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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Future Meetups:
• Oct 6th, 8PM EDT | Ultros, Primal | Mist W20 P34 | Twin Peaks Meetup Season 2 Ep 6-9 >>496369505
• Oct 7th, 3PM EST | Marilith | Lydha Lran, Il Mheg | Shared FATE farming >>496972806
• Oct 9th, 9:00 PM EST | Marilith, Goblet W16 P15 | Spooky Club: Haruhi Movie and Inu-Oh >>497338807
• Oct 12th, 1PM EDT / 6PM BST | Zurvan, Materia | Yanxia, Plum Spring | Roleplaying Meetup >>496634258
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | Mahjong Open Tournament >>495487281
• Oct 12th, 5:30PM EDT / 10:30PM BST | EU + NA | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 11 - 16 >>497313724
• Oct 19th, 7PM EDT | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet W3 P58 >>496273537
• Oct 27th, 8PM EDT | Balmung, Crystal | LB W19 P28 | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party >>495083393

Previous: >>497442792
keep posting butts I'm so close
catboy supremacy
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>post my lowlander
>0 replies
>someone posts their lowlander in fishnets and vag lips peeking out
>10+ replies
I should make one that looks like this image and then post it
Give it to me. That thing. Your femezen ears
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think most of you need to just drop the cash for a fanta and try again
I am a femlala with a 7gb mare profile... please don't pause me..
No doomposting after this post.
>no one mentions americans for an entire thread
>all of a suden poster sperging about ameicans
is it really India/Indonesia hours already?
mine is small...
nyo it was a bad one cause i tried to take it quickly during a cutscene but they got out faster than i was expecting
I wish the jannies did their fucking jobs so we could actually talk about the game. Like the raid tier or fishing or the next mixer. Pedos get the rope
The trick is that you have to put you lowlander in heels
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im still not happy with this
RAPE! RAAAAPE! CUMMING TO THIS SHIT! Yes, THIS is Final Fantasy XIV, the world's most popular MMO! THIS is what we like!
like... forever?
Do you like sunrise sabbath?
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i love my purple ball
Jannies likes my lowlander posts. I've had them deleted but nothing happens afterwards. They're such good boys...
have you tried using a dutch angle?
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Why would they delete lowlander posts? It's XIV screenshots
Yes! You a uptime or a normal sunrise enjoyer?>>497452338
>implying you can't talk about the game
They are still beautiful
Wandering star... Descend and Destroy...!
honestly the poses all look really great, it's just the angling should be more dynamic to accent the action I think
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It's a dumb joke
Ideal hrothgal height?
I've reached max gil on my account (free trial). What should I spend all this gil on? I didn't know I was supposed to be spending it so I was running around everywhere trying to save money.
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have fun anon
When do lodestone pictures refresh?
my malera...nevermind, you wouldn't get it, sigh....
I'm a skip sunrise or wipe enjoyer... I would like to learn how to do it but my group rarely sees it.
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NTA but I'm a "skip sunrise or disband" enjoyer
You are on 4chan
You are on xivg
You don't like lowlanders, shota and loli? Too bad. We like them.
Leave if you don't like it.
we had one last thread i didn't take any new ones
Now post your weird ones where you dream about being fucked by the Island Sanctuary robots.

Or you riding the cock of the Cruise Chaser.
what mods will give my femroe long feet
whats the difference between lowlanders and shota/loli
It doesn’t really line up because I’m a “straight”’GAM playing a straight female character. Yes, I know it doesn’t make sense, but it is, what it is.
I'm digging the curbstomp pose, 10/10
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just a sunnie with no friends
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no but i should have
i ran out of time in the dungeon so id have to start over
which i may do
its just hard to get it all in a pic
same :)
Meant to post this last thread but forgot so here
Dyes or grade 8 dark matter to sell later.
> I didn't know I was supposed to be spending it so I was running around everywhere trying to save money.
You are not, gil in this game is pointless and 100% a lazy tax to things you can get yourself
Playing Doman Mahjong is so tiring I think I'll fall asleep on this couch now. Ni-night, Anons!
Still this. Planning on taking some new ones a lil later.
If I was ever gonna actually post those in the thread I'd probably redo them to actually look better first, the one was really lazy since it was just supposed to be a gag thing
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Male midlander
8 feet underground
Why doesn't the game have a proper auto play feature for the voiced dialouge? It's been 10 years...
>20 is old
We get it, you're a pedophile
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why are you 2
my moonie will not do this because it was the peace sign pose from last thread
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>Want to convert some gloves to use nicer hands
>"Surely this won't be so hard."

Those lazy japs only made one model for both males and females, so just importing it to blender to quickly swap things out won't work.
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>or fishing
Okay umm... What are your thoughts on modest/ambitious lure, and spareful hand? These skills may seem to make big fishing much easier at first, but I get the feeling that they'll just amp up the difficulty/randomness to balance things out, and that sounds pretty bad considering those skills are all GP investments and we didn't get any new/better ways to restore GP.
Boggles my mind how you can have over 1000 GP now but the biggest GP restoration potion is only 400...
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Female Viera
this test is kinda ass bwo
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I played UFO 50 for 11 hours and I lack the energy to do anything more than an expert roulette tonight...
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faggy meenas
I've lewded and had NSFW commissions of my sunnie and that sunnie each being spitroasted.
who's ass this is
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I already did this one thoughbeitever
ZT how did you get those stretched out eyes on your male midlander?
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I want a flat-chested, minimum-height femra EB who behaves like a little sister...
It's okay to split it into parts too if you can't fit it all together, you can also use the blur/smudge tools in something like photoshop or other photo edit apps to help convey a bit of movement/action so it doesn't feel so stiff. reshade should have a similar setting. This is REALLY good though friend
please wipe your face i think horse shat on it
Spareful hand is great. You start catching your mooch fish beforehand and can either us it when the window starts or get the intuition proc to use them.
another night, another personality quiz...
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female midlander
>closed my eyes again
god fucking damnit, it's so over...
Can't confirm this
What the fuck is a "horse"?
may I plap?
Val post feet
Why are you taking pictures of your opponents? Tch...
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We did these years ago.
ok i can make a loli femra like this easily
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Considering where we are, would hypersexual just mean porn addict?
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my moonie likes this warriros portrait
>Team portraits being posted
I shan't be queuing for CC
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gn sirs
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>It's okay to split it into parts too if you can't fit it all together
oh i did but idk
i think i need to move it to another spot again
well some of us don't browse the thread 24/7 and make it our entire life
good moonie smoch
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Its okay I take pictures of my teammates too
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please post her when you are done
>that suncat
Aint no way youre them, if they are im going to make fun of you the next time I see you in game you silly little faggot, what kind of an idol talk about wetting themselves all day ahahahahahahaha!
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i am still
a male moon-- wait i did this last thread, sorry
clock watch status????
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moonie btw
Eb my catboy or he's committing mass ethnocide
sleep tight madame
Ayo this flesh boy MAD AF cause his waifu is riding the fuel rod of a ROBO CHAD BULL
>see a cute femlala
>she has a /c/ listed in her adventure plate
>can’t see her as cute anymore
Anons, on the 11th I will be hosting the spooky Timeworn Map Meet-up!

Bring your best costumes! If you need to use mods the syncshell is: MSS-Z6QS1AHVPYAM and the password is 5p00ky5c42y

It will be at Solution 9, The Accordion in the Goblin Server! 6PM CST

I'll see you there, hopefully!
nice pits!
Changing position values in C+ nowadays
I forgot which one
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im val
ask me sometime
do you have your ticket...
China getting Dawntrail means more awesome GMVs
that game was heartbreaking fk
NTA but I am friends with this person and their name starts with an M. They are friends with Sapphira Nyx for years now and get a ton of commissions so I don't think it's too far fetched that they post here.
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Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 8:50am ET
Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 8:50am ET
I uoh at femlalas in CC.
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Female Seeker
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I am a femra who got these results
Did I miss an obvious joke or did nobody get my FF = Chocobo joke
owe my fiera+ sex.
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my moonie just made a fool of herself in her roulette cause she forgot about all the ninja changes and spaghetti'd everything
Horses exist in the Steppe..
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male midlander
Gross pedo
a fucking mare linkshell for a map party?
mare lamentorum is the cancer of this game
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>7.1 in november

nah guys im not feeling it.
why the fuck would you use an AI image for this shit, just get a regular image
Do you like sunnies?
Feels weird, honestly. I know its just a game and its cringe but I have a lot of memories with this game. I'll come back when the game decides it wants to be like an MMO and not a raid simulator.
is it so bad that I want to rail and defile a femlala but don't want to see her public advertisement of her fetishes, which probably include being a fulala?
Do you like
Xaela are savages
i pulled it out of the first thing i saw in google lol
>I'll come back when the game decides it wants to be like an MMO and not a raid simulator.
Bro... I'm sorry but... goodbye.......
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Again, BRO...
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Thank you all for joining me for some Twin Peaks on Ultros, Primal. Next week will be Mullholand drive followed by 2-3 episodes depending on some time constraints
Should have installed Mare Lamentorum. That's the social aspect of this game.
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I am this middie >>497452884
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no one really is, there was a period of time on the officials where there was not a single english language post for 8 hours, the reddit has only about 500 people there any given time and twitter searching for ffxiv related stuff turns up a lot less than it used to

the game is just really really in a slump right now, so much that any streamer has given up streaming it 7 weeks into the raid tier
Cute pedo
How is this pertinent to video games?
Forays are the only time this game feels like an MMO. Which will be 7.2 because lmao gotta appease the raiders first will all its shit.
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bunch of freaks
anyone wanna run 18 holes on neo turf masters
Post your loliiiiiiiii
Horses exist outside of the steppe too. All 3 of the main GC's have horse mounts that you can unlock via achievements.
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ffxiv has horses
I haven't seen Mullholand Drive but you really ought to show Blue Velvet, it drips with the same style that Twin Peaks has.
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SEX with this row WHEN
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does she like bigger ladies or just other femlalas
dios mio
I know which femlala this is...
I forgot today was Twin Peaks day, maybe that explains why the thread's been so grim, hope you guys had fun
she looks like she fucks hroths
Final Fantasy 14 is a sex game. If you don't like it, leave. We love Mare Lamentorum here.
womp womp
see you next week
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I'm right there with you bro except I'm already unsubbed and have only been coming to xivg not actually playing for the past few months.
I cherish a lot of the community here and the time spent in the game but I just can't get behind SE currently. It really is a raid simulator or erp chatroom for anyone that isn't leveling
Is my femlala cute or not..
We like this, this is the real FFXIV
Depends on the bigger.
Cute spats wearing wives /pet /pet
Yes I have the feet ticket. It can be used for one free picture of valfeet
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male midlander
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my meena? slightly bisexual ig
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just a suncat
sorry could you please post her or direct me to a post with her in it? or direct me to a location where she is currently.
madre de cristo
FAKE news
i gotta get blue velvet for the future, its a great one for sure. maybe the week after!

sorry you missed it friend they were some big episodes..
theres always next week!
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>really cringe comic.

Is there anyway to save specific scenes in their entirety in brio or ktisis or anything? Getting real tired of crashing sometimes because I replaced a human with an unstable minion or enemy.
it's not
xivg in its current state rarely is, though
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are any of my middie husbands also raiding right now? i'm currently griefing m4s prog because my femra lizard brain is fried
>Put that I'm cis female in my plate
People ask me where I live, send me porn, ask me for my instagram

>Put that I'm trans fem in my plate
People give me good ERP
She looks like she'd call a hroth several colorful slurs if not "Savage" at least 2 times
i was griefing in hd2 but you need to pop another food lady
I really really really really really really really really really like this 'ra, bros.
How about where I could find you.. I rather know in-game
I see.. what's her thoughts on miqo'te?
>only 3 people have more or equal hypo than hypersexual values
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Thankee for the /pets, spats are love spats are life
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my big titty sunnie with constantly wet panties received this result
why are pedos taking over the thread???
Sex sex sex sex sexxxx
my lalaboy
has almost no sex drive
>lowlanders are a problem
>lalafells are not
Weird stance people take
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Can someone please stop the graph spam? Or do I have to go to the IRC?
what do you use to make webms
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As another anon told me, it's a part of channer culture
you need a psyche eval. that thing is hideous kojima
I am currently doing my beast tribe dailies on balmung but i could go somewhere else.
no pictures 2 take
When you're done I'll be at LB14
these matches are cringe, I'm queueing down until map swap
I need to gpose my sunnie+ face smothered by both your sweaty spats one day, if I come back.
Where do you think you are?
getting raped in cc
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>ask me for my instagram
do people really? I will absolutely flirt with a cis woman in game but I don't give a single fuck what anyone's insta is
I guess stalking pics? which is creep behavior but not uncommon so probably shouldn't be surprised
you owe my fiera+ sex.
but bro, think about boo!
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Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 12:30pm ET
Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 12:30pm ET
my blade seeks your blood wabbit
im meena
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This test is way too vague and brief to mean much, but lalaboy.
like 70% of the lalafell hate is because people are upset at the handicaps the game had to take because of their small size and another good chunk of that is because lalafells respond to the "pedo" bait posts trying to defend themselves making them easy troll targets
eb that looks like this
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Wait when did this femra start getting dommy I thought she just harmlessly thirsted for femblzns
>at the handicaps the game had to take because of their small size
If you honestly believe this bullshit then you're believing a lie.
I do? Cool
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>redditor with MS makes a post about how they cleared P12S after needing surgery and therapy
>reddit mods have to clear out comments saying that anyone who hasn't cleared savage yet is dumber than someone with brain damage

best community btw
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I feel Pictomancer would be much funnier to play if the hammer was a melee attack (or if it had a bonus if used at melee range)
this is probably a shemale isnt it
i thought you guys were the fun autists not the gross ones
The raids (and boss fight content in general) were always the only good part of this game
I have returned, I don't see any new lalas but all the ones here are cute..
you dont want my blood, its all gross and bloody
I did my psyche eval already. It said I'm unstable.
Some people get really desperate and cringey when a biofem plays video games.
lalafells are adults.
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ok hold on, does this mean i want to wear feminine clothes and be soft or i like that in a partner?
She looks like she'd be unable to talk 5 seconds into taking hroth cock.
>Wait when did this femra start getting dommy
lol lmao, ex dee even
can't a femra love femezen? and be dommy?
doing a gpose of this lala taking the beef instead of the chicken
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You want that in a partner
They really are not. It says child in the character creation screen.
lewwwwd! that'd be a neat scene...
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this test was dogwater ngl
>someone posts their lowlander in fishnets and vag lips peeking out
They want to see us naked duhh. It's what the people want. I started with just the chest but I've finally made a bottom that I like so I will be posting it more for these perverts. I really should be sleeping right now...
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My sunnie scored a maxed out 100% on the hypersexual stat. What does this mean?
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Every alliance raid roulette is crystal tower.
Make it stop.
The wording to me implies on your partner.
i hate modniggers so fucking much
seek help
Not a single character in game finds anything strange about being attracted to lalafell.
no ween. not a one.
Hmmm.... These bars are slightly changing my opinion on approaching...
cute comic, /petpet
if you find out I want to know too because it keeps happening to me, I wanted to add characters in the background of this pic to make it actually work and the moment I tried my game blew up, I was thinking about making my own list of stable models that I can use but haven't been motivated yet
Either way a good chunk of people don't actually think lalas are pedos, they get shitposted because its easy bait for giggles
I think Miqo'tes are the vanilla ice cream, even tho Hyurs exist. That said I'll eat ice cream in any weather.
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until we meet again
I would go for the beef desu
Guilty, and yea. It'd be great~
I shall raise this matter at the femezen council, we can’t have au ra getting uppity or sexually aggressive
cry harder retard
I was of your mindset but after realizing that this game releases content at a snails pace, anything that breaths life into it is welcomed, even if its a third party tool
which one are you?
Are there any mods for military fatigues?
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The dom/sub thing changes a little every time, but checks out. Degenerate bi/switch.
I never unlocked the other ones, so no, fuck you cringe faggot little NIGGER
God I love this cute poster so much but I don't even know what they are..
is this a comic or a fucking visual novel
You are a porn addict.
I'm phoneposting from work so I can't combine the pics
Over half of the posts in here are porn.
man how can this game be so fucking SEX
Hello sirs
if it's halloween/costume-themed i can understand including it
that way people's glamours aren't limited to what they can buy or grind and if they want to show off mods at the same time, so be it
So there's a chance.. nice.
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On my way to meet that femezen council
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Male xaela.
How are they going to "fix" the FL DRK meta in 7.1?
Thanks for posting your WoL, I was about to ask to meet you in game.
My Sunnie can fix you
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Fellas, is it gay to like tomboys?
Male midlander by the way, you'll never guess which.
>Map meetup
bro just post a pf
You're immune to knockback/pull after being pulled once.
Why uninstall? Are you too broke to afford big SSDs?
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Female Suncat
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Good night /xivg/
that's a veena? i didnt realize they could look so brown
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Blame them for making it mandatory for MSQ progression. Help your sprouts out and be welcome it is not a HP sponge NieR Raid.
Yeah, that's it, I'm gonna go to the IRC and complain about this shit. STOP SPAMMING
T-thank you! Yeah same. I only had like two really cool monsters I saved and I forgot to make the rest of the list. I guess all we can do is just save everything individually. Gnite anon and thanks for reading it. It took a bit longer than expected and I wanted more suicide bomber lalas but I didn't want to risk it.
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Female veena
Diagnosed Schizoid btw
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This can't be correct.
holy shit that match was bad
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Fuck you, go unlock the ivalice raids!
I can't tell whether I'd fuck this fox or mofumofu this fox.
they won't, they'll just adjust the damage modifiers as always and people will barely notice any changes
if we're lucky it at least won't feel worse than it already is
Damn that femlala at LB14 is really cute...
We can tan you know
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>Yeah, that's it, I'm gonna go to the IRC and complain about this shit. STOP SPAMMING
ive been queueing for nier recently and theres always someone who leaves or complains
Can you ask them if Rev Meyers is still there and tell him to come back? These threads were so much better when all off topic shit was instantly erased.
>Self centered fuck demands the entire thread kowtow to his every whim OR ELSE
I actually mean it.
Do it.
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It broke

Oh nevermind it just took a while to load.
my threadcrush just showed up to the beds and now i'm nervous
you know that feel when you nut and almost immediately regret it
But can you survive giving birth to the largest number of children in Eorzean history?
>content is bad
>people inevitably start talking about the playerbase and the players themselves
>this is somehow offtopic

hey retards, XIV players are part of XIV
Our mightiest femezen will be prepared to meet you, even if exhausted after femezengasm. They have never lost.
>50/50 pure/deviant
which one?
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Hopping into CC
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Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 4:19pm ET
Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 4:19pm ET
Why not both?
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My sunnie put her foot up on the counter and schlicked while the shopowner's back was turned
something something you are also in demand in my heart
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tis just a moonie with elf ears...can moonies and elezen even have babies?
i've constantly reported catbox links (as off-topic) and got warned for it, so
you can certainly try but the damage has already been done in xivg i think
i want to sex this cat again
They can try their best, but I am afraid their success will be negligible
my personality is leaving fates at 50% and moving on to the next
>not 4:20
u coward
People have unironically complained about this for more than a decade. They were shitting themselves and crying about offtopic posting during WoD when there was LITERALLY NOTHING to talk about except green jesus and garrisons being awful mobile game slop.
The nier raids were unfortunately the perfect storm of just being really long and with some bosses that feel seriously bloated hp-wise.
If you are just hopping onto alliance raid roulette for the xp, the nier raids are the worst outcome in the game for you because of how much more of a timesink they are compared to every other choice.
I don't believe you
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that would be nice but I don't erp, though my bloodline getting FOXED sounds agreeable
Give Salted a 90 second CD, make it hit harder in return idk
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they will probably ignore you last time one of the mods made a post here someone tributed his post
remus post
You're my favorite biohole to imagine licking my cum off the ground.
is this the one that got tribbed
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was reluctant to take this test because I figured it'd be long
>took like 1 minute in reality

not posting character because phoneposting
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empty words from some dead nobody.
1 or 2
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Why do you and your ilk constantly bring up WoD? It ALWAYS comes up in any critical discussion of FFXIV. You use WoD to defend every bad thing about FFXIV, from DDoS to lack of content, and now the gooner infestation. Was WoD some foundational moment in your childhood or something?
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Rava fiera
Which one anon?
is it possible to buy a boost for a hw job before reaching hw
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Another orgy where you're not invited
Where's your threadcred, anon?
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Dont count on it.
Post giant moonie with Jeb in your cleavage
1 or 3. 2 is a hairstyle thats is very overdone on femra. It looks good but its become extremely common. the short hair on 4 makes for an awkward gap with how wide the horns are.
So I say 1 or 3.
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>I don't believe you
*naruto voice*
We already defeated that janny
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No, though I reaaaally should do the tier this week.

Any moment now.
Doing the tiiier.
i would rather not associate with any of you freaks in game
not anymore
and yet db shat up this place for months on end
makes you think
probably somehow.. anyway it's cute, you're cute
I may wifepost you from now on
Looks subby enough to be Wryx
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Unnnfff my sexy hebe lesbian waifus erotic
My god this place is like 90% fucking transbians and himcesses apparently
calm down, love
I'll let you know in aco
This is true... along with mechanics not being very exciting, some of these are just a slog. Puppet's bunker just puts me to sleep.
How do you find the item id of a gear piece?
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my male middie is the Penguin of xivg
you might have to also buy the story skip since they unlock in ishgard
Why would I keep a big program installed if I have no interest in playing it?
he looks like he wants to get dominated by sunnies
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Nope. I'm the vanillafag middie
Your SFW lowlander is cute and I appreciate it.
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erm... i was messing around with facial bones, i still don't know what i'm doing and i feel like expressions are super stiff, truly a skill issue on my end...
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Who's that femlala?
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Based. Reminds me I got some work to do.
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my male middie is the fox mulder of xivg
Because you implied you'll come back. And its already confirmed to be getting big MMO content in 7.2.
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Oops! Wrong image
I recognize a grand total of 5 of those names
why is val in all of these? what happened?
>me a child
hot, would.
you shouldnt need to do that
it unlocks and maxes the job at 90 and bypasses the job quests
My femezen needs a lowlander to abuse so badly
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You can job boost anything as long as you have the appropriate expansion registered. If the job isn't unlocked, it's automatically unlocked with the boost. You do not have to have progressed MSQ to HW.

Not into orgies
Yeah. After 7.1. Which wont be until next year. I dont keep shit on my PC for the sake of it. I'll reinstall the game when it decides to play like an MMO again.
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pure romancechads
>desperately sweating and waiting for that hand to slip away
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my maliddie is the ralph cifaretto of /xivg/
My femlala is the tony soprano of /xivg/
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Those occasional romantic thoughts ruining my perfect hypersexual score.
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femxaela that shames her ancestors...
These are all twitterfags when did we start caring about twitter orgies im sure there are tons happening right now.
my femra is the elesh norn of /xivg/
I don't go beyond hand holding
Before I sleep, who wants to duel at the wolve's den?
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my male middie is the dale cooper of xivg
>name change
>didn't realise how close to my real name it is
>have a minor freak out everytime I see it
Wanna... share some Gabagool?
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Gaia's lips were made for pleasing cocks, not for kissing other girls.
any chance you're a healer main? would you like to be roped along by a tank through duties and kept long after the duty is complete?
do you have mare yet so i can get a real mcdf and not just yoink character data?
hold hands?
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Kill yourself
Nay, just posted mine and I pretty much always wind up at 100% sub or very close to it on these things.
You're not wrong...

I'm surprised to see only one other 100% sub. And to think, someone once said /xivg/ was full of subby bottoms!
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Closest I've got is giant moonie serving as a fishing barge
I wouldn't fit in the house.
for some reason it's always funnier with the random profanity thrown in
i like when you call cum "white shit"
thank you schizoposter
you buffoon
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My sunnie would prefer to schlick in public for everyone to watch. With her panties still on of course
Woah, is that the GOON HOUSE?? W-WITH THE 'BINS FROM THE 'CORD?? This is totally FFXIV! Time to PLAP!
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Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 7:50pm ET
Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 7:50pm ET
Good night, making involved stuff like that always takes longer than one might think, always a learning process process in some way
Because WoD had the exact same issues as Dawntrail you fucking NIGGERFAGGOT. Go back to fellating Legion when you were too young and retarded to have played when MMOs were good.
What about the frog
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It's not full of subs exactly, it's just full of people that don't want to make the first move
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I ruined my rep, but I felt unwelcome in big groups before anyway...
As anon said, based. Jeb is a lucky guy
need me an eb like this
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sounds like you need some buddies to drag you in.........
didn't even need it apparently
gif related
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You posted a moonie retard
>smells fishy...
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did anybody else attempt this for laughs in the pictomancer quests
cutest tomcat itt
big moonie
My male middie is the Paulie Gualtieri of xivg
my moonie got the last of her alcohol butit wasn't even a full glass...
>Puppet's bunker just puts me to sleep.
It is by far the worst offender. The robot tank in the command room especially is just "God damn it, we've been fighting you for FIVE MINUTES already, how is your health still THIS FUCKING HIGH?"
>maybe tomorrow I won't post Ryan Gosling, but you'll be a futa forever
cute thighlander
how do you feel going back and switching off of malera
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No and it doesn't really change anything because I don't have a profile set up. Also a ton of mods I've used all use different body shapes anyway so I'm not even sure what shape I want to stay with. I need to play this game more.
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my instant loss pvp husbando...
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What mental illness do you have that makes you think that's an effective attack? Those are just my own words that I thought long and hard about and decided to post. You are extremely disconnected from reality, and completely lack the ability to put yourself in the mindset of another person. You'd at least think you'd develop the ability to do so to attack people, which you're so keen on doing, but no, you're just a pathetic and simple person.
I'm not a mazed wowtard like you, buddy. Go back to your furry tranny sim if you miss it so much.
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my moonie is eagerly awaiting the dawn of moonie monday
LT <3
My femezen, who is incredibly bad at pvp, is on the way to apprehend this femra.
my moonie has an alcohol allergy
Is this show any good? I liked the Pattinson Batman movie a lot.
Bigger, and do you like big sunnies?
>sunslut was moonie propaganda all along
Moonies explain yourself
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Her plump bitchy goth lips were absolutely made for making out with other girls. Ryne gets to have that make-up smeared on her face and between her legs. if they want to share a boy together too then it's a team effort
I feel free.
it is but most are too shy to attach their identities to it
Black or Grey?
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my male middie is the cedric daniels of xivg
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I'm posting the one from last night too.
i dont like that face
where ndja
I thought you were done coming here?
Post more instead of sleep
I like it. Don't beat yourself over it.
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Lorilee bros, the evidence?
my moonie is very sorry for your moonie...
milk yes
She was a rogue moonie!
We had no idea either!
disgusting tranny
he better be like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GU-2C8Ec6co
>healer main?
Not after what the devteam did to it.
>the rest of that
Yeah, I like the idea of it.
Were it so easy. I'm just bored
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my male middie is the Richard Sharpe of /xivg/
>attraction: masculine leaning
Face is bad, but the black hair looks less bad out of the two.
i am a femlala

that just ordered 5 mcdoubles with extra pickles from ubereats

ask me anything
Yeah, that makes sense
what evidence are people talking about
t. clueless
If there was a competition between a moonie and a sunnie that has them streaking a city butt naked, which of the two is more likely to drop out of humiliation first?
WoD and the lack of content is what made me quit, retard.
are you sharing or is that all for you..
I like the onions
caught in 4k
Shut the fuck up and kill yourself already you pathetic fucking loser.
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my male middie is the John Locke of /xivg/
can i have some
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i didn't realize i had done so many fates...
Maybe this next hurricane will actually kill me, just for you
>He doesn't know
Mm. On one hand I'd say you should show more conviction, but on the other hand. Since you're here, feet.
I don't even remember taking this, might've happened by accident.
God I'm jealous. I want a latenight snack so bad. Gimme 1
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not doing that test again but rest assured I AM mentally ill
Oh yeah, that's right! And you're so "done" with WoW that you come here, to the FFXIV thread, to whine about it. I bet you're not giving Blizzard another cent, right? You're not even gonna think about WoW, right? Even if it's been ten fucking years and you still haven't gotten over it?

Mazetards are so funny lmao
fair i guess
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bro???? can't you say that to a catgirl instead??? what happened to saying sex and rape to females...
don't call me your husband ever again or i'll curse you to bad luck for 1 year, you will NOT get the one item you want, i will make it a reality
thanks... though i'd argue there's some other catboys that are really cute too
He's a homosexual.
Dominant straight femlala doko
rest assured my moonie will rape you.
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was it a specific healer that you liked? if so what changes ruined it for you? or are you unhappy with healer role in general now? what do you prefer as main now?
I know it's a lot of questions I'm just curious by your reply

I could always drag along a DPS too.. I've just had increasing fantasies involving impreg, lala healers, ripped clothes.. you know the deal.
That's me!
That's not me, though. Enjoying subby things doesn't have to go hand-in-hand with being shy or lacking confidence.
It's crazy to me that a significant portion of that show's cast has passed away. I realize it's 20 years old now, but still, many were taken far too soon.
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>Just started 'HNM' FATEs today
>Spam Chocobo Meteor
>Managed to pull Odin 3 times off the tanks and die every time in my most recent FATE
Well shit. At least he was next to a teleport.
>built for MEN
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So you have some leftovers, right?
my moonie is tired is resisting her urges and tomorrow shes going to buy a cheesecake
time to work my magic
For all the female WoL players: Is your character a lesbian or straight? Or, is your EB (goal) based on character gender or player gender?
>macchi taking a golden shower
we're so back
i will have 4 of them but you 3 have to fight over it
Answer the question, Batman.
I jerked off to it
my wol likes women with penises
so, she's straight which makes me, the player, gay
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who has bigger udders sunnies or moonies
my moonie caved earlier today as well and finally pet some of the cute lalas
bi because it's canon that she gave graha a blowie
My WoL is straight because I'm straight and I self-insert.
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you realize those each have like half the daily recommended amount of sodium right
empty threats I would defeat you easily
I'm straight but my wol is bi.
Moonies are for flat (which is why they are superior to Sunnies), Sunnies are for huge moo moo's.
based, have fun
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Khagans. Roll call.
My femra shall be waiting, surely she's really good at pvp
>any chance you're a healer main?


>would you like to be roped along by a tank through duties and kept long after the duty is complete?

That scenario doesn’t actually appeal to me much. I guess it’s on my bucket list of things to do, but getting interests and posting styles to line up already is a crapshoot, erping with random tank_933123 would almost certainly be a mid experience at best.
Is there a reason you can't DC travel to Aether? All the worlds are disabled.
dark purple and magenta hair gang
my male middie is going to tell your male middie what he can't do
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stop posting this.
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what's on the menu for today I'm bored
cover them up
Does this retard have an EB
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Bi stacy irl and in game
>Enjoying subby things doesn't have to go hand-in-hand with being shy or lacking confidence.
no but most "subs" are just socially stunted wallflowers
Post your miqitten
You shouldn't use the B word..
Na. I'm having fun and you shitting up the thread all the time doesn't change that. It's just the thread lmao no one cares.
Raping (You)
I want to eb a female character but I'm starting to think it'll be impossible unless I fanta to male
>mY MaLidDiE iS tHe (gayfaggot) oF /xivg/
holy shit male characters are such cringe trannies
that's pretty fair, what ARE your interests then? also why is it every time I talk to presumed femlalas there's two responding to me..
I regret asking. You should leave after all.
le sigh, she's dead and not coming back
my characters are always straight but i do not do relationship in game or erp
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die mad
Literally nobody likes you lol
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Where is that?
Why are so many male characters here subby pussies?
>le sigh, she's dead and not coming back
awwww that's sad! her green hair and tanned skin was so cute!
>she's dead and not coming back
NTA but reformed pedo redemption arc?
If you can come back here, surely she can make a return as well.
>try out BLM in EX1 so I can practice
>constantly fuck up AF phases
>still get a 55 on fflogs
People suck at this job more than me wtf
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lol, lmao even
What >>497456975 said
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Truly incredible. I hope this is like a special occasion sort of deal for you...
nah my moonie has big boobs
I like them
I like them they seem nice enough and if their main thread enemy is a pedo they seem okay to me.
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My Female Veena is the Anakin Skywalker of /xivg/.
most of the ones posted here have been switch or dominant tho?
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Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 1:20am ET
Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 1:20am ET
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are there more gifs of this cat
what in the world
wish you liked my middie
not my boy emoorg
I'm ready...
lesbian leaning but my heart is open to anything as far as gender goes. i don't think i could EB a non-lala, though. its cute when others do it, but when i picture it for myself its a little weird.
Wanting a dom partner doesnt mean you're a sub. I want a fellow dom so we can wrestle for dominance.
man, there's enough of us that are dominant and enough general population of male characters that think dominance is just being a hyper aggressive incel asshole, if that anon wants to be dommed by a femlala then let him, don't get up in his business or accuse all of us of that shit
this aether moonie...... so powerful...............
I'm bi irl but I think of my character as straight. Since I like girls though, she gets caught up in it sometimes.
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unironic answer: it’s either because they are fucked up mentally ill freaks like me or have learned that if you are a dominant male poster in this place you get shitposted to death so any dominants try to keep a low profile and the ones that don’t you already know of
I am exactly everything the thread hates. I'm a submissive lesbian femlala who wants a yuri femlala EB
don't threaten r'em with that >:(
>macchi will do literally anything for attention
plump, asses even
why do you have a bunch of edda vincets porn?
Extremely good so far but there's 5 more episodes to go still.
My femlala is straight, but she doesn’t want an eb. She’s the warrior of light, not a housewife.
What the hell?
man I wasn't even in here for 5 minutes what the fuck is this
i met one that is incredibly dominant, not sure if he posted that personality thing though
>he hasn't seen him openly thirst for hroth knot

he's a trans
What if she had a house husband instead?
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im like 99% sure ive taken this before but i could not find it so i did it again
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>Sissy bottom coded answers
See? Why can't any male characters here be a man?
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Some of you faggots have never seen anything on this website outside this thread and it shows. The gatekeeping here is fucking awful.
are you a GAM and would you EB a GAM
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My sunnie likes both. As for EB she's not looking to settle down yet
My sunnie is an E-cup!
my moonie hates the level 99 dungeon
ahahah /pet
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Fiddie GAM
It's about how I expected it
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Goon. Plap. Sex. Cock. Rape. Cum. These are the reasons why we play the game.

I like this. You like this. We like this. This is Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail.

Wuk Lamat? The rite of succession? Sphene? Don't care about them unless I can plap them, and now that mods are back, we can. We can finally Play The Game™. Time to get comfy and eepy, now that mods are back you can coom ‘n goon with all the classics in the ‘cord like AS (x3), GL, OL, HH, LL, SS, VM, MV, IM, and many others. All we need now is a movie meetup and it’ll feel like we never left Endwalker. One could say it's like going to the "grammy's".

ma'am where did you get that scar
I could say I'm a GAM if you makes you feel better
holy moly
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What makes you think I don't? No promises on the player behind it though.
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you cant just stand in the middle for the dog cup phase in slice is right >:(
trying way too hard
she would still have to get pregnant a bunch, and she’s can’t be fighting a world ending threat 8 months pregnant.
right here mr anon https://unvaulted.coomer.party/mods/10770
what gatekeeping? asking unironically because I probably missed something
>implying I haven't
In general, I just don't like how it feels to heal in this game. Nothing's snappy, so if you want to respond to clutch heal some shitter, sometimes the damage'll go out before the heal does and they just die anyway. Cleansing debuffs with esuna feels laggy as well. The actual damage rotation is just 1 skill. All the things that made each job feel unique have been stripped away. Most groups are terrible and expect you to just carry them while they play like shit. It's awful. Healslutting is a fun fantasy but half the time when I heal a group I just want to kill them all by the end of it.
holy moly those fiddie udders
Thank you! I love how the sun is setting (or rising?) in between the mountains. Such a great shot
i made a female wol because i like looking at girls
i like female characters because i like looking at girls
having a guy in the formula anywhere makes it weird
Had fun with you in solution nine. How to hang against soon <3
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Bi is best. Our characters need to look cute together and they need to be the one who buys the ring because I am poor. That is all I really care about.
>Those tits
HOLY moly
Hi yes goon squad? Id like to make a formal request to bring more attention towards high heels in these goon plap bait images. Now I know there are only 2 high heel enjoyers in these threads, but I believe we're worth the awareness, thanks for your time
jessie what in the fuck are you talking about because i am confused?
that reminds me i need to try out making my own scars
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Because subby bottoms are more often than not catty bitches who can't stand the idea that a dom might not want them when there's an ocean of better prospects out there and would rather pick someone who isn't an unhinged tranny with extreme self esteem issues that needs to be babysat 24/7. It's fun to fantasize about someone being yandere or extremely clingy but in practice it's just exhausting.
t. switch that tops 90% of the time and is sick of you whiny bitches
Oh, it's you. Good response though, curiosity satisfied, thank you!
>people beg for tops
>male characters initiate
>get schizo'd for months for being "sexpests"
yeah, gonna pump
thank you, I needed that
>Is your character a lesbian or straight?
she's very straight
>is your EB (goal) based on character gender or player gender?
character gender
i don't think i could be romantic with an eb so the player gender doesn't matter
I'm a thread late, but my femlala is a Democratic Socialist
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Cant believe the amount of people I see dying on this fight
I'm a sexpest lalaboy and PROUD.
halfway done with my yokai fate grind sisters...
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very rarely but sometimes
this one looks.... expired. trying to pull a fast one on me huh?
OBS to record my other screen and WebmForLazys to convert it! make sure you turn up the slicing to max or it'll come out weird and crunchy. also max file limit is 3.9
I also liked how you got the depth of field to be nearer to your avatar from that image you posted. Hidden in plain sight. And yeah, it feels good to work on longer ones when one has time admittedly, even if I could've done a lot better. Nothing ventured nothing gained!
Was in the mood to write. I should catch up on visual novels tho if you have any recommendations!

alright, gnite once more.
Get that puss, bro.
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i thought the inns were free for adventurers
>yokai fate grind
Have you considered the people doing said schizo posting are failed males who now play female and futa and larp as lesbians but get really mad seeing actually males succeed?
don't ask for dom male characters, you'll summon HIM
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Oh boy it's another "posing for two hours, only for it to frustrate me until the point I give up" episode, these are my favorite.

Best part is I don't even have anything to show for it at the end, so I have to make some shit up with default emotes so I at least HAVE a screenshot.

I'm so fucking done with Brio dude, Anamnesis actually got me a lot farther, believe it or not.
This is one of my least favorite xivg threads in months.
huh? are you on a private server?
cute lowlander
What the fuck are you talking about, retard? I brought up a relevant situation in another general on this board to point out how complaining about "offtopic posting" is nothing new and always happens when the game is in a rut, and you start acting like I'm a "mazed" WoWbuck here to shit on XIV for some reason. You literally invented a version of me that doesn't exist so you could be mad at someone.
kinda sick of the male middie fotm desu
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I'm sure we can make it worse.
I just want to let you know you're incredibly based and the only good poster in this shitheap of a "game" general
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God she's even stanced like Clive. It's uncanny.
can't get pregnant if your househusband's dead
cute sunnie, sorry posing went poorly
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not posting my wol
affection used to be higher but i broke up and im not sure i believe in the same stuff i used to, i still wish i could be 100% affectionate with someone but i know those people dont exist
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>Have you considered
Yes, it's not a secret, everyone knows that is what happens. Add in the other male characters that made the switch but end up wallflowering or just not succeeding in their pursuits.
uh oh tranny melty
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i am
a middie+
WoW isn't relevant. WoD isn't relevant. You and your ilk always bring up the same expansion with the same talking points about how WoD was so awful and you quit and started playing FFXIV. Yap yap yap.
i didnt even know this boss had a wipe move
I don't know what any of this means, honestly.
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My femlala believes in horse shoe theory
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yeah bro?
i mean you could call it that
no way lol
>gauss barrel
nice try buddy
Ahh it was night time so I added a bunch of lights. I love all the new zones, though. I need to take more pics since DT.
Wuh... Well feel free to say hi. Even if I appear busy or away. I interacted with so many there, I can't think of who.
Handsfree blowjobs make me diamonds
OOOOOH cool youre so lovesick for me yes be obsessed with me uwu
>cuts you off from your friends to spend more time with me
Hey no thats kind of smothery
>threatens you with self harm and runs your friends away
ewww youre kind of clingy go away
>feel sleepy and weak from the special drink you got and now youre awake in the basement with a pisspot and small TV with VHS player where thyre obsure anime but its my character cosplaying every single character in the anime
why are you posting this old ass screenshot
weak arm and chest
The point is that who cares if you get schizo'd? The people here have no actual power. They cant even say things ingame or they will get banned.
what version of Avalon is that?
how much is a korean sub?
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>WoW isn't relevant.
Uh bro? I don't know how to tell you this, but you're behind in the times.

Worlo Won... It's over...
Kill yourself pedo
Please don't.
OH, i see it now.
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Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 6:00am ET
Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 6:00am ET
equivalent to $3 usd
my wol is the ike of eorzea
every time he limit breaks he channels his up special and says
It feels bad being excluded from places
this rabbit promised me feet pics before DT and I still haven't gotten them!!!
this, but unironically
unless she fucks with my cat
then I'm the one who ends up knife-crazy
All my stuff is AB or Tre small. AB in this case. Some day I'll get the motivation to do my own upscales like after I upgrade my PC.
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I know that feeling. When I think back to the first person I ever developed feelings for, it's like watching events that happened to a different person entirely. I don't think I can ever care that deeply for someone ever again. Probably for the best, though. It wasn't healthy, and I wasn't myself.
I wonder if it gets harder, with each new person. I know some people who fall in love once a month and I don't know how they do it.
Gay sex with maleroes
Can we watch Ranma 1/2 (classic)?
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>cuts you off from your friends to spend more time with me
What are you gonna do when I beat you to this step because I'm clingier than you are?
does korean ff14 have an auto-translate feature?
wow, that's insanely cheap.
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incredibly post
>LT's cute bunny is back
general is saved
You're being excluded by people who you shouldn't associate with in the first place. Its a blessing in disguise. Nobody is physically stopping you from going to any place to talk to people.
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I miss cross class skills so much bros
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>no decent athena profiles on f-list
it's actually insane...
more please
I don't. I've been schizo'd and will continue to be, just agreeing with your point really. In the end, being cringe, being yourself, is the best way to be, regardless of who has issues with it.
where are the handsome male characters in the lb?
I love seeing cat wizard, making my day better
posting my moonies
>b4bs before raid wide
i love you
is this ai generated what the fuck its so good if it is
my femra acts like this
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I DID YOU DIDN'T SEE THEM WTF. Or are you not counting the feet pics after DT?
Nigger, literally what are you talking about? I played WoW over a decade ago and stopped when it became shit. I pointed out that the general for it became indistinguishable from XIVG even all the way back then. Would you have preferred if I just lied and said "well ten years ago during a content lull dwarf fortress general..." instead? Would it have fucking mattered at all besides making you have a meltie like this?

Quit being a faggot.
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I am the most boring straight male in this general.
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ai yeah, think its a program called luna or luma
>only 89%
Uh oooohhhh
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You're trying too hard to muddy their image in the thread when they're actually a great person and fun to talk to and have more genuine, real friends than you ever will.
You know nobody cares to look at your sex values score if you don't include your avatar right?
>more pure than deviant
Bi. And I have/had one but they stopped playing a while ago. I don't know if I want another because I've come to realize they were one of a kind. As in not a complete schizo retard that can't separate reality from fiction
Oh I guess I missed them but woah...
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Korea doesnt really have a "sub" like we do.
It's game time, but I think there is a way to put crysta points monthly. I dont do it though
It's about 20k points (pts=won) which is about 15 usd per 30 days.
However, there is another way of game time you can buy, which is the fixed rate. You can pay 5 hours or 30 hours and that time is only used up when you are actually in game. It's cheaper than the flat rate too.
Yes, funnily enough, the translate feature still has the options for saying that you can only speak english/japanese/german/french. Nothing for korean itself which could be actually useful for me lol
there's been a concerning rumor that this moonies does not wear underwear.
is this true?
only 89% straight buddy, looks like we gotta drag you out the closet
my moonie when she sees a cute femlala
Futas and shit get schizoed too. Anyone who is outgoing and initiates gets schizoed.
You say that, but some weak people here do give them power sometimes.
Is there a "I can't speak Korean." option further down?
My thighlander is lesbian for their moonie eb
OK, Lorilee.
you'd have to check
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Male Midlander
they seem fine to me
no evidence.
cute bunnies
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Nope, only "I can't speak English," French, and German
Don't get discouraged, it's hard to get anyone to care when you're not posting porn here.
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>50/50 affection-hedonism
I will be crafting my lowlander, later.
the real move is being your own schizo to get people to garner empathy from your plight and be your friend while the lesser schizos dont bother digging up real dirt on you because youre feeding the thread fake info.
You're a 43 year old man, get your life together.
are you implying doms can’t be affectionate?
nta but i'm a soft dom who can turn it up a notch or two if need be
Which lowlander build are you going? I'm using a smug brat shota build for my playthrough right now.
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Lorilee bros I don't feel so good after this....
affection/hedonism is the axis for being committed to a partner or sleeping around/doing one night stands. It has nothing to do with the dom/sub axis.
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Asexual. I have no plans on gaining a free teleportation. My negro, I am an inanimate 二乐飘爱爱夏爱思嘉爱娜依 Gd Googly Moogly.
>Dom is when I punch people in the face and tell them I hate them
You people are so retarded
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Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 9:00am ET
Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 9:00am ET
never ever
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he has stalked multiple people including a few from here
Nice armpit!
>switch to caster
>get skipped
This has to be one of the ugliest characters I've seen in this general
Maybe the Korean localizers just never bothered to add any new lines to the autotranslate set and only translated what was already there. 저눈 한국어를 못합니다.
Thank you..
Calling a defender the name of the person being defended just makes your stance look even weaker, you know.
Something like that should be very noticeable so you should have proof to post.
they looked good before DT but yeah they're pretty ugly now.
so was my catboy, i forgot to report back too
i do not think or know much about politics, however
kitten, daddy needs to check the discord server because the darlings in the group chat polycule said im not dom enough, its getting me a bit cross... KITTEN, MY CHEST, GET THE NITROGLYCER.... ACK!
This but unironically
I missed seeing that bun here
>awful person gets schizoed rightfully
>some people who pat themselves on the back for being open minded free thinkers disregard the warnings
>inevitably get burned
I call these people psychofodder. They exist to be kindling and prey for shitty people because they lack wisdom.
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That's what I figured. It would probably break the game if they did something like that
nice tits, ma'am
Idc about irl gender cause i'm not looking to e-date them, i mostly prefer female characters but some dudes are nice and i wouldn't mind ebing them
i wasn't being ironic LT's bunny is my favorite in this general
can i rape?
first of all, you're dumb
second, no one should be picking apart the results of a shitty 10 question test that barely goes into detail and rates you on how strongly you agreed or disagreed to the few questions asked
my characters hair is the blackest that i could pick but it looks washed out and grayish in a lot of lighting ever since the graphics update
All im asking for is proof when someone makes heinous accusations.
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Some relationships are lessons you have to learn. It's unpleasant to think about, but that's the deal. You let yourself mourn the relationship when it's over and let yourself be sad, but then you have to let go of that sadness when you no longer need it and continue to push forward so you can build new friendships and maybe even make romantic connections with others.
some people are straight up attracted to the warnings
t. someone who gets schizo'd and has seen people approach me on the basis of me being some dangerous entity
theres so many cute lalas in my alliance raid..
the pictomancer story is pretty good in my honest and unfettered opinion
>sees sign with caution minefield on it
>"OK but show me someone being exploded by one or I'm sprinting the field"
true and real
Except the sign is the word of some person, often posted anonymously
It's interesting that they are introducing an element to the overall lore of the game with it + some of the MSQ, dreams being related to happenings of reflections. I know Pixies from the First had basically full control of them, but I didn't expected it to be universe wide.
Can I PLEASE see your bum?
made generic boy, now for girl
give me all you have
im gonna find this lowlander and uoooh all over her with my sunnie ingame

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