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>Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves launches April 24, 2025
>FF:CotW - Street Fighter's Ken and Chun-Li
>FF:CotW - Mai

>SVC Chaos: SNK vs Capcom rereleased

>KOFXV - Mature & Vice

>Terry in Street Fighter 6

>Recent event footage:

>DandyJ's beginner guide to KOF

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>KOFXV beginner guides

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Previous Thread: >>496825669
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Until the full roster is out, I'm not going to give up. Cotw still doesn't have a boxer rep.
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Shota trailer soon!!!
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More like Baotenkun
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Good afternoon, my bird bros!
I legit wouldn't even know who these chars are if you didn't spam them in every general. That's how obscure and unknown they are.
Shota no longer...
definitely longer
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Get ready to another schizo fest in 3, 2, 1...
We need more black representation in the game, and not corny kung foo niggas like Butty the Midcard Slayer but real urban brothers like Michael and Axel. Black coded characters should always be street smart, no nonsense thug boxers.
So how did we get no new character gameplay trailer, nor new gameplay footage at all from KOF 15 and COTW at TGS? And why did they announce a Ronaldo collab, then not soon after immediately announce another collab, not elaborating on the previous one?
I dunno, "Ken and Chun-Li are joining FF:CotW" is a pretty big announcement, so big that they had to reveal it early because things like this would inevitably leak otherwise.
Kasumi confirmed relevant again. Thank you Ogura for acknowledging her existence.
More like taller
Ooh. Its definitly more of a combo game. Good gampelay, I like it.
Why no high level play yet with Smart Style? Is it that gimped? I know it's locked out of some system mechanics which seems pretty extreme but still, as a Modern player in SF6, I want to know how it stands up.
There's no significant footage of Smart Style yet, mostly because the people grabbing all the footage don't use/need it.
I'm talking about new character announcement/trailer. Not match-footage.
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Shota death is a horrible thing.
They announced two characters, in fact.
Would be nice if Chun and Ken were in their classic appearances.
People that are plugged into fgc are afraid to use it at public expos because of bullying and the negative social stigma associated with using Modern. So outside of journos & non fg gamers you won't see much play with Smart until the beta hits where competent ppl can play it in the privacy of their house and not worry about being shamed.
I'm glad they didn't since cotw takes place far in the future and it would make sense to have their newer designs.
Kula has had enough
Why the fuck do people find this sexy?
Will you stop replying to yourself to make it look like someone else agrees with your BBC obsession?
I hope they nerf Ken into the ground.
Jamie has to be the most poorly designed character in the game. It is literally impossible to have fun fighting him whether you win or lose. Everything he does is cancerous and obnoxious, and yet isn't even that effective. Wtf is this garbage ass character? He's even ugly to top it off.
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>B.Jenet after she marries
>NTR fantasies
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It's not from the PoV of the husband it's from the PoV of the deranged shotacon and the son. In fact the husband is barely in the two chapters, who knows if he'll even appear in the 3rd.
I don't. I find Kula sexiest when she's enjoying herself.
We got confirmation that Mai doesn't wear her classic beyond one boring super attack, SNK has fallen.
Pedo scum
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sell the game but it's still here [in the store]
i believe in 9k sales
*clap clap*
i believe in 9k sales
because they panned it in london
and paris, and tokyo
america scotland, and canada maybe mexico
not buyin'
i believe in 9k sales
i believe in 9k sales
Here. Have some vanilla.
What's your favorite number?
hehehe 69 hehehehehe
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Based gentleman
Is the shota your favorite?
I thought top right was The Rock for a second.
where's ntruto
It's funny to think that the creator of Nagatoro also made vanilla Naruhina doujins and before that he made stuff with loli vampires and monkeys.
It's a goddamn shame we'll never get more Yupiel.
Ah yeah sweet and pure. That's the good shit.
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Chun-Li my beloved.
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>best Chun sprite is SVC Chaos
>best Chun model is going to be CotW
Some things don't change.
So this is how the DLC is made...
>has to put Capslop in the OP to get eyes on the general
>when even Crapcom has to beg other franchises for cameos to stay vaguely relevant
It's so fucking over
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I want it back...
talking about relevance in a general for a company that can't draw dimes and lives the legacy of a pirate foundation
useless move of a useless character
I'm kinda curious what character specific options are lost in smart mode.
Awaiting the additional inevitable/ss/ that'll come out
Never ever
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Mai got her big forehead from XIII back.
You will not put a damper on the spirit of cooperation.
>as a Modern player in SF6
cute newfag
Anon, she already gets some /ss/ as is.
Embarrassed Chun is Kinda cute, her in Mai's outfit sorta does things for my dick.
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Justin fuckign wishes he was that fit
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Doesn't look bad but is a huge downgrade from KOFAS
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Years away since they're still hiring but hope it ends up being good.

So, how about them anniversary "projects"?
>Chun li having bigger boobs than Mai
>cotw takes place far in the future
>cotw takes place far in the future
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Checking all this intros just found that Rasputin's actually looks very cool and intimidating i think is the only one that has animation when is posing in the tower.
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Why do we care about Resetera?
5 months.
Your mama.
I already forgot this is a thing, and it wouldn't surprise me if SNK did the same.
-...is hot, Andy Junior.
-Shut up!
(cutscene that takes place 8 years later COTW)
We are just part 7 out of (allegedly) 30. I have very, VERY low expectations but I do hope one of the projects is related to the “SNK Universe Project”.
In three days it will be ONE YEAR since it was announced. Knowing SNK, it was most likely canceled, or maybe even never existed in the first place. They could at least release that manga.
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Do ahegao face
>that Geese
Must be from the episode on how Rock was made.
Post reference vid
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>We are just part 7 out of (allegedly) 30
"What are we going to do now, Akira-senpai? We don't have enough material for 30 parts."
"Well, we could have if Oda-sama hadn't cut the budget for Kof 30th anniversary along with Kof15 as well."
"But... who decided that it would be 30 parts?"
"Good lord. what a piece of shit."
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Because people in the industry post there and they injected their retard libtard shit in every project.
I hate resetera so you should.
This fuck
Will cotw drop the whole number range thing for their ranks & give them cool names like other games do now? Even just the bronze to diamond naming convention would be better for rank signaling.
We have no clue how ranked will be structured.
XV added some titles for ranking after some time, they probably should focus on it because the number thing really sucks
Is that a XV manga in the works? Is this one actually going to be canon or just another waste of time?
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From what you schizos talk here I thought XV bombed. But seems like it did alright on steam. Kinda surprising that XIV did that much too.
The matchmaking shit pretty much killed the chances of XV doing more tho.
It was a rough time FGGs anyway.
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Good day to you too my beautiful bird brother!
If Azuma is doing it, it'll probably be in continuity with the New Beginning manga.
It makes me laugh every time I’m reminded that Ash is 16 and Elisabeth is 27.
>"Andy, please, let's have sexo, please, please!"
>"Hold on, Mai... Just one more roll... I need that V-rare..."
So, Andy is a lolicon?
Age gaps like that are common in anime and manga, even when the genders are swapped.
Maybe. I mean, that would explain his "gayness"
That was only one faggot schizo who bitched about it in the shape of a shitty ass meme based on a useless famitsu data from the PS4 Japan-only version after the first 3 days it was release only in physical format.

KOF XV never was a commercial failure, it got 2 DLC seasons + 2 new DLC single characters, not to mention that the director admitted he was happy about the commercial performance of the game.
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Striker system made Andy straight. Bring back Striker system.
Your papa.
He is not. He's too busy with ONE's other manga and the one with Muscle Mommy Fuuma
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Well, If they're still hiring, that means:
>people aren't interested in working on this game and they're having a hard time filling positions
>in fact, they're hiring a fucking ton of people because they want to make this game the GTA of samurai games
>they forgot to remove it (laughs)
FT10 anyone?
I mean, if you base sales of fighting games from the first week of Famitsu's data of physical sales, 99% of fighting games are failures.
Strive sold 11k on the first week there, Tekken 8 20k, and these games cost way more than XV to make. These are just the average numbers of PS4/PS5 fighting games physical sales there nowadays. I though the game actually flopped but I guess it's just some retard shitposting about a franchise he doesn't like, which became a thing on /vg/
Wtf I though tthis was sfg!
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We aren't.
Btw new COTW leaked picture.
If only you know...
That's pretty fucking dope. Rasputin is too cool for this world.
How about FT9K?
>SNK is still recruiting for work on the SamSho action RPG
>Working to develop a prototype
>3 x Interchangeable Head Sculpts
>6 x Pairs of Hand
>2 x Effect
>Estimated Release Date: Q1 2025
>$ 89.99
Props for the articulation being able to pull off splits but I don't like the faces.
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>One anon misreads KOFXV sales data and believes it to be lifetime sales for the game
>Won't shut the fuck up about it for over two years
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Also this. Which means that when they have enough people they might also start making games with these IPs
Is there a videogame character that can defeat KIM at his full power?

Not talking about XIII kim, or 2002 kim, or 98 kim.

Talking about KIM having all his fatal fury and all his kof specials, his 98 stomp bug special skill with all stocks, kof 95 danger life stock mechanic, kof 96 reverse dash bug, kof 2002 mp2 ability to spend his SDHM at full life, magic plus 1 hit stock recharge, his fatal fury pseudo 3D dodge, his 2002 guard counter with the counter bug into aereal double super bug, his XIII combos and special into EX into super combo, his XI dream cancels, using chang and choi and may lee as 2001 3 strikers, having 2003 triple HP life, meanwhile he's possesed by the orochi?
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>Edgekino is sold out at the only official retailer carrying SC in the US
>Only other recent figures to also be sold out are K' and a Limited edition Mai Variant

Based, bring more Edgekino merch SNK
XIV Nako, Genjuro or Khronen before the debuff.
Wasn't it something like first week (depending on a date could be first few days), physical only, PS4 only and in just one country? I don't remember.
Yes. I believe it was UK.
Japan and it was both PS versions. It stuck out because it was less than what XIV sold on its first week
Yes, see this >>497768539
>It stuck out because it was less than what XIV sold on its first week
I wonder if Covid taught them to buy more digitally
From Wikipedia:
>The PlayStation 4 version of KoF XV was the 8th bestselling retail game during its first week of release in Japan, with 9,062 physical copies being sold. The PlayStation 5 version sold 2,414 physical copies in Japan throughout the same week, making it the 22nd bestselling retail game of the week in the country.
Also from SteamDB, it had peak of 8,226 online players on PC.
Totaling in at least 19702 of hard confirmed sales.
But it's the same for every single FG franchise and it's mostly because Playstation is kinda dead in Japan, digital sales that were pretty bad there increased + PC. Tekken dropped from 60k with T7 to 20k with T8, SF dropped 13k from SF5 to 6.
I get that it's a "joke" but it's kinda retarded.
Tekken 7 was an outlier among fighting games because it literally never stopped gaining players until T8's launch.
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This isn't what I'm saying. I'm saying that the first week for physical sales in Japan for fighting games in general decreased for sequels (because of Playstation, digital and PC), and the numbers for fighting games there on the first week weren't big to begin with, so the "joke" about XV flopping would mean that every single fighting game there also flopped, which isn't the case.
I think both XIV and XV did well for what they are, and that XV could've done way more if they didn't drop the ball with the matchmaking.
The only thing that's funny about all this, is that the schizo didn't add the PS5 numbers so the number would look smaller, even though I wouldn't change anything since it only did average/ok numbers there.
>implying kuckxv didn't flop
at least you're dedicated to your army of 9000 soldiers
of course feel free to add in people who bought it at 15, hell even 12 dollars lol
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it seems when you add up all the numbers aforementioned for kofxv's final sales you get 329k still tony kwaboty
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i'm sold
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Looks like someone farted and he smelled it. Was it the chick in the back? She seems very proud of herself.
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>twitter dead here in sopa de macaco land for about a month
>SNK will have a demo tomorrow here of CotW
>just discovered about it today because twitter is back now
If I knew about it beforehand I would've been able to go there and even try to record some stuff for the neogbros...
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97 is a buggy mess.

dont overthink.
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>3 frames
>low hitbox
>is an overhead
What the fuck
Is COTW going to be bad?
>gameplay wise
From what they have shown so far there's no chance for it to be bad
who knows
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It's the new SF killer. I wonder how it will do with the SF - -Strive- brawl. I guess also some Kkkenken 8 players are moving to cotw2 too.

to be straight i can see a lot of -strive- non-transgendered gamers to switch to cotw.

Hard to predict but its def gonna bi bigger than KoFXV and in a way i think KoF is already dead.
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pirata puta
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Probably not. Fatal Fury will probably be easier to pick up than KOF, not least because you only have to learn one character. It appears to have a larger cultural cache in North America than KOF does, which should help its odds considerably. And like >>497846895 says, it's the new "Street Fighter killer" on the block, offering one of the most direct alternatives to Street Fighter 6.
>ai slop
waste of resources, just like hibiki
SNK is ShitNK for a reason
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SNK is ShotaNK for a reason
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I will die on the it should have been Akari hill but I don't get the hate on Hibiki. She's cool.
>Hard to predict but its def gonna bi bigger than KoFXV
thats a low af hurdle
SNK is SNiggerK for a reason
Shotas beware, your chastities are in danger.
Why was FF3 not received well?
She's boring as fuck
because it was aum at the start
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SNK is SN9K for a reason
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Is this guy still making videos?
>the game could be much better if they had more time to make adjustments and balance before release
>they now have plenty of time after release
>*revised/updated/apology versions exist*
>Oda: It was a failure! Let's spend tons of money and reboot everything (laughs)
>*goes bankrupt 5 years later*
>Oda: uh oh..... (laughs)
Whenever a Japanese creator (laughs) in an interview, I can tell they are broken.
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Geitenkun just cooomm while sleep
What do you think will happen? The Arabs already want to put CR7 in the game. Will they have a greater influence on the next projects?
Terrybros... It's over...
Nothing, it's just marketing
You have never played FF3 and RBFF haven't you?
>It stuck out because it was less than what XIV sold on its first week
Not just less then KOFXIV. It was:

>one of the lowest in the entire franchise in a long while
>less than fucking SNK Heroines
>reversed the trajectory where SNK games were selling more and more since KOFXIV
>lower then every other fighting game released around the same time. Fucking Melty Blood had better first week sales.

There's no sugar coating it that it was pretty abysmal when you consider how before SNK releases were growing over time and I think it explains perfectly why KOFXV never got a season 3.
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We need this but for COTW
And also this but for Mai
C'mon Snk. Where is the marketing?
But didn't it already sell more than XIV?
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For being the least popular of the protagonists, he at least has loyal fans who really love him.
No. Only Touhou, Garou and Shaq Fu.
Explains your ignorance of cruical facts.
I don't like how they rendered Tizoc's muscles in COTW
Shun'ei's lack of popularity is really the fault of devs sidelining him before he even got the chance to shine. Didn't even change his outfit, when Kyo and Terry had theirs fixed due to complaints. Hell, he hardly had personality until the manga gave him one, and yet he quickly won hearts by being a nice guy after previous three protags were rebels and assholes.
Yes, XV outsold XIV by a healthy margin. Claiming "poor week 1 sales is why there is no season 3 DLC" is a fucking reach.
I mean, they are giving it more support than they did with XIV which makes it kinda obvious, and I'm happy we got two free characters and will get Vice and Mature in two months with another patch. I think Samsho only got to season 3 because of the Epic and Stadia deals, too bad that this pretty much killed the game faster.
I didn't think Terry's outfit in XIV was that bad.
It wasn't, but they still felt the need to change it back to a more recognizable design. Which shows they are willing to unnecessarily go extra mile for certain characters, but not when it's really necessary for Shun'ei.
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I don't think Shun'ei is bad but that purple shirt with a tie kinda ruins him, not wearing the jacket and using it as a cape also doesn't help. I don't mind the pants thing
Plot-wise, his second outfit in XIV would have been far more logical, since from toddler age he lived isolated in the mountain with Tung. But it would be too plain for a modern protagonist. However, what they did just looks like they couldn't stop themselves and kept adding more and more.
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Looks like the Brazil event is going well for them
Now that he will probably be with Isla, she can make him even worse. But I really hope they change his clothes in XVI, he's a nice character but he gets too much hate because of the design.
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I wonder if it might not have help that XIV's cover had him in the background, so you wouldn't know he's the main character if say you only saw the cover and didn't know anything about the game. I think XV's cover shows him more prominently.
>they are giving it more support than they did with XIV
sure after charging 50 dollars more per unit to get to where kofxiv was at after starting with the base at less of what kofxiv had at the start (less characters AND modes and even a cut in the lobby style) and having more plans that they didn't follow up on which means they dropped them for cotw because they cannot work on more than one game at a time (lmao poor ass indie company)
kofxv flopped, kwab, competing with tony for the top spot of the year, in the mud
not reading but cool
apparently also not replying and just ignoring me so thx again
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KOFXIV was published by Fatlus?
In North America, yes. Deep Silver published it in Europe.
Yes and they also did it for 13
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Zarina DLC confirmed!
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Yes. Crazy, huh?
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iori imagay
>looks in the other direction
What's he seeing there? Mature and Vice?
Why is he throwing tar?
You can only do so much with transparent plastic to represent his flames
It kinda looks like the gooby stuff from Shadow Generation.
oh no he's about to get possessed by red streaked venom
The flaming arm looks cool
I doubt it
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oh no, i (all me) won't be able to post to myself from 10 (and growing) different devices to sow dissent in this place
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Since it seems more about them trying to do something against ban evades or bots than to stop schizos samefagging. It won't really change anything in this thread
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curses, foiled again
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Nice projection, schizo-kun.
I genuinely don't get this obsession of talking about games you don't play nor care about
you = me
Ken looks drunk
What do you expect, he lives in da streetz.
brazil got Isla too...
>tweeting about brazil
>when sopa de macaco land is banned from twitter
It isn't anymore
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Yes. Zarina is retard. Cute retard.
We don't know since SNK never released lifetime sales data nor to my knowledge ever released any celebration milestones for KOFXIV or KOFXV. Anything saying otherwise (like those "analytical" websites) are basing it on estimates which is barely above VGchartz tier.
They meant she's not Brazilian. She's Columbian. And why would you want her as DLC aside from the fact that you're horny?
You're either an idiot or a newfag
He didn't even know she's not Brazilian, retarded coomers don't play the game NOR know lore
Literally worthless faggots
>retarded coomers don't play the game
that's funny because the game she's from doesn't actually tell you anything within the game itself so that's really immaterial to that kind of knowledge
Read between the lines idiot
That means they're not tourneyfags nor lorefags
As long as it doesn't revolve around pushing your opponent into the corner and doing a 99 hit juggle loop on them it will do better.

Who cares though, fighting games are trash, no one dares makes a neutral-focused game.
my bad lol
carry on then
Who is this?
le twitter meme brazilian hatsune miku
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Holy shit!
Tourneyfags are cancer
t.modern newfag who got bullied once in fightcade, probably one of those retarded coomers who can't into lore as well
He might be that one Mai fag
you don't have money to travel pedro? can you even perform a dp?
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Well here's the epic 8th program.
Probably tossed aside coz they realized they should be focusing efforts towards FF CotW, same reason why the KOF 30th event isn't as hot as it should be.
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>Mean punk girls being assertive with shy boys
Who's Osamu?
SNK wiki only gives me Osamu Koike, who did music for SNK games.
I tried that before posting, yes. Just don't think that's it.
I don't know, maybe it's the ex-boyfriend of whoever posted that quiz.
Same thing pretty much happened with Modern in SF6. FGC types pretty much pretended it didn't exist whenever Capcom demo'd the game. It wasn't until way later that Modern's potential got thoroughly explored and ppl found out that you still could do motions in Modern and get access to your missing normals with the auto button.
The soundtrack and Cutie Terry and Ms. X are the only thing worth of that game:
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Nakoruru in bloomers looks cute.
Fucking lol, they already gave up
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Really nice seeing Nako getting a lot of fan art.
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I need anons opinions on my 2D fighter story idea.

The idea is 3 vs 3 teams like kof.
But the story is basically a bunch of international teams of waifus, who has to fight the tournament to be able to marry the final boss, which is a guy.

The logic is that the MC is a reincarnation of divine energy, and he can create titans or like heroic greek figures.

So like the 10 countries of the world (fantasy countries), send like a team of like 3 princess so they could marry this MC and like be mothers to greek heroes later.
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Something I actually liked about what little narrative NuKOF had was the twists they had on the formula.
Shun'ei isn't an edgelord or an anti-hero, he's a genuinely good kid. Likewise, Antonov didn't have some ulterior motive, he just wanted to entertain the world with good, clean, fights.
Summoning some big fuck you monster out of nowhere to ruin everything was really sad since there was a good idea in place.
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Leona no!
I like how they're showing move comparisons but not actual gameplay.

Is it just gonna be an idle game like the title KOF AFK implied?
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>Pixel art with non-pixel art effects
Like it couldn't be uglier...
Try writing a visual novel first (laughs)
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Pile of shit go!
Should've used XIV screenshots where those moves at least had good effects
Yeah in XV they likely were going for a more solid approach with FX overall in an attempt to replicate the classic look but it ends up looking rough as hell. They seem to be improving on this in COTW at least.
Why nobody has been able to combine in a single kusoge the combo mechanics of kof 2002, 2001 and 2003?
Pick one romanization and stick with it.
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What bothers me the most is how uniform all the effects look in XV. No matter if is fire, ice or just random energy, everything looks like colored fanta. That in Kukri and Dolores' case meant their powers look like literal shit because is brown
Ms.Todoh was intended to be the Ryo's love. A whole game for both, she was shoehorned in KOF, SvC...
Then KOF verse became the standard universe and she left aside.
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Did anyone else get into the ROTD closed beta? I only managed to play one match before it booted me for maintenance
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Isn't funny how every kof player hates BAO, but every doujin artist love him?
Shit, I had another idea.

What if you mix kof 99 roll type with a kof 2003 tag change.

that would be cool

like you tag to advance and dodge attacks, but longer range than kof roll.
would it, cris?
It would be like using tag switch to dash roll I think.

I think the tekken vs SF had a similar mechanic.
What's there to like about him unless you're a shotacon?
yeah anon, I wonder what's the thing that porn guys love about him.
sometimes kof players can be based, like a broken clock being right twice a day
I mean let's lookalike the track record of Hosts
>Geese: Uses KOF to recruit or remove enemies to his criminal empire. Probably gets good money from the bookies.
>Krauser: Actually wanted to prove who's the Baddest Motherfucker on Earth was.
>Rugal: Total Ego trip, Arms Dealer. Was going to kill who ever faced him. Then held the '95 Tournament to kill Kyo & pals
>Kagura: Held the Tournament to test Kyo & Iori/Prepare for Orochi.
>'99-'01: NESTS Shenanigans & clones
>'03-XIII: Rugal's kid WANTED a legitimate tournament but Those from The Past manipulated things from the shadows.
>XIV: Antonov wanted a legitimate tournament but Ash's time fuckery caused Verse and yeah.
>Duke: Crime Lord, uses KOF to lure his enemies
>Kain: Crime Lord, uses it to draw out Roxk Howard and to purge the weak out of South Town.
Basically, some people find the idea of a young boy having sex with an older woman hot. Even here you got people making jokes about B, Jenet being a shotacon because of one line she said to Hokutomaru.
I was just joking, lol.
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That Joe looks like he's from a VHS B-Movie
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That Mai might be a man
Where's Ronaldo?
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beta gud, didn't know the game had dizzies
It's funny how artists outside Japan didn't care about Nakoruru while in Japan she was a trending topic for her birthday. Is her popularity exclusive to Japan?
Most likely. To be fair, samsho is not so popular in the west compared to other fighting game franchises.
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Woman, man, alien, tesla's robot... it doesn't matter. Andy will still keep running away.
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>Andy want to be single so he can be free for any women
Naruhodo, he was a manslut this whole time.
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Andy is.. CHAD?
>Ms.Todoh was intended to be the Ryo's love
Dp you have any proofs to back this up?
Lmao that last question.
>Ms. Todoh
I know her husband is an ass for ditching her like that, but I don't think Kasumi's mom is really interested in Ryo.
>Couldn't take the L
>Ditch his wife and daughter to train somewhere
What's Ryuhaku's problem?
Another character/plot that was axed by Oda during development along with many hints left in the game, such as the next boss challengers, to move to COTW as soon as possible. and because of that the team didn't have time to remove any mention of Anastasia in the game (they didn't even get to say that Dolores is Anastasia) and now he's going to pretend she never existed unless someone asks this piece of shit directly, but he probably will (laughs) and won't answer since he doesn't care about Kof anyway. so yeah, another incomplete topic for this incomplete 9K game made by this incompetent director.
>Andy is gay poster
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>Went from scared nerd hiding behind his brother and dad to becoming Hanzo's successor despite not being a blood relative to the Shiranui clan with pure hardwork
>Generally respected by most of the cast as an incredibly skilled fighter in both KOF and FF
>Mai's FF3 profile says all his students worship him and his female students want to fuck him
>One of the most beautiful and desired women in the world is a simp for him and actively fantasized about being dicked down by him and having hapa babies with him
>Makes great money enough to take care of himself and his bum brother and pay off his ridiculous tabs
>A narcist like Benimaru acknowledges Andy is hot as him and constantly compliments his hair
>Learned and mastered Shiranui Ninjutsu, Hakkyouseiken, and Koppojutsu in less than ten years
>Is one of the strongest men in the world and canonically has beaten guys even Terry couldn't beat and only loses to Terry because his fight boner for Terry specifically throws him off
He's unironically pretty chad. Unfortunately he's the vegeta of FF so he's never allowed to actually outshine the MC.
If he wasn't a secondary character, he would sound like a Marty Stu lmao.
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Let me guess. Oda's answer to the last question was:
>Ronaldo is a great athlete and we are very happy to have a collaboration with him but I can't say anything now. But who knows (laughs)
Not so much next to Kyo. Andy at least had masters guiding him, Kyo ditches his dad, trains by feeling, and still manages to be skilled enough to take down immensely powered fighters.
Don't worry. It's balanced out by him being 5'8.
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This. Plus Andy actually worked extremely hard for everything in his life and was just rewarded for those efforts. Kyo was just born a prodigy in a powerful family and has the nerve to shit on and mock people who actually work hard.
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>tfw we might actually be waiting for just Vice and Mature and literally nothing else for KOFXV
Kyo is the "subsists on pure talent" type of hero, except when he has to actually buckle down and learn more nuances of the Kusanagi style.
Don't forget how Andy had equal claim to the mortal feud with Geese and shares the same special intros against Geese that Terry does.
>seem to be a mix of characters from Garou MOW and popular characters from the series
it's not even anything but the main heroes/heroine from ff2, staple stick boy, and then the rest are motw characters or a couple new guys, it really isn't that monumental, it's just safe
shatter all expectation! 9kofxv did not flop
there is no war in ba sing se
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Such a shame that FF went from a story of two brothers getting revenge for the dad they both lost and reclaiming/protecting the city their father loved along with their new allies to just the Terry and Geese show. Andy getting sidelined is criminal as is but he's just the most notable victim of it. Later stuff saying that Terry basically did everything on his own just leaves a bad taste in my mouth as much as I love Terry.
andgeta and terrku
Majin Andy arc confirmed?
>Closed Beta
The home port is finally going to come?
You mean, Shadow Andy?
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Tbh, that was pretty much what the OG MOTW2 game was going to be according to leaks.
>>Makes great money enough to take care of himself and his bum brother and pay off his ridiculous tabs
See this makes me wanna see Andy just appear from the shadows, ninja style when Terry needs to pay his tabs, NOW. Also Terry, being a swell guy but kinda shit with money is a great character quirk.
which is fine because there's no pretense about it being otherwise
the rhetoric from people like oda has that air of "arr kirrer no firrer" bs attached
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The coolest thing about kensou was to discover he's a break dancer and mixes chinese kung fu with breakdance.
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Too pique
But in the end, its the same thing: The MOTW cast + New. The only difference is that they cram more FF veterans like Mai, Billy and probably Joe and Andy.
Hell, they might add Kuan later since they said they think Preecha and Kuan as distinct characters.
i'm just shitting on the rhetoric
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Since her turning on Orochi like Gaidel did is inevitable at this point, think she'll find a new SNK diety to worship, maybe link up with Leona or Iori?
Kensou has pretty cool stuff to him. I do like the aspect that you can actually see his kung fu moves steadily becoming more refined after 99 since he's taking his training seriously now. Also little bits like his palm blast super getting stronger but not knocking him back anymore so is a cool detail.
I need to play him more, because his meta doesn't revolve about combos, which I suck, because my execution is shit.
Same. Right now Im suffering from having played him in XIII too much. I hated him with rekkas so much at first but it grew on me and i gave myself Stockholm syndrome.
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KOF XV is dogshit and I think everyone's come to that conclusion
>except when he has to actually buckle down and learn more nuances of the Kusanagi style.
He never did that. Even his style change in 96 was made by instinct.
Yes. Because Snk's direction is dodshit. They have to fail twice to succeed once. Check this:

It's a smartphone game and the animations are really good and are superior to Snk "supreme masterpiece" KOF15. Also, the anime-style models are much more visually appealing despite the lack of facial animation. But then again, it's a smartphone game. If they had the budget to make a console game, the results would make Oda commit sudoku.
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>SNK could have developed a tech to render 3D models like this or create a live 2D tech to animate
>We get ugly 3D instead of good looking 2D HD art

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