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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Future Meetups:
• Oct 6th, 8PM EDT | Ultros, Primal | Mist W20 P34 | Twin Peaks Meetup Season 2 Ep 6-9 >>496369505
• Oct 7th, 3PM EST | Marilith | Lydha Lran, Il Mheg | Shared FATE farming >>496972806
• Oct 9th, 9:00 PM EST | Marilith, Goblet W16 P15 | Spooky Club: Haruhi Movie and Inu-Oh >>497338807
• Oct 12th, 1PM EDT / 6PM BST | Zurvan, Materia | Yanxia, Plum Spring | Roleplaying Meetup >>496634258
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | Mahjong Open Tournament >>495487281
• Oct 12th, 5:30PM EDT / 10:30PM BST | EU + NA | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 11 - 16 >>497313724
• Oct 19th, 7PM EDT | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet W3 P58 >>496273537
• Oct 27th, 8PM EDT | Balmung, Crystal | LB W19 P28 | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party >>495083393

Previous: >>497423124
first for sunsluts on sunslut sunday
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>Kept getting silenced right before I would jump in
9:45 CC ET Crystal
how often does one have to fanta to be a fantablob
I need my CC redemption
Which is your favourite moonie anon?
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My wife
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Is your character cute?
May I see it?
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post your Ideal eb
My moonie is my moonies favorite moonie
>sometimes i have to bite them on the scruff to show them whos boss
moonie behavior
sis your eyebrows
The really cute one that has a crush on me
pulling on my pp until white mayo comes out of it, muchachos!!!
woo woo woo woooooo!!!
No x2
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posting a femra
I've been told that mine is cute, but I've spammed my character enough for one weekend
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that posted on previous threads
i dont even know her name
my wife
I am like this anon with my moonie
I think she's cute...
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Crystal Frontlines!
G.W. in PF / 1234 pw

It is an Onsal kind of day. P:
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My character looks like shit, because I don't use mods in my game.
my current eb but he returns my feelings
Post the best ass in Eorzea.
She posts in this thread, so I can't post her...
This is a trans friendly general ma'am
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Femra like this?
Describe the moonie :3 I'll bet she's lovely
I demand images of Face 4 Femras
gooning to this
my stabby fc leader
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My lalafell is unmodded...
Mean, stiny and or self deprecating anons..
She's cute, but she'd be cuter without being a slut or dressing like one
No one really needs eyebrows
Happy to know I helped make one of these possible
Describe me and you won't live to see tomorrow
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>Mental illess
match made in heaven
my bad
is /wowg/ the same way
best servers for new players?
based, keep it up sunsister
No you may not
Evens do FATEs at a lazy pace
Odds something else
Shotgunning Miki's farts
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I didn't know there were small jump puzzles on each of these towers. Get a great view of the ward from up here.
more like
Ovary Acting
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*unzips my maliddies woober*
hello ladies
slamming my BWC on that phat ass
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there's a lot of people just hanging out in places today
feels good
why would you go an the internet and tell lies?
last time this moonie got plapped?
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i love flat petite autistic asian women with mental illness and underdeveloped brains that act like children and i'm tired of pretending i don't
Any, usually - region?
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Yours isn't, so no.
Thank you
Screenshots are fine too, of course
They are my favorite femra face
I need to stick my cock in this individual
Right now? Balmung
it's on the spreadsheet
>interact with jean briefly at the meetup last night
>he sends me a friend request
Violent moonie..
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I've won, but I could've fought better
would times infinity
nooo don't say that
queue up cuties, we need you
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yes actually
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about the jump puzzles or the great view, because the jump puzzle is real. Go see for yourself, the view however is subjective. I think its a good view.
built for color contrast with dark-skinned Malera
She's cute when she's napping
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Ugly bitch... fix your eyebrows.
can i have a bite
why is uchiki sitting on the lap of an eb'd fiera
Aren't you too old to be "cute?"
fish lips
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>elk will never bite the scruff of your neck to make you shut the fuck up
Unfortunately, I have terrible tastes and like dressing my doll the way I want her to look.

I will queue in 20 minutes.
>him taking from mythology or legends is not profound or unique in any capacity.
Bullshit. Through Tolkien MILLIONS of people discovered traditional tales, or became re-interested in them genuinely after disinterest in childhood.
>His stories offer absolutely nothing of value or of insight or of any depth to anyone, or anything.
This is the purest cope I have ever seen. You are disconnected from reality. "fantasy" is nothing but a setting, which does NOT diminish the value of the other elements of the story. Unless you are actually going to admit to being a "non-fiction-only" liberal "scholar" who only values biographies, auto-biographies, or peer-reviewed evolutionary biology college textbooks. If you can't grasp the importance of fantasy, then why are you even playing this game? Don't tell me you can't find any value or relevance in FFXIV's story either, huh?
> There is more literature out there that has preceded his that offers actual lessons or manners of thinking that isn't a generic story that is to appeal to the mind of a child.
The Lord of the Rings was when Tolkien transitioned from writing books for his children, and writing books for adults. The Hobbit's audience is clearly children, but what you are suggesting essentially, is that you cannot put valuable messages in children's entertainment.
If you believe this to be true, then you are the retard.
My moonie is developing lethal tendencies. Is she salvageable at this point?
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he is a homewrecking cretin
Post your most recent screenshot
Don’t cheat or I’ll be really sad
nope, I think it's time to embrace my hermit arc and stay on aether
she looks like she fucks hroths
opinions on female characters with vaginas?
But a win is a win

what if i attached my character to all of my posts lol would that be a problem or no
The purple one (Not GC@)
Rabbits are perpetually horny so cucking is not a concept to them
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me otl
Wtf I love femlala now
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I think she can be cute at times.
You can have the car if you want her bro
if more of you would just admit you're men playing with dolls this general would be significantly improved actually
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any goonrizzers in the chat
My moonie is this so I like them
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/handover /riceball
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it's still this cursed thing
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my pic is all the snoozers post meetup
>Has a friendly interaction with someone
>That someone want to be friends now
>"Ew creepy"
post feet
Nobody unironically likes non futa middies.
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I posted my latest last thread, have this instead
my moonie is also like this so I like them
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>Spent all night at a venue hunting elezen
>They all pair up with others or eachother and leave
>Make a joke about running out of good longears
>Femlala comes and sits next to me, pointing out that she has long ears too
>4 hours of sweaty steamy ERP later
I think I understand the appeal now, i've been converted.
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it was a thing I was doing as a joke I promise
>wasn't the second to last screenshot
i've already posted it to two "most recent screenshot" posts...
I'm just VL.
They'll never suspect that she's an imposter...
my BBC futa middie does
If it was a normal person and not a notorious sexpest sure
It's the most populated server right now which means a better experience for a new player, it will be locked again soon and won't be open in a long time most likely so now it's the best chance to go there.
It's also the /xivg/ server if you care about that
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3:35 CC ET Crystal
>he is a homewrecking cretin
I know you said this as a joke, but this is unironically true, someone lost a EB because of him.
My moonie is glad to know there are others like her
still this https://files.catbox.moe/fhpmz2.png
not cute but sure
Do not listen to the balmongoloid. Pick ANY OTHER WORLD on crystal if you just want to play the game. Aether if you want to pub end-game content.
thought you were joy's onahole
One of the prettiest lalas
What are non-small talk topics to talk to distant acquaintances with?
Agreed with everything except the first point which is basically "It's good because it's popular"
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Same facial energy
Would anyone like to see a picture of my malera?
Is there a line for plapping? What's going on
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I want a flat-chested, minimum-height femra EB who behaves like a little sister...
He's a G.I. Joe, he's not a doll! He has kung-fu action grip, voice lines, and handles rough play like a pro *throws my malezen through stacked cans while recording in slow motion*
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i feel so bad for sylvain
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Why are femra like this
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Didn't want to make you sad so here you go c:
Mod on the left?
a perfect excuse to crawl out of bed
where's your happy meal IDIOT
shut the fuck up
damnnn sunn dereh's got some fat nipples
Time to learn a new job throw
I wish female characters talked to me the way lily talks to anyone but her husband.
this is a very nice lala
This, except not my EB and just my little sister.
My moonie will act like your big sister and lookout for you
I assumed it would be nothing but veterans since it's a legacy server
guys the pvp rewards for 7.1 came to me in a dream
it's a virtu pct and vpr set and that's it___________________________________________________________________________________
very cute face 4 and with red limbals too, I like those
my femra is staring at the dead pixel in the middle of her screen
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Sorry it's boring.
it looks like im accidentally skinwalking
what should i do
I’m horny for your femra
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I comm elves john
it's what I do
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Sex with Brute Bomber
Don't you mean locktober?
>Cropped her face
Only the sweetest jellyfish sapphire timewitch
I opened. I want more.
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Please add Rival Wings to the roulettes so I can play it as much as I am able to play frontlines, Yoshi.

Shut the fuck up Leaf, you're not an elf.
ive jorked it to this pic b4
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Not really
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Shut the fuck up faggot
im not tycho
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I'm not at all, no.
Sylvainbros? What's Lily doing?

What mod does this moonie use for her feet?
I usually dont like all those scales, but this one I would
Mod on the right?
Thoughts of deep red heads? Any race
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Latest screenshot

I missed both of them, can you post it again one more time pretty pleeeease
thank you!
it's afternoon...
i don't deny that but i wouldn't say i'm applicable to most of the general
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sometimes i do good in frontlines
i replied to the right thing this time...
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Sex with deflated left middie

just threw away a battlecraft demimateria III, just dont think i'll really need it
What's that you nonny Prophecy Star? You're getting off to exposed, hairy femlala pussy? Have some shame you shameless lalaluster! Don't cum! STOP IT!

. . .

You really are just a pathetic, Prophecy Star, aren't you.
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Male highlander
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no, i'm a catboy
>makes male character look as pathetic and sad as possible for attention
why are meena like this
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My femlala+ looks and acts pretty close to this.
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i already posted it this thread so i'm posting the second most recent
>MILLIONS of people discovered traditional tales
This is untrue because fables and other such things have always been around and of interest to people before and after Tolkien, not because of him. Your idolatry is obfuscating reality.
>Unless you are actually going to admit to being a "non-fiction-only" liberal "scholar" who only values biographies, auto-biographies, or peer-reviewed evolutionary biology college textbooks.
This is completely unrelated and has nothing to do with anything, on top of being false. And I never said that fantasy or fiction in general doesn't offer anything, I am saying his work in particular offers nothing nuanced or intelligent. You're the retard coping his hardest because you think the superficial good vs evil is of any profound thinking. And no, I don't play XIV for the fucking story, I play for the gameplay and the content.
>but what you are suggesting essentially, is that you cannot put valuable messages in children's entertainment.
Valuable messages should be placed upon them by their parents, and there is nothing valuable in his stories that would be detrimental to any child's development.
To the paladin who guarded me, thank you
It's TnF with the Softer Soles & Toes overlay
>Scoreboards being posted
I shan't be queuing for Frontline
Replace segs with pets and it's my moonie
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I wish we could go back to how things used to be, before you made all these new friends and made me feel like I'm not enough for you.
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I don't really have many ideas for screenshots nowadays... I took a few piratey shots recently and that was it
wow cute and not a modbeast... why did you delete it sis... don't be shy... i wanna see your tummy...
Fine then, I wont post the fiddie in a bunny suit
Get away from her
the deepest lore
I'm from Balmung, but I honestly recommend anywhere on the Dynamis DC. Doing content there is very fun because of all the new players. You get more memorable experiences instead of duties that run themselves because most of the players on other DCs are overgeared veterans who have run the content thousands of times before. Yes, it can be suffering, especially as a veteran because you are used to content going so smoothly, but I personally find it entertaining when things go wrong and I imagine a new player would feel like they overcame a difficult challenge by playing with more people closer to their skill and experience level. Plus, being a part of growing communities is so rare now. It's an opportunity that isn't going to last forever.
Poor little nonny can't shoot her ball snot to soles
Quite the opposite, every time it opens people from other servers just transfer to Balmung because it's the place to be in Crystal and it has a ton of people from other DC's visiting too just because of it
The only servers which would be a bit more beneficial to newer players are the ones that are labeled as Preferred because of the exp bonuses and extra stuff but right now I don't think we have any server that has the preferred label, and even with the bonuses, those servers are usually pretty dead so it's not a good idea to go there unless you have friends or don't mind a server that's not that populated
i can tell this isn't the og nonnyposter it just isnt the same
Hmm hmm.. /pat
that is also cute
goodnight you degenerates
Stay next to her
i shan't be petting your moonie then

I still love you, you know.
hey... I don't remember making this post? even the music box and flower carry significant meaning wtf
i am a femlala+
That is simply cruel
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Good night, anon.
>Agreed with everything except the first point which is basically "It's good because it's popular"
How? its more like an effect of the popularity, and a positive one at that, because older mythology and cultural education are "academic approved".
Me too!
you shouldn't have made it weird if you wanted your moonie to be pet
cute cat, would /pet
She can't help it if if makes her mind melt and become a purring lapcat
All you have to do is send me a message and I'll come running.
Begone, Vjera. Brahms will NEVER come back to you, he's happy with Pausha.
evens i queue cc
odds i play ff7r
0 is an even number
see you on the crystal, chump
whom let's hear the deets
i am a lalaboy-
do it!
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my maliddie is like this way
actually i'm gonna take the 0 and use it to study instead cya
post pits
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a moonies
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8:45 CC ET Crystal
Trannywhine post.
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Still this
He knows who he is. I appreciate his existence very much and I hope he's having a pleasant day.
you look like you stay up for days until you drink yourself to sleep
Jokes on you nobody loves me
Why is this moonie so smol?
screenshot taker not synced with tycho
may my lalaboy gag on it
I don't want to boost their ego
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I'm vacuuming but if CC queues are still going on.. please look forward to me
shut up shechen you fat cow
You hit that nail on the head anon
smooching these 3 in order from right to left
Post more cute hrothgar
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Wait is this the same poster that kept posting "I still love you, you know"?
goonin and coomin is the name of the game
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I love you so much it's unreal.
dont call my moonie cute shell get nervous and too shy to respond
my wife moonie
I must stay strong.. I must not pet the cute lalas...
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>Is your character cute?
not really
>May I see it?
/pet /pet /pet /pet /pet /pet
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I hate you, stinky
ugly as fuck
At least she's happy... that's all that matters at the end, right?
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Hello, I am back.
Nice to meet you.
My femra is effy bait. I shant be posting her this thread.
im so glad I put this femra in a maid outfit
Kissing this sunnie's ass
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>muh tradition fag
>also a pedophile
so mean...
i am
a moonie
who has logged on
>not because of him.
Yes, many many many many people, because of him. Nobody is excluding other actual avenues of discovery here, except you.
>I am saying his work in particular offers nothing nuanced or intelligent.
It sounds to me like you have a few things in mind and are beating around the bush mentioning your grievance.
>Valuable messages should be placed upon them by their parents, and there is nothing valuable in his stories
If you would like to be idealistic, then I will say the values should be coming from everywhere, but we don't live on fucking planet perfect, and neither do you, and not every child gets everything they are supposed to have. Tolkien teaches the value of friendship, loyalty, honor, forgiveness, understanding, patience, kindness, mercy, generosity, the value of the lives of those who live in peace, the value of community, the value of protecting your community, the value of protecting the weak, the value of giving flawed characters a chance even if the likelihood of their redemption is slim. I could really go on all day long with this.
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You can't do this to me. It's cruel
Two & a half smooches back
who tf is shechen
there's a way to give untradeable gear, right?
sex with hebeiah hebegood
uoooooooh and her sexy black haired hebe erotic waifu ToT
Can I see your moonie?
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Femra like this?
very cute pic mooniesis! /pet
i'm tired, i want more meetups where we watch more than one movie. yesterday was super cozy.
daily reminder that /xivg/ is the fastest thread on the entire website
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Enough with the cockwatching. When are we gonna start boobwatching??
she's going to wear it when she travels to crystal to beat you up
sure if you get in her a roulette or are at the beds
Favorite Raen doko
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Agreed, even though I wanted to suck your cock.
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Post effy bait
I will never see this moonie..
Dont make me go back to aether to give you correction
>If you can't grasp the importance of fantasy
what's important about fantasy?
do you guys wanna see the thing my meena bought from costco today...
sis your shoulders and trapezius look really weird on that pic
but i get what you were going for and it looks appealing nonetheless
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Sunday? Moonies
Monday? Moonies
Tuesday? Also moonies
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How long to maintenance...?
saelon whatever the fuck
good composition and lighting, your cheeks look edible
this moonies throat game is mediocre
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The bitter taste of defeat lingers in my mouth
The sweet taste of moonie feet lingers in my mouth.
this moonie is peak breeding stock
Not LL but:
>"Tooth fairies? Hogfathers? Little—"
>"So we can believe the big ones?"
>"They're not the same at all!"
>"Yes, but people have got to believe that, or what's the point—"
Terry Pratchett, Hogfather
Just leapt to mind. People tell stories. They have cultural importance. They can be fantastical. To argue against that is bizarre.
Post rob bait
My moonie is half asleep wondering why her toes are wet
lighting is also so hard, but sometimes I meownage it

how would you knyow

i need a chest piece upscaled to the body i use. i dont have time/desire to learn. anyone know anyone who can do?
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you rang?
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same. keep the flame of anger within you and let it burn within your breast
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If anyone wants to continue the calls, feel free I have to go do something.
Thank you for the games
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So now that I got the pvp mount what do I do with the crystals...save em for next season in hope of better reward?
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Anyone gaming?
Trade 'em for wolf collars for weapon glams or trade the wolf collars for marks for other glams.
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I am a femlala
on a mission...
As long as these scars remain this anger of mine shall never subside.

ggs 5head
need to see this lala get hrothed
every face 2, I love fishra
ggs big dog
I don't remember a lot of characters but I like the adder femra
show full
i’m a face 2 sorry
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Never ever. I'm watching people flirt while I paint.
I did some MSQ on highlander earlier but EW is really boring when mashing skip cutscene during Elpis.
the malera that posts about his league ranking
nothing good to game
Gaming between watching someone try to argue with LL either to be a contrarian or just because they don't like her, either way its kind of hilarious
My malera?

Staring into space, listening to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAe0gyrDSyg
my femlala friend's golem
Not a lot of people know this but pretty much every face 1 is into rape
More than other femra faces
both my wives
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Nah, I'm afk in my house since it isn't reclear day
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>Mercy, Justice, Responsibility (Duty) are the same thing as Dragons and Fairies and Magic because... they just ARE okay?!?!
Fiction writers are the most pretentious retards on the planet.
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im sure you can find it on unvalted or whatever
>Yes, many many many many people, because of him.
Nah, I don't think so. Again your idolatry is obfuscating that.
>It sounds to me like you have a few things in mind and are beating around the bush mentioning your grievance.
>but we don't live on fucking planet perfect, and neither do you, and not every child gets everything they are supposed to have.
This is an obvious statement and also unrelated and unncessary. It sounds like you're trying to infer something here... it sounds like you didn't have everything you were supposed to as a child except for tolkien which explains your deluded obsession and blind defense.
>Tolkien teaches the value of friendship, loyalty, honor, forgiveness, understanding, patience, kindness, mercy, generosity, the value of the lives of those who live in peace, the value of community, the value of protecting your community, the value of protecting the weak, the value of giving flawed characters a chance even if the likelihood of their redemption is slim.
This does not make him unique in that regard as opposed to other, better, sources. Christ teaches that, and I would simply rather have children read about Christ. It really just looks like you're asshurt because Tolkien was your coping mechanism and criticism makes you upset.
macchi on the right kong on the left
"No. And I've changed the locks. Goodbye."
we love this post more
I'm sorry anon..
I hate your stupid eyes so much
God it's worse than I remember, the stupid faggot emet just snaps his fucking gay little finger and brings that stupid fucking bitch cat back.
my moonie is weak to wearing underwear
You break my moonies heart, you really do
there is nyo full but I guess you can have this

macchi on the right
talking about the game on the left
your moonie bows to sunnie cock
ugly and bad at the game
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Literalmente yo, hace 2 annos.
>pink nipples
gross it should be more darker
Only on Thursdays
Oh we're going full schizo now this is getting good
don't worry there's other cuter moonies currently posting theirs! plus you've likely seen her on moonie mondays and whatnot
Will anyone else do the CC calls?

If not, I got some maps
Kong won. Kong's feet won. We love thread drama.
It's not like that!
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I'm about finished gearing up all of my retainers finally so I can send them out on ventures to prep for making collectibles to trade in for materia for next patch
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Femra like this?
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If we were to have a holy grail war who would die first
zivg hunger games doko?
god fucking DAMN i want to do things to this moonie
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Thank you.
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wife wife
wife wife
>glub from kraken
>pink nipples
How many cute moonies are really here I wonder
That character is supposed to be a kid so of course not
why does every other femra look like this

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i am
a saber class moonie
looks like you got fake barbie eyes painted on
femras have weird fucked up head shapes that make most hairs look bad
t. femra
mod me some darker ones then

thinging moonies is illegal in 50 city states
i already had a forest down there when i was like 14
it do be like that sometimes...
tomorrow is a new day, cabron
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Lets go

Crystal CC, 5:30 ET
i love that blonde femra, post more of her
i don't care for the face 4
post the mod you're using for nipple textures and i'll literally do it right here right now
I need to do that as well ACK
True, this screenshot was before I got it fixed to what I want it to look like
How come no face 3 hroths use the spikes?
if i had /deride i would use it here
i was talking about them wearing the same 5 slutglams and drenched in pastel dyes, also that’s not true. you all just want to look like 2d uguu anime girls so you all use the same 3 hairstyles
t. also femra
That face 4 is racist, you're right not to like them.
Which substate of moonie is the slutiest goonies, bloonies, poonies, coonies etc
Ok guys, I have to confess something about my elezen...he's not actually Ishgardian.
my moonie still only has like 4 jobs at max level and is wondering if she should care
I use YAB+ small msotly

may i see your unconventional femra
the face 4 is cute
but I like all face 4 femras
all of them
based racist face 4
It's the limsa look for femra, I love it
i posted her itt
their name proves it
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my femraen would be summoned as an avenger
Give us a hint
Running your hand on macchi scales has got to be a really good feeling.
If this game had any soul, the amusement park dungeon would let you ride the rides and be a semi open zone. Youd even be able to ride the rides in Living Memory before the shut down.
But I guess thats too much to ask for.
I have to confess something..
*peels off attachments*
I'm actually just a boring, flat, vanilla femlala.. I never had breasts to begin with...
Gay sex with gay hroths
does anyone know if IA and MM like /pets?
dc and eb status?
>Again your idolatry is obfuscating that.
No it isn't, I just said YOU are the only one excluding an avenue for learning history. I am not excluding whatever arbitrary avenue you find acceptable.
I'm saying you have cherry-picked grievances with Tolkien, and have decided that the entirety of his work is basically contraband because of those hidden grievances.
> it sounds like you didn't have everything you were supposed to as a child except for tolkien which explains your deluded obsession and blind defense.
Good try I suppose, but that isn't true. I'm not inferring anything except explaining that your idealism doesn't jive with reality. And if you want to talk about the teaching of Christ, then you should be greatful that Tolkien also provides an avenue in that direction.
all tan femraen
just get larger and darker
this mod is ancient and works for everything, just update it through through textools
double wife post
Balmung and single and also thirty and flirty
Straight sex with straight hroths
hehe, I dunno... you're a grown ass man and so are they.
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What about cow maidras?
The lalas? Yes
Holy Grail, you say?
checks out, face 4 is without a doubt the worst femra face and a signal of mental illness
ideal height for femhroth?
don't look at my headpiece guys i forgor to meld one (1) thing xD
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My maloonie is unsure if stealing fiera high socks then getting body pressed by 3 fieras was a good idea anymore. He can no longer feel his legs. And is unsure of how to explain himself.
I like my girls like I like my games
I thought I was gonna see my initials here
okay and? some gams don't like random pets while others do u stupidhead
your unconventional femra
is very cute
Why are face 4 femras hated, when other femra faces are loved?
holy fuck your right

all the old games back then did this

Made after 2010?
from what I've seen almost every face 4 is extremely racist
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all moonies are pure
this is beyond false
built to be milked and bred by miera
name a single good face 4 poster
its the ugliest
you just know
I think I'm pretty damn adorable personally, and yeah you may see him.
>Showing weakness around fiera
their entire race has a fetish for dominating shorter men, you're lucky you didnt end up on a leash or in a cage
Rin, just a heads-up: one of your static members been tracking you in a spreadsheet. Watch your back.
in the threads the bloonies and goonies are usually the sluttiest, idk about how that translates to actual in-game or non-xivg moonies.
As a moonie you should know all too well that some of our fellow moonies are just turbo sluts
Pre-order with early access
>on average most mentally ill
>the most drama
a few other factors too but the femras that have the most melties and cause the most drama are all face 4
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10 years in development and horribly over budget?
Roger, will do

Spike strip deployed
They dodged it... The cop chase continues...
>kill honey b lovely for the first time on savage
>check my parse
what the fuck
I used to parse 97 in wow
I cheated
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yorokobe, shounen
moonie feet

what a treat
Sorry anon... I'd be happy to give you pets though.
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We wiped.
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My maloonie would like to express his discomfort knowing that the Fieras could be reading this very thread and getting ideas. He shall retreat to his cardboard lair for now, for safety.
my male midlander would be killed by his servant (he did not think to ask what their noble phantasm was before he used a command seal on it)
>No it isn't, I just said YOU are the only one excluding an avenue for learning history. I am not excluding whatever arbitrary avenue you find acceptable.
This simply isn't true, you're just trying extra hard to validate yours as the reason why anyone even cares in the first place.
>I'm saying you have cherry-picked grievances with Tolkien, and have decided that the entirety of his work is basically contraband because of those hidden grievances.
No, it's just appeals to the lower iq and no where near as profound or intellectually stimulating as retards like you make it out to be.
> I'm not inferring anything except explaining that your idealism doesn't jive with reality.
It "jives" quite well, actually, you're just asshurt because you cannot comprehend anything else.
>And if you want to talk about the teaching of Christ, then you should be greatful that Tolkien also provides an avenue in that direction.
Definitely not, and this is extremely retarded to even suggest that. I'd sooner choose C.S. Lewis for that, but even then, there shouldn't be a medium for that except through the Bible itself.
it's late in the tier so your parse is compared to everyone who has BiS
>first time
how shit is your gear? do you even have as much tome gear as you can? is crafted gear overmelded? did you die?
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acat..*coughs*...where do you go...for reshade options...
The bloonies and goonies you say? I know what to keep an eye out for then
>when Lion Heart doesn't crit
>people following me across the map just to kill me
look, i already apologized for not telling zig off when he reposted nolan's kids
who did piipo lepont used to be
This victory feels shallow...
need SC to stomp on my balls
and catbox femme ver https://files.catbox.moe/7nrio5.png
The green eyed, brown, blonde one.
>when disesteem never crits
True, that's a natural reaction to seeing DK Thordan desu
Early access?
I fucking love Kirby
Y'know, I think you were right Macchi.
holy meowly
Kurenai coded raen
yeaht that's a given
i got to the amusement park place in living memory and waited like 8 minutes for the cart to come by so i could jump in and ride it and... lo and behold, my character just clipped and fell through it. i don't know what else i was expecting, and i should have seen it coming, but it was still tremendously disappointing.
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Hi anon! Soooo... we found your "hrothgal colonizer" account... care to tell us more about it??
they seem to have a higher % chance to be sluts here, though I believe their overall numbers are lower than the poonies.
I like the look of this femlala.

plapping both of you ong
hot take i think more catgirls should have vaginas
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dsr is so peak, you'll get it the next pull bro
I just use ones that were default in gshade, I think there is a thing called gposingway as well that has a lot of the stuff packaged in

I tried getting this to work but could nyot. All the options are TNF and gen3. I tried them even with base bibo with compatibility enabled (after running them through textools to upgrade to DT and it didn't work

also I'm realizing they will mess with the cute body clan marks
Face 4 dunesfolk lalaboy here
I have only seen the one bloonie here I didn't know there was more
I'm quite literally pic related when P5 hits, it's still so kino. Thanks man, I'm taking a break then going back in probably.
It's truly over.
Would EB
Kids game
Nay, I shan't
my moonie loves gw
Femlala with a very hairy you-know-what down there. CC DOKO?
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Still the best MMO. 30 million players and 79 on Metacritic. Keep seething, wowbuck.
its been five years macchi
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>makes an argument about 'low iq'
>thinks people won't take on board messages from a wide array of media they encounter, especially as a child
>thinks all lessons should come from the bible
What is this larp
Have you been keeping up your studies?
Tasting this Sunnie so she can look down on me and notice what's around my neck.
Impregnating this moonie every 9 months like clockwork
Those are some ugly fucking cats, but I will do what must be done
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sweaty it's just getting started
holy meowly that's a nice armpit!
Didn't read the post, I'm just here to throatrape your lowlander
my sunnie would bite
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this moonie tank is cute
Despite meeting the qualifications for the Saber class my malezen would end up being summoned as a Berserker instead
Haglander built for lowlanders.
DON'T MIND ME, THROAT'S A BIT PARCHED isn't a personality.
post more of this mommy
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is that a middie back there i see
Did you edit that face because it really looks like Blacksad lmao
They're usually low in numbers but spike here and there when popular. There's a few longer term bloonies, the most known is of course MM and she's a total slut for catboys..
Looking to step up my posting game. What plugins and such should I bother to try and look for that is easy to start with? I've already grabbed Ktisis but are there others I should know about that are possibly easier to use.
I guess it will depend on how many guilds are willing to take in new players, then.
I will check it out but if the early zones are too barren and I don't find anything then I will look elsewhere.
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Cat posters be like
Post more lowlanders
they really cooked with the lyrics syncing up for doth, it's great, p5 in general is also really cool. even in an alternate timeline you're still fighting that old fart, that's how you know the beef is real
Picto as a class is boring
seethe about it
at least cats clear ultimates
Saying bullshit and walking away is not a personality.
If you didn't notice any change in your friends list it really doesn't matter anon.
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There's plenty of us around still
damn those are two cute moonies
yeah I am really not having a good time with it and these last 8 levels are probably gonna feel like an eternity
all my wives (before they join my party and anchor us by greeding)
Seeker of the Sun.
Sir this is /xivg/ nobody has good posts here
For POSING advice you have ktisis (poor UI outside of the devbuild, lacks features while animating), brio (won't get all the fancy lighting tools ktisis has, can do a lot while animating), and anam (out of game window UI so good for second monitor but is dev'd as an afterthought)
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11:00 CC ET Crystal
Chaos is just a fairy tale, anon
>walks away
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>new caster
>look inside
>fire earth wind thunder ice
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>that's how you know the beef is real
And I love you too, random moonie
Cats + and - are both good.
Time to get the choke collar...
>this simply isn't true
>explains exactly why its true
.....good one?
>No, it's just appeals to the lower iq and no where near as profound or intellectually stimulating as retards like you make it out to be.
This is willful ignorance and pride. I'm not sure I can trust anything you say, since you just mentioned Christ's teachings in that last post. But I will give you another chance. If you don't find Tolkien intellectually stimulating or profound, the most likely case is you are philosophically opposed to those values I listed, and that seems to be the case.
>It "jives" quite well, actually, you're just asshurt because you cannot comprehend anything else.
Not looking good...
>Definitely not, and this is extremely retarded to even suggest that.
You're simply blind.
>there shouldn't be a medium for that except through the Bible itself.
Okay Mr. Idealism. Again, that doesn't jive with reality.
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My lala is cute to me.
Oh boy, can't wait for the schizoposting to commence
comet :O
holy :O
she cute
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is there a way to hide this menu
Alright I'll be looking out for a femlala in these queues.
Another post about plapping this one
You do realize that the face 3 blond suncat "ult raider" is just a literal in game advertisement for clear sells right? They aren't real players, just something to try and entice people into buying clears.
can i just say it
im glad im not having a debate on 4chan
I don't actually play the game
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I did not notice my minor spelling mistake, but thank you for answering my question anon.
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Anyone need something crafted?
I am going to close FFXIV and I will play the superior FF game
She would be even cuter in my male midlander's lap.
No I like consensual cunny suck
Jack's game? based
a MTS 255
craft me an eri
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Not mine but got this one in my expert
Peak femlala PLD
yeah can you craft me a modbeast lalawife
Me, a full set of crafted fending from the latest tier of DT. I wanna get into raiding but i only have 1mil gil
I am
a lala
that just 1 shot m3s with a group

I am done for the week
That gaze.... Not a single thought in that head... She looks like she is really stupid... Cute...
I must collect evidence of all these bloonies
that's a chickenshit answer. just tell us who you used to be
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craft me a fucking noose
Ok which one of your characters sucks the best
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Actively fucking pissed off at myself because I missed the subtext in Mouthwashing.

No wonder I picked sunslut, I'm a fucking idiot.
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I don't believe you.
I know i'm cute ,but people will say no, but deep within their hearts they will say no again
>the most likely case is you are philosophically opposed to those values I listed, and that seems to be the case.
No, but if I am, then you are clearly no better yourself, which is amusing because for all the praise about these supposed teachings, you sure as shit never learned them yourself.
>I'm not sure I can trust anything you say, since you just mentioned Christ's teachings in that last post.
Pedophile cope and fear.
just get regular 710 tome gear bwo
wuk lamat would get bored and want you to hurry up.
it just uses skills from all the other classes wtf
watch me
one shot
your womb
with my

powerful sperm
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evening everyone
I meant to say sex but I would suck on some puffy cunny
that's just the truth of the matter, it also helps that dsr has 8 million phases so finding yourself staring at him again after going through so much really makes the scene. also you have any ideas what strat you wanna use for aloalo? last i did it i used the kobe guide but idk if anything better's been made since
God I wish I could craft that.
Alright I can do that. Where do I deliver to?
Sun Rosa
th-thanks I guess
very weird thing to say

that would leave the moonie pregnant nearly 100% of the time
Are the servers crashing again?
I fucking hate CC
Considering what the fuck that CC game was I think so
i don't remember
>*queues again*
Imagine, jiggly
Cum Rosa
Who is "us"
waiter, i ordered this krile medium rare, not medium well
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press this button
Balmung, Mist ward 8 plot 28, J.R.
Press the i-button in the other gpose window
No, I don't think she quite makes it to cute.
But it's really hard to say that, because if I do it'll look like I'm fishing for compliments. Even me thinking that is subconscious narcissism. I can't even fucking point out my own flaws without showing more of my own flaws.
post boob
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I'll repost
I would erp this cat but i also wont.
Ugghh, yes! Reluctantly...grrrrrrrrr
Maybe I might let me cook something up
Please hold my hands if you're going to plap meeee pls and ty
well i think she's cute
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yes she is cute and funny
mister sandman

give me a moonie
is this moonie into impregnation/breeding
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Despite gposing for literal fucking years now I did not know that existed
Cumus Anima
Alrighty, give me a bit to collect the some of the mats and make it then I'll come over to drop it off.
i like moonie...
i like all of that except bugs and knitting and nioh
explosively increasing the moonie population with this moonie and my catboy
I like most of these things
are you on EU?
my femlala is ugly. sorry
That anon and me.
Wanna do my GC turn ins for me today? I honestly can't craft because I only have 1 class of crafting unlocked and it requires at least 3 more to make the items daily. I usually just buy them to get XP.. I'm trying to get to the level incan use SHB beast tribes to gain more XP... I wanna get up to DT levels but it's so far away
Give me an SE
that can make their servers
just work
you have no choice we're playing this co-op on release day
Okii, im queuing for some stuff so if im no there instantly ill hurry up!
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cute enough that id erp if i didnt erp
>you sure as shit never learned them yourself.
I've been far more charitable and understanding with you in this debate than you have with me, and thats just for starters.
So thats what this has all been about. No wonder you couldn't hold anything together. I am disappointed I didn't get to debate with someone who was being genuine.
You have a low opinion of my privacy for someone who remains anonymous.
are you my thread wife?
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You know your favorite ebin has a gock, right...?
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thats me but I don't believe you'll follow up on this
Cum Chidori @ Cummulg
that's fine
Keep studying, and surpass your superiors; decorate your hometown
that's why they're my favorite
overlooking small details like that will get you in trouble with the rest of the inquisition, wife
what mods do you use?
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I know a few things this moonie is into... I'm going to exploit all of them.
Sure I can do that in a bit, what do you need me to make?
No rush, I'll take a little bit here.
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>every day
I want to play red mage but it's so fucking boring. I can't put my finger on it.
It has dualcast which is neat, it has the cool movement options so I should be all over this class. But fuck the standard rotation just feels so bad, just fill the bars, I know every class has a bar these days but this one feels the most focused on it. I genuinely have more fun mashing holy than I do playing RDM.
Please give me some advice or good keybinds, I have so many glam ideas for it but I get so bored playing.
Nice ass.
Max height maleroe for my min height male hroth
did anyone erp yet with this cat? is it any decent?
until you like it
burying my head in that cleavage and suffocating
Raping this blue little shit until it spits out blueberries
Where can I find the hands?

Give me a book recommendation that isn't perverted!
me and my eb like the same things, as well as most of what is on this list
i wish you the best of luck
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depression hitting hard tonight I am logging off and going to bed goodnight my only friends
I will show you 'cute' without the 'e'
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my post got eaten last time I think, but cut out KCD+namazu and we can talk
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this is my healer, am i screwed?
does this moonie make her own poses or download presets
My favorite ebin is explicitly because they aren't futa
>What do you need me to make
Not sure yet, I have to check out the GC stuff and I'm in a alliance raid
*tucks u in*
gn sir =3=
same gn
Happens all the time to every MMO. Don't you remember that one time in Cata? Or like that one time back when Naxx launched? It's VERY common and there's nothing that Square Enix can do about it.
All good, you can lemme know when you're out.
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You should be able to solve this
I know the feeling. Hope you feel better soon bud.
Idk? Maybe check their logs? Christ your pathetic
>I've been far more charitable and understanding with you in this debate than you have with me, and thats just for starters.
Why lie? This is completely untrue.
>So thats what this has all been about. No wonder you couldn't hold anything together. I am disappointed I didn't get to debate with someone who was being genuine.
The only one who didn't hold anything together was you, all you did was make false claims, covered your ears, and got upset and took offense to the substance-less hack author was criticized.
both, but I mostly repurpose downloaded ones or vanilla emotes because actually posing sometimes takes 5 ever and requires actually being creative
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goodnight bros
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Queue frontlines instead at 4:00...
At least a match doesn't end during a DDOS
I was afk but lemme send you something since I'm back.
From one collector to another, which knives are those? Relatively clean combat knives seem unusually hard to find.
You're not wrong. Well, you are wrong about the wife part, but its a shocking detail to miss...
Be normal.
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tanking is too much pressure what if i forget to press arms length
same but it's too early to sleep so I'm staring into space instead
rape but repeated for years until it's either not rape or not illegal
am a male midlander
watching Sunday Night Football
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i am a malera
that q'd up for FL
you will be fine bro
this nigga knitting???
I'll respond in here even if the thread is dead when I get out
I am q'd for FL too but it didn't pop...
who wants to see my lalaboy's epidermis
Sounds good!
I need that next CC call
GN Jean I’m sorry I’m mean to you so often I don’t mean it all the time and I hope you realize it was just teasing
My malera is tired of seeing the cowboys in primetime.
Do you have a favorite comedy manga
Nobody wants to call during DDOS else you'll get the lamest matches
my moonie avoids needing to be creative by just copying porn/hentai images on twitter casually scrolling
yes but the armpit
uggh fine! stop bugging me about reading! it's so annoying!
It took me a while to craft cute lolis. I shan't give you my secrets, Anons. Figure it out yourselves....
Unfortunately that's all RDM will every be, a builder-spender job that has the most raid utility (in the form of verraise) and so the devs consider it fine, leaving it incredibly simple mechanically.
I really enjoyed this job in ShB. It used to be the most nimble of the three casters, but after nu-SMN in endwalker and PCT in dawntrail, that metric has lost a lot of meaning.

They've also broken a lot of its bones so it would fit the 120 second meta and now this job kind of sucks, I'll never forgive SE for doubling down on 2minute meta
That explains my luck during my previous match...

That inquisitor lady is a mean red mage
it's over
Me too. I’m ready for tomorrow
https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/092f600b6d6/ looks like these
how do i make my head smaller
Need 2 dps dynamis bros...
honestly I try to copy poses like that too but that is also difficult
getting things like arms to work properly and facial expressions is so hardaadssd
ion even know what im lookin at bro this angle is ass
I shan't be saying
is mare shared across characters? I want to make a lowlander alt but not get kicked on my main
Why not?
I meant the your hands to while while plapping, you dunce. You need more studying.
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it's full, thank you~
Yes you need to use the Discord to make a different ID
Halone bless, you're right, thank you.
I'm really not, but its starting to click. It reminds me a lot more of ninja than the other casters so far in terms of mindset in that you prep a burst and then execute someone, from what I can tell. Really unlucky on the DDoS though, such a shame.
hello smoochwife
built to take thunderous backshots from my malera
This brat is so erotic, I need to plap and kiss her now
we'reoing marry
unfrounately we will never meet upon this mythical settings
our jouney is recreate the destrucion of the axis
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What you'll find at the Pearl Lane
Surface Detail, by Ian M. Banks!

>This is completely untrue.
You are done. Cooked. Finished. Your service has been rendered to its completion. You are dismissed. Goodbye.

Manga: Love Hina
Anime: School Rumble
So how was the futa bbc babe?
that pose looks stupid
Anon, its the Pixie Cotton Hat of Crafting (lvl74 item)
Alrighty, I'm almost done with this crafted set so I'll get to making that once I deliver it. Where would you like to meet?
I hate fucking horny this stupid pose makes me.
anywhere thats easiest for you, I can meet you at LB14, near the SW waterfall by the blue umbrella island
Anywhere is fine by me, I'll go there when I can! No rush though.
I'm on NA!
Thank you
Namazu are cute though
The brown and very cute but lewd moonie.
I finished my other crafts and will be chilling out by the waterfall.
Give me a pervy book recommendation

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