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Rush Duel General #35

Previous Thread: >>496941296

A general to discuss everything Yu-Gi-Oh! Rush Duel, playable on EDOPro and Duel Links, plus the Go Rush anime.

>Recommended simulators
●EDOPro (PC/Android):https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●Duelingbook (online). Visit:https://www.duelingbook.com
Hosts, use the tag “rdg” and the password “vidya”; on EDOPro, specify the server.

>Useful links
How to:https://www.konami.com/yugioh/rushduel/howto/
Probability calculator:http://yugioh.party



>Upcoming Releases
●Neo Legend Awakening Pack (Oct 12)
●Salamandeus of Scorching (Nov 16)
●Triple Build Pack: Evolution Impact (Jan 11)

>Duel Links stuff
Yuo Goha unlock event
Wasn't Yuo like the last Goha brother to show up? Why did they put him first on Duel links? Was it because of Fusion shilling only?
He's the arc villian of the arc they debuted in.
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>Was it because of Fusion shilling only?
Basically yeah, you couldn't exactly have Fusion be introduced without the character who introduced it.
And you can't really add Go Rush without something to spice it up. Sevens brought Rush and Go Rush bringing nothing would suck
Helps that most of his siblings used non-unique decks. The Baseball and Millennium Shield focused ones were the most unique aside from Fusion.
We could've have gotten Garian instead. He introduced fusions to the Luke manga.
For being such a "puppet master" Yuo is kind of a nothingburger actually.
Duel Links for the most part is an anime-focused game, the only exception being DM (and by extension DSoD but even that is still based on the anime movie and specific tie-in manga)
>Yuna is the new arc's "big bad"
>Celeb Rose shilling back in the OP
Celeb Rose Chads, more support soon...
>Celeb Rose Chads
Those exist?
It's one of the most popular themes in Japan, although it's also a shilled Konami favorite.
Yeah, Goha Siblings were wasted and that includes Yugoha too who got PWN'ed by CHADuke despite all his ominous appearance.
Kuaidul is the best Rush era antagonist.
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galaxy deck in top 4 https://www.twitch.tv/happyryax
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Where are you getting these from?
Just a glance at the filename should have told you where it's from if you had been here for more than a day
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>Psychic win it all
>Farmed 4x Cydra duelists back to back
Romingods I kneel
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What majestic art.
I hope witch continues to get more support outside of the Sevens Road. She's basically the reason I picked up Spellcasters in the first place next to Straynge Cat
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Please don't tell me that means Dragias Burst, Zerogias, Gaigias and Zerogaigias aren't coming anytime soon...
If they are coming, there's no way to know or plan for it like certain character's archetypes would normally.
Konami could just randomly dump the Dragias stuff in a random set for all we know
There is literally no way to tell when. AGG wasn't even out yet when we got it in DL.
Not really. A bunch of manga cards are in here too. Masked and Vision Heroes from the GX manga are in. And so are the manga versions of the 5D's dragons. The numbers monsters used by the manga-only Heartland mascots are in too. And from what I've heard, some of the Performapals in the game are also from the manga.
Yeah but most of that stuff is thrown out as box filler well past the point they're relevant and never see play. You won't see manga stuff get a big skill like an anime ace would to make it relevant.
Ban fucking cyber dragons now
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>even his crimes are being forgotten.
>Masked and Vision Heroes from the GX manga are in
Yeah but its not like they had a manga Jaden with manga-related skills from the boxes focused on manga stuff. It was just random stuff they had on hand and shoved into a box as an afterthought.
Manga cards in general don't get a massive focus because Duel Links mainly focuses on the anime
I said "most" for a reason.
Why the oddly empty space? Is there a character that pops out afterwards?
It's so weird that it's not symmetric.
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Damn imagine a full art of this.
I procrastinated too much and my two ur dream tickets expired...
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For Speed, or Rush? I don't remember cashing in any Rush UR dream tickets recently and I tend to use them when they have less than a month left. I think I have a couple that expire in November. If they were Speed dream tickets I probably spent them on something stupid.
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Meeg-chan deck in street replay. Bendorbeak finally found a use?
It's an interesting variant but I think most use Servant of Dawn.
>About to rank up
>lose 3 duels in a row
I fucking hate AGG.
That's why you will always be a lottle dropout boy nanone
>Japanese name: cutesy name based on the cutesy sound that sheep make
>American name: named after the dead flesh of her own kind
What's the localization team's problem?
>About to lose using Yudias.dek with only Rainac and Ephyrai in hand vs CyDra
>Draw Galactica Force, Meteor Mirage and another Ephyrai
>Destroy his Cyber Twin Dragon with a super buffed Rainac for game
I fucking love Yudias.dek.
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TWO Chronicle Twins?
I know that the localizers have a lot of problems. But they usually limit themselves to missing the joke or removing things that might turn children into Satan worshippers, like guns or boobs. But this seems weirdly morbid for them.
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Cute couple
Not the only example, but in both English and Japanese Mouton is cut dyed sheepskin.
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I want to make Yuamu watch as I rape her brother.
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Yeah, but that's not her Japanese name. They changed her name in the localization.
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Big condom. I'm gonna cut sheep's intestines out and wear them.
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It's an edit from a schizo in the anime threads.
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Is there a schizo hating on Rovian? Why?
It was one of the phases of Ranranfag where he compared Rovian's treatment to Ranran's before he went full on the Asaka hate.
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I cannot wrap my head around Metarion doing well I NEVER draw into Fusion in any duel and just die with shitty vanilla monsters how the FUCK are people making this work
He's diversifying now and also hating on Yuna and Nyandestar. I hope that guy who was defending him in the previous thread sees this.
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Me when chapter 13 of the Go Rush manga
Nyandestar even said in the manga the reason for her cat form was to avoid perverts.
I know
little does she know how fruitless her efforts are...
She should have done more research. Even rush alone would have told her otherwise with that slut cat card.
so the yuo event got to the point when yuga and the others crashed into the sixcross, and he asks about fusion. I know the forcesizers thing won’t be resolved until the duel against the lukeman. But i guess the event will end when they leave the sixcross. I guess the next event for the sevens world would be unlocking the yuro, yujin, yuka, yuran, and the lukeman?
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Five characters in one event, yes.
Rushchads keep winning.
I doubt they'll make all the other 4 siblings playable, maybe just Yuka since she duelled more than once and has a fairly unique deck but that's it.
I doubt we're getting all of them. But there might be some hope for some of them. I'm still hopeful for Yujin since Umi + Daedalus was actually viable at some point and the fact that we got Secret Order gives me hope that Grand Extreme isn't out of the question.
I'm sure we will just get Yuka.
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It might be just that we get another RoaRomin styled box. Where they'll toss the remaining cards of the other siblings in a box like Getta and Ushiro
>duel runner
Riding duels are a thing in rush?
Yuga does do a "riding duel" against Yuo's brother but it's just an ordinary duel while they race at the same time.
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all in duel links.
All of the Goha Siblings basically reference the previous animes beforehand in some way. Yuro uses Wind monsters and likes speed and dueling on hoverbikes.
I think I'd prefer The Lukeman just being a skill for Luke, he only ever duels in the show possessing Luke's body even if they're separate characters so it works out. Though if you do that I dunno what character you'd add during an event that covers The Lukeman climax duel.
Grinding out rush events is such a pain.
I can easily shit out 8k plus duel ratings without items in speed duels and even then It's a chore to get max points.
Why would you bother? Just auto it.
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Tengen toppa zeus.
Yeah, but even when I'm grinding out gate material by clearing gate missions and fighting npcs every 5 hours I still don't have enough material to get all the rewards.
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I have seen a gazillion lolibabas including lolibabas who are moms, but I have no idea why it is so appealing to me when it's mimi.
Never even watched sevens.
Because she's the cutest.
The Extra Spice + Roastery + Normal spam deck has been the one I've had the most success with when trying to get high scores. But it does feel like things can go wrong very easily without any search effects. I generally just wait until we're at the point of the event where we get x3 gauge every few duels and use the gate to fill the gauge instead, since the level 50 opponents have big point bonuses and better odds at dropping the good cards.
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What's the best brat deck?
Too bad her deck isnt girly.
3 decks, and none of them is any girly. That's the main reason Yuna and later Epoch get so much screentime. Celeb Rose and Dicemites have to carry the girly/waifudeck market.
If only she looked like this in the anime.
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Does Romin have other side personalities besides Hangry Romin?
No and she stopped going Hangry after the first 40 episodes anyway
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I agree, but only if she kept the striped socks from her UTS design
What the fuck is war to zen true good night?
Japanese speech twisted to make a secret language
Another Rush Tournament today
here's the summaries for the nexxt episode:

Episode 129: 昆虫忍者来襲 – Konchū Ninja Raishū
(The Insect Ninja Attack!)
With the new Otes at the helm, the Goha Company has transformed into a global corporation. Among those who have sided with the new Goha is a group that wants to cause chaos and mayhem in the world. Intending to offer the rebels to Goha as a present, Nanahoshi Tenten comes along with the branch Nanahoshi family to challenge Yudias to a Duel!

Episode 130: 白い帽子とマッサージチェア – Shiroi Bōshi to Massāji Chea
(White Hat and Massage Chair)
Asaka and co. sneak into the detention facility for rebels. There, they find Zaion waiting for them. In contrast to Mutsuba Heavy Industries, which has declined, Setsuri Furniture has successfully opened 88.8 billion stores by teaming up with Goha. The presidents of the two companies, Asaka and Zaion, begin a clash of ideals through a Duel!

Episode 131: サムシング – Samushingu
Manabu and co. escape from the detention facility and meet up with Yudias. However, they are discovered by Otes. He tells them that he’ll let them get away if they can beat Zuwijo in a Duel. Carrying his friends’ fate on his shoulders, Manabu begins the Duel! Will they obtain freedom…or life imprisonment?

Episode 132: 運命のオス! – Unmei no Osu!
(A Fateful Cheer!)
Please no not more Zaion what a nothing character
Programmer socks*
>Episode 131: サムシング – Samushingu
>Manabu and co. escape from the detention facility and meet up with Yudias. However, they are discovered by Otes. He tells them that he’ll let them get away if they can beat Zuwijo in a Duel. Carrying his friends’ fate on his shoulders, Manabu begins the Duel! Will they obtain freedom…or life imprisonment?
Time for the Zuwijo assrape.
>more Asaka
I hope we get an actual real Fusion Spell this time. It fucking sucks seeing everyone else get their own Fusion Spells but I have to play a Field Spell with a cost just to be able to do something other than play raw field materials
First they should give Asaka fucking Blasthurricane and a Fusion.
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Call them whatever you like NeoArk, I just call them cum targets
>reach KoG
>finally get to play fun decks instead of Cyber Dragon all the time
It's Metarion time
>Fukamura, Sabyuas, and Zeyet have 3 Duels
>Bryuea has 1
>Kuyamuya has 0
Yeah ruin KoG with the deck even stronger than Cydra, cool, so glad you're here
You are insane if you think Metarion is stronger than CyDra
No, he is right. Cydra is like the 3rd best deck. It's just the most popular by a large margin.
How the fuck did Dark Magician make top 4
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>chapter 2 of the manga reveals that "War to Zen! Maniac You Die!" means "All aliens are brothers" (Uchūjin mina kyōdai)
>Velgearian is corrupted Japanese
>preview of episode 3 of the anime (the one with Galactica Oblivion as the featured card) has Yudias says "Aliens don't lie" (Uchūjin uso tsukanai) at the end
>"War to Zen! Awesome True Goodnight!" = "Aliens don't lie"
>two of Meeg-chan's spell/trap support are on the banlist
why did Duel Links do this to our eternal friend Chupataro's deck?
I understand most of the velgearian translations but I still dont get how the hell they got "war to zen" from "uchujin" aside from just having the same amount of syllables
The spirit of Atem ran through that player.
Why doesn't monster reborn work on legend cards?
I was going to say I agree with Metarion not being that good, but man when it pops off it kinda hits
Kill the Maximum, Metarion loves killing Maximums.
What do you mean? I don't remember ever hearing about that rule.
I tried rezzing my ancient gear golem with monster reborn, but it's never available as an option when I use monster reborn
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ancient gear golem can't be special summoned
>keep attacking into tribute set AGG
>one guy even set it on turn 2 instead of attacking into my set monsters
That's what I get for multitasking
Last I set a tribute monster the guy I was playing against fucking destroyed it with Harvey.
>Use Chaos Femtron's effect
>Mills my only 2 traps and my legend spell card
Oh BABY I love playing Yggdrago
I read this as I milled my last secret order playing Galaxy
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>play Metarion
>either draw every spell in my deck except Fusion
>or every spell in my deck with no monsters
>or this
Your fusion conscriptoon skill?
As someone that mostly plays master duel and only plays duel links for rush. I hate skill so fucking much
>Just hit KoG of Games with HERO
feels good, man. I completely cleared my opponent's board before going for game, too.
End of November for the last irl speed set, after that have hope for printed.
God that would be great.
Saion, the best character.
Who's gonna job to Yuna/Oteshi to hype them up as arc big bads?
Go Rush doesn't have anyone left that would make them look good by jobbing
Phaser? He only has 1 loss.
Do girls actually like Luke, or do they just lust after "I can fix him" types like Roa and Yuo?
Rather than Luke himself, YugaLuke and LukeRomin are popular ships.
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>silver border
>aurora foil
This is a Pokemon card
Phaser has the record but I doubt anyone takes him seriously enough as a character to have any impact from it. The only character that really feels like a big deal if they lose is Zuwijo and they already blew that card with Dark Meister.
Also guy needs something new because 3 of his 4 wins have been Abyss Poseidra nuke and swing.
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He has his fair share of fans. Mostly fujos like everything in this franchise
Roa was definitely the biggest fujo attractor, I distinctly remember Sevens/Go Rush's subber crying over his treatment and threatening to drop the show if he lost again at one point.
There's no way Manabu loses again against Zwijo, right? But then again i can't see Swijo losing to anyone not named Yudias
I really want Manabu to win this. But Zwijo almost never loses. Even Yuhi lost his rematch against him.
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Manabu winning would be the most shocking duel result of the series.
>kog rank up game against meeg
>brick hard
>get chipped down because I can't do much more than set 1 for several turns
>almost come back, get them down to 100LP
>they top deck the exact card they needed and finish me
Can't even be mad. Meeg is based. They deserve the win just for playing it.
The funniest thing is that right after winning against Yuka (when the subber made that threat) he jobbed to Luke 2 episodes later.
Is the Go Rush anime ending yet? I want Synchros.
Please no. I'd rather them introduce a new rush exclusive card type than the card type that started the decline of normal duel monstars. Or just don't make new ED types at all.
This >>497847779
Give us red card extra deck monsters
If you had to design a new red ED type what would the summoning gimmick be?
I really don't want Konami designing a new ED type ever again after Links.
Links were a good idea if they had stuck to the fucking gimmick of needing them for other ED types. But konami lost their nerve and decided to walk that back instead.
If you say so, MR4 is when I left the actual game and never looked back.
All that really did is that every archetype ended up having to get them in order to be functional. The only problems with Links are that they're too generic and that the design philosophy with them revolves around link climbing a bunch of times in a single turn. Both problems can be fixed by just not being retarded when designing the monsters and not giving every single archetype a Link-1. The gimmick of how they use the arrows is unique, so that part is good. Not sure why they can't be put on defense mode to rotate the arrows, though. Seems like a missed opportunity.
I don't think most archetypes needing them to be function is inherently a bad thing. Being forced to run some links with good arrows instead of 5 in archetype cards and then 10 generic gudstuff cards(that are probably better than your actual archetype unless it's a meta deck) and being forced to burn extra resources to make them isn't a bad thing. The issue is as you said, broken link 1s and overly generic links with good effects. And yeah, defense would have been an interesting thing they could have done.
Not sure, but it should have something to do with levels, or combining attributes into new ones

The issue with links is that they're too fucking generic, and not enough of them have the co-link restriction.
What about some sort of ED maximum-style monster? Or something similar that takes up multiple card zones. Maybe make it use a monster zone and a spell trap zone so it's not as railroaded into needing to be a big beatstick with protection like normal maximums? Call them overload monsters or something.
i don't believe you fucking played during mr4 then half the old decks were outright unplayable under those rules. yu-gi-oh isn't just competitive, casual play was completely ruined by those rules when your old ass archetype can only make a link that dies next turn before you can make a play off it.
Not only does it unnecessarily limit archetype design to always need to have link monsters but it also creates a new problem where expecting the player to summon a Link just to be able to play their deck means that the archetype also needs to be able to do all that extra work, which means even slower gameplay. Like, "Hey, do you love sitting through Madolche summoning 9 times in one turn? No? Well, fuck you, here's Madolche summoning 12 times in one turn because now it needs a Link 2.". The design needs to move away from requiring the player to summon a shitload of times to build their board, not towards it.
Metalmorph style upgrades to boss monsters could be interesting
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I wanna be corrected by Yuamu...
and we had anons here saying that Cyber Dragon is the third best deck and its worse than Metarion
I'm honestly surprised how they just straight up fucking vanished the second Go Rush came out. Didn't see a single one on ladder even though I came across all sorts of shit like a couple of Royal Rebels, Yggdrago and even a fucking Yamiruler deck.
Tiering is based off representation for some god forsaken reason, not performance.
I still play hungry psychics on occasion but I will admit cydra and magicians are just easier to use
Wtf. This is from Duel Links?
its natural when the ladder got flooded by people who just picked up the freebies and started playing, especially when said free stuff is decently/very strong.
Psychics aren't even that bad right now since it saw good results in the tournaments yesterday and the day before, but you're not gonna convince people to play a harder and more expensive deck over something that's cheap and still strong enough to pull results
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I'm more inclined to go with Tomato's take on what the standing is right now. The power differences arent that stark, though there's clearly a massive swing in representation for the reasons >>497862569 brought up
What exactly is the Rex deck?
>Wyrms entirely gone
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Machine Aggro, basically
Its sad for them. They were already struggling to hold on before the update and this completely punted them into obscurity. The only reason Yggdrago and Overlord still hang around is because their skills are decent enough
As the other anon said. It's Machine Aggro, aka Machine Good Stuff.
I really wish the second good Cointech card is in the fucking selection box. I wanted to make a deck for it.
Is Steel Steed Martin Vainari even good? Like, Is it worth it?
Doesn't sound like a good idea in a format with infinite normal summons Tribute, Fusion and Maximum relies on you drawing specific cards to an extent. Synchro is just way too generic and XYZ would be a death sentence.
Now, pendulum doesn't sound like the worst idea ever. Considering we can already shit out the entire hand every turn, how bad could it be?
The HERO always wins in the end!
Actually, XYZ using tribute monsters exclusively could be balanced. It would even have an interesting dynamic with royal rebels. But rank 4 or lower XYZ is absolutely unacceptable.
With the skill it's basically just Twin Cyber on your turn, or you can just run actual Cydra and have better cards for the rest of your deck
who you think zeyet will duel
I see, gonna reset the box then, I don't really care about playing earth machines.
Konami aren't the ones who design them, at least not entirely. It's been confirmed that summon mechanics are created by the anime writers, with some back and forth input from Konami on how it could work in a real life setting. Which is why the OCG hasn't gotten any new ones since the anime staff moved to Rush and just built on what they already have
Yeah, the new update added a feature where you can give cards custom rarity designs using different consumable items.
I think it would be good for them to regress their design. Pendulum unironically was a good example of it, something so out there and not at all directly powercreeping what came before (general card design did that during the era, not the mechanic's core).
I think Rush could create something nice, like how they did Maximum. Personally I'd like to see Extra Deck Spells/Traps, I don't know how they will do it but its something that hasn't been explored at all
It should end in March because a dub website inadvertedly revealed it will have 151 episodes.
That's actually hard to predict. Maybe a fellow Darkman to try to inspire Yuamu to switch sides.
They used the obligatory Zwijo, Manabu and Asaka duels pretty early in the cour, so I wonder what they're going to use for later. Yuamu and Otis-Yuhi need their obligatory duels, and Yuna might get 2 since she's in kind of the bigger bad position with the time machine reveal.
The Anime Writers didn't make the bastard master rule 4 set.
Weren't Qlis a meta threat at some point due to how Pendulum used to be able to summon a bunch of shit from the ED before the extra monster zones were invented? I also feel that having monsters that can be used as both a monster and a continuous spell has the potential to be really broken if they ever gave them good effects. Kind of like how Lunalight has pendulum monsters but uses them either as fusion material or continuous spells rather than for pendulum summoning. Imagine that on a good deck.
The pendulum summoning aspect of Qli barely actually showed up in favor of playing them as a floodgate deck, since 3 Skill Drain meant you could just normal summon 2400+ beatsticks. And Vanity's Emptiness was also at 3 during their early dominance which prevented you from special summoning at all.
>Kind of like how Lunalight has pendulum monsters but uses them either as fusion material or continuous spells rather than for pendulum summoning. Imagine that on a good deck.
That's also primarily how Qli played. Scout being a normal monster allowed you to fetch it with Summoner's Art, then you activated it as essentially a continuous spell that gave you a RotA every turn. The deck basically only pendulum summoned when it had the setup to attempt to push for game, which would still be true under MR4, just taking slightly longer to get there, or during the Towers Turbo era since it gave you the quick tribute fodder, which you could also still do under MR4 since Saqlifice lets a Qli count as 2 tribtues. And even then, Towers Turbo was only good outside of NA because the outs to it were manga promos.
Also for whatever it's worth, I think using the dual nature of pendulums for something other than actually pendulum summoning is a design space Konami probably should've explored a lot more, but that would kinda be at odds with how pendulum summoning is something flashy they can show in the anime
Kuaidul might get a Duel since Praime cards were teased in 2 packs. Epoch might get a Duel too if Yuna wants to get her gears for her time machine although that probably will be by the tail end.
I'm enjoying DL way more than MD thanks to Rush Duels. Too bad Rush stands no chance against Pokemon and One Piece. Even Digimon just fucking died in my city. I'm glad I managed to get the V-Tamer cards for my collection since my uncle was cool and gave me all the japanese volumes as a gift ages ago.
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I find it hard to believe Metarion is a top tier deck considering HOW I FUCKING BRICK EVERY FUCKING TIME I PLAY THE DECK... Holy shit Konami... what the fuck is that about.

"Oh, you need a monster? Well how about we rng you an entire hand of spells instead faggot?"
Digi likely died due to OP. Bandai card games are kind of cannibalizing one n other. Doesn't help that a gundam one is on the way now too. Plus fact of there being two different dragonball ones going at the same time.
Pokemon is more of a collector's game. Yes there are those who do play, but not to the level that you're going to lose out on table space.
The main hold out has been the irl speed format
Final set of it is close to december. Maybe we'll get some kind of xmas miracle of an announcement that print will come west side
Would've made more sense to have done so at worlds but KoA operates ass backwards
>Would've made more sense to have done so at worlds but KoA operates ass backwards
Konami in general operates purely from the lens of the OCG. An announcement at Worlds would only happen from an OCG perspective.
We got news about the Early Days collection at Worlds because the OCG gets it too.
We got news about Go Rush in Duel Links because the OCG gets it too.
If we got TCG Rush, the OCG wouldn't care so we would get no news at Worlds (unless there was also an announcement of Asian-English Rush Duel simultaneously)
KoA being so uninterested at doing anything but the bare minimum is just the cherry on the shit sundae called the TCG.
Kuaidul vs Otis would be kino.
>this poser is not my sensei!
according to tomato's data, cydra and psychic are tied for #1 spot
I could see it being Tier 1 or somewhere in Tier 2, but it all depends on how hard they highroll
On average they're probably Tier 2 but when they get a really good setup going, you get shit like yesterday's tournament where they MeloD 3 times in a single turn and beat your ass around
if yuhi uses a otes darkness deck in his otes phase what upgrades would you make to the deck
Make a name substitute for Darkness Zerorogue or something. AND better monsters overall.
Imagine if he goes back to Hydra.
64 entrants tournament : https://www.twitch.tv/quantumcubes
Its nice that we're getting so many tournaments as of late. I hope the next few boxes keep things interesting
Is there a list with all the Sevens and Go Rush's playmats?
Have you checked on Yugipedia?
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Why doesn't Yuo have a line for imaginary reactor?
Too recent of a card to record a line when they did probably.
If they don't nerff cyber dragons right now, I uninstall this game.
>4 different top 4 decks
I guess the meta's not that fucked. Shame about the ladder though
Whicb deck were top 4?
I assume cydras, galaxy and 2 others?
>Dragias Fusion
>I think Rush could create something nice, like how they did Maximum.
Maximum has nothing to do with the Extra Deck.
What card??
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>have the perfect setup to go into a double fusion play
>I'm only running 1 Herculestar
When are we getting increased extra deck space for Rush, holy fuck
Any Futurebros around? Does Rush ever get other archetypes like Control, Midrange or Mill?
Technically Gavins stuff is control, but yes. Though I doubt we'll get to the point of Fire Barrier Statue fucking everything like it did.
Also seems Yuo lines datamined his siblings, but they're tag duels only.
When can we expect new cards to be added? Is it once a month usually?
do you think we will get new rush reveals in Salamandeus of Scorching tonight
Think? We don't do that here.
Star Cat Straynya
Once every 1-2 months depending
Sometimes you get a super mini or additions to the trader/ranked
I will continue to write in the surveys that I'm sure no one actually reads to add Yuka
Probably more about two months. Which is thankful cause it gives us enough time to save up gems. Especially after the double box/double SD drop.
when is zuwijo
What kinda name is Zuwijo
After Manabu, probably. Speaking of, I wonder if they'll give us Vocalize Phoenix with him or hold it for a supporting box
>Reached KoG with Yudias.dek
I love you, Yudias.
Vocalize Phoenix feels super strong compared to what we have now with the amount of shit it can do in one turn
Midrange doesn't exist in yugioh to begin with.
i'm guessing celeb rose support won't be until after salamandeus or they would've revealed incognito after the anime episode.
An alien name
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I could see them adding Yuuro just because he has the same VA as Zuwijo so they might as well just do it while they have him in the studio
I love you too!, stranger
>Gimme More Knock Mad Down! Twinkle Zen!
One job
We're definitely getting the salamander first.
Volcalize Phoenix is too OP for now; Manabu's Ace will be Chemicalize Salamander.
>two spell trap pops
>burn and piercing and trap destruction immunity
>two monster pops
Way too strong yeah.
besides i think they are only doing season 1 stuff now, there are no voicelines for the maximum monsters. Though there is a line with contact fusion, not with the monsters themselves.
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I saw a video of someone reaching stage 30 for go rush, usually when the last stage is reached, there is usually a character for that world appears and they note that there is no more stages at that point. For go rush, i found out that Kaizo appears for that scene though i think this Kaizo is the one in that timeline, as he was offline for awhile before he went back up. Even using the 7s-05 line. I didn’t expect that he would appear for last stage reach scene, i thought it would be someone else. I know that Yuga is in there too since he appear in the world unlock scene, but it does prove that there two versions of Yuga and Kaizo in duel links.
>Asaka gets a forced win against a non plot-relevant character
Yaaaaawn. What a non character.
Manabu is fighting for freedom here, so plot dictates he should win this. Alternatively Zwijo throws on purpose.
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Maybe they don't get to escape yet. Or maybe Manabu loses but they all still escape somehow.
looks like a mashup of legendary pokemon
Do normalfags still hate Manabu?
I hate him and I'm not one, he's just Gakuto but with the likability sucked out so you're just left with an unfunny clown.
Why would anyone?
Manabubu willingly hurt best girl of the series so he deserves to be hated.
Fuck off.
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I used my survey to ask for a buff to the Vast Vulcan skill, further increasing the ATK gain & letting it search Vulcan Ignite Hyperdrive.

The deck still wouldn't do much in the current meta. But it would at least feel better to play & sell more packs of the box it was in. That has to be the lowest selling box in Rush so far
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>Use gems for OOR Dragias or keep saving up for Yuri
Bros.....what the fuck do i do
No. I will defend her even if my life depends on it.
I gave up on the mixed life. I have a Gouki and Lunalight beforehand so I'm thankful for that at least.
Down to 300 gems. I got everything i wanted but is now back to grinding for me
I wish I had enough gems to go into the Anniversary Box, since I don't have any of those archetypes. But I spent everything on the new Rush mini boxes.
I somehow managed to build everything i wanted last week. Galactica, Dragon, Spellcaster, HERO. I haven't leveled up this many characters in forever. Im down to 48. Thank god ARC-V is getting a level up this December
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boost psychic up a tier
I haven't seen a single YYdra user. Other than that it fits
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I hate censorship
Too hot for the west
Not if you spend 30 usd monthly on official sealed product at your local store apparently.
I wish didn't dig into the main box, but here we are.
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Should I just cut out my effect monsters besides Klein? Ephyrai and Traveler keep milling my Secret Orders.
I don't regret that part. I'd still rather have Jointech and Metallion than the Anniversary Box speed archetypes. I just wish I could afford both things.
Yuoh would never.
I went full Klein and vanilla beatdown.
Is fighting Yudias at the gate the only way to get an extra hat guy and cosmo titan? I have dueled lvl 40 Yudias like 20 times now and I haven't gotten any SR/UR drop.
yes. I've given up though since I ran out of keys attempting to get it.
>that time they did it for a traptrix that just came out
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that's from tomato's data on 15 tournaments since release of go rush
Hey! RAM is live streaming himself opening the new set that released in Japan right now! The one that was supposed to I troduce AGG before Duel Links did it first!
I was blessed by the card game gods and was given some shitter on a Rush On skill for my KOG rank up
this was their deck
Should've kept it in the other thread too
Nah that was just an accident, I don't wanna be a part of the retarded card game turf war that rages on whenever anyone brings up Rush over there.
>Rush On - Metarion
>Dragon deck
Must've been someone trying to level Yuo. But why do it on Ranked?
30 orbs given for doing so
The orbs mission.
>9 tribute monsters
Holy bricka
>Maximum all but dead outside of Yggdrago
At least some of them had a chance to do something in that short period
>Just found this while casually looking for DL music
His theme's pretty good, though its more upbeat than I would have expected
I just wonder how soon he'll appear
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It's a nice card
post the catboy dwck
Duel the event character to get exclusive cards!
>Hitotsu-me Giant
>Masaki the Legendary Swordsman
>Red Medicine
>Blue Medicine
Meh, the og art is better.
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Why is Epoch down too?
This in Duel Links when?
I think it's fine with AGG running rampant.
They were hungry in that episode I think, the first one of S3.
I got lucky and pulled seven road magician from the selection box. Can someone give a spellcaster list? even if it's rogue I want to play it.
>-2000 across a board
Legitimately scary but I could see them putting it at limit 1 just for funsies
You know considering it's a limit 1 the thought didn't even cross my mind that it would reduce the ATK of your own monster. Words cannot describe my disappointment.
Just use it when the 0 Atk Beast in attack mode is attacked then you're not actually losing anything (:
I just finished reading the Go Rush manga.
So much fanservice in the last volume, it was amazing and super fun, but...
Am I the only one who came out of it thinking Zwijou was right about everything?
Even though you eat a chunk of damage, being able to dig that deep into your deck AND fish out powerful/useful cards if milled is pretty strong
Even then, if nothing else its potential GY setup on top of that too
Seriously, my immediate thoughts were
>wow, Yudias &CIA are fucking delusional
Well, it makes me want to play with the Voidverg cards, so Knoami is till winning in the end.
Tournament time lads
Go Romin, go!!
Is it happening already or is the current duel unrelated?
Its already started on stream
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>executie phermi aggro
Funny shenanigans, but come on now.
Wasn't his thing in the manga having a superiority complex because of Yudias? Calling himself a God and everything? By the end he only wants to win a Rush Duel with him even if he has to destroy the fucking universe in the process (or killing him mid-Duel Dark Souls style).
And I agree with all of that
>no one brought cydra
Have people gotten that sick of it?
Usually there's at least a few people who wanna win badly enough to push numbers for the best deck
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For real? I might actually watch the VOD now.
it made it "far" but finals is a galaxy mirror
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Lets take this a step further
Unfortunately she got stopped. Its a Galaxy Mirror in the finals now
I just fixed some errors in the card, thats all
Absolute mad lad!
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Anyone up for some duels today?
On DL or Edo? I'm up for edo stuff as soon as I get out of this awkward family reunion.
oh, I meant DL specifically
Finally a waifu for me
Now if only they'd print the Maximum and gave the deck a bit more modern support.
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>staring a Dragias in the face
>summon Vritrastar
>flip the Dragias facedown instead of destroying it
Clicking green button feels too good, I know that all too well
I usually flip my own monsters to defense when I missclick.
DL is expensive. Are they going to make card crafting? Actually it's be cool if Rush went to Master Duel.
In retrospect, the price of decks in DL is probably a good thing since it's harder for people to go from meta deck to meta deck.
Probably not. Only ways we have so far of getting free box cards is dream tickets and box chips. But dream tickets are only for really old boxes and box chips are only for even older boxes (so old that no Rush box is old enough yet to be in the pool).
Duel Links is 8 years old and you think they're going to add crafting? Why would they give up what works to make money at this point? They only added Rush to DL because it's an anime game, I don't see them tacking it on to MD in the same way.
>Actually it's be cool if Rush went to Master Duel.
People need to give up on this already
Why? Master Duel is better than Duel Links. Why settle for less?
Because Master Duel wont even add its own side formats within its cardpool (TCG vs OCG and similar) outside of fleeting events.
Expecting them to go on and get a whole new format + cardpool is just unrealistic at this point, especially when they're actively marketing Rush Duel as a Duel Links attraction piece. Its like saying Master Duel should import Speed Duel (physical or DL) just because its the newer game - it aint happening.
Don't care. I hope Rush Duel is added to Master Duel because it's better than Duel Links. I don't care if you think it's possible or not. That won't change what I want.
It won't so you can shut up about it now.
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Never said there's anything wrong with wanting something, just that its likely a wish made in vain. I sure wont stop you if that's what you wanna do
Now that we've had Secret Order come, when do you lads think Parallel Birth Gate's gonna appear in DL?
Not for a long time, probably. They seem (overly) cautious about repeating some of the physical format's problem cases in full
I wasn't the one who brought it up this time. Doesn't seem to be an uncommon sentiment.

According to angry Yugiboomers, Rush Duel should have died like 4 years ago, the anime was going to get cancelled after one season, and there was no way it was going to get into Duel Links. Seems like believing in "impossible" things isn't always fruitless. Especially when the people deciding what is or isn't possible are random people in 4chan.
most people who obsess over the old anime don't even spend any money on the franchise so why would you take their opinions seriously, they have nothing to do with it to begin with
Master Duel sucks ass. No anime characters will always make it worse than Duel Links.
No skills will always make it better.
Modern yugioh just makes the mom said into the cards themselves. There is no need for skills when you have a million one card full combos.
Oh, really? I don't remember the card that says "Foolish Burial 5 cards that aren't even in your deck and then play (not summon) your boss monster straight into the field and add another card that isn't in your deck to your hand and also activate this card whenever you want without drawing it.". They sure do put a lot of text on cards nowadays, right my fellow proud illiterates? Anyway, Rush Duel doesn't even have deck searchers or long combos. So I don't know why you think skills that put Fusion in your hand every turn or summon your high level monsters for free are normal. They're not and they suck.
>Foolish Burial 5 cards that aren't even in your deck and then play (not summon) your boss monster straight into the field and add another card that isn't in your deck to your hand and also activate this card whenever you want without drawing it
Literally tear.
No, that's an archetype. It's multiple cards and you have to draw them and they can be interrupted, unlike skills. Also, that's still not Rush Duel, so I still don't know why you think skills in Rush Duel are normal or good.
Good luck "interrupting" any modern meta deck without 4-5 handtraps.
Good luck interrupting skills with any amount of handtraps, because you can't because there's no way to respond to them.
I don't need to, because DL powerlevel is so low that they are fair in comparison.
That's really cool, buddy. I kind of like it when there's some interaction going on and when I play my deck instead of tapping the yellow button, so I prefer Master Duel to Duel Links. But you do you. You go tap that yellow button like a champ, bro.
Cool. Have fun with tenpai. Nice "interaction" you got there.
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Have you SEEN the current master duel meta? The other guy mentions Tenpai and they got brought into a Bo1 format fully powered when they were already a dominant in the Bo3 era.
The only interaction you get is
Or maybe a standalone game with anime assets that gets continuous updates too.
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I prefer Duel Links to Master Duel because this is a RUSH thread and Master Duel has no Rush and never will. Bye.
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Romin is a CUTE
Guys, what would Earth Galaxy look like? I think it could be very cool, with monsters resembling planets and maybe even Greek/Roman gods.
>LIGHT Galaxy
Beings across the stars
>DARK Galaxy
Beings around/within the void/black hole
>EARTH Galaxy
Beings on the surface of Exoplanets and Asteroids
>WATER Galaxy
Spacefish (something like main format Ghoti)
>Fire Galaxy
Living Stars. Suns and Solar phenomena
Those are cool concepts for cards! But what about WIND Galaxy?
>WIND Galaxy
Something like "Racers of the Solar Winds", basically a series of cards featuring racers passing through the different systems and planets (with references to the other Galaxy attributes on the "courses")
Rainbow Road Archetype!
I imagine wind galaxy would be a series of ethereal monsters that look like aurora borealis
I'm not mad haha why would I be mad? lol
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RD/KP19-JP056 昂光の呪縛 Koukou no Jubaku (Curse of the Rising Light)
Normal Spell Card
[REQUIREMENT] If your opponent has 1 or less cards in their hand.
[EFFECT] Choose 1 monster on your opponent’s field and chance it to face-up Attack Position or face-down Defense Position, also, if your opponent activated a Trap Card during this turn or if this is the first turn of the player going second, then both players draw 2 cards.
I have and I still think that Speed Duel is worse. But that still has nothing to do with the fact that Rush Duel isn't like that to begin with and doesn't need skills. So I'm still not sure why the argument about why Rush Duel shouldn't be in Master Duel is that you don't like the meta in a different game. I just want an official sim that actually plays like Rush Duel. I don't care if the newest Tier 0 OCG deck makes you sad. That has nothing to do with this.
This DRAGONCHAD made Miragias and Dragonic Slayer in Dragiastar work!
https://www.duellinksmeta.com/top-decks/king-of-games/october-2024/dragons-rush!/tencha/-4_iVI forgot the link, sorry.
I also include that Righteous Dragon in my lists
It rarely comes up, but it is handy when it does
Bros, I cleared a GX world mission by playing flame wingman in Rush
yo this nigga think he japanese

Another Rush Tournament today
Konami's code monkeys truly don't care anymore.
That's nothing.
Check THIS out
Fuckign cool art.
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Is that Donald J. Trump in episode 19 of Yugioh Sevens?
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>Analyze Frogiston
IDK what that is but I already love it!
Give it its own archetype! Is this gonna be WATER Galaxy? WATER Cyberse? A new Dragon?
it was a pyro monster card from like 2 years ago played by manabu
I haven't watched go rush yet
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Who's the woman in the art? She's hot.
It's Rising Light Angel Essel
You were saying?
>4k gems
You could easily get that at any time
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>Galaxy 5
I knew I didn't make a mistake with Yudias, Light Galaxy is so fun.
Has anyone built a Metarion deck here? Currently debating whether I should or not.
Its pretty good right now. It can get bricked on waiting for Fusion but when it gets rolling its pretty difficult to deal with
It sometimes just outright wins matchups (Spellcaster and Warrior) or just memes people with Type Change Beam too
If you like the deck/character, go for it
I like it when I actually draw Fusion, Script is nice for dumping Reincarnation, but playing Deal gives you more flexibility on deck building so you can tech stuff like AGG.
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>Agg in metarions
Desire sensor
You say that, yet my free cards from the free UR during the Go Rush world release were exactly Secret Order and Hyperstrike Dragon Dragiastar F.
It must be caused by the demon that lives inside me.
はっはっは! そうだろう そうだろう!
I pray for the day it gets the rest of its anti-X. I just want Anti-Machine
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I wonder if it even needs it at this point in time
Outside of a bad brick it looks like the deck's crunching Cydras through cheesing them as is at worst or just being on par with resource management normally
Oh its that it hasn't gotten all of its anti-X at this point in time in the real card game either, and given how Machine keeps rising to prominence again and again it'd be nice just to tell them to fuck off in a particular way.
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Just hit silver for the first time with beasts
Is based
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Sweaty ninja armpits after a hot bowl of ramen...
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I'm mad that we dont have our qt tanuki
We're getting there, bros! Already halfway through!
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give this slut more support konami
Rush Duel Weekly
did something happen to it?
There was an issue with the bracket earlier but its ongoing aagin
Ok, so with this, every single character in sevens world and go rush world is max leveled and both worlds are max leveled. I have reached KOG long ago this month.
What now?
Man, how clueless can poor little Yuamu be, thinking wearing glasses conceals her cuteness...
Same thing you'd do with Speed Duel when you've finished most stuff:
>Grind Foil drops using chronicle cards for your favs
>Join tournaments/duel rooms for fun
>Grind gems on the ladder's reward track
>Do community tournaments if you're into that
Meeeg-chan is too strong.
It has just dawned onto me that I will have to play speed duel if I want more gems for rush
I am extremely upset over this. I don't want to spend a single gem in speed yet I have to if I want more for rush.
I hope my shitty incomplete suship deck carried by traps bought from the card trader can carry me through ranked, because I definitely won't be opening a speed duel box again.
Get the free BEWD SD from the friend referral campaign and the Battle Chronicle skill from the Card Trader and get some generic staples with your tickets and box chips to fill in the rest. You could probably make something playable with that.
But I don't have friends to invite
Then you're going to need to invite an enemy.
I'm assuming there is a way to cheat this and get all the rewards. How do I do it?
just make alternate accounts.
On what devices? There aren't alternate devices I can use. All I have is this cellphone.
with steam of course
I see. I'll try.
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A room if anyone's up for dueling today
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I guess all my gambling couldnt pay off
good games my friend
ggs, that one was really close too
ok I think ive misplayed enough for tonight
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Thanks for the duels, anon! It was a good time all the same
Wtf, that edit, kek.
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Remember to ask in the survey for new N/R cards for the event rewards
But Hitotsu-Me Giant is so cool! I can't wait to have 999 copies!
Ultimate Flagship support when
After their dominance here? Not likely anytime soon. If you want to hope for machines you'll have to go with cydra. There's AGs too but who knows how they'll treat them in game considering how well golem is doing already
If they got anything it would need to specifically be tailored to either their names or specific stat line instead of just "Light+Machine" support
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The best.
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what a legend.
What's that?
>level 9 main deck
I thought rush didn't do that
They do, it's just rarer.
Legends tend to break the rules.
>Eternal Galactica
Final Go Rush pack for sure.
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Are there any s/ts that can utilize the self destroy as a means of recycling better?
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Level 50 Yuo NPC is 100% cheating
It always chooses Ashurastar when I have a battle trap set, and manages to destroy it every time
Ashurastar is the best choice in like 90% of situations. Why wouldn't he make it?
...until they announce S4.
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>Sevens Road Magician drops TTTD into GY
>Go into fusion
>Sevens Fusion drops Widespread Ruin into GY
Fucking riggers I swear to god
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The new harpies are so much cuter than the old hags
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>Yudias only got 3 covers in all main sets of Go Rush (Oblivion, Eternal, and whatever this will be)
How many did Luke get?
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Built an optimal Metarion Deck. Maybe I'll go for a third copy of Reactor and Start next season if i feel like it but so far I'm good with this.
I've been running it with 2 Reactor too and I really feel like you don't see Actors enough without the third copy.
I've also been considering playing a 2 tribute monster because I often find myself in the situation of the opponent not clearing a turn 1 set 3 board and then being unable to do anything because my board is clogged
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It's now listed as S1: 51 ep and S2: 50 ep. 21 episodes to go
Fusion rules.
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I agree, Meeeg-chan must feel hot under all that wool
Meeg's thick pubic wool....
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I know it’s a lot easier in Rush Duels but I’m surprised that they didn’t just make the anime fusions use generic materials
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There's a couple of generic ones, the issue with things like the omni HEROs specifically is that Rush doesn't use the concept of named archetypes like OCG does. So "1 HERO monster" wouldn't work here, but "1 Warrior-type monster" could
what about it? what about her Meeeg-chan's thick pubic wool excites you?
more like baaaad post
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Playing HERO just seems like a bad idea in this metagame
who doesnt like a little sisdom?
I want to fuck her while her brother watches as she taunts him for his tiny loser penis.
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I'm pretty sure that's the logical conclusion of that one Yudias doujin
Me on the far left.
Barely any anime cards in this set
Yudias Manabu and Dark Matter really are the only ones
Also Zaion if Holo-Space Yggdrago appears this week in the anime.
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Yellow/Green/Red Gadet
[R] During the turn this was Normal Summoned.
[E] Add 1 [corresponding Gadget monster] from your GY to your hand, but for the rest of this turn, you cannot activate the effect of monsters with that name.

Maximum Gadget L
This card's name becomes "Yellow Gadget" in the GY.
[R] Send the top 2 cards of your deck to the GY
[E] This card gains 500 ATK for the turn.

Maximum Gadget R
This card's name becomes "Red Gadget" in the GY.
[R] Send the top 2 cards of your deck to the GY.
[E] This card gains 400 ATK for the turn.

Maximum Gadget
You can Maximum Summon this card with Maximum Gadget L and Maximum Gadget R, also, this card's name becomes "Green Gadget" in the GY.
[R] Maximum Mode
[CONT] This card's attacks pierce, also cards on your field cannot be destroyed by opponent's card effects.
>two ATK boosts
This is the first Maximum that doesn't make itself Level 10. Guess since Stronghold was also Level 4.
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Gear Start
[R] Pay 1000 LP
[E] Add up to 2 Level 4 EARTH Machine Maximum Monsters from your GY to the hand. This turn, you cannot attack with monsters, except a monster in Maximum Mode.

Gear Force
[R] When your opponent's monster declares an attack, if the only monsters you control are Level 4 or higher EARTH Machine monsters.
[E] Destroy Level 8 or lower monsters your opponent controls up to the number of monsters you control.

Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Amphisbaena
[R] None
[CONT] When this card declares an attack, your opponent cannot activate Trap Cards, also, if "Green Gadget", "Red Gadget", or "Yellow Gadget" are in your GY, this card gains 300 ATK and cannot be destroyed by card effects.
This is a relatively easy to use Maximum so it has awful effects.
It grants your entire field destruction immunity. It's Ryozai but a maximum monster.
Correction: the Gadgets lock the effects of other copies of themselves (HOPT), not the cards they add
Konami really hates Magnum Overlord.
Well their last Maximum was kinda memoryholed from the anime because of how incompatible it was with Yudias' Deck.
Even with Yudias aside its support is so inconsistent and their Maximum recovery card is far worse than this one
Does anyone know if the foil farming system thing works in Duel Rooms/Casual PvP too?
Also when it comes to stickers, are they removable once applied?
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Fellas I hate to say it but considering the early addition of AGG + nerf to the machine skill for it to be focused on light instead: why do I get the feeling we are entering the era of them planning around with DL in mind. Truly dislike the phrase hence avoiding but just getting such a vibe. I really wish that wasn't the case & could instead be hopeful for it coming to the west but that's more of a christmas wish.
Season 2 had 51 episodes, does that mean they’re skipping an episode in the dub.
haunted curry.
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Hottest girl since Romin
I like her friend voiced by Saber more
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Duelist Kingdom for Rush when?
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Luke manga moth long event with dragias burst, gaigias, zerogias zerogaigias, miragiastar f, metagiastar f and insurrection dragon as event drops and picrel dedicated playmat when?
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>why do I get the feeling we are entering the era of them planning around with DL in mind
Why wouldn't they be? Its been their International gateway into Rush Duel since the Sevens release and now them pushing cards that even the physical version hasn't gotten yet seems to solidify it
Do they explain the reason of the slutty clothes?
To attract mates. Unfortunately for them everyone only cares about card games.
This is like believing things like War Rock were designed with Duel Links in mind.
Not to mention that the physical game is actually getting a bunch of ancient gear cards to make a full deck with support and gameplay and stuff instead of just the one AGG on its own like DL got. If Rush Duel was being balanced around DL, they wouldn't even bother making backrow because DL hates it.
I'd kill for some backrow that isn't total ass, legend cards, or 1 of packages.
Baseball meta soon
What is Ulti doing here in Rush
Rush Tournament
The insinuation wasnt that physical rush is being balanced around DL's rush, just that DL's likely gonna be in their consideration as they make cards
I wouldn't be surprised if that is the idea to some degree - otherwise they wouldn't release cards at such a significantly lower power level than what's also in similar sets at their time of release
That, and the idea of side/secondary formats where those cards can be ok I suppose
There's nothing to consider about DL when designing new cards. They didn't add AGG into Rush thinking about DL. They added it in because it's nostalgiabait and every set has nostalgiabait. And they immediately added it to DL without a second thought because it's nostalgiabait too. The majority of the contents of the new set isn't going to be in DL for years.
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>Metarion continues dominating
I really dont like the type change beam shenanigans but its nice that the new decks are all pretty good
Might be too soon to say, but either way it does seem that until they release Rush to the west in some other fashion DL's gonna be a major cog in the machine
Wow.... a new lv4 1500/0.....
It's not really new. It's from the loli Keto deck from two years ago. That one has a field spell that powers up normal water aqua monsters.
That deck is so based and wholesome.
> at such a significantly lower power level
Anon.. That's just kinda how TCG does their archetypes. Sometimes you'll get things that end up bullshit, but they don't try like the OCG to just make things that are completely and utterly bullshit.
Imaginary Reactor and Type Change Beam to 3
Proto Cyber Dragon+AGG to 2
The decks dont need to die but they gotta get trimmed a bit
TCG first archetypes are usually designed to be non-meta because konami doesn't want to have to deal with two different paper metas again. It's as simple as that.
Sevens star road searching limited to once per duel for each (maybe allow magician to add roadstar to hand?)
CCC limited to twice per duel
Hero Rush Rising limited to twice per duel
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Leaks for speed and rush: https://www.duellinksmeta.com/articles/news/october-2024/datamined-leaks-17. Skill leaks for yuri, and rush skill alluding to the skill for Romin, since it includes dragons and psychics, referencing the episode she dueled yuka. So yuka is the next unlockable character for sevens?
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TCG & OCG have been split for a long while, key part of that being max C. That's changing recently with the chumies, which are just legal roaches.
Even still the true difference comes from rarity changes. Never forget that the True Draco field which had been a common, was bumped all the way up to secret
Even when there were major differences, it's not like BA & Kozmo completely took over. They were just more options to use. Just like kaijus & dangers being like choices for utility.
Real issue comes from disconnect on how things work out. Which is why some spread the narrative that originals have to be approved by ocg first after their blunders in misunderstands
yuka in 2-3 months, maybe.
Yeah, maybe. I think we're probably getting Manabu and Zwijo first, since their IDs are already in the game.
Maxx C doesn't matter remotely as much as you think it does when it comes to shaping the meta. Largely the same decks are relevant in both games regardless of the card. That's what they care about, what the top decks are. And mostly because cross format tournaments like worlds become a clusterfuck if differs too much.
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Who makes these SEX art?
The OCG Times stream mentioned that there will be a Rush Duel event at the upcoming Asia Championship, which I'm not sure is something that's happened before
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Zwijo roaming event soon? Similar to antinomy roaming event. His theme song is in the game already.
Dont they have alot of s1 character to go through first?
Does zwijo appear late in the anime? He's one of the first ones to show up in the manga.
Zwijo has a duel on the first arc of the show, but Manabu and Manya got their duels first so I'm surprised Zwijo is coming this early.
The only indication of him is a song found in the game files that really seem to fit him, seeing the parallel with yudias' song's instruments and the darker/anti hero tone it has
out of the people the show up before him its really only Manabu that has a chance
Chupataros is already an npc
Kawai has like 3 cards
Manya isn't a major character and has too much overlap with Mimi
Mitsukos first deck is a bunch of vanillas and her other deck is strong to release without major gimping
Isn't Yudias' deck just a bunch of vanillas as well?
>Manya isn't a major character and has too much overlap with Mimi
She has plenty of lines already, both Yudias and Yuamu got lines for her, so she could be our third unlock character after Manabu and Zwijo.
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Harukabros....we're getting pushed back again.
They likely fear the wind warriors.
Honestly the skills aren't that bad
Quantum Rush
My man Quantum, based.
>still no maximum Exodia
What effect would it have?
>destruction effect immune
>gain attack equal to half your LP
>I dunno, give it a s/t pop or something
Probably like 3k attack base or so.
They need to create 5 pieces maximums first.
>S&T maximums
>add giant cock of the forbidden one as the 6th piece
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When you put it as S&T Max I just think of Pendulums. I'd want it of course but its what I first think of.
I'm more surprised there's no Gate Guardian Maximum
I still wish we go the Yuo vs. Yuga Goha episodes that were cut due to the COVID hiatus. He's cute and the main reason why I decided to pick up the anime. At the very least, I wish we got the cut episodes as manga/LNs/or even comments by the producers explaining what would've happened.
Which one would be the center? How would it fit in the card art?
It really is odd that it hasn't happened yet.
I wonder if Koreans hate it. Luke does the thing for its Summon chant.
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>Wyrms made top 8 but couldn't pull through at the very end
I really wish they had more support, man. They could have been decent if they had more of their stuff
The fusion support will come out eventually. Would be nice if they at least had some of the other stuff already. I can't believe it's taking so long just to get the level 7 vanilla.
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>Cydra shit going to all over the place in not just Rush but now Speed too
I don't want to play this game anymore. I fucking hate this archetype. I don't care how good it is or isn't. I don't want to see it constantly.
>Relaxing Gate Guardian

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