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[lmao tekken news] Tekken player XCC disqualified from last tournament of the year before world finals for being Chinese.

He made it to a qualifying match for Top 8 of the tournament, and eliminated many other players along the way, before event management finally DQd him.
SF30th keys going for cheap right now.
free on fightcade
This but unironically
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timmies are calling niggas sellouts for refusing to shill the silent hill 2 remake
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>/ourdood/ said that him and Yipes are gonna commentate Marvel for the Twitch Rivals event later today
I don't think we've ever gotten that duo for commentary. we are so back marblebros
Never happened.
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jannycheez pulled through so I shall be defending his honor from the hateful mob
The 50-0 did happen thobeit
whoops I meant trannycheez
Jpegmafia said sf6 ost is mid
They're right
Sf6 in general is mid...
All my friends play it but I just don't enjoy it... They just don't make them like they used to.
you CAN'T top the kino of RASHIIDOOOOOOOOO frfr no cappa
sfv was just too soulful. everything about it was a kinoge love letter to the people who truly love street fighter. of course this angered the casuals that wanted to mash for a day then never touch it again.
for me it's karin sfv theme the final boss of youtuber video essay music
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karin jive theme
ibuki 2nd impact theme
Feeling down.
Another coding defeat and I caught some kind of weird cold.
I don't know if I can make GigaMaidens on my own.
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Ah! Sethanie!!
rashid's sf5 theme was repetitive dogshit only remembered for it's corny ass drop
Blazing Strike dropping next thursday and yall not talking about it?
First I've heard of it
several years of work to culminate in sajam and dood mashing in your game as filler content for their stream
we always love hrt-infused vtubers crabba
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Do you want the method?
shout out to the one yurifag on /a/ who keeps saying vappa outside /fgg/
That was me. You're welcome.
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what are we going nuts about today?
sf6's ost should've sounded like this...
remember when matz hired latinx stadium rappers and fruityloops producers to make sf6's ost then blamed it on third strike
white people dont say "https://youtu.be/H2LQMElLoLs?si=Bm4caK-NiZPker4z" anymore
they say "what are we going nuts about today?"
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remember the wheelchair guy and breakdancer in the music video
sf6's ost is the shit an all white church would play to show how hip they are
crew is big and it keeps gettin bigga
thats cuz jesus christ is my nigga
Sonic sol you're a freak for posting this
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mid mid mid mid
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Unicorn Overlord is a Vanillaware game. Atlus just published it.
I'm surprised there's been no mahoyo franchise fighting game
You mean Mihoyo?
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Yes, my bad. I literally was looking at this art on pixiv when I typed that but I meant the genshin company.
zenless completely mogs the genshin toons icl, they'd be ruining the roster. you'd have the shark, rat and electric bitches just completely mogging the genshitslop
>gacha fighting game
if it ever exists it needs to bomb or this genre's going to be fucked more than it already is
square enix had examu make a FG based off their gacha and you all loved it
FGs entering the shovelware era would be kino. let some bootleg arcslop company from china pop up with the exact same cel shaded gimmick and we're eating good
I mean, that’s what Skullgirls is at this point. Expect Skullgirls 2 to be streamlined to shit, auto combos, one button specials and trimmed down movesets.
the shovelware era of fighting games happened already
Need clownpiece
is this touhou
>that’s what Skullgirls is at this point
No? Only the spin off mobile game is gacha shit. I'm talking about an actual fighting game requiring gacha rolls to acquire new characters and costumes.
just imagine all the recent arenashit but they were fighting games. bleach, jjk, demon slop smdh we could've had a whole roster of party mashers
I have literally never seen anyone here mention
*checks notes*
Million Arthur Arcana Blood
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And which version continues to receive more meaningful updates including an exclusive MvC1 style assist mechanic involving the NPCs? The fact that they gave Mobile a fully fleshed out replay theater with the option to share them online but 2nd Encore’s is still locked to the PC version behind fucking Steam launcher code should tell which version they’re prioritizing at this point and where Skullgirls is heading as an IP going forward. Them still caring about the competitive side is just out of obligation at this point, otherwise the June update would’ve have drastic gameplay changes to make it more casual friendly if their intention was to broaden skullgirl’s playerbase (which it wasn’t)
the moment mike z got cut off the odds of them prioritising the main version dropped to 0
You're arguing with something that was never said my guy.
Did you guys really want to talk about Skullgirls that badly?
mike z got cut off and the game got a 2nd character pass and a stable ownership after jumping publishers and having to crowdfund individual characters luhmeow
All gachas are designed around you needing teams of characters, and often specific characters for specific content, to make people roll as much as possible. You also roll for weapons and upgrades and shit, it's entirely a "numbers go up" genre. The gacha business model wouldn't really work for an actual fighting game, it would have to be altered it into something completely unrecognizable.
They should make an MMO fighting game where you have to grind to get new moves and better stats
Besides Tekken Revolution I mean
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nigga getting mad /fgg/ is talking about a fighting game for once
All their money comes from the gacha, they're not actually managing the fighting game better lmao

this is like attributing the success of SF6 to them firing Ono and not to them fucking selling out to the Saudis
Bro your DFO?
Going nuts over gacha drama is not talking about a fighting game, lil rog. Don't make me put you back in your fucking cage with the rest of the rowdy little animals.
We're talking about a hypothetical fighting game gacha and using the closest example of to draw from, timtim. Now get dressed for church like your mom told you.
I'm an atheist...
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how's that mike zion court case going
Fighting games are already shit with horrible Jewish Israeli Zionist microtransactions, do y'all really want them to be worse?

The worst part is that if Capcom or Namco really did exchange ugly/toned down females for making you have to roll for XXX sexy knockout Cammy and Nina, you apes would all be defending it and retards like the fat guy here would be posting his rolls every day.

Knowing these people, it would even have a rental system and you'd have to keep rolling for characters you already own, lol
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i think he meant "fighting game based on gacha ip" and not whatever you've been rambling about
That's just Granpoo (a shitty overpriced game that the retarded fanbase defends anyway)
if capcom makes heaven a f2p game with either gacha or like two ex koh with $20 characters/$40 costumes im quitting the genre because kamiblue will be dead by then
granpoo could've been kino if it had a roster that didn't appeal to trannies and gameplay that didn't appeal to trannies
>the game got a 2nd character pass
Annie, Umbrella, Dahlia and Marie were are originally designed with mobile in mind and it Mike Z who pitched the idea of bringing Annie over to 2nd Encore hence why the character pass exists. That’s also why Annie and Umbrella came out absurdly broken and the former needed patches while the other had to have her gameplay reworked
So you agree the game got a 2nd character pass.
>so you agree
timtims love saying this
Why didn't they just make the gameplay... good?
/ssbg/ keeps dying...
Because Mike Z autistic ass insisted that Skullgirls’ gameplay be this retarded ready player one Frankenstein of pop culture references, fighting game mechanics and functions
Well they exiled that semite, so surely they could make some changes by now
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yall boring, finna streamboar SS having meltys over random kimmys

someone link that doujin
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I prefer SAKURA
did you record any of the raging
...said no one
SS does have a point that the people wanting cammy to get nerfed again are seething shitters mad there's a character that can consistently beat coinflip shit like drive rush and fb drive rush
Did this dude really use cropped porn to censor the opponent’s name
all you guys do is jack off, I can't trust you to do anything of value
>futa karin with sakura and chun
If only the artstyle was better...
There's a Nitroplus Blasterz NA PC tournament in a few hours.
You can still sign up if you wish.
Because then the “I’m not playing fighting games to cum” crowd would have an autistic fit because then the ValentineXParasoul yurifag can now pull off epic happy birthday wumbo combos just by mashing Light Punch
But the cumcels outnumber the actual SG players like 10 to 1, so you'd think they'd want to make them happy
Drive rush carries enough risk to make players think twice before carelessly doing it in neutral.
just play granblue
not even granblue players want to play granblue
>they just hecking low forward DR!
so just...bait them by playing outside their low forward range and punish the whiff?
this one guy is really annoying
friend, what is her fighting game called?
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Super Smash Bros Ultimate
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Wuts wrong wit dat?
Means you have DIRTY HANDS
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I want the real cunny mashing Justin Wong back...
He played Nitroplus on stream just a few months back
get ready for a swarm of smashies thanks to /ssbg/ dying due to inactivity
can't be any worse than the gachatroons already fucking up fgg.... right?
/mkg/ died for the same reason and it only ever gets brought up to dunk on Dix, we'll be fine.
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has SS reached legend rank
when does anyone ever talk about gacha here?
I thoroughly wash my hands after +1ing. Thank you very much.
He reached it when the game was new but now he peaks at 1750 on a good day
think you're confusing legend with master, legend was a pretty late addition to the game
i should specify when legend was new
that one guy keeps telling us how zzz and genshin are better than fighting games
i mean...have you seen the state of fighting games recently?
this nigga was about to call a gief a nigger for doing DI
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Who is this Cheezbunny?
justin is an.... interesting guys
grown ass man said cheezbunny
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are we really losing our minds this early in the morning?
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That would imply fgg was ever sane to begin with.
whats new
its evening THOUGH
Why was Justin mashing with a school girl dog character in the first place?
she's fun
Is the latest Arcana Heart worth getting from a single player perspective.
I like SFIV and Alpha 2 Sakura, SFV Sakura was kinda boring.
it actually has a lot of story stuff if you're into that.
0-4 i learn mashen
5-9 i learn granpoo
Who are some Cheezcore sniffs?
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If you LITTLE BOYS spent half as much time practicing as you do shitposting and watching streams, you could be a legend rank by now,.
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getting a 5 is the universe telling you to learn neither
Who are the Fearcore sniffs?
why would i want to be legend rank?
get all the honeys with the legend rank
max is like platinum and everyone loves him
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feels like it was easier to get B+ rank games in EU a year or two ago than it is nowdays. hitting a wall learning stick because there's no niggas to play
Getting tired of gaming
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Justin is the only one that knows, but surely he picked her beyond that reason alone...
>jwong is a cunnysseur
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fgg be normal challenge (impossible)
i thought yall said tracing was bad???
might pirate the mgs 3 remake desu
Jappas trace photos to make weekly manga all the time, only Ameritards pretend tracing is bad
my issue with SH2 is the 2001 release not being available to buy for like 10 years
if the original version of your remake isn't just as available to play as the new version, you're not making a remake. you're making a replacement
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need this nigga in 6
the dead rising deluxe remaster was made in china and they made the only Chinese guy look way whiter
what did they mean by this?
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hoping Gill keeps his jive voicelines and Urien gets back his turd strike voicelines.
Get Ready for ...
Gill and Urien ...
Coming 2029
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>4 character season pass with crossoverslop
Fatz and Matz are cooking, doods
Feels good being an Akuma and Bison main they always get in
im sure sagatfags felt that way
two tekken guest characters season three? with the kekken8 crashing and burning harada gotta call in every favor he has left
I agree, but at least they're making a remake of a very old game.
Sony is the worst offender as far as unnecessary remakes go. There is no point in remaking Horizon and Last of Us, especially considering they hold well the test of time. Games released in the PS4 gen.
To me this speaks volumes about the death of creativity in the entertainment industry, but the true problem is the consumers who reward this direction.
saggat is the emergency character button, like cody
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who would even be hyped for tekken characters lol. the only good ones are bootleg versions of SF characters so there's no point. imagine asuka and nina getting in before sakura and karin
Fighting games should allow you to use dlc characters in practice mode and allow you an option to earn all dlc characters by playing
Do any do that? I know sf6 and strive don’t.
this is what kuji actually killed his career with capcom over
Tekken just needs to get Tifa and everyone will forget every bad thing Harada ever did
he admitted he made it up
they remade horizon? lmao
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They need to add Morrigan and Lightning to Tekken 8.
you're talmbout him supposedly leaking season three had guest characters?
i'm so happy sirlin made hd remix and killed the idea of remaking a fighting game
It's more of a remaster than a remake, but yes, they re working on it.
Lightning has negative ass just like Reina, so I'm not surprised you like her, timcheez
turd strikies were the ones who killed the idea actually
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Lightning is sexy and has lightning powers just like Reina, timtim.
It was obvious he knew nothing considering he was surprised in a not good way about Season 2 reveal.
I fail to grasp the need to resurrect dead franchises from companies. Maybe it's just me but sometimes it's good for things to stay "crystallized" in their state of death.
Preexisting IP with proven track record has a better chance to make money than a new one. Now all they have to do is make the graphics hyper realistic with an over the shoulder camera and retards will thank them for it.
>insult lightning
Many such cases
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I knew you people were immature, but caring about JRPGs in 2024? Seriously? Other countries put them to shame almost a decade ago.
persona 5 is the best game ever made howeverbeit
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dd2 should've been the game of the generation...
It's not like the genre isn't whore-ified already with guest characters and cheap nostalgia cashgrab shenanigans already.
the game was designed to filter shitters but thanks to the dogshit performance and mtx the shitters had a good excuse to call it kuso to cope with the fact they couldn't fast travel
Built for Cheezcock
Cried listening to music again
I swear Juri was fun only in SFIV.
LTG listens to rap, it doesnt evoke such strong emotions
why is sonicsol in the goonerhub?
remaking fighting games never worked because niggas just stuck to the unpatched arcade release. in the modern climate, why wouldnt a remake of say, sf4, work out? niggas would drop the current version in a heartbeat for a remake, the same mindset isn't present
How many millions does the fgc owe raito in royalties?
the last elder scrolls was 10 years ago...
wilds needs a character creator like DD2's so i can make a pawg in kirin armor
Trust me when I say this, anon, no one played the original VF3tb either
Damn they put Frieren in the game?
It's a case by case thing with fighting games (or multiplayer games in general). Remaking sfxt could probably work out since the concept already has widespread appeal and sfxt was kneecapped by retarded design decisions that could easily be fixed to make it a good game. Remaking something like 3S would be retarded since anyone who wants to play that shit can already easily play it.
I could also see it working for "dead" series like doa and soul calibur if they're actually done well.
If Project Soul didn't disband
kill yourself reichan
we play blade arcus, not blade strangers
the blade strangers dev is korean and it's a solo project indie game, not lazy shovelware. we need chinappasystemworks in the industry shitting out fighting games based on all sorts of IPs
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In what dimension is this blurry jaggy low poly mess of an SF clone a bootleg arcsys game?
You're thinking of Battle Queen. Blade Strangers is former Treasure devs (thus former Sega devs)
blade strangers is good because it kamivolt in the roster
if they announced a remake of doa4 you chuds would pretend you were lifelong fans and care about the series beyond blender animations
sfg migrant really missed the arc where we talked about DOA every day on fgg
I do not miss Party or Mash.
for the last time, jacking off to tina's butt cheeks is not talking about doa!
I'm trying not to fap, can you please stop posting suggestive images of animals?
I might be a scrub because every time I fight Ken, all I can think about is how annoying he is to fight
I stay sliming in the padded cell
I'm not a furry, in fact I kind of find furry art and culture disgusting, but something about Rouge the Bat feels just right
>One of top SF6 EU players is a guy literally named "Randumb"
meanwhile, in the abandoned jive asylum
It smells like rot shit and crusted blood
What makes rouge different from other furry art?
I don't know, not completely revolting design and cleavage?
most furry designs are just tumblr sparklefur garbage with a million collars and no real cohesion
These commentator at Saltmine couldn't sound more biased.
What did EU do now
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EVO 2025 will be kino.
>Chun player wins match
>"...and Valmaster wins another game..."
>Manon player wins match
nigga sneaked in multiversus
two niggas huggin and kissin
EU sucks so bad troll accounts win tournaments LMAO
Im only watching SF6 and COTW. Take off SC2 for MvC2, because you know that they’re putting that broken ass game in next year.
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remember when they dropped dooberz because rickthehadou wanted to squeeze in more tranime

Luv "Huggin" Cheez vs Baron "Kissin" Wastes
nigga really said masherz isnt anikuso
They like low tier heroes
oh that's understandable then
valmaster is a whiny bitch, the only people that like him are other frenchies that automatically lust over any slightly relevant player from france
I am playing a little bit rival schools on ps1. So there is the arcade mode, that is the story mode right? I played with mc and fem mc and got a story, played with two randoms there was no story, is there a way to find out which character combinations will give me story bits?
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sure. I'm still going to admire suggestive images of FtM FGC.
>>497399562 >>497400027
Because she's rule63 Morrigan Aesland?
It doesn't bother me to admit I like furry art thougĥ.
It's got to be a western thing.
is this a pooping comic?
I thought you said AI was unethical?
is sf6 good yet
only westerners even care about furry
There's an entire market of southeast asian third world artists that can make a comfortable living just drawing random dogshit furry OCs for dumb Americans and literally all of their commissions come from USA or Germany or whatever other anglo/europoid country instead of their own people
If I recall correctly, characters from the same school have a story together.
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Larceny. It's one thing to claim art as your own, and share a kaleidoscope output. All kaleidoscope output should be public domain.
I think it's more of a taboo culture. Westerners have a tendency to karen and bitch about things they don't want, instead of just minding their business. Zoophiles can die, but art is art.
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new shuckle just dropped
is she spittin?
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oh that makes actually much sense, so I can expect than for let's say 3 people from the same school to have 6 story lines? Because it will be AB AC, BA, BC and CA, CB ?
can someone explain this meme
Okay, I'll bite.

I'm sure I'll regret asking this, but is there a reason all of you weirdos on here want to fuck animals all of a sudden?
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this is hilarious considering her redesign in cotw
>I only like men
I thought she said she had a crush on Chun-Li before?!?!?
I can no longer make the joke for 497404885 that they need to be 18+ to post on this site. :skullface emoji:
Why did Heihachi groom a bear?
sf6 is an ass man's game
I looked it up and it's actually a bit more complex than I thought.
Apparently, every character has two endings, their good and band end. And you get the good endings by doing a team up attack on the boss Raizo to fight Hyo
And each character has their own individual ending on top of that. I think it's determined by which character you have on point when you win, like you may get a completely different one if you switch characters, but again, haven't played Rival Schools 1 in many years
She's finally starting her JAV career?
That's that fake tweet generator, y'all are retarded
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looks real to me
can you tell me where you looked it up? I couldn't find it. I don't even think I will reach any ending, because I am a shitter, but at least knowing which characters I should team up with would be a huge help.
Saw it on IGN
But the good/bad thing is on VGMuseum
the trash biker outfit doesn't even fit mai. I'm guessing its just for esports, which is surprising because you would think Capcom would think the same way for her Costume 1
thank you very much anon
why is she using alt right nazi chud speak like "safe horny" on twitter? Does she need incel orbiters like vara dark that badly?
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Imagine a beast like Rog on Mai or Shuckle.
rogs cant get asians
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>posts a Devilman Lady bitch says why I want to smash animal bitches

Disney made money off bouncy furries and you all love him
Devilman Lady isn't furry, her legs weren't nearly as furry as Akira's
They will soon evolve for it like pawgs did
there has never been a good post that ended in "and you all love him/her/it"
Which one of you low test cuckold soi chugging effeminate impotent manlet BETAS wants to be my doubles partner in 2xko?
You retards call disney an anti-semitic actual nazi big black jackboot wearing kike slayer on here every day, where the fuck is the love for him lmao
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>no Yordles OR Jinx
Shan't be playing that DOUBLE KUSO, NIGGAAAAAAAA
whats the point of duos in tesco if all it does is chop your shoulder buttons off
jinx is in she's just getting reworked for the nth time
You niggas buy strive which is funnel money for ESG into Larry Fink into IDF into bombing more brown children, so who are you to speak for whats wrong or right. That's right, we live in a twisty turvey world
...the jews were the nazis all along?!?!?
sonicsol did
i thought fgg hated soive. dont tell me this a troon general now
they only go after the fat ones like sherry
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And now, those same westerners call Disney Woke¯\_(︶▽︶)_/¯
Why are westerners like this?
You didn't answer my question .
Receipts needed, Rupert Murdoch.
remember when jiyuna had to make a video telling spicniggas to stop showing up in soive japan lobbies with 400 ping becuz sajam brainwashed them?
Harada is gonna have a looong week ahead of him
My guess is they saw the complaints about rat characters in other games and were afraid to add characters you had to play differently against due to their low hitbox.
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>No yordles
>The entire roster is just the Ruined King roster
>Half the roster so far are big body grappa types
>KUSOGE tagshit
>Most of the roster are fucking men
Uhhhhhhh I thought this game was trying to attract an audience lol?
Just make them bigger? What's the issue?
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finna main midna in the next smash bros
This but unironically.
Underrated post. Y'all will give replies to random trannies obsessed with SS and Baron and brutal rape but will ignore actual funny posts by real niggas not relying on anonymous gimmicks
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sfg: Punk miscalculated the SA2 damage and gave Noah a second chance, but Punk recovered quickly and sealed the game. Incredible display of composure.


Why are you guys like this?
thoughts on blades and beasts?
We follow our leader Chadcheez, who fucks animals like hedgehogs
remember when fgg would streamboar? cooked general
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I don't know/care about fgg namefag lore, but I'll still tack the names I hear repeated over and over to my posts just so I can get (you)s more easily

e.g. not many people will care about "this game is shit lmoa"
but if I go "this game is shit, no wonder cheez likes it lmao"I will get at least one reply, doesn't matter if the person in question has ever even mentioned the game.
based dissent causer
>Max's MvC2 tourney can't even break 10k views in 40mins
Maybe now it'll be apparent that nobody actually cares about that shit game.
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will he try forcing cvs2 now?
but max was on CNN and said it was gawdlike, why did it flop?????
Yes, he will, and it will probably flop too. Third Strike is the only oldfart game that people at least show up for.
Game is dog shit and only liked by people have nostalgic memories tied to it.
lil bro so filled with hate for the goat he forgot to include doods channel viewers
I didn't even realise it was being streamed on the official channel. That's even worse, because Max's channel alone brought in 20k viewers for all of his previous Twitch Rivals events.
Shit game.
we watching smash bros melee?
i actually played online a bit in the last few days, but slippi is so much worse than the old smash ladder - these greedy jews are even asking for a subscription to play ranked.
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Rise up and let your Duelist Soul burn! On Sunday October 13th at 3pm EST Anon Arena will be hosting a Yu-Gi-Oh! EDOPro tournament! Rules and cardpool restrictions are all located in the challonge description! Sign up in the link below and get ready to duel!


If you have any questions whatsoever feel free to ask!
yeah i dropped that years ago, faggot ass nigga wont make ranked free and took the patreon money to make a melee clone
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holy cheezbunny...
theres no evidence for arcsys being engaged in ESG or DEI
it's very obvious that they are, unlike Namco and Capcom who are both anti-woke and anti-tranny
>Soivers are used by ESG jewish niggas
Goddamn buttpluggin ass faggots
capcom made........kimberly jackson and brock lesnar in a wig
CHADcom has no problem taking Saudi money.
The Nitroplus Blasterz stream is starting soon.
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>unlike Namco and Capcom who are both anti-woke and anti-tranny
How I wish it was true.
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I love Sethanie <3
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>game is a kitchen sink of fighting game mechanics
fuck these cornballs
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The streamer is EU and on wifi. His CPU is at 100% so now he has to lower his settings since he was trying to stream 1080p 60fps.

But at any rate, I won my first match.
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>they all nutted in her coochie

>delay a zoner "Duuuhhh might scare za noobs"
>put in long ass combos but at least there's no pesky motion controls
Suck ass Riotniggas
I wish I was that woman...
>China ESG Rep: "Hey errmm, this is heckin problematic, can you not paint our country in a bad light. We'll pay you beeg moneyz if you do and follow our other plans for your game"
>*Daisuke's eyeballs pop out of his sockets turning into Yen signs*
>Daisuke: "Hai"
>Daisuke: "Arigato Gozaimasu"
Better start rubbing those chins and start nooticing more you dumdums.
Would you fuck Morrigan if she gave you those conditions? Don't worry, she won't suck your energy and leave you dry, as long as you follow those conditions:
-Be aged down into a shota
-Have your hair and eye color to match hers
-Crossdress like her (think of Morrigan mode Lilith's outfit)
-Become an incubus (Male counterpart of succubus)
-Call her mommy and be addressed as her child
Would you?
I can't believe Cheez got turned into a shota incubus
Can I fuck Lilith instead?
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New stream apparently
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>"chinks want to appeal to major audience"
Massive cope lmaooo Yuji Horii, creator of DQ, recently revealed contradictory to that statement.
That was a PR response, albeit
what the FUCK is this nigga talking about
old japanese men yelling at clouds
that anon said that arcsys was willing to pander to china's neglect of taiwan because it didn't bother the entire rest of the world which is objectively true
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You guys think Anaconda Vice is a wacky sex position, now y'all can speak Japanese??!?
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karin tummy
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Yes yes yes yes yes to everything let's go.
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>PJ was a cross dressing tranny all along
but morrigan isn't a man in a wig why would you be interested
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>female bigbody succ
new kizzie just dropped
is he spittin?
>trying to learn Dante in UMvC3
>tfw can't consistently do Bold Move cancels
corner carry and drc across the cast does indeed make the game more mickey
To be fair it's just a leotard not like it's a frilly dress or anything. It might feel really nice against my shota balls
But according to supplementary text in a mook, Incubus are actually a different species that are like dragon/bug monsters who melt women with digestive fluids and suck their energy out.
What will Cheez do when he finds out his cross-town rival PsychoJosh has just stolen his wife Morrigan?
cheez prefers to have other people fuck morrigan so there will be no issues
Does wearing a school uniform make you better at fighting in the United States as well, or does that only apply to Japanese characters?
She's hundreds of years old. You don't need to change your body for her as all living humans are children to her.
I wanted to change it so I could be more engulfed by mommy's presence and be carried around in her arms while she breastfeeds me. Becoming a shota for mommy is my pleasure.
Or she could just get bigger.
cheez can't even take a picture of her from the front
I guess you're morrigan's new husband then
Giantessfags leave
I will NOT see you in Advanced V.G. 2!
She could do both. I'm not stopping her.
But ChrisT is already plapping Morrigan.
Straight shota is always KINO vappa
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Morrigan is outdated.
>gets a warning for cropped porn while some fat white bitch sits in a tub for money/licking a mic and kids might be watching
Twitch is weird LUHMEOW
Even if it is a black-haired demon woman and a blonde boy angel that has the tendency to fall?
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You mean this lady? Yes. KINNOOOOO
Twitch discriminating futaphags is based and should be the norm.
Too late fucker. We deep in the FGC.
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Got a little worried there for a moment when I started dropping easy setups, but I pulled through once I looked up some of my old notes.
Haven't played Nitroplus regularly in over a year and I forgot to go for my 3 bar tech trap setup, but I guess I didn't need it as badly as I thought.
*goes back to polishing my demo in 2D Fighter Maker 2nd*
>Draw a hag
>Call it a semen demon
Why is this allowed?
>being gay
Why is this allowed?
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Well I don't know why I came here tonight,
Nothin but constant shitposting in sight,
I'm so horny that I fell off my chair,
And I'm wondering where are all the Seths!
Kolins to the left of me,
Morrigans to the right, here I am,
Stuck in the middle with you

Yes I'm stuck in the middle with you,
And I'm wondering what it is I should do,
It's so hard to keep my hand of my dick,
Losing control, yeah, cooming all over the place,
Kolins to the left of me, Morrigans to the right,
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you
Kolin pretty much melted after Jive ended...
shes alive canonically in 6
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I'm gonna put this character in GigaMaidens and have her be a simple input character with no motions required. She plays more like a 3D platforming character who stomps on people's heads for damage but she also has a variety of simple attacks.
mentioned in-game as well, along with the other illuminati refs
she WILL return in sf6
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Don't be shocked by the sound of her voice
Check out my new waifu, waifu of choice
Don't be shocked by the sound of her voice
Check out my new waifu, waifu of choice yeah

Listen to the sound of her voice
You can check it on out, it's the waifu of choice yeah
Don't be shocked by the sound of her voice (aah...)
It's the new waifu, the waifu of choice yeah
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as long as the DEITY returns
we need gill back ofc
Imagine your cute little Digimon partner suddenly turning into this.
I'm done wishing for characters to return because they'd be returning to Street Fighter 6, the worst game in the series.
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>could have the Illuminati and Final Fight chars in already
>fucking Chimperly, MANon, Manrisa, ACKi,..........Ed, Sim, Honda, Blanka and DLC guests eating up slots
What the FUCK Capcom? WHEN'S KOLIN? Finna go kookoo
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i like the sf6 newcomers, but the game does need more legacy characters asap
None of you even play Arcana Heart, let alone Konoha
It's not like the other choices are gonna be better.
Do we really need the reddit picks of returning cast members like Makoto, El Fuerte, Oro, Ibuki, Sakura? Please keep those maymay characters out and give in weird picks from now on. White girls are always a safe bet and Kolin is weird so I strangely also agree.
I look like this
Gay shit, hope he canonically gets popped
>>497376635 Justin does
If that happened, you are probably a perverted little girl.
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VOD is up
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Arcana Heart is nothing but lolishit. I need a variety of girls and most of them need to have big booba before I start accepting a loli here and there.
The chinese robot has huge bazoongas
Kamui, Maori, Mei-Fang, Petra, Zenia, Elsa, Clarice and Mildred aren't lolis
>Arcana Heart is nothing but lolishit.

that's not even true...
That's why I think fighting games need a cunny grappler function that gets bigger tits every time she lands a special command grab.
Think of it as having the best of both worlds ;)
>Makoto, El Fuerte, Oro, Ibuki, Sakura
Better than Brock Lesnar in a wig and an UGLY supermodel.
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16 years old
14 years old
3(!) years old
"Age Unknown"
"Eternally" 15
"Eternally" 17

I'm not against loli, I'm not gonna moralfag against you but I don't want to fug the loli. I just think they're cute.
No he didn't.
we commentated arcana heart at ceotaku 2023
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I like how everyone here either ignores or makes fun of Arcana Heart, but then one namefag mentions it and then suddenly the thread turns into huge fans and experts on it

It's like how SJW tranny retards suddenly all loved Dragon Quest when they wanted to talk about Horii LMFAO
WHO'S "WE," NIGGA?!?!?
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I wish they did the same thing for Valkyrie: The Power Beauties.
What Arcana Heart girl would you eat out?

why are timanthas like this?
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I'm not a cannibal. Try rephrasing.
what do we think of kolin?
need dat
>that's not even true...
If that's not true and there are titty monsters in the game. Then why did Justin Wong flock to maining the ninja dog cunny in the first place?
korone payed him to do that
perform cunning linguistics upon
did they seriously wait until that nigga made top 8 at the kekken tourney before DQing him?
>Valkyrie: The Power Beauties.
This game looks tight. I like the music.
...why would you want that?
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Only if they grew up, knew another language, knew the consequences of deception, then maybe I'll teach them monolingual fieldwork by Franz Boas.
Enjoy it. It's what inspired the shounen mahou shojo genre: thus Arcana Heart.
>Enjoy it. It's what inspired the shounen mahou shojo genre: thus Arcana Heart.
GigaMaidens and Skullgirls' common ancestors
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You like echo chambers?
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you only care about arcana heart because your capboyfriends mashed specials in it 20 years ago while they were high
I'll put it simply



Why would I want to hang around a bunch of mentally ill alt right chuds being stupid all day?
An echo chamber is preferable to a "chamber of equal retards"
Love that snowbunny
why do you keep coming here if you hate us?
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Did you miss the episode of the /fgg/ show where we played Arcana Heart at CEOtaku, the trannies complained about shirts, then they got caught playing with buttplugs on the Persona commentary which was apparently not as weird as wearing one piece and furry shirts?
>Why would I want to hang around a bunch of mentally ill alt right chuds being stupid all day?
But you keep coming back here doe?
The Diamond instead of a Heart is a nice touch, it makes me wonder if Rouge also has a Clubs and Spades one.
Love this cheezbunny
the one with the biggest boobs
Do you have screenshots of these “trannies” complaining about the shirt. I figure furry shit would be the exception for them
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After much thought i have decided to put Sethanie in Giga Maidens
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As an NPC who gets crushed underfoot
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Now that you rephrased your slang, reread what I said. I like making out with mutuals that know what it means to get down and dirty with cooch.
Because having your perspective stimulated and broadened is the cost of dealing demented cultists. That doesn't mean I'll ever agree with their insanity, I'll just be reinformed of their new lingo I need to watchout for.
A girl has to keep a rainbow of cards at any moments notice.
Just make her legally distinct. I don't want another Nintongeddon.
Only gayfurry is accepted
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Does baron like oneshota?
Is Leona BR?
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No she KoF
janny got his feefees hurt now it's everyone's problem
Clarice. I've always loved hags that play into the in denial "eternally 15/16/17" age trope so I'm biased to go for her.
I wouldn't mind showing this hag that's way past her prime that she can still feel loved even when she self-doubts herself that she isn't wanted anymore.

I'd take her out on dates to the aquarium, festivals, movies, and late-night hand holding (even if she's red faced embarrassed because of the age gap) walks to the mall n grocery stores after hitting up karaoke booths. Then cook her up a nice meal of soft baked garlic buttered potatoes and roasted chicken with rice and veggies. If all ends well, I'd cuddle with her in bed and help her out with her chores around her establishment early in the morning.

If we get to do the dirty though... hmm...
- Passionate baby making sex in the missionary and mating press positions (if she's not tired)
- Turned around burpee position with butt arched upwards to where she can gain access to my back end for her to milk my dingaling and massage my prostate.
- Get out the inflatable mattress and lubricant so she can give me a nuru massage thigh job and sex with her hairy unshaved primal mating mode activating cooch on full display.
Just stop posting furry porn that has nothing to do with fighting games on the fighting game general?
>tranny janny actually giving out warnings for off-topics post
issa golden age of fighting games
i didn't post furry...
If you were posting little boys getting brutally raped by older women, that's just about as deplorable....
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Who OT'd me? >>497446549
Nobody did. Boootlicker-kun only got triggered by my schooling.
Ohh I thought you meant fags whining about this on Twitter not people from here lol
I think so, yes.
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>"little boys getting brutally raped is considered off topic"
It literally isn't though?
Fighting games have canonical shota hunters. Are we not allowed to discuss fighting game related content now or is it because the janny got their feefees hurt?
Based good night sleeper
the last time fighters destiny's gameplay was mentioned in this general was a full 12 months ago
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idea: bleach fighting game
>edgy 4chan transphobe calling OTHER people bootlicker and fash
how so?
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COTW waiting room.
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Reichan's on topic posts were deleted: >>497396206 >>497421129 >>497421701 >>497443169

Jannitors don't look anymore. They see a report, they click nad delete.
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>spams thread with furry porn and shotacon
>posts deleted
>spams thread to whine about jannies
The Queen of Fighters became the Queen of Safe-Horny
There was only one graphic nsfw porn image and the rest was the usual /fgg/ eceleb shitposting. Why did everyone else get their posts shot then?
That exists.
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Reichan also posted peachy fanart: >>497403537
Bootlicker-kun is just a fash.
Also, excellent tastes.
It's all over the place, be honest.
The shotacon that needs lead is still silent if you haven't noticed.
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picrel is a man
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Not that drawfag. This fash: 497436376
Zero jiggle
yamato is a canon transman, retard
Crazy how SF6 doesn't have exposed titties or panty shots.
Crazy how this game is censored yet you simps defend it
If you're gonna police like that on a 4chan board, just go apply to be a mod in fighting game discord at that point
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What are you even talking about anymore?
Are you not going to reprimand the false reports?
What makes you think they don't do both?
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B.Jenet, my love.
So Honda?
picrel is a tranny too
Love that g-string.
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Umisho got 2nd at Dreamhack today. You chuds aren't banning her.
They might as well be implants with how little they move
does anyone truly care about soive troon drama? i think not.
not banning him just proves lunar right, so you trannies lose either way
>not even bothering to behave like a female like Brazilian and Thai shemales
Tired of looking at this no effort ugly Timantha in a dress that mashes good in Soiver Orgy Smash
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And you care because?
Technicals_ still does. But he's not a gamer, so who cares.
...how do you behave like a female?
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oops, nvm, the shotacon still does.
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Oh, Mai, the beautiful woman you are...
Toei draws her ugly.
Shes meant to look like THIS according to this colorized reference sheet art
Image didnt post
The strive drama wore itself out like the PurseOwner Maraplug controversy DESU
do you guys have fun going insane all day?
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You guys are missing out the greatest cat and mouse chase ever to be livestreamed, and BannedCo can't help be retarded.
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I find it weird how Lili from Tekken was in one of those games with THAT as her partner. What a random ass crossover.
Shinomiya came back? but why?
Fighting games?
Kinda like Lars in Naruto.
I can talk about Blades and Beasts if you want.
I asked for fighting games, anon
Heres ya fighting game. Absolute KINO
Dude... this is getting sad. that's a smash clone.
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>Itagakai (aka Moonface aka Oatmeal Cookie) is going back to Team Ninja

DOA bros (and sis), it's our time...I can feel it
At no point does he mention returning to Team Ninja
He's either going to make a new company, join some other competitor, or just retire now
A bad one at that. I was pulling a silly.
>"When the company was established, Itagaki said Itagaki Games would release its 1st game PissNickel, XBock Series Gamepass and PeeShee. Ultimately, it didnt release any games
The return of sillu
That one is for a game that came out later. Shouldn't you use the 2002 image?
She will learn to enjoy the Cheezcock.
Considering the latest non-Toei versions based themselves on this one, nah. Look at how Sasasi draws her. Its based on this version. Eyebags and all.
Itagaki Games was some kind money laundering stunt. No other way I cant br convinced otherwise.
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More like SHOTOCON
Why did they ban that Chinese nigga from the Tekken tournament?
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>When you take sleeping lessons from Morrigan
No, like the normal jump itself is an attack when it falls down.
So like Mario?
What is with you people and “cheese cocks”
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Yes nerd glasses emoji me idc
Yep. Its the exact reference he went for. Not the only time hes done a FGC reference.
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Game so bad, it got Istuno fired, kek.
Is it just me or is playing Terry kind of reminiscent of Lucia
Yes, you always have to block her jumps high, but she bounces off you.
People said Lucia was like a KOF character. You probably see why now.
Are these the best home versions of these games?
what could kekken do here?
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As mommy Morrigan strokes my hair and lets me drink my fill of her yummy milkies, what's she say to me?
Thanks for these additions to the starter pack
Whoops I meant as Morrigan strokes Cheez's hair and lets him drink his fill of her yummy milkies
Nice try Cheez.
Basically, yes.
Not sure about that version of DOA2, though, never tried ti. I was under the impression that they had a better version of it on Xbox, but I might be wrong.
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why is the sfl held after Capcom cup... No one is watching that lol
I play Garou, Vampire Savior, CvS2, Tekken 5, Street Fighter 5, Alpha 3, Third Strike, Tekken 3, Soulcalibur 2 out of those
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Forgot image.
Because you touch yourself at night
then enjoy the PS1 lineup.

I don't have an Xbox so I have no experience with it and XEMU runs like shit for me. Disregarding the severe slowdown, it was hard to tell if the game played any better but I guess the physics are better.
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What makes you think it's us doing that and not you insanely schizophrenic african americans?
Shes gonna Shadow Edge you until your soul is gone. Dont do it PJ!
It's too late. I'm her shota incubus and she is keeping me as her baby boy with benefits.
you guys are always plotting nefarious things
No you aren't. No she isn't.
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Rukia, my love.
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Morrigan belongs to me and no one else.
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We know, ChrisG
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Rukia ends up with Renji and Morrigan has dick appointments with Donovan, btw
Whoops I meant CuckedG
Whoops i meant losing 20-2
Whoops I meant winning 50-0
niggas talmbout whoops but they aint never made a bitch whoop lmaoooooooooooooooo
damn you didn't have to do him like that
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LTG got hit by that Iron Man infinite:

Easiest Shit in Marvel 2, Marvel 3
Light Punch
Medium Punch
Light Kick
Heavy Punch
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But enough about CuckG
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Not true in the slightest.
I remember when Cheez won MvC3 at Evo and celebrated by having sex with his wife Morrigan
Oh wait that was ChrisG
Never happened.
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>played at the highest level with his waifus (Sakura, Morrigan)
>known as THE Morrigan player
>changed the meta of marvel vs capcom forever
>got noticed by a celeb because of his drip
>nicknamed Christopher Genius by commentators
How can Cheez even compete?
also confidently takes pictures with morrigan cosplayers while cheez has to take creepshots of them
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>Cosplays Morrigan but shes built like Lilith
>On second inspection she doesnt have a fatty patty like Lilith
Never mind. All bones.
whoops meant CuckG
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why would you randomly insult her like this
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it's no wonder pokemon mogged this turd so hard
At least be on point with the cosplay. It would be equally as jarring to see a fellow thick voluptuous woman with a hefty tits cosplay Lilith.
Is that...kneeling? I was jesting when I posted that game. 2 is the better one.
Pogaymon sucks harder than this turd of a game.
2xko is going to crash and burn and I can't wait to see sajam and the gang copping pleas.

The great work continues.
massa's great work
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Might as well write out your physical fingerprint in Bézier curve plots, Mohammed.
>October 9th
>Oct 7
Investor meeting. They seriously don't expect fans to quit their jobs today, to make a roundtrip to São Paulo on $1/hr. on flights that cost thousands of dollars on a day difference on booking.
Digga D - Energy
>Might as well write out your physical fingerprint in Bézier curve plots, Mohammed.
Idc, come find me. ;)
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hopping on the trend while it's still steaming.
If you have this poor URL hygiene, I don't think anyone's interested an your rotting corpse.
can you actually track someone from twitter links? wtf...
And there's more.
No, it's a meme.
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Can't wait to play Feitan
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added, haven't laughed my lungs out to a gimmick in a long time like this
That one's feasible. I can call my boss and tell'em to cover for me on Friday, the busiest time of the workweek.
How was Jan 6th?
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...why is the hedgehog there?
the werehog was so unfun to play that it made me appreciate chaos legion's dogshit combat in comparison
Now that I think about it, fighting games are now doing the same thing as the mid 2000s sonic games where they're all trying some new retarded gimmick that no one likes instead of just sticking with what works
If I was built like Sakura I would do nothing but have sex with as many men as possible. I play arcana heart and snk games btw not sure if that matters
Nice try, but Sakura belongs to the French Bread players
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do trannies even play kof?
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Dbfz should have added beast Gohan and orange piccolo.
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What do you mean by that
metaphor is just as much of a "new ip" as elden ring
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What game
metaphor refantanzio!
lol nah those forms are corny asl
atlusfags are really good at finding unrelated threads and shitting them up
I don't feel pressure
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not like this
Typical Technicals W
The strive nation is falling apart...
don't act like your game has any less rapists and groomers than strive, they just haven't been exposed yet
That wasn't me.
Strange how Strive has so many more that do get exposed.
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Magikfags are going to get fucked when they realize the token Mugga that wasn't in previous MVC games isn't her.
new emezie just dropped
is he spittin?
JP almost killed the game
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>Game with the highest LGBT percentage has the most brutal RAPE drama
>even the primarily African American and Hispanic games don't have this much sexual misconduct
really gets the ol' noggin joggin
remove the party meter
he could be talking about literally any game with a meter
v trigger
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Is everything a party with y'all?
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one for her, one for me
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We will be playing
What am I looking at here?
........WE?!?!?! WHO IS WE, NIGGA?!??!
>pedonigga strive
That's just strive
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Do you schizos see cel shaded 3d and just immediately start thinking about strive?
when will they show gameplay?
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>Tohuou with Arcsys graphics
Wtf? Finna sniffmain Marisa(cute)
i hate arcsoy 2 fps graphics
japanese animation predates arcsys 3d by a century
None of you told me there were OrcSoft games on Steam
time to abandon this trash general and genre once and for all, later FAGGOTS
see you next week
arcsys invented anime
>The popular rules for fighting Gensokyo-style.
In order to make the opponent admit defeat without causing any casualities, you will basically use suppression techiniques or destroy their clothes. In addition, the rule that you can fully recover your health if you declare a spell card even if you are downed is still alive and well"

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the /fgg/ meetup
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the REAL /fgg/ meetup
leave the thread and work on your game
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>leave the thread and work on your game
??? What game? I'm a nodev who mashes in nu-fgs
im too busy fulfilling furry commissions in blender
fgg kusoge gonna flop hard
I didn't even realize they priced the mvc collection at $50, and people actually bought it.
he'll take this video down once gigamaidens drops
yeah he will add another grave for it
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I beat my jr to a touhou took with green hair several times. will she be in
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And what would fgg's fighting game be based on? sf6? lol
what's wrong with that?
would having flags improve fgg?
I already know that USA makes the lowest quality shitposts, so we would also need IDs. In fact, IDs are way more important here than having flags.
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Holy shit, Street Fighter as a franchise is fucking garbage. The input timing for moves is inconsistent every single game and has screwed me over more times than I can count. Terry was not enough to salvage this series for me, fuck this.
ids are boring, flags are more fun!
>would having flags improve fgg?
Look at /pol/ and /int/ did flags really improve those boards?
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343 Studios, the developer behind Halo after the Bungie handover, has now rebranded to Halo Studios

I wonder if Capcom (or Bamco) will ever rename one of its teams (Team 4 I believe?) to fully dedicate itself to their fagship Fighting Game to the FGC that they atualy care
capcom only cares about MH and RE, SF wouldn't even exist right now if it weren't for ono begging
Man, I said this before, but people really do forget Lily is a grappler and will just get in your face. I have stolen so many matches with defensive/on wake-up Raging Typhoon.
I can't imagine working on just one game my entire career

How can one single guy still be putting out this much new tech in games while looking this chad?
flags would've been kino in the jive era, would just be corny now
Street Fighter V-2.
That's not how Capcom works.
Capcom dev studio is "separated" in Divisions. They're more flexible than they sound but essentially it works like this:
Capcom Div 1: flagship AAA budget single player games (Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, Dragon's Dogma, etc.)
Capcom Division 2: big Capcom multiplayer focused projects (Monster Hunter, Street Fighter, etc.)
Capcom Division 3: all the other projects (Megaman 11, Ghost n Goblins remake, etc.).

There's no such a thing as a "Fighting game division" although there is indeed a specific dev team for it. Developers can hop between projects and divisions depending on what they work on.

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