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Mom rabbit edition
Previous >>495533482
>==Skullgirls 2nd Encore==>
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>==Skullgirls Mobile==
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Guides: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtPWPO2RPrlV_I9Vw6YItPA/videos
Patch: https://store.steampowered.com/newshub/app/421170/view/2
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>Skullgirls Digital Art Compendium

Marie sex
marie sexo

more marie sexo

Is Marie the most popular character??
She is THE Skullgirl
no, but marie has outpaced a lot of other characters in fanart on gelbooru since I've started using the site.
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>Father, I was looking for a suitable evening dress in Mother's closet and I found.... this in the back?
>As Parasoul holds up the bunny outfit, Franz's flame briefly goes out before it reignites again.
>Franz can commit several warcrimes but explaining to his daughter the insane sex life he and Nancy had is a nightmare he never wished to experience
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>Marie, if you don't get off your behind and start killing, I'll just have to get your sister Umbrella to do so!
>She's not my sister!
>Yeah, Marie's, like, technically my mom or something.
>I am not your mother!
>Marie is right, Umbrella. I, the chaste and pure Sister Agatha, am your mother figure!
>Valentine sits in the corner, wondering if it's too late to throw herself off the cathedral roof.
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>The Maplecrest Oktoberfest celebration gets serious when the Reniors arrive with the family beer steins to challenge long-time beer chugger Eliza.
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Are there other instances of Alex just snapping and telling randos on Twitter what the hell they're talking about
Hot but since he’s participating in a normie drawtober I worry how folks will react to it including the artist that set it up
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I love that it's canon that Valentine's notes are just her drawing little cartoons and making sarcastic quips. The way you draw the look of disdain in Valentine's eyes is classic.
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Does anyone have that picture of Marie as Madeline? I don't think I saved it.
I wanted to reference her Ms. Fortune study a bit more, but the writing tone was too different.
This comic isn't technically finished, though. I wanted a small version for October's sake. There was a longer 'punchline' I had in mind. Basically, valentine's most nasty remarks would be confined to her internal monologue, but she'll be dismissive toward marie and double. where those two will be annoyed/upset about how nasty val is, not know that val toned it down a lot from what she was thinking out of politeness.
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What do you think Valentine would dress up as for Halloween?
I thought about showing Val in basically a semi-hypocritical outfit dressed as Shiver from splatoon.
>Marie and Double find Valentine playing Splatoon on the Switch (stored between her breasts for safe keeping, of course) and are shocked she's playing such a colorful, child-friendly game.
>Valentine's next entry is a seething vent about how that stupid kid and that shapeshifting freak don't understand her and how she likes to have fun.
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Exploration of catacombs continues unabated. Marie has Double off on ridiculous errands involving the Medici so I can explore more freely without Mother Superior watching over me.

For as foreboding and eerie as the cathedral is, I must admit that whatever civilization built these catacombs must have been incredibly advanced beyond modern expectations. Just the fact that these tunnels remain in fairly good condition despite centuries of apparent disuse stands as testament. But said endurance is both a blessing and a curse: further passages deeper into the network are sealed off, either by heavy wood and iron doors or enormous stone slabs. May have to borrow ordinance from lab armory or find other means of access.

Explored eastern-most tunnel this afternoon. A surprising number of side rooms open, contents limited mainly to broken furniture, dead rat kings, and bones (of course). Tunnel extended for about half a mile downward before ending at iron door. Bronze placard over the door indicated where it would lead but the placard is either faded to illegibility or I'm unable to translate the language.

Did find some books in one of the side rooms though. While most of them are too damaged to be of any use, I was able to parse some information from three or four documents. The name (Lamashtu? Lannia? Lambia?) appears several times throughout the documents and indicates that said person was someone of very high status, presumably queen.

From what I remember from the topographical maps I studied, I should have been beneath nothing but forest. Source of constant rumbling noise remains unknown.
If this is implying nunsense can't beat heavy metal and megalomaniac all on her own, that's just a poorly played nunsense
Managed to unlock iron door at end of tunnel after nearly three days. Almost sawed off the hinges in desperation until I was able to pick the decayed lock with a syringe and hair pin (thank you Hallow).

First impression leads me to believe that this was some sort of ancient dungeon or prison. Iron barred doors, skeletons hanging from shackles, and the torture equipment in virtually every room. Most notable to me was an enormous bronze bull taking up almost two rooms wth a sophisticated pipe network for directing smoke leading deeper into the tunnel.

While I'm no stranger to the art of extreme interrogation, even I'm surprised by the excessive amount of equipment collected down here. Some of the devices even seem to be custom-made, such as a metal cask connected to pipes in the ceiling (presumably from bronze bull?). Even stranger is that several of the torture devices are significantly smaller than the rest, including an iron maiden about three feet tall.

I also noted the use of alchemy was prevalent, as multiple alchemical symbols were scribbled on the walls or on what little documentation I could find. It would appear that the use of alchemy was key in the use of torture, though to what extent I can't imagine. Or perhaps these ancient people believed that torture was needed to procure something for use in alchemical processes?

Should learn to summarize my notes better. Took up two pages and a half with this entry alone. Rumbling sound distinctly louder in this section than any other area of the catacombs
I like how the planet in the newspaper looks like an angry eye
I just noticed that lol
This is great. She IS a double agent but that's not an angle of her we get to see often. The webtoon had it but didn't really do anything interesting with it

That said I wonder how that thing about gehenna being immediately below the catacombs works. Like in annie's story she just walks down a single set of stairs past the final boss room and she's suddenly in double's domain. Was the church built like that? Is every trinitarian church all over the continent built like that so that double can fast travel? Does marie know that 2nd basement is there?
Oh yeah just noticed the corrosive agent too, yeah that's exactly what this is referencing, isn't it. You take the ultimate anti-water sweeper but you fuck up and it's up to death wish to clean your mess
If I remember right in Marie's story, Marie is aware of Gehenna, so she must know about it. She probably just stays away from it since it's Double's domain. Annie probably knows how to access Gehenna too considering she fought Double countless times and knows where the secret entrances are.

Marie also mentions that Gehenna is absolutely massive, to the point that it must be all over the planet so I guess no matter where you build you'll always be on top of Gehenna. That being said, while Double could make copies of herself out of Gehenna to be in different places at once, I like to imagine she can just fast travel to random churches using Gehenna as her own private transport system.

>It's Sunday service time in a little town in the Chess Kingdom.
>But Sister Angelica Deadwood isn't here.
>Suddenly Sister Angelica runs up from the basement, panting and exhausted and takes the podium
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>In an act of girlish mischief, Double stands outside Valentine's apartment late at night with a jukebox blaring this song.
I think double avoids actively being in multiple places at once because she does say that playing the part of multiple characters at once is exhausting even with gehenna's power boost.

This might be more because she was playing black dahlia killing peacock in marie's story and maybe her default nun form is easy to mass produce (at least in gehenna as seen in annie's story) and there really is a nun with a silly name in every church of every town of every country and all of them are just the one, but I still prefer to believe that's way too much multitasking even for double and she either fast travels through gehenna and/or hires regular human nuns and priests to keep her churches and only goes there personally if there's a skullgirl candidate.

Also maybe her powerboost fluctuates depending on her/the trinity's mood. In eliza's story she seems way more powerful than ever before when she's angry, and she seemingly CAN be killed as seen in beowulf's story, so on some level she must be more of a singular entity than one might think, just that she has an entire layer of the earth that looks exactly like her.
That's a fair point you make. While I was just bullshitting with the idea of Double being the sole nun of the Trinity faith, I could see it as her being part of the Gehenna "hivemind," able to be everywhere and know anything because of Gehenna's sheer size. But as you said, it's probably much less taxing on Gehenna and Double as a whole to just have various human helpers keeping up the faith and working in the churches.

I always imagine it like that scene in Batman the Animated Series where Batman defeats Clayface. Double could theoretically take on any form she wants, but she can't be two or more things at once because it's too hard to concentrate on all those forms. Double could be a nun in Maplecrest and then use Gehenna to fast travel across the country since having two Doubles active at once is already hard to pull off without one of them breaking down.
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Das it.
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Post more red or purple cross Valentine.
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Standing among the ruins, the streets of broken glass twinkling like a frozen Nile at her feet.
Breathing smoke like Kyphi incense.
Cutting up the body of the city like Seth to Osiris
And tossing away that glass erection
A shining head, bleached bald like a priest, eclipses Ra's flaming chariot
Drenched in blood as if she had walked off the first plague.

Unas ascending through long pork kebab?
Why can't I?
Ammit's crocodile snout wedged between Franz's legs.
What a laugh!
And there's old Shesmu swooning Meret
With the hearts of Renoir served with dates.
Have to ask for the recipe.

Painted sunset sky like desher dreams
Anubis gnawing on still-wailing bones
And the Byblos bobbing on a bloody beach
It's certainly no Aaru.
But it'll have to do.
these thread always make me want to rub one out
Need examples
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>Florence, believe me, I'm more than happy you and Beo are in a relationship but I just have one very small request I have to make.
>I want to watch you two.
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I feel like none of alex's newer designs have that good edgy aspect as sg
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How so?
just a hunch
naked marie

uh oh. I think people actually like my comic
>aged up
fucking ruined
marie's breasts...
in my mouth....
the fact touhoufaggot is one of the only people drawing flat marie says a lot about this fanbase
its really funny how in petite or loli works Marie is given small breasts despite canonically being the flattest character
im pretty sure umbrella is smaller
I really want to donate to this project, but after donating to Skullgirls, Indivisible and Cryamore. I'm not so sure anymore.
None of this is helping Marie's crippling breast envy
make bone broth from marie.
what does it taste like?
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das it
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Valentine hates driving with Double. Or more specifically, she hates driving IN Double. If it wasn't already uncomfortable enough being near the Machiavellian matter manipulator as it is, having Double shapeshift into a car and then climb inside of her like a helpless passenger was deeply disconcerting.

On the outside, the car looked rather presentable -- sleek, black with gold and white trim, and a Trinitarian cross ornament on the hood. The interior even appeared to be disarmingly normal. But sitting behind the wheel, gripping the oddly malleable, muscle-like tissue in her hands, Valentine found it to be a wildly unpleasant experience. The AC always blew damp hot air, smelling of raw flesh and burnt rubber. Thick, pulsating veins ran across the floor, interweaving between ropey strands of sinew that made up the seatbelts (which Valentine pointedly avoided putting on). The radio which was always tuned to 77.7 FM (Fun with the Nun), made distinct grinding noises from its disc slot and a cursory glance would reveal that said slot was actually a thin mouth lined with tiny malformed teeth hissing like radio static.

And if this wasn't bad enough, the assorted engine noises you would expect from a car was obviously Double making the noises by humming or growling.

"Come on, Double." said Valentine as she stomped on the quivering lump of flesh that was the gas. "Can't we go ANY faster?"

"Safety first, Valentine." soothed Double's voice from the radio. "Besides, I think you're being much too careless in your driving. Fourty in a school zone? It's a miracle we haven't been pulled over!"

"I agree," came Marie's voice from the back, the maid sitting in her obligatory booster seat with included juice pouch and dried apple slices. "You flew through a red light back on Crest and Avalon Street AND you didn't use your turn signal!"

Valentine closed her eye for a brief second, considering the ultimate bliss it would be to go flying through the windshield onto the pavement.
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"I have wonderful news, boys and girls! We have a VERY special guest coming to learn with us today!"

Double says, her voice oddly maternal as she talks to her Sunday School class. She claps her hands together, watching as the children look on in wide-eyed curiosity.

"Who is it, Sister Agatha?" the children ask in excitement. Their question is answered when Double walks out of the classroom and returns, dragging another nun by the wrist. But this nun is very different from what the kids are familiar with. She's wearing the habit and the usual garb, but she has one eye and a scar on her lips. She smells like antiseptic and whiskey and her skin seems clammy and pale.

And to say nothing of the nun's large chest, though the children are far too young to goggle at the woman's heaving, barely restrained breasts.

"This is Sister Valerie!" says Double in a sing-song voice. "She's a novice which means she's studying to be a nun -- just like me! And Sister Valerie wanted to help me with our Sunday School lessons today! Isn't that RIGHT, Sister Valerie?"

None of the children would notice how firm Double would squeeze her wrist to the point it turned blood red. The one-eyed nun would only give a hard swallow and give a forced, toothy smile.

"Yes, that's right! I'm here to be a.. a... " Another hard swallow. "A funny nunny today..."

"Now, children, I know today we were supposed to go down to Bastet's Den with our homemade protest signs," Double could see the look of disappointment on the children's faces, which she quickly sought to remedy by pulling a large box from behind her chair. "But since you've all been so good this week AND since we have a new friend joining us, I was thinking you all deserve a day to play and enjoy yourselves!"

With a wide grin that seemed to Valentine a combination of excitement and malice, Double pulled from the box a can of silly string.

"How about we all give Sister Valerie a big welcome with these cans of silly string, children?"
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*time travels and touches butterfly once*
>Adam, for Mother's sake, go make sure Umbrella is wearing underwear this time!
>Adam hopes that she is. God Almighty he HOPES she is this time.
Based, I would take an entire series worth of val, double and marie fucking around
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>Sienna, why you no-a talk-a with your-a accent no more?
>Mamma mia!
Umbrella if Keiji Inafune suddenly intervened
Damn. She really is cute, and funny.
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garbage day
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Whens Annie?
Is eliza a kangz?
Usurper, so kinda
Japanese Twitter artists are fucking insane
How come?
More Marie lewds
More Annie lewds please
Fine, fine, time to nut again, I guess.
I hate Beowulf so fucking much. I'm sorry. I just do.
What did the Valensoul artist do this time?
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>POV: These two women are about to give you the most mind-blowing hot and sweaty ninja sex you've ever had in your life before they take one of your organs and leave you in a bathtub full of ice at a fancy hotel.
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>In the moments before you are chloroformed and one of your kidneys is stolen, you will experience the unmatched sexual healing of Valentine and Clan Witch
He's the Splatoon Big Man of Skullgirls.

Annoying, stupid, reddit-coded meme character that only homosexuals of the unironic and literal variety like.
Post funny meme characters
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Him and Big Band should’ve been saved for a different game because I feel their presence take away from the rest of the game/cast. Also Beowulf is like one of the more egregious instance of this game having shit defensive mechanics
Post female skullgirls
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Hallow's apartment kicked ass when it came to giving out candy on Halloween. None of that bullshit fun-size stuff or toothbrushes. You'd go up to her house and she'd hook you up with king-size candy bars, syringes full of kool-aid, gummy eyeballs, the good shit.

Of course, you have to be a little kid and had to have put some effort in your costume. If you're 14 and wearing a shirt that says "this is my costume," Hallow will fuck you up. This weirdo Dahmer kid tried to pull one on Hallow a few years ago. She gave him fun dip laced with LSD and look how he turned out
You are shota anon, which sg do you want to be groomed by?
I saw a jp artist with a header that said they block any followers with an private profile.
I am fairly certain that means they would have to personally check the profile of every single person who follows them in order to know if their profile is private or not.
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No one at the Flying Work Hibachi house would ever forget the evening those three customers came in. One was a blue-haired woman who wore a simple black dress (though surprisingly short and rather revealing for a family-friendly restaurant). The other was a shorter woman with long blonde hair in a modest white dress, the most noticeable feature being a prominent Trinity cross around her neck. The third guest was a child, no older than 13, with grey hair done in pigtails with skull ornaments and wearing what seemed to be a very heavy sweater underneath a winter jacket (standing at odds with the other women's relatively lighter clothes).

Although the guests did nothing too unremarkable that would have separated them from the usual Friday evening crowd, many staff and servers noticed that each customer displayed subtle but bizarre behavior.

>Blue-haired woman (who gave the name Valerie) greeted welcoming host Jenny by speaking in perfect Dragonese. Jenny, although half-Dragon Kingdom heritage herself, did not understand Valerie's request, and a second server had to come over and translate. Valerie did not seem outwardly embarrassed by this, but noticeably looked at the ground the entire way to the hibachi grill.
>When the traditional "welcome cups" of sake were passed around at the grill, Valerie explained to the other two guests about the "impeccable hospitality of the Eastern cultures," followed by prolonging drinking her sake by reviewing its taste and notes. Second guest (name believed to be Agatha) made remark that "of course YOU would like this, wouldn't you?" to Valerie.
>As teppanyaki chef (Kenneth) prepared shrimp, Valerie attempted to flirt with him ("I could catch a lot more than shrimp in my mouth, big boy"). When Kenneth explained that he was in a same-sex relationship with his husband, Valerie left the grill and went to the bathroom for five minutes. Returned looking as if she had been trying not to cry.
>Third guest (Mary or Marie?) was given children's activity sheet. While Mary/Marie colored in picture of pagoda, Agatha took the maze activity page. Agatha spent two minutes on the maze, failed it, and stared at it in what seemed to be disbelief or confusion. She then crumbled the activity page (again, activity page meant for 5-12 year olds) into a ball and then discreetly shoved it into Valerie's purse.
>As Kenneth flipped shrimp into patron's mouth (as per teppanyaki custom), a piece of shrimp hit Agatha's chin by accident. Agatha stared blankly for a moment, gave a "wide, awkward smile" and, while staring the chef right in the face, placed her bare hand onto the grill, grabbed the shrimp, and then ate it in mechanical chewing motions. Awkward smile still present the entire time. Said shrimp was "yummy."
>Mary/Marie was noticed to have been staring at a group of patrons the next table over. Servers described her look as "one of immense hatred, as if she was trying by some force of will to injure them with her gaze alone." Staring only stopped when Kenneth asked if she would like to try and catch some grilled steak in her mouth. (patrons were regular customers, being Mr. Anthony Medici and his wife, son, and daughter.)
>As meal of steak, fried rice, and shrimp was served, Agatha made Valerie and Mary/Marie say grace. Grace lasted for three minutes, with Agatha forcing them to keep their heads down in silent prayer.
>Mary/Marie was given a kabuki fan by server Glenn, which she gave a polite thank you and "squeal of excitement." Although she fanned herself with it, no attempt was made to remove the heavy layers of clothing she wore.
>Argument over using chopsticks or fors erupted between the three.
>Meal was paid for using a check made out from the Light of the Mother Grand Cathedral. When it was said checks were not accepted, Agatha offered to "rent out" her other two guests as servers to pay off the tab.
>Valerie paid using credit card
Need more filia please
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I really want to consensually deflower and impregnate and have pregnant sex with marie
Fukua bj
nice though I hope not all of these will be skullgirls related
>looks at day 23 with a thousand yard stare and hope and pray the character of choice is not who I think it is
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>Your Highness, I know that you're still interogatting Valentine and your methods are your own, but... I don't know, don't you think you're going a bit too far on this?
>What? Molly, please! Valentine isn't one who can crack so easily and if we want to get vital information from her, I have to use unorthodox methods.
>Now, did my diamond-crusted dog collar come in? I'm also waiting for a shipment of canola oil and rubber latex. Oh, and a quick FYI, we're getting hidden cameras installed in every room of the palace so... just be aware of that.
>day 23
oh god pls no
>Parasoul! Everyone portrays me as a shortstack even though I'm not fat!
>That's it. I'm installing parental blocks on your computer.
a part of me wants to time travel and infiltrate the dev team’s headquarters just to hack the game and completely gut peacock’s line calling umbrella a shortstack

its done immeasurable damage to this community
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>tfw had to tell at least 3 people that Umbrella is, in fact, not a short adult and is a little kid
>they only thought that because of the wiki hiding character ages under a drop down bar and because of that voice line
>one of them thought that because of porn
>none of them knew that “shortstack” was originally just a term to belittle children and didn’t always refer to fat assed midgets
>>none of them knew that “shortstack” was originally just a term to belittle children and didn’t always refer to fat assed midgets

I like how the idea that Peacock was calling Umbrella the equivalent of half-pint or small-fry never crossed their minds and the only logical solution was Peacock was referring to the actual 11-year-old as a fat-assed thunder thigh midget.
in the same vein that Marie is actually a 40 year old short woman who just happens to be childhood friends with a 13 year old
I can live it but it is a tad disappointing given how nice his on-model loli art is, like those drawings of Annie and more recently Marie

I just wish Brelly got the same treatment, Peacock too
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Funny enough that you mention that, since this artist drew Marie as the character from Orphan, who is actually an adult woman masquerading as a kid
>I liked Joker 2
>I liked the message
Of course xe did
reread the post
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>The Joker 2 wasn't as good as Joker 1
>but parts of it were still good
>I liked the message (and more importantly it made the right people upset so I will refrain from actually cutting into it)
>and more importantly it made the right people upset so I will refrain from actually cutting into it

Where did he say that?
any good ai lewds
squigly in particulum
Check Monkechrome’s stuff. It’s not 100% AI but he still uses it for assistances
the joke is that he's talking solely about the animated intro to the movie
it's too thicc for me
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I'm still trying to decide on a pose and angle for Umbrella's giga skullgirl card.

Maybe something like this would be cute.
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The Funny Nunny (tm) Strikes Again!
Which sg needs rape correction the most?
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I want to pat Marie's head.
It was an action RPG being developed by Robaato, a former artist for Udon Entertainment. It languished in dev hell for 10 years before he had a Kanye West esque meltdown and cancelled it because no one respected his genius.
it's because parasoul is an undercooked character
With my dick.
>ai lewds
pick one
How would annie react to political correctness being forced in her show
which one should i finish?
25 please, followed by 1
25, 3, 1 and 20. In that order.
All of them please
First, all the Marie's, then all the Filias, then the Annie's.
She begins killing ferals.
What's this now? Are you finally taking the cunnypill, PJ? One of us?
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Only if you guys take the gigapill.
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More Annie pls
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Carol 2 and her counterpart Autistic Waifu

Annie sexo
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skullgrils sword and sorcery
>artist: I do not draw porn of characters that are children
>also artist: *draws marie*
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Fandom Marie is a 40 year old woman who loves to be with her 13 year old friend
I love these women so much
Who are you referring to, anon?
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All three are CUTE

No more pantyshots
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Whens Annie?
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reset the clock
Weird how this was considered “too risky” for twitter but the Marie pic somehow isn’t

then again given most of the examples here…
didn't fatfeels commission this
More milfs
Need more marie and filia lewds
Whens minette?
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What if Marie actually is like an adult and she's just trying really hard to act like a kid for some reason

Do not want
When you say "like and adult", what does that "like" mean? Her mentality is like an adult's or that she's a midget larping as a 14yo?
For a serious answer, I'd say Marie has an older mentality towards things because of what she had to experience (the war, becoming a maid/caretaker of the younger kids, wishing on the Skull Heart). She still has that childish mindset that comes out every so often, like seeing Beowulf for example, but most of the time Marie's in a position where she had to grow up quick and as such feels and acts more mature than she is. She likes Peacock because Peacock is far more child-like and carefree and she reminds her of a far more innocent and youthful time in her life.

For a more retarded shitpost answer, I'd say Marie is just a midget who's pretending to be a 14 year old and and the whole scheme just got way out of hand and it's too late to stop it.
Isn’t that just annie?
>Wait a second, you're...HOW old?
>Marie gulps.
>I'm 41.
>Annie and Marie stare at each other before furiously making out while Double and Valentine watch with contrasting expressions of smug delight and disgust respectively
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Dahlia mating press
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For a refined shitpost counterpoint, I'd argue both possibilities aren't mutually exclusive. Maybe she's a 18yo midget that was traumatized by the war and because the first good thing that happened to her is that she was found and protected by a rich guy that mistook her for an orphan kid, her brain went into an "oh right that must mean I'm an orphan kid" deep larp. She acts mature for her age because she's literally mature for the age she believes she is.
cumming in valentine's panties
who’s fatfeels?
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>Squigly walks into class
>"Hello, my eleventh-form chums! I think it would be quite corking if we were to listen to the "wireless" or perhaps go to the local druggist fo a chocolate soda!"
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Why are her tits smaller?
Breast reduction. Guess who got em
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Marie gets her revenge.

More bella please
More umbrella please
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Need pregnant filia
Got any marie?
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I want to consensually take a bath with marie and do lewd things with her consensually
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>Valentine reverse handjob and rimming
wow, that's exactly what I want
Need more val
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Need her lewder
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Somethings missing from Alex's art and i don't know what.
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Black Egrets
I like how it's just common knowledge Carol loves fat asses
Skullgirls’ artstyle was like a cross between Alex’s and Mariel’s artstyles. That’s why the new art for the game and Alex’s newer art looks a little off
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I like this one
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Feels a little ridiculous to me
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>Sis! You can see the Aurora Borealis out tonight!
>Umbrella, the last time you told me that, you ruined your E-Z Bake oven and ran up a charge at Burger Queen.
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I hate dagonians
I like ridiculous
So Mike is working on a new fighting game, Mariel is working with Wayforward to do a Clock Tower Reboot and Alex wants to do a RPG dating game with monster girls. Will they succeed or will they fail.
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Mariel and Alex may do well, but Diesel Legacy looks like complete dog shit and it's most likely dead on arrival. Thank god for that.
I think for Diesel Legacy Mike is mostly working on the netcode
Nobody would hug me like that
remember that time bunnyami cancelled Mike Z for being cringe
is sg ip off limits for him now
id pay money for a squigly dating sim
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How can you hate THIS
She eats balut
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Alright I have two ideas in mind
>Novice Marie leads Double's Sunday School
>Princess Parasoul addresses the nation
Which one should I do?
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Is anyone brave enough to peak into the official SGM shitcord to see if it’s even worse than the maincord
What do you want to know?
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>Princess Parasoul addresses the nation

What she gonna talk about
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Princess Parasoul will address the issues that are really plaguing the kingdom
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>now you can cosplay as skullgirls' most infamous whore!
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other than the assist trophies were they working on anything else with this game? balance patches or anything?
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In other news, Crown Princess Parasoul has just announced her new agenda following a weekend trip through New Meridian. According to royal sources, Her Highness's newest set of guidelines is a major departure from turning Canopy Kingdom from a nation of industrious and Goddess-fearing people into "one that can at least wipe the vomit off its chin before it stumbles out the door."

This drastic policy change came after the Princess spent an hour in downtown New Meridian as part of her "meet the public" initiative. The time spent in the city apparently left the Princess quote "deeply shaken" and "questioning her spiritual and moral compass." Some of the sweeping changes in the new "Plea for Decency" program include:

>Referring to 16-year-old girls as "young lady" instead of "walking piece of jailbait."
>Stocking your anti-Skullgirl fallout shelter with non-perishables and medicine instead of using it to film homemade pornography.
>Getting the term "Canopian hotel room" to refer to an actual hotel instead of a dirty mattress in a back alley.
>Teaching children the difference between public restrooms and the local library.
>That ferals don't have to wear pants but should shave their crotches.
>Calling medical authorities if you see a dead body instead of looting its pockets.

A somewhat intoxicated Princess Parasoul addressed the nation this morning.

>"....please, PLEASE, just have one shred of common decency for once. You may not be able to stop yourself from getting into fistfights over strip club buffets or putting your cigarettes out in waiting rooms, but I'm BEGGING you people to at least wear something that isn't a greasy tank top or a stripper outfit for once."

Associates to the Princess claim that, once she has readjusted her expectations for the people of New Meridian, she'll announce further plans to "make sure we hold it together, day by day."

In other news, Princess Umbrella announces her support for the death penalty because it's "wicked badass."
Most of their efforts seem to be mobile-exclusive. They MIGHT announce something related to 2nd Encore at the end of this year
>Good news, class!
>I've decided that today instead of studying out of some moldy old textbook, we will instead take a fieldtrip.

>"please just let this be a normal fieldtrip!"
>"With Isaac? Now way!"

>We'll be heading into some ruins buried right beneath this city! It's crawling with all sorts of nasty things, so first I'll need you all to sign some... You guessed it! Some liability waivers!

Deep in Gehenna, Isaac finds himself suddenly ensnared.
"Ah, Mr. Isaac. At last you rear your head in my domain. So much meddling without even so much as dropping by for tithe or confessional."
"'At last?' Hardly the first time I've been here... Well, not from YOUR perspective, anyway. I've just come for a few of the ancient artifacts you've got lying around and then I'll be going."
"I cannot allow that. This constant trespassing from you and so many other mortals must be corrected."
"What can I say? You're not exactly making friends up on the surface."
"I suppose you are correct..."
"Does this mean you're letting me off with a warning?"
"That's what I thought. Can't say I imagined it would end any other way, shapeshifter, but I've learned everything I've needed and I've already set everything in motion. I'll see you in hell."
Quickly, Isaac punches in some buttons on this glove. The device begins to glow, but not before Double makes a fatal strike. Activating, the glove transports Isaac's body and the artifacts to somewhere else in time.
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Resetting again
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>Valentine is both curious and deeply disgusted when Double gets really aroused like this.
>Thick nipples protruding, body rippling and sweating, a raw dank smell of viscera and vaginal fluid filling the air.
>One evening, Double forces herself upon the hapless nurse, dragging her into a bedroom in the cathedral and slamming the door.
>Valentine spends the next morning in her apartment, a thousand-yard stare on her face as she shakily grips a cup of coffee with both hands.
>A strand of yellow hair falls from her lips.
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>Look, Valentine. Since Marie hasn't been taking her Skullgirl duties as seriously as I've expected, I decided she would be better off helping my Sunday School class.
>I have to admit Double, Marie does seem pretty good with the kids. She's got them all excited about something.

>So you see, Mr. Medici can just take that same 100 note and run it through his magical printing press! One minute he has 100 bones and the next he has 10,000 bones! Then, he takes 5,000 bones and loans it out to someone -- at interest.
>Wait a second, Sister Marie. Isn't interest when you have to owe more money to the person you borrowed from?
>Yes, you're right Albert!
>But couldn't Mr. Medici just print all the money he wants instead of waiting for people to give it back?
>Now you're thinking, Mary! You see, YOU aren't supposed to know about that. Because if everyone KNEW that Mr. Medici could just magically make all the money he wanted, they'd probably wonder why he couldn't just pay himself back anyway. That's why the Medicis rely so much on "fiat currency."
>Fiat currency?
>That means that the money Mr. Medici and his buddies print up is actually totally worthless. There's no gold or silver or anything that makes the money valuable. It's the same if Ruth here drew up her own money on construction paper and tried to buy ice cream with it.
>But how can we buy stuff with it if it's not worth anything?
>Because Mr. Medici tricked the King looong ago into accepting his fake money over real gold coins and paper certificates. He promised the king would have all the money he could ever want, but the Medici would control how much money was printed AND how much it could be worth. The Medici money is good only because they say so!
>In fact, for homework this week, look up who said "Let me control a nation's money supply and I care not who sits on the throne." Whoever tells me next week gets to be first in line for pie!
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>Alex is a shotacon
alex isn't gay
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What is this from?
well someone should at least tell alex that the webtoon isn't canon.
the black torch, I would guess.
Come on Alex, it's your world, don't tell me you're letting that shitty webtoon determine the rules of what you created.

Fallout is a character from Alex's UMA project ("Ultimate Monster Alliance"), a comic (or... something) about wrestling monstergirls. She's some kind of roach girl.
the question was very likely something alex hadn't considered because although it's important to the lore, it's not that important to really think about in a grand timeline of events way.

we're still really fuzzy on the timeline side of things with more than how long nadia has been carrying around the life gem.
Odd, the mobile game directly contradicts this as we see Ms. Fortune intact before Marie attacked the Medici tower

I guess this confirms they only ever commissioned him for some art but otherwise Alex had no direct involvement with the Mobile game's story (hell i'm wondering if he ever had any direct involvement with the original game's writing)
Being a shotacon doesn't necessarily mean you want to fuck shotas you illiterate tool /ss/ enjoyers fall under that category too
UMA is a different thing, Fallout isn't part of it
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That's not even a webtoon exclsuive thing that contradiction exists in the mobile game too which predates the webtoon and a game that had minimal involvement from Alex no less

I think Alex just genuinely doesn't remember his own lore since he hasn't been involved with SG for so long, kind of like Akira Toriyama forgetting plot points and characters in Dragon Ball. Hell, I don't think he ever had anything nailed down have you seen the absolute narrative mess that is Skullgirls' timeline?
>Marie became a skull girl in summer but she wished on the skull heart to save Patricia who became Peacock a year ago and also both of their parents were killed by Nancy but they're still relatively the same age when that happens despite them supposed to be younger also Nancy wished on the Skull Heart the same year Selene was destroyed but she never fought her and-
bear in mind some of this info I'm going off of that one tweet where one of the devs or the pr guy or whatever said they were looking at Alex's notes for the current batch of dlc stories, so I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt and assume a lot of that stuff was things he had planned or written down
His response to SG lore questions are always
>here's what I envisioned, maybe they changed that now, I dunno
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If there's one thing with the game's story I do believe needs a serious retcon it would be the timeline of events, and really all you would have to do is condense things down so they take place over the course of half a year.
>Some time prior to April (since Marie is technically 12. Let's say January for ample wiggle room) slave traders arrive at Hildgard's and all of that transpires
>Shortly after Lab 8 and Lab 0 raid the warehouse Patricia is transported to and mutilated
>Patricia has only been Peacock for half a year instead of a full year, adding an additional explanation for her recklessness and inexperience aside from age
>Some time in Spring is when the events of the mobile game takes place (Medici tower raid, Fishbone Gang slaughtered, Filia's family being killed)
>Shortly prior to that is Last Hope fighting Marie and Double and losing
>Shortly after the Medici tower incident is when Painwheel is activated, maybe from Valentine obtaining SG blood while tending to Marie's injuries after she is wounded by Dahlia
>fast forward to Fall is when the current events of the game take place, maybe September-October
As curious as I am on what his original plans were for Marie or Umbrella's story modes its more than likely gonna result in a brief
>yeah I dunno the story was gonna be like this *insert brief wiki page-esque summary* but I dunno they probably changed it
Iirc Alex wrote the stories for the storymodes, or at least the outlines of the stories. I believe there were other writers, but I am not that familiar with early labzero
Has he actually answered more than this? This and that interview with Kuroirozuki are the most I figured he said anything about
he answers questions from fans but he hasn't been involved with SG for a long time now and has moved on, its fair
I just want the timeline/canon story solidified so I can finally determine when exactly they become giantesses and destroy everything.
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So Skullgirls’ story is exactly like RWBY where the main guy behind it had a bunch of ideas written down, main guy is gone for various circumstances, and the people left working on it have to hopelessly find ways to fit everything together and have it make sense
I’m wondering if he’s misremembering and thinking of SkullgirlS lore since I feel like even the finalized base game contradicts this
I hope Alex stays healthy and safe until he can get the IP back and for a long time after that.
with the extra cherry on top of the messy sundae being the main guy himself also had no idea what the fuck he wanted to do with the story or the characters so he has many, MANY different ideas all over the place each one making less sense than the last
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You can look at the Skull Heart lore thread and see how much stuff contradicts itself or doesn't really make sense.
Basically all of Double is a good example of this. You can tell her backstory was rewritten several times even since release.
What would he even do with the IP at that point. By then, Hidden Variable would’ve completely abandoned 2nd Encore to just embrace Skullgirls as a gacha mobile game, the niche Skullgirls once had would’ve already been filled up by the inevitable Darkstalkers 4, MvC4 or CvS3. They obviously can’t make a new game under the same gameplay since I doubt they still have the rights to use the Z-engine again, and the community would just be completely overrun by autistic lesbians and Gen alpha underages, with none of the traces of the old 2010s FGC/casual audience remaining
This saddens me.
Although I guess he agreed to it and ultimately he is recognized as the creator by everybody. So he trusts that they'll keep his girls healthy, even if they gut his vision.
Makes me ponder if Alex really was just hard to work with because he couldn’t keep a consistent idea written down in addition to the deadline stuff
To be fair I’m not sure if Alex even really had a vision regarding the story or characters based on a lot of what’s been posted

Not knocking down the guy of course since his art and character design skills are phenomenal, but it shows that literary writing wasn’t his strong suit
>the niche Skullgirls once had would’ve already been filled up by the inevitable Darkstalkers 4
This is just pure delusion.
>new game under the same gameplay since I doubt they still have the rights to use the Z-engine again
So? Don't use the Z-Engine. It sucks anyway. The whole reason Mike created it was out of ego, using rollback netcode as an excuse. There's a million engines he could use.
Make a Metroidvania in the SG universe, or some kind of RPG. Turn it into a franchise/universe with a bunch of different games like Touhou. Or make Skullgirls 2. Who gives a shit? There's a million things he could make and it would be pure and driven by him again.
Of course that’s mildly dumbing it down i’m sure he had plenty in mind with the overall story, beginning and end, but when it comes to worldbuilding it gets pretty muddy with the constant retcons even when he was involved
I mean, if the MvC Collection and the upcoming Capcom Fighting Collection 2 is anything to go by, I have some faith that Capcom is at the very least considering a new Darkstalkers. Hell we were almost gonna get that had SFxT not fucked everything up
Honestly I’d kill for a spin-off game, like an RPG that does canon story so the main fighting games don’t have to worry about that aspect.

I’d say more supplementary material but the webtoon is what we got and that was a glorified and worse retelling of mobile game’s story that botched the characters
I wonder if they actually talked
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MVC and CVS might happen but a new Darkstalkers is pure fantasy. SF6 is kinda proof that you wouldn't want a new Darkstalkers from modern Capcom because they would neuter the hell out of everything that makes it interesting, censoring and gentrifying the fuck out of it for the sake of selling you esports drinks and shitty gamer chairs. Morrigan will have more black shiny parts on her costume, Lilith will be forced to wear pants and a heavy coat, and they'll force in some disgusting hyper realistic art direction that clashes with the appeal of the manga designs. Absolute "do not want" territory.

Even though I'm not typically an RPG guy, I'd be into an SG RPG where all the girls unite to fight the Trinity. I also still like the idea of an action platformer with Annie or Filia. Either 2D or 3D could work. I have ideas for both. Lord knows if I could ever pitch it to them though, even if I do it'll be years away.
Inconsistent lore...
More girls
Which sg is literally you?
I dunno, which sg wants to consensually impregnate the female sg characters
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>Likes burgers
>Fat and anxious
>Mentally stuck in high school
Yep, Filia is me
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>assume a lot of that stuff was things he had planned or written down.
That's how I see it too. I seriously do believe that Future Club is using Alex's notes and are trying to follow the story as best they can. It's just that I could see Alex having various ideas and concepts for each character instead of a single solid plan.

For example, let's say Feng is going to be the Season 2 character. Alex had Feng in mind to be a DLC character so he made up three different hypothetical plotlines that he jots down. Each plotline is incredibly simple: enough that it makes sense from start to end but loose enough that Alex and any other writer could toy around with it if they want. This way, if they think "oh it would be really cool if Feng did this," it could be added without much problem because the draft wasn't that concrete anyway. There is a coherent story -- just one that was always built around flexibility and "rule of cool" rather than any strict adherence to a Skullgirls bible.

That being said, I'm sure Alex and the team have something of a canon story in mind. You could pick out a handful of elements in almost every story that indicate what the canon story would contain (i.e. Medici tower destroyed, the Lab is attacked, etc). There are just different avenues of how to get to the canon story. On the one hand, it allows for experimentation, adding new characters, and allowing players to speculate and build upon the already interesting world of Skullgirls as much as they can. On the other hand, this loose approach means retcons, intentional or totally unintentional, can happen and it creates a clusterfuck when more questions arise instead of straightforward answers.

I also don't count the webcomic since the last half of it was written by a guy who was literally learning the game as he went along instead of someone from FC/HVS or even a long-time fan like Wiirdo.
As Parasoul ate, she became a bit uncomfortable with the silence. Sometimes Umbrella would talk so much that food would fly out of her mouth onto the table, but tonight, something was amiss. Umbrella just sat there, twirling her spaghetti in her fork over and over again, seeming to be lost elsewhere.

"In case you forgot, you put it in your mouth and chew," joked Parasoul, attempting to break the silence.

No response.

"Is something the matter, Umbrella?"

"Sis... do the Trinity... love us?" Umbrella poked her dinner with her fork.
Parasoul gave her a puzzled look. "Why this question all of a sudden?

"I saw them, sis. They came to me in a dream. And... uh..."
"What are you talking about? Who did you see in your dream?"
"The... the trinity. I saw them. They said they're coming soon. And... well... in my dream, I looked at them... they reached out to me... and..."
There was a pregnant pause. Parasoul said nothing, eating her pasta.
"Well... I saw them. I fully saw them. And... somehow I, uh..."
"What's got your tongue? Just say what you wanna say."
"I don't know how to describe what I saw, or what I felt. But... I kinda feel like I saw something I shouldn't have. And it got me wondering, uh... the trinity, sis... they're... they're good goddesses, right? They're supposed to be good. That's what mom and dad taught me. That the trinity represents all that is good and pure. I mean... there's no way they could possibly be bad, right? They want what's best for us and wouldn't ever, you know... hurt us or anything, would they?"
"Of course they're good. What a silly question. If you saw them, that's good! That means you'll probably be lucky soon. Maybe it means you'll win a prize or some money or something."
"Yeah... heh... I guess you're right..."

In an odd behavior, Umbrella left the table before dessert.
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Are you built enough to lift your waifu, anon?
Considering how often they make merch of Felicia and Morrigan purely of their surface level sex appeal, I don’t see how why they would censor the designs. And even if they did give them new designs, if SF6 is to go by they’ll make the classic “uncensored” outfits unlockable anyway. RE-Engine is definitely a concern though
I can lift marie but I will try my best with filia
Monty definitely wondered into the same circles Alex or likely Mike Z were at the time so they definitely met once in person. Not sure what would’ve come from this interaction, but given Monty’s projects I’d be be involved as an animator/concept artist.
Darkstalkers' edge factor and horror focus will be butchered to shit. No more loli succubi, no more creepy world ending demon babies. No BDSM stuff, not even the appealing manga-style art. It'll be utter trash.

You don't want DS4 by modern Capcom. Just put it out of your mind. They'll do much better at making Marvel vs. Capcom toyslop for manchildren who watch Maximilian.
>loli succubi
is Lillith a loli? Nobody draws her as one
I get there’s some precedence for her being perceived as a Loli but since she’s a portion of Morrigan’s power/soul, she realistically represents the more fun “whimsy” side of Morrigan’s personality
What are you talking about? Lolicons go nuts for her.
Granted she is a little tall for a "loli" but she sort of is uh, I forget the term for it but it's a type of loli where it's of age on paper even though it isn't in design. Lily from SF6 and Talim from Soulcalibur are like this.
I think Alex caught shit from some zoomers because he once drew Umbrella in a Lilith costume.
>but it's a type of loli where it's of age on paper even though it isn't in design
there’s nothing like that
Lilith isn’t a loli. She has traits that are very lolish, but her height and other factors land her in the petite woman camp
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>people still forget the fact Lillith is as tall as Morrigan
There basically twins, outside Lillith lack of breast
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Eh, I dunno.
She definitely looks loli to me in this official art, not "petite woman". Depends on the artist I guess.
Isolated sure but she’s the same height as Morrigan
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>Boy, Hungern, I can't wait until that box of lolis from the Dragon Kingdom shows up! If ANYONE can make a great lollipop, it's those Dragon Kingdom guys.
>Franz, Parasoul, Adam, Molly, and Panzerfaust stare dumbfounded at the box of loli content that just arrived from the Dragon Kingdom
>Parasoul spends the next 8 hours gooning to every Annie of the Stars doujin she finds in the collection
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How do I reconcile the fact that carol is voiced a 40 year old black woman?
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>Parasoul emerges from her room, sweaty and exhausted while Umbrella sends a very angry but childish email to the Dragon Kingdom about her goddamn missing lollipops
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anyone wanna drop users for sgm for gifts?
ill drop mine first: Cløcky
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das moist mane
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need more >>498176370
Had this thought during work and I realized Mobile might actually have a better implementation of bursting Vs. 2nd Encore’s autistic IPS burst bait hyper mix up system
Carol a cute, disregard 3DPD
yeah, but carol will still be voiced by her
you're not the best I've had, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy how you taste.
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I honestly don't know what they were thinking with that casting choice.
My guess is that the audition direction was that she needed to "sound like a monster" and they chose Danielle McRae because she had a good deep voice, but got casting tunnel vision and forgot they needed her to sound like a teenage white girl as well.
recall that voice acting was added to the stories much later than the initial voice work.
It would have undoubtedly been seen as rude to not cast her for Painwheel's normal and/or untransformed voice. Even if there would be an obvious reason for getting a different actress.
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plus there may have been contract shit involved, but who's to say. I guess if contracts were that restrictive, Republican Double would have still been voiced by Charlotte Ann.
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Why is she blushing?
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We must get the skullgirls ip and get Alex to make a new webtoon by any means
I doubt he will get it back, he already left his mark by winning a big settlement. Mariel and Mike are still going at each other with the lawsuit.
I doubt he'd want to write and draw out an entire sg comic.
I feel that if Alex wanted skullgirls to be a welcomic, he would have made it a webcomic.
Or he would at least have drawn some supplementary comics in the last 15 years.
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I hope they both lose somehow.
I'm jorking it
Nah Mike deserves to win this one. I have my opinions on the guy but Mariel did him fucking dirty and is the greater evil of the two
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May both of them get what they fucking deserve.
Alex has been taking this like a champ, watching these animals fight over who gets to eat his baby.
Mike’s entire reputation has been wrongfully dragged through the mud for several years, enough to the point I’d say he deserves a break, Mariel hasn’t gotten her comeuppance yet and has faced no repercussions despite stabbing him in the back

Stop being a fat sperg
I never liked Mike even before that Bunny Ayu shit, so why change now?
You only dislike him because he actually did something successful with his life and got a successful game out there t b h

Gigamaidens is retarded and never happening
inb4 delusional wall of text accompanied by corny ass giantess fetish art lol
Stfu mike
I'm perfectly fine with that. Means I can go even more autistic with this sizefic knowing that it'll never be made.
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As of now the lawsuit is going at a snails pace. Right now Mariel wants Mike to pay her attorney's fees and Mikes lawyer pretty much told her to fuck off.
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More tomboys
More pregnant girls
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>You know, Valentine, my work as a nun takes me to some rather interesting places! Why, I was once the leader of a fledgling Trintist commune out in the wilds of the Dumas Mountains!
>Ah, what a delightful summer it was. The clean streets, the laughing children, the church bells ringing through the trees. I remember that like it was just yesterday.....

>Please, please. Can we hasten, can we hasten with that medication. You don’t know what you’ve done … (pause) … I’ve tried. (clapping in background) … (unintelligible words) … They saw it happen and ran in the bush and dropped the machine guns, I never in my life … But there’ll be more … (music and humming in background). You’ve got to move. Are you gonna get that medication here? You’ve got to move …
>Must trust, you have to step across … We used to sing: “this world, this world’s not our home.” Well, it sure isn’t. … We were saying, it sure wasn’t … Really doesn’t want, you’re telling me. All he’s doing is what we’ll tell him. Assure these … Can some people assure these children of the relaxation of stepping over to the next plane? That’d set an example for others. You set 1,000 people who say, “We don’t like the way the world is ….

>Double? Double? Helllloo?
>O-oh! Apologies, Valentine, I was just reminiscing like the silly nun I am.
>Making an entire callout thread on this artist over his giantess fetish commission being made fun off
This is like an alternate timeline where Psychojosh completely trooned out
What happened? I follow mai and I'm confused as to what's happening
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>petty shit without any evidence
>getting upset about Mai mocking their giantess commission (which is news to me) in private
>A pathetic attempt to make them seem problematic and validate the entire thread by pointing out that they follow Leo Random despite Mai obviously not being into the kind of stuff Leo draws
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Isn’t this the same artist that rallied the spic fanbase to harass and send gore to a facebook group for posting memes about wanting to fuck Umbrella?

Honestly? Deserved, happy to see them get a taste of their own medicine and getting torn apart by their own kind. Do not pity or side with them
>Isn’t this the same artist that rallied the spic fanbase to harass and send gore to a facebook group for posting memes about wanting to fuck Umbrella?
That's more or less where I sit on it. You cultivate that type of community don't be surprised when its inevitably turned on you

Yes, she did do that, or at the very least was responsible for people mass reporting the account which lead to goreposting. Its also why she ended up getting doxed by the same group for rallying a mob over jokes. I still remember seeing some artists being hypocrites about it like Leo and NomusHL
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>Marie, dear, while we're more than happy to help you in your struggle, can you please stop referring to us as your MILF Army?
>Or Marie's Angels?
>Annie's mom says something in Romanian.
>That too.
Nani? I saw giantess and my ears were burning.
Can't see the thread/post due to them blocking or deleting it.
wrong guy
>spic language reaction image
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She’ not a Renoir but we can assume this is Nancy’s influence so…

das it
das is it
Funny how she made kill la kill fanart afterwards (pedo anime, at least to these creatures)
What would be something fun for me to write about milf Marie?
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Nah they definitely blocked you. This bitch loves too go around stalking every crevice of the Skullgirls community to cherrypick every person that's "weird" which amounts to finding Filia hot or saying anything critical about the game that isn't just "the game/community is le heckin gross" and likes to play revisionist history with how he talks about people like Alex
Who, Mai? Or the giantess person?
So basically a nutso tranny is getting mad at a nutso femoid spic artist, both of which can’t discern reality from fiction
It's spic drama either way. It's not worth discussing here.
You know that idea about Marie running an orphanage in Hildgard’s honor? I’d like to see a piece where a young boy confesses his love to Marie only for her decline his feelings albeit in a warm and kind manner
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And in its place you’ll get 20 more posts dedicated to giantess posting and loli- nah just kidding PJ and the lolifags have been on their best behavior
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The boy had decided to do it until after dinner, as he knew that was when Miss Marie would be alone. He obviously couldn't do it during and to wait until later when Miss Marie gathered everyone in the reading room for evening stories. He had worked very hard on his letter -- taking time to practice his cursive as best he could and putting perfume on it so the paper would smell nice (Miss Marie liked the smell of apple cider and the crispness of dead leaves the best) -- and he didn't want to risk anyone else seeing it but her.

Needless to say it was a bit of surprise for Marie when the lad, no older than 11, gently tugged at the hem of her apron while she was preparing to cut the pie she had made for evening snack. The red that stained his lightly freckled face had at first made her believe he was running a fever, but as she squatted down to meet his level and he handed her the letter in that pressed beige envelope Marie understood. And when she opened the envelope ever so carefully and read the letter, from every loopy capital M to the part where he said how he liked how warm and safe he felt when he could lay in her bed, nuzzling under her arm, on cold rainy nights, Marie knew what this was about.

The young boy would feel black fingernails on delicate fingers cup at his chin, gently lifting his head up to meet Miss Marie's warm, soft gaze. Her red eyes gazing into his soft blue ones, and her hand moved to sweep away the bangs of curled hair that fell over them. Miss Marie's voice was always so gentle and comforting, especially so when it came to matters as delicate as this. She never talked down to him and she didn't laugh at his confession (though a flattered giggle did escape her plum-colored lips, she did admit). No, she told him that yes, yes she did love him -- she loved him very much. But that was a love that wasn't something they could have, for that was a love that adults shared.
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No, they couldn't kiss each other like the grown-ups did on the old black-and-white movies. They couldn't get all dressed up and go to the church with Miss Marie in that big white flowy dress like that one lady in the painting in the main hall. He was a boy and she was a woman and because of that, Miss Marie couldn't love him in that way. Miss Marie had a wife as well, Miss Peacock as the boy would know, so no matter what she couldn't love him the way she did with Miss Peacock.

But, she would say as she let a thumb draw circles around his crimson cheek, she loved him in other ways. She loved to watch him get up in the morning and join his friends at the breakfast table. She loved when she would look at the window and see him playing baseball in the courtyard or pushing the younger kids on the tire swing on the oak tree. She loved when he and the other children would hug her legs when she came in from the store or sit beside her on the big long couch when she would tell them stories from that dusty book of legends and ghost stories. She loved him because he was like her child -- because he was himself and no one else. Miss Marie loved him because, she told him as she left a plum lipstick mark on his forehead, there was only one little boy like him and that alone was enough for Marie to care for him as if he was her very own.

Standing up and taking the lad's hand into hers, Marie asked him if he would perhaps like to help her top some of these slices of apple pie with the fresh vanilla ice cream from the icebox. It would be a big help, she said, a gentle smile illuminating the rouge under her eyes.

The young boy smiled and squeezed her hand.
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That was beautiful, thank you squig
How's Annie?
More skullgirls
Need more filia lewds
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I'm glad you enjoyed it anon! If you have any other ideas for milf Marie I'd be happy to hear them
it's time for some giant umbrella
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I could see this being Marie's older form all things considered. Very neat and clean and gives the appearance of being dutiful and caring, especially since she'd be taking care of children and the dead.

On the other hand, Marie having big goth titties has obvious benefits of its own.
Look past the dust bunny and you can see she has big boobies regardless
It's an inescapable fact that, whether through the genetic stew of the other Skullgirls inside the Skull Heart or just natural Korbel genes, Marie will have incredible tits by the time she hits 30.
I’m imagining Peacock boasting she has the bigger bust by an inch to Marie and Umbrella only to become a seething chestlet when she reaches adulthood and the those two are rocking absolutely ginormous knockers even bigger than Valentine’s
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>You know Peacock's pissed when she breaks the Jimmy Durante impression
>Marie looks up from her book of gothic literature. Her chest, barely contained in her lacy black nightgown, jiggles noticeably as she does so.
>"Patricia, I really don't get why you're so bothered about your chest sizes."
>"Don't ya see, Marie? I was always bigger than both you and Umbrella combined! I always thought I'd have tits that'd put people's eyes out! But I'm stuck with these little b-cups and ya know what the b in b-cup stands for, Marie?"
>"No, I---"
>"It stands for bozo, and believe you me, doll-face, Patricia Watson ain't no bozo! Meanwhile you're walkin' around carrying these udders like you're waitin' to get milked!"
>Peacock squeezes Marie's tits and she makes a clown honking sound.
>"Patricia, having a big chest isn't all that it's cracked up to be. Remember Nurse Valentine? She used to have the most horrific back pain. Double used to put pictures of her dead teammates on the ground and laugh when she would try and bend over to pick them up."
>"But why can't I, a sweet little self-made orphan gal, NOT have a set of ginormous knockers?"
>Marie rolls her eyes and kisses Peacock on the cheek.
>"Pea, you know that I love you no matter what you look like. Big...er, chest or not. You'll always be the most beautiful "goil" in the world to me, you know that?"
>Peacock sighs and, with a dopey bear-trap grin, nuzzles Marie and her big gothic milf chest back.
>"Aw, of course I do, doll. And I love you whether or not your chest has its own license plate. Maybe I'm just gettin' all worked up over nothin'..."
>Suddenly Umbrella bursts in.
>"Hey, are we still on for lunch? Sorry I'm late, but I couldn't find a shirt big enough to cover my HUGE BOUNCING boobs, so I just came here topless!"
>Peacock malds so hard smoke comes out of her ears.
Need cute girls
>Umbrella going around casually shirtless
Parasoul teach your sister some decency
Umbrella isn't trying to be sexy or hot. If a guy can walk around with his shirt off and no one cares, why can't she? Besides, Umbrella likes how her body looks and doesn't see any reason she should hide it.

>Umbrella is so casual about her nudity everyone's used to it save for inexperienced recruits.
>Umbrella walks down the street completely topless and everyone's like "Oh, hey, your Highness what's up?"
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my thumb hurts doing combo trials after a while
should I get a stick
any recs?
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Which sg is for anal?
squigly. it's like not even close. she gets a lot of butt content
Yesterday I heard Peacock yelling "ARGUS AGONY" from my stepdad's phone on the other side of the house and almost had a heart attack
What exactly was the reason for that? Is your stepdad a Peacock main
He was watching sports at the that time and a Skullgirls mobile ad came up. Probably thought it was the stupidest shit ever
>You know, son, I've been playin' this...whatcha call it, Skull ladies game, some kinda Chinese cartoon shit I saw while watchin' the game. And I gotta say I think you'd like this little Peacock character.
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What happened to Valentine?
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reference to this
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More marie lewds please
Cerebella is for ___
World domination.
Consensually impregnating and pregnant sex
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Next episode: giant evil Umbrella stuffs the black egret army in a jar, for unknown reasons.
more cute girls
whoa nadia.... easy on the catnip....
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I haven't been by here in a good while, but I've still been keeping up with competitive SG and catching occasional fanart. was nice to see iControl finally take a bracket, and with Marie for that matter, even if it meant Sage still doesn't win an ECT.
seems like Marie has been on a similar arc that Umbrella was last version. looks like she can get very shmixy in the hands of a specialist. good on Kuro for taking notes all this time too, and I hope he can be part of whatever group gets to fly out for CB next year and show off more Marie.
haven't seen penpen in a while though, so hope he's good.

you guys doing okay? how you been doing Squig?
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I've been doing alright. Life's a little tough, but I'm trying to stay positive.

How have you been doing?
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hi there
I'm okay. it's been a rough year for me too.
glad you're hanging in there
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hello anon!
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One day at a time brother, it's not all bad. Just moving jobs, seeing which one suits me.

But there's been good things and I hope there's been good for you too
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>Parasoul is giving a very important televised speech about the Skullgirl to her people.
>"And I promise, so long as the Canopy flag flies above this land, that no citizen shall--"
>"Hey Parasoul, what would happen if uh...Annie was here."
>"Not now Umbrella, I'm in the middle of something. P-pardon me, everyone, it seems my dear sister is too hyperactive this evening. Now, back to the matter at hand: our enemies, whether dead or alive, will never--"
>Umbrella starts doing her Annie impression.
>'Hey Parasoul, Annie here. Hey do you mind if I go get some uh...pudding from your fridge?"
>"Freakin' love pudding, Parasoul."
>"Wow Hungern, that's a great Sagan impression! Parasoul, tell him that's a great Sagan impression."
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thanks for still being a ray of sunshine all these years Squig
Thank you! I try not to be holier than thou or anything though.

Anything of interest your way?
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>Brain Drain has no idea how or why Fukua is so racist
>But he will admit that her ability to detect race based on the use of fire alarm chirps is impressive
my area had to deal with one of the hurricanes, so I'm honestly hoping the rest of the year isn't too much more interesting

just hoping the holidays go well
I hope it gets better for you too brother
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speaking of race, I thought it was kinda funny how that brazilian miku meme was basically just everyone bellaposting
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More nurse
>the only thing keeping fukua's racism in check is the fact she works with a brain in a jar, two white women and a cat robot
>her doppelganger is also a white woman, and so is most of the cast for that matter
>her only chances for using her collection of slurs is against big band, cerebella, eliza or ms.fortune
Being racist fukua is suffering
fukua is a clone of a white girl and her brain is made of two (presumably white) women souls. she's just dipped-in-tea brown
Wants some fukua
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Did they ever say what that tv ghost filia was for? Just for the sake of the reference/joke or a leftover from alex's insane early days lore?
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it's just a shout-out to the ring, anon.
And it's in the game. You sometimes get it in peacock's item drop.
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das it

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