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Sanctified Booty Edition

Previously on /coopg/: >>497770741

This general is for cooperative games, titles which need more than one player and requires them to work together to win. Examples include: Vermintide, Darktide, Deep Rock Galactic, Helldivers ect.

>Latest News/Updates:

Darktide: Hotfix #48 (1.5.1) Patch Notes

Vermintide 2:
Lore Post: Skaven Chronicles part 1

Helldivers 2:
Patch 1.001.102


Deep Rock Galactic:

Space Marine 2: Patch 3.0

Payday 3:

Remnant 2:
The Dark Horizon DLC releasing SEP24:

Earth Defense Force 6

>Acknowledged but not really discussed
Ready Or Not
Starship Troopers Extermination
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Killing Floor 2
Left 4 Dead 2
The Forever Winter

>Future games
Den Of Wolves - TBA
DarkSwarm - TBA
Blight: Survival - TBA

Build planners:
Vermintide 2: http://ranaldsgift.com/
Deep Rock Galactic: http://karl.gg/
Darktide: https://darktide.gameslantern.com/build-editor
kill all knife zealots
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kiss all knife ogryns :3
suck off all surge psykers
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Felinids when?
kiss all gun psykers
I genuinely don't understand the hype around Lethal Company. I gave it a shot and found the gameplay exceptionally boring. You just walk around a very bland, soulless facility to collect random objects here and there to bring back to the ship. The graphics, aesthetic, and gameplay loop are all so beyond fucking boring. The only even remotely interesting thing is the monsters, but they can't make a game good on their own.
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Hum actually delete your biggot art, GW made the sister repentia not sexual (and black) now
Female ratling when?

why come darktide eviscerator is half that size
streamer game, it's not made for you
It's one of those "get drunk with your friends" games like Chained Together.
Yeah, I don't get how it blew up either. I get that it's one of those games that is fun if your friends are funny, but isn't that every co-op game? Lethal Company is just pure jank presented in PS1 era visuals and the gameplay is literally just RUN AWAY OMG A SPOOKY MONSTER KILLED ME/MY FRIEND AHAHAHA! Fun for a session or two maybe, but the enduring popularity of the game surprises me.
Don't care. Still not playing SoB.
>3D prints sexy Repentia minis
Suck my dick, GW.
So disappointing honestly. At least they gave us super cute war suits and shield maidens. Plus all the new characters are amazing.
me on the left, but my hair is shorter
SCP: Secret Laboratory is unironically a better Lethal Company.
>hype around Lethal Company
Never even heard of it. Do I live under a rock?
Asking the REAL questions. Maybe one day...
Yes. Yes to a million degrees.
Wow, anon, you're such a fucking faggot. I'm gonna come over to your house and suck your dick until you can't even stand straight anymore.
i want to play as a kroot
i want to eat my enemies and gain their power
Me on the right except my hair is long
if you don't fuck ass i'm not interested faglord
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If I wanted a gay thread I'd shitpost in /bgg/
Naturally, but you better give as good as you get. If you don't switch hit, you're just a bitch.
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I'd rather have a servitor/admech class first or ratlings. Felinids could be cool because have they ever been depicted anywhere? I don't remember a single felinid in any 40k game.
GW hates kroot so not likely
You'll play as primaris smurfs and Imperial Guard (I will never say astra militarum) and you will like it
well we're on /vg/ so of course you have to have the mandated 50% of posts be about ugly fat faggot nerds pretending they're femboys or something and talking about sucking each other's cocks, because that's the purpose of generals
>posts on a /v/ derivative
>can't handle some homoerotic bants
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To this day, this is the only class penance I have yet to do
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We need to go back
I finally beat the fucking train on auric last night. I was zealot with crusher and rest were another zealot and 2 ogryn. The key to success was me getting clutch revives but also knowing when NOT to rez like when my ally us getting sprayed with green fire or grenaded. I focused on clearing hordes instead and let my teammates rez when it's safe. In the end we won with the 30 second emergency counter ticking down. It was a satisfying clear but I'm not trying that map with pubs again anytime soon.
protip: it's easiest to do by meleeing enemies
I will now die for the Emperor
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Ironically, I just did this one and the no health damage penance simultaneously last night
I'm surprised you got it with multiple deaths
Not a negress in sight. Not racist just don't like em.
you should not compromise with evil
you can just paint these whatever color you want anyway
Can we get a blank in here? The smiggers acting up again(the real one this time)
It’s not coping it’s taking the bad with the good. Just like how I like you despite you maining Veteran
I think there was only one death early on and they got rezed easily. The rest were just downs. I'm surprised we made it too. It was really by the skin of our teeth. I even recorded the last 3 minutes.
my wife
The real one?
Perfect Strike is the best option for cleave on Eviscerator right
i like wrath and shred for controlling crowds
It's alright. I just run Rampage+Shred, Savage Sweep is also better for reliable cleave.
Shred and perfect strike are optimal.
h...how did you know?
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What the hell is this pickup line?
I finally got the blueberry armor
Have I finally become a darktide?
congrats son I am so proud of you.
I somehow don't feel like adding one psyker staff, one psyker melee should take two years. And it's zero of either instead.
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I 100% agree brother.
Anyone have any suggestions for couch co-op games I can play with my family on the Steam Deck??
4-player games preferred, but we can deal with 2-player games as well.

Games already in the library:
>Boomerang Fu
>Castle Crashers
>Enter the Gungeon
>Move or Die
>Moving Out
>Rocket League
>Tricky Towers
Meanwhile VT2 gets a class that summons minions, how the fuck is the shopclick team so incompetent?
Helldivers 1
This is the Darktide general
Third attempt at spireside auric lets see how shit this team is
If anyone cares, the 1.0 patch for Starship Troopers Extermination dropped a day early on PC for server stress testing. Price likely gets raised tomorrow to $50 which is what they're charging for the console release.
>raising the price of a terribly janky Squad mod
hahah no
a terribly janky mod for a janky standalone followup to a janky battlefield 2 mod
that being said project reality was fun during its best versions
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That was fast
Garbage fucking game I need to start buying $10 keyboards again so I can smash them
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How are Russians so shit at video games? It's not confirmation bias because every time I see acrylics I already know that guy is gonna be dogshit at the game.
Slavs in general have low IQ and poor education. Also lone wolf mentality
I have a thing for anons with big Vet energy
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ancient wisdom of the samurai
>except marine and teacher
Because they fuck your women?
oh are you pretending i made that post so you can try to make a gay little dunk on me
No they think they're there to fuck women so they're just creeps.
>posted by a burger in rotation in Japan
Is there seriously no option for DLDSR in Darktide when windowed?
Secondly, is there a better DLSS implementation?
Marines are frequently caught raping and killing women around bases and covering it up.
Long history of angry japs firing bottle rockets and small explosives at/onto bases. This is typically played down and kept out of press unless it gets big enough.

Foreign Teachers are typically pedos wanting to "live the dream".
Sorry sweetie, he wants to slap my fat Zealot ass
>Is there seriously no option for DLDSR in Darktide when windowed?
I've never seen DLDSR working while windowed in any game. For games that give me trouble with DLDSR I usually activate DLDSR for my desktop first then boot up the game.
>Secondly, is there a better DLSS implementation?
What do you mean by this?
do all weapons have the same crit chance? it's only modified by talents?
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more like rape and kill
If you have nothing to say and know nothing, don't answer
holy shit how is weapon specialist, desperado, brutal momentum even legal
i charged my power sword and clicked thrice at head level then killed 6 ragers and a fuckload of mobs
no some weapons have more innate crit chance on certain attacks, and weapons with a finesse bar get crit chance from that
i might actually try reading one day
Why tf Malfoy throwing hands with a muggle?
wtf is happening there
power sword does that anyway dude
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This triggered so many small penis japs lmao
Slytherin vs Gryffindor duel apparently.
I'd be surprised if there was a single japanese person in this general.
Do you often spew your ignorance all over the place then go "u mad" when you start seething because everyone called you a retard?
>charge thunder hammer
>aim for elite
>hit chaff
many such cases
wasn't it this year when a marine was arrested for rape in japan?
Skill issue.
well yeah, did you think i was complaining or something?
I dabble with this shit all the time, I just have no clue what you mean. When people say "DLSS implementation" they mean that on a game per game basis, a game doesn't have multiple DLSS implementations.
>uninstall mods
>still CTD's
Guess I will give it another year and come back
>Is there seriously no option for DLDSR in Darktide when windowed
there isn't in any game, you need fullscreen
Is it best to sacrifice greens for weapon XP, or should I go higher?
What blessings on combat blade?

Green is the most efficient
not worth going higher
grab some blues from the store if you feel like trying
stripped down AND hit and run on an autogun? yes or no?

currently stripped down + dum dum.
greens and oranges give the exact same amount if they're the same rating
yeah why'd they want to talk to us gaijin anyways?
power cycler and supercharge on power sword.

or should i put in brutal momentum? wrath? ignore the power part altogether?
power cycler and sunder
they're not always russian, sometime they're ukrainians, and if they think they're people they're probably polaks
brutal momentum will let you cleave additional targets, adding on 200 to 400% more damage since more shit is getting sashimi-ed by cleave
brittleness stacks add 2.5% damage, so you're hitting the 5 or 6 guys you cleave 10% harder for a total of 50-60% more effect
if you aren't a total shitter, you can hit headshots with the horizontal swipes and do ridiculous loadsadamage
Polaks don't use acrylics. I don't care what offshoot of russian you are. If you use acrylics you're getting kicked.
wathever I don't know slavoids lore, you're all snowniggers to me
yeah. I am cleaving heads over and over...
Power cycler and brutal momentum then?

i only really used charged heavies for big armour guys. sunder may not help much, for me...
and of course, my chainsword has both wrath and shred. because that's just fucking FUNNY.
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>cares about the difference between Ukrainians and Russians
Imagine trying to play it off when you've exposed yourself as an obvious slav
What do I want on my voidstrike now? It appears blazing spirit gets applied after the hit so can't benefit from that really
>you call slavs snowniggers, you must be slav!
wut lol
Nexus/Surge or Flurry/Transfer
transfer peril and whatever
Does transfer trigger quietude? I assume it does
>le self deprication so epicc
Don't care whether you're Russian or Ukrainian. If you have an acrylic name you're out of my aurochs.
lol that squirel is saying: nigga thats nuts
Update: I swapped character to ogryn and went fullscreen mode and I didn't crash for an entire mission
Possible fix?
aaand it's the indian poster.
Just get a Devil Claw and spam the parry on a low int malice mission. Use shout as often as possible to get yellow toughness or stealth to run away
>Calls you Varlet with a hard R
It's supposed to be said Vahr Ley. I have no idea where they got the cockamamie ass backwards retard idea to have the silent T not silent.
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good, they will keep it a hipster weapon for cool people like myself then
it's 40k in the future there's no more french
silent letters are an affront to the machine god

if they weren't intended to be pronounced, they wouldn't be there
>Called her Smiggerchan and not Niggawatt
the nigger does not need a cute or clever nickname
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Sir, this is not Reddit.
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The MK15 eviscerator sucks.
Pox Galaxy Gas is my favorite modifier because it forces people to not rush.
Pox gas is my favorite modifier because you can rush through all the gas and pick up endless med stimms. But too many players want to retreat and stare at the gas until it goes away even with no enemies around.
Thus, forcing you to not rush. Unless you want to be the queen of clutch and inevitably get netted.
just don't get netted shitter
We all know the MkIII (previously MkII) is better, yes, and? what's your point?
If this was reddit I would be banned for saying Niggawatt
But by your own admission you get hit a lot because you enjoy all the med stimms?
1. I'm not that guy
2. Those med stimms are for dealing with the damage from the gas
3. You already know all this but are being dishonest because you want to argue because you are mentally ill, so I'm just gonna call you a tranny and leave it here
stop fighting...
>indian poster is back
>thread instantly turns to shit
you'd be banned for saying smigger too
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More like CACAdia!
>thread instantly turns to shit
Just like every country poopjeets infest.
we're more hard working than the usual muslim you love to import and worship but sure buddy
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>saar you are the bloody paki!!!
Classic jeet deflection, lmao. Both of you suck but at least mudslimes don't shit in the street.
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>Am now autistically changing weapons in my loadout so I don't lose out on mastery XP

Help me I am falling for the skinner box
>another day of HISTGs with retards who can neither kill elites nor specials
>and they also can't do objectives or stay alive
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>tower of treachery final phase
>multiple blightstormers storming from unreachable places
>literally cannot move anywhere
i think i need chemotherapy after this
Have you tried guiding them anon?
Maybe they just need someone to help mentor them and properly learn the game, and how they should stop being so fucking retarded and to never touch the game again.
I swear to god if I have to solo the mission for 10 minutes to rescue three retards I might actually go back to V2.
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i lost power for 12 hours. whatd i miss.
Keep going.
then who the fuck was I sending those dick pics to all day...
Just dump some dockets and plasteel on green weapons for sacrificing.
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>ping ammo crate
>nobody goes to pick it up despite having nothing in their utility slot
>swap it with the medkit in my inventory and ping it
>two people immediately move to try and grab it
I hate psyggers so much it is unreal
>saar we are ceo we are president saar
*sharts in street*
*rapes lizard*
*gets hit by train*
>Still no Skitarii class
Then again, that'd take VacationShark another five years.
Skitarii are just reskinned guardsmen with more metal bits and fancier weapons. The ideal Mechanicus class would be a techpriest, who gets all the fancy admech weapons while you can make them a pet class using servo skulls, servitors or turrets, surely in 2 more post-vacation vacations.
I was feeling pity for that Tau, until I remember that
>Tau dont melee

then it was alright again.
So basically if I'm shit at snap aiming ranged weapons I want to play Psyker, right?
the final form of psyker is gun wizard though
or zealot, or ogryn
>Skitarii are just reskinned guardsmen
Which is why it would be the easiest to build around.
Similar setup with basic Skitarii Ranger talent tree focused on ranged, Skitarii Rustclaw for Melee and Skitarii Vanguard for Support talents.

Of course I'd prefer what you said and want an Admech with Pet/Summon with 2 separate talent trees like Shield where you pick if it simply bolsters toughness regen and mobility or turn it into a damage aura + turret for a limited time
Rad-Trooper talent tree for Ranged talents and Infiltrator for Melee/CQC
bolter vet. mag dump your problems away.
You want to play revolver. It has head homing bullets.
yeah I guess a techpriest would be cooler...
I'm having fun leveling up all the weapons
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Oh look! Its Zealot-san ran ahead and now hes down because a trapper snared him!
>I'm just gonna stand here on the other side of the map, far away from the team, while they do the objective, because I'm that bad ass...
I'll shove my evis up your cunt
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Tee-hee Vet-cunt we should totally kiss with the tongue and stuff
ded general
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aurics bunga
surge staff primary spam is... le good!
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The rolling steel OST hits harder than a conscripts shovel, Jesper can’t miss
>custom mix

for me, it's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLjr7sCpC-0
The karnak twins have my favorite OST
Can you get the premium Darktide cosmetics by playing the game?
if by playing the game you mean giving them money, yes.
if by playing the game you mean being my personal smigger and giving me that good slurp, yes.
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Why the fuck does the laspistol consume two bullets per shot? Just cut the magazine size in half and fire one bullet per shot. Why the fuck is this arbitrary nonsense around?
it's laser math, of course a retarded anime poster wouldn't get it
I learned a new word today.
stuff that you buy with real money can only be bought with real money
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Still runs like shit.
Retards destroyed their own game for no reason.
Are chainswords cheap enough to give to unarmored zealots that charge into melee?
>Are chainswords cheap enough to give to unarmored zealots that charge into melee?
Yes, but those are actually "eviscerators" which are more valuable than your average chainsword. Said zealots are also being bankrolled by the church.
also it's 40k, rule of cool yadda yadda shut up
I assume it's a holdover of some sort. You were probably going to be able to switch firing modes in some way.
Are we fucking back Darktide bros?
We were back, but now it's over again
indianbros what are we running in aurics?
What happened? I just got here, forgot about the update until yesterday.
im sure if i had 61% mobiliry instead of 60 we wouldnt have wiped.
This update was good for new or returning players, however Quality of Life updates do not content make. We did get a nice little train mission, but it's lost in rotation most of the time now.
Fatshark doesn't have any excuse for not adding content. The staff that are designing new crafting UIs aren't the same ones who are creating the art assets for new maps. Both should have happened in parallel.
because theyre working on console ports, everytime theres a delay its always console ports
Consoles have been a blight on the gaming community.
Are repentia expected to die? Now that they've decided SoBs are well trained and cybernetically implanted, turning repentia into a suicide squad doesn't make much sense. You can even see the ports for the cybernetic muscle overlay on them.
>they're seeking glorious death in battle
yeah seems dumb, but there's no reason their eviscerators would be eternally lost, you just need to let them rush in on a position you're already planning on assaulting, then follow up behind them and collect their remains
>Are repentia expected to die?
Yes. Repentia have commited some sin and service as a repentia is their pennance. The punishment is death but their souls can be redeemed by dying in battle. See "Penitent Engine" for a more extreme case of the same thing.
religious extremists aren't supposed to be logical
>OE bardin and shade elf are both completely fucking fucked up
>A horde is approaching
>as WP saltz, I can actually turn that horde into true HP for the whole party
>we all just need to smash the horde together with our melee weapons to trigger my righteous fury effect
>they spam bombs, crankgun, and javelins at the trash
>enemies die way too far away to build any righteous fury
>their ranged attacks don't replenish an ounce of temp HP either
>both go down a few minutes later when terrain permits a slave rat to get close and poke them.
The game isn't that hard people.
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It's baffling how sloppy their job on psyker's staves are:
> voidstrike, trauma and purg are just copypasted Sienna's staves
> surge was the only new one
And they couldn't even bother copying better primary fire modes. Like imagine purg staff with coruscation shotgun mode instead that crappy fire fart. Imaging any staff with bolt's machinegun mode or Keri's burst-fire. But nope — boring semi-auto shots is all we get.
Getting infinite ammo builds/weapons into ratclick was a grave mistake.
Void is new too. It doesn't work the same as fireball. But yeah, it's pathetic how little content darktide has several years down the line compared to everything that we had in ratclick on day 1.
Yeah, it's not 100% copypaste, but it's still ~70% copypaste.
It's even more hilarious when you look back to ratclick.
>Sienna gets the BB staff with necromancer
>primary fire is the mutalisk glaive bounce
Shopclick team is phoning everything in.
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>Darktide doesnt copy Vermintide
>Darktide copies Vermintide
>Vermintide copies Darktide
>everyone using bolters since the buff
>suddenly feels like a proper 40k game

weird how that works
now if only the lasgun was relevant
He was talking about the bouncing primary giving sienna even more variety in stave primary fire when Shopclick can't be arsed to do anything more complex than the mini fireball.
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extremely distressing picture, do not click
This. Recon and Helbore lasguns are excellent but the infantry ones are ehhh
Came back to darktide with the locked and loaded update after leaving a geared vet and zealot. I made a psyker, and thought the leveling experience was pretty bad and my impressions weren't very good, but around the later levels and now properly maxed with good gear, psykers are the hidden easy mode for auric damnation missions. Rolled through missions, finally got the Auric Storm Survivor title, and I feel like I can handle most issues pretty well in missions and have consistently clutched up a bad situation.

I want to contribute most of that to psykers having absurd crowd control, teamwide toughness regen and breathing room with the dome, and consistent damage options against crushers, maulers, and ragers armored or not. However, I do have to admit it's far easier than ever to minmax your gear now, so everyone in the game is performing better than ever. Psykers have been so much fun though.
>surge staff could easily be a continuous attack, instead lets give the players carpal tunnel by forcing them to hold M2 and click M1 over and over
>all of the charging and warp effects make all the staves feel like they're actively assaulting your senses
>damage and stagger feels super whimpy on all of them compared to Sienna's staves or Darktide guns
>all of them get the same spitball primary fire
People who use staves on Psyker have mental issues.
oh hey a news post... its literally nothing.
Most people are shit at videogames, it's just that most people also use english nicknames so you don't really know what their nation is and don't pay attention. People who only know their native language usually have very low IQ, and this applies to people who only know english too. Best gamers are people who know multiple languages and that usually implies knowing english. You're clearly on the left side of the bell curve though.
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Um, uhhh... Explain further with more illustrations?
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>"anon don't take all the ammo wtf"
>literally open things after people run past them
>highlight ammo during and after combat, no one picks them up and just keep going
>seemingly only one shooting gunners and shotgunners
The fuck is wrong with these people? Yeah I'm gonna take the small ammo at 70% if you don't.
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>Ogryn keeps stealing all the ammo and blocking my shots
>blocking my shots
sounds like you shouldn't be wasting ammo on enemies he is currently or soon going to be locking into melee then
> vent purge mission
> vet shits out smoke grenades in every room
I don't know if he was trolling or simply a bit overzealous in his desire to be done with smoke penance, but it was a pure visual cancer. I might've as well play with my eyes closed.
I'm not gonna be sacrificng any wrist lifetime for Psyker staves, I already give up enough of my body for Path of Exile clicking
Repeatedly doing charge shots with the Hellbore rifles also makes me feel myself rapidly aging
smoke chads ww@? besides this guys lobby>>497987905
Just use FullAuto mod. It makes helbore feel extremely nice to use.
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ogrynCHUDS report in
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Get out of my line of sight, I CAN'T SHOOT THEM IF YOU BLOCK THEM
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Look I am so mad and FUMING WITH RAGE. GET OUT OF MY SIGHT RIGHT NOW!!! fuck fuck fuck I can't even type words anymore.
Disgusting black creatures... get out of my sight
remove ogryn from the game
remove everything except ogryn from the game
players should only be ogryns
enemies should also only be ogryns
bulwarks, crushers, reapers, and plague ogryns
Give Ogryn a Lascannon
I swear ogryns are the most common paypiggies
consider the following: psyker-ogryn
>My lil' friends will find you!
>Protocul...Prodo...pro...grut it, rule book says you help me!
Give cute lone wolf zealotsluts my penis
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>rule book says you help me!
Bratty wood elf collared and stripped naked, surrounded by blackfurs and their twitching cocks
there's other enemies bro, shoot those instead
>not running and stabbing them
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Haven't played Darktide since refreshing the shop roulette was the optimal way to get weapons. Are there any good guides/rundowns on how itemisation works now and how to get the best shit? There are like 10 new menus and I am intimidated
sacrifice to level up a weapon until it's 20, a weapon of the same type gives most xp
buy a version of that weapon with a good stat spread, either through shopclick or gamble, the odds of a perfect spread are much higher now
fully max it out with all the shit you want

a good way to go about this is buying greens from brunt and mystery weapons from melk then just sacrificing them all, upgrading greys to a green is only ~140 plasteel and gives a lot of xp if it's the same type of weapon

you can also use the weapon to level it up pretty fast if you want to go into missions with sub optimal gear but you don't actually need to use the weapon, just have it equipped
pick your weapon
use it
consecrate it
upgrade it
customize it
it's actually easier than it used to be
I don't understand what the unfilled bars on weapons signify
Press V to inspect
Hover your cursor over the bar and read what it does
the unfilled in part fills in as you empower the weapon at Hadron
Snivellers there needin' a good crumpin', sorry anon.
oh that makes sense
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Do we have like enemy data table for darktide, specifically stagger resistance on damnation.

Trying to figure out stagger breakpoints for ogryns and getting mixed results for whatever reason, as if some weapons ignore some of it.

E.g., reaper.

No stagger:
- vigilant autogun graia mk VII bodyshot crit (29)
- agripinaa revolver crit headshot (40)

Yes stagger:
- agripinaa shotgun melee range bodyshot (27)
- zarona revolver crit bodyshot (57)

So agripinaa shotty staggers them with with 27 but agripinaa revoler doesn't stagger them with 40.
Get Overcooked 2
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>empower 80/80/80/80/61 weapon
>two empowerings in it decides it's an 80/80/80/79/62 weapon
get swede'd
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>by the time they give us reds that are "forged from true moebian steel" we'll already have been forging the shit for a year
>the story will act like we just rebooted the foundry the other day
>the lore blog regarding moebian steel production will come out another three months after that
Way easier than before:
Grab blanks, upgrade to green
Sacrifice - make sure its the same type of weapon so you get the most xp
Grab the masteries from the xp you get via sacrifice
Once you've got 20 mastery you can upgrade any weapon to 500
Also you can change all blessings + perks now
absolutely bricked
The shotgun difference probably results from each pellet getting 27 stagger
>play a few good games
>go and upgrade my weapon
>see what other models it has
>out of memory error
It was my first
just download more RAM
does anybody know what the darktide ost track at the end of this video is called (around 2:30)?
That's a good point, I'll look into it later
the Crusher power maul feels so much better with an impact blessing
I actually checked afterburner knowing it wasn't going to be that, 5621MB VRAM out of 8GB, 14185MB DRAM out of 32GB.
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>get close to about 10 gunners, even smack them
>they still gun
Wasn't this supposed to be fixed like 22 months ago
I think only dreg shotgunners keep shooting regardless of distance, the rest go in melee.
>the rest go in melee
Well I wish they did too
They do for me. Well, sometimes they try to run instead of going in melee, but I don't think I've seen non-shotgunners shooting at point blank range in recent games.
i think that's how they're supposed to work
>return to darktide
>flamers dont oneshot your shields anymore
>suicide bombers are way easier to shove off
is it just me or is the game quite easy now. jumped straight into damnation with shit items and build and we never got downed once
Yea consistently every patch made the game easier
try auric though, hi int can be wacky. especially auric maelstrom.
>he dies on Zealot
That is literally your only job as Zealot, to be your team's lifeline and """clutch""".
Embarrassing, priest.
i can't hardcarry the entire maelstrom if you keep spreading out like you're allergic to coherency anon. Stay close and we'll be fine.
that's intended
press left mouse button while holding down right mouse button to push to stagger them out of shooting
hope this helps!
Yeah and after I stagger them they still shoot at me
Are you really defending swedoid coding?
post a webm of this happening because that's just not my experience in the game
you didn't stagger them
>but I smacked them
with something that doesn't do enough stagger to stagger them in one light hit, probably a knife
With the pickaxe that only staggered, but smacked them down, they raised back up and kept shooting.
How's that swedoid shit taste? You're all the way in their asshole
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The stats say the staff special has basically no stagger, but fully charged it will knock maulers on their asses? I even staggered a Crusher mid-swing.
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So it appears that barrel explosions do not take difference in elevation into account, they knock you upwards even if you're below the barrel
>really want my Warp Unbound voidstrike build to work
>it charges too slowly to just panic pull it like trauma
>trauma doesn't get half the benefit of crits that voidstrike does
where the fuck's a blessing or a psyker talent point to let you bank and instant charge staff attack
fucking mongol
>Be heavy attack spamming riotshield Ogryn
>Set off every barrel vaguely in the same zip code
The double edged sword of having the largest horde splattering swing arc in the game.
>it charges too slowly to just panic pull it like trauma
use quick charge spam
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looks like you paid the price
90% of the playerbase, yes that includes you, you uptight assblasted cunts, is morally bankrupt and socially infucking capable in this game and probably others
>but "muh social anxiety"
please go neck yourself and do this planet a favor thanks
keep us posted
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point proven...neat
don't forget your meds
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>my specific brand of contrarian hipster faggotry made me play scriers with duelling sword
>Everyone and their mother is now running carry psyker
>on top of that everyone is now running duelling swords
>Brainworms telling me that I need to switch to another weapon
I am retarded
I am stupid
I hate this.
there is nothing contrarian about scrier's with duelling sword, you are not special
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mongols are based

Pray tell, what happened to make you this assblasted? You sperged out in chat or, Emperor forbid, in voicechat and was ignored?
Switch to Illisi with Exorcist.
Why would you use exorcist when you have the new talent?
Scriers was the most special snowflake build before this patch, it was seen as a shit build compared to going normal staves by everyone except for insistent posters here.
Because it's super-comfy to keep gaze for as long as possible.
I should give illisi another shot
I never really gave the force swords an honest shot, I really hated that pushing with them generated peril.
Illisi is insanely strong at blending hordes with Gaze and it can maintain full stacks of Malefic Momentum on its own. Slap on Blazing Spirit with Riposte and Souldrinker and crit talents and you're gaming. The shove has two parts, the first part generates no peril and is like any other weapon, the second part is a stronger shove that generates peril.
Building an ogryn seems very straightforward
>do you enjoy doing nothing but heavy attacks and enabling knifeggers
>or do you want to hog all the ammo and be really inefficient with it
>or do you want the middle useful route that just gets everything for free
Build the ranged option correctly and Ogryn literally never needs to pick up ammo.
I don't understand the point of a custom character limit. Everybody with an ounce of sense makes one of each class, so what's the point of the spare fifth? What, you can't be assed spending two seconds readjusting your class perks so you made a second Veteran?
I don't know what's correct for orgyns and what's not, but 95% gunluggers I see in games are also ammohoggers.
There was originally supposed to be a new class every quarter.
at one point they had dreams of releasing one new class a quarter, and they were probably planning on charging for character slots

either that, or resource/item siloing really had their DB fucked up, and they were taking steps to prevent it from getting really bad back then
For if you want to replay """the story""" or want a different personality
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>Fatshark promising the bare minimum and being unable to achieve it
To be "fair," the new class thing probably fell through the floorboards when Darktide released and was promptly and rightfully shat on for being as barebones as my job prospects.
weird projection, but unsurprising
Not enough coop games IMO. I have hundreds of hours in DT, DRG, etc and SM2 doesn't have the gameplay quality to sustain interest
The melee is so shit in SM2. It's just parry spam. You CAN melee things but you're better off just baiting attacks so you can parry.
And Darktide is just spamming your same optimized combo over and over while sprinkling in some dodges. Let's not pretend this game is some high brow intellectual title.
Ill never forget being told "welcome to week 1" during week 2 of beta.
There's significantly more depth to the melee combat in the 'tide games. The franchise wouldn't have taken off if not for it. Only a handful of the melee weapons are buttonmashing ungabungas. Many weapons have different combos that you want to us vs hordes, vs elites, vs shielded enemies, vs high stagger resist zerkers, and vs monsters. In space marine the fencing parry just eclipses absolutely everything.
Just like with Ogryns what you actually hate is Zealots that aren't Zealoting
>Ogryn in the middle of the horde, swinging left and right
>Zealot rushing to gunners and elites
>Otherwise both hugging the group
>500 meters away at all times
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>rush gunners
>there are MORE gunners behind the gunners
>this repeats
suddenly the zealot is 7 rooms ahead STILL diving never ending gunner lines
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Weapons of the same type can be sacrificed for around 6x of the XP you'd get for any other weapon. So, for instance, every mission, just scour the shops for weapons of the same kind (or upgrading a gray to blue if you want) to feed into the mastery machine. Running Aurics / Auric Maelstroms should give you enough money to get several missions' worth of mastery every go.
>7 toes
Kys mutie scum
>hog all the ammo and be really inefficient with it
transmuting ammo packs into dead mixed hordes is good actually.
Gunlugger is insanely powerful and I don't understand people who say otherwise. I can only assume you ran a looger noob doing a penance.
nice sweat pants playa
you don't play ogryn
NTA but the regular tight psyker pants look awful with the psyker coats, leg day skip
>Feel No Pain users thinking it's the best keystone
Stop being a fucking shitter
Oh the other one is way better
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People only see others running achylis without rending+burn, or see people running achylis without even running point blank at all and assume its a "lugger."
Most pugs will NEVER take the rending on elite node because it's out of the way to them and they don't know better.
Lugging is one of the strongest playstyles in the entire game which is unfortunately played by the most retarded motherfuckers imaginable.
>Lugging is one of the strongest playstyles in the entire game
how come??
all the keystones are decent. It's not like heavy hitter is a game changer either
>r upgrading a gray to blue if you want)
green you mean
ungodly amounts of damage
It does really big dam if allowed to vacuum up enough ammo. It can trivialize hordes, massed elites, and bosses all at the same time. However you definitely have to be a bit selfish as gunlooger and I would say it doesn't have nearly as much clutch potential as Chargegryn.
Once upon a time Las weapons were going to be characterized by a user controlled power level setting that you could swap on the fly. Then the snow came.
You press F and everyone and everything even remotely in proximity is dead.
Armored or not, it doesn't matter.
Also the cooldown is so low that you can keep doing it indefinitely, provided you want to be a pig with the ammo. It's not really necessary but its one of the most trivializing builds in the entire game.
poast build pls
How many +wound curios do you need for a good martyrdom build?
it sure is, "simply" limited by ammo
By the time you hit 5 stacks on heavy hitter everything important is already dead. Feel no pain is also unnecessary. Embrace keystoneless ogryn.
in my experience teammates are very nice about ammo
I still don't know how people have like 8 wounds, I've never EVER seen over +1 wound curios on my zealot.
>keystoneless ogryn.
I'm very skeptical. Got an example?
I tend to run two and pick the other two wounds at the end of the martyr tree

you do realize you don't need to always hold the heavy melee button until the end right ? You know "crunch !" is a very niche talent right ?
7 wounds is the maximum you can get on Heresy/Damnation. 2 default wounds, 3 +1 wound curios, 2 wounds from the talent right before martyrdom keystone.
2x +1wound curios is enough imo
Then you have 1 curio left for personal preference.
I like running all 3 as +wounds. That said, I think it's optimal to run 2 +wounds and 1 whatever else you want. Toughness or Stamina would be the best in my opinion. I Shall Not Fall being buffed gives you a constant toughness damage reduction that is super worth it.
how do I kill stuff with the regular shovel?
Vetsissy, you get grenades for FREE. Do you see my grenade icon? It's not white. That means grenade pickups belong to me.
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So where are the offensive curios?
ogryn or vet ? Vet you take uncanny and decimator
Holy Mother
no, she has no children
yeah I got that but my shovel is low level still. Do I just smack things with it?
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Vetsissy, feel free to use your little grenades sweetie. I have my throwing knives that will never run out because I keep 1 shotting the Crushers that you throw Krak at.
you're right. psyker brainrot, sorry
your light spam is good against soft targets, the heavies have good dmg and crowd controll. your push attack is an excellent single target problem solver and the special (the stab) can be good to stagger something in a pinch. You won't really make an entire build around that weapon but it's a good enought horde clearer
>Set game to full sharpness
>Change audio to Dynamic High
>no webm
embarrassed to put your malice gameplay where everyone can see, huh
>needlessly hostile
>bad at the game
>can barely speak english
the /coopg/ special
you do realize his point still stands, right?
The heavy hitter penance was annoying because every time I got to 5x stacks the enemies were all dead and I'd lose the stacks before getting to the next blob of enemies. It's not a bad keystone but it's not amazing or anything.
If it was +50% damage it would be a no-brainer.
what it does
if every class had some way of generating ammo and grenades the game would be more fun
thank you mommy
go open the chests
yeah but it's getting too easy. We need a new difficulty with friendly fire enabled.
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Why does DT look all weird? Everything at a distance looks grainy and blurry at the same time. Is there a fix for this?
Will never ever happen. Harder difficulty possibly, but FF will never be added to Darktide.
Friendly fire:
Can't use grenades to make space
Plasma gun and ogryn grenade launchers constantly doing collateral damage
Ogryn players constantly going down in the tiny hallways of this game
>3 xbox players in lobby
>oh no, oh well I'll give them a chance
>first horde
>they're all down in 20 seconds
never ever
check the DLSS options?
IF ALL fucking ogryns and zealots are

>500 meters away at all times

and there ARE NEVER ANY
>Ogryn in the middle of the horde, swinging left and right
>Zealot rushing to gunners and elites
>Otherwise both hugging the group

THEN ogryn is fucktarded retard shit played by fucktarded retards who desrve castration. with a spoon. a rusty spoon.
THEN Zealot is fucktarded retard mega ultra fuckwit shitcunt shit played by people who deserve to be sodomised until they DIE by all the filthy illegals

IF all ogryns and zealots are constantly Unplaying their class, ARE THEY, really? If they never play their supposed role, ARE the really Not?

OR MAYBE, both are shit and attract only maggoty flies
really makes you think
OVER and OVER, and OVER again. Zealots are, and may the GE forgive me...
Zealots are the FAGGOT ELF RETARD CUNT of darktide.

Zealot is "played" by the exact same faggots who "play" elf.
Why do weapons in darktide have two bars on their stats, a lighter kind of transparent one and a normal yellow one? What do they mean?
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sounds like some classic projection, there are lots of good Ogryn and Zealot players in my aurics all the time
EVERYTHING you do is anti team work. you giant retard
>oh look a poxwalker horde, better focus them down with my bullet hose and IGNORE EVERY FUCKING THING ELSE
OGRYN is the fucking melee class. if you want to be the person who shoots things, play a fucking veteran. OGRYN is supposed to be STAGGERING everything that gets into melee with the squad.
transparent is their "potential". On the top right of your weapon screen you should have a number (usually around 300). Once your weapon mastery is full you can improve your weapon (the thing below consecrate in hadron's menu) to reach said potential. There's currently a bug that tends to round your weapon down meaning you go from 80 potential to 78 real stat
go play true solo no bots.

either play the TEAM CO-OP game as part of a co-operative team, or fuck right off. do YOUR job.
Wrong quote?
And that's a GOOD thing
bored,any yuro wanna play darkclick?
What was your average experience with playing with Slavics
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Unfortunately, life isn't about "supposed to"s and "deserve"s or anything like that. It's specifically about what I find fun, and winning. If I can do both of those things at the same time, then I apologize, because I'm gonna keep doing it.
I really hate having to play with consolebabbys. They're literally all garbage at the game and their babby controllers aren't suited for FPS games.
That should be rectified as soon as possible
>post specifically states mixed horde, IE the actual threat that tends to kill people in auric
>equate this to dumping it into pox walkers
Disingenuous post.
Worst I can say is that i've seen more suicidal knife road runners with Russian moonrune names than others
Other than that, free shrugs
It's funny because they actually like it
thanks bro I just did good work with it. I like it.
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I don't even understand what enjoyment they get out of the game. When the Xbox release came out a year ago and they were plaguing every lobby, nearly 90% of them without fail spent every game I played with them dead on the ground waiting to be rescued. I'd pick them up when they went down, then they'd full die, I'd get to them and rescue them, and they'd be full dead again in under a minute. How is that fun? They were "playing" the game for maybe 1/10 of a mission, if that. It's gotten a little better since then but it's still common for an Xbab to die 2-3 times a mission in my games.
>Game offers no custom control setups, only presets
>Not a single preset allows me to have mark, dodge, shoot and aim on the shoulder buttons, I only get mark OR dodge, not both
>Aim assist is some of the most schizo shit I've ever experienced in any shooter where it offers no tangible bonus against heads, yet it'll slow my turn speed down to a crawl the moment I look at loot
Sorry bro, blame Fatshark for being dipshits.
explain how this is bad? people would have to actually play not-retardedly.
I like how it's both a bat and a blade. The heavies animations are cool looking
I'm not going to shit up aurics until I don't suck.

I just hate the giant teeming hordes of fucking retards who make ME look like a golden god sainted lord of gaming. like holy fuck.

>BASIC situational awareness is beyond them.

>the game even GIVES THEM A REASON to stay in squad. HARD mechanics they BENEFIT from... and NOPE CAN'T DO IT
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Yes…yes…keep calling me an elf….this could be us vetkun…
no. no it is not.

it is NEVER a mixed horde. EVER. stop lying you fucking gunlugger fuck
yes, you are a troll, out to make every other player frustrated and annoyed with your shitty play that makes everything a billion times harder for everyone else for no fucking reason. you're a greifer fuck Unplaying to ruin the game. congratulations, you're a cunt!
Can I reach that full potential? Is that feasible with normal play or is it like MMO levels of "yeah, you can get premium stuff while playing free, it will just take a decade or so, nothing much"?
Is there a cap to how high potential can be? Can I improve a weapon's potential? Can I get a perfect weapon will all highest full potential? How rare are those?

The gamepad support this game offers is like something out of 2001. Custom layouts have been a standard for years now, yet both Darktide and SM2 recently don't even offer that. I'm on PC yet I pretty much have to play with gamepad because of a physical condition, and I've had to resort to a 3rd party remapper just to get the layout I want.
quick answer : you can reach full potential. Takes some time to get the money but you aren't forced to play with the low mastery wep

it's kinda easy to reach the full potential. Alongside your inventory and cosmetic tab you got a mastery tab. It's account wide and for each weapon family. For instance devil claw (new system also allows you to switch marks for free like devil claw 4 to 6 or vice versa). to reach the max potential of a weapon (the transparent bar) you need to have a big or even full mastery of this weapon family.

To raise mastery and reach the level 20 (max) you either play with a weapon from this family and get something like 2 or 3 levels per game or sacrifice weapons to hadron to raise the mastery level. the best way to sacrifice is to sacrifice green weapons of the same type. when you reach a high enough mastery, even max, you now can raise your weapon potential to max and also add the Tier IV for all its available blessing.

So usually the steps are :

buy a bunch of grey weps of the family you want to raise its mastery.

Put them all to green (and isolate the one you see with the best stat distribution because if all stats are 80 one will be at 60 usually mobility is the "dump stat").

Sacrifice the other greens to reach the max. takes like 80 weapons from 0 to 20 I'd say.
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>monstrosity maelstrom
>team down
>be knife fag
>solo 3 monsters
why pub vets can't take care of snipers
why can't you?
hammering people with me big hammer
>Sacrifice the other greens to reach the max. takes like 80 weapons from 0 to 20 I'd say.
That doesn't sound right. Were only counting weapons of non-matching type?
Because I'm pretty sure it takes much fewer if you only sacrifice weapons of matching type.
maybe you should spend more time playing and less whining here, your posts really stand out
well try using your gun retard, pretty sure you have one unless you're a shitter who brings a flamer
Go back to ledit
can you just put on a name so I can filter you? Every time you post something it's some retarded scrub shit that boils down to
>wahhhh why wont my team carry me
like holy shit nigger just shut the fuck up. nobody cares
yes only same family I did
Pfff I’m a hammer main that always takes knives, snipers are MY KILLS. High arcing throwing knife body shots from ridiculous angles is my calling card. Nothing makes me madder than someone killing MY laser pointer femboys.
cool sah am really happy for you sah
you probably have a gun or throwing knives and if you dont you can just slide/dodge your way into melee range
if you have to actually rely on your teammates to save you you are a shitter
>but it's a co-op game!!!
buddy people true solo this game all the fucking time and you are the only factor in the game that you can actually change. fucking look at your playstyle, your loadout, rotate the fucking apple in your head and do some critical thinking.
my vet is a femcel who gets nervous when ogryns are around
>'solo' the three monsters you triggered zoomfaggoting, while using your team as meatshields by drawing the eleventy gorillion specials and elites you aggro'd onto them, causing your 'team' to get downed or die when they otherwise would not have if you weren't a giant fucking CUNT.
same reason you cant type a normal english sentence, likely skin color related
If you even care about what your teamates are doing or building then you arent auric ready
shrimple as.
wow I just QUEUED yet ANOTHER low int HERESY and my TEAMMATES were YET AGAIN really really bad. The OGRYN was a niggerfaggot who wouldn't CARRY ME and the ZEALOT was a cuntycuntcunt who wouldn't CARRY me.

why do THESE PEOPLE think THEY SHOULD be PLAYING like THIS when they SHOULD BE carrying ME
more like why do ranged faggots focus on MY melee targets instead of the RANGED shit that's 100m away from my sword
sucks when my throwing knives accidentally hit the exploding barrels they just happen to be next to for the rest of the game, when opportunity presents itself
Lolno. Trying just gets me ganked since zoomzooms refuse to cover you to let you countersnipe.

My official motto is now "fuck it".

>No. I will not help you after you zoomed into a mob and got ganked., i will stay here on the EDGE of the mob blendering them without getting stunlock surrounded tyvm.
>No. I will not abandon my cover where I am safe to rush out into the open where the eleventy million gunners are. I'm good sniping them from here thanks.
>no, i dont think i will run to try and catch up to you 6 rooms ahead where you just triggered a monster and the Dhost, you get ganked, i laugh at your stupid.
>no, i dont think i will join you in the middle of the infitely spawning 5 hordes you're agrrod fighting, I'll stay over here with the other three doing the objectives. So we can actually move on.
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Did anyone watch the ratclick developer hangout yesterdady?
They implied at least 3 more years of ratclick content, with something really big coming soon (that must be purchased separately, apparently.)
lmao spot on
I wonder if this is an AI
Try harder. I dont want to be carried. I want the other players to do their jobs. I am sick of having to do 2+ players worth of shit.
whats something really big they could even still do? Some anon here posted a leak but it seemed really lame, like something involving weaves maps but I forgot the details
>3 more years of ratclick content
And then they'll start development on Darktide, right?
Because you're 300 m away from.the fucking team.
Here's each class and their INTENDED role


you do NOT fucking belong in melee range what you NEED to do is actually fucking SHOOT THE SPECIALS instead of killing poxwalkers


all you need to do is CONTROL THE ELITES that's your only job, I see too many psykers bringing GARBAGE loadouts like the inferno staff, fucking STOP


your only ROLE is to kill the bosses. So STICK TO THE FUCKING TEAM for once instead of running away constantly to AGGRO MORE SHIT


your role is not on the FRONTLINE its on the BACKLINE protecting the psyker and vet from other things while they ACTUALLY KILL SHIT

Whenever I play Vet and theres an ogryn RUSHING IN instead of keeping poxwalkers off me I wonder how stupid people can BE
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didn't read, shut up already you retarded faggot
reddit spacing also you're a faggot anyone can do anything this game is piss easy and thinking each class has to follow a specific role like mmorpg slop is braindead
vets can oneshot crushers in melee
zealots can snipe specials faster and quicker than anyone else
psyker can do anything and everything including press f to delete the screen and murder fuck bosses
ogryn can heavy attack everything or they have pea sized brains and use gunlugger
it's not fucking hard to understand
You really need to go back
FUCK YES. This. So much THIS. It is not rocket science for the love of Christ.
is this a day 1 reddit post
>everyone who calls me out on my bullshit zoomfaggotry is the same person REEEEEE

Yea, nah. You're a cunt.
Baitiest bait that ever did bait. No (you) for you.
You aren't as anonymous as you think you are even without your account name, retard. Your typing style gives you away.
please save me!!!!! aaaaghhh they're literally killing me I'm surrounded in a corner!!! you HAVE to save me or we're DOOMED!!!!! if you don't save me you're a BAD PLAYER WHAT ARE YOU DOING BRO WTF
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i bought rogue trader. im gonna go hide in single player.
what do you pick alongside carapace for bolter? Unyielding or maniac
This. Also it's everyone's role to pick me up when I go down. How could I focus on my own survival if I have to micromanage my whole team?
carapace and unyielding on bolter. its overkill on maniacs.
I'm joining your game

unyielding for more balls damage. it's not like maniacs don't get destroyed either way..

Actually scratch that. I use unyielding and reload speed because carapace dies to bolter easily either way.
play dogmatic and always have Abelard introducing you, thank me later
>your role is not on the FRONTLINE its on the BACKLINE
Oh man I think I've seen this bait here before. Digging up some really antiquated shitposts.
what class do I pick,fucking hell there's a shit ton of stats

but if you play in normal you can do what you want this game is piss easy
Officer is great for mc. you can make an officer psyker if you want too but it complicates things.. overrall as long as you're not playing on high difficulty, just choose what loooks good for your character and you'll be able to play just fine.
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I legitimately cant tell if this is mastercrafted bait or a genuine redditnigger faggot that somehow found this thread
They just wanted you to carry them to the loot at the end of the mission. Their plan was to contribute via their TOONKING, smiggering, and at the time their OP assailing.
Don't get why they didn't use the Left 4 Dead system on consoles where it has no real sticky crosshair, but the bullets are magnetised to whatever is in the crosshair's radius. Sticky aim in a horde shooter is retarded.
Dark tide will be abandoned for smegmar tide.
Forever Winter anygood? i love the environment but is it any fun ? i am one of the fags that liked death standing's gameplay btw
It's not very good yet. Very, very jank. It might be good in the future but it is not close to that.
Art direction is KINO. Claims that it is an anti-shooter and that you aren't the guy are overblown and ignore that the players can slaughter the mechs and main battle tanks if they choose too and bring big enough guns.

However the game is in a very unoptimized and barebones state with limited content. NPC AI behavior and spawns need tuning, and weapons haven't been balanced yet.
You have to go back.
I tried it and I don\t like how inaccurate the stubber is. I did a melee Chargegryn too and literally got jumped by dogs 20 times in one mission (we failed), maybe that was the fault of my teammates not killing them when knock them down, meleeing a dog pack as a ogryn is probably the hardest thing ever.
>he failed to dogs
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>Reddit spacing
Thread really went to shit with the release of this patch huh.
Can the americans save it when they wake up in a few hours?
cry moar. its not anyone's fault you fail at understanding basic game mechanics, you giant cumstain.
any roadmap or shit? i love the concept but i rather wait for better implementation of it
only came to know about because of blame! i want more megastructure vidya
Why are there OGRYNS and ZEALOTS in my GAMES using their RANGED WEAPONS when it isn't their JOB
>See sniper laser
>Prepare to dodge to the side
>Dodge backwards instead
>Go down
Fuck... my own fingers betrayed me...
keep strawmanning, zoomfaggot.
should of slidded
Need psyker-chan to jerk me off desu.
Something about Vigil Station Oblivium turns teams into retarded gibbering mongaloids. I've tried to play it multiple times today and each team, all auric storm survivors, auric exemplars just keep running around like fucking retards
I don't have any keystone on my vets. It's just random aura shit and toughness regen to spam shouts.
I've come to the conclusion that veteran is simply better than zealot.
>start over on Steam
>remember I need to do Behind Enemy Lines and all the other private game Penances again

You're enlightened but the drooling masses will hate you for not joining one of their keystone teams.
Psyker pyromancer warrior.
melee weapon skill > agility > willpower
Set yourself on fire to boost psy rating then orchestrate flames and melee everything to death. Later on add molten beam and firestorm for your archmilitant versatility stacks.
Dogmatic because you get a helmet in act2 that boosts your psy rating based on your dogmatic rank.
I beat the game on unfair and towards the middle of act 2 I started soloing every encounter. Just have one of your grand strategist officers give you an extra turn so you can set yourself on fire at the start.
I'm better than you, the scoreboard says so.
I tried to do something similar with psyker by getting homing missiles and shield, while using the voidstrike staff. I was basically a ranged zealot by focus blasting every specialist I could see. Kind of boring and doesn't feel very psykerish.
Don't want to play a boring smite psyker and the skill trees are too spread out to do a keystoneless build. Definitely want to use a staff instead of a gun.
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>have twice as much damage and lesser enemies kill and three times more elites/specialists killed
But I am le bad player because I don't "teamplay" apparently, whatever the fuck that means.
>Farts neon blue fire on the oncoming ragers
The difference is that vet has a ton of good shit near the middle of the tree and before the keystones, so it's practical to create builds that ignore the keystones.
Post your build. Let's laugh at it.
Stealth/Knife Zealot really shouldn't be near you that much if he's doing what he's supposed to be doing. Their roles just have them away from the team, usually (but they should be "hovering" the team nicely).

Stealth Zealot's jobs in order of importance:
>not dying
Among all members of the team, Zealot should ALWAYS be the last to die. Your job is to be the lifeline of your team, period. You have the highest mobility and survivability in the game, so you have all the tools to keep yourself alive through whatever cancer the director throws at your team. So when shit hits the fan, your job is to clutch for the team when necessary, survive, revive them, and prevent a loss. If you are dying first as Knife Zealot, you are playing very poorly.
You have the highest mobility, so it is easiest for you to do the objectives. Do them quickly before it snowballs into a bigger problem for your team.
>rescuing and reviving
Some Psyker's like taking the revive talent, but in all honesty, Zealots should be doing the reviving. Again, mobility.
>Special enemy assassin
Mobility lets you rape everything that spawns before they get to your team. Ideally, no disablers should ever touch your backline (Vets and Psykers). It'll happen, but try to kill everything before it gets to them.
>diving gunner/shooter lines
Mobility + melee combat strength. You're able to go anywhere at any time basically, so go charge all the ranged shooters raping your team and force them into melee combat, where you are near invincible unless a Reaper is shooting at you. Your team can them safely kill everything from a distance.
Mobility, etc.

So overall, they really shouldn't be standing next to you constantly. They're not an Ogryn. There are definitely times though when they need to stand with you and shoot things (Waiting on a choke to open up when the director is just spamming shit at it. Though, they should be the first to go through).
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'memba when this was 200 enemies?
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it was never 200
it was 200 ogryn type enemies
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oh right I forgot
member when you had to kill 6 elites with a single peril explosion?
I member
You lost.
But not all weapons are the same, right?
Like, if I have two shovels with the same colour and ignoring the perks, they won't have the same stats, right? That includes the potential, right? It won't be the same?
How do I tell apart a good shovel from a bad shovel?
Also, if mastery only goes to twenty, does that mean I only get twenty points of mastery to spend on perks? Can I reset them?
Remember when horde sizes were absolutely massive
Consoles were a mistake
Inspect the finer details of the weapon, if your dump stat is on something you want nore if, scrap it and start a new weapon of the same type. Usually the dump stat is mobility, but some autists dig around and find the minimum amount of damage to hit a one-shot on specific enemies, but that's taking minmaxxing way too the extreme.
Consoles weren't but multiplatform was
just look at the very top for veteran. all those reload and toughness nodes right at the very fucking top. those are TASTY.

and eating all your points is activating nade spam.

NAYBE if characters got like 50? points, we'd all end up down at the purples. but there is so much great shit higher up earlier, for vet.
Did they change the way sliding works? nowadays i have to stop pressing sprint in order to slide, suddenly im not able to slide during the sprint.
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>Restart Steam
>See Starship Troopers is out of EA
>$50 in cosmetics right off the bat
yes. you ideally want a weapon with 80 every thing, except for a 'dump stat' you really don't need, at 60, which all up adds to 380.
You have to go back.
Doors spawning enemies right up your ass is boring and niggery. It contributes to every fight becoming a chaotic slog where no one works with their team because they're too busy picking poxniggers out of their own ass.
Fatshark has become too afraid of players having safe spots in walls and corners like Tripwire was afraid of players camping certain areas in Killing Floor 2, which also turned it into a niggery chaotic shitshow where no one works with their team. Left 4 Dead never had this issue which is why it's still more fun than other games.
Also why are they worrying about camping one spot in a game where you literally cannot win by camping one spot unlike Killing Floor.
Or maybe they could rework the vet tree again since the other 3 don't have this issue. The vet tree is probably like this since it launched without keystones and needed to be viable without them.
Is 380 the maximum possible?
>finer details
You mean the 5 mains stats, right?
Also I can swap perks freely, right?
>muh reload speed
for what? even on my bultgun WITH A KEYSTONE I can run a reload passive, what the fuck are you spending your points on? revive speed?
There are substats governed by the main stats, you can check them out in the inspect screen and hovering/clicking on the stat bar.
But I don't minmax those, right? They're governed by the main ones so I only bother with the main stats? Is that it?
Yeah. Usually people just dump mobility/defences and call it a day. Also, when a stat is maxxed out(80%), and you inspect it, you'll see that theres still potential beyond what your substat is at. That is a lie, you're never going to get 110 damage if you've got 100 at 80% for example. Unless they add reds that go to 100% in the future.
>Unless they add reds
of course they will, that's why the bars stop at 80%
What do you mean reds?
People dump defences cause avoid damage is always gonna be better than reducing damage, right? But what about mobility? The only reason I'm using a knife instead of a shovel is because of the higher mobility.
He means the stats, the mobility stat on a weapon does very little, so if one of them has to be 60% for the rest to be 80%, people pick mobility.
The devs previous game had red rarity weapons, with stats maxed out. Darktide only goes to yellow so far. And inspect what mobility covers, I think it's usually sprint cost and dodges(only need 50% for max amount). People prefer damage and stagger output over speed. But that's just the trend, if you value another stat less than mobility, you're free to get a weapon that has that stat low instead.
If you're running Uncanny Strike on a knife or dueling sword, you can dump penetration instead of mobility if you want to go fast(er), since with max Uncanny Strike stacks you pretty much inflict full damage to everything anyway.
wow, COOL. game has bots so retarded they IGNORE the fucking buboes IF i want to play with such retardeds, I'd play with "real" people
pen higher that 100% is converted to .25% damage so youre missing out on like ~5% damage maybe a bit less
I'm low level so I'm saving money and resources until I know how stuff works and only experimenting with stuff I get from drops so I haven't tried a dueling sword yet. So far I really like the shovel but mine is crap and the knife is good. Deals too little damage but lets me move a bit faster so I can get more ammo.
Tac axe, mk2 if you want just heavies mk4 if you want a better combo with the push into heavy. Its fast amazing horde clear and stagger stun whole rager groups until you kill them just pair it with anti carapace like revolver/plasma/surge/bolter ect
I got one axe but don't remember which it was. It was good but I think it's cause it was green while everything else was white. I liked it for the light but the heavies were all overheads.
I only figured out about the marks recently and haven't seen if I have the other marks for it.
the mk4 tac axe heavies are bad, I got the numebrs mixed up mk2 is sweeping heavies mk4 is just overhead, mk7 is a mix of both so you can use them as you like which is good because the overhead has more stagger and is better for single target. It kind of NEEDS to be orange though, it has bad base damage and the power/crit blessings give it the boost it needs to be good. Its like 2 games to get an orange one though so its not too bad.
What about the shovels? I really like that they either kill low level stuff or at least stumble them with light attacks, which are mostly sweeps that hit everything and also kill shit good with the heavies. Pretty much the same use as the axes you're describing while looking better.
I know the flame shotgun (formerly Kantrael now ACKatran) isn't what it used to be, but what would be the go-to blessings on it these days? Scattershot and Manstopper still good or is there something else?
Scattershot/Manstopper, to maximize flame fun
Full Bore/No Respite, to maximize single target removal, and extend its effective killing range a bit.
Mk 1 shovel (non-folding) is the vet's best CC tool, with braindead horizontal sweeping heavies to knock over hordes, but you won't be killing many elites or specials with it.
Mk III shovel (dark green folding) and Mk VII (blue folding) shovels can be folded to inflict a high damage single target attack, which can oneshot most specials. With the right talent/blessing/perk combos, they can also oneshot Maulers and Crushers with a heavy special. The main difference between Mk III and Mk VII is their moveset, where Mk III mixes a strikedown in its heavy moveset while the Mk VII has sweeping heavies like the Mk I, but the Mk III can still cope with a light > heavy sweeping combo. Mk III has a vertical overhead special while the Mk VII's is angled, which may make it harder for the Mk VII to land a good headshot especially on enemies like Bulwarks compared to the Mk III.
you need to use shove attacks with the default shovel for elites, the overhead does ridiculous damage like 1000
Damn everyone in a lobby just shouted for the Emperor in response to one of those little speeches from Brahms. How new is that?
think it was added when they did the Secrets of the Machine God update
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Zealots, this is your mindset.
would be cute without the trans stuff, his chest definition+collarbones are really sexy
why do zoomers gotta tatoo themselves?
we gotta groom alpha better
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It's more like this
Inferno > Blast > Strike >>> Electro
Don't @ me varlets
Gonna reply to this post just because i feel like it
At killing basic poxies? Yeah, seems correct.
I'm replying to inform you you're correct.
a gun >>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>> zealot >>>>> all off those
I shoot bullets with my freaking mind
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you could replace the characters with anime figures plus a joe smith marine and now it's EDF
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What the fuck is any of that? I only know trauma, void, purgatus and surge.
No I will not call them anything else you stupid fucking faggots kys
have sex, sp*rkhead
does the 10% attack speed node on zealot really makes a difference? any extra defensive node helps much more imo, hell even disdain feels more noticeable
All attack speed. All the time.
I like gunloggget pew pew pew i shot u dead
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Why can't we get maps like this in Darktide? Why does everything have to be in cramped industrial corridors or small side streets?

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