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Please Be Nice To Femlalas...
>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Moogle Treasure Trove (Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release!)

>Future Meetups:
• Oct 9th, 9:00 PM EST | Marilith, Goblet W16 P15 | Spooky Club: Haruhi Movie and Inu-Oh >>497338807
• Oct 12th, 1PM EDT / 6PM BST | Zurvan, Materia | Yanxia, Plum Spring | Roleplaying Meetup >>496634258
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | Mahjong Open Tournament >>495487281
• Oct 12th, 5:30PM EDT / 10:30PM BST | EU + NA | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 11 - 16 >>497313724
• Oct 13th, 4:30PM EST | Marilith | Slitherbough, The Rak'tika Greatwood | Shared FATE farming >>497557429
• Oct 13th, 7PM EDT | Ultros, Primal Mist W20 P34 | Mullholand Drive and Twin Peaks Season 2 ep 10 and 11 >>497515929
• Oct 19th, 7PM EDT | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet W3 P58 >>496273537
• Oct 26th, 5PM PST / 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal | LB W2 P10 | Halloween Musicals! ( also The Crow ) >>497715049
• Oct 27th, 8PM EDT | Balmung, Crystal | LB W19 P28 | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party >495083393

Sunkissed and Sunloved: >>497818413
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Moonies! :3
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doom magic has started. hahahhahahahhaha

if you sex lalas you're mentally ill
Xth for Florida
Sex with catgirls
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>tell femra i can only do 1 more raid
>she tells me this
why are they like this
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>Watching a former ebin groom a new face
Hurts every time. They were doing so well too.
yes and?
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im a winner
nobody cares about your twitter rando dogshit
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That's just some british nobody. Go home.
My catgirl does this
Turning R.S.'s pelvis into paste!
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me and Remus Anima
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why are you so small
hey anon what does this mean? could you be more specific?
everyone here is mentally ill but at least i'm mentally ill with a big femlala butt
clear my diaspora hruntmonkey
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Very well.
alright post the code
Run Sosa....
Hi I'm a femlala please love me thanks.
this fad ended a few months ago bro catchup pls
face 2 dunesfolk femlala here
Holy shit when did they start letting you post novellas to twitter?
I miss the og discord so much dumb stuff happened in there
good post
he means an ebin is being friendly and he’s seething from a distance
My femlala needs a bigger mcdf to try posing with her new body’s bones… not too much bigger tho, stretching can only go so far. (Futas need not apply)
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I am once again asking if anyone knows why reshade Chromakey does this, and if it can be avoided...
It seems to remove very fine details from hair that have a transparency taper, is there a way to prevent it from doing that and keep the small amounts of transparent bits?
What happened?
I genuinely wonder how many people are subbed right now. Yoshi-P had to beg people to stay sub in new zeland
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Any f+ in the itt?
just make one in glamourer
>first reply "ok cya"
probably dumb stuff
I just want a lala wife, why is that so hard?
TLDR you faggot
can someone translate this post using mare, cum, plap and goon?
My sunnie+ is in itt this thread
>Made my Fiera the same height as a fiddie
Chat is this locked or is it keyed?
I don’t want to figure out a bunch of mods to make it all work
face 3 plainsfolk malelala here
sorry I play F-
it's gonna be really generic but hold on
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Dawntrail having a bad story did so much damage that the lead developer is begging people not to "retire"
May I see?
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Can you make an exception
classic shit.
i play maliddie but my rava golem is f+
Ebinism, I just thought about the anon who was crazy about bikes for a little bit and sharing theirs
depends on who this is
I know which anon that is.
I miss them.
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2:55 CC ET Crystal
My sunnie+ is here but if I repost her gock it might be bad...
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This random guy triggered a lot of people. Maybe because its common enough that most poster have seen their FC or friends quit because of dawntrail.
I don't wanna take a screenshot right now but picture a pissed off sunslut
Happy to do business with you
What is the 'og discord'? Are you referring to the Appalcord?
I'm not going to translate twitter posts from some eurofag with less followers than american thread ebins
cute bungirl
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nobody you know
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my FA fucked up because i had the wrong chain, false alarm
A femra reminder to bully a femezen today!
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my sunnie is like don quixote from hit game Limbus Company
please stay mooncat
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falsehood moment
>uses the word triggered
40 year old man
can i bully middies instead? they deserve it
Finally a good post
your sunnie sounds like a fucking dork
i am
a gay hrothgar
Uhh why is she pissed off
You may want to revise what triggered means I see very few here upset
do you like male characters
No this was when discord just released
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just so you all know if you queue into cc calls that are made from this thread at any point this is the type of gameplay you are asking for. a faggot that gives no thought towards the other 9 people he has queued into a match with will throw the game you thought you would have fun in
I'm going to have to start doing call outs at this rate and it makes me feel dirty.
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It's always funny watching a sprout/newfag join and post in the thread and slowly become a coomer/slut pipeline.
Thanks! I just remembered I did have one friends mcdf, but it’s awkward to pose malera x femlala, they’re very lanky (also he was big into oil meta)
my middie is
take this back
She's irritable & moody but gets quite cheerful in private
this is so unfathomably based
i havent popped the fanta yet, i just wanted to see if i could make one i liked
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my femra begrudgingly enters another day
I forgot what I was gonna do
Would you have sex with your WoL?
It's true, game sucks. As you can see in this thread it's just a bunch of trannyfags circlejerking each other. That's all that is left of the playerbase.
Yeah, definitely a dork. No doubt about it
I think I like this.,,
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face 3?
>Hodrick was fake nice the whole time
I like this. You like this. We like this. This is Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail.
counterpoint: https://x.com/val_ffxiv/status/1844030067346743464
Does she like moonies?
no but I'd plap with my house vendors
can i craft current doh/dol gear with 620 pentamelded gear
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why is ffxiv the only mmo without good elves
4, sorry
Are you stuck in queue anon, it's been a bit so I'll probably go back in.
No, but we’d very good friends
Welcome my queen, please make yourself comfortable.
Did they get disconnected...?
erm sorry the game kicked me and then we lost by the time I got back I guess
It has great elves
Vile heretic
To the malera mines with you
Loves em, even if she might tease & bully them at first
calling this femra a dork
We all know this already. If you spent more time here the only gameplay discussion left is reiterating that point. No one plays the game because dt killed any hype for it. People here play to goon because the devs allow it due to them knowing these people will almost never unsub no matter what they do.
i honestly wish se would kill off all mods forever so people like this video can never enjoy the game ever again
What do you want
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Woah, we like this!
real and true
French dub people hate her
German dub people hate her
Japanese dub people hate her
English dub people hate her totally and only 100% only due to the va being trans
Hmmm. The solution is simple euthanize anglos
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elezenchuds will argue with you but you're right. the elves in this game are ugly as sin and resemble tranny skinwalkers rather than beautiful ethereal beings who are really racist.
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no, tis a golem. and she’s a sunnie now… sorry…
Not so much seething. If you two people randomly become inseparable it's bound to go bad fast, just sad to watch.
what the actual fuck is that creature in the bottom right
>he thinks it's hodrick posting this every time
not beating the gay allegations
How you all doing tonight? Anyone need moral support?
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my moonie÷ is now itt this thread
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6:35 CC ET Crystal
People like that were always planning on doing it from the beginning as part of their fetish.
Elder Scrolls Online
Phantasy Star Online 2 (This includes NGS)
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Hello, I am okay. How are you? Can I have 1 Moral support please?
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*eyes bulge out of head*
*jaw drops and tongue rolls out*
*johnny bravo voice* WHOA MAMA
*spits in hand, slicking my mane back (hair cus im a male hroth)
*ahem* hello maam do you like hroths?
if i toggle the penis off its straight tho
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>have to refrain from sexpesting my own EB
I have a problem, bros...
Damn I got jumped last match
It's not elezen that get mad it's their fanbase. Most elezen know they're weird looking.
why are the wowfags spamming today, thought they said tww was amazing.
Huh...? That's what EB's are for, silly...
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Moonie butt is all I got for nyow..
you would have to toggle the balls off as well as toggling on a vagina then yeah
Even if it's a moonie+?
Looking for somebody to pay my sub. You'll get access to my femboy middie maid's armpits.
I miss when elder scrolls had cool, freaky looking elves
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All my friends hate me because I'm clingy and message them too much.
go the fuck to bed
my cat has always had a vagina
shes a futa after all
I'm REALLY needy.....

Goon. Plap. Sex. Cock. Rape. Cum. These are the reasons why we play the game.

I like this. You like this. We like this. This is Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail.

Wuk Lamat? The rite of succession? Sphene? Don't care about them unless I can plap them, and now that mods are back, we can. We can finally Play The Game™. Time to get comfy and eepy, now that mods are back you can coom ‘n goon with all the classics in the ‘cord like AS (x3), GL, OL, HH, LL, SS, VM, MV, IM, and many others. All we need now is a movie meetup and it’ll feel like we never left Endwalker. One could say it's like going to the "grammy's".

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erm your nipples
elk is full package
My Brazilian wife...
I'm fine with people messaging a lot. People are very different and while it's not always easy to acclimate to a persons behavior I think it's not a bad thing.
it's at the point where mythic raiders are the only ones going 24/7 now, the shitposters are not competent or social enough to be doing that
You're the first person in this whole thread to mention WoW. You doin' okay fella?
not tricking me again xivg people dont even respond to my slutposts.
I kept erping even when all the mods were down. You will never be free of me
Of course. It will give them common ground
You're too late...
I'm on Crystal feel free to message me whenever.

You are an outlier.
That's cute though
Dude, if you are going to mod at least use a race that doesn't have a man face.
i do this with people i get briefly obsessed with before going back to my reclusive ways
do me a favor and
pick up the phone
yea... just lost like 2 really close matches (20 points) on FL cause of absurd node placement... but damn was it a blast
>randoms again
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>You are an outlier.
Yeah, I'm kinda retarded. If you want someone to chat, I'd be up for it until I go to bed!
Yeah, just go on without me. Sorry about that anon.
moonie feet

what a treat
Are your gatherers leveled?
I am my WoL so I cannot have sex with myself
My mind will be a steel trap of focus for the rest of the month.
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a WAR hates DRKs like a pet hates fleas
call a vet please heal life's DRK disease
when I'm laying in my bed I don't need to count sheep
cause I count dead DRKs when I wanna fall asleep
Uh huh. I'll make sure to link this post when they start getting pissed off and screaming /xivg/ in a bit.
how does it fit in there
Moon and Sun united by common ground
real harmony
ugly ass highlander
she was literally built for it
i’m not whoever you think i am sry
what do you use to get that crisp look?
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I wish I had a friend like this. Mine will literally never talk to me if I don't message them, not exaggerating at all.
I just wanna listen to someone yap all day about bullshit
post butt
Oh you're who they meant. Alright we'll eb later
no hes a meena and im not gay
based consoleGAWD
>not gay
Sure man
isn't the new dbz gmae not out yet
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as promised I am now posting my roe since I now have a new picture...
i would with my middie golems tbqhwy
What kind of things do you like anon?

Do they just AFK at the 'beds next to each other for hours without saying a thing?
That looks nothing like him
They still do what?
what happened to your dick? are you post-op now?
My Roe wife…
Hey nice boss intro image swys
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A beat jealous of how fast you too such a great screenshot. Cute roe, kind roe and cool roe too!
do not listen to the other guy you are the cutest highlander by far
server and eb status right now
Hi Remus
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subtle foreshadowing except its my raid party wiping to the stupidest thing
Outside it sounds like a train is running through the streets
They have the exact same body morph as all the other races, because eso is garbage.
https://github.com/gposingway/gposingway I've been messing around with this. Pretty sure I used Witch'sFantasy in Witch's Presets for that one
It's there but most outfits don't have the option to show any. Just gotta assume inhyuran tuck game.
That wasn't the intended point but..you're welcome.
i am still
a male moonie
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I wish NIN wasn't so chaotic during their burst. I consistently fumble and drift things.
You guys spent 3 threads talking about brazilians but somehow forget twitter is banned on brazil, how come?
Pulling that tail while tugging your collar from behind.
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All but fishing.
The NA translator.
Ready to have your very own
"Beat up the Bigot!" tier quest like GW2?
Bros I wanna do Memoria miseria ex
>twitter is banned on brazil,
not anymore
make a pf its easy
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wasn't the ban lifted?
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Yeah, it's insane. Why is everyone I meet like this.
>What kind of things do you like anon?
I love taking gposes ingame and talk to Anons. I also very much like AI. How about you?
>4 different friends who I know have houses and FC houses and apartments have no estate teleportation destinations anymore
>one of them I last spoke to just 2 days ago because they wanted to apologize for not making it to my EB ceremony
Is estate teleportation bugged? It's hard to believe any of them unfriended me, let alone all 4.
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I'd beg her for the opportunity
You could do better than that loser, brother.
Tail pulling will earn you several scars, you have been warned.
I made one but nobody joined.... maybe I should try crystal.
they probably just turned off estate teleportation to erp or something
Whats wrong sis?

*Channels u one point*
QRD on Remus?
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>tfw no needy EB that just wants to goon for hours on end
They just want to be seen together they'd probably be afk alone otherwise.
why do you fantasize about other men being gay...
thank you thank you...
Well since it's a remake of a previous image I already knew what to do, the only thing I had to figure out was how to make chromakey not wonky (you can see it messed up the hair, I don't know how to prevent that) but otherwise it was a repeat of stuff I already did
also thank you anon you brighten everyone's day c:
i'm not comfortable with answering that...
just woke up but the dread is creeping in already as I remember how messed up my brain is, can't be helped though
how about you Anon?
8 hours a week of gathering, I’ll sit down and make a list of what the first totals will be. The reason I’m not poor (like you) is I have enough sense not to advance payment to a NEET.
they are probably in a group chat without you unironically and talking shit about you behind your back i would fish for info and try to catch them in a lie
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>*Channels u one point*
Thanks bro!
Gonna be honest I haven't checked to see in a week and honestly I'm going to keep it that way.
Yeah. I can't make a wol that looks like myself, but I did my damndest and have her bully my self insert sometimes.
Name for friendship delivery?
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I'm bored anon what should I do?
I am my femlala. I would have sex with OTHER WoL
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>I need a break before we go again
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I asked for a fiddie wife that looked like this. Anons last thread mentioned frogs and +s. I now understand why.
Ok you're my wife now.
I feel degraded and I like it.
Sorry no + here.
>Whats wrong sis?
im good now was just despairing for a bit... ty for the support
Don't worry about it...
*keeps making his femra golems*
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i thought that was my wol for a moment
but she isn't any of those things you described
great taste in hair though!
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Sudoku soon, wbu
Im great do you need assistance...
Considering I'm too silly to get my chromakey even working with transparence... But I like it very much, it's a cool screenshot. I hope you have a good night when you go to sleep and I should visit you sometime again!
what do they look like
Lifting this tail and smooching
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Without a shadow of a doubt.
post butt
Whats wrong sis...
Woah, that one looks cute. God bless sleepy eyes... I best sleep with one eye open then lest I wake with a ring on my finger!
if you could provide one shotgun blast to the back of my head that'd be great, but otherwise I can't be assisted
I'm glad you're doing great and seeking to be helpful, have a great rest of your day cycle Anon
I mean they're not really a part of your race? they lack the ugly neck and pinhead. You sound unhinged.
Same (your wol)
Post lewd catboxes my middie needs them
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I will let darkness overtake me...
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>get trapped in an eternal game with randoms
>nothing but spam pings and melties
Bwos it ain't that serious.
We could've had this instead of giraffes
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I just wanna chat and do stuff with someone. I'd like to meet someone who has stuff to say, and has actual opinions and dreams in their brain.
Please gz for my first ever pose... with no Viera to congratulate me personally...
You should probably meet people who don't afk at the 'beds or actually like to play the game. I would offer but no clue who you are.

What is Al?
These elves look like shit I'm not gonna lie to you.
I should have been the one to fill your dark heart with LIIIIIIGHT!
Do you want some of my light aspected aether? That wasnt an innuendo.
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you should ask my other two wives if they're fine with that first
Maybe I can assist with that some time.. and thanks again. good night!
Yeah, of course. I would rather fuck my friend's wol instead though.
Do it, pussy.

Do it right now. Report back.
I don't like it, but grats bro, good first step into hell.
my lalaboy found a treasure map!
that sculpt needs a more neutral makeup, it'd look way better
can i have sex with ur femlala
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Light? Darkness? It's all the same at this point... Sometimes it feels like the weight of it is crushing me, and no amount of light can chase away this darkness that lingers in my heart.

I don’t know how much longer I can pretend. That everything’s alright. That I can keep carrying the burden of being the healer, the one who mends the wounds of others while my own soul bleeds. But I can’t stop...

If I stop then I fail others, disappoint others more...
my fiddie is a -
>What is Al?
Artificial Intelligence, it's a lot of fun to tinker around with. Though I mostly enjoy text generation, it's good fun.
that’s my wife cute fiddie wife right there
Why don't you like it? I will apply all your criticisms so feel free to roast and call me shit
Sis, I don't even know where to start. I certainly don't think this is the place to vent about it. It's all real life things too. I'm simply at the lowest point of my life, what else can I say
I'm poor... so poor...
Probably not. But… like if we were roommates, and watching some movie together on a couch, drinking, and a sexy part of the movie came up and she came onto me… well I might be a little curious.
Post her butt
is this better
do you like hrothgar
yea that's what I made my femra for
you f3mra is better macchi
No I am sorry my middie is too horned up
What does the A stand for?
I'm afraid I'm not a femlala... I'm bigger and have longer ears, also a touch manlier. Sorry friend.
You mean a.i. I couldn't tell if that was an I or l
well MY fiddie is an ÷
A Femezen is fine too.
I won't take your gil to have sex with you, Tozer...
yes mine. not yours, mine.
we ??? this
Oh, it's just not my tastes is all. If you want actual criticism, her elbow looks weird but I know those are annoying to work with, so as a first timer is fine
I am a femra who can't sleep due to my stomach feeling weird.
This made me giggle, thanks
Malerabros... I fumbled yet another baddie..........
Macchi I am honestly amazed at the consistency of your bad taste. Like not a single one of your characters are visually appealing in any way.
why does this futranny shemale freak get a pass?
Did you not see his f3mra with the long emo hair? That one was fucking hot
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Oh, yes that makes sense.
A touch manlier!
What if I include a paper bag?
SC my wife.
my lalaboy's head and face hurts
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Welcome to the family, son.
well then
it’s time to add the bed
subtract the clothes
divide the legs
and multiply
that's like the 5th one... hang in there khagan
It is your fate as a malera to fumble all the baddies, my condolences.

I haven't actually, let's see it.
I'm Fox!!!
Put on a skimpy attire and show us
are you mad you don’t get (You)s?
should I put my femra in a cop outfit?
Die, Florida
If this isn't just roleplay would you like some support...
does anyone want me to gpose having sex with my aryan malezen?
Jean of course he's just so perfect and dreamy..
I kinda like Jean but he's unfortunately not gay
I noticed but I don't have the skill to fix that yet. Thank you though.
I don't want to boost their ego
>Aryan malezen
Yeah I'm thinking based
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I like big, freaky, dorky elves. Just go miqote if you want small and cute.
Layla West, obviously
Don't have a crush and my wife doesn't go there.
Toriya! Come on!
But the oranges! ;_;
can i switch him out for a cute male middie
u wanna talk about it ingame?
So this is like a cuck anchor right?
You're describing a personality which nobody who spends their time logged in afk at LB14 has
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...can I get 67 more wins and be done with it?
Is this true? Last time I checked it was considerably more expensive than 5usd, back in 2015(iirc) it used to be around that but then SE bumped up the price.
would anyone like to do something in ffxiv
>the world is a bunch of NPCs but not me
I hate this personality type
Huh...? What's freaky about them? Only thing I don't like about Elezen is their animations but other then that they're solid.
It's a namedrop yourself anchor
yeah sure
I'd happily chat throughout the day with someone who was exclusive to me but it would be over discord or texting and we'd still just afk together in game.
I'll find you later and give you the bracelet
hihimi....what happened....
*places a bunch of boxes top of each other*
*climbs to the top*
*takes a megaphone and yells*
Jaden, but don't tell her
good, cause my f3mra is saving herself for Christ
Their limb proportions are all kinda weird, skinny and elongated.
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Thanks for the cc I will be queuing down
I love MCH
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Majestic creature
(Yes, it had a fully sized up Femra tail, too)
You're fucking with me
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Thank you for the CC qs.
I must be off but please continue the Qs if you can.
Hey fellas, would one of you fine gentlemen be interested in paying my sub in return for inhaling the scent of my femboy middie's underarms?
buy me a game time card and i can yeah
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This was a good day of CC
Idk who Edda is but the huge tits are hot.
Want to do algaia?
I know that now. I was naive ok!

Do you lack reading comprehension
1. When I say visually appealing I don't mean sexually. I mean aesthetically. Like, does this character create in my soul a feeling of disgust or not.
2. You have surprised me and I will own it, this femra is actually visually appealing, congratulations.
Her, him idgaf I wanna cuddle and stroke their hair. Again, don't tell them
sure, make a pf
no meena is straight
Truth be told I am doing bad lately, I dont feel like interacting with anyone and just wanna lie down and do nothing
i dont wanna to alagia so have fun
It bothers me a lot when people say hai for "hi" instead of for "yes"...
Nah man, it's fine. It is what it is
Atomic McCloud
Amd the anons that live thete..?! (Me)
no lmao
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She wouldn't let me
but if I could? absolutely.
hai :P
i do something similar but we're not exclusive
oh you're fine then, a lot of new people show up at lb14 expecting stuff to happen and they come to a fork in the road being they join the perma afkers or start actually playing the game
when i was new i tried to go to the afk spot and have people do stuff but i realized people are legitimately afk or just alt tabbed i stopped going and i've been much happier since
Whats wrong sis...
>most people name drop themselves just once and move on
>Jean just can’t help but drop his name twice because he’s just that much of a narcissist
Who do you think I'm talking about? Plesse read the posts. They're shitting on elezen specifically not elves. Right now there's a shitty fotm for elezen and I want it to end and these people to leave my race.
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Why would you ever be typing Japanese in romaji you casual. Write はい when you want to mean "yes."
NTA but I understand how you feel, it's surprisingly hard to find people who like talking outside of infatuation
I eventually met someone like that, but they quit the game around when we met so even though they're a great friend they're not a "XIV friend"
I've come to the realization that it's because publicly talkative people tend to not be very interesting or intelligent, but instead grating and boring to me to a point I don't have an interest to befriend them, of course not to any fault of their own

the only way I've found any kind of success is trying to find interesting people in larger group interactions and actively talking to them privately, this might all be irrelevant to you and I honestly hope it is, but maybe the perspective will help someone
but i just woke up a few hours ago
>male in-game sprout
>mare female
But why
I'm just a depressed femlala. I'll be fine, I promise.
She doesn't go to LB14, thank god
She prefers to idle at random spots by my side
I love bees
Why do you find Jean so upsetting anon?
My male character sprout does this sometimes depending on the job
Seething duskwight hands typed this
I think you're the one with bad taste bwo. Macchi's characters are unironically better than most that are posted here.
Okay lemme know if you change your mind
of course I would let my femWoL destroy my mouth and ass
>464994 triangles
sis what the fuck
>people discover that people at the AFK spot are .. AFK!
I await your next greatest discovery, Sherlock
May I plap her tits
the miera except the faggy ones that fuck futas and the one red haired middie with the earrings.
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You asked me though, you make it... I'm actually in queue for a while already on Balmung
AFKing next to someone is comfy. Do you talk non stop back and forth when you go out somewhere with another person? A lot of friendship is just silent coexistance.
But if someone never messages you first, okay yeah they're not an actual friend.
Wasnt me but kek
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SO true, sis.
She would let your dad though
I bet I could fit an entire puffy cunny in my mouth
Life I guess money issues that don't help when a family member needs also needs my support
NTA but if you're gonna be AFK for so long that you don't even check chat ocassionally... then why do you have the game running to begin with?
Genuine question
smooch this
Have you seen the proportions on them? I'm not saying "ohh boo hoo tits too big" I'm talking about the ratio of ass to leg, hip to shoulder, etc. There is no beauty, no aesthetic value. The vast majority of her characters are nothing more than garish slop.

>Better than most posted here
That is not a high bar at all, my friend.
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sorry i'm fat and i don't know how to fix it.
Because I can. Simple as. How about you? Why are you getting so upset that nobody is chatting or playing the game when they're at spot to dump off their characters
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Do you ever pop your pussy like this?
one of your body mods is using an obscene amount of triangles
Attention, scared of missing out, /tells... Those are the ones that come to mind on the spot.
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what a bunch of GARBAGE traits they brought back.
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I want to plap your fat tiddie moonie
elezen are shitty elves bro theyre the same thing with the same antics. Elezen are just ugly, don't worry nobody is going to take your shitty race.
my femra is the p diddy of xivg
Yeah I know that feeling I have to take care of a family member with cancer. But im fixing our money woes soon enough.
Just realized I'm getting cucked by a malera bros
Not those anons but I simply afk because I like to. It's fun. I leave my pc on all the time. I afk in my apartment which is locked.
Aside from allergy-induced headache, just fine
I'd ask him if he wants to do something funny like a dinner date pose or a beach swimsuit pose but I don't wanna be weird about it
why do you spam this picture every thread?
I've had plenty of hours and hours long conversations with people there.
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Posing is difficult
>Getting cucked by the number 2 cuck race
You've gotta be a miera then, the number 1 cuck race. If not, this is extremely grim for you and you need to take it as a wakeup call.
User Menu (Person with cog)
Chara Data Analysis
Enable BC7 Conversion
Click and done
In the real world, the MALERA gets the girl
Yeah that's what I meant, but it would be less like smooch and more like make out
There's an entire fotm right fucking now with a bunch of blobs on my race so they can get (you)s from that femra and the two other people that like them. I want them all gone. Evaporated. Exterminated. Reimmigrated. Removed. Destroyed. Whatever.
I've got a mighty need to plap
what does any of that have to do with triangles.
noooo way, they were made as a self-insert so would just be odd
Anyone wanna afk Couerl, Roof of the Amaurot Capitol Building while I say nothing to you because I'm afk making dinner...
Why are you complaining about one of the kindest, most genuine posters here? Why don't you bitch about someone who just AFKs and goons instead of one of the few people who actually do content?
Where is the lighting. 60% of a photograph is the lighting alone, to ignore this is to cuck yourself. Do better. Be better. Demand more of your goonbait.
Pretty bad. A friend still hasn't opened the present I gave them on their birthday last month and has been ghosting me this month
everything is hard starting out, anon don't feel bad

even if it's lewdshit
Seductive, teasing, mouthy miera MALE WIFE
Plapping this lala
This is another miera right? He already does gay shit with the other miera for sure
fine i'm otw
>Where is the lighting
I made it to get into the lalacord i really dont know what im doing desu
How do you know they didnt open it? Seems odd if nothing bad happened between you two.
are you saying my body is obscene?! must be the new yab i guess.

sir this is a sunnie
i already do that but that doesn't deal with the triangles.
i'll spam this one then
need lalabussy
Thanks anons, I will ignore your presence as requested.
oh shit - that's on my Top 10 Smoke Spots for ffxiv
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This bunny is either played by an endearing fujo or an obnoxious faggot. No in between.
Spiderman? Bit by a spider. My femraen? Bit by the GOAT
Does having plugins turned off yet installed consume resources? I am starting to feel my game chugging and I want to find the culprit
Get off his cock.
Why do you play Dark Knight in FL if you WON'T FUCKING DIE NOOB
I think you're just retarded.
on my server its an aymeric/estinien rper doing the same thing
how to use both reshade and gposingway at once
my moonie is half elezen so I gave her elf ears bro, that's been her lore from day 1. You sound extremely autistic over a shitty fictional race of elves you have no control over.
you said the same thing twice
goated raen...
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I don't consider myself some hoity toity intellectual but I would love some stimulating conversation. I enjoy learning how other people think. And I don't even mind mindless conversations about random things. In fact those are usually the most entertaining. But some people don't want to talk or have nothing to say no matter how I try. It's a bit of a downer

I don't expect to talk from morning to night, that'd be silly. But I mean some of the people I know will go days without saying anything if I don't message. In one of my weaker moments I didn't say anything to anyone for a few days just to see and I'm sure you can guess what happened.
disable your mods and then enable one by one while checking your character data on mare
unlike texture size, there's no way to compress the triangles used without actually editing the models
which blobs
download some poses. they're good starting out points. focus on lighting and camera effects too
Nice armpit! And thigh freckles.
It's an e-giftcard. I'll receive an email once they've opened the link to accept it
Fujos are subhuman you fucking straggot simp
Don't you need to be doing a specific emote? Why pose?
that's gay
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hurry up and lets gooo
Can you post the elezen please
Yeah it is
I've never heard of/seen any of that, though
I'm not referring to that. I dont care what you mod on. And yes I am.
Did I ask why there is no lighting? No. Go fix it. The pose isn't honestly half bad, it's pretty good. Your photo looks flat and bland because of the lighting. There is no life, no soul. Try a simple three point lighting setup and you will see the quality if your goonerbaitposts increase drastically.

I am sorry that I simply have higher aesthetic standards than you, I sometimes wish I could enjoy slop from a trough like a pig, it sounds so easy, but alas.
>I would love some stimulating conversation
>I enjoy learning how other people think
Yikes lol, this is kinda cringe
It's more that a lot of people are suspicious of others, especially of late when you say anything that reveals anything about yourself and you get made fun of. A femlala with the initials MM quit because she thought she was safe when talking about the most vanilla sexual encounter she'd like to have after meeting an anon and they just posted it in the thread to mock her and her typing style.

If you reveal any of your humanity you risk being schizod in the thread and people just want to play the game, dude.
moonies alert
I didn't get upset, I was curious. I go AFK a lot, too, but if I know I'll be AFK for a while (say, an hour) I simply close the game and launch it back when I'm done.
Probably true but... that's what discord is for, at least on my case
Fair enough, I guess. I don't get it personally, but by all means do what you like.
I already had reshade installed so I just merged the respective shaders and presets folders, that did the trick I think...
Bring back the elezen, she's less annoying and cuter
Mo Fu
Kind of over done, and we already have someone who does it the best
Maybe something bad happened irl and they aren't available, unless you can see them doing stuff online
I skip every alphinaud scene because I don't listen to women
tobey is a decent song, i like babytron
Would you my buff catte? god please say yes please!
>I sometimes wish I could enjoy slop from a trough like a pig, it sounds so easy, but alas.
You play FFXIV
Elk is too good...
So you're piggybacking off of anti mod fags to hate on eleven golem? idgaf bro close the thread if golemgooners piss you off
I would rather your buff catte do my catboy
He's your best friend.
Where do I find them?
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anybody on crystal up for wanderer's palace MINE?
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Yes and take her out to dinner
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Headpat? Yes, I would!
No you're cringe!

Okay that definitely makes sense. Jesus, what's wrong with people
what do the triangles even effect? is it that much of a strain? i'm kinda lazy...
you hate me at my full power. ok fine.
my wife. /pet /pet /dote
can i get an x.y
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Don't you fucking lie to me.
And all of my alts, too
I would yeah
Then how come I'm not fucking his sister? Huh??
He doesn't plap he just shitposts, still posting pics from 2018 lookin ass
i dont know what song thats from i just heard it o instagram
with some adjustments
No, not particularly. The lighting here entirely fails to play on the muscle texture in a flattering manner. I suggest more three quarters lighting than full side lighting it'll smooth out those weird shadows.

My gf pays my sub each month so I can occasionally make gposes of our characters or run some dungeons with her. I don't "play xiv." A better comeback would be to mention how I frequent /xivg/, but we can't all be clever now can we.
what race gives best paizuri?
what about assjobs?
what about forehead kisses?
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Even though there's no way I should be into you.
Your words, your gaze, your gestures..
It's so annoying.
For some reason the words coming out of you, they bewilder my heart.

It's unfair... so unfair.
Yeah, straight anal with her
That's not what I'm saying at all
>what about forehead kisses?
your femezen is my favorite
Then you'll never fuck him, pussy
Good one anon, you almost baited me.
Mo Fu more like not My Friend yet but hopefully soon
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>If you reveal any of your humanity you risk being schizod in the thread and people just want to play the game, dude.
I really wish this wasn't the case and we'd be a little kinder to each other.
ugly boy
So god damn pretty
My Best Friend is the Black chocobo because it runs fastest
Built for repeatedly impregnating her until her muscles fade from the cocktail of chemicals flowing through her blood at all times.
A friend asked me for some basic tips a while ago when I was lala, I hope this helps anon
Say it to them directly sis...
Have you tried the age old art of messaging me?
Reminder that femezen stocks will never go high because tranchelle serves as a constant dead weight and anyone claiming femezen are ruined by others with that fucking nutcase around is delusional
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that's what you're doing though, people shitting on modded elves have nothing to do with grifting fags who will Fanta back to femra next week. Weirdo
is this the husbun poster
I could never be friends with Mo Fu, I could only rip off that blindfold and stare longingly into his retarded puppy face until he starts stripping.
Hey post butt
cc doko...
>the face she makes when i whip out my lalaboy's 1.8 ilm battering ram
Again you don't even know what I'm saying. Stay in your lane shitskin
Have you done any poses with Molly?
who the fuck are these nununubins
i got knocked into losers but I'm crawling my way out, prepare your ears
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I forgot how to play TT good.
I’m gunna say the M word
Get it all out then. Who are you seething about.
Already did, dork.
At which point I would beat him to death for being such a dirty slut
Just a random femlala I'm afraid.
nta but thanks. i want to start gposing my own lala again soon
15, 34
you genuinely have jeet levels of retardation. Gross
I'm going to post my femlala but you have to call me mommy after...
it's c9 nigga, call it yourself
*Rubs your femra's stomach* feel better feel better soon!
can I be the object of your desire
what husbun poster?
The cat is cut but the elezen is kino. Thank you wife
No CC for one hour. Go shower and eat, stinky.
Be nice to me that was 56 minutes ago, also post tum
I have not!
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moonies are analcoded
come farm hades EX i want that stupid gay ass purple dragon gwibba
I really like this cute femezen. She looks much better than even the cutest lala could.
it sounds like you're smart and want to interact with people who are similarly smart, there's no reason to hide it from yourself as intellect has nothing to do with being an intellectual
fact is most people are not smart and most people are boring; and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that it's how our society functions, but you shouldn't ignore that fact when trying to understand your place socially as it'll only lead to further hardship when you struggle to understand why most people are a certain way

again it's not about looking down on people, it's simply another trait that makes us all different as humans, but that trait might be the reason for your current struggles and I urge you to examine it even if it hurts to even attempt to admit it to yourself
>what race gives best paizuri?
>what about assjobs?
>what about forehead kisses?
yeah i'm whacking off to this shit, sorry chuds
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follow your dreams
male midlanders..... i got a bad feeling about tonight........
I can't guarantee that you will be, but you definitely can be.
what feet mod?
1 out of every elezen looks non-sped it's probably the same for the people that play them
idk there's one that pests that emo meena every time he posts
You say this, but the one time Nietzsche opened up intellectually he was publicly humiliated and never did it again. and I'm not better than nietzsche
Yeah what this anon said. I've had a lot of people tell me that people act like robots and I act like a real person, but I'm still also being guarded because of how this place is. I just figured out how to open up and be interesting on some things without giving the schizos ammo.
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I like this, but could you at least pretend to be my friend so I can trick myself into thinking you're doing it because you care about me?
I am in fact, a male.
Just a faggot.
I also never hid this.
Sure, here you go :3
You should try it! I respond pretty quickly unless I'm asleep then..you'll never hear from me again.
Budding in to say I think you're both retarded and talking over eachother not to eachother
I want a cute femlala say that to me one day, then I can finally die.
Wouldn't it be funny if this were you
How so bro
>friend fantas from male to female
>steals one of our female friends names
lol just like real life
maintenance? monk? manderville?
what word is he gonna say?
I am a femra demanding a femezen wife please and thank you
who cares
What a good puppy girl

What a bad puppy boy
What's non sped mean
real AND true.
:3c thanks..
no but i'd like to if they would let me.
I love when I lose a fight and my wife is forced to pay for our lives with her body as I watch from the sidelines in shame but secretly turned on
I am a femlala who wishes she had sweets
>FF hangs out with the gooner lalas
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just saved a new batch of the worst content i could find on instagram (I will be using them for CC calls)
Some of you really are full of yourselves
i noticed hard white growths on my dick
is it over for me
i dont know what the fuck this is, cant be STD because im a khv turbowizard
i wish i was full of you instead...
is that darksteel
this, but my femlala eb begs them to use my lalaboy instead
I'm getting sweets delivered tomorrow, I'd share with you
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my moonie acts like this
What the fuck is wrong with you people, you think this is a game?
hoping i can be full of you next aha
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you wanna be full of me too?
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yeah come farm
I talked to you on your alt before you transferred to Balmung, maybe I'll do it again some time
You for replying
>Val didn't even bother asking his friends or simps
>Instead asks the thread
yeah but should would probably kill me if i even looked at her
hell if i know
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umm... why is her pussy lips so big o3o
Its just not convincing when a miera says it
I think they're all busy at the island
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Okay well what am I supposed to do next then. And before someone says "lol trying to make smart friends in an MMO" I live in the sticks man I don't have that many options and I just assumed that online I could meet a wider variety of people and yet here I am and so what the hell dude
Saw this guy gets fucked by a roe once
Thanks. Wanna eb a sunnie
What the hell is a woober
Girl or boy, whatever helps you.
You should for sure! Since..I don't remember who I talked to on my alt and I'd like to be reminded :(
im gonna db this modbeast
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Nobody wants to hear me gush and talk about idols though and if they do they just respond with 1word.
>In one of my weaker moments I didn't say anything to anyone for a few days just to see and I'm sure you can guess what happened.
I've done this too, then just unfriended them. There are more people out there, people who are better friends.
There was one person who figured out after I unfriended her 2 months later, and she's been a bit better since then. The other people who never figured it out, I don't even remember.
MMOs are a great place to make friends. Just keep trying until you find good ones.
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black wooper, thus woober
Just meet some people ingame, most will probably not be your wavelength but you'll find some that are.
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you immediately tank your cred upon going fiddie
do you like BiS?
A cock, a dick.
um so you know it's that thing that is 5.9 inches long and slightly curved to the left with a dark pink tip and black hairs at the base and white stuff comes out of it when its happy
lmao _______________________yes
I queued down! I'm not feeling too well and will take my Ishgard stink off the thread soon...
Anytime anon, I'm considering making a more up-to-date version of it while keeping it simple and short for people looking into gpose.
Most lalas are cute...
>inb4 donny
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yep thats a wife
Does your moonie like guys?
dont use that word................................................................................................................
>nobody does content
>why is everyone in a clique
>don’t ask people in the thread for things
Pick one
your wife has covid
Active Moonie Ignorance Systems, enabled
Soon Ill cover it in bruises and then ill lick em
Ban check
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The only wack group I liked was empire.
What word.............................................
Its crazy how bad some of them are
>Since..I don't remember who I talked to on my alt
That's okay, it was a few months ago. There was some teasing though
Good evade
Two ishgardezen are sick? Suspicious. Around the clock cockwatching needed.
my precious adorable violent fiddie wife!
who are your current favorites?
Ah assuming it filled
He is always posting pictures with his friends surely he would ask them to play the game instead of begging in the thread.
who are your favorite lalaboys
How did you find out bro
mans got a trio of garlolis on call, is that not proof enough
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cockwatch status?!??????
Well? Do it.
well of course, the masses don't react well to people doing that no matter who they are, only dead people are afforded that luxury
I'm not talking about being external, but instead internal, admitting who you are and what you value in people is important to finding others you want to be with, if you're willing to look for signs of intellect(or anything that you value in a person, the word doesn't matter) and act on those signs you'll have greater success with friendships than fumbling in the dark
I kind of explained it(I think) earlier in the post, but to be more specific you need to figure out signs that someone is on your wavelength
do they talk a certain way? like certain type of media? socially withdrawn but interesting things to say when they chime in?
much of it is introspection, and it is sometimes painful introspection at that, it's best to not obsess over specific words and instead trust your intuition that someone is "cool" or "interesting", nobody's above you and you should take chances at befriending those people whenever you can
because theyre afk or doing something else
Dangerous ideas..
There's always teasing..but I look forward to it if you do decide to message me c:
This is a supremely cute elf
I'm twisted Though
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Empire doesn't exist anymore anon and Yuka was my favorite.
Sphere will make or break this expansion story.
It took a lot of convincing but my EB is willing to give cucking a try, she's even got a friend who she's going to ask to be our bull! I'm so excited
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yeah I guess that's all that anyone really can do, keep trying.
Just not at LB14 maybe
you can't just switch genders all the time or you're gonna end up a femlala pooping in a diaper
I wish I had an eb that would cuck my femra
>beautiful ethereal beings who are really racist
that's literally elezen
happy for you bro, hope things go wrong
thread over so no one will know I'm really soft and faggy and vulnerable
Even there you can find some who'll be decent, some just are there to relax when they do other things. Doesn't have to mean they are one of these pornsick people that can't string a normal sentence together.
no i mean your favorite idol groups right now
Damn we should be friends haha
Incestous sex with goonies
I have strong opinions that I frequently convey in a measured manner so that people don't feel like I'm coming at them should something in what I say hold personal value for them. However, I keep most of this contained within a space/group of people that I can trust because this place has bitten me more than once, and I'm not willing to let my guard down again.
Tozer. . .
spanks your bottom
and kiss your forehead
anyone to help me cum?
shoro leave some for the rest of us
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ordered a sando but it was too greasy for my taste and now i feel sick as if I prayed to nurgle..
can't name them because it will explode their thread cred into orbit...
Eb status
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i am
a femlala
who is eating a SUPER COLA
just their initials!
t. horse
my femlala is eating ramen while sitting underwater
this group just had a p7 pull second try, but one of the tanks dcd during first exaflares
I've met some great people there, but definitely not all of them.
I was in a similar situation where I played the game for years and I only met people who used me for sex. My friends list was full, but they weren't friends. I'm bemore careful with who I friend and now 95% of the people on my list now are all people who give me actual friendship and attention and I give the same back.
Just drop people when they're bad friends and there are tons of people in this game so you'll find real ones.
What about someone who enthusiastically shares their other experiences, but doesn't actually want to cuck you and make you feel bad?
the f word!!!!!!!!!!!
That's oddly specific...
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Does anyone have that picture of Fat Fuck Vauthty in Uldah i need that shit immediately my comedic timing depends on it
Does Primal typically have more old trial/raid PFs than Crystal? Can a hermano share a screenshot of their PF tab?
Grim, but if that was me... well it wouldn't be me cause I don't play tank.
Next pull surely.
It's gentle love between moonsisters, ok??
I am helping an old static clear it soon, and we are PFing missing people, once they are clear ready Im def calling you up.
That's what I am! At least partly anyway..
Whenever I see your posts I want to make a lalaboy alt
But I hesitate..
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dead game
in the eye of the beholder desu wa <3
I'd take that too
This femezen is cute but I don't play a lalaboy
Queue for Algaia on Crystal
Do it please.
End of thread SMOOOCH!
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Doing this to lalaboys
No thanks, please don't stand so close to me.
Wait, are you the one who recommended Surface Detail?!
I've ERP'd with him.
Oh I would love to talk about my favorite idol group but I'm a gatekeeper because I love them so much... I don't want other cringe westerners to flock to them. It gets very annoying seeing twitter/youtube/social media with foreigners who comment "please marry me" "omg you are so cute" or cringe BR/Indians writing their cringe comments as well. I don't mind naming some but I probably won't say my top 3 since they are very special to me and don't want to attract those cringy people. I'm not saying you are one but can never be safe with lurkers around you know? One of groups I've been listening to lately is Appare all their older music are straight bangers. Most of their post name change music has been misses but occasionally they release that one banger that sticks with them. Do you like idols or are interested in them?
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I made a custom minion for them!
Wind has a way of carrying words anon...
Can't bring myself to trust srpout alts anon...
If you just want to talk I'm always happy to chat with people, met a ton of nice frens like that...
yea go for it, if it lines up with my availability i will try my best to help
i do caster/phys, although i could PROBABLY fake melee. i just haven't done the static wb2 spots in p6. i've been having a lot of fun with picto on this fight
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I'll head back to the drawing board. Thing is, I feel like I can get along with anyone, my interests are so varied. I don't think there's any ONE thing that I'm an expert or obsessed with. But there are a lot of people that do have their "one thing" that they can talk about for hours.
I'm kinda jealous of them for that but it's also why I like meeting new people. But it's also a little scary that they'll lose interest in you if you don't know much about their "thing" or have the wrong opinion about it. Socialization is tough bros
but i need to know if you like my lalaboy...
Its okay, we can dial long distance!

Yes that was me!!
haha yeah... if only i wasn't too nervous about meeting up with people from here ;w;
>EBd to troonsula troonlista
fucking lol
/smoooooooch return
post heels
Do you want to just drop your name? I feel like I've been seeing your posts for months now. I'd say hi.
so you find boxer dogs sexy?
Yea we missing a caster so you'd fit right in, still gotta catch the gamers up (their prog is DotH) but we got a few helpers and should be fun.
>i've been having a lot of fun with picto on this fight
I feel that, I wanted to repenta on PCT when I had the time, for now I look forward playing it on FRU
>kindergarten tier insults when faced with jealousy
But I want to lewd this femezen
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>But it's also a little scary that they'll lose interest in you if you don't know much about their "thing" or have the wrong opinion about it. Socialization is tough bros
That's not the case for most reasonable people. I can talk about pretty much everything, even though I might not be an expert. I certainly wish you good luck Anon, hope you find some nice people.
They've had hundreds of thousands of interactions just like that where the two of you never play again after you leave. It's the end of your relationship and she is lamenting that fact because you reminded her of someone better who abandoned her forever
clearly you have never seen his twitter because i am referencing the fact that he's a retarded tranny obsessed polchud
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Hey, it was a good book recommendation thank you.

If I were to recommend a manga to you, it would be Slam Duck by Takehiko Inoue or Hajime no Ippo
i thought he was trans
what changed?
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use this
>can't name them because it will explode their thread cred into orbit...
Is this the "No I don't want to boost their ego" poster?
I only do this to my sunnie wife
Ursula is a biofem
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uh I haven't been here that long. Does that mean I'm basic as hell??

Thank you, hopefully in time for Halloween, the best holiday in the universe..
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holy cute
and my lalaboy will see you
and you will see my lalaboy
and my lalaboy will see you in the branches that blow
in the breeze
my lalaboy will see you in the trees
my lalaboy will see you in the trees
under the lb14 tree
ive been trying to get an eb for a long time but now I have one
Stopped talking to me in-game as often as they used to and always see them in a party with them
Please kill yourself.
He's a fat korean chud who wishes he was white and american you retard
SS you have been spotted snooping around Coeurl. Please report back or face consequences.
>he's a polchud
Wait, qrd on this? I thought he was just a horsefucking serial pedo gooner? What's his twitter?
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>wiping to dalriada's first boss before even entering the dungeon
>not enough people in the raid
>ask party leader I was farming mettle with before this if they wanna do Dalriada
>I didn't register
>enter alone
>get kicked from the party
>Do you like idols or are interested in them?
i do, i have a few groups i really love and i completely understand gatekeeping them, no worries there
sora tob sakana was one i really enjoyed before they disbanded, currently i mostly love some pretty small indie groups (along with BiS)
All those girly outfits you wont be able to show me...suffering.
Wrong only a TERF biofem can hate trannies as much as Ursula
Troon Mage
Troon Knight
We have like ten of those
If you drop us a hint, we at least know who to look out for and maybe send a tell.
I am talking about the EB he mentioned
You've obviously never spent much time on /tttt/.
How about this? Favorite threadposters?
>We have like ten of those
Interest between people tends to wane when you don't have a common thread- but don't let that dishearten you, really. I have plenty of friends with whom I share only a single point of commonality with, and we pick up from where we left off after months of living our own lives when the time is right. Genuinely, try to learn not to fret about it and it'll get easier.
I have stuff to do in the morning but I suppose I'll make a similar post tomorrow when I have time.
zooey my wife
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spoiler alert
i dont post my character because i'm already eb'd
I'll keep an eye open, good night!
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Sports manga?! Hmm hmm, maybe if you say so.... I haven't read manga in a long time! I've been avoiding Hajime no Ippo for as long as I've been more than a casual anime fan. So thats a good reason to do that one, and Slam Dunk would be good to do because I always avoid sports anime, even though I end up liking them!
NOW >>497831807
I mean I don't mind talking about my favorite idol group but would rather do it via DMs or something instead of a public forum you know? Since we could get wandering eyes. I haven't heard of sora tob sakana do you have any good MVs I could check out? I'm always down to check out idol groups and give every group a chance. Chika idols are the best tbhfam.
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>guy eb'd to the Wayne Gretsky of xiv degenerates posting shit like this
yuu tayuun!!!!!!!!!! she is better than all the other moonies and sunnies
define good poster
she's mine back off
ok fine i'll go back to primal
bro just say hi god damn :(
the cognitive dissonance you must have to post these things while being a ff14 tranny has got to be crazy
wait do you want me to go to coeurl or primal i'm confused
The Coeurl location bro, the one I linked...
yeah, I can get along with anyone as well, but that doesn't mean I find it fulfilling
I'm not an expert in anything either and feel jealous towards people who are rather often, my interests are varied and change constantly leaving me without any specific thing to infodump on, and there's absolutely nothing wrong about that and it's not an indication of anything but the fact you don't have prolonged hyperfixations on certain information-based subjects

I love meeting people like that though, I love asking questions and finding out more about those subjects from someone who's passionate, I feel like you're that was as well from this post and one of my biggest social hurdles was having enough confidence in myself to be curious about people's interests and get invested into them due to my genuine curiosity I thought was "weird" for most of my life, maybe you'll pick up a new interest or hobby from a person like that when you meet them and it'll make you great friends

well that's a bit rambling but I just want to get across that there's nothing wrong with what you're feeling right now, and that it's part of what I was talking about with introspection, these traits you identify with yourself can be used to improve your social life, you just need to learn how to harness them
Currently... Remusposting, Popezen, Jebposts, Ducklala and frens that sometimes post inside jokes
I do miss shoro's dope af gposes and eri's humor
Macchi made really funny stuff when they played a pink haired catgirl but never talked with them..
i was JUST THERE but fine i'll go back
That's what I mean, YOU WERE SPOTTED
a-are you me...?
>didn’t make the list
It’s over sisters
i thought by reporting back you meant my homeworld, also i thought we were done afking...
>I haven't heard of sora tob sakana do you have any good MVs I could check out?
this one is my favorite but they have some others i like too
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you ight, smoke this kush cuh

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