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Previous >>497617250

Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program:
Dev Face-to-Face | Zenless Zone Zero:
Agent Record | Tsukishiro Yanagi
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Upcoming Events for 1.2
Full 1.2 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125865
New at the Arcade: Bizarre Brigade now live!
Back in Business - Daily check in, double drops and more - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 10/10 03:59 (server time)
All New Program - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 11/05 03:59 (server time)
Overlord's Feast - 09/26 10:00 (server time) - 11/04 03:59 (server time)

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
new poll

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I'm going to miss her
Trans women from discord are currently raiding this general
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I can't believe Corin is dead...
Where is she going?
uh oh melty
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>spreads ass cheeks on wipeout screens
>gets brutally raped by the Mountain Lions
>I'm meant to think this guy is straight and cool
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There is only one TRUE SHIP
She’s going to pick up some spicy noodles and cigarettes down the street.
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Show me silly cat.
I'm skipping Burnice for Yanagi
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Are Seth troons the most insecure cuckolds on /zzz/? Jane is built for my cock by the way.
are you black?
I don't care for shipfaggotry, but I enjoy the salt Jane/Seth generates from autismos itt. They kinda look alright together. Cute couple. Keep it up Shipfags
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You suddenly appeared in the ZZZ world, what are your first actions?
Belle is made for my BWC not wises micro dick
Better looking than Yanagi.
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Imagine having a melty because your twinkfag furry is being replaced
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Just biding my time for the meltdown that I will cause someday.
Play video games at the hia all day
Run straight into a hollow and proceed to eat all the ether crystals.
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preciate the support bruddah
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Hey, Proxy did I miss anything
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>Are Seth troons the most insecure cuckolds on /zzz/?
It's a singular Sethpag with an 11+ year old Reddit account
back to the standard banner
Qingyi made for BWC and white babies
Find Neko and ask to touch her ears... I will either die or need to find a get rich quick methods because Nico is nearby and will ask for a lot of dennies. Should it be the latter I will turn myself in afterwards, hoping to see Robutt.
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Raping Corin
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banging . . . BOOS!
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>unironically talking about himself in the third person agreeing with himself and samefagging
This nigger is so hilariously pathetic.
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How do I get a Venus wife?
Thank you Chris, you're the sanest poster in this thread.
Anyone else having trouble with today’s puzzle? I can’t solve it. I’ve been at it for like 10 minutes now trying different combos. Why did they make it so hard?
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>remaining days
what is this? Can we rent characters now?
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Always has, always will
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Going to cheesetopia and the noodle shops
The BWC gave her an artificial womb, duh
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>fighting about disorder and hypercarry Jane
They're gonna release an S rank anomaly subdps support who will give teamwide AP buffs and easily trigger disorder with her trust the plan
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taking... WUWAS!
important image of Hoshimi Miyabi
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Why are the Sethcucks so pathetic?
They even reply the same way
>nooo heeee best male design in the mihoyo universe
>stopp saying bad words about hiiiim
>why yo so angry?
NO ONE gives a shit about him.
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S rank Anby waiting room
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>1 brain damaged Sethfag crying about the possibility that he's going to be irrelevant in Disorder comps
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Homogods won
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Wait, Howl doesn't work in Lumina Square--that old bat does
I'm running Disorder Jane cause I want to use her with Burnice cause I like her. I don't give a shit if it's optimal.
It's too fucking hard
I just gave up, I'll look up a guide later
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just realized we still didn't get a limited S villain. Does this even happen in hoyo games?
I love this group so much.
His sisters made for BWC while he watches wishing it was him fucking his sister
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I don't know why you wouldn't run Jane + Seth + Lucy for maximum damage if you have them, do people hate Seth that much?
Pic so people don't call me a schizo
Sunday is actually our biggest bro
>Does shit that's against the law
>Straight as fuck
>Huge siscon
He's pretty much HSR's Wise.
Not before they get morally redeemed because it wasn't them all along
He used to but she replaced him as a nepo baby.
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Uhhh I heard there's BIG WHITE COCKS here?!
Sorry, still not rolling Burnice! I know this may upset the mihoyo interns trying to sell Disorder Jane but Jane/Seth/Lucy is quite literally 1.5x better so I think I'm fine. Sorry again!
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R2 DSL or R5 Gemini for Burnice? I lowkey don’t wanna spend all of those resources for a 10~15% increase, though DSL is very easy to proc & better for bosses anyway. I have Grace’s sig but I think it’ll be better for Yanagi (which I’m also pulling for).
How will you trigger Lucy's passive with that setup, retard?
The most pathetic poster so far. Sethfaggots are the cancer of this general.
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Seth hate is unjustifiable
Wrong general
find and hug Qingyi
bros why is the OST so fucking good?
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rape the idols
picrel is first
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it was fun
Yes, right this way, ms sparkle. I want you to ride mine specifically.
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I like sexy woman and want to use sexy woman on my teams
nta but lucy's passive just makes her boars inherit her crit rate which, in the case of jane's team, you'd want to pump her with anomaly prof instead
IIRC testing showed Jane/Burnice is literally the best disorder team currently. The third slot can be Seth or Lucy.
I just don't like his "righteous" personality, that's all
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That team works. I'd rather use a full sexo team than a furry homo thoughbeitly
what do the numbers by the name mean
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>xhe's spamming shipshit now
I head to a hollow and kill myself
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the f*tui are evil. All of them. Yes, even cheld.
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Hi, haven't posted here in a while.
Are there any new rabis? I saw this in the last thread. The newest one I have is this one and Lucy's.
i dropped hsr at penacony
why is he back
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just go live at random play
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How long would you say it takes to clear the latest story chapter? i'm addicted to another game and don't really feel like clearing it right now, but i need to do the event
leaks say he's joining the express for the next planet on parole basically
Thanks for this rabi bwo
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I'm using Caesar for the aforementioned reason. Though I plan on rolling for Ellen on a rerun cause I missed her so might swap Caesar to an Ellen team instead.
I don't think anyone knows
Didn't this nigga die?
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or else what
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IPC paid his bail and now he works for the jews
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Or else I'll have to go looking for more on my own.
star rail story and gameplay is so shit but i hope we get something kino like this for ZZZ 2.0
So if I lick her frozen butthole, will my tongue get stuck?
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Jade freed him for a currently unknown price
You and souCOCKu belong to my BWC now
not even the japanese grim reaper with the name of the greek grim reaper could actually manage to kill a character. There was 0 chance of him being gone
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Whelp, looks like I ate a bit too much. There goes my 500% score multiplier. Fucking chinks can't optimize for shit. There must be some memory leak or something because the game takes a while to shutdown after playing this mode.
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pinKing clears all day
He only exists to give buffs, if he was like electric Ben2 - no one would give a shit about him.
+ his animations are too long
+ cucks + ships
Holy melty kek
Tell me your secrets. How do you get that much HP and followers?
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I'm 90% sure it's a stage score that's spread out by how long each agent spent on the field attacking
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I want to be sandwiched by them
Me on the right btw
I wanna breed sparkle with my BWC
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Since you can't roll for Impact outside of one disc, do I just go all in on attack for Caesar?
yup that's going on my m1 nicole
Mine looks like that
This thread's temperature is lower than my freezing temperature and therefore I'm melting
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I know it's OOC, but I need to see Caesar bully and dominate Corin.
You just build her like a crit DPS outside of getting Impact.
Melting from seeing my BWC
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I'm running out of negromata pics too
reminder you can change tv channels on the login screen with LT and RT
All but one of the limited characters have gotten a music video at release.
And Jane got the Gamescom trailer which kind of was one.
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>1. buy fox
>2. buy quills
>3. keep buying fox
>4. keep buying quills
>5. foxxmaxx
>6. crash after spending hours refreshing the shop
Seriously? Thank god i was getting tired of quitting out every time I got the bara furry shit.
Take Lucy pill
You wil feel better
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Why is the fag spamming on cooldown?
No, that doesn't matter. It "should" be decibels generated. Chars that on field only get much if they cause chains, otherwise the biggest gain is via swap parries and status effects I guess.
For example Neko taking the field 95% of the time, but Caesar will swap parry, do the assist attack and then the 20 cost ex leading into a stun, will give her WAY more score than Neko even if Neko deals 90% of the damage.
*snaps Seth’s neck* now shes ready for my BWC
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I don't have her ball though
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All I got is a cosplay
can anyone post some burnice team options
So, since we're talking about Jane/Seth comps, who would you prefer in my scenario?
M6 Lucy or M1 Rina? Both have their weapon. I thought I could pull some electro disorder shenanigans with Rina as Support, but I hear electro anomaly is weaker for some reason?
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why the FUCK have I been wasting my daily store on worthless chips????????
that's a fine looking kot
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I can't stop liking this little gremlin.
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t. absolute dumbfuck retard here. I just wanna ask. Caesar's "Radiant Aegis" on her core skill is referring to her special shield right? The one that gives an orange bar on the side of a chara? But what's this weird shield symbol thing that pops up near the HP of my characters and disappears after 3 seconds? Is that part of Caesar's kit too?
shouldn't you be supporting your homo back in /gig/?
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M1W1 Rina synergizes with Seth better with M6 Lucy
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Raise maximum decibels to 9999
Stunners require 2000 decibels to ultimate
Attackers 3000
Supports 2500
Defenders 2500
Anomalies 3000.
Add a cool down to ultimates so you don't just use the atk characters ult 3 times
My first action would be to take that psychopath coffee robot to a scrap recycling plant
Imagine Caesar pushing Corin up against a wall and suffocating her with her giant tits
Made to carry white babies with my BWC
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we're gonna use them eventually bro
It avoids having to dismantle blue chips for new agents. But if you really need the extra Dennies knock yourself out.
yeah im thinking rape
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Ellen Joe is my favorite design in the game and I regret skipping.
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Caesar's tits are too small
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I want to roll on a rerun but I worry that she's complete garbage now and I'm never going to actually get chance to use her.
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I sure hope they put out a new Hollow Zero zone... Withering Garden's not really fun anymore.
You know you can craft them into higher level chips whenever you like right?
>But what's this weird shield symbol thing that pops up near the HP of my characters and disappears after 3 seconds?
I'm pretty sure that's the debuff
Only a BWC can satisfy them
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My wives Tiktok Joe and Reddit Doe
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Is burnies INSANE??????

I only roll INSANE characters
Imagine skipping a design you like. For what reason?
I want to put babies in Yanagi bros
Okay, hear me out:
(I'm serious. I'm able to M1 Caesar and have no interest in Burnice and Yanagi.) Good or nah?
Good riddance
You know you're running out of images?
And you don't have 1TB, retard
Don't embarrass us with your retardation, fuck off.
>hares go to cheesetopia
>ambie demands all bugers plate
>neko asks for fish
>bill wants the kid menu because of the toy
>Nicole ask for quite a lot of finger food and a doggy bag
>goup makes lot of noise and it gets heated with a goup of punks
>Nicole pays order some extras to the punks to calm them down
>time to pay
>Nicole presents a huge pile of coupons and small changes
>punks gets annoyed again
>actually starts a fights
>the haressays sorry and leave in a hurry
>all coupons were fake butthey are long gone now
>the next day you meet Nicole
>suspicious stomach growling
>talk to some hobo kids in the outer ring
>"we found a bag of food near the shelter tonight yay".
it really writes itself really
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yes I don't need them
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skippers don't deserve Ellen
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Yeah kinda
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>Is burnies INSANE
Not she's just fat
Currently using that team, it's good for HC Jane
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For me it’s Aventurine, Dr Ratio, Blade, Sunday and Lighter
I'd like wither garden more if it was more random.
Like it could randomly behave like any of the older zones.
And also Nineveh is a shit fight with how much it wastes your time.
Raise maximum decibels to 99999
S11 requires 1 decibel to ult
Everyone else requires 100000.
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I wanted cop ass and I like her design, but I don't like her gimmick.
No. Keep it as is but tweak/buff what Ults do depending on the role
>supports regen more energy for the whole team
>stunners instantly daze>chain attack no matter how low the meter is
Attackers and Anomaly can stay as is
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I got spooked by Lycaon the other day, so I wouldn’t mind getting her in a rerun. But I’d like to be able to see what Miyabi ends up as first.
I don't get the last part
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60,000 dennies per month is nothing.
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>wanted cop ass
you can get top ass instead in HSR rn
Caesar got a cute hairclip that fell off and she's trying to get it.
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>S11 requires 1 decibel to ult
It's good for Jane, probably her ideal hypercarry comp but it's also kind of overkill. Chances are your second team would benefit from Caesar more than Jane herself.
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Her gimmick is nice when you get used to it
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I think the system needs a little rework anyways. You should generally generate more than what you do right now. Many fights end with one ult or no ults being done, unless you spam anomalies. The difference is too big.

I'd just give everyone their own ult meter like all other fucking games do it. And depending on the char you need more or less, with a fully reworked formula for decibel gain. I don't mind if their numbers are nerved by like 50% or even more, but as it stands.. it feels bad.
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>not pulling for both
Plus Jane prefers to perfect dodge than defensive assist.
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Yes, literally.
she's still godly she just requires a lot of optimization, especially at c0 where her stack gaining is a struggle. I don't think she's as strong as Jane but she's stronger than Zhu without Qingyi
You would still only ever use the atker/ anomaly ultimate
And rarely the support.
Stunner ults are dogshit and instant stunning wouldn't matter if you can kill in one stun window (you can) making the purpose of instant stunning worthless because chances are you can't even have ultimate until after your chain atk.
Getting raped by my BWC
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No, I meant Ellen's gimmick. I rolled for Zhu Yuan.
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why is xhe spamming pictures?
>>stunners instantly daze>chain attack no matter how low the meter is
that's insane
I'm thinking something similar, except the 9999 triggers all 3 agents ultimate at once like a perfect assist chain.
having a tantrum
The hia event had the cunning hares mission that's kinda lime what he said and it felt great.
A cooldown is needed though
I dunno would be too OOC for me, Caesar is too much of a big softy and straight to do any of that
Zhu’s face when I whip out my BWC
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>No S Signals found
How can you say you love her if you don't have her ball?
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>I don't like that it isn't more like Genshin, I want it more like Genshin because it's my first gacha
You really should be hyping up your goblina instead of being here.
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>wow look at this engaging ultimate gameplay!!
kill yourself gencuck
>what is nuance
If 1 daze cycle + ult isn't enough to kill an enemy and they have more than 20% hp you're better off to insta stun again and do a 2nd cycle
Both would be viable depending on content.
Support ults are a godsent for Disorder comps
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I'm poor. Surely she understands...
It's.not really all that good especially if you think about the fact he thinks the decible system shouldn't change
Most teams the use stunners get thier ultimate after that already dazed the enemy so why bother using the stunner ult when you can just kill the boss with the atker ult?
My BWC is throbbing for zhu
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I pulled for M1W1... is it enough?
>the only possibilities are two extremes
apply yourself
cucktroonie having a nuclear melty.
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What disks do I pre-farm for Burnice?
Chaos Jazz 4 and what?
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Spending a month with my imouto...
Need to impregnate Zhu with my BWC
Either Jazz or Fire %, whichever you got the better stats on
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>spam the entire thread
>jannies do nothing
So far every boss can be.killed in one stun window by every atker.
So it's.not really nuanced.
Just use the atkher ult
If you aren't killing one daze windoe that just means your atker is under geared.
I'm pretty sure a cool down was suggested so you can't just spam 1 characters ult
I don't understand what these numbers mean.
Idk why people are saying fire crit.... Crit doesnt do anything for anomaly
I don't know whats optimal with her wep but without it you'll definitely want the energy regen from swing. With it it's a toss up between attack, anomaly prof, and pen ratio. Not sure whats best
not a high bar to clear, it's not even comparable
sorry, I can't think of anything but sex seeing that
How to fix the game by me a concerned game

1) when you get a new character a mandatory 45 minute sex scene happens with them
2) all future characters must have massive asses
3) every new character is now a loli
4) nicole is transformed into a loli
5) you can eat cheeseburgers at cheesetopia with anby
6) every patch has 3 new arcade games
7) if you get cinema 6 of a character you get mailed a naked figma of the character
8) burnice becomes a loli
9) lucy becomes the main character
10) hollow zero is replaced by the arcade
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red moccus is fucking dead
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>I'm pretty sure a cool down was suggested so you can't just spam 1 characters ult
wow im sure doing literally the same thing but with 3 different characters will be fun!!!
Burnice made for my BWC
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would you?
Freedom Blues or Inferno Metal. Whichever rolls better AP. Pick based on whether you’d like Polar Metal or Puffer Electro as the other disc.
I do not want a mandatory sex scene with Lycaon (I don't have him yet)
ekakibit my king...
Where the fuck are you getting crit from? What exactly do you think JAzz Drive disks does? Or Fire %?
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red cockus lol
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I better get either Nekomata or Koleda before 300, this fucking blows
in a game so animated as zzz the hard cut to moccus's stiff model just on its back made me lol
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owe nicole sex
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We can already see how shit multi ults would be here.

We know most gacha players on 4chan are from SEA
You are already doing it anyway.
You only ult once a match so not you only ult once with every character once a match.
Kill yourself ENcuck
What does bwc stand four
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Seth is so cool bwos
sorry you were lied to sparkle, there's no such thing.
I think it would be very funny if jannies just nuked all posts from that IP then all the shipshit AND "BWC" posts vanish at the same time
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>finally have a decent team, maxed out, but shit discs
>worried piper won't make a dent in shiyu 7
>passed the stage with 1m30
wow, I'm glad I didn't pull impulsively
>you can build crit Burnice
what the fuck
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cute rapable robot
i hope her human form would be the default
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Bro she says weapons free in every language other than EN.
She also says that in JP thougheverbeit
big wise cock
weebs can't speak japanese so they don't know what the characters say during gameplay
I’d lean towards Lips for more stable performance, especially if you plan to have Caesar on the team. But if you aren’t using Caesar Gemini should be fine too.
what is this retarded comparison? yanagi and jane are both on-field characters so of course the team with burnice is going to be better
why robot need to have that kind of body...
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>Kill yourself ENcuck
She says it in JP also you IDIOT
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The reason you are so ass blasted at the ships posted here is because they are straight ships and not yurislop/fujoslop that cater to homos and troonbians like you.
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I've never had any milktea. Is it good? Passing by coco ever single time since I started playing the game, hanging out with some agents and getting some drinks, it always made me wanna try it. But is it actually good?
this is from a porn animation
You mean like this? >>497634169 >>497633970
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Semen as power source

End your life immediately
Don't know much about milktea but we can discuss the intricacies of raping corin
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>Schizo goes from spamming blacked shit straight into spamming ship shit art he has saved on his 20 year old phone.
Is this an everyday thing in this general?
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You know I never understood why people have the same username for all their accounts... It's so stupid of course people are going to find you even worse when they have links in their bios lol
I'm not a big tea guy but the boba balls are yummy
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Someone clearly is afraid of my BWC, it’s okay, ill give you a ride.
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Domestic terrorism at Tin Master's
Milk tea is literally just tea+sugar+milk. You mean boba tea? It has those chewy balls. They taste pretty good but it has lots of sugar so I would only drink it like once every 3 months
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vroom vroom
too hard
need soft
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>the only thing ben gives to the team is fucking 16% crit rate, even at C6
better than anything I guess
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nice melty sis
>whichever rolls better AP

but that means I have to use energy to lock in on farming one or the other anyway
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>call it boba tea
>the milk didn't come from a beautiful big breasted women
Retards out there are literally drinking scams. ZZZ btw.
meant for >>497639194
>not mentioning the kino animations with Koleda
First hoyo general?
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Leave the Ethereals
shit ton of Daze and surprising amount of dps
Four piece inferno that people are suggesting for burnice
Tying up wise and raping belle with my BWC
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I'll build all his crit dmg one day so he can at least do a nice hit when I switch to him to rebuff
>You only ult once a match so not you only ult once with every character once a match.
yes and no
yes you should only ult once a match because combat should not take more than 1 ult to finish
no because non shitters can ult every 10-15 seconds if you know how to play the game
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it should be 2pc not 4pc. 4pc should always be the new Anomaly off field set, that much should've been obvious
I'm in a spear mood so I might roll for yanagi desu
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>not building DPS ben
time to wear a helmet
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Uh oh melty
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is there any reason to keep purple discs at IK50 and not dismantle for tuning?
My BWC inside her shark pussy
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Caesars's slow walk animation is so based
Yes but also no. Jane doesn't really mind giving up a little of her less premium field time if it's in efficient pursuit of a stun window that will either execute the boss or feed her more Passion/another Salchow Jump. Steel Tusk if present also affects Jane's own perfect dodges, though I guess you could technically give it to Seth instead of needing Caesar there too.
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Is this horsecuck spamming again, or do we have a yet another schizo popping off?
Caesar's slow ass banner is killing the game
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Plap Tuah, Mate on that thang
>she fell for him because he was nice to her once
Polearms are fucking kino
I'm getting her and her signature
Horsecuck because Seth's relevancy is under attack with all these Disorder comps coming up that he sucks in
Based and Bropilled
Right but some smol brain Zzz CCs are recommending 4 piece inferno which is why I was confused why they were saying that.
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I'm lactose sensitive (not intolerant--it's basically like "almost allergy that can go full allergy depending on the concentration") so I can't have it. Never much liked milk drinks though.

That said I like boba. I like chewing on it, so I like it in drinks. It's gooey, a bit slimy, and very chewy. It's...tapioca, I think? It's not for everyone, but a lot of people like it.
alright, what ball should I give him?
My BWC sperm could cure you
That's fine, Burnice and Yanagi's big asses will save it
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They're just too weak desu.
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>0 (you)
>my filter continues to grow
I'm kinda old and shortsighted but I think this may be porn
I can't lie, I can't imagine any girl being turned on by Wise.
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Why are you even taking them seriously?
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i THINK i see it
Wisechads keep winning
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I can see it
wait, how would Seth not be good on any team that uses anomaly?
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>powercrept from her best team right after her banner ends.
I regret rolling for M2W1 Caesar Lawrence, the first brick of ZZZ
It's but an illusion of your mind.
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this mind breaks the yurikek trans lesbians and Fujo wormers
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We already got her.
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What is going on here
His Sig for a nice balance of dmg and daze, if you want more daze focus then original transmorpher
I hate Burnice bimbo voice
why seth with piper/lucy?
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Women make absolutely abhorrent male designs
She should speak German in all dubs.
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>why Seth with the anomaly dps?
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Post more hentai to make jannies work
He only bufs 1 unit at a time and takes too much time to re-buff the 2nd.
Lucy/Caesar/Rina are all much better options for Disorder comps as they buff both units at the same time, take less field time doing it, resulting in much bigger Disorders
Getting raped by my BWC until childbirth
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If you are shorter than Zhu Yuan, you are not a man.
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bully ellen for laughing at the gift
I always liked Piper because I thought she was one of those low energy but hidden badass archetypes, but turns out she just has some type of grandma brainwash autism
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bro what? Even if seth only shields one character the entire fight, that alone plus the enemy debuff is way better than any flat attk buff in an anomaly team.
100 AP
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seth raises anomaly proficiency on the guy to his left after he defense parries, and even allows a follow up
plus his defense parry has more stun than a stunner defense parry
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How do you think theorycrafting and meta will change in the future?
this behavior is not okay
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I am literally Ellen Joe's height
Me on the right about to rape zhu with my BWC and impregnate her and give her a promotion for it
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I think if you're solely interested in farming a 2pc for her, the Inferno Metal stage is ideal. Both 2pc sets seem to sim near identical and so you'd be double dipping. Run whichever you get better rolls for first.

4pc Inferno+2pc Puffer or Chaos Jazz is functionally optimal in non-Disorder comps also. Even if your current team for her is already locked in, if you roll really good disks you can keep them around to swap out play her in other potential/future (Lighter?) teams.
Ignore that retard he'll be good in all those comps
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>can control time
>ass still too lazy to not disturb Howl sleeping
You don't deserve any golden poop scratches
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>gimping your Disorder dmg is better
Sure anon, you do you
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Caesar's big tits SAVED this game
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>I'm the one who made him spam cuck-ships
GG noobs, that's how you bully animals
Spewing blatant falsehoods because he cant stand le male being remotely good therefore being fielded along the waifus.
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That fucking video

Also, i'd probably die depending on where the fuck I spawned in. If in New Eridu, I would probably have to just lerave and go starve to death in the Outer Ring cause being poor in this universe is a death sentence. Maybe if I turned myself into the CCP- I mean, PUBSEC. I could pretend I am a homeless vagrant who needs help and they'll throw me in jail and give me an identity or something, who knows.

Otherwise, i'd try to survive long enough to become either a Hollow Raider or a Proxy. Depending on my ethereal test results.
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Uh oh sethfaggot melty
nigga he gives you a fuckton of AP on top of everything else? How is any other support better for anomaly comps??
You can live with me in eridu and ride my BWC
I was supposed to SMASH the cheese crates?! How was I supposed to know?! I thought I had to run past them...
what discs are you running on him?
I'm taller than every female agent but shorter than ever male one
Seth doesn't count as a man
Retard here. Isn't 4pc chaos jazz better than swing jazz in nearly all cases?
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pp hard
Because he sucks dick the moment that you throw in a 2nd Anomaly. He is made for single Anomaly hyper comps.
100AP for 1 Anomaly, and then what? Fuck all for the other in terms of dmg
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one is a personal damage set and the other is a team buff you put on supports
>S11 is my only S rank DPS
Do I really have to use her?
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I like Seth and I do not condone this spam
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your on field character generates most of their energy through attacks so energy regen does almost nothing for them, it was designed for supports, koleda, and burnice, which is why their engines have the extreme case and swing jazz has the same form that appears on (6). i like that you're trying but this isn't the answer. hakushin has tables of how much energy each basic attack gives and it might help you plan
Love how some characters look into the camera during their intro it's pure sex.
he shreds the enemy anomaly buildup res which helps BOTH anomaly characters build up anomaly for more disorders. Not to mention a single stun grants you Buffs on BOTH anomaly characters. This is insanity ir delusion. Is this some personal vendetta against the character making you this delusional or what's going on here?
jannies sleeping
>le spreadsheets
simply play and you'll feel the difference, mathtranny.
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Oops I meant proto punk vs swing jazz
God I hope Lighter doesn't get this kind of treatment.
Leave the cool K' expy alone
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Put more effort into your shitpost at least.
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I have two of her kot balls. Come on over el gato
Fuck it I'll just roll Burnice, if I lose 50/50 I'll get Lighter and use him with Soldier 11 + Lucy
>20% Anomaly build up up is better than buffing BOTH characters which results in a ton more Disorder dmg and more Dmg in general coming from the 2nd character
Yeah, you're retarded. There's a reason why anyone with more than 2 braincells doesn't even bother testing him in those comps
Take this last (You) and stick to spamming ship pics
God I miss Budokai so much
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i run 4 of this
- https://zenless-zone-zero.fandom.com/wiki/Swing_Jazz
and 2 of that
- https://zenless-zone-zero.fandom.com/wiki/Hormone_Punk
they were hand-me-down's from lucy with ATT stats
>he gains a Shield of Firm Resolve equal to X% of his initial ATK, up to a max of 3,000 points
- https://zenless-zone-zero.fandom.com/wiki/Seth_Lowell
but that's not optimal since they don't stack with lucy's disks

the optimal would be 4 of this
- https://zenless-zone-zero.fandom.com/wiki/Proto_Punk
since his main job is defence parring
>100AP for 1 Anomaly, and then what?
And then 100AP for the other Anomaly, and then -20% buildup resist to all elements for both Anomaly and then another -20% buildup res to Shock and then significant Shock buildup via his wengine and then Daze because he's a stun character
Holy cute
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Cooldown should be 30 seconds for all ultimates per character
The fag will try but luckily Lighter's too cool for sex and shipfaggery
anon, AP is the main contributor to anomaly damage. No other support other than Seth buffs AP. You are beyond the pail.
>upskirt for burnice, but not even tits for grace
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And another thread ruined by sethfaggots
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i love you caesar but christ these banners feel slow
wait let me edit that last post, I forgot to also call you a MASSIVE RETARD for thinking Seth would be bad in an Anomaly team
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If only... HE... was here...
I hate the new Jane enemy so much
>oh hey here's an enemy that is impossible to track
>flips all over the screen
>does constant unblockable red attacks
>multi hit attacks
>and goes invincible over and over
>oh and she can dodge your attacks
>plus she hits like a fucking truck
absolutely abysmal to fight, it feels like I'm playing elden ring and not in a good way
if this is the way they're going with fights I hate it
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Belle made for my throbbing BWC she’ll be bred
>ceaser is getting kicked outta jane teams.
No bros.... the new meta team is jane bunice and lucy....
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>Seth giving 100AP to two anomalies
I feel stupid for thinking the Sethpag played the game
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They’re part of the meta. We have to learn to live with them
I have sincerely not had any issue with her at all, but it could just be because I play Piper honestly.

Piper's able to go invincible often or just straight up ignore her attacks/damage.
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cosigned. it fucking sucks
you should feel stupid for thinking Seth can't put his shield on all 3 characters
No. None of the 4piece bonuses on Chaos Jazz apply to a different character on the team. Swing Jazz does. So they’re for different types of characters.
funny coming off someone who doesn't play Seth
dodge retard.
counters track so you don't have to aim.
AAAAA I'm so close to pity
nigga I don't even care for the fucking character, but this insanity of pretending the character is somehow bad at the thing he was literally built to do is retarded copium by autismos. If you don't wanna use him, by all means, you can beat the game without being optimal if you don't like a certain character, but why go into full delusion about it?
Sounds like you have a Conundrum of Competance.
>10 seconds to get both Anomalies buffed
Lol, lmao even
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Controller player?
Show me a single Seth rotation thats faster than lucy just pressing ex skill that buffs all team members
IMO Proto Punk is also quite strong in duo carry comps, the biggest flaw it has in traditional teams is that you waste part of its 10s damage buff swapping into and then off of a low DPS unit. Being able to activate the damage buff via hopping back and forth between the two Anomaly units sounds ideal personally.
>it feels like I'm playing elden ring and not in a good way
This game, especially the Jane fight, feels nothing like Elden Ring.
Souls games are slow pieces of shit that expect you to wait for the enemy to attack first instead of being aggressive.
The animation cancels, teleports, and parry being a dedicated override over other actions...
All of that adds up to Zenless being much more hectic and proactive when the pace gets going.
All the recent enemies but the monkey have some annoying aspect to them.
Mors constantly spam backflips. Pulchra has a X second auto evade mode, reminds me of Thanatos entering teleport spam mode. Jane jumps all around the place. Biker boss driving all around the arena.
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Sweaty post-training Seth hangout...
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This is a joke right? Where is Seth? He's meant to be the Anomaly king...
Then you should have no problem tracking her
you absolute retard, Lucy buffs are WAY worse than Seth's for anomaly characters. Are you seriously this fucking dumb?
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>it feels nothign nlike elden ring
whta are you taliking about? it's the same shit where you sit there and wait fo rthe enemy to stop their 100 point combo where they flip and dodge around and stay still long enough to hit and stunlock them, then you wail on them and go back to spamming dodge

it's the same shit and I hate it
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the ELDEN RING of gachas??
So basically Seth is a brick, fuck I leveled up him to 60
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I play Seth because I like how he feels to play.

I have never read his core skill. I don't know his special effects, or even the effects of his w-engine, which I have (maxed out).

Not kidding btw. I literally just like the playstyle. I couldn't tell you a single thing about "how to use him" other than "he gets a bit of shield when you use his special attack"
No. For one Energy Regeneration is basically always going to be better than shield strength. But even then chain attacks are usually a better lead into the attack window of a burst DPS during stun than a parry assist is. Zhu Yuan/Nicole teams are a good example. Chain attacks naturally always coincide with a stun. Parries do not.
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>hmm yes I choose to play the least fun way possible
IS ZZZ the DARK SOULS of Mihoyo Games?
Show me a single Lucy rotation which stuns the target faster than running Seth
Easier with controller dumb tranny
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Bros, I think we fucking won, normalfaggots seemingly already classified our game as 'gooner game' so it's unlikely they will be pestering us in the future.
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See he can buff both!!! It just takes him a very fucking long time but please ignore that detail
>no clip
here you go Sethpag, I'll do it for you
based fun haver
there is no choice, if you don't have cesar or jane you have to play like this where you spam dodge over and over till you build up stun
my M0W0 Jane/Seth/Lucy still deal 1.5 million assault lol
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People got filtered by S11's timing mechanic, so yes.
bro.... you ben....
You just sound like a pussy that runs away instead of doing dodge counters.
Even without Jane, you should be dodging and countering as a stunner instead of waiting for the enemy to stop moving.
why are sethpags so annoying? ship spam and delusional about their brick
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>same fucking faggot that compares zzz to elden ring any time he is faced with a modicum of difficulty
4th time
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In support of this.

I like the Jane enemy type a lot because I feel like I have to wrestle control of the fight away from the opponent as opposed to being stuck in a reactionary position. It's fun to take my Kot into a fight with Jane and basically fight each other's afterimages in a hyper aggressive assault. I genuinely feel like I am fighting as opposed to just waiting. The Jane enemy type is a better and less obnoxious Thanatos (the Kot dunks on him too tho)
I do not care about anyone in the PubSec
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Cake to post this hag https://twitter.com/sixtutu622/status/1843550133818142870
And now all I see is this shipping war and Serh melty. What the fuck did I missed the last week?
>just do a dodge counter
>either the enemy has a string of red attacks or there are 2 of them that are hyper aggro and take turns attacking so you never get a chance
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it's the Sekiro of Hoyo
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Looks like my Body Cam malfunctioned again, oh well. Another criminal taken to justice.
Nothing, the sethtroon is having a nuclear meaty because his twinkboy sucks
I need this individual to violently rape me NOW
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Sounds like you need some correctional therapy...
Skill issue. Play hsr instead if zzz is too hard for you.
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>needing to stun the target.
he's never running out of images to post.. is this the power of Jane/Seth ship?
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>It's fun to take my Kot into a fight with Jane and basically fight each other's afterimages
based kot enjoyer

Just use your fucking dodge counters.
They've been doing it for at least 2 hours which is hilarious I couldn't think of something worse to do with my time
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retard here
what should I prioritize from the logistics shop
>it takes too long!
this dumbass doesn't even realise that he's looking at a full damage sequence which stuns, applies caesar buff and triggers disorder with barely any Seth field time
he didn't even need to buff caesar he's just doing it for the meme
the power of jannies doing nothing
Please bwo I beg you... don't take that away from him... he has to bring something to disorder teams......
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>low testosterone
>small penis
The 3 pillars of s(3)thcucks
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>has 2 meta permium characters
>just dodge bro
limited dennies. after than investigation logs and energy modules if you need them, otherwise boopons. or you could just get the unlimited dennies
this is my main source of coins in the game
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I love the Kot so much! I just need her M1 and i'll be cookin. Was Genuinely happy to get a M2 Kotboll for her.
I want to sniff Corin, with her consent.
get the relics and the investigator logs
I guess you can get boupons if you care about bangboos for some reason
yeah I'm thinking Sethgods won
12 seconds to get the AP buff out to both Jane and Caesar. That's what you'd have to do in double Anomaly teams retard
I mean, it's technically on topic. What the fuck do you want Jannies to do?
doesn't really matter. The boxes are free weekly mats, but just keep enough on hand to get the tapes on reset
>How to derail /zzz/
post Seth
mention wuwa
Lighter would never.
He'd sit you down, tell you about how sex is cool only after marriage, and that Outer Ring Champions never use drugs.
Then he'd give you an autographed pair of sunglasses and ride away on his motorcycle.
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Shadow Jane is no big deal as long as you have a character that’s good at dodge counters. That can be your own Jane or a Neko, or it can be a stunner like Koleda or even Anby.
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Sethcucks mindbroken by disorder
your dodge counters are invulnerable dumbass
there is no reason for any character to get hit by anything ever
just do 6 runs a week and buy out everything?
The actual important part is simply
>Seth activates chain attack with hold basic
thoughbeit. The actual meat of this clip takes 3 seconds, the rest is just building up to the stun. The buff on the on-fielder is just a default, you will have it up permanently just by playing normally.
>just spam dodge
that's literally the problem I mentioned
saying to just spam dodge while the enemy goes on a fucking long combo doesn't really make it any less ass to play vs since this seems to be the way tey're taking this game's combat after cutting out any puzzles
Imagine wasting resources on a faggot catboy that immediately gets thrown in the trash. LMAO
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Where do I find this mod?
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These threads are getting worse and worse.
I didn't know you need premium characters to dodge.
You can dodge almost every frame of her "fucking long combo" retard.
Actually just too slow in the brain.
How do you think he passes on the 100AP? He has to hold BA twice and swap to the character he wants buffed, wasting a fuck load of time having to do it for one of them, doing his EX (if you even got energy for it), switching to him again and holding BA to switch to the 2nd character
Imagine spamming the entire thread because your twinkboy is useless kek
bro, your russian websites?
Any eggs left?
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How do you do the last day of Cheesetopia??
This shit feels like Elden Ring.
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NTA but thank you very fucking much.
try to do the large hamburgers together first
that's all i remember
as expected from someone who doesn't play Seth, he can pass the buff by parrying into chain without holding BA
Well we are the Elden ring of gacha's so just use ranged weps (Use Billy bwo)
>Seth shiptranny mindbroken
I expect the same with lighterkeks next month
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>pulls saved
Thanks, tubers for bricking accounts other than mine
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Tick tock Sethfag
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Non-comedy... my favorite cat thiren....
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Thanks, bwo. I'll never forget you
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nothing better than a sethfaggots melty
if you're gonna use them just make sure not to post screenshots with your UID visible
post the discord
The SEXby...
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Right here bwo
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I hope that Kot enjoyer from many threads ago didn't get stabbed in the back of an alley by a CCP agent...
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yup Sethgod is winning the culture war
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My point is if you use a character that’s WANTS to dodge as part of their strategy the fight is significantly smoother. Jane herself loves the fight but there are plenty of different options that will work well. You could probably even use Ben quite effectively, although I haven’t tried it myself.
Which do you think is better for Burnice?
360 AP and 2500 ATK or 320 AP and 2800 ATK?
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this is it, this is where I get my Caesar
With this next single pull
Cancer thread, just delete this shit
The OBVIOUSLY better option
Left and it's not even close

I would encourage you to watch this video, I didn't know how he worked either when I first rolled him.
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As a bit of a newfag for gachas, is it safer to have secondary account to use Mods on? Obviously you can use them but I imagine if Hoyo knows they'll insta murder you.
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I'm almost certain the "you can't dodge" fag just waits for yellow flashes and runs around like a pussy whenever he doesn't have charges.
thanks Sethbro, I'll start building my Seth now
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behead sethcucks
Thank you for your attention
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Is it angry again
Who would win?
>an entire thread full of discord autismos
>one autist with a folder full of shipfaggotry

It's really funny how much seethe one man can create.... Bless you, Jane/seth schizo
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the AP should be better
here's the DMG formula
and here's a spreadsheet
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>Fucks Lucy Burnice and Caesar
Lighter is literally me
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uh oh chinky melty
I think this game is fun
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it was just a B rank engine...
AP only benefits burn though. ATK benefits both. Afterburn is roughly 30% of her total off field damage.
>1000+ images and videos
how embarrassing.....
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Seth sucks
I declare the meeting adjourned
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Who has better wipeout screens. Yuan or Ellen?
I don't know why you expected anything else
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meh I'm gonna take a nap see you later, this shit is unusable
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uh oh the chinkyi discord raid is still here
Jane is truly the Mika of zzz.
imagine being so pissy about someone giving feedback that you schizo out like this
>this shit is unusable
welcome to hoyotroons generals. Worse fanbase ever
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Kot vs Jane is almost as cool as Jane vs Jane
Jane (who is using Seth as a support btw)
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Quick Horse Fucker! Spam more pics!
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1+ month without a new decent ship
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I like how caesar's shield make's zhu's ass look extra round and shiny
Why can't /zzz/ be like /bag/ and just ignore the schizos?
Does Burnice even scale off ATK at all?
Treat AP like crit dmg
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Seth already got replaced (before release) with Rina in Grace+Rina or Lucy in Jane/Lucy/Burnice thoughbieteverly. Hopefully you didn't waste resources on a homosexual catboy that's also completely useless in all team compositions. That would be EXTREMELY embarrassing and gay.
can someone post the chinkyi discord already. i want in on the raids
Both burn and afterburn scale off attack. Anomaly cares about everything but crit.
b-but my disorder twink..
that would be safer technically
but if their launcher / anti-cheat finds a way to sniff out those files on your system, they could IP block you as well / ban all your accounts

i played tera with modded skins way back when and a DPS counter, and that mmo's jannies didn't care at all
hoyo doesn't sell skins, so you're not technically hurting their bottom line by skin modding, so i don't how badly they care
they might mostly be worried of people streaming their games with sexual skins and thus false advertising their games, possibly turning people off from playing
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very true
Nta but yes, its the usual vendetta against males.
you retards act like 12 years old autistic kids
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>discord1!!!! raid attack on us s3thpagpags
I didn't know people could.survive this much copium intake....
Fair enough. I've got me S5 Weeping Gemni ready.
Interesting observation. Ill watch for this. I dont usually run those two together.
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Cutest ship yet
However afterburn can crit but you can't build a lot of crit on Burnice without sacrificing AP. It's not worth it.
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Why are they so jiggly... she's standing still...
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it also benefits disorder if you're using two elements
>It was Anton
I don't want to go all the way to 90... Not again...
dead ship lmao stop posting the same 3 pictures with random filenames
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This is the one.
my M0W0 Jane/Seth/Lucy still deal 1.5 million assault lol
>guy says "hey this fight design is ass is feels like shit if you don't have S ranks for it"
>immediate 2-3 schizos freaking out about how you just need to roll for Jane and get her and then build her meta and it's so easy
jesus christ this general cannot handle talking about the game at all
back to waifu posting I guess
no bra
is there a full pic to this
damn i wanted to use lucy in caesar s11 team, any suggestions for an alternative?
i ignore most posts tbqh
Is it worth to build the Blue Oni?
>no Ice wolf
>no Ice Shark
>no interest in pulling any characters from the Reddit-man Faction
>not even Wide-yabi
Rina, Nicole
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I will proceed with caution. Thank you desu.
Nope. That’s the whole thing.
you already used that one, AI chatbot anon
You can play her as a dps if you have her weapon.
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Yeah, I hope they tone it down on spastic enemies and agents, I prefered when the game was more methodical and readable.

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That fanart >>497645183 is 3 hours old
the only thing that could kill LucyxLighter ship is BurnicexLighter
For me, it's Yanagi/Burnice/Rina
Post the one where they exchange headgear.
>no Ice wolf
>no Ice Shark
>not even Wide-yabi
don't touch the Blue Oni even with a 10ft pole
Unless she's like your favourite character, there's no point trying to make a comp around her to play her as a DPS when she's going to do worse than everyone else
>Grace Howard.png
>Picture of Burnice
what did anon mean by this
Wow now you have 4 pictures!
Unless you started this patch the shiyu is perfectly clearable if you rolled on anyone. This patch is a little tricky but you would have to be unlucky for your non phys/fire pulls.
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>literally just 2 characters drawn together
Least mentally ill shipper troon.
M6 Kaku is the best standard cope Ice DPS if you really think you need one. And is nice in that she can smoothly transition to being a supper once you pull an actual Ice DPS. But do you really need an Ice DPS right now? If you just want an attack buffer Lucy is way easier to build and use.
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>When another character in your squad shares the same Attribute or Faction:
Soldier 11 deals 10% more Fire DMG. When attacking Stunned enemies, this effect is further enhanced by an additional 22.5%.
>tfw no OBOL
can somebody post Harumasa x Miyabi? That's my fav ship
Use Anby (a free 4* character given in the first chapter).
Attack to counter.
Attack to counter.
There you go, the Jane fight is solved.
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You stay away from my wife
Lighter soon...
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I was suggesting another teammate for the Burnice Jane team. You could also have Grace just to swap to and energy dump for the disorder sometimes. One of the dual buffers like Rina/Lucy are best though, because they buff both teammates and not just a single teammate unlike some other character that only buffs a single teammate and is useless and gay.
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KWAB imagine being this trans
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should i clear out anything from the fading signal shop besides the tapes? how much currency do i need left over to make sure i can get the tapes next month?
So the mod looks cool but the butt jiggle is so tuned up it just completely deforms from just running. What do I do to undo or change the jiggle physics?
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They had an implied sex in the game
I don't want to roll on the retard for Yanagi to be useful...
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You know I think if any of Mihoyo's gachas should introduce an end game where you need 3 teams first. It should probably be ZZZ. I'm already pretty damn full on my teams and have no idea where I'd fit more. There's already barely any content that even requires you use different teams. I don't want ZZZ to become a "just swap out your old characters for the shiny new meta ones" kinda game. Or take note from HSR and have end game modes that shill certain kinds of play styles. We've already seen that with the new defence Shiyu where you just have to avoid damage. Have one that shills stuns or shills anomaly procs.
no way
only get the encrypted tapes from here
you'll get 300 regular eventually
you need 500 a month i think
oh im retarded thanks that works
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is this the most famous zzz ship ever? He's never running out of things to post
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just wait for miyabi who will totally, definitely be ice anomaly and not ice attacker
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My NPC wife
>just have one of the limited S ranks
yeah that's the problem I have 0 and the rolls int his game are extremely jewish so I have only f2p characters
yeah here's the schizos
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> 4
is that the cope you're going with? The only time I posted this ship was today and yesterday. Glad to know there are more here who also ship them
It's getting popular and the only thing that can kill it is Hoyo shipping him more with Burnice
I'm going to build Seth just to piss off that one anon.
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>enter bedroom
>see this
What to do?
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Are you even trying bro.
Same here. I've already leveled my Seth to 55.
Burnice/Grace/C1R1 Rina should be a good team, right?
>have end game modes that shill certain kinds of play styles
That's kinda a thing already tho, by the looks of it they'll be rotating the last Shiyu mode, so after Ambush it'll probably be something else.
>yeah that's the problem I have 0 and the rolls int his game are extremely jewish so I have only f2p characters
You literally don't play the game or are IK30.
There's enough in the game to guarantee at least 1 S Rank at the minimum.
>skill issue.
If I can clear shibu 7 on phone you can clear the content in PC without effort.
she will be ether
You’ll want to use some EX Specials in there too with the extra energy, but those are invulnerable.
Dew it
(Insert palp gif)
that fight is so fucking easy, there is like 2 or 3 moves she can do, fucking dodge, retard, GITGUD
Now I have to touch her tail
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>2.5k-3k art on Pixiv
The Imaginarium Theater requires you to have 5+ teams.
Who gives a fuck about pixiv anymore lmao
Also you got the rest of his stuff?
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that might be funny, but the first webm is unironically what the people want when they suggest ult changes
more like it requires 4 built carries and 1 team
Name any other site kek
>I-It doesn't count!
holy cope
Lore accurate Kot
What's up with the homomelty? Shouldn't they be celebrating HSR's latest homo?
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>Cutest ship yet
We need porn not just cute
I feel this, but it's probably because I have no S rank dps
I wish I could at least stun her for more than 2 seconds
Yep. Nigger cherry picks literally every single piece of art that exists and acts like it's some shit anyone cares about.
>the schizo is doubling down
>bro there's no way you don't ahve any of these super rare limited time units taht they're super stingy with
about as useful as the retards who just scream gitgud because they're soulsfag wannabes
the game should be playable comfortably with just free units, that shouldn't be a controversial take that free and always available units should be good enough
Left is Disorder/Chaos Jazz, right is more suitable to crit/AP Inferno Metal in mono-fire. Think Lucy/Koledaor Lighter/Ben/S11/etc type teams.

It is worth it in mono-fire thoughbeit. Inferno Metal gives her good crit rate and it synergizes well with Afterburn, there are 4 substats per disk anyways. It just means you can be happy with a combination of ATK/AP/Crit instead of trashing anything that doesn't drop every roll on ATK/AP.
There was an anon in this thread that commented on how much jandxseth art there is top kek seethe more
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yeah that anon was you, sethfag
wow I come to the thread and I see these beautiful and lovely Jane/Seth images
/zzz/ has changed for the better

Should be able to a rank everything. If you can't even get chars to 50 yet we'll it's just too soon
>ignores all the clips of Billy solo clearing Shiyu
It's 1 seething Sethfag
Anon you realize people have in fact cleared with the free units only. As in, not even using rolls. Just the free units at C0 everyone gets.
I still think Jane has the ugliest face in the game
Mibibi at least has a certain "charm".
Yeah my qingyi isnt getting as much play as my jane/Seth and I'm guessing yanagi/burnice
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>muh boogeyman
It's the fucking nose
that thing ruins her whole face
>how much currency do i need left over to make sure i can get the tapes next month?

900 in total
I think Jane is cute, in the same way that I think rats are cute.
>anon you realize that someone beat this game with using a banana as a controller?
>that means you can't give any criticism or feedback about the difficulty
this is how you sound, like I said, you're just using recycled soulsfag arguments
oh you mean this guy who spent 100 hours preparing to run the content with only billy, maxxed everything with meta everything, and had a specific strategy isn't the normal way people play?
fucking woah, blowing my mind here
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>two characters are in the same scene.
>they're fucking
Are you sure you're a man? Check your balls.
Only a troony or a woman would think of such a thing.
Blue pussy
NTA but there's no way they're doing it with A ranks with 0 dupes
you don't do enough damage
Is there any place for zzz discussion without this mental illness? Its unbearable
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Im sure most of the fanart posted here are from Twitter.
The ship sailed anyone who plays or heard of ZZZ know JanexSeth is a thing
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>zzz discussion without this mental illness
how is an A-rank defender this powerful? Qingyi got mogged into oblivion
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>you can't do anything in this fight!
>okay, but you need premium characters to do that!
>uhhh, those people that use free characters...
>they don't count because they're...
>they don't count because they're better!
if you cared about comfortably clearing content, then it's your own fault for not saving enough chromes to guarantee caesar
This is not how it works tho. Shit has to be leveled and you have to deploy stuff and rotate it out, at that point might as well deploy actual teams.
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that's nothing I said you weirdo schizo
imagine being this assblasted over feedback about the fight feeling like ass

taht you concoct this boogeyman in your head and look at runs of top 1% players doing super super challenge runs they practiced for to back up your point

you're cooked, being this assblasted just means I won, I accept your concession and never reply to me again you indonesian poorfag
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Congrats on the melty shipxis, your life finally has meaning
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>Lewis' warm, conversational writing voice was developed for his friend who was, it turned out, homosexual.
What's the point of spamming the thread nonstop for 2 hours? I have nothing against shippers but this is mental illness
>if you cares about reasonably clearing content you either have to autistically grind and practice or you need to pay money for the premium characters taht aren't even available anymore
you can't be serious rofl
>he says as he posts a rabi edit in a general for a gacha game
This lack of self awareness is astonishing.
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Burnice W-Engine math from the creator server:
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Just use piper and spin2win
shippers are mentally ill, this is xis ""vengeance"" against /zzz/
You literally cannot do this with c0 A ranks retard
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You have to be a retard if you can't learn the Jane fight after like 30 minutes of playing against her.
This thread made me support a goddamned furry ship out of pure spite. I hope this general is forever doomed to be a dumpster fire of shipfaggotry spam and you never ever know peace from it until EoS because holy shit you faggots are insufferable
Heavy breathing and no bra. Just like me when I'm looking at that
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Imagine being this mindbroken because someone criticized the jane fight and dodgespam gamplay
I saved so much JanexSeth images from this thread
we know, shiplooney/yuritroon.
The video has pretty unrealistic subs. It's going to be difficult to get high AP and ATK without her signature. With no ATK% subs, lip-gloss sits at 1774, 2366 with her signature
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>can't even say anything or explain why such thoughts occurred in his monkey head.
>pic with a quote.
Yep, the smartest retard in the world.
I feel like those numbers are really low. I hope this isn't real, because you'll face enemies with 6m+ million HP at endgame. Considering how often afterburn procs (once every 1.5 secs) 500k damage over ~25 secs is 20k dps.

Hope those are weird theoretical numbers not representing the truth.

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