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Please stop bullying femlalas...

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Future Meetups
• Oct 5th, 5:30PM EDT / 10:30PM BST | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + NA Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 6 - 10 >>496409915
• Oct 5th, 8PM EDT / 5PM PDT | Balmung, Crystal | Lavender Beds W2 P10 | Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009) >>496918426
• Oct 6th, 8PM EDT | Ultros, Primal | Mist W20 P34 | Twin Peaks Meetup Season 2 Ep 6-9 >>496369505
• Oct. 7, 3PM EST | Marilith | Lydha Lran, Il Mheg | Shared FATE farming >>496972806
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | Mahjong Open Tournament >>495487281
• Oct 12th, 1PM EDT / 6PM BST | Zurvan, Materia | Yanxia, Plum Spring | Roleplaying Meetup >>496634258
• Oct 19th, 7PM EDT | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet W3 P58 >>496273537
• Oct 27th, 8PM EDT | Balmung, Crystal | LB W19 P28 | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party >>495083393

Sunkissed and Loved: >>497226972
post breasts
>still no stinky sweaty fujo biofem eb who smells like hotdog water
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Do you see this spot? Is it in Balmung? Is it in Sargatanas? Is it in <insert Chaos world here>? That's right - it could be anywhere.

Please let's move to somewhere in Dynamis. Seraph works.
Modbeast gimmick im tired of. Making parts of your outfit neon bright.
"We should move off the data center and server where most of the posters live!"
Another brilliant idea from Ndja
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>P-please I'll take anyone! If she smells bad that would be horrible haha..
why are people complaining about gooning spots
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Anyone for Stormblood leveling duties on Light? Playing Astro so should be quick queues.
Lich, Chaos
maam we need redeem the thavnair group up location!!
Got an album?
Why would we? If there is no difference, then why should we move?
Then go to Seraph.. what's stopping you?
>xivg: "Gatekeeping is good and we need to gatekeep harder to keep undesirables out"
Heiko said no
eb status?
Take a picture in Thanalan or Shaaloani with the phantom train, that would be so funny
There's train tracks there
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I'm not them, just saving what they post.
Good ewening saar madam I request yuor bobstink with a decadent aroma of poop
RR@Bal(formally Cac)
good morning sir!
you still have 2 days to transfer, otherwise go cope in your ghetto
>It could be anywhere!
>so we NEED to move guys we HAVE to make it my home please wherever you want as long as we move it it cannot be balmung
Why are these people so desperate to go what are they fleeing from?
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Happily married, it seems.
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>the meeting spot should be,.,,, on the server that's locked for the 12 hours surrounding NA prime time... this makes sense to me...
I'm gonna goon to lewd femlalas
I'd join you on BLM for a run.
Balmung is open to transfers right now
Is he real..
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you'd like that wouldn't you anon
to gaze upon perky popezen milky milkers
I'll put up a PF. 'Basket Weavers Assemble'. PW 1868
NTA but yes
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Good morning I love femra
what shader preset do you guys use? feels like all em fuck up with gshade
I'm howling
The meet spot should be where the most of us are, it makes sense that would be the most populated.
how gay would it be to marry a monster cock futa dog girl and get KNOTTED and inseminated every night as a male character
Ndja is afraid his black bulls will come pay him a visit and expose him as a blackedfag.
>tak berjudul
Dios mio. It's a goddamn Indonesian.
shouldn't have made your character in the filler servers if you wanted to be with xivg lol
>entire thread pretending we weren't considering moving off balmung a week ago because ndja suggested it
Much like anything else in xivg where there are the most people is where most of the attention is. There's nothing stopping you from taking LB14 and going to another server or DC to afk on you just wont get the attention you crave because everyone is on Balmung
need a lalawife like that
What does lizzer woober look like?
need an abusive lalawife like this
Man what if we changed the raiding server form Aether to Primal?
There isn't a single person native to balmung at lb14 right now
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A Lala telling me to set 3D Resolution Scaling to 99 instead of 100 fixed most of my shader problems. After that it was just a case of upping the contrast to acceptable levels and adding a red filter on lights and a blue filter shadows, with the intensity depending on whether I wanted the environment to look warmer or colder
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A Twin Adders' insignia and a red scarf? Who could've left these here ... wait, what's this white, dry subst-.. OH MY WORD.
That's HILARIOUS if true
The spot is decided by ebins, you all know this. Most people have voted to move out of LB14 or Ul'dah or whatever the spot was at the time, but only their will matters.
Then go to another server and afk in LB14 what's stopping you?
report this thread, there is already an earlier one here: >>497237551

stop shitting up the board and use the threads we have already
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Yippie!!! Wohoo!!
literally custom built to fuck larger cocks urethras
Fuck off cunt
I want to gaze upon popezens other orbs
why are you lying
what outfit is this?
holy moyl
Or until DB makes you vacate
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This isnt true and its still early morning.
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Somethin’ I can get for ya hun?
im at lb14 right now and can count 11 people from balmung there
where's 3d resolution scaling located?
The irony is that we don't have to move to
my moonie doesn't know why she bothered logging in..
Anyone got an armpit hair mod? I think there was one in the old times before DT
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Yeah, I'm a hot ebin now.

A hug would be really nice right now.
>edda vincents is indog
that explains the ntr obsession
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Friendly reminder that Balmung is open for at least 2 more days before maintenance hits and they potentially close it again. If you want to get on Balmung you still have a chance! Get rid of your house on your backwater DC no one goes to and join everyone else, you already DC travel here every day anyways
i made it up for dramatic effect
Kingdom Come 2 looks fucking epic
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To hang out with ME
dynamis is not usable for people who want to queue up for random stuff
aether is always hard to get to
primal is only friendly if you speak portuguese or spanish
so I will stay on Crystal
>you already DC travel here every day anyways
No I don't. I DC travel to Aether to join Party Finders.
>the only opportunity in god knows how long to make an alt
>burned out after making so many over the years
Fuck please
fuck no
>actually playing the game
Sire, what are you doing here in this den of degeneracy? You clearly do not belong in this pig sty.
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>you already DC travel here every day anyways
Says who?
If I'm on crystal I'm on zalera or goblin 85% of the time.
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The best gatekeeping would be also having the hangout be in Solution 9.
Gotta play the game to hang.
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I wish salted earth was a 60s instead of a 90s
new delirium feels like a nerf too
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id rather move to the server with my crush/future wife
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it makes me happy knowing theres actually people upset the hangout spot is in balmung lmao
But then you'd have to hang out in solution 9 lol.
uhhh i don't think so but okay i guess, what are we doing?
make it as a placeholder for if you get the drive to redo the msq..
I'll come to balmung if someone pays me to go there. I'm too poor
ah bros i wanna talk to her but i know i shouldn't
I've been on this site since 2006 for entertainment purposes only.
i'm good, already created several different-looking alt spies there on all 5 of my accounts
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why is he so popular and desired?
Someone make a video like this about FFXIV
You'll get a subsection of crybabies whining about the fact there's no MB and you can't use mounts
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I just wish the hangout was on Mateus or something
Its kinda annoying when I get home at prime time and then have to spend 20 minutes spamming the limsa aetheryte because its locked down just so i can hang out with my friends
Just make the hangout spot Tuliyollal beach instead of S9. S9 has a terrible aesthetic and the music sucks ass.
proxy? qrd?
>move to the server that is so disgustingly full one of it's cities is literally uninhabitable
lol no even limsa is laggy on balmung, why would I want to live there full time?
i dont erp or goon
I don't really give two shits where you retards decide to congregate, but since square decided to artificially cap DC and worlds there is logic on being inconvenienced by it.
>outed as a sexpest by multiple posters
>disgusting ESL
>somehow uglier than a vanilla catgirl
>his relationship with his plapees last for 3 days or less because he isn't actually a good friend and then the shame sets in
it's zolzayaa 2.0
he'll flame out in a month now that his game is known
it feels like a nerf cause instead of 5 hit mana refund you get 3 hits lol
they actually forgot to adjust it to 1000 per hit and it be the same
they pine over every one once you acknowledge them
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I'd like this spot but only because I turn bgm off, the music sucks there too
also no mounts and being less private are downsides for some people
kind of want to transfer my alter there but also i don't need an alt and should just delete it instead
get fucked
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We're joining random PFs prog parties to play on alt jobs
he isn't.
These ears look so bad, why do people use them?
I feel like this cat would suck my soul out
i am indian man playing male lalafell please stop being racist to lalafell men and indian man im going to cry
those are JP cats, the blandest, ugliest creatures in eorzea
are you really surprised?
why did this e-celeb post get over 30 you for no reason
uhhhhhhh she hasn't done any prog
that's why I asked, that was a lot
I've not once been unable to get on balmung except for the very start of DT.
it makes me happy knowing you can't argument and you're having an ego trip about getting to circlejerk with a bunch of failed males.
What if Rorore is Indian and that's why he loves poop
>muh sexpest
Being confident is not being a sexpest, anon.
Pretty gay, you should be fucking her instead
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good morning sirs this rava is blessed by the manuresya !
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>You cannot argument sirs ugh this is all the trannies fault.
We will start with the basics of M1S if you so desire
>ESL exposed itself
my job here is done, get fucked.
i love cats so much
I said it before, I regretted posing with him almost the next day.
this is my fiddie
jp trying to do coomshit with vanilla models is cringe ngl
When the post nut clarity hits
Who are you quoting?
JP cats mog Westoid cats though. Without mods, too...
but not taking no for an answer and talking about your horniness unsolicited is
I didn't read a single reply to my last post. Despair! Wallow in it!
Have you read the fucking (You)s?
My femlala has a BIG COCK
So...I just finished dawntrail. What the fuck was that? Why did we speak to the fucking ghosts? Why did we waste our time deleting space ghost? Who the fuck is the song "smile" about ??? Why did we go into the computer to fight computer sphene instead of....JUST ATTACKING THE BIG DATA SHIT ???
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Male Middies and Male Miqo'te mog my femlala...
Mog me again in here..
he didnt do this with me so... i think you're lying!
SK is not online anon
what's that bed called?
I prefer the pier at the end of the inns
Unsubscribe. Just unsubscribe. It has done too much damage to justify your playing it
>who is smile about
idk wuk lamat, like everything in this expansion, but it doesnt make sense.
>but he was nice to me once sooooo
i hope you're sarcastically mocking this argument
Why is Uchiki popular i don't get it
I require the bio-rus blyatpdemon eb
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a lot of it is samefagging and forcing himself in collaboration with others who force themselves, like molly
Femlalas should have tiny cocks me that worthlessly flop around when they get railed by biggers
He was nice to femlalas and even jerked off a few of their pussies with his tongue
why didnt we just crash an airship into everkeep
it's all samefags
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>person is claimed to sexpest everyone
>does not sexpest everyone
>therefore the claim is false
thanks for attending my ted talk
Jealous? Go make a name of yourself
Socialize, talk to people and treat them well. Only then you'll be as popular as him
God I hate faggots who go
>uhmmm why is X person popular
>when did he become a big ebin??
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alien lookin ass mfer
my jerkbait wife yuu tayuun is so popular omg
god damn i love this thighlander
>He is interested on using sex mods with other men online and actively seeks it out
How did you guys not figure this out yet
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Are you ready for more blogposting? Because it's coming in, hot and steaming! Just like me. Keh heh heh heh!
isn't he supposed to be straight
But this post said "multiple posters" not "everyone"
Your argument doesn't apply
Thanks for attending my own TED talk
Room for a male highlander?
>grapehag clone
is there a single original character look in these threads?
>The claim was he sexpests multiple people
>This anon someone read that as everyone
this ted talk was shit
i am
a gay hrothgar
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Hey that's me! :p
airships crashing into towers if you didn’t know is something people find taboo
it's actually impressive how little you've caught on when you've been mentioning your own name while idling in lb14 for weeks
>He is interested on using sex mods with other men online and actively seeks it out
He doesn't though? He's just interesting to hang around. Have you ever seen him in a big circle of modbeasts trying out the fotd mod with an eepy dance?
Is that Italian Reddit mod still here?
Which is incredibly funny because I've seen maybe two people ever actually use the bed's marketboard. The bigger deal is summoning bells, and it has one in the arcade.
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I'd sooner drink bleach. In fact, one moment..
Imagine the smell.
>Another brown cat
Socially maladjusted anons will see someone with a lot of friends and get jealous in this thread. Very fun to watch. You could be that popular ebin with a lot of friends too but you’re too worried about “bothering” people and can’t hold a conversation to save your life
Tell me where to meet you pussy
hewwo my beloved faggy prince *smooches your cheek* is this supposed to be our romantic dinner for tonight :3
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Why didn’t they just like try to leave the dome?
I have a cat sleeping on my lap right now
>hates t'owa
>hates proxy
you are more and more based every day
Literally just talk in /say. Don't be scared, you're 30+.
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You can add LT to that list.
how could A leave to B, what is time and causality even?
idc about upsetting anyone, i just don't know any of you so i'm shy ;-;
He talks to people. The brat persona and willingness to roll with the punches makes him fun to speak to. Its not complicated. Just autists get hung up because the brattiness confuses them.
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reading this place is giving me a fuckin aneurysm
alright paladin /fa/brehs, need some advice on the Northern Knight look. Drawing from the DS2 Faraam/Llewellyn sets.

Should I go hood, beret, or grab a full helmet?
Same bwo...
grown ass man calling another grown ass man a brat
Have you even talked to these people or are you a retard that believes thread schizos
My lalaboy is a bit of an evil hypnotist
Brother, Shoro posted him getting ROE'd
I am a femlala BRAT and I don't care what you think
Use /pet on me during the duty to ask me to stay after we're done
i require a cunnycoded femlala for a saturday morning quickie
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>relationship with plapees
>being so mentally ill you consider pixel fucking the start of a relationship

You retarded or some shit anon?

Touch grass

Also proxy isn't me, i've been busy playing rimworld, atelier ryza 3 and some other shit

You know, instead of being terminally online and stalking degens lmao
Sigh. Must I do this song and dance again? Very well. Seraph. Camp Bronze Lake. I'll be on the uppermost level, with my head between this miqo's thighs.

Like I said before. Show me a good time Zach!

Hell, if you want bring the Weeaboo Police!
I am a femezen
indulging in weapons grade autism
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What do you do when you're in the Abyssal Fracture and the malelala RPR does this..
Good luck in your search
I would love to be your suchara
but i dare not reveal my location, I have successfully integrated with the crystaloids and they have no idea of my eastern european secret.
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sis no... our stocks...
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>yeah, those posters everyone hates?
>yeah i hate em
>you can add this one btw, just because
Is this like the lazy way of getting thread cred?
Imagine not getting NILE'D
Couldn't be me
Alright, I got him to sit down for a couple hours and he won't blogpost for a bit.
i actually knew about LT and already complimented you for it
based as fuck
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fucking hell the pic didnt upload
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>find out there's a glamour version of the gemfiend set I can buy
>save up a ton of scrips
>it's only usable by GSM
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea? Did the devs just make a typo in the code or what? This sucks.
God i wish they would Nile me
only when they avatarfag when saying this message
Post the logs later
wow congrats you win because you're tucked away in a DC that's congested, how intelligent of you.
>proxy isn't me
he's your protege dumbass, not literally you
>being terminally online and stalking degens
that is literally how you spend your time in ffxiv and you've been called on it repeatedly
Me but unironically
If I EVER saw this in my duty I would change how you walk after the dungeon.
nobody thought it was a good idea
those doh/dol replica set coffers from ishgard restoration are not job restricted in korea
hey you wanna run a dungeon or something
Where there are demons, my malelala slays them.
Where there are saints, my malelala slays them.
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I wish those glams were usable on all jobs T_T
I think get a full helmet, all of those are pretty unfitting.
I'll start queuing for expert over and over on crystal then...
It's in my search info
if you blacklist a pvp player, can you still tag in the same party ?
Based Malelala Neutral route hero
Sweaty dongs that look like turds!
10-minute animation plaps while both parties make a mess of themselves irl!
We like this!!
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Give it to me straight /xivg/ how do I make my femra look like this
It just makes their name appear as UNKNOWN 01 on your team. The most useless feature in the world.
Check out my completely original totally-not-basic-bitch femra, checking out her new "I watched Papalymo die and all I got was this stupid jacket" jacket.
God fucking damn, this is way too close to a modern glam, I can't be doing this shit.
please survive
i'm'already capped but i guess i'm queuing experts...
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Femlalas getting married
I hope I get you, fucking whore.
hit randomize until you get the ugliest femra possible
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bro I'm genuinely just chillin rn idc about NUFFIN
can you imagine how fast queues would dry up if this worked differently? in a game that only has 20 or 30 players in cc on a given data center at the same time already?
The moment you stop caring about thread and post quality and just revel in the madness is the point the thread gets fun
thx mr.snoot
Nice glasses dweeb
All looks were taken years ago. This game has a select few looks that actually look decent and not shit and everyone has one associated with them already. Either be bland and look alright or generic and look good. Most xiv glams post shb have been modernslop so that doesn't help either
Gooning yourself stupid and losing to me is a good thing nonny~
You don’t even have to think!


You just have to shut your brain off and get exploited into a pumping addict for femlalas!

I’ll end up making you w𝘢𝘢𝘢𝘢y worse, but you don’t care about that, right??

Stop thinking 𝘢nd st𝘢rt leaking~

Spurt your pathetic little load and lose to my tight femlala cunny, p*do~
the fact that you play other games or lock yourself away with your carbuncle golems (that are totally, totally other real players) for hours actually makes this thread tolerable
you should go back to doing that
Do amerimutts really wear shoes in their own fucking bedroom?
all thighlanders are top tier
based and true
nonny makes me hard but pedo killed my boner
why are so many anons jealous of proxy?
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i cant go on this goddamn piece of shit life anymore and this place isnt making it any better
but i must put all of these thoughts and feelings into a canvas for the world to see
that theres more meaning other than threadcred and attention
there is life, there is emotion, there is connection
Wait, is it? I know Aether is all congested but surely Seraph isn't. I know because I literally DC Traveled there as soon as I saw your post.
Hum. Well, then name a server for me to come meat you then. I'll wait at Camp Bronze Lake, because.. Well, hot springs are great.
That roe is shoro he was here YEARS before that catgirl and has looked that way for a long time. Go check the archives. That look is his.
t. Guy who schizo'd him away for being a pedo sexpest SEAmonkey
idk lalas are pretty diverse
some people do it's really weird
If you're coming to meet me at my own terms, then you're coming here and not speaking a word, you will sit there and listen. At Marilith Dynamis.
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>any amount of smugness, ever
>from the "human" who managed to get banned from a blacked discord
I thought Shoro was an aussie
they all want to feel his sausage fingers on their sausage
Sea living in Australia
RR and MM are so cute..
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>not job restricted in korea

Me too... I guess I'm just going to buy that valentione waistcoat, then.
Oh holy shit, I thought things looked blurry on my screen. Glad to see I wasn't losing my mind.
He’s a dom erping with all the bottoms of xivg the other bottoms here are too afraid to talk to
>Talk to people
>Get ignored or one worded because I'm not a coomer
Stop lying. If you aren't a mod beast coomer, ERPer, PVPer, Drawfag or Gposer you do not exist to these people.
That's old new mate
Me when I play rpr
>stealing from other bulls

wouldn't that make them the alpha?
Yeah bro I'm super jealous of some brazilian subhuman
I COULD falseflag you and bring up the fact I live near London but yes, we do wear shoes indoors
Personally I like taking off my boots/shoes as soon as I come in, but my parents don't ever fucking do it, so no point until I move out
>pushing their kink onto others
>sending unsolicited message to other members
>pushing boundaries and claiming OOC they would be stealing writing partners
Zolzayaa is not a sexpest btw!!!
What applies to one race doesn't apply to others. Just like irl the races aren't equal either in looks or treatment by devs. Many hairstyles that work on lalas can't work on other races simply because they were designed around fatter faces, which lalas have. For example, the ff1 hair looks like a wig on many races but is fine on lalas and catgirls due to their headshape.
Not to sound like "haha just stop caring"
But genuinely this thread helps to maintain a vicious cycle. You can't fix it, you can't improve it, you just need to remember that at some point it will start getting to you. And when it does, the only thing to do is to truly leave and figure things out and forget it, until you feel better enough that coming here will entertain you and you get to see the people you like.
You don't owe anyone nothing, you can't save anyone here except yourself.
Who are we talking about here? Uchiki always posts with the same people and not only that, he's literally gay and has never once sexpested me. He's a good friend.
nonny made me hard, pedo made me diamonds
Why are you trying to make friends with a bunch of gooners and coomers if you’re not one yourself?
proxy noir
uchiki has his own faults but i suspect from the sarcasm in your post you already knew that
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Two factors. The first is the autists who think there's real-life virtues to type fuckery so they start seething about how one-night stands aren't real relationships and are bad. See the retard earlier shocked that the 'relationships' don't last because he expects them to go dating or something.
The second is the schizos who want someone to have a dramatic break-up or share a log or something and will feast on the fallout.
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How long of an investment/grind am I looking at if I want to start doing Eureka Orthos fresh with no knowledge and my goal is to clear floor 100? About similar to PotD 200 / HoH 100? (assuming doing it with some friends who also start fresh)
How many Triple Triad NPCs are there? It says here I have to defeat 423 of them.
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Pulling this catboy's tail
Will show, but I will speak many words. You don't dictate my actions, especially if whatever you're saying boils down to "REEEE stop posting I don't find you sexually attractive!"
That said, I will hear you out. Camp Bronze Lake still or elsewhere?
what did throatpie mean by this
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>stealing writing partners from other bulls
This will never ever not be funny. That sentence has never been said before in human history.
Well all I see in the post is Uchiki's dumb face, idk which GAM playing Futard is Proxy because I don't interact with untouchables.
If you can’t pull as a male character then your popularity means nothing
FF, HC, MM, RR, SS, the robot fucker one whos last name i can never remember
lala mods where?
I went to the QS with my boosted maleraen alt and I got a bunch of /tells from female characters
>>not job restricted in korea
unironic compensation for the game's korean port being delayed by 6 months so their censorship committee can strip out any japanese cultural artifacts
If you put in some effort to study mechanics/what mobs do what, it's not hard at all. You might wipe once or twice but you'll memorize every attack pattern pretty fast
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Goodnight /xivg/
This femlala is in bed and asleep
We will play again tomorrow
*smooch* goodnight dear
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This is what I do to thread femlalas
SC they have always been very pleasant when i talk with them.
sanest xivg poster
it's midday
who cares it’s already been written
Nah, that server is just full of people as mentally ill as the anon who posted that pic
>be rava "bull"
>have harem
>decide i like a middie too much
>tell her to be a couple but to be exclusive for me while i plap whoever i want
>find out swampbeast is hitting on her
>insecurity maxxin
>report beast and make a lot of shit up
>mods too busy getting blacked so they dont ask much and they just ban the croc to keep gooning
>middie leaves me some months later anyways

Yeah, definitely as ill as these stalkers lmaooo
do not stick your dick in that
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Coolio. I'm mostly interested in getting the framer's kit for my alt but I've never touched Eureka Orthos yet since when it originally came out I was on break from XIV. Sounds like its time to rope my friends into finally trying it out.
Anytime you see a “imagine caring about thread/post quality on 4chan” post that’s me trying to get anons to enjoy the thread more and not care as much.
Fiddies don't like lalaboys until you throw in small dom/big sub and degradation into the mix. Why are they like this?
I want to talk to this poster
I post it a bunch too but mostly when someone makes either a horrendously off-topic post or just posts 'rape' or something. These are the posts you'd potentially be replacing or pushing out. Its not like we're jostling for room in the thread to have quality discussion.
Middies or Catgirls or Lizzers?
Blankposters are the most powerful xivg posters
My friend who is good at gposing will make more gposes of my femra tomorrow and I'm excited to post and share
The funniest thing about those rava bbc futa bulls is that if you rape them with a white male character they forget all about their characters cocks or if they bring it up its only use would be gushing baby batter everywhere while they're being plapped. Turned 14 of these types to normal female characters through rape. I'm depopulating futas through rape.
If you hang around the QS and your character is hot I've probably posed you sucking my shota's cock without your knowledge.
source right now
damn, I need to come visit now
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I think it's worth it :3
It will look great on you too <3
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doing parkour on command blocks gives me the power to make the rules of parkour civilization
Best Cat
always will be
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okay wtf happened in newer expansions, all the helmets turned into crowns or circlets aside from like Abyssos
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Ma'am, I don't like Miqo'te but that's a cute miqo'te. Keep it up.
I do neither. Mine is the safest cat.
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Eb me
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I didn't know this and am mad
>wearing boots inside your own fucking bedroom
do americans really
>crowns or circlets
blame Viera and Hroths
Femezen with huge tits are kinda gross
By your logic we should move the spot to Aether because it's even harder to get into than mong.
I appreciate meeting with you. I understand where you're coming from. The least I can do is ease back. so for your sake, I shall.
iirc during shadowbringers/covid they outsourced some stuff to another studio, including the armor sets, and we haven't really gotten anything cool since
I fucking love this miqo'te so much it's unreal
Why is Domanra so insufferable
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Move to spot to Gaia so people gotta make JP alts.
my moonie installed mare just so she can make MCDF files for others
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get rid of my constant derealization from using VR and I'll consider it
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good morning

my 90 day homeworld transfer restriction is finished in about 5 or so days..... ive waited so long...... but i'm not gonna make it.........
He's just boring desu. Not a fan of the white highlights either
May I rape
I have played completely vanilla since DT release and it’s been good
>the cope zolzayaa tells himself when he loses access to an entire discord of gooners who share his fetish for black men
Good morning my love.
Please crush my catboy's head with those juicy thighs...
May i sleeve
I suppose I deserve this for joining the Shells.
Normally I do not mind Domanra but she is going down the path of "I like being hated its my personality" which just turns all day every day into a bitchfest.
I spent $600 to have them custom made for my feet, the the smokejumpers are allowed where the smokejumpers want to go.
do you get the funny VR dreams
I recognize this femezen
do any male characters here pull anyway?
not talking about uchiki who just larps as a gay tsundere
Vanilla is pretty good I feel like modding is a rabbit hole you get peer pressured into and its hard to escape from
good mornyan la
Jazz Venuz Gabriel Castemonte Shoro idk any others desu
can you get a closer shot of that thighlander with huge bust and jeans by the blue glow sticks
God I love moonies
I resemble this femezen
are you actually running experts?
he talks like lorilee and sees any disagreement as a signal to start being a disingenuous troll and contrarian
also this
being called a sexpest when i don’t even seek erp with randoms is honestly the funniest thing to me.
anyone i end up doing something with is usually a friend, and it takes a long time of talking with them before i even consider it.
the idiots who keep slandering me have no evidence because they’re literally lying.
you shouldn’t trust people so easily without proof
I legitimately cry when people are mean to me here
t. Femlala
to be fair you fucked me after talking for a day, that's not very long
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>he's going through the same path as the pirate lala
Why is everyone like this? At least she's using a name to easily filter her
Poopie head!
>you shouldn’t trust people so easily without proof
I mean you’re right but believing schizophrenic ramblings here makes the place more fun for me so I’m gonna keep doing that
If you really believe on any of that live and let live shit of "just ignore me bro" get a tripcode.
this looks kinda cool I wish solution nine had areas with lighting like that
yeah it's weird and it spooks me sometimes
I haven't felt genuine emotion in, to be honest, I don't even know.
t. Femra
wanna run expert again?
My schizo ramblings is you're getting ebd to my femlala soon. How about that?
How was the golem meet
YGO used to be so based, then pendulums were made.
I hope fishing is going well for you. I hate the fishing log so much.
half the mieras do
That’s cool
that probably means i felt comfortable with you, and you gave me a good vibe at the beginning of our conversation.
Everyone there got arrested. The only people here are the normies now.
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My middie is like this
time to login and goon out
GOD I love playing FFXIV!!!!
Cute, smooch
>post proof of me being a scumbag so i can see who called me out and shitpost them
really tired of this argument
Lumy post
Exercise a bare minimum of willpower before making demands of me. There are posts I'll always reply to and posts I'll always ignore. If I can ignore things I don't like, what can't you?
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You assume people give a toss about anonymous schizoposters. Has it ever occured to you that the observable behaviour you put on display is what makes some anons dislike you? This isn't primary school, we don't all have to get along. Stop deluding yourself into thinking you are infinitely likeable. None of us are. Not you, not me, not anon. We've never spoke and we never will because just watching post in this thread rubs me the wrong way. Sometimes it is that simple. There's no grand conspiracy at play.
Chat is this true?
why do you use a name instead of a proper trip
I literally do not care about the post itself I'm just wondering
You acted like a massive creep to me after talking for 10 minutes so I'm going to assume you do it to others too
Maybe talk to people yourself before you cast your judgement, you insufferable faggot
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Not me that time but hi gm
>"no i don't do stuff like that after a day, that's silly"
>but you did with me
>"haha that means you're really special actually :))"
really putting on the manipulation masterclass right here
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>Want to log in and level an alt or something.
>See squirrel outside taking acorns from my tree.
Oh fuck the alt.
To annoy people; that and some of the schizoposting I get from it is highly entertaining.
Not him but why not? Two can play this game you know. Are you afraid of getting a taste of your own medicine? I'd love to know who you are too so I can schizo the shit out of you for the lulz. C'mon anon don't be a pussy and post your character.
excuse me I posted my character why aren't you giving me attention
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I'm in this picture!
>i don’t even seek erp with randoms
>usually a friend, and it takes a long time of talking with them before i even consider it
someone you met 1-2 days ago and talk about gooning with is not a "friend"
that's still a random because you literally just met them
are you into armored elezens??
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House I won 7 years ago is scheduled for Demo on the 11th.. Have next to no motivation to resub and keep it feelsprettyfuckingbadman.jpeg

Is this the end for me?
>making demands of me
Stick to your beliefs. If you want to only interact with the people who want to interact with you get a tripcode.
Don't be a pussy.
>You assume people give a toss about anonymous schizoposters.
They do though, especially if they confirm their biases
>identify yourself and let me schizo you when you already clearly said you don't want that
did you really think this tactic would work?
between your hangers, ma'am
Housing demo is halted on NA though
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Auto demo is turned off for all NA DCs
Reminder that it's cocksuckers like >>497260845 who will piss and shit their diapers asking someone to put on a trip.
I wonder if I should move my NA alt from Mateus to Balmung, might be nice to get an apartment there.
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Did you know that there's a squirrel war in Europe?
nta, but the reason why this argument is valid, is because if they've actually caused an issue, then they'll be shunned by people in this thread. They're literally putting their cards on the table "I have done nothing wrong, show me the things I've done wrong". Also posting the bad stuff isn't the same as actually doxing someone, they're not going to show up at your house and harass you, the person who's been wronged can easily blacklist them
>talk to tina ONCE
>already fucking her on your private island
Lol okay
See, this shit right here. Literally plays on EU servers. Will likely have zero meaningful interaction with someone. Starts talking down to them and announces how much they don't like someone for no reason. Its bizarre and petty and stirs the pot for no real reason, these two individuals could pass by each other and never actually have conflict.
*takes you into my arms for a hug*
There, there... I'll protect you...
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why does such a lame job get such a cool AF set
i ended up staying 4 hours past my usual bed time (which is already incredibly late) and met with FOUR lewd anons, some of which wanted to do stuff with their mains...
and frankly ive had more fun on this golem than i had on my main in the past... year? maybe more
sorry i took that screenshot a while ago so im unsure
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Ooohhh yeah the schizo posting is sooooo bad!!! Anyway, who wants to do some M1S-M3S fun runs on alt jobs
It's not a tactic. I legit want to schizo the shit out of you. You make it look fun so I want to try. Post your character pussy.
boring af
I should've gone... it's over...
To be fair I'd say anything after the first 2 sets of XYZ is where YGO started falling apart. We went from Utopia and Lavalval Chain to unbreakable boards real quick and it's only been pure accelerationism since. Edison format is still the best. GOAT is too slow and rng reliant. Standard is too fast and solitairey. Edison hits just right.
I don't know how to fun run.
100% of schizo "sexpest" claims are male character players who are too cucked to talk to anyone seething that their crush got plapped.
it pisses me off the feigning meekness tactics that femlalas employ
>see posters in thread that act like shitheads with their character attached
>im supposed to go talk to them in game and see if they’re actually like that
>this same logic never applies irl ever
>”b-b-but anon they’re actually nice in game it’s a skinwalker!!”
tranny post
what's wrong
I plapped a femlala
Now read this to your parents, and make sure to be really potent sounding when you get to the "post your character pussy" part
>LT no longer shows up at LB14 and has been going to the quicksand and gooner bench every day for the past week

LL won so hard without doing anything
I hate fun, and runs.
thank you, going to use this
Trips are only for people who get skinwalked. That anon is a literal who that no one cares about, so no one is going to put on their name.
Ok who gives a shit either way who someone masturbates with
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Makes sense I guess, Korea-Japan relations are so fucking weird.

You wouldn't guess what arrived in the mail today...

Join me in anger, anon.
just hop in and hit buttons, we're not parsing we're just dicking around and learning a new job or playing something new for a change
Get one yourself. Like you said, "I'm not reading your shit." You didn't want a conversation. You wanted to make demands of me and expect I should bend the knee simply because you put skin in the game. I respect you because you met me in game, that's why I'm not attaching my character to any of these posts and will reduce how often I post, but you're getting it twisted if you think you have any say over what I post on this subreddit. Get over yourself. I have.
this meetup will turn into a regular monthly thing which sounds very fun and i intend to go every month!
in the meantime you can think of a fun character, their tropes, and make cute outfits for them
How much shit do I have to talk about someone in the thread for you to dislike them? I thought you were all about proof and hard evidence.
my moonie listens to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T17AR8cVmto
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>Korea-Japan relations are so fucking weird.
It can be funny sometimes though
i think proxy noir sucks
post sausage fingers again proxy PLEASE
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its in case one of us gets hungry
he also broke his rule of not plapping characters who aren't doing endgame content
beggars can't be choosers
jazz gets posted every single time in reply to these, but I've never seen him pose, never seen him around any of the afk spots and never been pested by him...
type this again without sounding like you care about who's textfucking who in a video game
I'm still not interested on what you have to say, if you're not getting a tripcode than I was right, you are doing this out of attention.
I told you before it's not anyone's duty to have to ignore you constantly and you need to stop trying to "win" against the thread and just shut the fuck up.
You're not getting a tripcode because you were full of shit and that's precisely why what you have to say is of no value, pussy.
jazz doesn't pose, he erps
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But anon, why would I want to have an interaction with someone who openly posts about how they get off to the fantasy of fucking people to death in Final Fantasy XIV Online? I know this might not bother you, but it greatly bothers me. I don't care if they are they are the nicest, sweetest person besides that. That's where my line is drawn. Yours is elsewhere. So of course I will shitpost about them randomly. What they are into is ridiculous and deserves to be laughed at. But unlike you clowns, I attach my name to my opinions. Which I think is why you actually don't like me, rather than that word vomit you just posted.
qrd on proxy noir?
I've only beat M1S so far
crushing on both these cats
this guy is starting to remind me of the autistic male lala and it's offputting as hell
You're a puritan faggot then who needs to be dicked down
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that's the thing, i actually haven’t had a single bad experience with people who reached out to me or vice versa. that's what makes me think it's just a huge schizo thing. the only person i had a mildly awkward talk with was lorilee, because they were a bit pushy toward me.

this is as vague as it gets. the number of people i’ve talked to in a lewd way is very small, and usually, people are flirty first, so i really can’t see that happening

that’s true, though like i said, talking enough at the beginning is mainly to make sure i’m not dealing with a complete schizo who’ll leak logs lol.

well, tina and i vibe really well together. we did a bunch of roulettes and talked for more than 6 hours, and she gave me hints that she wanted to do stuff, so i just pushed forward.
He broke that months ago with me? I wasn't even done with Endwalker when we plapped.
my moonie listens to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFYHz6fMAT4
BASED. The shitters here HATE people that stand on their opinions with their character and a name attached. I kneel
Today's Alexandria run.
It's just a normal femra, bro.
Wait really? I just got the email Thurs. Well praise Nophica and her huge tits.
it was a recent rule he claimed he established in his pursuit of an EB
Who's LT again?
Is it the ambi whatever tranny bunny?
>these niggas literally seething that a literal who climbed the ebin ladder in a few days while gettin some pussy (grownass man) for himself
i already know about jazz
gabe is never on
i have no interest in shoro
these are depressing times for male character lovers
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honestly based
they're right though, you aren't owed a "fair" chance to get to know everyone, I value my time personally and I'm not going to waste it on someone that I don't have a good initial impression of on the off chance I might be wrong when I could be spending that time on friends I already have

however you still need to act like an adult and stir problems in public spaces just because you don't like someone, keep it to yourself

you didn't even read their post
you're so cool ;-;
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Anon you need to lurk more. People constantly put on my name, especially whenever the date draws closer to the RP meetup.
Thanks, crushing on you too :3
i dont even know what youre talking about, i just felt the image of an adult male getting visibly angered and yelling "post your character pussy" with his neck veins protruding was fucking hilarious
pet the lala she cute
It’s fucking GREAT. Whoever is writing this season of xivg really hit it out of the park with this storyline
Ahh okay, I see
No, i dont care. Im just stating facts
>the only person i had a mildly awkward talk with was lorilee, because they were a bit pushy toward me
let me guess, he kept insisting he was a power dom and needed you to be a sub even though you don't like it?
my lala made the same face when she saw the bridge empty with sad music linked
They're literally just jealous, just ignore them
When it turns back on it wont reset to the full time, be careful of that if you only had a few days to go
when you guys talk about pulling, do you mean actual women or do you mean other men
As of Oct 2, yep. https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/ba09171e22be42e7fc0eacb40cc1acf0b50ae326
this is false, she just really liked dragostea din tei as a kid and bought their whole album..
I don't like petting people but I did comm her.
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>i already know about jazz
he strikes again...
Tina vibes with everyone really hard. He's a soulless husk of a person that just mirrors the personality of whoever he wants to e-fuck at the time. He'll drop you the second he gets bored or finds a new toy to play with. Enjoy it while it lasts and don't come cry schizoing here about it when he breaks your heart
I be pulling low-key hoes
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What the fuck bruh. I'm a finn and there's some seething between us and russians but this is next level.
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Success in Final Fantasy XIV isn’t measured by your parse, but by how often you plap. We like this. You don’t only because you didn’t get plapped. Just be yourself man, it’s not that hard dude. Just talk to people bro and you’ll get tons of friends. I logged in 5 seconds ago and already made 200 friends, it’s super easy. And plapping? Yeah, I have sex around 20 times a day, so what? Oh, that’s right, plapping IS sex. It’s real. Got it, pal? So if you don’t like Final Fantasy XIV, then make like a tree and get out of here.
i agree but i want to live between that femezen's breasts
You are the only futa i genuinely wouldn't mind getting poses with, as the few times we have talked it has been pleasant enough.... even though you main Marth...

I understand your frustration with people being schizos in thread but if you ignore them they go away 99% of the time.
I mean in dungeons..as a Tank :(
(but usually men since imma bit of a faggot)
good morning trans women of /xivg/
i mean the boss, please turn on your stance and just pull already i don't care which of you does it just someone before i do it as the dps and die horribly.
>values his time
>plays final fantasy 14

also you are literally Domanra samefagging
100% of posts like this are beta futa players who saw their thread crush run off with a man.
Good Afternoon Macchi Ato
How does your fat tits fit in that armor? Can't be comfy
Mhm sure they do. It's not just you making stupid posts you regret
American here. I think we may have had something to do with this. It just feels like something we did.
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just cause you're trans doesn't mean your opinion matters
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You don't have to interact with them. Literally all you're doing is announcing 'I am more virtuous than this person, look at me'. That's the point. I'm not saying 'hey go make friends with everyone', I'm saying if someone rubs you the wrong way you can literally just disregard their existence. Every interaction here is pretty opt-in. Throwing yourself into drama to loudly proclaim how much you don't like someone you only share a space with in this very thread is just weird.

You literally opt-in to dealing and interacting with people when you name them. Why the fuck would I ever want to know about your opinions on RP'd snuff fetishism if I never intended to engage in it, for example. I guess I just don't buy into 'this person does something I don't like, so I shall villify them publicly' mindset.
>Korea-Japan relations are so fucking weird.
Its actually pretty simple
>Japan invades Korea during WW2
>rapes women and children, slaughters men, performs gruesome experiments on them
>Refuses to acknowledge this and apologize in any official capacity while seething and crying that they forced America to drop 2 bombs on them
Good morning to every single /xivg/ lalaboy!
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i'm sorry about the LL meetup, by the way. you didn’t load for me, and i didn’t want to step on you there. i think that might’ve given you a bad first impression.

haha... yeah... they also insulted me, saying i didn’t seem able to write more than five lines of roleplay, while they used to write until they reached the limit or something.

that being said, i won’t dwell on this topic anymore.
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>Black texture to emulate a barrel is reflective with highlights
EU fags need to hurry up and sleep already
this level of damage control is a really bad look
nta but I need to hit him up again...
Can someone give me a qrd on Lorilee? She's one of the few people everyone seems to have had a bad experience with
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Good morning!!!
That was basically my first interaction with LT, except his "flirting" was insisting on a violent rape scene, and he insisted it had to be IC and "canon" for my character.
>Bugs mad at bugs.
>Bugs laugh at bugs for getting the bug zapper.
I'm not, I directly disagreed with half their statement because I don't think you should be shitposting someone just because you dislike them, you just have no obligation to like or even make an effort for everyone here and only children and autists would believe otherwise
>and talked for more than 6 hours
>she gave me hints that she wanted to do stuff
I thiught Tina was pure?
>"she gave me hints that she wanted to do stuff, so i just pushed forward."
>openly talking in thread about textfucking someone who clearly hasn't wanted to admit it publicly
bitchmade behavior, anon.
I'm only getting 200k mettle per skirmish, is this truly the fastest way to grind honors? Zadnor zone 3 btw.
Watching the thread melt down over proxy and grapec@ coming out of nowhere to bound up the ebin rankings has been genuinely hilarious
>anyone being “pure”
>on 4chan
Hey my man I got a bridge to sell ya if you’re interested
>n-no u
>a complete schizo who’ll leak logs lol
The fuck? Why would you care about this unless you're doing some pushy, creepy, shady shit? If your behavior is clean then it would just be "oh look I got some action with a consenting partner"
opinion irrelevant
Everyone who claims they are pure, never are.
It's an awful act that no one ever believes.
For honors? Yes.
so which of the beds regulars are actual psychos you should avoid
Its not really. Korea, Japan and China all hate each other in a circle after centuries of invasions and hostilities. Japan getting heat from Korea and China cause of what they did in WW2. That being said as funny as >>497261637 is a South Korean saying somebody from Japan sucks American dick is a bit funny since Korea is more Asian America then Japan is.
he came here from wowg with maye linvail, a brown futa (surprise!) who dicked his character down for months
Fuck this kinda blows
My femlala, do not approach my femlala
Yes dude it’s supposed to be a grind. Throw on some Netflix or Minecraft Parkour Civilization and zone out doing FATEs
so true sis
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Honestly I appreciate some value of this, attaching yourself instead of doing it as an anonymous makes criticism carry a more weight to it.
Yet I gotta ask, why bother? Why are you wasting your time and energy on doing this? The slight satisfaction you get by unleashing your negativity will only bounce back. You should stop having such negativity about others, not because they don't deserve it, but because you deserve to have peace.
If someone's truly a clown and they deserve to be laughed at, they will be laughed at, that alone should ease your mind enough
the cringe, anon! i don't want to see the cringe after the nut clarity!
Sorry, you posted your made-up fantasy before I mocked it, so I guess yours is correct
>This known pedo thinks his opinion on who we should like or dislike matters
Oh Im laffing
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>this much drama over gay men roleplaying gay sex in a dead MMO
Can we just go back to calling people faggots?
saelonu you will never fuck a femlala like this
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Why are so many people so basic? Like would it kill the median player to be marginally interesting?
Flat tranny viera who's obsessed with snuff, violent rape, and ageplay. He's creepy, aggressive, arrogant, and a serial stalker (Lorilee isn't even his original character, it was an alt he made to stalk his ex).
He's also very pushy, as you can see in some examples above, and is known for getting hostile when rejected.
okay but what if i think femlalas are cute and want to pet them
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>For honors?
most people you will meet in life will be basic
you're probably pretty basic too, anon
True, this is why DB was so powerful. He took the thread by storm and was the most influential person its ever seen, he generated unimaginable seethe.
Feeling a bit dramatic today aren't we.
I'm not a diaperfag

mmmmmmm no
I unironically enjoy the GAM drama
>would it kill the median player to be marginally interesting
I'm a terminally online NEET with no irl experiences.... the fuck do you want from me
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my femezen shall not be posting her autism in this thread
the vibe is too agitated
Sorry I don't do anything but play bad games I can't be interesting.
I acknowledge and appreciate my skinny face 2 hrothsisters, all 2 of them.
Yeah I thought that as well when reading through that. Still a funny post.
my wife
lol, lmao even
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The real ironic shit is that the actual pure players are the ones who pose porn and don't hide their degeneracy.
This seems contradictory, but many fail to understand what this really means.
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Zadnor is the best place to grind mettle, yeah. It's a long burn grind but once it's done it's done. Unless you're after the title for capping them all I would only bother maxing out damage and HP, personally.
why does this thread talk so much about femlalas but the pretends to hate them lmao.
I could talk endlessly about my interests but then I wouldn’t have time to listen to other people talk about what they like (I like listening to people yap)
>maye linvail
What happened to that dude anyway
I laugh at your bff troonchal every day and that's enough for me so I agree.
Nobody approached my femlala at the meet
You guys are a bunch of pussies
Don’t give them good advice, im calling them based so they flame others and burn out of the thread quicker.
>moonie so small
it's over.. I'll never find a lalawife.
>people who like them talk about them
>this makes the people who don't like them talk about them
>this makes group 1 talk about them more
I don't hide mine since I openly flirt, tease and whatnot but I don't think I'd consider myself pure?
i tried to make a list of all the male characters that pulled but realized they actually were all mieras. is there maybe a malezen at least?
if you were honest and admitted to having an awkward talk with more than just someone everybody hates, I might believe you
the fact that you'll come on here and lie through your teeth to prop up your reputation just tells me I was right to turn you down
Sis, have you ever considered the fact that your femlala might be really ugly? Post her because im curious now
That's easy. It's because femlalas are appealing but the players behind them are not.
I used to get them when I started but I haven't in years
t. 3k hours
I am ignorant anon please enlighten me.
Afaik Tina never said she was pure
ok... you may approach mine instead of theirs then... but I'm not at the beds
i dont even know the guy well
I believe everyone deserves good advice in their lifetime, at least once, no matter how stupid or evil you are
I didn't go to the meet but I'll approach her right now and give her lots of pets
might actually be one of the worst descriptions of someone i've seen. vile shit.
ideally you want to be in an active zadnor instance where people are also farming clusters (and spawning CEs/making dalriada pop sooner)
>RPer who doesn't know when to lay off and keeps engaging with the people who shittalk them, coming off as smug and insufferable because of it
This is just Claire again.
>lalaboy small penis bro
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>take selfie while driving
>ran over a squirrel
im the worst
I know anon
Are we SURE he's not one of Claire's new identities? The type similarly
I only got my headset this week so I'm still pretty new but it's been so much fun https://files.catbox.moe/hp158p.png
I do hope the derealization and dreams stop soon it's somewhat concerning
too bad the VR plugin for xiv doesn't work anymore
that's the funny thing, if i had i really don't remember lol.
>caring abour appearances
You said you wanted a femlala? Didn't hear any suggestions on appearance though?
You got a femlala, willing, sitting there waiting for someone to approach her and all you do is "Ugh, she's fucking ugly. Better not give 'em a /tell and complain about needing a femlala on the threads again!". Biggers are fucking retarded, especially the male ones
The only person that ever talked to me was another femlala and that's it, you're scared even on your fucking alts. That's a whole new level of being a PUSSY
oh it's over for our good boy glue
straight down the VR gooner void to never return
>can't climb the social ladder without becoming a sex pest
>becoming a sex pest gets you knocked off the social ladder without tenure
I love a catch-22
tina became popular much more quickly and got more of a thrill out of repeatedly cuckolding him than plapping him
he made a gimmick muslim incelezen and tried larping religiously in thread but gave up and went back to wowg when that didn't work
and tina's been here taking dick ever since
That! That is exactly why I rebel against the thread. This sense of "only things I like should be posted." You're just as bad as me. The only difference is I'm not afraid to post my face. You showed yourself in game, can you do the same in the thread? Rest well knowing I will never post your character without your expressed permission. I made that mistake once, and it still bothers me to this day.
crabs in a bucket
I was just about to say they're in the same trap as Saelonu but this guy beat me to it. >>497260265
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>women drivers
There are plenty of ebins who doesn't lewd though.
also one of his exes showed up here to say she was groomed
You've gotten real cocky Magness. Is it because LT said he wasn't going to drop his evidence anymore?
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Aiiieeee now I want to play For Honor but I just joined a PF group...
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>join thread late
>ctrl-f catbox
>open links
>close thread and wait for next thread
My catboy just had another wet dream about his future trans wife
I come down to bestow you the esoteric knowledge:
Get the duel mettle buff. you get 1.2million mettle per ce, 10million for Dalriada(or something that outrageous, idk im capped), and 600k per skirmish. coordinate with folks to spawn CEs in each zone, they have a 30 min cooldown after.
Which is the newest of this bunch?
Little bro's still yapping,
Talking is a free action little man.
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What a fucked up summer
youre all just joking with the rapeposting right
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It was fun.
good morning to all goonies and bloonies
with extra love for the goopnoses, goopies, bloopnoses, and bloopies
holy cute
would headpat
not all of us VR havers partake in that
I'm not.
magness can't organize sentences like that
I personally am, when i reply rape it's just a silly way of saying i want to plap your character because they're very attractive.
The real reason most of you hate domanra is because they seem to not give a shit about “threadcred” as any sane person should and just acts how they think their character would. Meanwhile most of this thread unironically cares too much about what people here think and tailor their posts in ways to not offend people to be in good standings with the thread. It seems to happen more often with people that are declared “safe” to shit on in thread.

I say all that to say this you lost the game. Have a good day xivg
Because basic sells.

No one cares about your creative glams even if they get hundreds of hearts on EC. People are always gonna be drawn to the slut glams over anything else.
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Mufan nooooooooooooooo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkOib-MmTds
People kind of forget this. Tina just likes typing cutesy but has never been shy about being suggestive, poses with implications and such. It always weirds me out when people jump on the HAH, GOTCHA, YOU FUCK DONT YOU? accusation
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jean is a malezen
jazz, tyrone myste, wryx, aldis are maliddies at the moment
null as a catboy
tozer pulls on hroth
there are some lalaSTUDS too but we don't talk about them
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Im not a bigger. Post femlala
No I legitimately want my femra to rape the male characters of this thread
It's literally jealousy bro. How fucking new are you? The instant you start plapping someone's crush you get a schizo. This Proxy dude started getting schizo 24/7 as soon as he started plapping fiddies, one in particular. Can you do the math or do you need me to do it for you?
That it is. That it is. Still waiting for that free action from the other anon.
Did you fucking forget I said "ignore me and I won't reply to you?"
one of these days you're going to accidentally leave your name on with these posts gassing yourself up
You mean the most recent? I'm not sure. I don't know exactly when people started playing. One example I can think of is middie Laz and he started in EW I'm pretty sure.
seishun post
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Welcome to the xivg. Here we talk about anything but xiv.
nta but i'll approach her rn on my main where is she
overexposure of any kind generates (justified) hate here
plapping people just generates more because it involves drama, jealousy, rivalries, and also hate from people who dislike how much gooning dominates xivg and its ingame presence
no... don't do that...
Did I seem particularly confused to you anon? I am aware of the cause.
>You showed yourself in game, can you do the same in the thread?
yeah, you lost right there buddy. why do you feel the need for people to out themselves because they had a disagreement with you? bitch ass behavior right there.
Isn't Jean a bunboy fantablob
I think my femlala is fucking ugly
>he says not talking about the game
I'm coming to drain your catman.
I'll approach you. All you need do is leave LB14.
If you haven't deleted it yet i'll make a male race of your choosing to come plap you with
He's impure? Sisters???
Fine captain retardo, here's what the conversation was, if you wanted the entire thread to know.
what a nice 700 posts
ready to repeat this general once again for another 700 posts
my name is ugly
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>my femlala strides into your room and slams this on your desk
Well? Drink it.
Its always been this way people refuse to let it go to 1k
Can someone post their Viper bars? I am curious how others set this up.
Fuck off vampire, I have garlic.
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Okay I will shoot a topic I've been thinking of. When are we getting that cosmic exploration shit that got announced? It's supposed to be something like Ishgardian restoration right? As someone who never played during that era, how was that like?
>have 99% of people be inconvenienced instead of half
fuck off commie
Fuck yeah, thanks sis.
*downs the can on the right*
He did some stuff with plapcat and later with some bun from aco
holy shit that was the most autistic conversation I've ever read
i prefer to not shit out my guts god i hate femlalas
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Why do any of us post anything here, ever? For fun.
All me, btw.
>50g of sugar each
*cracks them both open and pours both out over your head as i say "noooo thank youuu"*
>one in particular
Man I fucking knew this general would turn to a shitshow as soon as a xivgger would manage to fuck Tiana. I'm over here laughing at all of you retards.
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holy fucking BASED
I don't drink coffee
this power...I've transcended my flesh...
Aaaaaaaand there we have it. You had some strange, exact circumstance you wanted me to fulfil. But you didn't specify what it was. Next tell me what it is you wanted.

And crescendo! Whatever respect I had for you vanished. Reminder: You posted this, not me.
where is his BULGE
none of those have "just stay on mung" as an option
people have already consolidated on one spot. if you have friends elsewhere or want to nurse your solo fc that's fine, but don't fuck over our prime goonspot just because you want to have your cake and eat it
good morning lander
male bros? are we back?
ugly inside and out, and with severe autism
the full package

oh and a pedo
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jabroni you got a weird sense of humor but ill respect it
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why is your keyboard in russian
he tried to groom a sprout after tina ditched him and started posting lewds of the two of them here. the sprout came to thread asking why people thought they were a whore and it was revealed he stole their char data and made it without their knowledge.
imagine thinking anyone had respect for you
>don't reply to posters I don't like
>don't hang out with people I don't like ingame
>thread is fun
>game is fun
It feels good not being trapped in a prison of my own making.
>Japan invades Korea during WW2

How can you be so fundamentally wrong about a basic historic fact? Japan forced an unequal treaty on the then-nascent Empire of Korea in the 1870s, and then overthrew their government in 1910. They turned Korea into a Japanese colony and used it for a launching-off point for the invasion of the Republic of China under the auspices of it restoring Puyi to the throne as a puppet due to long-held beliefs bluntly put to them by a representative from Imperial Germany that "Korea is a dagger pointed at the heart of Japan".

You're thinking of China.
Oh no. You thought it was ishgard resto? Buddy, it's island sanc 2. It's coming 7.2 or 7.3
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I don't use WASD but i hope this can help a bit.
My male lalafell is the Tatsuya Suou of /xivg/
*flicks lighter(
haven't seen them post in forever...
>Nila sees SK as trying to “win”
>All this little fucker does is post about the game and his love of femlalas
>this makes people seethe to no end
God what an insufferable piece of shit my lord. Homeboy needs to take a month off from the general I think this place is not serious at all
you will never find a femlala wife
I feel like there are 3 different arguments going on right now and I understand none of them
we've already voted to move multiple times
the polls are irrelevant, the will of the ebins is what matters
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I can't believe I wasted time reading this. You're both autistic. This is such a mole hill you all are making a mountain out of.
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>post about the game
>look inside
>"Uh oh!" with a screenshot of character in a cutscene.
This thread represents classic FFXIV. We like this.
Just smile and wave, let everyone else seethe and enjoy the show.
Lorilee always came off as autistic to me. Anyways, I'm glad he's gone. He was unpleasant.
when new thread?2wy0d
>All this little fucker does is post about the game
>Attaches a job quest screenshot with the text "Oh no!" 50 times a thread
It is as about "on topic" as the gooners posts are.
>t-this one time I managed to bot a poll and say go to seraph is all that matters! we have to move now we all decided!
Am I retarded? I can't understand the flow of this conversation at all. Is this how actual autists speak?
Most fun I've had at a meetup in years, and I didn't even plap, just shitpost, chat, and flirt with people.

Might level a real alt on golem and buy a house or apt for the next one.
My moonie doesn’t know how to use brio
Knowing this is a conversation between two grown men makes me fucking ill.
You online? I want to talk to you, not that lala btw
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my lalaboy is a lalaboy of /xivg/
no, it wasn't to move out of balmung, but another spot on balmung, which is an option in that poll
months ago it was eulmore, couple of days ago was kugane and crystarium
>screenshot from video game going through a quest is no longer on topic
Wow we have really lost the plot here on what “on topic” means huh
>the exact moment Nilia lost
Me too buddy
Zoomers trying to be e-tough is pretty funny.
Was proxy the one that was posting about fucking someone with a regulator so hard they'd die and have to use a soul? Because ew.
I'm not online right now no, what you wanna talk about anon?
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me too
It's different every time. Sometimes people want to go to the hive, sometimes back to the clave, sometimes stay in lb14. The thread is fickle, that's why constant polls are needed to guess what we like that day.
anyone know what happened to the ebin awards hosted by joker?
Hot take, we should just revive having hangout spots on other DCs too. No skin off anyone's back if Aether or Primal can gather somewhere more convenient on their own DCs.
the exact moment you lost
I've read this but I don't feel like I understood anything
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Don't look there.

I hope they actually fix the gathering system at least. There absolutely no reason why we are forced to collect a single resource at a time when we have a WHOLE gathering system around being able to get lots of stuff from a single node. I like island sanctuary's furniture designing ability so maybe we get another place we can decorate then....
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>On-topic = posts I like
>Off-topic = posts I don't like
This is how it's always been.
Hello xivg. You know in the past, there was a species of men called “whites” who could calculate a 15% tip… in their heads?
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Finally, the show is on.
How the fuck was there any shikigami user in the world who was supposed to be able to defeat this thing?
that's LT
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I think I hate lalaboys now
This is rich coming from you. Zero self awareness.
It's not important.
may i rape
no one wants to miss the fun of a centralized spot, so specific DC spots died
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Thank ya anon~
cool and manly
you can talk to me some other time then
Deleting my character, making a new email and account with a new identity and character to start over. Goodbye /xivg/
See ya next week
Who is the current queen of /xivg?
Proof? I wanna read it
See you soon bro
this is the stupidest thing I've ever read
Good bye lalanigger, better start off as a cute catgirl next time
My sunnie wife.
>you are trying to win, you aren't winning, let me tell you all about how bad you are losing so I can win instead
You know what the funniest part of all this is? I'll keep posting. You'll keep clicking. I'm the main character of this general. And the last person who had an issue with that had to leak our log. HA! I stay winning bitchweeds!
anon, stop it. youre making a sphene
No that was me. I shan't be posting my character alongside it yet. I have not come to terms with how into the idea I am.
Do it with your golem char from last night.
>screenshot from video game going through a quest is no longer on topic
if you are going to spam it on cooldown for 3 threads in a row then unironically yes.
based lalahomeboys
Being a lalaboy here is a humiliation ritual until the femlala cabal is suddenly obsessed with one lalaboy. He’s lalaking for a few days until the femlalas decide to take him down a few pegs for getting too cocky
I don't think we have one. No one stands out recently because they are all busy getting involved in silly drama.
fuck you why are you so funny
Dance for me little melty man.
>separated from thread crush for longer than an hour
I miss her bros
The "centralised" spot is mostly Crystalloids though. I know for a fact that Aether has like 2 active linkshells, and most of the people from them aren't at LB14. The weird obsession the thread has had with having everyone in one place is honestly baffling, especially when it's highly inconvenient in this game.
and I'll keep calling you ugly, ugly motherfucker
Uh oh, meltie.
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I thought this was a post about an anon obsessively making those sphene sphere pics until I realized it was a pun
Don't let it be forgotten that troonchiki admitted "she" is a snowbunny.
Could you please just post your god awful gpose porn already so I don't have to see your ugly lala face for at least 3 days. For the love of god get a fucking life already.
based always keep em guessing
>posting screenshots from quests in the game is bad now and considered off topic
What is “on topic” then janny?
>leak our log
The entire conversation was in say chat
you were the one who wanted to meet in a gay secluded area.
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Sorry but this is a contrast thread.
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A single lalaboy is crashing all of his race's stocks. What a shame...
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>I just talked with someone in-game for longer than five minutes, teehee I am SOOOO AUTISTIC!
>Me and my autistic buddies love going to parties and rizzing it up, we’re so autistic XD
>Any fellow autists want to play the game featured in the subject header of this thread?
>Ew, you avoid talking to people? You’re just mentally ill, we’re all autistic and we LOVE being social!
>Yep, my autism got the best of me again: I played the game for five whole minutes in between plaps.
>If you don’t understand social cues, that doesn’t make you autistic, that means you’re just a bad person and a faker. Kill yourself.
You all have your heads shoved so far up your own asses it's hilarious. I can't wait to destroy the most pretentious of you.
LT posted an image of their character holding a regulator some time ago, so I assume it was them. Somebody was also sexpesting Adderra yesterday with a regulator heypost. Considering the two have history, I'm willing to believe it's LT. Based of adderra to send whoever it actually was packing. Proves to the threadschizos that she isn't a complete fiend.
my moonie is worried she's had some kind of spell put on her because she can't stop thinking about cute femlalas....
Actually having something to say about the content you are posting instead of just "Oh no!"
Like femlalas even had any to begin with.
I am a femlala who woke up with excruciating back pain
so I shant be doing much today
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No problem! Keep viping away. This class was made for me I love spinning around it's like I'm playing Dual Blades in monhun.
why is it baffling? people want to see their friends/the ebins, so they go where everyone else is even if it's slightly inconvenient
So regulator snuff is okay but my island sanctuary giant snake hypnosis + vore RP idea was too far gone for /xivg/
Nta but he's not even doing that anymore, he's posting angry schizo rants all day every day and then when called out on it he falls back on his screenshots even though that's not even half of what he's posting.
Or are his angry ravings on topic to you?
Uhhhh QRD? Gonna need a sauce on that. Doesn't he only surround himself with Veena?
When are you knotting my character you promised me
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is it just me or is this general even more of a highschool girls lunch table nowadays? i know it was always like this, but i feel like the dials been set to fucking max
How about you just report his posts if they’re truly off topic then.
this feels like a skinwalk
either way, making retards seethe because they can't ignore something is always funny
How about you stop being a faggot
The Aztecs had a similiar ritual.
Omg that has to be LarryTommy harassing Addy Ra there’s just no way its anyone else that guy is like SOOOO creepy omg
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Neither one of these is OK, anon...
may i rape
How about you stop being a faggot
It's not a skin walk and the whole reason it's happening is because he can't ignore people calling him ugly and a sexpest.
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Investing into femlala coin instead.
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two retards who care too much about 4chan edrama

at the end of the thread I will once again confess that I want a min-height flat femra wife
preferably voice 2
Yeah it's a bunch of gay men and females. This is what happens when these types are left alone for too long. It'll swing back when a patch drops.
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my WoL is like this
Based to both
...did you actually think you were the normal one here
the worst thing about reading really quickly is that i often finish reading posts before i realize i don't want to read them
I honestly don't think it's any different than the last few years. The names change, but this general has consistently had a large amount of drama and horny posting.
May I post my moonie next thread?
to be honest I don't get why they're trying to convince me to dislike you. you don't seem any different than the other posters here.
>is it just me or is this general even more of a highschool girls lunch table nowadays?
Wait until you get into the real world, have to work a real job and have to interact with real people you’ll figure out very, very quickly that how this general acts is almost no different from workplace gossip.
Femra? Yeah, they're for letting male middies pollute their bloodlines.
Does anyone here?
Yes please
But this hairstyle isn't available yet
does she have feet?
The haircut part of the story was pretty weird I gotta say.
>I engage with anyone who engages with me
>I don't seek out anyone
This is a blatant lie considering he sexpests any femlala that posts here including fucking Kyoppi
Modding a regulator onto my femlala so she can be choked to death in erp.
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>very quickly that how this general acts is almost no different from workplace gossip.
Did my post really get eaten by the filter for calling out F@GGOTS and TR4NNIES? Holy shit what the hell happened to this place.
Do people use brio to pose
I consider myself pretty well adjusted for a 4chan addict.
Going to need the context. Maybe he's actually just retarded enough to use the literal definition of being a white bunny that enjoys the snow.
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This is what happens during down time and these fuckers who don't actually play the game have nothing else to do. I heard this is the longest time we've waited for a patch, and that can definitely be seen here with how fucking retarded the thread has been about it's inane drama.
The only appeal of anal sex is it’s degrading.
I don't remember posting this
I’m not wrong
It blows my mind that people are willing to go to such lengths for the sake of being thread contrarians that they defend fucking Saelonu of all people.
>I only post my stuff so that people that want to see it can see it
>Ok, get trip
unironically end it all SK, you ugly, annoying lala FAGLORD
can you just give me an ibuprofin instead
I hope your femlala learns to love herself so she doesn't participate in such ridiculous acts
Never said you were. I'm just not dealing with it
I know a femlala just like this
Must be nice, I envy you.
PLEASE post images like that
This isn’t the longest hiatus between patches, but since 7.0 was awful and post-Endwalker had no content, it’s been years since the game was in a healthy state.
You can't say faggot/tranny/nigger more than 3 times in the same post
This is so true and I hate it. Why is everyone addicted to drama!? I just want to do my job or play my video game.
>I heard this is the longest time we've waited for a patch,
Wrooooong 5.5 to 6.0 was the longest wait
Sure, but at the same time there is a part ironic, part real panic and seethe whenever someone tries to suggest a spot for people who don't care for Balmung, which I find quite weird. Hell, they get mad when people simply suggest having the spot be somewhere else on Crystal.
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Before Troonchiki transferred to Balmung:
"her" free company had this role.
Poltards forgot that enough people get sick of them using an insult they'll black list it like onions.
my femlala really hates darker skinned characters
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that is the case, I'm the one that took the pic because it was funny, someone's just shitposting him and reposting the log from discord
You can look it up if you don't believe me but bad backpain can be helped more with orgasms than over the counter medications
More people men and women orgasm while being raped and often many times compared to regular sex

Your femlala needs to be raped
Ty ty for the correction.
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I-I promised? Well if you insist... Do you want a clove hitch or a bowline knot?

I like using it for posing myself. I wish them and ktisis didn't have drama that made it impossible to use both though.
It's just skin colour
Why are you so upset
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Unitonically getting a trip is easier, if anyone's interested in you they'd go back to the archive and done. But of course, an attention seeker wouldn't like to be filtered by 80% of the threads
people can make their own little spots if they like, but trying to pull everyone off of balmung/lavender beds because they personally don't like it/are inconvenienced is just retarded and self-centered
wish i had a femlala wife like this
is there something specifically you don't understand or are you sarcastically asking "how" because you think brio sucks?
Oh nonono!
Most guys are kinda bad choking RP desu, they usually want to do it facefucking but it only really works mechanically in one position
How do I check?
What in the fuck am I even reading, you are both unhinged autists.
Why can’t you just scroll past posts you don’t like? Is it really that hard? Do you really have to reply and screech at someone online that you hate?
>”Why’d you reply to me then?”
I like this post
you people will schizo out on someone for some retarded reason then expect me to agree with whatever you say when you come off as more whiny and faggy and mentally ill than whoever your target is
why do you keep saying "her", he's not a girl just a slutty faggy soft meena
You don't HAVE to take a side you know.
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End of the thread
Like this
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my femlala is like this
Lmfao what is wrong with miera
When I open it I see a million little dots to move and rotate so I was wondering how people parse through it
Computer. 500 on topic posts.
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You can cut through the sexual tension like a hot knife through butter
I miss Anamnesis, I hate having my UI look liked a clutter assfuck mess whenever I want to pose
is ur moonie standing
It just feels weird like having a shit. Don't recommend.
my moonie is going crazy, I'm worried she'll harass some poor lala out in the wild..
you literally brought this topic to the thread and then asked for my opinion on it otherwise it wouldn't be in this public thread
Wish granted but it’s yet another Wuk Lamat VA thread
Post the whole image then. Why would there be a QoS FC outside of Balmung?

Also damn, if true then I had a lot more in common with Uchiki then I thought and I wish he would have told me~
it has some interface options to make stuff easier to select/hide >>497267679
>Dark skin catgirls and bunnies show up to the golem meetup.
>All of the end up plapping or salivated over like crazy. Not a single racist comment towards them.
>But people go back to claiming they hate dark skinned characters the next day.
What does it mean?
My black fulala stud will gape Uchiki's snowbunny little boyhole
>cc call outs stop
>thread goes to shit
pretty much all schizos are like that
You still don't have to take a side.
Personally I think it's nice how we have one centralized spot, and if you actually interact with xivggers you will find out what other places people hang out at like FC houses.
>guy wants to do “rape” RP
>won’t even hit my moonie in the face
There is nothing wrong with being vanilla anon
Anamnesis still works though?
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I hate these faggots.
>punches your moonie in the fucking face then puts on sunglasses
get fucked dumpass
if you put up a pf, people can join unsynced and help you get to wherever you need to go, in my experience.
Brown girls good
Brown men bad
Do you think he's more of a cuck watcher or a sissy that gets his boihole pounded? I've never once seen him around a Rava except his so-called "ex" which I can't remember the name of but is a /xivg/ger
sis you need to get a hold of yourself
Halicarnassus, Dynamis
If you don't make a new thread by 1000 I'm posting my femlala wearing a cow bikini
Can’t you kick me a few times first?
well that changes everything
let me leave your moonie with bruisies all over
Fair enough, though some of the arguments for having it somewhere else on Crystal post-DT have been fairly legit (mostly Balmung just being congested all the time, we had this with several meetups having to move last second too). I also personally think the "well everyone goes there because everyone is there" argument a bit disingenuous, because "everyone" is there due to a concerted effort to keep people there, back when dc travel dropped some people were actively discouraging in the thread from going to the aether spots.
If you want to spam the thread 10 hours a day on cooldown of what you are doing in the game at every second, just get a trip. If you unironically, like he said, only wants people that want to see his posts to see them, get a trip.
how many bags of cheetos do you want...
I don't know what I'm supposed to be looking at here. In the FC there is only 1 brown bunny. I guess you could make the argument nWo is close to "bnwo"
Yeah it even has support for the new face bones and shit now bro.
a big one and a small one
I'm eating for two.....
I honestly wanna ask. The FUCK were you thinking leaking that? Did you assume I would be humbled? I'd be shamed? Fucking tell me what was going through your mind. I went to Marilith to ask you direct but you were offline, like the coward you are.

Neat! In fact, I encourage everyone to filter my MD5s. In fact, if you see this post you fail.
anything for you my wife
Kys ugly retard
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ill call when i get home in an hour or two
just 4 (You)
I dont think this is the own you think it is

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