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Previous Thread: >>497346792

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>9/25 (Wed) After Maint - 10/10 (Thu) 10:59 (JST)
Reijo (3*)
Kisaki (3*)
Shun (Small) (3* - Rerun), Kirino (2*- Rerun)
Saya (Casual) (3* - Rerun)

Descent of the Five Senses - 9/25 (Wed) After Maint - 10/10 (Thu) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Kaiten (Urban - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 10/2 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/10 (Thu) 3:59 (JST)
Joint Firing Drill (Defense) - 10/10 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/16 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/26 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Commissions/Lessons - 10/2 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/10 (Thu) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 10/5 (Sat) 4:00 - 10/7 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)
2x Hards - 10/10 (Thu) 4:00 - 10/16 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals/Scrimmages - 10/16 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>9/24 (Tue) After Maint - 10/8 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Umika (3*)
Tsubaki (Guide) (3*)
Izuna (3* - Rerun), Shizuko (2* - Rerun)
Mimori (3* - Rerun)
>10/8 (Tue) After Maint - 10/15 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Kazusa (3* - Rerun)
Reisa (3* - Rerun)
Natsu (3* - Rerun), Mari (2* - Rerun)

Rowdy and Cheery! - 9/24 (Tue) After Maint - 10/8 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Indoors - Insane & Torment w/Blue Dmg) - 10/1 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/7 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Joint Firing Drill (Breakthrough) - 10/8 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/14 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/25 (Wed) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Lessons/Scrimmages - 9/30 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/7 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Normals - 10/7 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/14 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Commissions - 10/14 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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Leave all your concerns to Professor Sexo
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Sometimes I forget that only being 6 months behind isn't that bad. Imagine when Uma Musume comes to global. People will be years behind...
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If Cygek aren't retarded, they will speed up. Not everyone can be FGO.
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nothing personel kiddo
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>do some shitty insane clear
>get gold
>get mad
what did you expect? silver?
Don't care, love rape
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Forget about 4 years behind contents, don't expect globaltards to spend money on anime horse racing when you can do IRL.
Anon I...
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The combination of Kisaki and the background location makes my heart feel very week.
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Divegrass roster poll round 1 here.

Deadline: Start of October 10th UTC time.

Sensei is not a pedophile
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early access to what
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I still love Fuuka
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Good morning my Miggas!
Mika should die
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Sex with my wife Nanagami Rin
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My adorable daughterwife Azusa.
Any candidates for worst l2d ?
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your favorite one
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Suzumi alt when
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Autumn is coming.
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Hopefully never.
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also you just gotta feel bad for Izumifags, luckily there are none though
Wished I knew about the rewards from this event. 15/25 blue orbs from N/R draws is crazy good. Could've easily replenish my stock with this.
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>over 100 students to pick from
When the fuck were there so many? Or has the slew of alts warped my perceptions of how many there actually were.
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Who knows?
>not buying from Sora
There is no discussion to be had on /bag/. Why is that?
I gonna make her kufufu on my dick
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/bag/ is never a hub for discussion anyway
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It's barely enough to keep up.
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Lmao they named her after the intro song to the 1966 batman cartoon.
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>Or has the slew of alts warped my perceptions of how many there actually were.
Most likely this. But at the same time, there's a lot of students that don't have an alt so they fade away for a bit before maybe coming back.
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Still got 4 attempts remaining, didn't know you could only save 1 set of rolls at a time. Can I keep rolling without having to commit yet, I saw a results selection button besides the save button.
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Any without feet
We have:
sex discussion
feet discussion
child discussion
rape discussion
tummy worship discussion
pregnancy discussion
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game discussion doko?
whats after peroro
Why is she like that
there's a game?
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This should be enough to plat right? I don't want to do torment.
We have chibisex discussion too, that counts.
sending my 1551 chink alts right now
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Tomorrow is a new week again...
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Pat your Ako
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I'm in the top 800 and I'm 100% sure I'll m
Get the plat on EU.
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Remember that you can train your students to get used to eating your cum without changing their diets by drinking egg whites, corn starch and vinegar,
Sensei was so retarded on shigure hot springs third momo
I am not a snack dispenser
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Haruna needs another alt.
as someone who's eaten my own cum, that sounds pretty gross
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She enjoys life.
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Good morning, /bag/!
Good morning anon
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There's not much to be discussed when the game has been directionless since VolF.
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Jumby my beloved...
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flat sex
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I was promised Kisaki! You are NOT Kisaki!
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Does any kind Sensei have the fanart of Yukino where Kurumi is making fun of her for wearing shimapan?
Good morning
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Just take the Shun and run.
it's going in the direction of eos frfr
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Who has the best ass in Kivotos?
You too
hinnyuu archive
I need some advice here, I got Peroro down to 300k on INS and I only have 25 seconds left, and Iroha is about to despawn, should I spawn her again and try to beat it or forfeit and use another team to quickly kill it?
sigh... another image i have to fix
I remember a point in my life where I've had that inclination. But each time I felt ready to do it that desire immediately dissipated upon release. It was like breaking out of a spell. I don't know how to describe it but the experience made me believe that mind control was possible. A little unsettling, if anything.
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How many bars is 300k?
skill issue
Unless you're at the edge of plat/gold, why not just do both?
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Kisaki where… are… you…
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do something funny /bag/
Jumby would
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Post armpits cause it's funny.
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I do.
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Why can't we grope students in game?
>baggots get squeamish at the mere mention of someone eating his own cum
what the fuck happened to this site, bunch of fucking normalfags now I swear to god
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3 bars
I am literally at the edge of plat/gold, this is my best run so far, so I want to know what which option will give me more points.
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Adult pits
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>Kazukek wank
I want my one minute back.
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There is a reason why you are told to rub one out before doing shit and your dick can affect your way of thinking in big ways. Why do you think guys risk it all for a smidge of pussy?
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Surely you aren't bricking your account for a whole year Sensei?
pls stop drawing her with tits
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Aru is the best girl in this game. I have no proofs, but I have no doubts either.
is kisaki a better himari or?
about twice as good, yes.
I wish it was that safe to hang out at night
depends how much healing you need. if you need more youd run her with ako. if you dont need it, youd run her with himari
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It depends on your 2nd team then. Theoretically, 300k should be quick and easy. Show us your team.
I think you'd be better retreating and bringing something like Wakamo and Shun with some other blue DPS characters to finish the job. sShiroko would help too. You could probably finish him before he even summons.
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makoto farded lol
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I got the bunnies so your doom doesn’t affect me
>3* ako
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This. I didn't do my squats and all of my lower back and leg exercises for nothing. If I want my students to have great asses I must set an example.
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>BA comic
>The joke is sex with sensei
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Is he doomed /bag/?
Sensei is a snack tho, so it is always relevant
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Never fails to make me laugh. And worried for my safet
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He should stop caring what his mother thinks. Life is a lot better if you enjoy things without worrying what others think.
Life is a lot better if you stop replying to bait
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>twitter tranny eceleb-wannabe
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>doom doesn’t affect me
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>BA comic
>the joke is students raping sensei
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Hina hub is where I watch all my Hina related content.
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sex with sensei is, in fact, a very serious matter
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es gracioso porque el chiste es pornográfico, siéntete libre de volarte los sesos
>3 emulators
she should disown him
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>BA Comic with Noa
>The joke is rNTR
Tourist here. Please post all your Hoshino pics, she's my favorite character...
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I used a 2nd team and killed him in 15 secs when he was about to summon and went up 200 ranks so I feel safer now.
I don't have ligma
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Pretty based huh?
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Muh Key sexo
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> 3
Nigger look harder, it's FOUR Hoyoslops, and 2 Kuroslops.
> Nu Carnival
Isn't that a literal homo H game?
Christ, I can't even imagine playing that much gacha games.
Deservedly so, if true. Any lolicon worth their salt knows the risks and the consequences of their taste
246 days of comission farming, the dead patch is too short
>Short hair
More like Muh Key Ruined
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absolutely, my friend
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Muchuki OLEV
He lives in Australia. His parents could totally fuck him over by alerting the authorities.
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You can only choose 1
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I hate that meme, Noa is a good girl but they all make her look like a bitch
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shes too much for my DICK
I sleep in this position while hugging my pillow
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It's not NTR. Yuuka doesn't own me, and I would choose Noa over her any day any time to begin with
She deserves a happy ending too...
Rinny. Easiest choice of my life.
I choose Kaya and Himari as well.
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>BA Comic about Serika
>The joke is Sensei losing money
you're talking to him
Good job bro. What's your current rank?
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are you a cute grill?
fat thighs
> Sensei losing money
I'm not as dumb as the kot.
Not my fault she has losing heroine energy
Post 5 Serika comics like that
>Sensei loses so much money he has to whore himself out to pay his bills
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Aoi vs Yuuka >>>>> Noa vs Yuuka
Very comfy.
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>BA comic about rape
>thejoke is sensei is the victim
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I can't read gook...
That's NA right? Yeah that should be an easy plat. I always say that if you're in the upper half of plat ranks by like the 3rd day you're generally going to be fine.
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Who the fuck are these retards that try to put on as much shit as possible on devices they might share or use in public? You're literally asking for it.
I have a joke.
>Sensei's right
i love small flat girls so much
Uma Musume is going to bomb in global. It's coming out way too late and the appeal is too specific to Japanese sensibilities.
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doomsday is coming. June 17, 2057. The time is ticking, /bag/gots.
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seia tongue on my penis
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Meh, it's anime horse girl, it will find a niche.
It won't be a big niche like in Japan, but a niche nonetheless.
I won't play it cause the Cygack formula will suck all the fun out.
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What a fucking rat.
Whole Tea Party should be overthrown and made free use meat for sensei
I'm looking forward to Western fans trying to draw porn and then watch JP fans start having an anal fissure explosion.
good thing I'll be dead by then
stimulating image
>If Cygek aren't retarded
If they weren't retarded, they would have made Grubble Relink a gacha game.
Is gonna be horse girl getting bulldozed by horsecocks (real), beastiality chads eating good.
What's the latest version of the BA height chart?
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I am ready.
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They’d want that
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My wife Mika
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>tomorrow is monday
Flat, not fat
>tfw 40
>tfw type 1 diabetic
>tfw ww3 happening soon
Oh yeah, I'll be long dead by then.
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flat sex in the gym. even with the crowd (who was masturbating before i got to her)
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>That's NA right?
Asia actually
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says the loser heroine herself
I should kick your fucking ass, Sensei
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Why'd you have to remind me
I think they should have gone that, but given years of development hell they probably too scare to commit that.
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Cute wife
kek then yeah I think it's safe to say plat is guaranteed. I'm EU and god damn comparing the ranks is insane. >>497366534 This is my score and relative to the plat cut off I'm lower down than you lmao. Asia truly is the comfy server.
you shouldve spotted me sooner... update your detection systems
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any tips for Peroro-sama? having a rough time...
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Dog erotic
I saved it from here…
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Now some Korean developer is soon to be releasing Relink but gacha. Literally throwing a niche away.
god why is he back
>tomorrow is the day when mudhuts going apeshit and kills over 1000 jews.
Is there an aggie up?
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Borrow Iroha.
Use AoE instead of single target.
Use Natsu.
Welcome back Farfie, how was the wuwa general
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>BA Comic
>HAHA YUUKA 100KG (this is true btw)
Slowpoke here.

I just finished re3 remake. It was good, but it's still the weakest in the original trilogy. The facial capture was amazing, and I like what they did with Carlos.
i will survive
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This but unironically
hoshitno should die
havent played it in awhile. been involved with... other endeavors
im not really back tho, just posting some hoshino because a hoshibro wanted it. besides, i still come here sometimes, just dont post
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Found it anon..
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Look, say what you want about Cygames, but at least their games are at least functional.
I don't trust gook developers to not fuck it up at all.
It's just that Cygame gameplay loops always stuck at the guild war/pvp shit.
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Didn’t read
Dog Wife
Are you still cosplaying?
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Kiss your student
Negus ruled the Kivotos.
And I wouldn't want it any other way.
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Thanks very much anon!
Controversial opinion, re6 is a good horror action game.
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If you're talking about BREAKERS. I am not sure from what I've seen. Seems to be more like Hoyoslop given the character switching and literally only two buttons. Sure it has co-op but it's 3 players and doesn't even have the chain bursts that Relink had. Frankly feels more like taking standard gacha ARPG and just removing all the fluff to fight the boss.
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what is she singing?
sShiroko. i want to like it but it looks like it was taken from a different game and slapped in.
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iroha was about to turn on me...
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Sounds like a fun time. Sign me up!
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I would never touch my student without their consent.
But Arona? Yeah that's the stuff.
yea im attempting torment but my roster is ass for it and I dont know if I actually possess the patience/skill to get every Iroha ex down to the exact SPLIT second
>my driving lessons resume tomorrow
Some of you are cool. Don't go out tomorrow.
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>I would never touch my student without their consent.
It's not their consent you have to worry about. It's your own.
you have to be 18 to use this website buckeroo
Rape is not funny
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>driving lessons resume tomorrow
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Joke on you I always consent.
imagine the smell
I generally want to get to the point where I can do every torment but I think I'll be fine missing Peroro.
To be fair, some people don't get their license as soon as they're at the age of doing so. I didn't get one till much later since I had no need.
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>Sensei's consent
Nice meme. The only student that actually cares for Sensei's consent is honestly probably Wakamo
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>Hoshino comic
>She goes "uheee"
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And Seia wasn't playable.
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I'm 30 and I don't have a driver's license. I'm not a neet living with my parents or anything, I just live in a city with good public transport so I've never had any need or incentive to drive. Blue Archive.
I'm 27 and don't have a driver's licence.
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steaks comic
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>finished Misaki's momotalks and saw her L2D
Jesus Christ.
I knew Arius girls were pretty much 'life is suffering' squad, but I wasn't suicide theme.
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Why do you think she bandages her wrists?
not funny
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>That little wet stain
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Well yeah, but it's your job to guide them to a better future.
And fatter asses.
>iroha's VA has done eroge
I know this shouldn't bother me, but it does.
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I'll just call a taxi if I need to go somewhere. Why would I need a driver license? Is taxi that pricey in US?
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One version of her l2d includes a gun
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>i'm X years old and i haven't Y yet hours
That’s normal actually. My sister has been trying to get her licence for a while now but can’t because of work and college, so she has to periodically work towards it
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now read her bond momotalk and her valentine momotalk
There’s another version?
uhh no you're supposed to get your license and also buy your own car at 16
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>when sensei says “nyo” and starts struggling like a cute small animal
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It may not seem like it but this is a Hasumi general.
And your parents should kick you out of the house by 18 or make you pay each month
Impregnating Noa
She just like me fr
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Marriage with this fat bird.
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coom in doom
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I'm 40 years old and I haven't had sex yet
What do they sell at the Hasumi General?
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I genuinely hope they make less of these woke momotalks. I'm tired of libtard political topics like these creeping its way into games.
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Birb is so FAT that those shorts would rip the moment she crouched
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Did you forget she hides rocks and weights in her coat, Saori calls her out on it in vol 3.
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>40 years old
>Still posting on 4chan
>Still posting on /bag/ out of all places

I can't imagine 20 years more on this shithole
A skibidi ohio to you too, fellow young person
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The artbook included other versions of l2ds that weren't chosen. Misaki's is the same as her chosen l2d but gives puts a gun on her hand
Why does she think it's okay walking around in public displaying her garter belt and pantsu? Literally begging to get impregnated.
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>Shorts rip
>fat tummy pops out
haha how embarrassing imagine that happening
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why they lewd Iori so much?
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I'm 29 years old and i haven't turned 30 yet
I'm 31 and kissless handholdless
So you're going to quit this place soon?
Well GOOD, and NEVER come back.
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Just work it off with Sensei
unchecking this post >:D
You don't have to imagine it, you will live to see it.
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>oooo nooo this female is le suicidal sensei please save her!!!
Retarded liberal writers and retarded woke baggots
I'm glad isakusan got fired
Future momotalks better remain apolitical
I wish I went for sIori instead of sHina…
Constant sex with Hasumi is the best way to treat a Hasumi.
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>Literally begging to get impregnated.
Oh look, someone finally decided to stop being dense
Depression is political?
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Delicious, scrumptious Hinapits.
What if they promoted right-wing ideals instead?
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That's right. Depression didn't even exist until the 1980's. It's all manufactured by (((them))).
mental health advocacy is political
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OOC. Hasumi wants to be treated like a dainty maiden. You ARE taller than Hasumi, aren't you?
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Technically speaking you are not wrong
I'll be honest, this is partially true. Before all this mental health nonsense became a "thing", more people found ways to cope with it/build resilience due to an "ignorance is bliss" kind of effect. Nowadays it's an easy excuse for an out and a pity party
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Hmmmmm, Hinarmpits
I am 180cm tall yes.
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Anybody buying Sparking Zero?
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my cool princess
I am guiding and teaching students
It's not compensated dating, okay?
>masturbation and cumming to students hours
I hate Kirino
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I thereby post a political student
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1 cm in the clear. Good enough.
How’s it different from the other Dragon Ball games?
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Why does she look retarded?
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I have a need...to lick
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your student
your im@s idol
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How is it that a bunch of gyarus turn out to be the most normal bunch among Gehenners?
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do raids cycle in a static 1 month rotation? if so, it should be possible to hoard 2 time-limited tickets at the same time right?
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They are still troublemakers by other schools’ standards but since everything is chaotic in Gehenna then being a gyaru inverts that polarity and they become normal girls
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When I first started BA I didn't know who Hasumi was. I was not prepared for these intense levels of pure sexual energy to be shoved in my face during the prologue.
Time to turn on blur filter I guess
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Those weren't sexual energy, those were fats.
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love sheep
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>Try Blue Archive because of Asuna
>Realise Hasumi is the better titcow
Sexy fats
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Good morning, /bag/
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It gets better when she allows you to grope her in her Momos
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Good morning anon
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Good morning
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She's dancing again!
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height won't matter if she is lying down
She's here!
Add to the next OP

SCHALE Settlement Task with General Student Council - 10/10 (Thu) After Maint - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
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it's her!
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When do you think JP will have its next livestream? Next week?
Would you help Hasumi lose weight or would you make her fatter?
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on 20th
I would do lots of intense cardio with her.
Honestly just cut her wings and gave her a breast reduction and you cute her weight in half
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Hi hi
Whatever makes her happy, but she will be getting an intense workout with me daily.
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What do you like the most about Hasumi?
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you guys didnt have any issues with any of this... did you?
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>the joke is just "porn"
good morning wakabro, hope you have an epic sunday.
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Had a dream I was humping Iori from behind and I woke up with a massive boner.
I don't know. I'm torn between Hasumi the demure reliable professional, and Hasumi the cow.
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Sensei favors dark skinned chicks a bit too much.
I can't even remember the last time I dreamt
stop drinking
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She's big
Iori only got herself to blame for being so lickable.
I like her reserved personality.
I don't drink
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I like her giant hasumis and that she does a lot of damage to Heavy enemies.
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You're missing out
She is very pretty and kind. Long black hair and red eyes sex. HUGE fluffy wings I want to bury my face into.
get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant
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What is BOPPIN /bag/gots I am now going to rate each volume's wokeness
>Volume 1 tackles the topic of a bunch of rentoids (Abydos) trying to get back at landlords who rightfully acquired their land
>Also a woke genderless DEI hire was chosen by le big Arona to le fix Kivotos through """kindness""" as if such a thing hasn't degraded western civilization. Also showed that Sensei prefers dark-skinned women (forced DEI)
Incredibly woke
>Volume 2 portrays Rio's heavy handed methods as bad when the writers just made her plans fail just because they're a bunch of libtards who refuses to write strong rulers as functional
>Volume 3 paints Nagisa's careful vetting of bad actors as a terrible thing, as if they won't end up harming Trinity's faithful and religious culture in the long term
>Volume 4 once again portrays a stronghanded leader like Kaya as a failure. Tries to portray's Sensei's "all students are le good" character as some sort of magic solution.
>Shows that there's somehow a magic solution for the homeless like the RABBIT squad to contribute to society when they're all just leeching off government money
Very DEI. Very woke.
>Volume 5 tries to dissolve the social supremacy of the rich from the poor. Yukari could've been written as a proper wealthy lady but she's written as someone who wants to mingle with Hyakkiyako's leeches just so she can make friends.
No, I don't think I am
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Also this, sleek, long black hair is fucking sexo.
hmmmm momoi sex
gyaru momoi alt when
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I'm sick of dead weeks
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kissing range
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oh no
pouty princess
You think her horns are sensitive?
She literally says they are so yes
I wish Hasumi's breasts were smaller
Is every torment wanpanable?
I wish Hasumi's breasts were bigger
Hoshino has the devil gene?????
I wish Hasumi got more fat art.
Post gals
>I can't imagine 20 years more on this shithole
this place will be moderated by gpt-5 in less than half a decade
>collection of soft cartoons
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thread could use some sags
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Azusa alt soon
off model shit
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I kind of want this place to get worse because I know that's the only thing that will force me to finally leave just like /a/
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All the posts will be made by gpt-5 as well
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no clown shoes...
Haha get fucked jombler
This would have been better off as a Hasumi pic.
Any new Kurohas?
she shopped her thighs so hard
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Fat fuck.
Hasumi would pay properly for her meal and support local business.
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>One more day left for Peroro
Are you getting plat? Did you try torment? Did you have fun? Is it all over for you?
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>Are you getting plat?
>Did you try torment?
>Did you have fun?
yes, pretty easy insane
>Is it all over for you?
Saggy breasts are not sexy.
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Which restaurant would you go to with Junko?
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peroro is never fun
kaiten is never fun

I did INS this time at least
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I tried so hard and got so far, but in the end, it doesn't even matter...
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fucking hell...

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