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Previous: >>497296921

>[Campaign] Road to 7: Lostbelt No.5 (Olympus)
2024-09-30 21:00 - 10-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] "Lostbelt No.5 (Olympus)" Pickup Summon
2024-09-30 21:00 - 10-09 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] Singularity Repair Support Campaign 2024: Part 5
2024-09-23 21:00 - 10-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/puv2s2.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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i'm all umm ehe... i'm all e-ears...
can't wait to see what the first image of the new thread i--
cute gogh...
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I'm all... ehehe...
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You're an earful, give me one.
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Kinda new. Started playing during christmas last year and I already have most of the "must have" supports. Dont really know or care who I roll for.
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>making this pastry is just like the time we fought Zeus
boho... easy on the absinthe... it's not good for you...
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Milly a cute
Just roll for whoever you really liked in the story. Or whoever you liked in Fate/Stay Night or any other Nasuverse work.
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Did you do it, or are you going to let those teapots go to waste?
Show me the image you were spamming so diligently for the last hour for.
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You want WHAT for Christmas this year?
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Summer Barg is the only reason I'm still playing this game.
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Need to bend him over
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Do you accept their request?
U-Olga clown pussy
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i cant afford my rent
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500 quartz please
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I'll give anything to fuck Illya raw.
>kama spammer still not being range banned
One castoria, please
ok but Miyu is forced to watch only
I'm goghing to sleep... ehe... goghbye...
what happened to her eyes? I think she caught some kind of infection.
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>he thinks they’ll rangeban kamaposters when they don’t do it to knotsucker or the turd
Gogh night, bud
Like I said, turn me into a cute littel girl!
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No I will not buy them beer, that's illegal
i want to lick her tummy
Wait... this is the censored version... no...
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Were are their parents?
is that from beetlejuice?
done the first day
The best FGO character. I can't wait to roll for her (Ciel).
I did the Atlantis ones but I just didn't feel like doing this set.
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Time for survey post. Which event you want rerun the most
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Those two look fine. Cute Kama.
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I can't kill aphrodite bros other 2 is easy to solo or stall
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I'm going to try to do the Merlin solo of Aphrodite tomorrow, but lacking big name supports for burst sucks.
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Use my mothman
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Post your fc
bro... your Nobu 3 turn...
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Atlantis will rise again!
She's a child
Not after I am done with her.
Out of 10!
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Mathematically these were fine but I might trade out Arcade Collab for Iyo's event. It's an unlimited pseudo lottery but:
Unlike Riyo or Bakin it would grant 5 rare prisms if you already had her.

Whether you get Summer Valks from Evocation or from a rerun you won't get the rare prism for a different one and there weren't any special story scenes for whichever one you chose. Also they need an absurd amount of bullets.

If they bothered to give new story scenes like Case Files I could have gone for Requiem or something.
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Yeah, and? 11 is the prime age for girls to start fucking ojisans.
Use a bunch of casters with healing skills and NPs.
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Was it a true solo?
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same actually. It was in goodfellas too
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Now go home and grab your fuckin' shinebox
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I'd never heard this, good stuff.
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Dragon power... Mugendai!!
It wasn't a true solo btw
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>being the most powerful vampire
>still get raped by a human
cant beat the cock
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oh cool its time for roma
umu pls
That's my man Niggerman.
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Salem cat
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Will he make it in?
Literally who?
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Pretty funny that the majority of Boudica's porn is her getting fucked by goblins thanks to her interlude.
Can he? I doubt it, since the novel was published in the 20th century.
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I just realized, as much as Olympus sucked it's impressive that Musashi is still considered Data Lost when Goetia and Olga both get revived again.
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Romani ;-;
He jjst wanted to jack it to goblin rape porn and merlin crossdressing ;-;
That's because Musashi is based, actually.
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As a straight man I really really love this song.
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/ourgirl/ love!
Thank God, we don't need Musashi hogging up screen time anymore.
A true hero... ;_;
romani p;-;;
Literally every Beast comes back. What's surprising is that it took those so long.
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Musashi is boring. She jobbed to Iori.
>romani pipipipi
Zenobia does a Falcon Knee?!
Does the rabbit play FGO?
>first ascension is sexiest
>but third ascension has the coolest weapons
damn it, and she's all covered up in her NP
i wanna fuck romani
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I missed a login close to a year ago and ever since I've broken my streak every so often
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You almost broke free of the gacha curse.
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Is Helena right?
i dropped my phone from a fucking crane once during a work trip and I had to call my mother to go to my house to log in on my PC to save my streak once it was very embarrassing
Foot grand order?
>Sweetie... why does your computer say you've logged in every day for 1400 days?
based and mom pilled
lmao epic
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I don't get streak autism
number go up
My mom doesn't even know how to use a computer.
Killed Koyan with summer Kiara and used Izumo and Bazett to murder Aphrodite. I'm feeling lazy but I'll do Paenis later, the teapots themselves aren't going to last long anyways.
>miss the ticket and 4 quartz
Did she do it though? That's the important part. I tried to have my dad log in for me once back when the game first came out a whopping...seven, almost eight years ago because I forgot to log in and my phone died at work, and I just got yelled at for always worrying about video games instead of "what's important".

All of you with supportive, understanding parents are lucky.
Heheheh I wonder which servant was on his Home Screen when she logged in for him
me on the left
Chest is too small to be Olga Marie. Bigger.
I smuggled my smartphone into boot camp in order to keep playing FGO.
cant make more right now
I hope someone snitch your
Nobody did.
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but i've got some beeg olga
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pass it here bro
Excellent. That's the good stuff.
did you see that story about the idiot that used elongated muskrat wifi on a us navy ship?
probably makes you feel like a genius.
An excellent angle. She wants it, but she's clearly flustered and embarrassed about it.
>Did you do it, or are you going to let those teapots go to waste?
I don't even bother with CQ anymore. If I can't 3 turn it, then I'm not going to ever bother with it. I'm at that point in the game where I have all the mats I need, so I'm not going to waste my time on shit that isn't even fun.
Love this one too. A real party girl for sure.
need olga inverted nips
Reminds me of the Musashi doujin where she fucks shota Gudao. She’s good when she’s a slut only for you.
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Why is tiny Illya spanking big Illya?
Why not?
you just made me realize i haven't used the inverted nipples tag in a loong time
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I was busy, but I hope you had a good Caturday bros.
I'm gonna give you an earful..
Roll for the characters you like bro. Don't you like any of them?
Because without context we are just loose concepts floating in a void without meaning. Is that what you want?
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irrelevant. I will quit the day my two numbers are not equal.
That's fair. Carry on then.
Fuwamoco is playing fsn, how do we feel bros?
moco means booger in mexican
A couple months early, but happy holidays.
I guess I feel like that that word looks like a typo, but I don't really want to mislead you into thinking that I know more
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is Olga considered a Christmas cake?
Guess I should finally play FSN so I can watch their VOD.
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god I'm so excited to collect all those lb6 cuties...last year I thought I wouldn't be able to save through lb7 and tiamat but now I'm happy to skip them
Depends on if we count the time U-Olga was alive as her aging. I think she died before she turned 25, and was around 23.
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I didn't think she was even that old. I don't think they can be a true Christmas cake until there's at least a hint of being self conscious about or getting bullied for their age though
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Impregnate Jeanne Alter ten times.
I did this
I think I remember reading someone calculating it using her age in Case Files or something like that.

But I guess we could use her screaming about having not done anything with her life yet as insecurity and being self-conscious about eher age.

Clearly the solution is to follow the example of >>497343369 and give Olga motherhood as something to achieve.
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Inseminating Touko's puppet womb
Finding ways to 3T the recollections is fun in and of itself. Although I do that shit in Chaldea App, the real run only takes a few tries for RNG.
From this set you can 3T the first two with ease, it's the Caenis reco the one that gives the most problems because only a maxed Musashi can 3T it.
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>a few
oh you sweet summer child
Skill issue, I did Aphrodite first try.
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I did your mum first try.
WTF yes she can?
not what i mean. You don't know hell till you've been resetting all day because you need your carry's 2 buster cards to both show up 3 turns in a row to get the clear. Rarely you'll get spooned the god RNG, but more often when you're low percenting it can go on for hours.
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Good morning, bros.
Link to full?
Oh look, a perfect time to go to sleep. Gnight
So cool...
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good night (morning)
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im good
that's the full pic
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Aah, alright. Wanted to make sure before I saved it. Thank you.
np bro
good morning, bros...............
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Dude, you accept /r/ right now?
STOP using so many ELLIPSES
sorry bro, im out of a sub and basically null credits right now, im posting already amde stuff, since i've been organizing the ai slop folder mess
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Ah that's a shame
If I may ask, when will you'll be able to take some /r/ again?
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I use so many when I feel sad.......
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NTA but I can do /r/equests, just tell me the servant and the artist if you don't like this style
what does the pulpul mean
dunno, im short in money, hopefully end of the month, but most likely next month
im still pissed we got nothing tamamo nine related on the 9th anni. what a waste.
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When you roll in a gacha two times, it's called pulpul!
Erice has a boyish waist
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Oh okay, hope it's get better for you soon
Thanks anyway

Boudica on her 2nd asc (the short haired one, preferably untied) in this position https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/5023472
Also leave thigh high on. Thanks
STOP being SAD
Watch Emiya Gohan or something
kek that's a wild pose
That was a bit of a missed opportunity.
ok, maybe I'll watch it later, bro.....
If you procrastinate, you won't do it at all because you're a SAD SACK
Emiya Gohan collab with FGO when?
Is it weird that I want to have sex with olga Marie?
Yes, fucking clowns is very weird
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Is it weird that I want to have sex with Liz?
Are there any nodes worth using teapots on before they expire?
You don't exactly have any options. Just use them while farming free quests.
Interludes are the best for it. After that I don't think it really makes a difference other than not picking the obvious
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Is it safe to eat servant's unwashed ass and drink their sweat?
Alex Pereira is gonna appear in LB7 to heem ORT
Servants don't produce waste so yeah
God these hours suck
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>ai lifelets spam
>deletedma… spam
>cosplay spam
i havent browsed in a month has lucksucker been killed by a firing squad yet
Not yet, but who knows what the future holds
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Stop posting uggos
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we have to wait a few more days until the event no one cares a bout starts
I would roll if she looked like that.
I want to care, but the new servants aren't exactly getting my hopes up
He actually died over 3 years ago. His grudge lingered and became an earthbound spirit anchored to /alter/.
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Liz love!
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City if real
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The King if real
Among occult circles, there's a theory that ghosts are more like echoes of when they were alive, doomed to keep repeating pre-determined actions, unable to actually do anything 'new'. Considering cuck stancer has zero creativity and only knows how to copy other people's posts to use as templates for shitposts, that makes way too much sense.
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Lasengle, Type Moon... slow ass and absolute masters at missing opportunities
Would you roll for Avenger Boudica?
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How is our Kukulkus savings looking like?
Bro, Nasu lost interests in Tamamo lore years ago, just accept it and move on. That's why he dumped that Koyan shit to Sakurai.
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Is that Liz!?
Probably not. I just don't think there's really anything new that would bring to the character other than a chance to make her look like someone who gets raped in a RPGmaker game (and in all likelihood it would still be Takao drawing her anyway), but honestly that's part of her charm at this point.
>would you roll for shit version of shit character?
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Your thumbnail lied to me
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Mordred is for dirty anal, ass to mouth and minbreak
bulge isnt big enough
is she retarded
MHXX has stinkier farts than MHXA
It's safe to assume both have terrible diets I guess
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MHXA's farts smell like anko
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Would you?
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Sorry for the delay
It was a tricky pose but I think I nailed the general elements of it
Also Boudica 2nd ascension doesn't exists on Booru, so I had to use the 3rd one with short hair
Here's a pack with the most "usable" results, 90% were endless flesh abominations
Touch grass already faggot
What about Boudica pooping?
What is she doing on these pictures?
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Yup, looks great
Once again, thanks man
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No problem
Is this thread just a dumping ground for slop and shitposts now?
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Basically. That’s what happens when brainless coomers take over formerly good general.
>formerly good general
/alter/ was never good
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Aiming for NP?
Are any other generals like this? Every one I checked up on is just posting regular fan art and discussing their game like normal. Nothing like this.
Fuck off rat
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/alter/ was good when pity didn't existed

Everyone in the thread was united and we're working towards a common goal due to the sheer fear of rolling 2000 quartz and not getting Jalter, Merlin or Skadi

The pity killed the community aspect of the game
Cope. Take off your nostalgia goggles.

t. Albert
>Are any other generals like this?
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Good night, bros.
They have content to discuss, we don't. The AI posts and what not are just the symptoms. You can blame that stuff all you like, but that doesn't strike at the core of the issue: there's no content.
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They are a symptom, but just of a lack of enforcement
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NP6, so I'm kinda up shit's creek with no paddle
Good luck, friend
>nooo don't post good porn, please discuss a skinner box (with no content) designed to take your money
How many of you retards complaining have never even read FSN, Tsuki or Mahoyo.
those titles are shit
>nooo don't post good porn, please discuss a skinner box (with no content) designed to take your money
where do you think you are?
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>there's no content

That's a lie though, there's plenty of content that can be discussed like
>current atlantis and olympus challengue quests
>gameplay tier list discussion
>future halloween event strategy
>future servant banners
>Lost Belt 7 discussion (with spoiler tags)
>OC1 discussion (with spoiler tags)
>OC2 discussion (with spoiler tags)
>OC3 discussion (with spoiler tags)
>OC4 speculation (with spoiler tags)
>support posting and advice to new players
And I'm very sure you can also discuss older story chapters like LB6 or also related TM works like Mahoyo, CCC, Fox Tail, etc
I don't feel like humoring that this is a genuine post at the moment. Can you think of something better?
You can blame the lack of discussion on that but no content doesn't make people suddenly start posting slop. We've had various events all year and that hasn't ceased even once. Show me another contentless general that spams AI porn and /r/ posts. We have a moderation problem.
lol, lmao
if you want to post shit tier porn, go to a porn board
File deleted.
/alter/'s posts have always been slop. You were just ok with it and didn't consider it slop when people here made 30 new threads at once and goes around annoying other generals by posting /alter/ memes there. You decided to draw the line at AI posting because that's the off topic crap that you personally didn't like. All the past off topic shit were fine for you. We've had multiple instance of people posting photos of them cumming on people's support pics. This place has always had degenerate cummers who jack off too much.
I think porn boards are actually moderated. It would never work
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POV: You're a good boy
There are no gameplay servants, everyone is the bbest in their respective niche
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Good Morning
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The game has been made for coomers from practically day 1. The main selling point for the longest time was porn (reminder that all the singularities aside from the last two and Fuyuki are complete garbage, it only started getting """good""" around EoR/Lostbelts and even then it still mostly fucking sucks). Why are you surprised that one of the reasons why people are sticking with the game and are even remotely interested in it, is porn? Did you think people stuck around due to unskippable NPs or the nth "destroy sixteen bars on a boss that strips your buffs every turn" gameplay segment?

Obviously you should discuss the game and nobody says you can't, but being mad at people for wanting porn when this is the main reason many of them were even hooked on it in the first place is retarded.
And the mask comes off
How can Guda's enemies compete?
>comes off
Not our fault you've been blind to the reality for the past 7 years. Nothing came off, you just didn't pay attention or didn't like the facts that have been out since the start.
Miyu > Ilya > Kuro
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let her cook
>/alter/'s posts have always been slop.
>You were just ok with it and didn't consider it slop when people here made 30 new threads at once and goes around annoying other generals by posting /alter/ memes there.
That's not slop, it's shitposting. It was always deleted and people were banned.
>You decided to draw the line at AI posting because that's the off topic crap that you personally didn't like. All the past off topic shit were fine for you.
Nope, I reported that shit and it usually gets deleted eventually.
>We've had multiple instance of people posting photos of them cumming on people's support pics. This place has always had degenerate cummers who jack off too much.
Yep and they get deleted and shunned. Just like when lucksucker spammed armpits and cropped doujins. Just like when that faggot from /trash/ spammed censored edits. It all gets ridiculed and eventually moderated. Same shit here except it's not being moderated, rat. You just excuse this shit because you like crappy mass produced slop porn and are desperate to normalize it.
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>and didn't consider it slop when people here made 30 new threads at once and goes around annoying other generals by posting /alter/ memes there

That's a fallacy though.
When a general is really popular the threads naturally fill really fast and new ones need to be created.
When /alter/ was the most popular general several years ago, threads were filled to 800 posts in only 1 hour.
That's literally the result of being of most popular game and gathering the biggest amount of posters.
Sadly /alter/ lost the title of Queens of /vg/ and now the threads are slow.

But once again, this is a natural occurrence, not "slop".
Other generals behave the same, they are the most popular ones, and have the biggest amount of posters, and as result create tons of threads very quickly.
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i am a coomer
You have lots of energy today eh
Ok, if fgo is a coomer game:
A. Why is only AI porn spammed regularly and doesn't get moderation? Sure there should be plenty of normal porn posted all day openly and freely.
B. Why is it posted here, on the blue video game discussion board and not /h/
C. Why don't other coomer gacha game generals spam ai porn and requests?
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>We've had multiple instance of people posting photos of them cumming on people's support pics.
Dang... I somehow don't know that. What a bummer...
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I like AI slop, it's not inherently worse than something done by an actual artist on Twitter (many occasions it's actually better). Why would it be bannable if other people like and request it? How is this not you having a melty over coomers, when they've been here all this time?
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This scene was pretty good. Loved how hard she swerved from being polite to "Did it feel good? Did raping and killing my people feel good to you? ANSWER ME"

Would be interested to see more servants get mad at people who fucked them over.
I would roll for Avenger Odysseus
>Why would it be bannable if other people like and request it?
It's disruptive. Too much coomery is already disruptive on its own, but it's blatantly obvious at this point that AI is just going to continue to disrupt discussion of the actual point of these threads for multiple reasons including quality arguments and people just posting it specifically because it's disruptive. Also at the end of the day, there are literally boards for porn and this isn't one of them.

It also doesn't matter what other shitposting exists, punished or unpunished. This should be judged in a vacuum just like those. And AI is way too disruptive. There's literally no reason it shouldn't just be an instant ban at this point.
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What's the point of coming to /alter/ if there's no AI porn to download?
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POV: You're a cool looking seashell on the beach
>I like AI slop
Yeah no kidding, that's why you want it to be allowed so desperately
>it's not inherently worse than something done by an actual artist on Twitter (many occasions it's actually better).
Maybe not but the shit spammed here most certainly is. But that's beside the point. People don't spam catboxed porn here on a regular basis, or discuss said porn. There are occasional Twitter links or whatever, and even that gets deleted sometimes. I don't find any porn spam here acceptable. Posting lewd images occasionally, even ai, is one thing. Treating this thread as a /r/request thread and porn discussion thread should have it moved to /h/.
>Why would it be bannable if other people like and request it? How is this not you having a melty over coomers, when they've been here all this time?
Liking something doesn't make it on topic. If I like armpits that doesn't mean I think lucksuckers shit should be allowed. I don't have a Melty over coomers because they are usually one-off posts or get deleted
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A because people respond to it and request it themselves
B because porn and coom-tier characters are an inherent part of why people were hooked on this game in the first place
C because they don't have any regulars who take requests and generate them

Besides, the only content that's truly NSFW is usually behind links - don't click on them if you don't want porn. NSFW shit and blue boards were always ridiculous, if you're retarded enough to browse 4chan at work you deserved to get fired.

Responding to AI shit and treating it as disruptive is way more problematic than just fucking ignoring it and discussing the game. No AI faggot has ever prevented someone from discussing a lostbelt, from what I've seen.
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>I like AI slop
Stopped reading this word vomit
>A because people respond to it and request it themselves
This doesn't explain why normal porn isn't posted and discussed, if this is supposedly a porn-centric general and allegedly always has been (it hasn't btw)
>B because porn and coom-tier characters are an inherent part of why people were hooked on this game in the first place
And this means we should actively post and discuss porn on a blue board instead of a red board why? If fgo is a coomer games why not GO TO /h/ and make a fgo thread there instead?
>C because they don't have any regulars who take requests and generate them
lol, lmao
This shit is piss easy to make, as if that's a barrier. More likely they have moderation who doesn't allow porn link spam, or they just go to a red board to post it like a normal person.
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>anti AI schizo at 3am dead hours
fucking really?
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>Responding to AI shit and treating it as disruptive is way more problematic than just fucking ignoring it and discussing the game. No AI faggot has ever prevented someone from discussing a lostbelt, from what I've seen.
I agree, but the problem is people will do it because it's controversial and because people are baiting. Both the baiter and the people taking the bait are an issue. You and I are an issue right now because we're still discussing it.

>Besides, the only content that's truly NSFW is usually behind links - don't click on them if you don't want porn
Disingenuous. They're linked like that because they're not meant to be here. If you're here for porn, or for sharing it, you're not here for what this thread or board is here for. Go to one of the boards specifically for that.

> if you're retarded enough to browse 4chan at work you deserved to get fired.
No one gives a shit about work specifically, the fact is if you allow porn that's what everything becomes. Any board that allows NSFW content will become about it and you damn well know this is true.

Literally all of this would be solved if the AI posters just went to a porn board. They can do what they want without disrupting the threads about discussing the Fate/Grand Order video game. This literally solves everything. Just go make an /fgo-ai/ thread on /trash/ or something. Literally would solve everything and the only reason this hasn't happened is because a contingent of people actively use AI to shitpost.
its 11:23
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>EU wakes up
>anti AI sentiment starts
>anti AI schizo
It’s a common sense to hate ai shit that gets spammed here 24/7
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All my favorite artists quit FGO to draw fanart of Blue Archive or Vtubers.
I like AI art because I get fanart and porn that otherwise would be impossible to obtain.

As FGO becomes older and more "controvertial", less artists will make fanart and doujins.
With AI, at very least, I can get something
>Disingenuous. They're linked like that because they're not meant to be here. If you're here for porn, or for sharing it, you're not here for what this thread or board is here for. Go to one of the boards specifically for that.
couldn't have said it better myself
The only difference is there's nothing else to talk about in these hours
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>Any board that allows NSFW content will become about it and you damn well know this is true.
I've been here before everything turned into a blue board and that wasn't the case. I agree that these posts are disruptive so I'll stop responding.
>all those despair lists
>at times it was even over 4* servants
Come to think of it, has anyone cared about a 4* servant on the gacha besides summer in several years?
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FGO lost...
does anyone know how the rng for the summoning works?
Is there like, a request from the client sent to the server which does the math and sends back the summon results?
Is there any part of it that is run on the device?
Very cool and inspiring bro. I also like to make AI art on my own time. So how about you go make a FGO AI thread on /trash/ or /h/ and show us all your wonderful creations on a board meant for it, and I will post mine too.
Faker, but she's standard pool
Based ai poster
Cringe ai spammer attentionwhore
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based retard
keep researching. Maybe you will le hack the game
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The difference in the size and culture of the site has changed so much since then that that's irrelevant. I would love to say "people should just control themselves", but I don't trust for a second that modern 4chan is capable of self-moderation outside of extremely fringe parts of the site like the obscure boards where threads last for weeks.

Kriemhild was a big one because she's both semi-popular and meta.
knotsucker hours…
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We love tits here
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Was three years ago.
It's also telling that those are some form of meta servants.
Makes me sad that it's rare to see fans of servants these days for being fun characters and not just gameplay nonsense.
You press the button for either single or multi and it sends a ping to the server with the account address, deducting SQ and then adds the result to your account. Whatever happens on client side is solely cosmetic. Nothing really happens on your side. As soon as you perform your summoning you can basically quit the game and the result is added to your account anyway.
If it makes you feel better I rolled for Don Quichad
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I love AI (love)
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Bro are you posting from 2008 or some shit?
Why in the ever loving fuck would they let the client perform a transaction like this. You know, the one that their entire business model revolves around? And if that were the case, you think after 10 years this wouldn't have been discovered and widely known about?
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Most SRs outside of summer servants aren't limited in the first place, but it's not like you don't hear about people who saved for Faker, Kriem, or Zenobia
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The vibes right now are immaculate.
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I'm really looking forward to Morganfest mostly so I can make another one of these. This one was from the Koyanskaya raids. Which was a super fun experience honestly, I hope we get raids again some time.
The gacha in FGO is entirely server side
However people over time deducted several things from testing
First off, the gacha in FGO is not 100% RNG based
The server creates a spreadsheet with several million results
When you roll, you simply "get" a result from the list
Try to visualize it like a roulette in a casino with 99 shit results and 1 good result
And that roulette is constantly spinning
And you when do a roll, you stop it and get whatever it landed on

People have tested this by using several devices to roll at the exact same time
They always get the same results, same servants, same CEs
If you wanted to "outsmart" the gacha, you would need to create some kind of software that automatically pressed the summon button in the exact moment a SSR result is available
people managed to fuck with some square enix gachas and could inject characters at some point, then cried when all of them got wave banned
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I wish you were right, but respect the desire to fake it 'till you make it
what would have been if you have sucked all the milk from jalter's tit?
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>Come to think of it, has anyone cared about a 4* servant on the gacha besides summer in several years?

Dobrynya is one of the most popular 4* servants in a good while.
The japanese went nuts for her in the new Summer Event.
Same happened in FEH, but they changed it. Given you can do the same in FGO, but only for client side stuff like combat.
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Less thirsty I guess
With that FA, I'm not surprised
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Feetchads are the core playerbase of Fate/Grand Order
adding to this summoning discussion
There's one basic principle of programing/coding, Computers are incapable of creating a true "random" result, you need a seed
But you need to make a dynamic seed, otherwise a static seed will ALWAYS produce the same result hence the answer is using the computer's internal clock
so yes "hot period" is actually a thing, and predicting results would be possible IF we managed to discoved how their seed is programed, mind you you can add the clock, several times, in a math formula you can make as complex as you wanta s long as it divides a 100% result, and include miliseconds, etc
>Big titty russia mommy
Why wouldn't people like her?
Ana is the big titty russia mommy and people like her
Dobrynya is a generic cat girl
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To add into this
The Blue Archive devs patented Dynamic Seeds that would change depending on whatever you're a "good costumer" or not.

Imagine getting the worst possible rates if you're a F2P that plays everyday.
And the best rates only if you spend money.
Ana isn't an actual mommy though, Dobrynya is.
>Change rates based on location
That’s literally a racism
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Namco did this with a Dragon Ball gacha and had to backtrack or get sued into oblivion
specially when they did it on reverse, whales would get worst rates
No, not really.
I'm sad how the general mentality here has changed.
Someone who grailed Waver or Merlin used to get heavily scrutinized because they were likely just trying to suck up FP rather than being a fan of that servant.
Now you see NP5 SSRs that are meta at 120 and can't help but wonder if they whaled or saved hard because they liked them or if it's because they were a flavor of meta.
I guess it's also a symptom of age and how many big historical figures are already available.
I can see why.
OMG I love this game!
The story is well written, the characters are likable and the gameplay is fun!
Remind me why is Nexon still alive again?
>change rates based number of friends
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I feel like this would be illegal in most countries if someone presented official documentation of these systems.
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i threw up on my keyboard...
aren't they obligated to disclose the rates? how could they disclose a dynamic rate?
looks like ntr
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Could Caenis outrun the fastest Uma Musume?
>6(!) kg boobs
>yes "hot period" is actually a thing,
Bro you're going to excite people here describing it that way. What you mean is, if we could predict the RNG values and their corresponding result, we could feasibly write a program that would search for a time period with the most optical amount of 'positive' results. 'Hot periods' aren't guaranteed to even exist and if they did the results would still likely be too inconsistent.
Their parent company allegedly made a patent. That doesn't mean it's in use.
>Their parent company allegedly made a patent. That doesn't mean it's in use.
I find it weird you can patent something like that.
She will be after I'm done with her
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Double X
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Still waiting on Triple X for the memes and Servantverse buff
What's her personality?
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Stoic. A bit of a ditz that takes silly things overly serious, as shown with her summer event and other cameos. Her interlude shows she's self sacrificing in a defeatist way, not wanting to hurt others by what she sees as an inevitable fall by distancing herself emotionally from Guda so as not to bring them grief.
After this she becomes an optimist and indulges in what she denied herself. A friendly sort that gathers up the knights and others for a fun time. Kind and considerate but reserved. Kind of an autist when it comes to rules.
Er, uh, I mean she has no personality because booba. Mmm, milk.
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Someone owns the "happy birthday" song and you can get a strike for it on youtube

The word Zombie was copyright hence "walker" was used in Walking dead
Disney fills copyright not only in character but every piece of clothing, this is why even though Winnie Pooh is now publoc domain, you cant dress him up on the classic red shirt
The copyright system is globally fucked
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That's what I thought, literal Saber without personality and giant to the point of absurdity boobs
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You can't own the happy birthday song. It's public domain and has been. Warner Chappell were just being greedy jews.
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oh didnt knew that happened, nice
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One of these is not an actual servant, only an npc
so cute
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Koma cute..
Your size is just fine as it is!
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I know I'm sorry I wasted your time all she ever has done was be a pair of walking tits and has never said a word or expressed any sorts of interests or thoughts..... She just kind of stares at you. Those other sprites, that full art, all a huge psyop by me for almost a decade now. This is her only actual official sprite. It's not even the Lion King's. I just reused this for the Lion King. All she does is stare at you.
I am John TypeMoon and I have tricked all of you.
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Creativity died a long time ago...
This looks awesome. From a TV ad or trailer, or from an actual anime adaption?
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I don't know, I like them on the small side, but at least a tiny bit to grab is the ideal, not obnoxiously flat as a dude
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KOMA, NO! You can't say that!
she is not a loli
>that file name
I feel like Koma doesn't qualify as a hag. Rikyu, sure, but Koma is a young girl in her own body.
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I hate that artist
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Most girls her age have something there even if it's practically nothing. But you wouldn't see it through clothes, especially not hers. She's beautiful cute, and lovable though, so I will love her slender form regardless of what's under her shirt.
Shuten, Helena, Komahime, Abi, I dont care for semantics, as long as is almost flat but not totally flat its good for me.

Big torpedos and completely flat are fine too but not my preferrence
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I disagree
At least made Samson an straight foward servant that fits his class and his lore.
Thats kind of an oddity nowdays
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Lavinia If real
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Was this summer event good bros?
Meh looks more like Kagetora
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Lip love.
One of those is not like the others
yes, because no lolitrash
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I wonder how are they trying to balance the summer cast, take this summer 9 picture for example, 5 titty monsters vs 4 modest chest size
Good things
>Huge BB tits
>Good Lip design
Bad things
>No Lip swimsuit
>BB rehashed
>Ciel being wasted on a swimsuit hybrid
>Eresh being wasted on a hybrid
>Xu Fu
>Hakuno being the welfare instead of a sexy summer servant
Overall, the summer was more bad than it was good. Don't have a clue about the story of it
they are just trying to squeeze content as possible becase Ordeal call was nothing bt filler to release the ending at the 10th anni as something special

considering the good chance this is the last batch of "summer" before EoS its not a bad selection but the delivery and event was completely awful
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>no lolitrash
Actual trash, where the cunny at?
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>Bad things
>>No Lip swimsuit
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Drink tea.
I would rather drink her piss
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you forgot they mixed it with ordeal call and make it last a month.

Which wouldnt be an issue if it actually mean both contents summer and ordeal call combined, but instead of that we had half the rateups (only summer rateups ordeal call rateups were all reruns) and the summer event wasn't really much longer than usual summer event, it just added extra long timelocks,

I was the biggest fuckery so far, if we dont count append shit
You still have time to delete this post.
her fingers look swollen
What the skibidi? You're telling me she has a mewing streak that's straight out of Ohio. You gyatt to be kidding me, to think I thought I was a lookmaxxing sigma... Instead I'm just a gooner...
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You think that's funny, you bastard??
Needs that Bleach edit at the end there.
Yeah, pretty much, I wish Melt gets her 2nd swimsuit the next year
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You can never beat the classics.
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Did you mean Jojo?
What's going on?
sensei, bag is the next door, did Reisa tackled you too hard?
Idk what to think about cags
give me a good doujin to jerk off
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Almost done with LB1, pretty good start for the Lostbelt stories, I'm enjoying the characters in it
Why would you start this kusoge this late?
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Who were your favorite characters?
yeah, we are held hostages of our own autism and sunk-cost fallacy but you were a free man
He literally adapted my life story.
meant for >>497359389
>no news
I was not expecting halloween tomorrow, but I hoped for something for the ded week.
There is no hunting quests or anything?
nah these are boys, give me the one with real women
Yo content?
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that's a real woman
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Wait, Christmas rerun is a lottery, so we're getting two lotteries in a row? Morganfest then Karnamas?
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Today is my 44th birthday.

I feel nothing
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That one is great, but this one is amazing

Happy birthday bro. Make sure to go hear birthday wishes from all your new servants
F/SR in general was way more straightforward than FGO.
I think at the moment Avicebron and Holmes are two of my favorites, every scene they're in is interesting/funny

I'm not the only one that recently started playing, but personally I just needed a game to play on my phone at work/when I was bored and I've been enjoying it by treating it as a VN. Also I got pretty lucky with my rolls
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I haven't even done the regular ones yet, and with the way things are going, I'm probably going to miss those tickets just like I did with the Atlantis recollection ones.
People live that long?
me too kyoudai
As much as I like Illya I have a group sex fetish so I will not get hard unless there are at the very least two girls. So I need Kuro, Miyu, or other girl to be in there as well
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Hagdea is for?
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This is a man
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There is (was?) going to be a sequel with Kuro and Miyu.
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Happy birthday, bro.
Doujinshi market has not been the same since artist realiced they can simply make more money by locking shitty sketches after a paywall in some fanbox
Looks like one and smells like one.
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jalter is pretty fly
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I've seen some shit.
are you gonna post her fat buster tits?
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He's right, there is going to be a debate because that's a shit compromise. The only way I can accept it is if the BD's have nipples.

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