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Previous: >>497638838

>Version 2.6 "Annals of Pinecany's Mappou Age" Special Program will be released on October 11 at 19:30 (UTC+8)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TM_iWWS2_mo (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwMJkyJSdhE (JP)

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.5 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240830version-2zj3e2/index.html

>Version 2.5 Trailer — "Flying Aureus Shot to Lupine Rue"
>Lingsha Trailer — "Burning Scent of Home"

>Current Character Banners: (Lingsha, Topaz + Misha, Natasha, Guinaifen) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/33777781
>Current Light Cone Banners: Scent Alone Stays True (Abundance), Worrisome, Blissful (The Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/33777892

>New Drip Marketing:
>Sunday (5* Imaginary Harmon) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/34043097

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
This one is better
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Lingsha is a Pedophile.
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I'm so tired
Isn't Yunli older than Lingsha?
I can already see this game dying after Firefly banner. She is a beloved character, more beloved than other characters. Firefly is literally our Elysia.

>The writer of Elysia in HI3 is Shaoji
>Everyone loves Elysia
>Her arc ends, she disappears from the story
>HI3 dies

>The writer of Firefly in HSR is Shaoji
>Everyone loves Firefly
>Her arc ends, she disappears from the story
>HSR dies

Just go to the official hsr account on x and see how many likes her drip marketing has compared to others (it's the highest so far). Just look at how many fireflyfags post in those threads, and there's an image circulating showing that she's the second most popular among chinese and korean players, only behind Elysia.

Elysia had literally killed HI3, although I already suspected that Firefly was capable of doing the same (because there aren't any characters as interesting as her after her) before noticing this pattern.
Fuck Hertaschizo
Not taking the ERP thread
Posting here to spite Hertaschizo
Penisloppy was bad
3dpd sigga love
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Firefly was for faggot incel losers. Go out and get a real girlfriend.

All of the normal ppl are waiting for Sunday.
GODday revived this game
They're so fucking cool....
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We hate Hertaschizo here
No one who matters likes Firefly since there is nothing too like about her.
newfags don't even know to use the Tingyunschizo thread we are in shambles
That's a biological woman.
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test to see if I fixed the fucked up start
wrong, I love him.
No need to talk about yourself in 3rd person, Hertaschizo.
How long are you going to keep posting this? At least the character is one of the better ones.
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Is it gayer to fuck a man in a female cosplay or a woman in a male cosplay?
>she's a 1000 year old loli so its not paedophilic!
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Are you winning, honbabs?
A woman's femininity is 80% in the Uterus. She can wear whatever she wants. Those eggs will get fertilized at the end of the day.
>Location: Penacony grand theater
>Team: just Robin
>Music: throw your mask away from the P5R ost
yup. I'm ready to roll
Don't need to pretend btw, we love hertaschizo here.
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It's a long road ahead.
Me on the left
We'll find out in 5 or so hours when the new character gets dripped
This is a vandalized tread
Yep, hertaschizo has never been more right.
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We already saw a leaked image of her. She looks boring as hell.
God damn. That must be a Janny call with how much it was posted and how much it wasn't banned/IP wiped.
more than you are LOL
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Sigga LOVE
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be nice...
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I like this ship
Firefly love!
>bland and boring
yeah we heard
Kissing hertaschizo on the lips
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I love Tingyun..
We know, you post the same images of it all the time
>Aventurine and Sunday
I will redeem
>Dan IL and Pink fox
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This person based on their history is active for over 12 hrs per day every day. They have no job clearly, nor any friends, shitposting anonymously is literally their entire life. It's mental illness should be studied in further detail.
meant for >>497682374
Sounds like most ritualposters over gig
I wish I was a Japanese woman and could go out to events and see other girls cosplay as Aventurine and Sunday instead of being a useless American femcel who sits at home all day. I want to go the gay little pop up cafe and get my boba tea with a Robin sticker on it. I want to buy the Argenti roses. How come all I get is going to McDonald’s and some fat guy with a cold sniffles and hands me my Genshin chicken sandwich. It’s not fair…….
No, it was actually meant for >>497683732 actually. Thanks for the effort though!
this place merely keeps idle hands busy don't notice so much
meant for >>497683885
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You will never be Japanese, but you could move to Japan if you weren't a pussy.
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Join them bwo
No, that was me there. That wouldn't make sense, anon.
holy kek based and real. I'm sure u can find a place with 12$ coffee and wifi where you can play star rail and browse /hsrg/
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>no more EN dub
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Sunday+JQ will be meta and I cant wait to finally have the doctor have meta teams outside of dykeron
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Beast mode QQ
we all know that feel...
literally >>497684336
they're all chinese bwo
me at the back just next to the trashcans
I don't mind not using EN dub if there isn't one. Asian games don't require EN dubs that's extra. Taking it away is fuckin wierd tho I wonder if it's a sign of worsening relations with Winnie the Pooh over there
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>>no more EN dub
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Blade is literally me
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misha....why did they make him again?
It’s due to voice actors striking but seeing how retarded many of them are I get a bit of satisfaction out of it
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I'm running out of FeiJiao C&C
Nobody wants to deal with en troons having melties over pocs. Even japs are getting sick of it and they've been buck broken already.
Does Topaz have big boobies?
I will be taking a break from HSR to play Metaphor
Is Robin virgin?
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She is the biggest maid after RM iirc
it's a horrible decision and frankly I don't want to play the game without at least the AE members and March voiced in EN.
Thank god the japs will replace them with AI soon.
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acheron with a belly button piercing...
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Aventurine would know

Sunday would know
I don't think it's really comparable. Firefly is good but she's not that incredible. Her role in the story wasn't all that significant for how much screentime she got.
I'm curious to see what they do with 3.0, they could probably make a girl more popular than Firefly if the plot is decent
My husbands best voice is his English voice. This just sucks. I dont care about the rest of the cast, whatever.
Do you remember how many breads have you eaten in your life?
Evens I roll for Topaz
Odds I roll on the weapon banner to get the hunt cone for Boothill
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Topaz and Robin belong to the superior chinese led FLiRT team.
Tick tock IPeeCucks and Peniscommies.
Do you remember how many English lessons you've taken?
Total pagfly death
Nobody rolled Lingsha so this will never be a real thing
>Her role in the story wasn't all that significant for how much screentime she got.
Media illiteracy.
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Lingsha sucks, I wont pull a healer who barely heals and does no damage.
I'd call you a newfag, but his reference was so hamfisted and forced that I'll let you off just this once
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this luka event is too long
>ruining soul team with chinese slop
Evens I masturbate to Topaz
Odds I masturbate to Yunli
0 I masturbate to them both at the same time
Did you pull?
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There have been 53 Huohuo star rail general threads since May 24. Based
better luck next time
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Who is the Chris Chan of HSR?
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Didn't ask, this will be my team
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What are you waiting for? Post results.
>Jewsloppa kvetching
Shouldnt you be crying over pocs
Looks like a man acts like a girl and has a pet animal
And has the necklace to match
skott after he's let go from the ipc
Odds I kill myself.
Evens I kill everyone in /hsrg/.
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>all this fotm phony topiggers
I didn't do the dailies today. I'm sorry
I have no idea what you're trying to say to me. Your post makes literally zero sense.
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ty anon
all topiggers are phony. You only like her for her body. You don't care about her shit personality. You didn't like her relationship with Jade. She's jobbed more than yanqing and is worse than 4 stars but no one ever talks about it. You're all fake.
im at my fucking LIMIT
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Xilonen waiting room!
I called you a jew.
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>You only like her for her body
her body is the EXACT same as the dozen odd characters with the maid model bwo
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I skipped pagfly, to whom do I give this?
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Uh oh
>You only like her for her body.

>You don't care about her shit personality.
Her personality is not shit.

>You didn't like her relationship with Jade.
She barely has one worth talking about. Not even the /u/nigs talk about it because there's no substance there, kekaroo.

>is worse than 4 stars but no one ever talks about it.
Lurk more, these threads have that mantra on repeat.
QQ is surely not a lazy womanchild that escapes reality and responsibilities.
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Genuinely, how is that wrong?
>Date with (you), cute but doesn't resolve anything
>Bait and switch death to fulfill a prophecy only she cares about
>Fucks off right before the Sunday fight
>Talks to Jade but doesn't take a deal
>"Saves" you from Sparkle's fireworks
Like am I forgetting something here? She's fun and all but the plot is ultimately almost the same without her present
Hertaschizo, easily
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Topaz my beloved
I've never seen such a good relic look this bad.
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Hotaru rabu
Who is the best character whose name starts with "H"?
42 cv with perfect substats is bad??
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Hmm deeply based list, besides Ratio and Gepard. Replace them with Argenti and Sunday
drip marketing in 4 hours
what do we think her splash art is going to be?
Did you catch its iron cavalry?
No it's a good relic. But it's on a break set. Unless you go completely rainbow and ignore the set I don't see anyone that would really benefit from that. Though 42cv is good enough to justify going rainbow I guess.
Hotaru rabu!
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Now on her 3rd rerun, the hype for Topaz has practically vanished. No Topaz Guide, no questions, no hype. What changed?
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Aglaea? Tingyun? WILDCARD? If it's Tingyun I wanna see them tails
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I forgot to include Sunday in the sorter but he would definitely be there if he was.
Argenti is too meme for me
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her original splash art is the sexiest one in the game so far. It will be hard to top
We love hertaschizo /here/.
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It's her 2nd rerun
She has 4* replacements
If you didn't have her before, you likely wouldn't get her now
Also this place is full of falseflagging retards who don't even like her
Her relationship with Pagturine ruined her for straight men. We can't stand worm enablers
Every straight male already has Topaz.
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Depends on how brave they are. If they had balls it'd be an imposing pose with some edgy visuals but it's more likely it will be something cutesy.
Genuinely, which group will sell better?
She only "saves" you from Sparkles Fireworks because Sparkle was hired to set it up. There never would have been fireworks if Firefly wasn't even there. So Firefly is even more useless. The entirety of Penacony is better without Firefly/and nothing changes. She actively wastes your time and is part of the worst bits of Penacony as well as the worst bossfight in the game.
why are some of the lamps vaguely buttplug shaped?
nta but the entire point of every cutscene in penacony was to show off firefly, (Your) wife. God I regret picking Stelle. They added MC switcher to zzz why not us?!
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>Her relationship with Pagturine ruined her for straight men.
Said nobody ever
fuyuan sex
they aren't, you just think that because your brain is rotten from so much porn
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I would pin down Topaz and impregnate her so hard bwos
I say this
Calm down, wormurine.
>Foxgirl lolling on the ground in suggestive pose
>Is that a buttplug lamp?
Bad news buddy.
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either everyone already got topaz or dont need to roll for e0 when e6 chink march works just as well for feixiao
never realized how sexy her thighs look in this art
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I just hope Tingyun's personality is still somewhat similar.
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A schizo's fantasy is not ruining Topaz but it is ruining the threads.
Off yourself.
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No you don't

I will give Numby siblings...
Hopefully they delete them permanently from the game
I hope it is too but I also hope she's visibly affected. Getting skinwalked has gotta fuck with you
we don't give a fuck about EN around here ma'am
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Why do you keep interacting with whining fags anyway? They don't even care about her
you have a porn addiction
>sea monkey chitter chatter
Pinoy shaka waka waka to you too autismo go back to fucking your 15 year old trap male prostitute while you try to convinve yourself you're not gay
Stray dog here. Which character is for me?
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Already gave up on JP huh
god I hope she isn't a niche nihilibrick
She isn't called Topig for nothing, anon.
EN has the bigger playerbase?
In english, yea.
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No one here even has a well built topag. If you actually loved her you would farm for her.
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>Character Introduction
if you look closely he didn't even take a screen of FF's actual drip marketing tweet lmao
I could knock out your anal worms with my bare fists, you don't wanna mess up with me kiddo
You can't even count to 136k
Is Acheron rerun likely for 2.6?
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>60 roll in with guaranteed
>0 jade
Where can I get 800 jade asap? I want Reisa and her bnuuy.
It's apparently going to be her and Aventurine, yes
Confirmation on friday
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still does no damage
At what point was Firefly good in any scene she was shown off? She was bland as fuck and again, nothing changes if she doesn't exist. She is a waste of time and has zero good scenes, moments and has no point.
give it 1 day and he'll surpass that too
SU rewards, unopened treasure chests
Imagine thinking EN is the actual target audience.
Firefly sisters should be worried we haven't seen numbers this big since Sparkle, Acheron, then Firefly, now Sunday.
EN are the highest spenders on all the revenue charts so not sure why you think otherwise
75k likes in 4 hours?
Not possible.
Just got done with 2.0's story. I don't get what's happening.
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Why is this even a competition between Sunday and Firefly? Why does Firefly live rent free in some people's heads?
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I done it all.
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>thinking that I, a fireflychad, give two fucks about anyone else
Zoomer mentality baka
>why are shitposters shitposting?
I wonder why . . . such a big mystery!
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Firefly lives rent free in my head
>rent free
>ctrl f firefly
>26 results alohe in this thread
She's a nigger character who gets spammed every single thread with artificial bot inflated hype
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she's not that hard to build
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Struggles of being one of the two /hsrg/ core characters
tiktok Lingsharts 4 hours later they will announce the real superbreak eidolon bait and no one will be rolling for your brick anymore. He rolled for more heals and aoe cleanse rumao!
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She's just popular and your constant seethe makes people post her more.
so nyes basically pagday will make everyone eat pagpag
you still need a healer sweatie, and her personal damage in superbreak is high enough it doesn't even matter she's a healer
use that or wait for next week's moc refresh
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not really properly built but I mostly just make sure numby keeps doing the funny combo loop
express passes.
bro there's plenty of time to save, mihomo even gave you a whole skip patch so you can roll Sunday or Tingyun.
There's now way she's happy with a spinless loser who didn't even try to prove she's the best in the world.
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*buys herself food*
Stingyun is a Quantum Destruction SP slurper, Chudbiet.
if stingyun is a superbreak composite who will she be replace? will harmonyn HMc get outed or ruan emi from the team?
Nobody cares about Rappa anymore...
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Sunday and Firefly will share a banner so your fighting is useless

Screencap this
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Does any current main-DPS actually need Sunday? His kit looks very uninspiring. I like him but I don't want to roll for another Brickle
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the things I would do just to lick her belly button once..
I thought the laoufu stuff was alright this time although I found it kinda lame to introduce Hoolay then immediately take him out. Feels like you could have done something more with a concept like space werewolves.
Would Yunli give me a footjob if I bought her a snack?
>His kit looks very uninspiring
the kit we know absolutely nothing about other than some Gallagher's shit pulled straight out of Mythus's ass?
Which of the leaked kits are we talking about?
All we know is that he has 1 or 2 single target buffs from the relics.
He's made for future summon characters
>plenty of time to save
A patch often only gives enough for a soft pity. If you emptied yourself rolling for bricksha you only get an e0s0 if you lose the 50/50.
>brain tells me to skip lingsha because I don't need her and have to save
>dick sees thighs and tum and force me to pull her
>brain tells me to skip rappa because I don't need her and have to save
>dick sees thighs and tum and will force me to pull her too
Its over for me if they don't stop with these designs...
>just popular
>only 32k twitter likes in EN
What does my roster say about me?
i hate passive bragging so much
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Need 20% more crit dmg la
He'll probably unironically end up being male sparkle, good but not the best. He's for husbandofags.
>these designs.
Sparkle but chinese?
>No E2 Jingliu
>No E2 Topaz
>No E2 Feixiao
more like floponen
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you're quite lacking in terms of anal worms, good thing Sunday is unskippable so you can rectify your deficiency
>literally just sparkle but with red arms
>march 7th if she was culturally enriched by black people and hip hop by ubisoft
What designs, slop?
>needs to play everything on easy mode
god tier xueyi piece
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>the support for summon meta will be nihility
It's over, Sundaybros...
You either go all in, or bust out. Nothing in between.
That’s not even her actual drip market tweet you dipshit
Sundayhomos are actual brainlets LOL
I wish I had the rolls for that. I'm F2P (Battle Pass + express pass).
>ratio 80
>gallagher 80
>march 70
homosexual in denial
Pretty based line up ngl
>the coping denial
Good lord Fireflypags about to end it all LMAO
Not so much replace as give you 2 superbreak teams. They say she gives permanent superbreak so anyone with shitloads of break will do high dmg all the time
it will be underwhelming, i can feel it
the only advice you should ever listen to is your own FOMO
the biggest mistake you can make is not rolling with your dick. in a few months when her banner is over and the meta changes, you'll wish you had that sexy character on your account to look at instead
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Yunli is a FAT FUCK.
Raito maybe level 80, but I never fucking use him. I thought I needed him for a MoC cycle that was shilling imaginary DPS. But I ended up beating it without him anyway.

I am planning to build March soon.
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do i need the homo sunday for yunli bwos?
well she is a support
this >>497691027
I've played at least two dozen gacha games. I've quit many of them because I chased meta and characters I didn't like but were good.
I've never once quit a game for following my dick and pulling characters I like, even if they suck ass and are terrible.
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Sex with fofo corin and mobius!
Why dont you just go look at the fanart?
Oh...she doesnt have much....
It says 100 on the tin, sister.
And there's a big SU patch on both of them, so expect 120 or so for 2.7
I'm skipping both of the for a E2S1 SP Herta anyways
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Does Yunli have lewd feet?
>linking to irrelevant JP numbers
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I want to fuck her feet
not really, people run ff with asta instead of sustain
only if you have e1 fofo
>Why dont you just go look at the fanart?
it doesn't feel the same
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I like to be slightly aroused while playing my games.
Plus, I don't watch porn anymore ever since I hit 30. Ageing's a bitch.
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*buys you food*
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thanks unri*
nobody ever cared in the first place
If current leaks are real he’s basically built for DHIL, Argenti and maybe Yunli. In other words because this is supposedly the last harmony for the foreseeable future, they may have made him buff older characters instead, as opposed to setting him up for the future meta like they did with Ryan Mei. Not confirmed obviously but the guy who posted that has been correct with other stuff in the past like Boothill out of nowhere in 2.2
Who is fatter between the two?
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Why do people fall for such a blantant falseflagging
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massive cope when pretty much all gacha games come with JP voices and lots just skip EN voices altogether.
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Which posts are those?
They're straight lol
They wouldn’t make a faggot homo appeasement unit meta
It is simply a cash grab for overtly sexual homos who cant hold back their sexual impulses and want to spread monkeypox everywhere
how long untill tingyun drip?
Uhhh, meant for?
Shota here. Which character is staring at me right now?
3 bongs and 16 bings
Sorry Grandpa you're living in the past, Genshit opened the floodgates for literally millions of new gacha players that want EN dubs
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sometimes i wonder if pagschizo and wormschizo are the same guy, there's too much falseflagging and samefagging in between that is hard to tell
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It's the only content this game has 95% of the time
>basically built for DHIL, Argenti and maybe Yunli. In other words because this is supposedly the last harmony for the foreseeable future, they may have made him buff older characters instead
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I want to fuck her.
I want to marry her.
And Numby will be my best man/woman/it.
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Wtf does this even mean?
>Plus, I don't watch porn anymore ever since I hit 30. Ageing's a bitch.
why not
Numby's a she you fake ass Topaz ""fan""
Yep. Both of them have the same /hig/troon posting style. Look how both of them never post their own images, otherwise they'd get really quickly found out.
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uh huh
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Then where's hsr en dub hmm?
leaker said it was fake a bit after, don't take it seriously
? What I said is true even now? Can't talk about JP tweet anymore like yesterday so you're trying a new angle? You lost.
Why wasn't Sparkle enough for Faggot Dan?
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>all this yunli posting
prove that you have her, fags
Numby is trans and has hot steamy yuritransbian sex with Tobaz, you secondary
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>autobattler has a cancerous general
I mean it's not hard to figure out why
You click auto and shitpost while you wait to finish your farm
This is why ZZZ threads and Genshin threads are better unironically
Aventurine is never getting married
Aventurine is never finding love.
Aventurine is never having children.
Aventurine is going to die before he hits 25.
Got Lingsha at a merciful 20 pity after nearly breaking the bank for Feixiao.

Praise China, praise Da Wei, praise Xi.
But enough about you
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Same. Got her at exactly 41 pulls.
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finished my star rail, zzz and wuwa dailies. wtf do I do for 3 hours till Tingyun's drip marketing? It's 3 am for me
They're gonna pull out Sumeru bullshit, aren't they? Guess it's time to sell my account before the market price for HSR accounts drops
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Zzz I can get but doubt gig is better
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>Everyone is running Duke
I may need to change my relics...
what do you expect from an anonymous message board
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>Genshin threads are better unironically
They're roughly equivalent
Cute married couple
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Sumeru was a beloved success.

C'mon JPfags, what's with all the deflecting? I'm not talking about Genshit's nonJP Natlan revenue flopping because the chinese hate melanin and west thinks there's not enough, I'm not talking about our retarded Star Rail EN Va's having melties, I'm just saying any gacha trying to release successfully in 2024+ is almost always going to have an EN dub now or flop because greedy execs want their global audience. Genshit has done irreparable damage to the gachasphere in that regard.
is that a /gig/ drawpile?
I love Asta!
Wouldn't windsoar valorous be better? I've always thought of it as the better set for FuAs outside of some specific characters with non damaging ults
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A footjob from Sparkle would fix me
I started and quit genshin in that arc.
The green females are the only good thing about it.
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the feet made me do it
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Firefly would support Taliban
Firefly love
The SH are not the CIA
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She's right

Aventurine is never going to find love, happiness, or create a beautiful family. He will keep sucking and fucking and sucking and fucking until he hits 25 and finally dies. Face it. You can't even imagine hime being a family man because he's so fucked up inside. He's DAMAGED.
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>outside of some specific characters with non damaging ults
You mean like Topaz...
Why are Sunday schizos so mentally ill?
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Do you think that rectangle is a placeholder and they will actually add the ticket there later?
It feels such an odd design choice
>Those tourists coming in when Sunday was leaked expecting everyone to be frothing at the mouth over a male like in their own thread.
Was I as a female-only roller really supposed to have a melty over that? Who cares, we've had a like a million female banners in a row+empty space in 2.6 and expecting at least two more somewhere in Tingyun and Herta real, maybe if you could convince me there's 3+ male limiteds lined up out of thin air after Sunday there'd be a problem.
They arent wrong.
All he did was bottle away his severe mental issues, hes gonna hit rock bottom at some point.
I-I see...
Silver Wolf just milked me in my sleep.
No. You can see Japanese text there. I don't think /gig/ has ever produced sovlful OC
yeah, a placeholder on the marketing image lmaooooooo
meant for >>497693069
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Sunday? Part of Aventurine's harem
Meant for >>497693069
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They should just put Express tickets on every non finalised design just to mess with leakers and schizos it would be soo funny
Pretty much, no way the leaker gotten 99% of Sunday designs correctly but somehow manage to fuck up the ticket. Plus it would be such an easy thing to edit out.
Meant for: >>497693069
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The meant for bot broke?
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That rectangle is just the shading on his outfit
Siobhan was so lucky...
It's a random red rectangle, it's not shading anything.
Seriously tho why did analmonkeypoxaidswormsurine flopped? I thought he was super duper meta and the most popularest character of Penacony
Great idea! We'll also have them all rigged into a wheelchair too.
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you're just like an angel
possibly stephen
>冰淇淋: English voiced 30% in 2.7
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She is cute so it's fine
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I'm not saying it because I hate Aventurine, it just feels like the most natural ending for his character. He is damaged goods that lives in the moment. A happy future is out of reach for him, as his happiness is with his family. Likewise, Sunday will never be happy without Robin.
Do people actually get offended by wormposting? I laugh like a dumbass every time I read posts like >>497694491
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Actually Aventurine is the derpy one, all he did in Penacony was set up the most unnecessary and Elaborate suicide attempt ever while high on Harmony/order aids, meanwhile Topaz and Jade were both hauling ass trying to undermine local authorities and and actually takeover Jarilo VI and Penacony respectively.
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It's funny when it's retarded like that or done as a joke. People seething while they post it are more obnoxious since the post itself usually isn't entertaining to read.
really chewy semen
Isn't there a revenue chart people can post to settle the debate of male vs female banners for good?
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Not my problem

Nah, he is in on a whole other level of schizophrenic that it turns into comedy.
/hsrg/ skips everything anyway who cares
isn't zzz completely and totally dead and forgotten and everyone who played it got aids
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Need a new character to bring dot hags back bros...
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Wonder at which % do they just turn everything into nip instead of letting ENkeks play with mutes
Migrate whenever ready
imagine if it got stuck in her throat and started choking
>SEAmonkeys still seething over EN
Behead Hertaschizo
i used to believe they added the "retrieval" part cuz just debt would be too ambiguous but then they dropped opal as opal of relations and it could honestly mean fuck all, like, is it workplace relations?? public relations?? partner relations??? be specific bwo please
and honestly thinking about it now, Jade isn't that different either, i still don't know what she's supposed to do
Hertaschizo is right
Maybe the plague mark in her will get uppity and she'll see Hoolay tulpa again
>You're dying Feixiao! Your food is blocking your airways and you will soon expire! your only hope is to accept being the leader of the Borisin NOW
>opal of relations
Where did they say that?
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who draws these cute kafkas?
Slurping semen out of Herta’s asshole!
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Hertaschizo is a bitch thats what he is
Are you the president of the Hertaschizo fanclub?
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Janny is right
kami_kuro8 on xitter
We like hertaschizo here, kill yourselves whoever is against him.
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we're getting closer and closer to killing the eng dub
the great purge is at hand
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her in game model is yet to be surpassed by fanart anyways desu
Not just any bitch, I’m Herta’s bitch
wrong kys
good post
Always has been.
no fuck off
that's right
Mind-broken by hertaschizo.
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i made it up
Sapphire is contracts btw
the astral express is pretty much just a camera during the whole borisin outbreak. why are we even there? should have followed himeko and welt.
Wuwa makes $2 a month and can still afford an EN dub...
Welcome to glorious chinkslop region, they even make a joke about it at the end of the story.
Please, underage tranny, stop notifying me that you are going to masturbate.
I'm not sure why a grown "hetero" man is telling another grown man this but it's unbecoming and frankly gross. I don't know if you're expecting a high-five or something (especially not with where your hand has been).
I honestly shouldn't have to tell you this but it needs to stop. If you reply with this again I can only offer two warnings before I discontinue contact with your newfaggotry ass completely.
Migrate to my thread before it 404s
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Yunli's feet are equivalent to shoes. They're incredibly practical. Practicality is sex. Yunli is therefore incredibly lewd. idk wtf im talking about. i love feet so fucking much.
Anything for you, honey.
bro I am not fucking reading that oh and take your meds
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the soul region....i hope the abundance homeworld is half as soulful
They don't hire Ameritrannies who strike every other tuesday
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Bronya RABU!
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Firefly SUPERBROKE you.
she can join
What are Pearl and Obsidian for?
Firefly SUPERSUCKED me off!
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Nyoooo they took his peepee
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Where tingting?
Need tingting...
black sunday would've looked so much cooler
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The sound of the trotters shaking constantly in this room PISSES me off. I don't know when they added this but is there a way to get rid of them? It was bad enough with those billboards but at least you can knock them down.
omigosh it's Sleepy Sushang and the two Guinaifen simps!
She’s busy being gangbanged
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Feixiao gets regular art, I see it on my timeline like every 3-4 days, where did the meme that she doesn't get fanart came from?
yup me on the left
All me btw
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Thats all they have left after losing gameplay relevance.
I want to lick cum off her pussy
I can't explain it but Robin as a sister pisses me off
When people don't like a character they feel the need to make things up about them instead of just saying "I don't like feixiao"
Railkeks this game literally wont let me actually play the game. Why isnt this marketed as a visual novel? Every JRPG that I played had more actual gameplay than this.
>walk a few steps, story segment
>walk another few steps, story segment
>2-3 short fights, story segment
not to mention the fact that it takes ages to collect characters and build them properly.
for a "side game" it doesnt look very appealing since the story is typical hoyo garbage.
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Lore fags, how strong (if at all) is Skott? Could he at least take on Hook?
It's a gacha game
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What do you guys do to make the voices in your head quiet?
Its a hoyogame.
I dont think I've seen this very often on /vg/, but hoyo trannies are one of those rare numberfags where they even compare the number of art pieces that characters get, just to prove how popular or unpopular they are.
There must be some drama tribal faggotry ALL the time. 10 minutes cant pass without it because this board is full of literal trannies.
Cutscene skip will happen after male firefly destroys our game like the homo year destroyed genshin.
Pitch-Dark hook the Great would absolutely dumpster this loser.
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I go to sleep.
Calm down, Stingyun
I know right????? Why can't this game be more like tetris or those facebook games that doesn't have a story
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Why does 5" tingyun get mogged by 4* design wise?
I ignore them so they think I can't listen
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Kill yourself
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genshin server is up
roll for the tan sexo xilonen
simpler is better.
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do you not do moc, pf, SU/DU or AS?
the story is just that, story. the gameplay is in the endgame modes and relic farming
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Just do something
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Tag the Rail characters
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Are mobage players just pasty white people who never go out the house?
STingyun drip when?
I've seen it in the few gacha generals I've been too, /feh/ has the Ignatz test (if you have less art than Ignatz you're a certified flop)
/gbfg/ is fucking retarded and compares everything
-no clue
Olanzapine 5mg solves the problem.
first time i went to gbfg it was all cuckposting that was unironic compared to here
i just live with THEY
have you been in /bag/? besides the cunny stuff there's a schizo posting blacked swine stuff and irl gore
i assume its the same nigger that posts irl gore here occasionally
Kill yourself, troon.
Jewhoyo are massive Fate fans, so it checks out.
it fits playstation videogames market thougheverbeity
to be fair art count is the most objective way to judge whether a character is a flop or not
Stelle please, the collab is happening soon, don't do anything to embarrass Welt in front of his wife.
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They fucking covered her toes
There is nothing objective about art.
She has even less art than Flop Flop thoughbeit.
Shes been out for under a month...
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BA makes less money than hoyo games but more art yeah
you've never played a jrpg
Good posts. Married men like him need to let out their pressure once in a while.
yeah, that's why i'm talking about nunbers and not art
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maybe the tails'll appear in the ult animation because I can't see them taking the effort to make it so those tails don't just clip everywhere.

Still looks boring as hell though if that is the final design, albeit from a blurry picture.
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wheres our gyaru, seeing xilonen causes pp hard but dont want to touch open world sloppa...
get taste loser
Feixiao is the closest you'll get
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Wait didn't we launch Tingyun's stuff into space? How is she going to feel about that?
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How will 2.7 work? They have to explain shit about both characters are they are from different places.
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Tan March form is coming on the beach planet trust the plan. emo march on punkelorde too
You are quantifying art in a retarded way to measure popularity.
There could be 10 pics that instantly make you cum and 100 stick figures you barely recognize.
Even if you wanna go that retarded way, wouldnt people viewing a piece of art count more than volume of art?
There is only 1 Mona Lisa, yet its the most famous painting on the planet.
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Would Sigga do this?
I would had even believed you if you said Guinafen/March
2.6 will be about Sunday (ft 5 lines from Floppa
2.7 will be tingting
>skill puts a tail on an ally and lets them inflict burn
>ult gives you 5 tails you can put on allies, but they can no longer inflict burn
who cares? We have to judge things off metrics because there must be something to discuss or some kind of drama all the time.
Man, you must be new to gacha threads or something because this is not a new phenomenon
>/fgog/ had Twitter likes and fan art number fagging
>/gbfg/ had pure numberfagging with twatter likes
>/feh/ with the ignatz test
>/alg/ had it briefly but it was dealing blacked posters
>/e7g/ was inundated with it too
>Even fucking /@/ has it
>EN Sunday has surpassed Firefly
Bwos, waifutrannies....
What is the excuse?
I like these ones.
nta but I don't know what you are even trying to say here.
The characters that get the most art are also the ones that get the most quality pieces in fandom
Americans love creepy old religious men more than anything in the world
What if we get a little Amphoreus teaser during the stream?
if you're a man that uses twitter for anything but porn you're already half way to cutting your cock off
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well the Mona Lisa isn't an gacha anime girl, i'm not saying it's perfect, but it's the most objective metric of popularity and the numbers usually match
Twitter is homo central
Hmm nyo? If anything that's probably for 2.7 stream
nta but if non playable characters of other gachas can get substantially more art than our playable charas it is pretty sad but at least we have ai sloppa frens here if feixiao art halts to a complete stop
gbf holds the most seafags aside the nip majority and their numberfags moved here with how shit they handled their game over the years collab units being hyper limiteds now kek man that game went downhill fast
She was never the #1, DHIL had that spot at 140K.
She IS the #1 in Japan with 250k though.
i have anal worms and i pray nightly to sunday to cure me of them god bless
Nah, it definitely started from 2020. Things weren't nearly as bad before then. Comparisons between character revenues became life or death and people, lacking any solid information, began seeking out more and more ridiculous units of measurement to justify their own cultish behavior. The 2020 wave, spurned by covid, with many kids being socially deficient with flanderization by social media led to an increase in "retarded fucking behavior" that spread to other popular gacha game communities. Most people follow the behavior of the group and that's what led to now.
Hoyo art tags are massively with 3D porn made by people who can't draw. This is something I've noticed looking at art in pixiv, every page on a Hoyo related tag will be 20-30% 3D koikatsu stuff. Meanwhile you look at FGO related tag and there are very 3D if there's any at all.
If Firefly was so great she's suck my dick but alas...
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Aventurine would eat pussy and suck cock. Probably lick armpits too.
For a while if you wanted to see anything other than Kafka / SW / Bronya you had to slop it yourself.
well Fate doesn't have 3d models
>massively inflated*
>very few*
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drip where
I'm starving
>Decide to go back to rising after the balance (yes, I know)
>They completely gutted nier and essentially erased her, when all she needed was nerfs but they went scorched earth instead
>They nerf ferry because retards bitched about getting out played by dhalsim clones despite ferry not even being that good anyway
>Pretty much nerf everyone via system mechanic changes or character changes because they listened to actual retards and ((casuals))
>But Belial got nothing but buffs and even the "nerf" he received via system changes being reworked was a fucking buff
>Delete rising
They literally worship Belial and the fucking nu fgc it seems
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dead website flooded with sloppa porn
small sample of fanart not at all reflective of how much gets posted by each character

Majority of artists are on xeet and that website has always been trash for searching for art, so that's where this myth that X character gets no art from. You're just too lazy to find it.
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Leave him alone
Yes, and? The Fate franchise exists for the Japanese porn / hentai industry what did you expect? It's a 30yr old fetish porn franchise compared to a 3d phone game. What's your point?
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>game is up
cya nerds, im off to teyvat to pull my gyaru gf
Ill just pay sloppa anon a part time salary to flood her art tag.
Feixiao will be on top in 6761 minutes.
they technically do. but they’re locked to fucking arcade cabinets…
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when's the drip
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I WILL use Sunday & Robin in the same team. The game won't stop me.
>and that website has always been trash for searching for art
i don't understand why it's so hard for them to make a proper tagging system
that should've been one of the first things teslaman should've implemented
are you guys fucking toddlers or something? use the internet, you're on it
glad i dodged a bullet there but at least my fat sheep tiddy art is more commonplace and doesnt gbf as a whole homo worship lately TWO FUCKING GRANDS, alongside actually focuses shipshit rip my fediel
please spoonfeed me

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