>Having character be slightly different versions of each other is not content!
>Then why cant we have it if is just so easy?
sparking zero is launching with 180 characters and y'all still playing this tranny genre?
nigga really said ganondorf being a falcon clone is fine
>Smash bros without shilling to sand niggers, trannies or multi-plat = 35m copies
>SF6 after sucking cock like a depraved crackwhore = 4m copies
I'd say copy Smash if you want to have a good product desu
this spicnigga really thinks you can just drag and drop a couple of files and make a character
you are not a shareholder
you do not benefit from copies sold
nintendo and wb are outselling everyone yet their players are the least happiest of the genre
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Nigga said that Dan is a copy of Ryu and Ganon a copy of Falcon when they play nothing alike
Ganon a heavy, and Dan a pseud-shoto, which is why even scrubs like Dale who run away from shotos like Ryu, actually have a Dan
You faggots have literally nothing else going on in life but fighting games and still amaze me by having the wrong opinions, truly incredible
i don't see smash and mk niggas review bombing their game or complaining for two years about slime and throw loops to the point even their biggest shills openly hate it
Have you ever seen a smash player, they make strive players look normal
Smash players have lots of criticism towards the game and devs, but that doesn't mean they don't love the game. Just this weekend theres like 3 different tournies going on, Japan has a Major tournament per month where everyone goes with a big ass crowd playing for a McMeal combo because they just love the game a lot.
Big sales don't mean necessarily a good game, but shilling and selling your soul to the devil to get pathetic inflated numbers is proof your game is hot garbage.
dixxies would not last a day with smash's online and steve or mk1's assists and balance
Why would mk players complain about mechanics?
Niggas having a hateboner towards Smash in 2024 still because they got filtered by online Samus is crazy to me
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Smash doesn't even have rollback LMFAO
E-sloppa truly mindbroke a generation into thinking they will be super important pros if they grind a game for 9 hours a day everyday for meaningless points

You ain't an athlete nigga, you a bum LMAO even if you reach Legend you still a worthless bum in society
their game became an assist party kuso and they just have to deal with that for 4 years
smash is not a fighting game
>Game is literal slop shit to a point it might as well have been handcrafted entirely by AI
>A-At least we g-got netcode...
No netcode is saving that brainrotting gameplay, Tyrone Marcus ass nigga.
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smash doesn't need trannyback because it's actually alive and has locals even in bumfuck nowhere and giant tourneys every month. dix..........i guess you can mash slime until your opponent loads up his cheats and pixel perfect ape mashes you with bison and luke? LMAO
>noooo you can’t say netcode is important STOP IT
You play a game for fun and you aren’t having fun when everyone is teleporting around the screen online
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Smash is the best fighting game.
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Netcode? Do you people even leave your basements? Do you think the top chess players just grinded online against other pedophiles on discord?
At least half of them had to be new because they are SNK characters.
Netcode alone doesn't fix the issues with the base game.

It would be the artistic equivalent of wasting 50 hours hyper rendering a piece of drawing with poor fundies.

Even if you use the fanciest effects, if the sketch is shit, it will just be polished garbage.

Dix is a very polished turd.
smash player
>whoa holy shit, EVERY character is back?! im definitely inviting some buddies over, were gonna eat pizza and free for all

>sakurai deserves to be bludgeoned to death for making me learn all these matchups. if nintendo doesnt add wavedashing and give tournaments money, im gonna commit an act of terrorism.

know the difference
Niggas thinking rollback means = better game probably think spraying a bit of cologne into dogshit makes it chocco LMAO
capcom is literally paying vtubers to shill SF now and niggas think it's doing fine LUHMOW
Skullgirls polished a turd by making bouncy 60 FPS sprites of horrible character designs from some dude's deviantart account and you all pogged out
She should have her hair cover her eyes like the mannequins they have at Forever 21.
Low IQ nigcels will still blow steam outta their ear drums and not get what you meant
How was your birthday, Ellie?
I can gulp slime at clean 60fps and play rock paper scissors gameplay with perfect netcode! What else could I ask for?
Sure anyone could cheat in an online game but you can also block them and fight someone else. Especially in big ones like tekken or street fighter where you always have a large pool of players. Cheats aren’t very common in fighting games in general because it’s obvious and everyone blocks you. Bison is one of the harder characters and has no reversal so he’s one of the less frustrating characters. Lukes not that good now.
Funny and true.
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>>497333072 >>497335456
post portfolio.
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Worked for UMA, nigga scammed his way to that milly
that would just be shermie
>Cheaters ain't common in fighting games
In SF6 they are thanks to the mickey macro mechanics

But instead of adopting a real anti-cheat like the Riot one, Capcom has a meme banwave once every 7 months as they make their lapdogs make YouTube vids like "HERES HOW YOU BEAT CHEATERS!" lmao
matz really out there on the streets handing bands to sarah the squid so takeshi can stop gooning to his gacha long enough to boot up dix
SF6 is a Mickey game not a fighting game though so hes right
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>implying any of you frauds can play neutral

why are you complaining about SF6?
it was specifically made for you fags
probably couldn't reach 1000 players points in SF4 but here you are talking about muh footsies
niggas really calling sf6 a party game while defending mk1 and smush
we had a literally dead sf6 tournament today that no one even talked about in the thread, but someone mentioned smash so now we've gotta pretend to defend sf6 lmao
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Every real nigga still rather play Smash with all its issues because it manages to somehow be less trannie and less Mickey than SF6, EVEN with Steve and Sonic

SF6 is a disgrace, a crime against humanity
id rather be shit at neutral than play a game with no neutral, sorry if this confuses the slimers
who is we nigger, I hate dix with a passion
Smash actually has people going out there to compete outta love of the game.
Meanwhile SF6 tournies that aint Capcom shit flopping at YouTube, nobody going outside to play that lame shit LMAO
Not really but I’m not saying that as a particularly big fan of sf6. I played it quite a bit and only saw one cheater in battlehub and none that were noticeable in ranked. I think games are better with no anti cheat compared to riot vanguard because that’s kinda creepy how it’s always on and I wouldn’t trust most companies with that, especially riot.
smash niggas are so good at neuch that they figured out counterplay to a party character that can literally kill you with one hit, and that game still manages to be less party than mickey 6 LMAO
>EVEN with Steve and Sonic
Only an issue at super duper high level to be quite honest family
Is not like typical carry high tiers
Mena? At best got 3rd place in a semi-local during his years at Smash.

Mena at SF? Capcuck champion, EVO champion.

Smash requires years of learning to master + gene. SF any ape can do it, this is why they need to take the Blizzard route and suck a lot of cock to try and shill themselves as a serious e-sport to stay relevant.
I don’t get why anyone would be actively against rollback, like they’re offended by a better online experience. Is it really all angry Smash players or contrarians?
>People who got utterly filtered at Smash downplaying its skill
Sure, you niglets who got daddydicked online sure only lost due to lag or whatever and not because even after 500 hours you still can't make to Elite
Pretty much a few Smash babies.
Shame gookmoot removed the IP counter.
It would probably have like 10 different IPs for this thread.
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Just play good games?
what was that webcomic with the girl with purple dreadlocks and she played fighting games?
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You can tell which Smash player is which just by movement alone, skill expression for DAYS nigga
Meanwhile at Mickey6, everyone plays the fucking same, every round feels the same, game is so ugly and sterile of SOVL
even shuckle said new characters in mickey 6 aren't exciting because they all just do cr mk into slime into throw loops for the millionth time and throw out random party moves
shuckle? i should care why?
she's a goddess, vappa
MK1 is fun
Won't stop the fatherless nigcels who have nothing else going on in life to religiously play SF6 as if Capcom deserves all their attention and devotion.
Niggas thinking they are streamer or pro players or something, but they ain't making money at all, good Lord almighty...
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>MK1 is fun
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COTW... sweetness.
sf6 is so bad, baron quit playing fighting games and started writing schizo rants to himself about an imaginary game in his head
Like, seriously /fgg/???
>Niggas thinking they are streamer or pro players or something, but they ain't making money at all, good Lord almighty...
Is funny when you remember even pros and shills making a bag can barely stomach this bum ass game
>Max didn't even finish it the WT and dropped already after 2 days of Terry
>V-Tubers paid to play in a tourny all said Tekken was better and were throwing the matches on purpose to not need to go outside and travel to play this garbage ass game
SF6 is so horrible, it made morrigan divorce cheez
max drops every FG
I think one of the v-tubers who qualified for the offline finals actually decided to drop out? Is that true? Wouldn't even surprise me.
No amount of clout or money could make me play Dix unless is some life-retiring shit, this dogshit game gives me literal nausea like entering a nasty public bathroom.
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niggas just willingly on the capcom plantation
like imagine waking up and playing a game you hate for 8 hours a day like sonicsol and having a mental breakdown every time someone mashes on you lmao
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>I'd say copy Smash if you want to have a good product desu
Capcom did. With guest characters AND smash controls and it still didn't work. LuhMEOW

>looks better than SF6's Terry
They were just mashing to lose asap shit was hilarious to see
One of the few Dale's W is trying his hardest to stray away from fighting games and SF6 specifically.
He knows he still needs to hop on games here and there, but he rather pick anything else over than SF6 because the game is just that fucking disgusting to a point even his loyal capcuck ass cant kneel to it, he had a freedom of mind.
I think last week or so, after he was done with MK he hopped in Dix and before the game even fully loaded, he closed and was like "fuck this shit lemme hop straight to reacts, this game will only make me angry"
Is amazing because he REALLY fucking hates SF5, to a point he tells people to play him in SF3 or SF4, or even SF6 but he ALWAYS skips SF5.

Yet he could play SF5 for HOURS and HOURS on end.
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funny how they made a complete reverse situation to jive where all the casuals love eating the slop while everyone who actually plays hates it, but capcom dangled the miniscule chance of winning a million dollars so they all have to pretend it's gawdlike
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I will never forgive him for dropping Kamiblue after a month... TWICE.
Sega did the meme number, guise! VF6 IS REAL
Virtau Fighter 6 is one of the games everybody want but nobody will play because of how bland and hard it is. Let's be honest, unless it turns into Tekken with huge hitsparks, dumb customs (sure, it was already the case before) and supers, the game is doomed.
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oh no? people enjoy a fighting game?
VF6 is doomed
>add any flavor and it loses its identity
>keep it flavorless and no one will touch it
the fuck is bonbi? marky? nigga so faded he thinks anybody knows who his friends are
if you're don't know how the game works (which is the case for everyone in the lower ranks) you aren't qualified to call it fun
Shit... they I expect you niggas to at least know who marky is shes kinda 4chan culture and all
This aint him though, Chez is dying without ever knowing how it feels to be even hugged by a pair of tits through clothing, much less the joy cumming inside.
none of that happened
Holy Shit, Mortal Kombat 1 has much better music than Street Fighter 6, what happened???
...oh no? 90 percent of the audience of a fighting game enjoy the fighting game?
remember the music video with some random asian chick and a nigga in a wheelchair? how was that supposed to hype up a fighting game?
Nigga? All that shit is documented online, theres pics, 4chan montages and shit Marky herself saying it
She has different colored hair and her tails are in the front.
The dude to his left looks emotionless. Is that his game face? Apathy?
I don't even find him funny like other lolcows or redpill fags. Crazy to me he has an underground audience to finance him.
People love to worship shitty people.
Idubbbz revived his dying career
SF6 music, just like everything else on it, is garbage.
MK1 is pretty good actually
Games mad overhated by people who want to treat it as a dayjob other than a fighting game to play so you can vent from your worries
>More content
>More polished
>Less mickey mechanics
I dont get how it lost to T8 and Mickey6
It has more active players than SF6 on PSN and sold more copies too, is not lagging behind that much if at all...
It didn't lose, it sold more than both combined
Bubble effect. FGC on twitter crying about it is a loud minority. They wanted more e-sloppa instead they got a solid game that is not shilling itself to be some real sport bullshit.
>more content
>more polished
not sure about that with how they completely ruined how some characters look for the sake of realism
>Less mickey mechanics
just because theres less terrible mechanics than street fighter 6 doesnt mean the mechanics at play in m1k are good, because i for one do not like how throws work at all in t
its like throws in tekken with no visual cue so its just a complete crapshoot to break themhese games
im not too sure how to feel about kameos but i feel like with how characters work on their own, they at least allow for more freedom and something something player expression, but even then most people just pick the ones that freeze you or fucking sareena so that doesnt really matter anyway
What the fuck are you psychos even losing it about right now?
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none of you play MK
Just check the latest update and compare to the dripfeed of Mickey6. More ways to earn content
Mickeyfags can never convince a normal person that MK1 looks this awful because it is a bit janky when Mickey6 straight up has disgusting animations where even pros shat on it for being lazy
>Universal mechanic
Assist will never be near as cancerous and game-warping as DR or all the clownery on Tekken 8 hands down.
[IAD]DrWorm is dead.
All assist does is give people another tool to either >combostart / >combodisrupt / >bypasszoning and you can't even spam them
Someone post the weird Chun animation
kameos turn punishable target combos and yeets into 50/50s that lead into 60% damage
How is that so much more worse than having your pinky clipped in SF6, being put into corner rape into 50/50s or throwloop?
Why not? Do you think the only way to play a game is to be nerd about it and sink 8 hours on it religiously every day? Is a fun game to hop on here and there.
The only thing bad about MK for me is the gore desu
i hate sf6 but i think i hate the use of the term mickey mouse to describe its mechanics even more

anyway would it be misogynistic to say that i dont like how the women look in this
Mk1 far from perfect but compared to sf6 or t8 it runs laps on both of them

Twitter trannies mad because it aint e-sloppa
SF6 only gets bad at high level just like MK
I play MK
>SF6 fun at low,mid or high level
LOL no
Quite the opposite, Mickey6 is only ok-ish at super duper high level but still satanic slime game.
MK1 > T8 > Mickey6
>Better than anything
>Hard to learn, easy to master
>Boring as shit to watch
>Lolcow devs discussing with randoms on twitter, preying on hot female cosplayers, shilling yuritroon shit
Kekken is for the lowest t. faggots and weirdos.
Nigga sliding Tekken there thinking he slick
SmashCHADmate clears all btw
Tekken not only is shit but the playerbase and devs are all lolcow material.
Why is boat cheese the rock a fighting game character?
Why is there evil in the world?
She just is
Bocchi owns you and the entirety of the FGC
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she isn't, we just have troons raiding

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