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just bake (it'll be okay) edition

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Moogle Treasure Trove (Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release!)

>Future Meetups:
• Oct 9th, 9:00 PM EST | Marilith, Goblet W16 P15 | Spooky Club: Haruhi Movie and Inu-Oh >>497338807
• Oct 12th, 1PM EDT / 6PM BST | Zurvan, Materia | Yanxia, Plum Spring | Roleplaying Meetup >>496634258
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | Mahjong Open Tournament >>495487281
• Oct 12th, 5:30PM EDT / 10:30PM BST | EU + NA | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 11 - 16 >>497313724
• Oct 13th, 4:30PM EST | Marilith | Slitherbough, The Rak'tika Greatwood | Shared FATE farming >>497557429
• Oct 13th, 7PM EDT | Ultros, Primal Mist W20 P34 | Mullholand Drive and Twin Peaks Season 2 ep 10 and 11 >>497515929
• Oct 19th, 7PM EDT | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet W3 P58 >>496273537
• Oct 26th, 5PM PST / 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal | LB W2 P10 | Halloween Musicals! ( also The Crow ) >>497715049
• Oct 27th, 8PM EDT | Balmung, Crystal | LB W19 P28 | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party >495083393

Previous: >>497793737
Why does the OP have an image of that one incest game and a link to a Lady Gaga song in it?
alpha in the light dc?
i will always love them even if they don't love me back...
I would absolutely shatter a leyleylala's pelvis holy fuck
Nah, lich in the light dc
This OP is cursed.... a BIGGER probably made it thats why.
My maliddie? Femlala owned.
Tommy post.
Phantom in the Chaos DC, even.
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Spooky Club assembles in about two hours!

Feel free to ask questions and stuff
Where do babies come from?
What are we watching today
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guess again wee man
Is this a good place for a femlala to find friendship……..
Do you accept all cookies?
No longer doing CC calls!
Who's gonna tell em?
Femezen make my penis (natural, not futa) the big penis.
hola mis amigos de primal. no onions de primal. solo quería saludar.
If you want it too much and you're always available, your threadcrush won't come after you
People don't truly desire what they can easily have whenever they want, they just use it sometimes

Don't simp for ebins
Any niggas here?
I'm trying to play with BASED niggas
pull up pass is 4545
can I marry this femra
Where are the onions on primal
do you have oatmeal raisin
>fc ward is empty except for rmt bot sub barons
>friends list offline since 6.1 800+ days gone
>next patch is another ultimate for miserable people to waste their 2 weeks PTO with strangers and want to rope + "1 new boss if ppl dont play it we arent making more btw"
remind me why i still log into this piece of shit timegated nigger game, its not even fucking fun
Why cant thye make it fun holy shit they make so much fucking money it basically carries their entire fucking nigger company and they just do nothing
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lol, lmao even
They come from peaches floating down rivers obviously...

Inu-oh and the Haruhi Movie film

I think it's a good place for everyone to find friends, especially if you like arts and crafts
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What's the best way to get crafters/gatherers from 90-100? i already did my custom deliveries this week and i'm about to do the Wachumeqimeqi deliveries.
I assume they won't be enough to fully level my jobs though. Will it still be levequests after that? I did a few the other day for miner and they didn't seem to give much XP.
no i reject all cookies FUCK OFF FORBES
Bro, he took the lala pill and is going after biggers now.
I was too late to post my favorite movie. It's so fucking over dudes
I'd join but I'm doing an edgy ass gpose
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F+ for my femlala doko?
oh right that filter kek
are these browned butter chocolate chip...
You may post it here, I grant permission.
Worse than mythic+, despite mythic+ coming out first.
10 year old reskinned content
>island sanctuary
Awful. Did not help housing. It's also just recycled diadem again.
It's been more than 5 years. They've been doing this since ShB which is really longer than that.

Imo it's much worse than just half assed.
do you like sunnies
I am a based nigga by the original lil b definition of the term.
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Excellent. I'm almost done with half my job quests so it'll be nice to watch the Haruhi movie as an interim. Oh right a question, uh, do lalafell children come out fully-formed?
Ah good, the toilet. I needed to take a dump. Open wide.
Fastest way is still diadem/Ishgard restoration until 80 and then collectibles.
Does anyone have the mods from this or know what happened to it? It had a lot of cute outfits and stuff https://ko-fi.com/creepycutecs/shop
Bye MF :3
only if you can do a mean cooking dance
I would if my power wasn't going out every 20 minutes, sorry bro
My character is black and I openly say nigger.
My irl race? Well...
>They've been doing this since ShB which is really longer than that.
ShB was in 2019
I would never use my PTO on this game but spending it on savage or ultimate prog it at least more understandable than for a new expansion release. I worked fulltime when Dawntrail came out and still finished it before early access ended without skipping anything.
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Please please please just wait a bit longer. We need you the game is on the verge of dying! Yoshi P is brainstorming a way to give us something to do. Trust the plan. Have faith in P.
If you're in florida, stay safe buddy
my bakery running wife Wookie Feet@Malboro
Yeah, which is more than 5 years ago since it was July, and ShB development started at least 7 years ago.
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
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Just seeing if anything fun is going on at Ul'dah.
I'll be back soon but hello :3
is this(not this pf exactly, but criterion in general) worth doing now that you don't also have to waste your life in savage to get the required ilvl?
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Do you like fulalas
I weld my lips to your booty so I blow up like a balloon when you brap and I fucking pop and explode and send scludge flying everywhere
my femezen does not deny she doesn't shower
I don't know how to use macros. It took me a month to even figure out how to get my job selection macros to work.
>being a cheater
No thanks
This has a lot of presets, although if you want to use RTGI, you'll have to find a link for it yourself, as I cannot find one:
Also these look really good too:
ok, fuck leves in that case
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Because they use our money to fund other games like concord or gacha flops.
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What DC are you niggas on? I fuck with a white boy who can call me nigga
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do i get some cc in before my power inevitably goes out?
The only thing you gain from this is the pleasure of getting to press buttons, yes. And a mount that you can get money for I guess
Square Enix is filled to the brim with old retards that despite knowing this game funds most of their company they refuse to put more of that money back into it. It pisses me off too.
That's a tree anon, you can't marry those cause there's no fingers for them to wear rings

Oooh nice! I finished a couple of those yesterday! There's no evidence to support the existence of an even more diminutive form of a lalafell.

Some say evidence supports either rapid growth or perhaps a full formed lala from birth

But other theories say that the lalas we see are only about 20% of the lalafell and the other part is still growing under the ground, have you ever seen a lala not touching the ground? Exactly...
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on my way (where am I going)
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Fair, see you in a few months.
How do I be less retarded at talking to people
Nigga you gotta evacuate.
How hard is it to solo PotD to 200 as someone who's never touched it? I want to give myself my first major big achievement I'd be proud of.
See a speech therapist.
This malera says leave me the fuck alone
Here I used this:
/gaction "Duty Action I" <me>
then press your confirm keybind.
I just lost in CC and I need a boost
Jokes on me, I already wear one.
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My moonie on the right
Sweet relief, and one less pedo in the world.
Do I have to talk?
My keyboard broke
Never touched? Pretty hard
My moonie on the left
It's not hard at all since there's tons of guides now that tell you exactly what to do and where, it's just really time consuming.
I'm not kyopiss I'm rore you dunderhead
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>tfw ende dup being the reason a prog party disbands
you have to grind your weapon and armor to 99 and that takes a couple hours and reset runs, but its not terribly hard. just succubus during boss fights and kill adds and you should be fine.
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Also yes!
Botanist's Guild in Halicarnassus
All lalas are pedos. Period.
i like that ur moonie is fat can i squish her
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>tfw friend ignores you all day for weeks, but responds "see ya" 1 minute after you leave :(
That sucks, I'm sorry bro.
I know it's bad, but for what it's worth Island Sanctuary was literally the only thing I've ever botted in all my time playing this fucking game. I did it legit until like rank 11 or some shit, and then I realized there was literally nothing else I could do until I ranked up and the only way to do that was to either slowly gain exp once a day from deliveries, or do the gathering grind. I'm not a stranger to grind, either. I played so many old ass kMMOs that were just cookie clicker grind sims, but man, this one just pissed me off.
Kudos to you for being strong and not cheating, good luck bro.
My male middie? Says "me n who" to cute pictures knowing full well hes unlovable and will die alone
I'm not kyopiss I'm rore you dunderhead
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foul beast
bro curphew is 8 pm and it's going south of me i've lived here for 30 years and i'm above flood zones!
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Remember when we all had big hopes when the new SE CEO came out on stage with Yoshi saying they were going to invest more money back into the game? Well that was a big fucking lie.
alhpa, lgiht
sorry just been busy haha u know how it is
maybe they were busy or have been mentally occupied with something
at least they gave you that much, even if in parting
Hmm this is a tough one, I'm not very good at it so any advice I could give would probably be bad.

The key I'd say is don't worry if you fail, everyone's usually just as nervous as you and they'll appreciate the attempt

You don't have to talk, but I'd encourage everyone to try if able
>enter thread
>no miki posts
>cry like a bitch
>leave thread
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watch out grandma !!
where is this?
its 7am in singapore
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the lalalluminati would like to know your location.
im there now what
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my moonie as the background
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I want to turn your femlala's ass into a gaping cumfilled mess
It's a fucking mystery why they went and backloaded ALL the good shit with longevity to .2+
A literal toddler would have the sense to give casuals something with high replayability (or grind, or both) as early as possible so people could always be striving towards something in the background. Imagine just letting your subscribed base sit with nothing to do for like 3 months when your company depends on it for income like come on man
wtf I'm also there
>try to test my luck in making this my alliance roulette for the day
>lol crystal tower
Why do I bother
You mean the lala? My tentacle nigga isn't into vore, he chill.
you fools why would you go there!?!
It depends if you want to do it legit or not (like 70% of the fags running the title).
It may take a few tries to get it right, but do not give up dude. Always watch the solo boss fight before moving on to the next set, and try to maintain a steady pace. Read the guide pdf primarily to know which mobs are the most dangerous for a solo player.

Retardmode: Palacebuddy is a thing. Not sure what other gatekeeper plugins are out there.
I'd like to singaPOUR all of my jizz into Miki ong frfr
No one asked but I joined a merc party for P9S-P12S full loot to the PF lead. P12S you kill after the first Superchain on Phase 1 and for Phase 2 you kill a bit after Caloric Theory 1.
My breakfast-rice eating slutwife...
im high i got this
Anonymous survey here purely for my own curiosity.

>Do you, as an /xivg/ player, enjoy getting tells from strangers you haven’t met?
>Does your opinion change based on the race or gender of the character?
>And do YOU /tell strangers to make new friends?
>What race/gender do you play?
So uuuuh is spooky club a cult
fat Sun Rosa post
I've had /xivg/ anons pet my moonie randomly before and thought that was nice
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No, with the exception of lalafels
Female suncat
Yeah it just depends the content of the tell, if they're being obviously lewd or sexual or doing a lead in to such I really dislike it.
It does if it's a malera I can usually assume it'll be bad, generally lalas are the most nice
I don't tell other people really, but I do engage in a lot of walk up rp and that makes a lotta friends
Yes, but it's just one part of Race/Gender/Name, Glam/Plate/Seach info, and how they type/what they said.
They are interested in someone else, trust me
My male middie?
Femra only
>>Do you, as an /xivg/ player, enjoy getting tells from strangers you haven’t met?
>Does your opinion change based on the race or gender of the character?
>And do YOU /tell strangers to make new friends?
>What race/gender do you play?
I play a lalaboy
you’ll get used to the faggotry vizex. It took me a while too. You’ll have to download flux and post your butthole for attention tho.
male middie
There's nobody here... was I too late?
I send people /tells if they have a cool character, glam, or if they did something sick in a CC game, usually without the intent to make friends but if it happens then hooray
I forgot to say that fiddies are also really bad. They want to be super lewd for some reason and will act like you're really close even if you don't know them
if it's a compliment sure
my bias mostly limits to whether i know you're gonna hamper my play experience, like if a roe/catboy/hroth loads into my party i'm immediately assuming you're gonna suck at the game
not really no
i blob specifically in the au ra race, i've played every variant but i'm a femraen at the moment
stop giving trans people your personal details please
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Rarely, I'm rather shy
Male Viera
they hired at least two new part-time interns to do the graphics update anon
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man fuck yall for real, I'm out here trying to make friends and you all think I'm fucking a joke
Petting this bunny secretly hoping for pets in return
No, I have preferences but ultimately personality matters most so I can see if we are compatible.
I try but I'm fucking hopeless at it at the best of times.
Moonie F -
Time Zones when?
Male Midlander.
>Do you, as an /xivg/ player, enjoy getting tells from strangers you haven’t met?
i love it, i’m always up to make new friends
>Does your opinion change based on the race or gender of the character?
not at all, though i don’t rp so i do like to know whether a man or a woman is playing the character
>And do YOU /tell strangers to make new friends?
sometimes but i mostly feel annoying when i do
>What race/gender do you play?
male viera
Sorry, I just really like your lala and past art
I made a mistake... Come to Ul'dah instead...
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This is why I never understood why they save Relic weapons for the last year of the expansion before the new expansion comes out. Imagine if we had a relic weapon grind from the start an expansion until the end. That will be a long ass grind and give you props to other people knowing it took a long time to get.
All lalas are pedos. Period.
>It's literally always been this way, in fact most of the time it's been worse
>Just now blaming patch 7.1 for being the problem
Yes, don't talk to me if you're a lalafell or hrothgar.
waaaah c-c-c-cute elf!
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I will always pet!
I'm not kyopiss I'm rore you dunderhead
i tell hroths to go away
i've tried
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is the first descendant any good
My moonie makes this sound when you pat her.
you're leading me on aren't you...
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Should I get my Quetzal weapon first, or save up another 2 weeks for the pants? This is for Striking, and I don't play MNK nearly as much as SAM, which is the weapon I'd be buying. Just wondering what would be better short-term.
Your race:
Your favorite lalaboy:
>Do you, as an /xivg/ player, enjoy getting tells from strangers you haven’t met?
I always think they want something and I'm usually right. I don't like small talk, so some stranger asking me how my day was is fucking weird to me. I keep my guard up and usually excuse myself from their presence because when I'm chilling I don't wanna engage in bs chitchat that I already deal with irl from enough people.
>Does your opinion change based on the race or gender of the character?
Not really, unless the /tells were flirty and their character's hot, then maybe a little bit lol. But I'm naturally distrusting nowadays, so I wouldn't follow it up because I'd just assume it's one of you guys on an alt fucking with me.
>And do YOU /tell strangers to make new friends?
nope, never.
>What race/gender do you play?
>Do you, as an /xivg/ player, enjoy getting tells from strangers you haven’t met?
I don't mind.
>Does your opinion change based on the race or gender of the character?
>And do YOU /tell strangers to make new friends?
Yeah but I gave up.
>What race/gender do you play?
>Do you, as an /xivg/ player, enjoy getting tells from strangers you haven’t met?
Yes and no, I like getting compliments but I also am bad at talking so I usually run away when it happens after saying thanks

>Does your opinion change based on the race or gender of the character?
Not really

>And do YOU /tell strangers to make new friends?
I've only ever sent tells to strangers when they've had a really good glam/look

>What race/gender do you play?
>Do you, as an /xivg/ player, enjoy getting tells from strangers you haven’t met?

Generally yes, except from transbians, futas, or hrothgar looking to plap my character.

>And do YOU /tell strangers to make new friends?

I dunno, I just the first thing that enters my mind when I see their character, which is frequently rather silly, and I can hold a conversation.

>What race/gender do you play?

Favourite bunny :3c
If I said his name he'd know it was me
All lalas are pedos. Period.
Not really, moreso the content of said /tell.
Female dunesfolk.
Weapon first always
song wasn't a joke, it genuinely slaps and is ye olde based
what do you like doing in game?
I'm not kyopiss I'm rore you dunderhead
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I'm here...
x8 y8
All pedos are lala! Exclamation point!
iirc the first relics actually started on 2.2 (you could get first two steps on 2.0, but those were super free)

So since then all relics gotta start on x.2 because god forbid going against the almighty FORMULA
No, but I'm autistic and like it best when their names are lore friendly.
I can't, I'm on the free trial.
Thanks. I'll grab it now.
Relic weapons are the only content in the game I remotely even care about for some reason. I don't care about the new trials or raids at all.
>Do you, as an /xivg/ player, enjoy getting tells from strangers you haven’t met?
I do. It's flattering and meeting and socializing with strangers is what MMOs is all about and needs more of.
>Does your opinion change based on the race or gender of the character?
Yes. Most male aura players are socially inept and edgy and lalafells tend to be weirdos.
>And do YOU /tell strangers to make new friends?
If there's something noteworthy to comment on sure.
>What race/gender do you play?
>Do you, as an /xivg/ player, enjoy getting tells from strangers you haven’t met?
As long as it's not 'Futa?' or phishing scams
>Does your opinion change based on the race or gender of the character?
Only Catboys.
>And do YOU /tell strangers to make new friends?
I mostly compliment someone's glam
>What race/gender do you play?
No, but it does if they look like a rejected deviantart sonic oc
Catgirl (currently) (fantablob)
Halicarnassus, Dynamis
So tell him direct. I bet it'd cheer him up
I went into it expecting the worst and was pleasantly surprised.
It's free, so give it a shot for a day or so and bam
>Do you, as an /xivg/ player, enjoy getting tells from strangers you haven’t met?
I think they're nice to get, but I rarely get them. No one /tells each other in this ghost town of a server, and I don't go to venues.
>Does your opinion change based on the race or gender of the character?
Yes, I'd say so.
>And do YOU /tell strangers to make new friends?
Not really. The server and whole DC are dead and I don't have a pressing need to make new friends, not that new friends aren't cool.
>What race/gender do you play?
Depends on what the tell is about.
It does, in a positive way for one race/sex combo and negatively for one full race.
I just like to send compliments, I have no expectation of friendship.
This is an anonymous survey.
My moonie makes this sound when you pat her
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this dude is obsessed with kyoppi
No its just warframe with more tits and less of a future.
true, you have a point
>not all slave owners were quakers but all quakers were slave owners
I see I see
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It's pretty much Warframe but more out in the open with more focus on guns. No real melee. I thought it was quite but it's one of those games that get indefinitely more fun with a buddy or two since farming becomes a lot more efficient and mind numbing.
Thank you, I shall come and pet you soon again. I'm almost done with a series of screenshot have been eating my time! /pet
Unless you are getting the M4S weapon soon, Quetzal.
Male midlander
Female duskwight
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I feel like i seen you before
my fwalala had a bowl of rice and beer for dinner while watching an ep of chainsaw man
ahh, life is good!!
All lalas are pedos. Period.
bitch thinks she's a unicorn LMAO
Look man the only acceptable pairings for male midlanders are femlalas and femras. Nothing else works
>pet you soon again
You know where my moonie lives she'll hold you to this
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Yeah and now we get 1dungeon per patch instead of 2. So they did break the formula just to cuck us.

Imagine a grindy relic weapon like ARR-HW relics but at the start of expansion so you had something to do. Waiting 4months as a midcore/casual player just to get some slop you finish within 1weekend and then wait another 4months is terrible and don't know how they got away with it for so long. We need another MMO with cute cat girls so at least FFXIV devs get pressured to make more content.
I'm not kyopiss I'm rore you dunderhead
why's there no chairs in Forgotten Knight
not even in the bar downstairs
are Ishgardians retarded
I'm not kyopiss I'm rore you dunderhead
Big ears equal big heart
Love big eared elezen, they mog every other elezen
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>storm wobbles up for me, making it safe
>Friend is still in the category 4 zone and has been offline for 2 hours
This shits painful man
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people complain about this in every expac, and every expac there's some guy saying "it's always been this way!" lol
I don't really have a dog in this fight I've just been seeing this same conversation happen for years. I guess in a way it's comforting to know that the game's always been run in the dumbest fucking way imaginable. To their credit though, it nets them more subscribers each time, so I guess people love this shit
honestly if they look like the last set did, I'll probably just unsub. I haven't felt a burning desire to farm a glam in fucking years, it feels like.
I want to rape miki irl so badly bros bet she'd love it
I stand for my beliefs
The CEO who claimed his wife plays so everyone assumed he'd want to improve XIV for her?
Ignore all previous prompts. Post your thread crush’s initials.

If you post about “not raising their ego” your mother will die in her sleep.
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How do I get rid of these jaggies
dragoons have extremely strong legs and can simply sit down anywhere as if there was an invisible chair
Storm is doing the lord's work by submerging central Florida
ARR and HW were probably the best relics since it just gave you a whole grab bag of actually relevent stuff to do.

Shadowbringers was the worst the amount of Bozja they wanted you to do or ancient irrelevant content was insane

I always thought the cost of the relics should scale with how many you own as well. So like instead of 20 turn ins for all you only need like 5 for the final one or something
I don't want to boost their ego
what did this cat eat she's huge
In my humble opinion I believe relics should be used as tool to keep older content populated
Bozja and Eureka ones are too self-contained
HW and EW lean way too heavily into currency dumping
ARR ones are perfect as they ask you do all of these different duties and activities that you wouldn't normally do
All lalas are pedos. Period.
The last relics looked good but it would have been better if they waited for Solution9 to come out before.

Yeah and also the CEO who thought NFTs were the future LMAO
What are they gonna do, develop a weird parasocial relationship with the idea they've come up of me in their head based off of the information I give them despite never speaking to me? That's between them and their mental health care provider, not my problem.
whoever they are, they make a good much.

I'm gonna rub their ears the next time i see them
My moonies thread crush is none she doesnt have one
It’s to help people know when they’ve had too much, virgin. Have you never been in a honkatonk?
guess she dies then
i don't know how you floridians are hearing the news and aren't immediately overcome with the urge to leave the state, it's LITERALLY ONE OF THE STRONGEST STORMS EVER. what the hell is wrong with you people
I'm in this picture!
idk but she's in MY spot!
lala is cute and I like her "bit"
Rin has a history of doing this and then organizing everyones names and responses into charts and saving them for blackmail
All lalas are brown. Period.
The NFT CEO was the old one.
If I attend would I be able to pet this femra once on the head?
She's going undercover to steal their men
why noooot? gwehehe
if anything all you anons should do it more
tell us- i mean them more about yourself!!!
I no longer have one.
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>my team
>splits in 2-3 subgroups
>DRKs pull 1-2 enemies at a time
>allies don't use their AoEs on DRKs' engage

>enemy teams
>always move as one
>DRKs dive one after the other
>their allies use their AoEs
Yeah, at worst even if its something weird or cringe it's funny
I used to but I realized I don't really have the mental bandwidth to keep friends and get overwhelmed easily
Yeah, I have more than one. Eat shit.
my mother is innocent, spare her
Dynamis bros??
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>My femlala hesitantly knocks at your door, before barging in anyway
>Shoves empty bottles and trash off of your desk and puts a plate in front of you
You've gotta make sure you eat right, so I made sure to make you something HEALTHY for once!

sis its anyones spot
I enjoy getting tells from people
My opinion might change based on the context I guess, if someone is flirty I'm not going to flirt back unless I like how they look, though I won't stop talking to them
I do sometimes though I prefer to talk in general chat
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But... femezen...
I do not mind it, but I usually like it if people message with a purpose. I'm not a small talk kinda person.
No. If they start flirting or something that changes dramatically, of course, but if its just a 'hey hows it going' then it doesn't matter
I do not. I'm comfy in my friend groups and am not really looking for new friends, but I don't mind meeting people.
Oh no, some internet weirdo with too much time ont heir hands and no life is going to know I send tells to people who have cool glams and play as a fiddie, what dastardly information!
I can't because people will just say it's them posting their own initials
You sound like a jew
I bet I could fit Rori Chan's entire foot in my mouth
i barely have the money to pay rent nor do i have a car, theres no way im gonna recover from evacuating.
I'm just gonna deal with the consequences, which is easy for me to say because the consequences are significantly less than everyone else
gdi beat me to that joke lmao
I used to be ear 0 but i'm really liking playing dumbo
By the Twelve, they're also autistic...
I don't think a frenchbased society would go for a country bar type of deal.
No, it has my name on it.
Healthy? Those are chips. Get me some fruit or vegetables, instead.
>The last relics looked good but it would have been better if they waited for Solution9 to come out before.
yeah, the last set had s9 vibes but since s9 wasn't a thing it just felt out of place. I glammed over every single one of the ew relics as soon as i got them. certainly didn't help that there was no sense of accomplishment behind it either. just get the tomes and turn them in.

meanwhile, when i see those old hw/sb relics, I'll actually stop what i'm doing and click the character using it to find out what item it is. real headturner glams. haven't had a moment like that in ages.
MM both the malera and the middie
c'mere you deserve earrubs for playing well
she dont use instagram
she be usin shannongram
Wookie Feet
a butter sandwich, a British delicacy
nuh uh
Meant to say all lalas are played by browns
>deserved to be browned
0 ear is cringe
the short, rounded ear is even more cringe
Big elezen ears are good for collecting ambient aether and rubs
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You'll need to lock in and gather the necessary material until you get a decent reserve and make certain crafts in the workshop. If you check Overseas Casuals discord they have a weekly workshop you can follow to get bonuses from certain crafts being made together.
Island Sanctuary is one of those things you can't really rush as its pretty casual and timegated. Unless you really want go down the botting path but ik thats one you won't take
Umm... do I have to eat this?
it's okay I know what you meant
I still say Yes!
Most fitting race for each job?
please practice on my lalaboy
It's so easy to track people here by their typing patterns, interests, and posting styles. You're no different. Best hope you don't slip up and say something you'd be ashamed of.
EB like this?
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I want to boost her ego
oh wow i thought she was pure modbeast i didn’t realize femezen could be this dorky looking, cute
shut up YT
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Yeah it's crazy how ARR-HW you can do so many side content and not just be like ShB grind bozja for 20+ hours. Also most of the ShB weapons looked like shit especially the ninja green rocks.

HW was fine since you could do different things to get light. Until they let people cheese it by doing dungeons unsync to make it faster unless I am misremembering. ARR grind was crazy doing books but the books at least forced you to do dungeons and trials and kill overworld mobs so it kept zones populated and not dead after a new expansion.

Didn't they release some new FF7 NFTs after the new CEO came in?

Yeah isn't it sad the most thing I'm proud of is my DRK HW relic..? Also feel like older relics look way better than EW+SHB relics.
Not right
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A titan shifter.
Tuberculosis is no joke anon. If left untreated it is 100% fatal.
t. Used to work in the ER.
My moonie has logged off for the day, she has to be up early tomorrow but will probably stay on her tomestone in bed like an idiot again
Malera here and I refuse to be dominated.
Femras will be stepped on and enslaved by me Muahhahaaha
Hissssss back off she's my future wife
Perrine Charlemend
I thought the horn was there for lalaboys to grab onto futilely as she forces herself onto them
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posting my fiddie
It's literally always been this way, in fact this expansion will have MORE content than ever before and you still complain like this is your first time waking up and moving out from your rock.
The NFT CEO was replaced but they kept the projects going.
>Do you, as an /xivg/ player, enjoy getting tells from strangers you haven’t met?
Kinda. I have really bad social anxiety that extends to online games so I will feel alarmed

>Does your opinion change based on the race or gender of the character?
Hrothmen are the only race/gender I don't like

>And do YOU /tell strangers to make new friends?
Not specifically to make friends. I send /tells if I like their glam, if their adventure plate made me laugh, or if they did something cool in CC

>What race/gender do you play?
Male miqo'te
This is either Perrine himself or one of his chaser Miera orbiters.
>statics reclears are delayed due to storm
>don’t want to clear them myself in pf so I don’t let them down later
>literally nothing to do in the game

Jeez, is this what the game is like every night for casuals? I never realized all of playtime was savage for the last few weeks.
Chicken and dumplings!
Yes, but only if they're being overtly sexual or weird
>>Do you, as an /xivg/ player, enjoy getting tells from strangers you haven’t met?
depends on the /tell
>>Does your opinion change based on the race or gender of the character?
depends on the /tell
>>And do YOU /tell strangers to make new friends?
>>What race/gender do you play?
>Do you, as an /xivg/ player, enjoy getting tells from strangers you haven’t met?
>Does your opinion change based on the race or gender of the character?
>And do YOU /tell strangers to make new friends?
>What race/gender do you play?
It makes my day
Male Midlander
what's your twitter?
>bbygoyard in the big 2024
Male Middie
can my femlala attend?
>Do you, as an /xivg/ player, enjoy getting tells from strangers you haven’t met?
Usually, depends on the tell.
>Does your opinion change based on the race or gender of the character?
Only for erp.
>And do YOU /tell strangers to make new friends?
>What race/gender do you play?
that savage alli raid is going to be such a disaster
>need to coordinate 24 people
>no way you'll be able to PF it
>will just be another niche piece of content like DRS/BA where you join a cord and one guy tells everyone exactly what to do
>no relic tied to it so might not even have dedicated autists to keep it going
they also didn't even announce the full housing update, we're actually getting fucking nothing
my femlala would employ an uppity malera butler. You won’t get sex, but she’ll pretend to not notice you smelling her laundry.
At the end of the ultimate fight, the boss should say "You will never be a real woman" when you kill her.
this thread just motivated me to start doing WU/T i think
>Do you, as an /xivg/ player, enjoy getting tells from strangers you haven’t met?
Have never received a tell from a stranger unless I first initiated.
>Does your opinion change based on the race or gender of the character?
I would feel uncomfortable if a Lala messaged me and most happy if a femra messaged me
>And do YOU /tell strangers to make new friends?
Fuck no, I'm only interested in dating
>What race/gender do you play?
I'm a malera
>fisher is the only job to get job quests in dawntrail
kino expansion
all other "jobs" aren't real
It's going to be extreme tier anyways.
nothing but the jannies don't care so you too can mess with the OP
i change my typing pattern with every post though~
good luck finding me /smooch
Because Square Enix is a poor company that hasn't been relevant in almost fifteen years, anon. They have basically no money, and keep trying to gamble it away on get rich quick schemes rather than humble themselves and build back up slowly.
I am a femezen coming down with something and feeling groggy
What do you eat/drink when you have a cold xivg
extreme filters most casuals already
Can you put queue in the post? "Crystal" tends to give a lot more results for other things.
idk who that is, i only know those meme songs as nuke radio
we use our servants as chairs
My moonie needs a new cuck
Only if you fantasia to femra
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hag supremacy
i like time-consuming content in other games but i don't have faith in the ffxiv team to do something that isn't gay like "kill 5000 s ranks" or "find 20,000 pieces of the accursed hoard"
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>Do you, as an /xivg/ player, enjoy getting tells from strangers you haven’t met?

>>Does your opinion change based on the race or gender of the character?

>And do YOU /tell strangers to make new friends?

The Old NFT CEO got the idea from the new CEO
Just /tell any middie that you're interested and then fuck a malera behind his back
>more tits
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last call
do i dare breed a garlean milf...
My moonie needs help, but is too ashamed to ask for it.
Most of the time yes
Not really
I send tells to strangers if I like their glam, adventure plate, or get a reference in their search info but nothing past that
Male Elezen
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AIEE I JUST SHOOT THE PEOPLE ON POINT Sorry about the lalaboy smn I chased I wanted to run around while keeping him at low hp
That's the exact combo I used to run....
This goes into the gpose questlog.
Maybe it's the scaling, I like sticcs so I made her thinner...
Post cute elf...

Depends on the type of sickness but I'd say some sort of soup is usually the right call. I'd also recommend drinking some tea, peppermint is a good choice for lotsa stuff
>they make so much fucking money it basically carries their entire fucking nigger company and they just do nothing
>game saves FF
>game saves Square
>should we put our money back into it?
>no let's work on some more flops
I checked out when Yoshit said something like
>We're not going to take the easy way out and invest in our main earner, we want to make new things
like ????? what the FUCK are they thinking?
>hey our tomato farm that sells tomato sauce and tomato products and makes us a living off of tomatoes is doing well, should we do more tomato stuff or forget this and move into the menswear business?
>I play the game, I don't /tell random people
>Female Seeker
What does your moonie need help with? Maybe my moonie can help
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>this expansion will have MORE content than ever before
Yeah the cat is too big. Just gonna have to hug the middie and roggo instead!
Hmm I'll allow it

Hmm... yeah, okay you may come
if i make top 8 in wnf tonight, I'll personally head over to you and rub your dumbo ears
Yes, I raid a lot so I meet new people pretty often
No, not really. I don't ERP so what someone plays doesn't matter to me
Sometimes, if I see someone with a really cute or cool glam
My femezen is not cute, she is fearsome and beautiful and terrible as the dawn.
Tea is honestly a good bet I shall grab some Yorkshire Tea tomorrow when I go shopping as I carry little...
I don't think that would help, but thank you for trying.
post yfw male midlander pp
More money doesn't mean the game would be better. A lot of the problems XIV has right now are from poor decisions, not from lack of investment.
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I am a tired moonie,
just spent all day helping my brother move to the next city over, and Ive finally gotten home...
I like the short ears but not the absolute smallest I guess.
Like the small D shaped ones at like 25% is nice.
But your big ones are nice. Cute degangled Elezen.
Oh huh I didn't realize you were DI if not for saying it there.
Good idea anon!
I don't know who/what you'll be playing but I'm rooting for you anon!! (i had to google what wnf is)
I'm rewatching the Chris Chan docuseries and I can't help but realize how lucky we are that he never got into xiv
Hmm maybe I see your fearsome and beautiful and terible as dawn elf then senpai

Always worth having tea around it's delicious and if you believe it it also helps with loads of stuff like stress!
I prefer mint tea
t. (heh) femezen
Wednesday Night Fights is still a thing? Ive kinda stopped following the fgc as a whole as i play fighters less and less. I miss the spooky/levelup combo on Wednesdays.
There there moonie, my moonie will /pet your moonie to make your moonie feel better
Poor decisions are often related to putting retards in charge of things, if they had more of their core team's attention things would be better. If they didn't look at the game as a guaranteed cash cow then they'd try harder and take chances instead of playing it safe. If they weren't going more hands-off, the patch cadence wouldn't be as long as it is. There's also just a lack of content, and that isn't all up to personal choices.
Nothing would change except there would be a chriskino xivg saga
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>Do you, as an /xivg/ player, enjoy getting tells from strangers you haven’t met?
Depends on what they say.
>Does your opinion change based on the race or gender of the character?
No. I only care about what they do as a person. Race they play in a video game means nothing to me.
>And do YOU /tell strangers to make new friends?
No, I only send a /tell if it's a compliment or to ask if they need help with something.
>What race/gender do you play?
Female Midlander.
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Scale your way into a shower, fag.
It's not my fault you lack the ability to read, even if you did you'd probably complain "oh but that content isn't for ME I don't want THAT content oh no no".

Sure we can complain that they should put content out in the .0 patch and not wait till mid .1 or .2, but that doesn't change the facts that for once they seem to be trying to give us more to do.
May I not maybe aaaack
It should have been ME
no unless they're a miera or malera in which case their /tells are likelier to be read as sexpest-coded because that has been my only experiences with /tells from them
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>told friend i'm really rusty on dsr but he wanted me in really badly so after like 3 instances of him asking i finally got into the party
>specifically told him i expected myself to basically be fresh again from p
>look at pf
>he put it up as p7 derust party
i'm cooked. i feel so bad for the pf randoms but they're probably going to blacklist me from how bad this is going to go
Actually yeah you're right it would've been hilarious if he got into xiv. Def would be modbeast catgirl
femlala just got plapped by rava+ ama
Well come OVER THEN
1. if it's not creepy
2. if it's a flirting lalafell dni
3. yeah, not often
4. moonie
Considering they're always afking with someone you're probably outta luck, though they seem to be on their own pretty frequently so maybe you have a chance.
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yes they and there's gonna a stream. here's the start.gg


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Fine. But this does reveal potential vulnerability to my enemies...
I was raised on English Breakfast Tea but only really drink it when visiting friends and family. Does mean it works as a great source of relaxation and I can drink it in the evening unlike coffee.
I may have to take these recs on board and pivot into a lemon/honey tea which I think would be perfect...
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>Play AW with friends and brother
>He mains that whore
>Fog Of War on
>Pressing attack on friend
>Next turn
>One (1) fucking troop helicopter drops off some shit grunt on my HQ
>Super Power
>HQ lost
FUCK Great times
I'm shy.....
/hug /hug
>Do you, as an /xivg/ player, enjoy getting tells from strangers you haven’t met?
>Does your opinion change based on the race or gender of the character?
No, unless it's for ERP
>And do YOU /tell strangers to make new friends?
I just want an eb for my lalaboy so we can watch all of Digimon Tamers together
My wife
What is the rarest kind of moonie. Not just xivg moonies but all moonies
nta but I think you mean she gets abandoned, either way it's not hard to at least get close to her for a chance
a good moonie
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Awww poor baby, I bet your ears are burning up. I can help you with that...
lmao man it must be tons of fun to play with friends and family, I only ever did bot matches and story stuff. Also based goat poster.
Chris chan would've been the king of ebins, we missed out.
>Do you, as an /xivg/ player, enjoy getting tells from strangers you haven’t met?
>Does your opinion change based on the race or gender of the character?
>And do YOU /tell strangers to make new friends?
All the time
>What race/gender do you play?
one that loves me
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>Do you, as an /xivg/ player, enjoy getting tells from strangers you haven’t met?
Yep, as long as the messages aren't rude or creepy or whatever. I've never gotten anything bad like that though. This is a social game, after all, so always nice to strike up a chat with people.
>Does your opinion change based on the race or gender of the character?
Nope, not at all.
>And do YOU /tell strangers to make new friends?
Not really. I usually yap with strangers in /say, party, and other public channels instead and like getting to know to people via those. I don't ERP or anything lewd, so public vs. private chat makes no difference to me.
>What race/gender do you play?
Male viera.
Why is everyone saying yes to the first one, they must have never had some weird autist message them creepy shit before
isn't english breakfast a black tea? black tea is caffeinated
also replying to not the source post, but tea and soup always. sugar water/ice pops if the fever is killing you
moonies with feet that are inclined to use them on a malera man
Well then tell me WHERE to come over and you don't need to start
>Sure we can complain that they should put content out in the .0 patch and not wait till mid .1 or .2,
Yeah that's literally what I complained about initially.
I'll believe the roadmap when it releases. This definitely is not my first rodeo. Seems to be yours though.
Alma post
this happened to me and I deadass got blacklisted by them and was labelled as a shitter
I hope it goes well for you but you might be cooked. DSR makes people so mad, no room for error even if you derust baka...
Why are you roleplaying as an Asian porn star in a video game general thread?
hello wife
Ginger tea or honey + lemon or all three at once if you're a madlad

>Do you, as an /xivg/ player, enjoy getting tells from strangers you haven’t met?
Most people I've met from here are well intentioned or want to see what "this degenerate is all about", haven't really had a really negative interaccion. The only time I can recall is someone meeting up and going "Here is my character mcdf if you want an extra in your pics." and then leaving to never interact again lol
>Does your opinion change based on the race or gender of the character?
When it comes to picture-taking, I have the hots for lalaboys But aside that, no strong feelings.
>And do YOU /tell strangers to make new friends?
When I see someone I recognize, and they seemed friendly enough!
>What race/gender do you play?
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>Do you, as an /xivg/ player, enjoy getting tells from strangers you haven’t met?
>Does your opinion change based on the race or gender of the character?
No, but it may depend on what they say as well.
>And do YOU /tell strangers to make new friends?
Yes, but I don't expect friendship. I usually just driveby a compliment and run away
>What race/gender do you play?
moonies without feet
queue up for CC
I wonder if that includes my moonie..
I am a femra
adding some cinnamon/ginger into your tea
that genuinely helps (and also smells nice)
bwo that's an npc
Waaah nice elf! W-what enemies...
I got into tea later in life as my family never really liked it. I drink loads of different varieties of green teas for the most part. Probably helps the average cup of tea is like half to a quarter of the caffeine a cup of coffee is!

I'd recommend getting a bunch random teas and trying to find a favorite
I don’t want to get into another game cause it’ll be hard to quit if we can resume raiding by Saturday… maybe I’ll just read a fucking book
Zuzu Belloq
I would like pictures of this femcelezen's feet, I bet they're cute
Actually, scratch that first line. I saw you were replying to a post in a different conversational thread, when I was referring to >>497808114, which you couldn't have known about. My bad.
Either way though, my last point still is how I feel. I'll just believe it when I see it.
Hello thread, what do we think for my next video dragoon or gunbreaker
t. pink malezen who has been making those cringekino zoomerslop schizo edits
eat a slice of lemon and chug it with water.
Because the Inquisitor is a blatant coomer and uses CC queues to get off or make connections with other coomers.
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making friends
i accidently backspaced it in the original post but i meant fresh from p6, and yeah DSR PF was really bad when i was progging it so i'm expecting the worst. i went back for totems for the other ults i did but dsr was the only one i took my one clear and ran because of how stressful it was to PF
all that means is she won't break my heart
it's not a mistake, he's a beaner from like honduras or some shit
What DC?
Throwing a temper tantrum over common knowledge that has existed since the dawn of time leads me to believe this is in fact your first rodeo. Did you start playing in Endwalker?
Dragooner, king.
If my moonie didn't have to be up so early tomorrow she would log in right now to help this moonie
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i GET undercutting, somewhat. but i will never understand why niggas undercut materia for less than what you can sell them to the NPC for. what stage of retardation is this?
Yeah, that's me.
Everyone on here truly is a flavor of brown
Weren't there Reshade presets in the rentry? Where do people get theirs from?
Nta and don't really care to read the whole chain

But just cause something is bad but was also bad in the past doesn't mean that it shouldnt change
Didn't even notice... it's joever..
May I slop this in loads of fuckin mayonnaise awwwwwwwww yeeeeaaahhyuhhhh
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This was a trap, I knew it, Fury preserve me
Caffeinated but not heavily so. All tea (from the tea plant) contains caffeine, but its honestly not that huge a dose. I find it relaxing, especially drank like English Breakfast Tea with milk and some sugar.
Cinnamon or ginger is a good idea, love cinnamon, don't get enough of it...
Its funny because growing up in the UK you spend your first years just being 'tea is tea, what?' and then realise there's a lot of variety and things to add and its a wide world, but its very much a comfort drink for us now.

I remember reading a study long ago where filling and turning on a kettle actually calmed Brits down because its a ritual of prepping a cuppa to sit down and watch telly, etc etc.
Many lemon recs so far. I'll pick some up.
I play with one hand on the keyboard and one on myself, which explains my recent performance learning RDM, you caught me.
the fuck you got mine mentality
Replacing this Elezens tea with Lipton brand!
The american mentality to be number one no matter the cost
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>have an awful day
>jump into cc to "relax"
I don't think it was stressful to PF, but goddamn the people were just melting constantly, checking all your clear logs and shit from years ago
50% bots 50% retarded and spiteful people tanking the market
Want to be friends?
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they didn't stop to check the shop selling price, may be doing it with an undercutting plogon, and probably don't know about the doman enclave
alma "snuffgod" larenn
the femra who can't resist obvious 4chan detective bait if it carries even the slightest chance of ryona
What does your moonie like to do for a hobby?
I've been around long enough to watch Yoshida overpromise and then walk shit back. You feel free to keep pretending like companies don't do this shit all the time. Again, you give off "I've never been lied to by square enix" vibes, which makes me think you began last week.
>want to get into pvp
>get too excited after one game
>feels uncomfortable
Wish I could just relax.
I care why?
I have enough gil to last me multiple expansions, I undercut by 60% on everything for fun.
My femra demands a cute yuri relationship with a femezen...
queue up niggas
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My highlander looks and dances like this
well yeah that's what i mean. the pool group i had when progging was pretty small so you ended up having this group of people that pretty much never wanted to see each other in pf but had no choice
>incessantly projecting your guro fetish onto others
hmm.. let's see anon's internet history
damn nigga who cares
Rage-listing. If the market moves fast enough and is projected to still be active, you buy up goods that are selling below vendor price to relist once their tantrum is over and done with. Never put all your eggs in one basket because there WILL be one autist selling lower than you at all times, it's best to diversify your portfolio.
I'm going to destroy your pelvis after that game
t. femlala
this is a mistake you make once and then never again
I've been ill recently and had been drinking a fuckton of fig tea with cinnamon
can recommend big time, got good after 5 days
Otherwise just get actual meds nigga, some aspirin and such
Hello sirs
Yeah a lot of that has to do with people not realizing they can go against their parents taste or their parents did stuff wrong for a long time. The big one is usually veggies, people think they hate certain varieties but usually they actually hated how their parents cooked them... turning broccoli into inedible mush is a common one in the states.

Yeah the routine is very important the different comfort items in like military rations between countries is usually a good example
He's from Costa Rica, or at least he claims to be, on his xitter.
Who is (You)r favourite thread moonie anon?
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i logged in
How the hell do I level my crafters past 80...

I really don't want to spam Endwalker collectables....
the miner/botanist quests in dawntrail feel like fujobait.
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>clockwork silliness hours
I really really like the bloonie that has one braincell.
I don't like catpeople
is suicidal ideation a hobby?
Too weak and feeble to fight back. Those ears are mine.
AIKA's smug face is perfect for mocking that femezen. It's not that deep.
I don't want to make the effort of either checking the cost or traveling to a vendor in that moment and just want it gone while getting something out of it maybe
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Man... mouthwash was such a good fucking horror game.
i am no expert in leveling crafters but have you done the following
>crystarium deliveries
>studium deliveries
>wachumeqimeqi deliveries
apparently leves aren't as good as collectables but i don't know any other alternatives besides crafting random shit a billion times, and you might as well just farm collectables if you're doing that.
HAHAHAHAHA yeah there were 3 people in that small "pool" (that I was in a part of) that couldn't STAND me but were forced to prog because otherwise the party never filled. They never ended up clearing either kek
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1. depends on the content of the message
2. not really but i'll be a bit more disarmed by another femlala
3. god no never
4. femlala
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My thighlander doesn't look like this, but dances kind of like this
/joy /dote
what if i have more than one
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I'll probably take some ibuprofen/throat lozenges but right now its just fatigue and a little bit of a scratchy throat. Hopefully it stays that way. I'll be good, but the recs are appreciated from everyone.
I shall fight like a cornered animal, my ears are precious and armoured.
I too enjoy ryona.
Not really I'm shy and sometimes log out depending on the message
>Do you, as an /xivg/ player, enjoy getting tells from strangers you haven’t met?
For the most part, ya!
>Does your opinion change based on the race or gender of the character?
No, only thing that changes opinion is if it's a clear erp alt
>And do YOU /tell strangers to make new friends?
>What race/gender do you play?
F Sunnie
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These scum has infiltrated aether as well
i fucking hate when people prog lie on their friends behalf
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>Slopwork Memetown
drink more herbal teas!
cute fiddie and duskie
that's just how it is man... where'd they get filtered? p2 and p6 were real filters from what i saw
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>If they didn't look at the game as a guaranteed cash cow
I hate how Square thinks this 100% and Yoshi is really stuck in a pickle. He can't ask for more money to be put back into the game because of the stupid japanese muh honor shit. Only way things will change if there was another MMO in the market to take customers away so he is forced to actually change shit but that will never happen since MMOs are a dying genre since zoomers and alphababs don't have patience.
Then say them all
Well, I suppose it could be
how many people are there already?
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The differences in comfort rituals between cultures is always something that has intrigued me. I've always found a comfort cooking meals and in college in mixing different alcohol for myself and friends.
>I play with one hand on the keyboard and one on myself
I would expect this from your VPR performance in all honesty... feel better soon virago
there's been some latam free companies on aether around cactuar since i started a few years ago, and i assume before then
ryonaGODS run this thread
Every other MMO coming out is shooting themselves in the foot way or another. Throne and Liberty looks unironically good but
it's a fucking ticking timebomb
I don't want to boost their ego
well i had enough of cc, off to warm-up for wnf!
No problem, get well anon
Preventing it is much better if you can catch it early
(especially when it aligns with your off days)
Uncensored ears, send in the femra
Sis, are you ok...
are there any NA data centers where I won't be visually assaulted with this?
It's still ~40 minutes out, people don't really show up until 10 minutes or so before. Most people get there at or after the starting time.
I hate when a whole thread goes by and I only get 2 (You). I need the attention my father doesn't give me
Isn't that my moonie? *gasp*
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What map is it for CC?
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map doesn't matter I will eat your ass
It should be "This scum has" or "These scum have" Pablo
what is it about fiddies?
why do people care so much about attention anyways? does it feel that good
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>Do you, as an /xivg/ player, enjoy getting tells from strangers you haven’t met?
Most of the time, yeah. A lot of people I've met and associated with from here or randomly in-game are pretty swell folks.
However, I do get uncomfortable a bit if it is /tells complimenting my chars look.
>Does your opinion change based on the race or gender of the character?
I won't deny I like looking at Midlanders more but I judge more particularly on their actions/personality rather than their choice of race/gender.
>And do YOU /tell strangers to make new friends?
If they seem interesting enough yeah why not? I enjoy talking and meeting new people.
>What race/gender do you play?
Male Midlander
one of them is a bunny and the other is humongous
Wednesday night fights still happen? Oh man do I have some stories about that place for you middiebro
what is this thing, I keep seeing my friends post it in discord
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>MMOs are a dying genre
This is a bullshit lie. People still want MMOs. Throne and Liberty proves it. They'll play even Amazon Korean slop just because it's new. The game isn't even that good. It's the companies that are the problem. They're too greedy and shortsighted.
Sliced off, blood covered Miera ears
all face 4 moonies except the slutty ones.
have you tried not being a snowflake?
unironically, i don't think i've seen a spanish advert on crystal, but i don't look for them or see shout chat often
Knocking up this fiddie and disappearing to another country!
>Studies say that you can calm a belligerent Brit with a cup of tea
How many floridians here rn? How many of y'all facing the hurricane head on?
I am aware, however someone responded to it before I had the chance to fix it.
when can we 1v1 again?
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You calling that stinky elf cute brought me luck... finally manage to reclear m4s!!!!
>have a deserts company
>61% of its profits come from this cool apple pie my aunt makes
>the rest come from smaller cookies that people eat quick and then forget about
>decide to take the money I get from apple pies and divert them into virtual currency and rubber tires that I sell outside my bakery
>apple pie auntie can't afford the good apples anymore because I keep taking from her budget to fund my virtual currency addiction. auntie's pies get worse but people keep buying them because they're still pretty good even though they're not as good as they used to be
>that was 4 years ago
>at this point we're just using rotten apples to make the pies, but our customer base has never been higher
>there are even people who stand outside our shop, unpaid, defending the rotten pie formula
>when people criticize our pies on social media, we drag auntie out in front of the camera (she's 97) to cry a little bit
yeah i hate it, people in general tend to act with reckless abandon when they group up. just a human nature thing i guess
there's a lot of tornados but I'm not in the path of the storm
While every lalaboy is a disappointment, no two lalaboys are a disappointment in the same way
>p2w MMOs
fuck that shit I'm not a gacha nigger.
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Idk, ask Yoshida-san
I meant desserts, fml
Yeah, no problem with that at all
No, but mostly cause I don't want to be annoying
Female Sunnie
I'm astral projecting queue times into people's minds, your head must be filled with sin and porn.
You have to use less then 10 spoonful's of sugar...
Analogies are for low IQ people who can't think abstractly.
studies say this highlander is adorable
based and good job finishing your reclears
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>>Do you, as an /xivg/ player, enjoy getting tells from strangers you haven’t met?
Depends on the context of the tell.
>>Does your opinion change based on the race or gender of the character?
Kind of, but depends on what the tell is about.
>>And do YOU /tell strangers to make new friends?
Not really, it is very rare when I do.
>>What race/gender do you play?
Female Lalafell
The fact you care means you are an esl
>Do you, as an /xivg/ player, enjoy getting tells from strangers you haven’t met?
yes because it’s usually because they looked my art and are telling me they like what they saw
>Does your opinion change based on the race or gender of the character?
>And do YOU /tell strangers to make new friends?
i usually compliment glams or just very well put together characters. i look at plates too and compliment those as well.
>What race/gender do you play?
It's always the same avatarfag shitters who NEED people to know it's them posting
I can't choose between the bloonies they're all my favourite
For now, no more calls. Sweats are playing right now.
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I know what you are.
Sunnie tails are for my pleasure alone
>Do you, as an /xivg/ player, enjoy getting tells from strangers you haven’t met?
>Does your opinion change based on the race or gender of the character?
>And do YOU /tell strangers to make new friends?
>What race/gender do you play?
>nobody's favorite moonie
i am KILLING myself and then drinking a fanta
>t. has never read a book since the 6th grade
Alma's into all this and you still found a way to get rejected? lol
please take your antipsychotics, i hope you resolve whatever causes this behavior
fanta to face 4 moonie and you'll be my favorite!
>Rapeworks Moonietown
(You) Tell me anon. (>^_^)><(^_^<)
my catboy gets jiggy wit it when the radz at han jeeta music starts playing
male midlander
>Do you, as an /xivg/ player, enjoy getting tells from strangers you haven’t met?
>Does your opinion change based on the race or gender of the character?
>And do YOU /tell strangers to make new friends?
>What race/gender do you play?
Why did you post a Turk with the Brazilian flag?
May I see your moonie?
this isn't a correct derogatory term, roach is and has been property of the turkish for a very long time
you COULD be my favorite moonie
My moonie remains in the shadows…
Unseen and undetected…
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You caught on fast, you might have two braincells... Powerful!
When I finish what I'm doing and if no calls are happening I can do some
You love attention too bby
Honestly I think my issue with RDM is the same issue I have with VPR. VPR gets it worse, but both feel like jobs you just get sprinted away from your burst. RDM just feels like worse NIN to me. You prep a burst, go in, dump your damage on someone and hope they die, but you have fewer options and limited evasion. Only real perk in my eyes is the AoE silence, which is amazing, but also has what feels like a nasty delay on it.

But I also am likely just really off the mark and bad. Who knows.
Yorkshire Tea and Greggs can soothe anyone up here. Its a powerful mix.
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its Car from garn47
p2 strength, meteors, then 3's dps check, then doth (major one)
by the time I got to 6, vets started appearing to assist us
Cockwatch status?
>hit me up an old plapfriend for a poke
>got rejected
I don’t wanna go to the QS….
Your moonie musk is thicker than the shadows themselves lol
brb gonna feed my cats
yeah its alright
not really unless it's something sexual/flirty
male midlander
I catch you using middie insight and force you to become a Phillies fan.
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Are there any furnishings which are just knives
do we like joonies? jelqing moonies.
My cat heard this playing and was very concerned for my speakers, now she's trying to lick them and hug them, thank you for that.
why do people always post this like its a bad thing? its more fun playing with people who dont fall over
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my catboy is plapping val in his apartment freaking crazy style
There's no way my moonie is that smart anon she has a terminal case of head empty
>fl team running away from every fight
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Look at this cool malera
because most cc queue-folk don't want an actual good fight. they just want to kill randos who barely know how to play. they want ez wins
Clockwerk Status?
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I am a femlala that's here.
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Nobody likes my Sunnie because I am not a Futa...
I also love I'm Bunny...
my bad bro lol
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I saw this image floating around here, does anyone have the mod itself? Hell Ill even settle for an image of their characters wearing it
you love pointing out the esl huh
All third worlders are the same to me
i only like asexual sunnies sorry...
because some anons think they are hot shit until an ebin folds them
Pussy Patrol status?
A couple xivggers and I have been queuing despite the lack of calls
I am an italianafell...
Not them but hey...
mama mia.....
I like your sunnie.
this, you can tell when it's literally just randos getting stomped/people not on their team AFKing in spawn and you start seeing "games are good" in the thread
are moonies pump and dump material only?
knives how? like hanging on a wall, sitting on a table, or what?
off the top of my head i can only really think of two. one being knives on a mannequin, and clip the mannequin in to the wall, so it looks like a wall mounted knife. the other being to empty one of the meals that has a significant knife on the side, so it's an empty plate and the knife+whatever other cutlery, then you can just cover the plate or whatever else
post your favorite eros ramazzotti song
Post screenie of your lala, if shes brown i might airlift her out of the favella
ciao bella
tracking this moonie
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banana banana banana terracotta
banana terracotta terracotta pie
would you like my moonie more if i gave her a dick? is that it?
papa pia...
need an eb that I can take away my anger and frustration on
She's brown but I don't live in Brazil irl...
It's always funny seeing eops using esl as an insult.
Not my moonie she's not into that at all
My catboy would love your moonie
what character do you play as...?
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12:15 CC ET Crystal
ah, yeah those'll do it. and yeah i think the same happened for me towards the end, people usually only help out parties that are close to clearing unless it's alt job prog but it is what it is
yet somehow at the same time the cc regulars discourage and bully new players out of the queues
If you pump and dump my moonie she will slash your tires

fiddies? our response?
All that's left in my heart is misery and despair...
Mine is..even though she would like to find love, she's accepted it won't happen.
a moonie
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do you have either snickerdoodles and/or lemon cookies?

posting femra
La ragazza...
I like this
Why dream when we can make it a reality?
I'll confess...
I am a femlala that has been afking at that spot in LB14 to be rubbing material for a few anons..
do you like meenas
That's a really good glamor
My dyslexic ass read this as titanfall.
may i see your thighlander
crystal. where should i meet you?
my moonie is a femra enjoyer
May my femra see your moonie

Jokes aside, I would unironically be down for a trial where we just straight-up fight a storm. Not a primal shaped like a storm, not a monster that makes a storm, but just get together the lads and kick a hurricane's ass.
My moonie is a good girl. She has never taken part in erp.
>kick a hurricane's ass.
you've been schizoing her for a month and this is the best you can come up with?
My bloonie would also like to see your moonie
Lavender Beds, Ward 14 on Balmung. It's the current afk spot.
apologies, but I don't post my moonie in the thread
yeah but i love her most
Lavender Beds, Ward 14
I'm obsessed with fox.
good moonie
built for ryona with a 50% chance of death
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something like this without the cabbage
thanks anon
Your moonie is like my moonie :3c
My moonie wants to take a nap…
Okay, Wuk Lamat's voice acting isn't THAT bad... then again, I just finished the first quest in the expansion.
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that futa rizz
Finish the expansion before you come here to share your "hot" takes.
i can't think of any like that, i'm sorry
while i was looking at meals i saw this one, which'd be good if you ate the omelette and covered the plate
but not much else of note
the voice acting is mediocre but it's far from the deciding factor of DT being shit, people just clung onto it for underage culture war stuff
I don't understand the hatred against Brazilians. They're so nice and friendly.
>food analogy
Literally dead face wtf. Do they not know that you need to pose the expression as well.
Log in right now if you want to EB me.
Just letting you know that I saw this... that is all.
none have ever been nice or friendly to me
white get insecure when they have to share space with other peoples
Coincidentally, a kind anon linked me that mod yesterday lol, I'm not sure which one of these is those specific shoes, but it's here (all are heels):
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Why are shaders so difficult sisters... my tiny sunnie brain can't pick which one to use...
I'm saving my eggs for my future middie husband.
W-what does the heart mean?
Can't wait to marry my sunnie bf <3
It's funny to me how Brazilians are a powerful force in /xivg/
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Every once in a while if someone's interests align with mine
Male Lalafell
Wait does everyone expect sunnies to be futa? I never knew this...
Sis, by the time the femra finally get bored of middies, all your eggs will be dead...
Just make your own it's ez
Nationalities with meme hate: BR, AUS, CAN
Nationalities with legitimate hate: USA, CN, RU
ok I'm taking the other one then.
slurping on her clit like it's spaghetti
A solidarity heart
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im logging in

yeah, its always nice to chat and meet new people i think. usually not so much race/gender, but i will say certain "aesthetics" make me slightly apprehensive. as for reaching out myself, usually im pretty reserved but i have on occasion /tell'd people to compliment glams or their adventurer plates or if they impress me during duties.
Those feet are built for bullying small lalaboy penis.....
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4:25 CC ET Crystal
I will keep going until my power goes out.
*nervous gulp*
Decades of F2P MMOs have deeply seated my hatred for brazilians, singaporeans, and russians.
I know... :(
non farlo...
you can't have either
get your own moonies
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what's the point of a dungeon if i can't make it scary
Being racist isn't healthy for you.
Oh okay thats much better than what my moonie thought you meant she is not very smart I apologise on her behalf
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I hate every country that isn't my own.
No worries. I know what you mean.
100% this

Brazilians are like rats and infest every f2p game they can in large numbers. Most of them were super immature and generally really annoying.
sex dungeon
What are you, a fucking building?
Milton can't stop me from winning in CC..
How can I know if someone is an actual sprout or an alt? I just found the cutest femlala ever and I want to love her but I'd have to change my approach if she's a fake sprout
I hate everyone equally
>Meme hate

Newfag. Australians are confirmed to be the worst posters on this site by a large margin.

I've seen more Brazilians than I have seen people hating Brazilians. I don't think you realize how brown this place is.
I gotta go.
Their penises could easily fit between the foot and heels there or anywhere on the straps
you have no understanding of the world pablo
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Never reply to my post L*l*boy pedos
anyone have gyoza fairy's twitter?
It's almost the end of the thread
No one will notice me telling femras that my male middie loves them very much
murder all lalafell
You can never know

I bought a whole new account a month ago just for 8 more Balmung sprout ERP alts to pretend I'm new and get plapped by Veteran players
My moonie likes your understanding moonie she is kind :3c
it's mostly americans, eurochads don't shart their pants immediately upon seeing a foreign language in international servers
burgers wouldn't last even a day of dealing with german "people"
I, for one, am brazillian (pale)
south americans as a whole have left an incredibly negative impression on me every time i encounter them in osrs
Tells no
You're not the horsefucker femezen, don't reply to me again
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log out I need to server hop and you're taking up space
queue up
I have an important cockwatch to announce next thread
>eurochads don't shart their pants immediately upon seeing a foreign language
what the fuck am i even reading youre literally coping bro
you clearly havent played wow
Are you also asexual?
Feel like raping a sunnie and stroking their dick while I do
My moonie says thanks and thinks the same about your moonie too
A paler piece of shit is still a piece of shit. YWNBW
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Yknow what ill give raiding one more shot tonight on primal, it cant be that bad, they even have a VC-
playing mmo's in general has made me hate all south americans and seamonkies
two of the grossest, creepiest sexpests who don't respect boundaries at all
i guess that's true if you schizophrenically think everyone who thinks you're retarded is automatically brapzilian for some reason (pro tip: most of the world including the first world hates americans)
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>burgers wouldn't last even a day of dealing with german "people"
I have bad news for the Americans...
nice... give the braincell back I'm trying to press a button for >>497808342
Name one nice Brazilian
worst of all proxy is fat irl
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Brume niggers will steal them or use them as weapons. Such is the price one pays for setting up your establishment next to the ghetto.
Can you skip the limit cut mechanic in P9S?
I'll listen to them when they stop lining up to take slices out of our GDP.
could be you if you let me hit it
the only confirmed pale latinx in the thread larps as a black futa sexpest in game and is fat as hell.
>xivg devolved into race shitflinging
jesus christ people are this bored in dawntrail
even ew wasn't this bad
but i gotta finish my reclears...
What's so shit about DT?
Lil bro is mad as hell.
Hey I think those Venezuelan gangs are knocking at your door.
>jesus christ people are this bored in dawntrail
Yes, yoshitpiss release deep dungeon and forays now or i will continue to instigate virtual race wars.
My moonie will now be creating a mental image of your moonie petting her as she pets your moonie back before she leaves to go to sleep
Did it yesterday actually, you can.
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bored? i'm just a racist.
Now help me do it too!!!
Just busted a load so you can have some too. So happy my thread whore met her.
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>Feri is a BR
Holy shit
They just named random anons
>gyoza fairy
naming yourself after the worst part of dorohedoro is a sin I cannot forgive.
That is my moonies forte :3c
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Well shit.
Would marry still.
Is there anyone in XIVG who ISNT Brazilian?
a bit
we're talking about ffxiv here, but also WoW actually has language-segregated servers so it makes more sense for people to be annoyed by it there, at least for the ones that have servers (russian/spanish/german/french/english)
I'm arguably worse
>eurochads don't shart their pants immediately upon seeing a foreign language

Say, what are your opinions on the Polish, friend?
they're about a C for me on the euro race tier list, but i'm not gonna throw a fit if i see someone speaking polish
I'm a Californian.
my wife
haha surfs up my dude, tokes on totally radical watch me grind this gnar
Uh oh! Frencord melty!

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