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Previous: >>497707779


>Glicko2 rating
>Tekken 8 Character Overviews
>Tekken 8 Important combos and moves for each character
>Fundamentals guide
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What's Dragunovs weakness?
latino shotas
his coffee wife
wtf was gonna post the same thing
twt rule 6
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>ulsan losing to motherfucking breadman 3-1
wet socks, grim
truly tragic those are soaked in water instead of her piss
What outfit i should get for Reina?
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leo, his wife
What differentiates Devil Chin from Glass of Ya from Gleibgachi?
I feel Lili needs an intermediate move, maybe a low in frames 13 to 18. So a 16 frame low or something like that. Because between frames 13 to 18 there is a big gap and I don't know what to do. It feels like df1/jab poke and then a huge risk gap and then 18+ frame move. Thoughts on this? Not because she's weak but it'd make her more pleasant to play, like more fun or more complete.
>Thoughts on this?
don't care
Where do i get this
Claudioniggers you're so fucking carried. kys
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>go shopping
>see this
wat do?
>boosted lee player running away all game and catches my dash block with df2

I'm playing Lili this character sucks get plugged bitch faggot nigger
*vomits and farts*
playing jun for 393999 games and now playing lili this character sucks hmmmmmmmmmmm

i feel like i had 30 more tools to cover space with jun

i guess different strengths
they made heihachi look llike a jewish lawyer from new york
heihachi massive sunburn
after 800 hours of t8 i discovered it's effective to play patient
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would have been 10 times better without the text on the clothe, dont know why he did it. Mod is pretty mid due to it. Ruined.
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that's it, i'm going to buy a fucking ps5 pro
why the gorilover has to show up everytime a female mod is posted
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I'm here for the sex
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then look no further
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shut up gorilover kys
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>it's still going to be a lagy piece of shit
yeah that works
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Literally all they need to do to fix this game is make a mode where heat is not a thing.
There's a lot of good additions in this installment but they all get overshadowed by heat.
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>mogged in tits by Asuka
>mogged in ass by Kazuya
is there anything Reina good at?
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needs a mode where i can have creampie sex with asuka and marry her
I discriminate your religion because it's fucfdking STUPID you are STUPID. If I told you the moon is made of pepperoni pizza with cheddar cheese you would think Im insane and if you made fun of me i wouldnt be able to claim discrimination for my beliefs so why canh you? You are stupid get it you fuckbastard pedophile you are a fucking moron pedophile Islamist fuckwit

You are a retard get it through your sick scull your beliefs are retarded I will make fun of you like you would make fun of me believing the mooon is made of pepperoni pizza it's the same thing epistemically you fucking fuckwit? kjill yourself with your discrimination claims you worthless mongrel subhuman retard Iwill rape your face motherfucker
Just remove Rage Art. That would make heat way more tolerable as the singular comeback mechanic.
cool it speedkicks
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asuka mogs everyone in everything, she's literally perfect
pepperoni pizaa with cheddar cheese...
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she cant mog a shit without a neck
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between the islamophobes, the coocoo asuka poster lliterally tearing poor asuka mains to shreds with NO JUSTIFICATION, people claiming Jin is an incel

I'm sorry this is a clusterfuck of toxicity I dont want to associate myself with this horrible place with horrible people

Maybe if you start treating others like human beings I will give this general a chance until then Im out of here fuck man
hes right, that little bitch should learn what a real muslim is like instead of whining online
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her cute neck gonna give the throatiest blowjobs ever
Why would you remove one of the only ways to deal with the unlimited aggression in this game instead of the cause of it?
I hated rage arts in 7 but this game is so stupidly offense oriented I've actually come to appreciate the mechanic
shut up gorilover kys keep up coo coo bro
It feels so fucking good being rematched with a hop kick spamming Claudonigger and exposing his frame traps to a 3-0. End with a ki charge and a one and done

*chef's kiss*
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who the fuck are you
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>Gengar backpa-ACK!
>retard post crying
She's good at looking funny in photo mode.
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billion iq speedkicks already knows what's up
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janny can you ban for spam the gorilla poster and the coo coo one thank you
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How do I stop getting annoyed playing my yoshi main friend?
He refuses to admit the character might be slightly overtuned and gets upset when somebody complains about bullshit like flash
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Retarded niggers already giving it up for free by pleding guilty in the first place
I honestly thought that American Blacks was already on top of how virtue signaling worked but apparently they just do it accidentally all the time without knowing how the game works.
Honestly disappointing.
learn yoshi and beat him with yoshi
use all the cheap shit
oh boy...what happened now? qrd?
temu8 is in the dumps
so what kusoge fighter do i pick
dbz or bleach?
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thoughts on this
bird nigga
kill yourself my man
the one that has Matsumoto udders
nothing special just the expected followup, arabs emboldened by his apology are getting racist in his replies
he apologized so clearly he was wrong therefore it is completely justified after all
convicted islamophobe, public enemy number one
How do I wavu mixup properly with Heihachi? The low options are very risky. The mid option is unsafe and so is the high option since I can't electric. Do I just go for the high option until they've been conditioned into ducking so I can dragon punch them?
do wavu and press a button retard
Press any of the safe mids you have. They deal like 15 chip each and continue pressure
heihachi isn't in tekken 8
what did Speedkeks say first?
a couple of lame jokes about anime and islam in some twitch
ff3 is a safe mid launcher
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he said "fan service is halal" and "they spoke about panty shots in quran" in twitch chat
Ok thanks
sure he is, he just changed his name to Reina
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Am I stoned?
Demon juan has a throw out of his flying dash nonsense? I've never seen that thing before.
Only thing that's not "Tekken8" in Heihachi is that you can actually step him. Otherwise he checks the entire list.
his heat smash its unblockable
Does he have a 2nd heatsmash which is that weird ass throw or are u talking nonsense?
yeeeeeeeeahh from fly stawnce
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Did TheCheatedOnMan ever hit GoD on stream? I recall he was hard stuck TGS and one day he was mysteriously GoD.
i wanna have sex with your girls
At least explain it
Maybe I'm gonna buy a nigga special in KFC today
yes he has an unblockable high heat smash from mourning crow. retard
That clip was fake
Oh, it's a high, not a throw.
That's kinda fucked up. So I either eat the mid into heatdash for a million dmg or the unblockable high..
>he isn't having a blast
I met my investment manager today and asked him whether I should buy Tekken 8 stock. He laughed, threw a bundle of 200€ notes in my face and said 'shut the fuck up man'.
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he needs it
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Love Tifa LOVE LOVE!
That's such a cool bug tho. Like how chainthrows used to be unbreakable on punish
does this only happen with dj?
Yes and Devil Jin rage art agains't Heihachi doesn't delete recoverable health either
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heihachi ff2 is giving me as much aids as it always did
Why did they decide tho bring this bullshit back
lmao a 6800xt is gonna age better than a 5079, fucking clown world.
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>easier to step
easier doesn't mean it isn't bullshit. I fucking hate it man.
thats what happens when you try to step at -8
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nice bait.. have a (you)
The ghost of Kiev
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Start kneeling.
just clogged the toilet hard
vf6 will take the crown
i couldnt care about dbz even if you tried to force me to at gunpoint
Tekken winning is less important to me than Street Fighter losing.
This is more DB game than fighting game.
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ill get the bleach kusoge, it has way more girls than dbz
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>Tekken winning is less important to me than Street Fighter losing.
good thing neither is happening
a dick in my asshole is about to happen
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Pure virtual function being called while application was running (GIsRunning == 1).
>fighting game
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i pressed like 4 buttons wtf
anakin is still not GoD with heihachi lol, he's so washed
unironically why isn't this in the game
Tekken has no purpose to fulfill and no audience to cater to between Street Fighter 6 and Sparking Zero
i lost to special style victor
what's wrong with being a cuck? be sincere now
heihachi is bottom tier and everybody already labbed him so he doesn't have the day 1 advantage anymore
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hey murray
tekgen lobby is up

i have never ever plugged once and somehow im at 4% on a streamers screen
randomly d/c'ing back to the mainscreen due to steam or whatever dogshit network hiccup can cause this
fuck you murray fix your legit garbage game
hey murray put josie in the game or harada will tweet his seppuku date soon
I love this game online. I really don't know why heat is so controversial. I hope Ganryu comes back to the game and Armor King

A 2B cross over would be nice
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that was gay
you're gay
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will it still be up in an houR?
What is this about
literally me
Jobbhachi will lose to Chadzuya again
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I got cross upped
steven fox intellect
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I just noticed that just like Paul, Heihachi's rage art will damage his clothes
where's your pants oldman
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>die kazuya
is heihachi german
heihachi is only 40 or so in the lore, he only pretends to be old so that he can walk around exposing himself and blame it on dementia. he's got a hard on the whole time
is bruv a god gamer?
No way he's only 40
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i'll never shit on Tekken sound design that much again
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this nigga stinks
Smokin on that loud
Lili main btw
gran turismo 4 is better
RR type 4 is the best driving game ever.
Tied with outrun.
ear wax blocked my left ear
its over
Why isn't forsen playing tekken 8?
what are you fucking retarded
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>long day at work
>hey what if I played some game before bed
>log on my 180k paper ranked Steve
>refuse all wifi, 5 bar only
>6min queue
>its a yoshi 240k
Fuck you Yoshi, fuck you Harada, fuck you all

And yes I plugged.
Why would you play this kusoge before going to bed lmao
>playing multiplayer games before bed when you're above 18
imagine being this retarded
You're bad at the game and not mentally grown enough to deal with that. I suggest a different game
dlc 4 cunnymitsu with installation with finally get the japs to play tekken 8 again and then the ryona content will start coming back
6 months before fatal fury 2 while you'll be stuck here sucking Marduck dick
why is it always wagies that are the most insufferable casual faggots
if you want to relax don't play pvp games that you suck at
You'd get cooked by all the voices in my head
remember that tekken 5 confirmed and explicitly stated that Kazuya lost to heihachi in the tekken 4 tournament
Hows that as far as I recall the part where Kazuya wakes Jin up occurs after he beat Heihachi
Based speed killing akoumers cat
i never skip yoshi match with steve
unless we are talking about shizophrenic69 level of mixups, all blue rank yoshis are fairly predictable
jin's ending is canon and it doesn't matter from his perspective who won between heihachi and kazuya because their endings end up in the exact same place once jin is introduced. heihachi beat kazuya and then they both went to honmaru same as the other way around.
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I don't understand how you play t8 heihachi
So Heihachi beats and takes Kazuya there and then Kazuya goes devil and sweeps Heihachi across the room and wakes Jin up
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You guys gonna love our next collab
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kekken 8 fucking blows LMAO
I'm actually very mentally stable
It is sad that the platform dogshit that is Multiversus holds the crown by a mile
Imagine getting sidetracked by shop drama instead of enjoying the game
the game is shit too
but harada forgot just like he forgot lili's actual height
all dlcs are free
all of them
Murray is chilling on the couch watching some muay thai vhs tape kino while you incels bitch and moan
except me
i'm paid dlc
God bless Tekken 7
rdr1 pc will kill tekken for good
Why does Heihachi look so huge in the Tekken anime when he's only 5'10
tekken 8 completely flopped compared to sparking zero
its over
it was over even without sparking zero
>legacy of kain remasters
>the thing remaster
>rdr 1 pc port
gaming is saved
>tekken 8 dlc 4
>tekken 8 new wave of fight pass
gaming is doomed
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german maes
>believing harada measurements
these are the same measurements that said kunimitsu 1 was 5'8. not to mention leroy being 6'2.
Oh wow a 20 year old pc port
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Yep. Then we have Kazuya try to absorb Jin's Devil, only for the Kazama power to interfere. Jin then frees himself, beats the tar out of Kazuya. Heihachi gets to fight Jin and gets beaten up too.

Jin then tries to execute Heihachi only for a vision of Jun gets the former to stop. Once he does so, Jin tells Heihachi to thank Jun and litetally flies. The Tekken 5 intro picks up from there.
the tekken 4 story was so kino you guys
binch, are you telling me you wouldn't be excited if old tekken games would hit PC? it's the same thing, but instead of tekken it's an actual iconic game that we can finally experience at 200fps 8k and PROPER ANTIALIASING (which emulation can only dream of, let alone the original 240p xbox 360/ps3 version ever got)
RDR1 is the best rockstar game
Shame dekken 8 is the worst Tekken Project game!
ported by the same devs who ported the gta remastered collection btw
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Soul overload
Why can I headbutt him then
the switch version and ps4 version are great.
the switch version scales extremely well for the hardware, the ps4 version is clean as fuck exceeding the quality that xbox got with their 60fps hack and old MSAA (the ps4 version uses actual TAA from FSR, without using the actual upscaling) 4k native with anti aliasing.
i'd say all in all they did a good job and i expect the same for the pc version (of which they had more time to thinker with)
it all went so wrong after this game
rdr1 is the call of duty of rockstar games. it's entire gameplay is just shooting
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wow, it's going to be a while before I get my main to a higher rank than this, didn't expect to see TG for months

thank you to the alisa from here who played a set with me, I learned a lot about the character
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shaheen had so little to his character they had to throw him into lili’s story for no reason
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why is bamco working overtime to ban/warn people in sparking zero but let cheaters/scripters and pluggers run rampant in kekken 8?
didnt they say they would fix that and auto gift you the win?
sparking zero had the A team on it
d8 had the F team on it
@ Harada let's see if he's that quick to solve the issue now that money isn't involved lmao
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Knowing them, they'll find a way to fuck it up somehow
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>to all the haters
you lost, tekken is top seller on PSN, we won, sf6 is in shambles
Tekken emulation is fine and Rdr2 exists
I will snap your neck
Lili got ‘HEENED
blud can't even greentext his falseflag correctly
oh hell nah fake psn numbers schizo is here
tekken emulation is awful, ridden with delays, glued-together networking, input lag, insanely long loadings and absolutely dead.
native tekken ports in a big tekken collection ala MCC would do wonders to this series.
>rdr2 exists
yeah so? they are two entirely different genre of games
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>they still haven't fixed the message that tells you it's your first time in this rank and all your characters have been upgraded to whatever even though you literally have a character in GoD rank
i mean i know it's a small thing but seriously
My first time Raijin for the 15th time! Holy cow!
just don't demote bro
i mean it shows you the message every time you rank up with a different character
Why didn't they make Lidia fun to fight, I thought videogames were meant to be fun
To compensate for this, she's also not fun to play.
Truly honest and fair character
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Josie when?
She's a feisty bitch with attitude who isn't afraid to get down and dirty when the situation calls for it. ESPECIALLY dirty.
few days ago I found out that originally this character only wore a poncho. So disney told animators to make her less sexy
>dunkey bought the stage and tekken coins
back in 2010 I was really excited for AI art
nowadays though? I am really desperate for it to stop producing soulless slop like this
i'm into men
which ones?
cabinet matches in the fight lounge being ft2 is the dumbest decision harada & co ever made
it's like they don't actually want people to interact with the fight lounge
gay niggas
>refuse all wifi,
>6min queue

You should be aware that refusing matches puts you into a lower priority queue. It's stupid but you should restart the match making if you feel like finding a match is taking too long. It's annoying but it will become a habit.
no, it doesn't
Eddy is a faggot
yes it does
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me too
Disney has nothing to do with the movie
I don't queue up at all
dreamworks my bad nerd
nope, they'll literally match you against people you blocked (even if they blocked you back)
there simply isn't enough pool of players to allow for separate queues in the same type of games (ranked, quickmatch)
you can refuse as many matches as you want, you'll keep getting the same wifi players 30 times in a row when the pool is that small, there is no low priority queue in this game at all
When this game's bad, it's really bad.
t7 had the same problem. I don't know if it's a separate queue or just a bug but it happens if you decline too many matches. You need to restart the match making and/or the game and that fixes it. If you're waiting more than 4 minutes for a match it's bugged.
Piss in my eardrums
>nope, they'll literally match you against people you blocked (even if they blocked you back)
never happened to me, the block feature works great
definitely a bug, it happens even when you don't decline, sometimes you simply have to stop and search again, it's probably some poor coding on their end, it literally is a list of users, sometimes many users just get placed above you over and over therefore they are matched with each others, once you re-queue you get on top of the list again
happens to me and it's very irritating when it does, i rather not getting a match at all even if that specific user is my only possible matchup at that given time
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combos for different levels of difficulty and launches, at the most basic you can even forego ws1,2,3 and just do u1 -> u1 (dont do that tho)
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man there's a fucking doc for her combos, thanks..
>tfw you lose to someone with 37 defense
so you're giving away half of a year of life away just to... also get upset playing a game you wont enjoy? dude, that's crazy
>tfw you lose cum to leo
>tfw you lose to sparking zero
>Jack8 jab (+1) looks the same as his b1 (-10) genius design
niggas look at stats as if they mean anything
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Lili is so weak compared to Jun it's CRAZY
wake up
still no job
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devil jim was never real
jim is a schizo
murray was never real
harada is a schizo
just stop waking up. Problem solved
then you have enough energy to play tekken
sparking zero literally btfo tekken from PSN top sellers
wake up
rage art
bro like my mom doesnt even wanna talk to me no more like bro im about to end it al in minecraft bro
honestly murray dosen't seem like a real person
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What's the best stance bullshit to abuse on heihachi
me joining lobby and embarrassing myself with greenbu levels of play
damn jin mains look like THAT?
crouch stance
comcast shut off my internet in the middle of a match so it looks like i plugged
blud didn't pay his bill
I love to pay my bulls
you can just buy eyedrops and drink the bottle. Its quick and painless
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>comcast shut off my internet in the middle of a match so it looks like i plugged
yea Alisa has really good resources, good general alisa starter
>its real
this is the last goodbye bros im off to the better timeline
USA is vanishing and you're posting the same things?!
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bye nigga
Shouldn't have walked behind him.
His fist literally arcs behind him
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>killing yourself
You don't have my permission to die.
So get back here.
I can't afford the tekken coins anyways.
where do i even get money to buy eye drops what the fuck
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beg on the street for 10 minutes. Someone will give you 3 bucks for it you faggot
I'm not going to steal them and die a nigger, I have to get a job. I want to LIVE!
I usedd to be very creative customizing in T7 but now I dont do anything I dont like customization in 8
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gran turismo 8 will be good, right?
Julia said that when Gief was banging her while Ganryu watched
it's up
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I would gladly be a cuck if it meant I had a gf.
this title feels kind of raycis...
best way to clean 15 years of smegma?
find a bryan main's mouth
stop begging for views greeny
I want to suck off a tgirl's dick cheese
Bamco is going to pull the plug on Tekken Project and assign core members to Sparking Zero at this rate
What's wrong with you, my nigga?
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It's time to get a grip and start practicing
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you are in the top 10k players world wide, right anon?
this game pisses me off like you wouldn't believe
no I'm trash
>you're unemployable because you haven't been employed
so what do I do
commit fraud
it's here
I'm tired of Chinamen, post brawlpro
I'm sub 1k not some scrub shit
i kneel
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holy shit it's me, i truly feel represented
bignose has only been back for a week and I'm already addicted to his streams
I cant tell if this is a serious post
are you the person who spams that image on /lgbt/?

it is, quality maldkino
I want to become a woman but I don't know if I can become the slender little sissy I dream to be
those are shit stats though you should be looking at the glicko site
how do I see where I rank globally on wavuwank?
As someone with pseudo avoidant personality disorder constantly switching characters is a good strategy to cope with the fear of being hardstuck
just play one hour of ranked and you'll burn enough calories to turn into Sofia vergara
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post ur highest winrate
king df2 is the most broken mid in the game
I don't think there's a global leaderboard there anymore since obviously it would be pointless but you can at least check the regional leaderboard and see if you rank in the top 50 overall or for the character
I'm literally 2-3 wins away from being the 50th best Alisa in EU and I picked her up a week ago hahahahahahahahhaaa
die in silence :3
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118-66 64% ling
those monkeys really love to kill themselves by pressing and whiffing nonstop. its rare to see a good fundie ling abuses her banana keepout game
temu 8 died in silence fr
better go collect em points then
won 2 in a row, see you after winter now Murray
it's not over YET
*does an epic asspull*
heihachi's t7 voice was infinitely better
blud you are trippin if you think im clickin on 'at
too bad they couldn't resurrect the voice actor with some cheap gimmick
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hes ok, ho yeah was a lot better than sorya though
ok then how about this one. certified el clásico
ehh, id fugg it

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