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Previous Thread: >>497456270

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>9/25 (Wed) After Maint - 10/10 (Thu) 10:59 (JST)
Reijo (3*)
Kisaki (3*)
Shun (Small) (3* - Rerun), Kirino (2*- Rerun)
Saya (Casual) (3* - Rerun)

Descent of the Five Senses - 9/25 (Wed) After Maint - 10/10 (Thu) 10:59 (JST)
SCHALE Settlement Task with General Student Council - 10/10 (Thu) After Maint - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Kaiten (Urban - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 10/2 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/10 (Thu) 3:59 (JST)
Joint Firing Drill (Defense) - 10/10 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/16 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/26 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Commissions/Lessons - 10/2 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/10 (Thu) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 10/5 (Sat) 4:00 - 10/7 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)
2x Hards - 10/10 (Thu) 4:00 - 10/16 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals/Scrimmages - 10/16 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>9/24 (Tue) After Maint - 10/8 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Umika (3*)
Tsubaki (Guide) (3*)
Izuna (3* - Rerun), Shizuko (2* - Rerun)
Mimori (3* - Rerun)
>10/8 (Tue) After Maint - 10/15 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Kazusa (3* - Rerun)
Reisa (3* - Rerun)
Natsu (3* - Rerun), Mari (2* - Rerun)

Rowdy and Cheery! - 9/24 (Tue) After Maint - 10/8 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Indoors - Insane & Torment w/Blue Dmg) - 10/1 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/7 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Joint Firing Drill (Breakthrough) - 10/8 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/14 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/25 (Wed) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Lessons/Scrimmages - 9/30 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/7 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Normals - 10/7 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/14 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Commissions - 10/14 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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nom nom
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I hope the rest of the Seminar members know that I love Koyuki the most
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Shut up, you don't even have a voice.
Less than 24 hours until the event ends.
What did you think of it?
she foresaw it...
I didn't read it yet
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My precious desert rose.
Post your smuggest/brattiest Koyuki as proof...
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I'm glad some less popular characters got a chance to shine and they resisted shoving Hina in, mostly.
Achuko, Foomy and Myako are the sexiest. Slender hebes are the best.
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Now post her ass!
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my wife saori
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I'm not gonna do that every time dangit.
SShiroko rerun when
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My Lovely StudentWife Noa
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It is but a price to pay for the ritual.

We live in a timeline where people prefer CN dub over EN dub. What a time to be alive.
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Well tell the IRS I ain't buying.
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Iori my wife
>It's over for Japan
>character designs are on the same level as something boring and forgettable from 2010-2013
I'm thinking Japan is still winning
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For me, it's Junko.
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I liked that they managed to include almost every single club in the event. My main issue is that they didn't include PS68. They feel really disconnected from the rest of Gehenna (they weren't even in the DHina event) so they could have been used here. Probably as the ones involved in the test of courage which ends with Haruka trying to murder the "ghosts"
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So Gehenna is a mix of Germany & Spain?
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That one event where Sensei started getting aroused by Erika and Kirara.
Out of 10.
I need Koyuki's still warm freshly removed panties on my face...
Just wait for the selector ticket
I went 5/5 today because my students are great
PS68 unironically would have stolen the spotlight
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Thank you!
I enjoyed it a lot, though I wish we got to see a bit more of the Hyakkaryouran and Niya/Kaho, but oh well. Umika's voice was also extremely cute.
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Guys... I think... Uh
Have they been involved in anything with Gehenna besides V1C1 and Kayoko Ako in Vol F?
Same Chise, same
Hina in V1c3 and the Thunder emperor stuff
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mmm yes Eimi tiddies.
Shes 15
If you think, why are you?
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My adorable daughterwife Azusa.
Out of 100!
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PS68 weren't in V1C3
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15/10 tiddies.
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Patch notes: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2658579
Canon sensei is muscular, fat, and bald
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I demand your best pictures of Hoshino's butt.
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The Prefects Group Story. Ako was informing Hina about all the recent damages done by the students. PS68 stole a bunch of hall passes and were selling them for a profit, but it failed because nobody in Gehenna uses them anyway
I am going to cum on your adorable daughterwife's belly.
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she's just asking for it
and I'm going to deliver
This but Hoshino with pubes.
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>Nagisa rerun
Fucking hell, finally.
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coom in doom
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>GA Greg
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bro, your Iori?
I already have her
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I've had D. Hina on my offense team ever since she came out and I honestly have no idea how I'm winning my attacks.
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For the story it's part 1 of 3 now.
How long is the gap between now and part 2? I know part 3 and Kuroko is somewhere out in January.
Tenner spotted
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Oh, they're pushing up next weeks maintenance to now. We're still getting the Mimori/Izuna rerun, the Reisa banner starts on the 15th.
2 months so December
>Greg returning is such a happening that they announce it twice in the patchnotes
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can dHina survive greg torment?
>bro next GA it's yellow torment
I know I'm just wondering about future gregs
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Maki willingly downloading and running "sensei sex free game real no virus xxx.exe" (Chihiro will be furious tomorrow)
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If she got a crit there she would have oneshot Yuuka. I'm just happy whenever she tanks the fish because it's cool to see.
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Now with 2x more Greg
>the Reisa banner starts on the 15t
Pretty sure its still on the 8th.
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So it's timed with the Abydos Summer reruns? That makes sense.
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Oh I read it wrong, I'm retarded...
Doesn't that mean we accelerated by 1 week?
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I hate greg.
I mean she survives in INS just fine I don't see why not especially since you should be using Koharu with her anyways
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Wait the Mimori banner is running right now I thought there was a banner afterwards I am dumb

doesn't torment hit a lot harder?
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Nah, everything is still as scheduled otherwise there would've been a noticeable bump in the planner. Continue to dream of acceleration comrade.
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QUIET. Chise is thinking...
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You have to buy the crit pakeji for that.
Also, do Set
Kill yourself speednigger
Ass up, bucko
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>preemptively complaining about this upcoming GA Greg
just use Mine + dHina
just use Mine + nyMutsuki
just use Mine + Iori
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There is no way out.
They seem pretty hellbent on keeping that 6 month gap unfortunately
They should make it 2 months so you only have time to get 1 emergency spark and that's it
Also I think it'd be funny
Your what?
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If you don't care about the band alt then that banner might as well be called the Ako banner.
Ako is eternal.
play jp if you want things faster
Fuck. I hope she spooks me soon
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Any Noers?
>implying i have Mine
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/bag/ is a Mine general so naturally we all rolled and built Mine.
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How will she act when I finally pull her?
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Yes there is.
I'm bringing Uzawer (and Mine)
boring like unironically shit momos
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I'd be fine with a 3 month gap but yeah, they are hellbent on keeping the current gap. Shame, the anime stalling the schedule really made for the perfect time to trim some stuff down and get caught up but it is what it is.
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Headpats should have a 1% chance to give you the eleph of that student.
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I did 87 and I'm going to do much less for Red Set
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Tell me about Hifumi
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I don't see them speeding up, there's too many reruns and banners to trim anything down really. I don't think they could even make it down to 3 months even if they wanted to.
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Schizo Noa is a thing?
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But you meet the requirements for that one, don't you?
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Whore Your Mother is a thing
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the heck is noers
Look at them go
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>just use Iori
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Penis obsessed
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>Headpat a student.
>She cums and squirts out an eleph.
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Just halve every single banner
4 raids a month
2 Sets a month
They unironically didnt need 2 week reruns for a few events
you can use Makoto too if you don't want to
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I skipped everything since the NY Gourmets rerun.
No rape for me.
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aris's meaty thighs?
Akari consuming sensei...
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halve it more! new set every week
that's true but it's something they've always done for limited event reruns
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You can't say that so casually!
Finally, I can put Nagisa and then put her in brand gamer chair
>try Mine team
>DPS gets vibe checked before debuffs kick in
>3* Mine also barely cling to life the whole time
wow, thanks
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Squirting out eleph's because of sensei's throbbing cock penetrating their student pussies!
She is unerotic.
She is not sexy.
She is not for lewd.
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Kosaka Wakamo.
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I will be using the summer rabbits as John Nexon intended
user error
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Are there any alternatives for mine then?
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I'm fairly certain NY1 was the first event that did a 2 week rerun. Plenty of events with limiteds or welfares attached didn't. Sportsfes was like 3 weeks for both of them on the rerun I believe?
something something schedule is fucked eos coom in doom
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Hifumi is for porn, masturbation, and sex.
Uuuuhhhhhh...SSaki and Mina?
Mina or sSaki were made for it. Using one of the three is pretty much mandatory.
Swimsuit Saki, Mina
mine love
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Desiring Shiguregf
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> MFW still not spooked by S.Miyako
I guess it's time to build S.Saki then....
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Wrong. Hifumi is for hugs, headpats and buying Peroro merch together when she passes her exams.
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the guard that always lies
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Why's Hifumi hugging, heapatting and buying merch for my cock?
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What would Hoshino's ass feel and smell like?
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you think I have the means to invest in cSerina? I'm under 1m credits again
My wife is Mine.
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just buy more money
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Stop being delusional. She doesn't do any of that.
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Hifumi is only for the most advanced and degenerate types of sex.
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Life is... not bad, but also not great
>clear floor 74
>still have nfi what I'm doing
I got a feeling floor 99 is going to wreck my shit hard.
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Sometimes I wonder if my obsession with getting my students bond levels up is somewhat related to the crippling Runescape addiction I had as a kid
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It's Monday. Go to work.
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Then why does she looks like this?
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if I did that I'd just blow it on investing in other skills. I just finished 5MMM'ing Shoukuhou and I'm so close to doing the same for Mina

my sHanako is still unmaxed, my priorities are definitely in the right place
>hifumi ERPer is here again
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>I'm under 1m credits again
rntr is a good fetish
girls with wings are the best
Name all girls with wings
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It's true.
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Akari should beat me unconscious then rape me.
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I want to bury my face in her chest
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when I get 29 T2 Rohoncs I'm going to blow another 3mil on cKotama's EX
and then I have to get her EX to 5 obviously so that's another 10mil
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outsource the wings
Extremely high IQ post.
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Does Shiggy have big breasts or is she modest?
>JFD level 4 boosts sniper rifle student ATK
Isn't it still "just use sHanako lol" JFD?
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How far off are you from maxing all the Millennium girls now?
Are you actually building your Hibiki now that she's meta?
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for me it's kemonomimi
As a Shiggybro, I like her huge.
I'm not a Shiggyfag but I need her to be big
Play Runescape 3. You will love it.
pigeon crow hawk owl vulture eagle
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She doesn't look erotic. Just look at Hanako to see an actual erotic student.
Bury your face in Hanako's boobs instead.
yeah pretty much
Kikyou and Yukari are sniper users too so you can just chuck them on team 3
Now post BIG Shiggy
Ignore this retard
Rs3 is nothing like the old game
Cute horns. Would rub.
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>sniper rifle
>iron sights
Official design and taste wise I like her medium. But Big Shigure is very welcome as long as its not too big.
you pretty much chanted a marriage proposal
>Kikyou and Yukari are sniper users too
You meant Renge, right? I only have her and uninvested wide
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Hanako doesn't have an ass as erotic as Hifumi.
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They look like D-cups
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>No s.Misaki
>No T4 bond gear
>No follow up to the momotalks
Life is pain
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Kirara is pure sex
Umika is very cute
Tsubaki should get swimsuit alt
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Kikyou, Yukari, and Renge are all sniper users
Which one did you think didn't use a sniper?
Hotdogging Hifumi’s ass…
Sniffing umikas furr tail
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Newfag here. My club has like 3 maxed out sHanakos available. If I'll borrow 1 will I lose access to all sHanakos during that day or only to the one I used?
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Seia's release will break /bag/ and /vg/
Of course. Hanako's ass is erotic unlike Hifumi's.
only to the one you used
pretty far still, I took both Hibikis and Alice to 35 so I could equip them but haven't gone much farther. Just a lack of ooparts mostly, plus finishing off the railguns and Mina taking my attention. I'm almost done getting T9 stuff for my Millenniums though.

cHare is 90 and has her EX maxed, cKotama is 3767.... I'm REALLY not looking forward to finishing the bunnies but at least they're mostly at or close to 90 already so it's just an oopart grind. my Himari is still 4*
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Hifumi shows her ass on the chibi, Hanako doesn't show shit, even the summer version doesn't have any erotic ass.
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Gosling bros status?
>dickinvested my Mine into UE40
I'm good.
like vanilla and regret
Sexualizing Hifumi
Skullman is the best MomoFriend
This isn't even a zoospost I'm being serious
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Friendly reminder to pat your students.
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I hope she breaks me too
I'd release in Seia.
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where the fuck is the skullman alt?
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why there are no fence of sorts, do you just fall in dead cold water?
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living with the pain
None because Skullman sucks. Even Wavecat got a plushie before that loser.
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Staring at school girls ass to find a reason to keep living.
That's a lot of reasons.
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For me, it's Wave Cat.
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In spite of everything, I am still here.
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Good morning /bag/!
I had a dream I was playing Baldurs Gate and somehow there was Iori in it and the game was buggy as fuck and somehow the instance of Iori got duplicated. There was tree climbing there as well and I don't really remember the details.

With this dream Iori is now a student I had the most dreams of. That's a 2nd time.
Skullman is not marketable due to his fan only consist of autismo hobo with no money to pay for merch
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Sorry. Enjoy your 3rd Peroro alt and Perorowank.
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Entry level new "fans" of gacha are so embarrassing. This harassment & doxxing problem that's grown within the community is the exact reason why people insist we gatekeep.
reminder review
>a couple minutes after the official headpat time makes the reminder feel more comfy
>message is straight to the point and doesn't feel forceful
>correct grammar and even uses a period at the end of the sentence
>cute pic of Haruna to add to the comfy vibes
9.2/10 would get reminded again
mine likes wavecat
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>tfw 7300ish and hopefully stay there cause no core Peroro students and no Natsu to borrow
anyway is it only JFD next week on global?
I have to disagree due to previous PvP experiences, nyHaruna causes me stress. A image of base Haruna, sports Haruna or any other Haruna would be much more comfy.
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Brb, I'll craft more teddy bears
I just can't win
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Yeah, also Natsu banner and Reisa banner XD
Professor got a big ass?
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> Not one dream about fucking Iori
Why are your dreams so gay?
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9 more month to SMisaki that Drives™ her jeep, right bros?
just don't fall
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Icelandic ultra blue
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I was just told that my Grandma passed yesterday. Nearly 89 and she kept her wishes of not going to a home or being forced to live with someone. Not the worst way to go considering she was still smoking and driving but it's not happy news since she basically raised me.

I'm going to have to house sit while some of my family fly out to settle her things. Good enough time as any for the depression pizza.
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My prostate won't last for a week
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nut in nuts
Still here...
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I want to shoot my cum string in a straight line, and that line will match perfectly with Koharu's dark line.
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Hifumi didn't pretend that she can't swim hoping to hold hands with Sensei. It means that she is pure and not for lewd. Stop sexualizing Hifumi.
You passed
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Are you a bad enough dude to wear the Kayocute T-shirt?
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>having a wonderful rest
>suddenly my body forces me to wake up upon realizing I didn't do a 2nd head pat
Only a few more months of this...
The translation of the new event is awful. >Uncanny valley
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I just checked:
>dHina HP: 67,958 (assuming 2 specials without defensive sub skills + bond 10 on all hinas)
>Greg's highest hitting attack: 56,250 - 62,500 (green debuff counter)
>Greg's highest hitting attack: 67,500 - 75,000 (yellow debuff counter)
>Greg's highest hitting attack: 78,750 - 87,500 (red debuff counter)
in short, dHina can survive torment as long as you keep the counter green and her HP maxed out when he does his attack
Good night
Why can’t you fuckwits dress normally like normal people does
>didn't count defense
if normalfags can ironically wear those ahegao sweaters then I can wear the kayoko l2d shirt
I thought schale.gg included defense into the damage equation... does it not?
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hmmmmm, nyo
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Where Ogogee banner
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Kurumi cum on lower body cum in pussy cum on belly cum on chest cum in mouth cum on face
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Post your gift stash for Kurumi
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Ako is gosling core.
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According to schaledb, torment Greg has 1000 def penetration, so it's safe to assume that dHina has 0 DEF.
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Good day fellow Mika enjoyers
What? No I don't like her like that I just want to cum on and in her
Why do we relate Aoi with prostate exams?
Good day
Mine is the best unit in the game from a gameplay standpoint. She repositions, sucks in enemies, applies def down, tanks, and heals herself. She's not "core" for anything but god you wish you had her when she shines. Certified JFD and event challenge queen with plenty of use in raids.

I also run her solo tank in PvP.
Her default sprite has her adjusting her glove and everyone just meme'd this like a doctor preparing to give you a prostate exam
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The way she's posed in her sprite looks like a doctor snapping on a glove to do an exam.
What a week huh
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Fuck cats.
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Rin has gloves too
can't tell if this is going to be pretty maldy or not
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sex alert
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>Ibuki in my cafe
>Walks up to sMiyako who is taking a shower
>"Adults like this? Hmm, I'm not too sure."
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not my wife, uninterested. out of the way child.
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Plenty of students wear gloves, the pose is what's important. Rin is adjusting her glasses. Aoi is adjusting her glove.
Even if you give dHina set HP, it's still hard as fuck eh
love nopan pantyhose but Niyaniya does nothing to me.
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she's a bad girl that craves sensei semen.
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GF2 is getting popular.
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But Set has 850000 health at lowest floor possible.
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No one sagged
who is your wife?
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Makes me sad that BA is finally declining. Feels like it got killed off 3 years early thanks to the shenanigans that were pulled this year.
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Well, he only does this attack like every other minute or so it's not like it's impossible, the first one can even be yellow or possibly even red counter because of his initial 30s attack down so as long as you can keep dHina at max HP and the counter at green during the other two times he does it you should, in theory, be fine.
If you want to, you can even try it yourself during the next GA yellow torment greg and see if you can have dHina survive until the wipe.
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don't care about C&C, simple as that.
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Toki and Karin supremacy, simple as
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One of them was about having 7 children with Karin and Iori was called auntie by the kids.
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What happened to my precious Nonomi?!
Cute innies and pubes.
Mika should die
I wanna suck Akane's tits and bite them until I mark every last bit of them AAAAAAAAAAAAH
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love smug fluffy lolis in pantyhose, so Niyaniya checks all the boxes to me.
Nothing last forever, always cherish the moment you got in the past three years
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skill issue
So much for this game being “not sexual”…. You men are all pigs…
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Akane's entire body is built for me
Hag sex
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It was a fun ride, but I'll see you over in BA 2 after it's over
Meant for >>497483612
She stared too much.
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Saya cunnilingus
Well alright, I can test it out later. I already have dHina with HP and atk set bonus and 30 lvl bonds on both Hina and sHina so it's probably worth to try
She's 16
Stared at what?
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do report back then if you end up doing it please I'm curious on how it'll actually turn out
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Seia fried.
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Out of 10
hoping to dream of shigure
Taste the doom!
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When I say Miyako you say Love!

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Retard tatas
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kisakilove source?
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oh I just realize it's greg global, I thought it was for jp sv. My bad, I don't think I can test it until next jp greg rerun

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