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Elven cat edition

Previously: >>496473152

Latest News:
>New skilling boss: Gate of Elidinis
>Drops Runecrafting + Div offhands, new overhead prayer, and new scripture
>New 4th conjure (defensive waste of ectoplasm)
>New "elite" dungeon: Sanctum of Rebirth
>Hard and Elite diary for the Underworld
>Mining and Smithing increased to a max level of 110

2024-25 Content Roadmap:

>I haven't played since the First Age, what did I miss?
Wiki Guide for Returning Players: https://runescape.wiki/w/Guide_for_returning_players
RuneScape Official News Archive: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/archive?cat=0
List of Game Updates: https://runescape.wiki/w/Game_updates

>Useful Links:
RS Wiki: https://runescape.wiki/
Forums: https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/
Alt1: https://runeapps.org/alt1
Dailies/Weeklies/Monthlies tracker: https://dailyscape.github.io/
Moneymaking: https://runescape.wiki/w/Money_making_guide
Miscellania: https://runescape.wiki/w/Calculator:Other/Miscellania
Perk calculator: https://runescape.wiki/w/Calculator:Perks

>Latest Quest: Ode of the Devourer

>New Skill: Necromancy
Official Website: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/new-skill-necromancy---this-week-in-runescape
Skill Guide: https://runescape.wiki/w/Necromancy
Skill Training: https://runescape.wiki/w/Necromancy_training
ironcucks continue to embarrass themselves, LOL
>20k is 4k potions
>which is 2k elders
your scroll of efficiency? your modified mask? your portables? your brooch? your master herblore cape?
>animate undead
>is a damage reduction spell
jagex made up those spell names several years before actually releasing them into the game, im sure they had other intentions originally
Animate dead was probably going to be raising some minions before they came up with necromancy.
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The Skull Lord wishes to know why he is limited to just one skeleton while Rasial is allowed to summon all the skeletons he wants.
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obligatory carby tax
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I entered the matrix.
are you excited for gnome quests coming in 2026, anon? tattooed w*men and tranny devs have been dispatched
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obligatory smug tax
have you paid the smug tax? if not, your anus may not be saved...
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>got btfo so hard the beginning of the last thread he's trying to crawl back now
>smoke cloud is a smoke spell
>exsanguinate is a blood spell
>incite fear is an ice spell
>animate dead has absolutely nothing to do with shadow spells
unironically what were they thinking
They were named after the existing Arch scrolls which were already themed to those elements,
>Woodcutting hang out stream
>they casually drop the info on 110 update
Would have been nice to know.
The best I can guess is you shield yourself by having your spooky skeleton bros take the hit for you.
>Masterwork bow will have a lesser version of BOLG's spec/passive
>Masterwork 2H will have a lesser version of EZK's spec
>Masterwork staff will have a lesser version of FSOA spec
What in the FUCK is Jagex doing?
trust the plan
even then animate dead has nothing to do with shadows
should have called it animate shadow or darkness and then call the necromancy one animate dead
why should masterwork be better than high level boss drops tho
Yeah they should have renamed AD and the scroll when the spell came out,
Darkness and AD should be flipped.
Why the fuck should we spend tens of hours grinding for a what is supposed to be an endgame weapon that ends up being shit and useless? Masterwork should be the alternative for people with shit RNG at bosses or can't afford boss weapons.
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just get good or stop being poor
why is this image always attached to retarded posts?
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you instinctually recognise people like ricky would mercilessly bully losers like you
Runescape's biggest mistake is dropping finished weapons from bosses instead something you upgrade weapons made through skilling with.
Killing Zamorak should drop "Edict essence" and then you use that to make botg by combining it with your masterwork elder bow or something.
Killing Rasial should similarly drop broken versions of his equipment that you attach to your t90.
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>1 minute reply
>idolizes literal who from unrecognizeable goyslop show
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concession accepted
may you seethe in peace lil shitter
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>instant reply
>no u
>doesnt even attempt to refute his own retardation
you win anon, congratulations!
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>instant reply
>no u
>doesnt even attempt to refute his own retardation
you win anon, congratulations!
remember to have this meltdown again when the masterwork weapons are released
You are both losing at this point.
bolg requires 95 fletching to make and that idea is retarded as hell
that's how you get shit "bosses" like legiones
Mind explaining your non sequitur?
Hi there!
I am Mod Asswipe, Jagex /rsg/ community manager.
Just to remind you that posting homophobic comments, making derogatory remarks about Jagex, and refusing take our dicks up your ass, will result in a stern warning and even a ban if you persist. Unless you spend more than 10k on mtx, in which case you can do whatever the fuck you like.
Hope this helps!
>relates to zogslop
>sits ITT 24/7
>convinced he's not having a melty
sure anon, I'll have another "meltdown" just for you, maybe it'll convince your parents to stop telling you to get a job!
>nuclear meltdown continues
shitter mad :(
first there was mod goonsesh, now there's mod asswipe... why are jmods suddenly invading /rsg/?? i miss when it was only mod blkwitch posting about her yaoi fetish
I demand the return of the Kawaii Sugi poster. I miss seeing the 100% relevant-to-post overwhelming cuteness. Sometimes I would even goon to it... ahh, who the fuck am I kidding? I would always goon to it.
Bit behind the times pal. Dont you know? /rsg/ has become an official Jagex forum.. That's right, they are so desperate they dont trust interns to run this show anymore. Cant even say words like f..
This user has been banned for breaching posting guidelines.
Hope this helps!
why the hell are wyverns so fuckin tanky?
I'm using t92 whip + t90 offhand and I'm getting 80% accuracy on these niggas with elder overload salve
>Masterwork should be the alternative for people with shit RNG at bosses or can't afford boss weapons
yes that is exactly what this achieves....???
Wrong style bozo. Use exsanguinate against them.
dead game stop playing it your 20 year old account is worthless no matter how much you cope about it
Lets a have a REAL Runescape survey!
After playing Runescape how wide does your anus gape?
(a) I can make whole unpeeled carrots disappear
(b) I had to put up a "No trespassing sign" to keep the Spelunkers and Homeless out.
(c) When I fart the echoes can take half a minute to be heard
(d) I make mint by offering shipping berths every time the Suez canal gets blocked.
(e) I am the Suez Canal.
fuck off lath
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>15% chance to make 4 dose potion + 5% chance to make double potions when making super negromancy potions
>same chance for making extreme negromancy potions
>11.1% chance of saving herb secondaries
>herb master cape allowing batch overloads
>all the other spinny shit that increases the potions you make
why was that retard complaining? with all that shit you need like 1.5 pot per elder overload. that's nothing
shitter cant do vorkie workie
damn he's also using t90 armor as well
>21 minutes
also he's using regular prayers
is the new sanctum prayer really that good?
worth using over SS if u have eclipsed soul?
>Want to try a group Ironman
>None of my friends play RS3
It's tough
u just need to make friends with fags, then u will have friends to play with
GIM isn't even a real game mode
osrs gimcucks just add people to their team, trade their valuables, and then pay their main the same amount in gp/plat tokens.
Unless they change that in rs3 it's just going to be the normal game but without mtx
What perk would I need for the Life and Death pickaxe besides honed 6?
It's probably not bad if you use fsoa
Depends what you want out of it.
>Unless they change that in rs3
yes its called competitive gim, as opposed to the normal one. theres two different variants
Went for a walk around Lumbridge today, but it was slow going with a jagex cock up my arse.
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Get your livid plants at the traveling merchant today.
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>he doesn't spin
realistically shouldnt every spinner have max total pretty quick even if they dont buy spins
Realistically this is a rare occurrence.

I did some math. You would need 1244 medium lamps to get from level 1 to level 99 in a single skill. 5562 medium lamps for 1-120.
You usually have an equal probability to get lamps and stars, stars give a bit more xp but you have to actually play the game to make use of it. I'll consider stars to be the same as lamps here.
With the current promo's chances you get an average of 0.6 medium lamps per key assuming no multipliers. Most promos don't have multipliers but lets assume that those multipliers and guaranteed rarities in other promos bring that average up to 2 medium lamps per key. That's probably way more than you actually get.

You'd need 18038 keys to get all 99s. With 3 daily keys from premier and 3 daily keys from challenges that's 8 years.
now do that calculation assuming base 70s or 80s and exclude combat (not prayer/summoning)
It's 239 lamps from 1-70
170 from 70-80
310 from 80-90
526 from 90-99

Lamps scale with level but not as much as xp required for a level does.
>rs3 super str vol: 48,795
>osrs super str vol: 728,056
what's the best scripture for necromancy (single target) ?
Jas or Ful ?
for some reason most people on the internet are saying Jas but some of them are saying Ful and the Ful book is much more expensive (why btw?).
ful is better
Ful drops from Zuk and we already know that Zuk is the shitter filter.
Any retard can kill normal more kerapac though.
is it really ?
people say you can easily hit 30K with Jas because of how Necromancy has a higher DPS (that you store in the book when it activates), on the other hand Ful gives 20% damage bonus (and 10% damage taken) but is only better if you activate a spec or something while it triggers, Jas doesn't seem to need it.
and same for Rasial farmers, most use Jas.

idk, i'm torn, i mainly kill high hitpoint bosses that requires tons of DPS.

oh so the price is just because nobody kills Zuk then ?
i thought 99% of PVM bots were farming wave 1 Zuk ?
>i thought 99% of PVM bots were farming wave 1 Zuk ?
That's why ful pages are dirt cheap and jas pages aren't. The book only drops from Zuk.

Jas benefits from conjure damage. Ful doesn't.
Jas cooldown starts when you release damage. Ful cooldown starts when it triggers so it has more uptime.
Jas can fuck you over on bosses with invulnerability phases. Ful is more consistent.
It's a wash really.
many bosses have mechanics that will cause you to miss your damage with jas
if you easily hit 30k anyway, youll miss out on extra damage, and ful is better
rasial farmers would probably use jas because ful causes you to take extra damage, afking rasial goes very wrong the moment you take just a little bit too much damage
also the ful book is dropped by zuk, not any monsters during the waves
>Jas benefits from conjure damage. Ful doesn't.
that alone makes it better for me.
welp, Jas is way cheaper anyway and seems better for my use case, guess i'll take one.
and just to be sure, the Wen book is still the best AOE book ?
internet also says so but the Amascut scripture was new at the time so i'm not sure it's still true (and what would be the point of the Amascut book then?).
>Jas is way cheaper anyway
A jas page is 750k and a ful page is 10k
>the Wen book is still the best AOE book ?
Mostly, depends what you kill. I think I'd pick amascut over wen if I were to kill moss golems for example
true, true.
i've calculated and you'd need almost 500 hours of use for the Jas book to get to the point of spending 500M (price of the Ful book).
it's weird how expensive the pages are, even if the book isn't.
oh well, i'll be doing my hard mode Zuk run soon so i might get a Ful book if i'm lucky.

and where do people use the Jas book except at Rasial AFK ?
no i was thinking of when you kill bosses like Zuk (bosses with armies).
OSRS got the colloseum so maybe Jagex will add another boss protected by his army next year ?
i already own the Wen book.
AOE is for slayer, I wouldn't use either of them during zuk, even the waves
why ?
i mean Zuk itself is easy.
so you use Ful or Jas there ?
Jas double dips into some buffs like salve so vs undeads it's better.
>why ?
Because enemies aren't often grouped together, they come from all directions, most aren't melee, and you can't tank them all anyway even if you could group them all
>so you use Ful or Jas there ?
Frequently switching targets without massive health pools, it's ful-territory
But amascut is not the worst choice either, you'll still have enemies grouped sometimes
okay, then Jas against Rasial.

and Ful against everything.
and Wen for slayer (except for few use cases)
hes using regular prayers because hes not ss/eclipse flicking, its ever so slightly more damage compared to t99 curses thanks to divine rage and theres a prayer that restores your hp 5x quicker
What prayer should I use to protect my tender little anus from Big Daddy Jagex?
>theres a prayer that restores your hp 5x quicker
And it will heal you a whopping 80% of your health over the course of that entire 20 minute fight.
better than nothing
Which for something like that can easily be the deciding factor as you can only bring so much healing
>you can only bring so much healing
Dude has 500 scrolls in his reaver.
I have <100 aod kills and even then it's been years, isn't she really tanky? Do you really reach 100% accuracy with t100 weapons without the accuracy boost from t99 curses? t70 prayer accuracy is quite a bit lower
according to the video yeah you do. remember theres invoke lord of bones which gives the skelly a defense-lowering effect
Oh, right
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Luck mitigation (or whatever the term is) my ass, the ratio just keeps getting worse. Wouldn't be surprised if it takes fixate into account so you're just less likely to dig up the artefact after fixating on it anyway.
Amascut is better than Wen in almost every scenario, but it's double the upkeep
Against lower hp enemies, like the corrupted/devourer creatures, it's not
Use Protect from Gums (Deflect Gums if you're on ancients) to reduce the damage you take from BDJ by 50%. However, if you use those prayers, Mod Blkwitch is just going to hit you with a dragon scimitar spec then enter your asshole while your protect prayers are disabled, so it's honestly not even worth trying. Once BDJ is inside you, protection prayers don't do anything anyways. BDJ will probably throw on smite too for good measure.
I am the best RuneScape player.
Mace is about 10% more common than the other two
it's 30/30/40 split
Proof it by posting your username, password, bank pin, 2FA, and email
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dead thread
dead game
im afking arch
there isnt much to talk about
i should do the gate thing more before the buff runs out but its so fucking dull
you could post about the hentai you're currently gooning to while afking arch. what else do you do while afking arch besides violently jack off to hentai? i love hentai so much
Same bro.
wtf literally me
yeah we heard that enough
>saved my crystal ratchet
>have imcando hatchet
I'm ready to instantly grab the new t99 hatchet because holy shit fuck wc having t80 max gear.
>t100 hatchet
Why would they make that? Unlike mining/arch where you "damage" the rock/excavation spot you dont do that for wc. Hatchet only changes the rate you chop logs
its either a placebo that doesn't actually do anything or they reworked how woodcutting works when they released the imcando hatchet, since according to them, crystal hatchet was already "perfect" in the games code.
it was reworked when imcando was released
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I just noticed my prayer lists "bonus xp". I had never seen this before. What does it even mean?
just spinnie things
I've never done 100%+, can you afk it with necro yet
Idk why any dumbfucks would have gotten rid of their crystal hatchet when we already had the precedent of Arch and Mining using the crystal tool to upgrade later
because we aren't peasant spinnies who only have 1-2 hatchets and no dust
Obviously just get two of them
fortune 3 imp souled 3
furnace 4 fortune 3
fortune 3 prosper
furnace 4 prosper
fortune 3 prosper
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>go to w60 for penguins
>go to kbd flash event
>half the people are wearing kiln capes
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Its embrassing if they are in near bis and don't have a zuk cape, not even a combined one, just a style specific one
Like this guy for example >>497944917
It is pathetic
You sound autistic. This game is very broad. Not everyone has the same interests as you.
That guy is a slayer man and the necro cape is a great boost for every pvm content with necro
He really should put in the bare minimum effort and get it. With t95 necro, normal mode zuk is a joke
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If only you knew how bad things really are
In English, purizu.
>has hazlemeres
>not using t95 necro weapons as well
What is wrong with the spinnie mindset?
if i was a helmie i'd just kill myself irl
you get double xp until that runs out.
its been in rs3 for over a decade. welcome back newkid.
Not a helmie nor a spinnie :^)
I don't partake in dxp, porter events, slayer/boss weeks, TH, or even seasonal events
Basically just an iron that uses the GE and the way i do it is if i go 100 kills for a 1/100 drop and dont get any i roll a random number for how many of that roll is on the unique table and buy it to use.
If i get a drop i reset the counter.
Then i just use the ge for supplies and and whatnot
im very racist towards helmies
What it really means is you will get a BONUS ASS FUCKING from BIG DADDY JAGEX!
Why are you so ashamed of being a spinnie that you came up with an elaborate system to justify what is actually a perfectly normal thing to do in an mmo?
Not ashamed and it isn't elaborate
Also made me enjoy this game way more
Instead of just buying bis everything and killing for just log completion itnisngreat fun to progress
My next account i plan on locking myself to a year until i obtain bis of all styles in that year and then progress to the next one
the power of dang compels you!
How does BDJ clean their strap-on after bumming rs players?
What on earth makes you think they clean it?
So they don't get shut down due to a health concern
Going from primal pickaxe to life and death pickaxe took off an entire minute and a half from my gate cleansing.
Why put THIS much effort into a holiday event?
Its either A. They're fucking retarded and suck at allocating resources
Or B. Its so that they never have to put any effort into Halloween events in the future because most of the work is already done
You just improved
I can get sub 3 with just E&S pick
They have a seprate team purely for seasonal events fyi
All because reddit tards think seasonal events should a big thing, instead of using those resources to improve other areas of the game
maybe the perks make a significant impact more than the pick stats?
If going after the south rocks, honed helps
Dont think perks do anything for the north rocks
I miss my infinite porter
>7 years since arch release
>still can't toggle off receiving complete tomes
jagex pls
>"hurrrr why are seasonal events only a lame th promo"
>jagex makes an actual event with a quests like in the early days
>"why put THIS much effort?"
Fucking retards all of you.
Speaking of retards, you forgot your meds this morning
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>Div offhand is one of the best things since sliced bread
>RC offhand is one of the worst, most pointless things ever
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how's this allowed?
quit stealing from /r/runescape
Because I allowed it.
I just want the old holiday events back kinda like what OSRS gets currently. Just give me a silly little 5 minute mini quest.
why would you want to turn off free xp?
The next halloween event is a lot better than some shitty miniquest
isnt it obvious
I don't want some oversized bullshit quest with endless grinding for tokens to get the cosmetics from a shop. I want a simple "talk to Diango and help him out" thing that takes 5 minutes and gives you everything without a grind. This new shit is specifically designed to pump the engagement numbers and fuel an overtuned TH promo.
>New Anti-Spam Requirement
>simply browse for 15 minutes before attempting to post
Lmfao. Fuck off.
>Verify your email address to be able to post immediately.
Oh fuck yes, I'm going to give you donkeys my fucking email and do the whole verification bullshit.
>we will not retain long-term records of your email address
Lol, yeah right.
>Have a 4chan Pass.
Watch this thread constantly die when its only 4chan pass users ( lol, what fucking losers ).
does your ip change alot? mine is static and I have no issues
Works on my machine.
I guess that explains why lamps and stars were giving so much XP when I threw them into Prayer.
Lamps give regular xp and don't benefit from bonus xp.
Stars give bonus xp.

They were giving you a lot of xp in prayer because you're level 97 prayer and the xp you get from lamps and stars scales with your level in the skill.
You should stop using them on prayer because you already have more bonus xp than you can use before reaching level 99.
it's been proven that seasonal events do a REALLY good job at sucking returning players back into the game. it's almost on par with a new skill release. their goal right now is to suck as many returning players back into the game as possible since they're scared of RS3's dwindling membership subscriptions and returning players are their only hope since this game doesn't ever get new players.
im jacking off to this right now
seriously though, as stupid as this "outfit" is, i'm just happy to see jagex actually releasing outfits that let women look like women instead of being more "gender neutral" slop that's literally just the male outfit slightly shrunken in size
This is the most retarded post I've seen in this thread and there's a guy larping as a rape victim.
>seasonal events do a REALLY good job at sucking returning players back into the game
I wonder why that is
They'd already been working on it for awhile. Last year they interpreted the reaction to the Winter hub as "we only want seasonal events" and dedicated ALL of the dev time into them.
Then we told them that's fucking stupid so they scrapped the Summer hub to work on real content, but they'd already worked out the Harvest hub and were committed to it.
I think for a lot of the Mods, Halloween is a particular passion project.
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i mean, you remember who the queen of /rsg/ is and what she looks like, right? halloween is definitely a passion project for fagex
I hope you do your big chin events, anon...
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>Basically just an iron that uses the GE
kind of like a man pretending to be a woman?
Are you editing this image?
I swear her gums get longer every time I see it
i'm pretty sure the "average player" has some form of mental or intellectual disability
genuinely can't wrap my mind about how you can be so clueless and unaware of what's going on
if this is the average player then I'm in the top 0.1% for pvm
>why is my prayer so high i was struggling to keep it up last time
>he's not dead yet, what? he doesn't wanna die bro
All combat effects should be fucking flashing in your face instead of being a random chat message in the corner. Nobody looks at chat when it's full of stupid shit like "You stockpiled: worthless crap".

Big red box:
>The tiny bird that is probably hidden under another mob on is draining your prayer.
>This fucktard will keep healing until you use a threshold on him

It's weird how he's both aware and unaware of mechanics at the same time. For example he's surging twice to clear the sear even when he doesn't have sear on him.
>unbound abilities
>beast of burden
>melanin enriched individual
>First Necromancer set
>no Darkness
He's actually retarded. You can almost afk Zuk by sitting in a corner
this is what revo does to your brain.
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W84 is the retard world
I'm about to open a gorillion crystal keys on my meme
the choice now is whether I go to Taverly or Prifddinas
what's the difference?
pulling on my incel cock to this rn
Just do half and half
Although tav crystal chest is faster as you can sell and buy back at summoning shop
And if you do them at tav you will get a nice amount of runes tjat might make it so you dont need to shop runs for runes for the ones that it gives
verification not required
pretty gay of you ngl
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Dump your TaliCoin now
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ok im not reading this halloween event bullshit is there any good afk money making in it? otherwise fuck that shit im skipping
prioritise taverly, you get tons of runes out of it
>missing out on lore
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In 7 days I made what I could've made in 7 ticks at zamorak.
>zammy materials
what on earth were you digging up
The single spot that drops two of the highest priced materials.
It's actually similar gp/h to the xolo mine that has a higher excavation chance but I'm hoping that I slow sell this at a better price later because of bounding contracts and tetracompass autists.
good on your friends.
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Bros... I don't think I'll make it to 120 before the end of the buff...
afkchads.... we rule
On a scale of 1 to permanent ban, how hard would Jamflex hit me for RWT? I figure there has to be some way to avoid a ban or having your items taken by them, given that RWT sites exist.
1st time depends on the amount, usually a 2 week or some shit if it isnt a crazy amount
2nd time will be permaban
>2 week vacation
Do they steal the items you bought? I figured it would be safer to buy an item instead of gold and to trade some small amount of gold for said item.
They support it. It's about $9 for 130M.
if you're buying items then don't do it
you get banned if you get caught and then they take ur shit
Bonds suck ass though. Chang and Pedro will sell you gold at 1.7 cents per 1mil. Jagex needs to step their game up if they want my money.
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They are working on it.
consequences will never be the same after elder god wars normal drops
That still cracks me up.
>Jagex makes a big post about how they're concerned about inflation
>they correctly state it largely comes from huge coin drops and "alch items" like battlestaffs, salvage, and so on
>they claim they're working on a solution
Unironically, what the fuck were they thinking?
crashing this economy with no survivors
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What is wrong with spinnies?
Please explain what you're angry about so I can decide whether to agree or call you a retard.
If I had to guess, it'd be a mix of the RWT/bonded 5b, 110 prayer, 99 herblore, and lack of any other skills/quests, seeing how he's 100 quest points and using normal prayers.
Also he appears to be using a perfect juju without any stone spirits or he dropped them next to the northern rock (?)
if it wasnt for the stats/cash stack you could have thought he was just a new player
whomp whomp
Hugs with Mod Shrike.
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mfw monday
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you mean mod mohawk
holy shit based
I don't even have to say it anymore
are you the anon that tried to spins his way to max from start?
i dont get it
It's a reference to this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLlLQ3LmZWU&t=621s
tf2 one is funny
dont get how people think adapting it for certain games makes it funny
it isnt funny in the context the reddit fag used
maybe you should go back there? retarded tourist redittor
Why do you retards not only insist on seeking out things to get outraged over, but then shit the general with it as well? Go and don't come back
who says im outraged
Maze drops include portable deposit boxes which were unobtainable since 2021.
I still have 3 from like a decade ago because where to even use them
Unironically easyscape
Someone has to have one to place next to the summoning altar in taverly during dxp..
It was never me because they kept getting put up by someone else
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The fuck?
new rules have killed these threads for good
What rules?
cant say tranny or nigger 4 times in one post or some shit like that. culture warriors absolute seething
>person with max xp but no trimmed comp
How does this happen
If you have max xp you're only slightly autistic. If you have trim comp you're severely autistic and desperate for validation.
I would dispute that with the fact that max xp takes a longer time to achieve than trim comp and maxing xp is just doing the same thing over and over again, which is the hallmark of autism
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Is the best way to get frozen cores streaking from 0%? I've heard that multiple times but it's so boring to kill arch glacor at low enrage
I think doing high enrage kills is the best for cores and streaking from low is the best for nihilas.
where was this osted?
Do you happen to know if there is a 2449% equivalent to arch glacor
No because the hp also scales up just do the enrage just before your kills get a lot longer..
If said this many times.. even if they revamp the reward and offer nice stuff to where they are “worth” playing, the mini game will eventually die. It’s high level players, it’s limited players no new players and they’ll simply play the minigame until they acquire all achievements (new ones if they add any) or all awards. No one will play mini games for XP/GP. Mini games need to be 100% removed from RS3 are redone where they are solo mini games. It’s not a reward issue, it’s a RS3 has no players issue. It sucks, I loved Soulwars & castle wars amounts others
Clicking once every 5-15 minutes while watching a movie is the hallmark of autism? I bet you like questing lmao.
Or you know
Make npcs for the minigames ao you can play them by youraelf
That's a copy pasted reddit post.
And i don't use reddit m8 so how was I supposed to know?
Do you expect me to be one of those autists who search lines of the post in google to see where it originates from so they can get upset over reddit?
Just found out untreated diseased plants can't die anymore. Gonna need some time alone.
they patched the black plants out of the game?
holy based jagex
really the issue with minigames is that we all learned about efficiency and minigames stopped being great rewards.
Castle Wars offered safe PVP. HUGE for a game where death usually means losing your best gear.
mid 2000s, pest control was one of the best ways to train certain skills, and when they added void knight armor set effects it became debatably the best offense gear in the game.
barbarian assault was amazing. Granite bodies were the best non-degrading chest armor and fighter torso was STR on an armor piece, GROUNDBREAKING!
soul wars took over both pest control and castle wars, giving you a pvp game that let you level your combat skills a less boring way.
Most minigames, on release, were lucrative XP gains that were worth doing. I remember some hide and seek thieving game in rs3 that in the early 2010s was a good source of bonus xp in thieving and hunter i think? The game on the blimp.
Fist of guthix? pvp and best in slot items
stealing creation? pvp and unique XP aquisition to make painful grinds less painful.
uhh, mage training arena? infinity and b2p used to be actually good.
later on, Dominion tower gloves were based and redpilled

what happened to minigames? powercreep. most minigames aren't worth doing. Even items that could be BIS for certain circumstances, like dragon slayer gloves for, well, dragon slayer tasks, are probably less dps boost than cinderbanes and thus not worth it.
There's some that people do for 1 time rewards like the factory outfit for potion brewing efficiency, but a lot of xp boosting outfits are now buyable from the double xp shop so you can skip SC and PP and ectofuntus.

RS3 has no replay value. once people get an item they aren't going back again. you can't lose anything in rs3. there's no pvp to destroy your hard work. nobody is making alts that use minigame gear for pvp.

TL;DR: minigames are another victim of EOC and Spins.
that's expected for a true 4chinner
no but I expect you to not be a sub 80 IQ subhuman
posted lol
If I have 18% total crit chance, is using equilibrium aura an overall dps increase or decrease for magic?
Bro, your FSOA?
I refuse to use elder artifacts as weapons for lore reasons.
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Can't say I don't like a good event update, but who does this thing in particular appeal to?
>jagex has different teams for events mtx graphics combat etc so putting development time into their own department doesn't affect the others
>With the launch of Harvest Hollow and ongoing preparations for the Group Ironman launch on October 28th, we've opted to action only critical issues this week - which means there are no Patch Notes today.
>you can team up with Death, the guy who decants jellyfish for you, or two literal nobodies
Death is easily winning this one.
i dont get this outfit, its so weird
Pretty funny reading them list the design doc as female instead of body type b
yeah idk why war is a 35 yo obese british person
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halloween time
>summoning is 24,000 per hour at level 99
>archaeology is 75,000 per hour at level 120
>thieving is 120,000 per hour at level 99
All of these seem completely useless as training methods.
mod fowl is getting back at the bigots for bullying her during pride month.
why cant ironmen do treasurehunter spins? I think they should be able to.
Good question. Keys are earnable in game after all.
no buying mtx keys is fine but at least daily challenges and those random drops should be allowed.
Which clan did you join? White man
an arabic clan
a boomer clan
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Some fag was advertising a 2800+ total level clan at w84 a few years ago and I joined that one after the one I was previously in became so inactive that the citadel became inaccessible.
I have clan chat filtered. All I need is the 6% xp buff.
>do new quest
>crash on harvest maze
ok looks like another slop event I'm skipping completly bravo jagex
it was raping peoples 4090's apparently.
cant expect much from a tranny dev honestly
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Sounds like a skill issue, I finished the quest with pic related in the background.
nice low settings nigger lover
i'm a white man not a nigger like linus
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Not sure what niggers or either of the two famous linuses have to do with any of this.
Apparently detail level has pretty much no impact on gpu utilization when your background fps is set to 5.
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my apologies
Terry is not a nigger lover.
Obviously, the title was for the nigger lover i was replying to
there does appear to be some sort of bug because my main keeps on crashing while my alt which hasn't interacted with the new event at all is fine. started only after this update.
what is the ebin deeplore behind 'frank' being a fifth horseman
Because 5 is the minimum number of players you need to start a clan.
>He is only a member of the clan because Death and the other three horsemen of the apocalypse needed a fifth person to found a clan and Frank happened to be nearby at the time.
thats actually kinda funny
Can't say I'm very impressed with the "gameplay" of the maize maze.
i am not doing this maze daily lol
when they dont have to follow a diversity checklist, they have the opportunity to be funny
Is anyone able to confirm I can get the thieving pet from the event?
Is there a single thing in this game that gives xp but doesn't drop pets?
How the fuck do the chisels work? Do I have to build Zilyana or whoever in all five spots for four straight months?
Some clan that's more of a chatroom than a pvm group or anything like that. Chatting and shit helps with the grind.
chicken man here, this appeals to me
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I noticed that the werewolves in this event have very detailed animations
i wonder (((why)))
I just bought my first cow and bull from (((granny))), and both turned out to be genetically inferior.
>i wonder (((why)))
damn the jews and their furry ways
they spend like 5k on fursona images
I've missed like 5 HSRs today
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This seems like a very ineffective shape for any kind of reaping.
i got 2 vecna skulls yesterday
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>gpu goes to 100% cuz of this retarded nigger maze
works fine on my 1070ti max graphics
i have a 4070
>Did 15 mazes
>Got the basic bitch prize every time
You randomly get tokens that multiply your rewards while playing the actual game so I wouldn't even bother doing mazes until the end of the event.
works fine on my 2x 760 sli
Ironic how people with the high end top of the line graphics cards are the ones having their cards shit out from the event.
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doom eternal on maxed out settings w/raytracing in 2k - 20% gpu usage.
rs3 in maze 70% usage on high

die you shit thread
live you great thread
Reckon there should be a urn making machine and tele tab making machine for invention
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Could it work out between them?
No, World Guardian has cucked Zilyana from K'rill.
Who even uses tele tabs?
hello, I haven't played since 2005. why is a bronze dagger worth so much???
Inflation, don't worry about it.
You need multiple billions for best is slot gear in a single combat style.
hmm, my friend has an account which has a green goblin mask, but he forgor the password... sad.
Everyone that wants to travel efficiently across gielenor.
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I didn't know Mod Fowl was so based.
>the new game is an open world survivalshit set in RS
At least they didn't go full retard and try a MOBA or Hero shooter,
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Is it safe to assume that these are the games it will be similar to?
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remember when jamjam tried to make a transformers game and changed the genre of it like 47 times because they are retarded niggers?
the music near death and the other dudes is much better than the music near the afk activities
Whatcha talkin bout
They've been working on another game for forever, many mods have moved over to it. Today they announced plans to do some Alpha playtesting, and have said it's a survival game set in RuneScape.
How homosexual, I would've preferred a dota-like or a hero shooter
yay. only like 10 years late.
>built in Unreal Engine 5
Runescape is already a survival game. Every day I log in my anus fears it might be the last.
>increase membership to fund a game that will be dead on arrival like that shit card game
'that shit card game' was unironically great, it was more like an tabletop adventure game
Riot at the same time was also developing a ccg. They just realized you couldn't possibly get people to swap from hearthstone at the time. It was doomed to fail. They even paid a bunch of hearthstone streamers to make vids/stream it and it still had no player base. Riot eventually released that shit card game and it's also completely irrelevant because they missed the mark by about 7 years
What do you want them to do, develop another inhouse engine that barely functions?
Just use Unity
>just use a different flavour of the same thing
ok bro
>game engines are just 'different flavour of the same thing'
ok bro
At the scale of unity and unreal, they are. They also already have C++ developers and unity is C#.
they could have spent the last 3 years making RS4 instead
>turn on synthwave playlist
>immediately be reminded of all the comfy grindan years ago while listening to synthwave
i wanna go back... both rs are so shit now... i havent touched them in 2 years...
so... ironman mode with controller support?
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come back, white man
based but I would have loved to see a ghost impling there too
why there's no point to these games anymore
>rs3 is so easy now that every aspect of it is low quality dopamine dispenser, you can afk revo 4k telos last phase and lazyflick with mostly revo solo aod, economy in shambles as a result because it put too much supply power into the hands of bad players
>osrs only sells itself on its nostalgia factor but the community is nothing but whiny zoomers and there's too many updates shitting on its legacy
man i miss rs3 from 5+ years ago so much
hoping brighter shores will be fun
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>osrs only sells itself on its nostalgia factor but the community is nothing but whiny zoomers and there's too many updates shitting on its legacy
mobile zoomers are the blight on it yeah. Jagex loves pandering to them because mobile fags are all conditioned from an early age to spend retarded amounts on mtx. Gone are the days where mentioning a 5% buff to runecrafting would warrant death threats. God bless
OSRS isn't even anything like RS2 back in 2007 anymore, for fucks sake all the runelite babies now use that 'HD' graphics plugin that literally makes the game look like RS3 on its lowest settings.
I dont understand why they keep catering to shitters. It was very clear from necromancy release that doing this is not the way to go yet they keep doubling down on it.
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>hoping brighter shores will be fun
>you can afk revo a tiny portion of a boss fight from 8 years ago
Why is this surprising to you?
here's your (you).
you don't have faith in the gowers?

>Why is this surprising to you?
because a little over 1 year ago if you tried to afk revo that part you would die in about 5 seconds, then overnight with necro release you started being able to afk revo it, so yes very surprising actually why isn't it surprising to you?
i hate this game
That's only because a single necromancy ability happens to be very strong in this very niche situation where you have unlimited adrenaline.
Necromancy was overtuned on release, as it should have been to create interest, pretending that is still the case doesn't help anyone.
you're right the game is good again now thank you anon
I'm glad to have helped.
necromancy is the least adrenaline reliant combat style.
you are not right in the head if you think necromancy is not too strong right now.
I would of rather had 2009/2010 servers but if they added them instead of 07 then rs3 would of been instakilled. So now i just use hdos client instead, the runelite plugin looks horrific
that's not what he said he said it's no longer overtuned and it's not because they're bringing the other combat styles up to the level of necro
No, it's the most adrenaline reliant style because its most powerful ability has no cooldown and requires 60% adrenaline to cast.
it is still very overtuned.
>doesn't have crit adren generation
>competitive dps with styles that perma upkeep crit buffs
>most adrenaline reliant
ok grandpa
>damage output triples with unlimited adrenaline
>not adrenaline reliant
more damage than other styles without infinite adren so it's not RELIANT... no shit infinite adren gives you better dps... noob
>more damage than other styles
Can we revert giant mole back to it's original model?
Can we revert everything to its original model?
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>You think you've won? It will never be over until you lay broken!
Has anyone ever made a TLOU2 punch meme with Zamorak getting decked by the World Guardian or the strangling one?
>Every day I log in my anus fears it might be the last.
Ikr? My anus is trembling with fear right now. I have to hold onto the sides of chair to stop it leaping off and hiding under the bed.
Our anuses live in FEAR!
Unmitigated, heart stomping, sweaty, feces encrusted FEAR!
I remade my ironman and decided that I want to do quest by timeline rather than trying to get all the really cheesy ones that gave me a lot of shit for free (basically).

I'm also contemplating not using boss portals/war's retreat tp until I complete Missing, Presumed Death, since that would assume I was somehow already friends with War through Death.
Lets a have a REAL Runescape survey!

If you could remodel something in Runscape you would
(a) Give every player a giant dick that drags on the ground
(b) Turn every elf into a tranny hanging from a tree
(c) Make every goblin black
(d) Have every weapon look like a penis
I'm doing the same thing right now. I haven't played in years, so I'm glad they have a timeline sort now.
I went a step ahead and decided to limit myself to dragon, lunars, and blessed/black d'hide armor and weapons pre-barrows, and barrows would be 'unlocked' when I complete The Darkness of Hallowvale. Quest rewards for gear is fair game though, since you basically unlock that with the quest being completed.

I don't know if I want to incorporate the task lists inbetween sections of questing periods where if I could unlock, I should unlock it.
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definitely (b)
Give every player giant tits (dick optional)
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Timeline is shit because it pushes all of the meme quests like violet to the front. Do release order.
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*roars at you seductively*
This game needs more lolicon to attract osrs zoomers. Group ironman is dead on arrival.
Do you think she and the World Guardian...?
animate ded
the maze was fun for about 8 runs now it's a slog
means you're done with the event
if it was an actual maze, like the old random event, i could kinda see the point of it
but now its just "collect 10 imps and kill the boss in the middle".
It really depends where you spawn. Sometimes you reach the middle in 90 seconds.
I miss gambling.
>do by release order
Pieces of Hate is much newer than a lot of 6th age quests and yet it takes place in the 5th age
I don't remember anything in that quest that would place it before the events of tww.
The boss fight with Rabid Jack and Xau-Tak's hand reaching out from the hole?
The entire quest was Rabid Jack trying to get Xau-Tak into Gielinor while bypassing the edicts
Curse of the Black Stone should have also been 5th age as well
had fun? Definitely
PoH is 5th Age - Xau-Tak is based and fistfucks the Edicts.
CotBS is set post Endgame.
>Ambassador conducting a ritual to summon Xau-Tak to Gielinor
>Guthix already dead/e-dicks have been broken
>all the other gods have already returned
>"uhm ackshually Xau-Tak isnt that interested in this world" - dying ambassador
Guys, I think Xau-Tak might be a retard
Isn't that the same thing that ate Jas? Why would it care about edicts?
that was just a random Erebus creature. we have not seen Xau yet, only his hands.
maybe xau-tak is just a hand, crawling hand megaboss confirmed
Knights of Order and Heart Unit.
It probably knows you have plot armor and would end up killing it, especially after seeing what happened to Jas.
finally finished 120 herb
only 120 skill left is dung, but it's so fuckin aids
>he didn't enter and exit the hole repeatedly
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Dungeoneering is fun but it's not 100M xp fun. I'm lamping it and I'll probably play a bit more during dxp to use up the bonus xp.
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I want to do by timeline because it puts a bunch of meme quests in front for me to get out of the way anyway, and make doing quests like legends' quest and fairy tale part III that much more rewarding. This is more in line to be a personal special snowflake account with personal rules in order to emphasize all quests and objectives instead of just plowing through bosses and afking at shit like arch-glacor with no mechanics.

I made shit like pic rel (with more things I want to add), just to lock myself out of content that I want to do, but I should do the quests that would more than likely introduce me to the content in a chronological manner.

I don't have a true goal of what I'm attempting to achieve, but a comp cape would be nice. I just want to have fun in a way I like that also poses a challenge.
>unlocking divination - TWW
holy based
also ur gonna want to kys if you leave divination that late on a meme
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>you can get clan confections in dung and they go into ur inv
>once you leave dung they get removed from your inv
well done jagex
I haven't gotten a single clan confection yet
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Divination is easy when you're going to be advanced in every other skill by that point.

I gotta hit 52 defense before I go kill evlarg and unlock the ability to wear rune platebody.
Where are the Dang lewds?
why would I share the link?
Maybe the real lewds were the friends we made along the way.
Just killed K'ril Tsutsaroth for the first time. Is he supposed to drop literally nothing but some infernal ashes?
kill yourself
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i want dang to give me a handjob using her panties
How many keys to unlock all the shit in the new TH promo?
do they really?
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All of them
All of it looks worse than the defaults.
so now that dust has settled, what in halloween event is fastest for currency?
spin to win
ur retarded, there's zero spin to win in the holiday event
Afk arch spot
>Dungeoneering is fun but it's not 100M xp fun
Fucking this
do spinnies really?
really can read
learnt it from reading the new weekly promo description huh?
read the question again >>498753653
struck a nerve huh?
keep reading
animate ded
Do you have your seedicide on? If a boss doesn't drop anything it was dropping some worthless seeds.
It is kinda wild how far we've gone from the old boss drop tables when you compare GWD1 boss drops and drop rates to current boss drops and drop rates.
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>revives it with necromancy
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Can anyone identify every item here?
If I do it means I'm not a shitter?
i guess
i dont identify the flasks, im guessing thats a summoning/super restore for summon special moves
I'm not asking if you can identify them, fagtrons, I'm asking you to do it.

Umm, pwetty pwease.
what item in that picture do you want to know about
elder overload salve, adrenaline renewal, spiritual prayer potion, powerburst of vitality, saradomin brew flask, blood reaver binding contract, blood reaver scroll, vulnerability bomb, enhanced excalibur, expensive spices, blue blubber jellyfish, grasping rune pouches
mahjarrat aura, first necromancer equipment, scripture of jas, zemouregal's nexus, occultist ring
essence of finality
hey guys. im new here and have a quick question. i just got raped in my asshole when i logged in to play runescape. is that normal?
quest areas from 2010 - 2014 are liminal spaces
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She didn't deserve it.
Much appreciated.
The weak should fear the strong
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has this general ever been deader than it is now, holy shit
this is what happens when you let a company rape your tight little butthole every time you log in
Almost every god in runescape is a little bitch with daddy issues
when threads start lasting a week, it'll be truly dead
yeah 2019 when anacronia was coming out
Sure, the dearth of content from the release of Negromancy and months following come to mind. Jagex legitimately drove a lot of people away with a one-two punch of babymode OP combat and Hero Pass.
anon idk how to break it to you but the OP was 9 days ago
It's insane to me how people will try to claim that not only was necromancy not the best received update in the recent years but that it was actually downright bad and drove players away.
"people" will go to any length to hate on rs3, you should know this
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yeah I wonder why people would even think that. necromancy is so good it finally allowed me to start pvming. I can get bis gear from afking rasial it's so much fun I'm making so much money!!
>got a greater conc codex from Kerapac
>its only worth 7m
What in the actual fuck? When I last got one a few years ago it sold for 200m.
necromancy ruined the game
we need the kikes to lock the world down again so we can make RS3's numbers go back up to what they were during the covid scam
Feels like every game studio hires people who have issues with their parents. They say, write what you know about, and every modern game story is about hating your parents and its so fucking dull.
Necromancy saved the game.
>a few years ago it sold for 200m
are you retarded? Why the hell would you expect it to retain its value?
are you retarded? it's clearly an outlier. show me an ability codex that dropped 95% in value. in fact, most codices are worth more now than 2 years ago.
and how many of those bosses that drop codexes are soloable by the majority of players with minimal effort you retard?
how many of them are also the only reliable source of pages for a scripture used by a lot of players?
how many of them have no requirements beyond stats/gear?
Grasping at straws. You really thought you did something there.
>no rebuttal
luckily for you, crying is free poorfag
>no inverted cape re-release after 2 years
Why are they like this?
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>rereleasing things specifically created to generate FOMO
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They said they would anon
yes goy next summer I promise
remember to buy the premier goy pass so you don't run out of membership until then
i wish jagex would re-release anal virginity because i miss having it
I haven't paid for membership since 2015 you retarded nigger
now the inverted capes will be delayed by one more year
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I don't know if I can live without infinite porter again, lads.
>they don't have a max stack of diamonds and energy
You need to refill that shit every 500 (or 2000) charges though.
I mined all my diamonds and then some dragonstone a few years back and haven't needed to get more. When I run out i just head on over to the guild and get gold there till I'm full
I spin, getting the materials is not an issue. I just don't want to go back to the back, withdraw porters and right click charge all.
my nigga it's literally five clicks
run, escape
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Jagex did some stupid shit because now whenever I try logging into my alts too quickly I get this and I need to wait a minute before trying again.
The first five will login fine and then the sixth one will fail unless I wait a few seconds between each one.
Same with hopping worlds.
for me its "You have been blocked" when trying to sign in because every launcher is just a web page in disguise and they shit themselves constantly
autism or rookie numbers?
I got you've been blocked once when my timezone wasn't set correctly.
That is a wolf OP.
I'll grant the bounty of a thousand balls of string to the first person who cracks BotWithUs.

For serious thobeit, has the damn thing been cracked already? I could understand charging a small fee for it, but charging several times over the cost of RS3 membership itself is preposterous.
I could probably do that but why would I when I could instead write my own bot using most of the same skillset?
I wouldn't trust some other retard with my account.
>I wouldn't trust some other retard with my account.
Same as with any other gray or black market piece of software: plenty of people are using it apparently without harm. Cracking this seems to me, a semi-layman, to be infinitely easier than writing a new one.

In any case, cracking this would consist of two parts. One would be to intercept the scripts it uses, which it seems to download every time the bot loads them, so you can use them locally later. The second part would be to crack the subscription check so that you can use the aforementioned intercepted scripts. You think you have what it takes, sempai?
>it's in java
Yeah sorry I'm not touching languages with type erasure
The scripts can be Java or Kotlin, dunno about the bot itself.
Does my original rsc account still exist on rs3? I haven't logged into it since... 06 probably?
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thanks, wyrm
The only thing the wyrm gives me are searing ashes.
why is jagex making a survival game? who asked for that? if it wasn't for the runescape name, no one would even give a fuck about it. even with the runescape name, how many RS players are actually going to try it? probably not many. i wonder how they're even going to handle the lore, if at all. will there be references to solely RS3 lore? will there be references to solely OSRS lore? will it just be generic runescape to make it "lorefriendly" for both RS3 and OSRS players? im curious wtf jagex is smoking
In the off-chance you're serious about knowing how to crack it, at least give me some pointers. Is it a IDA Pro job? How would you go about intercepting the scripts?
IDA is definitely one of the tools I'd be reaching for were I writing my own bot. If the bot scripts are written in java maybe other parts of it are too so you should probably be looking at vineflower or whatever. I'm not up to date with java as I said here >>499008469
>How would you go about intercepting the scripts?
They have to be downloaded from somewhere and it's almost certainly done over http so it should be pretty easy to figure out when that happens and then you can add some code that dumps them.
What do i do if I don't remember my dad's credit card number from 2004
Try going through the recovery process and then beg support.
Unless you remember having party hats on the account it's probably not really worth recovering though.
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The bot itself definitely isn't Java, it has an executable, but you have to pay up before you can even download it. I would share but I suspect it's fingerprinted to my Discord user, which is how they auth their stuff. No wonder they have things like this when you consider they have scripts which can solo Sanctum and Vorkath.
You say that as if "dive to the spot not getting hit by soulfire" is hard to program.
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I'm debating if I should play group ironman on 5 accounts with me, myself, and I. And me and me.
Recommend me some werewolf movies to watch while i afk this event
van helsing? idk I don't watch many monster stuff
Neither do i but since its October i thought i'd watch some.
I'm surprised that there's not a single video of someone doing a full run of mazcab on 5 accounts by themselves.
You can solo the raid bosses now so yeah. Kind of insane honestly.
Why the fuck would anyone pay for multiple separate accounts? If you had billions of GP back when bonds were under 20m that'd be plausible, and why would you ever want to use actual money either if not using bonds?
I don't. I'm pretty sure my brothers account might though. At least some santa hats, maybe some Halloween masks
is it easy? cuz I need some teci to imbue my rings
Beastmaster takes like half an hour and yakamaru can only be done in practice mode because you can't do the puzzle solo.
Yakamaru also involves waiting out TWO (2) sign of life cooldowns because you have noone to revive you after you take poison.
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The map says there's a bank deposit box here in the NW corner of Senntisten, but there's only a materials cart there. I recall seeing somethin like this before, the deposit box needed to be unlocked first. But the wiki seems to say nothing about this. Anyone knows how to unlock it, or maybe if this marker is wrong?
All material carts use that same icon
fuck, the dig sites in that corner are far as fuck from banks
your box and porters?
your gote?
Just checked it out on IDA Pro and it's well beyond my meager skill.

Come on anon, step up for it. Think of those thousand balls of string.
Try https://mitmproxy.org/
Maybe they weren't smart enough to use certificate pinning.
Interesting, thanks anon.
Just ended for me now. The end of an era. Archaeology is gonna suck from now on.
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>need to die twice to beat the boss once
>wait out 2 hours (at least 2 full elder ovls)
>no loot cuz its practice mode
So it's.still impossinle
it's golem time
Apparently today was world Archaeology Day.
Hope y'all got some good digging in.
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>Play normal account
>Buy spins
>Breeze through levels.
>Sell bonds for GP
>Buy gear
I think we're winning boys. I just made years worth of progress in like a few days. Meanwhile the ironman is still grinding a dragon pickaxe in keladgrim. Mains stay winning bros. Mains stay winning.
actually crazy how shit like making a pickaxe of life and death isn't even a trim req these days
complete shit game
Being a completionist is what ruined games. Stop trying to complete games and you'll enjoy them again. Who the fuck actually wants a trimmed completionist cape in RS3? Like 1% of the playerbase has one. Probably less.
i just want to play a game where i'm not anally raped every time i play it. i should play something besides runescape then.
id probably go for the trimmed cape but fuck doing stuff like Barbarian Assault in the current year
big baddragon dildo up my ass
>big daddy jagex dildo up my ass
big daddy jagex uses dildos from baddragon to fuck their playerbase. it's only a matter of time until we get a baddragon crossover as a treasure hunter promotion. i for one can't wait to win a tranny colored dragon strap-on dildo in-game cosmetic on treasure hunter!
>osrs halloween event
>doesn't need a guide
>fun puzzle
>good story
main criticism is that it's not spooky

>rs3 event
>need to search and equip spooky items out of 5000 in my collection to even start it
>guard hiding behind a fucking wall on the other side of the castle (opened the wiki at this point)
>need to search the armors in the correct order and hover over every single one of them in the castle
>makes you walk everywhere, retarded fetch quests
the dinosaur fight was ok and at least it was actually spooky themed
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Skill issue. If you're on the same floor as the armour you can see it laughing.
Definitely going to be making a group ironman when it releases. Fuck OSRS man. Game is fucking SLOW. TAKES LITERAL YEARS TO MAX.

Rs3 is just comfy man.
both games have their own issues. OSRS has been pumping out shit tier content for like the last year or so, and RS3 has killed off 90% of PvM content with Necromancy. I don't really think either game is that good atm.
>group ironman
Thank god.
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funny you type that when ironman already aren't ironman
>you buy cosmetic shit via ge from someone else that got it on treasure hunter
>you boost your levels with xp dispenser events
>you get free infinite porters for weeks every year
>you mule off your pvm loot to alts to sell
>you get carried by other players in group content
>you can even team up with mains lmao
every faggot ranting on reddit and discord about treasure hunter and game integrity threatening to quit is like a balding man in a desperate cope trying insane comb overs and wearing a cap indoors
it's over
ironman is the cope mode of rs3
>RS3 has killed off 90% of PvM content with Necromancy
Repeating this every 50 posts won't make it true.
Prices for high end PvM items have crashed significantly since Necro's release because the bar to entry for PvM was lowered significantly. Rasial has been a better money maker than almost everything else besides like 2k zammy or 2449 telos claims since Necro's launch, even though Rasial is also way easier than most other high end content.
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scale get
If pvm is easy to get into now and rasial is easy as well then why are his drops so expensive?
Try to come up with a coherent argument before posting next time.
ok i got lucky, 3 scales is gigabased
Is that enough gp to buy a higher resolution monitor?
Because there's very high demand for Necro PvM items. Rasial is very easy, but RS3 has a large number of 30-40 year old ancient gamers that don't have the dexterity to do any level of hard PvM, so they need to buy their gear. Anyway, in terms of raw numbers RS3's player count is down 25% since Necromancy launched.
i play on laptop
Those used to be 11m+
you can semi afk rasial now
Is the Halloween Maze good for money or what
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ironcels on suicide watch
>tfw im like 1k dry for hydra pet in osrs
No. You do timeline. Anything else is retarded. Like you meeting the gods before killing dracula and pieces of hate too.
You rush the questz that give essential rewards then leave the rest for never.
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Most based character ever written by Jagex, that I can't believe they wrote it. So who did they based/steal it from?
He literally gets sent to a eternal hell with person he hate more than anything in the world
probably gets anally raped brutally
and he
bro probably DIED with a fucking smile the moment he landed in erebus. He realized jas was eternally fucked. The pure rage jas must have felt when arriving in erebus must have been fucking insane. Like a fucking insect something that is fucking worthless eternally fucked you over.
>freed his people
>killed the person who enslaved him
>goat as fuck boss fight
>writing around him is excellent
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>been doing maze for about 3 hours
>really just want mask
>end up with pet from a blue bag
>figure I'd just trade it
>know how impatient people are though, and it's release day
>throw it up for 1bil for shits and giggles
>get that chill of excitement in my heart watching it insta-sell for 1.8bil
>switch to w2 and see people buying and selling the mask for as little as 300m already
I made a good choice.
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Most retarded character ever written by Jagex.
He does whatever anyone tells him to without question.
He constantly finds himself in life-threatening situations because of his stupidity.
He wakes up ancient evils, brings power-hungry gods back to his plane, and nearly causes its destruction multiple times.
and he
bro probably LAUGHED the moment he saw hazelmere get disintegrated because he wasted his seed pod on the player
thoughts on gate of elididdy droprates?
I'm afking rasial for 60m/h. Can gate do that? If it can't I dont care.
I'm nearly two times the drop rate without a unique.
world guardian has autism
how did we hit 30k? what happened? there's only 19k niggas online rn
They're fine. Boss is way too brain dead boring though.
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spin to win
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Flee, insect!
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Update: as I suspected, the bot downloads the script as a jar file at loading time. Mitmproxy shows it's download, and the file size is exactly in the range I expected, judging from their few open source scripts.

An issue is that Runescape, not the bot, won't start while Mitmproxy is watching, and if I start Mitmproxy while Runescape is running, it crashes soon after Mitmproxy starts watching it. But there's time enough to order the bot (it's injected into the Runescape client) to load a script and thus download its file.

So now I have the file I wanted, there in the response field. The problem: it's encrypted, as I feared. Fuck.

Mitmproxy says it "can decrypt encrypted traffic on the fly, as long as the client trusts mitmproxy’s built-in certificate authority. Usually this means that the mitmproxy CA certificate has to be installed on the client device." So I installed it and downloaded the script again, but it's still encrypted. I tested downloading images from this thread and files from Github, and even tho they're HTTPS, Mitmproxy can see them unencrypted. So I'm guessing that the bot's devs didn't neglect certificate pinning.

If I'm getting this right, options going forward would be to remove the pinning from the bot, or using custom certificates or somesuch. The first seems viable only with highly curated formats like APK and Mac files, and I don't really know how to start with either. Any ideas?
Now that I think about it, it's possible that it's not encrypted, it just isn't a jar file. But neither Java nor Winrar can open it.

I downloaded it twice on two separate occasions, and they had different hashes, which I think means it really is encrypted.
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mfw spinners
based hope you're multilogging 5 alts for 300m/h
It did decrypt the encrypted traffic on the fly. If it didn't you wouldn't see any of the stuff you see in that console. HTTPS encrypts everything: the url, the headers, and the body.

mitmproxy creates a new certificate for the same domain and the connection continues because the OS trusts mitmproxy's fake CA that signed it. With certificate pinning you save the expected certificate into your application so even if the domain matches and the OS trusts it you can still reject it because it's not the exact certificate you expect. That's not what's happening here.

Whatever happened to the body of the request is done by the api before HTTPS gets the data and does its thing.
Mind that there's way too many printable characters at the beginning of that body (i.e. it doesn't look random enough) for it to be encrypted but it might be a header of some sort that precedes the encrypted data.

>(it's injected into the Runescape client)
I already said this in these threads but if jagex cared they could wipe out everyone using the bot with a single update.
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World Guardian is canonically a psychopath
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this is the face of a psychopath
Other scripts' files had a similar start of file as that one. But if the same script is downloaded as two different files at different times, then yeah I guess the bot software itself is encrypting it somehow.

I tried putting that script in the local scripts folder of the bot, and it broke it.
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You are not afking rasial, you're playing for 30 seconds every 120 seconds.
is there an afk way to train dungeoneering on ironmeme?
this skill is so fucking boring
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If you leave your computer unattended for 3 minutes you will die. There's a point at which things are not considered afk anymore and rasial is way past that point.
New dig site collections give tokens which can be exchanged for experience.
>~100k xp/hr according to wiki
god damn that's so shit
I'd have to do 600 hrs of that garbage just to get 120 dung
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Consider the following
so if i'm killing slayer mobs every "your luck of the dwarves has shone" is like a 1/100000 chance at signet ring right?
No, it just means that a loot beam is active.
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>11m bonus xp
spinnies play a different game
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i can't remember the last time i saw someone whose player character was black. i've seen tan characters at most. what's with that? do black people just not play this game or do they play as white characters? what's going on
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After reading your post I hopped to world 84, teleported to GE and took this screenshot.
black people aren't real, liar
return the santa hat jamal
it has to roll the rtd.
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How does this even happen?
i let it happen
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animate ded
collector or some bot farm using the item to maniuplate something we don't know about publicly
doing the halloween event right now and everyone keeps referring to me as "they" and "themselves" and whatnot. how do i keep people to stop referring to me as a faggot and actually use male pronouns?
i fucking hate that I do this naturally now due to being forced to do so at my job for 8 years, It's now an active thought effort to call someone he or she instead of them
>please use my correct pronouns!!!
>speaking a language that has gender pronouns
>he doesn't speak a language that has gendered pronouns AND gendered nouns AND gendered verbs so trannies are forced to pick one lest they refer to themselves as "it"
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gooning to this e-girl right now
osrs has pronouns for the player character, why doesnt rs3? then no one will be triggered anymore!
nice shorts, what item is that?
>just use the (male) dux title bro
casual beachwear outfit from the beach event. you can buy a casual beachwear outfit token off the GE for about 7m (source: i just bought it myself after i finished gooning to the e-girl. now im gooning to my character [female] wearing it)
appreciate it, based gooner, may your ass be spared today
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Why do J mods look so hideous?
they're bri'ish
Is there still a vg fc? Like a beaten housewife, I've come crawling back.
It drove me away (last played Aug 2023), and I noticed the discord for the pvm clan I was in got a lot less active to the point they had to lower the clan requirements because almost no one new was joining to replace everyone leaving/kicked for inactivity.
It literally killed every other combat style and has crashed the market for their gear. Why spend time grinding gp or bosses when you can get t90 necro gear for free?
skill issue
In a sense you're right. Players like myself who enjoy skillful gameplay are being pushed out in order to pander to the afk mobile types.
Ranged and magic are higher deeps than necro if you like smashing the keyboard, watcha cryin' bout willis
>GIM start with all good goy auras at their highest tier
>also have easy ass tasks that gives them free gear
>gear also scales with how many tasks/quests you do
lmfao even jewgex knows GIM isn't a real game mode
this image caused my anus to quiver in fear! tag your jumpscares next time, asshole
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>I would let Mod Blkwitch do unspeakable things to me
the last, best hope for RS3. the only artist who actually makes shit that doesn't look utterly dogshit or run at 10fps, how can any other mod compete??? blkwitch wasn't on Necromancy and the city of um barely worked at all on launch, who the fuck did they even assign to work on the fucking fourth combat style??? how are gagex still functioning
Ironman in RS3 is a joke and people pretend like it makes the game better. I just play HCIM in OSRS and call it a day.
Case in point...you can literally afk 99 summoning on an ironman with the current event. Lol. Lmao even.
what are some good afk alts for bad game run escape 3? I've been thinking of making some alts to afk 120 invention, I heard that was pretty good
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is there any reason to do HM dungeoneering?
does it give more xp?
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I meant to put archaeology. I think I had a stroke
I just created a new character, why do they walk with a limp and occasionally rubbing their butt?
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Can (You) sit on it?
I'm autistic but not that autistic.
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What do you call a creature like this?
>200m all
>augmented but unperked gear
the rest speaks for itself.
>only 252 quest points
pretty sure it gives more xp but slower xp/h overall than regular dungeoneering, theyre there just for the 'of daemonheim' title (and subsequentially trimmed comp)
The worst requirement for comp is unironically quest cape. It's not bad at all.
>unperked gear
how can you tell
A real nigga.
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Should I just restart? I kinda want to, but I have no idea how much effort I put into this. It's been years.
yeah thats nothing
passionate sex with miku...
got raped by BDJ :(
never restart always continue
112 qp is pathetic
Gomenasorry I'm not used to examining people. I very quickly learned that jagex is retarded and so am I.
Still, does he look like the kind of guy that works on unlocks?
That's a couple hundred hours because you probably weren't playing optimally.
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New scam just dropped
80 agility means no don't restart, fuck training agility
How would this work as part of a scam?
bait to get you to start interacting with the scammer/build rapport, then they move onto something different. that question itself is why it works like this.
>go to runescape thread
>complain about rs3
go back to /osg/ faggot
This anon got mindbroken by all the assfucking and turned into a bootlicker. How many spins have you bought this week?
Why do some people buy burnt food? I thought maybe it had something to do with components, but it seems not.
For (you)s.
what is the semi-AFK rasial meta these days? Any jewtube guides
you can't trade burnt food on the grand exchange, so having a huge burnt food collection is something of a trophy to turboautists since they had to collect each and every burnt food item either themselves, or through face to face interactions. then they post screenshots of it on reddit while jerking themselves off. that's it.
So basically the Halloween event is a massive grindfest where you are hoping to win the lottery and pull a ~4-5b pet drop? You just spam the Maze over and over again? I guess with the economy in shambles this event will bring back some people to try to get a pet drop.
It's on pvme
it can also be fairly solid archeology xp that neither gains nor costs materials, completely afk summoning xp, or [WHY WOULD YOU DO THIEVING], and all 3 give decent prayer xp.
I have not touched necromancy so i don't know how useful the items from the candy and maze are.
remind me of a "girl" that had like 5B in bronze arrows in her arrow slot
i would like to have sex with this autistic "girl"
I'm locked behind group content
Ironchad btw
Scrolling through Pornhub, I'm on page four
'Cause I nut quick as fuck to these big booty whores
Got my peepee in my hand, gotta watch the fucking door
'Cause if someone try to come in, I ain't cummin' no more

I got fifty thick latinas on my phone, they looking plump
Don't watch it for the plot, I bust a quickie off the jump
She took that BBC and smoke that nigga's peepee like a blunt
I can't reach a minute, I ain't even trying to stunt
Bust quick as fuck 'cause latinas is my issue
Beat my dick dry as fuck, I don't use lotion or no tissue
Whipped it out too fast, ripped my peepee on my zipper
'Cause a milf on my screen, I'm watching two thick niggas flick her (goddamn!)

Scrolling through Pornhub, I'm on page four
'Cause I nut quick as fuck to these big booty whores
Got my peepee in my hand, gotta watch the fucking door
'Cause if someone try to come in I ain't cummin' no more

Scrolling through Pornhub, I'm on page fifty
Trying to find that one video I remember
Broke ass nigga, got a scarlet coat for Christmas
I don't want your money, nigga, I just want your bitches
Smoking out the backwood and I ain't smoking swisher
I ain't got no money and I ain't got no bitches
I ain't got no money and I ain't got no bitches
I ain't got no money and I ain't got no bitches
But I'ma take your bitch, nigga, I'ma take your bitch
I'ma take your bitch and I'ma suck her tits
Lil milf chaser, I don't care if she sixty
I'ma take your bitch, nigga, I'ma take your bitch
>Halloween TH event returns
>Atleast H’Oddments lets you buy a fuckton of other old cosmetics
>They took out literally all the old cosmetics from the H’oddment shop

Do they even know how to sell MTX anymore? They took out the easy carrot to sell keys
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Fall now, and be forgotten.
I dumped my keys into it but yeah there's barely anything in there.
Reddit's having a shitstorm over it though so maybe there's a chance they add stuff to the stock once they wake up and get back to work in a couple hours.
I remember when Ambassador was a legitimately difficulty boss just a few years back. Now its a tutorial Necro boss lmao.

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