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Catachan Waifu Edition

Previously on /coopg/: >>497267131

This general is for cooperative games, titles which need more than one player and requires them to work together to win. Examples include: Vermintide, Darktide, Deep Rock Galactic, Helldivers ect.

>Latest News/Updates:

Darktide: Hotfix #48 (1.5.1) Patch Notes

Vermintide 2:
Lore Post: Skaven Chronicles part 1

Helldivers 2:
Patch 1.001.102


Deep Rock Galactic:

Space Marine 2: Patch 3.0

Payday 3:

Remnant 2:
The Dark Horizon DLC releasing SEP24:

Earth Defense Force 6

>Acknowledged but not really discussed
Ready Or Not
Starship Troopers Extermination
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Killing Floor 2
Left 4 Dead 2
The Forever Winter

>Future games
Den Of Wolves - TBA
DarkSwarm - TBA
Blight: Survival - TBA

Build planners:
Vermintide 2: http://ranaldsgift.com/
Deep Rock Galactic: http://karl.gg/
Darktide: https://darktide.gameslantern.com/build-editor
You can spam fire with an autogun and get to max stacks in a second if there are trash mobs around.
I can keep stacks going well enough, I just want to get the most I can out of my talent points and I'm not sure if MF is the best answer for that. I tried fiddling with a few builds and generally, it felt "meh".
if you're running recon or autoguns then I'd argue marksman is the way to go since they can very reliably maintain the stacks and get good value out of it, of course none of those options are better than just running some variation of melee vet but different playstyles don't all have to be equal to be viable
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Ive been playing since beta and I've only played pure range psyker.
Do you ever use stims?
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Look out good Vet-kun looks~
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>double check my hammer
I used to never remember them besides health stim but now if I pick one up I'll use it the first horde or any encounter
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I just realized that the final penance point rewards are the same fucking weapon cosmetics i got as free twitch drops a while back. They really gave up trying with this game lmao
>in Darktide every character has a self recharging + kill rechargable + ability rechargable + other random methods rechargable ironbreaker passive
There's more ways that shopclick babysits players too. There's no friendly fire for one, but more substantially is that the specials are laughable.
>Gutter runner instantly nukes your HP the moment that he touches you while the dog attacks the wrong side of your HP bar by inflicting the nothingburger corruption damage.
>hook rats pull you deep into the horde and then around the next five corners while the trapper just pulls you at most 1 meter away
>no equivalent to the blight stormers summoning fuckhuge storms from the next time zone that chase you down
>the one shopclick special that had some teeth, the flame grenadier and his molotovs that instantly deleted toughness, was completely defanged after the bulk of the community kept seething about the one special that could consistently deprive them of their toughness safety blanket.
they only thing threatening were shooter patrols but even those got nerfed hard after launch and they don't just mag dump you to death these days like they used to. The shopclick chaos spawn monster used to be aggressive but they quickly neutered it, meanwhile the ratclick players are often fighting grudgemarked minotaurs that are immune to ranged attacks and have other tricks like shadowclone jutsu, teleportation, regenerating health, gimp the players' dodge buttons, etc.
>1% off
you will NEVER survive in aurics. its over.
>They really gave up trying with this game lmao
They just had a crafting overhaul update, ratfag falseflagger
I use stims extensively on zealot and psyker, both celerity and combat are my go to hoards
I forget stims even exist on vet and ogryn lmao. The most I'll do is hold onto a health stim and prick someone if they go low (provided I know they arent retarded)
I've started downing them like a junkie since no one else will.
nice screenshot bro
you forgot to mention the net from trappers takes less than a second to remove
>There's no friendly fire for one
Why do ratfags act like friendly fire makes their game super deep or complex? Is their game really that fucking shallow?
when shopclickers had a way to easily ledge monstrosities, fatshark took it away
you still have multiple ways to ledge those minos
why do you act like it doesn't add complexity? are you a LOOGGER SAH?
I also forgot to mention that fucking laughstock waste of a special slot that is the mutant. Assuming that you fuck up and get caught be him, he'll slap you once are twice and then LETS YOU GO LMAO!!!!!!!
The gutter runner damage really surprised me when I played vt2 with friends yesterday. I completely forgot they just kill you if no one helps out, they also jump much faster than the dogs.
I tested this and it seems to me like 80% is always 80% and the exact same damage value. I didn't want to go off the stat cards since Fatshark might've just made those go off the listed percentage so I went into the meat grinder. Tested with 5 gorg twin stubbers, they all hit for 402 point blank (two shots) on a bulwarks unyielding back, even the one with 61% in ammo, even the one with 59% in ammo.

However, just now I also tried a 79% and a 78% one: Hits for 402 aswell on 79%, hits for 400 on 78% (which would be out of rounding range) So honestly I don't know how you'd test this lol. Either way makes no fucking difference
Because it doesnt, lmao.
Ive yet to see a ratfag give an argument for why friendly fire should be in the game or why its good for the game.
unless you're close to a wall, then he will do no damage and simple lets you go
loogers would love friendly fire just so they could elevate their bitching about how other people are playing to just gunning them down, followed by team wiping and then pretending it was the guy they killed's fault
pigclick bad
ratclick good

The characters are more powerful in VT though. Significantly so. Between ultimates, consumables, and the general structure of the game, I found VT easier.
>it doesn't
explain why
Wow that new rumbler bleed blessing is total dogshit. It like only applies to things that are POINT BLANK on the grenade which is only really gonna happen with adhesive. And the things adhesive sticks to get raped by the grenade itself anyway and the bleed makes no difference. It might give you slightly better boss dps but you'd be retarded to run it over blaze away for that purpose
Gas bomber currently feels like the most threatening shopclick special. He denies a huge area for a noticeable period and causes teams to go full retard. He's also relatively less visible than the glowing orange bomber. Thoguh he'd still be nothing in ratclick.
I don't know why they keep adding new blessings which are objectively kuso, especially now that you don't have to rely on rng anymore.
Don't bother, he's the resident schizo and is unable to explain. All he can do is make retarded woman posts arguing emotionally about how
and just dismissing every argument as an excuse for wanting to grief. I've seen this guy go through this shpiel half a dozen times by now, and it always ends with him posting player numbers and posting gay shit. He's mentally ill.
oh yes silly me for expecting them to not reuse old FREE skins as the very final reward for the penance tree which takes over a thousand hours to complete
Yeah, bro. I love being punished because someone else shot me because theyre just spamming. Great game mechanic.
It would be pretty alright if it was the whole explosion radius, but that would make flechette pointless (which is also dogshit on the rumbler) and I guess they didn't want to remove blessings or change flechette functionality.
I'm thinking they jsut added stuff so the mastery track has more things to click so the system works.
so by your own admittance the game is more complex because you can't just mindlessly spam your ranged attack, thanks for playing
In most cases you need multiple stagger effects to ledge a monster since they can do that looney toons trick where they can walk on air for the first few meters past the cliff edge until they finally look down. You had to bait them close to a ledge first to do it. It was a lot more situational than "press F to T-pose the monster to death if there is a ledge anywhere remotely nearby". Only thing close to it was FK and he needed a purple pot to do it.
They literally showed you what the skins were when they announced it. Youre just a retard trying to blame someone else for how retarded you are.
Damage is unironically a dumpstat
You don't need 80% damage on every single weapon, just the breakpoints that matter for your weapon.
slaughterer to thrust and get unyielding damage on it
>He thinks this makes the game complex
Ratshit 2 is really this barebones of a game? They never mention movement, builds, engagements. Nah, man. Friendly fire is the most complex mechanic Ratshit 2 has to offer.
there's no coming back, you already lost
I dont care what you think losing looks like because I've seen what you think winning looks like.
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I like ratclick and poxclick and play both
you lost, get over it
>no, you're not allowed to play any of that character's classes because someone in the lobby is already that character
do ratshits really?
I agree with him and you lost, you literally directly admitted it adds complexity. Moving goalposts and asking "what about" doesn't change this
thunder hammer unironically has breakpoints in that 1%
>another thread, another VT vs DT bitchfest
At least you guys have one thing in common. You're all annoying faggots.
>three of the five characters in the lobby are occupied
>have the freedom of choosing between eight different classes now compared to darktide's four.
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>you literally directly admitted it adds complexity
>Bro thinks the ability to kill your team mates adds complexity
Like I said. I've seen what you think winning looks like
you lost, get over it
Uh oh looks like someone set off the sperg and now he has to obsessively post about vermintide without replying to anyone, like a scorned woman, for at the very least another couple hours
>have the freedom of choosing between eight things you didn't want to play as
this is some commie gestapo logic shit
you lost, get over it
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>posts player numbers
Like an open book >>497391178
uh oh looks like I broke him
fuck yeah I use the blue one all the time. It makes me shoot faster.
>uh oh looks like I broke him
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Why do coopgames have so many unpleasant autists? People who get really obsessed about meta etc and treat them like competitive games, getting mad at everything too. People act worse than the worst league players I met and there isn't even ranked epeen involved.
>Sees undeniable proof nobody cares about ratshit
Ratshit cope is unhinged
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Cute team let me take all the ammo so I got to shoot anything and everything the whole run. Thank you team for letting my inner bolter bimbo come out again, no thinking just mag dumping like a good Vet...
it's american posting hours, they always fight over nothing
Nah, Ratshitters lost.
Theyre mad because they know it
if ratclicker IN SPAAAAACE had firendly fire, ogryns would constantly be wiped out since they ALWAYS decide the ONLY spot to stand is with your gun rectally inserted.

they're nowhere around when you have your melee out, but the MOMENT you swap to range, they teleport and stuff your barrel up their asses. ogryns are big gay faggots.

>also, there are puggles I would for sure teamkill and then leave behind and never recover. i would be full commisar mode. @you are a detriment to ze team, you vill be made and example thereof' and BLAM bolt pistol round to the back of the head. and then two more to the chest.
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What's your excuse for playing a female vet?
Nah, you lost. Cope. Little rat dick energy
I'm real friendly. Post your fartshart code and I'll play with you. Not right now, I'll wait until weeklies reset.
only way to get more loadouts
If I come across a grenade stash and no one's picking them up, i realise i am playing with shitters who won't use their fucking nades.
i only play female psyker because magic is a woman's job
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Ratshit 2 lost to Darktide like how Fantasy lost to 40K
loose cannon sounds cute
Women play as women.
stop it
All my characters are black, female and have a sexual name.
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Hell yeah
Only 3 of 4 classes use grenades, and within those 3, 2 of them frequently do not require grenade pickups
The only people actually picking up grenades are greedy veterans who didn't take 1 of 2 grenade generating perks, or just grab it because fuck you and they know almost no one grabs them, and frag bomb ogryns who consume them like filthy fucking grenade goblins

oh, and zealots getting the flame grenade penance
>akshully, flame grenade is a viable and legitimate choice for zealo-
>play a non-grenade build
>all my teammates are psykers, vets with every regen talent, rockgryns, knife zealots
>play a grenade build
>all my teammates are nukegryns and zealots
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Why do ratshitters come talking shit but then get real quiet when you post this?
All the time yeah. My favorite is red for bosses, but sometimes I use red for big armor mobs. I always use blue for flamer or fast weapons. I always inject yellow when it's a big gunner part. I usually hold onto greens for other people.
what does the date at which they revealed them prove? they're dogshit low effort skins, simple as that. you defending them and calling me a retard is strange.
>He hates it because he cant act like a retard to pretend its not true
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my character does not exist to be your homosexual fantasy
i just play the games and have fun
because my other 3 characters are men, variety is the spice of life
Im not defending anyone. Im saying youre a retard for not looking ahead of time what the actual rewards are. Twitch drops have always been shitty rewards. Its like holding your hands out in front of a horses ass and getting mad when shit comes out.
the male psyker gets 2 of the best male voices in the game, 3 if you like the bantu nigger voice
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Let bro cook
The date at which i realized the rewards has no bearing on my disappointment, i still dont get your logic. And also thats the point, the twitch drops and the penance rewards should not be the same. Hence the low effort.
Awooga imagine the size of the shit he makes with that dumptruck
i have three male characters already and it seems to make homosexuals seethe which is also funny
When have twitch drops in any game not been low effort slop?
Maybe fatshark should have had more creative map design than "endless sequences of 1 meter wide hallways with the odd reusuable setpiece intermixed. Sometimes you fight through the setpiece north to south, but on completely different map you fight through setpiece east to west and sometimes you just see the setpiece in the background!"
Is it me or is Masozi been a lot more quiet lately? Did Fatshark reduce the frequency of her voice lines in and out of missions?
Reminder that if you play a woman as a character in a game, I will refer to you as a woman and with she/her pronouns.
I actually have not heard any lines from her outside of "Rannick said you would say that" since the update. I'm guessing it's because they are pushing Gayfex8 or whatever his name is and some other new lines they put in.
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You lost
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more like fatclick!
Such a retarded rthing to say, it's like saying dwarves always FF in vermintide because everyone is tall and stands in front of him :(
no the real thing that ends up happening is
>ranged pick alternate firing paths
is that 60% mobility instead of 61? HELP ME NURGKEMAN IM GOING INSANE AUUUEEEHHGHHH
actually why I stopped playing ratclick, buddy and I both liked saltz
Actually I’m curious now poll time

>Which game do you prefer, Darktide or Vermintide?
>Your weight
>Deep Rock Galactic

MKII turret with Hawkeye mod should let you program it to target specific types of enemies. Got problem with Macteras? Have it focus on Anti-Air. Spitters/ranged enemies? Sure. Both? Of course!
Here, fixed the turret.
vt2 foot knight main
450lb 5'6
im big boned
7" uncut BWC
You’re welcome beautiful
i think they sound hot
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based rank and file enjoyer
What is the point of weapon change altars in chaos wastes?
>rank and file enjoyer
>woman with eyeliner on
you look like a gay fetish porn actor
why do things remind you of gay fetish porn actors?
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for each time the steamcharts shitpost is posted, ratclick goes another year with twice the updates as darktide
it is written
I hung out with my goonbud today and we jerked off together and he sucked my pp
>l-look they came back for the update WE WON WE WON
game's still a hollow piece of shit with absolutely no soul whatsoever
shopclick will be forgotten while ratclick will be heralded as the apex of the genre in both gameplay and sheer amount of sovl
I like the little comparison chart someone made on a google spreadsheet someone made, who left out like a third of the updates VT2 got just so it seems like DT is getting just as much development
If you're not using random weapons you didn't win the wastes.
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If you don't like the blessings on your weapon.
Orange and Red rarity have a higher chance of giving you the exact same weapon you have with different rolls.
>I can kill incredibly powerful demon's, ones a space marine can not even kill
>Yet i am defeated by a simple ledge that I am unable to pull myself up from
Yeah, fuck this retarded logic
>100 more fps in the section where I get 50 fps
>using copyrighted music from a SOULFUL videogame for this
sending an anonymous tip to thq as we speak
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Amazing how they managed to make iconic outfits look like poorly fitting cosplay.
someone post it...
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Those are obviously the nobles of the Reikland enjoying their exquisite Schluesselschloss-made wine from the finest vineyards of the Schleusselschloss Schleuckt, while the pathetic pagans of worlds yonder enjoy their military grade meals and hard tacks.
Such is life in the Empire, let us toast in the name of the Emperor Karl Franz I.
wrong general
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>bolt pistol
>glory hunter
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Why would you repeat the same word twice in the same sentence like that, citizen?
What an odd thing to do.
what's wrong?
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skaven are at least cute and stormvermin really sexy, there are no hot enemies in darktide...
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Vet-kun told me to uncap my FPS because he heard it actually improves performance.
It actually works... How does this even make sense.
don't care. bigger
how is killing a demon not a loser fantasy but climbing up a ledge is?
Fem Professional sounds cute
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don't they outsource all paid cosmetics to some chinese studio
other than taking deadshot over weakspot damage it's just a normal specialist build what do you mean?
It's a coop mechanic dog
geheimnisnacht soon
Why is stamina so important? it's not the first time I hear someone saying it saves life
>picking deadshot with surgical
whats this nigger doing lol
so you're building up 100% crit chance while ADSing but to make sure that's not too powerful you pick a talent that drains your stamina while ADSing so that you can get... 125% crit chance?
More like running out of stamina kills you
cuz you can push more and sprint and block more and slide more I guess
In his case he's just parroting it, he's straight up picking a talent that wastes all his stamian for 0 reason
But generally stamina is great because it lets you push more which lets you safely recharge your dodges in really fucked situations better. Also lets you sprint around more which lets you slide towards gunners and shooters more and generally be more aggressive. Also but thats a very sidenote thing in darktide it lets you block more, mostly useful when reviving someone
sprint efficiency or stam regen on curios?
thats because it is, reject.
My gun has a fucking TORCH on it. You can SEE what direction i am firing. Plus there is the BRILLUANT RED GLOWING LASER BLASTS coming out of it constantly. If you are such a fuckwit that you HAVE to zoom in front of me and jam my muzzle up your asshole INSTEAD of covering ANOTHER flank, that is a YOU problem.
wöle kanton?

Stam regen. It's useful when you're actually fighting.
Not my fault you hide behind me like a little scared girl
No shit retard it works the exact same in vermintide. If someone is magdumping people avoid walking infront of him since they will take damage
friendly fire does literally 2 things
>force ranged and melee to respect eachothers positioning, mutually
>make the game less spammy as a result
thats all
>taking longshot when his build is about being in melee
>takin volley adept (reload speed) o na bolt pistol
>grenade tinkerer
>not taking precision strike
>skipping superiority complex
>chainsword without bloodletter
>deadly accurate and surgical for a melee build
THIS is why NO friendly fire sucks. because retards can run over and stand in front of you and NOT die from being retards.
bitch you're the faggot who runs over whenever I dare to get my gun out, to fuck your own ass with it.
I'm not taking any damage so that sounds like a you problem
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I never had stamina problems but maybe I don't sprint everywhere like the fucking faggots you all are.
gunlooger or toonker

you have to pick one
>it's another "if I'm the one doing the fucking, then it's not gay!" episode
no gun enters an ass without its wielder's will
Well whatever, keep crying nigger. They're never adding FF to the game so you can seethe eternally about it.
Best perks and blessings on the Inferno staff after the update?
blaze nexus
Ogryn doesnt have any stamina problem since he has like 5x more base stam
psyker doesnt either since he has no regen delay
zealot can use a little bit but doesnt need it that bad cause he has plenty of stagger and anti shooter talents
vet has such a slow stamina regen delay by default that I cant play him without stamina regen anymore
keep whining about people running in front of your gun
>duhhhh why they do that???
theyre not taking ff damage so why wouldnt they? :^)
>saltz delivering justice against the ELF with ROAR MIGHTY DUO
>No friendly fire
is that 3x stam regen curiuos for vet?
i fucking love duelsword + assail + firestaff + shriek build
Darktide NEW DIFFICULTY. It's auric with FF enabled.
I run 3 ordo perks on every build.
that's what I do
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Any thoughts on my vet frontliner build?
I use bolt pistol / chainsword
I know I could swap demolition team for agile engagement but I love throwing a lot of grenades
For firestaff I usually go BB with enhanced beyoniks for high speed mindfucking. It's really fun when you're on blue drugs.
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Is there any cheesy way to complete this shit? Except finding frens and doing it in private lobby. On malice there isn't enough enemies, on heresy and damnation I can't kill them fast enough. Plus teammates always chime in and kill half of the crowd I'd stun.
In case you need mastery quick just buy a bunch of mystery boxes off melk that shit comes in 400-500 and usually it's green or higher. It's not that efficient (works better on ogryn with fewer weps overall) but it's a use for those melkbux
pretty good. Personally I'd remove the bottom ammo and elite damage perks and get reload speed. It just feels good.
how do you deal with giant packs of ragers and shotgunners and shit? i just use EP assail and they're all dead
I feel like 70% of vets are using something almost identical. Naturally it's good.
you use your staff?
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I bought 2 Melk Mystery Boxes and I got 2 greys
download many more try, pick an old mission or perhaps a maelstrom mission that's off the board, you are now effectively solo with bots. Optionally let the bots perish then go to town on the first horde. Works well on the carnival arena map with the infinite horde at the start, just dodge around and let them stack up
I usually wouldn't condone or share such cheese but fuck consoles for killing horde density
That's what the firestaff is for. Left click staggers them, right click burns them.
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I wouldn't mind if they made a FF mode. The only problem is, knowing Fatshart, the FF mode would drop your FPS by 50 and crash your game/disconnect you from the server.

Seriously. I've seen fucking japanese hentai games made in unity with better coding.
>upgrade to green
idk I don't value reload speed on a bolt pistol that much, and +15% elite dmg sounds cool
Field improv instead of taking both grenade perks
Is the last keystone perk for toughness that useful? It could get you agile engagement
I just did it and got a couple blue 490s, I think you're just unlucky. Even if you have to upgrade em to green first it's faster than buying brunts 380s because the amount of mastery gained is dependant on the rating of the wep, but the upgrade to green cost is the same
what blessings should I put on it
it's +15% base damage, WAY less than just +15% damage
>Field improv
kill yourself, seriously
Pretty close to how I run my DSword/Chainsword + Bolt Pistol Vet, but:
>no ammo aura
Take those two points out of the mediocre weapon spec add-ons and get the ammo aura, you dunce.
>Keep Their Heads Down
I have literally never used this and prefer Born Leader, but I don't know how impactful it actually is.
>10% damage node
Does this give you breakpoints? I tend to play around with elite damage, rending, Bring It Down, and damage nodes to see if they affect breakpoints. Don't remember what I ended up with. I wanna say I run Agile Engagement over 15% elite damage.
if that perk doesn't reduce the number of hits from 3 to 2, or 2 to 1, it's not worth it imo
friendly fire would make darktide significantly harder
imagine a smigger stunning you or a lugger deleting you from their screen
be glad you dont have to live with such problems, piggies
blaze away and warp nexus
>best talent in the game is bad
Anon pls
warp flurry is fun
NTA but:
>ammo aura
you don't need ammo aura, you take it for your teamates, and fuck your teamates, there's plenty of ammo around
>Born leader
again, you take that for your team, fuck your team, and also keep their head down is better because you shoot at gunners, they stop shooting, woah!
>Me and the bois chillin' in Nurgles Garden stickin up the place
of all the things to complain about you chose this? It's the friendliest talent in the entire game.
>after the nerf
it's really not that impactful anymore
suppression is very strong for bolt guns because of the AoE and since he doesn't have suppression immunity it will let him deal with ranged packs effortlessly

warp flurry isn't that useful for inferno because it doesn't gain any damage from charging the secondary
>team has grimoire
>nigger sticks around the medkit during a fight
>field improv waste the whole medkit healing the nigger's corruption
>grimoire corruption is back anyway
You might as well play offline with this attitude. Just stay the FUCK out of my aurics.
>many more try
Damn, that's amazing. Never heard of that mod, but that's some serious wizardry. Since FS doesn't want to give us solo mode (and I don't want to grief online by doing stupid stuff like wasting nades on poxies) I suppose I'll have to use that.
>fuck consoles for killing horde density
Is that really what happened? I though I remember hordes being much more numerous in the first days after the launch. But I wasn't sure if it's nor just my memory playing tricks on me.
>I Have a support build! x)
Nigger, I support my team by killing things, not babysitting retards.
lol skill issue
tell your teammates upfront in chat: hi i need to finish my penance, when a horde comes just let me kill them please
>Play Vermintide
>Try to shot horde
>People insist on running through me instead of around me no matter where I go
>Hacker joins
>One shots everyone
Damn, this must be that highly tactical friendly fire mechanics you retards love so much.
>it's really not that impactful anymore
It's still the best aura in the game.
you just don't get full ammo from a single wave of dogs any more
You can just say you don’t play maelstroms. Field improv with enhanced blitz is insane. Ogryn with 3 frag bombs constantly is perfection
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Looking to knock out those goddamn private penances if anyone is up for Malleus Monstrnum and Just a Flesh Wound

nah, it isn't
if you're going voice of command then survivalist is typically an extra 2 points of investment, and veteran has a ton of good things to spend points on
>you don't need ammo aura
There's no reason not to take it. Not only does it benefit your team far more than the other two joke talents, if you're shooting lots of elites in addition to specials, you're frequently at yellow ammo with Bolt Pistol. And that's WITH survivalist.
>again, you take that for your team, fuck your team, and also keep their head down is better because you shoot at gunners, they stop shooting, woah!
That might matter if you had a problem with gunners or shooters to begin with, but you don't. You suppress regular shooters by default when you kill one, and you kill Gunners in 1-2 shots. Meanwhile, giving people free toughness makes shit go more smoothly.

>it's really not that impactful anymore
But it's more impactful than irrelevant shit like most WS add-ons or 5% damage that likely doesn't even get you a breakpoint.
>and since he doesn't have suppression immunity it will let him deal with ranged packs effortlessly
I've been playing D/Csword+Bolt Pistol since the update almost exclusively on my vet. You don't have an issue with ranged packs at all.
It's not a "build"
It's one(1) fucking talent.
The amount of nukes and firebombs you can get is nutty. Especially on blitz.
see >>497405995

stop living in the past, vet doesn't have to take survivalist anymore
>veteran has a ton of good things to spend points on
yeah like survivalist
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base damage is not good?
base damage is bad
do damnation then kill with the flamer
Vets who don’t take Survivalist are as bad as LOOOOGGERS
Infinite horde?
nah a vet without survivalist is the sign of a seasoned player who doesn't blindly follow what reddit tells them to do
It just used to be OP. It was nerfed from OP to S tier.
If you have psykers on the team it's less impactful, but with 4x gun users it's night and day difference.
sure if the players are inexperienced and just shooting a lot instead of getting into melee
Vet without Survivalist is just a shitty Zealot or a shitty Psyker.
>join a game with 2 psykers
i dunno anon i rarely take survivalist and my teams don't have too much issue with ammo
the optimal way to play darktide is to deal with everything in melee if you can, it wastes less team resources and makes you better at the game
if the team has 4 people chewing through ammo something's wrong. survivalist will just mitigate the symptoms but what should really be happening is those 4 players playing more melee
>play shooty class
>just don't shoot a lot
Sage wisdom.
you guys are gonna start getting sucked off if you don't shut the fuck up!
I'd say that they're up there with TOOOONKERS, smiggers, and KNOIFE zealots.
Of course no one is going to have an issue with ammo when everyone can tell no one has any. There's no choice but to adapt. The thing is though, if I'm Ogryn with a Kickback or I'm Zealot with a Flamer/Revolver/Bolt Pistol, a Survivalist aura makes it so I literally never pick up ammo. Not being hyperbolic, I do not pick up ammo because I don't need to. If there isn't a Survivalist aura, I do have to pick up some ammo, which means people are shooting less.
>The optimal way to play darktide is to deal with everything in melee if you can
This isn't true though, this isn't Vermintide. The optimal way to play Darktide is 50/50 ranged and melee. Certain weapons on non-Vets can achieve that with significantly less ammo picks up thanks to Survivalist and the less ammo they pick up, the more the Vet can shoot, which is extremely useful on Bolter Vet since it's so strong.
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ah jeez dood i can't spare the points for survivalist bro i'm sorry, best i can do is 5% extra damage
Sorry bro I can't take Survivalist I need my melee skills or else my Power Sword won't be good
Go for kill zone instead of the 2 tumor nodes under krak
I always take Covering Fire so I don't feel bad for shooting into melee.
>Grenade instead of field improv
I'm a gambling man in aurics each kill is a diceroll to get a grenade back
Nerfing ammo aura but keeping the other two as shit you only take to save a few points in the skill tree was a bizarre decision.
>Of course no one is going to have an issue with ammo when everyone can tell no one has any.
nah i'm not talking about "everyone goes into melee because they ran out of ammo" i'm talking about "we don't run out of ammo because we don't use ranged weapons unless necessary"
>Is that really what happened?
Yes, they had to downward adjust multiple penances because of it and they're still harder to get now than on release.

After the part where you blow up the wall right at the start, poxies will spawn forever if you just stay there. You can cheese some of the horde penances there easily
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>haves rats
>haven'ts rats
I don't give a shit about what some build janny thinks, I run what I want and comfortably complete aurics and memestroms because the game isn't hard.
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why does nobody ever tell stories about their good teammates, but always writes tall tales about shit teammates?
it's because you're being carried and you don't realise you're a burden to your team
Scoreboard says otherwise. Cope somewhere else. I won't reply to your next post by the way.
field improv feels like a troll pick t b h
>double heal rate and corruption restore
>sounds good on paper
>in reality its almost instantly used up if every player has a bar of corruption and you know some people will have multiple
Yeah sure, your scoreboard :)
The only time I've ever seen someone ingame comment on someone elses build it was that german tranny that gets posted here sometimes. The literal sole time.
I don't think anybody cares otherwise. I mean, I'll look at chuckle when some retard brings a non-maxed axe with 30% first target damage into an auric, but in the end it's not my problem and I don't point it out to them or anything. I like having more to kill.

I think the only people who do deeply want others to run meta shit are those who are bad + mad. Like, the type of players who are bad and get tilted over it and start raging, so they try to find something to blame to justify their tilt. Basically estrogen bathtub
>whenever you're playing the way i don't recommend, you're being carried and a burden to your team
Space marine 2 actually saved dorktide.
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I wrote a post about a vet carrying me yesterday
..by being shallow.

finished it for you, bro.
Right unless necessary is exactly the kind of playstyle that gets teams into trouble. Meanwhile Survivalist teams overfloweth with ammo. Bolt Pistol Zealots can shoot at every special and gunner, Kickback Ogryns can Kickback every Gunner mob, Bolter Vets can vacuum all the ammo and mag dump mixed horde, Revolver Psyker can actually use it.
All Vet builds benefit greatly from running Field Improv, Demo Team and Demo Stockpile. A Vet with extra ammo to shoot more and extra grenades to throw more will kill so much more than any other class.
It doesn't fill up past a wound. Field Improv is the only way Ogryns can get any amount of health from the kit without wasting 30 seconds. Plus a lot of 2 wounders out there benefit from it since they'll often have almost an entire wound of corruption from all the poxburster Maelstroms or monster special Maelstroms from having 2 BoN at once.
>"SM2 will kill Darktide!"
>SM2 comes out
>Darktide numbers remain entirely unaffected
>Darktide update comes out
>Darktide numbers go up
>"This must be due to SM2!"
can people really not drop this retarded line of thinking, ever? they have to double down?
Shut up chocopsyker, we all know this is your alt account.
>copeg having a meltdown over someone playing differently
how does it all end?
most players i run into are competent or good, it's just that this is the type of game in which it's harder to notice because 90% of the time you have tunnel vision on your own gameplay and you're supposed to be self sufficient. you'll only really notice if they suck
noticing whether a teammate's good is much easier in for example MOBA games
I think it's really just one person, it's the hyperaggressive autist who is permanently asshurt about menial shit. You can tell he's around when the player number posting begins
Vet auras don't really make a thematic sense.

Sharpshooter aura should be either crit chance or weakspot damage.

Comissar/Sergeant aura should be either faster toughness regeneration or more thoughness replenished per kills for everyone in coherency.

Commando/Infiltrator aura should be buffed survivalist but it only works for the veteran or if you want some real LULZ give him +10% movement speed when further than 10m away from the team.
i think its someone just trolling to keep the threads alive with pointless arguing so they don't die
common /vg/ life support moment when there's nothing to actually talk about, saw it in helldivers general recently too which is even more retarded because that game is babymode
The weird thing about vets skipping out on the ammo aura is they always take some fucking garbage instead. OK, you don't NEED the extra ammo. It's still arguably the strongest aura in the game while the other two are dogshit F tier pieces of garbage. It's never even case where they need to detour through the shitty aura in order to purchase something amazing because they always enough litterally who jank talents in their build where they could just give up the jank to take the best aura. At the absolute very best they're just being extremely selfish expecting other vets to bring the ammo aura and they greedily want the dogshit in addition to the best aura.
These threads are plenty alive without that unless it's total off hours so I don't understand why he bothers
There are two types of players in the general. Those who are good enough to carry and brag about their high score scoreboards and shitters who can't carry and write up stories complaining about their team. No one wants to hear either. I don't really get carried by anon, I just sometimes run into someone who's better than me so we compete for kills or at least I do, and they usually get more than me, but it's not really being carried, it's just me LOSING to someone stronger.
This is fun though. I love arguing and clashing of concepts. I've walked away plenty of times wondering if maybe I don't need certain talents or maybe I can try what anon likes. Then I try it out and either hate it and reaffirm that I was right all along, or sometimes I'm like oh shit anon was onto something. This is how growth happens and it's good discussion about the game. Plus all of us get to get our mental illness out on each other so we can go back into the real world and be less unhinged.
I did notice a correlation between tards not bringing the aura then playing as if they had it. It's kinda weird. Just the vet at red ammo spamming
as if he hasn't vacuumed every ammo pickup to begin with

Since I actually melee shit I'm usually first at boxes so it doesn't bother me, I'll get my ammo if I need, it's just weird to see
what the flying monkey fuck is up with the shitter playerbase?

no matter how many times i clear the shit off some retads ass that's about to fucking gank the dickhead, they immediately run the fuck off and leave me to fight all the shit they were fighting and now all the shit I saved them froms' adds.

what the fuck is with the playerbase literally refusing to ever play as a fucking team?

what the fuck is withhe -layerbase constantly being zoom zoom rambo's all in different directions ESPECIALLY when the objectives don't call for it, and when you DO have to split to get to different terminals and shit, they run away from ALL the fucking objectives and go stand in a fucking corner doing NOTHING leaving YOU to do ALL the fucking objectives!?

I have lost count of the times doing that special ammo retrieval mission where i have had to solo leapfrog the fucking ammo taking FOREVER to get each to the pallet, because ALL the others can do is run off zoom zoom kill random adds, and can't even COVER the guy carrying the fucking shit.
WHY is everyone such a fucking retard?

it isn't like this game is fucking SOOOOOPER brainpowers or some shit. its simple fucking shit. its a C-Op game. not a RETARD THE FUCK OUT BY YOURSELF SPAWNING ADDITIONAL DISABLERS ALL OVER THE MAP OUT THE ASSHOLE game.

jesus FUCK there are players i want to reach through the fucking screen and throttle the life from.

IS IT some kind of rocket science to LOOK THE FUCK AROUND when you are done with what you are currently fighting? IS some kind of LOSTECH from the dark age of technology to CHECK WHAT THE OTHER PEOPLE ON THE TEAM ARE DOING?
I think there's a difference between shitflinging about options and choices and going
>only shitters use the bolter. If you use the bolter, you're getting carried
Like the former is what you describe, the latter is just a mentally ill autist whining that people don't use what he wants
hahaha what is this
>shot horde
that's an instant kick
why people are so pissed off it's a PVE game?
>Add wizard class
>Try to play it like a wizard (Casting magic)
Ratfags are pathetic.
i like playing vermintide 2 and darktide
Extreme opinions are like that are why I come here. Reshaping my opinion to be soft and digestible is woman in the office behavior. Unhinged black and white statements of fact are what I want to see and also give back.

And even your fake comment got me acting up. Bolter is the best weapon in the game currently if you're not taking Bolter on Vet then you're throwing. Bolt Pistol works too.
If I met you in real life, I would grab you and jump into the pool with you at the same time even though you were fully clothed and said you didn't feel like swimming today.
>I would grab you and jump into the pool with you at the same time even though you were fully clothed and said you didn't feel like swimming today
Sounds gay
Is the new Scrier's Gaze bugged? with Warp Unbound?
>use it with Voidstrike
>can use warp attacks for 10 seconds once you hit 100% peril
>don't blow up
>try same thing with purg
>get to 100% peril and use warp attacks
>blow up
How come?
Well now it will be that you pointed it out. Speaking of that, can you actually tickle someone underwater? Does it work?
yep that's me
40k autists, which iconic weapons are still missing?
>Reshaping my opinion to be soft and digestible is woman in the office behavior.
There is no opinion, you're just whinging. Now thats woman coded
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>i like playing vermintide 2 and darktide
Hot-shot las and a long-las sniper. Plasma Pistol. Melta. Melta Pistol. Storm Bolter.
There's less shit you can make up
>team good
>we stomp
>ggs all round
why does ogryn have so few weapons compared to everyone else? he's strong but feels left behind content-wise
I alternate between either depending which class/weapon I'm currently in the mood for. Played piss vision veteran and exesword mercenary today.
Sauce of that elf?
There's not a lot of dedicated Ogryn weapons in lore in the first place, and fartshart is scared of giving Ogryn more heavy weapons like Autocannons, Heavy Bolter, Heavy Flamer or Multilaser.
less re-use. all the melee weapons for others are mostly reusing vt2 melee animations too. it's a huge resource investment for a meme class that nobody will play when mechanicus drops
hotshot lasguns when?
Last Devil on Steam. Looks like it's a porn game. I just looked up femboy elf to make that image lol.
wait, hotshot lasguns are impossible because of the stupid backpack cosmetics
SM2 was what brought me back, that game really made me feel like I'd rather just be playing Darktide, though I probably would've already gotten bored again playing the same old builds if it weren't for the crafting update.
i dont think anyone would mind if backpacks got overridden for certain weapons
but if the player is using a hotshot lasgun that's one less cosmetic item he's likely to purchase
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What's a good map for this
end of smelter, there a hole in the center of the room and a big wave of ennemies when you're waitign for the door to open.
End of Vigil Station. The 2 bridges leading to the hacking console.
SERIOUSLY, is is SO fucking hard for people to LOOK THE FUCK AROUND and check on the team when they are finished doing a thing?

BASIC situational awareness is BEYOND these mouth breathing fucks.

SO low IQ that the BOTS are more valuable allies. FFS
No map. You know those doors that enemies spawn out of and it's all dark inside? Yeah, just use a trauma staff and aim it really deep into one of those doors. The knockdown effect of the trauma staff will send a bunch of enemies from the horde deeper in and they'll noclip out of the map.
I got it on Vigil Station during the finale, though I had to cheese it pretty much on sedition and killed off my bots with barrels, then I used the force sword's push to do it.
If you're looking for a map that can do this near the start, the Clandestinium Gloriana isn't a bad choice.
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Does it trigger often or it's a trap?

Yes it is bugged for the staves.
At 2.5% you have like a 40% chance to proc it if 20 enemies die. There's no cooldown for it's likely to proc again before those 8 seconds are up.
It's basically 100% uptime during a horde.
It's decent but it's not worth going out of your way for. If you're going for the keystone yeah obviously take it, but if not it's usually to stop going down the middle path at Iron Will.
noice, thanks
>not picking a 25 toughness node
>not picking up bring it down

Bro I hear that. Zoom zoom playstyle in pugs is fucking dogshit. Yes, generally you should keep moving as fast as possible, WITH the qualifier that you move as a TEAM.
If you think of it like a weapon perk it's pretty obvious why it's so good. If you could put a +20% damage to all enemy types on your weapon then everyone would be using it on all weapons without exception. You'd have to be retarded not to.
it's +20% BASE damage
Base? Base on what?
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ESPECIALLY if that team mate shot or hacked a bunch of assgankers off your butthole and kept you UN-raped.

i have had people zoom zoom suicide off and get ganked by massive hordes, I had run in, shout stun'ed the whole lot of them, gotten them up.. only for the zoom zoom faggot cunt to run the fuck out and leave me to fight the massive horde THEY triggered / spawned ALONE.
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I don't have any of the Veteran keystones because they all seemed bad compared to taking all the earlier bonuses. Explain why I'm wrong.

You aren't. I was just about to do the exact same thing.
No, remain ignorant in your delusions. Doesn't affect me.
name a single bonus as good as 40% more single target damage every 10 seconds that your entire team can take advantage of
What's so much more important than running weapon specialist?
I don't really give a shit what my team is doing unless it's alerting a giant pack of shooters from well out of melee range with zero cover on the approach that they then don't contribute to cleaning up, then I get annoyed
Otherwise I can drag them kicking and screaming across the finish unless it's on rolling steel because you literally do not have enough time to do everything yourself
you aren't. vet has way too many useful utility nodes and none of the keystones are good enough
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If vet-kun and I had a baby together, would there be a 50/50 chance the baby would be a psyker? Is being a psyker hereditory?
What are you fighting every ten seconds that your team can't kill in .2 seconds already?
I guarantee it's a retard running every single nade and reload speed talent.
They die anyway
It's shit
>post retarded bait
>5 people take it
Weapons shitialist, I'll manage without it.
You heard it here first, folks. 15% attack speed and 10% dodge distance is shit.
The only thing this might have a noticeable effect on is a boss, you're also pinging way too often in aurics for your stacks to even get that high, 2s refresh on stacks is way too fucking long
Bosses are a non-issue most of the time so I'd rather take generic nodes than the middle keystone
Are you talking to your husband through posts? And yes your baby would be a psyker
please don't take the bait we don't need to do this again
>What's so much more important than running weapon specialist?
Having fun with the bolter
I take it on my revolver build though
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>/coop/ will literally look at a 1 point investment for a permanent 15% attack speed and think it's bad because the color of the node is purple
>Are you talking to your husband through posts?
No, I was just curious
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>And yes your baby would be a psyker
Thats also really exciting! Is there any lore for something like this happening? I remember reading a story about a child that was an Alpha Plus Psyker that decided to kill himself before letting the chaos gods get to him or something
the keystone autism on vet is some of the funniest shit
I still don't know why they went with that retarded stack shit. They could have just copied the WHCs 20% damage bonus from VT2. Permanent +20% damage on any marked target would help with breakpoints, killing targets faster and conserving ammo for the rest of the team, which would put the Focus Target closer to the Weapon Specialist. Or if permanent flat +20% is too strong for one point, make it +10% and upgrade it to +20% with another point.
Doing everything in their power to stop you from binding tag to mousewheel
It’s in the bloodline so it would likely mean your kid will be one. You have to protect your baby so they don’t get possessed or taken away.
why is this avatarhomo not permad yet
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I take focus target because it gives me a super cute yellow ping outline. Yellow is my second favorite color after pink so I must have it when playing Vet.
Seemed to work with Voidstrike though
>no matter how many times i clear the shit off some retads ass that's about to fucking gank the dickhead, they immediately run the fuck off and leave me to fight all the shit they were fighting and now all the shit I saved them froms' adds.
Best to take a page out of an emergency first responder's playbook: don't try to save people until you can first ensure your own safety. Otherwise you risk making the situation worse with two people who need saving. It's like saving a drowning man. Hastily rushing to try to save them will put you at risk of being dragged down by their panicked flailing.

Yeah I just read its the other two staves that are fucked
I always thought psyker mutations were half mutation half bloodline with a bit of rng thrown into both.
any way to improve swap speed on zealot for bolter
You're absolutely correct. For a lot of vet builds it's better to go wide and collect good stuff instead of trying to spend the extra points delving down to a keystone.
Give me one build that wouldn't be made better by specialist.
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Solo: diving
Bosco: disabled
Music: off
Mission Control: muted
Voicelines: 0%
Mining: it's time to
>went difficulty 5 with ogryn for a couple games
>couldnt bother with the new crafting just used a rending ripper
>took the usual heavy passives
>team mates dying constantly, objectives ignored
>barely botheree dodging and just relied on spamming heavy attack on the ripper, even soloed two bosses without bothering with dodging there either
>finished each time
So did they nerf enemies into the ground or something game is a snoozefest now
you got carried by me
Why did you die eight times and how does anyone even achieve that power level
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chaos waste weekly resetted yet ?
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NTA, but weapon specialist is the one keystone I probably wouldn't mind having since the melee bonus from switching is pretty decent. The only issue with a specialist is it's going to favor a more melee-focused vet when most people will want some flavor of ranged damage with the vet and much of the vet's skill tree is built around ranged damage. Most of my builds will take me to superiority complex and tactical awareness which will leave me with one or two points at most of the other passives I may want. I put one point into crit chance but there are some other passives I wouldn't have minded getting as well
>yea bro gimme 5% crit chance over wep specialist
>10% melee attackspeed? sure, worth pathing to
>ah, another point for another 15%? No thanks
fucking retard lol
I'd hate to have all my builds reset yet again but they should just move all those lower-tree "must-haves" to the top like they did with the original ogryn talents and just have the rest of the trees synergize with travelling towards the keystones, that'll fix their silly problem with players not doing the cookie cutter keystone builds they clearly want at fatshart.

Of course, I'd just prefer it if the trees were removed entirely, I wouldn't mind them if I didn't have them completely reset every couple seasons.
the ammo aura is not worth giving up a keystone for but whatever you want i guess
my biggest gripe is that these faggots don't let us make more than a certain amount of talent trees. Even with the mod that lets you make 9 it's not enough. I want to just make one for each wep combo I like and then stop caring but it specifically won't let me do that. Faggot shit
Is the talent that makes Psykers aura 50% bigger good?
I'd prefer if they detached the build slots from cosmetic and weapon loadout slots, it still wouldn't solve the overall reset problem but I wouldn't need all 10 slots if I didn't need to double them up depending on what gear I'm equipping and what outfit I put on.
The problem is worse on vet too since depending if you go las weapons, or carry a bolter, or carry an IAG or just want to go melee you need to change your critical talents that make those weapons come online.
>psyker blow himself
lol retard
>second psyker blow himself 1 sec later
Wow anon, the game that recently recieved an update has more players? Never could've seen that one coming
steamchartfags are the dumbest people on earth. I remember when elden ring playercounts started dropping off and people were going AHAHAHAH WHAT HAPPEN ELDEN RING SISTERS??
like damn dude you're telling me people stop playing a game when they beat it? That's crazy
nae problem nae more, kin~
When you lot had the open beta for Versus you still couldnt come close to Darktide.
You lost.
Calm down nigger, you can take specialist if you want but it's not keystone I need. I said I took the 5% crit to take up space but there are a number of different passives I could have chosen as well. Real bonehead energy here.
The vet tree isn't terrible. There's some stuff I'd consolidate maybe. Maybe take some of the passives from other parts of the tree and plug them into the keystones or something like that.
Even if I took the middle aura, there are some other passives I might want to pick up along the way. It depends on the build of course. If I'm doing something that will utilize melee more that keystone makes sense, but if I'm doing a range focus it becomes harder for me to rationalize the point investment.
>play stealth zealot
>run around in a close radius to the team
>kill all elites and specialists right as they spawn
>stealth revive when needed
>never stray too far
yes, i WILL join your aurics
I wonder if enough monkeys on typewriters have played Darktide to have achieved a 4 psyker game that ended when all 4 blew themselves up.
I finally started using the zealot crusher and it kicks ass, what blessings do you like? i'm using thrust+opportunist since it could use more carapace pen
Is that meme build where you take max wounds and nuke yourself still 'viable', that was fun as fuck. Just yeet into a group of enemies and down yourself.
That has never been a thing
>run around in a close radius to the team
Tell me you're not using the knoife without telling me that you're not using the knoife.
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>How niggas here be lookin at you when they see you using Smite
Sure it has you just hate fun
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>How niggas here be lookin at the Smyker smitting the one poxwalker 10 miles away on their own
I spam lighting and shout unlimited power continuously and you cant stop me. I also single handed carry because of it in aurics and this will make you mad.
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>How niggas here be actin when they blame the Smyker for their own bad decision
>Calm down nigger, you can take specialist if you want but it's not keystone I need. I said I took the 5% crit to take up space but there are a number of different passives I could have chosen as well
Name one that would be better than wep specialist, retard
assail with the right talents is just more fun smite
>kills shit
>doesn't stun everything making it easymode
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>How niggas here be actin when theyre blaming whoever was responsible for the wipe (POV: Youre the Smyker)
All of Them.
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>How Ratniggas think Darkniggas look at you when a nigga shoots them in the back (They wont crouch out of courtesy)
wow fantastic cop out. So you can't name any as expected, retard. Must suck being so retarded
i'm using dueling sword, the erudite's stealth weapon 8)
less than 30 minutes until contracts flip over
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Ill be honest... I've been using the perk that prevents you from downing from overloading...
I used to think it was shitty until one time I almost wiped the group on a perfect run from overloading. So now I keep it around as a safety net when I act a little retarded.
You have 30 minutes to justify collecting melkbucks in the post-weapon locks economy.
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I can't clear the weekly expedition....
haha! purple health bar!
i want my goddam 500 curios and the game refuses to give me ANY fucking curios. despite running three trash curios ALL wit +20 % chance for curio instead of weapon on mission end. +60% chance of curio and NOT FUCKING ONE. NOT EVEN FUCKING ONE.
Used the revolver after sticking to the bolt pistol for days holy moly this is overmatched
>less ammo
>longer reloads
>doesnt kill shooters with bodyshots
>lvl 985
>lvl 453
>lvl 269
>lvl 60 ogryn : "reeeee kill the shooters I'm the one who can melee!"
Im not one to complain usually ever, but somethings been irking me. I just bought Darktide on sale, and im not SUPER versed in the 40k verse but why is almost every single important/high ranking character a chick? Again I don't usually complain about stuff like this but its like 70 percent of the named characters. Its distracting as hell for some reason.
Dystopian hellhole setting where logic is replaced with religion, zealots and factionalism.

But enough about Earth, 40k is just being kidnapped by the woke.
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Interesting, buy why should I give a fuck?
Because despite how much trannies want to convince you otherwise, leadership is usually given to me because men make natural leaders and are usually in those positions to their natural ambition.
I don't have a problem with a chick holding lasguns or being psykers, but shit why am I being berated by every form of HR manager playing this. I think the game is enjoyable but my suspension of disbelief in the game where you fight against space demons is waning fast.
Do you think they should nerf the boltgun? it feels better than a plasma gun and people were already complaining about it.
I answered your question you retarded nigger, I don't know what else you want.

In the far future....
this is bussin
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Do you guys really love krak grenade? everytime I throw one the team already killed the crusher. At least with frags I can delete a horde or push crushers on their asses
>let's nerf weapons that have been shit forever right after we buffed them!
shut the fuck up
they all need to be shot in order to spare humanity their evil.
i want to take acid and watch this on repeat
i love powercreep
Relatively new to Darktide, Lv14 character. At what point should I be tackling Diff3? Because genuinely it feels impossible at this state. I've done a dozen pub lobbies at this difficulty and not once have we made it more than 5-10 minutes.
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I've been using it too sister. I ride the line super hard when I'm Voidstriking. I blow myself up sometime sand so people check on me I'm still looking fresh, just a little messy hair.
you should be trying to get to damnation to get used to it as soon as possible, but the problem is the lower difficulties (even damnation sometimes) attracts the worst players so it can feel like shit.
if your pugs are that bad , try in another couple levels if you want. but really try to not linger in the lower difficulties too long or you'll stagnate and be the very shitters in your groups
how do I fuck with my toughness in the test chamber? I want to see how much 20% feels
I feel like that perk should be much earlier, like before the blitz upgrade earlier, for new players.
Psyker only has two wounds by default, so I don't think it would be OP by any means.
If anything, the talent is more like training wheels. Better spent on literally anything unless you're learning psyker.
is there a mod that gives ADS spread without ADS
Assail feels so fucking bad, it needs multiple hits to kill specials
>Check out stream of some fag on the forums
>Naked mod, partially doesn't work anymore
>Sour grapes about it because it went too mainstream anyway "Too many people knew about it"
>Complains about the game being boring
>Healthbar mod and a ton of other shit on the screen
Yeah, these retards set themselves up for failure and then wonder why.
>It was fine when I was the mysterious naked slut psyker and carrying people with my cheaty mods, but other people are ruining it by being a faggot too
The point of assail is to be a middle ground between single target long range damage and horde clear, in my experience it absolutely shreds any group of enemy smaller than crushers especially with my funny build that i shant be sharing
EP assail with scriers
You can't just give away the secret formula like that.
all the meme youtubers already did the scryer build
The important thing is that it has better target pen than the BP to get specials through crowds easier.
>true solo or duo streamer
>always uses the visual special marker mod
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Me, a mutant, seducing a sexually flexible Veteran
Why are the ero regions spiked off?
Creature Spawner mod
i use shriek
more utility for controlling crowds and you can use it to vent for more staff dps
my build is just shittier smite build but i like it because i actually get kills on enemies and have to pay attention
Only special people get to touch those spots. You're special right Vet-kun?
Run assail with the "Disrupt Destiny" keystone and the "True Aim" talent. DD can push you over the limit to kill specials like grenadiers in one headshot, and often your assail knives are guranteed crits.
empowered psyionics isnt a secret
i think people obsess over assail being able to 1shot or crit on demand when its obviously not meant for that
use a bolt pistol to kill specials or use brain burst, assail is best used for sustained dps on armored groups with EP because it grants it almost twice the total damage due to the charge refunding mechanic and extra damage. true aim is a must have but if you focus on aiming your lmb spam at ragers for example you can sustain a volley for a long time and shred through a bunch of shit.
>just use scrier and critmax bro
not necessary, true aim gives guaranteed crits so it's a waste and compared to being able to delete a crowd of chaff with shriek it's useless
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>spend that one dot on abloobloo mark enemies talent
Yeah. No.
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am i just not paying attention or mobian infected are more of a specialfest than regular heresy/damnation

pic unrelated
That modifier shows who has a weapon ready for bruisers and who doesn't. The infected mobians don't hit hard like bruisers, but they are armored like them so they are way more tanky. If you don't have the right melee weapon for them and you're caught out you're gonna get completely surrounded as you take too long to chew through them, which is probably what happens to most of the shitters lol.
the fart does like 700 damage, you arent killing anything with that
you type like a redditor there, safe edgy
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okay thanks, nigger
atta boy
do xbots disappear in aurics? really tired of these clowns
lol, lmao
... yes!
If you're upset at chinese square names and xbox players in normal difficulties you had best quit now
Does the devil sword parry multiple attacks at once? And are there attacks you can't parry?
It parries 1 attack but now it continues blocking during the counterattack animation
are combat shotguns shit? what are they for besides memes?
they're NOT supposed to be. in universe, the arbites use them because they're super duper mega future shotguns, that can use all sorts of crazy shells.
I like the sluggy and I REALLY like the fire one
holy shit who cares about 40k lore we're talking about gameplay you uncultured nigger
what two do you put on a bolter?

is bleed stacks AND brittleness stacks TOO much rape?
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so "electrocuted" is just the little spark on an ennemy when I hit it, right? not the special action stun?

am I a genius with those blessings or I'm cooking shit?
well in GAMEPLAY you should get to CHOOSE your shell loadouts. instead of depending on shotgun, what ONE single shell at a time you're allowed to load.

which doesn't work because you'd have to eject the shell currently loaded, feed your special shell and finish the pump
Bleed and power on stagger works better than bleed and brittle in my experience. My Vet's bolter has bleed + power on stagger, and my Zealot has brittle and power on stagger since I auto it for Crushers/Bulwarks more whereas my Vet fires it semi-auto way more.
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literally impossible
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I look like this
I use the VII and only spam heavies
so cute sister
you didn't press enter on the last one
still safe edgy
My guess is he's the anon that was already banned for saying nigger and he hesitated to do it again. Remember him? Posting every day till his ban was up and we were all surprised you could actually get banned in this game?
>supporting tranny delusions
you don't look like this
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>against armored opponents
Did they completely re-work assail in the past six months since I last played or something? I remember assail being utterly worthless vs armored and monster targets, excellent at obliterating shooter squads, and capable of killing certain specials in one headshot if you scored a crit or had a sufficient sum of a variety of different potential buff stacks.
Ratclickers, what is your favorite level 30 talent for Necromancer sienna in chaos wastes? Dread Seneschal or Barrow Blades?
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Very cute. This is how I look on the left. A max HP Zealot being fed by a max Stamina Zealot.
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I look like this
I don't think anyone loves krak, they just take it because the krak penance takes fucking ages to get through
dread is so much better and saves runs, barrow blades is a QoL talent
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kriegsisters, wwa?
I only like them when I don't have a weapon that can deal with Crushers well or if I'm particularly annoyed by the existence of Bulwarks.
The Bolt Pistol takes nearly a full mag to kill one, so I run kraks with my BP weapon spec build. I also have them on my Headhunter Autogun marksman build for when I don't bring a Power Sword because I can't be assed to redo the damn talent tree when I swap a fucking melee weapon. If I could just freely switch between grenades though...

Anyway, all my other builds run frags. They do a lot more work.
That's sort of what I thought, but I was curious if anyone could argue in barrow blades.

What's your favorite melee weapon for necromancer? Right now I mostly feel most comfortable with flail.
I think I'm gonna add a bunch to my tabletop army. Also I want to add some Death Riders because horses......As for cosplaying in the game with the Helbore and Krieg outfit it is fun, I just don't care for the shovel.
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Leveling the autopistol

It's not the same so anemic now
try using it with exec stance and marksmans focus. You may think I'm joking but it's actually tons of fun
What do they reload in lasguns? Batteries?
who came up with the drillevator
this mission fucking sucks
worse than escort and pipeline combined
there are no 'kriegsisters'. the krieger women are all at krieg bred, again and again, to make all the babies. they do not serve in the guard regiments
lasers obviously
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>last update of the year will be the ps5 port
>and that's all
Now that the crafting system is fixed fatshark will give us the new class next!!! :))
Kawaii catgirls will finally be here!
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Sunday night (NA) aurics, get in here lads
absolute looging
maybe, been drinkin
Give me a heads up when you're done with your current map and I'll join up
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I am a kriegsister thoughever
Build and Voice?
breedable and cute
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>supposedly melee focused class
>objectively the worst class for the melee only maelstrom
>best class to use on ranged/gunner spam maelstrom

Damn that answer really does make you seem breedable and cute. You bitch.
no but also he's for diving into gunners so it makes sense
That's totally wrong though. Rapier, Knife, Thammer and Crusher are all extremely good picks for melee only maelstrom on Zealot. And that's also not true on ranged enemies when Veteran exists and brain bursting from telekentic dome.
fucks sakes? the playerbase suddenly turned fucking RETARDED. zoom zooms runnign around triggering all the fucking things, leaving you to fight it all
Does anyone actually run Marksmans Focus on a single build? I feel like I never get a chance to actually sit there and plink things for long enough to build and actually capitalize on the stacks.
You can just say you played with knife Zealots.

>triggers 3 idle rooms to back spawn you before getting netted and rage quitting
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holy shit I got first try after someone recommended crown prince
this took me days
i'm ready, join up
oh jesus, THAT's what the fucking whore was doing.
Yeah that's what they don't get, or don't care, is that everything they trigger comes back to you instead. It works if you're all in the same room together and the Zealot dives a gunline, that's what he should be doing, but when no one is there with him, the enemies he triggers leave to find you guys while you're completely caught off guard or busy fighting things from the previous room still.
Bonus points if they trigger a monster spawn by rushing too far ahead.
Use it on my Infantry Lasgun build to hit Gunner 1-shot breakpoint. It racks up pretty fast, with the delay keeping it up as you move and shoot.
Also my shotgun build for lawbringer memes.
>rapier has so many good blessings I can't decide
I guess it doesn't really matter, but damn. That's a problem I'm not used to having.
i had three of these fuckers zooming ahead in all different directions in the MIDDLE of waves and rooms. i swear, they're myopic. its not even tunnel vision. i am forever shooting or hacking things off their assholes, and then they ZOOM along more, while all the shit we're SUPPOSED to be fighting just gets bigger and bigger and bigger, because only one fucking person in a four man is actually playing the fucking game.
It's the problem with giving a class too much mobility. They just zoom around and the AI mostly can't catch them. At least not until they've aggroed so much bullshit that their teammates drown and then finally there is nowhere left for them to run. But then they think that they were fine and it was just their teammates that were bad because "they were the last one to die"
Just had a Bolter vet running ahead constantly, blasting away at all the elites/specials, chewing up ammo, taking the most damage, then when everyone was saying "gg" at the end he goes "top, too ez" because he got the highest offence score.

This was a low intensity damnation quickplay.
I'm just getting really fucking SICK of trying to play a team game and constantly getting fuckwits who cannot do basic team shit. but they can make their character run reeeeeeel fast. WOW. they can't look behind them. or to the sides. or at their team mates. or even hold to the fucking objective at all in any way shape or form.
Exactly. They don't realize that they have it easy as the mobs are idle when they meet them. They are always fighting under ideal conditions because they chose to enter the room when they wanted and the mobs weren't aggro'd onto anything yet meaning they can get in quick and disperse them easily before all of them wake up. Meanwhile the rest of the team is caught off guard playing catch up. I see it so often that now back spawns are predictable to me. I've got that 6th sense to be like, there's gonna be a batch of gunners right now and some ragers and boom there they are.

Bolter Vet is back baby. Sucking up all the ammo, mag dumping everything, bragging about their score. It had been a while since I hated Veterans. I'm glad to have the one I hated the most back in action.
If you ain't lookin' forward, then you ain't winnin' son.
i feel your pain and please know that i hate these players with every fiber of my being
I heard you the first time. You haven't played with a good one. It is objectively a very powerful build if you know what you're doing.
I have played with a good one. Me. I know how to use the loadout to its peak performance. I've seen 2 who have matched me and 1 who went beyond me who I have named Knife God. The rest are horrible and make the game harder for everyone.
Stealth knife zealots*
I want to play stealth Zealot more but it fucking suuuucks without knife
Pick a mission with the High intensity modifier, bring a flamer, let 'em burn
Go perfectionist Shroudfield (it was buffed) and just use it as a damaging buff like Fury.
Take Dueling Sword or TH, RAPE.
Okay I try with dueling sword. I tried with Thammer and it just felt so slow. 2 fury charges make up for the Hammer's lack of speed so much since you can easily go 40-50m in 1 charge.
I'm still so shit at fighting multiple ragers in melee. I swear to god, zerkers and plague monks were way easier 'cause you could just side step them.
congrats, endless journey sucks
Haven't played in a bit, do the new AI companions count for multiplayer achievements?
I solo and only got the 'revived by your teammates clearing the stage' by sheer dumb luck when I went down right as my tiger cannon shot was mid-air and I really doubt I'd ever be able to pull something like that off for the others
Well, if you go perfectionist Shroudfield you want to go a crit build, since you want the ability cdr talent which procs off crits (Invocation of Death, it's broken). Perfectionist Shroudfield used to be 45 second cooldown and it was ASS, but they reduced it to 37 seconds. Now, you can get Perfectionist back up almost immediately if you get a couple crits, so that means you can just spam it as a damage buff. The invis lets you reposition yourself nicely in skirmishes too (You're not using it to be a sneaky assassin with this build, but just basically to be a damage buff and slight reposition tool).
NTA, but I'm gonna try this stealth Zealot shit for the first time since the talent rework, and I swear to cowboy christ if I still don't like it, I'm gonna come to your house with a box full of dragon dildos and sodomize you into a coma.
+crit damage is also bad
you want stuff that just says +damage
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Just make sure to go all in on crit. With the way they changed Invocation of Death, it's basically like using a Concentration stimmie on crack.
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this is the worst penance, by far
This style of player is nothing new. In ratclick they were mostly playing as the trannymaiden but they could be found playing any character with a low cooldown dash ability. A word of advice is don't shoot shit off their ass. Don't lift a fucking FINGER to help them. Don't even try to fucking rez them unless the room is ENTIRELY secure.

Attempting to save them from their retardation will just lead to overextending, and they will ALWAYS instantly fucking dash away leaving all aggro on you instead of fighting back to back to get out of whatever mess that you would have saved them from. Just let them take their dirt nap to contemplate their life choices.

In the meantime, while they're being liabilities, just try to identify the best player on your team with teamwork tendencies being weighted a bit higher than technical skill. Identify that team player and then just stick to him like glue. Bodyguard him the whole run. Matches will become a lot more pleasant.
where I enter tha code
Knife zealots are like smiggers. For every single one that is competent and uses the kit properly, there are a hundred that are outright liabilities to the point where a fucking bot would be a better addition to the team.
>pick something other than plasma gun
>click something
>it doesnt die
>switch back to plasma gun
>Haven't played in a bit, do the new AI companions count for multiplayer achievements?
not sure, and I only picked it up again for the new characters and I was surprised they gave us AI teammates
I only played with them once and it was on R9 and they're surprisingly tanky and rarely went down until later boss fights
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Let me count the ways. You can get invisibility for up to 5 seconds to let you use items, reload, reposition, pick someone up, or do a puzzle. If you attack anyone during stealth you get a guaranteed proc of IoD because you have 100% crit chance from shroudfield. With Pius cutthroat, you can reduce this cooldown further with a backstab and if you dodge around enemies, it's very easy to get multiple backstab attacks with little effort. Furthermore, there are a few different talents that boost your attack speed and crit that you can bolt onto that build to make it even more critty. At any given time, your base crit level without any keystones or perks is going to be somewhere between 35~45% (in the heat of battle it's going to jump above 50% easily). Roughly, every time you attack you're going to be procing IoD.

It's fucking heretical.
Shopclick needs more meaty 2H weapons. Tired of the carpal tunnel toothpicks.
Go to social, press E.
Don't go the 5 second Shroudfield, that's for mobility-based builds (speedrunners, utility, objectives, assassins, etc.).
For T Hammer or Dueling Sword, you just need it as a damage buff and slight reposition tool, and so 3 seconds is plenty and that means you can take the massive damage increase from Perfectionist instead.
I wasn't thinking about it as a nuking tool. I prefer the utility version.
Okay, I ran it with my Riposte+Precog Rapier, and it's pretty damn fun. My toughness regen needs help though. Basically the only thing I have for it is Invigorating Whatever. I wish I could grab Second Wind without having to run the fucking knive. Hell, I'd take EWEW.

Also, does Swedish Fish know that the thing is bugged so that if you're holding a heavy attack upon activation, releasing that attack gives the bonus damage without consuming stealth, letting you get two hits in per activation? Because that's disgusting

3s seemed long enough to pick people up and do non-objective stuff already, and it gets me Bulwark 1-shot and Crusher 2-shot breakpoints with no other buffs running and of course helps fuck up monsters. Might try it later, but the 2 seconds seems eh comparatively.
And CD on back stab is another thing I'm gated out of getting by wasting points moving laterally on the skill tree because fuck not being taxed for moving outside their stupid talent lanes, I guess.
You don't need the utility anymore on anything but knife builds, that's what I'm saying. They nerfed utility Shroud invis duration from 6 seconds to 5, and then they buffed Perfectionist cooldown to 37. What that means is now they're really close in uptime, and so you're trading a huge amount of damage for just 2 seconds more of invis, which you don't need.
I'd agree with you before the patch, but now things are different.
What keystone do you run for Thammer on shroudfield?
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Looking forward to new difficulty in space marine 2, no idea why they nerfed chaos boys by like x2 AND buffed melee overall, game is way too easy now.

And in darktide there are still people perma rushing ahead and depending on whether they're good either making the game a pain in the ass or a snoozefest. We need more "wait for your team you piece of shit" doors.
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good games today /copeg/ers, I had fun
we need a more obvious and strict coherency penalty
Train mission design philosophy implies Fatshark prefers to cater to speedrunning. I'd love to see their internal data on what kinds of players play the most and how they play because I bet there's a correlation.

I'm not actually into one way or another, I like speedrunning solo missions (using mods for a private mission) but I also really liked the first year/post beta pacing where encounters actually mattered and you didn't just blow through four crushers in under 4 seconds every other room.
what's s potential dlc enemy faction for DT, like beastmen in VT2?
Drukari cum harvesters
Is the train mission tied to the event and will be gone after the event ends?
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Maybe, no idea how you could do that though.

>Train mission design philosophy implies Fatshark prefers to cater to speedrunning.
I mean, it's just one mission, and we still have places where you need to wait for other people. I do hope it's not a trend though.
Khornate ass pounders
Slaaneshi Penis Men
Tau Titty Ticklers
I wish they'd do stuff like that, but they can't really afford to add content that's so seasonal as that, even the tavern in VT2 is a copy of an existing map more or less.
They'd need to take at least one less vacation a year and start churning out more frequent map releases.
Ork rapists
Big Titty Tau GFs
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Tau are FLAT
Necron Nigger Nabbers
god no please don't give them ideas, i hate fighting robots. i want blood and gore, not scrap and sparks
This. I'm still pissed at Tripwire for adding the fucking robots to the trainwreck that is KF2.
Testicular Torsion Tyranids
my exact thoughts
whenever I pick it,I feel forced wasting two talents on the 8 marks and increased dmg on target kill but it barely changes anything.
Easiest, but most similar to what we already have, would be gene stealer cult. A more ambitious option that would both make sense to attack us in great numbers and reasonably be hidden on the planet already would be Necrons.
genestealers keeps getting teased, tho why locking a hive up would stop them is beyond me (probably a loose plot point)
how is it not much better than the +5% crit chance you picked?
>barely changes anything
that's just objectively untrue, what do you mean? 8 stacks on a boss for example makes it take 32% extra damage from *everyone*, not just you
decent bait but a bit too obvious
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I was playing ratclick chaos wastes tonight, and I saw a boon with an effect labeled: "Enemies close to you take +100% Stagger from teammates."

Does anyone know whether or not Sienna's skeletons count as teammates? I was broke and wasn't able to afford experimenting with it, but I think it would be hilarious for the dread seneschal skeletons to be even better at manhandling mobs.
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This is the worst fanartist in warhammer currently. I'm so fucking tired of seeing xis art with not only a sameface, but also ugly reused body on everyone xe paints. Up until this point the worst one was whoever painted those quirky confused genderbent characters.
meant for >>497472542
more buzzwords please

I don't know, against one boss maybe but you're swarmed with priority targets
bosses can be devastating and quickly turn the tide of a game, having a consistent form of taking them down quickly for 2 points is big imo
it's also good against ogryns
>tho why locking a hive up would stop them is beyond me (probably a loose plot point)
That's a relatively easy justification. They jumped the gun because Chaos fuckery in Tertium made them uneasy, so if the entire planet runs the risk of being EXTERMINATUS'D because of chaosniggers might as well start our own uprising to get ahead of them and call the hive fleet before that happens. But they weren't as effective as they thought they would be and got locked into the 2nd hive city.

But they are starting to work around being quarantined and are becoming troublesome again which is why they send you to deal with them in the 2nd hive city.

Make it happen fatniggershark.
I thought the lockdown was on grendel's order
Why would anyone join a cult with a god which gives you aids and stuff? This whole nurgle thing seems really dumb.
because he genuinely loves you and makes you love the rot and disease. what i wonder is why anyone would join tzeentch, that just makes you a pawn in a game you don't understand
Dude infects you with the rabies type that makes you stop caring. Blocking Nurgles connection to his dudes usually makes them realize what they've become and they implode.
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Been playing a lot of Bolter lately, but went back to try the small Helbore and had a great time. Return to aiming...Return to bayonet...
He first bestows his gifts on you and then you beg him to take away pain and so you join his cult
Tzeentch is peak gambling addiction, the schemers are the retards.
Most of the people he attracts already suffer from shit working conditions and health, so when they beg for the pain to stop, Papa Nurgle makes the pain go away by filling them with superAIDS
So he just gives them SSRIs?
>they changed orange hitmarkers to mean crit instead of weakspot hit without telling anyone
I was wondering why I couldn't hit for shit
and turboaids
I imagine it went something like this:
>Grendyl gets word of some fuckery on Atoma
>Rannick sends the initial trailer team to investigate
>They die which makes him even more suspicious so he digs into it deeper and discovers chaos fuckery
>Reports this to Grendyl who then comes to investigate properly
>This alerts Jean Stealers in the other city either think they've been discovered OR know about chaosniggers and the potential exteriminatus so they start their own rebellion in hopes they can get the upper hand
>Grendyl then puts the other hive city in complete lockdown while still trying to sort out Tertium problems
>Situation is pretty fucked so he has to resort to using Rejects
>>>>You are here
>Jean Stealers start getting more active in the 2nd city trying to break out of the quarantine
>Sent to deal with them
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>Why would anyone join a cult with a god which gives you aids and stuff?
Nobody signs up for the daemonic shit that's the cult's endgame. The cult itself might not even know what the endgame is.

For example, a nurgle cult might initially look like a charity that gives out free wellfare gibs to the masses. Encouraging people to be slothful and apathetic. Come at you with an angle that they're all a big family and that the family will take care of the old and the infirm and anyone down on their luck. They probably provide medical care and the treatments would at first seem to cure the symptoms and take away the pain. Then two weeks pass and the side effects start showing up and shit keeps getting worse but a lot of people just don't care enough to lift a finger anymore. Hell, the cult members might not even realize that they're in a cult. They're just happy for the welfare handouts. The leaders might not even know Nurgle by name and not even know that they're currying his favor.

All of the chaos gods entice people down a slippery slope. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
What's the best way to use the Crusher? I don't feel like I get it.
>What's the best way to use the Crusher?
To crush your enemies.
See them driven before you.
And to hear the lamentations of their Heretical Chaos patrons.
it needs a specific build which I forgor but once it's set up it's insanely strong for crowd control, can effortlessly stunlock entire hordes including ragers and whatever else, and no that doesn't include spamming the special
Light/pushattack > heavy to deal with hordes, Heavy > light to deal with single targets. You don't need to power up every single strike but you can start your combo with one.
Old build used Skullcrusher + Hammerblow, which let you knock Ragers and Maulers around, but you can probably change Hammerblow for Thunderous for extra single target damage, or Slaughterer for more hordeclear.
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what does this do
which ogryn pickaxe?
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just b urself
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Have you thanked your gungryn for boosting you today?
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What is it with gunluggers being the most vocal retards anyway?
am trying to be ogyrn
>carebear haha funny wholesome chungus retard man
>power fantasy of being THE BIG MAN
>a genuine belief that because he's bigger and has more HP he's somehow tougher and better at melee by default, which they will never challenge by playing any other character
>being able to push one button and kill a monstrosity or delete the entire screen worth's of elites becomes an addiction, a crutch that only the biggest possible shitters lean on
I'm not sure but it's somewhere in here
I swear to god I'm going to have to learn how to mod the game just so I can give every ranged weapon a braced animation instead of shitty ADS
having to aim at all is lame, makes me miss L4D2
call of duty and its consequences have been disastrous for the fps genre
If our weapon stats only add up to 380, why can you upgrade the power to 500? Doesn't this fuck their plans for red weapons which would have all five bars full, adding up to 500?
It's the best class, and therefore they have the right to be as vocal as they want.
People only complain because they have gun-envy.
they can just increase the number if needed
The weapon customisation one lets you put a rail and sight on everything that makes it a lot clearer
>high melee investment
>low melee investment
One of the other ones
yea that makes sense.
>new patch
>surge staff still has 4 extra mastery points
>still can't make the yellow circles go away
all the classes are pretty ovwrtuned at the moment. vet has the best ult in the game and better nodes than the ogryn.
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I wait for the day a patch rolls out and all my perfectly rolled weapons have been bricked
oh for fuck's sake, just give us reds with 100 in all stats and get this bullshit out of here
i do the opposite. Karsolas for my gunlugger. Works great.
tried going back to space marine 2
combat is just way too slow. It almost feels turn based
It's alright if you want to play defensively but looging stubbers isn't great against armour, you need a bit more base damage on it
It feels chunkier, and its parrying mechanic is a lot more satisfying than dodge spam mixed with intermixing pushes into your combos.

In general I'd say Space Marine 2's melee combat is more like a lite-DMC. I just wish weapons had more combos. I mean on paper the melee weapons are about as deep as what we get in Darktide, but when you're in 3rd person, it becomes really obvious that you have maybe 5-6 variable combos.
When do I use handmaiden's ult? I usually just use it to run away from plaguemonks.
I love how tiders feel the need to tell everyone how other games compare to theirs, and how much playing other games made them appreciate tide games more
tidesisters they say our game is spamming leftclick and spacebar with extra steps is that true
when the bounty hunter goes down and is surrounded by 4! whole rats
every game can be reduced to pressing buttons

>I love
That's fantastic anon. We need all the love we can get in this world.
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>not separating dodge to shift
i prefer branx pickaxe
it kills big niggers
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holy shit...he's doing it...he's really doing it...
wow, it's actually rare to see those
at least for me
It's hilarious using this against bosses and taunting them into attacking you. Literally invincible and your entire team can just shoot them in the ass during.
>tankgryn says "heh, watch this
>tankgryn does this to DH
>"now you guys can kill it!"
>everyone just leaves because there's an enemy wave, and they didn't bring anti-monstrosity and don't want to get corrupted out the ass
that's an actual use-case
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I wish they would just change the shield plant into something not utterly useless already. Two years of retarded tankgryns doing this shit.
it's not completely useless, but retards gravitate towards it because it keeps them alive for a few more seconds before they get netted
that's cool, I can just play normally and be invincible because I know the bosses patterns
you're both playing normally
brb, rolling all my shit to have 62 mobility. You fuckers will be jealous of my legacy OP weapons for the rest of time.
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woundlets, how do we respond without sounding terminally buttblasted?
I'll get to keep my shit and you'll die mad
stay jealous.
I don't think you understand how the stats work, 62 mobility means every other stat is below 80
>he doesn't know about the rounding error exploit
If anyone actually went down and he didnt he has every right to laugh at you.
i have 70s in all of my weapon stats because i'm not autistic and it doesn't matter
you aren't parsing in WoW
I checked it with the ammo stat and no, it's literally free 1-2 extra stat points while everything else stays the same. Now that Fatshark has confirmed that it's not a visual error on the stat page I'm 100% sure about this.
How would having +1 wound prevent you from going down?
it doesn't. But being alive when others are down immediately makes you win the argument. Those are the rules. (not saying we know what happened)
It doesnt, but as the other anon said the person who didnt go down or die can say whatever he wants.
Today I will collect some Plasteel
this is true. i think there just might be some autistic people that need perfect numbers or it makes them uncomfortable. before the update there couldnt have been that many god rolled 550s
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It's been too long since I last saw dreg shotgunner-sama
I don't understand all the build and weapon autism, you can easily clear auric maelstrom with unoptimized stuff, just use whatever looks cool.
So I've finally gotten to the point in DRG where machine events (and other sources of matrix cores) give me materials instead of cosmetics. Thing is, so far, it's only been giving me Magnite. Is it random what you get and I've just been unlucky, or is there some sort of system to what it gives you?
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I prefer the guard over space marines tbdesu
wait a fucking second why isn't this the default? with sprint and dodge on shift, you only sprint when holding forward and otherwise you dodge and it's not a problem since you can't dodge forward anyway
spacebar is jump. always has been
Gimme hedgeposts.
spacebar is dodge and jump by default which is what causes people to accidentally jump
afgj no wonder my queue was dead. stuck in auric train with some malice level ogryn.
thing that never happened ever
Tank Ogryn can literally do this though? It's the most brainless way to deal with any boss.
doesn't mean it happens
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>For the past 2 years I thought my PC was on the shits
>Turned out it was an audio setting with Darktide itself
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if this niggie is in charge of scabs, who is in charge of dregs, or was in charge of dregs if wolfer is in charge of the whole thing after the big rebellion
that nigga who ate wyrmwood's soul
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chaos weekly resetted yet??????????????????????
>I don't understand all the build and weapon autism
>I don't understand autism
That's okay anon. You're not expected to.
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The leader of the Cult of admonition is called Urmal. Likely the one that brought Rinda back. Possibly a former noble playing the pauper of the people.
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here it is you fucking lazy ratnigger,now neck yourself for Sotek's sake
you just don't see it very often because it's the least played build on the least played class
>the what? huh? who?
Just queued a hi int malice on my level 7.
the baddies are doing bad things again
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Why aren't more people using revolvers? My vet deletes most specials with a revolver headshot, including ragers. Body shots also stagger ragers. Also the bullet pretty much goes through everything so you can pretty easily pick off specials hiding behind hordes (and thin off the horde in the process). Swap time is basically instant so it's perfect for weapon specialist. If you grab the suppression talent it staggers dregs swarming you on a close range kill when you're on a pinch. All around just a good weapon (if you're not an aimlet/consolefag). Only drawbacks are the low reload speed and being kind of ammo hungry. What blessings do you get on it?
not that I would ever know. only been playing the game 2 years
May the emperor bless you with plasteel and cash money.
Dregs = Cult of Admonition
Urmal = Da biggest
Does that make sense now dummy?
it's boring
point was I'd never heard mention of any of it before
Bolt Pistol is the new hotness. You cowboys have yee'd your last haw
>Why aren't more people using revolvers?
It's because almost everyone used revolvers all the time for over a year.
Literally everyone used revolvers. The latest update finally gives other options that almost rival it, but for a long time it was the most broken shit for all the reasons you listed + being one of the only weapons that could fire through teammates and weaker enemies to hit the actual target + the ridiculous aim assist it has.
fucking revolver vets leave it to the zealot
It's a high risk/reward thing, which makes it fun for me.

Hadn't played since launch and just came back after the update, I guess that makes sense.
Plasma is just a better Revolver thoughbeit
It's all scattered through minor dialogue drops, devblogs, and vox transmissions (some of which were removed for good ol' plasma gun reasons).
Picking up the Martyr skulls will play a random ghost voiceline giving you a tidbit of when the 6th got corrupted. There's a over hundred of them.
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What the fuck does it mean when someone says he won't take a medbay because of score??? What score?????
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thanks you but be nice ok?
Yeah I think the game hides lore on equipment descriptions or some convoluted shit. Also the vox intercepts on their youtube. You only pick up on the faintest of hints from the player gossips because we're mooks and don't need to know.
it's the uuuuh page thing with yellow dopamine numbers
scoreboard mod, the most popular mod
It's cheater cope, don't think about it too much.
Scoreboard mods (optionally) will track how many times each player used med stations and penalize your relative mission score for it. It's a stupid stat that no one should be tracking let alone caring about because it rewards exactly this dumbass behavior of leaving med stations unused for no reason.
Using a med station negatively impacts your defense score or something if you're using the scoreboard mod. Scoreboard chasers are retarded like that.
I think the current ammo aura should be baseline on all vets and they should make a new aura
i got trapped and then everyone died
my bad bro, I didn't pray hard enough for your success
That's so retarded, he died too and someone else carried us, I hate these mentally ill people...
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>at 1965
>have an amazing damnation run, expecting it to tick over at any moment, but it doesn't
>literally vacuuming all grenades, killing entire fields of pox walkers with it, still doesn't pop
>finish mission and go back to penance screen
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wow, now I feel justified about chimping out against such people
The problem with the scoreboard is that it mindbreaks shitters into playing worse.
If you're good at the game it's just information.
But if you're a shitter it becomes a dark voice in your head telling you to not use heal stations. Enemies become walking score-holders. And your job is to collect the score. But your nasty teammates keep stealing score you have to run away from the team and farm more score. It's all score give me score aaaah the score
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>sir, your med station? you wouldn't want to continue out without it, right?
>I'm afraid I don't know what a "martyrdom" or a "defense score" is, sir, now please come over here and collect your med station! it's here, just for you!
I use matryrdom and I still use medstations desu
Goodness. They truly super buffed my beloved Crucis Mk II Thunder Hammer
I'm going to have to start using it just to differentiate myself from the dueling sword crowd.
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Imagine having a mod just to scoreboard
this is the correct way. martyrdom should be a measure to fall back on when shit gets rough, not the dominating factor in your playstyle
I don't use any mods and don't plan to, but a mod that adds a scoreboard at the end makes me realize that used to be in vermintide and they removed it. I'm tempted to install the scoreboard mod just to see the stuff the game gave you normally back in vermintide. do mods disable achievements or anything like that?
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The changes are admittedly VERY good. I was skeptical on the weapon being fixed but it's honestly my favorite weapon to take on zealot now, it singlehandedly convinced me to start playing matyrdom again, it feels like it compliments everything the weapon pairs well with in one convenient package
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>It's another "french guy yells orders on voice chat" episode
my vet said a line
>good thing no one's keeping score
So I respect his wish...

the mod is buggy anyway.
>don't plan to
>I'm tempted to install
You gave up so quick
no, and mods are officially okayed by fatshark. you should get the mod that allows you to instantly access all the shit in the hub, like missions and crafting. no more running around
Fatshark was right to remove the scoreboard.
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>take the last 15 kills to hunting grounds
>drop two of them in front of oncoming dogs, kill feed is all me killing dogs
>get it instantly
you don't supposed this penance has a hidden "elite and specialist" kills requirement, do you?
oh my god...I think it does
I've only recently started playing again. It remains the only weapon for me.

Honestly the substantial reduction in self stun slowdown and making empowered light attacks not complete dog are all good.
>stop bursting my bubble ;(
>no more running around
It's better than this: you don't even need to load into the hub. Everything is accessible from character select. Psych Ward mod.
they were not right to make it so other player's clients get a shit ton of statistics about you communicated to them for no reason, thoughever
why are they told my exact xp total so they can see "true level"
it would take them all of five seconds to prevent it, but they don't, and have left it in for two years
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I need it! My precious...
my problem is that I keep getting WHOLE teams of THAT player. I'm the only one trying to actually play as a team, with the others constantly suiciding off by them selves every fucking time.
Install it and disable useless data like "plasteel collected" or "enemies staggered" or the worst one — the score itself.
Just leave kills (with elites / specialists) and damage taken — those are the true measure of how well you actually did.
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NO!! Keep your hands off, they are MINE!
is there any way to do quickplays and just keep my bots? i am sick of 'players' that are exactly as you say, HELPING the forces of chaos.
bolter, bolt pistol.

recon lasgun has a nice 'never stop shotting burning fire' thing, almost like a long range flamer.
Imagine being so incompetent that you can't even carry three dead weights. Git gut scrub.
welp. call the commisar to BLAM me. I still WOULD.
you should
What does Rending actually do?
that's 2.5 % brittleness stack on hit, 5 stack maximum? some shit lke that, I know that Icon though for sure. its the armour nerfing debuff blessing.
more damage vs flak and carapace
or you know just remove the aura
hell no
there's a couple of weapons with run and gun the reduce all spread by -30% baked in, but also let you shoot whilst sprinting and boosts the shooting during running too. Be 40 K john wick with your bolt pistol hand cannon
is it worth getting Enduring Faith and Scourge if you're going with a hammer martyrdom build? I don't want to use throwing knives.
I ignore all crit talents on martyrdom hammer
Why am I taking more damage from gunners with 3 gunner resist curios..
why? do you just want everyone to have infinite ammo? are you a loogger? the game doesn't need more babysitting, no reason to have such an aura
skill issue
skill issue
shooting is fun
>do you just want everyone to have infinite ammo?
>are you a loogger?
sup assholes
i havent played since they fucked up zealot's invocation of death, which was like almost half a year ago if I remember correctly.

anything new?
heard they attempted to unfuck the thunderhammer for once in their miserable fucking lives, did that go well?
>do you just want everyone to have infinite ammo
yes, also I dab on retarded nerftrannies like you
kill yourself, nigger
I was going to reply to him, but this stopped me, thanks
It did, thunder hammer is actually a usable and serviceable weapon now and not a meme stick that becomes relevant once per mission for all of 3 seconds. It actually feels much more nice to use now to boot, your lights aren't jokes anymore and your charge is much faster to get out of / doesnt stun you for 50 billion years anymore.
Ask reddit, you already talk like them.
nice to see you faggots again too
hope the swedes have been treating you well
Great I guess I'm gonna have to go relearn all the combo chains and shit
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>Forever Winter
fucking A right!. you SHOULD ALL be giant cunts to retard players. fuck this 'safe space' nonsense. if retards can't teamplay they need to be hounded OUT of team play games back to their retarded candy crush tier nonsense.
>fucking A right!
kraks stagger bosses and can nuke them, can kill a shit ton of heavies if they're stacked up in small spaces, and their magnetism makes it near-impossible to miss or misuse them
shredders are only useful if you wanna stagger a horde while reviving someone or trying to live but shout already does that and in 90% cases you should have shout
the "i'm gonna throw a shredder and watch all the enemies bleed to death" fantasy only ever works with the weakest of horde zombies which you should be able to deal with through your melee anyway, against any actual threat it is utterly useless damagewise
It's fun and it's hardly infinite ammo now.
Crucius now has a guaranteed overhead when you charge the weapon, and the weapon is now incredibly straightforward as a result now. lights for singletarget damage, heavies for crowd control. special attack and just heavy for anti armor and anti unyielding. I honestly wouldn't even bother with ironhelm anymore
whats even funnier is not being a useless sack of shit and actually attacning the boss while dodging his attacks which also keeps him still
>Here's your auric maelstrom teamate, bro
NEVER join my aurics
>decided to play some darktide
>it's fun and you can even mod a scoreboard
>random patch hits
>mods don't work
>get error 2014 dc every mission

what was it?
I only use it to clear corruption, muh damage. I'll tap four pips though just so I can unga bunga the next fight

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