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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Moogle Treasure Trove (Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release!)

>Future Meetups:
• Oct 9th, 9:00 PM EST | Marilith, Goblet W16 P15 | Spooky Club: Haruhi Movie and Inu-Oh >>497338807
• Oct 12th, 1PM EDT / 6PM BST | Zurvan, Materia | Yanxia, Plum Spring | Roleplaying Meetup >>496634258
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | Mahjong Open Tournament >>495487281
• Oct 12th, 5:30PM EDT / 10:30PM BST | EU + NA | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 11 - 16 >>497313724
• Oct 13th, 4:30PM EST | Marilith | Slitherbough, The Rak'tika Greatwood | Shared FATE farming >>497557429
• Oct 13th, 7PM EDT | Ultros, Primal Mist W20 P34 | Mullholand Drive and Twin Peaks Season 2 ep 10 and 11 >>497515929
• Oct 19th, 7PM EDT | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet W3 P58 >>496273537
• Oct 26th, 5PM PST / 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal | LB W2 P10 | Halloween Musicals! ( also The Crow ) >>497715049
• Oct 27th, 8PM EDT | Balmung, Crystal | LB W19 P28 | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party >495083393

Previous: >>497835471
Lorewise moonies belong to Wildwood Elezen
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>i got drunk and fucked up another friendship
its hard being so based, bwos
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catboy supremacy
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Me when I'm about to impregnate a modestly-dressed fiddie with a sunny disposition.
Should I go fulala?
I am super easy!
Why don't moonies like sunnies...
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my femlala has this energy
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what the fuck is this opener, why does it have you cast verthunder so much
I haven't been a slut for 24 hours!
Now we're talking. Move over middies, cute kid coming through!
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I am a level 2 femlala alt trying to get into the lb14 syncshell...
something doesn't look right with this image
Question. How do i make it so that my screenshots zoom in more and look more higher quality? mine always tend to be a bit blurry
I hate punks
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kiss my rear end, clown.
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Male middie like this?
okay post ass and post gock and I will babe
Post her
Dear Halone
Grant every good femra an ear to lick
Best I can offer is stubble face
Rob Chidori is right there
the point is so that it's balanced when you cast your verholy later, since your verholy gives you a lot of white mana. ideally at that part of the finisher, you are always casting whatever mana you have less of. so casting a lot of verthunder sets you up to do that
just make him fantasia to a different face
I'm still thinking about the things they told me... I didn't need to be awakened like this.
Too bad I'll never bring myself to follow up with them.
I am a femlala in Verlove...
man can you just shut the hell up
I am a matjessalat femlala
yeah honestly but where would be fun in that
hey... I'm a virgin puppy boy
foodsalad femlala?
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What do you think of Dawntrail's city hubs
I am a cassareep femlala...
I'm playing AC6 when I get home
They're good but they remind me of the MSQ so I avoid spending time in them when possible.
I got milked 3 times by the same catgirl today.
What did they tell you..?
what do you think about ear eating asmr?
Lewd lalas don't exist. I'm convinced.
I hope you get in
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realra femra eatra bugera
Reshade has filters that will fix the blur, but idk on the zoom in. I am sure there is a mod out there.
Rekka aren't you eb'd already
Sunnies are so basic I now rate them lower on attractiveness than even lalafell.
how do you know it was a girl?
no one unironically licks catboy ears
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Be afraid.
Honeyed words and praises that do something dangerous to me...
catgirl(male) is good for me
>default appearance weeb
literally builded as roberto cheetori
Don't tell me you have a praise kink, anon..
I will bestow upon this thread a modbeast now that I've figured out dt modding
This thread ruined the game for me, I can't stop animation plapping OOC on my alt.

I just made a trans Hrothgar woman spurt...

Balmung should have never opened up.
Just got my ass beat by a full team of x*vggers
Holy moly
Tuli has good aesthetic and good (but unfitting) music, s9 has good aesthetic but mediocre music and less convenient layout than radz
I want Vexa to destroy my insides
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Bun boy
Why are all the Hrothgar trans what causes this phenomena?
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i saw that false positive at the end of last thread, i am going to cry
but i also fixed it along with the styling issue


thank you for your time and the calls
Where's her
fierce sexo
Now give her a dick
Her what
>no bbc
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Zantesuken comes for all of us, anon
It's hard to stop, isn't it?
The adoration, the affection, the attention, the validation they lavish upon you for taking care of their sexual needs...
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That's not default
THIS is default, the only thing shared is the hairstyle
I know that feel. Keep on keeping on brother.
i REALLY like thighlanders
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if the alliance raid isnt good, im probally gonna perma unsub at this point
Give me a pose idea for my femlala. I'll try to replicate all of them tomorrow
But for now... I need to... szzzzzzzzzz.......
>inb4 "plapping my maliddie"
Post your .mcdf then
Throbbing 4 incher
me doing the beating
aaand i will now troll the fuck out of this
how retarded are you that you need a 4chan parser to find cc calls
I really need a cute girl to fart on my femra's face....
... I'm sorry
My femlala is devilicious
>no 20" bitchbreaker gock
Did I praise you a bit too much a few threads ago?
>No dick
Solution Nine is more comfy to visit than Tuliyollal in most regards, but I do like the jumping puzzles in the Tuliyollal area.
You should heal my expert rolos one of these days.
Such a cute little praiseslut...
don't be a fag dude
I'm extra addicted to OOC because I know they came... No reading the logs later for pleasure, they're there with me in the moment~
post her rn
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Excellent Miera, keep up the good work
Mating with my fulala
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>My lalaboy knocks on your door politely and doesn't kick it or force it open
>Comes into your room and places pic related on your desk
Here you go bro I made extra tonight, enjoy.
>Leaves without making it weird or trying to watch you eat your dinner
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Your femlala is the one saying "I AM STRONG"
does anyone else make up cringey powers/abilities for their WoL/character?
people have been trolling CC calls since they started and to no avail but feel free to waste your time too i guess
Lots of roleplayers cum when their character does. You can just convince yourself of that pretty easily.
My femlala is delicious
plap this guy >>497846174
he'd probably post his mcdf, too
the island resort is cool
solution nine is five times bigger than it needs to be and should have looked more like cocoon from ff13
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I make a point to suggest/imply I want my partner to get off ooc, and tell me if they do. It makes the RP so much better when they break down and start talking about how close they are...
Love Tuliyollal but Solution is disappointing with how much big empty space it is.
show your gock
no my wol is a neet that stays home all day doing nothing
Probably, there were multiple that I read it but I stepped away.
Thank you but I really can't.
pornsick tranny
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My femlala would say this instead.
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I'm sorry but her purpose is to recieve them
Lalaboy thighjob by the fireplace.
>my fiddie thanks your lalaboy as he leaves and gives him a forehead smooch if he's comfortable with it
Looks delicious. :)
>eats it all and takes care of the dishes after
gallons of gar, HORSEr of many
been jamming out to this lately, whatchu think
>It makes the RP so much better when they break down and start talking about how close they are...
I don't understand what people's hang ups are toward simply doing this IC. I write like that IC a lot of the time, and people really like it. Why do people think their character needs to not act like a normal person enjoying themself like you are?
could be better.
My dark mirror anons... people keep telling me this shit when I ERP and I don't want to know about it.
Sure you can, and I bet you'd fo amazing too.
what are some lower leveled long skirt options?
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Relax, she still has the tranny muscle body, meet me half way at least
my rava+ will fill her -
Down boy, down!
Tuliyollal is very nice looking and is big without feeling oversized, solution 9 is ugly and way too big and feels really disjointed, music in both are good
anyone know of a working neo-ishgardian chest of scouting mod that removes the buttcape part?
i tried to update this https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/11907
with texttools but its still very broken
Can she sit on my femra's face too
queuing mah-dong in 30 sec
Back off, bigger, lalaboys belong to lalalasses.
The fact that you still have those words in mind makes me happy, you're very cute and a very good girl. You did a very good job today, I'm proud of you.
Remember to go rest soon, you deserve it! *kisses your forehead*
feels like some FFXIV YouTubers/streamers are becoming more entertaining lately
we've come long way from the days of "what does your FFXIV race say about YOU?" videos
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Never change. Rava women are a gift and futa is stupid.
ok I queued too
moonie feet

what a treat
what pvp mode(s) do you play? do you play them often?
thanks. i was hoping i was free of crafting, but ill hang in there for this
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Ask magness
Beyond schizophrenic lyrics tho. Get some help
I play mmos to play WITH others, not against them. I don't pvp
Oh now the femlalas want lalaboys when there's food on the line, huh?
bro is saying this like he wouldn't jump at any femlala who posted she was open to meeting up to fuck
i didn't queue yet, queuing now
is it true you're a pedo?
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Need to breed your ass
oops... a game popped for me hope you don't have to wait long
My femlala prefers the original Silent Hill 2 over the remake.
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Good night anons
not my lyrics
someone posted that like a month ago and i have unironically been listening to it and believing every word of it ever since then
I feel bad because it's all one sided and I won't follow up so I'll stop posting about it but thank you... may you find someone...
nini frens
I'm pretty open about being a loli enjoyer if thats what you mean, normies get out 4chan isnt for you yadda yadda...

gonna have to win the swordfight bro
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I am a miera
who loves femlala so much its unreal
yeah, that foot mod is icky
>I don't pvp
shan't be playing with or against you then, figured you at least played frontlines
help me learn uwu
I regret getting a house, I want to unsub but I sunk in too much time with submarines to quit now.
Damn a pedophile who admits to being a pedophile, you've got more balls than those other two pedophiles Lorilee and Leviah at least.
Goodnight, bro. *tucks you in and kisses your forehead*
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mierda stocks?
Daelin. . .
Maybe I'm into that...
Remember when we all said we would afk there
And we're still afking in LB14
*explosive vial*
gn blue elf
whats a yasuo
okay can you meet me on aether in a little bit to discuss?
I can see it.
late night MAHJONG we like this
gimme a good one then


I wish you normie ass nyaggas would leave but I guess I'm just a bitter oldfag who has spent way too much time in this shitty taiwanese basket weaving forum
why is it always SAM players
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Guys, check out this cool shack I found.
Oh I would. But I don't like others volunteering me.
Its actually always the intentional feeders / AFKers that cry the most
What levels of cope do you have to be on to basically be not pressing a single button and have the audacity to type all match while other teammates do 30x your damage
>how dare you take issue with me being a pedophile!
shut up retard
Have you considered killing yourself?
It's ALL my fault!
Don't worry I didn't tell you any of that because I expected a follow up in return or because I was looking for someone so don't feel bad, I just felt like you deserved the praises and I wanted to give you that nice feeling, the way you reacted to them made me want to keep doing it even more. it's okay if you stop posting about it, but I'll eventually find you here and praise you again, because you deserve it! /pet /kiss
not tonight but is NAUR basically all i need to get a gist of the first few mechs?
>turn on brain pls
>you're a 0 bh yasuo player
>screenshotting your score at the end btw
he's got you dead to rights for an account strike if he takes 30 seconds to file a report for harassment
or if you don't want the nail polish
a few times but these days I'm more of a passive sucidal ideation kinda guy

gonna eat ur ass

I'll try it out
A romantic makeout session with my femlala
Femlala coded posts
My message still stands
If I'm not leveling something, battlepass included, you won't see me queueing even with the daily bonus for that either. At most, I might willingly queue rival wings with the upcoming mogtome event, but as it currently stands I'd rather just play other games than queueing the awful pvp modes this game offers
femra owe me sex
Femra owe my male middie sex
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god... ;-; night anon, maybe you will
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We certainly do not!
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gn say it ba
i wish you used male char mouths
I love artifacts
fart on my femras face
Why are femlalas like this
Are people like this just feeding on purpose
is that intentional or do you need help fixing it
Half the people you plap are twitter tourist normies
Good night and sweet dreams, you cute princess
*tucks you in*
if you wanna pose that I'm fine with it but it really doesnt get my pp hard

butt picture is the best I can do

you keeping track? why so obsessed
you also have terrible taste in beer
sleepy middie..
gn retard
i cant pose
Hmm. Still think you should follow through on something for once in your miserable life!
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Educate me, /xivg/!
hmmm not sure about that, I think this one specifically owes me sex
not ookers but I recently looked at all of NAURs UWU stuff and it looked pretty standard from what I remember. they're more than fine to look at since each phase has a toolbox
C'mon, SE, let me DC visit into JP. It'll be fine.
May I plap?
maleroe owe my lalaboy cuddles and affection
we don't have to like actively prog right now ^^ i would want to chat rq to see what availability is like so we could possibly get in some prog sometime, i've had a few different people talk at me about wanting help with ultis and then they don't pursue it
and yes, #ultimate-resources channel will have everything you need. They do also have a web browser version
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I liked playing red mage pre-verraise. When I looked up the opener, I quit red mage because it's too much of a hassle for what boils down to a rezz bot.
Platonically okay. No hyper. Only average size.
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My male middie and your...
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I have to drive like twice as long to get my sake, and hard liqour hurt my tummy. Quit pickin on me.
elemental onry
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my veena acts this way when there's turnips for dinner
unintentional but I know how to fix it, I just thought it looked cool
I tire of being a meena. I shall become a roe.
>LT hater is the same guy who calls everyone he doesn't like pedo
Interesting clue
what's the DT version of ALL OF EXISTENCE
at least he quit posting in the thread so fucking much as a result
it does look pretty cool
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The notorious guild Rotgarde on Argent Dawn EU, ran by Perroy, used to play on Moonglade before the Cataclysm expansion and they were known as the Order of Lordaeron and their leader Perroy, as Inrom. They rebranded following the Cataclysm expansion into the Rotgarde once Southshore was destroyed in the game's story. They make a big stink about hunting ERPers and exposing them, but in truth they'd hold orgies in the Plaguewood outside of Stratholme where they'd eat and fuck dead bodies.
gn fatty
>they're a genuine pedophile
Stinger pics*
Post your obese femezen
The only thing that's memorable from DT is SPEEEEEEEEEEEEN, unfortunately
If you heard about Cortez burning his ships you probably heard it from someone either with a surface level understanding of the topic or who studied only Gomarra
The way it's described in two other accounts, namely Aguilar's and Diaz's, the ships were actually run ashore and then scavenged for anything useful (mostly cannons and ropes later used for in the expedition and wood for Aguilar's colony)
The popular burning down version is popular only because it was used as a heavy propaganda by Cortez and Cortez's family later on
Fiddie. As Hydaelyn intended.
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holy fuck you just mindblasted me with early 2010s argent dawn memories and RPing dogshit autistic game of thrones larp house guilds and all the drama it entailed
good times, salute to the defnders of hev rp o7
I am a femlala reluctantly going to sleep because there's nothing else to do tonight
That's a shame but not at all unexpected. People are rarely so dramatic, but we live for a narrative and a good story.
shut the fuck up tranny
>all of crystal's biggest haters now have @ Balmung attached to their name
I don't get it
same sis, good night
Insane story
diabolos is the hottest male character in the game
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All femra should look like this
There are 4 jump puzzles in the emphy wards
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WoWchads, I fucking kneel
/smooch gn
Get me into some syncshells first...
>They make a big stink about hunting ERPers and exposing them, but in truth they'd hold orgies in the Plaguewood outside of Stratholme
same energy as homophobes who are addicted to gay porn
>where they'd eat and fuck dead bodies.
I'm sorry what
what does this mean
We talked to each other yesterday after not being able to for a month because of work and timezone difference.
Nothing changed at all and we were able to pick up where we left off last time. I missed talking to them. It really brightened my day~
I could never tell them about this crush and how much our interaction means to me.
I don't even know their gender or age. It's just a silly crush that will go nowhere.
that sounds a lot more fun than whatever the hell goes on in this games rp scene
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all femra are plapmeat so true
Goodnight, /xivg/.

I hope he notices you tomorrow.
And just like that, me and 4 other people got our O8S mounts. Anyone wanna do the dailies while I'm still on Crystal? I need to level my MCH more.
primal and aether players really are pathetic
You can reverse percentages to make them easier to work with, so 6% of 50 is 50% of 6.
Today, I shall endow the thread with positivity!
You guys should probably get tested…
gn sir
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Making a femra look like this
He's too oblivious to ever act on it anyway so I won't get my hopes up. Night anon.
I never hated Crystal
also don't say that, they shan't
my femra kinda looks like that but with modest boobs
mine doesn’t
My thread crush is on goon island, I don't know what to do...
What do turnips taste like?
ok get off my back
I most likely would have quit the game by now if I didn't have subs made.
you spend most of your waking hours erping with bbc shemales in a video game
Overall Gomarra's account delves greatly into fantasy as Gomarra WASN'T FUCKING THERE
Diaz and Aguilar (Or Velasquez now that i think of it? Fuck Spanish names I can't remember) were there - Diaz was a rodelero in the expedition while the other dude run the colony they established
Anon HATES history, bro is an Aztecuck
>all the youtubers and streamers who made a living off of reacting to MSQ
>no one on earth wants to rewatch any of this
>they will all be homeless and bankrupt, no one to grift off of
you hate to see it
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lol, lmao even
early 2010s wow rp was great fun (though ofc filled with cringe but in a cringekino way). you just walked around the open world and rped with different people and there was always some inter-guild stuff going on. like there were a billion different autistic house guilds in gilneas (which broke canon since it was supposed to be covered in plague, but whatever) always fighting eachother
by comparison a lot of rp nowadays feels stiff and setup, which is why i drifted away from it.
even aside from those guild spats there was a bunch of good guilds that just did in-guild storylines, like i was in an argent crusade-style guild with a homebrewed RPG system for DM events
Should I buy a new pajama, bros?
It's getting cold..
That anonnis right, because elezen are naturally very lithe this body type would count as obesity for an elezen. This isn't just chubby. She's a bbw
>playertrack plugin
This shit is so cringe and obsessive
Beautiful elezen
it's great for (You)s
I can keep you warm
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why are you a cat (in the hat)
speeen lissen to me
turnips actually have kind of a licorice taste. it's earthy-sweet, kind of fresh tasting, like a parsnip
Hopefully this fag will stop griefing my queues now.

I'll always be here to put crystalloids in their place.
why would you ever need a player tracker plugin
>playertrack plugin
wait, what's that? does it track people you specifically ask it to or something?
EB a femlala!
I like using it cause I can't remember all you niggas even if you weren't changing names and appearances and home worlds twice a week.
And just think this isn't even the worst picture taken on this island tonight
I don't get it, why would people give up on the potential to get a house or to ever raid again for the moment.
it just tracks when anyone at all has name changed and tells you their old/new name, including server hops
I never got that impression of him at all. He was nice to me.
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Let's also not forget the Stormguard. That shit was peak.
PHAT PHEMEZEN suffocate my femra
What is history to you anon?? Grain prices in the year 372 in chinese empire?
Not everyone cares about houses or raiding
also, this game used to have some better RP too but i feel like it kind of took the backseat even more as the coomer and venue scenes evolved and reached critical mass
you can still probably find it of course but i haven't been interested, i miss seeing people just roleplay random brass blades in ul'dah /say chat
oops I forgot to cover it teehee

people just afk dance around and shoot the shit, aint nothing much happening.
In Peter Jackson's The Two Towers adaptation, Viggo Mortensen broke his toe from kicking a helmet while filming. His scream of frustration you hear during the scene when it's believed Merry and Pippin are dead are actually screams of agony from his toe being shattered.
I like history, I hope you keep posting every time cornservant asks for it
getting a house sucks on or off balmung and is dead content, raiding is also dead and trash. all that's left in this god forsaken game is erping and 'anging out at the 'beds
All it does is tell you when someone name changes or transfers, it "tracks" the players by just being in the vicinity of it, but no it's not like it will track a player every movement. For example

>Do Bozja months ago, player Peepee Poopoo@Diabolos was in that instance, the plugin records this name.
>Fastforward a few months
>TP to Limsa, Playertracks now lets me know they are Peepee McPoopoo@Mateus because same lodestone URL.

So you can't really use it to stalk, you can however add notes to players.
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cringe grown ass man
The guild was primarily made up of Forsaken.(Undead)
I'm on Balmung and I raid fine.
I used to be indifferent to you, but now I don't like you because you use bibo foot normals sorry
I know what happens in the goon cave
Did you at any point play a femlala?
>people just afk dance
Oh I was talking about the other pictures being taken during the afk dancing
burying my face in your boobies until I suffocate
For all its faults, I will always love that WoW let me be an actual fucking rotting zombie and eat the corpses of my enemies in PvP
Does it count if they were a femezen when I asked, a veena when we eb'd and now they're a femlala?
this is NOT her normal scaling. she isn't that fat.
thank you ser
nostalgia maybe
my ____!
/box /slap /throw /throw /throw /pet
teach me how to have good feet so I can make the moonies proud

I think people usually go to their goonshacks to actually goon

where can I find those
hmm I wonder if the priorities are wrong? Well, was worth a shot.
Who's your thread crush?
meant for
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>He has a crush on someone from the 'cord
That's on you buddy
i ERP'd with my wife in the goon pool.
we didn't do it in /say, but we RP'd it like everyone could see
actually im based
I'm gonna do a gpose with a lot of actors but I see people complaining about Brio crashing from time to time. Is there an actor limit I should be cautious of going over for the sake of stability, or is it just a matter of getting unlucky with the plugin that causes crashes?
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It's late...
Namedrop your crush, /xivg/!
Domanra is so cute bros... shame she hates guys that aren't malera...
But anon.. I'M from the 'cord...
me out of frame
Im gonna tell the volcano story next time cornservant asks, its one of my favs
spaniards are mega retarded and I love them
Ow ow ow ow ow /pet
>She's isn't that fat
Yeah she's probably fatter
Hihimi Chere has a monopoly on my heart...
Is it possible to make friends if you aren't part of the clique?
what zone
Didn't anon, sorry. This is my only character.
Then what are you doing here?! Get your ass to goon island and seal the deal!
I did and I love my wife very much.
Vexa Delmend
who up late
cranking they mahjong
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The Ridorana Lighthouse
I've only joined a single xivg discord, because it's for raiding, and I'm in 0 xivg cwls, and I've had like 40 good friends here.
I don't like this cat she looks like the fucked up mixture of a anime girl, ethot, and a girl I knew a few years ago who acted like a retard constantly but was actually really intelligent and got off on tricking people
I remember watching a paladin behead a warlock infront of a massive crowd outside the Cathedral once. Absolute cinema.
I tried messing around with priorities and all the possible toggle but the only thing I get is either that or no feet, I'm not sure how to mess with the "normals" the other anon mentioned though
Couple years ago we used to do a bit pretending to be con artists (as BLU of course)
It was peak of RP i miss my niggas
That's good, keep it up! I'm rooting for you anon.
That's great! I'm happy for you.
A femlala is a femlala. It counts to me.
I don't want to sleep yet, so let's....
I might queue for some
>good friends
I only play CC here, but playing with them lets me think we are frens even if we don't talk much. I love hanging out with you guys and the games are fun too.
I love femezen so much it's unreal
I want my femlala to be raped by multiple dicks at once…
Yep. It's exhausting. I'm not working much at the moment, so I can keep up with them just barely.
Oh hmm. I feel like I've had them work on a bibo body before. I'll look at the setup on my end when I log back in.
More people have approached me for ERP on my bunboi alt than they have on my Moonie main.
We don't like that.
We only like Gooning, Plapping, Sex and Cum.
I wonder how many dicks would take for this femlala to cum hard
i will never find that sleepy middie
people will think you're in a clique if they aren't, even if you've just stood in front of a single person for 10 minutes and they happen to see it, not only are you in a clique, you are obviously fucking that person when they aren't around
I don't actually like poop
Does this still work with the new way you can block people seeing your lodestone?
Sechen Pawgud
should i log in and queue a frontlines
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Catgirls are alright actually
Why are lalaboys so spineless? God this is why nobody likes you…
>my femlala puts the dish aside as she continues playing more on her tomestone, letting it get cold after hours of neglect.
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gn sirs
Are you crushing on that middie?
gn ily
holy shit look at the BRAPPER on Val
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This didn't work for me... I tried standing next to people at the beds but they all just moved away from me...
What sleepy middie
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I don't hate you, Anon! We're just not allowed to move beyond strong bonds of comradery ever, is all!
I don't move away from people, unless their body is clipping with mine enough to bother me enough to wiggle 1 nanofraction away
gm to chaos c:
Sleepy femra..
Sorry, I tried talking to you but you were kind of boring.
I remember killing them on sight with the wowg guild back in the BfA when war mode just came out that was funny as fuck
*plaps u*
>40 good friends
hope this person dies
good night femra
gm from light :c
i have 40 good friends too but my definition of good friend just means they pet me back when i pet them
So I just have bibo+ as 0, nights as 1, tried putting on a bodypaint and oiled up for good measure and it still seems to work for me. Are you running a different body mod than those?
My moonie stirs, she is hungry and tired but must get up. Someone bap her so she gets out of bed please
well if it isn't you...
let that be a lesson
incorrect. i shan't be doing that size.
that's kind of funny.
Only if she farts on my femra's face
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had to switch to yab for the newest hotdog mod
I don't understand it, when people call me their friend
my femra likes being headlocked while being proned
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Miera won
Just one before getting overwhelmed with pleasure… but the dicks keep coming despite getting impregnated constantly…
It means they want to plap you
Weird femra, my moonie would rather not have her help
A lesson in how she can suffocate my femra with her PHAT tits and PHAT ass surely
Being bottom faggots that get cucked? Yeah they won that title pretty easily.
show me the hotdog bitch
My male middie is tired of crafting gear for jobs he will never play but his autism tells him to keep going
I made my friend jack off to me while we were in LB14 today!
gm :c
Buy it?
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I only need 20 good friends
god i wish i had a friend who made me jerk off to them....
No im saying she's already fatter than that. No need to change the size
gm to you too from light :3c
Is it weird that I don't want to be bothered when crafting? I'm just mashing a macro over and over again while watching anime, really not interested in small chat...
I am a femlala that was rubbing off material for someone at LB14..
that's an oddly specific wording on it but okay friend, you're my cute friend now
Do you like femlalas?
I have 41 good friends
go to bed VL
not really
just hide in an inn room or something
I have 0 good friends...
Yeah that's weird
I wish my friend jerked off to me more! They already do it a good amount, but I can't get enough of their cum. Milking them is an addiction.
I use yab with nights my load order is basically
ivcs stuff
ivcs nights feet
works fine
I feel you brother
no he can't, it has someone else's name on it
that's normal. not everyone wants to be social 100% of the time. the weirdos are the ones that act like you're obligated to entertain them and socialize with them
What do you like to do in game?
Ok, tried again. Bibo+ 0 Yab+ 1, illusio vit skele 0, nights feet 2, and in yab for the feet option I toggled to none. If it doesn't work, I've done what I could lol.
I have like 10 good friends and its mostly the guys i grew up with
no need to be rude anon

I'll try
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All femra should look like this
I like to
ocean fish
glam farm
mount farm
group pose
island sanctuary
glam dresser
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>4 million views
I kinda liked it though
I like all those things except that I don't like roulettes much and I don't know fishing well.
Wanna come to a bathhouse?
My moonie is the Bardock of xivg
My sunnie has saved egypt and became the great pharaoh of all time
Doing this to your femra
Can my moonie see your moonie?
Are you inviting me to goon island...?
>with feet
No, Stones of Envy though apparently it's officially closed now. It's still pretty packed. There's still 26 people here.
Sorry anon I don't do clubs.
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I miss the days before all of the male characters started playing because of asmongold. Back when there were only two or three of you and you knew your place; Silent, and without opinions. Back when people weren't afraid to admit they like +'s, and didn't need to worry about the collective melties of males at the very mention of a +. Today, despite all the top ebins still hopping on +'s, and ebing +'s they pretend not to like them to protect their thread cred. Messed up.
I'm scared of my friends, and scared of having friends
i want more male characters to post their abs
Bathhouses aren't clubs... I guess you don't RP either, huh? That's true, that wasn't on your list.
Nuh uh I've posted her too many times today.
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perhaps you knew that femra tails are so sensitive they're akin to a males penis, but did you know this also applies to malera meaning you could theoretically give them a "double handjob" of course only one of them will ejaculate he he.
I hope you enjoyed this little lesson in au ra biology!
what make up mod or face sculp is this?
My moonie has always thought futa is weird
show us your lolis
aaaand of course it's a goonie post
I've ERP'd with someone in my static while we were still in an after-raid discussion.
This doing it for you, sensei?
Same. I'm afraid of being disliked. I'm not able to approach others because of it...
Do you like Yuri!?
But my moonie only just woke up and doesn't wanna dig through the previous threads..
It's just japanese photoshop.

It's a sunnie, dummy.

as in fino fanta ones? I haven't made any, only loli race I've ever played was Elin in tera.
I showed up to reclears completely naked in glamourer and nobody noticed...
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ur turn.
Is there a guide or tutorial on how to do this photoshop?
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Jerking your femra's tail...
they arr rook the same
You're that sunnie who wants a yuri moonie EB aint you? My moonie is already ebd anon
need a femezen to do that to mine
it's so over
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my femra got on her Fatter Cat and the game crashed
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i like how literally no one here misses or talks about appal anymore
man was really revealed to have 0 threadcred the moment he stopped posting
your fat butt killed the servers and your cat
There there /pet, I still believe you'll find your wife soon enough
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people talk about appal almost daily
I hope so...
Why is he the wrong colour
Sorry, it can't be helped. Want a pic of my sunny?
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How would you rate this fid
putting my face between this glubras boobas
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your turn.
She should have longer hair
Other than that, cute
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He's still playing, just doesn't post in thread any more
no, it's because xivg has the memory of a goldfish
there are people here who don't know who DB was
Thank you for the input
i have no issues with appal. he is probably better off not coming here
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Of course you will she believes in you anon!
this dude really tires to make everything about himself and Joker doesn't he
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oof, good move....
ahhhhhhhh cute moonie /pet /pet
My femlala is part of the Witch Cult
you remind me of my ex
wanna plap?
try grabbing her tail closer to the base, more pleasure for her
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good night
These are being added to the counter :3c
If you make any moonie friends who like sunnies in the mean time send them my way...
No dumbass, thats why i left you
My moonie will do this for you sunnie
Fucking rekt
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Just refuses to work, guess I'll look into it further later
My moonie is tired of today and going to sleep
ok popped
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good move, i had to think good about this one
seems like a literal who too
Chinese spyware/ 10
Circle wins. Well played!
A tragedy. Hoping the best for you sis.
i fucking love breast envy
you are the best
That's the keypoint, grabbing a femra's tail by the base is what they love the most..
Builded for being called a faggot during sex
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I am a r-pe survivor veena on Light.
Inivisible means you're missing textures for that slot. ie you only have bibo textures but the feet uses gen3 textures or something. You need to get/convert textures to fill all slots that mods which show skin use.
i raped your veena with my rava
Would touching an au ra on the border between skin and scale feel more sensitive. Would the skin along elezen ear clamps feel different to the elezen
was it a futa?
okay sorry to hear this bro
This shit almost killed me.

I'm no lightweight when it comes to drinking, but whatever the fuck they added to this fucked me up for the past 12 hours.
C'est la vie. I tried. Hopefully you see some nice abs then.
malt liquor and tons of sugar will do that to you
There was a button in penumbra to convert stuff to bibo skin wasnt there? seems to be gone
Four lokos are no joke
Didn't Yoshi say they were expanding the glam plates? Where the fuck is it?
You will owe my moonie many pets for her help though I hope you realise :3c
When they'll add the feast armors they said they would (never)
That wasn't said at all.
If you find me a moonie EB I can give you a /pet every single day as thanks.
Holy moly..
He hasn't said anything about glamour in Dawntrail.
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>Didn't Yoshi say
He said this pre-DT when he also announced the 2dye system
No he didn't.
holy moly
Keep that up and she will start making biscuits
how do i get dark areola
Honey Jalapeno biscuits?
You still haven't joined Joker? Why?
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cat biscuits
because joker 2 movie sucked ass
what's joker
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lol, lmao even
macchi is in my wow guild
>he doesn't know
it's a lewd creepshot of my friend so nay I shan't
No one invited me
your ass doesn't live in Gotham bro
joker got buckbroken in the sequel
because the inner circle clique is already settled and they'll just make fun of me and the other newbies on their 'cord
Yes, he did during a Q&A with JP players after new years.
The only person I would let impregnate me is my future EB and even then I'm not really into the idea.
we don't have a discord
how do i look
Then quote him.
thats what alter said and we all saw how that turned out lol
is it me
If you're a sunnie then maybe, maybe.
If someone doesn't erp, doesn't lewd pose with others but uses golem for lewd animations what does that make them
EB in real life... eternal enemies in game...
I miss the old jignxcord. Some ppl in there were chill.
is it a golem sunnie
I just checked the archive and... I didn't mean to do that back then. I sincerely valued our time together. Please understand that.
I'm a femlala!
how did that turned out?
Didn't mean to quote>>497853684
, phone posting sucks
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Had my first ever W on Mahjong last night.
we still don't have a discord
The old one I was in got nuked at some point. I don't know the reason but I heard that the Genshin one had alot of minor grooming and he deleted all cords he was in.
No, an actual sunnie.
like in game biscuits or like real life?
no one is falling for it, retard
I'm not on Balmung.

Here you go.
I forgive you.
does he like femlalas
for what
for a discord that doesn't exist???
how do you get over confessing to your crush and getting rejected? we were basically in the same circles and now I feel sad
He does! He likes females of all races but he loves femlalas.
Well considering my moonie is not in real life it would be in game yes
>Domanra plays mahjong
we need to play some day, maybe when we got cross region visiting between na and eu
Sunnies are all exhibitionists, I'm sure she won't mind
who bangin out some mahjong practice for the MEET this weekend?
or for fun
You just get over it.
He didn't say that.
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I love this femra's aesthetic.
its an adult man, a hairy grown ass man with a cock and balls. you grow the fuck up, prison-gay fag.
The last time that happened to me I became a xivgger and then I obtained a schizo or two to distract myself from my feelings.
Thanks. I hope I didn't ruin it.
unless they got mad at you or something, just do your best to move on and act the same way you did before confessing. it will make things easier on everybody involved.
eat shit, it's straight from his chat with the players
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My moonie likes the picto gear too much
Is it possible for me to let others edit my mcdf or is it always locked and gay for people with no friends?
It sounds insensitive, but you really just do get over it eventually, time heals all wounds after all
Try to refocus your energy elsewhere and it'll be a memory before you know it
It's always locked.
its always locked down to if your weapon is visible or not
>Patch 7.2 will introduce selectable role actions to large-scale PvP. Their addition will help set large-scale PvP apart from Crystalline Conflict, which involves fewer players per match.

Post the link then.
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Damnit... What's the point.
fuck off faggot look for it yourself retard
we LOVE mahjong!
just take the L, and you don't even speak japanese
that means a lot, thank you rabiposter
My moonie must leave now, she will return later
call my femlala cute for nothing in return!
she puts the "turd" in turducken!
We only need 4 people for a game. So if there's a cross-DC call ITT we can all just play on Materia.
So he didn't say any of that. Got it.
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I love how striking the contrast is with your glam and face against the backdrop.
i will queue on crystal in a minute or two
sleepy middie…
Is gathering comfy? Is any gatherer comfier than the other?
I like fishing, botanist and miner make me sleepy
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It's still this one, not that I mind showing it off.
fishing is the closest to comfy to me. the other two are just mindless hit these 4-6nodes in a circle for however long
I wish I had a hrothgal to snuggle with
oh right, that would be pretty cool if it's organized
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my moonie fucking loves sunnies
I'm actually gay and it makes it worse. We both play males he's gay too
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> ;3
That was a surprisingly smooth Chrysalis.
Val being slutty with everyone recently huh
The gays
What makes fishing different?
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Still this one, been 4 days since I've made anything
the one in the middle likes bbc shemales
You still here Mowwy?
No, that's not it.
why does he wear the mask?
he realized people were forgetting about him so he's whoring out for attention
caught me https://files.catbox.moe/aei0pt.jpg
This really counts as slutty? Afking while some lame gooner animation replaces your /beesknees?
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feels a bit more interactive I guess, other anon is spot on with the others just feeling a bit more tedious
he's been doing this and then posing and plapping with the person, also showing up at lb14 nopan
looking good robert
I have a feeling that random lalafells keep getting people here range banned. Someone from turkey
perfect timing lmao
Lmaoing at the timing of you posting this right after the catbox of naked val
thanks, I love contrast(don't say it) due to something in my lizardbrain and it seems to be what I lean towards naturally when making something visual
cute trans mommy athena
i've seen this catgirls gock..
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I'm currently at work but I do have the Steamdeck with me and it's w lazy thursday, so I could do calls.
It's just this
but i was alone in radz
What is the best way to bait someone into hugging my sunnie without having to outright ask for it?
this place has ruined the word "contrast" for me
hug them first
then they will hug back
thank you :3
>also showing up at lb14 nopan
that's just normal sunnie behavior
I like to spam mentor roulette until I get MSQ, and then I log off for the day
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I went afk before going to bed and woke up to this
Don't let black dick obsessed Americans ruin words for you anon
"contrast" is how blackedfags hide now btw,
they never do, though
>Most blacked spam occurs during SEA/EU hours
You sit at a fishing spot and fish, Spearfishing is more similar (though less so after it's changes) to the miner/botanist loop. They play quite differently and fishing just feels more chill/comfy to me. Some of the big fishing can be a real headache though if you get deep into fishing.. downside is a lot of fish are legitimately worthless while min/bot can target what they want fisher is left to some rng on what you're pulling out.
Hey bros, hope you have a good night/day
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I was checking out the homes of familiar names and found a pretty neat one.
holy moly
I just find a chubby rava saying slurs at her cute veena bro while cough cuddling charming why is it being stigmatized
>log onto xiv
>go on alt thats at LB14 called Chris Ansen
>look around for lalafells
>find semi well known lala that wears a lot of purple and posts here a lot
>stare at them for half a minute
>they log off
Great Success!! Mission Accomplish!
Lore-wise.... Banditry. I'm picturing him as a sort of, Thanalan-based highwayman. Do remember I've been playing a LOT of RDR2 lately and in that game all you need do is cover the lower half of your face to be unknown.
this is the hangout spot ebins want
Adderra post.
what the fuck is cough cuddling
I will ruin it, very good
The hangout spot should be my femlalas house
I will stare back at you next time.
need more late night mahjongers
>He thinks we don't know about mutt's law
Nice try bud
I wonder how miserable visiting balmung will get if they ever let people from other data centers go to places besides materia..
I'm your huckleberry.
A minor spelling mistake
I need more late night vieras.
I can visit other data centers and im on primal?
That's not me...
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/amells your ears
why did you stare at me though... i'm not a lala
that's brutal.. what kind of monster doesn't reciprocate hugs
I'm collecting plates for a collage
{ /worried }
Why did you fags move back to the 'beds?
Does he like femezen...
Cheating whore on the left
because someone asked "why did you fags move back to the bench?"
>the companion app is discord now
>Mentions some euorpoor urban dictionary shit
> Yet blacked rarely comes up during prime NA hours
Do try harder
Shoot. I meant smells* ;(
Yep that's a wife
Mmhmmm. Even if they're sweaty. Why don't you swing by Foundation?
Would be nice if someone posted elegant male characters at the end of the thread wouldn't it
It's okay, I don't think people like my sunnie very much.
We need DB back to move us to the bench
no comment
He got RAPED hahahahahahahaha you are all in the GAY RAPED fc hahaha GAY RAPE GRAPE hahahahaha
Genuine question why? Why do people like the uldah bench? It's cluttered and unsightly.
sorry my male character isnt elegant hes a sleazy italian
mahjong was at 3/4 on both primal and light when i checked
crystal was popping too
sorry I'm not available to play either atm, not until later tonight
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fall in love with me right now at the end of the thread
I accept you concession
I play an MMO to see it hustling and bustling not seclude to a dead space.
Gooners like it because they can pretend to not be xivg and sexpest xivgers.
my formerly primal and currently primal wives
i meant like EU being allowed to come to NA
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>slutglammed harlot
Be silent
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what server..
I fucking love pan miyumi so fucking much but she hates me so fucking much and it makes my heart hurt
should i make a screenshot tomorrow
>urban dictionary shit
God I hate twitter fags
do you lewd with femra..
no, ul'dah is unbearable to be in nowadays
Eat at my restaurant the farting viera please!
I'm gonna fantasia to a fiddie.
Why would you want to do that ever
Oh probably not much worse for the NA people but much MUCH worse for the Japanese, they already have a problem with Americans creating alts/transfering over to JP servers.

I frequently see posts on xitter from JP data center players (usually Thai) saying they hate how americans try to push open relationships on them/their partners and how outsiders are only interested in lewd stuff.
lightning leaping from my fingertips and rustling to a walk on the catboy side
we're never making it outta linsa lomimsa looking like this
Diabolos, but right now I'm duty bound.
You like fiera
You think schizo melties are bad now? Imagine what's going to happen to this thread once Adderra can freely visit Balmung.
bro? i don't hate anyone, are you ok
ummmm guys it'll be cool i promise haha
like another shy sub sitting in a corner and hoping male characters hit on her will have any effect
how do I make one of my penumbra mods back into a file to share with friends if I don't have the original anymore
i am pan miyumi and i hate you
You do not want this
Have you seen the average EU /xivg/ poster?
..have you seen the average NA /xivg/ poster?
>Not knowing every europoor's black fetish cope means you're from Twitter
Edit Mod tab and i think there's a save as pmp option
I know
ok thanks
sleepy femra..
It's either that or femezen
my favorite poster is the perpetually seething burger
Femezen please
You're either a massive newfag or pretending not to know what mutt's law is. Now go waste someone else's time you homo.
post your golems
Femezen please
nice balls
good night forever
I miss the regular melties every time an EU went on their NA alt to talk to lorilee. What do these people do all day except stalk since they always notice that happening?
/lifts your tail and gives your ass a huge smell
why is she wearing a hat to bed? is she stupid?
please stop trying to force yourself
it's oki i can wait
this moonie like constrast
Anglos... All blacked...
get them boys
top left jumpscare
Hide this image from Americans!
new thread?
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Bro what...
That's cute, he's won the approval of his father.

Aye, I'm heading next to the Skysteel Manufactory to turn in the quest. Hope to see you there.
for some reason I don't see it anywhere
I'm not in any rush to make a new thread during this time of night where its really slow. Maybe at 900 i'll make one
RIP, Pygo.
we're only on page 6
click the mod -> edit mod tab on the main page for that mod
if you can't find it you're a stupid ass noob
It's still hitting in the 110s here in Phoenix, I think we drop to 90s next week.
do you have mahjong superstitions?
Pretty much the end of the thread but oh well.
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If I play mahjong it's a sign I'll have a bad day.
nah I mean like in the edit mod tab I don't see anything
Yeah after a loss I change up jobs or at least glams and I also tab out after declaring riichi
why would a doman au ra be worried about weather in Britain? unless.... you're not even living in Doma are you?!
export as pmp or something in the top section
it puts it in your ffxiv mod folder
they're vexa's
oh ok thanks
Hi sleepy femra.. what keeps you awake tonight?
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Last image on phone.
... okay the eating part makes sense but how did they...
I mean you can't even speak the same language with the opposite faction so how does that work.
remember no matter how bad xivg can be it could always be worse
they both should have allowed mounts
my viera otr
why are you so impossible to find..
>the jojo poses
I am a femlala who has others calling me a sexpest because I approached a femlala with f4f search info
It's over for me
my reputation is ruined
my friendships are gone
Frenz 4 frenz?
It was for >>497853040
I see, thank you. I suppose I'll try leveling fishing for the gatherer tribe questd
am I alone in preferring aethernet maps over rhalgr / idyllshire maps that allow mounts
I fucking hated going around rhalgr's reach to do custom deliveries and I also wasn't a fan of people using big ass vision obscuring mounts on top of the materia melder npc
>Only newfags aren't obsessed with black dick
Same goes to you.. no luck in gridania or uldah yet..
Sexpest is a compliment here
my femra just remembered she hasn't had a cup of joe today and needs to do that
my airflower wife
I watched the first 14 episodes of Monster yesterday, I like it a lot! hope you're doing well
i think you’ve been duping me because i’ve been in groans often..
Wait wtf I swear to God I was just about to say
>damnit I wish meme lizard was here
I haven't..
Henlo! Hopefully you are keep up with your sleep schedule.... said I the insomniac.
Oh, I'm glad! Its very comfy and does a lot of neat explorations into human nature through its various characters. Some say it can go on for quite a bit before integral story related parts kick in, but even episodes that don't revolve around the main dynamic between Johan & Tenma help reinforce themes Urasawa wanted to tackle.

I hope you enjoy it my fren.
are you only around super late..?
>sleep schedule
ahaha... luckily I don't have any obligations currently, I just try to sleep when the gods let me
I like episodes where characters just go around doing stuff in psychological shows, it's a big part of why I love Ergo Proxy so much, so it's nice to have a similar show with a lot of episodes that can do that
Lately I haven't been feeling the best so my schedule has been kind of messy so I end up being around very late at night, rarely during midday or early evening, but not as often as I used to..
Go to sleep!!!!
Y-you too? Omigosh! Yeah that's my favorite bit. Just watching people live out their lives in this anime is a real treat. Just highly recommend watching the sub rather than the dub since the quality in the latter is definitely spotty.

I wish I could sleep whenever the gods ordained.
ah that makes sense
i thought i find you the other day because of the minion, you wouldn’t happen to have ult weps would you?
Staring at the walls is integral to my sleep rituals. :3
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I very rarely consider dubs, naturally
/petpet, maybe one day
carves runes in the ceiling and walls that cause you to fall asleep
You are not staring at a wall, you are staring at a bright screen which is keeping you awake. Go to sleep! >:(
Not yet, so if they had any if it wasn't me.. but I'd like to learn uwu and maybe top in the future, they have really cool weapons..
Most times I see the minion out in the wild usually a catgirl has it, so not even close here,,
you dont need us to be there to experience that, you can just stand at the bench yourself, you social parasite.
ah man really thought that could have been you! he was a super cute middie. well it looks like you might be harder to find now that you’re around much later…
Did you send them a tell? That would've been embarrassing if you did and it wasn't me haha
I'll try to be around earlier to make it easier, do you usually stay on till late or do you log off early?
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no his search info made me think better of it, and now i’m glad i didn’t and make a fool of myself. i’m usually not around this late but i once again can’t sleep so im just working on my portrait. if you want to make my life a little easier, you could be on a tank when you’re looking…
What kind of search info did he have? Was it something bad to stop you?
I bet your portrait is looking really cute right now, good luck with it! I logged off a while ago and now I'm just browsing on my phone because I can't sleep either.
I will be on a warrior or paladin then... only if you're on a healer when you're looking
it was something like “I’m just here to tank busters”. there was nothing wrong with it but i get the feeling you might have RP or something friendlier in your search info? or maybe you’re an enigma with nothing in it, who knows! aww I was hoping i might get a final try to look but goodnight. and i will be
Yeah that definitely wasn't me then, mine used to be empty for the longest time but I tried adding something friendlier to it, so very good guess! No RP stuff though so that's another hint
Tonight's a cold night, let me warm you up before bed if you're also cold...
Spooning you and rubbing your horns for warmth.. holding you tight and making you feel my embrace..
better find you tomorrow or there will be bullying..

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