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Previous: >>496779986

>Current & Upcoming Rate Up Banners:
[9/30-10/10] Alchemist Nozomi (Limited)

>Ongoing and Upcoming Events:
[9/25-10/4] Exploration x2
[9/30-10/14] Story Event: "Nozomi's One-Day Manager Diary: Welcome to the Alkes Alchemist Workshop"
[9/30-10/4] Hard x2
[10/4-10/9] Normal x2
[10/4-10/9] Abyss Battle: Light
[10/4-10/9] Light Element Platinum Gacha
[10/9-10/15] Investigation x2
[10/9-10/26] VH x2
[10/15] Ultimate Refining Added
[10/15] Battlefield of Memories Added
[10/23] H.Kyoka/H.Mimi/H.Misogi UE2 Added

>New Player Guide by /pcrg/
>/pcrg/ Resources/Clans
>Kotposter Resources
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Don't miss your abyss dailies.
new thread will save us
I don't have to do that shit while this event is on.
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nighty night /pcrg/
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Anyone you saving for?
I could use spring kyoka, and critter
Next prifes maybe.
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Louise Marie, then I'll wait for the stream.
I have new parena defense
I'd dab on it with a single unit for the easy win
cum all over my hairy chest anoncito
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New Chika alt. I wish I had enough jims for HTsumugi rerun.
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Fresh Yui brained predictions for the next months:
>November: Wyrm and Lind event, both perma
>December: Christmas Croce + Christmas Moogi + Christmas Rima, Prifes is Duo Akari & Yori
>January: NY Lyrael + NY Aoi + NY Kaya
>February: Anniversary Labyrista + Anniversary Neneka + Anniversary Christina, Prifes is Ho-Oh
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dumb kot
>>November: Wyrm and Lind event, both perma
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my god when do I get to rape her
>compression artifacts
Saving? I roll if I for whatever reason like and don't yet have banner girl and have at least 1.5k jims.
What about Nakayoshibu 6*?
I want to grab her by the antlers
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I am ready for 6* Anne
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My sexual thoughts about Mimi are reaching extreme levels.
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For the MTLsisters
Auf Deutch?
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Hey! Wenn du etwas nicht verstehst, frag doch einfach! Oder? Hör auf zu jammern und mach es einfach!
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New Mifuyu when
She better be useful too.
No. November last year was 2 permas, so I assume it'll be the same this year too.

>What about Nakayoshibu 6*?
Winter Chieru should be released in March, so maybe then.
It all depends on their writer, I do feel like every big celebration we'll get 3 6 stars now since they are trying to put them together in themes considering we're all done with 6 stars for base characters except some special cases or late arrivals.
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It's over...
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Slapping that dork butt.
Sniffing that dork butt.
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Used her today
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they won't come
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What advantage does she have over Precia in arena?
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She tries her best.
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Say something about Kot...
She will become teen pregnant.
She weighs less than Rin despite being noticeably taller
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It's not possible to rape her
She's too fucking down bad for (you) she'd be willing to do any sort of kinky shit
Be careful, you might pull them off since antlers shed unlike horns.
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Here I got this for you
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The best newcomer Louise Marie, of course!
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What are we gonna do on the bed?
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"Trick or treat"
I want her too...
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She is cute
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wtf bros how could shadowverse do this to us?? I thought we were friends
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>baggot cope to hide their community actions
Shadowverse doesn't even have fans wtf is this cope lol
>baggots act like subhuman dindu nuffins
Color me surprised
it's over
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Names and clan drama will save us
Looplets smell!
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>tfw missing nyHatsune & dMaho
cringe, is there a team that deals 300m with borrow either one of them above?
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The minnows swim about so freely. Such is the happiness of fish.
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You are not a fish, so whence do you know the happiness of fish?
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You are not I, so whence do you know I don't know the happiness of fish?
>forgot that I also don't have aYui
>260m at best
this is the opportunity I have been waiting for
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Why did he release the pig to Kyaru...
Horosuke fans, I swear...
Don't forget your snipes
I don't care about 5 jewels
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Is that from the same guy who did the chink kot?
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Yes. He draws new kots every week
>He draws new kots every week
He unfortunately doesn't know how to use Twitter, so people can't find his art
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the kot bath broth
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On the left or right?
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Was this her endgame making you her assistant?
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Bring me prifes
Bring me death
didn't we have one only recently?
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nyow that the dust is settled. tube or hhh?
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I wanna put my tube into tube if you know what I mean
Could you elaborate?
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not princess connect
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>hiroshit watching as the love of his life goes away to fuck james and spakots
truly a tragedy
good thread

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