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Happy Birthday 4chan!

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Previous Thread: >>497685383

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>9/25 (Wed) After Maint - 10/10 (Thu) 10:59 (JST)
Reijo (3*)
Kisaki (3*)
Shun (Small) (3* - Rerun), Kirino (2*- Rerun)
Saya (Casual) (3* - Rerun)

Descent of the Five Senses - 9/25 (Wed) After Maint - 10/10 (Thu) 10:59 (JST)
SCHALE Settlement Task with General Student Council - 10/10 (Thu) After Maint - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Kaiten (Urban - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 10/2 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/10 (Thu) 3:59 (JST)
Joint Firing Drill (Defense) - 10/10 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/16 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/26 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Commissions/Lessons - 10/2 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/10 (Thu) 3:59 (JST)
2x Hards - 10/10 (Thu) 4:00 - 10/16 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals/Scrimmages - 10/16 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>10/8 (Tue) After Maint - 10/15 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Kazusa (3* - Rerun)
Reisa (3* - Rerun)
Natsu (3* - Rerun), Mari (2* - Rerun)

Patch notes: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2658579
Balancing Schale's Books with the General Student Council - 10/8 (Tue) After Maint - 10/22 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Joint Firing Drill (Breakthrough) - 10/8 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/14 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Grand Assault: Gregorius (Indoors - Torment w/Heavy Armor) - 10/15 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/25 (Wed) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Normals - 10/7 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/14 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Hards/Commissions - 10/14 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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Hikari is my light!
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>no tweet
What are >we gonna notice in this thread bros?
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My precious desert rose.
Aru is the Kamina to Haruka's Simon
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Toki lust
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nom nom
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>the tweet is nothing
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Trinity looks like this
Unfortunately a lot of anthology chapters have been translated only on reddit and were never added to mangadex where they could be archived
Reddit is a bad place to archive things though, you need an actual archive site. Stuff that's only on reddit tends to get lost over time.

Go to the reddit, search "Blue archive anthology"

They should be added to this eventually
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>Go to the reddit
How else do you expect to find translated comics?
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>Go to the reddit
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>Go to the reddit
No sir, I don't think I will.
Michiru is not erotic.
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How fucked will we be if they suddenly announce the Shupo banner cause global just got em?
Even if they don't know why the number goes down they can't ignore it, eventually they would have to accept what's really going on
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I'm not too unhappy about them being obscure honestly. The anthology in the last thread had a lot of faggot shit in it.
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Please give thanks to pic related for consistently saving Blue Archive

Good night /bag/
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Getting walled hard at the episode 24 of the third part of the Eden Treaty, can I skip to the Rabbits part of the story? I don't see me defeating this asshole anytime soon, dunno if I got a wrong comp or what, am level 42.
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Thank you Toki
Toki makes my lust go into overdrive.
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Post comp and rooster
What is Karin's personality exactly?
Asuna has the ADHD at least
What happened to the anon that wanted to cosplay as Ui? Asking for a friend
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Straight Woman
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The pros of long hair.
me on the left
41 posts
41 fucking stupid niggers posting in non-birthday thread. Fucking die all of you. 4 threads and 2 of them stolen already. Retarded monkeys
I didn't bother with the priest till lvl56 or 66, can't remember correctly.
FEMALE anon, surely?
Don't expect much during shit hours, next thread should be better
Short hair is better anyway
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Dumb tradwife material.
You're the retard who didn't bake the thread. It is unironically your fault, die.
Thanks C&C!

Whose birthday is it?
No but he said he looked like Ui
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Isn't this a dude?
Should've baked bwo
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So bake, retard.
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No, does she look like a dude to you?
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Luckily I like both long and short hair.
>shit hours
Nighttime /bag/ is always 200% less retarded than daytime /bag/ even when not accounting for the schizospam.
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I think Nagisa is pretty
He can be beaten around Lv30

>Am I doing wrong comp
Probably, but you won't realize how wrong you're playing until later on. Lotta stuff you pick up over time. There's two types of type advantage; armor and terrain. Yellow enemy against yellow armor, blue enemy against blue armor. Terrain matters a bit. Give your characters better equipment, figure out basic comps, level up characters decently. In another six months you'll probably consider the current you to be retarded, with the amount you understand soon.
When I wanted birthday threads for my wife I baked them.
If someone throws down a non birthday girl OP just bake it anyway as long as you're quick, /bag/ moves quite often.
who's the birthday girl?
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datamine's supposedly already out.
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I felt bad I never buy pakeji so I bought the select ticket
Who should I pick? I like Saori but is there anyone meta I'm missing?
Big Seia
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I legitimately can't think about any student for more than one minute without getting an unstoppable urge to impregnate them
It's actually affecting me IRL
That's not how it works. If you move to a non-birthday thread, you're a globalcuck newfag.
You can get Marina for pvp if you're willing to raise her
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I just found out nips write axolotl as アホロートル. Aholotl.
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Shit hours are whenever shitposting skyrockets, doesn't matter what time it is
Who's birthday is it anyway?
Yellow Ako
kek AHO
Datamine for what? Please post
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This is what I've been throwing at it, not pictured is Kayoko and Izumi on the strikers side.
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And yet you are posting in it.
>That's not how it works
It is literally how it works you shit eating dumb bitch. You don't get to complain when you could've made the thread.
>b-but I couldn't bec-
Shut up bitch, you're posting now which mean you could've made it.
Pick up your Saori. But in terms of meta Marina >>> Hinata >>> Tsukuyo. Marina is broken in pvp but next season doesn't see much use.
Yes you can beat him at 30 but I consider it a pain in the ass.
Might as well level up a bit + get higher tier equipment.

> He wants to fuck woman
> This is a problem
So when will you come out of the closet?
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Go forth
You moved too didn't you?
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trans kids
>> This is a problem
Yes. It's affecting my concentration and making me spend more time fapping.
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>Please PLEASE give as much of a shit about this tradition as I do
>I don't bake threads but I DEMAND they be made exactly as I want and to everyone to behave exactly as I say.
idk where anons get their info
go make the thread on /vmg/ then
Serika and B Asuna are free units now
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Students who would try this at Kivitos as an adult?
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go make a thread on /v/ then.
>he doesn't respect his students' precious day
get the fuck out.
Why do some many people spell it as Kivitos
It's Kivotos you numbnuts
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Japanese Seia's
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I'm not convinced, there are people who can do some black magic fuckery out there.
Rare Shimiko, but maybe you should swap her for Kotama. People usually bring blue aoe to deal with the summons, maybe bench cKotori bring Iori or Momiji or just wait until you get Chise (2*).
PS: You should get Kotama to 3* with raid coins.

here's a guy that beat it at Lv36

There's probably a hundred guides on youtube
I don't know much about law but isn't this like harsher than actual murder sentences
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I was taking a shit. In that time this shit thread already had 40 posts and the real thread would get deleted. That's why it's important not to start normal posting in non-birthday threads.
I didn't. I will post one Kaho pic and then leave you american pigs to die in this shithole.
How do Asian dudes do this so well...
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>he doesn't know his students birthday
I mean /bag/ is usually pretty good with birthday girl threads. But if you don't even try to bake and then throw a shitfit then the fuck did you expect?
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What went wrong?
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Excuses. Hold your shit next time.
Looks like we lost the coinflip
Wow, you couldn't even hold your shit for your girl's special day? Wow, you're not much of a Sensei, you didn't even take the time to make a thread. How lame.
It's simple really
>bday girl is a cunny
>everyone moves to the thread with bday girl even if someone bakes a thread early with a different girl
>bday girl is a secondary bait hag
>everyone moves to the early thread because no one gives a shit about that secondary bait
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Why do niggas wanna go back to high school anyway?
Shit was ass back then and I was a jock there so it wasn't even some need stuff on my end.
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Can you really say you love your wife if you can't hold your shit for her
BA actually has one of the better gacha game subreddits.
Mostly because there's no discussion or spergouts, just posting fanart and comic translations.
previous thread's still on page 7 btw.
That's literally a woman
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What the FUCK did I just read?
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I love my cute fox daughterwife Izuna!
Serina is going to be your main healer early on
Extremely low cost, can be used to move team members around the map, easy and quick.

Tsubaki and Yuuka are going to be your two tanks throughout the game. Tsubaki has taunt as well which helps, if you give her all the best equipment she should be nearly unkillable.
I would bang the gook girl
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have you tried contributing to the thread, avatarfag?
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I shouldn't have to tell you that he's not going back to highschool for the quintessential highschool experience he's going there to get underage pussy.
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If you want to fuck a twink cosplayer you are literally a faggot.
i still remember that one time a sakurako OP got deleted on her birthday
it was a proper thread. wasn't even an early thread or anything offensive in the OP
you know the jannies are out for blood
Because they renovated the crusty basketball court and the gym and the library stocked limited edition manga hardcover tankoubon right as I graduated
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I'm not sure if you guys are joking or not but it's a dude. I happen to be an expert on this subject.
Also you're still a beginner with yuuka until you get her bond item
Lotta students only get good once they have their bond item
You can equip bond item at bond 15
you can level up bond item at bond 20
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Any tips on how to improve my PVP team? I feel like I should swap out Hanako or iori and I do have every good pvp student but I'm not sure who would fit in the best here
Why do you insist on saying she's a guy?
Was pretty funny though. Still got a wappi thread after it too.
Just like golden boy
Yeah, put a fucking second tank in there.
Hotdogging Kaho's butt
Sex with Kaho's tits
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Because it was unironically easier back then
>no need for a job
>just focus on your schoolwork (or don't)
>can naturally make friends just by virtue of being forced in the same room as 30 other people your age
>more freedom/free time after work
>youthful energy means you can keep going even only on 2 hours of sleep or less
>above points means you'd be more free to pursue what you want without much worry about consequences
>don't have to worry about bills or making money (unless you're impoverished or have no parents, but they're not the kind of people who'd want to go back to high school)
Adults are bogged with responsibilities, mainly with work and bills. Not to mention taking care of yourself such as making your meals. Even if you end up with free time before sleep, you'd barely have the energy to do anything productive like art and would just end up consuming media until you pass out.
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What the fuck HOW
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Where's muh Key sexo?
it's literally the shitposter trying to gaslight retards to join his mental illness cult.
Why are you monotanking my dude? You are still in Indoors 2, we're not in Urban 3 yet.
Your Janny? Your UE50 Tsubaki?
Do you even know your student surname without looking up for it?
Did the Perez-uzzah misspell get fixed?
That can't be a guy there's... nothing "there"
Fox Hill
I knew it! He can tuck his dick in!
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Hifumiposters are the most based
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solotanking is fine if you want to gamblemaxx, but maybe you should replace Hanako for a tank.
>short hair
not sexo
A lot of that can still be achieved if you join the military or work on oil rig plus you'll be collecting money
> No need for a job
Yeah cause your parents paid for it back then.
> Make friends
That's what bars are for...
> Meals
I like my cooking.
> Work and bills
That's great and all but I can't buy my figurine if I don't get a job.
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What the fuck? How?
I won't read this.
I refuse to learn
why do gays dress like anime girls? dont they like dudes?
WTF how do you explain this shit /bag/?
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>3 purple gifts
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Wait I should use 2 tanks for attacking other seinseis as well? Wouldn't my damage be too little?

Also, should I swap her with tsubaki, marina, tsurugi or someone else?
I want to eat it for hours straight
>military or offshore work
Now that I think about that, you can treat something like that like a boarding school. You have a place to stay, and you even have your meals planned and set out for you. All you literally have to do is what you're told to do, and you'll get paid. The only thing you won't have is the freedom to go anywhere, and with the military your internet access is restricted. But there should be plenty of ways to entertain yourself.
Tokifags are doing it again
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Basawa Reisa
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Isnt Maris butt way too big
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You can be gay/bi and still love super cute things, especially cute anime girls. Also I think guys are kinda gross since most of them don't really take good care of themselves or even have a basic skincare routine. I really only like their cocks.
>Internet restricted
I post here and I my job requires a clearance
Also half the time my base gets a range ban since some other fuck is a /pol/ack
>The only thing you won't have is the freedom to go anywhere, and with the military your internet access is restricted. But there should be plenty of ways to entertain yourself
In the US military that's only during basic training and deployments to battle, if you're comfy in the chair force or something living off base you can do whatever the fuck. My best friend did 6 years with half of it in Idaho where he was always in the mountains and half of it in Okinawa where he went kayaking and fishing nearly every day.
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Your damage dealers will die first before they can deal significant damage because your only tank can't hold the ground, usually. Like that other anon said, do it if you like to gamblemaxx. Iori indoors is a beast.
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Take your meds now
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>only 7 lines of dialogue
>"muh key sexo"
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Students for this feel?
Fucking pleb.
More sexo for me.
Your mother lmao
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Key will never be playable, give it a rest.
Next you'll read about how Africans used to do this to avoid getting their junk caught on a branch when running through forests
or maybe I'm thinking of south americans
It was a cultural thing in a few cultures to tuck your dick and balls inside.
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I wonder why they don't draw her cute fang in the sprites
Did they update anything for translation when adding reisa event, like they did with several other event reruns recently?
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>retarded justice autism
It can't be a coincidence
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What the fuck is going on?
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It's like 3$.
It's only in her chibi files, must be from the chibi artist
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>tuck your dick and balls
literally how the fuck does that work? where the hell are you tucking it?
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Kaede (Hepatitis)
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/bag/ loves Miyako the most
If you want to use the speedrun attack team, go with Iori, Shun, Marina, S.Hanako, Nagisa, S.Shiroko (strikers in that order). You will need Marina to be UE40 because she won't hold the frontline for long without the HP boost to help with triggering her normal.
Should she cut or bulk for winter?
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I only have 3.50$
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Kasumi intimidated by Rat's raw sex appeal
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New player and I just got her
Is she any good? Or is she a brick
Nyahaha gang.
Rat saggers...
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What's this racket about? Can you Amerilards & seanigger baboons behave?!
Massive bunny cheeks squeezing around my wimpy member..
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Who isn't?
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My bad
Should Sumire cut or bulk for winter?
>Is she good
for sex yes, read her momo's
For gameplay, no
She's decent for Goz after the bond gear.
That's it, otherwise she's a brick.
Nice tits though.
Other than that, keep your pyrox.
why is she green?
Sensei is a lucky man
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muh Greg Tor cope...
It's a Seia (big)
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Bulk. Ideally beyond winter. No cutting ever.
liver failure
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>She's decent for Goz after the bond gear.
What does that even mean, like her star 5 weapon?
I think she kinda ugly if im being honest, her and Ako the side boobs are too much of a stupid design
Seia is cuter because of her lolita aesthetic and more sexo because she has more to mentally undress
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yes, i love my studentwife Miy Ako
Miku? More like MiCUTE!
Hiyori? More like CUTEyori!
Yume? More like SEXme
Dear sweet kike on a stick.
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It may not seem like it but this is a Hasumi general.
>I think she kinda ugly if im being honest, her and Ako the side boobs are too much of a stupid design
Why are you gay?
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You'll get it one day...maybe.
Bond gear is additional equipment that you can give them after reaching relationship 15/20
Newfags should just focus on clearing stages first. You'll know what a bond gear is once a girl get to bond 15.
Shit taste
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Excited for DQ3
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>Excited for censored slop the director himself probably hates
The designs don't open themself up well to having side boob
Side boob is hot but only if it's earned and Ako definitely doesn't have it and her tits out ruin it. give me front facing cleveage st least and I'm a cunnnyfag first most
Oh okay
Cope, more skin isn't always sexy unless you're a neanderthal
A true Coomer can appreciate the beauty in covering up, and being slutty in a tasteful way
Who is Mashiro?
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>Excited for censorship quest.
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Yuuka bunda.
>not calling it woke quest 3
fake gamers, what have you done with my GDD
Horns rub time.
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note taken
what the fuck
can i get a pic of casual toki to see what you want?
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the only collab that makes sense
Woke is one of the most overused word in current time, whenever I hear a retard saying "Woke" I automatically consider them a /pol/ack.
What was even the point of this side story?
There wasn't even any good rewards and it was kinda boring.
Mika love
>starts where jews infest
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I just wanted to try out the new class and see some references to DQXI... it's all so tiresome
You mean excited to pirate DQ3, right? Square can choke on a sack.
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we already got the collab that made the most sense
What's with west and the fucking love it has for censorships and pearl clutching and all sorts of shady shit? Lefties blame religious puritans, righties point to trannies feminists whatever but really it's pretty clear from history westerners just love censoring everything from Japan
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Damn lust-provoking maid...
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holy shit im fucking retarded i forgot the image
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Blue Archive Hours
You know why, there are entities dedicated to making shit gay and lame, south park made fun of it even. That shit has been ruining video games for quite a while but recently I'd say things have been getting slightly better, game devs are slowly starting to realize that pandering to players gives them money and pandering to some dogshit organization ruins their reputation and makes sure their games never sell. Fanservice is on the rise
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What is that?
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Something like this if possible
Like porn but with childs
Bunda Archive
Hag and Sag Archive
Makes me wish Operation Downfall happened, just so we can’t ruin shit like today.
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Welcome to stoatsex. I’m still waiting for a spook or rerun
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>Have like 15k ligmas saved
>Still don't want to spend 1500 on Oshigure to make Set easier
>"But...but...what if they announce UE60 next stream...."
How do I get rid of Megalixir syndrome, /bag/?
Sensei is the town bicycle. What’s new?
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You only have to do it once a month. Making it easier is pointless.
What would be the point of ue60 without a new difficulty? Unless they release simultaneously
Gotta be among my favorites in Toki pictures because of how nice everything looks. The body lines, the backside.. unf
If you really want to get to the story (or the pyros), there's a reposition strategy where you only kill a few of the mobs so they don't respawn and your low level tanks can survive while your damage dealers focus on the boss.
I did this at like level 37 but was running out of time so I replaced Asuna with Akari (I tried DHina and Mutsuki first, but they have long range so they ended up killing the mobs and causing a respawn).
Does Toki have a mole on her ass?
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Check out this australian Hina
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It got censored?
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EXREMELY punchable face.
Felt myself throb a bit seeing this..
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Good morning /bag/
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Good morning
Need them to clench around my dick and never let go
what mudhut did you crawl out of sar
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Rosemary Winters seems liked a wasted character. She got one DLC, and that's it.
Have you not been paying attention? Series is littered with the corpses of one-game onlies
No, the cgi movies don't count as appearances
>missed ERP hours again
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Good morning
Bro, where have you been? The creator of Dragon Quest and the guy who edited the Dragon Ball manga did a public interview where they admitted they're sick of having to deal with puritan weirdos that force them to replace male/female with body type a/b and similar shit.
This got so much attention that Square is now trying to erase that video from the entire internet. And the way the guy who originally translated the interview is apologizing, it feels like Square lawyers are holding a gun to his head.
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I fucking hate PVP so much it's unreal
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Just drew this perfectly normal Seia for the aggie, there is nothing weird going on in this image so please paste this in
Transparent version: https://files.catbox.moe/ika4v6.png
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Good morning, anon.
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Good morning
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You only liked her because she was cute.
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Good morning
>originally translated the interview is apologizing
for mistranslating "puritans" as "sex education"
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Ready for orange armor bros?
I want another chibi shonenwank fight but with Hina in her pajamas
I feel too greedy asking for more, but it's just so nice to look at while doing uhm, other things
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I just finished seething
Time for malding
i was hanging pictures and the damn nails kept bending
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How many fingers has Hina put inside?
I hope Koyuki is ready for anal
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She probably doesn't even know about that, gehenna doesn't have a Hanako and their mobs seem more occupied with fucking exploding things than reading porn books like Koharu does
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>there is nothing weird going on in this image
Hmm... I have my doubts.
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Get your PVP coins, /bag/!
uhhh can he post this?
Sauce? looks like its from a good artist
The zoos
to celebrate someone post bazoos
Sankyuu msgk.
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Who the fuck is this
Nom nom
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toki is too fucking hot
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I guess the DOT raid or whatever mode that requires one is coming closer. For real this time.
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When are we getting Azusa (Big)
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You have no power here anymore Jugzusa.
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At long last I will no longer be SAzusalet.
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I do not know these people or associate with them.
uh, bag..?
is anyone home?
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>Lose to a guy's NYHaruna nuking my team 4 times in a row and again to a different guy
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Thank you Saya.
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I should get back to buying her ligma with expert permits.
all me
Bro just use an all blue team
Hmmm nyes
I hope they actually do something about these years-old limiteds that make them more accessible instead of praying for John Nexon to be merciful on his whims
Getting there..
That was me. Thanks for the coins faggot.
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This turns me on so much
Getting where? We aren't going anywhere idiot.

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>First Iroha to go off wins
>First Iori to go off wins
>First Marina go off wins
>First ny.Haruna to go off wins
>the Shun with better crits wins
>the one who doesn't job wins
So since it's obvious that pvp uses one or maybe two teams in total and there are absolute must-haves like s.shiroko and bad draw EX draw can decide the fate of the match
how do you climb without (these very specific students) or with bad luck
mad cuz bad
>how do you climb without (these very specific students)
You don't
Haruna broke you.
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I wish they make Mika and Hina meet each other
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How does she do it?
and give Iroha free kills
i don't know if there ever will be more cancerous season
there's literally zero alternatives
everyone's running some sort of dodge-piercing AOE which by all means should be fucking banned
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May the sisterhood forgive me for the sin I'm committing to Toki's chest.
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Does Hina count as a girl with daddy issues?
imagine running FIVE tanks and losing against a team with two blue armour students
We're going to the Blue Archive™, dumbass.
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>soulless Set title
Laugh at that loser.
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Vanilla Haruna is fine.
Track Haruna is fine.
But new year Haruna should be removed from the game.
She was specifically designed for PvP, wasn't she?
Too late, anon.
His erection died.
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>Hina vs Mika but HinaDev is kill now.
Mika sex
>no tail
I can't even with this artist
A slim Toki is fine too
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Oh, look at that! More controversies involving English voice actors. I wonder what activist or political statements they made this time?
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Took a while but thank you janny
there's a second person with a chink name and the same title that uses the same attack. If I remember right neither had a gold bond title before Set either.
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Okay, it just occurred to me that I can pvp now and then not have to be annoyed that I have to pvp when I wake up.
We're going to the Blue Archive™, dumbass.
I'm not gonna sugarcoat it for you my dude, in retrospect NYharuna teams in indoors 2 are the most easily counterable meta teams in the entire fucking history of this game, going all the way back to Urban 1.
Skill issue.
Where BAkane
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I just do coinflip then sleep.
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she nukes all backliners regardless of their armor.
and if she won't kill them then shun/iroha will.
this isn't fun and running 4 tanks is cringe.
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What was Urban 1 like?
I remember using Momoi/Midori teams in Field 1 when I was a newfag but I didn't manage to catch the first season.
Floor 100 is ass. Does this shit ever get easier?
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PvP sucks now
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Make the next two big, I'm gotta stop myself or I'll be up all night looking at Toki pics..
Breh that's Indoor 1.
I just wanted to post it.
Sure when Kuroko is released

always has
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you might not believe this, but most people use Marina for their attacks
>not running the funny kirino team
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that's a man.
when kuroko gets released it's 'possible' to auto it
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...people actually use kirino?
Shits frustrating. I had two fights where the time ran out and he had like 3x health left.
>she nukes all backliners regardless of their armor.
Saori, cKotori, Misaka, and probably a few others all survive a Haruna EX and are perfectly viable.

people using Iroha on defense are free
Could we post some pictures of Kayoko please?
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Yeah. Top ten, too.
BAkane does neutral damage vs Marina though.
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stil would
tired of being mice?
One more
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now read Saori and Nagisa's skills again
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Here you go.
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Saori isnt a Trinity student for the heal go back to the street
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>people using Iroha on defense are free
I really like when enemy Iroha starts as the very first EX and it's a countdown to when my backline will die
I only have Kayoko pictures where she obsesses over the cat students, do you still want them?
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maybe BUFFING CRIT DAMAGE is useful for a student that has GUARANTEED CRITS on her skills you STUPID DUMMY

there's no reason to switch to a niche special for defense that will do nothing but paint a target on my back
I finished..
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As opposed to NYHaruna where it's instant?
>running [perfect counter] is cringe.
Man they give you UE50 Sumire for free.
This is just like people who didn't build their free UE50 Tsurugis for Field 2 or their free UE50 Utahas for Urban 2. I'll never understand this level of aversion to success.
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you mean when the Iroha starts as the first EX and she gets killed by the first AOE EX that lands? I don't even use things like Minori I kill her with Misaka, Nagisa, and even Sumire before she gets the split shot off.
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I wish Mine didn't die instantly in pvp.
there's some sort of pride in not using cheap tactics.
it's fighting cancer with another type of cancer though
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Does anyone have the xitter link to the hot BA cosplayer that's a guy?

he does one kisaki cosplay with this penis exposed
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Keep them, fag.
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I think I'm developing a fetish for adults...
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There's a lot
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Suzumi alt when
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Why the fuck is there always two faggots ERPing about Toki in here.
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kayako more like kayocute
Thank you anons.
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Currently preparing for global Urban PVP, I don't really know who to use in one of my striker slots.
I'm under the impression I should be using something along the lines of:
>sAyane or Nagisa
if my objective is to be soulless cancer
Who goes in that fourth slot?
My wife and children.
I only use her if they don't run a red damage special, but she's usually fine if that's the case.
I'm late but good job anon. Ignore the usual schizo. Don't worry you have plenty enough of time to save 3 sparks for the girls you want to roll as long as you are not rolling anyone else
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Bags are a joke but you can't buff bags too much without making Tsubaki super cancerous. But Mine is already meta so I don't see her getting a Bond Gear anytime soon either.
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Miyako (vanilla) or Marina, I think. Initial bit of that season was a mess on JP so I imagine it'll be pretty chaotic when it hits global too.
>already inching closer to T10 blueprints
Is this gonna be the cap like they did with the leveling?
Also finally Kusoge comes back.
and now i sleep.. thank you
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You're welcome anon.
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Yuuka and sHanako are both fine enough on durability if they take the cover so I won't say Miyako's mandatory. She's just got the best mood+health+armour combo.
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My pleasure
nyHaruna or Aru
Do what?
I didn't want to watch them get shredded by the helicopter........

aaaaa how did they do it
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>Hard stage: Obtain "Shimiko's divine name character", "Hare's divine name character", and "Chinatsu (hot spring)'s divine name character" with a certain probability
>If you clear the mission "Area 27" Normal 27-5, you will receive "Cafe Equipment Core Lv3" as your first reward.
>noooo you can't post cosplay of guys, only women!!!
Fuck off fag.
>Fuck off fag.
Yeah you do that
the adult of sex
who are you quoting
"Fuck off fag" the fag said
>Rank 10 Cafes
owari da...
Misaki (good)
>use utaha for urban 2
>she just builds bridges for ricochets to cHibiki chilling on the other side of the map
>sumire just gets fished or ricoshitted
I'll give you Tsurugi, since she's been staple for "group up and plap" strat since urban season. But even at UE50 she just gets vaporized by random Iori or NYHaruna
>Nagisa, and even Sumire
You must be very fucking lucky or, most likely, just making shit up, especially with Nagisa claim. At least in my case Iroha always spawns way too fucking far to get hit by any special that isn't Minori and even then AI needs to decide to hit D1/D2 tank instead of D3/D4 tank.
One is a mega homo and the other would rather wait a minute to see Toki art instead of looking it up. Its the same shit too.
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>wife on field
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RDR PC collab!
It’s on PC?
>still going with 1*/2*/3* template for hards
>no momiji elephs
October 29, they are releasing both RDR proper and undead nightmare.
Is Bhoshino as good as Mika?
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they're my precious students, not sluts
they're my precious students, not sluts
they're my precious students, not sluts
they're my precious students, not sluts
they're my precious students, not sluts
No one uses chibiki except few dogtards.
no lmao she's good for 2 raids
>or, most likely, just making shit up
I have no reason to make shit up. I've also been in the upper ranks for the entire season and Iroha is a fairly rare sight to see on defense because she's both slow and bad.
Sad we got the unoptimized PS3 port instead of the 360 one.
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I don't want to see MISS MISS MISS on Yuuka while my students get helicoptered. Too much of that last season. I don't skip much but my Marina getting vaporized was what made me hit the button.
My Marina died in the first five seconds every match today.
I miss the days before SShiroko.
>Onsen Chinatsu ligmas
Oh good
I was contemplating using a selector on her because I have a small amount of permanents that I don't have remaining and she's the most sexo
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Aru would
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Rare Utaha

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