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2.2 Swimsuit Event Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTSiuT2cMjA
Catbox ver: https://files.catbox.moe/3mh804.mp4
Event Teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDYBkDOGUo0
Operative Trailer [Katya]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDOfVc-Rhps
Operative Trailer [Marian]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIPIBZjwCkA

>Snowbreak 2.2 Overview & News

PC (Recommended): Standalone launcher, Steam, EGS
Download from main site: https://snowbreak.amazingseasun.com/

>Current & Upcoming Events
Special Chapter 4 "Azure Paradise" is now open. Reach Adjutant level 20 for expedited access
[Sep 30 - Oct 14] Endless Battle - co-op wave defense
[Sep 30 - Oct 14] Mecha Arena - boss co-op
[Oct 1 - Oct 8] Presence Patrol - stamina incentive
[Oct 10 - Oct 31] Paradoxical Labyrinth: Cerebral Dive - paradox incentive
[Oct 14 - Oct 28] Island Frenzy - wave defense w/ killstreaks
[Oct 14 - Oct 28] Containment Protocol - special co-op
[Oct 24 - Nov 7] Hero Games - co-op rush
[Oct 24 - Oct 31] Standard Commissions - extra dailies

>Current & Upcoming Banners
[Sep 26 - Oct 24] Katya - Dawnwing | Aurora Sands
[Sep 26 - Oct 17] Fenny - Starshine | Heart Hunter
[Oct 10 - Nov 7] Marian - Riptide | Abyssal Nymph
[Oct 17 - Nov 7] Siris - Ksana | Crowned Flail

>Codes (Redeem in [Settings > Other])

>/snowg/ Resource Pastebin

>100 Pity Banner Type Details

>/snowg/ Friends Form:

Previous: >>497581315
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Take back you feet fetish shit, Marian is for ass spanking. You footfags have claimed Katya and Fenny already.
>Redeem Code : 【ha53qt2p】

>Redeem Code : Baldr Inhibitor (Large) x3 (Valid for 7 days) , Advanced Certification x5, SilverBuck x10,000

>Redeem Period: 10/09 12:00 – 10/19 23:59 (UTC+8)
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Good evening, frens.
Lyfe sex!!!
Yes! YES! Marian's interactable scene is finally confirmed
I'm prepared for NTR KKslop but it's not. I'm surprised
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Evening bwo
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Marian is my meat drum
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Marian video in catbox in case someone needs it.

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Good person!
cute angry face
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Good evening, bwo.
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I never understood the appeal of tickling
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I'm beyond bored with snobble and the only thing that can free me from my malaise is 5* nita
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A certain manifestation is a bad influence
Meursault you traitor...
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Hello nya!
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total edda death
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This but replacing the hand symbol with my tongue
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I hope you Marianfags enjoy this. You honestly deserve it. Pray her gameplay is good too.
Marian gameplay details are out
>Pray her gameplay is good too
I'm praying she's a good support and has on field potential (for a support).
>ching chong ping pong
I see
>Marian interactive scene pre-sale
Should i wait or save 10 bitgold?
u rike?
>it's real
what the fuck?
I dunno if should spend more or for Marian Swimsuit. Black Ops 6 Kino is coming.
What if Marian interactaable scene is kino?
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Just get game pass for slop ops, spend on Marian swimsuit.
>playing call of duty in [current year]
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I forgot to answer, if you want it there is no reason to miss out on the discount
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>Calling Call of Duty kino
Call fo Duty Big Red One is pure unfiltered raw kino
Kind of, yes
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Based. Big Red One will always be my favorite COD. That mission where you're moving around a B-24 bomber was pure kino
The sweet memories of playing the first CoD on saturday mornings
Man I wish Jotun,, NA and paradox would have victory animation. It's one the reason I bought skins for
These are the only game modes that I actually play regularly. It's really a pity that they don't show victory animation.
Soon, two banners will be dedicated to lovely ojou-sama at the same time.
The hype is dying, only the alt Frit with her leafy secret can save this game
I wanna try Ze Omnimovement
Marian kit doko?
It's been a while since I last managed to save up enough currency to roll a character just from playing the game. It's nice. I'll be able to pick up Siris nice and easy.

I won't have to use THAT.
Enjoy the world's biggest catch, bro
Check the archive, nya
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Good morning, snoggers!
I dislike the idea of pre-ordering as it might turn out to be slop
But the cheapskate part of me is tempted by the discount
>Brushing rose against boobs.
Adjutant knows this game inside out.
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I want to lick kot's armpits.
COD4 is kino though damn I'm old"
CoD 4 Remaster was ok
this but more or less whole body
Weapon: Shotgun
Element: Chaos
Role: Skill Buffer & Sub-DPS

* Deiwos Skill *
When equipped with Chaos weapon, Increase all teammates skill dmg, and the ratio increases by a certain % per 100 Alignment Index.

* Standard Skill *
Marian equips 1 [Sea Beast Bullet] to her gun.

When firing while equipped with [Sea Beast Bullet], Marian consume the [Sea Beast Bullet] to fire [Beast Howl] that deal chaos damage to targets in a straight line.

Sea Beast Bullet: Increases firing rate. When firing using the [Sea Beast Bullet], the damage dealt is count as standard skill damage.

* Support Skill *
Whenever a teammate uses a standard skill, Marian gains a certain amount of [Tide Song Value]. When Marian is off the field and the team enters combat, she gains additional [Tide Song Value] per second.

A certain number of [Tide Song Value] will be converted into 1 [Tide Song Bullet].

When the support skill is used, Marian Riptide immediately enters the field, consuming all [Tide Song Bullet], and convert it into [Sea Beast Bullet].

* Ultimate Skill *
Ultimate Skill Throws the [Tidal Surge Bomb] creating multiple explosions with a gradually expanding range, dealing Chaos damage to targets within the AOE.

Passive: Provides the entire team with the [Colorful Waves] effect. When using skills and dealing damage, it ignores a certain amount of the target's of all-type resistance.
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>Slather Mauxir in sticky honey.
>Lick away.
Now that i think about it, i'd like that as an interactable scene.
It's the best
what are you playing after youre done with your dailies?
I’m going through SMT5V and gooning to sexy demon bitches.
>another atk/AI user
wow how original slugs
I'm playing throne and liberty
the juxtaposition between this game where the daily takes 30 seconds and a hell grind gook mmo is fun
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Alright who told them? doing that was fun
Marian6 good with Chernyo?
>Black Ops 6
Very transparent bait
Yes, but probably not better than Enya.
Probably not as good as Haru, Vidya and Katya since her skill can't be spammed as quickly. Why would you pair them though? Cherno would be better used by increasing her skill's stacks by her shooting shit.

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