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Previous Thread: >>497633301

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>9/25 (Wed) After Maint - 10/10 (Thu) 10:59 (JST)
Reijo (3*)
Kisaki (3*)
Shun (Small) (3* - Rerun), Kirino (2*- Rerun)
Saya (Casual) (3* - Rerun)

Descent of the Five Senses - 9/25 (Wed) After Maint - 10/10 (Thu) 10:59 (JST)
SCHALE Settlement Task with General Student Council - 10/10 (Thu) After Maint - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Kaiten (Urban - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 10/2 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/10 (Thu) 3:59 (JST)
Joint Firing Drill (Defense) - 10/10 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/16 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/26 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Commissions/Lessons - 10/2 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/10 (Thu) 3:59 (JST)
2x Hards - 10/10 (Thu) 4:00 - 10/16 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals/Scrimmages - 10/16 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>10/8 (Tue) After Maint - 10/15 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Kazusa (3* - Rerun)
Reisa (3* - Rerun)
Natsu (3* - Rerun), Mari (2* - Rerun)

Patch notes: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2658579
Balancing Schale's Books with the General Student Council - 10/8 (Tue) After Maint - 10/22 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Joint Firing Drill (Breakthrough) - 10/8 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/14 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Grand Assault: Gregorius (Indoors - Torment w/Heavy Armor) - 10/15 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/25 (Wed) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Normals - 10/7 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/14 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Hards/Commissions - 10/14 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Leave all your concerns to Professor Sexo
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ayame...would have made a kaho thread...
I need shupogaki sex, can she fix that?
That was a lie. I did not enjoy seeing that goblin.
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Oh shit its them...I still can't choose between Nozomi and Hikari despite waiting for 6 months to play this
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>your student
>your masturbation habits
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Wallpapers, official art, icons & dolphin porn https://bluearchive.jp/fankit
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you dumb stupid dummy idiot
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me but 236,213 next to the 236,500 threshold
im not familiar with this. pls post
Which BA doujins should be made mandatory reading for /bag/?
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The Moe doujins
Need Whackamole.
There is nothing to fix. It's only natural for a healthy man to desire an intercourse with attractive women.
I don't know who is Professor Sexo
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I love my cute fox daughterwife Izuna!
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I'm asking for it
I can't access the 4chins archive right now for some reason, and I'm pretty sure it's litter boxed so link probably expired by now. It's not on the boorus either.
Might be from the Ibuki sex poster who posts stuff from misskey and I don't have an account for that site
Fubuki is a child. Please do not have sexual thoughts about her.
>everything with Ibuki
>that casual dress mutsuki one
>mugichoko's miyh dojins
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I wonder who keeps going around saying we're some fucking evil mastermind capable of fucking everything up and that Sensei has a dungeon underneath Schale for students he doesn't like
Ibuki is the only student I'm not touching in a sexual manner.
I don't think she's actually sleeping
I love her eye makeup.
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>students in embarrassing cosplay outfits and swimsuits walking into SCHALE
everyone knows about it
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she is a cop, she has sexual thoughts with the ones she catches(like any normal cop), she can't be a kid
This but reisa
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rabbit egg
We literally boarded a train without a ticket, derailed said train, and blew up a bunch of Highlander mobs in Trip Trap Train with Ichika and Kasumi
They have a right to be afraid/mad at me
Mika should die
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Suzumi alt when
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This is an odd request BUT
Does anyone have that screencap of the guy completely debunking everything about NTR being popular and posting thanos? I ask because I saw it posted in /bag/ before
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I don't know which student I would like to fuck the most.
I actually have no idea which one I would consider my studentwife.
I counted all my students yesterday after realising how hellish will be getting them all to lvl90 and it turned out I have 98 of them. (And somehow Miyako still haven't spooked me yet)
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Blue Archive nfts soon.
checked kemono as well. guess were sol
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I already own Hina though
In pain
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she's dying
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search 'drifter' on gelbooru
My biggest regret regarding my pulls is that I didn't pull d.Hina.
>inb4 affinitycucks claiming they arent your waifus unless you buy the damn nfts
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Post Wakamo.
It's crazy they kept her unique laugh
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What the hell are you doing man
Who is my student wife
didn't know that was the same artist
it's this one
whats your excuse
Yeah, the dungeon is for the students I like, they should get it right
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Did anyone get an invite?
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>just go do that manually and not run that
the thing is I did that and it still kept telling me I have hyper v enabled....I ran the .bat on my friend's pc and mumu worked flawlessly
I don't know, I might run that shit since bluestacks works, but sometimes it freezes, and ldplayer is slow as fuck for me
On Stages 1 and 2, simply use single-target heals on the scarecrow, to apply a +500% damage taken debuff to the enemy.
On Stages 3 and 4, every tick of healing on an ally, regardless of strength, heals the scarecrow by a fixed amount 6,000 points, so AoE heals over time are best.
If you bring Utaha, and you manage to fit all three of her Basic skill's turrets in an AoE as well as your 4 squad members, that's 42,000 healing per tick for the scarecrow, even if the healer herself is level 1 with 1111 skills.
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That's a deep cut.
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Is there a written step-by-step Set guide for retards? All those things constantly happening on the screen when you can barely see shit kills all my motivation.
I took a break from the game for few months.
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it's in the how2raid rentry
Will you date me? Always wanted a 12y/o gf.
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That's a nice Kisaki cospla-
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I deliberately skipped that banner because vest Hoshino and dark Shiroko are more interesting to me
The one where Sensei gets raped.
Uh oh this CANON NUDIST is getting defensive
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>Sensei has a dungeon underneath Schale for students he doesn't like
But that's true?
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>I deliberately skipped a banner because I have to save for a banner which is in a year from that banner
Yes but you need to start transitioning now. I'm always on top. And you need to style yourself like Kazusa.

Are you in London?
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That reminds, the recent EN update had free wallpapers to download.
Day vers
The Miyu egg one
The Iroha poison one
The Junko cheetos one
Personal preference but both Izuna ekakibit doujins
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Pahyahyahya! Nozomi is more bratty so I choose her.
Just avoid that name at all costs. She is a grade AAA menhera.
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I expect to be forced to spark on sKanna so the double bluefes banner (with two banner students I want) made made me nervous and change my rolling plans drastically.

my bluefes luck is historically bad so that's another 72k I need to save up
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vtubers look like THIS? 4channers told me they were old fat women??
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Night vers
god I love this aru sticker
>I don't know, I might run that shit since bluestacks works, but sometimes it freezes, and ldplayer is slow as fuck for me
ldplayer was also painfully slow, so I switched to bluestack(with hyperv) and it's almost as fast as my phone
ldplayer would take 5min to load from android desktop to lobby, bluestack is under a minute
egg miyu chicken hatch no egg
real life femcel that screws men's lives, mentally deranged
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Free uncensored child pussy here
Always thought she was one of the hottest.
I was told to never stick my dick into crazy, but damn is she tempting.
better known as rushia

borderline women deserve love too
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are you stupid?
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This is why 2D is superior.
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very cool trick ibuki
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I thought she was flat.
explain further
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I forgot about this one. Style fits really well, honestly.
>ToC alone is a page long
Who asked for this in a casual kusoge, really?
Yankee x Yankee
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You know what's better than 2D? 2D Elves. Genius hacker ones especially. Built for being Sensei's wife.
Why do people shill the egg doujin so much? Sensei acts like a total pussy.
idk either, but it's funny to reference
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I skip limited banners and spark permanent ones all the time. You cannot understand my genius.
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I think I will jerk off to Eimi now.
3DPD slut, but more PD than usual.
She used to be a Hololive VTuber, Rushia, who was a retarded menhera bitch who got shitcanned for leaking info to drama youtubers.
Then in her new VTuber identity she went even more menhera. I don't remember the details, other than cheating on and being abusive to her husband. Incidentally, shortly before she got fired from Hololive, she sold pseudo engagement rings to fans as merch lmao. IIRC, the husband accused her (among other things) of trashing his apartment and leaving a dead cat in it. She tried to refute those allegations, and in the process admitted it was actually just a hamster or guinea pig or something.
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the other rentry bro
also fuck you
yeah, i'd ruin my life and reputation for this
I did it, I broke 236.5K
>I skip limited banners and spark permanent ones all the time.
Why is everyone reacting to that one cosplay in particular neither the girl nor the cosplay look especially great
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Eye makeup is so fucking hot.
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Happy Birthday
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Ibuki and Reisa are the only students I'd fuck
Cute menhera cosplay Japanese girl with a cute voice. Oh but she's really really crazy. Men want this. Men need this. Men would go to war for this.
What flavor though
I skipped nyFuuka and nyHaruna again
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Lmao retards, sparking for limiteds when you can easily get them from the expert permit shop. But nah, go ahead and brick your pyroxene count.
The one where Izuna enters the mindbreak pod
man, asians and submissive men are fucking garbage holy shit. Not trying to defend her but he basically asked for it
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If you don't want to kill the bitch your sense of justice is weak, you are weak and you're actually enabling this cancer to be accepted which weakens the human race as a whole. There should be no mercy for people as bad as her.
Japanese men are weak
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>I skipped nyFuuka and nyHaruna again
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All hyakkis use some sort of eyeshadow
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Close but no cigar
Please tell me she found the dead animal and didn't help in making it dead.
bulk of what needs to be explained is in Section 1: F1-F24 and a little bit into Section 2: F25-49 anyways otherwise tl;dr is just
>all EX skill damage is reduced by 80% so focus on bringing auto/normal attackers
>put supports on formation slot 5 & 6 so they always are the ones soaking the damage down debuff instead of your attackers because this mechanic is gay
>always heal left obelisk when the yellow icon appears usually after a lightning strike (use Kokona or Serina for this) to manipulate the point above
>AoE heal (Hanako, Atsuko, oShigure, oNodoka) when set starts damaging your team
>if Floor 25+ break the red ball when it's above your team to grant a damage buff
>if Floor 50+ he does red damage now so red armor students are a nono
I just hope he got some cosplay sex out of it. Lord knows he deserved it after all the shit he put up with.
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And I wouldn't have it any other way
the holy path
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You guys are pulling for meta? I just pull for the characters who look cute!
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Is Hikari autistic?
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That's why they're the best school.
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>reposting /v/ trash here
saged, reported and called the cops
/bag/ can't do push-ups by the way
You can't do redeem limiteds, Aru would never attempt to brick newcuties like this
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>redhead retard spam
do not bang retards so you can avoid bringing retard offspring into the world
Yes I can.
Aru-sama is so smart
i can do at least 30
the real and slow ones
I can't breed
I simply operate on a different level spooks aren't real and I need to make sure I get the pngs I really want

You're a disingenuous shitposter. Some kind of extra-chromosomal homunculus. No one likes you.
I can, I just don't want to.
Who would want to?
What, are you a masochist?
What are you, gay?
Last Saturday I finished my dopamine detox after a month of nofap, but then I accidentally opened my Iori folder. I thought what's the harm?
Well, I just woke up for the first time since then. I don't even remember what happened after the first 15 minutes. The clothes I had been wearing are now shredded and 60% of my body hurts, possibly because I was on the floor for so long. I have 15 missed calls on my phone and 12 of them are from Saturday night.
I'm never doing this again.
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>your student
>how many push ups you can do
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You were in doubt about that?
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Do you guys have any students who are nowhere near your top ones but you can't stop saving fanart of them?
Retarded students like Aru should be impregnated as a reward for always trying their best.
no she's a master at the art
But I don't want that one
I wonder why they don't do more sprites for these NPC characters, it feels a little bit jarring to have the people that bought part of abydos be NPC dog #1,fat robot and mastermind cat we've already been seeing since the game came out
That's pretty much every student.
Kasumi for me. I like that little gremlin
Last time I've done 50 in one go on my knuckles
i have a lot of them; hifumi in particular
she's so erotic
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no u
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that's why she's the superior twin
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Imagine how fast she can flick her bean
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For me it's Serika. I like her, sure, but she's not a favorite. She is incredibly cute still, however
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I'm too weak so I doubt I could do any. I remember my friend had to help me lift a box and told me to stop being so silly and let him handle things... I felt so emasculated.
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If you can't carry your studentwife, you should kill yourself
hikari doing the doorbell thing to my prostate
Mentally disabled girls looks like this??!
time to get ripped, yuukabros
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not enough, my abs stickout more than my chest
she isn't that dumb
No offense but you sound very feminine.
Sensei's canon wife looks like THAT!?
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Be quiet, /bag/, Hina’s taking a nap.
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I doubt she's that heavy
Chapter seems translated correctly from the few snippets posted here so far

Any major fuck ups?
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why do animal students have 4 ears
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To better to hear you with, Sensei
they're all ears
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>Oh, Hina's taking a nap? Time to blow up cafeteria and kidnap Fuuka. Again.
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I think i did 88 last time, it was for a challenge here to determine who i had sex with. Think i got iori?
Aren't you the guy that was super skinny
A knight of Trinity would never wait for the help of gehenners
They use 'eatable' instead of edible, although that may be a stylistic choice for the brat.
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I'm manly...
And short yeah
There's a lot of space in the aggie, draw your wife, or something funny
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I really like this game but still can’t shake my sense of guilt at the whole adult student dynamic while I play. Also do they ever explain why students have halos? Saw a theory it’d a purgatory world or something.
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155cm tall Sensei, is that you?!
Take HRT. It will help you grow. Also, start dressing like Kazusa. Do you have Facebook.
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I can't do more than 12 pushups but I can easily pick up girls and princess-carry them, even upstairs. I pick up cosplayers at anime cons or girls with free hugs sign.
t. 184cm 116kg
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Can't remember the last time I tried but I hit 135 lb overhead press for 3 sets of 10 today.
It's okay my fellow dwarf, I'm sure you're really stout
Might just be deliberately avoiding the word edible too, since people did raise a stink about the smoking grass thing.
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Eatable is a word that coexists alongside Edible and they mean very slightly different things
>homoposting in /bag/
My student wife can carry me
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None cuz im fat and retarded
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I've done 30 account resets so far. Trying to get Karin with the first 10 free recruitments. I'm determine to fucking do it and will keep resetting until I roll her. It is funny in hindsight thinking about the disgusting amount of time ive put into account resetting when I could have just dropped pocket change in comparison to guarantee her. Whatever, fuck it. Just did my 31th reset.
Like 30 something. I have fuck all for upper body strength, it's all in my legs.
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I would blame hifumifag for being sneaky and not avatarfagging but it's obviously more than 1 person. I still blame foom.
Hello /bag/ when should I start if I want to get either the cap+facemask girl, smiley schoolgirl, or the shark tooth blonde cop
how about "palatable" then
or does that not seem something like the brat would say
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>Keep fucking up my neck when doing push-ups
No matter what I do, I just keep tensing up. Guess I'll just stick to taking walks
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You know. Killing yourself is an option.
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It's all coming together.
The fault lies with Hifumilovers.
Delete this picture right now
is this for an alt or are you an autistic newcutie
because newcuties who start the game for some character who isnt really meta tend to drop the game fast
>all cooming together
can't believe seia is into group sessions
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>smiley schoolgirl
that's like alot of students
I get that they needed to use the moneymakers but Uiharu and Kuroko would have been so much more appropriate for the collab
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After all these months I'm starting to realize that I really like Hyakkiyako as a whole
I think I officially have a "favorite school"
Like it or not, a man dominating a feminine man is peak masculinity.
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fuck the meta nigga I just want my waifu with me
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Alright guys, you had your fun.
does anyone have the piyahaha Nozomi screenshot from the story?
What's going on here
She's often paired with another brown girl and always has the :D smile in fanarts
When they revealed Kaguya it made me realize Shanghaijin is 100% sex, every single one of them.
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I respect the hustle, nigga-sensei. I'm loco for choco-pussy as well
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After finally getting to actually read vol3 I came to conclusion that I really want to give Azusa the happy ending and I want to shoot Saori back, but with a 120mm howizter at point blank. Maybe mortars. Borrow experimental railgun from the navy idk what else.
shit art
Those who doom together
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After finally getting to read Mine's momotalk, I now realize that I am a fan of Mine.
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/bag/ has a twink problem
-Finally get to "endgame"

>Have more money than a 3rd whole country.
>Level up items are the now the rarest and most precious shit.

Damn I should have listened to the sensei who said but them from the shop everyday.
No, you will forgive her for shooting you.
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you think? Having the Misaki+Shoukuhou combo makes sense since they butt heads and contrast each other. And Saten is a good pick for her positive+proactive attitude. I don't think they could have picked a better trio from a writing standpoint, even ignoring the popularity side of things.

I'm so happy they ignored the Index side of things completely.
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of course
fun for the whole family
Do we know who designed the shupos yet?
/bag/ has a twink problem?
Gay shit is out, but traps have always been welcome on 4chan despite what newfags say.
>Hate lolis
>Play BA
>Only getting loli 3 stars on rolls
>Actually like their stories
>Keep getting recurring dreams about Hoshino
This game is damaging my psyche
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nobody in the right mind would ignore this
>>Have more money than a 3rd whole country.
why am i so poor
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Are you talking about Asuna?
nice option select faggotron
>dreams about HoSHITno
my condolences
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Good, good. Think about the childs.
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I shouldn't have looked for more blue archive JJK parodies on pixiv
Traps have been ruined by Big Gay. I don't find them funny anymore
the settlement after being fired just dropped on my bank account boys, time to get some pyros
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>this game is someone's gateway drug
77 is way too hard. at some point even at full health he just nukes them all down before I can do anything about it
either way, they shitup boards and threads, I dont want this shit to become tumblr, and if there's anything the internet communities have taught me is that you give them a single inch and its all done for. We live in the post chanology era, gotta take care of what little we enjoy as best as we can, even if that means the sacrifice of a few
>I got blown the fuck up again in the story
Fucking pussies, but aren't Arona and Plana with the Shittim chest stronger than ever before? Arona herself managed to save us from the cathedral nuke in trinity so wouldn't they be able to handle a gas explosion like that?
Yeah! That's her. I don't know any names yet I just save good fanart.
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>Finally get to use Renge
>fucking ass
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>>Hate lolis
>>Play BA
Then why...?
If you picked this game up you didn't hate loli
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drop it now
I'm late but here's a nice Aoi video
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ill do ANYTHING to fuck a kisaki cosplayer
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this, he was just told to think so
I have a pregnancy fetish, which student is for me?
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>use [purple student you rolled for]
>use sHanako
>borrow sHanako
I hate sHanako so fucking much whoever designed her kit was a retard
uuuhhh the basement dweller did it
Treewife spotted
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You know that this Kisaki cosplayer is a guy right?
all of them
Traps are not the problem per se. It's trannys that ruined it.
Buy the outfit, find a whore that will agree to dress up, proceed to secks.
I also love your cute fox daughterwife!
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Well he did say he'd do anything...
any of the students in my kivotos
I actually once didn't spot her in my cafe until I started checking the items and if there are any gifts that I could give to them. Got me fooled once.
Why get a whore when some /bag/got will do it?
Holding Hina's hand while she sleeps.
unironically shunny/kokona, they often have multiples
>caring about gender
Bro if it gets your dick hard, then fuck it.
That's bullshit. That is the smooth, soft, body of a cute feminine girl. Guys simply don't have bodies like that.
Bullshit, prove it
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Are there girls (real) here?
I like big titty and and saw Asuna, Wakamo, Hanako and Moe so I downloaded.
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I invite her every day, so I luckily know she's in my cafe, but mYuzu and still take some time to find whenever they show up unnanounced.

Find Himari attractive.

Her L2D is foot fetish shit.
I hate the internet so fucking much.
guide for retards:
auto floor 1
Saori got away with everything in the end

But the point of the chapter is that it's better to forgive than it is to get people back for the evil things they do. Mika, sensei, and Azusa were the people who deserved to get Saori back for the millions she killed. Sensei forgave her instantly, Azusa never held a grudge despite Saori abusing her all her life, and Mika wanted to get Saori back at first but ultimately realized it wouldn't be a good ending to this story if Saori got hers in the end. Mika sees everything in life like a fairy tale, everything is a children's story for her, it shows her innocence. A story where Saori gets what she deserves isn't as good as a story where she manages to make it out and restart her life, Mika finally realizes the point of forgiveness, she can't condemn Saori because that would be the same as condemning herself and ultimately chooses to forgive. Kyrie elesion is a song about begging for forgiveness and mercy, she hated that song earlier in the story because she didn't accept forgiveness at first, but when she finally forgave Saori the song started playing, and Mika started singing it. In the end they realized no one could throw the first stone since no one was sinless.
Volume 3 is good because it's the Christian chapter, and all the themes of the chapter summarize the ideas of Christianity fairly well, forgiveness even when it's hard.
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90% Samsung voucher bros
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shit brothers, I just got her wtf?
first recruit after a reset.
Set? Assuming your team is invested enough, you have to be precise with the timings and do something like heal + buff cycle + heal quickly in the middle of his atrack
>needing girls when you got your bros
Bros before hoes nigga.
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heres an old one i found from just over 2 years ago
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Asuna is basically guaranteed with your first ten rolls because she is 1-star. Bad news tho, she doesn't have a school uniform alt, only a portrait that's used only once in the story, sadly. But she has a bunnysuit themed alt which recently had a rerun. You can still get it in regular rolls, albeit the chances are low
Cap+mask girl is probably Saori. She's in regular gacha rolls, but her banner had a rerun a while ago. She should be getting an alt sometime after new years
Blonde cop is Kanna, and she is also in regular gacha rolls.

If you're wondering when is a good time to start playing, the answer is always now. Plus, i do believe the selective recruitment ticket is still available for purchase.
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What's with all the fucking gays all of a sudden?
>finds girl attractive
>ewww feet
you never liked her
There's an entire tag for jjk+blue archive parody
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I warned you bro
ill do ANYTHING to fuck a Ibuki cosplayer
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>90% off
>caps at $10
>I've done 30 account resets so far. Trying to get Karin with the first 10 free recruitments.
Just to make sure, you know you can retry the tutorial 10-pull ten times before actually resetting your account, right?
Or are you saying you did 300 10-pulls without getting her?
It's not totally new
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Desire to breed is like, a basic need of any living organism. Survive, reproduce.'
Unless you mean specifically fucking pregnant students which in advanced pregnancy is actually dangerous to the child and it is completely unneeded and it can be actually accounted as a fetish.
Forgot to mention that Kanna is getting a swimsuit alt soon-ish. Not sure when, but it's coming
I'm so glad I got a galaxy. The samsung app store is useless but those vouchers are really good.
I'm gay for citroos
once again, for the sake of getting rid/avoiding those, I'd put every 'possible' troon in the bag
vgh, society will never understand my sexual intercourse for the purpose of procreation fetish... I'm just a twisted cycle path...
You expect too much
Enjoy your wife, sensei
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True and true
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Please give thanks to pic related for consistently saving Blue Archive
Oh it's battleship
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Impregnation is not a fetish.
Pregnant sex is a fetish.
Well, you've been blessed, hope you enjoy your JK wife
According to planner sKanna banner will be from Christmas Eve to January 7th
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I'm Reisasexual
just get the monthly furniture pack
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This JFD with Kikyou is surprisingly comfy.
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Still would.
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I have a cum on Kotori's belly fetish
when will we find out who in Kivotos designs and produces all of the students' lewd clothes?
It is like saying you have boob fetish. The average guy likes tits but a boob fetishist is hyperfocused in them.
Post your comfy 140 coin clear.
Karin makes genshitters seethe so its like a double win.
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That's nothing compared to my adult woman fetish, it's absolutely deplorable.
Does she even do anything? 5 cost compared to Hanako's 2 is way too expensive.
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I just want to touch and kiss belly
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>look evil
>Become senseifag
>Suddenly look normal and good
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I remember when this song was the rage with the youngins
The railgun gorillas are egotistical unpleasant people. Uiharu is a hacker and Kuroko tries to police a population of superpowered shitheads, common ground with Veritas and sensei respectively. They could have done things that weren't just meathead combat
Also imagine the meta fuckery of Uiharu's thermos hands extending buff uptime
NTA but
>sHanako team 1
>borrow sHanako team 2
>Kikyou team 3
Pretty easy 240k.
this will never happen to you
I'm just going for a consistent 4/4/4. I don't wanna spend an hour every day doing this for coins.
The difference is that she can hit the entire group regardless of positioning.
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It's not lewd. Kivotos is as good only female utopia and girls can wear as skimpy as they want and people lived in peace...

But since Sensei(You)(Male) arrived... cases of rape rose to unprecedented levels. It is your fault Sensei.
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Literally just listened to it. Banger.
You can take her on your third run that has no sHanako, or you can take her with one of your sHanako runs and just have her buff purples with her normal skill.
nom nom
STFU UI this is why no one likes you.
Every JFD is "comfy" if you just aim for the minimum
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Women usually try to make themselves prettier for the person they like
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Jumby my beloved...
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I have a daughterwife fetish
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I did this.
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I never cared about cosplay whores until this general...
My based christian game Blue Archive
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Thank you for the info anon! Hopefully my luck holds out. Rerollan a thing you can do?
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If she was your beloved you would have actually saved the pic
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Junko? More like junk
I didn't care about cosplay until I started going to anime cons.
I want cosplay sex so bad it's unreal.
>Bad news tho, she doesn't have a school uniform alt, only a portrait that's used only once in the story, sadly.
Are they stupid?
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I can never take Toki seriously because my brain always overwrites her with Toki Wartooth (not a bumblebee)
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>The railgun gorillas are egotistical unpleasant people
stop giving me more reasons to like them
I hope they look down on me and treat me like garbage.
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What do you even do at anime conventions?
Ya, like >>497668687 has been doing. It's a bit time-consuming, but if you really want your favorite students to start out with, go for it
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For me it's Toki from fist of the north star
Same with Seia
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2 weeks until global gets this
What? Why?
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>Are they stupid?
No. As proven in the DynamisOne fiasco, C&C is the literal "Break Glass during Emergency" gacha. C&C is too good, it's game-saving
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there should be no reason for these girls to wear skimpy clothing in the time before sensei arrived. these clothes only exist to allure the male gaze.
What the hell are those devices?
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Enjoy getting S.Hanako to behave for two clears every day for a bit of pocket change I guess.
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rough sex
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This but unironically
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I started going to them this year and honestly I feel like they're only really fun if you go to cosplay. The attention is kinda nice and you get to meet people who share the same interests as you.
It only got weird for me when guys would start hitting on me and calling me cute while I cosplayed.
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Murokasa Akane, thank you for saving Blue archive.
Ichinose Asuna, thank you for saving Blue archive.
Mikamo Neru, thank you for saving Blue archive.
Asuma Toki, thank you for saving Blue archive.
Kakudate Karin, thank you for saving Blue archive.

Thank you so much girls...
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Izumi big love
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why did we stop posting hibiki again?
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TBF this is Neru
sexy saint seia
Yeah yeah we've heard it 1000x faggot nobody cares don't start.
Please be in New York
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I may need some proofs here anon...
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>federal student council
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sexy s-student
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The cutest Gourmet
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Third year students love.
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>these clothes only exist to allure the male gaze.

False. They wear short clothing to easily move around. That is until Sensei(You) arrived.
Bro? Your Kuroha?
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Stop wasting time here and do some exercise.
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is there a new advance wars game yet

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All the dogfuckers are busy breeding Umika at the moment. Me included.
I'm happy the flat-chested armpit-dragon is useful.
Both for her own sake, and as someone who started after SHanako's run and usually gets fucked over when the game assumes you have her.
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you can literally just walk up to her and start whispering into her ear and she'll cum instantly
Made me check

>The General Student Council (連邦生徒会) (GSC), formerly known as the Prime Student Council on Global, or literally translated as Federal Student Council in JP
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What’s wrong with the Index side?
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The traffic is shit right now and my 15 minute drive would take 40 so I'm gonna go later.
Isn't Kivotos more of a confederation rather than a federation?
This needs to be updated. Also,
>There's something odd about this school.
What did they mean by this?
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Thanks Akane
The bestest
The sexiest
Thats who you are
It's not an academy city
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It is the only school not based on a mythology
And it seems to be connected to the nameless priests ruins
The ruins of the previous civilization before the nameless gods took over this world
Is there no maint on JP? Aren't they supposed to get area 27?
>no line
It's shit
So what you’re saying is, we need ANOTHER Dynamis One?
You think Sensei ever just sits alone in his office going "Hey Kotama, could you do this thing for me?" and she timidly sends over an executable that does the thing he requested?
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Well it's also the site of Decagrammaton which is just more jewish mysticism
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The academy city girls fit in seamlessly, is all. The mage girls would be a worse choice.
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I'm breeding two of them
Why is Yosh so angry?
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coom in doom
good night /bag/
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I don't care for rabbit squad
I assume the cat(?) that natsu is petting attacked her
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DynamisOne just needs to post something. Alts are already in place.

DynamisOne on Winter Comiket? Schoolgirl C&C
On Summer Comiket? C&C Summer
Spring? C&C Cheer
Fall? C&C Casual

List goes on
I'm still not buying it that "gsc is based on a manorah, trust me it's Jewish, Trinity is already Christian so another school can't have Christian themes as well"

It seems far more likely it's based on the twelve disciples and Jesus
There are twelve GSC if you count Rin
Kaya is the Judas
Arona was Jesus in this scenerio
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did you forget the part where they made nil money last month?
Is this real?
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Sadly no...

Pic related is Rin btw...
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pat pat pat
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Go around with my fancy camera and try to take pictures of cosplays I find interesting.
Then fail because I can't approach strangers unless I've had a good amount of alcohol in me.
Who? What?
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Touhou collab when? Jk.
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There is a real phenomenon of girls hitting puberty way earlier than they used to so actually girls looking like this is totally reasonable and accurate.
eww, 3D
would totally slam though
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Don't forget to pat your students, bag
I buy cool looking stuff for anime/games I like
And take pictures with cosplayers
Have some conversations with people while waiting in line
anon, nta but they literally use jewish terminology, saying otherwise sounds like a cope
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>would tho
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New testament also uses Jewish words sometimes
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No patting until you get soulful fanart that doesnt make you look clingy Wakamo. I wanna see your evil side
is there a problem?
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Cuz everyone has Bunny C&C at this point. Hell this was the first time they revived that event even after being archived (Devs literally were like "shit we are in trouble, release the bunnies!"). People event bitched about why a certain pink haired gremlin in a bunny suit isn't playable (You know why)...
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Miss me yet?
>would tho
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in this case, its associated with the Old, not New
Are you single? Please respond.
Well let’s hope they’re doing something over there, we’re long overdue for one.
Clingy is an understatement
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buy prints from artists
maybe pick up some merch
go to a panel if I'm interested (basically never, it's usually fotm stuff or VAfags)
chat to people

Mostly just an excuse to go out for a day or two and walk around. Sometimes it's nice other times it's boring.
>Devs literally were like "shit we are in trouble, release the bunnies!"
we had the datamines for their banner dates at the start of September they were always planning on throwing the bunnies there
>/trash/fags are here
its over
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I miss Kaoru's cock so much.
It was nice knowing you, Florida.
That's because Christianity is itself based on Judaism. It's just carrying it over.
Saying the GSC references the Jewish elements of Christianity is functionally just saying it's referencing Judaism.
No cake
Hyakkyako red eye makeup got me acting strange(r)
Still, I want my students be fleshed out and full of life and personality. Not a doll to just comfort and project my insecurities on. It's just so sad to see Wakamo be reduced to a doll for Sensei to play and pat
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>check md5
Attentionwhore fag. Fuck off.
Schale is on lockdown until Sensei gives his wife Nanagami Rin some attention and stops entertaining these homewrecking sluts.
Nobody's posting furry yet.

It's a shame. It was only good thing to come out of the KV debacle.
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Poor Seia...
>Christianity is based on Judaism
lol I
how could that be when Judaism didn’t show up until a couple or so of centuries later?
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Nope. Those datamines are recent for that update. Remember before DynamisOne announcement, isakusan and co were poaching artists left and right which resulted in content drought.
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Having fun yet? Just wait 'till 2029.
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Looks like Mika hours started late today
>playing dishonest semantics when its clearly referring to the nosetribe
come now
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what's the appeal?
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Slampig appeal
Why the hell did mentally ill people start memeing she is futa?
Have you even read the old and new testament? Be honest I'm genuinely curious.
ask on /pol/ and they’ll give you the REALLY long rundown on what the distinction is
not gonna talk about that any more here since the jannies get up in my business about it every single time
If the Jewish Bible had been written after Jesus, the Christians who preach from it wouldn't call it the "Old" Testament.
simpler times
before being able to skip pvp matches
before my beloved iroha...
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All project kv girls got memed like that
swords is a euphemism for penises
they didnt gatekeep hard enough and many of them jumped on the train out of hatred for BA >>497669972
>Blue Red
>Spring Autumn
>Guns Swords
>Girls ?
They had Seia-like foresight to see Project KV
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>literal xXChrist_BrazilWarriorXx's home kind of larps
thats a retarded decision, both sprout from the same group of people, semantic copes and (((theology))) doesnt make a difference
>seia teamed up with C&C to save everyone
just like the game...
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same i would blow the biggest load into kazusa
use your ap, sensei...
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>seia teamed up with C&C to save everyone
>just like the game...

Please give thanks to pic related for saving Blue Archive
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All pantyhosed students please put your feet on my face
But I thought Seia didn't consent to having the game saved?
c&c seia
I just plapped this
What level were you when you beat the Wakamo event stage?
Animal eared girls wearing bunnysuits always looks weird to me.
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Begone, demon whores!
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>say thanks to those that saved /trash/
>say thanks to sexy EoS fox
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She wanted to save the game on her own just for C&C to take her place.

Problem is she still can't speak...
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I have no standards, which student is for me?
Nice slop

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