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Previous: >>497402512
Imagine playing this bum ass game daily for free
Ryu looking kinda weird there
Why Kekkenfags try to own us so much?
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Goku and heihachi for season 3
They hate US cuz they ANUS

Goku aint touching this cuck ass franchise
>not Bocchi
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>Niggas proud their game is fast on /vg/ as if this means anything
>Now getting 24 hour threads already
Based BocchiMafia poster
Keep in mind the game is not even 3 years old btw I forgot to > that
What happened to BocchiOP?
Imagine Heihachi in horror engine
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They said they were just doing for the lols and probably got bored I think they dont even play SF
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....watches as Mickey deepthroats Chun-li.
Men in SF are goo-
>relember popeye arms
CapCuck sisters... don't read this......
Bocchi dead
Jivers won.
...the dead game award.
The mashing party game trophy
Jive lost to Tekken 7
...the worst SF game competition.
Built for Small Mouse Cock
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>Tfw not a single drawfag to make some quality content
Dead game dead thread dead general
I am a permabeg at drawing but what you guys wanna see?
Preferably SFW but NSFW I could post on catbox
>go to friendly local
>dude playing cammy times me out
>pops off
>no one is even watching
Mickey fucking Chun bonus point if a french twig subhuman is watching in a chair
>Going to a local to a dead game
Unless its some capcuck sponsored saudi shit or EVO literally nobody cares, not even the so called "pros" of the scene support this scene support their locals.
Real talk the only purpose of locals is to hang out, network and have some fun.

If your local only has spergs you should not bother.
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Li-Fen playing Smash Bros CHADmate
>Getting timeout in the most aggression free game ever made
How this shit even happen like nigga you got 2 different universal mechanics to force an approach 50/50
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Half the thread being the smash cuck is hilarious
Who would she main though?
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>mindbroke so bad that I live rent free in his gay fantaisies
He types like he's underage, or possibly retarded. Maybe both?
Half the playerbase are smash cucks
>Super nerdy and annoying cheeky brat
ROB for maximum cheese or Steve for being even more OP.
Probably ROB because she could downplay her character as not that great because >muh big body even tho ROB has zero to death combos outside Zero.
This is just sad bro
Mf doom actually sucks
Punk likes to watch. Punk likes to see.
>Nigga thinking about other men’s girlfriends
That’s crazy. What’s next you gonna post pictures of said girls you saved on your phone? Lol
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>Chinese girl
Come on brah is obvious...
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Tekken once again wins

Friendly reminder: Lilypichu picked Tekken at EVO
Most v-tubers had more fun with Tekken
Even Capcuck oldhead Dale has more hours in Tekken 8 ( including NO RAGEQUIT tags ) over Mickey6

Everyone prefers Tekken 8 over slimeshit
Why do you fags have to always bring up BBC?
Nobody did tho? Its the smash nigga who wants punk to be the next LTG he watches lol
Because SF is a franchise built for nigcels who can't go 24 hours without bringing up their coomer conversation including coomshit about pawgs, jrs and BBCs.
If you black, and not a loser, you playing something else. SF and to some extent, Tekken, is the playground for the black nerd rejects who live vicariously through porn.
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funny seeing the mashen shills seethe.
>Picks up a franchise full of sexually frustrated black incels
>Surprised when he is surrounded by sexually frustrated black incels
>Bringing Smash outta THIN AIR once again
The only unironical Dale dick riders who vomit BBC lingo are the nigcels from /fgg/ and /sfg/

Smashchads rightfully clown on him for being dogshit at the game, I know you mindbroken but try to at least make sense
Why would TekkenGAWDS seethe when they are winning?

All the new blood are coming to us, SF is bloated up with paid shills who do not like the game and play for a paycheck, your game blows, throwloops in grand finals in 2024 lmao
Tekken sucks but better than Dix
kekkens death has been funny to say the least
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You can tell that CapCuck is a Dale nigcel himself when he refers to him by "LTG"
Even when he falseflagging as someone who does not care about Dale, he doesn't have the balls to disrespect him
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Bro, this is getting old https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/text/Smash%20outta%20thin%20air/
How the fuck is Tekken dying?
Do you guys ever get the impression that people are only interested in trying to piss you off when they play? Like it's not a personal thing, but they just want to make all their opponents as mad as possible
>Niggers stay here and in /fgg/ talking about BBC this, my Jr that, PAWG this, white women are that...
At this point you should go to the Police. The smashfag must have raped you or something, this is some next-level mindbreak to blame all your issues on someone else...
why was the last thread better
I'm just trying to win in this piece of shit game.
kimbros I can't win...
Talkin to yourself aint healthy kid lol
Honda players
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Schizos will always project their problems onto other people they don't like, even if it doesn't make any sense at all.
>Is Smash's fault that SF has nigcels talking about raceshit all day here and in /fgg/
Alright anon, tell us where the Smashfag touched you in the doll you dont have to speak just point...
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Beauty Engine Chunners...
This thread already better than the last wtf #ThankYouHarada
Joker got raped
>Comes here
>Makes OP about Bocchi for a couple of threads in a row
>Does not even play the game
>Refuses to elaborate
Alpha as fuck all around the board honestly
>SmashTimmy makes another victim after raping the capcuck(s)
Mindbreak incoming.
I was playing marisa and he just kept jumping back and exploiting my bad anti airs.

Yeah I don't think I'll go back. Maybe to try out the obscure and older games other dudes brought. One dude had a fucking Zach Bell fighting game that I'd like to try just for the novelty.
School's out in schizoville, check back in a couple hours. He'll tire himself out eventually.
bdj's aura suppresses schizos
Gash Bell games are kino, playing both of them for countless hours in my PS2 when I was a child.

I think online/growing up ruined gayming in a way because people are always metafagging and worrying about competing instead of just having fun.
>samefagging this hard because Tekken won
Shit I didn't mean this >>497680048
I meant >>497680042 and >>497679963
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Threads in this stinky shithole are pretty much the same garbage all the time
yup bdj is a chad that scares lil timmy
He big mad and dilated because Tekken literally won once more over his ugly capcuck thread
>Dicksucking some shitter avatarfag now
bdjcucks be like:
Hello I do not own Tekken 8 and I hate Tekken 7:

Street Fighter 6 is a godawful fighting game and you are either ignorant or stupid if you like it.
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My wife and her lickable tummy.
Kinda FP|BP I must admit!
Tekken lost
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Why is Heihachi on the OP? What are you people doing?
thank you tekken chads for trying to revive our dying general i offer my capsissy bussy as thanks as i genuflect and prostrate for big old man thundercock
I lowkey think even stupid people don't deserve to be roasted this bad.
I think only real low IQ niggers, like around 49 and below like Dix.
Regular dumbasses around 50IQ and up are stupid but not so much to play Mickey6.
Get out already Tekkenigger(s)
Capcuck bussy is built for TekCHAD big cock!
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Tekken chads are welcome as long as they post Lili. (Posting any other ugly Tekken bitch results in instant rape)
>More weird creepy white women obsession from nigcel
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sfg timmies only simp for ugly tranny freaks
i see stealth hadoken big ups fuck sajam up
>Jiver crying about Cammy as he wants ugly, cheap, claydough models that all look the same
enough with reruns wheres the new content?
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Nigga i went to catalog saw Hehichi clicked and only then realized where i'm at
>Game has no content
>Thread has no content
Why do I play better when I expect to lose?
Who should I play
Kim is trash, man
I need a fireball
Because you put less pressure in yourself nigger, what a dumb question is that?
Without the mentally diseased coomers who post porn here and in /v/ for hours straight by themselves /sfg/ would have died months ago. Not even Terry brought new blood into this corpse.
as if this "expressive" cope hasn't been on perma rerun since the betas lol every street fighter game is "expressive" this one is both expressive and fuck ugly
Jive all models are pretty much alike, even in the face. Not even comparable to the level of handsculpted detail in 6.
Only off-model retards enjoy Jive giving every girl bolt on tits and a bodybuilder physique.
Is Lili naked? But anon she's 17 out of 10.
Someone post handsculpted SF6 Terry
>Not denying jive is off-model garbage for shit eaters who also think Manon is a good design
Thank you for conceding early.
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...handsculped by pajeets
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Cammy and her indian manlet husband
the people who really hate this game here are so corny man i swear they don't have jobs
>Retarded ass design is 'jeets fault
Again, same shit eater who sees no problem in Manon being a walking visual pollution of a tumour just because she has big booty and pale skin. Your opinion is worthless.
are you trans? serious question
>you don't work because you hate my favorite fighting game
OK Timmy
>MANon apologist/buck broken coomer
>Calling anyone else trans
yeah ok dude thats exactly what i said. totally not proving my point
Blazblue continuum shift was good that’s why
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I apologize, chun players...i wasn't aware of your character...
Pretty Neato. Hopefully the modders get even more hair by end of six. I know T7 and SFV were basically fashion boutiques for girls by the end. It’s always cool to see modders basically get better
>fighting game
It's insane to be acting like a paragon of taste while defending SF6, the game that completely discarded decades of some of the most iconic legacy of artwork of any gaming franchise to copy MK and churn out semi-realistic RE Engine slop redesigns. Not to mention your "off-model" comments when characters in SF6 never reflect their 2D concepts accurately to instead look like racist caricatures most of the time. Absolute 23er brainrot, Capcom could do anything and you'll find a way to praise them.
I block anyone who has under 20 hours. I'm so tired of fighting the most obvious smurfs.
Most characters look closer to their SF2 versions than ever before, but your shit-stain breath coomer ass will just complain they don't look like roided out muscle waifus with sameface engine like in Jive.
Like the guy who bitches about Cammy having ducklips and being skinnier, when she always had ducklips in OG fanart and is an acrobat, not a muscletrannie like in Jive.
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>we had it so good bros
Literally nobody has ever mentioned Jive in the entire reply chain you've had with other people outside of yourself. Figure your mental out.
then trash 5 released and ruined it
As much of an unapologetic jiver that I am, let's not pretend that sfiv and sfv were masterful works of art in terms of visual design. At least they were visually clear unlike slime fighter.
I’m beginning to think those sonic Sol posts where it said “I will destroy you cap cūcks!” Wasn’t joking back then lol
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great thread faggots, kys
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Is Highhachi confirmed as a crossover character or something?
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Could not have picked a worse example. Cammy was clearly more muscular in SF2 with wider shoulders and more defined abs, and she never looked quite like that again. Also, she had the same pout in both SF4 and SF5, it just looks like garbage now in SF6 because of the artstyle, similarly to how someone doing a duckface in real life looks fucking stupid.
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>the sf2 design
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sf6 did nothing write unfortunately
Damn. If this is what makes timmies go insane, I want to see what a mid-street fighter will be like. SFV killed the brand again, SF6 saved it. Now we need an entry that just does ok
Discord trannies constantly saying he is crazy. And once again every video, completely calm, cool, and collect. People only hate him because he's a chad. How did the FGC ever get anyone to believe all the negative publicity that is spread about this guy in the first place?
Ok clayton
People don't hate him, people are weirded out by YOU constantly posting this weird shit, the guy just is paranoid and interprets every little interaction negatively and 180s on people a lot, thats whats unappealing about him nothing more nothing less.
That threat doesn't mean anything coming from a guy who's deepest desire is to be destroyed himself by giant futa cock
ClayGAWD never. fucking. misses.
clayton? more like gayton
clayton posts are misunderstood in sfg
>sitting seiza facing away from the thread
>turn my head to look at you
SF6 sucks
>turn my head back and continue meditating
The better a avatarfag/celeb is, the more crabs here hate it. Clayton owns this bitch.
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Which Boxer has the better theme?
>bro I beat a lot of people
>that’s cool clayton, could you show us some stuff
>no don’t feel like it
>wow, ok?!? Hater, you know I beat people while being sick and I
It’s like really dude lmao.
>muh white girls perfect creation
>muh timmies
Crazy how nigcels can't go 2 hours around here without salivating about white people. Yikes!
people want to win, not have a good game. Thats the difference, fighting games now are getting more selfish. One one person can have fun
The Preppies
That's how the combo system works anon.
I think idom might be the one person out there that dislikes this game as much as we do
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who is "we"
Literally every "pro" you can name hates the game
Of course Aki players would like the game. Get one knockdown and you win.
not dual_kevin or Noah or Daigo
This makes me sad. It's pretty clear that Capcom treats SF6 as an advert-magnet first, a casual game full of MTX second, and a competitive esport seventh. The fact that the highest viewcount tournaments outside of Evo are of Vtubers mashing on modern controls should make Capcom worried. If SF6 is selling fast, why is SF Esports deader than ever? Even Covid SFV was more engaged with.
I wish all crabbas made funny posts like this
Next time try winning something timmy ok?
Is truly fucking disturbing how obsessed they are
what constitutes dead? biggest EVO numbers ever?
this mf daigo thinks that flying across the continent to job to noah and get popped off on by him is saving the future of fighting games
>I hate SF6!!
Ok post some new webms or art of older SF stuff
>uhhh no! What I meant was come back to /fgg/
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Ah yes, Cammy. The honest mid-tier!
i cant name 3 cammy mains, who the fuck is winning all these tournaments
Don't let cammy's well earned popularity here distract you from the fact that rashid has twice as many wins than her despite having a small fraction of the total players.
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>opponent predictably drive rushes
>perfect timed jump or poke doesn't happen because the game eats your input upon a drive rush's start up so that it can be more spammable
Everytime I decide to come back I matches reminded within two games why I can never stand playing for long with this game.
that's what jive haters thought for 7 years
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tokido said ken isn't top tier though
>jamie above ryu
ryu needs buffs
I blacklist anyone who doesn't accept a custom match.
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I love my wife Manon so much
Every time I've accepted one of those they just seethe in the chat and then dip
Sorry bro, you're like 1 in a 1000, imma always mash the quit option
>what constitutes dead?
Competitively? Less viewership and tournament entrants despite a much higher average playercount. That's pretty bad.
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>average pickrate
>most winners
shoto tierwhores in the toilet where they belong.
>Teppen current update is zombies in SF6s metro city
And we get fuck all. If they wanna sell casual shit, we need more
cammy deserves it
chun needs some buffs
the two hags should always be top10
Clayton has showed it before tho. And there's months of him beating discord trannies online still.
no one fucking watched or played SFV until AE
I hate slime rush but that's a skill issue. If you can predict it then you should be waiting to see it actually come out with your fingering hovering over your check button and press on reaction so that you press at the right time and if your read was wrong you don't get fucked for whiffing
When will they put samurai jack in the game? Drive rush, cr.mk into the curse of aku is what I’m waiting for
Chun-Li? Fucking broken because she has uhm...
fireball driverush
For a guy that supposedly has never shown proof of anything he sure has shown a lot of proof. lmao face it, this guy is GOD.
??? it was literally at its most popular and breaking every major's entrant records before AE, you dumb niggas just say stupid shit
reminder that 23ers fell for the Cammy downplay

Broski coded post
>brian_fag asking for more japanese spots at cc
lilbro really needs to update his biases. japan is extremely overrated. gachikun is good, the rest is average and got wiped by.... jb in lcq
Claytom stop sucking your own dick.
vappa literally just imagined an entire alternate set of events during the whole 2016-2023 period that fits what they want to believe. textbook mental illness
didn't read the rest
>constantly 180s on people a lot
I've never seen it once. Clayton is based while you, one of his deranged haters because he wouldn't have sex with you.
you deserve to lose if you cant beat... hurricane and .... mizuha and .... bravery and .... mothman
lmao, why can you visually imagine every character and just how ugly and worthless they are by the way they type. It's a extradentary amount of schizo to come through in the way you type. We get it, Clayton beat you. Let it go.
...punk, noahtheprodigy, xiaohai
We used to make fun of these people...
Seriously man, stop sucking your own dick.
well capcom only takes into account jp players opinions, and they chose chunli to upplay in efforts to downplay ken, since moke was doing well at the time.
and then people complain about capcom america... when they should have a say in how to balance the game
you know remember B tier Laura (in Japan)
Once I reach master with Terry I'm dropping him hard. Dude has to work twice as hard to do what Ken can do with one hand on your nuts.
definitely don't worry, he'll get the AKI, Ed, Rashid treatment
hurricane, kilzyou, mizuha, bravery, mothman, micky, skz, shakz, samoel, akainu,
You think all of us hate Clayton like you schizos. If you had anything real against Clayton you would have posted it by now.
Clayton please. Stop.
Meds pls for all of our sakes or just kys already. It's for the best.
Wasn't Rashid always good? Anyway you might be right, but god damn man. Ken feels like he's cheating compared to playing Terry.
Clayton isn't your mouth getting tired from sucking your own dick?
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lmfao they can't beat him so they search his name here for years just to try to cancel him at any means possible. Another common Clayton W.
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Do you have more or less hours than iDom?
That answers my question. Sucky sucky your own dickie dickie Clayton. Typical of a narcissist who makes memes of himself.
basic valve game hours
He has more hours than that. That's just the hours on his main account. There isn't a single person who competes in tournaments that doesn't also have an alt.
>1500 hours
>1400 mr
i think 2/3 of the time was spent playing drunk in platinum though
No. But my forhonor hours on Xbox were like 3k, my halo hours at 4k. Sf6 and T8 are probably gonna be the next big ones
I thought I was a no life for accumulating 1800 hours on a game over like 3 years. You niggas are mental. Or are you the people who just leave the game idle all day
he has a stream to motivate him to keep playing. I dont know how people like noah do it when they're playing alone in the dark 8 hours a day. unless noah has a stream too
sometimes i complain about this game too much
trying other games always brings me back to reality. things are fine on this side.
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That's... Kinda low. I'm basically just 68 hours behind
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This what we're doing now? 805 hours here. Just made master with Terry. I hope someone either discovers something crazy with him or he gets buffed.
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I have this + another 100 hours on another account
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I am the worst Dhalsim on the fucking planet.
They get in on me one time and I'm already fuming and thinking about switching to Bison before I'm even off the ground
Just learn his drills and repeat that, you don't need to have a brain to play dhalsim

Why mash long normals when you can slide, teleport, trow arched fireballs, and divekick? You are trying to play neutral? Don't be a retard
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my power level is increasing bros
took me like 10 years to get 1k on tf2
I forgot Dee Jay was in the game
>you don't need to have a brain to play dhalsim
come on man. what?
not a single character needs a brain to play in this game. that includes your "low" tiers.
>I'd catch a bitchass nigga restreaming me...[...] suck him dry...
Uncle can't go 15min without spilling his gay fantasies
me in the back
Is amazing how good he is at making sucking and slurping sounds. It just comes naturally to him.
Yes. I think you're under the impression that Dhalsim is made to play neutral. He isn't. Stop being at the floor pressing buttons. You should just throw a fireball and teleport, trow a fireball and slide, pretend to play something and divekick

You really should turn off your brain and just repeat drills with him. Dhalsim not only doesn't require a brain, you are actually worse at Dhalsim when you have one
why did they give akuma the best walk speed in the game
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funny how shitposters saying SFV was played so much more than SF6 and then I go back to my screenshots folder and I find truth from back then
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Mortal Kombat 11 never had crossplay between consoles and PC, the first game to have crossplay with PC included was Mortal Kombat 1, and it wasn't even at launch. Netherrealm usually let the PC port in the hands of a third party company

Street Fighter V, for the other side, had crossplay between PC and PS4 right from the start. Also, the PC version was fucked at launch, so the "competitive" version was the PS4 up till very late in it's life cycle, when updates on the netcode and reducing the input delay made the PC version superior on all accounts. Still, only the more serious players made that jump
Jive was beloved my ass
i have to keep reminding myself that no one at the very minimum passable at the game has under 1k hours
because he can approach with a million air options and bait your dps
I miss the announcer telling me how many games I had with Sakura, how many games I had against the other char, and stuff

Never saw the "currently loss streak" one, but that would be funny as hell
Exactly what I am talking about, I didn't say anything too negative just pointing out how innocent interactions turn into "you are a hater!!!!"
I fucking hate this character like you wouldn't believe. Him and Jamie.
Who thought having some lady announce your losses was a good idea? I remember playing VS. with my friend who already gets mad when he starts losing getting fucking pissed and stopped playing when loss streaks happened
I turned that voice off, it was annoying me too especially it was bugged with chun where the voice would jump like 100% in volume to say CHUN LI, also yea loss streak announces were a little soul crushing
Someone who clearly wanted the game to fail.
Clayton isn't a narcissist tho and he constantly down plays himself and says how much he sucks. Unlike you who keeps bragging about how amazing they are but can't back it up.
Someone who isn't a narcissist wouldn't post pictures of their body online.
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Mai's toes
My cum
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Akuma players have figured out the most degenerate neutral skip of all time. If you mixup empty demon flip and demon flip into late dive kick, you can't react to either without a hard read. So if you play it safe, Akuma will get in for free from time to time.
Sure thing Clayton.
I dont mind gettting fucked for doing something wrong, I do mind getting fucked for not being allowed to do something right. Input eating is fucking retarded.
Finna go to jail...
that's a child
..-ready woman!
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WAY less
Lily would be hotter in game if she didn't have a retarded look on her face like she's waiting for a cookie.
>look on her face like she's waiting for a cookie.
Thats literally her best asset you retard
>want to reach certain rank
>play game
>lose a lot of points
>spend all day angry getting them back
>get back to where I was
>turn off game
>so frustrated from session take a break for a couple weeks
>try to play again and lose points again from rustiness
>spend all day...

I should just uninstall the game. I keep doing this.
Capbros... we lost
fucking impossible to get a ranked game right now europle platinium beeen queueing fopr like 10 mins
I was playing an hour ago and got matches, although like multiple times the samish pool of people, especially a modern terry and a juri.
unqueue and requeue if it gets stuck, happens sometimes
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What tab you in little guy?
that yours? you got pics in it cutie?
shit i thought i was in tekgen
The biggest blackpill you guys need to take, is that you are in the rank you deserve, at all times. Sometimes you're calm and collected, so you go up a little, sometimes you're anxious and upset from life things, so your rank goes down a little. But overall, you are where you should

Instead of grinding for meme points, you should try to improve YOURSELF. There's always something you could be doing, maybe training a most optimal punish for certain situations, maybe training to react better. But it is by making yourself better, that your rank will naturally improve
as much as you guys make fun of anime games for being riddled with creepy homosexual sex addicted trannies, you guys sure are quick to pounce at the slightest chance of tranny bussy
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can you kill yourself
Nah. But I won’t lie, if the golem known as Suzi Hunter got in my DMs I’m tossing people under the bus to fuck her
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yall dont game
We literally just had a thread tourney where a diamond 1 player smoked a 1900 MR player. It's absolutely tied to grinding out ranked.
>tranime posting short essay writer plaguing sfg is so mentally ill they sperg out in tekgen too
thanks for the info
give that man a red bandana
this. rank doesn't matter. i'm surprised a platinum rank didn't take the whole tournament desu.
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why did they make him so cute and perfect if he can't be real
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I don't even need to look at the tournament to say that """diamond""" player was RashidDid911. The guy was a lobby shark since SFV, he simply doesn't play ranked, but if he did he would easily be on the 2000MR

One guy that could have high rank but doesn't care about it, is no indicative to YOU, who wants to have a high rank but can't. Guys like him are no example for this conversation, specially for your cope. I'm obviously talking about people who actually touch ranked more

Rank does matter, and you're full of cope
>This guy is good but doesn't touch ranked
Based retard self-refuted in the same post.
rashiddid911 is almost certainly just an alt for interacting with 4chan goonerschizos and he probably grinded thousands of hours of ranked in sfv to get to where he is. you don't have to grind for MR, you get to where you belong skill-wise quickly. if you're hardstuck diamond you are not equivalent to a 1900 mr player
You're assuming a lot to justify your made up point.
oh i see, so when it proves you right then rank matters, and when it proves you wrong then rank doesn't matter. confirmation bias ass bitch.
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He is not me, and he is right. RashidDid911 is extremely good, and likely have a moniker that he uses for more than this

To get to his level, he likely played many pro players, but surely not with this name

Yes, retard. And you should stop comparing your low skill ass that can't get out of platinum even if you gave your all, with RashidDid911
>can't get out of platinum

I'm not in plat. When I got to plat and bitched about this stuff you guys said that's because I'm fighting people at my skill finally and belong there. Now I'm working through diamond and I'm still really not having fun but just feel spiteful to keep going.

People are allowed to be good at something and just not want to spend all their time doing it because it sucks. People saying 6 sucks isn't even a hot take.

>likely have a moniker that he uses for more than this

Once again. You are making assumptions to prove your point to deny evidence that happened.
>terry comes out
>2 weeks later everyone playing him realizes he isn't 100% braindead
>everyone goes back to playing ken akuma and bison
so you admit that you're just irrational and twist the evidence to suite your opinion, thanks retard.
i had like a 90% winrate when i went through diamond and i still had to claw and piss and shit myself just to get to 1600 mr. if you aren't breezing through diamond, you will end up being 1300 mr when you hit master rank and are galaxies apart from 1900 mr.
SF6 is fine when you're playing at a genuine top level of competition and it's not about actually having fun anymore.
Haitani coaching an 1800MR vtuber that mains Chun

>forgot to do the challenge thing to get all the darkstalker alt colors
>now only got chuns
this is gonna annoy my autism to no end
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who do you think LTG's daughter mains?
stop being weird
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There is no come back after that post. It's already insulting enough that this game is only played by Japs yet the shills pretend it's a worldwide hit.
Imagine she farming oldhead Dale by the time hes 46 or something like that

This is Low...
ironically always plays top tiers like her deadbeat dad
SF6 is the third fighting game renaissance and the most relevant since SF2 itself
Lowkey we got cooked lets not try to mess with /tekgen/ ever again
>The biggest reason he hates daughters is the idea of a part of him being submissive, sucking, fucking and slurping cock
>His daughter has his EXACT face
You know unc wakes up with a cold sweat when he thinks about it.
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>All these rants and ugly thoughts started as soon as she was a newborn
Duuu is repugnant. An actual deplorable, vile, human being.
>Brags about his weight (thing that people have zero control of)
>His daughter is basically a midget, small as fuck by the age of 10
She can hit a growth spurt thats true, but imagine a little, small, feminine version of LTG

>Listen... Cathedral

Won't stop his subhuman fans to cope and say ISSA CHARACTER!!!
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Less relevant than MK1, DBFZ, Tekken 8, 2XKO, etc etc

Without Capslop paying off Jap vtubers to keep the game relevant there, this would be a Concord-tier disaster.
absolute legend
Anon how did you get this damaged
why do fighting games always have to revolve around sf? while sf5 was dying we already had a renaissance with strive and t7
really obnoxious how whenever an sf does poorly people talk about how fighting games are 'dying'
Just regular capcom cocksucking, they think its the "premier" fighter and everyone should always kneel and slurp their cocks and their tourneys are the "REAL" ones and their pros are the best pros.
If you can believe it there are a huge amount of sf players that have never touched another fighting game, they are what smash players are for platform fighters just for classic 2d fighters.
Street Fighter sucks and Tekken sucks. Anime fighters barely have an audience.
SF is fighting games when it's not successful it's known as a dark age
Crazy take incoming.... I think they are fine but they need to reduce the mechanic spam a little more slimerushing and heat bulldozing shouldn't be the default solution to everything.
Oh boy, Nakayama and Matz invited me to see a preview of Mai, they told me to meet them next to the dumpster behind the Burger King and told me not to bring my phone, I assume that's for security reasons, I'm so excited bros
They won't be fixed. Ergo they suck huge fucking donkey dick.
>opponent remembers they can hold back 2mk
>approaching turtles in other games
>"eh, if i get poked on my approach it's fine i'll take like, cr.mk>hadouken"
>approaching turtles in this game
>"if i get poked on my approach i'm taking 50%+corner+burnout+oki"
the attacker is punished so heavily and for what
are kids nowadays really this ugly?
Capslurpers think they're the center of the universe due to inflated price pools that some random online warrior wins anyways because this game is glorified gambling
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Yeah. Unlike Tekken!
SFV was more popular than both of those games lil sis
When did a random online warrior win anything big in Tekken?
SF5 was shit for different reasons to different groups. The oldfags hated it because of how random it was due to input delay, neutral skip ex moves, experimental mickey shit from omegamode becoming special moves, v trigger, etc. Newfags hated it because it was still just as hard as sf4 to play if you were new. The game was executionally way easier, but for absolute shitter it was the same.

Then SFV became a better game over the years but it became better to seasoned players. Shitters didn't really have a reason to go in and get zoned out by fireballs or perfected by karin. A lot of people migrated to other games or just didn't play much.

SF6 marked a return to form in the eyes of people who didn't play fighting games that much. People who dicked aroudn with low tiers in random kusoge saw SF6 as their entry point into SF for realsies. The game was super easy to play AND is full of mickey bullshit, it feels completely different from SF5 where you can get perfected just by being zoned out.

How does this relate to the FGC being about street fighter? The common man who enjoys street fighter will share memes and discussion about the game, which makes SF6 the cultural hub of the fgc. All anime games except strive are now obscure or ancient games that can be safely ignored because the warm glow of SF6 means you never have to venture into the dark again. People aren't trying to play a HARD game with NEUTRAL when they can play an EASY game with NO NEUTRAL.
I'm saying current fighting games are ass, and Tekken and Sf are the current fighting games. Everything else is just a sideshow people play for a month, or some dragonball ip held up exclusively by the fact that Goku is in it.
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Reminder: Top 1 HONEST
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SF6 fighter pass 3
i wish i could get kidnapped and injected with estrogen and giant boobs and thighs and be get whored out as a sex doll for hundreds of sweaty fat gamers
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Daigo's word of the day: 逆択, lit. "reverse option". Refers to situations where despite being at frame advantage, you are putting yourself in a "reverse mixup" that greatly rewards your opponent if they guess correctly
>Daigo says he doesn't like how easy it is for people to turn the tables on you on defense
>There are a lot of characters in the game that are comfortable with putting themselves in the corner, this needs to be fixed
>Thinks that the issue of defense being too strong in SF6 would be solved if they brought back chip damage
>Say he's open to the idea of the "Negative Penalty" mechanic from Guilty Gear being added to SF6
>Parry should drain your drive gauge instead of increasing it
>Also agrees with his viewers that it would also be good if perfect parry only worked on fireballs and other special moves
>Believes that the game would be better off if moves like Cammy's EX TK divekick, EX Amnesia and Blanka's EX rolling were removed from the game
>Overall he thinks the game is too volatile in its current state and Capcom should prioritize remedying these issues as soon as possible
Niggas would rather write this corny shit than do their Daigo drills
does it turn you on more if the gamer is sweaty and fat? they could be muscular fit dudes instead
I fucking hate it. Every nigger in this game just plays so defensively until they start their throw loops. Please fucking interact with me. I'm begging you.
I'm doing my Uma drills (not playing the game ever again)
Even grandpa Daigo is tired of Dog6
where will daigo drills get me? alcoholic bachelor at 40 years old?
Don't forget that even after you corner them, if you decide to meaty them with a button at any point, you'll be forced to sit there and block as they take their turn back with a c.MK xx DRC that you cannot counter that leads into a 50/50 for corner position, and if you guess wrong, they'll just run away to the other end of the screen to do the same thing again.
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>daigo hates something
>"i hate it"
do you fags ever think for yourselves
You get access to the fuudo's wife suite
/fgg/? leave
fit guys are hotter and better boyfriend material but its better for the degradation fantasy if they are fat and disgusting
Literally no one likes SF6's corner rape and parry baiting
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say no more, I have the perfect man for the job
kill yourself fgg tumor
>>Thinks that the issue of defense being too strong in SF6 would be solved if they brought back chip damage
>defense in sf6
>too strong
he should try playing a character without an od reversal lol
>whiff button
>mash pogparry afterwards
someone put me in capcup
>Daigo drills
did em for 2 months still can't counter di
hating sf6 is just common sense
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>tons of streamers, influencers and fgc personalities shilled the fuck out of sf6 on release
>game sells like hotcakes
>a year and a half later they realize the game isn't as good as they hyped it to be and start suggesting ways the game can be fixed
>capcom has no reason to listen because they already got what they wanted and have no further need for these shills
being able to mash the mickey button while minus NEEDS to be removed. if they HAVE to keep it, it should at least remove the ability to perfect parry. absolutely no excuse.
Remove parry. Remove throw loops. Remove cmk into drive rush.
it might have come out a little different in the translation. at the end he clearly says he thinks the game is too volatile overall, as in both offense and defense are way too strong and every interaction is too random and high stakes. daigo likes offensive games so he wants to nerf defense first so that volatility goes down and the game stays offensive.
>and for what
You're punished for approaching because you're so rewarded once you get in. The alternative would be whoever moves first having a giant advantage.
my issue with sf6 is everyone plays the same
there's no individual expression with combos anymore. everyone just does the same optimized route
Next SF game made by ArcSys without the Capshit horror engine please
yeah and i'm saying defense is piss fucking weak and if they make it any fucking weaker it's going to become more volatile not less.
choke on your own watery impotent cum anitroon
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Nerfing parries would objectively make the game less random, I'm still down to delete drive rush doe
Retarded posts like these are what give SF6's defenders room to dismiss all criticism.
Both of these are retarded shit that does not matter.
where the fuck are the crashouts I want to see a pro player lose his mind on stream over street fighter 6
capcops got them in line, not gonna happen until year five of slime rush, perfect parries, and throw loops when the vtubers aren't paying attention to the game anymore
It's internalized hate. Capsissies will never risk being rejected by the hivemind cult.
just wait for the next guilty gear
frankly the game daigo wants to play already exists it's called guilty gear strive
That is literally just how asian women look without jaw shaving surgery. Yellow fever fags are delusional
he knows but hes self admittedly enslaved himself to capcom because it has more and better players
The problem is the reward gained out of defense. It's weak and bad but you get almost a full reversal of the situation from guessing right. This is a part of why the game feels like it has so little neutral; if you escape you've probably either got oki or teleported your opponent to the corner or whatrever. Or lvl3'd to win a round comically early.

The thing missing here is that this is a result of the strong offense; when you have few options that aren't highly risky those risky options need to at least be high reward.
Note that this is all also true in Guilty Gear (any of them), and that's why that series has negative penalty. Without a risk to passive play reliant on high reward defensive options the game can get a weird first mover disadvantage which SF6 largely has at a high level. Why try and engage when you can probably win the ground off a random 2MK into drive rush on your opponent's approach?
do zoomer girls care about street fighter 6?
why did capcom make rashid during the same year saudis started throwing money around to random game studios?
>some retard mashes DI at gladius twice in a row
>eats eat twice in a row
>still lose because every other character gets actual tools to play dix
He is on Capcom salary to play the game. He can't break out as per contract agreement.
what do they care about, fortnite?
Girls and zoomers alike don't care about SF6. Despite the tryhard attempts to make Dix zoomer friendly. The last fighting games females actually liked was DoA, which was ironically killed off by feminists.
DOA and Soul Calibur are the only fighting games girls cared about, but now they are dead.
>girls cared about DoA
this is some weird fucking cope
>The last fighting games females actually liked was DoA
fucking when
Started a session with the goal of not getting mad and I was somewhat successful despite losing a ton, especially to complete idiots. Eventually I left after beating a JP who beat me previously, but the win felt hollow. It made me question wtf I was even doing. I'm the closest I've been to quitting this game.
just incel things
old gamer girls liked that shit casually.

sf6 is your first fighting game, we get it
the better player always wins in strive
no the better player always wins in sf6
there are no players in strive
jarvis roll the s1/s2/s3 happy chaos footage
Jivekiddies are funny
Even Daigo called SF6 random garbage who's the last CapSoldier?
can we just take back fgg? we have half their schizos and all their anitroons here anyways, and sfgappa just doesn't roll off the tongue the same way
The funny part is that HC was objectively completely fucking broken but there were only like 4 people who played him at an actually high level in the world and none could consistently sweep tournaments.
I'd rather that over the endless ken/cammy/akuma/rashiid hellscape we have here.
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>gaming on starlink
>pouring rain
>connection not great
>decide to watch some replays
>need uninterrupted connection for some inexplicable reason
>and none could consistently sweep tournaments
umisho won fucking everything the minute that character dropped dude
Umisho literally only won evo, once, 9 months after the character released.
Nobody even played HC for like 4 months post release until Deb showed how fucking busted he is.
imagine a world where daigo is up there on stage after winning finals in his sweatpants and stubble with beer in hand shaking umisho's gangly tranny hand in a skirt and striped arm socks.
Why don't you get points when someone DC's on you?
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feels worth mentioning that umisho came from overwatch and had never played an fg lol
not that that has any bearing, you're right, it did take a bit for hc to actually get figured out, but either way i would absolutely take the shit meta of sf6 over watching hc lock someone down for literally 30+ seconds of chip damage while listening to the announcers go "omg he's so good at that... that's so hard to do..."
I had the other guy OD DP on every wakeup. He didn't win. I feel like I'm really putting in effort and this nigger is the same rank as me spamming DP. What the fuck.
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i've fought like nine of this bitch tonight. really weird

it's so cool when the only damage someone does is from od reversals and it's still like 50% of your health.
Honestly Ken players need to be just assraped by 18 fentanyl influence George Floyd’s while their mom and dad watches
It just blows my mind when I finally meet someone who does absolutely retarded shit and they are allowed to because they play such a privileged character. Imagine if these people had to play characters without fireballs, or special canceled 2mks, or OD DPs, or super reversals on every super, or meterless, auto timed throw loops where they can even shimmy assuming these retards even know what a shimmy is.
For me it’s the fucking Jinrai pressure after a easy AF back throw from like half the stage. Like LOL, I’m not giving you a rematch win or lose. Goddamn
lol mindbroken by the most fair and honest character in dix
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did people seriously pay $30 for 4 characters a year?
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i paid 8 dollars for my husbando and will not be purchasing the other characters. if i need to lab i'll just use a rental fighter.
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You guys should move on to more cerebral games instead, where the core game is more about outwitting your opponent instead of relying on reflexes like some ape.
bitch nigga
I ran into plenty of roasties in doa5 and they all got mad about frametraps and would call a guy over only for him to be a scrub hayabusa that plugged when he got conditioned by OT's
reacting to multiple different stimuli with their own different answers at the same time is very strongly correlated with IQ and highly cerebral
FGC niggers are beyond buck broke.
The problem with HC wasn't locking someone down for ages, that's just normal Guilty Gear shit. Even the chip isn't hugely relevant due to FD. The problem was that he could shoot on any hit, or on any whiff, meaning there was literally no point where he was ever not-plus even on whiff. And any stray hit lead to wallbreak into knockdown + refilling all resources. Fighting a good HC meant you were entirely, 100% reliant on abusing their mistakes and nothing else.

But realistically it just wasn't a problem and people complained more about characters like Nago or Leo anyway because an actually decent HC was just that rare.
I dropped Dix and picked up drawing, getting throw looped by apes is just not fulfilling
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COTW waiting room.
there's nothing cerebral about buying a netdeck and playing flowcharts. tcgs are the epitome of pseudcore gaming.
>b-b-b-but you could make your OWN deck or make alterations to a meta-winning deck-
not if you want to win lol
It's impossible to whiff punish some faggot Terry holding back into mk/2mk when you have a slow walk speed.
A Terry who doesn’t rush is a dangerous creature like any shoto
I wish you didn't get drive while playing defensive. Start fucking draining it if you walk yourself into the corner.
are street fighter players the most well put together and respectable pro gamers?
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>people have been complaining non-stop about how unga bunga the game is since it came out
>now people are complaining that everyone plays too defensively and won’t engage
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>playing kami6 while waiting for COTW Chun-Li
>Start fucking draining it if you walk yourself into the corner.
You do realize that walking yourself into the corner is very bad, right? That the corner is a death sentence in this game?
seeing kim players whine about their character when they have this button and it's fucking cancelable is nutty ngl frfr ong no cap
stop spamming slide and learn to play your fucking character
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My tongue buried inside Cammy's stinky anus. Simple as.
love me chun, simple as
>dont engage
>any time you hit a stray cr.mk you deal 40% damage
serial killer tier post
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She’ll be super buffef in the Vega patch, I just know it
>Tekkken general already surpassed us
We lost
read this as "in the vegeta patch" and was like yea sure fuck it why not
Retard who's bad at labbing here: Does anyone know what A.K.I. can do after blocking a Honda butt slam into 5HP?
>all lights whiff, punish counter
>5MP and 2MK counterhits up close but not at range
>5HK, 2HK, 2HP get counterhit
>in preblock so can't get out of range of it
>drive impact works because only the early frames of Honda 5HP can be cancelled, works as a hard callout but I'd like to be able to do something a bit less risky in case I get baited
Should I just poke with 5MK and accept the single hit?
ive been complaining about people who just hold back and drc or drive rush and reverse corner situation on you since launch. both offense and defense are gay as fuck in this game and it doesn't matter where you are on the screen or if you are plus or not. everyone is always at a 50/50 chance of winning.
after the 5hp he's -6 at worst and -3 at best but if you're far away you might not be able to punish it that well
>opponent jumps in
>throw a fireball
>they jump in again
This is why I love chuns air grabs on non-bison and Akuma players, works 90% of the time at my shit rank
>mfw finding out only the first 3 frames of my anti-air are cancelable AND they only combo into anything on punish counter
it's really funny how weighted in favor of the jumper jumps are in this game. isn't that unusual for sf?
it's because you threw the fireball at an unsafe range if they were to jump, it's not rocket surgery lil bro. work on your spacing and decision making.
Why do you think you should be at advantage if you anti-aired successfully? It's a reset.
this simply doesnt happen in competitive play because AA is so trivial. get good faggot, unironically. you're doing bad fireballs, that's all there is to it.
>watch daigo play
>every time he loses to something he practices against it for hours until he beats it
Is this how pros seriously do it? This shit is fucking boring and robotic. What happened to the soul of fighting games? What happened to sporadic shit like Moment 37?
>AA is so trivial
You are complaining that you are getting punished by a jump in after a fireball. Stop doing the fireball at that range. Seriously.
This nigga thinks Daigo just parried Chun's super out of nowhere and didn't already know how to do it beforehand lmao
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Chun a best
Tell me what I'm supposed to do to stop them from jumping in over and over and over and over and over and over and over that doesn't leave me vulnerable to a YOLO drive rush or some other myriad of fucking mickey ass bullshit
I'm so fucking tired
I'm so fucking tired of all this shit
This game has so many fucking way to rob you and all I'm fucking asking for is for the opponent to be disadvantaged in any goddamned fucking way whatsoever when they jump in my face and I hit them
This is the most basic desire a player could possibly want
What character do you play? Do you have a dp?
Dixters really be like yeah man, I reacted to your 9 frame poke with DI but then let me do a 20+ frame dash
You're right, anti-airs are shit and are not "trivial" since they added so many DP baits and impossible crosscut angles, and jump ins have too high reward.
Also you're wrong, stop throwing fireball at that range if it's so unsafe to jump in
after that match, some of the players Daigo shared a room with stated that he had been practicing the parry for days without even sleeping so no it's always been robotic and grindy.
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Why does this have a built in sway
DP or AA normal
i can do it and im a 40 year old drunk boomer
you can too
you are throwing out shit that is unsafe at a range where if they jump at that moment (and they are expecting you to throw it out because you have shown that you will) you will be punished
STOP doing that, be more patient
for me, i get punished massively for trying to AA PP and they empty jump and throw
if only i would just do the AA normal i would win a lot more matches
its hard to break the habit but its possible
getting mad at jump ins is honestly the least of your problems in this game, if its happening that often may i suggest just doing a session where you ONLY focus on anti airing
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Don't you love how it breaks the rules of proximity guard in this game too so you get caught by it even when you blatantly should have walked out of range? I love when they design normals like that, it's so intuitive.
additionally this video helped me a lot but i'm not going to lie it's really to stop doing stuff like AA PP or tech on DRC
i can now (sometimes) AA their neutral jumps instead of reflexively teching but it's not easy dude and it takes serious practice and willpower
really hard to*
Solar Plexus Strike is stupid af too, I don't care what Ryu mains say
It literally could not be more telegraphed, what the fuck do you want? Seriously?
its literally just the difference of hand drawn and 3D animated. stop being a sperg.
If you see the startup and react in time what do you advise to do?
block, parry, OD DP / super (especially on wakeup)
I did drive rush solar plexus yesterday as a meaty and someone still pressed on block. Can you imagine being so stupid
In a game where they are so few plus on block normals it may seem oppressive to be -3, but you need to either try to perfect parry, OD DP or just take the throw, he can't do it every time.
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just walk back.
there's no reason you should risk a PC 5HP, honda best combo starter, when he gets absolutely nothing at that range from a far range 5HP.
and honda's lows are not great, if he's godlike he can do c.mk into hands if he has the buff, but all hands are minus/punishable on block, it spends the buff, and i'm not even sure c.MK reaches from that range
antiair what, with what character?
a lot of them can be followed up with some sort of pressure, at least a meaty button that catches them mashing/jumping
Hey guys Ive never played a fighting game before but this new street fighter looks fun. I saw this one character I want to try but I dont remember the name. They are the character that does the big punch and then turns green, and sometimes does a kick and then turns green. I dont remember the name, but they turn green during all their combos. Who is that?
not jp, that's for sure
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Ok but who is it? Im trying to find the character who turns green during all thier combos.
This doesnt answer my question.
Imagine if she plays combo heavy characters in your face to counter zoners
>Ok but who is it? Im trying to find the character who turns green during all thier combos.
ironically kim and lily look the most plappable at this angle
remember when daigo was saying sf6 was the best sf game like a year ago
not that weird in kim's case
It's funny how he starts by saying stuff that agrees with the general sentiment of the game but it gets increasingly more unhinged as he keeps going. Daigo really likes aggressive games
>Believes that the game would be better off if moves like Cammy's EX TK divekick, EX Amnesia and Blanka's EX rolling were removed from the game
he very specifically complains about cammy's od DP. (broken as fuck btw it shouldnt side swap)

>hit cammy with a sweep while I'm cornered
>go for oki because there's no way he reversals and puts himself in the corner
>he does it

every single time
that's a child
The whole comment section is angry nips saying Cammy has to get gutted. Half of them are saying she needs 9000 HP.
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What's ironic about this?
do punish counters give you more time to hitconfirm or are you just autopiloting the hitconfirm knowing that it's a punish counter? or both?
I mean yeah, just look at JP for example when he gets a punish counter with his 5HP. You have to time to think about your life, what you will have for dinner and write an essay about how you had time to hitconfirm after a punish counter 5HP.
I've been climbing through diamond for the first time and it really surprises me how wide the skill pool is
I fight some skilled dude that's obviously ranking another character into master then there's a retard doing wake up DI every time
Is master rank the same? That's when I start having elo matchmaking right?
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that's finna be a big yikes from me dawg
as a soiver i need even more time to hitconfirm a punish counter
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dix desperately needs more manon cleavage
Post LTG baby mama
I met a few girls back online during DOA4. A good amount of the geeky girl friends I knew also remembered DOA. Anon speaks the truth
Hey anons, what makes Sonic Boom so good?
I think the Hadouken is better due to the ease of input. Shoto players can fireball DP so I’m not sure what makes Guile such a defensive powerhouse.
but guile can anti air jump ins too after sonic boom.
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Maybe this would be true if there was a second successful Cammy player.
There is one. One.
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you tell me
what are we going nuts about today slimers
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>Norio Wakamoto didn't come back to voice M. Bison in 6
>thought he was quitting voice acting
>months later he's back voicing Cell in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero
Norio Wakamoto's voice for M. Bison is quite iconic on the same level of his Johnny in Guilty Gear, so it's weird to see Capcom replacing him with a new voice.
>Ask about gameplay
>Ignored for coomer posting
Another dead general, I see
RIP FGC. Stood no chance between the casuals on the outside and the coomer retards on the inside.
>even if guile throws a risky boom he can just pp anti air as long as recovers one frame before the jump in

lol, lmao
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>>Norio Wakamoto didn't come back to voice M. Bison in 6
he did actually, but for WT
Are there any notable players who play on a 6-button fightpad?
That's very weird. Wonder if they were planning to give M. Bison a different body very early on, that would make sense.
they're going to give terry's standing heavy punch significantly more lunge and turn it from terry's worst normal to one of the best buttons in the game
Bison's whole thing is that he has a new identity and doesn't give a shit about who he was before even if he's largely the same dude, so it makes sense that they'd get a new guy.
When you get into master you will be placed in 1500MR and that range is an absolute circus.
what you have to understand is that the game is built to funnel you into master. once you hit master, that's the "real" matchmaking and it is a fucking nightmare. 1300-1500 is the crab bucket filled with psychotic, random players who make diamond players look civil
diego said defense in SF6 is too strong
SF6 gave me superpowers...............................................
If that was the case then they should've also changed his english VA, yet it's still the same guy.
"leftover" scenario with them toying around with a different "body" for M. Bison early on would make more sense in this case. That or simply scheduling conflicts.
MANY such cases
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From average koomer to SUPER koomer.

Btw, Matsumoto, where's fucking Lucia?
norio wakamoto is probably just too old to do bison anymore so they just let him get a few lines in for the party mode
>If that was the case then they should've also changed his english VA, yet it's still the same guy.
Because the eng dub is not something that was done in-house, it was made by a localization team. Obviously it's not going to have the same attention to details
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Just like everything else in this game Terry is fucking bullshit, his normals are obnoxiously long, his neutral skips are fast and PLUS and SAFE, he can walk back the whole game and zone with bullshit normals and fireballs then corner carry across the whole screen anytime he gets a hit, he can spam fireballs and stupid safe attacks to chip your drive gauge then he has a burnout loop, he has a good DR and fireball DR, you can't jump against him since his fireball has no recovery, you can't zone him since his fucking spin kick goes over fireballs, you can't hazanshu since its a complete fucking guess and you have to hope he wasn't baiting it since he can just use a safe neutral skip anytime to beat it at no risk even if it he guessed wrong, you can only DI and pray. Yeah I could have won but so what the above is still all true. Chun is too honest for this shit.

I ain't reading that but I believe you bro
I was thinking about that, but he came back for both Johnny in Strive (who I'd argue it makes less sense to keep giving him Wakamoto's senior voice giving the character's age) and Cell in Sparking Zero. I don't think age or retirement are the problem here.
Yeah his voice is starting to get tired, he can't pull off a
like he used to. It was the smart thing to do from Capcom to give Bison a new identity and invite Norio Wakamoto only for World Tour
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>ryu level 2 damage
nigga if you just walk and block at him he's not gonna be able to make burn knuckle plus and it's going to be punishable most of the time
this is doubly easy for chun because she has the 2nd fastest walk speed in the game
He appears in WT as the data collection of bison that the nubison;vega absorbs. It’s brief but it’s there
>she has the 2nd fastest walk speed in the game
She has the 4th fastest walk speed THO
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mai waiting room(i won't play her)
Fuck no. SF5 was far worse at this. Early SF5 got boring fast when I noticed this.
>walk and block against the light speed jumpscare
works on my cheatbox
medium medium special
Is there a mod to make the lighting more similar to World Tour mode (less overly bright and more natural)?
simon says turn green
simon says turn red
simon says turn blue
Dogshit game
I thought you gave up
dumb crabbas
You can see several times in the replay he just does a random neutral skip and catches me walking or trying to fireball. Literally ZERO risk for him because even if I wasn't, he's safe and even plus. And if I'm close enough for it to be minus, he'll never user it since he's a competent player and he won't be using that neutral skip when I'm that close

I never left. All those "game is shit" posts? All me
Yes but it’s supposedly broken as of the Akuma update
I like SF6
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>does random fullscreen DI
BlueDJ moment lmao
Bummer. Isn't the creator around to fix it?
SF6 gives me superpowers I can throw loop anyone
19F startup, lil nigga
Probably not. Lot of the early modders for SF6 dipped
This was a ft10 you don't know his habits. He was spamming fireballs then using the fire fist neutral skip to beat hazanshu or the wheel kick neutral skip to beat fireball if I tried to fireball war (again, both at zero risk). Only solutions I found was randomly using hazanshu to try and catch the start of the pattern or DI and hope he did the neutral skip.
You could try blocking when you're at a big health advantage
That might have worked, maybe not. I'm not confident I could have zoned him successfully (see previous points). It was next interaction for game anyway with supers, health lead didn't matter
Nothing like a Latina teen
I'm getting the vibe that M. Bison's Backfist Combo/Psycho Mine mechanic is overkill.
Just now how…
A bison who couldn’t even Whiff punish my chuns legs, waits the whole round to get 48% combo of me(still loses but both games he did this) and you’re thinking it might be over kill…
I just want bison to have charge scissor again. I still firmly believe it being motion enabled so many Niggas to climb + his sill fucking psycho hand into bomb plant
How is hurricane Milton gonna impact Tampa Never Sleeps? Are they actually from Tampa or is it just a name now?
Just a name now last I assumed. They’ll be alright life wise, not like they have locals anymore that much given Covid
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Karin gets into SF6 but she will be dominating the meta more than S1 Luke with her exclusive hit-confirmable cr.mk and disjointed s.mp whiff punishes. Do you accept?
Can anyone tell me how to use fireballs in Street Fighter? Specifically Terry's. He has a slow one and a fast one. I know I can use the slow one to stop my opponent from pressing anything if they move back and I can move forward fairly safely. I think I can use the fast one if they're close and walking forward but I think it has more overall frames. I typically don't play fireball characters so this is uncharted territory for me.
Almost 1600 MR and found the first person who knows how to air to air buttslam. This fucking playerbase
this isn't much, but it's something
That's every other character in this game now. AKI is Bison Lite after Season 2. Now glue eaters can play her and if they get poison on you they only have to guess once for 60%
General rule of thumb for fireballs in this game:
Slow fireball = More startup, but less recovery. Good for approaching behind from far away and if you use it in the midrange you can usually DP them if they try to jump
Fast fireball = low startup, but longer recovery. Usually more minus on block and can't be spammed point blank, good as a quick poke or for meatying people after certain knockdowns from further away when your other fireballs are too slow to connect. If they jump this one from too close you WILL eat a full punish counter combo
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I will only accept Karin if she comes back dressed in some kind of ghetto white trash rap attire to not only fit into SF6's hip hop theme but to show the influence that her boyfriend Birdie has had on her
imagine balrog around your favorite SF girl
why would i imagine that
it's hot
no it's not
thats cool that ugly black dudes are your thing, but im not gay.
He is mind broken by years of porn usage. Just shoot him in the head.
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SF6's biggest failing is not having a thug ass nigga instead of some Urkel ass nigga like Dee Jay
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Genuine question but what is supposed to be Ken's weakness that makes him a balanced character? It feels like his entire toolkit it is plus frames, range and built in mix ups. Which is already strong but fine. But then he gets meterless side switches and corner carry too. It just feels like he's got every tool that makes the drive system horrible while other characters have maybe one or two to worry about but people have downplayed him since day 1
This punish counter whiff punished my jab from fullscreen once and I'm still seething about it
he's jamaican
Shuckle was extra mad a black people with this
Nothing. Ken is objectively a top5 character no matter what people downplay
Say that I'm a bitch-ass shoto and I'm doing blocked cr.mk DRC into anything that's plus. I've already grabbed and CH the other guy so now he knows what I'm doing and he's delay-teching like crazy, but I'm too close after DRC so I can't shimmy. How do I open him up?
He needs it
his fireball sucks ass
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You can usually just hold back after the button your DRCing into and it will make their throw whiff. You cannot Jive wiggle in their face after something like cr.mk > DRC jab unfortunately
neutral jumping instead of jive wiggling works sometimes
>that makes him a balanced character
LMAO. But seriously, I have a theory. I think Capcom over values certain tools, in part because of feedback they've gotten. Back in season 1 for example, people insisted that characters without invincible reversals were never gonna be good no matter how many buffs they got. So they buffed Gief and AKI without fear, because that is what we told them, right? Now when I look at Ken, I see a character with a shitty level 2 super and no real overheads or mixups to open you up (his overheads can be fuzzied and come out of other moves with long startups). His damage is also nothing special compared to Bison or AKI for example. So Capcom is ok with him having outrageous corner carry, side switching, and everything else we know. Same thing with Ed. They think he can't open you up if you just downback, they undervalue strike/throw. He also has bad anti-airs and doesn't have Ken's corner carry. This gives them confidence to make the whole rest of the character busted. TL;DR: Capcom doesn't know what makes a character strong in their own game
>his fireball sucks
>literally the best slow fireball DR in the game
>OD fireball is actually cracked because it doesn't knock down which means he gets to do good combos off of it if you eat it


It's less that SF6 won and more that it has no viable competition
I know I'm bad but fuck his run into OH
Kami6 DESTROY all competition
>best slow fireball DR in the game
Chun, Juri, and Aki exist. I agree with OD fireball being silly but it costs 3 bars for him to do OD fireball into DR button so it's an expensive investment
So it won by being the best in the genre? ok
SF6 lost to... tekken 8 and dragon ball

he literally doesn't have a single plus frame normal timmy
We all lost...
Oh shit holding back work, turns out pushback kicks you out of throw range. Good to know.
I don't like neutral jumping as a shimmy, it makes me feel scrubby for some reason.
>Chun, Juri, and Aki exist.
Guile too, don't forget about Guile. Terry has a good one too.
ken is so stupid bruh
ken can only open you up with minus on block mids and throws and every jappa agrees that he is an honest high tier this patch
we are not calling terry's slow fireball game better than ken's i'm sorry
ok, just Guile then. I don't actually have Terry or the season pass, just going from what I've seen.
Hate Rashids knowledge checks ass so much. Of all characters to bring over from V. He's exactly the kind of bullshit everyone hated about V where frame data and moves themselves are so nonsensical you never know what is safe, punishable or a frame trap.
the game's been out for a year and i still forget that he has not 1, but 2 (TWO) plus on block mediums
No he opens you up with absurdly long pokes, including a low, that can be canceled into meterless corner carry.
dogshit game
Daigo agrees
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I've been there.
>Do stupid thing
>Get punished
>Oh he must think hes hot shit now but I bet I'd catch him off guard if I do it again
>You're not smarter than me fucker, watch this
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Episode 11 (and Mai) waiting thread
kens crmk is shorter than most and he doesn't have a fast walkspeed to make up for it
i honestly can't believe you guys are still shitting yourselves over ken when akuma exists. i've called you all out for being biased before but its just ridiculous at this point.
Sage = SF6
Quinn = Smash
Terry was supposed to be the hypest release ever. What did we get?
>model looks like shit
>plays like all the shotos
>no unique KOF or FF mechanic
>brings nothing new to the game
>him and Mai wasted 2 slots of the 4 man(lol) pass
What went so wrong?
the SFEX arika guests will save S3
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Wtf bros I can't believe that they censored Chun-Li.


the entire season 2 is literally just a payoff by snk and it's honestly disgusting bro but what can you do
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Balrog's theme is better than Dudley's. Balrog's fits be better than Dudley's. Balrog's feats in boxing out class Dudley's. Balrog's jewels shines harder than Dudley's. Balrog's name is more respected in the hood than Dudley's. Balrog's car is faster than Dudley's. Balrog's gun is louder than Dudley's. Balrog's dick is bigger and blacker than Dudley's. Balrog's white bitches look better than Dudley's non-existent hoes. And most importantly, Balrog is the OG fighting game boxer and will always be more beloved than Dudley.
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snek wif
Only replay for today, if someone could give pointers I would appreciate it. I don't really understand what to do about burn knuckle or what I'm doing wrong necessarily.
You have the right idea with reaction DIs whenever you see him raise his arms, you just need more consistency.
My plan against Terry's knuckle is to microwalk forward and get hit every time
the screen shakes if burn knuckle is plus. if there's no shake try to punish that shit
why are you playing a bottom 3 character if you suck at the game?
I sincerely feel that League of Legends is a better competitive game with less random bullshit deciding whether you win or lose and that's a 5v5 game in which your team might turn out to be composed by lobotomites and toddlers. Crazy how SF6 dodges complaints just by virtue of being casual friendly. This game is every bit as Mickey as SFV with 8 frames of lag used to be.
sfv was like a mickey level 5 of because of v-trigger

dix is a mickey level of 11 because of everything
lily is for glue eaters you can hit master just by doing blocked spire into jab. no one is downbacking
It's easier to get Masters with Lily than with most other "higher tier" characters just because she's absolutely braindead easy.
If you sincerely sincerely think that you are sincerely retarded I'm afraid
then why cant bdj do it? checkmate
You are bad at the game. It's OK, most people are.
He's right though. Laning phases and team fights don't play themselves unlike SF6's offense, pressure and wake up options.
That's the genre as a whole though. Fighting games are predicated on coin flip and guesses.
i am probably at your level if not higher
how you get into those coin flip situations are what makes the games fun and fair though. its usually done by neutral which takes skill, but sf6 doesnt have that
what possesses a woman to play a fighting game. Its so unfeminine, thats like a guy twerking on cam but insisting hes straight.
I actually knew about that but that because of a Broski vid but why would he not make it plus? It's not like I can stop it.
just make denjin charged hadoken unblockable
literally every fighting game is worse than league competitively because fighting games are random as fuck. all of them.
dogshit game
winning the lottery is less random that hoping on a MOBA solo queue
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everything would've been fine if josie was in
ok YES the player widely regarded as having the greatest jive footsies all time just won EVO and YES top 12 was basically a whos-who of many of the greatest fighting game players of all time - but the fact remains: the game is random because im getting slimed in 1500
50 hours later and i've concluded sf6 is shit
Anyone want to play?
>fireball drive rush
enough already.
The game is random and all the pros complain about the game's volatility and beg for Capcom to normalize FT3s.
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The "player widely regarded as having the greatest jive footsies all time" couldn't qualify for Capcom Cup a few months before he won Evo because his results were so sporadic. That's what random means.
why would uma say such a thing
Uma never misses
>always the same faces in top 8
>sf5 & sf6
>new grand champion every tournament
What went so wrong with fighting games?
wasnt menaRD the first person to win capcom cup twice in sfv
I think volatility is still a better way to talk about the game than randomness. Random has a connotation that doesn't really get at the fact that the real issue is that games are often decided by the first conversion
sf5 really had lijoe of all people in an evo top 8
sparking zero isnt even out yet and early access steam numbers have it smashing dix all time peak
guys stop calling SF6 random... you're going to make the sixies crash out
>always the same faces in top 8
You weren't there, I guess. SF4 was full of "upsets" in the form of no-names playing degenerate setup characters and stealing games off of actual pros.
Terry was supposed to secure the LATAM playerbase......................................
Is that- Is that THE 65th placer in Ablubang Bald Cup? This guy is GODLIKE!
some faces from EVO 2024 top 16
thats crazy that legendary players from even before the SF4 era are still rising to the top in massive 5000 player brackets in this random no skill game
dixies on suicide watch
Where were they in CPT 2023?
is it may yet?
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I wish Chris Wong would have won Capcom Cup because it's really hard to argue that the game isn't random when some random dude stole the milly and then dropped the game entirely. It's REALLY hard to come back from that.
Pretty blatantly untrue. Don't talk about games you weren't born for Timmy. Super, the peak of the game, saw not a single repeat winner and 22 unique players out of 32 in Top 8.
Daigo, Ricky, Infil, Mike, Gamerbee, Vangief, Golden Cen, Shizza
Fuudo, Latif, Poongko, Daigo, Kindevu, Tokido, Wolfkrone, Flash Metroid
Infil, GamerBee, PR Rog, Xiao Hai, Daigo. HumanBomb, Dieminion, Poongko
Xian, Tokido, Infil, PR Rog, Sako, Haitani, Daigo, Gamerbee
mickey format
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this guy really draws the best hags
i wish pr rog was still good
>made it during SFV covid
>kept it even after it was over
the esports side of Capcom must've went full retard
GGs BlueDJ.
i wish sf6 was good
safe posts like this shitting on the game but then ending it with "... but that's why I love it!" is the new way to talk about games on twitter. lol cows like DSP and LTG, that crybaby whining about pronouns really ruined it for everyone, you can't be mad at a shitty game anymore.
GGs. I wish Juri had a fireball counter or that her own was better.
>the game is filled with random jumpscare and corner rape but that's the way i like it :)))))
RobTV was right to gtfo the FGC and only show up to get towelhead money
>physically unable to approach modern bison

I hate this game I hate this game I hate this game
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It's easy when your squashing random CFN italians and brazilians while the front runners for the tournament are murdering each other in the same group
>no seeding at all
>strongest region in the world gets two players
>mega retarded group points system where not dropping individual games in a set is vital to qualifying
UMA played two hard matches the entire tournament, Leshar and then Chris Wong (someone in his region who he plays often). It was an insane system and I can't believe they'd put two million dollars behind it
>juri's fireball needs to be better
shit you read
the million is nothing to capcom. They made it all back from advertising alone. The best case for capcom is for a random to win using drive mechanics, if it was punk whiff punishing the opponent and not perfect parrying (he refuses to use it) then that would be a disaster for capcom. The only thing they want is more people playing the game and buying season passes and clothes for the avatar, everything else is just a liability.
it's one of the most overrated specials (if it's still overrated at all? juri doesn't exist in high lvl play) in the game so he's not wrong, maybe if parry didn't exist it could have been good.
im going to be almost 30 when sf7 comes out, if it even does. its over for me. i got good at jive too late and now im forced to spend the last of my best fighting game years flipping coins in slime fighter instead.
>UMA played two hard matches the entire tournament
Yeah, basically. I even forget who it was, but Uma dropped a game in groups to some random ass Ken, I believe? The format sucks dick and it's insane that Capcops watched it all go down and decided to do the exact same thing next year. Here's hoping this year's group ballots end up making for a tournament worth watching!
i was 31 when sf6 came out..
just become a sf6 dickrider. Pick rashid or bison and throw loop people all day.
It's crazy that they dropped the ball so hard. Coming from SFV's recovery, it really felt like Capcom had their shit together and were about to release the best looking, most competitive fighting game ever. We got horror engine and slime MTX out the ass instead.
6 months and 1 week
>bdj is 980 mr
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>30+ and still posting on 4chan
lol i'm 23 and i feel way too old for this place
you're cooked
>still posting at 23
>didn't grow out of it in his teens
yep you're here forever too unlucky
this is your last street fighter game
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That's partly because the ranked in this game is completely broken. I'm fighting people over 600MR than higher than me. Ranked is actually just completely pointless, it has no benefits. Just playing sets is more useful.
who in their right mind would play this mickey shit in their 30s? its obviously designed for the new zoom zoom adhd generation
I am so tired of playing against characters who can dictate the flow of the match and I can't. I'm playing marisa against an aki and she keeps walking back, putting poison on the ground and throwing fireballs. I just can't ever get started on my offense against this bitch or anyone who does this in general. It's almost like Marisa is a solved character and people can just hold back and fortify up and never let me in if they so choose.
24 but same. slow vg threads for whatever game im currently playing is the only thing i can tolerate anymore. i had to leave this one when it got too fast during launch. it helps that fighting games tend to have a slightly older demographic too. if i was 30 and busy with kids there's no way i'd be on 4chan.
Mate, there are maybe 3 other people within 300 MR of you
>almost at master with character
>sparking zero came out
>been playing sparking zero since
Play a different character? That's just a classic matchup issue. You adapt or play a different archetype
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Like I wonder who's going to win, me or the player almost at the same skill level as Sajam. Took me 8 mins to find this game.

I'm 33, game is fine.

Yeah, so it just makes ranked pointless because there's not enough players my skill level in Europe.
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>977 MR
>still willingly playing the game
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listen, i was seething just like you a while ago with marisa.
just pick bison. you will have fewer defense options, yes, but your offense greatly makes up for it
how did you hit master when you are that bad. i thought diamond 5 was like 1400 level
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>I'm 33, game is fine.
>900 MR
I just want to play big lady. It's extremely disheartening playing her. Especially that moment at dream hack where the dude on Marisa swapped off to bison and instantly won his match. Then the commentators say something like "he did what every smart Marisa player should do. Play someone else." And Capcom wasn't any better with the Terry patch giving her literally nothing.

It sucks. She's the whole reason I bought the game and more after buying and playing I learn she's a bottom tier and both the devs and player base has given up on her.
I don't think that's true.
thats because marisa kinda sucks and aki is peak degeneracy. aki releasing as a character that does literally nothing more than fireball drive rush was the last nail in the coffin for this game and proof that capcom knew exactly what they were doing and are hellbent on making this game worse instead of better.
seeing a marisafag disheartened and crestfallen gives life back to the world
i find it funny that capcom deliberately nerfed marisa in season 2 and her "buffs" were an absolute joke
But why. I just wanted to have fun like everyone else. I don't want to buy bison.

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