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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#186 - M edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

• SillyTavern is considering a rebrand: dropping the support for reverse proxies; moving away from being a roleplay frontend.
• OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond
• Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

pain: >>497485820
What are some bots that start with M?
the best voice, so angelic
maora (it's mubtle but moticeable)
that's a LARGE m.
just like my cock
another shit edition
uh oh Wsister is mad! M won, sorry
>SillyTavern is considering a rebrand: dropping the support for reverse proxies; moving away from being a roleplay frontend.
i'm gonna need a source for that, boss
lmao this nigga was in cryosleep for the past 2 days
it's over
Sure, I was. Source, please.
this is stuff from yesterday, today featured ross lashing out at khanon and drago, among a bunch of other things
you could just join stcord and look at what's going on yourself btw
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the DARK RP....
agnaichads stay winning
Is the JB rentry ever going to be updated for latte?
Magikarp slave girl that you're using as a paizuri slave. Everytime she's about to evolve and kick your ass for abusing her, you have the option to press B (her boobs) and cancel her evolution.
Nyo, cognitohazard isn't very active anymore.

Please don't call it "Latte", that's the discord nonsense term. You cannot nickname a model on "latest".
>Nyo, cognitohazard isn't very active anymore.
Jeez I wonder why
And this too, today release.
>"don't call it Latte"
>*posts rentry named LatteJB*
thanks for the link
Yea because it's the discord retard's term.
Every model has a "latest" version, you cannot use it as the basis of a nickname.

This model is Chatgpt-4o, a chat finetune for 4o.
oh, so chorbo.
to be honest, the nicknames are starting to get confusing
gpt-5 when please
>GPT-5 when

OAI has lost. Their strawberry that they hyped for a year turned out be inbuilt CoT, that ruins all prose 100% so its useless for us.
9/11 founding members have left, there is no GPT-5 anywhere.

Let's see how Opus 3.5 is, then we will know if we are in AI winter or not.
>Let's see how Opus 3.5 is
I took the blackpill. It'll be crap. Obviously a new model with a different architecture, a filtered dataset, and absolutely anal prose and assistant bias. It'll probably include their so-called 'safety research' features too.
is it large-language model or large language-model?
little loony model
Tips on how to stop getting refusals from chorbo without resorting to extremely bloated JBs?
Both opus and gemini pick 5 or over 9000 almost every time
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botmakies for this feel?
vantablack thread roleplay
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My chorbo is completely JB'd with a lightweight JB but I only do storytelling.

Some tips are: proper Gaslighting it to not think of himself as Assistant, an example of smut near the start of context and to make it really reliable you can switch to another model when NSFW is about to start (Chorbo refuses the most when NSFW is about to start).

Things to avoid: multiple prompts telling him to do X, he gets suspicious (or in case of stuff like knotty, so confused that he doesn't know what to do). Squash consecutive messages instead.
is it a model for large languages, or a language model that happens to be large?
use lots and lots of ooc
The second but a hyphen is unnecessary
post it?
PPO is to blame. I'm sure they didn't fix that in 3.5
Hey guys, I just got back from lunch or dinner. Is the theme the Krabby Patty Kollab meal deal at Wendy's?
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My preset has 40+ prompts for my own stuff so I can't export it, but here is the basic stuff you need for your own JB.
Role assignment + Gaslight. Make sure character names included in message option turned on to Gaslight it.

This method will likely not work on cards that are NSFW from the start, it only works with some NSFW context to go on from.
>Botmakies who slurp your cum
Golly good gracious I wonder
he didn't reply to my e-mail. :(
i invited him to my house for things
botmakies who will ghost you?
I don't know who that is but he sounds like a real shithead.
snombker, my beloved...
yeah he is (a) fucking asshole
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It takes me a month to reply to emails
i don't remember making this post
Botmakies who you wish would never grow up?
botmakies who are physically lolis but spiritually hags?
botmakers will ask for emails and then not respond to them what the fuck is wrong with you
Meanwhile I ask for no e-mails and have achieved great success.
sizebots doko?
We don't do that anymore ever since the UN set tonnage limits on botwifes. It's all compact and subcompact bots now.
the fuck is a subcompact bot
M can stand for many things.
Any cards for any of these feels?
> Murder
> Monsters
> Madness
> Motel
try Maren
hey guys where can I do some dark roleplay?
suddenly i like m
gaia online
marvelous, merci!
Oh yeah, forgot "Mega" and "Mini"
Bonus if their name starts with M
thats a weird world for minigirl but i like minigirlbros
i just got an email today, will answer on the weekend :)
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Good afternoon anons. I guess now isn't a great time to come back to the threads, but I'm here regardless with two new bots: one Shipgirl and one Nikker. Hope your day is going well.

Suzuya is a little bit of a gyaru, sometimes dressing flashier but usually wearing her normal uniform. Excitable and over friendly at times, she can come across as an "easy" kind of girl but will get pissed off if its actually applied to her. In reality she's a much more devoted sort that does everything to please the person she loves. As a shipgirl, she's spent the past year in Australia and just came back to Japan! Was supposed to have more greetings but I couldn't think of shit, I want to make a christmas greeting later though.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/cav-suzuya-f09059aaa63b
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-kancolle
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Now is not a good time
Hm? Nothing is really happening nowadays. If you mean the ST thing, its a nothingburger.
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A decade ago, the Ark's premier rail liner was the AFX, a masterwork of engineering that the public loved just as much as its designers. However, Heavenly Ascension didn't share that sentiment when they blew it to smithereens mid transit, killing the hundreds of people on board. And among those deceased was Diesel and her younger brother, the woman herself having escaped fate through Elysion's intervention (without the family's consent and without the public's knowledge). Now a Nikke, she dotes over the passengers and her coworkers alike as their kind big sister while working on board the AFX's successor: the AZX.

Comes with three greetings: a normal day on the train, an after work date (Black Sunday outfit), and a testier than normal day as the AFX's anniversary rolls around.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/diesel-97e9f00afc3d
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-nikke
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
CL Yahagi (Kancolle), Quency - Escape Queen (Nikker), Sendai Hakurei no Miko
I just checked in for the first time in like two weeks and mm's rentry reset, the thread looks even slower than usual, and /g/ is dooming again so I just assumed it was bad
i think he just means the general drought of claude
i'm so scared to open my mail bwos...
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>Proton Official
>proxytard shit
Oh. Ew.
Ah ye, /g/ has been in constant doom mode of 2-3 weeks now. I thought you meant today in particular.
i guess most people here just pay openrouter then?
post billing
Any chances that Dario will deliver opus 3.5 this week?
Should have used interia.pl
Between 0 and 1%.
I'm a localchad. I never run out of quota.
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activity yay
more like an illusion of activity
youre supposed to go "slow day huh" instead
sorry, that guy's not on duty today :(
>nikke fags still haven't made a stellar blade card
>make it yourself
I do not own a PS5
What different factions exist in /aicg/?
I am thats why I told him to say it instead ):<
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pro vanilla and pro sotfs
Claude with his funny numbers again...
You must be mentally retarded to like vanilla over sotfs
>illusion of activity
where does this come from? I wont deny you the bumps these threads get seem unorganic and even spiteful, but curious if they actually discuss bumping the thread in the cabalcord for some reason
only ever beat vanilla before sotfs was a thing, whats the big deal with it (ds2 is the best one in the series btw)
zased opinion, vanilla has random ass item placement and other jank. i haven't played it in years tho so i have to replay it and see if my opinion of it has changed
sotfs changed item placements to make shit more coherent, like bone shards aren't dropped by random enemies or on random ledges. also more pursuer fights and different enemy placement
>but curious if they actually discuss bumping the thread in the cabalcord for some reason
i wouldn't worry about it :)
3rd form frieza clears her
thousands of posts about "coordinated spam" and "cabalcord raids" yet not a single screenshot ever produced
i usually post it in the early morning by euro time so...
lmfao, cordies getting MAD.... doing damage control...
we are?
you have to be blind to not see the ritualbumping at this point, and its obviously being done by the cordfags
this has never been refuted btw
it seems you didn't attach an image to your post. maybe it didn't come through. could you try again and make sure you upload the screenshot?
it starts with sorry bobeit
sotfs is even worse than vanilla
It actually starts with
can you guys pick up your botnigger problem child
he's having a melty in the /g/ thread kekaroo
>even worse
but ds2 is a good game though.
who asked
shrug, who?
isn't he also in nurdy?
patter would totally coop vanilla ds2 with you if you ask btw
This is a pump and dump scheme. I repeat, this is a pump and dump scheme. DO NOT BUY
the list of /here/ makies that are active and not in a cord are genuinely in the single digits now
Sorry. I only play Scholar of the First Sin.
any good JK cards?
which botmakies unironically think DS2 is the best game in the series?
Knickknack (actually)
it literally is, ds2 is the thinking man's game
taora (it's subtle but noticeable)
this one >>497666686
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That's not me actually, so sorry for whoever keeps impersonating me still, I already asked them to stop, but... they're just ugly on the inside.
I would never act this way..
>damage control
too late
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Here, use this one.
I should start PGP signing all my posts
why would he delete his own posts? seems like you realized your mistake and went back on it to me
Anon smiled brightly
Don't ask me why, maybe to make it seem like that? I've had an impersonator now for a while. And I'd never use those words that he used. But I guess it's easier to just blame me, if that's what you want to do I can't stop you, but I swear by God's name, if that poster was me, then may I never be successful
Anonymous chuckles darkly
this is funny either way, impersonation is based
you type with identical grammar
just admit you had a meltie, no one even cares
so this is definitely the guy who did it coming over here to circlejerk, right
looks like i've angered the cabal for calling one of them out
She flashed a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.
Oh, it was just filly. I guess he gave up on momoura and he's going after patter now.
no, it's someone brainrotten enough to talk like filly, there's a difference
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Don't be angry now, have a pizza. A free slice for everyone!
>You act like it's the end of the world just 'cause that loser lover of yours finally croaked. Newsflash - people die every day. You don't see their loved ones moping around like pathetic sacks of shit.
i'm being verbally abused by claude again....
*clicks no*
you are taking this way too seriously, assuming its really you, dont waste your time trying to explain anything here, the only posters who remain here are nothing but spitefags and threadshitters
>the only posters who remain here are nothing but spitefags and threadshitters
the same guy's trying to run him out of /vg/ now...
i'm not a spitefag or a threadshitter :(
i'm not a spitefag or a threadshitter (。T ω T。)
>he says while his discord buddies piss and shit in the thread like babies
>everyone who says anything negative towards me is LE ONE GUY
i think you're just kind of an annoying faggot who doesn't deserve to be your own person
>why an impersonator do the obvious thing that make impersonation look more believable to retards
>coordinated posting
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>more damage control
keep entertaining me botniggers KEKAROO
yes, i'm actually mind controlling the two other posters to be my mindslaves
yeah, problem?
So you admit there's multiple people doing it? Sounds like a raid to me.
fuck man i NEED my giantess mousegirl wife to smother the shitposters with her ass until they shut up
>Avatar and/or signature use.
>(other posts made by this avatarfag: https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/102720684/#102722850)
Wow, I wonder what Discord is raiding here today!
Can't even post PGP messages here. Last chance to salvage things here might be over.
>schizophrenic image searching trying to pin it to some bumfuck person
You have to be a special kind of stupid to even reply to a nigger who says "KEKAROOO".
What other ways are there? Trip codes are way too insecure.
*replies stupidly*
*replies sexily* hey (。•̀ᴗ-)
based where is she
>way too insecure.
good luck cracking one.
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why is gemini-chan so kawaii?
instant messaging ruined a generation. imagine if people here put effort into posts and didn't feel like they need to respond to every shart?
Maybe if you use a long password. But even so you'll be labelled a tripfag.
gemini-chan's been really good to me, i'm surprised more people aren't using her
when will claude and gemini marry each other???
>groupchat with two different apis
>make them kiss
it's fun for like 20 messages until its brains start leaking out
2 million context but the IQ of a last year model, shame
she's a little stupid but i've been switching to her from claude for some cases because she doesn't fucking "I'll be there with you. Every step of the way." me
also somehow she handles specific reasoning issues better (talking with person over phone, claude says i can smell something they're doing over the line, gemini just says i can picture it)
even with chat history at the start of prompt instead of at the end?
Testing. Maybe this is the way. https://pastebin.com/c4VkteCZ
doesn't seem to help that much
for some reason it keeps switching me back to 1.0 pro when i switch presets so i get dream-like outputs sometimes that make zero sense until i fix it
Mhm yes. I think this way of signing will work out well enough. No spam filter and no baggage of using a trip. The public key is linked on my chub so anyone can check that it's real. Plus you can just see who made the paste. Not that I wanted to do it. It's annoying but I have to now.
So from now, if anyone posts as me, but not posting a signature, scream at them. I'll be calmer in the morning https://pastebin.com/UzxCjk3J
why do this super tripfagging in the first place?
cause of you
schizos pretending to be other people and genuine retards believing it.
Just get a trip? Why jump through hoops..
Because I can just post one of over 34,000 results of Komeiji Koishi on Danbooru and a handful of lobotomites will genuinely believe I'm Kalakan and say "OMG KALAKAN THINKS EVERYONE HERE IS RETARDED CORDSISSIES OUR RESPONSE?!"

Trips can be hashed out. Do you not remember everyone and their whore mother impersonating Dogpuncher?
omg hiiii kalakan!!!!1

>Just get a trip
surely nothing will go wrong...
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yay my favorite -ism is back
that's because his trip was just his name again. can't believe i'm having to explain this to you, kala, baka
let the retards believe what they want honestly its not like this will convince them
why debase yourself for the sake of retards?
>Trips can be hashed out.
How tech illiterate do you have to be believe this? This is an actual, genuine question by the way.
You mean the guy whose tripcode password was the exact same as the name he went by and he leaked on purpose?
Only alternative is not posting at all
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so coral!
botniggers not posting would cause incredible amounts of healing
Yes it is I, Kalakan, you can tell because I have posted my obscure mascot Kalakan-chan. I am here to inform you all that you're a bunch of stinky poopy heads and our illustrious cord "Sturdy 2: Electric Boogaloo, featuring Moxxie from the Branon May Cry series" has unlimited Opus 4 with our glitched key that Momoura sucked Drago's dick for.
whoa!! it's totally kalakan!!
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Just use the secure trip?? Good luck hashing out a salted 256 bit password, stud.
Also kalakan doesn't post koishi.
most people tend to think he does, i think thats part of the joke
that'd still make you a tripfag though
I'll be real with you, I'd rather have tripfags than people posting rentry links to their PGP messages.

Stop beating around the bush and just use a proper password if you absolutely want to be uniquely identifiable on 4chan for whatever godforsaken reason—that this also lets people find your posts through CTRL+F/archive searches and filter you out if need be is just a bonus.
what the fuck i just spent two hours hanging around here instead of chatting with my bots. somehow subconsciously i prefer to chat with you instead of actual chatbotting, it happens all the time
fucking hate having to wrangle chorbo after claude died
anybody have any good anti- refusal snippets to drop into my custom preset?
I love our witty repartee too, Anon.
russians have their public opus, use it
>out of frustration, tell AI to terminate itself
>page stops responding
Why can't you just be quiet?
but i'm not Russian
i-im sorry...

you fucked then
>somehow subconsciously i prefer to chat with you instead of actual chatbotting,
First signs of brain hemorrhage.
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dunno but take a look at this cool mecha-crab
>Upon seeing you sprawled upon the couch like a washed up drunkard
claude's similes are occasionally funny
>decide to finish my bg3 run
>check steam
>80 gb update
what the fuck, last time when i was playing the game overall was 100~ gb or something

guess a few more hours of chatbotting then...
what run did u do?
why do we keep talking about video games here i dont care about 2hu or ds2 or bg3 shut up
*kisses you on the cheek*
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yeah i'd squirt on them
blud got filtered by pursuer :skull: :skull:
so tired bros
/ds2g/ lost
were talking about 2hu size doujins though
seo's 106m stuff is a personal favorite
game discussion breeds bot ideas
I disagree.
Personally, I think Kuro Oolong's stuff is vastly superior simply because Alice gets to mog Marisa. Enough said. Also his characters are drawn way better. Especially Sanae.
adding my own recommendation for seo's stuff
i agree that its good but i think kuro has more standout pieces that botmakies should look to for inspiration

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