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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Moogle Treasure Trove (Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release!)

>Future Meetups:
• Oct 9th, 9:00 PM EST | Marilith, Goblet W16 P15 | Spooky Club: Haruhi Movie and Inu-Oh >>497338807
• Oct 12th, 1PM EDT / 6PM BST | Zurvan, Materia | Yanxia, Plum Spring | Roleplaying Meetup >>496634258
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | Mahjong Open Tournament >>495487281
• Oct 12th, 5:30PM EDT / 10:30PM BST | EU + NA | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 11 - 16 >>497313724
• Oct 13th, 4:30PM EST | Marilith | Slitherbough, The Rak'tika Greatwood | Shared FATE farming >>497557429
• Oct 13th, 7PM EDT | Ultros, Primal Mist W20 P34 | Mullholand Drive and Twin Peaks Season 2 ep 10 and 11 >>497515929
• Oct 19th, 7PM EDT | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet W3 P58 >>496273537
• Oct 26th, 5PM PST / 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal | LB W2 P10 | Halloween Musicals! ( also The Crow ) >>497715049
• Oct 27th, 8PM EDT | Balmung, Crystal | LB W19 P28 | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party >495083393

Previous: >>497858063
My enemy is here
From the river to the sea, Biggers will never be free!
>the Nier raids have the gear change based on gender
>many of the mog station costume sets are divided into gendered versions
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Malera Mthursday
Mine too.
I just want something with no cleavage, SE.
I'm Rorore Rore
And I'm an alcoholic
hits you in the back of the head with a phonebook before you get the chance to react
tch tch... better luck next time
How did this happen?
Its not gender anon its body type 1 and 2, get it right bigot.
I hope it's nyot my moonie, she just wants to be freindly
perverse thoughts about moonie feet
Should I go fulala
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>hates trannies
>is a parsetranny
Go figure. Imagine wasting hours of your life botting this
I'll cut your fucking ears off
my femlala is lonely again, she went through another batch of friends
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My moonie will hiss at you if you're imagining blue ones
pillowy femroes
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My lalaboy says goodmorning!
>better player than the vast, vast majority of this general
>will probably clear FRU week one or two
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Anybody on crystal bored and want to queue for Ktisis.
It's Fiera Fthursday
Oh no....
i will growl back, but LOUDER, so as to show i cannot be intimidated
now i am
Post Highlanders, it be Thursday
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ears? ehehe
I want to queue for a kiss
They'll be nice and bloody when I'm done with them
You mean Balkans?
Any femlalas to massage my middie's traps
My moonie will nyot stand for this she is now depicting you as the basedjack with her pictomancy
All sunnies tails exist for my pleasure
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So TODAY i learned that WoW's delves are a copy paste of variant dungeons.
And that its the main way to get gear currently
So yes
It could actually be worse than what we have
too late
her toes are in my mouth already
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Must I?
Is it fun?
That’s unironically what retards here want in this game though
Dancing with this thighlander except she keeps missing steps and crushing my toes because she has two Wookiee Feet
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>powerful pentalegend
>progs through pf
>hates parsing and calls it out as stupid
>helps others clear content
Will anyone in /xivg/ ever be this powerful again?
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Today I will try recreating this pose again
thinken about meena cwarrots...
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I see.. it's time for Casual CC..
It's not though
In delves you have custom mechanics like grappling hooks or underwater breathing, you have trinkets you van search for extra loot and you get a customizable companion to help you
good luck!
I used to be an orange/pink parser in WoW
Now I'm a grey parser
I hate it
Stabbing you repeatedly
Delves are more fun then variant dungeons though and has a better difficulty scale so you can find a challenging level to run at if thats your thing.
You insult yourself, Moonie-feeter.
You've been de-feet-ed by a basedjak.
Your thread's held captive... by a basedjak.
Perhaps you'll even have your feet licked by a basedjak...
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Nigger if you are replying to my posts in the old thread then you were the one offended.
Any mahjong players? Come to Zurvan for synced queue!
Erp calls with my moonie, laters
is dragoon the only fun melee dps?
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EB is taken
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>Mihoyo MMO "soon"
Can't wait for my sunnie to look like this
i like nin and sam
My moonie forgot about the word filter goddamit..
are all fun
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>Undertale collab in XIV soon
Can't wait for my femlala to look like this
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Fiera and Fiddies be like
My femlala messy kisses you on the mouth with tongue! laghlalghlgh
And then something came up and had to log early. I hate fino fanta 14.
When they make a mmo im done with this shit. I wish all their games had group content.
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Her toesies are already on my tongue
i wanted to enjoy SAM but the rotation felt kind of scattered and awkward, not sure how to explain it. ill try viper next
this is my wife
hi wife
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spooky femras
Holy kek I came back here and I still get namedropped by someone like damn nigga I'm not even subbed!
wtf my lalaboy says good morning too!!!
Our surrender, a somber reverie...
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I want a single person in this thread to defend only getting a weapon once every seven weeks in a cycle where ultimates exist.
You can't! The point of having 21 Jobs was to eliminate Alt spam and so early on in XIVs life square introduced it right back for no discernable reason other than to make life harder for raiders
When do I paint motifs?
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you mean like the same generic hoyo girl that all look the same?
looking forward to you going back to ffxiv after a few months
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Impromptu Cross-DC Mahjong Meet happening now!
Zurvan, Gold Saucer, Mahjong Tables
>For how long?
Until we get bored.
Meet on Zurvan at the.Mahjong tables and once we're all there we start playing. Need 1 more head!
One messy kiss per morning, them's the rules. Better luck next time.
>SE makes game hard for us raiders!
Good, it's what you wanted.
You can just not raid you know that right
been over a week for me and I haven't posted either
The point is to stretch out the content. No I don't think it's a good system, but that's the reason they do it.
Depends when it comes out. XIV is horrible right now but 7.2 or 7.3 might be okay if they release the foray, V&C, cosmic exploration and DD all at once.
I dunno which race to play
My moonie will use her pictomancy to now draw these anons as giant moonie feet so they can enjoy eachother instead
Whenever you get the chance really, try to do it in forced downtime if possible but dont let the muse cds drift by holding off on it too long
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hmm I'm not sure if that's very spooky...
>discernable reason other than to make life harder for raiders
this is a great reason though
male elezen
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morning everyone
/xivg/ be like
>"McDonald's suck, I'm gonna go to this high quality, five star restaurant instead!"
>*goes to Arby's*
Both of you will be back to playing xiv when you realize that MMO will be full of gacha mechanics and KMMO tier grinds
clashing this moonie in-between giant moonie feet
Sorry I wanna participate in the only content in an MMO that requires socialization. I forgot MMO no longer means Massively Multiplayer Online it means Mega Midget Orgasms
Elf players are always lame
Only alive in fighting Death's amber embrace
(Our hearts beat loud, unafraid)
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reminder that a lot of people know about your retainers and what you've been doing on the mb
>Grind bad
lmao bucko I grew up on Tibia and Ragnarok. I can handle a little grind. Plus I have money and im not above gacha mechanics.
oh nyo.. atleast my moonies feet are now safe
you fool, the whole cat includes the feetsies
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On the one hand it's crazy that people are this schizophrenic about tracking other players. On the other hand I could not possibly give less of a shit who knows my retainer names.
Just do raids after the lockout ended.
>You're still waiting for the next set of savage to come to get new fights
>You don't need to worry about lockouts and can get as many BiS for fights as you want
>Doing raids MINE is unironically more demanding than PFing them
>You're not doing the thing the BiS is going to help you the most with so you can live on crafted gear for current patch
It's pretty fun desu.
i am a femra who's a ghost you can't see me ooo
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Good. I want people to know it was me crashing markets when they were too stupid to diversify their portfolios.
Their curly fries are pretty good tho.
who cares? thats how it should be.
he yelled calmly
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>Only alive in fighting Death's amber embrace
>the stone of Azem is amber
Come shadow, come follow me..
What are they going to do? Not buy from me because I'm undercutting them by 50%?
Place me in a Discord or Google Docs list?
And what this guy said. >>497874642
XIV letting people hide under retainers isn't a good thing, this is the way it should've been
>Scion Thaumaturge: Another dark and dreary dungeon... Wonderful.
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KMMO grinds would be perfect if not for their aggressive monetization model thats nearly universal across all of them.
Maplestory Cubes....
The fucking cubes were rigged...
Good, they'll see im trying to sell a single Sphene crystal on Sargatanas for like 30m gil
the real hell is going to unleash when they release an alt-tracking plugin
Flames too
Most of my femlalas friends are underwater in Florida… guess I might as well sneak over to balmung to make a new one
And why is that?
Love it
I know a lot of femlalas that are gone because of it.. I miss them
Oh no people are gonna see my level 90 catboy alt on Balmung! The horror!
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>femhroths can get it
>They're 99% lezbeans
>KMMO grinds would be perfect
brain broken neet spotted, all opinions are discarded
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please don't mention maplestory, i'm still recovering from when i learned they straight up removed the orbis public transit ship in favor of a single player instanced timed one
Is there a plogon, that now with the new blacklist, lets you see other people's alts? I wanna figure who the blue femra's main is
He wants to autistically rant at people crashing markets
anonimity is great for griefers and irrelevant to normal people
>Zoomers want grind removed from the MMO genre
No wonder boomers like Yoshida think this generation of gamers are doomed and impossible to please
Some of us actually get up to degenerate lewd vulgar things on our alts, anon. Just because you're boring doesn't mean we are.

Don't threaten me with a good time...
that’s Macchi
He wants to harass people and he's upset he can't
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Grinds are fine, they have to be fun and rewarding though. None of this “grind fates in an instanced zone” bullshit
I fail to see how someone would grief the marketboard.
That makes sense.
sweaty footjob
thanks, downloading that now
i dont care i sell things i make with mine so they already know
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That's why I just erp on my main.
It was good in Eureka.
i use auction houses that use your character name in other games and have literally never been PM'd about it, if you're genuinely concerned you either have an inflated sense of self-importance or are crashing markets
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Sometimes i open up granblue fantasy because I miss the mindless grind while listening to podcast and then the horrors of the last 3 years of that games dev cycle stab through me like a splitting heartache
Yis. Nice highlander
My bad
Nice catt
no way that's macchi
No it wasn’t seeing as how they had to nerf eureka multiple times and even give you perma echo to get through it.
bro died to the crimson balrog
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She loves you!
Remus Anima
I wish XIV was more like XI as in, the game is impossible to solo and you NEED to talk to someone in-game and party up

Partying should be mandatory for every little thing, even leveling for XIV
blacklist exists for a reason sis
no it wasn't, it was obnoxiously bad and it had horrible zones, there's a reason why most people dropped out when pagos dropped
There's basically one autist that lives in the thread who has made it their entire personality to track people and gets really mad when they cant or if they dont know who someone is
I.J. Army vs I.J. Navy
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My f3mra looks like this.
*rolls over Wuk Lamat's throat with my wheelchair*
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>tfw I had to specifically write what color attack is for flank and which one is for rear for VPR.
>forget to look at notes anyway and panic, using green for flank and red for rear again.
I'm colourblind so VPR is unironically a job I can't play
How does one make a grind fun? Changing up the objective or location frequently? Random elements?
>Game is impossible
The trust system in XI are NPCs that are equally as strong as your character and steamroll through 95% of the current content in game.
Thats what you get for having a horizontal content structure FAGGOT
That's just a numbers-tweaking issue, it has nothing to do with the format itself. Eureka fostered teamwork, had a lot of meat to sink your teeth into, and had a lot of desirable rewards for grinding through it. It's biggest flaw is NMs are fucking booooring but they learned their lesson on that (I hope) with Bozja. All of my hopes for this expac are riding on the foray at this point.
They have the positionals in the name
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I wish she wore her silly turban still.
>making the game worse to play for no reason
You boomers are what hold back the MMO genre from greatness because you cannot let go of the early 2000s era of the internet. You aren’t getting it back but those old games are still up running for you to play any time you want
>projareds DT rewrite pitch
Sorry, I may be retarded, but I am not a clicker like you.
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people will know its me thats been driving down the price of criterion mounts now...
god this is one of the gayest normie memes to get popular this year, it just smells of smug faggot
Look at that dumb face how could you hate this big cat
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>You're gonna stay, right?
>log into multiplayer game
>want to just solo and play by yourself
There's actual singleplayer games with better story and content
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Wish I could, but I'm still slammed with work at the moment. I let my EB know, and she said she might stop over for one or two matches in about 10 minutes.
any early morning femlala?
Yeah it would have been nice
With the way people complained about Delubrum and Diablo Armament farming its very likely the next Foray wont even have a raid. And if it does it certainly wont be part of the relic grind
>Eureka fostered teamwork
Ah yes teamwork like “LFG NM????” “tracker????” My favorite forms of teamwork with randoms
I'm sorry.. I'm here.
My moonie is too stupid for mahjong sorry
I just do hunts. At least they try to make fun out of it.
single player rpgs feel lonely, even just seeing people walk around is enough for me to feel better but not pressured to interact. you wouldnt get it
Is pazuzu up?
Yea, I just logged on
>"I'm killing crabs."
I love old Eureka
He means real XI not nu-XI. The level 75 version.
I'm on controller
Sure it had leechers, who cares? I had fun coordinating NM prep with other groups and helping people out who died or needed to get to something.
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Pazuzu was spawning in 30 minutes and I was level 15 so someone offered me to powerlevel me to pass the time
And they actually did it and we linked back to the group when i was 19 and i leveled to max through the wraith farm
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they’re more comfortable with npcs, being one themselves. They also afk and don’t erp.
I have a + irl so my sunnie has a + in ffxiv
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>lead paint stare with gross tranny face
please spoiler this next time
Good morning /xivg/
I am not my moonie so she doesnt have a + she is normal
res pls <pos>
The XIV players yearn for another Absolute Virtue.
what is WRONG with this face it's the only ugly femra i have ever seen
My thread enemy
Moonies have feet IRL so they should have feet in ffxiv
You cant even really help a new person in XIV. The best you can offer is instant dungeon queues as a healer if you have friends who play dps.
gm bro
US Pacific Fleet
can u kick me in the balls haha
>other people drag me down and take forever to learn
>can quickly and easily get stuff done by myself
>all without some ball and chain yapping about how bad their work day was or how their one friend is ignoring them
Yeah I prefer solo stuff
This but unironically.
Flying a newbie around is super valuable help also.
good morning wife
Boomers aren't being listened to so they're not affecting the genre at all, low IQ kun.
Perfecting the model put forth by classics is the way forward.
That doesn't mean you can lick them..
did you kiss?
I am a femlala I am about to violently schizopost a specific male character player from here until he leaves this general. Convince me not to
Personally I think it's impressive how you managed to make the ugliest face 3 this general has ever seen.
Who is the male poster?
I tried to give him a full stack of eggs and he refused
who? i'll help if i agree with you
You won’t do it you’re a pussy trying to get the attention of this one specific male character so you can make your move on them
do it. don't let your dreams be dreams
if a moonie can walk up and lick my face without invitation...
do it do it do it!!
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I hope it's me.
damn, he lost out
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better angle but get rid the acne scars and you'll be a solid 6/10
It's not me cause I'm a literal nobody
nyot all moonies do this...
those are freckles though
Is it me?
Because when you've cleared M4S for the 42nd time, sometimes settling back into healing The Tam-Tara Deepcroft can be a relaxing nostalgia run.
.....yeah i know. they look weird and moldy on blue skin though
*pees on you*
What not liberal?
Why did you eat your deceased dog to look like this?
All I'll say is you better be right. You better not miss when you aim for a king.
Did you get your fourth?
Except it isnt nostalgic because all the bosses have been reworked and the final boss is literally the Donut meme in its root form
I cant enjoy old dungeons, too much has been changed between low level jobs and dungeon design. Soon I won't even be able to enjoy Aurum Vale.
I won't because if you were able to be convinced you wouldn't be making this post already.
femlalas are tiny LOOOOOOL
I like people, but not near my No-No Square.
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Remember when you could take the route through the water in Brayflox Longstop before the second boss...
Still waiting!
Freckles aren't black. They're supposed to be more subtle or else they end up looking like dirt/blackheads.
you can't fool me
It can't be helped...
Tam-Tara has? I thought that was Toto-Rak.
Be there in a second then
maybe, i think they look cute
I wish we could put two make up options on a face though
Also i am totally not considering using a different hairstyle, or have had considered...
*pees back*
Get defeeted
*falls in love with u*
Both of these dungeons exist
My moonie would never.. she only pets and gets petted
back to /pol/ with your ignorance.
Are you all set? My EB might stop over, but I'm not sure if she's there yet.
You don’t understand they didn’t keep the shitty spider webs and green sludge that slowed you down the dungeons are ruined now
petting this femra
Tam-Tara got boss reworks but the dungeon is still the same
Toto-Rak got the entire dungeon gutted into a single hallway but it still has the exact same 0 mechanics bosses
I dunno man
Freckles on blue skin would just be a darker blue color thus i went with black to match the hair
forgor picture
I don't what what's the context behind this reply
Xiv but with action combat
its still there no?
only good moonies get pets
Never mind, she said it looked like you had already had 4 sitting when she got there. She had to do the Materia transfer update.
plopping a femlala on my dick and using her like a fidget spinner
No, you have to go across the bridges now.
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Do not rape
Toto-Rak got changed to get rid of green sludge and spider webs that slowed you down and separated mob pulls and just make the dungeon a long hallway.
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my meena is no longer meena coded
Its funny how they put in all that work to remodel Toto-Rak but the first two bosses literally just stand there and die like before. For some reason they forgot to change those.
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Here’s an UPDATED list of copes as to why there’s nothing wrong with 7.0 and 7.1:
>delves are “copy-paste”
>delves don’t have real difficulty changes
>Blizzard is woke
>KMMOs are P2W

Yep, that’s right, you heard it here fellas: FFXIV is STILL the best MMO right now.
>Toto-Rak got the entire dungeon gutted into a single hallway
bitch don't pretend old toto-rak was good, it was still a single hallway with pointless minor detours and the roof was so low the camera got messed up, the new one not only looks and play better but the last boss' tail actually breaks when you destroy it, it's better in every single way
what's the chocobo strat
>matching freckles with the hair
that only work for gingers because their pale skin and red/orange hair complements the reddish freckles. The black shit on your face doesnt work since black face paint is stark and not at low opacity like the eyeshadows. Genuinely, a darker blue would suit her much better than the black but it's your wol i guess.
BDO-style combat is the gold standard for MMOs
Sorry, someone just arrived!
They're based on skin color. For example, Morgan freeman's freckles are really dark because he's black. Freckles on character like that femra with light gray-blue skin would have dark gray-blue freckles, which isn't a choosable color in the options so black is the closest
>FFXIV is STILL the best MMO right now.
I wish it wasn't
I am a dark femlala with white freckles..
Totorak still has one problem I've noticed though that's kind of funny. The boss cutscene is super long so, I keep seeing tanks pull it and we kill the thing before a sprout even gets out of the cutscene.
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I also use freckles on blue skin but I use a slightly lighter tone for them but It's a preference thing reallyw
there's a mod that gives miera normal ears
noooo....your ears are meant for pulling!! stitch them back on!!
I'd rather we get delves than nothing. Its at least something productive you can spam solo or in small groups. The problem with XIV is that the only thing that matters is on a small weekly cap, and the uncapped are useless after like the first week.
is there one that fixes their eggheads
That old cabbage was integral to the story.
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1+ on the image limit, 0 contribution by posting a male highlander
I am a femlala who understands what darkness tastes like..
it's really just a problem of them putting lahabreas introduction in there so they can't cut it without making changes to other cutscenes around it
I understand it on three fronts.
>Want to be autonomous
As in I don't want to have to wait for parties and queues, would rather just do whatever on my own.
>Don't want to be roped into things
As in, I want to game doing the things I want on my time more than what other people want
>Don't want people trying to e-date me
A lot of people play games and are already in relationships or not looking for any but this community is obsessed with dating and sex

Things that don't make sense to me
>Don't want to burden others
If you ask and they agree you're not burdening them
>Don't want to be the weakest link
You need to learn somehow and you only really learn doing it
>Won't even join a voice chat
Voice chat is not some sort of invasive requirement it's pretty mundane really, it crosses no boundaries and you can just decide not to come next session no one will crucify you for it.
Good morning /xivg/! I actually got some decent sleep for once. Kinda sad I missed Spooky Club. Last night at 8PM, I decided to show up early for Spooky Club, I closed my eyes for what felt like a few seconds, and when I opened my eyes, an hour had past and I was surrounded with people. I logged off and went to bed instead of forcing myself to stay up.
They have eggheads?
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I'll try and see whenever I'm home but that's desu some of the issues i run into with blue skin
Same as putting a blush on her, had to figure the proper color and this is the best imo
Fair fair, ty bloonie, i like them really pronounced!
>FFXIV is still the best MMO
It’s hard being king
these threads never hit the image limit
i am a femlala

that just woke up from cramps in her legs after eating doordash

it kind of hurts to walk
No anon BAD! You cant criticize XIV in any way or else the mean man will come in and tell you that you want LFG and how MMO's are a dead genre and how XIV is perfect as it is.
Trust the plan. Yoshida says big grinds and big group content is coming. Nevermind how he put literally all of it in the second year of the expansion.
>KMMOs are P2W
I will never understand how Koreans let themselves be cucked so hard by corpos
I was an hour late to it, and had to leave early...
those arent freckles it's melanoma and moles + aging makes them much more prominent. the acne scar cope is insane bro

now this is how they should look, cute and feint instead of gross and stark.
I am a femlala that understands what face 2 is like
>give vieras a unique head shape
>hairstyles not compatible
>helmets not compatible
>it doesn't even look good
What the fuck was even the point of doing that?
Lodestone roulette threads have hit image limit before.
please be Jean please be Jean
Maleroe x miera but the miera tops
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I will not take part in the hamster wheel tomestone gear maze.*

*until patch 7.4
>Won't even join a voice chat
I do this one unless it's raiding with my static. I just don't really want to talk to people and I'm usually listening to my own music or podcasts or something anyway.
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Give me some
Of course
All good, she was stuck trying to get there for a bit but I let her know it was first come, first serve.
do you like fiera?
> Things that don't make sense to me
>Don't want to burden others
People here unironically think they’re bothering people by asking to play the game yes even their own friends on their friends list, I wish I was joking.
Please be Remus
Then my moonie must be a good moonie because she is pet very often :3c
>Won't even join a voice chat
I don't ever join people's voice chats because there's no reason for me to be in it in the current state of XIV
I really don't want to get intimate with others as I'm already usually in my own calls with people
Do you like femra
Why do trannies love being on voice chat all the time?
>Won't even join a voice chat
I don't like voice chat because I hate my ESL accent
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I gave my retainers female versions of my name tho.
Why are brown people so afraid of joining voice chat? Trying to larp as a woman are you?
Go with what you like bluera don't let others choose for you :3
My moonie loves her freckles thanks anon
now pose her spreading her 腋マンコ
Y'all have to realize that no big grindy content for the first 10ish months is primarily a budget issue, XIV can't afford to have huge content drops up-front
control over others to follow their woman larp or be subjected to social outcasting bc of "transphobia" meanwhile the average xiv tranny sounds like a faggot or a fat german man with no attempt of voice training.
Wow another fangless "we l
femlalas sure are crazy right guys" bit. Change the fucking channel.
I don’t join VC because I like to play drunk sometimes and my fc is full of normies and libtards, and I prefer to choose my words carefully
I will not join voice chat with you. When will you learn that no means no, nigger?
>Join a voice chat.
>Get removed from the public chat, because the officer couple were talking to themselves.
>They live together irl.
Strange how the topic of voice chat causes the anti social here to get upset. #nooticing
I'm a hoarder...
Of course, I play one!
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Femlalas ARE crazy..
have you talked to anyone from /xivg/ in-game? You'd know..
Be afraid
>FFXIV is STILL the best MMO
man things really are grim
will we ever get a renaissance?
that subject literally always causes meltdowns in here
you would not believe the number of voicecels and men trying to larp as their female characters we have
stop nooticing
I'm more likely to join a vc when I'm drunk and couldnt care less what people think about my foul language
>meanwhile the average xiv tranny sounds like a faggot
and this is supposed to be bad?
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Hello? Hello sir! Sir hello! Do you like femra from radz-at-han? Do you? Please say yes. Say yes sir.
i don't knooowwww... you kind of seem like a bad moonie
i might have to warn everyone to withhold pets and pats
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Grand list of brand-new revelations that have just come out in the past ten minutes:
>Morgan Freeman has terminal cancer
>brown people don’t use voice chat
>FFXIV is STILL the best MMO and it’s not even close
>delves and all other forms of content are just fake fun, FFXIV roulettes are real fun
>Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. is a poor company
No you're not. You're boring generic gamerbros just like maliddies. You guys say you're crazy but you're just boring.
Plus you hate the sound of your own tranny voice because you know you don't pass. kill yourself fucking tranny go die
I will never understand how playing the game is bad
>If you ask and they agree you're not burdening them
WRONG! If I ask and they agree they're only doing so because I'm such a burden on them they think that by saying no I'll kill myself.

I am bothering people. They're not my friends they only accepted the friend request begrudgingly out of pity. They hate me and wish I'd never talk to them.
So are you
>already usually in my own calls
>do this one unless
That's what I'm saying some people just straight up won't do it at all. Look at this shit
But I'm not antisocial, I'm unsocial.
You won't join VC because you are ashamed of being a grown ass man playing a modbeast slutty fem character
>withhold pets and pats
You'd kill her doing this anon, would you really want a cute moonies blood on your hands?
If i join a voice chat and some retard who sounds like tylar oakley is on the mic while calling himself trisha or some stupid shit I leave. not all of us are shitdicks
I thought those were freckles. Huh. I guess you're right. I will now headcanon that >>497877531 has melanoma
>Meet your co-tank bro irl
>He looks like this
What do?
>joins your call as a femlala
>speaks with my unabashed hank hill voice
>get made fun of
its over
I won't join VC because I hate my accent
My meena is feeling under the weather because he didn't get his daily hugs and kisses from his favorite anon
>I am bothering people. They're not my friends they only accepted the friend request begrudgingly out of pity. They hate me and wish I'd never talk to them.
You “people” are so exhausting to deal with
so they can shlick their troonussy to my thrumming bassmaxxed sub-octave cavegrug voice
It's just a savage, does one really NEED voiced callouts to clear?
nihil novi sub sole
You are looking for new Revelations in a FFXIV general?
So are you
What accent
Call him cute
Did the voices in your head tell you I was implying that?
Gay lalaboys
How do I ghost someone effectively? They keep pesting, but I'm not interested at all
This is why I like short format things like dungeons. I wish we had more 5-20m style content to randomly queue into that aren't just dungeons, or at least some level of randomization in them.
My voice is deep and melodious, although I wish I had a more prominent regional accent. It’s just I like to choose my words carefully, especially when I’m drunk, as I don’t want to give unintentional offense to sensitive friends.
I do dislike my own voice desu
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Oh my god.........oh...my...
this meena is builded for softer faggier meenas
triple rape
I agree because I want to spend time with you and I know you get stressed out easy so I let you approach me to not freak you out or make you uncomfortable.
Why hate your own voice? It's part of what makes you you
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... . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . .
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Blacklist in game
Block on discord/twitter
Remove from friends list and Mare
That should do the trick.
Sometimes I sound like ben shapiro it is pretty embarrassing.
I will 100% not join voice for anything outside of a static. Yes, even if you say I don't have to use my mic either. I don't want to hear your nasally voices or gruff southern yeehaw accents ruining my immersion.
I also hate me
Yeah, based
I hate myself
The search continues for a mommy or daddy to pay my sub so I can have them sniff my femboy middies sweaty pits and thighs.
It's not just that, go into lewd discords related to xivg its almost always browns in voice chat. It's almost never the trannies or if they're there they don't talk much. I've noticed the ones who refrain the most are
Browns with loud houses
Trannies trying to larp
Voicecels who are ashamed of how they sound
People who live with their parents and don't want people to here "RICHIE YOUR DINNER IS READY"
Wait, FFXIV has voice chat now? Since when was that a part of the game?
pictomancer is peak soulless
I just dislike my own voice what's so fuck about that
My favorite knighttt...come hither...*mwah!* ok you are dismissed
*nasally nerd voice* facts don't care about your feelings *gets stuffed into a locker*
>voice chat woes.
At least none of you got told you sound like moistcritikal.
Its genuinely infuriating how drastically the outfits from Tower at Paradigm's Breach change between the male and female versions. The Aiming/Striking/Scouting sets are by far the worst offender of this, where the female version is a really pretty JRPG outfit and the Male Version is a Tacticool Solid Snake getup.
I am
a fem
who just bawled like a little bitch to her therapist for half an hour, non-stop
I'm saddened to hear this anons, you need to learn to love yourselves
Why do people hate VC? It's not the fact that you're a grown man irl from all the statics I've been in.
I'd prefer it way more if it was implemented in game.
If you get anxiety from talking as a grown adult, you may as well refund your life.
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Gay sex with gay hroths
Shut up Tikaasi
Stop asking for feet pics on voice chat.
this meena is cute howsoever his hair kind of sucks
I will join voice chat and force you to listen to my lisp
okay now you're just being a drama moonie
you aren't going to die from lack of pets
I wont join VCs because I dont want people here knowing I am actually a woman. I dont want to ruin it for the maleras that think I'm a himcess.
What a prick
Whats wrong sis? I can be your online therapist if you wanna talk for free..
i bought more crafting materia than i ended up needed to meld my jewelry should i save it or resell it you think
You'll never be a real woman. may as well end it.
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But just imagine this fiera sounding *exactly* like Larry the Cable Guy.
please please please please please show me your sisters milk faucets
Is it me? What do you play? If it's me I'll stop
You’ll never guess what my moonie is now (the answer is awake)
My femra is now black coded
She says
Yo yo crackas in da thredda whats poppin its ya nigha boy
I've heard the type of people streamers get for their voice chat, I do not want to experience that first hand. And, embarrassingly, I'm not sure I'd keep my cool hearing a female voice.
Since always. Just join a Discord server.
I am bummed no one replied to my post.
There's a better use to them, surprised you didn't know.
I suppose not, people have told me they can understand me clearly
>*pees back*
I don't mind my voice, I wish I was more articulate however.
One of my exes told me my voice was sexy but I just don't hear it, but it was well before we were dating so it also doesn't feel right writing it off as flattery.
it's funny how people who act real tough in text never want to talk in vc and can't handle vocal conflict
most people have real reasons, but I've ran across a fair few who are just insecure pussies that don't want their internet tough guy mask to be put under scrutiny
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KONG HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so...... powerful..................
>sex sex sex sex
>sex sex sex pass
I'm sorry but that hairstyle is JUST
You do nyot undersand, she lives for the pets anon without them she is nothing 3:
sis....say sike rn
I can't even blankpost properly, I'm genuinely retarded
Someone please strangle me to death and put me out of my suffering
Life is hard enough as is, but having arguments with my loved ones make it ten times harder
I'm living purely out of spite against people like (You) jsyk
that's a car boy,,
As a teen everyone told me that my voice is super deep and I felt embarassed because of it. The reason was that I was thinking that I'm strange for having a deep voice and that it is not normal. As I got older I started to like it at some point.
I used to hate it but ever since people started calling it cute I've been growing more and more fond of it, I still can't quite love it though
Do you WANT the kissies or not?
is this atma
or lumy
Do you want a friend ingame or do you got enough of those?
I think it’s Polly
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yea i do not know i am not sure what you mean
I work by talking to people for 11-12 hours each day
I genuinely do not give a fuck about voice chat i hate talking when I'm home
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>Explain that my accent is very thick because I learned English on my own and tell them they won't understand me
>They tell me it's alright it will work just fine
>Join and try to talk to them
>"Can you repeat?"
>"Dude I didn't understand a single thing of what you just said lmao"
I'm tired of this humiliation ritual, so I don't even try anymore.
I HATE them
damn just got home
>Thread now suddenly realizes that it's not just instagram ruining women's body image
Sad state of affairs.
Why is lalafell the brown race??
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Why, back in my day, it was still Ventrilo.
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my sunnie
you'll be fine, and even if you do somehow start dying, i'll give you CPR (Consecutive Pet Resuscitation)
...but not after i do something perverted first
If you look it up melanoma is 20x more common whites than blacks. There's a ton of white old celebs with similar melanoma freckles as freeman, his just look less abrasive due to his skin color.
You give them to me.
It's Bip Do..
maybe if they stopped insisting on calling themselves women then women wouldn't have so many problems
do you like meena

want to get in a mentally ill situationship where we hate each other but are too attached to leave
I don't hate my voice I just hate how I stutter alot.
Crackas, it's over
My femra is a cracka too...
Imagine staying alive out of spite and living a life where your family doesn't accept you and you'll never be anything more than an ugly man in a dress.
im #FFFFFF irl though
this femlala drank her pipeline punch a little too early and is now crashing. oyasumi...
What vocal conflict could even arise from this game?? Don't tell me you guys actually argue about GAM drama in vc instead of laughing off anything in the thread
That's fair, my work consists of 15 minutes of talking every morning so I'm always down for a voice chat.
How does this even tell who is or isn't a reseller?
I really do hope Square finds a way to kill xivlauncher, transgender codemonkeys need to be driven off of the internet.
I hate this flesh prison and anything attached to it
I'm not self-conscious about it though, I want people to imagine some manner of mentally unwell jester behind the screen when they hear it, gotta work with what you got
How do I use mare, can I show others my animations or its just body textures?
Needs to be put down
I grew up having European and Balkan friends, so accents doesn't affect me.
My man they talk about the thread in the various off shoot discords
kono sakana...konai ka na....
I wish I had work at all.
My moonie has now learnt to avoid you anon, you make her worried
It's all your currently active mods.
What’s your femra’s life expectancy? Has she undergone chemo yet?
So embarrassing when people post in romaji
if u drink monster every day u get none of the benefits y'know...
whenever my femra sees an entitled pf leader asking for people to give them a 2 chest carry she looks up their logs to have a laugh
Believe it or not
Bullying me for not voice chatting will not make me want to voice chat with you
I've played so many games with ESLs, their accents have never bothered me.
You can start off with customer service as a stepping stone if you really want work.
Your demise will be our...... salvation
Kissing my femlala however will make me do and answer anything you ask...
It's not even close to any of those, I don't even type like them. Moreover, neither atma nor polly go to therapy anyway. Don't you fucking dare comparing me to either of them ever again.
We can be friends in-game... but under different circumstances, I'm not usually like this, and I don't want your idea of me to be skewed by this temporal displacement in my usual cheery and smug nature. It's just a minor slip-up, I will recover from this... eventually...
Already got one of those, hard pass...
That's a lot of assumptions you're making, anon. My family loves and accepts me, just because NA trannies are fucked doesn't mean the rest of the world is as cruel and unloving as your country.
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>get on vc call with someone
>i talk
>they dont
>it's an entire call where i have to keep checking a chatbox like a damn streamer to see what they said
>continue to do it anyways because they are my friend and i respect them
thats the point desu
you improve your pronunciation and speaking by being in conversations anon.
Unless you're this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4r91mc8pbo
i cannot FATHOM what would cause someone to do this on voice chat
>man, this guy, like, i'm pretty sure i know who's schizoposting me
>yeah did you check the post timers? weird how, like, he stops posting his catgirl avatar on cooldown when you start getting shitposted
i blacklist people for talking about the thread INGAME i cannot imagine what compels someone to do it on fucking voice chat
Occasionally Japanese players on Japanese servers do that too, forgetting which text input mode they were on.
おやすみ ?
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I'm that friend
Thanks for making me feel bad
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I tend to be more muted on vc because I murdered my social battery at work.
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Why would this company need to do anything? FFXIV already has 30 million concurrent players, over 30x that of WoW. SE doesn’t need to do anything. The game bankrolls the entire company. In fact, we never even need to have another expansion and people will still play. It’s widely regarded as one of the best and most popular games of all time. Why does anything need to happen?
read the spoiler i beg of ye
hai wakarimashita
You are not real
i'm sure "her" mic is just broken and will be fixed any day now
why are you a nigger expert. keep your information to yourself thanks, i just wanted to call his wol ugly.
I don't mind doing it, but I still feel kind of awkward when they take a while to respond and I can't say anything.
Like you would have the guts to say anything in game to their face. Rather post here. kwab.
Don't worry your femra is still black coded. Her lust and abuse of elezen women is very similar to black men's lust and abuse of fat white women.
i have mastered the art of hunting down moonies
it's only a matter of time
I will strike you down
wake up babe its time to farm for sands
>vc complaints.
>not a single one mentions beeping smoke detectors.
You are all brown.
Imagine being a therapist, having to listen to some mentally broken young man and you get paid to egg him on in ruining his body and his life.
he's a GAM playing a male character, don't need to worry about that
yeah this, but I don't mind unless it's like something mid-combat
>aether players dont even exist anymore so this shitpost is lost to time
aether sissies...
yeah if my house catches on fire i'll just die
Impromptu confession - I make up half of "my moonie" posts but I've never played a moonie and never will
Because nothing is burning in my house?!
My moonie is very sneeky goodluck she would forgive you if you give her a pet
constantly thinking about black and browns when you dont work in a furniture store is a form of paranoia and schizophrenia. Some may even say it's a sign of homosexuality.
There's not a single trans CC player here who's actually good, which is weird considering how with games like Guilty Gear estrogen has become an epidemic like when crack was first introduced to black neighborhoods
smooching gay lalaboys
embracing gay lalaboys
getting topped by gay lalaboys
Ok boomer.
I see your point. You should pay my sub for me so we can play together and form a fake relationship in-game that will last for a few weeks before I move on to somebody more interesting.
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>get asked to join vc by friend
>expect to hear the voice of a burly 40 year old man
>get greeted by the soft sultry voice of a woman
>when you dont work in a furniture store
I work in paint, they are ALL I see.
You don't believe in therapy though
Och spelade lite Dota
Let's get it on
Datacenter travel killed a lot of thread culture
Look at that loser Miau Miau. He has to be in Crystal to stay relevant.
*smooch* whats the color of my underwear
spending days reading /pol/ threads isn't researching btw.
>takes minimal skill to get good at
>barely anyone plays it
>ranked dies immediately

GG Strive
>constant ranked sessions available
>game takes actual skill to be good at
>is an actual esport
>actually is a tranny
I guess it should have been obvious due to the fact you are seeing a therapist but still
that's a funny mental image, I sure hope it's not real
I don't know, have you raided before? have you dealt with terminally online people in organized groups? conflict arises everywhere, but conflict doesn't necessarily mean school yard shouting matches, it can be a simple need for stern words towards people that need to tone it back
everyone's gotta do their own thing, I'm mostly muted myself
Sounds great
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>get asked to join vc
I believe in manipulation and ideology anon
I burned myself on Flyff, Aion and Tera.
I don't want to play P2W KMMOs again man...
I'm tired of having to swipe the credit card to only have a chance to win...
Information, like God, exists in all places.
>both are pvp games populated primarily by dogshit players
My point stands
>Takes skill to be good at
must be your first fighting game lol
What happened to Very Cute FC on Odin?
They tried to groom Akemi the other day then wrote a paragraph about how it made her sad that Akemi didn't read her wall of texts
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>she would forgive you if you give her a pet
was gonna say Strive has the con of it taking ages to get into a match but no one plays CC ranked so I guess it's still faster
No my first fighting game was Tekken 7 actually
>GG Strive
>takes actual skill
not defending ffxiv at all but
it's an anime fighting game
any fighting game where you play footsie in the air until you hitconfirm and then copy/paste your dank memes folder on your opponent's head for 45% of their health, is not a game that "takes actual skill"
i'm good althougheverbeit
There are multiple very powerful Korean Corporations (they call them Chaebols) and they are basically family owned businesses that the Government allowed to become defacto monopolies via incredibly lucrative tax laws. Its less getting cucked and more "My nephew's Uncle's Sister is works for MegaCorp5 so I'm gonna get all my stuff from MegaCorp5" When buying 'Locally Owned' goes too far.
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wookie feet wookie feet, what a treat
Sounds just like you
You know who also exists in all places? MY MOM!
if satan were to write a book(he has, actually theres multiple + devils) and taint your retarded soul it wouldn't change anything about your demeanor and mindset.
Strive is the worst modern fighting game to recommend to a new player, what's wrong with you
This really is as brown and asian as I would have imagined it to be
She'll die in a year... White Mages told me the melanoma is magical in nature... Only a fair femezen maiden's kiss can heal it...
thank you brutha she can still say nigger
this is bait but like 1/5 of the people i play with in high elo are also trans/agpsisters
>groom Akemi
uhh isn't Akemi both not a sprout but also over 30? how could they even groom her?
You got hit by the 15F standing overhead while crouch blocking huh
I wasn’t recommending it for new players though? If I was gonna a game for a new player it would be SF6
My internet is genuinely 3rd world-tier (Dude, I love Canada)
If I'm in VC, then I am lagging, very very hard.
>play footsie in the air until you hitconfirm and then copy/paste your dank memes folder on your opponent's head for 45% of their health
It's just too funny. The most good looking person here is a black dude.
That's exactly why her attempts failed
>don't get asked to join VC
god told me in a dream that you like to suck cock :3
She has a single braincell petting is like hitting her reset button for how she sees someone, unless if they do something really lewd to her she wont forgive that
Who is "they"?
Oh man they did NOT like this one anon.
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>unironic stormfag
i thought you all killed yourselves. Goodbye Pablo
>i play with in high elo
You shouldn't larp
>until you hitconfirm and then copy/paste your dank memes folder on your opponent's head for 45% of their health, is not a game that "takes actual skill"
boy you don't play a lot of FGs do you?
>Chooooooclate Rean
what are "4chan reply chains"
That melanoma was actually cast on her by a cabal of gelmorran descended elezen mages to protect their ears. Where do you think those other ear licking posters went huh? That's right, stricken with similar but different diseases.
omg hiii!! :3
Sometimes, my sunseeker gets a little freaky in crowded places.
This! Fucking this! I learned my basics from an african man back as an after-school activity and the rest I learned from gaiaonline and youtube. Worst is that I'm autistic and when I tried to push my voice over others to get a turn to speak i got yelled in dms when people do that to me often. Fuck doing call outs and coordinating with my healer, if i overheal and someone dies of damage it is what it is.
that just means it'll take a few more pets. probably
my femlala's is gassy.
>Person posting how miserable they are and just trying to get pity points to score
Therapy can't even fix you at this point.
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>They tried to groom Akemi
What is it with trannies and trying to groom people?
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I don't play CC or raid because I already get stressed out enough at work.
I play games to relax. And that is okay.

It's OK to not care about raiding and parsing, it's OK to not play Crystal Conflict, it's OK to play games in Easy Mode.
Value yourself and your time.
why isnt ffxiv dead yet
Glad you figured it out
>get asked to join vc
>nervous because tranny + no voice training
>every single 4ch vc I joined is actually super chill
But I thought you guys were the internet hate machine...
Because it’s a good game actually
nyope, the reason for it is she is really not a fan of erp so anyone trying to do such is very offputting. she only does fun rp
my grown ass man femlala joins voice so she can distract you mid pull and then tease you when you die and wipe the party and would expect the same when she eventually fucks up too
>>is an actual esport
Brother if I wanted to watch a bunch of black people and other minorities play sports I'd just watch basketball
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>it's OK to not play Crystal Conflict
Actually, no its not. You WILL play the Smash Bros Mini-game.
5'6" manlet spotted
Who decided 14 was a tranny safe space? Trannys should be gassed like Hitler.
brazilian fingers typed this post
more commendation crystals get added to my account in one season than you will ever have in your lifetime
Sorry meant for ——> >>497880305
They shit on you in a separate discord, they are just doing the fake nice thing when you are around
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I have a question for anyone who knows. In balmung lavender beds every other apartment in lavender beds is filled except ward 17. Is there something wrong with that place or does it just happen to be the least filled apartments in balmung lb?
How did this reply get so fucked
whatever killing myself immediately now

5'11 get it fucking right....BITCH
Do any actual lalaboys go to LB14 or is it just bitter femlala's?
My hands shake too much for me to be good at any pvp in any game. I wish I could fix it somehow.
I like how you have no grasp of what is being said, and lash out like a petulant child.
I'm european, my vc mates are white, if we burn we burn. Praying for you florida bro.
impressive cognitive dissonance, gold star
that's a lot of fingers
people are usually pretty chill
Damnable duskwight... It seems I'll need to track them all down and abuse their ears until they dispel it. One last candle burn.
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yeah sure and I have a femra wife
that's okay
*throws at yarnball at you*
I'll grind you under my heel
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At this point, I'll take that as a win
I refuse to play Fighting games that do not have a dedicated Block Button.
Back-stepping being "block" is the most retarded design choice that continues to persist in fighting games to this date.
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I was literally just there crafting like 300 roast chickens
Grrrr....*growls at you*...don't make me take a picture of my drivers license....
i get no catharsis from easy mode
>doesnt post them
>any aug hellhound weapon could easily be glamourered in
>doesn't post portrait
nice shot
*dives after the yarn*
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Taking your information from a place with unironic pedophiles, incest defenders, and homosexuals makes it clear enough desu
Maybe living hateful lives and holding yourself and other people to unreasonable standards isn't really helping you achieve happiness, and is in fact despite your best efforts to not think about it, actually damaging your sense of worth in a way that only you don't seem to notice?
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>Trannys should be gassed
I wholeheartedly agree
Again, you lack, seek understanding beyond petty internet arguments.
is this one also gonna kill himself?
Only if I'm summoned there by someone
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as much as I'd like to be proven wrong and instantly get a femra wife don't take a picture of your drivers license for gods sake
If my standards are unreasonable I don't want to achieve anything.
Only threadposters are like that, they have no consecuence because its anonymous, once there's an account linked to them that can be traced to an ingame character they all bitch out
You live a hateful life
I sacrifice 2 femlalas to summon this lalaboy in attack mode.
You're unironically perfectly pozzed by jews and want to be taken seriously on 4chan. You already lost
We run the data centers. Kneel when speaking of us
alright, fine, youre a good moonie
/pet /pet
1v1 me in Soul Calibur 2 on Gamecube Faggot
(no picking Link because he is OP)
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request denied
The strat for that was to hear on over to the Culinarian's Guild on Chocobo server to pick up 4 million gil at the end of the run.
>brown "people"
Akemi is Balkan?!
See the problem is every confrontation you come too devolves into *this person hates me or my ideology* at its core.

I don't hate you, I just disagree with you
ehehe :3c I'm adding these to the counter thank you anon
>japanese people dont mod the ga-
ACK ACK ACK AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
are you a martian
That's chinks, not eleven
My mom says i cant play nintendo consoles because pokemon is satanic so she bought me a ps2, you will have to settle with the Heihachi version of SC2.
sure bub
I thought it meant balmung? No?..
My malera is better than a therapist because he will call you "good girl" (or "good boy", fuck it) for your bussy (which is free) instead of money (which is not free)
The people who go crazy about that stuff are not the same people who are friendly and social and chat at meetups/join vcs/etc.
Wallflowers, anti-social no-shows, quiet types, and people who hide behind a 'character' have been and will always be the biggest Schizos.
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If we had a Tolerance stat in XIV, would our resident Twitter ebins have the highest tolerance stat?
What's wrong with being Brazilian?
do you like male catgirls
Okay, I hear you
Fiddie like this for my malelala
oh that makes more sense
Are you a one piece villain? Is that why you are laughing like that?
feels like im talking to a diamond or maybe someone who can barely squeeze into low t100 on a dead dc, crystal probably since it has the lowest floor on NA. who are u?
>grew up barely talking to anyone
>my only actual friends were all british both efriends and irl despite living in america(there were like 5 british kids in my school for some reason and we all grew up together)
>my family is from the deep south with rural accents
>raised in a place where the GenAm accent is the most common
>have a fucked up mixture of a southern american accent, GenAm accent, and a cockney accent
>the first and only time i joined a 4chan vc and people thought i had brain damage based on how i speak
all kittens are born equal in daddy's eyes
Balmung is the Balkans of ffxiv...
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>continues to evade what was said and tries to make it about the other person
Nothing. We're basically the same as americans but we actually have our own culture.
noone like you bigger
it's true, I've done a lot of raiding in this game but never got over the stress it causes me, some people just aren't built for certain things and there's nothing wrong with that
I feel that, I recommend working out before playing PVP if you haven't done it before, it makes the
initial shakes go away for me
I've temporarily fixed it in the past many times by just forcing myself to play so it becomes habit or being encouraged to play by friends for days in a row, but once I stop it always comes back and I can't stick to a PVP game
I want to have a laugh and chill doing my own thing, but nowadays everything is overly optimized and competitive, which breeds an atmosphere that kills the enjoyment for me
This is true im a wallflower femra and if you're nice to me I'll obsess over you and melt if you don't talk to me enough. I stay away from people because I know I'm unwell
I dont even want the trannys to suffer I just want them gassed and gone ya know?
Brazillian iq moment
You guys still mess up during non-current trials, raids, and dungeons, right?
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I will punt you, tiny potato gremlin
Pray I never find out who (You) are
Hitler would be a himcess unironically if he played based on what i’ve seen from EU niggas.
Yeah by way of not respecting mechanics or just forgetting them.
I'm not a real lalaboy and I've been busy with a lot of other things anyways. I'm around on the weekend because I raid on Crystal but that's about it...
yeah but I'm a sprout
I'm Balkan and Akemi is NOT Balkan

I know
Please list your top 5 kinks in order.
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how much money for *opens grocery list* 1 "good girl," 3 "thank you so much, sweetheart," and a couple compliments on my appearance? i cannot offer bussy-passes
Hitler was only ever gassed once in ww1 when he was in the trenches. You said "like hitler" instead of "like hitler would've wanted" so I am now assuming you want trannies put into trench warfare with chemical weapons being used against them.
Hitler would play a midlander/elezen and he'd have himmler play a male lala
Gobbels would make the priettiest character you can think of
Goring would play a meme male roe
Bormann would play a generic male middie
my moonie loves vkei
Are you the menhera who schizod out like 2 days ago
I would like to employ that strat but going to Chocobo is expensive for me
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Thank you for the games. This was definitely among the worst Rons I have seen.
this looks like a walmart clone of my wife
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I will now use the server as a dumping ground
>names the person who had to suffer the autism
>doesnt name and shame the tranny
Kill yourself faggot
I appreciate that ngl, It's always annoying to me when people refuse to even hear.
if there's a parse pf and there's no explicitly listed requirement like 95+ or 99+ is it safe to join as long as I'm bis and have like purples?
a lot, you're a third worlder who had a meltdown because people wouldn't wintrade you
5 kisses, two hugs and a cuddle.
But I only take femlalas.
damn that green hair lala is hot af
Most people here think the most basic requirements of relationships and friendships are "unreasonable". Turns out a lot of people are just immoral.
Yeah. My apologies.
again, I am offering money for goods and services.
Thank you for coming to play! It was great!
If Hitler wasn't gassed then what propelled the bullet out of the barrel of the gun? thats right, gas.
I am a lalaboy (feminine looking) who has been playing xiv since 2.0, never interacted with XIVG people but shitpost here for months straight then vanish for 10 months, thinking about going to one of the hangout spots to poke my head in.

Should i?
I didn't have a meltdown though...
Literally 0 reason to be sorry. Its not like I haven't said or been inflammatory online.
I'm sure you can find a better suited professional.
NTA but you can be whatever you want. But if you go back to femlala lemme know cause I like crazy lalas. I wanna help and support them.
reddit response
t. seasoned redditor
If I did that, you'd instantly know who I am... bah, it's all the same, they're pretty common anyway
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my meena is going to go missing soon he has been getting threats
you're going to put me out of business, baby girl
there's some decent people but it's generally not worth it.
if you're a good judge of character who can weed people out maybe
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You should tell her that!
yeah why not
hangout spots tend to be kinda dead outside peak hours but it's not like you have anything to lose
Do it
No it was the aryan energy of his gun saving him from humiliation and death by the soviets.
>lalaboy (feminine looking)
Daring today, are we? You do you man, most people won't even bat an eye.
Just wanna clear the air.
do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?
My moonie does when she tabs out to post sometimes
>Hitler would play a midlander/elezen and he'd have himmler play a male lala
"Mein Führer, I don't understent vhy I haf to be a tiny little elf..."
Don't. Once people know you're name.. you'll never be allowed to have fun again
t. femlala
I literally just popped in randomly because of friends. I've been playing since 1.0, so far everyone's pretty nice and silly.
just queue up and play the game you don't need to wintrade for that, it even gives you baby hints
>be man
>like my female character
>like roleplaying
>want people to see me as my character and nothing more
>certain people keep calling me girl and i dont correct them because i think they are at least talking about my character
>a little flirting comes my way, think its in character roleplay so i dont pay it any mind
>now they are attached and keep trying to flirt and get close to me which i cant tell if its roleplay anymore or trying to get attached ooc
>everytime they message me i feel a bit disgusted, but its been so long of me not correcting them or telling them im a male and trying to keep my life private that now i look like the weirdo if i tell them to stop or expose myself as male
Why are yall niggas so desperate? Just let me enjoy the game and wife my avatar like the lonely autist I am.
I think you should pay my sub and then use my femboy middie maid to gather and farm for you until I've paid my debt like the contributing member of society that I am.
I hate every one of you. But that's how I show love.
My femlala likes her cheese drippy, bruh
That's not even what I'm talking about I'm saying shit like thinking you need a specific deep voice, a 10 inch dick and be 6 feet tall and the such
it's insane how lucky you are
im a homosexual brown man
i play a brownfemlala
im obsessed with white penises small medium and large
ask me anything
My Fiera? /ss/ coded.
Did you win those cc games? (Probably not bc ur trans lolololol)
I gave up on it, not because of skill, but because the matches take way too long
I'm not a schizo and I like talking to new people but I'm rarely at lb14 right now unless I want to check in on my friends since I'm a content enjoyer.
My moonie will be petting this bunboy to cheer him up :3
have some fucking mercy
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I like this. You like this. We like this. This is Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail.
my lalaboy had a dream about a council of middle aged men that seemed a bit emotionally distraught but found a lot of comfort in each other despite their inability to communicate well. there was something very ominous about them and my lalaboy could not shake the feeling that they were in control of everything based in these rare meetups of theirs and how satiated the vegetable dishes they were ordering from the hired help would make them
GL post.
I'm not talking to "your character". I'm talking to (You), nigga. Your character literally can't emote or say a word without your direct input
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Are there any middies like this?
an average quick game is like 15 minutes
I never queued because someone was schizoing and data farming the queues, and that data could've been transposed to find who I am in game, so no, I didn't win, I didn't even play
I even gave up a pure double Chi. It could have been worse!
It's not like that anon, I just felt like posing a cute thing with her while she was AFK one night.
Your kinks tell me you spend all day sitting in Ul'dah hoping somebody will approach you.
Love the ears
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>Chi mentioned
Ah well that's fair, I get what you mean, and ye I agree. Everyone has dif tastes, and hopefully people find someone who meshes with themselves.
>trapped in multiple 45 minute long quick matches back-to-back because people kept playing small hands
>want people to see me as my character and nothing more
I don't get the rest of your point when you post this
first ones free. the rest, well... that's out of your paygrade, keheheh...
We should all just play characters with the same gender as us.
Trannies can kill themselves or play some non human shit like hroth
we LOVE this
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The only person I hold to an unreasonable standard is myself, I have no expectations from anyone else outside of the most basic/kindness courtesy and anything beyond that is valuable
But yes I continually fail to meet my own standards and spend my days teetering on the edge of misery
I all want is a dom femra yuri eb... Is that too much to ask for?
>I never queued
>I didn't even play
This is good information to have. The list has been narrowed down significantly.
jesus the aura of this au ra... a mahjong demon?!
AH speak of the devil and she shall appear
The easy way to avoid it is be upfront about it, I do the same as you anon yet I make sure they know I'm a gam if they try flirting
lmao get filtered by your own brain tranoid
the grace welkin queen of spades shit was funnier than random modbeasts
The only thing I want to know is if "good girl" or "good boy" makes you cum harder, and if you get off to having a Penis or a vagina more (or both?).
i wish i was a cute femra in real life too
i wish i could also mod myself like in ffxiv
I love sleeping with my friend in Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail!
It's OK I know who this is anyways so doesn't matter
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Shut up, bitch. Take this Bunker Buster.
You're telling me I can wife that?
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please assist
The point is I dont want to ruin the illusion or talk about life, but if I dont then im going to get sexpested by people who think i have a real pussy
>missed mahjong
maybe next time
i need to see the full of this image, the sneeze cannot be that extreme that she needs to be braced
Miss mio would actually say this
It was just a veeeeery lucky hand. I got ronned to the floor in the match prior to that.
anything over 25 minutes is extremely rare, you probably just had an unlucky experience
I actually never go to Ul'dah, I run content or AFK and chat at a friend's house
If you read the journals and what notes survived of his doctor hitler had an active sex life which doesn't fit midlander or elezen player stereotypes. He also had marks from nails scratching him, what we'd call hickeys and bruises from spanking. We also know from rohm and some others he was an ass man or at least appreciated women's asses

This matches most with, and this may shock you, the few malera players who actually get pussy. Therefore hitler would by a hypoborean malera.
it's pollen season
Just stop acting like a cute bitch to people *slaps ass*
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>MMOs have been around for 30 years
>dudes keep thinking people will differentiate between the character and themselves
Bend over, anon.
my boyfriend of 3 years uses female pronouns when we're in vc to refer to me, and people started doing it too
I bet you play a lala or a cat girl.
>"good boy"
yes and mommydom is hot
don't ask
Wanna get cockwatched?
Love him actually cried during shadowbringers i would commit multiple violent crimes for an ardbert eb
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>Therefore hitler would by a hypoborean malera.
this except I'm severely agp or trans or whatever and double down on it and ask to go by she/her and pass so convincingly with feminine behavior/typing style that its like a billion times worse, and I'm into guys. I'm really repressed but I can't transition because I missed my opportunity
I have gotten matches longer than that, and losing would just stress me out.
I have considered paying someone to coach me but the one thing I hate more than wasting my time, is wasting someone else's time.
I did this when someone tried flirting with me and they didn't care. Now we're EB'd.
The list got halved yesterday and quartered again today, its only a matter of time.
>Always have rp tag
>Never OOC
>refuse to interact with non RP players
There I solved your problem, and you can enjoy the community of like minded people. This sounds like a "I joined a pvp server, but wanted to rp IC the whole time, why is no one complying?"
Are people still CCing on Light?
I need a constant reminder that you're a GAM otherwise I will catch feelings for you and your female character
What is the most relaxing and calming activity in XIV? I am consumed by rage
I love being a roegadyn bros, it is really being a big friend to everyone. have you befriended a roe today?
post fiera
Tbqh famalam I don't really have any reason to namedrop you plus it sounds like you're already going through it
This is true. Therefore anyone who dislikes malera is jewish
Doman Mahjong
I have a scat fetish !
I won't eat it but I'll roll around in it for you !
just relax lol
we love contrast here
desperately refreshing my /c/ to see if the view count has gone up (it hasn't)
This, but I'll just catch feelings for your GAM.
This post should get you perma banned, anon.
I’d get my big dick hand cut short by someone with 3 dragons and I’d be even madder
Will you Stallone it?
I'm fine!
Non RPers that play on RP servers are a pain in the ass
No size-difference?
Bunker Buster isn't even a hard mechanic desu, its literally just Evil Earth 2.0.
Only time Chi gets remotely hard is when Assault Carapace starts going off at the same time as the Bunker Busters., and its mostly the Assault Carapace that kills most people.
I EB'd a friend of mine so I think that puts some people off since I'm already taken. Honestly I dont enjoy flirting in character as I'm not a girl and dont want to be one I simply like playing as a cute catgirl and :3 posting
who would mussolini and stalin play?
Your /c/'s view count would go up if you linked it here...
You guys are aware that reminding me that everyone here is a grown ass man with a cock and balls makes me catch feelings faster right? I'm not prison gay I'm an actual faggot with agp that plays a female character but doesn't want to troon out irl
>Vanguard bad ends
I dont remember there being a single black person there. blacked fags are so fucking annoying.
Yes, and? Lalas and catgirls are 50% of the threads' population anyway
No, thanks, it's not about actually being watched, it's about the rush of not knowing whether I'm being watched or not. If you open that catbox and it's decided that I've been observed/not observed it ruins it for me
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not looking good lol
Don't fall for this, losing in mahjong makes my blood boil like nothing else.
there were more i think
pretty sad
sorry sis we call that "contrast" around these parts
I hate roe (males), and always will
Nta but due to italy's flip flopping constantly I'd say a fantablob
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Maybe? I have no idea if she has an EB or not. You should ask her yourself!
Why would you lie about what race you are
>I'm really repressed but I can't transition because I missed my opportunity
I'm black, most of us thing blacked is cringe, you can blame the south asians and self-hating whites for that. interracial is based though
>expecting blacked fetish shit
>no spades, brand logos, or really anything that calls attention to the race
>same generic model in every one
Meh, is that it?
lowlanders are boring, it's femlalas or nothing for me
If Miqos eat too much do they become Fat Cats?
I'm just gonna schizo random trannies until I find the right one
Well you arent a lala because you race transfered from one and had a melty yesterday because i called you the dirty bigger you are (Bigger Scum) so you are a catgirl now, thankies for the info! :)
murder all lalafell
Do you have a job IRL or are you just another NEET sponging off parents and or government?
>Therefore anyone who dislikes malera is jewish
Then call me Yitzhak Rothman
ooo start with me
How do you feel about "I like the contrast" people but it's brown moonies purising white male characters
No, they become hrothgals
No way, I'm a roe too, keep being a big friend to everyone out there broe
why though? most of them barely talk, is it because you cannot goon and coom to them?
Eating too much is the leading cause of cats becoming giants.
no, she is my wife already.
Mine does too much exercise to become fat she fights alot
I didn't. I do play lala and catgirl
I do play lala...
I have an IRL job, but I WFH most days, so that leaves me ample time to game and shit up these threads
>Just send me a /tell and we can be friends!
How do I respond without sounding autistic
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Sorry work was too nutty for me to make it and my EB had to start work too. Hope it was fun!
If this is about Mahjong, there are a few quick rules you can use to get up and running, and I've explained them to a few people before (and they're pretty much all I use since I am relatively new, not an expert). Committing all the winning conditions to memory isn't necessary in order to have basic competence.
which of twitter nigger that sapphira "le asexual btw" nyx retweeted are you?
Based, but also based in reverse.
>Spelling error
>"I'm black"
Yeah we have the proof right there
>a femlala sends a tell "hi" to my femlala
How do I respond without sounding mad?
Queuing as healer
"I am writing to you today to take you up on the offer of friendship"
What's GAM?
"biggers only"
Grown ass moonie
Gay Ass Miera
It's all good, thank you for your consideration! Will you be coming to the tournament on the 12th, by chance?
did it pop?
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like this one
Now I really know who this is
if you want that see this where there is no room to say it's just for contrast
I'm gonna assume it means GROWN ASS MAN
>literally 0 raceplay
oh. anon is just insane
Gigantic ass muncher
So you have money which means you can pay my sub and we can become besties and explore your fetishes. Thats great!
Almost all the 'robots' are fiddies iirc.
it's really dumb
Ranrus purple malera porn was definitely raceplay
Watch over my sunnie for me so I can afk and play Dwarf Fortress please!
That's not Sapphira though
i shall queue up then
My moonie wants her feet licked
it's the new job coming in 7.2: gamurai
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i let out a little giggle forthis one
My moonie will befriend this moonie so that whenever anons threaten to lick my moonies feet she can direct them to this moonie instead
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How dare you get off to the fact I'm a grown ass man with a big dick and balls. Wow I'm completely , and very upset!
that's perfect thanks big bro
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The race in question:
*crawls under the blanket and snuggles with your sunnie*
can i watch over your fort while you afk and play ffxiv instead
what kinda embark you got
Same but I'm actually on estrogen.
Mussolini would play a brown femroe and mod her to be oiled up and talk about her Roman Features
Until the war eats shit, italy switches sides and they force his account to turn into a limsa catgirl
Stalin would play a lalaboy or a male highlander, and use them heavily for propaganda - either even the smallest can be a hero or sth gay soviet realism
no it's grace welkin who is also from here and who runs xma
My moonie will gladly tank footfags for her fellow moonie
Totally not obsessed btw
I want femlala steppies...
are you cute?

hey kitten
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It popped.
Thanks if you were there.
>calling it bait when there's evidence right in front of you

yeah gulp down that "bait" like how he gulps down bbc
>purple malera porn
My feed is filled with Jalters. Today will be a good day anon!
I really wonder who actually believes this. I also wonder if anyone actually cares too. It's just weird drama being aired in the thread to people
Me when I /em *twirls her fingers through her hair while giggling* and then say I'm a grown ass man.
What does that have to do with Sapphira?
You are now my moonies favourite moonie :3c
nyope, go for that other moonie
Hello thread post cute femroes thanks
No, I hate their model/animations, I always have since 1.0. This has nothing to do with the person playing them tho. I just dislike their visual models, y'all are fine people I'm sure.
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ironically, the people most obsessed with investigating blacked trash probably have BBC on their mind even more than the blackedfags creating it
Remember folks, he's not obsessed.
did you just say "hi" to sapphira nyx in frontline?

no. no no no no.

play the game if you want to impress them.
>/em followed by *
also what the hell that's MY line!!!!
Okay, here you go
That's in the middle of a weekend day, so I'll probably be busy with family stuff.
If you're interested in learning a few basics that helped me as a new-ish player, you're welcome to poke me in-game let me know if you need my name or initials, though I'm on NA.
Same I like eating it though.
You know what I mean! I wouldn't put the * in game!!!
we can both have the line sis, I won't stop you from living your true gam life...
It makes me sound like an autist
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its for research i promise
What if we talked about the game instead of the fetishes and kinks that its players have haha lol
He made instant loss porn with khloe weaber with purple malera and tried to clame it wasn't race porn and she just liked the color contrast between the pale white characters and the big nigger dicked malera
You're very funny but I'm afraid we're entrapping you in an inescapable crystal prison now
>Gacha MMO
I'll pray to God above it's not a fucking shitty mobile gacha mmo and actually good so we get something new that shakes up the scene and is a lot of fun to play.
Alright, whats your favorite 3 dungeon bosses in the game?
Tower of fantasy 2
you might let a werebeast in...
I'm still a noob so I'm doing something fairly tame, in the mountains!
ah cool
ah rip, cute wife
God I love french women
EB who'll watch fnaf lore videos with me...
My fetish is killing star mobs in bozja, nothing makes my rock harder
this didnt happen
No one cares except the one anon spamming about it, same as usual schizoposting on here.
who actually believes what?
he literally came out and owned that being his gpose
My first language is greek im sorry
GOOD. I don't need more RP fails around here
>true gam life
Naw man, it's for real
I miss khloe woober
projection from a twitter nigger
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this is something my wife would say
Wait, sith Death L/1 shots, or actually fighting them? This is important...
Thank you for understanding sis, it won't happen again. I promise...
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I opened my feed and the first thing I saw was this picture of Chiaotzu, I don't know whether that's a good or bad omen
I am biased based off my favorite fate character who I only see through fan art. Once a year my friend tells me to install fgo because she is in a banner and I just can’t do it…
I actually did say hi to Sapphira Nyx but it was in Rival Wings... she had some sort of groupie in the party telling me off tho
Okay, but your character has to be as old and ugly as you are irl too
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khloe is a retard
After reaching a certain BMI we Miqo'te are forever transformed into fat cats.
Thank you for the offer, but I dare say we're about equal in skill! I know your name already, as well :)
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You don't fight them normally
You slap on essence of the ordained, put them to sleep, pray your Lost Death works, and sprint away when it doesn't
>one of the best xiv porn makers gets schizo'd out because he made bog-standard instant loss porn featuring someone's threadcrush
>deletes his twitter without warning
>all that good porn gone forever
I will never forgive the autist that did it to him
based shitnose IQ
I wish there was a way to make my character an old balding guy
/xivg/ broke my mind
>gacha slop fags among us
>was in queue with you the whole time
>didn't get put together
alrighty then
damn i didn't know he got schizo'd out that sux
a hapa himcess lost to the wind... sad!
Wanna spend the rest of the day watching youtubers explaining analog horror series, ~45 minutes per vid?
Fair enough. I'm closing in on the border achievement, but 2000 is going to be a much harder or maybe impossible climb. It'll probably also be a little easier when they release the voice acting, since there will be an influx of newer players.
I'm looking forward to it as well. Some good friends of mine have also started playing recently, and it's certainly more fun that way. Getting beaten up by strangers is just miserable, even with... certain tastes.
>Getting beaten up by strangers is just miserable, even with... certain tastes.
You may not be familiar with my tastes then, depending on the glams... but I understand, it's not for everyone.
You should realize Granblue, Nikke and Arknights developers each made single player games they released this year with 0 gacha mechanics in them. What stops gacha devs from making MMOs without gacha in them
I'll happily admit you're better than me in THAT, at least.

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