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>Terry Teaser, Gameplay and Guide trailer

>Year 2 Character Reveal Trailer

>The official Capcom Pro Tour 2024 website is live

>S2 Balance Patch

>High level replays

>Street Fighter 6 Frame Data

>SuperCombo Wiki

>Fighting Game Glossary

>Use Fightcade to play ST, A2, A3, 3S, CVS2, etc

Burned out: >>497402512
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post wheels
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The voice of the spirit, only I can hear it!

Remember to lab today, anon.
timmy will get duffed in sf4 by one normal over and over and say the game is shit

then happily throw loop you in sf6 and actually think he's nice
i can't lab if you keep posting this goon goblin
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I think I'll play Ken today
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Why does /sfg/ doubt da ALFA?
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>no bocchi thread
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I think people are allowed to be lazy in Fighting games because winning only matters. If you needed execution to do things at the highest level I'd be more impressed with more players. I appreciate lab monsters and SPECIALISTS with their characters far more than simplicity
Cute, right? :3 *blanka chan*
I would but arcade and vs. are my most played
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who can i play in sf6 to duff with one normal over and over again? i used to do it with birdie standing mk
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you can't. They created an entire mechanic just to kill off poking.
Ed standing Heavy Punch.
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My ultra-sexo wife.
or kens or ryus
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*hits vape in the middle of winning evo*
True, they're the same button. Ed's is more obnoxious because of the rest of his kit tho
For whatever reason Cammy just doesn't get me going. I think she's too cute? My favorite SF6 girls are AKI, Manon, and Marisa
cammy hyper scat
>i pray im never this retarded like this stupid crab
Drive rush overhead is the biggest oversight in this game, needs to go
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you have low self esteem and you don't think you deserve a sweet normal girl that would understand your trauma. Thats why you like crazy bitches or women that would dominate you.
>at least overhead kick is free for the first knockdown or so, i'd just play assuming the bison will panic after that
i'm actually trying to do it less. that move is honestly a stupid knowledge check.

i keep doing mp xx overhead and most people eat it, or don't know how to punish, but it's honestly a horrid habit.
except for the poor sods that eat 6 of them per round
As disgusting as drive rush overhead is, it's one of the lesser problems with the game. Which tells you just how retarded dOGSHIT6 truly is
this is why ken is one of the few honest characters in the game. he has no DR overhead
>gets meaty overhead without DR
play to win, anon. if it works it works.
i remember being able to mash it out fast enough to DI return if they wakeup DI it.
funny stuff

just do what you can to win. remember that your opponent is always holding up, don't play around the grab
You might be right, thank you therapist Chun
mago tierlist
are people really driving hours to locals just to throw loop each other?
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she literally only has one button.
honestly, you should map all 6 buttons to hp with her, no point in doing otherwise except to get an accidental medium button which WILL whiff, no matter how close you were beforehand

oh i'm aware.
i just wish manon had other alternatives.
b.hp is plus, but only barely, has fuckall range and you can't light confirm after
no safe special ender either, so you have to be real nice with spacing traps, and i'm honestly not that nice with manon's
>top 3 is shadaloo niggas
ngl i dropped her like 7 months ago even though she's my favorite character in the game by far
too torturous to play
why is Terry so bad?
his normals suck ass
he didn't elaborate much but his normals aren't that good and he gets mauled by the top 5
no corner carry, no damage and no neutral skips
retard dlc downlplay
rashid and ed were also "bad" on release
he has the second biggest cMK in the game and gets you to the corner in one interaction
>no damage
Remember the unhinged rants about Cammy being bottom tier when season 2 launched.
that was one dude having a melty, no way anyone actually felt that way
What is with the Japanese putting Manon at middle tier this character is arguably bottom one and loses all interactions on paper she is straight up dysfunctional
its funny how guile (according to mago) can't be a tier because his matchup against .......zangief is so poor. why is zangief an anti-zoner in this game man, fuck snake eyez and his bitching
I believe in the noah principle. If noah thinks he can play the character, then they are top tier.
Nigga this is old news
there's this one manon player in japan named akutagawa who bodies pro players with her on the reg
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They are eventually going to give Kimberly a very slight nudge and she will shoot straight into S-tier.
Here, translated.
Noah has a grand total of one character though, he switched to top 1 akuma on punk and got steamrolled
>scammyfag brain
>play long set with someone on cabinet
>some faggot comes and cuts in
>bodies me first match
Sorry, but you ain't getting you rematch
He's not

They don't, his crmk and 5mk are standouts

Well now you're just making shit up, he has all those and they're not bad in the slightest
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PC plus PS5 time
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Looking at hitboxes is important
I thought this was a disjoint. It has a fucking hurtbox.
someone make a webm out of this so i can post it every time a 700mr cammyfag tries to downplay
Ed has the most retarded buttons
Ed's only disjoints are flickers and st.hk which is an anti air, but his K buttons recover so fast you're not going to whiff punish them on reaction.
that's proof that akuma is low tier
>this is an """"antiair""""
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the hurtbox also lingers for way longer than the animation suggests
tokido agrees
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Voted Lei Lei btw
lmao i member
What’s he doing with Rogs woman
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Mai in December?
1500-1600 is the most fraudulent MR rank, just complete random nonsense and whoever is the most random stays at this level, it's insanity
>bungled my placement matches for Terry, get put in Diamond 1
>more time to play, learn, and get comfortable with him on the way to Master rank

I'll take it
everybody laugh at this nigga
this nigga thinking capcom are gonna release shit early? HAHAHAHAHA
Enjoy the February release like Ed dumbass nigga
Lmao no. Remember when Akuma got teased in December with a poster and then game out like 5 months later
I play way too honest
I never drive rush in neutral, I don't throw loop etc etc
When are they reworking Terry's face? People paid hard earned money for that shit
As much as Akuma and Bison have been nightmares to fight, I think Terry might honestly be the most boring character to play against
I hate fighting him but now that I'm trying him he's kind of boring to play
Why does drive reversal not fucking come out on wakeup sometimes? I'm literally HOLDING forward and pressing DI on my wakeup, and I get drive impact? How the fuck?
Holy fuck this is the most dogshit input in the entire game, game decides you shouldn't get drive reversal and you end up dead as a result, fuck this garbage
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holy fucking based lmao
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pure fucking neutral
air t pose
Terry feels so out of place because he doesn't have any form of style or unifying aesthetic to his moves and animations. He's just punch kick man with awkward shit for special moves. Street Fighter may go a little overboard sometimes, but at least each character has a coherent aesthetic and style, fictional or based on a real martial art or fighting style.
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I feel like SNK characters are stuck into specific niches due to the 3 on 3 format
Terry is so normal and well rounded that he feels unnecessary in SF6.

We have 5 shotos.
They didn't even bother make him feel like an SNK character he's just a shoto that spams low forward and neutral skips to throw loop you in the corner
This is true. It's pretty funny how much people suck off SNK but as soon as a cross-over happens everybody realises these characters are just boring and have no flavour
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I can't believe I already have this many games against him, EVERYONE played him the same way.
You described it perfectly. Huge shame, man.
first nigga that does that to me is getting permablacklisted
ngl you lose the set if you get flexed on like this
If I ragequit how can you prove it? In many ways, I never even played the set.
The irl ex DP? Damn he's good...
nigga definitely paid for that hairline rejuvenation
Guile’s style of zoning is just not that bad for Gief in this game, Marisa also has a positive match up against him.
Sim, JP and Ed all decimate Gief.
yes yes gas yourself even more that jive was not total dogshit
I am going to learn how to make mods since nobody will make a female Dhalsim mod.
Wish me luck, fellow autists.
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mental illness innit
Blud's shadowboxing jivers oh my days
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this game had some funny ass webms
There was some nigga yesterday pretending Jive had no corner carry kek
Jivefags just live in a completely different reality from normal people.
even the cheaters in jive were funnier than dix
I don't care about guest characters, I want Elena already.
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webm for retards my dude
This but skip her for Sean, Gill, Urien and Alex
>no Remy and Necro
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Jive certainly had corner carry, every fighting game does, but not from roundstart conditions. And the characters that could corner to corner you - even with optimal VT usage - were the exception, not the norm, even if we count side switches it just wasn't as easy to corner you opponent. Jive also had no throw loops, so the corner wasn't nearly as scary as it is in SF6.

How many times have you been taken to the corner because the opponent did roundstart drive rush low xx drc into corner carry? This is literally how Kusanagi won that event.

You can't replicate that in jive because
1. You can reliably check dashes, you can't reliably check drive rushes
2. You need to hitconfirm lows
3. You usually don't have full EX meter at the start of a round, and even if you do it doesn't always help
4. Moves just did not do as much corner carry full stop
5. No throw loops
6. Three different recovery options beat autopilot oki unlike in SF6 where quickrise and backride have the same advantage and there is no delay rise except from certain moves
7. V reversal isn't dogshit
8. V shift isn't dogshit
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I always appreciate a slight clit poke
>boltstrike talked about how he couldn't play Sagat in SFV because he could never DP
>in sf6 he has world class DPs
the mickey power up
>players cannot get better
crabba power down
It's funny how everyone simultaneously around the world just became DP gods overnight and just immediately got better all at once! They must have trained together somehow, surely. I wish I got the global invitation to the hyperbolic time chamber so I could level up too
In his defense, Sagat's DPs were weird. L DP famously lost to crossups a lot even if you crosscut it, and you had to kara DP some jumpins and in some combo routes.
Sagat also had a very fucking boring playstyle which is probably the bigger reason one wouldn't want to play him
>being this much of a retarded crab
go for the triple down
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Nah, Sagat's DP was amazing
It's one of her only good buttons too, haha. I can beat Honda's buttslam with it sometimes.
Against a dumbass doing a bunch of super telegraphed moves like this, yeah. There's tons of clips of his DP just whiffing at close range though. He had antiair stHK to cover some ranges but not all
Chimperly has an amazing stmk and crmk albeit
>lingers for way longer than it suggests
>you're not going to whiff punish them on reaction
Which is it?
Oh well. If you saw clips then I guess I'll just kneel. I mean what do I know, I only played the character every day for years
You think so? While st. MK is good I feel that her neutral options are generally shut down if she ever initiates the interaction. Making her feel like a counter poke character
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>He had antiair stHK to cover some ranges
fucking lmao, his HK covered almost everything.

i'd give my left kidney to have that damn button back in 6
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I loved beating Luke players in SFV.
Yet most people who fought him felt it was not well made lol.
why doesnt the sagat player drive rush in after the DP
That Luke was legit braindead. He's jumping like he's in the original Jojo:ASB lol.
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Episode 11 (and Mai) waiting thread
tbf, a black sharpie isn't exactly gonna break the bank
sf6fags will post these webms tomorrow like they're terrifying gore videos.
this strategy is actually unbeatable. if you jump he shoryukens, if you stay on the ground he fireballs. literally impossible to win.
>Dive kick didn't work
>And again
>And 4 more times

Cammy is such a fraudulent character. I mean every top tier is but it's always cammy's who try to dive kick 6 times in a row.
makibros...ingridbros...eaglebros...what went wrong...
Gods the art was good then
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they should add him to sf6
should've been kyo
how come hashogeki is safe on block but akuma's fire punch move with the same input is unsafe on block
sandal powerup.
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hold on, fellow sagat appreciator.
pure zoning is 6 just doesn't work for me.
between the higher damage on jumpins, drive rush, and the lack of a sagat function i lost the will to even try.

akuma sorta works, but 9k hp, and knowing you're not utilizing the full akuma potential really is a bummer
heavy and ex are safe AND they have a sway built into them.

PC heavy fire punch is basically game over
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anyone just randomly mash for no reason during downtime? i drum my buttons after landing a sweep
I noticed I do it whenever I land a throw
Yeah I sperg the fuck out when I throw someone for some reason. I don't know how or why I picked up the habit but I type an essay every time
I call it "calming the 'tism"
I started doing it out of subconscious habit after seeing so many Japanese offline tournaments
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Sf6 needs a character like this
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remix time
who is the best character to play in sf6 to prepare for mai?
sagatbro, what is it that you enjoy about playing this character?
aki i guess
lily looks like this
The only way Capcom will get me to play again is a full recreation of this normal
No one expected Terry to be this ugly, you're getting a Mai with ayyyy eyes just like lily
the feeling that the other guy got absolutely outplayed with pure fundamentals makes my tummy tingle.

each win with sagat is 100 earned.
except pic related, it's the one time i actually felt bad winning a round with him
cammy sMK mogs
FT10 anyone?
uh, no one plays this game anymore. sorry.
Oh that sucks.
Terry turned out to be boring, which is what I was expecting, but also kind of weak? He has all the tools that makes a character strong in this meta like crmk DR and slow fireball DR and yet he seems rather limited. It goes to a degree that I wonder if these elements do truly matter for a top tier. We had Dee Jay being mad strong for a season and he's still strong despite of him lacking a Drive Rush cancellable low forward.

How can one single guy still be outperforming everyone else and putting out this much new tech in games while looking this chad?
buttons, easy damage is equally important. both of those are completely mid if not below average for terry
Terry is fun :)
how long did it take you guys to unlock the chun color?
Terry's smile is fucking nasty how can you mess up a character this hard who the fuck worked on him?

horror engine

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