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>Download (Android/iOS/EGS/Windows)

>Wuthering Waves | Resonator Showcase | The Shorekeeper — THE BEGINNING OF OUR STORY
>Wuthering Waves Version 1.3 Trailer | The Shore's End


>Convene Tracker

>Official Twitter Account

WHEN IN DOUBT, CHECK: https://wuwatracker.com/timeline
Resonator Banner: The Shorekeeper [Sep 28 - Oct 24]
Weapon Banner: Stellar Symphony (Rectifier) [Sep 28 - Oct 24]
[Parade of Stars - Special Leveling Event] [Sep 28 - Nov 13]
[Gifts of Sea Breeze: 7 Day Sign-In Event] [Sept 28 - Nov 13]
[Fairy Tale's Finale - Featured Co-op Combat Event] [Oct 1 - Oct 24]

>Timeline and Rewards



>/wuwa/ Friends List


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Good night my wuwabros!
Cummy leaks doko
Calcharo might as well get his leap when he shows up in the story.
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>Still unbeaten
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Why are you dying to monkey circles? Just run away if you can't dodge.
Testing Silent Hill 2 Remake, I finally understand why Kuro chose to backport UE5's features to UE4 rather than using UE5 for WW.
What a fucking dogshit engine.
Like holy fucking shit.
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she's uuuuuhhhhh
does damage
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So, what's up with everyone disappearing around Rover at the bridge in the Black Shores PV, including Shorekeeper? Should we be expecting sufferkino in the future patches? 1.3 ended with everyone more or less happy.
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dodge this you fucking nerd
Monkey is such a jobber, he's the only coop boss I beat sub 2:00 without getting assmad. He also gave me the Tower achievement for beating a final floor boss without getting hit FOR FREE. He's just so slow and predictable, unlike the sperg rider and heron
Now this got me thinking, can a double boss work? Or is it too much for mobilebros?
Inferno Rider + Crownless please
Shorekeeper won
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Sex with overworld bosses, somehow.
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When are we getting more chibis?
I'd like it, but only if one of them is on the screen at a time and they did cool coordinated attacks or intro/outro moves while switching.
meant for this guy from last thread >>497391595. I want to healtank my way through holograms
Only if they are taking turns fighting us instead of jumping you, imagine how kino it is when the boss can intro and outro like us, like Crownless switching into Rider in the middle of his berserk combo
Good night Derpina
Actually you could ride his tornado by gliding to avoid the whole thing easier
Please don't make Camellya bad
I am a meta rat but I really really really really really really really wanna get her
>>497388647 (Cross-thread)
this retard really called No.21 ugly and minus'd more lolis, wtf
at least you acknowledge you're a rat
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I called up john solon personally and he assured me she's the strongest
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>rexlent outed himself as an EOP incel
Not a good look wuwabros
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If you really really wanted to get her you would regardless of meta. If you don't have a wall of bricks and play gacha for more than a year you're just a metafag.
I thought he was a chink
>learning a worthless langauge
Sounds like the twins in pgr
Yeah, what's the point of rolling a character if they are not usable in combat? To look at them? I can just get a picture from the internet and look at them at any time, Result is the same.
Even if she's bad, she's the one character that will definitely be buffed because of the possible backlash, as if anyone would want the highly anticipated unit since launch to be another Changli moment
sounds like you're just making up controversies in your head. The only backlash a unit got for being weak after release was yinlin
I at least hope she's fun, if she's bad you can always giga buff her with Verina and Shorekeeper together
Singaporean is dishonored chink
"Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a long-lasting disorder in which a person experiences uncontrollable and recurring thoughts (obsessions), engages in repetitive behaviors (compulsions), or both."
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I don't care if they're weak I just want them to be well designed and fun. That's why I built aalto
I said no one would want Camellya to be mid tier character like Changli and that it would be controversial, learn to fucking read
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Post THAT video
wu wuwu
You didn't say that though. You just said "changli moment". Which could refer to anything. In this case it seems to not be a controversy you made up in your head but character strength ranking you made up in your head

>she's mid because I said so. no I don't care that no one else thought so she's just mid ok!
so where do we go in 2.0?
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Mediterranean, gothic, possibly an atlantis underwater area
I don't need to argue semantics with you, Changli is just not that good, period.
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Need something like that in the game, like an event.
if you cant clear with her you have severe skill issues
Italobros how are we feeling about our representation?
Thats some cringekino shit
Either the monke is fast af or I'm just laggy as hell.
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Did the camera thing actually happened or just some /gig/ schizo blowing it out of context
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Big if true.
Aether is a good man and he deserves to become a superior lifeform within Solon's game. Lord Aether might be a bit much, but Prince Aether would be a fitting title for him.
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His turn
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Do you talk to people in real life about Wuwa?
I have an irl friend that I convinced to play wuwa
Nope, no one play gacha games in my entourage.
I'm the only degenerate lmao.
no, I must hide my powerlevel from the world.
She gonna look like trash once Geshu Lin comes out. Just look at Jinhsi when XLY came out.
No, the only things I talk about at work is politics and guns.
>Jinhsi out of nowhere
Lol the only one powercrept by Calchud, Jinhsi is still the strongest dps in the game
Jinhsi (who I still love) continually says that she does everything for the people of Jinzhou or that she'll sacrifice herself for the people of Jinzhou or that she'll take a gamble to save the people of Jinzhou. She says this same exact thing over and over. Like we KNOW she's doing this for the city. You don't have to specifically tell us that you're doing it for the people every time something is happening.

Shorekeeper continually says that she'll always be by Rover's side. Not once or twice for a strong emotional effect, but I swear she said the same thing at least 4 times in her story quest. Yes, I know you'll be by Rover's side no matter what. I know you and the black shores will support rover no matter what. I don't need you to reiterate once more that you'll always be by our side.

I love the game and I think the story has been going in a good direction ever since Mt Firmament, but do the writers think that we have short-term memory loss?
Nah. Everyone praising him nowadays. Jinhsi also blows ass in coop.
>no way to collect her forte fast
>has no iframes on her ult/skill, so she just gets instagibbed afterwards
I mentioned it once when I was buying a pc to a sales person when they asked what games I was planning to play nothing else besides that and the chinks sephiroth meme
holy skill issue
>but do the writers think that we have short-term memory loss?
I know that you just copypasted plebbit post, but the answer is fucking YES. Yes they all have adhd and short memory. Otherwise g-game wouldn't have paimon doing paimon things.
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me and my wife
>do the writers think that we have short-term memory loss?
They know most people fast forward through text, so they repeat the important stuff a bunch of times to ensure speedreaders don't gloss over it accidentally.
EN translators are anti-(You) as always
ADHD gacha game thinks its playerbase is retarded? No way
Reddit post or not it’s still true. I hate this kind of “tell don’t show” storytelling. Even if they show it in the end it’s still tarnished by the mediocre writing
Only my sisters because they play genshin and ZZZ and I like to parrot anti-mihoyo memes at them.
But they wrote "my shorekeeper/my star" stuff, even tho it was only the basic "welcome home/tadaima" in JP/CN
Nobody irl knows I play chnk mobages
I love her
Jinhsi can be explained by the fact she was extremely nervous and afraid of what's to come. That was just a way of keeping her composure

SK stuff could be explained by her being non-human and having imperfections in how she expresses herself. Also iirc in JP/CN these "I'm with you" phrases had different flavour each time, which were lost to a translation.
I ruined my account by building Calcharo and Jianxin at launch
It seems.we got another permanently missable tricket from this event with Dorothy's Present, "Innocent Dreams".
I built taoqi for my danjin but swiftly dropped her when havoc rover turned out good
I'm not cruel enough to hook up my friends on chink anime casinos.
Day 1 players are the only unbricked accounts.
Shorekeeper was on my dick 24/7 while playing the Black Shores quest and i did like the pandering, but in the end it turned into a "when you bustin' and she keeps suckin' " type situation
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I only talk to online frens about gaming and I've mentioned WuWa but none of them are into gachaslop.
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This was already claimed by another leaker but looks like this is confirmation
>Not Scar
Finally another skip patch
No one has posted the anko raiding rover videos...
Do you get a special badge for being Day 1 other than a low UID?
Funny enough but it's the only 2 units I can use in new tower's right wing lol, and now I'm figuring them out. No I won't level up XLY because I don't have weapon and I don't like him.
I started like day 4 or 5 because I only learned about the game then, didn't know it existed before.
That is some prime shitty acting. I also have to mention how bad Encore acting is in JP, I was expecting something like this
Level up your XLY
What do i level up on his forte ?
What's the difference between the 10% atk of fallacy and 10% damage of belleborne?
Does either of them scale harder or diminish less? Or are they basically interchangeable with microscopic performance differences
I have two friends (one from university and one from work) that play gachas, so I've tried to get them into wuwa, the first played www but dropped it and the second azur lane.
I play in CN
DO remember that chinese gambling simulators for phones are meant to be played in 5 minutes burst while raiding the train. About 80% of revenue is made between android/iphone. Westerners playing on PC are the minority.
already not true for games like snowbreak and tof. Same for wuwa
I heard someone say that bell is multiplicative, but couldn't confirm myself. If not, then it's less effective than atk%, because it already has 70 base from set effects + echoes and then extra from button damage bonuses
Its a good time to start?
Please someone just leak confirmation of Camellya's weapon type/role/element being havoc sword main dps so that I can get to prefarming.
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please be sexy
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No you're bricked RUMAO
Most money comes from rich whales, not common workers.
And all whales would naturally play on their expensive PC.
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>doesn't have Jiyan
>can roll for msgk without risking S1 Jiyan
sounds good to me
lol time to skip more males
ugly fat balding aristocrat
but the japanese version says "nakama" which is LESS than a friend...
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my wifes
Ascension 5 literally confirms her love for you, so fuck off
The best time is always yesterday, but today is also nice
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Send this then, no charge
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betrayal and pro/anti Rover factions KINO incoming
Is there any chance of a big fat retard being added? Like Grendel in Warframe I guess
A woman loves the strong leader guy? That effectively means nothing, I, Rover, don't return her feelings.
holy kek, genshit is just as at this point
I honestly don't mind getting spooked by the general, he grew on me after using him on events and Xiangli Yao made me appreciate unga bunga kits that hits like a truck
cuck bro...
Only women can be cucks
so what do you think the "Morale Tablets" actually do besides reduce the target's vibration strength?
Current details of 2.1 homo according to stepleaker

>not brown, black, white hair
>retweeted "It's gonna be blue or purple or some crazy color"
>replied to "is he gothic" with a cat emoji
>not gothic, not a furry
>has close to a masquerade type of mask
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is camellya the only one who can compete with shorekeeper?
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Here's your 2.1 homo
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So how big is the diff between S0 and S2 shorekeeper
not goth but still masquerade kino for my notItaly, I hope the girl with heterochromia is a chuuni
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I love Jinhsi lmao
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Changli is still the best imo.
She will make a good mother too.
the damage increase is about the same as any S0-S1 DPS resonator damage increase, but party wide
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Aright S2 it is
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stop the fights
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>the next homo will be an otome bastard
>15 minutes apart
Bros wtf we’re gonna fall off the board at this rate
Just finished 100% the new maps and events to secure shorekeeper. The whore sucked me dry so I'd like to know whether it's already leaked which new chars are coming up next
Gender swap will come in handy
How long till Cammy leak?
It’s a sunday /wuwa/ is just full of chads busy going out today instead of posting
Aalto was such a bro with that gesture
next patch is skip patch. we don't know who's in 2.0 but it'll be mega powercreep
Nah the thread is ass
Why would it be a skip patch tho
Camellya simply doesn't have the powerlevel to be a main heroine like Jiyan or Shorekeeper
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upside down is such a dope idea
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my wife is so pretty
On my group of friends there is only one guy who still plays this game. Each last day of the month I like to make fun of him for playing a dead game and mention how it is going to e*s soon. Personally I think WuWa will stay around for a while (until more competitors show up in the market) but it's always funny to bully WuWa fans because they think they are morally superior for playing the Temu version of GI.
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Also a weapon leak
WuWa better. Simple as.
I wouldn't wish my enemy to have a retarded revenoooo gencuck as a "friend". Condolences to him
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My dick wants to have sex with her pits, small tits and throat so I'll roll even if she's garbage...
WuWa is popular with women
>Another girl he does her dps in the air
Why do all my wives hate the ground
You mean jinhsi? Jiyan is strong, but not above sentinel resonators and maybe shorekeeper who is pretty undefined in terms of power.
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>upside down beyblade
pity the guy who calls yourself his friend.
cute AI fairy
Yeah. I'm glad this game won't be around much longer and he'll jump to Azur Promilia instead.
>On my group
Unironic 3rd worlder thread
If Shorekeeper was your girlfriend, it would get boring quickly because she has no apparent personality besides wanting to be with you
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Flat sword for flat girl. Should be good for danjin as well.
But you fags told me 1.3 was PEAK??!!
I'm okay with that
We got it Jinhsi, not get back to work
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That's the best part.
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Wasn't Havoc MC supposed to be a meta damage dealer? How come no one uses them anymore?
Why do women hate her so much?
>spending mats lvling skills for a meh resonance that will be replaced
femcels fear the robowaifu.
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>Check Jinhsi + MRover tags on danbooru
>Nearly half of it is her getting cucked by Changli
The absolute state
It's the peak incel fantasy for sure
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good thing it's a harem
but you just described the perfect woman?
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I just started exploring today bwos... What is this mystery nigga?
A man just needs a woman to support him and cheer him up when he's down
Only femoids care about girl bosses or women power or whatever, men just wants a woman that loves him no matter what
WWbros give me the best Shorekeeper images
Men are just that simple. They literally don't need anything else. Only femcel incapable of showing care and affection would seethe over that.
She'll share the cuck tags with Shorekeeper now too lol
Already happening in most videos
I just want her to love me and give me children.
The perfect maiden that they will never be.
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If Shrekeeper is the canon wife where is her cuckquean pics and content? Only canon wife is slandered that way because she is canon
>aieee what do you mean these filthy men want a trad wife??? They should be grateful about getting cucked by Jamal
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Jinshi didn't say the L word to me though
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Rover basically abandoned shorekeeper for decades, and I doubt he didn't meet any woman after that before losing memory. If anything jinhsi has been cheated less.

Women don't like AI gf
>still falling for jenshit good wuwa bad eos bait
>still falling for the doomer trying to make mountains out of molehills jumping from forgettable 4 star in male banner to localizations
>still falling for the same no personality bad writing posts
Why are you people so easy?
Soon sluts won't be able to make ends meet anymore... Somebody think about them!
Speedreader, I...
Will Jinshi have a hissy fit if I put Shorekeeper in her team?
He left to find a way to save her, it's not about rover desire to help someone but if he had other "wives" after.
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She's fine with sharing though.
>to save her
but shorekeeper camellya wont share
My younger brother played it at launch, but I think he quit months ago
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Rover has a philosophy of no human left behind. He wants to save world, but he didn't like that the tethys system would sacrifice people for that and he didn't want shorekeeper to take that role either when she started getting emotions. So it is "to save her", and everyone else.
Jinhsi was the other aspect of rover philosophy, jué wanted like rover to end without sacrifices (except himself) and rover decided to trust jinhsi to find the human way out even if sacrifices could happen (like rover dislike towards the tethys system, when a civilization ruled by cold logic that doesn't trust it's people has no soul).
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are there anything up there...
Sir, please stop peeking at lady Sanhua's butt
I don't give a shit whether she hangs upside down showing her panties.
Give me her kid so I can prefarm her.
Actual dommy mommy or mentally insane playable character when? These safe chink designs with the most generic "personalities" is getting fucking tiring. And no Camellya doesn't count. She's just as boring as all the other Rover cock suckers.
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btw rover looks like this irl. Ma Xiao Fang is the empress
Anon, nobody in the gacha community gives a flying fuck about (You). The only time anons remotely come to troll here is when the Sensor Tower made up numbers show up once per month. You can stop playing your victim card every time someone says something negative about your chink game.
This is why I support beating women. They never shut up.
The nips are not playing games like this on the train. It's a big reason why Genshin isn't super huge in Japan and they prefer HSR. Also Wuwa on phone is an extra miserable experience on top of needing a top end phone to play it smoothly.
Sasuga my wife

Give me a skin with her hair down solon you coward
>top end phone
And controller which is only supported since last week
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just one chest
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[-] works wonder.
>state facts
>"j-just hide it"
doro would be sad to this post
SK’s butterfly mode collecting is pretty sweet, I pity the explorelets that can’t get her
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I probably need more ATK% rolls, but this will do!
Would be even better if each pickup restored some or all stamina
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So is Camellya gonna be a yandere or what?
Further calrifications

>"Nope. I didn’t mean to say he is cat themed. His mask is black and white. May be half broken with only the black part showing. He might also not wear it always."
>retweeted a post that speculates on similarities with Dansleif
i hope
I try at my net cafe
pick your favorite mihomo game for your cuck simulator needs. this game's for harem chads
most obsessed general
Not sure what i wanted out of her but this kit is sounding gay and cringe
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Encore is mentally insane with her imaginary friends and having fits of rage and intense headaches while fighting. In fact only aalto is a normal and sane person so far in the black shores.
From the bits you get here and there she seems to be a battle junkie and quite a flower enthusiast. I also can't shake the feeling she's not human >>497417974 "we were made differently" . Maybe a flower given sentience or something.
>someone takes Changli in the co-op event
Based. I can use her Outro to boost Resonance Liberation damage for my Xiangli Yao.
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if you love Baizhi roll for Whorekeeper's weapon
She is great with that weapon and it's not like she will get another buff anytime soon
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>havoc jiyan
Come on now, we running out of ideas a bit early
>thinks XLY is stronger than Jinhsi
>most hyped for Geshu Lin
cope harder, faggot.
I never knew you can press your mates buttons to activate outro...
It activates their outro (consuming their Concerto Energy) and activates your intro. Yes, this means if you take Jinhsi, you can skip doing the shit normals.
Baizhi is my IR all star, and she doesn't need her weapon there
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What did Dorothy's mail give me? They said the item in the backbag but I don't know what that was
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>Man with weird hair color
>Will have a black and white mask, might be a half mask
>Not a furry
Okay, but where's the part of the character I should apparently be angry about? The dude sounds like some weird Phantom of the Opera kinda guy.
It’s invaluable as a zhezhi user for building her forte quickly
Look in the quest items tab, whatever it's called. You'll see a new item indicated with an exclamation mark.
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will never ever get barefoot skins for most of the girls where you can hear the pitter patter of their feet. snowpeak had one for one of the character then removed the pitter patter.
Is there some eubro here who wants to help a shitter like me try out the coop event?
ok thanks
What's the problem? I'm matching almost immediately.
Honestly, I didn't give a fuck about co-op until I learned that you can trigger your teammates' outros and your intros. That adds a new dynamic.
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>can trigger your teammates intros and intros
Excuse me?
Nothing, I just didn't tried the event yety from what I heard it's quite difficult and I only have my ankomanko built to an acceptable level. I will get to the part where I can start the challenge, I assume there is some ahort quest for it before, then come back to you.
My UID is 600459655
When your teammates get maxed Concerto Energy, their portrait on the right side of your screen lights up. You can then press the number assigned to them (similar to how you press 1,2,3 in solo mode to swap to your other teammates).
This consumes all of their Concerto Energy and does their Outro skill on you. It also triggers your Intro Skill. If both of your teammates have maxed Concerto, you can trigger them both back-to-back and do 2 Intros in a row.
Yes I am in fact morally superior to a cuckold. How couldn't you tell?
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Woops I was stealing all the intros as Jeji.
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I wonder if I could swim there
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That is a line that someone drew in paint tool
Thanks anontachi
It's meta for f2p players only
>rapier for a rapist
bravo solon
feels like ass to play cause she isn't floaty enough
I use her but she's getting replaced for camellya

Also when the fuck was the last time a floor shilled havoc wtf. Every tower feels like it's anti havoc and pro everything else
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so these are the compiled leaks
Xhe was """""meta""""" in 1.0 simply because we had no options other than Jiyan. Now that real DPS are out, xhe's a brick only fit for cleaning up floors 1-3 like a jannie.
Post your Havoc Rover clears.
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>Wasn't Havoc MC supposed to be a meta damage dealer?
He isn't? Mine is as good as Changli and Encore
I get that Jinhshi is on a different level but she is an outlier
who would give the better footjob shorekeeper or camellya
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Found this autistic girl sitting on the floor today
A new quest?
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>changli, jiyan, and verina got moved down to 2nd tier on game8
>jinhsi keeping her spot in 1st tier
Why do the trannies on game8 think that Verina is a whole tier below Semenslurper?
Is this a joke
It's just lappmutt
Your death. Lvl 120 boss once you upgrade your databank.
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>loses her position as canon wife
Did they leak roles or rarities for 2.0 yet?
Nevermind, the first 6 stages weren't really that hard, so I took out everything solo from the event. Will try solo on the hard ones and I might try going at all of them later if it's too hard.
muh crit
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Forgot image.
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>>497432487 (me)
Huh, I honestly thought it will be harder because of it being a coop event, but it's pretty doable even solo. First try as well.
why are all the blackshores girls so erotic?
rober will be put through her brutal germination trial soon, will he even survive?
I'm going to coom on her pits.
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/Our guy/ said wuwa is doing better than ever. Thoughts?
Multiplayer's just for fun, brosis.
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Surrender her, General!
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>see picture of camellya
>break my nofap streak
>mr general, that anon is trying to do weird stuff to me, can i hide in your banner?
It would be in character if I get the General but not her.
Do you genuwhinely find Jinhsi attractive? She looks too kiddish for me.
Pretty sure that's the point anon. She is too pure.
I already know that's going to happen. And I have barely enough to guarantee Cammy.
thats the best part
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She is young, people in jinzhou were complaining that she was too young for the role of magistrate. But it doesn't matter, they aren't a democracy and her lizard dad decided she is the ruler.
I don’t like her because she’s kiddish or flat I like her because she’s an elegant leader and dragon girl
imagine the smell and taste
Do you guys think Cummy will get her own 4 cost?
Looking forward to eat discord-filled pizza.
Yes. But i agree she lacks a bit of sexual appeal since she looks the type you want to hold and hug .
No her eyebrows look stupid and she tries too hard to show off her boobs even though they're small.
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Hmmmm i see
I fucking hate leak trannies
the leg mole is what makes her lewd
I hope not. Dreamless is piss easy to farm i'd rather just use that
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The retarded Jinhsi forever ruined Jinhsi image.....
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So this girl is Camorra and about 50-75% of the final design. Hope the remaining is reusing parts of old chun design if this is actually her
Why didn't Yangyang become the cuckqean? They literally tease her crush on Rover in the same patch...
Confirmed her?
Because she is a 4*
There is clearly a yangyangdev keeping her safe. She's your permanent wife while you occasionally sleep with random mistresses.
>she tries too hard to show off her boobs even though they're small
That's hot. Girls with small tits should flaunt them more often.
Why is 4channel the only place on the western internet that isn't begging for more playable males?
Not confirmed until it's official but the pretty reliable leaker says it's her >>497430140
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>Wuwa keep being successful
>No danger of EoS
>Won't go full coom
Nyoo :(((
based condition
What game and is available for mobile? All characters your girlfriwnd or NTR-like?
I see thanks
Are there any girls on /wuwa/?
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> not Furry
Did they not realize Furries have heavy pockets? EoS soon.
Everyone here is a girl
NTR core game
Girls with dick...
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what the bird doin?
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So it's actually gonna tie in these events into the somnoire, and then the somnoire into the main story huh?
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Hey Poggers anything i should focus on to prevent a future mat bottleneck?
Her skirt will flip...
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>tfw I raised the empress and her 5* gun yesterday to level 90 and maxed all her skills
4chan is full of real niggas
As you can see from the high test male above you, most of the internet is filled with estrogen.
Doro doro doro
I need to see her getting ravaged to nothing by her harem
Hmm I always do spooning but I should do this with my waifu instead.
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Finally maxed out my favorite Wuwa bwos... Anko love!
This game is becoming boringer and deader with each passing day...
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>want cammy, the other cammy, and rococo
Jiyan...Stringmaster...it seems I will be skipping you again
snap her neck, now
has anyone seen THAT video of camellya?
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I've seen all the videos of camellya. There's a surprising shortage and I need more
Who the fuck is rococo?
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Is there a cute girl inside?
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New leaks from witheringwww
>camellya has two forms and air combat
>lumi has racing mechanics
>illusive realms back in 1.4
Nice i hope IR will have another new theme
>air combat
Fuck my ass, I hate that shit.
go go speed delivery ham
What type of plant did Encore and co plant? I can't choose her dialogue
>air combat
Hell yeah, I love this shit.
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The floor is lava
Nothing. That's the point.
Why are the prerendered cutscenes in current patch suddenly 21:9 even on 16:9 resolution?
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Racing mechanic? How would that even work
My hebe wives.
So jinhsi is 18, changli is 100, shorewoman is 10000yo?
1 million
Mobility is what's worst about air combat. Intro teleport and Jinhsi's multiple E skills mitigate that but it feels bad regardless. They should make it so that when long holding shift she can fly (like ground running) instead of just floating.
I want Jinhsi to be a bad girl too, like them
Keep to the faith coombro.
Too lewd
there’s art of Shoaki laying like that on mrover that gets posted here sometimes and it’s very cute
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Press skill to promise, run to fill forte, press skill again to deliver.
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>he blow his load before the eventual 2.0 kino
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>Racing mechanics
Wheres my character with DDR mechanics Kuro?
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Rover being the gay friend of the group makes so much sense
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I can see it
Fallacy’s base is too fucking cool bros i’m a sucker for all the shiny prism details
Wuwa x mcdonalds collab
Bros, im getting filtered by the fucking balloon fish
Around when Shorekeeper release I think I saw people talking about some auto-dodge effect thing? What was that? I don't think I see it in her skills.
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>he's not saving for 3.0 peak of kino
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her outro. When you get miss the timing on a dodge you'll recover from the knockback immediately
Ah okay.
>Promoting terrorism
Rover would never
Better cast development and showcase than the cringe shit we actually got.
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McDonald's supports Palestine?
XLY liked this.
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A game for for people like you already exists
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where are the leaks???
wtf why don’t they get closer this makes no sense
In my pants
Your mind isn't ready to wuther the waves
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scroll up bro there were some leaks posted on her weapon and some of her combat
How big is Rover cock?
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here u go bwo
small, now leave me alone
Good to see Stepleaker's Cammy sword leak was not true, I like this one a lot better with the handguard a bit lower.
>Kuro commissioning vtubers to do covers now
This will surely save the game.
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Might as well give her a keyblade, KH4 can't come sooner
Im dropping this game
Hey, better pay the vtumors 1-2K than 10-50K to retarded gacha CCs. At least some kind of music and content comes out of the vtumor, paying CCs to play the game never amounts to anything when you have autists like GachaSmack arguing about event times not being right when he doesn't even want to play the game.
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Jinny is still good though.
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>KH4 can't come sooner
Well here's hoping your grandchildren will be able to play it when it releases.
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In order to retain a significant number of players, we must include in the survey that we desire additional male characters. This game is becoming more focused on waifus, excluding many people. We should also ask them to add a few non-binary characters here and there
Didn't the director guy said he only has a few years before retirement, so he at least wants to leave KH4 on a good ending point for himself?
>modern japan setting
Girl raise your standards please
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In order to retain a significant number of based players, we must include in the survey that we desire additional skip characters. This game is becoming more focused on waifus, including all the playerbase. We should also ask them to add a few gigachad bro characters here and there.
Breeding cammy wood clones one at a time.
nice try but stay in your lane giggernigger
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In order to retain a significant number of players, the game should cater to me alone and release more lolis
Is she the new most DFC character in the game not counting stuff like anko?
Has anyone used XXMI + ReShade? Am I supposed to see some overlay or GUI here to add filters?

> genuinely wants to save the dying game
> gets called a /gig/ger

These slurpers are fucking insane!
still Danjin
least obvious falseflag
I hope Scar dies in a fire together with fujoniggers. Only then will wuwa be truly the white mans game.
Stay close to it
I’ve been addicted to playing Zhezhi in this co-op mode. I feel like a crack addict
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What's zhezhi best echoid though? Or you just pick based on the team main damage dealer?
I'd rather be Benchkeeper, I can just stay back and spam, if we fail I can just blame my team for being trash.
Zig zag without a doubt.
If you pop it at the beginning you get to build your forte for free since no damage for 6 seconds. After that you just save it for emergencies when your teammates are dead or run out of intros to spam. Intros give her half her forte in one shot btw
I was planning to skip...
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Play the game. Have fun. Stop only doing things because they give 1/10th of a roll
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>Kuro doesn't employ vtubers as voice actors so they shill it for free and spend their wage on the game
Missed opportunity des
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>gave jinhsi's weapon to jiyan to do the other side of tower
>forgot to re-equip it on jinhsi when I went into coop event
>she had a level 16 blue sword equipped the whole time
gomen coop team mates...
I accidently took my changli with a lvl 1 training sword. I like to think I made it more fun and challenging. You're welcome teammates
Relatable until you say co-op, I'd never embarrass myself like that, consider being an Ankobwo.
Anon, Kuro gave like 180 pulls to Kizuna Ai yesterday and she did the JP Semenkeeper song too. Vtumors not get shit and expected to pay if even Ai only gets so much.
Vtubers are time bombs. You don't know when they will schizo out and disappear. You shouldn't use them as voice actors except for one and done characters.
and prayers
File deleted.
I wish the 2.0 female would cuck us. We need variety honestly..
>this can't be real
>look it up
>it's real
Ask me how I know you're from the great satan
>Ian Kerner
i don't get it.
I wouldn't trust anyone with the name Ian anyway. Imagine getting born to this world and your father tells "you know what, fuck you, you are Ian" and that was tge highest point your life ever reach until you either die by sone disease or hang yourself.
He's a great man just like George W. Bush
the best part is when other players start salivating over your maxed Zhezhi with her signature weapon and you start flying around and they all go crazy because they can't believe how amazing you are
>>497452613 (me)
It starts to get cold, I slowly don't feel my fingers.
If someone points out someone's name in a subversive article, it's probably the act of naming the jew.
>10 hour thread
its over...
You're just a Jinhsi battery, don't get carried away
>he doesn't have a maxed 5 star weapon for each of his 4* resonators and signature for each of his 5*
>Kizuna Ai
I thought she was long gone?
>finally got double crit on all my echoes
I did it ankobwos.. still need to uncap the weapon one more time and finish her skills tho..
The Kizuna Ai persona is pretty corpodead, but the person isn't. She did a wuwa stream right after the JP song release too.
Oh she just put on a new face. Got it.
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Will Changli be dethroned as the wuwa with the most fanart?
what weapon? If it's stringmaster shouldn't you use a crit dmg 4 cost?
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>in co-op
Jinhsi sucks in co-op. Zhezhi is queen here
what makes the nerd so good?
Uh... Uh... Uh... Her outro makes the DPS do more damage.
Pure unfiltered cope.
African american thread
>Jinhsi sucks in co-op.
On paper, anyway Jinhsi is a free Intro farm + ez stagger bar eater
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new drip when?
Zhezhi (generally) don't have either sanhua or soon youhu to buff her though, so you'd do better with characters that can be buffed by commonly used characters like xiangli yao with yinlin.
i couldnt get string master, im using the BP one
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When is prydwen making a coop tier list to save us from the lack of decisive information on who is good and who is bad?
Jinshi only work if you someone brings someone who supports coordinated attacks such as Yinlin
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>Longer gun
Alucard bros, we are winning.
supports good jinny changli bad. Guess what people play anyway though.
Although shorekeeper is only played in that mode cuz she's new
She’s just fun, and flies around doing decent damage while taking none herself and Provides free buffs to her team as well
This is true. Jinhsi provides me with constant intros I can spam to fill my Zhezhi forte faster. They pair perfectly in co-op
She’s the only character I’ve been using so far and I’ve been fine. It only doesn’t work If your partners retardedly pick two low level dps that contribute no buffs to Zhezhi and no dps of their own. But that’s only happened once. I even carried a shorekeeper baizhi duo because they provided giga buffs and giga heals.
I like Shorekeeper
>Plays garbage "support" for the sake of ""fun""
>Steals the other DPS's intro
I will fucking gouge your eyes out.
But the game isn't fun...
Your birth wasn't fun either yet it still happened.
Um retardnigger you can’t use your own intro it’s literally made for your teammates to use. Dumb bitch
Birth isn't a fun process, you are correct
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hi wwbros
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This game might look better graphics but Genshin Impact is more fun. Let's admit we only tried this game because we failed a 50-50 in Genshin Impact and play this out of spite. Now we understand in our hearts we want to comeback to Genshin more than ever because this game wasn't fun and it never was. It's time to stop and go back to the way things were. We are going back in Genshin as this game already failed
It appears my superiority has led to some controversy
teletubby tier controversy that is
>the rainbow destined to burn
Uhh, I thought genshin was an inclusive and progressive game. I'm uninstalling it now and moving to wuwa.
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Mind = broken
>2 anons defending their impulsive rolling remorse
ZZ zz ᶻᶻ
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I hate that genshin now forces you to complete quests/exploration within the banner to get the full rewards, I wasn't in the mood this weekend and ended up hating that kinich story twice as much because of that. It was totally pointless npc slop that felt somehow longer than the entire black shores story (which I enjoyed pretty much). I'm just surprised they are adding anti-QoL features at this point.
Who are you talking about
wait so things like chests will give less gems if you do them after the banner?
I thought they just dangled some Primo gems so that people would finish the Archon quest. Did they do the same for Character Quests or something?
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Why isn't Yoohoo the 5 star this patch?
wuwa needs more boss battle music with vocals
This patch forced you to do what are basically character quests within the banner (first was mualani which was ok and now kinich which was terrible, both requiring finishing the archon quest before starting) to get extra primos. From leaks I read, the next patch will have that for achieving a level of map exploration before the patch is over for that. You could argue that it's extra primos, but hoyo economy makes it so if they give somewhere they take somewhere.
I never played genshin though. Why would I play a game that has characters that literally look worse than base koikatsu models?
>Femoid writes article about AI Girlfriends
>Malds about men going to them rather than women
>Blames society first
>Blames men second
>At no point considers female behavior at fault
Women refusing to take responsibility for the predictable results of their own actions, I see.
Yeah, fuck that. Lol.
wuwa has the same shit with the exploration events and such
I summon Jinny
Because making Shorekeeper the 4* would've been retarded
>people are becoming schizo and are hearing aalto's tree talk to them and guide them to success in making money
You see npcs say a lot of funny things walking around black shores. Goddamn how many small things did they fucking stuff into this place?!
It would be like if the rewards for doing Yinlin's quest expired after her banner was done. It forces you to play the game on their clock. Arguably you are already doing this, but it just adds more chores to the queue in order to get what are effectively missable freemium currency. I prefer tacking side quests and such at my leisure (read: letting them pile up and never doing them unless I want to).
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What the fuck is a we?!?
The difference is that in wuwa most of objective in limited time exploration event is your daily quest(cook something, tune echo) but in genshin (still it's not confirmed yet but very likely), you kinda have to progress the map to certain % to get that reward.
>Bloom Bearer
which would you want to work as anon
I guess, I wish kuro removes that, but the difference for me is that it felt like any event. It's generally very fast to do, and you're technically just playing the game. If they did the same as genshin with story stuff, people would just be tempted to skip them for the rewards, something I can't even do in genshin. But you made me rethink about the exploration timeline, I guess it's not as bad as forcing the rushing unskippable story within half of a patch time (though it's still not the same as a quick guided exploration event).
We U, the best selling console
Gate of babylon echo when? Imagine the star platinum echo but it shoots swords instead
He's retarded as fuck, I don't want him.
Can anyone tell me when this happen? When the Rover say we with a mad expression?
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>doesn't whale
rexlent or fuck off
You put your own color numbers into the notepad bruv
There are presets around
It actually happens twice in the game, right before reaching the black shores island and during yinlin quest.
At the start of act 8 when you're talking to the nectrostar /"hoda"
MiG()DS I kneel
G game truly is the better game
Tbh I'm pretty satisfied with jiyan protecting youhu/youhu bratty correction art being memed into existence.
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How can they top Shorekeeper being for (You) when the two of you have a private pocket dimension?
Retards complain too much about not having 4*
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Private full dimension
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Why does aero, fusion, and glacio get to share the same boss for ascension items but electro, havoc, and spectro have to have different ones?
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Youhu no...
what item are you yapping about
That's the price to pay for having shitty transform 4 costs whereas havoc/spectro gets dreamless and jue
Only electro is fucked for having to choose between memphis and thundering brick
>he's poor and can't afford to equip his characters
Rover is such a faggot for protecting a grown woman instead of a child in that scene
Not a specific one, just the boss drop ascension item like Rage Tacet Core. For example all Fusion characters need just that, but Electro characters have three different ones.
I guess it doesn't really matter in the end, it's just something I noticed.
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>tfw still no sauce
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Will Youhu make a cute wife?
would have protected her landing with my face
What's camellya's mats going to be? Dreamless or Jue?
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Holy shit Wuwa music fucking sucks. That new lyrical song is ass.
Your seed
Gay taste, shorekeeper's track is kino
Not happening
The havoc characters so far have used Dreamless. Though no one can for sure yet
unwashed peasants don't have an ear for beauty
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Wtf the magistrate fucking killed her...
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Just come back bwos

They just gave up on the whole medieval fantasy thing or what?
Sorry cougar whore anon, I had to add your image to my filter. I have sinned, but with the cuck you guys are, I'm sure you will forgive me.
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Solon is messing with me.
>nigger rap
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Too old
No bro I won't
all your bad luck has been used. next one is 5 offensive rolls
> forces you to complete quests/exploration within the banner to get the full rewards
I didn't want to reply to that guy's obvious bait but when people said mihoyo hates their customers they were 100% right. Wtf is this shit? The brutal cuckoldry is bad enough but even then you could argue that "well I'm playing Lumine so the heroine is not for (Me)" but god why does mihoyo suck so bad?
is tuning echo straight to +25 brave or retarded
>wuwa has the same shit with the exploration events and such
Which? There was an exploration quest released last patch that I still haven't done and I'm not missing out on any rewards. If you're implying stuff like deep dungeon counts I disagree because that's the entire event.
>that boob jiggle in her ult animation
they are really desperate kek
>We were Hodas mentor
Dammit, I was going to farm Crownless too but I'm afraid that they'll pull a shorekeeper and lock her mats on a new boss or something, leaks can't come soon enough
Where do you guys even find animations? I have to settle for making my own porn.
Taoqi would want this
There's a ton. This is the first time in a while that I've talked to nearly every NPC in a game.
I mean she'll probably still use crownless for her ascension mat. Same as danjin.
Strife tacet for level ascension and dreamless feather for skills
Now that i take a closer look, Yapyap is fucjing stacked...
>get double HP and energy regen once you finally stop gearing Shoakeepa.
Why does Solon hate us bro?
Shame it's on a crownless. You only get these stats when you don't want them.
She's ugly tho
>shitty dj shit
what the fuck
also it looks like shit. Not like evn the character and genshin, but I mean the trailer itself. Never post this again, leave this place.
Need an "Us?" version of "We?" Maybe next patch
If I were you I'd try using your current luck to roll for Shorekeeper echoes, you might be topping the PVP charts with her soon
its not even npcs that you interact with and talk to. I'm talking about the non interactable ones that just stand there and talk to each other.
Shits crazy
That's the case if 1.4 is a filler patch, but as of now we don't know, we might just get another Calamity boss that's holding her mats hostage for all we know
Yeah that's what I mean. I made sure to stop by everyone, even that one robot ku-ponder just to listen to what he had to say. He's non interactable and says a lot so it's hard to keep up.
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>do coop with random strangers
>both teammates are absolute dogshit
>have to clutch 1v1 3 times because both of them keep dying
>cleared the stage without dying once
>no one thanked me, they kicked me immediately
Hot ngl
Not bad, what's wrong with it? Of course there's always going to be disagreements
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I jumped 3 times that's my thank.
Damn even the dark skin edits in wuwa look better
Brown girls when?
Wuwa is for casuals loser
Damn. So there's no UI? RIP.
Couldn't be me, I'm always the first to leave
I was surprised to see it was a Chinese guy who did that too. Thought they hated blacks. She looks good though, especially without her hood, but I think it would fit Chixia better.
>Thought they hated blacks
Don't you know that racism, sexism, all the other -ism disappears once sex is on discussion, humans are really just that simple.
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Is Shorekeeper's S2 worth getting if I have enough to buy a waveeband from the shop? Or is staying at S1 good enough?
as far as buying dupes directly from the shop goes, shorekeeper s2 is probably the best choice.

Other s1/s2 on main dps characters haven't really been that strong
Consented rape with our magistrate!
Implying I was ever there. Your hag on rollerblades doesn't make suddenly mean 90% of your characters dont look like shit
Bwos got any advice on how to beat inferno hologram level 6? No I am not gonna do the jinshi cheese and yes I know I need to get better, but some advice from some combat chads would be appreciated
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pay attention to the floor. If you see a circle below you, immediately move away from the circle. That's it, that's the whole holo rider gimmick, other than that just learn and dodge his melee attacks.
sk+verina basically make any character immortal even if you fucked up many time. my only advice is look at the floor much more than the rider, inferno has small string of attack that when you too focused on him you didnt pay attention to the floor.
Just move and don't rush into aoes/attacks. Sure, there's a timer, but it's barely a factor for a fully leveled characters. Half of his attacks you can just outrun without even dodging.
some of them even mention or answer questions that anons have had in this thread about the setting or black shores too.
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Mist clone. Next
Ngl its the fucking meteors that get me lol. I am using Jinshi zhezhi and verina, I keep moving into them with jinshi / zhezhi with their attacks whenever they move forward. I'll keep trying, ive gotten close a few times, might try to slow down a bit
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Can we make Verina join the Black Shores as a bloom bearer and work in the garden?
It makes me think of the trails series but better paced and not as padding/inane or wide as a ocean deep as a puddle. If that makes sense.
She's already busy as a pioneer no?
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>We're back at the Black Street, back to our crib, homie
>Aye thanks for bringing me back to the crib yo. Thank you...my nig-
It's just a tan. She finally left tethys deep and went into the sunlight
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that's because you keep moving randomly without paying attention to the circles. If you avoid the circle, the meteor won't hit you. Just move to empty areas if you see a bunch of circles
There was some NPC I talked about that mentioned a scholar named verina who is gifted with plants that she'd love to meet
So the black shores at least has their eyes on her potential
Still havent gotten him, he doesnt like me
She's just tanned. Who the fuck this is what niggers look like?
She's never going to leave the Rover's team thanks to both her cuteness and her stranglehold on meta. Then with the shores' eyes on her as a gardener, it just seems natural to me that she should join, whether she wishes to or not. When are they going to let us invite companions to this new region?
That's more than tanned
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Reminder of official Wuwa related media
>Thunderbolt Fantasy
>Houseki no Kuni
>Death Stranding
>Project Moon
>Remembrance of Earth's Past Trilogy (3 body problem etc)
>the Emerald Tablet
>the Tao Te Ching
>Ming Dynasty in 1566
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the ol 6 hour tan
i have seen japanese schoolgirl with a darker tan than this
How low is your IQ? The room temperature of Alaska?
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How do you feel about every new girl falling in love with Rover? Like you have a favorite one, enjoy her quest, and then the next patch lol.
Why is Snackeeper the only one with N-word mod? Where are the others?
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you forgot a certain manga
its based. only hoyocucks would disagree
I wish I didn't follow my dick by choosing female rover, I don't like yuri shit. Should've went with Kirito...
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Are these shitposts by women? or is it hoyo shills?
Even if they are, it's better than revenue posting, we might as well let them keep doing it, at least they know they'd get attention if they keep it on-topic.
WuWa trailers are a sci-fi opera -- the pinnacle of beauty -- and Genshin has. . . this? This tribal dancing fan service for monkeys? For the low IQ? I'm not even sure what this is, but it's not beauty, rather, an affront to beauty (unlike Wuthering Waves which is extravagant and marvelous and divine in its beauty)
Why does wuwa defend nigs again
You’re not viewfarming me, not gonna open that
what's going to happen if you get viewfarmed? Will you die?
No I’m just genuinely curious. Doesn’t it feel weird if prefer Changli or Jinhsi?
Why don't you?
yes you must commit honorable sudoku if it happens
Jinhsi is fine if you're into hebes and less 'in your face' girls I guess
I might swipe for gato sexo but I'm not gonna play a game that gimps Dehya into unusable garbage
I want black girls
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>Youhu will remember that
Youhu guilt tripping rover for her own benefit when?
iwara or rule34video
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I'm actually looking forward to her companion story. Kuro should make it so that she remembers this one and that Rover will be making it up to her.
I'm a 28 year old software engineer from California and I think this game fucking sucks.. G game better
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Dudes don't have one single type they find attractive because at the end of the day men do the heavy lifting in any relationship so the woman's contribution is negligible, women wouldn't be interested in them if they couldn't. That said, girls like Jinhsi are less likely or not at all prone to cucking you, that's the fantasy that is being sold here, and that's very attractive for a male audience for obvious reasons, sort of like a pure love type relationship.
I know that women get the ick/eck when men are worried about cuckoldry because it signals that they're not big dogs and don't have a harem of women available but the reality is that most women aren't harem worthy to begin with so it's just a pot making fun of a kettle.
>I'm a 28 year old software engineer
So far so good.
>from California
Ah, my condolences. Now please get out, thank you.
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It's simple, I like Jinny the best but I think every character should have their heroine chapter for people that prefer other characters over her
So that's why they call us wuwajeets...
I alone am the honored one
mucho texto lord arbiter sorry
Is there any point in doing the challenge fights of the events? The rewards seem kinda shit.
thats actually not half bad. looks good, actually.
black edits from twitter just make them look garbage
I like kengan posting (I stopped reading after lolong in omega tho) but is it wuwa related?
It really isn't though, unironically.
You get a trophy/collectible if you do them all
For fun
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wait a second...
Genuinely fun if you do it in co-op. You get to fight bosses that can two-shot you together while having insane echoes.
I like it. I have no problem self-inserting as a gigachad who other girls constantly fall for. It's a wish fulfillment fantasy, not a profound piece of literature
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Why is she getting nominated as one of the most ugliest designs in gacha?? I find her very cute precisely because she looks so nerdy, clumsy and soft...
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I take the kengan poster over the anime faggot any day. Good day to you kenganbro.
Kuro fucked up with her 3D model. Her porportions look way off which comes off as ugly and uncanny. In her official 2D art, she looks completely normal.
Yes. People who play G game are Businessmen, software engineers, lawyers,doctors, etc. W game for scam call center caller or cow rancher
Anon, that's literally not true when everyone absolutely shit on her whenever could until a good 3D model shits started to come out and people realized she isn't as ugly. Did you forgot the chinese called her Harry Potter?
G game for rich people with successful jobs in California, W game for pathetic struggling pajeet
Is "G game" your new filter avoiding word? Why not just use Genshit? Only faggots would say "G game" and that's why you will be filtered out, you gigaretard.
Post hand
Hello anon.
I haven't read any manga in a long while since I've been reading literature for a while instead. Might actually get around to reading soul eater since I never actually read it despite reading Fire Force.
Otherwise I'm working on compiling npc conversation screenshots to share with /wuwa/ from the black shores.
Anon. I think jiyans design is really nice. He looks cool sleek and I think he was intelligently made to stand out without being overbearing. I think dual wielding chink sword and spear is badass and his jacket reminds me of auron, and having a gourd helps with that association. Am I the homo
I play both W and G, what does that make me? I don't play Z or H though, those games suck.
lmao what a joke.
I play R and we MOGGED you
The other game is worse because it's Gugu gag(a) compared to Wu waaaaah!
Just play B you fucking retard
>No longer has the gun
Beyond retarded. You're either in one camp or the other, not both.
I am block from uploading images so I cannot post my hand but I am from California and work as Software Engineer
cant you read dipshit
I can recommend Soul Eater, because it's fun and obviously the anime went into an original ending. I am at around Volume 10-12/25 IIRC so slowly but steadily reaching the point where I leave off the anime original parts. Will be interested about how Fire Force will end too, because avoided pretty much every spoilers beside the obvious ending ties into Soul Eater part. With Fire Force I'm sticking to the anime.
Also have fun with your normal literature. This month or the next one, I will read Legends & Lattes from Travis Baldree, was one of the devs of Torchlight and Rebel Galaxy.
Yoohoo sees us a a piece of meat, her first thought seeing us with Yangyang? Already imagined us bending Yangyang over and giving her the plap plap.
No need to be rude anon.
I was reading too fast and made a mistake.
>Californian Software Engineer
It's fine, we know that you're Indian.
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Finally finished Yangyang's build

Shame the 3 cosy energy doesn't have crit rate
That's stupid, why would I be against games I like and for games that suck? I don't care who makes my games as long as they're fun.
Only good for porn, literally no-gameplay menu simulator.
This nigga dumb
i will eat you alive
Personally I only play W and the R game. More precisely the second one. Still have to fuck my way through the 2 or 3 other apprentice mages of the dipshit ghost guy in the church.
>sexkeeper (You) pandering filled with techno babble
Way to ruin it
so we can all agree 1.3's story blows the fuck out of anything we've had so far right?
It was almost as weak as the first chapter
W is the only game name with a big W therefor wuWON
It's a very steep upward trend because even the 1.2 festival patch that was meant to be a filler had a cool story in it. I think 1.4 will at best maintains the line thanks to Cameltoe pandering, then 2.0 drops a very good new country map on is for sure, I can be buttered up with gothic stuff easily. The real question is how it will be after that, since 2.1 seems to have a male banner.
>R game
Is that a good "I work at an office and just want something to bring up something to do every now and then" game or does it require attention?
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Man I'm glad Kuro picked Unreal Engine for the game.
We can agree that wuwa has the best graphics out of all gachas right.
The main appeal is its story. Most of the gameplay can be done on auto tho
If it's not obvious enough which I assume not, the second R game was referring to Rance 2. Not 02 either, the original, am right now after the blue hair girl. I could play it in work most likely, as I already read pornwha inside, but I don't think it's very much an office game.
I'm interested what kind of R game >>497474251 was thinking about though.
I really hate Kuro for not pushing someone this gracefully sexo more during the earlier patches, should've teased her in 1.2 dammit
Just looking for a game I can have on auto in the background for dailies and whatnot, and do the story stuff later.

Reverse 1999. Or at least that's what I mean. I assumed we were only referencing gacha games here.
IKR. WTF is a Mobius Loop, didn't even find it in the new Glossary of Terms they just added
They did though her design was shown before 1.2 even started
Does energy regen effect concerto energy or is it just for the R ability?
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>reward bot
in game
Black Clover Mobile maybe? As much as I played it when it came out, I had fun with it and you could auto and speed up animations, usual turn based gacha.
I don't think neverness to everness will actually look as good as wuwa so I don't think its just unreal.
Kuro is kindalike the ufotable of mobile games in how its tricks and sfx rather than art or model quality that makes it look nice. Except I think Kuro is good and ufotable is vastly overrated. It helps that Kuro puts it together with a million small touches, really good choreography and whatnot. So it isn't just lighting and proportions making models look better than their resolution or fidelity.
That Dorothy Co-Op event was pretty fun.
At first it was annoying because i was unlucky to constantly be matched with some DOS morons who quited after 20 seconds because boss wasnt killed fast enough.
But eventually I finally gor pairied with players who weren't faggots and knew that you can use your own Intro skill and Outro skills of other players. Taking advantage of this we finally has done pretty exiting fights.

My favorite was playing Jue Echonoid with Spectro Rover Support. With good timing enemy was very often stuck in slowmo. Giving us chance to whail on them. For 9-12 seconds withoworrying about dodging.
Only Liberaton, concerto energy is not affected
Don't want anything anime/manga based. Might have to go back to GBF.
Gonna ask Solon to put in some auto battle minigame into wuwa now. You all know who to blame when it happens.
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Yeah the lighting and attention to details is one of Kuro's specialty.
You know Pascar in a sense reinforces and prepares for Tethys themewise. To gain everything and knowledge he believes you must sacrifice everything, or be willing to sacrifice things. Your life is a chip to pay for revealing mysteries, food is something you pay for with money, money is something you obtain with work and time.

Sacrifice and answers to it definitely feels like the core thread and theme of wuwa so far.
it's an infinity symbol. You should stick to Pokemon this game is for adults
For me?
Its the P game, the L game, the A game, the G game (not that one) and the W game.
So scar makes a sorono/domain and barrier that keeps people in and people out right. He uses his cards for that so I wonder if its a matter of catalyzing frequencies and creating a sorono sphere by using his own resonance, and the T.D resonance put into him to make a chaos fucked up mess.
So besides weapon abilities it generates at a fixed rate for each different character?
They've been really good at expressions in Wuwa too.
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P game? Piss game?
L game? Loser game?
A game? Asslicking game?
G game? God game?
Looking also at the 1.2 story stuff, the doors and where the SOLON meme comes from, it really reminds me aesthetically of Signalis. red and spooky doors and more.
That's correct.
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ugly glasses and malnourished body
the fixes were simple but kuro fumbled
This game is rated T (teens/12+), animeturd-kun. Maybe you should read a book before you spout garbage
It's the scatfag, he's retarded and a third worlder, don't give him any (You)s.
Another thing that really stands out in Wuwa is eyelashes. I wonder how it'd look if they put as much effort in the eyebrows.
What the fuck their into eating shit? LOL
That's why he plays wuwa yes
Would you wear a cropped Rover jacket if you were fit anon
Everyday im still thankful wuwa exists to contain these shit eating pajeets & ranjesh
In the end he still regretted it, bro just wanted to help but got carried away in his obsession and that tacet discords feed/are created out of that moment of weakness
They look nice but I hate cropped anything, having my waist exposed feels weird
We got called Shit-Eating pajeets by the G game gods.. What's our response wuwa-broskies
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wherever I go I must yap
they're, you uneducated nigger ape 3rd worlder. Also I am not into scat nor am I any other insult you have thought up for me because I am pretty much perfect
Damn. They actually made one for JP as well.

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In this thread, amongst all these posts I like this one mogging post the most.
What's your IQ and Degree, Ape? Mine both higher
Do you still beg for games before you let people friend you on Steam?
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>mfw Sanhua btfo arleKEK
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pathologists assistant (masters) in a white university, not a brown degree mill uni like yours where you can get in without knowing basic English. Also "Ape" isn't capitalized, as it's not a proper noun, you fetid ape dog nigger
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Jinhsi has a butthole
Fully functional
Extremely brown
I can buy your whole village monkey : )

Who asked?

> Shit-Eating Fetish Anime Fag
> Weird RPing Doro Fag
This community is so trash. Its worse then /gig/ for sure
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my favorite part is when it zooms in to genkek characters' soulless eyes.
It's literally SOVL vs SOVLLESS in there.
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>There are now TWO anime poster
> t. assistant baker in walmart
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>Baizhi stares at (you)
I'm fucking bricked bros... and I just finished gooning.
Fuck my life
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Wuthering Waves saw a significant revenue drop of over 50%, down to 7.5mil for the month of September with Global revenue being higher than China. It's a bit embarrassing imo..
Wuthering Waves is based off an anime
It just makes me excited to see more new places and resonators, wish the patches were faster but I should just get a job to busy myself inbetween updates
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> Wuw-ACK
Holy fuck what the fuck?
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Everytime sheriff show himself he automatically triggered hoyoshills
I wish i can learn this power
In the end he also wanted to help people. Sacrifices are tragedies born for the sake of preventing other tragedies. A world where sacrifices are needed are ones where tragedies still exist >>497477021
To be fair rover and squall layer it on top of a shirt
It's not even that it will look as good as wuwa or not, Unreal 5 will help a lot with that. But I absolutely hate how the characters walk and run in that game, it seems so slow and like some whore jogging along instead of actually running.
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>The General vs Sasuke from Aliexpress
awww hell nawwww c'mon that's totally an unfair comparison!
>Danjin and Hu Tao both have that homicidal psychopathic adorable smile
>Changli's milkers easily mogs Raiden's tatas.
owarida genkek bros...
>Empress Ma's abs looks like it was sculpted by greek artisans with sweat lightly glistening as the light reflected off of the sun. Shadows subtly forming over Empress Ma's abs as the camera pans downwards
>Show Itto's abs that looks like it was drawn by a pencil right after
>Next to CalCHAD's...
KEK hahahahaha
>COWQI's massive airbags slowly looms over you as the camera slowly starts to pan down
jesus fucking christ, the cow queen can't be beat.
>Even Sanhua' who looks like a C-Cup and falls in the middle of the boob pack outscales Rosaria's repeatedly nerfed boobs
Now this one is just sad. Rosaria's only redeeming feature nerfed to the ground.
Pathologist assistant baker in walmart, I want some bread that resemble a marshmallow.
I really like wuwa eyes
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we lost
It's crazy to think about how many fucking monster designs we already have in this game. A few are legitimately mascot able or marketable like crownless, clangbang and the pufferfish too
I think Shoki look way better than Cammy
Now show her in-game model.
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Time to rest yapyap. Good job out there!
Now show me the ingame model. PFFFFF
Now show the revenue chart
honestly even the splash art looks like it's a drag queen, and I'm not trying to be mean at all.
They sort of had to if they took Tencent money. Either way, the Unreal engine has been pretty good for the past few decades and has been used to make plenty of good and iconic games.
It makes me wonder where /v/'s whole "unreal slop" bullshit comes from other than zoomers and late millennials who can only talk in buzzwords while talking out their ass.
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>muuuh revenoooooo
Yinlin got elfskilled
she can't compete with this
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ignore the shitposter and move your ass
Based image.
Truly a looney troons game

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