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Welcome to the Anime Fighting Games General!
Here we play, learn, and discuss Anime Fighting Games.
If you're a fan of Arcsys, Team Arcana or Eighting, you've come to the right place!
Please keep drama, game wars, early threads, and interpersonal drama out!

Various game info, beginner friendly: https://pastebin.com/yT5CpLgr

Additional Resources:

October 13 - Yu-Gi-Oh! EDOPro tournament: https://challonge.com/Duelist_Soul

Previous: >>494973918
What have you been playing lately bros? For me, just UNI but am considering picking up an old game to play for abit.
There's a Nitroplus Blasterz NA PC tournament in a few hours.
You can still sign up if you wish.
I'm just playing KOFXV mostly.
That guy is long gone.
dead thread already?
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Rise up and let your Duelist Soul burn! On Sunday October 13th at 3pm EST Anon Arena will be hosting a Yu-Gi-Oh! EDOPro tournament! Rules and cardpool restrictions are all located in the challonge description! Sign up in the link below and get ready to duel!


If you have any questions whatsoever feel free to ask!
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Let's put it up to a vote. I'll check later for results.
The Nitroplus stream is starting soon.
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The streamer is EU and on wifi. His CPU is at 100% so now he has to lower his settings since he was trying to stream 1080p 60fps.

But at any rate, I won my first match. Another Saber player. I learned that matchup very well thanks to ****
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And now they have a new stream apparently, but not sure how stable this one is either.
stop losing nigga
don't you ever get tired of fighting the same 3 examu shitters? played all those niggas in and out of examu turd games and they suck
this is boring. im goin back to watchin max's marvel tourney
is that whole game just setplay?
Haven't played Nitroplus regularly in over a year, so that was a bit sloppy, but I at least got it in the end.
*goes back to intently developing video games*
Akua Dynasty is pretty good. I believe I fought him at CEOTaku as well.
But never in Nitroplus.
We actually had a lot more new people than I was expecting for this.
That being said, I've fought some of them in other games and they can typically hold their own unless I got the early game overwhelming advantage with Lowain, Mika, Vanessa, etc.
Some characters can do that better than others. But it depends on your assist choices as well, as basically every character character can capitalize off of the right assist. For example, Ruili is less knockdown oriented if you don't pick Franco since she can't convert the flying dragon kick into something easily otherwise.
>100% CPU usage for 1080p 60fps
Real poverty hours here. Also congratulations
Who should I use with anchor GT Goku?
>Akua Dynasty is pretty good
lmao. maybe by your discord party game standards. nigga has negative defense and neutch
Bardock and then whoever you like for the other slot.
>they're pretty good until I start raping them with setplay
that's every anime game...
Why don't they do it back to him then?
Good morning!
Isn't that... indecent?
How hard is Johnny to pick up in +R?
I hate the existence of MBTL. I don't really care about the gameplay or whatever, I've never played it, but I hate having to specify MBAACC when I used to only have to type out melty.
Fairly hard
But we can almost see her you-know-whats
I like KOF more than GG
Blazbluers, Jiyuna told me not to tech because that lets me vary wakeup timings, but I need to tech to get out of a combo right? Is there a difference between teching out of a combo and what he's talking about? Should I hold the button and let go of it when I get knocked down?

How can one single guy still be putting out this much new tech in games while being this much of a chad?
He was probably referring to the actual knockdown tech
for air combos, air teching can lead to tech traps
You still should air tech as well, but just be aware some characters like Hibiki can trap you if you tech the wrong way. Things like "teching forward, then he can air throw you"
not enough time in training mode
You could preface melty by calling it "old melty"
The controller arrived and the Xbox worked correctly.
I might actually play DOA4 for the first time ever now
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Gonna be hit by a hurricane soon so the next tournament might be delayed should my power go out. Just letting you guys know ahead of time. Also, Samsho 2019 is the winner so November we're gonna be playing that through Steam so look forward to that.
Stay safe out there.
Hope you have a bunker ready. Sounds intense
Will do.

Too poor for that. Just gonna be sitting at home with water and food at the ready. I'll let you guys know if anything happens.
Does Baby/Zamasu/Videl have synergy? Is Videl even good as anchor?
Switch Baby and Videl. I remember Videl being a stronger point character and Baby is great with meter.
Who has the most stylish combos in DBFZ?
From what I remember seeing, Baby Vegeta is probably one of the more stylish ones.
Anyone want to play Tekken 8? na
Time to reinstall Samurai Shodown
I can't win anymore
I miss bbcs
I've been playing GGXXACPR here and there
I still dislike FRCs after 2 years
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If the control scheme wasn't so strict in SFZero2, I would like it more than SF2X
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Dramatic Battle in SF3?
What character do you play?
I am tired of league(and being depended on other people) so I am switching to another genre of games. So my question is.
Is guilty gear strive a fun game? Is online dead or you can still find matches quickly? Btw I am from Europe so if anybody knows how populated servers are there it would be great! Completly new too fighting games and guilty gear strive looks the best imo.
Nice video. Pretty interesting to know this game has abit of tightness to it even though the custom combos make stringing things together more easily.
Guilty Gear Strive is one of the few anime fighters that is not hard to find opponents.
Whether it's fun or not is subjective to the player (personally I like the older entries more for speed and magic series combos which just means light attack > medium attack > heavy attack).

It's mostly simpler compared to the previous entries but the snowball effect is pretty large in that you can easily lose a game in 10-15 seconds if you make a mistake against someone who knows what they're doing.

I don't think you'll have trouble finding games for EU but yo can always try asking ./ggg/ for more info as they have people who regularly play Strive there.
Thanks ! Didn't even know Guilty gear it's own general!
It and a few others existing in their own blocks is part of why this place is slow for better or worse (mostly better compared to what it used to be) but yeah no problem. Just be mindful of the usual ./vg/ trolls and good luck on your journey.
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Custom Combo is TOO GOOD to the point that there's no need for regular supers. Whoever uses meter first usually loses...
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Is DLC power creep a thing?
Bison is not a top tier and I will never believe otherwise
kofxiv would release busted DLC over and over
t7, too
Looks balanced to me
Usually, but sometimes it isn't
But Xiaohai won the Esports World Cup with him...
Xiaohai is godlike
When's the next Blades & Beasts stream?
It may be tonight. I've been very busy for the past few days. Designing a new character (which takes a lot of research) and preparing this Xbox 360 and its games for sale.
Watching lots of West African blacksmithing videos.
They don't wear a lot of protective gear when smithing, so I used that as my excuse to make Amina also wear little clothing, unlike what most people think of when they hear blacksmith.
I've seen many games release overpowered DLC characters later in the game's lifespan to some degree. Luke was like that for SFV
>West African blacksmithing
Never heard of this before but sounds interesting
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The basic overview is this:
Thousands of years ago, people in that region were smelting metals and creating iron tools. Many had never seen anything like that before, so they believed it was like magic. In fact, it was believed that the blacksmiths were blessed by an Orisha named Ogun because of the high quality of their tools and weapons. Orishas are basically divine beings/gods. (If the word sounds familiar to you, it's where the Overwatch character Orisa derives her name from.)

Anyway, a reason that this was such a big deal is because this was right after the bronze age. Back in those times, you needed copper and tin to make your metal tools. With iron, you only needed one kind of ore, so you didn't have to worry as much about things like supply lines or traveling between two locations to get the ore needed to make things. So the users of iron were at a big advantage over anyone still on bronze. (This is is also part of what caused the fall of Greece since they were still on bronze when the Romans tried to conquer them)

What I found interesting was that unlike European blacksmiths, African blacksmiths would often do work in either sandals or no shoes at all and with their shirts off. In addition, the forges used were more like large open pits on a floor with coals rather than something resembling stove like in other cultures. They would use Bellows to get the fire hot enough, but that also looked different.

I saw this video and I thought "wait, they don't wear shoes?"

But yeah, after that, I combined some of the things I had researched with various ideas I had about the secetarybird character would look. Still not entirely ready, but I'll let you know more when I get work done on the design.

I spent like 3 days working on her hair because I wasn't sure if I wanted her to look more like Piranha from JSR or Darli, but I really don't want to give her a scarf since it may look cluttered with the feathers.
I remember when I created Gwendolyn, I did a bunch of research on whether or not the ancient Celtic warriors would sometimes go into battle naked as psychological warfare to freak out their enemies. That's part of why her outfit looks the way it does other than the guard crush thing.
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Kokonoe was crazy good in BBCP where she was DLC.
Against my better judgement, I reinstalled BBTag
Neat history lesson, I like your take on adding it to the lore of the world. Also cool video though as you stated it looks pretty dangerous to be around such he barefooted.

Unrelated but I also found it funny to read the comments section devolving into a bunch of people piling up on one guy over his claim on the efficiency of iron tools versus stone tools for blacksmithing.
Wanna play sometime?
Wow, this place really just died, eh?
Not my fault I don't have anything to post about. The games are shit. There is no community. I play other games.
Anyone wanna play some games for a bit?
Nothing interesting happening at the moment unless you like strivw
I like fighting games bros. So many to pick from
Only 4-5 people playing irregularly in lobbies makes it difficult to keep interest in discussion going. The gamedev stuff is pretty interesting though
i blame setplay
The more popular anime fighting games have their own generals and no one plays the lesser known games as much anymore.
Not that being slow is a bad thing. I prefer how it is now than when this general was owned by /trash/.
How do you decide on which one to play?
I'm trying arcana heart
Who synergizes well with anchor trunks?
setplay is pretty weak in modern games, though?
not if you play zato
zato is bottom tier in every GG newer than +r
Is that true? Some players made him work pretty well in Strive from what I remember like Latif.
he was very good in the early versions but got nerfed to shit just like always, just like Accent Core to +r and Rev1 to Rev2
then why can't i play it correctly?
Need to work on your fundies
are anime fighting games dead
Trying playing one
i did but everyone says it's not real anime and makes fun of me for it
Anyone want to play Tekken 8 with me? NA
why do they always get him wrong the first time around?
they always focus mainly on just giving him cool shit during preliminary development, someone is like "Hey he should have a move where Eddie leaves a puddle on the ground and traps them in place when they step on it" or "What about a wall move where Eddie advances safely for you and counterattacks if he eats a hit?" and then after the game comes out and players get to fuck with it they go "Man fuck that shit he was supposed to be too hard to do that kinda stuff" and swing the nerf bat.
Because all the play testers/devs are dogshit and make the characters look weak. Then a year into the game they look at player data and realize their mistakes.
Why can't I cancel into overdrive without the macro? Even when the input display shows I pressed all 4 buttons on the same frame I still just get 5D half the time. I can use the macro just fine it just seems weird and I can't figure out why it happens.
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Is this a legitimate argument why fighting games are not popping off?
In my humble opinion I think that nobody should feel like their obligated login and play a couple matches a day every day like as if it were a gacha game.

I also don't think not discussing games is going to magically get people to start picking the games up all over again. Just treat it like any hobby and come back to it when you're feeling the groove is how I see the situation.

Organized community events are nice to bring interest back into the fold though that's already been a thing for years. I'm not sure how you can incentivize it more to bring in newer players really outside of finding more ways to market your events
I'm not going to read this but there isn't a single mainstream skill based 1v1 videogame genre
fighting games have similar playerbases to rts 1v1 ladders and arena shooter/quake duels are even more dead
the only other examples I can think of with a 1v1 mode even talking about are digital card games and chess which aren't really videogames
mid krillin/anchor trunks or mid trunks/anchor krillin and who should my point be?
Adult Gohan Point, Krillin Mid, Trunks Anchor.
Yeah, history was my favorite subject in school. That's part of why I decided to make the game take place in a world based on roughly the 16th-17th century, as a bunch of stuff was going on at the time. The Sengoku period in Japan, the Renaissance period in Europe, explorations to New World, and so on. (In fact, I have an idea for another character that's from a region based on South America and she was going to be sacrificed to a god, but then escaped to Creusa by stowing away on a boat.)

But yeah, smithing in general looks interesting to me, but it's never been a thing I actually wanted to do since I would be worried about messing something up and causing a fire. I've also seen people smelt bronze (without gloves for some parts, even) and I thought it looked cool, but a bit daunting.

And yeah, people often go crazy in comment sections. Sometimes they're good for a laugh or even insightful, but I don't bother reading YouTube comments as much as I used to. On that note, I always used to think that was a modern phenomenon with people going nuts in comments, but then I learned about that ancient graffiti in that bathroom in Pompeii and found out that humanity has been arguing over stuff in "comment sections" for ages now. They even made Oekaki like on here. Perhaps it's just human nature.
I would argue that plenty of the worst shitposters are also top players....
This was probably obvious, but while history was a big inspiration for me, a lot of ideas I have come from other movies, books, and games that I like. Some characters, I'd say borrow pretty heavily from others if you're familiar with them. Though some are far more just based on a general idea. And in a lot of cases, I just want to evoke the same "feeling" even if the characters are ultimately pretty different.

For example, a thing about Gwen is that she's this veteran that's fought in many battles, but instead of being this proud fighter with little to no regrets, she suffers greatly from her guilt. This was partially inspired by the Fire Emblem OVA's characterization of Navarre. In that version of the story, the mercenary was wracked with guilt over his heinous actions. I think they also implied he let his lover die, but they were sort of ambiguous with that in his dream from what I recall. Anyway, he had this line where after killing someone and being scolded by Lena, a cleric, he said something like "Look at my hands. They're stained with death. No one can save my soul now, not even your god." That stuck with me for a long time because it felt like the turmoil in his head was driving him insane even as he continued to kill people. Basically, I want Gwendolyn to have something like that, but instead her guilt makes her hear the screams of those she's killed in her sleep, rather than someone she failed. The twisted irony is that her people view her as a hero because she fought bravely during the Hibernian raids. In their eyes, she was a great champion that brought back necessary food and supplies to their lands, but she can't stop thinking about all of the people she's killed. The blood of unarmed men and children caught in the crossfire lie on her axe, so she feels like she's failed herself. Not exactly like Navarre, but I wanted to evoke an emotion like him.
it's combos, only the most well known games are populated because newcomers don't have to deal with getting comboed in low ranks.
anime games are also notorious for having long repetitive combos, the only one with more than 100 players is strive, maybe gbfvr but it may be carried by ip or f2p.
Now that I think about it, another influence on Julia was Thief King Bakura from the manga Yugioh. In that story, Bakura was a boy from antiquity that had his life destroyed. He lived in an Egyptian village called Kul Elna and the pharaoh's men laid waste to it. After seeing his people wiped out like that and being able to hear their screams from Hell, which drove him mad, he began to seek out his own twisted idea of justice where he would get revenge on not just the Egyptian royal court, but ravage the country as a whole. Furthermore, his plan spans across millennia, as his soul was trapped inside of a magic ring and he tried to get revenge on the pharaoh in the modern day since he had failed in the past.
What I liked about this story was that he wasn't really portrayed sympathetically. A thing I've noticed in some newer stories is that just giving a villain a tragic backstory is used to make people think of them as actually not a bad guy, just misunderstood. But Bakura is pretty obviously portrayed as evil, with him doing many heinous acts, such as dragging the mummified corpse of the pharaoh's father across the desert just to gloat about how good he was at avoiding traps in tombs. The character is the result of bad things beyond his control resulting in a complete monster. The irony is that he hurt even more innocent people than he lost to make him that way.

With Julia, I liked the idea of a villain from antiquity and their hatred transcending time, but I also wanted her to be a charismatic leader that had people willing to follow her, which is why I made her a bit less sadistic and disrespectful. She's a lot nicer than Bakura, come to think of it, as her plan is to unite the continent under one banner instead of just destroy it. Well, as nice as the warmongering, soul devouring Empress of Shade can be. The irony is that she subjugated even more innocent people and in a harsher way than she ever was.
I thought you can't run Gohan point because you need to DHC into his install
If you play UNI2, then you're able to playtest the Riesbyfe mod!

Development crawled to a stop and it's in an okay "beta" state to release it to the world, so instructions are in the README on how to install and play the mod. Only thing is one missing bgm and a reference that her Vorpal trait recovers meter on concentration depending on HP/GRD/Distance.
I won't get banned for this right?
You won't. If you try to play online, you will likely desync or crash which won't affect you - but I wouldn't try playing online with her. Feel free to tell me if the network UI stuff works with a friend in a private lobby, though.
What's a good pure rushdown team in DBFZ? Bonus points for high pressure
Team Human. Choose all the human characters and go ham. Haha.
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>I'm not going to read this
Summary: play fg rather than talk about it.

RTS and fg and chess have the same problem. 1 vs 1 means bad feelings if you lose. A lot of single-mother manbabies can't handle that. You have to fail before you succeed.
Joking, man. I'm not good enuff in DBFZ to give advice..
Good morning!
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SF2X is broken
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Wakeup reversal TIGER UPPERCUT
Are these mods usable online against other people that also have the mod?
I have been unable to test it thus far and I'm not sure if I set the files up correctly at the moment, but yes, you'd be able to play this with someone else who has the same mod files set up. I'll try to double check soon for myself.
As mentioned, I don't recommend playing random matches online with her, so if you have a friend to test with then feel free to try a lobby. Last resort, you can always use our Discord for the other few testers.
I just bought DB Sparking Zero
I played Dead Rising again instead of fighting games...
Sometimes I go on 4 month hiatuses and every time I come back I'm horrified over the fact that I still win most of my games.
unmatched fundies?
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Such is the life of a shotochad.
bbcf usually has almost 200
afgg may be in more trouble than usual now....
on weekends?
This only affects phone posters and ban evaders
Has exactly 200 right now
is it possible that there are less newcomers in bbcf, I felt like I had a harder time than in melty or uni2 even though they hover around 100-150
Blazblue is inhabited partially by people who have enjoyed the game for 10 years and partially by people who use it as a vehicle for rp.
This is not a joke. If you haven't met the autistics on psn blazblue over the years, you've been blessed.
Just stop getting banned?
oh shit i understand now!
i love setplay!
It's up.
What's there to understand?
Wake up please
>Have a 4chan Pass.
I see where this is going Hiro
I guess I should've had my expectations set properly for this one. Also is using Japanese phrases every now and then in your speech normal for vtubers? I don't watch them hardly at all so I wouldn't know.
I had a 4ch pass once, but now you have to pay in crypto instead of cash, so I don't have it anymore
I just got into the Rage of the Dragons steam beta.
Are they supposed to be that big?
Have fun anon!
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I sure think so!
I'll try.
Never played that game before at all, but I saw the ad for the beta and could not resist.
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Stayed up way too late working on this, but I think I finally have Amina's appearance down. Or at least her head.
The right design, I did earlier and the feathers are all over the place. The left is closer to what I want, with them slanting more downwards.
I'll work more on the clothes and body tomorrow.
Time for bed.
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What a kusoge...
I don't post on my phone anymore, so I'll be fine.
Nice line art man.
Is that balanced? Like what is the counter-play?
>people playing on the Switch version
Is it viable?
probably in japan
I'm more surprised people are still playing Samurai Shodown.
just sleeping
How can one single man be this based and inspirational?
it has rollback now and is fun....
I only like VSp
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Anyone want to play Tekken 8 with me? NA
Is T8 fun?
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Thank you. Lineart and rendering are two of my particularly weak skills, so I'm usually worried that I'll mess them up. But I tried using a blend of my usual techniques to make something better. Which is to say, I did the initial lining with a 0.3mm liner, then I went over the outline with a pressure sensitive Sign Pen. I remember reading that Ken Sugimori goes over his outlines with a G-Pen to give them a more hand-drawn feel, but I find G-Pens way too difficult to turn with, so I use an "Extra Fine Zebra Fude Sign Brush" pen for a similar effect.
Of course, I still make a lot of mistakes, so I typically will do digital inking and coloring, but I like to practice with traditional when I can.
I used to make use of a brush-pen for outlines, but even the small brush-pens are generally too thick for what I want, so I mostly use those to fill in blacks now.


Riesbyfe micro update, nothing major aside from fixing missing BGM, removing black debug lines and making Network actually playable without a crash. Testing Network soon.
Do you have a recommended tablet for drawing digital? Thinking about getting into it.
In the old days, I used a screenless tablet. I couldn't really make heads or tails of it and it was a very cheap entry level one, a Huion P608N. However, I found out that a lot of artists swear that screenless is better and I know that Naoki Saitou uses that kind so you may want to look into that.

The kind I currently use is a screen tablet known as the XPPen Artist 15.6 Pro. It's quite a bit pricier, but it has a lot of useful features, such as how I can use the wheel on the side to rotate the canvas. I saw a video from Mikey MegaMega where he recommended it and I think that's why I bought it.

At any rate, I am far from an expert on digital and still don't like sketching digitally, so you may want to take what I say with a grain of salt, as I only really like to draw the sketch on paper, then fix it up on CSP using the XP-Pen.

Speaking of CSP, I highly recommend that program for drawing. It's how I do all of my coloring, inking, and most of my text. (I also use Sony Vegas for some things, like putting together animation, but that's a story for some other time) Some people like Photoshop and it has stabilization now, but CSP was specifically made for illustrations and comics, so it has a lot of features that help with that kind of thing. I tried to make a comic version of one of my stories a few months back and it helped me with the process. Of course, I was hampered on that one since I was trying to draw characters on paper and began running out of space, so probably would have turned out better if I just gritted my teeth and decided to finally learn how to sketch digitally instead of doing everything on paper.
Thanks for all the info. rotation feature sounds pretty nice so I may have to take a look into that. Also heard of software called Krita but I'll also check out that CSP software when I eventually get into it.
Krita is really good for a free program, yes. I used to use it when I still wasn't sure if I was going to commit to this for the long run.
Some features are a little limited in terms of the time saving features I use in CSP, but it's totally usable, yeah. I imagine it's even better if you're already good at drawing, which is probably why I had issues with it.
I also hear that some people like FireAlpaca and from what I've seen, it looks a bit similar to CSP, but I've never tried that one and have no idea if it's actually good.
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30th Anniversary Asuka Burning
Have you ever cheated in a fighting game?
Be honest.
What a strange name. I appreciate the advice.
Is that one also getting an Exa-Arcadia update?
What happened to all the people that signed up to play YGO?
To unlock characters? Certainly.
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Yes, it is!


Yeah, I use a hitbox
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How's PXN-0082 in general? I wanted to get one for playing air dashers. I did a little research and it does not seem the buttons or the stick seem all that modular. How long would these chink sticks last me?
I've never used one personally, but I've not heard good things about that controller.
You may be better off just saving up a bit more and getting one of those Mayflash sticks with Sanwa parts. The F300 is 110 USD, which is pricier than the PXN-0082, but still not ridiculous.
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One time my opponent stopped moving and..... I proceeded to beat him up because I needed my ranked points
Sometimes I'd tell a friend how to block a mixup and then immediately do the other option.
do those cheating tekken and sf auto scripts even exists for anime games?
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wake up
Probably in Strive
That's not cheating as long as you told him that both options existed
Not me, but a guy I knew paid to have his rank boosted in a game once.
Anyone down for a CF lobby? Region EU but don't mind trying cross region.
square color?
Come and find out.
>but don't mind trying cross region
lol just play a popular game. may i suggest card games?
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I don't know if you actually want to play or if you're just shitposting, but either way lobby up if anyone's interested.
give it up qwiblez. bb is dead
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Real gamer hours
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It's not a real CF lobby without Susan mirrors!
I should reinstall bbcf one day
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I drew today
That's really nice!
Noels fanny..
Noels Noellers...
I'll do anything to win
I dodged good players when trying to get into Celestial in Strive. God what a dog shit lobby system.
how would you improve it?
Just scrap it and implement a real ranked mode.
Anything within reason, of course
That's a thing? That's funny
Good work.
Thanks. I might do that.
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Good night, /afgg/
Thanks fellas :)
I hear aliens outside my house unleashing signals and beacons
BB will never die!
Isn't there a korean mobile game in the works too?
Good morning /afgg/!
I thought that was already out, but I may be thinking about the Chinese steam game.
what anime games are still popular? only undernight? I know melty is dead and gbvs is not anime
Strive and DBFZ
they should make a real dragon ball fighter game instead of the infinite combo snoozefest they have going on
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>Gauntlet H-Ack!
>Makoto in BBCF
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There's another NA Nitroplus tournament later today.
GBVSR is completely imbalanced and flashy mash and dash, so it's basically an anime game now.
If it doesn't have air dashes, double jumps, gatlings and jump cancels, I refuse to call it anime.
Does the jump cancel need to be both in the air and on the ground, or is just on the ground good enough? Because you can't really air JC in Chaos Code, just super jump cancel on the ground.
and they killed Yuel for ZERO reason!
fuck that kuso.
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Check ins for the Anon Arena Yu-gi-oh! tournament are now open! Make sure to check in on time and please send in those decklists! I'll be streaming right now so if you have any questions feel free to ask!
I forgot how to play Yugioh, or else I would have entered.
Close enough
Honest character in a dishonest game
What do you think the base of her tail smells like?
a carpet
Why is it so hard to find visually appealing characters in fighting games? And when you find a cool one its gameplay is the most generic/linear/shoto shit possible. It’s all so tiresome.
>Why is it so hard to find visually appealing characters in fighting games?
It isn't, unless you mean modern SF and MK or something.
>And when you find a cool one its gameplay is the most generic/linear/shoto shit possible
Sounds like your taste is just shit.
I have to fight Batman in the first round.
Haven't faced him in a long time, so this will be exciting. Probably.
If you can't appreciate fundamental gameplay you are probably a shitter.
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Nitropus tournament has begun
Bit tits and oversexualized design are not visually appealing, they’re the exact opposite, your image is exactly what’s wrong with fighting games these days. Just create a character like Guts, Musashi, Thorfinn, Zoro, Archer, Gojo, you know, characters that have simple design yet still look much cooler than Sol and his 50 billion belts or Nine and her ridiculously big tits.
Shotos are the lowest common denominator archetype, it’s an extremely boring playstyle with no room for creativity or variations.
Loving tomboy squirrel gf sweat
>Bit tits and oversexualized design are not visually appealing
Thank you for confirming your taste is shit, opinion discarded.
It’s ok, I find your taste utter trash as well and your fettishes disgusting.
thats no tournament. thats just the weekly mentally ill discordappa play date for small fish in a tiny puddle
Winning with an elegant simple gameplan having no bullshit is not only incredibly based, but leads to the widest range of player expression possible.
TRY to tell me Daigo plays like Endingwalker plays like old man Valle you zoomer cunt. When options are so general the players expression shines. Their neutral skill matters. When oki isn't generic coin flips you get interesting variation in how people leverage advantages.

You fucking zoomers and your 'sauce' oki nonsense that's just rote training mode retardation 0 interaction cringe. Where everyone does the exact same setplay 50/50 into the exact same shit because it's so hyper tuned to do the one thing well that it doesn't make sense to do anything else.
Pitiable. When you grow up you'll understand.
>When oki isn't generic coin flips you get interesting variation in how people leverage advantages.
What games are like that?
This may come as a shock to you but characters that don't have lockdown projectiles and instant overheads often get their damage from conditioning people to take an escape option that they're ready to stop.
Street fighter isn't all throw loops. Guilty gear isn't ALL projectile oki. Blazblue has Jin. It's entirely an archetypal issue.
The existence of raw 50/50s goes away with incredible system understanding in uni. Just os everything out and force them to play an honest game with you.
damn bro you got fucked
I forgot that Muramasa can counter super on reaction if I don't do the dragon kick point blank
H8ers gon' h8. It's probably more organized than your room.
My dad beats me if my room is too dirty
I reset the bracket.
Dropped the throw combo. Went for 236C and midscreen as well. Not sure what I meant by this.
Good effort. You'll get em next tiem
Hello, Baron, how’s the art training going? Did you become a mangaka yet?
For me the smell beats me and I become compelled to clean
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Tournament for the Yugioh tournament earlier. Thanks again to everyone who showed up to either watch or participate.
lmao washed up
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Thank you. I wrote some stuff down, as there were things I didn't know about the Ignis and Muramasa matchups (like throwing Muramasa out of her 2C startup), so perhaps that will help. I actually think my approaching has gotten way worse, as I get clipped in the air all the time now. But I'll try to work on that later, perhaps.
Progress is still pretty slow, but I can feel myself picking up little things here and there. Progress has been even slower lately since I'm putting more time towards working on my game, but at the current moment, I'm doing something for a secret art project that I can't talk much about just yet.
Working on various practice methods, studying, and that kind of thing today. Looking at photos and trying to draw the person in them, trying to get better with gestures, things like that.
That reminds me of something funny that happened with my teacher once. I showed him a drawing I did and the reference photo and he said "So, you just watch a lot of porn and absorb the anatomy from there, right?" and then his wife said "Porn? What are you guys talking about in there?" and then he said "Nothing, just art stuff." It probably wasn't even supposed to be funny, but I didn't expect such an interaction out of nowhere. Or another time, I drew a character and showed him and he said something like "You drew the breasts oddly there. Did the model have fake tits?" I was surprised that was his first reaction instead of thinking I just did it poorly due to a lack of skill. But he was actually correct.

As for manga, that's taking a backseat now as I work on figure drawing for my game's concept art. I spent the past few days working on the design for my new character Amina.

But yesterday, I just did some drawings for fun. Have only really drawn my original characters for the past few months, but decided to draw Sonic characters for the first time in ages to see if I remembered how to. Made more than a few duds, but it was enjoyable overall
Is Sparking Zero... good?
Nine's niners aren't even that big bwo...
If you're a fan of Dragon Ball it's pretty good but the depth is obviously not amazing on a per character basis versus more recent offerings in the series for 3D fighter space (Raging Blast 2 and Xenoverse 2 respectively). The mechanics are decent enough though and netcode so far has been decent.
I think french bread games suck dick
Dragonball Daima time?
You wouldn't be alone in that belief. They're not for everybody. What're you playing instead?
I think they're alright. UNI is pretty fun.
I used to like DFCI, but haven't played it in years
I never played glove on fight
Azrael’s drive moves are so hard to hit anyone with or combo into he’s supposed to be easy
Played a few minutes of the Rage of the Dragons beta, but still have no idea what I'm doing in that game.
I'll watch it at some point in the future probably.
Slow morning...
Who assed?
wish bullet was good
Just play the game she premieres in
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What do you do as Nine when you're that far away from your opponent you can't reach him but neither can he.Do you just wait for him to run at you?
Every time i try to dash tp to get in range i get punished...
I do love this special but i feel like it's easy to respect and won't force people to come to me,Nine's neutral is a real mystery to me the only times i win neutral is when the ennemy missplay like in this webm

I watched that Kasha guy on youtube he post some of his high level games and he just spam the tp but i can never do that without getting hit by an anti air or some super fast normal.
why does she wear such a big hat?
it's sexy.
I just realized that the characters on May's Ship (day version) in +R are all references to Madoka Magica.
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To let you know of her magical powers.
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Remember UNI2?
I still play it every now and then. BBTAG2 when?
Is it worth buying? How does it compare to Melty?
I like it, it’s a bit different but if you like melty I think you’d like it.
With nuASW? Probably never ever
Well they did put out a Ver. 2.0 so it couldn't have been that much of a flop.
it's less about them making flops and more about them never taking a risk on a game that broken again. It's funny, as BBTag was derided for being too simple when it came out, but it's actually way more complex than Strive or Granblue
I would say most people were not fans of the execution being less buttons more than anything else since some of your characters originally cool moves are tied to the autocombos making you work more to find routes different from what you're used to in the original games. That and cross combos is where the real grime and combo complexity lies which most people probably aren't fans of (lMorrigan UMVC3 Astral Vision sandwich situation but every character can do it).

Also I would argue that the best feature of that game was direction-dependent assists to give you more options and not lock your characters into particular playstyles in that manner compared to other tag/assist fighters.
...with whom?
Just mash 6C until something connects
But really yeah, may be best to be careful and not over-extend.
Remember the DFCI rollback saga?
Yes. Kamone malding over it was kind of sad.
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Good night, doods.
Happy New Year!
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Is Alpha2 an anime game?

Wakeup reversal
Which BB is the one everyone plays on PC?
BlazBlue Centralfiction is the most played one, but the spinoff BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle also has its fans.
Any minute now
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What's the plan for today?
I wanted Magisa...
Halloween release date maybe?
Destroy my enemies as per usual
I remember them teasing it for a year until they finally let it be public
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Wake up!!!
Work on my mental and physical health.
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Hmm... Nyo.
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This is what happens behind the scenes when you change characters.
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Remember the MVC collection?
Grind art. Play Nikke. Think about fighting games.
Sad to see that it dropped to around 250 active players
it fell off hard
Most of those games are too difficult for a lot of newer players to pick up.
Soon, but probably not this week for me.
that looks.. painful
Getting Animorphs vibes
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How's the ranked mode in Dragon Ball FighterZ? Is it just fusion teams left and right?
At lower levels, not as much, but as you get higher and higher? Fusion everywhere.
super cute
I can't win even if I cheat
how many were you expecting?
At least around 500 or so. Marvel is a pretty popular IP.
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Marvel is always good
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/afgg/ I have a rather stupid question.

What is the point of this? Is it just to look flashy without having to learn combos?

I ask because I played a family member recently who says he's really good at the game. Only to find out he only plays in stylish. At first I was rather salty but then I started thinking about it. Is there any incentive to play Technical over Stylish besides customizable combos? The assumption is that autocombos aren't as optimal.

But I'm not a good fighting game player and I genuinely just wanted some takes as I tried to explain this to someone else.
It's the game devs attempt to ease in new players. Think of it like adding walls to a bowling lane.
I figured it was that simple. I just think someone that claims they are good at the game would have been off training wheels by now.
some people really don't want to do motions, so that's what they put it in for
Is Jubei bad on purpose?
He's a character that gradually gets good.
Good for newbies or when you want to play with your friends that aren't into fighting games.
Also busted on Kagura for some weird reason.
Actually if your character works well in stylish mode then you're playing a fraudulent ass character.
>for some weird reason
let's him skip charging, like a granblue character
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Now that the dust has settled, were Granblue's controls a good idea?
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I don't like having a simple inputs and motion inputs at the same time. Makes it so you'll always have to make a judgement between which version you should be doing in which situation, which is annoying. And even more annoying when there are non-obvious differences between them, like supers in the original GBVS, where some simple version had big nerfs to them while some were the exact same as the motion version. I don't mind simple inputs if the game is designed around it, but pick one input type and commit to it, don't try to eat your cake and have it too. And on a related note, having cooldowns on special moves will never not be gay as fuck.
kinda annoying when fighting some characters
eg charlotta
Block button sucks. I think if they were going to do that they might as well have just copied cross-up protection from games like UNI.
How does Uni handle corssups?
You gain a good window of opportunity to block from both sides after the opponent has switched direction from you. They have to find ways around this with tricks from their kit or system mechanics to get the cross-up to work. Melty Blood also has cross-up protection but you can use the double jump to disrupt the cross-up protection. Makes things more interesting.
Here's an example for a way around it in Melty.

Ah, I see. Do you prefer this to how ASW handles crossups?
I used to be good, but then I started relying on gimmicks
How? just a high skill ceiling?
Do you play any games on a CRT? I just realized I've never seen what GG looks like on a CRT.
Why did Strive have a bunch of leaks, but not BlazBlue when it was coming out?
No ASW USA branch at the time of their production.
When you land hits it opens up his ability to teleport around via shiranui marks on the opponents. He also has an install that heavily changes move properties. If you get good at general system mechanics he gets alot of good cancel options. You also have to be smart about whether or not you want to go into install depending on matchups due to changes to his move properties.

He's a rushdown character that requires abit of work to win with but can be rewarding since he has alot of movement options.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-0J8vUVs1g Here's a quick rundown video.
I have one stored away in a room, but haven't turned it on in probably a decade
I did not expect that at all. I thought he was just a bad joke character. guess I have a lot to learn. Thanks.
No probs. Have fun on your journey anon.
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Good morning!!!
Sorry to ask bros, but I have no idea where else I can ask

Does anyone have that image of Linne from UNIST blocking a kick from the girl with the long skirt, and then her eyes dart up as she realizes she can see her underwear?
I don't remember that picture, sorry. You may also want to ask the French bread general, I bet they would know.
What did SNK mean by this?
While this may be true, a collection of older games that have somewhat difficult execution is probably a hard sell to a lot of the newer FGC members, but also to casuals that just saw the movies and wanted to see characters from them in a game.
I really hate the block button and the weaker high/lows in rising
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>Does anyone have that image of Linne from UNIST blocking a kick from the girl with the long skirt, and then her eyes dart up as she realizes she can see her underwear?
This one?
You don't have to play the top tier characters with heavy movement. If you still want to compete against those who do team scrub exists. That being said I get it that most young people would prefer modern visuals in games and most people in general aren't keen on replaying old favorites outside of a few times a year for nostalgia. I just figure that maybe a new community would build around the game like what happened with UMVC3 with TNS.
It's too bad that they don't have an option to play on an earlier version of the game. I believe Xrd has an option for that unless they got rid of it.
Rev2 still has that, last time I checked
I wish GBVSR guard crush was just regular guard crush from any attack
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that they like booba
I still don't know how to feel about 2xko
It's bbtag tier
I don't like the long combos or the input system at all....
my external hard drive fell off its precarious position on my desk and broke while playing it, and i will forever associate 2xko with the misery i felt both with having to play the game and losing however much video footage i planned to use in the future

fuck you 2xko
It's happening
So waht is she, an items/traps character?
Seems like she has RNG on the projectile as well
Is it my imagination or does Granblue DLC take a long time compared to other games?
Video game production is longer now in general than it used to be
Kinda slow compared to original version's season 1 DLC though I would attribute that to most of those characters likely already being finished.
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Good night.

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